Goott hing` do come in snall packages. Just ask rcsearch scientists
Goott hing` do come in snall packages. Just ask rcsearch scientists
Goottthing' do comein snall packages.Justaskrcsearch scientistsat biotechnologltim Hybfitechlncoryonted. An eight-nenhetcancer rcsearchtean ncked up such imprcssiveprcdactitiv gains altet novinginto thetuGonpact Pesonalflafi ot* workspaces thatyoacouldn'tget then oat nowwitha uovbat. H y b rite ch Ca se tllfice lurnitarcwrc notonDon passes popquiz. Steelcase Eilnnb nind thatcol.ldal backin Grimm andfourmembers ofhistop management leamtraveled withLange to '0urmainobjecSteelcase headquarters, tivewasto quizSteelcase executives face processes," t0faceabout theirquality says quality BillCrean, Hybritech's consultant. Andtheyweren't disappointed. January 1992whenhe stepped oll theSteelcase corporate ietandinto ErandBapids, Michigan. ln lact, it wasn'tevenonhisagenda. Ailnn wasona qualityquest. ChaimanoI biotechnology tim Hybfitech lncoryonted,a San Diego,Calitomia-based suhsidiary giantEliLiilh he ol phannaceutical wanhdto seeiustwhatkindot conpanyhe'dheenbuyingSefies 9000wotkstations ttun. "Donis YeryqualityGonscious," saysnoyLange,accountnanager at Steelcase dealetBKM,San Diego."lte oftenrisifsvendo,s to seethattlyhtihchis dealingwith Gonpanies whoarceqaailyqaality conscioas. ButwhenDonretatned tnn a yisitto outconpetitionand wantedtoknowwhyHybtihch wasn'two*ingwiththen,I thought it wastine hehadan in.depth look at Steelcase." Steelcase executives described their procompany's methods forconsistently ducing reliable, furniture. durable They touredHybrltech through theContext facpointed toryand outhowemployees processes goods monitor andinspect production thr0ughout cycles. Hybritech could seeforthemselves thehighlevel of pride. employee Stu d y A common work arca run be rustomized wirl. mobile tables that pull apan for simuhaneous meetings, mobilc partitions that offer Ereatel pivacy during simubaneous meetings, and mobile easels that go onywhere. Grimm likedeverything hesawespecially Personal Harbor. Heeven tried Then, a couple olfolksfromR&Dmet ordering 200ol them. Forasfatewould withthevisitors andfilled theirheads with have it,he'dbeen mulling a shifttroma factsandtigures workplace about trends. product process linear development to Thechemistry wassogoodthatSteelcase dedicated, cross-f unctional teams. The t00kHybritech onanunplanned tripdown product average biotech takes 11years tothebasement, through locked doors, fromconcept tofinancial break-even, and andintotheworldof Personal Harbor" Grimm wanted to slash thatcycle timeby products, andcommons'" a prototype 70percent. Putting employees incrossenvironment ofprivate, one-person work lunctional ormultidisciplinary teams would booths surrounding a communal, meeting help.Putting theteamtogether inPersonal atea. Harbor andCommons would beaneven greater asset. Steelcase designed Personal Harbor products andCommons aspartofthe "l knew instantly it would have a posicompany's on-going exploration into tiveimpact 0nourbusiness," saysGrimm. emerging w0rkplace issues. Through their "0urscientists have twoworkspacesWorldwide officeEnvironment Index, otlices andlabs. They spend mostoftheir Steelcase hastracked a shiftinAmerican timeinlabsanddon'treally need aslarge business toward teamwork. Personal anoffice asthey've traditionally been products Harbor andCommons address given. I thought Personal Harbor would privacy thevaryinglevelsof andcommunihelpusreduce space costs, improve space cation needed bythese increasing numbers utilizati0n, andimpact workllowina posiofemployees whomustspend some time tiveway." working alone andsome timetogether in Buttheproduct wasstillunder develteams. opment andSteelcase hadnoplans to market it. "This environment has completely changed how work gets done." Don Grimm, Chairman Pe$onal Haftor occupantscan nrylighting lev els cotdoirflott, close o po&et doorfor conplete pivacf, a,1dlook out ct tri dow into their sharcd ttork arca. hldi,idualr ceded sis ilcan s(tuare foot.tge )rhen tlrc'"novedfrom workstationsnto PeNTMI Harbor wfispaces, but ther note than Bairletlit witll th?it cotn 0t1s. guinea pigs. Scientists hecome howit couldfacilitate 0urnewwayoI working,themoreI realized howperfect it was lorourteam." Senior research scientist Bruce Meiklejohn, Ph.D., wasn't so sure, either. putHybritech's Steelcase name ona list "l'ma packrat,"hesays. "l liketo have all 0ltestsiteapplicants. Andoneyearlater, papers my and tools easily at my disposal, gavehisblessing, Shamel wasforming andSteelcase itslirst ,ustasHybritech and I was afraid Harbor would be too andLange cross-f wenttotheteam. unctional teams, aneightSteelcase was " small. group readying member representing Personal Harbor research Jorrelease. and development, They'd whittled clinical theirlistol applicants regulatory, operafrom Theteamagreed Personal Harbor sujted 100to nine, lions,andmarketing. andHybritech wasnumber theirnewwayofworking. Sotheysetasjde one.WasHybritech stillinterested? Yes! theirskepticism andmoved intoa 780-sq."This teamisa high-powered, high-tech ft. quickly r00m which they "the dubbed group, Lange hall0fwhom andsomeSteelcase arePh.D.s," R&Dfolks noles dorm". Theunitswerearranged around "W0rkplace project Lange. metwithHybritech issues andfurniture directors who three sjdes of the room. Remaining space issues wereforming arenotamong newteams. theirdailyconcerns. Lange and became theircommons, theirdedicated They Steelcase areused to conducting discussed research, workllowconcepts and meeting area. 0nly this team canusethe andmethods forpr0moting themto beguinea communica- herewewereasking c0mmons, andtheycancustomize it to pigsin a newkindof workenvironment. ti0nwithin teams. Theypresented T0 scale accommodate changing needs. topit ofi,wewereasking models andphotographs themt0 move of Personal out HarborandCommons workstations invariousconfigura- 0t9O-sq.-ft. andinto4o-sq.Sometimes, teammembers usetheir ft. workspaces." tions. Andtheyexplained howthis Personal Harbor formeetings. Theyopen environment could helpsupport theirdoor,rolla smalltable intothed00r"When people Some balked. wefirst goal Hybritech's ol reduced cycle time way,andmeelacross it. sawPersonal Harbor wethought-closets Themeeting Kent.saysJimKilli0n. Ph.D drewa taker: BlairShamel, forClark Because thisroomisa teslsite,a video proiect senior research director forthebreast scientist and breast cancer camera cancer team. monit0rs space use,furniture use, "Personal "Bulweweretoldwecould teamleader. Harbor didn'texcite meatfirst lry andteamgrowth. Team leader Killion feeds glance," themonanexperimental "l didn't saysShamel. basis. lf wedidn't back wanttoask to Steelcase teamthoughts about the people goback likethem, to move wecould intosuchsmall to ourcubes." environment. Steelcase hasalready incorworkspaces. porated Butthemore wetalked aboul some0fthisfeedback intonext generations ofPersonal Harbor's design. Hafi1g a shared wo* area that no one elte can use has helped Hrbritech scie,rists developo diagnostic test in a third ofthe us al time. Issues resolved onthespot. 0l course, there havebeen a couple of adiustments, likelowering a shelf lora PC Turns out,thePersonal Harbor environprecious tositonto recaplure deskspace. mentishelping theteamjustlikechairman Andoneteammember wouldprefer a thought it would. Grimm larger otfice. "We're talking constantly andresolving Itwillbeyears Hybritech cansay before "Weleave issues onthespot," saysKillion. forcertain thatPersonal Harbor helped memos foreach other oneasels inour reduce time,butthesigns are cycle commons andgetfaster responses than promising. "Thisenvironment hascombefore, Decision-making timehasbeen pletely changed howworkgetsdone," says drastically reduced. Weeven developed a "l Grimm.thinkHarbor andCommons can -that nordjagnostic testinfivemonths group beapplied toanysmall ofpeople mally wouldhave taken 14." whoneed toworkasa team. lt'sworked "l canpeek to getmore wellhere, andweexpect outofmyHarbor andask 'When going you're someone, offthephone, can Personal Harbor units. I thinkthey're to begoodfora lotofpeople." I have 10minutes?"' addsDeby Bowes, product "When manager. I satwithmy group10miles funclional away, I'dhave people to schedule a meeting with who wereoverhereandwaste timedriving back andforth." Being a packratturned outnotto bea problem "Having limited either. space forced metoworkmoreefficiently," says "AndI don'thave getMeikleiohn, to keep tingupforthings thewayI didinmy workstation. I justturninmychair, and everything isrightthere. I can'timagine going to back a cube." al la !t Recycle thishandbook. inkandisfullyrecyclable. It is p nledwithvegetable'based 01994Steelcase lnc.,Grand Rapids [,]l149501-1967 Printed u.S.A. 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