20 anniv issue 2015 - Tsuneishi Heavy Industries (Cebu)
20 anniv issue 2015 - Tsuneishi Heavy Industries (Cebu)
the official publication of the tsuneishi group of companies vol 9 20 years anniversary issue: acci / caspi / taci Balita ASIAN CRAFT (CEBU), INC. CEBU ASIATIC SHIPPING & PORT SERVICES, INC. A TSUNEISHI ACCOMMODATION (CEBU), INC. C T SIAN CRAFT (CEBU), INC. (ACCI) EBU ASIATIC SHIPPING & PORT SERVICES, INC. (CASPI) SUNEISHI ACCOMMODATION (CEBU), INC. (TACI) 2 vol 9 oct-dec 2015 contents 4 MESSAGES “your 20 years of existence in this Municipality have created a twist and a great leap of economic advancement to our town.” uPresident of Asian Craft (Cebu), Inc., Mr. Alex Alasco uMunicipality Mayor of Balamban, Hon. Ace Stefan Binghay - hon. ace stefan binghay - 8 20 years of history: uASIAN CRAFT (CEBU), INC. (ACCI) uCEBU ASIATIC SHIPPING & PORT SERVICES, INC. (CASPI) uTSUNEISHI ACCOMMODATION (CEBU), INC. (TACI) Balita the official publication of the tsuneishi group of companies 15 16 LOYALTY SERVICE AWARDEES: u10, 15, & 20 YEARS AWARDEES OF TSUNEISHI HEAVY INDUSTRIES (CEBU), INC. local news & updates: uTSUNEISHI FESTIVAL: MIROKU-NO-SATO uNEGEP 4TH BATCH NEW EMPLOYEES 3 4 vol 9 oct-dec 2015 message president, asian craft (cebu), inc. alex alasco I t is with great honor and privilege to be addressing all of you today, with special mention to the companies celebrating their 20th anniversary; Asian Craft (Cebu), Inc. , Cebu Asiatic Shipping and Port Services, Inc. and Tsuneishi Accomodations Cebu, Inc., who for the past twenty years have loyally rendered services with Tsuneishi Heavy Industries Cebu, Inc. The Tsuneishi Group of companies is composed of knowledgeable, hardworking, diligent and committed individuals who support the growth of each company since when it started, up until now, and towards greater success in the future. n behalf of ACCI, CASPI and TACI, let me express my deepest gratitude to Tsuneishi Company, to our business partners and most especially to all the employees who, all these years, remained at our side. We look forward to working with you with the same level of cooperation towards a generalized success. I welcome you all to this 20th year milestone celebration. I Happy Anniversary to us all! Balita the official publication of the tsuneishi group of companies message 5 municipality mayor of balamban ace stefan binghay I I am grateful for this invitation to be with you as you celebrate your company’s 20th anniversary. would like to take this opportunity, first of all, to congratulate you for this achievement. Your 20 years of existence in this Municipality have created a twist and a great leap of economic advancement to our town. This leads me to my second point which is to express my gratitude for choosing Balamban to be your host, and for the services you have rendered. ou have been very helpful, not only to our administration but most especially to the people of Balamban as a whole - for the job opportunities given to the Balambanganons, and for the financial and social assistance provided in fulfillment of your corporate social responsibility. hank you for the trust, thank you for the friendship and camaraderie. T Y Once again, congratulations to all of you, best wishes to all of us and to more years of our continued partnership. 6 vol 9 oct-dec 2015 20 years founding anniversary photo release Balita the official publication of the tsuneishi group of companies 20 Years of Service Awardees asian craft (cebu), inc. ALEX ALASCO PRESIDENT 7 CEBU ASIATIC SHIPPING & PORT SERVICES, inc. TEODORICO CAÑAS, JR. Able Bodied Seaman NELSON VALENTINO SANGRE JOBAN LEADER JULIUS CASANES OILER JANETO GOMEZ LEADMAN PAULINO MAHIPOS BARGE MASTER PRIMITIVO MORANDANTE WELDER / FABRICATOR CLYDE SEBLOS ASSISTANT MANAGER EDELFONSO ALMENTO FORKLIFT OPERATOR ELIZABETH TAPIA TSUNEISHI ACCOMMODATION (CEBU), inc. ALBEN DURAN WAREHOUSE STAFF MANAGER JOSE MONTEROSO JR. JOSETTE NOVAL QC LEADMAN SUPERVISOR CERIO SUCIAS SUPERVISOR Maria Mindaliza Caylaluad ACCOUNTING STAFF / CASH CUSTODIAN 8 vol 9 oct-dec 2015 asian craft (cebu), inc. 20 years history A sian Craft (Cebu), Incorporated (ACCI) history is a milestone of significant changes as it went on to endeavor developments as a starting company. From the onset, there was only one factory headed by Mr. Kazunari Aokage as the General Manager and Mr. Koichi Minagawa as his Assistant Manager. The initial working team was comprised and pioneered by five office personnels, seven regular fabrication employees and five trainees supervised by three Japanese trainors, Mr. Kenji Kanto, Mr. Shojie Umida and Mr. Suzuki. ’95 operation started From a humble beginning, ACCI has flourished into a promising manufacturing firm since its inception. It was organized in March 29, 1995 and its operation started on August 15, 1995. ACCI was officially Philippine Economic Zone Authority registered on May 24, 1999 and its General Contracting Business was approved by the Security Exchange Commission in 2010. On the same year, two additional employees were hired and two companies, Buanoy Steel Fabricators and Metaphil International started subcontracting at ACCI. ’95 first aluminum boats and exhaust pipes. Under the same management, the first project on steel fabrication was contracted in 1998 and later venturing to Hatch coaming, Funnel, Radar Mast, Settling Tank, Provision Crane, Engine Room Crane and Middle Assembly job orders of Tsuneishi Heavy Industries (Cebu), Inc. (THI) In 1999, ACCI’s management was later delegated to Mr. Satoru Kobatake as General Manager pursuing the same fabrication works. ’01 On December 1995, the pioneers started the fabrication of two aluminum passenger boats which was followed by two aluminum fishing service boats and an aluminum yacht thereafter. In order to optimize expertise, ACCI also engaged in the fabrication of Slipway bed for Slipway 1 and accepted Ship repair job orders in 1996. ’98 first ventures During Mr. Aokage’s promotion as President in 1998, ACCI accepted projects from Iligan Alson Cement Plant for the fabrication of ducting successful expansions It’s worth reflecting when ACCI continues its high performance level, when in 2001, Mr. Hitoshi Takahara joined as as President. Since his time, he paved additional expansions on Pure Car Truck Carrier-Ramp which was later furthered to additional six factories: J1-Middle Assembly, J2Middle Assembly Extension and Hatch Cover Factory, L-Factory –Outfits, F2SMC, D4-Hatch Cover/ Hatch Coaming Factory and G3-Assembly Factory. ’10 maintenance group was organized ACCI’s presidency was thereafter turned over to Mr. Hitoshi Kono on 2010. In his term, J2 factory was given up while adding G4BG/BS blocks. Likewise, D4 factory was altered to J3 as Hatch Coaming factory. From then, there are six factories: J1, J3, G3,G4,L,F2 factories. It was also within the management of Mr. Kono that a maintenance group was formed purposely for maintenance on cranes, hydraulic press machines, block lifters, block carriers and other equipments and machineries. Special projects on cranes both for local and export was also started during his term. Asian Craft (Cebu), Incorporated’s trend of embracing customer satisfaction with quality workmanship as an affiliate of THI continued. ’15 first filipino president In 2015, first Filipino Asian Craft (Cebu), Incorporated presidency was designated to Mr. Alex Alasco. He brings his twenty years of management and growth experience as he now leads Asian Craft (Cebu), Incorporated uP9 Balita the official publication of the tsuneishi group of companies uASIAN... management and operations. Perusing the history of Asian Craft (Cebu),Incorporated, one gets the picture of a competent business whose twenty years of existence 20 has been characterized as growing and expanding. From the establishment of yet a single factory with 17 Filipino personnels and two subcontractors with 13 workers , it has grown to 6 factories with special 9 projects and maintenance group, 25 regular employees and 9 subcontractors comprising 692 workers as of the present. Asian Craft (Cebu), Incorporated’s history , thus far, could at least partly be read as a history of the company’s efforts to achieve these developments by maintaining loyalty on focusing to quality effects as it continues to uphold the leverage of its existence exceeding customer’s been unimaginable. ACCI had helped me greatly as well in widening my knowledge and skills in welding especially with the training opportunity in Japan that I had once taken advantage of. Having raised my big family with ACCI’s assistance is an achievement for me.” - PRIMITIVO C. MORANDANTE I am very proud of having retained my loyalty to ACCI and receiving the diplomas of my children as proceeds of my earnings as an ACCI employee. All efforts had paid off!” - JOSE MONTEROSO JR. -year awardees Messages from the 20-year awardees (ACCI): “I had handled multiple roles and responsibilities since when I joined Asian Craft (Cebu), INC. (ACCI) 20 years ago. Although I may not have been an expert on some of those roles, I took it a challenge upon myself to learn from every new experience. This had helped me develop confidence towards aiming beyond my limitations. By accepting the roles/tasks that were entrusted to me in a way helped developed my expertise throughout the years. Me and my family are very thankful to ACCI.” - ALEX ALASCO “I haven’t foreseen that I’d be assuming this position at ACCI since the time I joined the company. I thank the management for the motivation and trust which in turn encouraged me to perform and develop these skills throughout the 20 years. Countless are the benefits that me and my family were able to avail from ACCI. For all these, I am very much grateful.” - NELSON VALENTINO SANGRE “I thank ACCI for the trust they gave me and that for this length of time, they considered me as an asset to the company. I maintained diligence and responsibility in my work as a gratitude to everything that ACCI had provided me and most importantly, my family. Without this company, I wouldn’t be able to build a family of my own. I should say that ACCI has in many respects helped me and my family a lot.” - JANETO GOMEZ “My employment with the company had helped sustain the daily needs of my family and in helping me send my kids to school. If it weren’t for this job, sending my over a dozen kids to school may have “I wouldn’t reach 20 years with ACCI if I don’t get the contentment of the benefits not only for myself but also for my family as well. I couldn’t be a good provider to the needs of my family without the benefits I receive from my work. Thank you ACCI!” - EDELFONSO O. ALMENTO “Working at ACCI for 20 years is for me a blessing. It is through ACCI that I am able to assist in the provision of the daily necessities of my family. More so, I had been trained and had developed initiatives in my work responsibilities. I’m proud that I remained loyal to ACCI for 20 years.” ELIZABETH N. TAPIA “My 20 years with ACCI had not all been easy and light. I had experienced hardships and challenges which in a way had been beneficial to me. By those, my skills were molded to the efficiency based on the demands of my work. “My 20 years with the company had both improved my efficiency at work and had helped me out provide the needs of my family. Not only am I able to send my children to school, but I am proud that with my hard work and persistence, my daughter had finished a course in Nursing. I have also already acquired my own house and lot, which may not have been possible, if it weren’t for the privileges and benefits of being an ACCI employee. I am proud to say, that one of my proudest achievement is reaching my current job level from when I started with Asian Craft.”CERIO S. SUCIAS 10 vol 9 oct-dec 2015 cebu Asiatic Shipping & Port Services, Inc. 20 years history C ebu Asiatic Shipping & Port Services, Inc. or CASPI is a joint undertaking between the Marquez family and Tsuneishi Port Service Co. Ltd. and was established in August 1995. OUR ROLE CASPI’s role is to support the efficient and timely construction of newly built vessels of THI Cebu thus contributing to THI progress in particular and to the Philippine economy in general. OUR ACTIVITIES Since its inception 20years ago, CASPI has been efficiently delivering quality service to THI shipbuilding and ship repair operations. Its general services range from owning and chartering in and out marine transportation, operating and managing vessels for domestic trade. CASPI is also engaged in further services such as but not limited to chartering or leasing out specially equipped vessels and barges, tugboat and ferry boat services for docking and undocking, sea trial operations as well as crew and passenger transport to and from the pier and the vessel. Aside from the numerous CASPI services, what primarily stands out is the launching and delivery service of the newly built vessels of Tsuneishi Heavy Industries (Cebu), Inc. CASPI also engaged in shipping agency jobs such as vessels attendance, ship stores handling, vessel crew services and many more shipping agency activities. OUR EQUIPMENT Through the years, CASPI has acquired barges, vessel and tugboats such as special paint coating Barge “Everclean”, Barge Lotus-1, LCT Galaxy-1, Bingo, Nagatito, YK-69, Cebu Wing, Cebu Way, Cebu Otter, Cebu Glory, Cebu Pride, Great Falcon, Cebu Dream and Cebu Wisdom. CASPI is also the primary and only operator of Tsuneishi owned barges such as Barge Nagato, Barge Seto and Barge Shinhakuho which provides services for loading accomodations, main engines, steel plates and other materials necessary in the shipbuilding operations of Tsuneishi. OUR CSR ASSISTED ACTIVITIES Not only has CASPI provided a lot of families in Balamban community with lucrative jobs, but it has also involved itself in different corporate social responsibility or CSR activities such as brigada eskwela, tree planting activities, fund raising programs and many more that truly helped the local community of Balamban. OUR FUTURE PLAN CASPI is planning to engage in domestic cargo shipping business to service the busy cargo movements in the island of Cebu and hope to develop an efficient, safe and profitable operations that can propel it to even greater heights in the future. Balita the official publication of the tsuneishi group of companies 11 A FORESIGHT TO THE NEXT 20 YEARS CASPI aims to continue to grow, develop, and innovate to become bigger and better in the next 20 years. 20 -year awardees Messages from the 20 -year awardees (CASPI): “With the number of years I have been working with the company, I had been given different positions and had worked with different kinds of people of varied personalities coming from different departments. I had gained a lot of knowledge and skills which helped me develop in my profession as well as helping me grow personally.The promotions I had earned proves that I had learned and improved as I gained my years of experience which in effect helped improve my quality of living. I am grateful for the experience, the learning and realizations, the friendship and camaraderie, and most of all the success of my career and my family. These are lifetime achievements which I may not have been able to earn had I worked somewhere else.”- CLYDE SEBLOS “My 20 years with CASPI has both been challenging and rewarding as I look back when I started as an Able Bodied Seaman working my way through to becoming a Barge Master of our unit in Barge Seto. This is made possible because of my of hard work, dedication, commitment and loyalty. Aside from having reached my position now, I would say that my proudest achievement is that I was able to send my children to school and support them until college. Now, I have a nurse, a seaman, and a catering and stewarding graduate. One is soon to finish his engineering course. Indeed, I am very proud to be a part of CASPI.To be in this company is a dream come true. It is God’s gift to me and to my family. Thank you, CASPI and more years of bliss and goodwill.” - PAULINO MAHIPOS “Being with the company for 20 years is a memorable and enjoyable experience. I am very thankful to the company for providing good opportunities to my family. I learned a lot from my position as an Oiler. I have also learned to interact with my co-workers. My proudest achievement was when I joined the search and rescue operations during the sinking of vessel “Makar”. I was able to rescue the crew members of the said vessel.” - JULIUS CASANES “The 20 years that I have been with the company is challenging yet a great experience. There are ups and down, but I truly love my job. The major change during my career was when I became a more responsible person both as an employee and a father. My proudest achievement is to send my children to college.”TEODORICO CAÑAS, JR. 12 vol 9 oct-dec 2015 tsuneishi accommodation (cebu), inc. 20 years history ’95 started as a general furniture manufacturer for domestic market Tsuneishi Accommodation Cebu, Inc. (TAC) formerly T&H Furnishing Industries, is a Japanese business firm established on November 16, 1995. It was granted a Certificate of Registration No. CS095-000681 with the Securities and Exchange Commission on November 24, 1995. Firstly, the company manufactures and export exceptional ship’s furnitures and general furnitures for domestic market. Its product is manufactured in conformance with customer’s requirement and specification joined by quality and comfortability. ’97 tsuneishi partnership January 1997 it undertakes the outfitting works of ships accommodation at Tsuneishi Heavy Industries (Cebu), Inc. in Buanoy, Balamban, Cebu, Philippines which become its flagship product up to date. On April 1, 2002, the company was registered with the Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) as an Ecozone Export Enterprises at the Mactan Economic Zone II with Certificate of Registration No. 02-015. The furniture manufacturing facility was transferred on September 2, 2002 to the new building constructed at Mactan Economic Zone II with its main office at West Cebu Industrial Park – Special Economic Zone, Buanoy, Balamban, Cebu. ’09 company’s name was changed On May 12, 2009, T & H Furnishing Industries changed its name to Tsuneishi Accommodation Cebu, Inc. The Management decided to focus more on the Outfitting services for the Accommodation of ships and Ship Repair. Outfitting services that are done systematically such as installation and finishing of pre-fab interior compartments, wall linings, ceilings, flooring, laying of electrical cables, races, sanitary piping, ventilation ducts and thermal insulation, installation of electrical, radio & navigation equipments and both power & control panels, ship furniture/ fixtures, liners, carpet, doors and windows, comprising the ships elevated superstructure at a rate of 3-4 vessels in a month. Because of the hardship and good teamwork of the management, the company expanded and on April 10, 2010, the Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) approved the company’s application for registration of new activity, the Fabrication of Ship’s Accommodation blocks. ’13 acquired ISO 140001:2004 On November 2013, headed by its current President Mr. Shinji Okada and the Management, the company acquired the ISO 140001:2004 certification certified by Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance Japan (LRQA). Tsuneishi Accommodation Cebu, Inc., as the years go by, flourishes into a more progressive and profitable company. To date, the company has 60 direct employees excluding 4 Japanese occupying management and Technical position. It has also 7 subcontractors with around 500 workers. ’15 20 years of success Through teamwork and constant innovation Tsuneishi Accommodation Cebu, Inc. or TAC has built a reputation in the shipping industry as provider of world-class quality ship outfitting service locally and globally. TAC established a milestone in the industry since it was formed 20 years ago. Balita the official publication of the tsuneishi group of companies 20 13 years awardess Messages from the 20 years awardess (TACI): “As I look back to the journey that I went through, countless of challenges and trials molded me to become as such. Being part of the company’s growth and success makes me a contented and well rounded individual both professionally and personally.”JOSETTE NOVAL “My 20 years in the company is not devoid of difficulties but with the support of the management and my family as an inspiration I reached this far. The major changes I had during my career was when I was transferred from Sanding/ Polishing in-charge under production department to accounting department as an accounting staff . I am thankful and lucky to be a part of the Tsuneishi Group of Companies.” MARIA MINDALIZA CAYLALUAD “Way back from November 1995, I was employed by T & H Furnishing , Ind. Inc. , now Tsuneishi Accommodation Cebu, Inc. as a production-in-charge for the manufacturing of ship’s furniture of THI’s 1st vessel ( SC-001 M/V SEA AMELITA ). In January 1996, my company sent me here in Tsuneishi Ship Building factory to supervise in the construction of ship accommodation especially on the scope of Carpentry works including Deck covering, Insulation, Wall and Ceiling works, installation of Wooden Furnitures and Furnishings. It was my first experience to be part of a new ship building factory both owned and managed by the Japanese. Back then my experience in the construction of ship accommodation was not as much. The company had shown its support by sending in experienced Japanese consultants and technicians. Along with the experience I earned came the success of the recognition of my work. I was then permanently assigned here in the ship building factory in Balamban and earned a promotion as an Assistant Manager supervising the ships Accommodation works and as well as an IMPEX In-charge of the company, tasked too handle the documents in processing Import / Export items conducted by Pezacustom examiner assigned here in WCIP-SEZ Buanoy Balamban Cebu. By 2010 I got my current position as a Manager for the Sales and Procurement Department of TACI. I am very thankful to the Almighty God for helping me achieve what I have achieved. My 20 years of working with the ship building had been complicated, and challenging. Getting through had taught me to value and respect every individual, develop selfconfidence, courage and determination bringing me to what I am today. What started out as an earned degree and license as a Civil Engineer turned out to be one of my greatest achievement today.” ALBEN DURAN 14 vol 9 oct-dec 2015 2015 THI CHRISTMAS PARTY u Tsuneishi Heavy Industries (Cebu), Inc. (THI) 20 years, 15 years, and 10 years awardees together with THI President Mr. Akihiko Mishima, V-Pres. Mr. Katsuhiro Danjo, and Factory General Manager Mr. Masatoshi Date. uTHI V-Pres. Mr. Danjo thanks everybody for a wonderful 2015 and wishes them for a prosperous 2016 during the “kampai” (toast) ceremony. u 20 years awardees thank the management thru a group dance presentation. u Newly-hired employees showing their moves. Balita 15 the official publication of the tsuneishi group of companies Service Awardees TSUNEISHI HEAVY INDUSTRIES (CEBU), INC. 10 YEARS OF SERVICE u Apduhan, Berlind SAFETY INSPECTOR III SAFETY assurance group u Carmelotes, Lucita logistics clerk logistics-custom clearance u Fabella, Camella Edna logistics staff logistics-custom clearance u Igot, Novah accounting staff ii general account group u Jimenez, May sales staff business group u Roa, Raymund field engineer iii training center u Tolero, Maria Gemma HR staff i HRd group u Carcueva, Deogracias Jr. supervisor hull outfitting group u Dumdum, Joselito supervisor hull outfitting group 20 YEARS OF SERVICE u Dumdum, Virgilia general affairs staff iii general affairs group u Uriarte, Calvin Jr. general affairs staff general affairs group u Seblos, Vincent Vernon company driver ii general affairs group u Dumdum, Ann Jean office clerk general affairs group u Yee, Rhoelen purchaser ii purchasing group u Villarino, Ray logistics staff iii logistics-custom clearance u Obenza, Donald logistics staff i logistics warehouse u Aligato, William deputy general manager maintenance group uSerundo, Nolito foreman maintenance group u Iñigo, Jeffrey deputy general manager factory service group u Montecillo, Victorino foreman steel processing group u Lapetaje, Jessel leadman steel processing group u Biay, Benjamin foreman hull fabrication group u Sacayan, Paterno leadman hull fabrication group u Ortega, Jeffrey qc inspector ii hull fabrication group u Gomez, Romie lay-outer i hull fabrication group u Mabini, Roque joban leader hull fabrication group u Ricafort, Crispinson leadman hull fabrication group u Sigue, Juan quality inspector i hatch cover group u Copas, Erbin leadman hull erection group u Manabat, Rodelio fitter i hull erection group u Cañete, Coleen joban leader hull erection group u Macasi, Renold joban leader hull erection group u Piloto, Jose joban leader hull erection group u Pacaña, Julius foreman hull erection group u Javier, Renato foreman hull erection group u Lugay, jose senior joban leader hull outfitting group u Genterone, Virgilio senior joban leader machinery outfitting group u Madrediños, Julie foreman machinery outfitting group u Simacas, Hilario Jr. senior joban leader electrical outfitting group u Rosario, Jay Onisimo Manager preceeding outfitting-block stage u Batomalaque, Harry joban leader outfit factory group u Napoles, Armando leadman outfit factory group u Cuizon, Yuge foreman outfit factory group u Simacas, Gina checker ii outfit factory group u Llaguno, Joselito leadman outfit factory group 15 YEARS OF SERVICE u Cantiller, Jorizki manager accommodation group u Fernandez, Sonia environmental assurance staff i environmental assurance & factory support group u Alegato, Milner leadman sr-machinery group u Esdrelon, Juanito Jr. leadman sr-machinery group u Legaspino, Steven leadman sr-machinery group u Curacha, Genesis electrician sr-electric group u Tanggapan, Cresaldo 2nd marine engineer sr-floating dock group u Tapia, Peter Harold marine electrician sr-floating dock group u Gimena, Jeffrey 4th marine engineer sr-floating dock group 16 vol 9 oct-dec 2015 local news & updates tsuneishi festival miroku-no-sato festival every october of every year tsuneishi group sends employees to japan to attend the tsuneishi festival. 15 employees representing tsuneishi group-philippines were chosen to take part on the celebration from october 8 to 12, a 4-day trip to japan for free. Balita the official publication of the tsuneishi group of companies 17 local news & updates tsuneishi heavy industries (cebu), inc. a token of gratitude to the people of balamban October 30 - TSUNEISHI HEAVY INDUSTRIES (CEBU), INC. (THI) completed the repair and rehabilitation of Cambuhawe swimming pool. The THI management led by Mr. Akihiko Mishima, THI President, turned over the said swimming pool to the Mayor of the Municipality of Balamban, Hon. Ace Stefan Binghay in a ribbon cutting ceremony. Mr. Katsuhiro Danjo, THI Vice President and Hon. Rosie Binghay, Vice Mayor of Balamban also took part of the ribbon cutting ceremony. Visitors may enjoy a junior olympic swimming pool, kiddie pool, and a water slide. There are also spacious cottages for the whole family and friends. A small amount of entrance fee will be collected for the maintenance of the area, said Hon. Rosie Binghay. 3rd District Board of Director and former Mayor of Balamban, Hon. Alex Binghay said, “This is the pride of Balamban. This will become the most beautiful swimming pool in the west coast.” The construction of the project started last year. The said project is a token of gratitude to the community of Balamban for the 20 years of good relationship and partnership. “We do hope that the people of Balamban will always take good care of this newly rehabilitated facility so that neighboring barangays and cities can also enjoy the facility,” said Mr. Mishima. Cambuhawe swimming pool is considered as one of the tourist attraction of the Municipality and with the vision of Mr. Makoto Kambara, the Tsuneishi Group thru Tsuneishi Foundation started the project in rehabilitating this facility. tsuneishi foundation (cebu), inc. bags & t-shirts for balamban delegates loureina evangelio November 19 - Tsuneishi Foundation (Cebu) Inc. (TFCI) represented by its Director, Mr. Hirohisa Kinoshita, turned-over 737 t-shirts and bags for all the athletes and coaches from the different schools of Balamban who will represent the municipality for the Cebu Provincial Sports and Cultural Festival Competition held at Dalaguete, Cebu. Mayor Ace Binghay of the Municipality of Balamban accepted the donations with great thanks for the generosity of TFCI and for always giving support to the municipality. uTFCI Director Mr. Hirohisa Kinoshita turned over the bags and t-shirts to Mayor Ace Stefan Binghay, Balamban Mayor together with the different school children and teachers of Balamban. 18 vol 9 oct-dec 2015 local news & updates tsuneishi heavy industries (cebu), inc. negep 4th batch-new employees Created to promote education, growth and camaraderie to newly hires, the New Employee General Education Program had its 4th run of implementation since it started on 2014. The NEGEP 4th Batch which started their training on November 9, 2015 is consisting of 11 Field Engineers, 17 skilled workers and 7 admin employees. They will undergo a 32-day series of lectures/ orientations, site observations, demonstrations and evaluation tests. Program topics include company profiles, policies, production processes, ship designs and Japanese Language. To further strengthen the bond of the batch despite of being under different groups, a Teambuilding Training will also be conducted to newly hires on the last two days of the program. At the opening of the program, THICI PresidentMr. Akihiko Mishima formally welcomed the 2015 hired employees. He conveyed to the newly hires to always embody our company values, to always give importance to quality, safety, delivery and efficiency to work. The newly hires, upon the completion in the program, were dispatched to their respective groups on the 19th of December having been equipped with the knowledge and values essential in starting on with their respective assignments. uNew employees undergo safety trainings and orientation, experience welding at the training center, and go thru company orientation. uchristmas tree lighting: uDONATION: TSUNEISHI HEAVY INDUSTRIES (CEBU), INC. donated one set of computer to Barangay PRENZA, Balamban, Cebu. Mr. Ryo Kaizaki, Assistant to ADMIN Director turned over the said item to Brgy. Captain of PRENZA Hon. Neopulo Borgonia on December 7, 2015 at PRENZA Barangay Hall. TSUNEISHI HEAVY INDUSTRIES (CEBU), INC. every year takes part of “Pasko sa Balamban” event as the biggest partner of economic and social development of the municipality. This event involves competitions of 28 barangays of Balamban where each barangay makes a gigantic indigenous & recyclable christmas tree. The official Christmas tree lighting servers as an opening of the nightly competition which commenced on December 5, 2015. Balita the official publication of the tsuneishi group of companies 19 global news & updates astillero tsuneishi paraguay s.a. 1st 6,000 hp pusher boat ASTILLERO TSUNEISHI PARAGUAY S.A. completed construction of a shallow draft type 6,000 HP class pusher boat with four propeller engines and shafts, for secure river transport of heavy objects, and handed it over to the ship owner. The pusher boat that was handed over is able to navigate thru shallow rivers with its design for a 1.83 meter draft, which is 39% less than the standard 3-meter draft. Also, it is structured with the bridge moved toward the bow, enabling the pilot to visually confirm operations when pushing a barge. This structure, in which the bridge juts toward the front with its bow side covered in glass, makes for better visibility. Also, rubber dampers have been installed between the residential quarters and the deck to improve living conditions for the crew by reducing vibration and noise. with Tsunami shelters. I think that these exhibits help raise the disaster prevention awareness of things happen even while struggling in Japan, President Kawano told a nostalgic tale about a day trip he made to Kyoto. tsuneishi facilities & craft “tts80”, aluminum floatable tsunami shelter TSUNEISHI FACILITIES & CRAFT exhibited its Aluminum Floatable Tsunami Shelter “TTS80” at the Fifth Annual Fukuyama Food Fiesta held in Midorimachi Park in Fukuyama, where it was viewed by about 700 people. These shelters have drawn attention as a way to save lives among elderly persons, disabled persons who have trouble walking, and evacuation guides who stay behind to help evacuees. The exhibit manager remarked that “this occasion provided a good opportunity to get people acquainted tsuneishi group (zhoushan) shipbuilding, inc. tbs president mr. kawano meets former tzs japan trainees President Kenji Kawano held a meeting with first- to fourth-term trainees at TZS, including 8 from the first term, 10 from the second term, 9 from the third term, and 5 from the fourth term. At the meeting, the trainees recalled moments from their year-long course of study in Japan, and confirmed their intentions to apply the training described at the graduation ceremony in their work after returning home. Noting how good Balita global General Manager news & updates Mr. Hirohisa Kinoshita Editor-in-chief/layout editor Princes Mea Rosel Managing editor Loureina Evangelio astillero tsuneishi paraguay, S.A. exhibit at navegistic international maritime ASTILLERO TSUNEISHI PARAGUAY S.A. presented an exhibit the “Navegistic Conference” -an international maritime exhibition held at the Conventional Center Mariscal Lopez in the Paraguayan capitol of Asuncion. At this year’s event, the company’s booth was designed to appeal to maritime professionals involved with pusher boats, grain barges, and tanker barges with the intent to show the progress made in terms of providing products and services for the river transportation market. Editors ACCI Mitos Villarino K&A Gina Yang TAC Deralyn Ramos TCI maricor cayson-samolde CASPI Cecilia Alipin liaison officer Carien Flores Circulation officer Ann Jean Dumdum Adviser Jingle Rafols Visitors were particularly interested in the shallow draft type 6,000 HP class pusher boat for river navigation, which was just launched in September. tsuneishi group bcm class A BCM (Business Continuity Management) class was presented for directors, managers, and employees of TSUNEISHI HOLDINGS, TSUNEISHI BUSINESS SERVICE, TSUNEISHI KAMTECS, and TSUNEISHI LR. BCM is about successfully and appropriately responding to crises such as disasters, financial problems at client companies, employee misconduct, and regulatory violations. Case studies were used to explain the need for BCM. Some 450 people took part in this class. u Tsuneishi Festival 2015 attracts 6,000 visitors: The Tsuneishi Mirai Foundation opened “TSUNEISHI Festival 2015” on October 24 at Miroku-noSato. The event drew some 6,000 company employees and local citizens. All came to enjoy stage events put on by regional groups, plus Tsuneishi Factory tours, fireworks, and more. u Fifth graders from Tsuneishi Elementary School in Fukuyama enjoy factory tours at three TSUNEISHI GROUP companies: Thirteen people (11 fifth graders and 2 tour leaders) took factory tours at TSUNEISHI SHIPBUILDING, the TSUNEISHI C VALUES Car Recycling Plant, and the TSUNEISHI IRON WORKS. In the morning, they studied shipbuilding processes at the Safety Research Center, received safety training with hands-on training gear, and also rode around on factory tours. In the afternoon, they visited the car recycling plant and a TSUNEISHI IRON WORKS factory.
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