the SHOFAR - Temple Sholom of West Essex


the SHOFAR - Temple Sholom of West Essex
Inside this issue:
From the Rabbi
From the President
Religious School
B’nai Mitzvah
Social Action
Adult Ed
Caring Connection
Youth Programs
In Memoriam
Special points of interest:
Nov 8-9
Rummage Sale
Nov 11 & 17
Pasta Dinner
Nov 13
Meditation with
Joan Fisch
Dec 11
Hannukah Shabbat Service
Number 3
November 2015
Heshvan/ Kislev 5776
Please Join Us!!!
Interfaith Thanksgiving Service
November 24 at 7:30 PM
Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu-Chi Foundation
150 Commerce Road, Cedar Grove, NJ
Bring your
candles to
Save the Date
December 11, 2015
6:30 PM
Family Hanukkah Shabbat Service
With Chris Mason and
The Temple Sholom Musicians
Rabbi’s Message
We find ourselves in the quiet
part of the Jewish calendar--the
Hebrew month of Heshvan ends on
November 12, followed by Kislev.
Following the hectic month of Tishrei,
in which we observe Rosh Hashanah,
Yom Kippur, Sukkot and Shemini
Atzeret/Simchat Torah, Heshvan is
devoid of holidays--except for our
most important one, of course-Shabbat. And Kislev contains one minor
question of humility is there a deep
gulf between the values of Judaism
(along with most traditional religious
cultures) and those of the
contemporary Western world.” (These
Are the Words, p. 117).
What exactly is anavah?
Essentially, it means acknowledging
that we really are not deserving of all
that we have and therefore we need to
live more simply and without the
illusion that we are so great and have
In fact, it is the American holiday earned all that we have. As Rabbi
of Thanksgiving that garners much of
Green puts it, “Anavah is not a value or
our attention at this time of year. One an attitude to be practiced only on
of the highlights of our year is the
special occasions or for public
annual Interfaith Thanksgiving Service is a quality of the heart. Its
which will be held this year at the Tzu
practice flows naturally from a constant
Chi Foundation (150 Commerce Road
awareness that we are ‘too small for all
in Cedar Grove) on November 24th at the kindness and truth’ (These Are the
7:30 pm.
Words, p. 117 (Genesis 32:11) that are
given us every day. We are unworthy of
At this service, I often read a
the constantly renewed gift of life, not
passage from Deuteronomy which
because we are particularly bad or
reminds us that the bounty of which
sinful, but simply because the gift is so
we are privileged to partake is not due
overwhelmingly great.” (These Are the
to our own abilities and strength, but
Words, p. 117
rather God’s. When we view
Thanksgiving through this lens, we see
This year when we partake of
that Thanksgiving--derived from
our Thanksgiving feasts, try
Sukkot, by the way--is not only about
approaching the holiday with anavah.
gratitude but humility.
How does our appreciation of the
holiday change? What’s the difference
In Jewish tradition, anavah,
between feeling grateful for all that we
“humility” or “modesty,” is an
have and feeling that we often receive
important spiritual virtue. Yet, it is
more than we deserve? What does that
particularly challenging for us moderns
inspire us to do? What changes do we
to embrace. We live in a society that
make in how we live year round?
encourages self-promotion and
individualism, whereas anavah
I wish you a meaningful and
encourages us to acknowledge that we happy Thanksgiving, and I hope to see
are not the end all and be all. Instead, you at our Interfaith Thanksgiving
we acknowledge a divine power, what service on November 24.
our tradition calls God, that is the
ultimate source of reality and all that
we have.
Rabbi Laurence W. Groffman
As Rabbi Arthur Green notes in
his book These Are the Words,
“Perhaps nowhere more than on this
Published Monthly By:
Office (973) 239-1321
Fax (973) 239-7935
Email: [email protected]
Web Site:
Laurence W. Groffman
Betsey Peters-Epstein
Rabbi Emeritus
Norman R. Patz
Educational Director
Rachel Sesser
Office Manager
Phyllis Maffucci
Executive Committee:
Edward Gold
Richard Jarmel
Vice Presidents
Larry Plaxe
Larry Steinman
Recording Secretary
Brian Altschul
Lynne Brennen Friedlander
Steven Buchwalter
Laurie Katzmann
Arthur Kolodkin
Robert Podvey
Arlene O’Connell
Stanley Scheiner
Stephen Siegel
Irma Solomon
Marlene Tuch
A Reform Congregation
affiliated with the
year, we also urge you to consider leaving a bequest to the
Legacy Circle.
If you have not yet made a pledge, we ask you to
The Temple Executive Board and High Holy Day
make one at this time, especially since we again have a
Pledge Committee are currently seeking donations for the small group of very generous members who will match
High Holy Day Campaign. In our October Shofar article, we certain contributions. The formula is the same this year as
spoke about the need to raise funds through the High Holy in the past: as long as this year’s donation is at least the
Day Campaign: approximately $317,000 or 31% of our
same as last year’s, the donors will match 100% of this
annual budget must be satisfied through High Holy Day
year’s increase and 50% of last year’s increase. This is
Campaign donations. The Temple has functioned since its
particularly important to the Temple since a new donation
inception using this financial model, which means we
of $100 means the Temple receives $200 or double the
regularly cope with uncertainty in funding since we depend increase.
on donations to meet our budgetary goals.
The mitzvah of supporting our High Holy Day
The Temple’s expenses rise yearly due to often
Campaign is vital to our Temple’s financial health; your
unpredictable price increases in gas, electric, and telephone donation is greatly appreciated as it allows us to continue
service; insurance; landscaping; snow plowing; and other
to provide a rich and meaningful experience for our
essential, often prosaic items. The Temple provides a rich
congregational life that includes worship, but also elements
of Temple life we don’t always think about unless we
Your Co-Presidents,
remember why we first joined this Temple and why we’re
proud to be part of this congregation. To function and
Richard Jarmel & Ed Gold
provide the many services our congregants expect,
however, it is essential for all of us to give when called
upon to make a High Holy Day pledge. Individual failures
to meet financial responsibilities affect the entire Temple
and jeopardize our ability to assist congregants with dues
relief, provide programming, maintain and improve our
facility, and continue the level of services that makes
Temple Sholom special.
Fundraising is vital to the operational needs of our
We ask that you be aware of the costs – both
Temple. We are looking to hold two major fundraisers this
obvious and hidden – involved in running the Temple and
year—possibly even a third. The committee has been
that you respond by giving generously to our High Holy
brainstorming since the summer and we have some pretty
Day Campaign. At the same time, as we begin the new
exciting events planned.
One of our major fundraisers this coming year will
be a Tricky Tray to be held in May—location and date to be
announced soon. The committee is looking for help:
Please donate or solicit items for us—gift cards/
Drop off Dates:
Sunday, November 1, 2015 certificates from any retailer or restaurant, sporting events,
9 am—12 pm memorabilia, games, housewares, electronics, services, etc .
Monday, November 2, 2015 All are needed. We will also be looking for a few Big Ticket
9 am—6 pm items for an additional raffle—ie. TV, Computer/Laptop,
Tuesday, November 3, 2015 IPAD, Jewelry, Vacations, etc. All donations are greatly
9am—6 pm appreciated!
We will also be kicking off our Who Do You Know
Wednesday, November 4, 2015 9 am—6 pm
Campaign for guest speakers at our Temple We are asking
our congregants to go through your contacts, family
members and friends to see if you or someone you know
Sunday, November 8 9-2
has a relationship with a notable person whom can speak
Monday, November 9 9-11
here at the temple. Please reach out to either Judy Jarmel
and 3-6
or Phyllis and we can discuss the details.
Please volunteer to help us—we need it! If you
Please consider volunteering
would like to help, please contact either Judy Jarmel at
at our sale.
973-652-2593, email: [email protected] or contact Phyllis
in the temple office.
Presidents’ Message
Fundraising Committee
Sisterhood—Rummage Sale
months prior to the bar/bat mitzvah.
As we discuss in the 4th and 5th
grades there are 613 mitzvot, some
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Pathways
deliberately renamed the mitzvah
that focus on ritual, some on learning
component of the process to be NOT and others on doing acts of loving
Mitzvot – a pathway, not a
a project, but a pathway. Because
kindness or repairing the world. Rather
project. Learning about Mitzvot, how
there still remains confusion to some
than gravitating immediately to an
we are commanded to live ethically as
extent about this I wanted to write this activity, we hope that the student will
Jews is central to the Religious School
explanation so all parents understand consider options such as learning
curriculum. This centrality also informs
what this pathway means.
more about Judaism, thinking of ways
how, at Temple Sholom we think
First of all we want the student
to observe Shabbat, celebrate the
about what our students do prior to
to choose to become involved in an
Jewish holidays, keep a journal, read
the B’nai Mitzvah.
activity that will continue beyond the
about Israel and why it is important to
Two years ago we re-examined
day of the bar/ bat mitzvah. Hopefully, the Jewish people, honor
what mitzvot students were doing
it will be an experience that will give
grandparents – learn about their lives
because we wanted to see if the
this student a greater understanding
and those of their parents and write
“projects” they were working on were
of what it means to be Jewish. This is
about this. We want the student to
meaningful to them over the long
an opportunity to engage in a mitzvah think about what they wants to get
term. Our goal was that we wanted the
or a commandment that enhances
out of the experience and how it will
students to find something in Judaism
Jewish life.
enrich their Jewish identity.
that interested them and that would
Each family will be provided with
continue to engage them after the
a timeline to follow, to make this a
Rachel Sesser
ceremony. We knew that what we did
meaningful experience. It is much less
not want was this to be another item
stressful to decide upon a pathway 18
to check off their to do list. So we
From the Religious School
Sunday, December 6 at 2 pm
Sponsored by Dr Lynne B Harrison
Free to the Community
Works by Bruch Scriabin, Faure and others
Featuring Cantor Betsey Peters-Epstein and
Daniel Epstein
and their colleagues…
Claudia Warburg, violinist, Robert Dan, violist, Cellist TBA
Contributions from the following generous people
covered the entire cost. Many thanks to:
Every year we try to add something new and different.
We're starting to run out of ideas, however, and would
appreciate some suggestions. In the meantime, best
wishes for a happy, healthy, & prosperous year to all.
Apologies if anyone was accidentally omitted from the
above listing. See more pictures on our Facebook Page
Jerry Abrams, Natalie & Paul Brehne, Sue & George
Edelstein, Janet & T. Donald Eisenstein, Joe & Lynne Epstein,
Charlie Folkman, Linda & Steve Garfinkel, Sid Gilman, Nancy
& Lloyd Jones, Laurie Katzmann, Rose & Steven Klinkowize,
Sheila & Art Kolodkin, Randy Laxer, Trina & Malcolm Lewin,
Jessica & Stephane Maarek, Maxine Myers, Dorothy & Robert
Natko, Harriet & Larry Plaxe, Herb & Susan Rich, Jay &
Rhelda Sher, Ruth & Arnold Shurkin, Larry Steinman,
Marlene & Gerry Tuch, Audrey & Joel Weinstock,
Fani & Alan Weissman, Alice White, and Peter Wolff.
Thanks also to the following food contributors:
Paula Cummis for huge quantities of homemade cakes.
Karen Goldman for her noodle pudding.
Rose Klinkowize for her noodle pudding and brownies which
disappeared rapidly.
Maxine Myers for her noodle kugel.
Rhelda Sher for her Claremont Salad.
Marcia Vollero for her cupcakes.
Dora Brewster for her delicious cookie tray.
The LeWinters for their kugel and tuna fish salad.
Thanks to the following people who contributed their
time and effort for this event:
Sandy LeWinter for having the patience to shop with me and
also coordinate all kitchen activites; Rhelda Sher for
singlehandedly slicing something like 150 bagels; Eileen
Kleinberg, Laurie Katzmann, and Paula Cummis for kitchen
Steve Buchwalter
assistance; Randy Laxer for continuing her role as "the berry
lady"; and lastly, Sarah & Joseph Brewster for transferring
almost everything from the kitchen.
Some pertinent facts & new item specifics:
This year we got 15 pounds of lox - enough to supply the
Sukkah builders too. The herring in cream sauce (all $25
worth) came from ShopRite, COSTCO still doesn't carry it.
The great smoked whitefish salad did, however, come from
COSTCO. The red wine is the same type served at pasta
dinners - perhaps more reason to attend. See our November
dates in the next column.
Please join us for our
November Pasta Dinners:
Tuesday, November 11 @ 6 pm
Wednesday, November 17
@ 5:45 pm
All congregants are welcome!
If you would like to sponsor a Pasta Dinner please contact
Steve Buchwalter ([email protected])
Social Action Network
Bat Mitzvah
Danielle Schwartz
October 3, 2015
We sometimes wonder if the
expression, “go big or go home”
wasn’t written with Danielle in
mind. As a toddler in dance
class Danielle was always going
big with her arms and hands to
the dance moves. When her day
camp van had a van decorating
contest she put the whole family
to work
making decorations so her van could win.
Danielle works hard in her classes at West Essex Middle School. She loves playing tennis and hanging out
with her friends. But perhaps the biggest part of Danielle’s knowing when to “go big” is in her heart. She feels
empathy, shows spirit, and lends a hand when needed.
Danielle’s appreciation for the experiences she’s
gained at her summer camp lead her to want to give
back. Danielle volunteers her time at Project Morry
Headquarters helping the counselors there prepare for
their meetings with the students. Project Morry is a
nonprofit, year-round youth development organization,
anchored by a residential summer camp with an
educational focus. It is named after the founder of
Danielle’s summer camp.
Danielle and her sister Julia have a beautiful
relationship. Naturally they tease, fight, share, hug,
consult, laugh, and possibly even scheme on the best way
to manipulate us. They do all this in a language that is
truly understood by only the other, but most importantly
they are always there for each other.
We know Danielle feels proud of becoming a
bat mitzvah. Thank you to Rabbi Groffman, Cantor
Betsey Peters-Epstein, and the religious school staff for
preparing Danielle so well.
Danielle, the enthusiasm and energy you bring to all
you do is contagious and we’d want it no other way!
Continue to work hard at all the big endeavors you take
on. We are so proud of you and love you in a big, big
Mommy, Daddy and Julia
Fight Cancer!
Ride with Us in our 5th Year!
On February 6, 2016, many of us will once again hop on
an indoor cycling bike in memory or in honor of someone
who has been affected by a rare cancer. We will be
getting a great workout and thinking about the hope we
provide to the Memorial Sloan-Kettering doctors and
researchers who, within 6 months, use 100% of monies
raised to fund their efforts.
I am dedicating my ride to Richard Denby, our team
captain and fellow congregant who passed away at the
end of August after battling a rare cancer for the past
year. He never did think that his fourth Cycle for Survival
ride would be for himself. But Dick remained hopeful and
enthusiastic throughout his battle. And on February 6th
the Temple Sholom Riders will spin next to his family/
friends team, the Denby Dynamos! What a force we’ll all
Will this be the year you ride with us at the Equinox in
Summit, New Jersey? Who will you be riding for?
To learn more and be inspired, go to or speak with one of last year’s
Sarah Barrack
Lynne Brennen
Lisa Denby
Jennifer Friedberg
Judy Goldman
Elizabeth Katz
Lisa Kolton
Heidi Levine
Lisa Munjack
Adee Shepen
Andy Steinfeld
Marlene Tuch
Alan Weissman
To Register by November 30, contact me:
Emily Goldberg
[email protected]
See our ad on page 14
Social Action Network
The Social Action committee
continues to promote the Jewish values
of tikkun olam, repairing the world,
through projects and activities to better
serve our local communities.
We begin this year with Temple
Sholom partnering with Oasis, a non
profit organization located in Paterson
NJ. Oasis is devoted to serving the needs
of women and children by helping to
educate and empower these individuals
to break the cycle of poverty. Literacy,
GED, and ESL classes as well as Computer
training, after school tutoring for 1st
through 6th grade children, free child
care, Workplace readiness and Youth
development are some of the life
assistance programs offered at Oasis. In addition, year round free weekday lunches, breakfast and afternoon snack meals
are served to women and children. Oasis receives very little government funding, relying on private donations and help
from volunteers to keep these programs up and running. After the Social Action committee members toured this facility
and met with staff, we immediately knew this was an organization that mirrored our mission to make a difference in the
lives of others.
The committee asks any adult or teen interested in volunteering at Oasis to contact Jeannette Yackeren
at [email protected]. We especially need help on Nov 24th and Dec 17th for serving holiday lunches. Some
other ideas in development by our committee include: A Thanksgiving Event, Mitzvah Day in the Spring, Build A Bear
stuffed animals delivered by Temple families to hospitalized children during Hannukah. Please feel free to contact any of
our Co-Chairs listed below to learn how you can volunteer for these other projects and/or to share your ideas of how our
committee can better serve our Temple and communities.
Thank you,
Lisa [email protected]
Lisa [email protected]
Jeannette [email protected]
All last year we celebrated the
temple’s past….
Meditation with Joan Fisch
“It has been said that when you
pray you talk to God….
When you meditate you
listen to God”
Now is the time
to take care of our future…
Create a Legacy
Call Marlene Tuch for details
Meditation experience
not necessary – All are welcomed
Second Friday of the month
at 7:15pm (sharp!)
Meditation leader Joan Fisch
Our next meditation date:
Friday, November 13, 2015
In the Children’s Library
Reserve your spot, email Joan Fisch: [email protected]
One Nation Sports Camp
We are thrilled to welcome the following 2015
members to Temple Sholom.
Most of these families have joined during the High Holy
Days and are just getting their feet wet.
Whether you’re involved in the Religious School, Adult Programming, Adult Study, Social Action, Brotherhood,
Sisterhood or attending a service or event,
please say hello to:
Lynn Abelson, Woodland Park
Scott Bermack, Clifton
Sarah and Michael Blaine, Montclair
Carolee Bol and Scott Rosenberg, Glen Ridge
Therese and Scott Felcher, North Caldwell
Tara and Jason Fries, Roseland
Ben Hersey and Jennifer Miller, Cedar Grove
Liz and Jason Hinkis , Bloomfield
Jane and Robert Kantor, Montclair
Anna and James McLaren, North Caldwell
Benek and Imke Oster, Montclair
Susan and Barry Paul, North Caldwell
Alan and Nancy Rothschild, Montclair
Maxine and Richard Simon, West Orange
Fernanda & Bruce Wechsler, Verona
Adam and Erica Whinston, Wayne
Ben Hersey and Jack
One Nation Sports Camp
Our Mission
The One Nation Sports Camp is designed to have your son
or daughter develop the basic skills in sports while participating in a positive and fun environment! This program is
for both boys and girls K-8.
One Nation Sports Camp includes:
Highly recommended instructors
Positive & fun learning environment
Soccer, Lacrosse, Basketball, Hockey, Wiffle Ball
One Nations Sports T-shirt
November 22nd
December 6th
December 20th
December 27th
January 3rd
January 10th
January 24th
Grades K-2: 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Grades 3-5: 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Grades 6-8 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Temple Sholom of West Essex
760 Pompton Avenue
Cedar Grove, New Jersey 07009
$25.00 refundable deposit by November 14th
Final payment due on first day of camp (November 22 nd)
*115.00 for Temple Sholom Members*
Checks payable to Joseph Bucchino
Adam Whinston and Noah
Save the date for the
New Membership brunch on
Sunday, January 24, 2016!
Joseph Bucchino
-Over 25 years of professional sports and camp experience
for both boys and girls
Contact Information
Phone: 973-239-7563 or cell 973-900-7068
Caring Connection
If you would like to become part of the
committee, please email me at
[email protected].
Volunteers Needed!
Give a ride…get a ride…
The Caring Connection helps temple
members during transitional times in
their lives. Our committee volunteers
provide support after a happy or
traumatic event. Your involvement
could be as easy as making a phone
call, or providing a meal or a ride to an
We need volunteers to drive people to
and from doctor’s appointments or
programs. Please consider doing a
mitzvah. We can also help pick up
prescriptions or do grocery shopping.
Call the office and let us know what
you need. (973-239-1321)
Need A Visit!
Our Caring Connection volunteers are
available to make house calls! Call the
office, or Rabbi Groffman, to set up a
visit for yourself, or someone you
know. (973-239-1321)
Dori R Schwartz
Thank you to everyone who thinks of
us through a tribute. Your generosity
helps us fund programs, send meals to
those in need, and present other
activities throughout the year.
Adult Ed
Wednesday, November 11, 2015 @ 6:30 pm
At the home of Harriet Plaxe
CPR Class
January 7th 2016
7:00 PM—9:30 PM
$51.00 per person
Join us for dinner and discussion celebrating Rosh Hodesh,
and share one of your own books.
Scott Larson joined SAFETY NJ in 2013, coming with over
40 years of EMS experience. He is a volunteer member of the
Our guest, Barbara Krasner, a teacher of creative writing
Cedar Grove Ambulance & Rescue Squad and has served as
at William Paterson University, an author and student of children’s their president, training officer and ambulance lieutenant.
literature, and an award-winning author herself (see Liesl’s Ocean
Scott has previously worked for Saint Michael’s Medical
Rescue and Goldie (Meir) Takes a Stand! on Amazon.
Center as Director of EMS Training overseeing the EMT, ACLS
Bring your own favorite children’s book published Back
and CPR training for 17 years and for LifeSavers, Inc. as Vice
in the Day. Check out Barbara’s blog, The Whole Megillah – The
President of Operations. While at Saint Michael’s Medical
Writer’s Resource for Jewish-themed stories, nonfiction and poetry,
Center, he served on the Code Blue Committee, Employee
where you can read her interviews with authors along with articles
Satisfaction Committee and Emergency Preparedness
on related topics.
Committee. Scott is past Chair of the American Heart
Barbara is currently writing a book about the grim 1939
Association Emergency Cardiac Care (ECC) Committee for New
ship, the St. Louis, with more than 900 European Jews on board,
Jersey and has served as a member of the AHA PROAD
vainly searching for a country that would take them in. She will
also talk about how and when we can introduce children to WWII, committee based out of the AHA national headquarters in
the Holocaust and other tragic historical events.
Scott has been teaching American Heart Association
If we have forgotten for the moment the millions of
ourses since the 1970’s. Additionally, Scott is past co-chair of
Jewish refugees before and after the War and doubt that story’s
the North Jersey Chapter of the Sudden Cardiac Arrest
relevance today, we can see those tragedies mirrored in today’s
headlines and news photos – different people but the familiar
suffering and horror.
RSVP to the Temple Office
RSVP to Harriet Plaxe ~ space is limited
[email protected]
Noar Sholom—Temple Youth
TaSTY and Friends got together to bake apple cakes that will be
delivered to some of our members that can use a little cheer.
November Anniversaries July,
Eric & Beth Sidel
Lawrence & Harriet Plaxe
Michael & Kimberley Nochimson
John & Shari Ritter
Jason & Michielle Kupferberg
Paul & Roberta Shields
Erica & Adam Whinston
Jerry & Frieda Abrams
Mark & Diane Goodman
Howard & Joanne Wale
Allen & Sandra LeWinter
Brad & Erica Schwartz
David & Joan Frischman
Barry & Susan Weber
Joseph & Lynne Epstein
David & Susan Flecker
Andrew & Marian Steinfeld
Matt & Keri Marmorek
Richard & Lori Nelson
Marc Brummer & Suzanne Klar
Congratulations & Best Wishes
Howard & Joanne Wale on the marriage of their
granddaughter, Brittney Greenwald to Robert Benson,
on October 4, 2015.
Barbara Schofield on the marriage of her daughter
Rebecca to Dr. Adam Cohen on October 18, 2015.
May their marriage be filled with happiness and blessings.
Bruce & Fernanda Wechsler, our newest members on
the birth of their daughter Rachel Naomi on
October 21, 2015. Big brothers are Joshua & Ethan.
May this child grow up in the finest tradition of Torah,
huppah and maasim tovim
Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad”
and Present It The Next Time You
Patronize One of Our Advertisers
Next Date:
November 10, 2015
We will guarantee secure shredding of your papers at a
minimal cost of $10/box. Come in during working hours
Monday - Thursday, 9 to 5pm but be sure to call the office
first for drop off arrangements.
Safe Shredding comes the second Tuesday of the month.
Other dates are below:
December 8, 2015
January 12, 2016
February 9, 2016
March 8, 2016
April 12, 2016
May 10, 2016
June 14, 2016
For advertising either in our Temple Directory,
Monthly Newsletter or our
60th Anniversary Ad Journal.
I am patronizing your business because of it.
Did you know you can connect with
Temple Sholom and see photos,
upcoming events, TSWE member profiles
and words of wisdom from our Rabbi in
our closed Facebook page: https://
Meet & Schmooze
Calling all TSWE Ladies
It’s not a meeting, it’s not a service, it’s not volunteering,
but it is important! Introducing the TSWE Ladies group: a
community of TSWE woman who occasionally get
together and socialize! There may be women at the
synagogue you want to meet or women that you know
well but never get a chance to talk to on a regular
basis. This is your chance. Our first get together was at
De Novo in Montclair at the end of September and we will
meet again in November at a member’s house. Reach out
to join by contacting Jessica Maarek by email
[email protected] or look us up on Facebook (Ladies of
Temple Sholom West Essex) and request to join.
18 Kislev
5:00 PM Music Enrichment
17 Kislev 30
No Religious School
No Adult Study
Office closes @ 1PM
9 Kislev
No Torah Study
16 Kislev
8:30 AM Torah Study
10:00 AM Bar Mitzvah
Michael Khan
15 Kislev 28
6:30 PM Shabbat Service
Office Closed
2 Kislev
8:30 AM Torah Study
10:00 AM Bar Mitzvah
Benjamin Friedman
8 Kislev 21
5:30 PM Tot Shabbat
8:00 PM Anniversary
Shabbat Service
25 Heshvan
8:30 AM Torah Study
10:00 AM Bar Mitzvah
Daniel Stehr
1 Kislev 14
7:15 PM Meditation
8:00 PM Shabbat Service
14 Kislev 27
24 Heshvan
6:30 PM Birthday
Shabbat Service
YP—Bingo Fun (Post Services)
7 Kislev 20
30 Heshvan
23 Heshvan
Office Closed
13 Kislev 26
6:15 PM 7th Grade Sect 2
6:30 PM TaSTY Meeting
7:30 PM Ritual Meeting
12 Kislev 25
@ Tzu Chi Foundation
11 Kislev 24
5:00 PM Music Enrichment
10 Kislev 23
10:00 AM 6th Grade Torah
1 PM One Nation Sports
6 Kislev 19
9:30 AM Adult Study
5 Kislev 18
7:30 PM Ex Board Mtg
4 Kislev 17
5:00 PM Music Enrichment
3 Kislev 16
11:00 AM Lead & Serve:
Eldridge Street Synagogue
7:30 PM Post Confirmation
5:00 PM Music Enrichment
9:30 AM Adult Study
6:00 PM Pasta Dinner
6:30 PM Adult Ed -Rosh
Hodesh @ Harriet Plaxe
6:15 PM 7th Grade Sect 1
29 Heshvan 12
6:15 PM 7th Grade Sect 2
28 Heshvan 11
Safe Shredding
27 Heshvan 10
9-11:00 AM Rummage Sale
3-6:00 PM Rummage Sale
26 Heshvan 9
9-2:00 PM Rummage Sale
5:00 PM Music Enrichment
9-6:00 PM Rummage
Drop Off
9:30 AM Adult Study
22 Heshvan 5
21 Heshvan 4
9-6:00 PM Rummage
Drop Off
20 Heshvan 3
9-6:00 PM Rummage
Drop Off
19 Heshvan 2
9-12:00 PM Rummage Drop
10:00 AM Yad
Workshop—5th /6th Grade
10:00 AM YP—K-2 Trip to
Heshvan/Kislev 5776
November 2015
1 Tevet
8 Tevet
15 Tevet
1 PM One Nation Sports
1 PM One Nation Sports
10:00 AM Bar Mitzvah
Fraine Joroff
16 Tevet
9 Tevet
2 Tevet
Office Closes @ 1 PM
3 Tevet
10 Tevet
11 Tevet
19 Tevet
Office Closes @ 1 PM
13 Tevet
6:30 PM Shabbat Service
Office Closed
12 Tevet 25
7 Tevet
14 Tevet
No Torah Study
9:00 AM Torah Study
6 Tevet 19
7:15 PM Meditation
8:00 PM Shabbat Service
5 Tevet 18
Office Closes @ 1 PM
30 Kislev
9:00 AM Torah Study
29 Kislev 12
6:30 PM Hannukah Shabbat
Service—K/1 Shabbat
8:30 PM TaSTY Holiday Party
YP—Board Games
(Post Services)
28 Kislev 11
23 Kislev
9:00 AM Torah Study
22 Kislev 5
5:30 PM 5th Grade Shabbat
6:30 PM Shabbat Service
21 Kislev 4
More than a congregation, we’re a family!
No Religious School
18 Tevet
No Religious School
No Religious School
No Adult Study
6:15 PM 7th Grade Sect 1
No Adult Study
Office Closes @ 1PM
17 Tevet
4 Tevet
9:30 AM Adult Study
Office Closes @ 1 PM
No Religious School
7:30 PM Ex Committee
6:15 PM 7th Grade Sect 2
7:00 PM Choir
7:30 PM Post Confirmation
27 Kislev 10
9:30 AM Adult Study
26 Kislev 9
6:15 PM 7th Grade Sect 1
9:30 AM Adult Study
20 Kislev 3
19 Kislev 2
Safe Shredding
25 Kislev 8
5:00 PM Music Enrichment
24 Kislev 7
Youth Program: Devil’s
Hockey Game
1 PM One Nation Sports
Kislev/Tevet 5776
December 2015
Contributions to the funds of the congregation are always
appropriate, welcome and provide important revenue.
Tzedakah is very much a part of Jewish tradition, especially
when it is given to mark celebrations, to offer best wishes for recovery from illness (refuah sheleimah), offer condolences,
and at yahrzeit time, to remember loved ones.
In Appreciation of:
Given By:
Rabbi Groffman………………………………………...…………Ruth & Al Frankel
…………………………………………………………………………………………Dawn Lee
…………………………………………………..………………..Amy & David Schwartz
………………………………………………….…………………Deborah & Mark Stehr
Rhelda Sher…………………………………………..…………..Sue & Dick Sandler
Roberta Shields…………………………………………………Sue & Dick Sandler
In Honor of:
Given By:
Dr Lynne B Harrison………………..…………………………….Laurie Katzmann
Andrew Mitchell………………………………………………….Lawrence Mitchell
Susan & Michael Richter, birth of granddaughter, Charlie Bella…….
……………….…………………………….…………………….Fran & Gary Beinhaker
In Memory of:
Given By:
Marvin Fine, husband of Marilee Fine, father of Doug Fine
…………….………………...……………………………….……..……Rhelda & Jay Sher
In Memory of:
Given By:
Dick Denby, husband of Barbara Denby………………………….………………
…………………………..……………………………….Janet & T. Donald Eisenstein
Speedy Recovery to:
Given By:
Gerald Heyman……….…………...……………………….Sheila & Art Kolodkin
In Honor of:
Given By:
Andrew Mitchell……………………………………..Roberta & Stuart Mitchell
Barbara Schofield, daughter Rebecca’s marriage to
Dr. Adam Cohen……………………………..………...Marian & William Albert
Kathy & Dave Simon………………………………………..Ellen & James Tilzer
Judy & Ben Tabs, grandson Alec’s Bar Mitzvah….……..…………………….
…………………………………….……………………………………..Rhelda & Jay Sher
In Memory of:
Given By:
Marvin Fine, husband of Marilee Fine, father of Doug Fine …………..
……………………………………………………..…..………………………….Helen Mintz
Speedy Recovery to:
Given By:
In Memory of:
Given By:
Robert Podvey……………………………………………..Marlene & Gerry Tuch
Sylvia Krugman, mother of Laurie Taylor…………....Carol & Jeff Press
Stan Scheiner……………………………………...................Nancy & Tom Jones
…………………….………………………………………………………………..Alyce Miller
……………………………………………...……………………………Rhelda & Jay Sher
In Appreciation of:
Given By:
……………………….…………………………………………….Marlene & Gerry Tuch
Cantor Epstein…………………………….……..………..Amy & David Schwartz
………………………………………………………………………..The Sedransk Family
………………………………………………...……………..…..Deborah & Mark Stehr
In Memory of
Given By:
Dorothy Abramovich……………..………...……..……….Roberta Santamaria
Dorothy Bass………………………………………………..……..Jay & Rhelda Sher
In Memory of:
Given By:
Benjamin Bazaar……………….…………………..…....Susan & Harvey Bazaar
Dick Denby, husband of Barbara Denby…..…..……Rhelda & Jay Sher
Elaine Smith Cohen………………………….……………..….The Gilman Family
Ray Gordon…………………………………………………..Sue & Hebert Gordon
Aaron Heller…………………………………………………….Judy & Morton Kalb
In Memory of:
Given By:
Ruth Joseph…………………………………..………………..……….Thelma Joseph
Dick Denby, husband of Barbara Denby….………………..Maxine Myers
Jules Lubowitt……………………………………………………..……….Muriel Stern
In Honor of:
Given By:
Alice Rosen………………………………………..……….……..Sue & Steve Rosen
Melissa Groffman, nursing degree………….…Arlene & Bob O’Connell
Herman Rosen…………………………………………………..Sue & Steve Rosen
Linda Cane, daughter Abigail’s marriage to Todd Carroll….…...……….
Billie Schwartz…………………………………………………………....Neil Schwartz
……………………………………………………………...……………Rhelda & Jay Sher
Bernard Weinberger……………………………...Sue & Donald Weinberger
Speedy Recovery to:
Given By:
Rae Weinberger…………………………….………….…...…Mimi & Stuart Korn
Gerald Heyman…………………………….………………….Joan & Gerry Marks
Lena Weiser…………………………………………………Rosetta & Alan Weiser
Stan Scheiner…………….…………………...………..Marsha & Gerry Heyman
Oscar Weissenborn…………………….…………………….…Bari Weissenborn
In Memory of
Given By:
Marvin Fine, husband of Marilee Fine, father of Doug Fine……………
……………….…………………………………………………...Irma & Carol Solomon
Speedy Recovery to:
Given By:
Herb Gordon……………………...………..….…………….Irma & Carl Solomon
Gerald Heyman….……………...…………….…..………..Irma & Carl Solomon
Stan Scheiner………………………………….……………..Irma & Carl Solomon
“Deeds of giving are the very
foundations of the world.”
Mishna, Pirkei Avot 1:2
In Memoriam
We recall with deep sorrow the deaths of
Arthur Perelman
Father of Jonathan Perelman
September 24, 2015
12 Tishri 5776
Shirley Feierstein
Mother of Alan Feierstein
September 26, 2015
14 Tishri 5776
Robert Bobrow
Son of Sophia Bobrow
September 29, 2015
16 Tishri 5776
Sylvia Krugman
Mother of Laurie Taylor
October 1, 2015
19 Tishri 5776
Sylvia Wolkstein
Wife of Mel Wolkstein
October 3, 2015
20 Tishri 5776
Marvin Fine
Husband of Marilee Fine
Father of Doug fine
October 12, 2015
30 Tishri 5776
May God console the families among the mourners
of Zion & Jerusalem
West Caldwell, NJ
Permit No. 935