View this month - Temple Sholom of Chicago
View this month - Temple Sholom of Chicago
HOUSE OPEN Ye a r s in 5776! Senior Rabbi Edwin Goldberg OPEN HOUSE FOR NEW & PROSPECTIVE MEMBERS/ FAMILY-FRIENDLY SHABBAT Friday, September 9, 5:30pm Reception RSVP [email protected] or 773-435-1559 Coming In OCTOBER EREV ROSH HASHANAH, Sunday, October 2, 7:30pm ROSH HASHANAH, Monday, October 3 GAN BACK-TO-SCHOOL BASH! Sunday, September 11, 4:00pm 9:00am Family Service 10:45am Congregational Service 4:00pm Tot Service / 5:00pm Tashlich 2ND DAY CONGREGATIONAL SERVICE Tuesday, October 4, 10:30am TOT SHABBAT YOM KIPPUR EXPERIENCE RELIGIOUS SCHOOL STARTS! Sunday, September 11, 9:30am SUPER HERO TOT SHABBAT SERVICE & DINNER Friday, September 23 5:00pm $18/family RSVP [email protected] or 773-435-1533 For complete details on any events, visit Saturday, October 8, 10:00am WESTLAWN MEMORIAL SERVICE, Sunday, October 9, 11:00am Westlawn Cemetery KOL NIDRE, Tuesday, October 11 6:00pm Early Service / 8:15pm Late Service YOM KIPPUR - YIZKOR, Wednesday, October 12 9:00am Family Service / 10:45am Congregational Service 1:30pm Study & Reflection / 2:00pm Teen Service 3:00pm Yizkor/Afternoon/N'ilah EREV SUKKOT, Sunday, October 16 4:30pm Decorate/5:00pm Celebration/5:30pm Dinner SIMCHAT TORAH, Sunday, October 23 5:30pm Dinner / 6:30pm Service 7:15pm Dessert & Dancing SIMCHAT TORAH "YIZKOR WITH EMANUEL" Monday, October 24, 10:30am at Temple Sholom GO OUT IN JOY! The High Holy Days seem late this year but of course they are right on time according to the Jewish calendar. A lot of people come to the Days of Awe with the desire to improve something about themselves. They’re not satisfied with their lives, they’re unhappy with their choices, they want to be better people. I know because I am one of them. But as much as I want to change myself I also work on accepting me for who I am. The thing I’ve learned, and it’s not some new truth but an old one, is that if you learn to be content with who you are and where you are in life, it changes everything. A Jewish text teaches: “Who is happy? The one who appreciates what one already has in one’s life.” t 14 8 H A sacred community that embraces, inspires and matters. Friday, September 2, 8:00pm Celebrating g T kle in o ur O U Bo at fe L L ay D P U oly WELCOME OR CHADASH SHABBAT SERVICE & TORAH INSTALLATION h SEPTEMBER 2016 g Hi Get involved Consider what changes: • You no longer feel dissatisfied with yourself or your life. • You no longer spend so much time and energy wanting to change and trying to change. • You no longer compare yourself to other people, and wish you were better. • You can be happy, all the time, no matter what happens in the world around you. • Instead of trying to improve yourself, you can spend your time helping others. • You stop spending so much money on things that will supposedly improve your life. (This list courtesy of Zen Habits, a helpful blog.) And here’s another realization: You already have everything you need to be happy, right here and right now. Once you accept this, it frees you. You’re now free to do things, not because you want to be better, but because you love it. Because you’re passionate about it, and it gives you joy. For me, the secret for these upcoming Days of Awe is to find that balance between challenging ourselves and accepting ourselves. So, finish reading this D’var and go do something you like. You are enough. And when you come to the New Year, remember the words that our prayer book declares: Go out in joy! WHAT’S THE RABBI READING? Killing a King: The Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin and the Remaking of Israel. By Dan Ephron A timely remembrance of the consequences of a culture of hate. Our Expanded Dream Team Temple Sholom has a long history of being led by clergy who are preeminent in their fields. Today is no different. I have long bragged about our clergy as a Dream Team, and I am blessed to be president at a time that our team has expanded to include Cantor Sheera Ben-David. Once you meet the Cantor you will know that the Cantorial Search Committee’s long and tireless search, and the congregation’s long wait for the right cantor for our congregation has paid off magnificently. Whether you speak with the cantor or hear her sing for mere seconds, you will immediately feel blessed. We all connect with Temple Sholom for various reasons, including spiritual, emotional, intellectual, cultural, familial, social and even political. Rabbi Goldberg, Rabbi Conover, Rabbi Weisblatt and Cantor Ben-David collectively have mighty intellectual breadth and depth; a divine commitment to worship, education and social justice; and passionate pastoral care. I wish you and yours a sweet New Year. And I invite you to get to know our Dream Team, for they will make your year even sweeter. From the President David Lipschultz NEW MEMBERS Andrew & Rachel Ahitow (Mia & Sophie) Alissa Ballot Cantor Sheera Ben-David & Steven Miller (Baxter & Shadow) Joel Berger Leah Breslow & Isaac Katz William Davis & Dr. Rachel Port (Adaline & Ellen Davis) Irwin Drobny David Felsenthal (Grayson & Jordan) Martha Fourt & Patricia Benjamin Lee Griesbach & David Miller John Griffith & Matthew Santori - Griffith Noah & Anna Hartman (Josiah, Juniper & Libby) Shayna Jensky Lilli Kornblum Marvin Levin Franklin Nussbaum & Arnold Spinka Mark Peurye Aaron Rice (Ava & Jacob) Dr. Robert Rosenstein OR CHADASH Craig & Lori Stern (David) Stewart Weiss & Teresa Gale (Eden Weiss) Or Chadash Or Chadash OF BLESSED MEMORY May 12 – Erwin Coyne – Temple Sholom member June 9 – Charlotte Schwartz – Grandmother of Aly (Nathan) Prater June 12 – Christopher Andrew Leinonen – friend of Ezra Meadors June 12 – Juan Ramon Guerrero – friend of Ezra Meadors June 13 – Nona Leland – Grandmother of Stacey (Steve) Dombar June 21 – Sylvia Weintraub – Grandmother of Aaron Midler (Esther Bowen) June 28 – Vicki Stone Olt – Mother of Jason (Wendy) Olt July 9 – Henri Wouters – Uncle of Philippe Geyskens (Ilene Goldman) July 17 – Phyllis Ellis – Sister of Babette Hyman, Aunt of Larry (Susan) Hyman, mother of David (Hope Nightingale) Ellis. July 24 – Jay Diamond – father of Caryn (John) Gallop July 25 – Dr. Sander Kushner – father of Dr. Marla (Robert Sawyer) Kushner YAHRZEITS/FIRST YEAR Doris Allen (9/2/2015) Mother of Claudia Allen Jeanne Young (9/3/2015) Mother of Lisa Millman Scott Stoll (9/8/2015) Grandson of Evelyn Stoll, nephew of Susan Stoll Phyllis Eatman (9/9/2015) Mother of Beverly Flynn Miriam Tobin (9/12/2015) Aunt of Donna Speigel IT'S A SIMCHAH... A hearty mazal tov to: Michelle & Jay Kaufman on the birth of their son, Max Goldwin Kaufman, born June 21st. Temple Sholom is a sacred community that embraces, inspires and matters. Sholom Justice group at the 1,000 Mile March (August 6th), commemorating the 50th anniversary of MLK's march in Chicago through Marquette Park. Welcome Or Chadash! ture Illuminating the Fu since 1867! Together, with your commitment to legacy giving, we can ensure that our children and grandchildren will benefit in the way we have benefited from the generations before us. L’Dor Vador. There are many ways to contribute. To learn more and make your commitment today, contact: Marla Krupman, Development Director [email protected] or 773-435-1535 It's hard to believe that the High Holy Days are near and 2017 is around the corner, when Temple Sholom will mark its 150th Anniversary! In anticipation of a grand celebration, we are inviting YOU to share your most memorable Temple Sholom stories WITH US! Watch for our video invitation and start thinking NOW about the most important experiences you shared in our community that you will always want to remember. We welcome you to create your own video teaser or write a short story called 2minutes2tell and send it to us at [email protected] so we can contact you for more information. Plus, if you are interested in volunteering your time and talents to any variety of projects next year, let us know! We look forward to hearing from you – literally! Beth and David Inlander & Teri and Roger Rudich 150th Anniversary Co-chairs Worship Schedule FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 5:30pm – Family-Friendly Shabbat (Sept. 9) 5:45pm – Wine and Cheese Reception 6:15pm Shabbat Service, Oneg to follow SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3*, 10, 17, 24 9:00am Minyan Service *No 10:30am services are scheduled. Special Services: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 8:00pm Or Chadash Service & Torah Installation FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 5:30pm Open House for New & Prospective Members and Family-Friendly Shabbat FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 5:30pm Gan Super-Hero Tot Shabbat SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 Study 8:00pm/Dessert 9:00pm Selichot Service 9:30pm Lauren Perzov & Kevin Aumiller on their wedding, June 18th. Dr. Rachel Port & Mr. William Davis on the birth of their daughter, Adaline Jayne Davis, born July 2nd. Also congratulations to Dr. Jeffrey Port who is the grandfather. 150 Temple Sholom’s 150th Anniversary Is in Full Swing! News to share? Email [email protected] HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED WHERE YOUR ANNUAL FUND & GIFT GOES? The start of a new year brings great ambitions for renewal and innovation. This 5777, our prayer is to welcome a growing number of individuals into our Reform Jewish community with all the love and support and derekh eretz (compassionate decency) that we can possibly offer. Temple Sholom leaders are hopeful that you will see this reflected in many ways throughout the year with plans that are likely to touch each and every member in some way. “ Cantor Sheera Ben-David is guaranteed to bring a dynamic change to our worship experience with her rich voice and vibrant personality. „ After a year-long search, we are thrilled to have Cantor Sheera Ben-David join our clergy team. She is guaranteed to bring a dynamic change to our worship experience with her rich voice and vibrant personality. Additionally, just in time for High Holy Day services, the highly-anticipated new sound system will be installed in the sanctuary to brighten our sacred services. We look forward to welcoming Congregation Or Chadash who made a difficult decision to close its doors this year but found a new home for themselves here at Temple Sholom. We are proud to adopt them into our Temple Sholom family. Additionally, we are making great strides in reaching out to the 20s and 30s through Makom. Special High Holy Day activities will offer a lively introduction, along with services, specifically designed to serve this exciting group of young Jews. Throughout the year, members like you choose to become donors, making contributions to mark milestone occasions both in celebration of simchas, or to remember those we have lost, or simply to fulfill the calling to give back - Tzedakah. As a sacred community that embraces, inspires and matters, we at Temple Sholom are ever grateful for the outpouring of generous donor gifts that allow us to welcome a diverse membership, regardless of one's ability to pay. Your gifts also allow us to prioritize Jewish education by subsidizing the Religious School fees and making after school and Sunday classes affordable for our future generation of Jewish leaders. Please take time in this High Holy Day season to make a tax-deductible contribution to Temple Sholom and join together in the mitzvah of giving. To make a contribution, please contact Development Director, Marla Krupman at 773-435-1535. DONORS(UP TO $499) CONTINUED Jerome & Jayne Krulewitch Donald & Phyllis Kuhlman Sandi Kully Michael & Christine Kupfer Peter Kupferberg Sandra Kurtz Tamas & Beth Kutas Adam & Lindsey Labkon Steven & Elissa Lafayette Joy Landan Arthur & Sue Landen Chris Landgraff & Eileen Dordek Richard & Ferne Landman Matt Lapointe & Melissa Gola Robert & Marci Laragh Cary Latimer & Julie Lasin Robert & Toni Lawrence Henry Lerner Sylvia Lerner Debbie Lesch Ida Lessman Jed & Dana Levenstein Barry & Marcela Levin Jeff & Sheryl Levin Jonathan & Schuyler Levin Michael & Carla Levin Josh Levine & Rebecca Miller Kenneth & Shelley Levine Ira & Samantha Levinson Ari Levy & Linoy Reich-Levy Gwen Levy Noah & Nikki Levy Robert & Jessica Levy Charlene Lieber Larry & Judi Lipkin David & Kathy Lisberg Joshua & Claudine Liss Rita Loew Jean London (z"l) Lawrence & Ilene Lubell Jeff Luchs & Tami Sirkin Debra Magad Brian & Renee Mandelbaum Craig & Emily Mandell Jonathan & Toby Mann Grant & Rachel Mantz Elliot & Phyllis Marcus Lawrence & Sue Marczak Danny & Talia Margolis Michael & Sheryl Markman Cookie Marks Ruth Markus Craig & Lauren Martin Michael & Pamela Masters Robert & Heidi McDermott John & Joanne McDonald Nadine Roth McFarren Matt Mcquiston & Jenni Tier Matthew & Norah Meadows Dave Foler & Amy Memis-Foler Cookie Merens Allen & Suzanne Meyer Norma L. Meyer Elaine Meyerovitz Jim Michalowski & Shira Levy Jon & Stacey Michelon David & Helen Milgrom Michael & Blair Miller Zinaida Mincu Gayle Mindes Jake Miner Josh & Tami Mizrachi Amnon & Jodi Morady Josh & Tracy More Joseph & Kathleen Morris M. Nachman Gloria Narrod National Council Jewish Women Brent Neiman & Yael Aufgang Joel & Sherri Nemirow Jeffrey & Stacie Newmark Ron & Susan Nick Michael & Kristina Nicolas Sharon Niemet Michael & Nancy Nowak Avi & Tali Ofer Mark Ohringer & Amy Kleinman Avi & Alisa Oler Olin-Sang-Ruby Jason & Wendy Olt Thomas Palay & Diane Gutmann Julie Paradise Gail Parke Jason & Joanna Parke Mark & Tara Patek Edwin Pawula Terry Peigh & Cindy Fluxgold Tal & Kimberly Pendo Kenneth & Stephani Perlmutter Aaron & Janese Petuchowski Matthew & Wendy Phillips Adam & Michelle Pinkert Jonathan Pizer & Brad Lippitz Dan & Kathleen Platt Jonathan & Mandee Polonsky Geoff Pomerantz Edward Potash Steven & Jo Ann Potashnick Nathan Prater & Aly Croen Todd & Marci Price Eric & Karen Pulver Ilene Quinn Jeff & Shari Rabin James & Emily Raisher Jay & Rachel Rapoport Aaron Rappaport & Darcy Dewolfe Daniel & Jesica Raskin Jeffrey & Lisa Rausa Susan Ravine David Rebuck & Hailey Chasson-Rebuck John & Stacey Reeser Jeremy & Brady Reis Devin & Silvi Renberg Sharon Repka Boris & Reiva Revich Linda Richter Karl Riedl & Eileen Kaplan Aaron & Amanda Rios-Lebowitz Angel Rivera & Emily Rubenstein Benjamin & Ronit Rose Beverly Rosen Carrie Rosen Randy & Martha Rosen Adam & Melissa Rosenberg Alex Rosenberg Jason & Alicia Rosenberg Seth & Geri Rosenberg Michael Rosenblum Glori Rosenson Michael & Sandy Rosenstein Kevin & Amy Ross Martin & Lauren Roth Monroe & Elaine Roth Jonathan & Lindsay Rotter Adam & Siera Rubenstein Jane Rubenstein Brian & Rebecca Rubin Charlene Lieber Robert Rudich Herbert & Carole Rudoy David & Ginger Russ Miles & Adrienne Russ Rebecca Wiggers & Michael Ruth David & Jessica Ruttenberg Nathaniel & Sarah Sager Estelle Salkin Marilyn Samuels Jay & Danielle Sandler William & Patti Sandler Mark & Jodi Savitt Robert Sawyer & Marla Kushner Jeffrey & Aurea Grace Scadron Randy & Jennifer Scheingold Jason Scher Bradley & Blair Schiller Geri Schlanger Robert & Trisha Schnitz Lorraine Schnitzer Paul & Susan Schomer Gay Schreiber Jordan & Bonita Schulgasser Bruce & Sandra Schulman Audrey Schwartz Gail Schwartz Michael & Jennifer Schwartz David & Betsy Seligman Joelle Shabat Jeffrey & Maggie Shapack Rebecca Shein Scott & Tamara Sheridan Jonah Shifrin & Ariel Schwartz Jeffrey & Paige Shyken Eric & Kathleen Siegmann Louis & Lois Sigman Jed & Sharon Silberg Henry & Diana Silverman Howard & Abby Simon David & Pam Simon Daniel Simons & Rachel Shimoni Scott & Vicki Sinar Michael & Stephanie Sinder Bela Sirota Gregory & Suzanne Sitrin Alan & Amy Skidelsky Lisa Skolnik Andy & Jayme Slate Peter Smith & Karen Mellman-Smith Bunny Snyder Warren & Lisa Solochek Erez Solomon Minnie Solomon David Solow & Brooke Hillman Robert Spiegel Ronald & Sheri Lynn Spielman Stuart & Denise Sprague David Starr & Brittany Lakin-Starr Andrea Stein Joshua & Jill Stein Michael & Amanda Stern Daniel & Allison Sternberg Matt & Missy Stock Evelyn & Marcia Stoll Ryan & Amy Sulkin Richard & Sara Superfine Aaron Tantleff & Jill Sheiman Jason & Elana Tennenbaum Mark & Kim Tepper Matt & Ericka Thacker Tanya Topper Michael & Dana Treister Arlene Tucker Gary & Julie Turkel Dale & Nancy Turken Michael & Barbara Turner Leah Uhler Julian & Judith Ullman Jonathan Uretz & Lauren LaMalfa Kevin & Shoshana Vernick Rick Vernier & Boni Fine Phyllis Vihon Eric Wachtel Daniel & Annie Wachter Mark & Elizabeth Wagman Lindsay Wagner Robert & Marilyn Washburn Deborah L. Weber David & Lauren Weiner Randy & Lisa Weinstein Sondra Weisbaum Harry Weisman & Sandra Gerber-Weisman Scott & Laurie Weisman Bryan & Irena Weiss David & Bether Weiss Garry & Sharon Weiss Greg & Keren Weiss Marco & Joan Weiss Steve & Randy Weiss Jeremy & Colleen Werner Richard & Beth Wexner Peter & Deena Williams Eric & Dorothy Wolff Jack & Erika Yamin Larry & Susan Fisher Yellen James Zagel Brad & Jamie Zaransky Andrew Zarkowsky & Chai Wilensky Lisa Zaslavsky David Zwickl & Alyson Kirkpatrick NEW INTERIM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR MARGARET FRIEDMAN-VAUGHAN Temple Sholom welcomes Margaret Friedman-Vaughan as Interim Executive Director. Margaret comes to us having a lifelong involvement with congregations in the Reform movement. Whether as a paid staff member or a lay leader, Margaret has been instrumental in helping congregations find ways to move forward with their mission and outreach to the communities in which they are connected. For ten years Margaret was the Director of Life Long Learning and Temple Administrator at Rockdale Temple in Cincinnati, OH. Most recently she served as the Interim Executive Director at Congregation Beth Elohim in Brooklyn, NY. She is passionate about her work in both the Jewish and interfaith communities. Her areas of expertise include relationship building, fiscal management, staff supervision both professional and volunteer, and program development. Margaret spent the first half of her career in social work and health care administration and holds Master’s degrees in Health Care Administration from Webster University in St. Louis, MO and Theology from Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN. When she is not working, she and her husband enjoy bike riding, hiking, and exploring new places—like Chicago! We are very happy that she is here. SHOLOM JUSTICE: Create Change Together * Represents donations July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 If you would like to make a contribution in 5777 to join us in building our sacred community together, please contact Marla Krupman, Development Director at 773-435-1535 or visit www. NITZAVIM: STANDING UP FOR VOTER PROTECTION AND PARTICIPATION From August to November, the Reform Movement will be partnering with the NAACP, the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law and the PICO National Network to protect the right to vote this election year. RAC Associate Director and Commission on Social Action Director Barbara Weinstein spoke on Tuesday at a press conference with faith leaders launching PICO National Network’s Together We Vote Campaign. Barbara spoke of the pain our community feels as voter suppression excludes people of color from the political process and our resolve to promote and protect the right to vote this election. Sisterhood Potluck Dinner On October 27, the Sisterhood of Temple Sholom will sponsor a pot luck dinner to be held at the home of Rabbi Shoshanah Conover. Guests are invited to bring a favorite dish. The charge to attend will be $36 and all proceeds will go directly to sponsor The Reunification Ride, a chartered coach bus taking 50 children and care-givers to visit their mothers at Logan Correctional Center. For children with incarcerated mothers in Illinois, such visitations can be difficult as prisons are 180 miles outside of Illinois. The Reunification Ride bus provides a different kind of visit. Upon arrival families play games and eat lunch together. They take family photos, sometimes the only photo a child may have with their mother. The Sisterhood is pleased to provide an opportunity to strengthen the bond between these mothers and their children. Annual High Holiday Food Drive In our own day, in this urban environment, our obligation to the poor and hungry remains VOLUNTEERS strong. While most of us do not have a field from which the NEEDED! poor and hungry may glean, Yom Kippur Day we do have the Lakeview October 12th Food Pantry that provides food for those in need. This last year alone, Lakeview Pantry distributed food to more than 12,000 families. Let's all do our part by bringing at least one bag of nonperishable food with you on Yom Kippur Day, Oct. 12th. We can make a difference in combatting hunger! Rosh Hashanah Dinner Match-Up! ARE YOU A: Makom-er looking for a place to go for Rosh Hashanah Dinner? Sisterhood or Temple Sholom member and can host Makom-ers at your dinner? Makom (Sholom's 20s/30s group) & Sisterhood have joined together to create the High Holy Day Match-Ups! If you can host or need a place for Rosh Hashanah dinner, please contact [email protected] for more information. Deadline for match-up is September 18th, 2016. LIFELONG LEARNING B’NAI MITZVAH Carrie Lampert SEPTEMBER 10 Parents: Suzanne & Andrew What do you want me to do, go on television and tell 3 million people they have to be nice to each other? – Ghostbusters II, 1990 .dxez oi` ,ux` jxc oi` m` .ux` jxc oi` ,dxez oi` m` (Im ein Torah, ein derekh eretz. Im ein derekh eretz, ein Torah.) “Where there is no Torah, there will be no civility. Where there is no civility, there is no Torah.” – Rabbi Elazar ben Azaryah, Pirke Avot (Wisdom of our Ancestors) 3:17 This year, our education theme will be “Derekh Eretz” – literally, “the way of the land,” but often translated as civility or good manners. As we will learn together, Torah is our road map to find the right way to treat each other. EDUCATION OPENING DATES • Gan Shalom Early Childhood Center classes begin Tuesday, September 6 • New Religious School Parent Orientation Tuesday, September 6, 6:00pm, RSVP to [email protected] • Religious School begins with a JK-2nd Grade Family Assembly to meet teachers Sunday, September 11, 9:30am-12:05pm • 3rd-8th grade parents invited to meet teachers after school at 12:15pm • Don’t forget to register online for Religious School! In order to provide a positive and smooth first day for children, students registered after Sept 1, 2016 may not be eligible to attend the first day of school. • Midweek Hebrew begins Tuesday, September 13, 4:30-5:30pm & Wednesday, September 14, 6:30-7:30pm • Crown Family High School begins Wednesday, September 14, 6:15-8:30pm All 9th-12th graders are welcome to join us for dinner and see what we’re all about! • Adult Education begins Sunday, September 18, 9:30-11:45am. Look for the curriculum brochure coming in early September! YOUTH • Orr Shalom/Madrichim High School Ice Cream Social Sunday, September 11, 12:15-1:30pm • “Kef” (fun) Club Kickoff 3rd-6th grade Pizza dinners (Tuesday, September 13, 5:30-6:00pm; Wednesday, September 14, 6:00-6:30pm) • Join our Shofar Choir to rehearse for Rosh Hashanah! Sunday, September 18 & 25, 12:15-1:00pm; Monday, October 3, 8:30am • Chavrei Shalom/Noar Shalom Youth Group Kickoff for all 3rd-8th graders Sunday, September 25, 12:15-2:00pm. Lampert Sibling: Eliza School: Bernard Zell Mitzvah Project: Volunteers at the Lieberman Center for Health & Rehabilitation in Skokie Sydney Walters SEPTEMBER 10 Parents: Todd and Nicole Walters Sibling: Alexandra School: Palos South Jr. High Mitzvah Project: Provide crisis center women and children with school supplies. Ethan Balson SEPTEMBER 17 Parents: Katie & the late Brad Balson Siblings: Bennett & Molly School: North Park Elementary Mitzvah Project: Volunteered at Keshet as a buddy to special needs kids during their winter basketball program. Allison Fradin SEPTEMBER 17 Parents: Stephanie & Jarrett Fradin Sibling: Emily School: Nettelhorst Mitzvah Project: Lemonade Stand to Support Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago Gabriel McKenzie SEPTEMBER 17 Parents: Danna Brim & Martin McKenzie Sibling: Rachael School: Old Orchard Jr. High Mitzvah Project: Volunteered at Monday Meals Isabel Stahl SEPTEMBER 24 Parents: Claudia Allen & Philip Stahl Sibling: Benjamin School: Bernard Zell Mitzvah Project: Cooking and Serving the Monday Meal RSVP to Sari Cornfeld for all youth events at [email protected] FAMILIES • “Welcome Back” Family-Friendly Shabbat dinner & New Member Open House Friday, September 9, 5:30pm. RSVP to [email protected] • JK-2nd grade Religious School Junior Congregation. Sunday, September 25, 11:30AM-12:00pm • 5th-8th grade Retreat Family Orientation Meetings. Tuesday, September 27, 5:30-6:00pm and Wednesday, September 28, 7:30-8:00pm. RSVP to [email protected] Benjamin Stahl SEPTEMBER 24 Parents: Claudia Allen & Philip Stahl Sibling: Isabel School: Bernard Zell Mitzvah Project: Supporting Persons in Need at the Lakeview Pantry For complete B'nai Mitzvah bios please visit G’MILUT CHASADIM CIRCLE ($500-$999) CONTINUED Howard & Elizabeth Samuels Brad & Lesley Sarnoff Chad & Juliana Schafer Robert & Elyce Schlesinger Michael & Sari Schultz The Schwartz-Fenwick Family Clifford & Nancy Scott-Rudnick David & Suzanne Shoub Leonard Siegal & Cathy Stix Morris Silverman Nikki Singer Stephen & Jennifer Skok David & Robin Small Gary Smith & Sherry Rosenblum Robert & Judith Smoller Frederick & Jennifer Snyder Matt & Dora Snyder Michael & Donna Socol Marc Stahl & Ellen Ahern S. Ronald Stone John Tapper & Carolyn Bronstein Kenneth & Carol Tarnoff Karen Titus Robert Urowsky Michael & Dana Weiss Aaron & Lindsay Yaffa DONORS(UP TO $499) Cyril & Gillian Abrahams Tina Abramovitch & Molly Peters Janice Abrohams Matthew & Jessica Ackerson Brad & Laurie Akers Andrew & Jessica Albert Geoff & Lori Alexander David & Dora Altschuler John & Shanah Annes Daniel & Karin Appelbaum Harry Applebaum & Linda Feinfeld Brian Arbetter & Lorraine Kaplan Arbetter Ben Arkes Jon & Lori Arnold Jonathan & Stephanie Arnold Paul & Sally Arnold Richard & Linda Arrandt Jeannie Aschkenasy Steve & Erica Attanasio Gary & Rachel Axelrod James Baird & Wendy Stock Katie Balson John & Ellyn Bank Fredrick & Linda Barder Walter & Betty Barker Harold & Roberta Barron Scott & Jill Baskin Gerald & Joan Mae Bayer Josh & Diane Berin Jeffrey S. Berke Sharon Berman Michael Berman & Sara Jaffe Berman Bernard Zell Anshe Emet Day School Gal & Sagit Bernstein Rob & Michelle Bernstein Neal & Linda Berz Bill & Sue Bettman Norm& Joelle Bilow Adam & Jennifer Bitterman Russell Bittmann & Moria Fisher Adam Block & Danielle Zucker Matthew Block & Danielle Robinson Roger Block William McCrea & Margot Bogue Bernard & Richele Brainin Andy Braudy & Sun Joo Kim Stefen Lippitz & Kristi Braunecker Dan & Robyn Brenner Leah Breslow Rose Ann Breyer Joseph Brown & Kimberly Deeb Jeff & Lauren Burrows Leon & Susan Cahn Jack Calabro Edward & Evelina Casey Terry & Susan Chapman Ronald Charfoos Stacy & Matt Charnay David & Loren Chernoff Lauren Chill Beverly Clor Linda Cohen Daniel & Stacy Cohen Danny Cohen & Bernard Cherkasov David Cohen & Regan Valfer Harlan & Stephanie Cohen Harriet Cohen Lee & Jessica Cohen Thomas Conroy Lauren Cooper Stuart & Heidi Cooper Aileen Cornbleet Howard Cort Erwin Coyne (z"l) Mark & Michelle Cukier Joshua & Erica Daitch Jeffrey & Allison Dan Brian & Cookie David Fern Bomchill Davis Mark & Judy Davis Amy Dean Tom & Samantha DeKoven Dennis & Karen Delee Andrea Deutch Allan & Sharon Deutsch Matthew Dicker & Kelsey Hornbach Kenneth & Judith Ditkowsky Ilana Z. Dobrin Yonah Dokarker & Pamela Bondy Helene Domash Brad & Shari Dorfman Andrew & Esther Dosick Michele Dremmer Nicole Drusinsky Maxine Durst Paul Dykstra Frances Eaton James & Jacque Ehrlich Rob & Rachel Eisenberg Isaac Elnecave & Rachel Lessem Ross & Emily Emmerman Arella Engel Benjamin & Sara Eno Phyllis Epstein J. Steven Everett & Daryl Isenberg Shawn & Jennifer Fabian Richard & Pamela Fantus Jeffrey Fayerman Sara Feigenholtz Lowell Feinstein & Katherine Uphoff Diane Felber Roger & Eleanor Feldman David & Nooshin Felsenthal Steve & Debbie Felsenthal Richard & Karen Ferdman Penny Feuerstein Phyllis Feuerstein Steven Files & David Grossman Michael & Lindsay Fineman Daniel & Kerry Finkel Chad & Hope Firsel Betsy Fishman Jonathan & Jamie Fishman Michael & Allison Fishman Shirley Fleischman David & Carol Fleishman Grigoriy & Mara Flidlider Beverly Flynn Thomas & Aimee Foreman Martha Fourt & Patricia Benjamin Jessica Fox Jarrett & Stephanie Fradin Stuart Frankel & Rita Mirman Andrew & Alexandra Franklin Shirley Freilich Marilyn Freund Jordan & Jamie Friedman Erica Friedman Richard & Lois Fuhrer Ron Gaba & Madhu Gundavaram Joseph & Leslie Garber Meyer & Marilynn C. Garfin Craig & Leslie Garthwaite Carl & Jaime Gatenio Richard & Lynne Gelb Cheryl Gelfond Mike & Rachel Geller Tony LoSasso & Susan Gerber Micah & Becca Gerchenson Morris & Marina Gershengorin Lorraine Frank Gilead Lloyd Gillman Richard & Sharon Gillman Jordan & Erin Gilman Jonathan & Rebecca Glick Michelle Glick Brian & Lauren Goldberg Ross Goldberg Theodore & Margaret Goldberg Harvey & Inge Golden Marty & Sandra Goldman Aaron & Jordana Goldstein Gary & Michelle Goldstein Sara Golub-Pyles David & Sheri Goodman James & Jennifer Goodman Leonard Goodman Lynda Gordon Sam & Alison Gordon Kenneth & Barbara Gore Douglas & Sherry Gorin Richard & Barbara Goynshor Mitchell Loewenthal Grassini & Andy Simmons Sadelle Greenblatt Eric & Jamie Grodsky Marla Gross Daniel & Caroline Grossman Greg & Emily Grossman Robert E. Grossman Michael & Melissa Gurovitsch Gregory & Genna Guttman Debbie Halpern Sam & Judi Halpern Andrew & Barrie Hananel Andrew & Tracie Harris Noah & Anna Hartman Barry & Sandi Hartstein Arlene Hausman Hebrew Union College Caroline Heck Miller Larry & Ivy Hecker Gary Heiferman E. Herman Heimann, Jr. Uri & Tamar Heller Jason & Wendy Heltzer Kathy Herder Micah & Sarah Herman Helene Herson Jason & Amanda Hirsh James & Linda Hochman David Hoffman & Joanne Copeland Gerald Hoffman (z"l) Doris Holleb Andrew & Allison Hoppe Sonny & Sandy Horberg William & Susan Howe Merrill & Bernette Hoyt Ferit & Asli Hurdogan Anita Ilika Andrea Jacobson Marshall & Beverly Jacobson Barry & Megan Janovsky Sarah Johnson Neal & Jodie Joseph Scott & Melissa Kaeser Shimon & Jill Kahan Robert & Deborah Kahn Sanford & Judy Kahn Eileen Kaiser Rebecca Kalla Perry & Elena Kamel Aaron & Lisa Kaplan Donald Kaplan Israela Kaplan James & Lindsay Kaplan Jim Kaplan & Liz Taylor Sydney Karp Peter & Lisa Katz Jay & Michelle Kaufman Robert & Janice Kaufman Raelee Kelley Joel & Lisa Kendall Sean & Sipedah Keyvan Richard & Erica King Murray & Barbara Kite Andrew Klein & Lori Rakita Gale Klein Michael & Debra Klevens Wendy Kline Carol Koenig Charlene Lieber Linda Konitz Jay Korach & Liz Kogen Susan Kornblit Adam Kornblitt & Jenna Brubaker Lilli Kornblum Scott & Pamela Kramer Elaine Krauss Kenneth Kromash & Joanne Oppenheim Thank you to all the donors listed here that invested generously in Temple Sholom of Chicago in 5776* CIRCLE OF LIFE ($18,000+) Anonymous Lawrence & Carol Levy Kathy Pick Michael & Roslynne Supera Steven & Barbara Wolf CIRCLE OF LIGHT ($10,000-$17,999) Joel & Renay Bayer John Bremen & Lara Frohlich John & Jackie Bucksbaum Lawrence & Lesley Fain The Kovler Family John Rokacz & Susan Lichtenstein Jamie & Sara Star RABBI’S CIRCLE ($5,000-$9,999) Steven & Joy Baer Adam & Melissa Berman Michael & Pamela Gordon Jonathan Karmel Ted Keim & Marielle Lifshitz Steven Koch Robert & Karen Lewis Stuart & Jennifer Litwin Laura Glaser Robert & Linda Mendelson Judith London Newton Michael Stein & Judy Rhinestine Robert & Eileen Stein Bruce & Jan Tranen Debra Weese-Mayer Don & Edna Weiss Joan Werhane TORAH CIRCLE ($2,500-$4,999) James & Renee Akers Charles & Caryn Brissman Jonathan & Lena Brodsky Aaron & Nichole Charfoos Adam DeWitt & Merritt Rochman DeWitt Steve Fadem & Laurie Baskin David & Beth Inlander Irving & Alisa Kagan James & Judith Klutznick Barry & Jayna Kroll Latin School of Chicago Mark Levine & Andrea Kott Robert & Joan Lipsig Jon & Danielle Loevy Frederick & Gail Manning David Narefsky & Linda Goodman Craig Niederberger & Karen Lewak Fred & Michelle Pollock Robert & Ericka Reese Roger & Teri Rudich Buzz Ruttenberg Roberta Schwartz John & Judith Shear Stuart & Holly Sorkin Ken & Kathy Tallering Karen Wallerstein Jonathan & Julie Walner Marc & Debbie Willage AVODAH CIRCLE ($1,000-$2,499) Nadine Abrahams William Anspach & Terezia Rabai Todd & Julie Balber Bradley & Lauren Bass Robert & Sheryl Bellick Avi & Nancy Bernstein Donald & Nancy Borzak Wayne & Cheryl Burton Catholic Theological Union Jack & Nancy Cohen Foster & Janet Dale Dan & Stacy Derby Scott & Sara Fisher The Florsheim/Friedes Family Judith Friedman Philip & Regan Friedmann Janet Belsky Z. Leah Harris & David Gius Edwin & Melanie Cole Goldberg Josh & Irene Goldstein Sheldon & Susan Good Charles & Marjorie Goodman Bradford & Jill Gordon Martin & Iris Gradman Ernest & Cheryl Gutmann Peter & Lynn Gutzmer Jon & Jodi Harris Jim & Alison Hirshorn Daniel & Emily Hoffman Charles & Susan Ifergan Elan & Tamar Jacoby Ryan Joseph & Amanda Kleeman Peter & Amy Kadens Adam & Elise Kaplan Neil Katz Marc Kaufman & William Healey Mark Landolt & Jennifer Lane Landolt Frederic & Jeanie Lane Harold A. & Lynn P. Leftwich Trust Steven & Teresa Levin Chris Hallett & Jackie Lustig Larry & Lynda Mayster Scott Mendeloff & Julie Stone Greg & Lisa Miner Cade & Bari Mlodinoff Sean & Gail O'Connor Vincent Panozzo & Lori Silverman Michael & Shelley Radner Richard & Gloria Reifler Reagan Romali Joshua & Amy Rosenow Ashley & Joan Ross Richard Rothman Bess Schatz Brian & Mandy Shaw Mitchell & Sharon Sheinkop Larry & Janet Shiff Rose Shure (z"l ) Daniel & Charla Simon Sunny Steinlauf Joel & Donna Stender Fred Tannenbaum & Marilyn Spracker Marshall Warshauer Larry & Sharon Weil Brad & Beth Ann Zerman Peter & Debbie Zollo David & Julie Zwick G’MILUT CHASADIM CIRCLE ($500-$999) Greg & Sasha Adler James & Sheila Rae Amend Daniel & Taryn Aronson David & Lisa Aronson Mark & Linda Bachmann Lottie Bell David & Alice Berger David & Joan Berkson Michael & Grace Berkson Stuart Berman & Sarah Barrish Danny Bernstein & Marla Krupman Frima Blumenthal Joseph & Blake Breslow Jerry & Trina Gleicher Donald & Helen Brown Barry & Jacqueline Chatz Damien & Shoshanah Conover Sheldon Cooper Jonathan & Marley Cyrluk Michael Dallek & Debra Stern Maarten de Jeu & Smita Shah Steve & Stacey Dombar David Dror & Devorah Schoenfeld Carmella Eichbaum Jeff & Elyse Ellman Michael & Sally Feder Howard Feldman & Katherine Billingham Annette Fetman Sharna Fetman Josh Fienberg & Audra Berg Jerome & Rhoda Frankel Harley & Marjorie Gantman Robin & Jamie Petrovic Gayle Stefi Geisel Jackie Gilson Garret & Lulu Glaser Claire Glasser Jeremy Graff & Jessica Stern Aaron & Rachel Gray Jennifer Gross Steve Grossman & Rachel Perlman Bonnie Harris Jeffrey & Andrea Hesser Donald & Kristy Hirsch Jon & Lizzie Hirschtritt Frances Hoffman Douglas & Hallie Hohner Coty Hutton Jeffrey & Randi Infusino Daniel & Julie Jacobson Benjamin & Julie Kadish Roberta Karper Paul & Betsy Katz Edward & Mindy Kirsh Holly Kremin Shelly Kulwin & Lisa Coconato Matthew Kutcher & Rebecca Richards James & Alison Lange Marshall Lavin Alan & Edina Lessack Sylvia Lessman Jonathan & Amy Lester Barbara Levie Ruth Lewis Ronald & Gail Lichterman David & Elizabeth Liebovitz David Lipschultz & Arin Stone Bryan & Pamela Lookatch Mat MacCumber & Judith Weinstein Paul Mann & Jillian Gutman Mann James & Andrea Maremont Jonathan & Stephanie Marks Bonita Marx Thomas & Harlene Matyas Michael Mokotoff & Jaclyn Kramer Jeffrey & Marjorie Moss Judith Nemes Michael & Phoebe Nitekman Marie Ogden Brian Ortiz & Keith Stolte Robert D. Pearlman Trust Jeff & Lindsay Plous Rob & Tory Polak Michael & Debi Prince Serge Pushinsky Paul Quinn Julius Rabai Alex Reich & Siesan Bullock Aaron & Dana Rice Gary & Michelle Rich Ron & Liz Rosenthal Kimberly Ross David & Valerie Rubenstein Olga Rubinov Paul Rubinov & Marina Raykin Evelyn Russell-Johnson Irwin & Janice Saltz URJ CAMP OSRUI A Summer That Lasts A Lifetime Since 1952, OSRUI has provided campers a place to build lifelong friendships, explore Judaism, and have the time of their lives. OSRUI IS ALSO OUR RETREAT CENTER! November 11-13: 5th-8th grade • february 3-5: 9th-12th grade • march 3-5: 3rd grade families SEPTEMBER at Temple Sholom SUND AY MOND A Y T UESD A Y WEDN E S D A Y OPEN HOUSE for New & Prospective Members & Family-Friendly Shabbat THURSDAY 1 11:00 AM, Morning Book Club Friday, September 9, 5:30 PM Reception Join us as we welcome new & prospective members as well as honor those who are celebrating a milestone membership anniversary! 4 5 7 GAN FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL 8:30 AM, Talmud StudyDaf Shevui 10:00 AM, AL Anon Family Group 10:00 AM, Wednesday Morning Study Group 6:30 PM, Mah Jong 13 14 9:30 AM, RELIGIOUS SCHOOL 3:30 PM, Monday Meal OPENING DAY, Back-to6:30 PM, Book Club School Family Assembly 7:00 PM, Taste of Judaism 9:30 AM, Feed the Hungry 9:45 AM, Mishpacha Sunday Social, BPH 4:00 PM, Gan Back-to-School Bash! 8:30 AM, Talmud StudyDaf Shevui 10:00 AM, AL Anon Family Group 4:30 PM, FIRST DAY MIDWEEK HEBREW 5:30 PM, Kef club kick-off 10:00 AM, Wednesday Morning Study Group 6:00 PM, Kef Club Kick-Off 6:30 PM, Mah Jong 6:30 PM, CFHS FIRST NIGHT 6:30 PM, FIRST DAY MIDWEEK HEBREW 18 20 21 8:30 AM, Talmud StudyDaf Shevui 10:00 AM, AL Anon Family Group 4:30 PM, Midweek Hebrew 10:00 AM, Wednesday Morning Study Group 6:00 PM, Or Chadash, A Wider Bridge 6:15 PM, CFHS 6:30 PM, Mah Jong 6:30 PM, Midweek Hebrew 27 28 11 9:30 AM, Religious School 9:30 AM, Adult Ed 4:00 PM, Mishpacha Family Miniature Golf (offsite) 25 9:30 AM, Religious School, Yom Derekh Eretz 9:30 AM, Adult Ed 12:15 PM, Youth Event, Mini Maccabiah Kick-off BUILDING CLOSED NO MONDAY MEAL 6 12 19 3:30 PM, Monday Meal 7:00 PM, Taste of Judaism 26 3:30 PM, Monday Meal 6:30 PM, Adult B'nai Mitzvah Seminar 7:00 PM, Taste of Judaism 8:30 AM, Talmud StudyDaf Shevui 10:00 AM, AL Anon Family Group 4:30 PM, Midweek Hebrew 10:00 AM, Wednesday Morning Study Group 6:15 PM, CFHS 6:30 PM, Mah Jong 6:30 PM, Midweek Hebrew 8 15 22 29 FRIDAY 2 SATURDAY 3 5:45 PM, Wine & Cheese 6:15 PM, Shabbat Service 7:30 PM, Special Joint Oneg with Or Chadash 8:00 PM, Or Chadash Service & Torah Installation 9:00 AM, Morning Study Minyan 9 10 5:30 PM, Open House for New & Prospective Members and FamilyFriendly Shabbat 6:15 PM, Family-Friendly Shabbat Service Selichot 9:00 AM, Morning Study Minyan 10:30 AM, Bat Mitzvah, Sydney Walters 2:00 PM Mindful Jewish Aging 4:30 PM, Bat Mitzvah, Carrie Lampert 16 17 12:00 PM, Downtown Talmud Study 5:45 PM, Wine & Cheese 6:15 PM, Shabbat Service, September Birthday Blessings 7:30 PM, Sushi Shabbat 9:00 AM, Morning Study Minyan 10:30 AM, B'nai Mitzvah, Ethan Balson & Allison Fradin 4:30 PM, Bar Mitzvah, Gabriel McKenzie 23 24 5:45 PM, Wine & Cheese 6:15 PM, Shabbat Service 5:30 PM, Super-Hero Tot Shabbat 6:00 PM, Super-Hero Dinner 30 5:45 PM, Wine & Cheese 6:15 PM, Shabbat Service For more complete details (click on event on calendar page for details) 9:00 AM, Morning Study Minyan 10:00 AM, Mini Mishpacha Pumpkin Picking (offsite) 10:30 AM, B'nai Mitzvah, Benjamin & Isabel Stahl 8:00 PM Selichot SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 8:00 PM Meet The Clergy Team: High Holy Day Spiritual Preparation Beit Midrash 9:00 PM Dessert Reception LSL 9:30 PM Piloting New Selichot Service Beit Midrash CONTACT TEMPLE SHOLOM Main Phone: 773-525-4707 Gan Shalom: 773-525-4867 email: [email protected]
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