West Gippsland Vehicle Restorers Club Inc.


West Gippsland Vehicle Restorers Club Inc.
Est. 1985
West Gippsland
Vehicle Restorers
Club Inc.
I S S U E :
2014/15 Committee
President’s Report
Pg. 5
Calendar of events
“Entrants Choice”
Club Newsletter
O c t o b e r 2 014
W e s t
G i p p s l a n d
V e h i c l e
R e s t o r e r s
C l u b I n c .
Committee Members &
Club Representatives
Gerry Marvin 0488776061
Gary Davey 03 5625 5281
Jill Davey
03 5625 5281
Social Secretary
Di Goodbody 03 5623 6965
Donna Nieuwenhuys 0409 173 040
Email: [email protected]
PO Box 220 Newborough 3825
Fran Molony 03 5625 2930
Public Officer
Clubrooms and Library Are Open:
Clubrooms located in St. John Ambulance
Building, Anderson Street, Warragul
(Corner of Anderson & Burke Street).
Open 10:00 am – 12:00 pm Saturday morning
for a ‘cuppa and a chat’.
All visitors welcome!
For more information contact
Dirk Kurpershoek 03 5623 6213
Club Meetings
General Meetings are held the 2nd Saturday of
every month at 11:00 am.
Internet Places of interest:
Federation Website:
A.O.M.C. Website:
Building Caretaker
Bert West 03 5628 5314
Federation Representatives
Colin Higman 03 5629 9532
Shirley Higman 03 5629 9532
OAMC Delegate
Gary Davey 03 5625 5281
Colin Higman 03 5629 9532
Permit Registrar / Signatory
Jason Cini 0402129071
Jim Muldowney 03 5625 2289
Norm Baberton 03 5629 9154
Neville Christie 03 5127 2912
WGVRC Newsletter October 2014
Club Newsletter is published the 1st week
of every month. Items for the newsletter
must be to the Editor by the last Wednesday of each month. Club Run information
should be sent to the Editor for inclusion in
the Club Newsletter.
Disclaimer: The West Gippsland Vehicle Restorers
Club Inc. Committee of Management and club members accept no responsibility for the accuracy of information, opinions and views printed in this Newsletter and are not liable for any actions, damage or
incidents that may arise
from any or all of the information contained within.
President’s Report
There has also been a great turnout to the last two
club outing on the bikes and cars . It really is a lot
of fun when so many show up. Now that the
weather is improving
I hope you never miss a chance to get out and enjoy
it with us.
I am also very encouraged by all the feedback I’m
getting. One such idea was the prospect of introducing family memberships. This will encourage
more participation by younger members. Sons,
daughters, grandchildren, wives and /or girlfriends,
boyfriends, significant others (you get the picture),
will have more of an opportunity to be part of our
club family. More details will follow at our next
The idea of a twilight ride/ drive on a Wednesday
evening is also gaining momentum. Can’t wait to
head out on a warm evening cruise followed by a
frothy and a meal.
It’s great to see so many new members around. If
you are new member I extend a warm welcome to
you and hope that you can enjoy more than just the
benefits of cheap club registration.
Why not bring other members of your family along
and share our club story with your friends.
a body of work that a few of our members are working on .
I appeal to you help them by being open minded as to what
is possible rather than being constrained by what has
As I speak of change at Vic roads, our club too is in the
midst of change. Some are subtle, some more obvious.
I am sure as we continue on this journey we will occasionally stub our toes on unexpected obstacles. I hope you feel
sufficiently confidence in the current stewards of the club
to accept the changes with
a tiny ounce of trepidation, a good dollop of humour and
oodles of enthusiasm.
Finally I wanted to again thank our hosts the Vietnam Vets
for their hospitality and taking such good care of my puppy
From slobber guts (Osca) and me.. Keep them wagons
As you have noted from the last meeting there are
changes proposed to the CPS scheme. This presents
a great opportunity for our club to streamline our
process and procedures.
I am focussed on developing a simple system that
meets our statutory obligations and makes for a
pleasant experience for our members. I know this is
Editors Note
Welcome to October everyone, I
hope this finds you well and are enthusiastic about our up and coming social
calendar. We had a fantastic night at
the Movie and Casserole night. I was
very impressed by everyone's culinary
skills, we had a great feed and who
doesn’t like Bert Monroe from Invercargill? Thank you to everyone who
came, The next one planned is a Bingo
and Pizza night on the 17th , its only
$5 and should also be a fun way to
fill in a boring old Friday night.
As usual a few bike and car runs , I am
looking forward to the blessing of the
Bikes at Mirboo Nth this weekend. A
cool picnic at Mt Worth, will be a trip
worth doing and a little run out to Gypsy
Creek for a Wine or water if your driving! We have a twilight run lined up too
keeping us all very busy.
Congratulations to this months front
cover , Roy Stayches, who entered his
car in the fathers day show at Old
Gippstown, taking out ‘Entrants Choice”
Well done Roy, I managed to secure you
front page!! If anyone doesn't know I
forgot to put Roy in a few months ago
for another run and I haven't lived it
down since, hope this makes up for it
Apparently the run to the Vietnam Vets
was a lovely outing enjoyed by all
those who attended. Peter Towns
has also been busy and has sent
in a report on his last trip, we have
put that in 2 parts as he was quite
busy. This month I am participating in the Great Amazing race
in Melbourne again, its very challenging but loads of fun.
Keep smiling and keep moving
Donna :o)
West Gippsland Vehicle Restorers Club Inc.
R u n s , R i d e s & E v e n t s 2 014
Sat 4th
Bike run—Blessing of bike - starts 11.00am meet Inline Café,
Mirboo Nth
Sat 11th
General Meeting—Clubrooms 11.00am
Sun 12th
Bike ride—leave clubrooms at 10.00am
Fri 17th
Bingo and Pizza night, $5 6.30pm at Clubrooms
Sunday 19th
Leave clubrooms at 10:30 am for a scenic run to Mt
Worth. Bring a picnic lunch. There are nice walks if you’re
Bike ride—leave clubrooms at 10.00am
Tues 28th
Wed 29th
Leave clubrooms at 1:30 for a scenic run to Gypsy Creek
31st—4th Nov
Wed 5th
Sat 8th
Sunday 9th
GVMVDC Inc. Rally of the Valley
Committee meeting - Clubrooms 6.30pm
General meeting - Clubrooms 1100.am
Bike Ride -Leave clubrooms at 10.00am
Wed 12- Friday 14 3 Day Run. Leave Clubrooms at 9:00 am. Traralgon, Tarra
Bulga, Yarram, Port Albert, Agnes Falls, Foster, Leongatha
and Poowong.
Mon 24th
Presidents Birthday - venue to be confirmed
Wed 26th
Run to Korumburra – Kelly’s Bakery. Leave clubrooms at
1:00 pm. See pg 5
Sun 30th
Rex’s old banger Run - See page 5 for more details
Sunday 7th
Combined Christmas Picnic with Dandy Valley Club
Sunday 14th
Club Christmas Lunch - Venue to be confirmed
All Runs listed on this page are “ Club Runs” or runs arranged by an Authorized Vic Roads Club.
Please carry correctly filled out log book at all times.
Runs marked by * are eligible for the Dorrie Stoll Award
WGVRC Newsletter October 2014
Roy entered the Fathers Day Car Show at Heritage Park Moe at the spur of
the moment. He paid an exhibitor’s entry and displayed it along the main
street, near the Post Office and Fire Station. This show has been organised
and run by the Custom and Classic Car Club in Moe for a few years now,
and every dollar from the exhibitors and public entry goes to the ongoing
upkeep of Moe’s Heritage Park. This show has judging for all different categories, with Trophies awarded on the day. A lot of the cars here have
cost their owners serious amounts of money anywhere from 40 – 100
thousand dollars, not to mention shed time on weekends and nights. The
standard of work is extremely high with as the clubs name suggests, a lot
of them are custom cars. There is not many “off the shelf” parts for these
cars so most of the owners do their own work. Some of the cars in the
Classic category are restored or just have been kept in unbelievable condition for 30 – 50 years. There were a few cars from the 20’s and 30’s, of
which one was Roy’s ’38 Chev Roadster. The other entrants exhibiting cars voted his
car as “Entrants Choice”, this is well deserved as this car has cost him the most
money and shed time of all his restored vehicles.
Congratulations Roy
The Hundred Mile
Kick-Start Classic
Sunday 30th November 2014
Arrive WGVRC Clubrooms from 9:00am for Morning Tea.
Leave Club at 10.00am and ride to Loch for toilet stop (10min)
Leave Loch 10.45am for the most scenic ride in Victoria,
Via Woolamai and Kilcunda to Wonthaggi for lunch. A wide choice
of food available, plenty of parking at bottom of McBride
St ...Plenty of time to chinwag
Leave Wonthaggi at 1.45pm for a run Via Inverloch and Outtrim to
Kelly’s Korumburra for another toilet stop and more eats if you
can manage it.
Leave Korumburra around 3.30pm for Warragul, Drouin, Morwell or
any direction you like.
So fettle your old bike and pray for better weather
than last year
56 251 463
WGVRC General MEETING Saturday,
Sep 13 2014
Welcome & Present: 1105 start Gerry welcomed everyone.
Apologies: John, Ian Lyn &Jim Muldowney, Shirley Higman,
Bill Shelton, Marg & Ron Cox, Norm & Lyn from Longwarry,
John Young From Longwarry. Charlie & Joe Baldacchino.
Minutes of Previous Meeting:
Moved: Di
Carried: Unanimously
Business Arising from the Minutes: Nil
Secretary Report:
Correspondence In
Bendigo Bank Statements, Rally of the Valley entry forms,
swap meet and rare spares parts lists, also book sales lists
and the Club Newsletters which will be in the library for
members to read.
Correspondence Out: Nil
Vice President: and AMOC Report:
At the AMOC meeting Vic roads officials attended and explained the proposed changes to the Club Permit Scheme
(CPS). The most profound change will be from 25 to 30
years for qualification for CPS registration. We have until 6
October to respond in writing to Vicroads proposal. We will
respond and ask any questions we have. The club will need
to establish a safety inspection for pre 1930 vehicles as there
are no roadworthy standards. Dirk asked: As the club currently asks for RWC for pre 1930 vehicles, can we continue
with this process. A short discussion interrupted the report.
The CPS scheme will change at the in December to mean all
cars built after 1930 will need a roadworthy. Bikes, modified
and heavy vehicles will not change at this stage. Vic roads
do break the vehicles up into 3 categories pre 1931, post
1931 to 1948 and 1948 to 1969 and 1969 to current. Therefore the RWC for a CPS vehicle should consider the age and
WGVRC Newsletter October 2014
Gary will organise the CPS signatories to a sub-committee to
prepare a submission to Vic Roads.
There were many questions and some discussion breaking
into the report, Gary asked members to submit questions to
himself or he CPS Sign signatories so they can be included in
our submission.
Also the AMOC all British day will not be at Flemington any
more but at Mornington. Vicroads spoke on issue of D
shackles as was previously mentioned in our Newsletter.
President’s Report:
Gerry continues to follow on from what we discussed last
meeting about the future of the club. He said want to be
inclusive rather than exclusive, and broaden the scope of the
club. Gerry said he will try to steer the club in that direction.
We are looking at putting motor bikes in the emblem and
asking is the arts centre still relevant. We are also revisiting
the club uniform. We now have a treasurer and assistant,
President to introduces and thanks them. Changes to CPS Gary will talk more about as AMOC. Gerry acknowledge the
contribution of our social managers and said we will try to
have more variety in events.
Treasurer’s Report:
Reports for July and August presented:
Carried: Unanimously
roadworthiness of the vehicle at the time of manufacture.
All new entrants to the scheme will need to provide photos
of their cars, we will need to consider storage of these photos.
Member’s Welfare: We sadly had some members lose a
family member this month, Rex and Fay, Ron, Lyn and Jim.
Our condolences to them and their families
Social Secretary ––Report on the Movie Night:- it was a
great night thanks to everyone who brought food it was a
great success.
Bingo Night - we had planned for 17th October, but may
need to revisit this date We will ask people put in $5 for a
pizza tea.
Cup weekend - the Rally of the Valley is our major event.
Overnight mid week trip is on in November. Possibly a poker run in November. Also we organising a twilight run with
either a pub tea or a BBQ.
Editor’s Report: thanks for submissions, reminder that any
submissions for the newsletter need to be with Donna by
the Wednesday of the last week of the month, or earlier.
Submit by Email please. Gerry acknowledged the fine work
of the newsletter.
Membership: still no membership report as we do not have
a membership secretary at the moment.
Building Caretaker Report
The fire extinguishers have been removed and will be taken
to be checked. The building has been cleaned and looks
nice. Rain came into the ladies toilet possibly through the
skylights. In the St John's room, there is wet patches.. The
front door needs cleaning. we are still working on fixing the
timber over the front door. The tap in the kitchen has been
General Business:
Barry read out the runs for Sept, and spoke about the midweek 3 day run. Also people are stepping up to lead the
Items for sale:- Morris 1800 sedan $1000, and a Datsun
Gerry advised members of motion the committee passed to
widen the scope of our vehicles.
Meeting finished at 12:05.
Mid-Week Run to Yarragon – Wednesday 10th September
The run was led by Wendy and Barry Hitchins in their Mercedes
450SL, followed by Neil and Helen Bagot who took Margaret and
Laurie Owen in their Ford A-Model. Fran and Ian Troughton in
their Polo (no – it was not a mint with a hole!!) came next followed by Fay and Rex Bastin in their Ford Beaut Ute. Then came
Colin Higman and Norm Baberton sharing a Ford and John and
Pearl McLean in their new Jaguar. Last but not least came Mac
and Di in their modern car.
We headed south through Bona Vista and went along Bull
Swamp for the first time, then turned up Gainsborough Road,
right into East-West Road, and back through Bona Vista and then
along Bull Swamp Road where there were definitely no bulls but
lots of “Collingwood” Cows!!
From there we went along Hazeldean Road into the main street
of Yarragon where we were met by Bob and Elva Fisher in their
Datsun 120Y. We proceeded to the Gippsland Food and Wine
Tea Rooms where we all enjoyed a scrumptious afternoon tea
and a good chat!
Di Goodbody
Report from the Social Secretary
The casserole tea on 5th September was a roaring success and everyone enjoyed “The Fastest Indian”.
The Bingo will be held on 17th October – we will be having pizzas at $5.00 each – please let us know if
you have any dietary requirements.
The Cup Weekend Rally of the Valley is on. Do people who cannot go to that want us to organize
something else?
Overnight midweek trip is on in November and possible a Poker Run in November!
Very sad to hear that the family of Jim and Lyn Muldowney have had a recent bereavement. Our condolences.
Also news of Norm Baberton was in hospital last week. Glad to hear you are recovering get well soon
Di Goodbody
17th Oct
Friday Night Social Event
Bingo ‘n’ Pizza
WGVRC Clubrooms 6.30 pm Friday 17th October.
$5 per person
Please advise of any dietary requirements,
Chicken and garden salad will also be available
contact Di Goodbody 035623696
A number of the members have suggested a 3 day run. We did one 3 years ago to Lakes Entrance and
it was a big hit. And so, with a lot of advice from fellow members the following is the plan.
Head to Traralgon for morning tea and then via Tara Bulga National Park for a picnic lunch.
On to Yarram where we stay overnight at the Tarra Yarram Hotel.
Explore Yarram (historic cemetery and gallery, etc.). Then onto to Port Albert for lunch (fish
& chips if you like or bring your own). After lunch wind our way to Agnes Falls and finish in
Fosters to stay overnight at the Wilson Prom Motel.
Leisurely drive home via Korumburra and lunch at the Poowong Hotel and then home.
We will put up a sign up sheet on the board in the clubrooms for those interested. In order to book
the motel rooms we will require a deposit of $50 per person. We need to book this before September
to hold the rooms. Details will be posted on the board in the clubrooms.
It’s a great chance to get to know your fellow members and see some beautiful scenery.
Barry Hitchins
WGVRC Newsletter October 2014
5th September
Friday night at the movies
Longwarry Vietnam Vets M.C .
Sunday 21st September
Our run to the Vietnam Vets started out with beautiful weather. Too bad
it wasn't quite warm enough to have the top down. With 10 cars and 2
motorbikes in formation we left the clubrooms for our scenic drive to
Longwarry North. Our run took us the back way into Yarragon, past
Shady Creek (where we did a 'see you in January' salute), to Neerim
South, Jindivick and past Labertouche to arrive at our destination.
Waiting for us was 'Grot' who had our designated parking all worked
out. The Vets are working on their lawn at the back so we were asked to
park on the side of the road which was no problem at all. The day was
so lovely many took the opportunity to admire the bikes parked on the
lawn. The Vietnam Vets have certainly beautified the grounds and the
War Memorial is very impressive.
We were surprised by the lovely dog tied at the fence. More
like a horse really. It turns out Jerry has adopted this very
timid boy who, once he got to know you, was very, very
friendly. Stand back when he shakes his head, though drool!
Our host, T-Rat (Russell) met us and welcomed us. They had the tables
set beautifully and the bar manned for those thirsty souls. We had lots
of time to admire the various displays of war memorabilia before lunch
was served. Maurie was the early bird avoiding the run and arriving at
Longwarry North before the club cars. Eva was a welcome latecomer
just in time for lunch! So it all worked out.
WGVRC Newsletter October 2014
The boys served a huge lunch of beautifully tender roast beef and gravy,
mashed potatoes whipped and baked into decorative cones,
peas, carrots and beans and cheese cake for dessert. All for
the grand sum of $15! Everyone enjoyed their dessert except Ian who doesn't eat cake so the fellows gave him another serve of roast beef.
While we were nursing our stuffed tummies, Jerry officially thanked the
Vietnam Vets for their hospitality and the delicious meal and promised we
would be back.
Barry & Wendy
Barry & Wendy, Rob & Val, Norm B., Fran & Ian, Fay & Rex, Daryl & Trish, Roy & Elsie, Maurie,
Mac & Di, Ann & Mike, Eva Brown, Colin Chudleigh, Maureen & Wally, Geoff Stayches, Gerry &
Ricky, Mario & Nikolle, Lachlan, Gordon Ward
From early April to mid-June this year I treated myself to a pleasant holiday, first in South Australia, then successively in Belgium, Czech Republic, Austria, Italy, Slovenia, England and France. Among my particular weaknesses
are mediaeval architecture, particularly churches and cathedrals, and drinking wine, which might account for most
of these destinations. My other serious folly is a taste for old cars; hence the trip was book-ended, more or less, by
two rallies featuring Daimler, Lanchester and BSA cars – the biennial Australian rally at Loxton, in the SA Riverland,
and the International Rally, staged annually by the British Daimler Lanchester Owners’ Club, this year adjacent to
the Heritage Motor Centre at Gaydon, Warwickshire, reputed to be the world’s largest collection of British cars.
That much was deliberate; both these events were highly successful in just the ways you might expect, automotively and socially. What I did not foresee was that at regular intervals, my travels would be punctuated by major
gatherings of historic vehicles. The two rallies aside, there were five such occasions. Two of the five had an element of planning to them, though each far exceeded my expectations. The other three all came out of left field.
When you add to this a seemingly constant sprinkling of stray, interesting cars wherever I went, I felt as if a benign
spirit had been deliberately targeting me. It was great fun.
Loxton, South Australia
The thirteenth biennial rally of the Australian Daimler-Lanchester clubs was held in the pleasant town of Loxton,
on the mighty Murray, from 3 – 7 April. A smaller than usual turnout of 28 cars, with a handful of participants in
modern cars, reflected two things. Firstly our ageing demographic; secondly the inescapable fact that Loxton is a
seriously long way from anywhere - it is 250 km from Adelaide - particularly if you are driving a car in excess of
sixty years old. We were greeted by assorted mayors and other dignitaries, and provided a good excuse for the
local equivalent of the WGVRC to come out to play. Must see: the historic village; unlike most such ventures in
Australia, actually both interesting and historic. Must avoid: the ferry trip; we have ways of making you enjoy
yourselves, including dreadful musical “entertainment”. But from the perspective of a Daimler addict, wonderful.
Daimlers - Consort and Conquest
Twenties and thirties sandwiching a Daimler SP250
20 HP Daimler from 1926
Brussels Autoworld
Decent motor museums, as a rule, are not to be found in big cities, presumably due to the cost of space, freehold
or rental. Brussels is a noteworthy exception, largely due to the vision (and money) of King Leopold II in 1880 in
setting up the Parc Cinquantenaire, a 30 ha park in suburban Brussels, where the museum is situated.
It blew my mind. While not on the gargantuan scale of the Schlumpf museum in Mulhouse in France - nothing
much is - it still has a sensational collection of perhaps 350 vehicles, from the 1880s to today. An understandable
WGVRC Newsletter October 2014
emphasis on the glory days of the Belgian motor industry in the first three decades of the twentieth century
only adds to the interest, and while predominantly European, British and US makers are well represented,
plus lots of the quaint and unexpected. Not to be missed by the seriously auto-addicted, nor by the casuallycurious.
1925 Chev, made in Antwerp!
Vast Minerva from 1928
Bugatti Type 23
May Bank Holiday in Bradenham
If you haven’t heard of Bradenham it is unsurprising; at the last census it had a population of 722. It is a village
in Norfolk, and I found it by getting badly lost. It annoyed me to be so lost, as I used to live in nearby Norwich,
and I was looking for somewhere - anywhere - to orient me when, going in the opposite direction, there appeared an Austin A30, a pre-war Ford Popular and a brace of grey Fergie tractors. Such an apparition on a fine
public holiday usually means only one thing, so I did a rapid U-turn and followed them to Bradenham, where a
sizeable automotive display was gathering on the village green. By midday there were about 140 vehicles. Apparently it is an annual event, and people come from miles around. Wonderful stuff. Some genuine rarities
among the expected commonplace, and some seriously
good restorations. Stand-outs were a completely original
early-1950s Lea Francis, still in daily use, and a massive
1959 Cadillac Fleetwood, like a visitor from outer space
on an English Village Green.
Peter Towns
1959 Cadillac Fleetwood
Lea Francis, original, in daily use
Part 2 continued in November edition.
Weekend Ride Sunday Sept 14th
After arriving last at the club rooms,
a large number of bikers had gathered and were waiting. Ian again
volunteered to be the tour guide
and suggested a ride to one of his
favorite cafes via the back way to
Noojee. Roy was pleased as he loves shop owner Maria’s Yo–Yos. We could not have
asked for better weather. We headed down the freeway to Bloomfield Rd, to Nilma Shady Creek Rd then onto Neerim East Rd. Through Neerim Junction then via the back
way into Noojee on Neerim North Rd for morning tea.
Participants in the ride were :
Bill Retshack – Triumph, Shane Dale – Triumph, Alan Blackwell – Suzuki, Rex & Fay Bastin
– Honda, Bert West – Harley, Gary Knights – Honda, Roy Stayches – Suzuki, Neville Christie – Suzuki, Mac Goodbody – CF Moto, Ben Kurrle – BMW, Peter ( Tommo ) Thompson –
Honda, Gerry Marvin – Harley, Andrew Blackwell – Suzuki, Brad Stayches – BMW, Ian
Troughton – Royal Enfield, Darren ??? – (My apologies for not knowing your surname),
Mario Mangion – Harley, Andrew & Angie O’Sullivan – BMW From Noojee we headed towards Mt Baw Baw and turned right onto the Willow Grove Rd. At Willow Grove we went
past Blue Rock Dam and then turned right heading towards Trafalgar. It was at this corner
that the battery in Mario’s bike failed. Our lunch stop was the Trafalgar pub where we had
a lovely meal. Unfortunately Ian received his meal last after being first to order. We all
know how important food is to him. A few people headed straight home from the pub
after lunch. The main body of the riders headed home via Narracan and Thorpdale back
to Warragul. All up there was 18 bikes and 20 people participated. Thanks once again to
Ian for being an excellent leader and to Allan for being tail end Charlie. And congrats to
Gerry for his new appointment. Look forward to seeing you and many others at the next
Andrew & Angie O’Sullivan
WGVRC Newsletter October 2014
Midweek Ride Tues Sept 30th
Even though the weather forecast was for rough weather sometime during the day 4 riders set off
from the clubrooms as arranged for the quick ride up the highway to Moe where we were to meet
the rest at Zealey’s Bakehouse Cafe for a ride to Heyfield for lunch.
The ride was led by Andrew O’Sullivan and his son Mark on Jawas, and followed by Roy and Brad
Stayches on Suzuki and BMW, Neville Christie and his friend Jim Micah on Indian Chiefs, Ian Troughton and Ian Mallows on BMWs, Bert West on his Harley and a visitor Wilf Tampolini on his Yamaha.
After the usual coffee hit, we departed about 10.30 out to Becks Bridge rd and onto Purvis road to
Yallourn Nth and Glengarry then turned East for a stretch before turning back towards Toongabbie
and Cowwar, Dawson then Heyfield by about 12.15 for lunch. Although this area is not as hilly and
twisty as the roads nearer Warragul, it is a very scenic dairy farming area and we always detour
through here when travelling east to Lakes Entrance or further. After lunch we headed towards Upper Maffra West then turned left and followed the southern edge of Glenmaggie reservoir which
was brimming and quite choppy and a different site to what we are accustomed to seeing around
West Gippsland. Andrew led us along some very pleasant twisty roads through Glenmaggie towards
the Licola Rd where we turned south and on through the Seaton area before joining the Traralgon
Rd near Cowwar, then via some more scenic rods before we came back into Glengarry and Tyers to
regroup and say our farewells to the riders from Morwell/Moe area and the rest of us head towards
home as the wind was picking up plus the heavy black clouds were looming in the distance. We had
some wet road surface around Camp Hill then just as I pulled into my garage the heavy rain came
A great day was had by all thanks to Andrew O’Sullivan for taking us further East into newer roads
with great scenery and we look forward to the rest of Spring and Summer and many more rides in
Gippsland/West Gippsland ( and beyond). Ian Mallows
t Classic
Kick Star old
the annu e
banger r
30th of N 3
Rex 5625
10 bikes outside Zealleys
Ride Dates : Sunday 12th
Tuesday 28th
the b of
Mirb ike
Oct Nth
Dear Madam Editor,
I am taking this opportunity to pass some
thoughts about the way your 'motoring' club
conducts its events.
I had occasion today to take part in one of
those ride days, as I have done in the past.
I was delighted to be taken on a circuitous
route from Moe towards Heyfield, Glenmaggie, Seaton and Cowwarr.
We enjoyed good food and friendship in Heyfield at lunchtime, I was very happy and the
weather perfect.
The point, see, I've got to it, is that it was
lead by an extremely pleasant and helpful
young chap called Andrew, alias the big
O. He lead us on lots of new and interesting roads, without getting lost at all.
I wonder if it would be possible for your
committee to arrange more rides in different
areas instead of letting that oldy, beardy,
baldy ex pom with a piece of paper take the
runs all the time.....He is always rushing to
the front and deciding where to go, never
allowing others to show us new places, besides he doesn't go anywhere new either.
I reckon you should give him the big A and
let others have a go.
Yours sincerely
Benjt Phorx
P.S. Unless changes are made I am unlikely
to join your gang.
Last months
Caption this….
“This is gunna end in tears”
“This is wheely stupid”
“The tier of the tie down
must have been very tired”
Peter Randal
WGVRC Newsletter October 2014
Drudge (8)
Worn out old car (4)
Sicilian volcano (4)
Doubting Thomas (8)
Keep at arm’s length (5)
Requirement (5)
Unconditionally (13)
Our meeting place (8)
Cigarettes (4)
Sweet scented bunch of flowers (7)
Impede (5)
Unit of weight for wool, equal to about
28lbs (4)
Impetuous person (8)
Car model from Skoda (7)
Shore (7)
Early photographic process (13)
Greyish-Fawn colour flecked with brown (7)
Maker of the Cristal pen (3)
Voice (3)
Destroyer of ozone layer (1, 1 + 1)
Tied (7)
Lock-up (6)
Executive saloon type 116 from Alfa Romeo
1972-87 (7)
Luxury British car marque, established 1906,
owned by Aston Martin since 1947 (7)
Yield (3)
Answers to Puzzle 23
Across: 4-Idolise 8-Anklet 9-Avenger 10-Galoot 11Diesel
12-Synopsis 18-Innuendo 20-Spur 21-Dimple 22-Traffic
23-Potent 24-Ushered Down:1-Waggish 2-Skyline 3Recoup
5-Davidson 6-Lancer 7-Sweden 13-Spitfire 14-Snippet
15-Modesty 16-Spares 17-Trifle 19-Unison
WGVRC Newsletter October 2014
For Sale
For Sale 32 Crosley Hill Climber,
A1 Condition $25 000
Contact Mick Farnham 0418695659
FOR SALE. 2008 BMW F650GS,
800cc Parallel Twin.
Reg,GN064. $10,750 including roadworthy certificate. Registered till end of
April 2015. Full service history with
books. 40.000Kms. Protective peak on
front guard. Headlights protector. Larger
screen. Hand protectors. Radiator guard.
Engine bars. Switchable ABS. Sump
guard. 40.000 Service just completed.
Owners manual. Set of genuine BMW
panniers and top box, keyed to the bike
key with quick release latches. Almost
new spare chain and sprockets. Tyre
pressure sensors. Usual BMW niceties
like heated hand grips, excellent computer with lots of information, including
black ice warning etc.
I always have the servicing done by
Chris and James of BM Motorcycles,
[email protected].
03 5625 2930. Ian.
1938 PONTIAC Silver Streak sedan
Has had extensive work done for
ease of driving & reliability, new 21mm front
sway bar, rear springs re-set and extra leaf
inserted, velour upholstery, Accran 2 pack
paint, strong engine, gear box. Rust free except for small bubbles in two doors (easy repair). New tyres, brakes, battery. Fuel pump
and dampers overhauled. Front seat re-built,
etc, etc. Lots of spares. Original workshop &
parts manuals, advertising brochures & enamel number plate will sell separately. Reluctant
sale, $19,000. Engine number 6445320 no
chassis number to be found
If you would like
any further info
please call.
Gary Verrall
[email protected]
Public Notices
Friday night Fish & Chips
Drouin Bowls Club—Meet
before 6pm 31st October
A total of $4025 was raised at the Gippsland Vehicle Collection’s (GVC) Maffra
Shed, Tops Off For Cancer event.
AKA: the annual old banger ride
Keep the 30th of November free
Always a great ride, info see pg 5
The Motor Car Traders Regulations 1998 require advertisements for
cars to show: The cash price of the car, AND
The Registration number, if normal road registration, OR
The engine number, if unregistered or on club permit plates OR
The vehicle identification number; or if none of those numbers
are reasonably ascertainable, any other number to identify the vehicle
Keep your eyes and ears out for a
Twilight Run - Depart clubrooms 6.30
for a mystery Tea
WGVRC Newsletter October 2014
Roadside Breakdown Service
Trade Towing
Heavy Machinery, Tractors &
Forklift Tilt Tray Service
Boat and Caravan Towing
Truck Towing / Salvage
Bog Work
Marine Transit Insurance
PH. 03 5623 2888
Rob Geisler Motor Trimming & Upholstery
Cars Trucks Boats Planes
Carline Warragul
Factory 1/132 North Road
Warragul 3820
31 Alexander Ave
(PO Box 237)
Moe, Vic. 3825
Over 30 yrs experience
0418 512 716 in Classic & Vintage cars
If its covered with material or needs to be covered, we can do it for you
Call Albert Miller
03 5622 2977
October 2014
West Gippsland Vehicle Restorers Club
Clubrooms: Corner Anderson & Burke Street, Warragul VIC 3820
Mailing Address: PO Box 566, VIC 3820
General Meetings are held on the 2nd Saturday of the month at 11 am at the Clubrooms
If undeliverable return to
P O Box 566
WGVRC Newsletter October 2014