December 2014 - Kirkgate Church


December 2014 - Kirkgate Church
december 2014
Ardrossan & Saltcoats
kirkgate messenger
Merry Christmas
Kirkgate Church
Registered Scottish Charity SC023003
From the Manse . . .
We are now well into December. Christmas lights are on all over the
place - strung across streets, hung high up on lampposts. Bright, twinkly
Christmas trees are everywhere you look. Christmas music has been
playing in the shops for weeks now and sentimental Christmas adverts
dominate every time I turn on the TV. Oh, I must make a shopping list for
food and finish buying presents. I need to sort out the decorations and
arrange to get a tree. How much wrapping paper do I need? How many
cards do I have left to write? Stamps cost “how much?” this year! What
about the Advent services, the carols and the readings and the candles?
So much to do, so little time!
Actually, I love it! I love all the preparations, the excitement, even (some
of ) the shopping. But more than the presents and the food and the cards, I love the traditions and
the stories. And I love the wonderful, growing sense of anticipation, which runs through the season of
Advent - captured so beautifully in this poem by Gerard Kelly:
Christmas is waiting to happen.
Outside, a vacant hillside
Lies silent, strangely empty
Of any angel’s choir.
A stable waits
For bookings at the inn to multiply.
Distant Kings study charts
And keep gifts in cold storage,
While shepherds plan their memoirs
In expectancy of unexpected fame
And keep a chapter free
For miracles
A small velvet patch
In the black night sky
Stands ready to hold a new born star,
And oppressed peoples everywhere
Cling wildly to prophecy and song,
And whisper the word: Messiah.
So I wish you a Merry Christmas – with presents, decorations and happy times with family and friends.
But as you wait for Christmas to happen, let the deeper beauty and meaning of the season shine through.
Remember, we are waiting for something momentous to happen; we are celebrating the coming of God into
the world.
“The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and
Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” (John 1:14)
Church Diary
Monday 15th
7.30 p.m.
The Guild - Carols & Readings
Thursday 18th
10.30 a.m.
‘30 Minute’ Service including an informal Communion Service
Sunday 21st
10.45 a.m.
Morning Worship - 4th Sunday in Advent
Wednesday 24th 3.00 p.m.
Service of Lessons and Carols
Thursday 25th
No Christmas Day Service
Sunday 28th
10.45 a.m.
Morning Worship
Pleased be assured of a warm welcome at all our services.
Tea & coffee served in hall afterwards
Saturday 31st
10.00 - 3.00 Data Protection Seminar
Mansfield Trinity Church, Kilwinning
Sunday 1st
10.45 a.m.
Morning Worship
‘Messenger’ & Life & Work available for uplifting
Monday 2nd
7.30 p.m.
The Guild - Familiar Places - Anne Hynd
Tuesday 3rd
7.30 p.m.
Presbytery meets in the Church
Thursday 5th
10.30 a.m.
7.30 p.m.
‘30 Minute’ Service
Country Dance Club
Saturday 7th
Presbytery Safeguarding Training
Thursday 1st
10.30 a.m.
New Year’s Day - ‘30 Minute’ Service
Sunday 4th
10.45 a.m.
Sunday 8th
10.45 a.m.
Morning Worship
Morning Worship
Monday 9th
7.30 p.m.
The Guild - Glesca Patter - Alan Morrison
Monday 5th
10.00 a.m.
Keep Fit Class resumes
Thursday 8th
10.30 a.m.
7.30 p.m.
‘30 Minute’ Service
Country Dance Club resumes
Sunday 11th
10.45 a.m.
Morning Worship
Thursday 15th
10.30 a.m.
‘30 Minute’ Service
2.30 p.m.
Country Dance Club
Friday 16th
7.15 p.m.
*Cunninghame Flower Club
Sunday 18th
10.45 a.m.
Morning Worship
Monday 19th
7.30 p.m.
The Guild - Childhood Memories
Solveig McCulloch
Thursday 12th
10.30 a.m.
2.30 p.m.
7.30pm Tuesday 17th
7.00 p.m.
‘30 Minute’ Service
Country Dance Club
Kirk Session meeting
Presbytery - Attestation of Church records
Please see the enclosed card listing all the special Christmas
Services taking place in Ardrossan and Saltcoats.
Wednesday 21st
3.00 p.m.
Presbytery Business Meeting
Thursday 22nd
10.30 a.m.
‘30 Minute’ Service
7.30 p.m.
Country Dance Club - Billy Gray playing
Friday 23rd
Sunday 25th
10.45 a.m.
Monday 26th
7.30 p.m.
Material required for ‘Messenger’
Morning Worship
The Guild Ceilidh - Largs Accordion Band
Thursday 29th
10.30 a.m.
‘30 Minute’ Service
2.30 p.m.
Country Dance Club
10.45 a.m.
10.00 a.m.
7.30 p.m.
2.00 p.m.
4.00 – 8.00 p.m.
6.15 – 8.30 p.m.
Creche & Sunday School
Keep Fit Group
The Guild
KA Leisure Aerobics
The Craft Team
*Senior Guides
* External Groups who use our premises
Prayer Diary
In hours of trouble, defeat and dejection
May I never give way to self-pity and sorrow
May I always be sure of a better tomorrow
May I stand undaunted, come what may
Secure in the knowledge I have only to pray
And ask my Creator and Father above
To keep me serene in His grace and His love
Thank you God for little things that come unexpectedly
To brighten up a dreary day that dawned so dismally
Thank you God for brushing the dark clouds from my mind
And leaving only sunshine and joy of heart behind
O God the list is endless of things to thank You for
But I take them all for granted and unconsciously ignore
That everything I think or do each movement that I make
Each measured rhythmic heart beat each breath of life I take
Is something You have given me for which there is no way
For me in all my smallness to in any way repay
Prayers for big and little things fly heavenward on angels’ wings
And He who walked by Galilee touched the blind and made them see
And cured the man who long was lame
When he but called God’s holy name will keep you safe in His care
And when you need Him He’ll be there
To know beyond belief that someone cares and hears our prayers
Provides security for the soul, peace of mind and joy of heart
That no earthly trials, tribulations, sickness or sorrow can penetrate
For faith makes it wholly possible to quietly endure
The violent world around us, for in God we are secure.
God, thank you for a new year.
May everyone in our family be willing to
begin anew with a clean slate.
We know that you are always ready to
forgive us. Help us to be willing to forgive
ourselves and to forgive one another.
As we begin a new year, remind us of our
truest values and our deepest desires.
Help us to live in the goodness that comes
from doing what you want us to do. Help
us to put aside anxiety about the future
and the past, so that we might live in
peace with you now, one day at a time.
Pastoral Care in Kirkgate Church
Hospital Visiting
Visiting clergy no longer have access to in-patient
lists at local hospitals, so the only way for the
Minister to find out if you are in hospital is if a
relative, friend or neighbour lets us know. The
Minister’s details are below. You can also contact
Miss Alison Buick (01294 464531) or Mrs Morag
and visits
will be
Recruitment of Pastoral Visitors
We only have one pastoral visitor working
alongside our visiting elders, so we are always
looking for additional pastoral visitors. If this is a
way you could serve the church, please speak to
the Minister. Most visitors only visit two or three
people, so it is not an onerous commitment. If you
are interested in becoming a pastoral visitor, you
will have to join the PVG (Protecting Vulnerable
Groups) Scheme. This scheme has replaced the
former disclosure system for those working with
vulnerable groups and we have coordinators who
will guide you through the process.
Rev Dorothy Granger (01294 463571)
Church Register
To the Kirkgate Removal Team
Two churches, merging
and moving into one
building can only have
one outcome - two of
everything and not the
space to accommodate all
that members would like to
retain. In addition, it is never an
easy task, either physically or emotionally, for members
to clear out a church and its various halls, when that
building holds many memories for its members.
“Suffer the little children to come unto me”
Ethan Matthew Maxwell Fox
19 Whitlees Court, Ardrossan
NEW MEMBER: “We are members one of another”
By Transfer Certificate
Mrs Ann Anderson
5 Eglinton Place, Saltcoats
We are very grateful to everyone who, over the past few
months, have helped in any way to reduce the mound
of material and equipment left at Barony St John's. A
very big 'thank you' to the members who willingly came
along on the last Friday and Sunday in November, and
hammered, sawed and man-handled their way through
the heavy and unwieldy items which quickly filled the
Stuart & Mima
Letters of Appreciation
Thank you very much for the lovely flowers
received from the church following my hip
replacement, also your prayers, cards, phone calls
and visits, they were all very much appreciated. I
am making good progress and hope to be back at
church soon.
Kathy Coulter
To all at Kirkgate, thank you very much for the
lovely flowers I received recently. Your kind and
caring thoughts are very much appreciated.
Margaret Marshall
Mrs Halliday of Montfode Drive, Ardrossan
wishes to express her
thanks for the flowers
she received from
the church recently.
She feels well on
the way to recovery
and is grateful
for the church`s
Blythswood Care Christmas Shoe Box Appeal 2014
This is a letter received from Fullarton Centre, Irvine
sent on behalf of Blythswood Care.
“We have now reached the stage where all donated shoeboxes
have been checked. Christian literature in the Romanian language has been inserted in each box and the boxes packed into
cartons with between 10 and 14 shoeboxes in each. These have
been delivered to Glasgow. Now it’s time to draw breath and thank you and your team’s efforts.
By the time you receive this your gifts will be well on their way.
This year’s Appeal saw 137 volunteers from 20 churches of many denominations, and from none, gather in Fullarton Centre in
Irvine to help send 5665 shoebox gifts. 4500 went to Colibasi in Moldova and 1165 (275 fewer than tasked) to Cluj in Romania.
Although we were slightly down on the total number, the quality of contents was mainly excellent and the cash donations (more
than £8,500) higher than last year.
As in previous years, it was a time full of bustle, excitement, good humour - and exhaustion! This year Father Willie Boyd of St
Mary’s Church in Irvine spent some time with us and dedicated the boxes.
All this effort would not have been possible without you and your team’s fundamental generosity in providing 140 shoeboxes
from Kirkgate Church and 50 from St Cuthbert’s Church. Please pass on the grateful thanks of the Irvine sorting station helpers to all at Kirkgate & St Cuthbert’s Churches, Saltcoats for making Christmas more meaningful to the recipients of their gifts.
Thank you – and may we see you repeating the exercise next year perhaps??”
Caesar Augustus made a Decree “Take a census of Galilee!”
So, from Nazareth they came,
Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem.
Santas and shopping, fairy-lights shining clear,
Bright eyed faces, full of Christmas cheer.
Sledging, skating, snowballs, winter-wonderland Carols loudly sung and Salvation Army bands.
The stable was cold, dark and bare,
A few poor beasts lay shivering there.
Their journey ended, the time had come Born in a manger, was God’s Son.
While, in darkened doorways, people shiver in the snow
And bitter winds through broken windows blow.
But there’s plenty cardboard boxes from this year’s toys
To keep out the cold if you don’t have a choice.
Some shepherds heard a joyful sound,
They came to Bethlehem and found
The Prince of Peace, the King of Love,
Foretold by angels from above.
Too much to eat, too many drinks, toys that don’t last;
What’s all the fuss - we’re glad it’s all past.
“Jesus, not santa!” an old man proclaims And two young girls laugh - but who is to blame?
Three wise men came from distand lands,
Across the burning desert sands.
Beneath a star they followed on,
To seek the place a King was born.
In Bethlehem that night, they saw
Fulfillment of God’s ancient law The promise of a saviour’s birth,
To save the sinful sons of earth.
Both poems written by Anne Hynd
Kirk Session News
Presbytery News
The Kirk Session met on
Thursday, 13th November
2014 for ordinary business.
November 2014
Mrs Vivienne Dickenson,
Crossreach Director of Children’s
Services was the guest speaker. She
gave an update on the work of the
department, particularly in relation
to the impending closure of
Geilsland School in Beith. This has
been delayed, but the children will
be accommodated in community
housing in the New Year. Feedback
from those already re-homed has
been very positive so far.
The Treasurer presented his
accounts and reported that we
are on target with the budget.
Work connected with the
removal of the pews is ongoing.
A coping stone on the top
apex of the church has come
loose and will be re-cemented.
The source of dampness in
the bathroom of the church
cottage is being investigated.
Gas boilers in both manses will
be checked. Church Cleaning
- a request will be made to
church members for some
extra support, but if that is
unsuccessful, the Kirk Session
will need to consider employing
a cleaner.
Proposed Kirk Session
The Minister provided members
with a copy of the proposed
committees and membership of
each. These will be considered
at the next meeting.
Church Rolls
The Kirk Session attested the
church membership rolls in
preparation for their formal
attestation by Presbytery early
next year.
Kirk Session Conference
It is proposed to hold another
Kirk Session Conference in
the New Year, with a member
of the Church of Scotland’s
Transformation Team leading
the discussion.
Rev. David Watson was welcomed
as the new minister of Largs Clark
Mrs Margaret Cassidy was
appointed as an Additional Elder.
A Data Protection sub-committee
was appointed and will report to a
future meeting of Presbytery with
guidance on data protection issues.
Presbytery agreed to introduce an
interim step in the Presbytery Plan
for Stevenston Ardeer linked with
Livingstone. They were granted
permission to remain in linkage
and to call a minister on the basis
of a 7-year reviewable charge.
Rev. Mandy Hickman was
appointed as an OLM in a
placement with West Kilbride
Parish Church.
The M&M contributions for
2014/15 were approved. A 4%
M&M reserve for 2015 was also
agreed to be allocated equally
across all congregations for the
specific purpose of spending on
Kilwinning Old and Dalry St
Margaret’s were given permission
to replace the gas boilers in the
church halls.
December 2014
Presbytery debated the Ministers
and Deacons in Civil Partnership
Overture that had been sent down
from the General Assembly under
the Barrier Act. After a short and
respectful debate, a vote was taken
on the overture, with 33 Presbyters
voting in Favour of the Overture,
and 19 voting against it.
Kilwinning Mansefield Trinity
were granted permission to call a
minister on unrestricted tenure.
Rev Alan Ward was appointed as
their interim moderator.
Rev Scott Cameron was discharged
from his duties as Interim
Moderator at Largs St Columba’s,
and Rev William Armstrong
(Greenock & Paisley Presbytery)
was appointed as Interim
The education sub-committee of
the Mission Committee will be
contacting all churches requesting
information on their existing
groups and organisations. This will
assist the committee in identifying
specific learning opportunities and
gaps needing addressed.
It was agreed to appoint four
pastors and a coordinator to
create a pastoral support team to
members of Presbytery.
Approval was given to Beith Parish
Church to remove some stained
glass windows from the former
Trinity Church building.
Rev. David Whiteman, from
Coylton linked with Drongan: The
Schaw Kirk has preached as Sole
Nominee at Kilbirnie Auld Kirk
and was elected to be their new
minister. A date of ordination has
still to be set.
Property Committee Report
Good news with regard to both
Manses as no repairs were
To fulfil the requirements of
the Church of Scotland it is the
duty of each congregation to
visit their manse / properties
on an annual basis. Members
of the Property Committee
are in the process of carrying
out visitations to the Seafield
Manse, the Montgomerie Manse
and the Cottage. The visiting
teams will each complete a
Manse Schedule Document,
recording new or confirming
existing information for each
property. It also allows the
occupants the opportunity to
point out any possible concerns
they may have with regard to the
buildings and for the committee
to consider and recommend
a course of action to rectify
Work on the boxing in of the
heating pipes, stripping of
the ‘damaged’ varnish and
re-varnishing will shortly be
underway, thereafter the laying
of the vinyl will complete
the work. Thank you for your
patience and our apologies for
any inconvenience we may have
We have been informed about a
recurring problem at the cottage
and I am grateful to the visiting
team who have highlighted
the tenant’s concerns. A report
is awaited and we will then
consider what action should be
initiated to rectify the problem
once and for all.
Thank you to members who
have logged concerns in the
above book. Please don’t expect
the problems, especially if they
are non urgent, to be attended
to immediately. We will save
up the problems and when the
appropriate tradesmen are on
the premises any concern raised
will be attended to at that point.
The next major piece of work
will be the move of certain of
the Stained Glass Windows from
Barony St John’s to Kirkgate.
This is a work in progress and in
the very early stages of planning.
You will hear much more about
this project in the not too distant
Barony St John’s
We are happy to announce that after a short time on the
market, the former Barony St John’s church and halls have
been sold. The Scottish Centre for Personal Safety, a charity
run by Mr Alan Bell, took over the premises on 3rd December.
They are looking to develop the buildings into a communityled centre and will initially run a variety of personal safety and
fitness classes from the hall, with a view to adapting the church
in the future. However, they would like the congregation’s input into which classes and courses they
would like to see being offered. They have set up a short on-line survey which can be accessed at Please help them by completing it.
They hope to have the halls open for Spring or at the latest Summer 2015 and would like to take this
opportunity to thank both Stuart McMahon and Mima McSwan for opening up the halls and allowing
access during the weeks leading up to the purchase. We send Mr Bell our best wishes with his venture.
Stained Glass Windows: We are looking at removing three of the war memorial windows and two artistic
windows within Barony St John’s which are all deemed to be of high quality and value, and reinstating
them within Kirkgate Church. We have agreed a 6-month timeframe with Mr Bell to allow us access
to the building for their removal once we get the necessary listed building consents and specialist
contractors in place. We will share more information on the proposals for the windows with the
congregation in the New Year.
Christmas Fair 2014
A huge THANK YOU to all who contributed in any way to make our Christmas Fair the great success
it was. It is only down to the hard work and enthusiasm of our members and seasonal helpers that we
can raise the amount of money that we do - £3,450 is a fantastic total. It is very heartening to know that
there are people in our Church willing to give of their time, money and talents to make our Christmas
fair an enjoyable time even if it is exhausting! See you next year!! Below are some photos of the Fair.
Christmas Fair Committee
Ethan Matthew Maxwell Fox, grandson of Jennifer & Eric
Fox, pictured with his mum & dad Deborah & Andrew Fox
and Dorothy after his Baptism on Sunday 23rd November
At the end of the Craft Team’s first year and with
all your support we are able to donate £1,000 to the
Fabric Fund. Thank you for your custom, and please
feel free to keep us busy next year!!
Christmas Greetings to all in the Kirkgate
Jennifer & Eric Fox & Family
A donation was sent to World Mission
in lieu of Christmas cards
I would like to wish all my church
friends a very Happy Christmas and
a good New Year.
Mae Stewart
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
to everyone at Kirkgate.
Stuart, Jennifer and Cara McMahon
I would like to wish friends
old and new a very happy
and blessed Christmas.
Maureen Hunter
From the Editor
the Editor
Please note that material for the February edition
of the ‘Kirkgate Messenger’ should be handed in by
Friday 23rd January at the latest.
Spare copies are available for visitors to take away or give to friends.
Please remember that should you still come across any discrepancies
with the names or addresses in your district please let me know so
that I can keep the records up-to-date.
I am always on the look-out for new material and you can email anything to me at elizabeth.
[email protected] should you have access to a computer – if not then a written copy will be fine.
We like to record any achievements or special events like 90th Birthdays, Special Wedding Anniversaries
– please let us know if you hear of anyone celebrating something special.
The new Risograph is certainly enhancing any advertising or publications we require as a church; if
any of our organisations require a printing job done or if any member of the congregation wishes some
private printing done then please do speak to me or Stuart.
Elizabeth McMahon, Editor
To all our church friends,
old and new in KIrkgate,
we wish you all a very
happy Christmas and
best wishes for 2015.
Christmas Blessings to all
Bobby & Mildred Campbell
Gordon and Elizabeth McMahon
Due to health problems we regret we are
unable to send Christmas Cards to all our
friends in the Kirkgate Church family this
year. We do, however, wish everyone a
very happy and blessed Christmas and
good wishes for the New Year
May & Bill Watson
Moderator’s Christmas Message
A Christmas Message from Mrs Jean Hunter BD,
Moderator of Ardrossan Presbytery.
Dear Friends,
At the moment preparations are being made for the
Christmas Season in our churches and out in the world.
As well as giving and receiving presents, one of the things
that the children look forward to most are Christmas
parties (so they tell me anyway). Christmas parties are
very much a part of the tradition about Christmas and
not only for the children as you will know, but why do we
follow these customs? Where do they come from? Let me
tell you about a few.
1. Did you know that the first Christmas card was sent
in the year 1842? Nowadays millions of cards are
sent all over the world with messages of goodwill.
They have ‘Doves of Peace’ and ‘Nativity Scenes’
on them and of course the non religious pictures of
Snowmen and Reindeers.
2. Mince Pies are a favourite of Christmas. Did you know
that the first mince pies were made in the shape of a
manger? The reason for the sprig of Holly on the top
of the Christmas pudding is that the prickly leaves
are like the thorns that Jesus was forced to wear on
Good Friday. The red berries remind us of the drops of
blood that came when the thorns pierced His flesh.
3. Then there is the Christmas carol. The origin of
carols goes back hundreds of years. Alongside more
sophisticated music there grew up a tradition of
popular songs suitable for celebrating the birth of
Jesus. We sing many of the traditional carols year
upon year and I am sure we all have our favourites.
My particular favourite is ‘O little town of Bethlehem’
and I never get tired of singing it or many of the
Alongside the traditional carols, songwriters have written
many Christmas songs over the years. The singer /
songwriter, Ian White has penned many and one of these
I would like to share with you. It is supposed to be a
children’s song but there is a meaning in it for us all I’m
sure. It is called “Somebody’s Birthday”:
Crackers and turkeys and pudding and cream,
Toys in the window that I've never seen,
This is the Christmas that everyone sees,
But Christmas means more to me
It’s somebody's birthday I won’t forget,
As I open the things that I get,
I’ll remember the inn and the stable so bare,
And Jesus who once lay there
Everyone’s out shopping late every night,
For candles and presents and Christmas tree lights,
This is the Christmas that everyone sees,
But Christmas means more to me.
It’s somebody’s birthday I won’t forget...
In the build up to Christmas and because of the rush, no
matter who we are, we can find it hard sometimes to stop
and think what Christmas means to us. We know that
‘Jesus is the reason for this season’ and we hear that
often....... But what does Christmas mean to you?
Eternal God you gave your son Jesus Christ to be
the Light if the World, as we prepare to celebrate his
birth - may we begin to see the world in the light of
the understanding you give us. As you chose the lowly,
the outcasts and the poor to receive the greatest news
the world had ever known, so may we worship you in
meekness of heart.
May we also remember our brothers and sisters less
fortunate than ourselves in this season of giving.
Lord we give thanks for the gift of your love, may we be
shining examples of that love to others. AMEN.
May Joy and Peace be yours at Christmas and may 2015
be a Good and Fulfilling Year for you and those
whom you Love.
Jean Hunter BD
Moderator of the Presbytery of Ardrossan
The Guild
How quickly time flies. We can’t believe we are already at the end of our first
session. We have had a variety of speakers, some more serious than others. We
also had a most enjoyable outing on Saturday 22 November when we went to the
matinee performance of Oklahoma at at the Gaiety Theatre, this was rounded off
with high tea at the Gailes Hotel, Irvine. which we all thoroughly enjoyed. Many
thanks to Alison and Ray for the efficient organising of this outing.
On Monday 8 December we held our first fund raising event with a concert of
Festive Music performed by the Cumnock & District Handbell Ringers. This was
held in the church and inbetween the bell ringing we enjoyed some stories and a little community
singing. We then served mince pies and refreshments in the hall afterwards. The evening raised £198
and we thank everyone for their support.
We have our final meeting on Monday15th December, this is a candlelit evening of Readings and Carols
followed by mince pies and the exchanging of our Santa Parcels.
We thank Stuart for preparing the very professional artwork for all the tickets and posters for all our
fund raising events, the next being the Ceilidh on Monday 26th January. We have booked the Largs
Accordion Band to play for us on that night and a finger buffet will be served at half time. You can buy
your tickets costing £5 from any guild member so please do come along and enjoy what promises to be
a good night.
We start back on Monday19th January when Solveig McCulloch who is Norwegian and one of our elders
will take us back to her chilhood memories with slides and a talk. If you haven’t heard her story then I
would recommend you come along and hear her wonderful tale.
The Guild sends good wishes to all the church family at Christmas and for the New Year.
Mon 19 Jan
Mon 26 Jan
7.30 p.m.
Mon 2 Feb
7.30 p.m.
Mon 9 Feb
7.30 p.m.
Mon 16 Feb
7.30 p.m.
Mon 23 Feb
7.30 p.m.
Childhood Memories - Mrs Solveig McCulloch
Familiar Places - Mrs Anne Hynd
Glesca Patter - Alan Morrison
Magic Hands - Wesley Hands
As you can read we have a varied programme ahead of us and we look forward to
welcoming you to any of our meetings. CHILD SPONSORSHIP
The Sunday School over the last twenty years have sponsored children in Africa and Asia. We were
only able to do so due to the generosity of the congregation. At the moment we are sponsoring a little
African boy called Anthony Lubega and we hope to be able to continue to do so. I hope to have a
photograph of Anthony along with further details to print in the February edition of ‘Messenger’
Christine Ewing
Sweet Nativity
There was a chap named Joseph
who was engaged to Mary. They
were in love and when they met
they talked in Wispas. But Joseph
was none too pleased when Mary
told him that she was pregnant
and he wasn’t the father. And Mary
tried to explain the cosmic babymaking. God had chosen Mary to be
the mother of the Son of God, and
before she could say Chocolate
Coated Peanuts, she was pregnant.
And poor Joseph. Well, his brain
was like Marshmallows and he
had to take Time Out and have a lie
name each Galaxy came into
our Pick’n’Mix world.
In the fields nearby there were
Allsorts of shepherds looking
after their sheep. These chaps
lived uncomplicated lives and
liked nothing better than to
gather round the fire at night and
share their Chocolate Orange.
A Ripple went through the air, and
then an angel appeared and the
character. These men had crossed
shepherds screamed, went Flakey at
the Toblerone mountains and
the knees - they were scared witless.
dusted snow Flakes from their
faces whilst gazing into the night sky
However, the angel was used to
to follow the Star.
such a response - it goes with the
job. The angel told them not to be
As he slept, he had a dream and
These men weren’t
such a bunch of Malteser’s and get
an angel explained everything and
called Smarties for nothing, they
down to Bethlehem and see the
soon this became as clear as Fox’s
were wise men - All Gold characters
baby, the Saviour of the world. Once
Glacier Mints. And when he woke
and they knew that Herod was up
they had regained their Marbles,
up he decided to have a Werther’s
to no good and had no intention of
Original, to remind him of the good they began to compare notes and
visiting the new king. He would do
one said, `Right lads, the last one to
old days.
anything to remove anyone who
Bethlehem is a Toffee Crisp.’ And
might stop him being King. And
Now getting back to this decree
away they raced on foot, as there
while the Wise Men went off
and all the Curlywurly writing,
were no Double Decker buses.
to Bethlehem, Herod sat in his
Caesar came up with the idea of
sumptuous palace, seething and
And they found the baby just as
getting everyone to go to their
plotting and grabbing handfuls
the angels had said. By now the
family home town - not the
shepherds were as happy as gorillas of Jelly Babies and biting off their
best of ideas. His ideas really
heads - a terrible sign of what was to
lacked Starburst quality. So Mary & on a lorry full of bananas. They
Joseph had to travel from Nazareth became the first century equivalent
of the Internet, their only Topic of
to Bethlehem - an Marathon 80
And in a dream an angel warned
baby and
mile journey, over stony hills which
Joseph to escape. So, faithful
message from the angels, it was
were Crunchie under foot, and
Joseph and courageous Mary took
truly Divine.
when you are pregnant it’s no bed
their precious child and fled to
of Roses.
Egypt. They were now homeless
And then those Smarties from
refugees. After Herod died; they did
the East come to visit but before
They arrived in Bethlehem at the
a Twirl, came back and returned
that, they go to Herod’s palace. He
Milky Bar well After Eight and
to Nazareth. The child grew up and
there was no room to be had, not for was the king and a right nasty
had many Picnics - he was a hero
money, or even your last Rolo. Poor bit of stuff. He was evil, devious,
and he gathered lots of Miniature
unpleasant and permanently on a
Mary, all tired and worn out and
Heroes around him - but all that
short Fuse – a right Fruit ‘n’ Nut
possibly craving for some Truffles,
came later and that is another
for all we know. wonderful Selection Box.
And where do they end up? In a
So Christmas is all about
a real Turkish Delight and so
smelly stable, beside the animals
miracles. Dreams, angels and most
charming like a fox hosting a very
and Kit Kats, definitely not
of all about a King, whose entire
your Quality Street. And that was
wealth consists of us! We are the
invited chickens! Anyway, he was
where the baby Jesus, the King of
King’s delight - now that is worth a
charming to the travellers from the
heaven was born - this Bounty of
east and hid the Black Magic of his pile of Celebrations!
God, this unique child who could
Ally Bally Ally Bally Bee
Away To The Westwards I'm Longing To Be
Flow Gently Sweet Afton Amang Thy Green Braes
For We're No Awa' to Bide Awa'
Hark When the Night Is Falling
I Belong To Glasgow, Dear Old Glasgow Town
I Sing Of A River I'm Happy Beside
Is there For Honest Poverty
Let Us Haste To Kelvin Grove Bonnie Lassie O
Oh Cruel Is the snow that Sweeps Glencoe
O Flower Of Scotland When Will We See Your Like Again
O whistle And I'll Come To You My Lad
Oh Ye Cannae fling Pieces Oot A Twenty Storey Flat
Roaming In the Gloaming On The Bonnie Banks O'Clyde
Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot
Speed Bonnie Boat Like A Bird On the Wing
Step We Gaily On We Go
Scots Wha Hae Wi' Wallace Bled
There's Meadows In Lanark And Mountains On Skye
There Was A Lad Was Born In Kyle
There Was A Wee Cooper Wha Lived In Fife
Westering Home And A song In the Air
Will Ye No' come Back Again
Ye Banks And Braes O Bonnie Doon
Ye Jacobites By Name Give An Ear Give an Ear
The first correct winner drawn was:- Mrs Morag Forsyth, Ardrossan
7 Countries 7 Cities
7 Countries - No Games
The first correct winners drawn were:- Mr & Mrs D Simpson, Flat 0/2,
2 Rob Roy Gardens, Kirkintilloch.
(If you sold to this person can you please contact Elizabeth Howie)
Thanks to Elizabeth Howie for all her hard work in compiling the quizzes.
The Hamper donated by the 'Soft Goods' stall
was won by Valerie Ann Coburn, Ardrossan
Congratulations to all our winners.
Sunday Church Door Duty Rota
Mrs P Martin
Miss A Buick
Mrs E Green
Miss E Howie
Mrs E McCracken
Mrs C Lee
Mrs J Hay
Mrs M Hunter
Mrs L Clark
Miss E Breakenridge
Mrs F Liddell
Mr G Campbell
Mrs B McWilliam
Mrs V Bruce
Mrs C Gilmour
Miss M Paterson
Mrs M Cooper
Mrs E Murchie
Mrs E Gaw
Mrs S McCulloch
Mrs M Cassidy
Mrs A O’Hanlon
Mr G Armstrong
Mrs P Armstrong
Dec 14th
Team D Mrs J Rainey
Feb 1st
Team A
Mrs Doris Kirkhope
Dec 21st
Team E
Mrs D Kirkhope
Feb 8th
Team B
Mr A Dodds
Dec 28th
Team A
Mr A Dodds
Feb 15th
Team C
Mrs A Mcdonald
Jan 4th
Team B
Mr A Macdonald
Feb 22nd
Team D Mrs E McInnes
Jan 11th
Team C
Mrs E McInnes
Mar 1st
Team E
Mr A Colquhoun
Jan 18th
Team D Mr A Colquhoun
Mar 8th
Team A
Mrs J Rainey
Jan 25th
Team E
Mar 15th
Team B
Mrs C Gilmour
Mrs J Rainey
Dec 14th
Dec 21st
Dec 28th
Mrs Lockie
Mr & Mrs Frew
Miss Aitken
Mrs M Harvey
Miss M Paterson
Mrs M Cassidy
Jan 4th
Mrs McCulloch
Mr W Stark
Jan 11th
Mrs Rankin
Miss A Buick
Jan 18th
Mrs Gaw
Mrs M Hunter
Jan 25th
Miss Ewing
Miss E Breakenridge
Feb 1st
Mrs Clark
Mr I Martin
Feb 8th
Mrs Harvey
Mrs M Cooper
Feb 15th
Mrs J Rainey
Mrs S McCulloch
Feb 22nd
Mrs Kirkhope
Mrs M Darroch
For Your Amusement:
Twelve Days of Christmas
Unscramble each of the clue words.
Copy the letters in the numbered cells to other cells with the same number.
The following has been suggested as 'meanings' for the 12 symbolic gifts
1 Partridge in a pear tree = The One true God revealed in the person of Jesus Christ
2 Turtle Doves = The Old and New Testaments
3 French Hens = Faith, Hope and Charity
4 Calling Birds = the Four Gospels and/or the Four Evangelists
5 Golden Rings = The first Five Books of the Old Testament, the "Pentateuch" which contain the
law condemning us of our sins.
6 Geese A-laying = the six days of creation
7 Swans A-swimming = the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, the seven sacraments of the Catholic faith
8 Maids A-milking = the eight beatitudes
9 Ladies Dancing = the nine Fruits of the Spirit
10 Lords A-leaping = the ten commandments
11 Pipers Piping = the eleven faithful apostles
12 Drummers Drumming = the twelve points of doctrine in the Apostle's Creed
Answers to last month’s Cryptogram:
‘For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son’
Ask your local pharmacist:
You'll be taking good advice
David Robb Plumbing
All plumbing work
Disabled Shower
Gallagher Pharmacy
6 Central Ave, Ardrossan
 01294 464044
41 Glasgow St, Ardrossan
 01294 601761
1 New Street, Dalry
 01294 833644
19 Dockhead St, Saltcoats
 01294 463342
41 Hamilton St, Saltcoats
 01294 463524
Saltcoats Health Centre
 01294 602134
13 New Street, Stevenston
 01294 6464259
Tel: 01294 463060
Mob: 07810 566480
Gents’ Barber
3 Young Street, Ardrossan
Tel: Donna Dunlop
07874 365415
D&L Motor Co.
All servicing and repairs
Petrol & Diesel
Tyres, Exhausts & Batteries
FREE Battery & Anti-freeze check
Unit 4B, Stevenston Industrial Estate, KA20 3LR
Tel: 473038
Sunnyside Nursery
We offer our clients independent professional
accountancy, taxation and business advice through two
legal entities at three separate locations within Ayrshire.
11 Portland Street, Kilmarnock
Tel: 01563 525024
Off Hazelgrove,
Tel: 552113
• Flower Shop
• Garden Centre
• Nursery
• Greenhouse Agents
Flowers for all occasions
UK-wide delivery of our own bouquets
freshly made at Sunnyside
Fantastic deals on
Alton and Robinsons Greenhouses
Kirkgate Craft Team
• Wide range of handmade greetings cards
• Individual cards made
to order
70 Dockhead Street
Tel: 01294 462333
All vertical and roller
blinds supplied
• Orders now being
taken for Christmas
Come and help the Craft Team make cards
Every Tuesday in Kirkgate Church Hall,
from 4pm-8pm
Contact: Mr John Conlan,
Ardrossan Ind. Estate, Hill Street, Ardrossan
Tel: 01294 602020
Butchers and Poulterers
Only Finest Home-Fed Beef
and Lamb Stocked
2012 Scottish Black Pudding Champion
Silver Awards – 2010 and 2012 Speciality Burgers
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Telephone: 462305 and 465019
Scottish Building
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Arthur Robertson
Tel: 01294 468753 Mob: 07717 796257
Email: [email protected]
• Commercial
• Domestic
• Industrial
Kitchens, Bathrooms and Bedrooms.
Stockists of UPVC Floor and Wall.
We also cater for the less abled.
Our specialist staff will tailor a design to meet your needs
and help inspire you to create the home of your dreams.
24 Hour Service
email: [email protected]
Showrooms at:
21 Mackintosh Place, South Newmoor Ind. Estate, Irvine KA11 4JT
and 24 Bath Street, Largs KA30 8BL. Tel: 01475 670076
Tel: 01294 211888
7-seat people carrier
and 6-seat minibuses available
Golden Charter Funeral Plans
0500 340875 or 46 46 46
Flower Shop
Weddings - Funerals
Hand tied bouquets
Exotic and traditional flowers
Delivery Service available
All major credit cards accepted
Quality Home Made Ices
Daily & Sunday Papers
We sell over 200 varieties of
toffees, chocolates and boiled sweets
68 Hamilton Street, Saltcoats Tel: 464638
Tel: 462859
Tel: Peter Martin
01294 463313
07515 820619
16-70 seater coaches fitted with
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10 Hamilton Street, Saltcoats
Telephone: 463439
Independent Family Funeral Directors
Burns Suppers
and Other
Open 10.00am - 5.30pm
50-52 Boglemart Street, Stevenston
Established 1902
Piping for all occasions
24-hour service guaranteed
All contracts welcome
3 Lade Street Largs KA30 8AZ
tel: 01475 670555 fax: 01475 670555
Member of National Association of Funeral Directors
West End Cafe
29 Chapelwell Street, Saltcoats KA21 5EB
tel: 01294 607001 fax: 01294 606407
For personal attention contact
Ian Blair, Dip.F.D., M.B.I.E.
Seabank Street
For a quote or to book call
0800 072 0373
Sports & Rainwear
Tel: 468238
Service and Rest Rooms
with ample private parking
Memorial Showroom at Canal Street
Golden Charter Funeral Plans
Day and Night Service
20/22 Hamilton Street
Tel: 01294 605977
(24 hour service)
Magazine produced by Kirkgate Parish Church - Registered Scottish Charity No: SC023003.