Spirit Newsletter September 2014
Spirit Newsletter September 2014
Spirit Together we can do something about it I n side Th i s I ssu e : • A n in s pir in g story o f hope • B u dg et pa in hurti ng fami li e s • Par tn er s hip to lo ok i nto po ve rty • CEO Sleepout ce le brate s 5 ye ars • M a kin g f a ir y tale s come true • A n d mu c h more … A NEWSLETTER FROM THE ST VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY (WA) Inc. SEPTEMBER 2014 STATE PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE BUDGETS DELIVER A DOUBLE BLOW Welcome to the latest edition of the Spirit newsletter, and my first edition as the newly elected State President. The recent budget announcements by the State and Federal Government have been a double blow for individuals and families already struggling in Western Australia. Increases to utility costs and a lack of affordable housing are all placing further stress on low income hous›olds. It is an honour and a privilege to be appointed to this role, and I look forward to meeting many of you over my four year term. I would like to acknowledge retiring President Jeff Trew. During his tenure Jeff has overseen the development of a new Strategic Plan, the implementation of the Members Forum, the introduction of the Ozanam Lecture, and chaired the National Marketing Committee. Jeff has been a champion of our vision to offer a hand up rather than just a hand out to the people we assist. Jeff and his wife Joan have been great advocates for the Society and we wish them all the best for the future. Already I have noticed there is much activity throughout the Society with demand for Emergency Relief support particularly high. And while demand for our services continues to increase, we are grateful to have wonderful support from the West Australian community through events such as the Vinnies CEO Sleepout, the Winter Appeal and Passages Race Day. On behalf of the Society I would like to thank all of the donors and corporate and community partners who support these vital fundraising activities. The funds raised from these events will go a long way to helping those who are doing it tough and need support. I look forward to working with you all to continue the Society’s mission to shape a more just and compassionate society. WA CEO Mark Fitzpatrick said Vinnies were already assisting many individuals and families who were struggling to keep up with excessive increases in the State’s living costs. For low income hous›olds already struggling to make ends meet, there is no end in sight to rises in the cost of utilities. At the 2013 State Election, the Premier promised to keep increases in utility prices at or around the rate of inflation (approximately 2.5%). However, in the 2013-14 Budget residential electricity prices were forecast to rise 4% in 2013-14 and 7% a year over the forward estimates. The 2014-15 Budget forecasts an increase of 4.5% in 2014-15 and 7% a year over the forward estimates. The dramatic increases in the cost of gas, electricity and water in recent years has meant that low income hous›olds — who spend a greater portion of their income on utility bills — are feeling the pressure of the rising cost of utilities more than other Western Australians. “People struggling to pay their energy bills are being forced to rely on charities to put food on their table. For the period 1 July 2013 to 31 March 2014 we have paid out $264,654 in utility costs on b›alf of those in need,” Mr Fitzpatrick said. Seniors have also been hurt by the State and Federal governments slashing the seniors cost of living rebate in half. The halving of the rebate will impact on 306,000 Western Australian seniors with the rebate cut from $245 to $123 for couples and from $163 to $82 for singles. Bob Burns State President Contact Information ‘The Spirit’ is produced by: The Public Relations and Fundraising Department, St Vincent de Paul Society WA. Copyright 2014. Because we respect the privacy of the people we support, names in this newsletter have been changed, stories summarised and adapted and pictorial models used. All correspondence can be sent to: Media & Communications Coordinator, Public Relations and Fundraising St Vincent de Paul Society WA, PO BOX 473, Belmont, WA 6984 Email: [email protected] Website: www.vinnies.org.au 2 | The Spirit | SEPTEMBER 2014 At a National level Vinnies is calling on the Federal Government to review measures that impact on low income families, young people and pensioners. “With the Federal Government’s budget making excessive cuts to health, disability support, income support, community services and housing programs, we expect even more people will be turning to us for assistance with basic living expenses,” Mr Fitzpatrick said. “Vinnies believes this is a deeply unfair budget that requires the heavy lifting to be done by those who have the least capacity to do so,” Mr Fitzpatrick said. “We will continue to advocate for change to make society fair for all people,” Mr Fitzpatrick said. To sign the Vinnies petition for a fairer budget go to: www.change.org Spirit SOD TURNS FOR TOM FISHER HOUSE Tom Fisher House is one step closer to construction after the official turning of the Sod ceremony took place on Wednesday 13 August. State Premier Colin Barnett, MLA and Helen Morton MLC were in attendance to help celebrate the milestone. Part of the Street to House Program funded by the Department of Child and Family Services, Tom Fisher House will be a custom designed and built homeless shelter located on Beaufort Street, Perth. The service will offer a safe sleep to up to ten rough sleepers each night. Referrals will come from Street to Home Program services, Nyoongar Patrol, and the WA Police. Tom Fisher House is named after one of Vinnies longest and most respected volunteers, who at 93 years of age is still giving of his time to help people. Currently at an interim location in East Perth, it is for chronic rough sleepers and provides accommodation for up to 5 nights, including meals, clothing and bedding, access to medical assistance, referrals to drug and alcohol, mental health and accommodation support services. Since the interim location opened in May, 1416 nights of safe sleep have been taken up by 61 individuals with the eight beds full most nights. Tom Fisher House is staffed by a multidisciplinary team working through a harm reduction framework. The team consists of registered and enrolled nurses, care support workers, and service support staff. This team is responsible for referral and intake procedures, and creating a safe, secure and supportive environment. Hon Eleni Evangel MLA, Hon. Helen Morton MLC, Hon. Colin Barnett, MLA, Mark Fitzpatrick CEO St Vincent de Paul Society WA, Former Archbishop of Perth Barry Hickey with Shirley and Tom Fisher. THE REASONS ARE ALL AROUND US Thank you to all those who supported the Vinnies Winter Appeal this year. We are grateful also to the many businesses and organisations who also got involved and collected food and clothing which we have already been able to distribute to those in need. Recently we asked people to tell us why they donate to the Society. Here are just a few responses: Watercorp drop off goods donated by staff “I donate because I don’t know what it’s like to be homeless. Even at difficult times in my life, I’ve always had a roof over my head. In winter especially, there is rarely a night when I am not aware of how very lucky I am to have food, a warm bed and shelter and I have done little to really deserve it. I thank God for my undeserved good fortune and for St Vinnies who reminds us to care.” “Six years ago when my daughter moved to Albany she had very little and no money. I am a widow on a single pension so could not help as much as I wished. A trip to Vinnies changed all that with help with a bed, lounge etc. all taken out to her rental house. She was able to get a job and has always been most grateful for the way she was looked after and cared for. Thank you most sincerely.” “We are now Age Pensions. When our family arrived in Australia from Burma in 1966, The St Vincent de Paul Society helped us to establish our family in Perth. Without their help it would have been difficult for our family. Thanks.” “Because we all need a helping hand once in a while.” “I just want to help in some small way to make someone’s life that little bit easier for them to cope with day to day living.” “We feel very fortunate to have a loving family and friends, a good job and home. However, you can see how easily things can fall apart eg. Redundancy, a marriage breakdown etc. Sometimes people just need a helping hand to recover from life’s misfortunes.” Last financial year Vinnies Centre’s volunteers contributed 14,400 hours CEO SLEEPOUT CELEBRATES 5 YEARS SHARING THE WARMTH Thanks to the combined efforts of 111 community and business leaders who braved a cold and foggy night sleeping out at the WACA, a record $1.2 million has been raised for Vinnies homeless services. ABN Group’s Managing Director Dale Alcock managed to edge out Crown Perth’s Barry Felstead and take out the top fundraiser prize for a second year running, raising an incredible $149,280 ahead of Barry’s $98,796. We are lucky to have such incredible support from the WA community and its business leaders, including Andrew and Nicola Forrest and the Minderoo Foundation who provided generous fundraising incentives. Next year’s event will be held on Thursday 18 June 2015 and registrations are now open. Sign up now and start fundraising! www.ceosleepout.org.au St Vincent de Paul Society was grateful to have Leaf Bean Machine supporting the CEO Sleepout for a second year. Not only did they provide coffee on the night and morning of the event, but CEO Brad Cassidy also signed on to take part, sleeping out for a second year. “I feel that in Australia no one should be homeless as we are ‘the lucky country’ and if my small contribution can inform others and help in some small way then I have succeeded,” Brad said. Leaf Bean Machine’s coffee was a big hit, warming those who braved the chilly, wet night. “The Sleepout was a truly humbling experience and although I know it is nothing like sleeping rough every night, at least we can collectively raise awareness and funds for Perth’s homeless,” Brad said. “I would encourage other CEO’s who might be interested to take part next year. It is an experience that you will not forget and one which will change the way you look at things from that night on.” MESSAGES FROM THE CEOS w it h one “I t st arts m ak e a to pe rs on t’s G o!” di ff eren ce . Le ke (CEO M at he w Cl ar rrac k) ba on 8 13 Ba r fo r al l “Doi ng it en ce .” ol vi su rv iv ors of Ange lh an ds te am t Vi nn ie s “P le as e su pp or y an d it gn di to re st ore in ou r pe ho te crea ” commun it y. LA M at t Taylo r M tem an ) (Mem be r fo r Ba “You r won de h a s ch a nge rf ul su pp ort d someo ne’s to d ay.” li fe Bren da n Va ug (N at io na l M ha n in ing M an ag Wat pac Ci vi l an d M in er ing) 4 | The Spirit | SEPTEMBER 2014 Spirit WA’ S TOP 10 FUNDRAISERS 2014 • Dale Alcock Managing Director ABN Group - $149,280.00 • Barry Felstead Chief Executive Officer Crown Perth $98,796.00 • Peter McBain Managing Director Brierty - $86,701.00 • Graeme Prior CEO Hall & Prior Aged Care - $54,336.00 • Brian Kelly Country Manager Kentz Pty Ltd - $52,179.00 • Bob Bollen Managing Director Benz Industries WA Pty Ltd - $48,550.00 • John Welborn Managing Director/ CEO Equatorial Resources Ltd - $46,500.00 • Scott Criddle CEO Decmil - $34,700.00 • Raymond Tan Director Tan and Tan Lawyers - $33,436.00 • Steve Gostlow Managing Director Toxfree Solutions $32,570.00 THANK YOU STATE EVENT PARTNERS • • • • • Apostle Water Business News Comestibles Crown Perth Leaf Bean Machine • • • • • Minderoo Foundation 5000 Meals Staging Connections Visy WACA THANKS YOU NATIONAL EVENT PARTNERS • • • • • • • • Australian Retailers Association Appazure Best & Less Brumbys Campbell’s Soup CEO Forum Group Eagle Boys Inlink • • • • • • • • • Nudie Juices Osky Interactive Rockit Advertising Southern Cross Austereo Sky News Staples The Australian TVSN YellowSquares TOP TEN FUNDRA ISERS “We go home tomorrow mo rni ng. Over 100,000 Australia ns wo n’t. Hal ve homele ssness !” “L ove th e w or do, ever yon k Vin n ie s e de se rves a ro of a n d Th a n k s so a ch a n ce . a llo w ing me much fo r to be a pa rt of it.” Rich ard Klimek (Directo r Klimek & Co Fam ily Law yers ) “H elp ing women an d ch ildre n w ho ar homele ss be caus e e of domes tic vi ole nc e.” Angel a Ha rt wig (CEO Wome n’s Co un cil Dome stic & Fam ily for Vio len ce Se rv ice s WA) Ja so n Qu ill ig an (D irec to r JN K Ex pres s Pt y Ltd) Last financial year Vinnies Centre’s volunteers contributed 14,400 hours accommodation. I was and in 2007 I move into the Bayswater house with 5 other girls. My house coordinator, Ersillia has been wonderful, she has cared about me and for me, and she has kept me safe. SUNAY’S STORY INSPIRES HOPE My name is Sunay, I am 50 years old and I have been supported by Vincentcare for the last six years. My story is long, 50 years long...... I was born in Woolwich, in England in 1964. One of 11 children. I grew up in family where there was physical and mental abuse, at the age of 14, I was removed from my family and spent the next 2 years moving from children’s home to children’s home, I think there was 4 different ones. I must have been unwell then but I never saw a doctor, I talked to people who weren’t there and I was self harming, cutting myself and taking overdoses. When I was 16 years old I was discharged from the system. There was no after care, I was on my own. I was homeless and without a family. I was on the streets just trying to survive really. There were no services or support that I knew of, I met people and got a few nights on a couch here and there. When I was 19 things started to look up, I met Bill, I got a job and I had a home. We started our family but I found it really hard to care for them. Bill was working away and I was really struggling with my mental health. My kids gave me something to live for, so I was safe, but it was really hard. Bill thought that we should move to Australia, so at the age of 23 we packed up the children and moved to Perth to start our new life. We ended up in Tom Price and I joined the Army. I was there for 6 years and it was such a happy time. Looking back I think the order and structure was really good for me. Bill and I weren’t doing so well and I moved back to Perth, I got a house in Kalamunda and started to study. I got a diploma in Community Services and was accepted into Murdoch University to study Psychology. This is when my mental health really deteriorated and I had a total breakdown. My marriage ended, I was admitted to hospital and my 15 year old daughter became carer to her younger brother and sister. I spent the next 5 years moving between Psychiatric hospitals and homelessness. I was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, depression and Borderline Personality Disorder at the age of 40 years. My Psychologist, Ann, told me about Vinnies. She helped me set up a meeting to see if I would be eligible to stay in their 6 | The Spirit | SEPTEMBER 2014 I still have a mental illness; I will always have a mental illness. I still have ECT every month but it is a maintenance regime and keeps me well enough to enjoy my life. I became a grandmother last week and I have a very good relationship with all my children. I volunteer at the village once a week in the kitchen, and earlier this year my support worker, Gerry and Ersillia helped me to plan a trip back to England. I met with my 10 brothers and sisters and although sometimes it was difficult, I achieved something I could only have dreamt off, 6 years ago. I can truly say that without the help of Vinnies, I wouldn’t be around to share my story with you all tonight. [Sunay shared her story with 111 CEOs at this year’s CEO Sleepout event] Vincentcare provides accommodation to 76 people living with severe and enduring mental illness – many of whom also have experiences of homelessness. The service provides support across three different levels of accommodation giving the service flexibility to encourage people to maintain their independence and develop their life skills. LEAVE A LASTING LEGACY Want to leave a lasting legacy that is guaranteed to help people well into the future? Please consider remembering the St Vincent de Paul Society in your Will. The Society’s Tom Perrott Friends Forever Club honours the generosity of Bequest donors in a dignified and respectful way. The Society is able to assist thousands of people because of the generosity of those who have remembered the Society in their Will and it ensures our programs that support people in need will continue well into the future. Whilst no one likes to think about Will-related matters, it is never too early to plan ahead. The Society has a number of practical booklets that can assist with preparing your Will. Please contact us for confidential assistance. Phone: (08) 9475 5400 Email: [email protected] “It brings me joy to know that a contribution I can make after I am gone can provide hope for other families and give them a chance for a better future.” Lorraine Spirit BREAKING THE POVERTY CYCLE Thanks to an Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage Grant, the Society is partnering with Edith Cowan University to investigate how to break the multi-generational cycle of poverty, with the project to receive $150,000 over three years. Some families rely permanently on welfare support and communicate this dependency to the next generation. Children growing up in these families find it difficult to break out of poverty. With the help of twelve families, members of the St Vincent de Paul Society (WA), and ECU’s Chief Investigator Professor Lelia Green who will lead the project aimed at creating ethnographies which illuminate turning points and opportunities for change. It will look to use creative and educational interventions to explore new ways of delivering services and disrupting the communication of welfare dependency. Ending inherited poverty is a significant step in helping individuals reach their potential and frees resources for people facing sudden hardship. VINNIES MAKING FAIRY TALES COME TRUE “I said a boom chica boom” echoed through the bus as the kids and leaders travelled up to Camp Kerem in Bullsbrook. The kids sat and finger knitted and chatted away to the leaders who were all dressed in costume reflecting the theme ‘Fairy Tales and Mythical Creatures. Thanks to the Vinnies Youth program and the help of over 30 young volunteers, 45 children were able to enjoy a few days of fun this July, giving their parents some well needed respite and giving them experiences and opportunities they would not ordinarily have. The kids aged between 8 and 12 years of age enjoyed many activities including scavenger hunts, crafts, sports, a movie night, a visit to the maze and even a disco night. State Youth Coordinator Eimear Boland said it’s hard to know who enjoys the experience more, the kids or the volunteers who generously give of their time to help give the kids an experience they will never forget. In planning for the Harry Potter themed Kids Camp in April (40 kids, 35 volunteers), the volunteers were asked what they wanted the kids to get out of the camp. These were some of the written responses: “To know that they are valued – it’s a place to start” “I hope that when the kids leave camp they feel more confident within themselves and all of their unique/ individual abilities. I hope that they feel safe and happy to be on camp, that it is a place where they can just enjoy being kids with other kids and leave everything else b›ind for a while” “Kids go home with a sense of self-worth. And that it continues not just through camp, but as they go back to the rest of their lives, their home, their “A full heart that can beat school” strong long after camp, even on the bad days. The realisation that what they do and who they are “I hope that the kids get matters” to forget about any pain they may have had and to use this camp as a good memory forever!” Last financial year Vinnies Centre’s volunteers contributed 14,400 hours RACING FOR PASSAGES ON THE BLUE CARPET The annual Passages Race Day was held at Belmont Race Course on Saturday May 24 with 280 people raising a record breaking $100,000 for Passages Resource Centre in Northbridge. Without the generous support of corporate and community sponsors and the Race Day attendees, Passages would not be able to continue to provide kitchen, bathroom and laundry facilities, referrals, information, counselling and advocacy to young people in crisis in Perth. The event was again emceed by Nick Way and featured a sit down lunch, horse racing, live and silent auctions and table raffles and was proudly supported by H&N Perry, Reed Resources and Westralian Diamond Drillers. The Retro Vinnies Shops in High St, Fremantle and William St, Northbridge are opening their doors in the evenings to groups looking for an exciting night out. Groups of around 10 to 15 people can enjoy their own private shopping experience complete with nibblies, drinks and music you can shop to. You can enjoy a great day out and support youth homelessness by taking part in next year’s race day. To sponsor a table or donate auction items please email [email protected] or to learn more about Passages visit www.passagesresourcecentre.com If you’d like hold your own Blue Carpet night in Fremantle or Northbridge, contact managers, Cheryl in Northbridge, 9288 4877 or Toni in Fremantle, 9335 6890 to book a night with a difference! (Left) The Hon Helen Morton MLC with Passages Resource Centre Chairman David Reed. (Right) Guests enjoyed a great day out all for a good cause. INSPIRING VINNIES The Perth Fashion Festival (TPFF) has provided the setting for another month of op shop fashion with Restyle making a comeback for 2014. Restyle, a photo-a-day Op shop challenge is an initiative of the Telstra Perth Fashion Festival, proudly supported by Lotterywest. Seven of Perth’s leading fashion bloggers were selected and paired with seven op shop retailers to shop and style for the month of August, with Vinnies paired with fashion blogger ‘Inspiring Wit’. Jenelle Witty (aka Inspiring Wit) said she was stoked about being paired with Vinnies “because these guys do all kinds of great work.” Jenelle visited numerous Vinnies shops, many on more than one occasion, to find her daily ensembles. www.inspiringwit.com Keep up with all the activities and news of the Society! VinniesWA www.linkedin.com/company/st-vincent-de-paul-society-wa-inc/ Last financial year Vinnies Centre’s volunteers contributed 14,400 hours