Slovensk¥ Katolícky Sokol 32nd National Convention Convenes in
Slovensk¥ Katolícky Sokol 32nd National Convention Convenes in
For God and Nation Za Boha a Národ Slovensk¥ Katolícky Sokol OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE SLOVAK CATHOLIC SOKOL – MEMBERSHIP 28,000 – HOME OFFICE: 205 MADISON STREET, PASSAIC, N.J. 07055 – Periodical Postage Paid at original entry of Passaic, N.J., 07055 and additional mailing offices PASSAIC, N.J., AUGUST 12, 12, 2015 VOLUME CIV NUMBER 5049 189 delegates assemble August 1- 5 to make decisions for the future growth of our organization 32nd National Convention Convenes in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Host Group 14 offers gracious welcome and traditional warm hospitality to delegates and guests Members of the Supreme Assembly elected by the delegates of the 32nd National Convention include: Most Rev. Joseph V. Adamec, D.D. Protector Rev. Andrew S. Hvozdovic* Supreme Chaplain Michael J. Horvath* Supreme President Edward D. Moeller* Supreme Vice President Scott T. Pogorelec, F.I.C.* Supreme Secretary Dennis J. Zifcak* Supreme Treasurer James G. Jerek* Chairperson of Auditors John D. Pogorelec, Jr., Esq.* General Counsel James C. Matlon* Supreme Director of Sports & Athletics Kathleen S. Watkins* Supreme Physical Directress John M. Underation* Supreme Physical Director *Member of the Board of Directors James F. Knis Supreme Auditor Brian Suchy Supreme Auditor Supreme Physical Fitness Board James C. Matlon Kathleen S. Watkins John M. Underation Frank P. Laury, III Supreme Assistant Director of Sports & Athletics The Most Rev. David A. Zubik, D.D. Bishop of Pittsburgh, shown above center, was the principal celebrant and homilist at the Pontifical concelebrated Mass which opened our 32nd National Convention on Sunday, August 2 at St. Paul Cathedral. Shown with him are, l-r, Supreme President Larry M. Glugosh, the Rt. Rev. Gary A. Hoover, O.S.B., Abbot of St. Andrew Svorad Benedictine Abbey in Cleveland; the Most Rev. Joseph V. Adamec, our Protector and Bishop-Emeritus of Altoona-Johnstown, Pa.; the Rev. Andrew S. Hvozdovic, our Supreme Chaplain; Annie Pogorelec and her husband, our Supreme Secretary Steven M. Pogorelec, F.I.C. Bishop Zubik was enrolled as our Sokol at the age of two by his Baba and Dedo. He is currently a member of Wreath 85 in McKees Rocks, Pa. Katie Swift Supreme Assistant Physical Directress Dusan Dorich Supreme Assistant Physical Director Members of the Supreme Physical Fitness Board Nancy Kropolinsky Julie Laury Martin Degnan Philip J. Walsh Honorary Supreme Officers Steven M. Pogorelec, F.I.C. Larry M. Glugosh Julie Ann Dobbs John D. Pogorelec, Esq. Daniel F. Tanzone Headtable guests at the 32nd Convention banquet held at The DoubleTree by Hilton Pittsburgh Green Tree hotel on Sunday, August 2. Seated from the left are Supreme Secretary Steven M. Pogorelec, F.I.C. and his wife, Annie Pogorelec; Phyllis Pogorelec and her husband, our General Counsel, John D. Pogorelec, Esq. who served as the toastmaster; and Supreme President Larry M. Glugosh. Standing from the left, Supreme Chaplain, Rev. Andrew S. Hovozdovic; the Most Rev. Joseph V. Adamec, D.D., our Protector and BishopEmeritus of Altoona-Johnstown, Pa.; Joseph M. Senko and his wife, Albina Senko; Brother Senko represented Peter Zelenak, the Deputy Chief of Mission of the Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Washington, D.C. who was unable to be present; and Joseph J. Annotti, President & CEO of the American Fraternal Alliance. - Photos by John F. Richnavsky PAGE 2 SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, AUGUST 12, 2015 Sarah Beth Williams, prom queen in Struthers, Oh., inspires others Judy Babik, our Group 17 fraternal activist, recently informed us of the beautiful story which appeared The Vindicator in Youngstown, Oh. regarding one of our young Sokolky of Assembly 108, Sarah Beth Williams of Poland, Oh. We present the article by Denise Dick and thank Judy for sharing this beautiful story with our readers. THE PUSH TO ELECT Sarah Williams Struthers High School prom queen wasn’t like most high-school prom campaigns. It wasn’t a popularity contest or about outer beauty. “We wanted to make you happy, to show you we all care about you,” senior Kara Thompson, 18 said. “She’s always happy no matter what,” said senior Julie DeSalvo, 18. “It was the least we could do to show our appreciation for Sarah,” said Noah Linnen, 18, and a senior. Sarah, 19 was born with leukodystrophy, a rare genetic disorder affecting the central nervous system. It’s a progressive disorder. Bridgette Brumert, Sarah’s personal attendant, helps Sarah throughout the school day. The two have been together for 13 years. She is confined to a wheelchair and has difficulty speaking, but she’s all smiles when she wears her crown and prom sash. “It was fun,” she said of the big night, May 1. Kara, who lives next to Sarah, organized the campaign, distributing purple pins that read “Vote for Sarah” to fellow seniors. Purple is Sarah’s favorite color. She checked with Terri Williams Sarah’s mother, before she organized the effort. Terri checked with Sarah. “She said she wanted me to be prom queen,” Kara said. The prom court was announced before the prom, and her classmates selected Kara, too. “She’s just as nice as Sarah,” Julie said. The announcement of prom king and queen came that night at the Struthers Fieldhouse. “It was a little overwhelming,” Terri said. “I was very touched by it.” As Sarah’s name was announced, people stood up row-by-row to cheer. Terri cried - along with many others attending the announcement. “I think I cried the most,” Julie said. The motivation behind Sarah’s election is what Terri appreciates most. “As a parent of a child with special needs, I sometimes wonder if attention given to Sarah is sympathy-driven,” she said. “But this honor was driven from the love this class has for Sarah. That love was not only seen, but felt from the students starting the standing ovation while she was introduced. Soon the entire fieldhouse was on their feet filled with love for her. This is an amazing graduating class and I have no doubt that these kids will go on to do wonderful things.” Sarah won the vote by a landslide. “It wasn’t close,” Principal Roger Day said. This isn’t the first time Kara coordinated something to help her friend. In 2008, she organized a carnival to raise money for a supportive swing for Sarah. “The goal was to raise $400,” Terri said. “they raised more than $3,000.”Her classmates say Sarah inspires them. “She’s always smiling,” Julie said. “Look at that smile.” Even after everything that she’d been through, she’s always happy,” Noah said. “She doesn’t have selfpity,” Julie said. The students effort didn’t surprise Principal Day. “These are really good kids,” he said. “They’re always doing for others. This was all student-driven. I’m really proud of them.” Sarah was again all smiles as she received her high school diploma during graduation exercises at Struthers High School. Sarah is a member of Assembly 108 in Youngstown and is the daughter of Thomas and Terri Beth Williams of Poland, Oh. Both of Sarah’s parents are also our Sokol members. Members of the Slovak Catholic Sokol throughout the country join Sarah’s many friends and admirers in Ohio’s Mahoning Valley in extending prayerful best wishes to Sarah on her many life achievements, including being a beautiful, animated Prom Queen at Struthers High School. May God continue to bless you Sarah and Zdar Boh! Albert and Mary Popot Celebrate 50th Wedding Anniversary Albert and Mary Popot renewed their marriage vows during a Mass of Thanksgiving celebrated on Sunday, July 26 at the Church of the Most Holy Trinity in Yonkers, N.Y. where they were wed a half century ago. The Rev. Susai Antony Devasagayam, administrator of the parish was celebrant of the liturgy and witnessed the renewal of their marriage vows. The celebration took place at the final Sunday Mass celebrated in the historic Slovak church which closed on August. 1. The former Mary Zeleznik and Albert Popot exchanged their marriage vows during a nuptial liturgy celebrated on September 11, 1965 at Most holy Trinity with the pastor, the late Monsignor Andrew A. Novajovsky presiding. Mary and Al have been active at the Yonkers parish throughout their married life. Father Susai Antony Devasagayam is shown on the above photo flanked by Albert and Mary Popot. Shown with them are their daughters, sons-in-law and grandchildren, including top row, from the left, Darius Powell, Luke Al Powell, Dr. Janine Powell, Cecilia M. Powell and Rita and Paul Ryan. The Popot and Powell family enjoy membership in Assembly 219. Our congratulations and fraternal best wishes go out the Mary and Al Popot. May their love for each other continue to grow as the years go by. Happy anniversary and Zdar Boh! Centennial Milwaukee Labor Day Pilgrimage set for September 7 at Holy Hill Shrine An important milestone in the history of Slovak faith traditions will take place on Labor Day, September 7th. On that day, the Milwaukee area Slovak community will host the centennial of its traditional pilgrimage honoring the Mother of God at the Shrine of Holy Hill located at 1525 Carmel Road in Hubertus, Wis. For 100 years, Milwaukee area Slovaks have gathered in pilgrimage to honor Our Lady at the Basilica of the National Shrine of Mary Help of Christians. The program on September 7 begins with the outdoor Stations of the Cross celebrated at 8:30 a.m. at the bottom of the shrine. A beautiful ritual takes place during the recitation and singing of the Stations when young girls carry the statue of Our Lady on their shoulders, bedecked with colorful streams of ribbons and rosemary. At 9:30 a.m., Mass will be celebrated in Slovak in the Shrine’s upper church. Celebrant of the liturgy will be the Rev. Hornacek, a priest of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. Following the liturgy, Brunch will be served at the Holy Hill Cafe. Reservations are necessary for those planning to attend the Brunch. Call Betty at (414)425-6137 or email Kathy at [email protected]. Pilgrims are encouraged to don their traditional Slovak dress, kroj for those who have them. The Labor Day pilgrimage had it origins in 1915 at the former St. Stephen the Martyr Slovak parish in Milwaukee. The first generation of Slovak immigrants to the area wanted to continue the wonderful pilgrimage tradition honoring the Mother of God during the summer months that they knew in their homeland. They recalled the pilgrimages to the various Marian Shrines in Slovakia at Levoca, Sastin and other shrines which dot the Slovak countryside. In the early years, pilgrims walked the last 8 miles to get to the Holy Hill monastery. Over the past century, generations of Slovaks and their descendants have continued this beloved Slovak faith tradition on Labor Day at the Holy Hill monastery of the Discalced Carmelites. Area Sokols and Sokolky, as has been their tradition, are invited again to give witness to their faith and love for Our Lady by participating in this year’s historic 100th anniversary pilgrimage. For additional information on this year’s pilgrimage, call Betty Valent at (414)425-6137. We pray that as the Milwaukee area Slovak community celebrates its centennial pilgrimage that its second century be as fruitful as its first. SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, AUGUST 12, 2015 From the Desk of the Supreme Secretary My Fraternal View by Steven M. Pogorelec, F.I.C. ENTHUSIASM RUNS HIGH AT OUR SUMMER ACTIVITIES Our organization’s two principal summer activities this year were filled with traditional optimism and joy as we celebrated our 110th Anniversary. Our 47th International Slet and our 32nd National Convention are now history. Our 47th Slet was held at Slippery Rock University in Slippery Rock, Pa., July 14-18. Our Sokol youth from nine participating Groups once again displayed their physical prowess in the best traditions of the Sokol movement. Hard work and determination was much on display during the days of competition in track and field, gymnastics and calisthenics. Our closing Slet exhibition on July 17 was a colorful and precise display of Sokol traditions at its best. My congratulations go out to Group 14, Pittsburgh, Pa. our Slet Flag Winner. It was the eleventh Slet championship for our Pittsburgh team over the course of our national Slet history which had its beginning in 1912. As well, Group 3, East Douglas, Mass. labored long and hard and was rewarded by taking home the Track and Field and Drilling title. Our Bay Staters were also chosen for the coveted John J. Stofko Memorial Spirit Award. The award is named for the late John J. Stofko of Reading, Pa., a long-time Supreme Physical Director and Slet enthusiast. Group 3’s effort, determination, and true Sokol spirit made the team an inspiration to all. The Stofko Spirit Award is chosen by all the Slet participants themselves and testifies to Group 3’s hard work and example which was recognized by all the Slet participants. Many thanks and gratitude go out to our Supreme Physical Fitness Board, our Group Physical Fitness Staffs, as well as all who had a hand in making this summer’s 47th Slet so successful and memorable. Our organization’s ageless slogan of “A Sound Mind in a Sound Body” was certainly on display throughout the Slet week. Our Slet then was an appropriate way to celebrate our organization’s 110th Anniversary. Our impressive closing Slet exhibition was a fitting tribute to our own organization’s 110th Anniversary as well as the 150th Anniversary of the beginnings of the Sokol movement in the United States. Almost back to back with our Slet was our 32nd National Convention held in Pittsburgh, Pa., August 1-5. As you know the convention is the highest governing body in the life of a fraternal organization. I want to thank the 189 delegates who participated in our convention. They took time out of their busy schedules to give back to the organization that they love. Their interest and contributions made for a very successful convention. Decisions made at this convention will guide our organization in the coming four years and beyond. Our opening Mass celebrated by the Bishop of Pittsburgh, the Most Rev. David A. Zubik at the Cathedral of St. Paul in Pittsburgh was very impressive. We are very proud of the fact that Bishop Zubik is our own Sokol member. In his warm welcome and homily he noted that he has been our Sokol member for the past 65 years. He recalled that his baba and dedo enrolled him in our organization at the age of two. We Sokol Calendar AUGUST 14-16 Q 60th International S.C.S Golf Tournament at The Mainstay Suites - Mountain Valley Golf Course, Barnesville, Pa. SUN.AUG.16 Q Summer Festival of SS. Cyril and Methodius Parish, 1315 Second St.,N.E., Minneapolis, Minn. on the parish grounds from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., games, Slovak and Spanish culinary specialities, activities for children, games of chance; for information call (612)379-9736. Q Dedication of the restored Slovak Catholic Sokol Club and annual summer picnic hosted by Assembly 25 and Wreath 15, Perryopolis, Pa., dedication begins at 1 p.m. with picnic to follow; music from 4 to 8 p.m. SUN.AUG.23 Q Franciscan Family Day celebration beginning with Polka Mass at 1 p.m. celebrated in the chapel, picnic and Tricky Tray to follow at St. Francis Retreat House, 3918 Chipman Road, Easton, Pa., tel.610 2583053 visit [email protected]. AUG.28-30 Q Annual Slovak Festival hosted by SS. Cyril and Methodius Parish, 41233 Ryan Road(north of 18 Mile Road), Sterling Heights, Mich., daily entertainment, games, Slovak culinary specialities; Saturday vigil Mass at 4 p.m., Sunday Mass in Slovak at 11:30 a.m.; for information call (586)726-6911. SUN.AUG.30 Q Annual Slovak Day Picnic hosted by the Slovak Alliance of Greater Bridgeport at the Germania Schwaben Club Beer Garden, 416 Horace St., Bridgeport, Conn., music by the Joseph Jurasi Band, Slovak culinary specialities, free admission. were also pleased to see our Sokol Protector, Bishop Joseph V. Adamec, the new Abbot of the Cleveland Benedictines, Gary A. Hoover, O.S.B. as well as the clergy delegates and guests with us at the Convention Mass. I thank our Supreme Chaplain, Father Andrew S. Hvozdovic for all of his efforts in coordinating this beautiful liturgy which testifies to our organization’s great faith dimension. You will have the opportunity to read all about our convention in the coming issues as well as the official convention minutes. An important role of the delegates at the convention is to elect members of the Supreme Assembly. A list of our Supreme Officers who will serve our organization for the coming four years may be found in this issue. I extend warm fraternal wishes to all our newly elected and reelected officers, especially our new Supreme President, Michael J. Horvath of Wilkes-Barre, Pa. and the members of the Supreme Assembly. Also I wish to congratulate all of our newly elected Honorary Supreme Officers. After serving as a Supreme Officer for the past 40 years, and working at the Home Office for 34 years, 24 of them as your Supreme Secretary, I myself decided to retire at our 32nd Convention. I would like to thank all of our members and friends who have supported and cooperated with me over these many years in promoting our beloved organization. I am pleased that the convention chose to elect me as an Honorary Supreme Officer. I am also honored, proud and pleased that the convention delegates elected as my successor and new Supreme Secretary, my son Scott T. Pogorelec, F.I.C.. I believe that Scott, who has gained invaluable experience as a member of our Home Office staff for the past 15 years, will do a great job and I ask that you give him the same cooperation that you have given me over the years. Cooperation between our membership, the officers of our Groups and local Assemblies and Wreaths as well as our Supreme Assembly will insure the continued strength and success of our organization in the years ahead. Congratulations Scott! For all our golf enthusiasts, our final summer activity is set for the coming weekend. We will host our historic 60th International Golf Tournament at the Mountain Valley Golf Course in Barnesville, Pa. Best wishes for an enjoyable tournament. Finally, I wish to congratulate Sister Delphine Jean Hussar, affectionately known throughout the organization as “Dolly” on being selected as our 2015 Slovak Catholic Sokol Fraternalist of the Year. Dolly is certainly deserving of this tribute and we thank her for her many years of excellent service and hard work in the best traditions of the fraternal benefit system. Continue to enjoy the wonderful summer season with family, friends and fellow Sokols and Sokolky. May God bless you and yours with much love, good health and happiness, and may Peace be with you. Zdar Boh! SEPT.5-6 Q 81st annual pilgrimage in honor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, hosted by the Sisters of St. Basil the Great at Moung Macrina, Uniontown, Pa. SUN.SEPT.6 Q Annual Slovak Festival hosted by the Cleveland Slovak Radio Club at St. Anthony of Padua Social Hall, 6750 State Road, Parma, Oh. beginning at 1 p.m., cultural program begins at 3 p.m., music for dancing and listening pleasure by the Culkar Band and the Frank Moravcik Band, Slovak culinary specialities, admission $5.00 per person, children ages 12 and younger are welcome free of charge. MON.SEPT.7 Q 100th annual Labor Day Pilgrimage honoring the Mother of God hosted by the Milwaukee area Slovak community at the Holy Hill Monastery of Discalced Carmelites, 1525 Carmel Rd., Hubertus, Wis. beginning with outdoor Stations of the Cross and procession at 8:30 a.m. followed by Mass at 9:30 a.m. in the basilica’s upper church with Brunch to follow at the Holy Hill Cafe, reservations necessary; for additional information or Brunch reservations call Betty Valent at (414)425-6137. Q Wreath 111 “welcome back” meeting and patronal feast day observance honoring the birthday of Our Blessed Virgin Mary at the American Slovak Club, 2915 Broadway, Lorain, Oh. beginning at 6:30 p.m. SEPT.10-11 Q Meeting of the Executive Board of the Slovak Catholic Federation at the Comfort Inn & Suites Near the University of Maryland, 9020 Baltimore Ave., College Park, Md. opening with dinner on Sept. 10 at 6:30 p.m., Sept. 11 begins with Mass at 8 a.m. followed by breakfast and meeting; for information call the secretary-treasurer Dolores M. Evanko at (570)454-5547. PAGE 3 SEPT.10-12 Q 129th annual meeting of the American Fraternal Alliance, JW Marriott Hotel, Indianapolis, Ind. SAT.SEPT.12 Q Pilgrimage of the Slovak Catholic Federation commemorating the 50th anniversary of the dedication of the Chapel of Our Mother of Sorrows, patroness of Slovakia at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, 4th St. & Michigan Ave., N.E., Washington, D.C., beginning with the arrival of pilgrims at 11:30 a.m. and religious program; Pontifical Mass at 3 p.m. followed by a cocktail reception at the Embassy of Slovakia beginning at 5 p.m. SUN.SEPT.13 Q Annual Sokol Day picnic hosted by Group 7, “Rev. Joseph Murgas” at the Plains Pavilion, Plains, Pa. from 12 noon to 6 p.m. SAT.SEPT.19 Q Annual Golf Outing hosted by Group 6, Perryopolis, Pa., Scramble at the Linden Hall Resort, Dawson, Pa. SUN.SEPT.20 Q 30th annual Midwest Slovak Pastoral Seminar hosted by the Slovak Catholic Federation at Garden Chalet Banquets, 11000 South Ridgeland Ave., Worth, Ill.,beginning with registration at 12 noon, lecture and luncheon to follow, $25.00 per person, for reservations call Geri Hletko at (708)387-7812. SAT.SEPT.26 Q Quarterly meeting of the Slovak Catholic Sokol Supreme Board of Directors via Conference Call beginning at 10 a.m. SAT.SEPT.26 Q Septemberfest at the National Slovak Society Heritage Museum, 351 Valley Brook Road, McMurray, Pa., Slovak woodcarving exhibit, entertainment, arts and crafts demonstrations, food and vendors, free admission and free parking, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. SUN.SEPT.27 Q Assembly 180 meeting at St. Mary’s Catholic Church, 1602 Market Ave. S., Canton, Oh. beginning at 10:30 a.m.; members asked to bring school supplies to be distributed to the needy in the community Q 38th annual New Jersey Slovak Heritage Festival at the PNC Bank Arts Center off Exit 116 of the Garden State Parkway in Holmdel, N.J.; exhibits open at 10 a.m., concelebrated Mass at 11 a.m.; cultural program begins at 2 p.m., soccer match throughout the afternoon, Slovak culinary specialities and imported (Continued on page 6) OUR NEXT ISSUE IS AUGUST 26TH In keeping with our biweekly publishing schedule, the next issue of the Slovak Catholic Falcon will be that of Wednesday, August 26th. Deadline for all photos and information for this is sue will be Thurs day, August 20th. View e-Falcon on our website: Thanking you for your continued cooperation in this matter, I remain Zdar Boh! Daniel F. Tanzone, Editor PAGE 4 SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, AUGUST 12, 2015 REFLECTOR ... The Word of God ... Jotings from Sokol and Slovak life 38th New Jersey Slovak Heritage Festival set for September 27 All is in readiness for this year’s exciting 38th annual New Jersey Slovak Heritage Festival scheduled for Sunday, September 27 at the PNC Bank Arts Center in Holmdel, N.J. Serving as Festival chairpersons are well-known Slovak cultural activists and our Sokol members, Nina Holy and John G. Duch. This year’s festival celebrates the strong ties between the Slovak community in the United States and their brethren in their homeland. In particular we celebrate the centennial of the signing of the Cleveland Agreement, the first attempt by the American Slovak and Czech communities in the effort at liberating their Most Rev. John Pazak, C.Ss.R. brethren in their ancestral homeland. The Cleveland Agreement was an important document in the creation of the first Czecho-Slovak Republic in 1918 and the eventual independence of Slovakia and the Czech Republic on January 1, 1993. Festivities begin at 10 a.m. with an array of colorful and interesting exhibits celebrating Slovak culture and heritage in the Garden State. At 11 a.m. a Pontifical concelebrated Liturgy in the Byzantine Rite will be offered by the Most Rev. John Pazak, C.Ss.R., Eparch of SS.Cyril and Methodius of Slovaks of the Byzantine Rite in Canada. Bishop Pazak a well-known Slovak spiritual leader was celebrant of the liturgy at the 35th Slovak Festival in 2013. This year’s Byzantine Liturgy celebrates the rich Greek Catholic traditions of Slovakia. In addition, it recognizes the many Americans of Slovak ancestry who are Byzantine Catholic. The homilist in Slovak at the liturgy will be the Rev. Martin Vavrak, pastor of St. Nicholas Byzantine Catholic Parish in Perth Amboy, N.J. Following the liturgy, an array of Slovak culinary specialities, including pirohy, bryndzove halusky, holupky, langose(deep fried dough with garlic and cheese, klobasy and kapusta, gulas, roast pig, palacinky, as well as traditional American favorites will be available through out the day. The popular cultural program begins at 2 p.m. with the Parade of Slovak Fashions and Folklore under the directions of our Sokolky, Renata Vasilova and Jane Konzelman. Participants, women, men and children display the traditional Slovak dress or Kroj of their ancestral villages and regions of Slovakia, making for a colorful and interesting display. Some participants don the kroj of their ancestors which they brought with them when they emigrated to the United States more than a century ago. Presentations by various area Slovak folk ensembles will display the rich music and dance traditions of Slovakia. There will be a traditional Slovak singalong and presenters will perform on native Slovak instruments. Music and dancing pleasure will continue until 6 p.m. with the artistry of the Joseph Jurasi Band. The traditional Slovak Festival Soccer Match will pit various soccer clubs from the New Jersey and New York metropolitan area. In addition, there will be an array of rides and games for the children throughout the afternoon. There’s something for every member of the family at this year’s festival. Combined with free admission and plenty of free parking, the festival is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy a Sunday afternoon of Slovak pride and heritage. The PNC Bank Arts Center is conveniently located off Exit 116 of the Garden State Parkway in Holmdel, N.J. Sokols and Sokolky have been a part of the New Jersey Slovak Heritage Festival from its earliest years. The first festival was held in May 1976 as part of the celebration of the American Bicentennial with the late Albin J. Stolarik of Passaic serving as the first chairman. Beginning in 1977, the late Joseph J. Talafous of Jersey City became festival chairman and continued in this capacity for more than 20 years. Since 2000, festival chairpersons have been Nina Holy and John G. Duch. Over the years, many prominent Slovak personalities have participated in these festivals including Slovakia’s President Ivan Gasparovic who visited on three occasions. 30th Annual Midwest Pastoral Seminar on September 20 The annual Midwest Slovak Pastoral Seminar, hosted by the Slovak Catholic Federation is scheduled for Sunday, September 20. This year’s seminar will celebrate its 30th anniversary. The seminar will be held at the Garden Chalet Banquets located at 11000 South Ridgeland Avenue in Worth, Ill. Registration begins at 12 noon. The program begins at 12:45 p.m. with a welcome by the seminar directors Geri Hletko and John Jurcenko. Monsignor Joseph P. Semancik, Ph.D. of the Diocese of Gary, Ind. will then introduce the guest speaker. This year’s seminar presenter will be the Rt. Rev. Gary A. Hoover, O.S.B., Abbot of St. Andrew Svorad Benedictine Abbey in Cleveland, Oh. Abbot Gary will speak about the evangelization efforts of the Slovak Benedictines who had their roots in St. Procopius Abbey in Lisle, Ill. and St. Michael the Archangel Parish in the back-of-theyards neighborhood of Chicago. The first Slovak Benedictine in America, the Rev. Gregory Vaniscak was a monk of St. Procopius Abbey which had been established to serve the Czech community. Father Gregory, considered the founder of the Cleveland Slovak Benedictine Abbey, served for many years at St. Michael the Archangel Parish, Chicago’s first Slovak parish. In 1922, several Slovak Benedictines left St. Procopius to begin their missionary efforts among the Cleveland area Slovaks. In 1934, the Slovak Benedictine community in Cleveland was elevated to the status of an Abbey. Since then, the Slovak Benedictines have enjoyed an important role in the life of the American Slovak community. Abbey Gary is the seventh Abbot of St. Andrew Svorad Abbey. Following the presentation, a delicious family-style luncheon and program will be enjoyed. Cost of the seminar and luncheon is $25.00 per person. Advance reservations only. Reservations made after September 10 are $30.00 per person. No reservations at the door. In order to make the necessary preparations, those planning to attend may make their reservations by calling either Geri Hletko at (708)387-7812 or John Jurcenko at (773)763-0810. Reservations by mail may be made by making checks payable to: Slovak Catholic Federation and send same to: John Jurcenko, 7113 West Talcott Ave., Chicago, IL 60631. An enjoyable afternoon celebrating our Slovak fellowship and heritage is assured. For the past three decades, the Chicago Chapter of the Slovak Catholic Federation has hosted these interesting and informative seminars. They have been wonderful opportunities for the area’s Slovak Catholic community to meet and socialize. The Chicago-land Slovak community has enjoyed a rich history reflecting our Cyrilo-Methodian faith traditions as brought to the area by the various generations of Slovak immigrants over the years. Our Sokol, Robert Tapak Magruder, a member of the seminar committee hopes to see many Group 4 Sokols and Sokolky at this year’s gathering. Gospel for the 20th Sunday of the Year - August 16th John 6:51-58 A reading from the holy Gospel according to John Jesus said to the crowds: I am the living bread that came down from heaven whoever eats this bread will live forever’ and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world The Jews quarreled among themselves saying “How can this man give us his flesh to eat? jesus said to them Amen amen I say to you unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood you do not have life within you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day. For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and l in him. just as the living Father sent me and l have life because of the Father, so also the one who feeds on me will have life because of me. This is the bread that came down from heaven. Unlike your ancestors who ate and still died, whoever eats this bread will live forever.” The Gospel of the Lord . Gospel for the 21st Sunday of the Year - August 23rd John 6:60-69 A reading from the holy Gospel according to John Many of Jesus’ disciples who were listening said, “This saying is hard; who can accept it?” Since Jesus knew that his disciples were murmuring about this, he said to them, “Does this shock you? What if you were to see the Son of Man ascending to where he was before? It is the spirit that gives life, while the flesh is of no avail. The words I have spoken to you are Spirit and life. But there are some of you who do not believe.” Jesus knew from the beginning the ones who would not believe and the one who would betray him. And he said, “For this reason I have told you that no one can come to me unless it is granted him by my Father.” As a result of this, many of his disciples returned to their former way of life and no longer accompanied him. Jesus then said to the Twelve, “Do you also want to leave?” Simon Peter answered him, “Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and are convinced that you are the Holy One of God.” The Gospel of the Lord. SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, AUGUST 12, 2015 Sokol Birthdays AUGUST 16 Mary E. Jones, Ancaster, Ont., Can., a member of Wreath 85, McKees Rocks, Pa. Brianna Lee Skladany, North Braddock, Pa., a member of Assembly 179, North Braddock, Pa. AUGUST 17 Paula Rakocy, Youngstown, Oh., a member of Wreath 54,Youngstown, Oh JosephToskovich, Garfield, N.J., a member of Assembly 1, Passaic, N.J. AUGUST 18 Joseph Kerestes, North Huntington, Pa., a member of Assembly 127, Monessen, Pa. Susan Soppi, Uniontown, Oh., a member of Wreath 103, Barberton, Oh. AUGUST 19 Sue Dikos, New Lenox, Ill., a member of Wreath 81, Whiting, Ind. Stella Z. Mihalik, Norwich, Conn., a member of Assembly 219, Yonkers, N.Y. Edward A. Puskar, Pittsburgh, Pa., a member of Assembly 127, Monessen, Pa. Lillian Zemcik, Hamilton Square, N.J., a member of Assembly 162m Clifton, N.J. AUGUST 21 John Anderek, Yonkers, N.Y., a member of Assembly 219, Yonkers, N.Y. John Bily, Rowlett, Tex., a member of Assembly 9, Bridgeport, Conn. Cheryl Jones, Mechanicsville, Va., a member of Assembly 127, Monessen, Pa. AUGUST 22 Andrew F. Hudak, Jr., Independence, Oh., a member of Wreath 153, Parma, Oh. Christiana Elaine Mosorjak, Windber, Pa., a member of Assem- bly 82, Dunlo, Pa. Mary E. Puskar, Mechanicsburg, Pa., a member of Assembly 127, Monessen,Pa. AUGUST 24 Frank C. Iurato, III, Totowa, N.J., a member of Assembly 162 in Clifton, N.J. Michael Wayne Macurak, Dallas, Ga., a member of Assembly 16, Pittsburgh, Pa. Nicholas Mikula, Youngstown, Oh., a member of Assembly 108, Youngstown, Oh. AUGUST 25 Matthew Bakita, Norton, Oh., a member of Assembly 167, Barberton, Oh. AUGUST 26 Denise A. Beil, Boardman, Oh., a member of Wreath 54, Youngstown, Oh. Julie Ann Dobbs, Racine, Wis. our esteemed Supreme Vice President and member of Wreath 93, Milwaukee, Wis. Anthony D. Dulla, Derby, Conn., a member of Assembly 33, Ansonia, Conn. John Goberish, Aliquippa, Pa., a member of Wreath 85, McKees Rocks, Pa. Sophia Rayne Mosorjak, Dallas, Ga., a member of Wreath 22, Pittsburgh, Pa. Ann Soltis, Clifton, N.J., a member of Assembly 162, Clifton, N.J. Helen Vlack, Elmwood Park, N.J., a member of Assembly 162, Clifton, N.J. AUGUST 27 Madison Macurak, Kennesaw, Ga., a member of Wreath 22, Pittsburgh, Pa. AUGUST 28 Michael J. Culen, Lowell, MA, a member of Assembly 219, Yonkers, ISSN: 0897-8107 Established April 15, 1911 Official Publication of the Slovak Catholic Sokol Issued Bi-Weekly Daniel F. Tanzone, Editor Editorial office: (973) 777-4010 Annual Subscription Rates United States $40.00 – All others countries $45.00 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Slovak Catholic Falcon, P.O. Box 899, 205 Madison Street, Passaic, New Jersey 07055 Member of the Catholic Press Association and the Slovak Newspapermen's Association of America Proprietor and Publisher SLOVAK CATHOLIC SOKOL P.O. Box 899 205 Madison Street, Passaic, N.J. 07055 Home Office: (973) 777-2605-06 WEB SITE – N.Y. Rev. Mark Hudak, O.F.M., Uniontown, Pa., a member of Wreath 15, Perryopolis, Pa. James C. Matlon, Whippany, N.J., Supreme Assistant Director of Sports and Athletics and a member of Assembly 24, Boonton, N.J. John Polchowski, Newtown, Conn., a member of Assembly 9, Bridgeport, Conn. Stephen J. Sroba, Jr., Newtown, Pa., a member of Assembly 48, Philadelphia, Pa. Edward M. Zelenak, Esq., Honorary Slovak Consul in Detroit, a member of Assembly 36, Detroit, Mich. AUGUST 29 Paula A. Papcun, Clinton Twp., Mich., a member of Assembly 36, Detroit, Mich. AUGUST 30 Raymond J. Iwanonkiw, Jr., Canonsburg, Pa., a member of Assembly 16, Pittsburgh, Pa. AUGUST 31 Barbara Bakita, Norton, Oh., a member of Wreath 103, Barberton, Oh. Jennifer N. Hill, Watertown, Conn., a member of Assembly 219, Yonkers, N.Y. Ryan J. Kolodzej, Lansing, Ill., a member of Assembly 11, Chicago, Ill. Slovak Alliance picnic set for August 30 The annual Slovak Day Picnic hosted by the Slovak Alliance of Greater Bridgeport is scheduled for Sunday, August 30 at the Germania Schwaben Club Beer Garden, located at 416 Horace Street in Bridgeport, Conn. Festivities begin at 1 p.m. and will continue until 5 p.m. There will be plenty of delicious Slovak culinary specialties along with a variety of brews. Music for singing and dancing pleasure will be provided by our popular Joseph Jurasi Band. The Schwaben Club is located on Horace Street. Take East Main Street to York Street, then left onto Horace Street. Come join us for an enjoyable summer afternoon celebrating our Slovak pride and heritage in the colorful surrounds of the Schwaben Beer Garden. The Slovak Alliance has enjoyed a rich history of promoting Slovak culture, heritage and pride in Fairfield County. It was founded by the late Rev. Stephen A. Panik, then pastor of SS. Cyril and Methodius Parish in Bridgeport in 1935. Its purpose was to unite the various local Slovak fraternal lodges and social clubs into a strong local presence promoting the good name of the Slovaks. Over the years, the Slovak Alliance has continued to host a variety of projects including its annual scholarship program for youth of Slovak ancestry. Many Sokols and Sokolky have been and continue to be active in the work of the Slovak Alliance. We look forward to seeing a good number of Sokol members at this year’s Slovak Day Picnic on August 30. Zdar Boh! Eileen S. Wilson PAGE 5 Slovak Catholic Federation Pilgrimage schedule announced On Saturday, September 12 the historic pilgrimage of the Slovak Catholic Federation is scheduled for Washington, D.C. The pilgrimage will take place at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, the largest Catholic church in the United States. The shrine is located at 4th Street and Michigan Avenue, N.E. in our nation’s capital. The pilgrimage will be held in conjunction with the 125th anniversary of the founding of the First Catholic Slovak Union and the 50th anniversary of the dedication of the Chapel of Our Mother of Sorrows, patroness of Slovakia. It was on September 4, 1975 that the Slovak chapel was solemnly blessed and dedicated by the Apostolic Delegate in the United States and personal representative of Pope Paul VI, Archbishop Egidio Vagnozzi. On that occasion a crowd of more than 10,000 from all parts of the United States and Canada participated. The program for the pilgrimage begins with the arrival of pilgrims at 11:30 a.m. From 12 noon to 1:45 p.m. lunch will be available as well as tours of the basilica. The sacrament of reconciliation(confessions in English and Slovak) will be available from 1 to 2 p.m. At 2 p.m. in the great Upper Church the official welcome will take place. Welcomes will be extended by the Rev. Msgr. J. Buonanno, director of pilgrimages at the shrine; the Rev. Andrew S. Hvozdovic, national president of the Slovak Catholic Federation and Supreme Chaplain of the Slovak Catholic Sokol; and Mr. Andrew M. Rajec, president of the First Catholic Slovak Union. At 2:15 p.m. the blessing and distribution of rosaries will take place. Recitation of the Rosary in English and Slovak will begin at 2:20 p.m. At 3 p.m. the principal pilgrimage liturgy will be celebrated in the great Upper Church. Principal celebrant and homilist of the liturgy will be His Eminence, Donald Cardinal Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington. From 4:15 to 4:30 p.m., the prayer of blessing will take place in the Chapel of Our Mother of Sorrows. Following the liturgy at the Basilica of the National Shrine, a cocktail reception will be hosted at the Embassy of the Slovak Republic to the United States, located at 3523 International Court, N.W. in Washington from 5 to 7 p.m. Pilgrims then depart at 7 p.m. The Slovak Catholic Federation (SCF) is the representative body of American and Canadian Catholics of Slovak ancestry. It was founded on February 22, 1911 at the former Sacred Heart of Jesus Slovak Church in Wilkes-Barre, Pa. under the leadership of the Rev. Joseph Murgas. The SCF promotes the bonds of fraternal cooperation among Slovak Catholic fraternals and Slovak Catholics in the United States and Canada sponsoring various religious and social activities. It publishes an annual, Dobry Pastier - The Good Shepherd, which includes articles of interest to those of Slovak ancestry in both English and Slovak. Annual membership dues are $15.00 for individuals, $30.00 for a family, and Life Membership is available at $100.00 for those aged 60 and older and $150.00 for individuals aged 59 and younger. Annual dues for local fraternal lodges and districts is $35.00. Membership includes a subscription to The Good Shepherd. For the past 37 years, the SCF has sponsored the SS. Cyril and Methodius Appeal which raises funds in support of the Pontifical Slovak College of SS. Cyril and Methodius in Rome as well as religious communities of men and women in Slovakia. For additional information on the SCF and this September’s pilgrimage, contact the national secretary-treasurer, Dolores M. Evanko at 173 Berner Ave., Hazleton, PA 18201. The current national president of the SCF is our Supreme Chaplain, Rev. Andrew S. Hvozdovic of Sayre, Pa. Father Hvozdovic expresses thanks and gratitude to Sokol members and lodges for their continued support of the work of the SCF and hopes to see many of them in Washington, D.C. for the September 12th pilgrimage. PAGE 6 SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, AUGUST 12, 2015 2015 Scholarship Recipients express thanks and gratitude HIGH SCHOOL GRANTS Dear Mr. Pogorelec, Thank you so much for the $500 Slovak Catholic Sokol Abbot Jerome M. Koval, O.S.B. Memorial Scholarship Grant of $500 which I have received. It will definitely help with my tuition as I attend Holy Redeemer High School for my upcoming junior year. Once again, we thank you and appreciate being awarded this scholarship. Zdar Boh! Sincerely, Karina Graham Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Dear Brother Pogorelec, Just a quick thank you for awarding me a Slovak Catholic Sokol Catholic High School grant for 2015. I am grateful for this opportunity to continue my fine Catholic education at St. Thomas Aquinas High School. Support from the Slovak Catholic Sokol is very much appreciated. Again, thank you and may God continue to bless the Slovak Catholic Sokol. Sincerely, Andrew Hussar Canton, Oh. Dear members of the Slovak Catholic Sokol Scholarship Selection Committee: I would like to take this opportunity to express thanks and gratitude to you for selecting me as one of the 2015 recipients of the Abbot Jereome M. Koval, O.S.B. Memorial Catholic High School grants. I am currently attending Holy Redeemer High School. Please be assured of my prayers for the continued success of the work of the Slovak Catholic Sokol. I am proud to be a member. Sincerely, Nicole Shorts Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Dear Mr. Pogorelec and Scholarship Selection Committee, Thank you so much for the $500 Abbot Jerome M. Koval, O.S.B. Catholic High Scholarship Grant of the Slovak Catholic Sokol. I recently received your generous grant of $500. I am very grateful for it, so are my parents, because we know that a good Catholic education does not come cheap. I am currently attending Bishop McCort Catholic High School. This scholarship will help me achieve my educational goals in the future. Your kindness is special - and so are you! God bless! Sincerely, Zachary T. Beblar Johnstown, Pa. Dear Slovak Catholic Sokol, Thank you very much for choosing my entry as one of the 2015 recipients of the Abbot Jerome M. Koval, O.S.B. Memorial Catholic High School grants. Your generous support is very much appreciated. I will continue to work very hard on my academics to be one of the top students for my grade at Pope John Paul II High School. May God bless the Slovak Catholic Sokol. Sincerely yours, David E. Antoniuk Phoenixville, Pa. COLLEGE GRANT RECIPIENTS Dear Brother Pogorelec, Thank you for awarding me a 2015 Slovak Catholic Sokol college scholarship grant. I am fortunate to have the opportunity to be a part of a wonderful fraternal organization that helps support the continuing education of its members. I am proud to be a fourth generation Sokolka and a member of the founding Group 1. This scholarship will contribute to my education at Caldwell University where I am seeking a Master’s degree to work with children with autism. Thanks again and Zdar Boh! Sincerely, Kayla Kopchak Park Ridge, N.J. Dear Scholarship Selection Committee: I would like to express my sincere gratitude and thanks for being awarded a 2015 Slovak Catholic Sokol scholarship grant. Your generosity will help me in pursuing my goal of becoming a Doctor. I am completely committed to my studies and I know this career path requires a tremendous amount of dedication, perseverance and expense. This scholarship will help me in managing my tuition and educational related costs. Please know that I am truly grateful and honored to have been selected as the recipient of this scholarship award. I fully intend to continue with my community involvement and to stay active with organizational activities. I find these opportunities provide valuable experience as well as being personally rewarding. Thank you again. Sincerely, Alysa Marconi Trumbull, Conn. Dear Scholarship Selection Committee: I am honored to have been awarded a Slovak Catholic Sokol college scholarship grant this year. It is wonderful that my fraternal heritage provides me this gift to empower my education. To be recognized by an esteemed organization that continuously provides the day’s youth with a means of furthering high education is a high honor in my family. This experience reminds me that when one puts in the effort, results are attainable. I am continuing my studies this fall at Temple University in Philadelphia and will go back knowing that I have support from my Sokol community. Thank you again for everything. Zdar Boh! Casie Farrell Parsippany, N.J. Dear Slovak Catholic Sokol, Thank you very much for select- ing me to receive a 2015 Slovak Catholic Sokol College Scholarship Grant. I very much appreciate the support from an organization that my family has been involved in for many years. The scholarship will not only help reduce my expenses at Fitchburg State University but also help me progress in my film/video major. Thank you again for your kindness as it is much appreciated. Zdar Boh! Kristin Wnukowski Douglas, Mass. Dear Slovak Catholic Sokol, I wish to take this opportunity to thank you so much for awarding me a 2015 Slovak Catholic Sokol College Scholarship Grant. Your generosity in supporting higher education is much appreciated. I am so excited to begin my second year at Concordia College Morrehead and I feel so blessed to have so much support for my higher education. Thank you again and my God continue to bless the Slovak Catholic Sokol. Sincerely, Mia Stranberg Andover, Minn. Dear Scholarship Selection Committee: I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Slovak Catholic Sokol Supreme Board of Directors and Scholarship Selection Committee for honoring and awarding me a 2015 Slovak Catholic Sokol college scholarship. Representing Group 3 and our organization as a participant in various activities is extremely rewarding. I look forward to what the future holds. Once again, thank you. Sincerely, Ashley Quinn Douglas, Mass. Dear Brother Pogorelec and Scholarship Selection Committee, I wish to acknowledge receipt of the check for $1,000 as a 2015 Slovak Catholic Sokol College Scholarship recipient. This support will be much appreciated as I continue my studies at the University of West Georgia. I am pleased to be a member of our great organization. Thank you again very much and regards to all. Sincerely, Morgan Macurak Acworth, Ga. CATHOLIC GRADE SCHOOL GRANTS Dear Supreme Secretary Steven Pogorelec and the Scholarship Selection Committee, Thank you for selecting me for a Slovak Catholic Sokol Catholic Grade School grant. I am privileged to have the opportunity to receive this grant toward my education at St. Elizabeth Elementary School. I am so happy to be going into the third grade this September and look forward to a great school year. I participated at this summer’s Slovak Day celebration at Kennywood Park on July 16 as a singer and dancer in the Pittsburgh Slovakians, proudly representing my Slovak heritage. Thank you again. Zdar Boh! Liliana D’Andrea Pittsburgh, Pa. Dear Slovak Catholic Sokol Scholarship Selection Committee, I want to thank you for awarding me a 2015 Slovak Catholic Sokol Grade School Scholarship Grant. I really appreciate it. Having been awarded this grant has motivated me to keep working hard on my academic studies at St. Catherine of Siena School. I will continue to try my best to receive great grades. God bless you. Zdar Boh! Brooke Hess Cedar Grove, N.J. Dear Slovak Catholic Sokols, Thank you for selecting me to receive one of the 2015 Slovak Catholic Sokol Catholic Grade School Grants. This generous grant will help me further my education at St. Nicholas-St. Mary School. May God bless you for your generosity. Zdar Boh! Kelci C. Kuren Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Dear Mr. Pogorelec, I received my Catholic grade school scholarship check and wanted to thank the Slovak Catholic Sokol organization for this honor. I love my school and my parents are grateful for this help with my tuition at St. Barbara Catholic School. I am proud to be a member of the Slovak Catholic Sokol. God Bless you. Sincerely, Ila Nicole Myers Canton, Oh. Dear Brother Steven Pogorelec, Thank you very much for choosing to award me a Slovak Catholic Sokol grade school grant for 2015. I am grateful for the generosity of the Slovak Catholic Sokol. This award is very much appreciated. I currently attend St. Ignatius Loyola Regional School where I receive a great education. I am honored to be chosen for this scholarship. Thank you again for your kindness in awarding me this scholarship. Zdar Boh! Sincerely, Colin M. Baker Wernersville, Pa. Sokol Calendar (Continued from page 3) Slovak arts, crafts and crystal; free admission and free parking. SAT.OCT.24 Q Banquet celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Cleveland Agreement at the Bohemian National Hall, 4939 Broadway Ave., Cleveland, Oh. beginning at 5:30 p.m., entertainment by the Lucina Slovak Dancers; for reservations contact Paul Burik (440)934-4420. SUN.NOV.15 Q 33rd annual St. Martin’s Day Celebration hosted by Group 2, “Rev. Stephen Panik” beginning with 11 a.m. Mass at the Church of the Holy Name of Jesus, 1950 Barnum Ave., Stratford, Conn. luncheon and fraternal program to follow. Dear Brother Pogorelec and directors, Thank you so much for the generous college scholarship grant I was awarded. It will help me pay for my schooling at the University of Central Florida, where I am majoring in health sciences. It is an honor and a blessing as the scholarship will help me reach my goal of becoming a Physical Therapist. I really appreciate this generous grant made possible by the Slovak Catholic Sokol. Thank You. Sincerely, Alaina Mondik Fortin Stuart, Florida Dear Slovak Catholic Sokol Scholarship Selection Committee, I am writing to graciously thank you for selecting me to receive a $1,000 Slovak Catholic Sokol College Scholarship Grant for 2015. I am humbled and very appreciative of your generous contribution to my education. As you are probably award, the cost of higher education is incredibly high. As a result, your gift will allow me to focus on my PreLaw and Political Science studies at Albright College rather than loan payments. Once again, thank you so much for assisting me on my college journey. Sincerely, Zachary Griffith Reading, Pa. Dear Brother Pogorelec and Slovak Catholic Sokol directors, We would like to take this opportunity to express thanks and gratitude to you for selecting our daughter Emily Meador as a recipient of a Catholic grade school scholarship grant. Emily currently attends St. John Bosco Academy. We have received the check and are very grateful. It will certainly help with paying towards her education. We commend the Slovak Catholic Sokol for its support of Catholic education. Again, our gratitude. Sincerely, Susan Meador Emily Meador Pittsburgh, Pa. Bus from New York to Washington pilgrimage St. John Nepomucene Parish in New York City will sponsor a bus to the Pilgrimage of the Slovak Catholic Federation scheduled for Saturday, September 12 at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. The pilgrimage will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the dedication of the Slovak Chapel of Our Mother of Sorrows, a gift of the First Catholic Slovak Union, which was dedicated on September 5, 1965. For additional information and reservations, call Henrieta Dait at tel. (201)641-8922. The bus will depart from the church located at the corner of East 66th Street and First Avenue in Manhattan at 6 a.m. The group will participate in religious events at the shrine as well as the official pilgrimage Mass celebrated by Cardinal Donald Wuerl at 3 p.m. The pilgrims will then participate in the reception at the Slovak Embassy. SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, AUGUST 12, 2015 Scenes of the 47th International Slet Slippery Rock University + Slippery Rock, Pa. + July 14-18 All Around Gymnastic Chamipons. All Around Drill Champions. Group 3 Spirit, Drill, Track Champions. All Around Track Champions. Group 14 gymnastic champions. PAGE 7 PAGE 8 SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, AUGUST 12, 2015 Scenes of the Annual Golf Tournament Hosted by Assembly 59 Hollenback Golf Course + North End Slovak Citizens Club + Wilkes-Barre, Pa. + June 28 TOURNAMENT LEADERS 1st Place winners: David Iskra, Jeff Jacobs, and Justin Jacobs 2nd Place winners: Doug Kaminski, Honorary Supreme Officer, Andrew “Butch” Hvozdovic, Robert Bonneck and William Gill 3rd Place winners: Bill Barber, Steve Kerestes, Jr. and Steve Kerestes, III Following the competition on the greens, a delicious dinner and awards program took place at the North End Slovak Citizens Club. Congratulations to all the winners and thanks and gratitude to all who had a hand in the success of this fraternal event. - Assembly 59 officers SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, AUGUST 12, 2015 PAGE 9 SLOVAK FESTIVAL Saturday, August 29, 2015: 2:00—11:00 p.m. Sunday, August 30, 2015: 12:00—9:00 p.m. Friday, Aug. 28, 6 to 11 p.m. iParish Talent Show CompeƟƟon iLive Dance Music with Patrick J (Note: No Slovak food, Children’s Area, or other entertainment on Friday.) Great Live Entertainment Featuring i Šarišan Slovak Folk Ensembles ( Detroit) the band i Vychodna Slovak Dancers ( Toronto, ON) i Slovak Domovina Dancers (Windsor, ON) i Also featuring Patrick J and Phase Two Raffles i Parish Raŋe — $5,000 top prize! i 50/50 Raŋe Parish Slovak Festival Ss. Cyril & Methodius Slovak Catholic Church 41233 Ryan Rd. (north of 18 Mile Rd.) Sterling Heights, MI 48314 Slovak Mass at 11:30 a.m. on 586-726-6911 Sunday www.slovakfesƟ FREE Admission FREE Parking PAGE 10 SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, AUGUST 12, 2015 What's making headlines in our ancestral homeland News and Views from Slovakia... Kiska ratifies agreement on setting up Visegrad Patent Institute On July 23, Slovak President Andrej Kiska ratified an agreement on the formation of the Visegrad Patent Institute(VPI), which is to endorse innovation policies, economic growth and competitiveness in the Central and Eastern Europe(CEE) region, TASR learned on the same day. The institute is aimed at offering innovations to proactive entrepreneurs, particularly to small- and medium-sized businesses, research centers and universities from the region an advantageous and effective way to ensure international patent protection. In addition, another advantage of the setting up of institute, based in Banska Bystrica in Slovakia, is that this should eliminate any language barriers in informal communication of the applicants with the international authority. The Visegrad Patent Institute(VPI) will be run as a intergovernmental organization of the Visegrad Four countries(the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia) and will be overseen by a managerial board made up of representatives of the signatory countries. The institute will be managed by a director, who will be appointed by the managerial board. Fico: Slovakia staunchly against writing off Greek debt Slovakia will staunchly disagree with writing off part of Greece’s nominal debt, Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico said after a government session on July 21. Fico noted that both eurozone and EU members at the recent summit in Brussels agreed that nothing will be written off from the Greek debt. “A question has appeared, mainly related to the International Monetary Fund’s participation in the programme for Greece,(asking) whether at least part of the debt should not be forgiven. Even if pressure emerges, Slovakia will refuse to write off(part of) the debt as a matter of principle - even at the cost of political difficulties that may emerge for us as a result,” said Fico. According to Fico, Slovakia can serve as a model for many countries - for example, with its law on a debt brake. “We have this mechanism that I’d recommend every country that seems not to be able to endure it in it own skin when it comes to debt,” said Fico, adding that the debt brake begins emitting warning signals when a country’s debt approaches 60 percent of the GDP. Meanwhile, the Slovak debt is well before this level. “Our debt has had a descending trajectory. We’re adopting further measures to make sure that the debt continues dropping and it remains one of the lowest ones in both the eurozone and the entire EU. We’ve made order in public finances, we’re keeping the deficit below 3 percent of the GDP, and we’ve a healthy banking sector,” said Fico, adding that if Slovakia could have adopted such measures, other countries also can. “The Greeks have to do difficult homework to be entitled to receive a further financial package. Nevertheless, if we notice that Greece is failing to meet its commitments and isn’t doing this homework, Slovakia will be in the first line of countries demanding that Greece leave the eurozone,” said Fico, adding that countries with responsible budgetary policies, including Germany, also hold a principled attitude towards Greece. Meanwhile, irresponsible countries in terms of budgeting appear to be more lenient, as they know that they themselves might need help in the future, concluded the Slovak prime minster. Analysis: KIA records highest growth among Slovak car makers in 2014 KIA Motors Slovakia, as the only one of the three car makers in Slovakia, recorded a year-on-year increase in revenues in 2014, according to an analysis issued by FinStat. KIA’s revenue went up 3.14 percent on the year to reach $5.5 billion last year. Meanwhile, the biggest automobile producer in Slovakia - Volkswagen Slovakia - posted a drop in its revenues of 5.41 percent, year-on-year to $6.5 billion, while Trnava-based PCA Slovakia recorded a reduction of 3.91 percent year-on-year to $2.2 billion. Nevertheless, despite the drops in revenues, Volkswagen and PCA were in the black in 2014. While Volkswagen recorded an after-tax profit of $130 million, PCA was on $31 million. KIA Motors recorded the highest net profit on $305 million in 2014. Furthermore, Volkswagen witnessed not only droops in its revenue but also in the number of cars manufactured. While Volkswagen produced a total of 426,313 in 2013, it was 31,839 cars fewer in 2014. KIA Motors manufactured 323,000 cars and PCA Slovakia 255, 176. When put together, the three companies produced 972,650 cars, which is an annual decrease of 1.53 percent. NBS: lower pace of GDP growth enough to spur employment growth Despite the much lower pace of the GDP growth, analysts with Slovakia’s central bank NBS wrote in their latest commentary out on July 22. The commentary explored the relationship between the employment rate and the actual economic developments in Slovakia. “We’ve found that this relationship is largely changing over time. The ‘elasticity’ in the employment rate vis-a-vis the actual economic activity increased during the crisis in 2008-09, and estimates regarding the turnaround point, i.e. the pace of economic growth at which the economy adds new jobs, dropped from close to 3 percent to any where between 1.2 and 1.8 percent,” according to the analysts. They added that the changes found may be explained by a long-term shift in the code of the economy from industrial sectors to services. This structural shift makes the employment rate more responsive to GDP growth, particularly so if the economic growth is fueled by domestic demand - as opposed to a situation when it’s propelled by foreign demand. As per figures released in June, Slovakia’s GDP rose by 3.1 percent year-on-year in the first quarter of 2015. According to Finance Ministry projections, the year-round GDM growth in 2015 should equate to 3.2 percent. More political parties in the offing More political parties are in the making in Slovakia following the recent announcement by Media Academy chancellor Eduard Chmelar concerning an initiative to establish a movement called SEN(‘Dream’), which stands for ‘solidarita, ekologia, nenasilie’(or solidarity, ecology, non-violence), TASR has learned. A group from Brezno(Banska Bystrica region) has notified the Interior Ministry of plans to set up a party to be called ‘Party XY’. In much the same vein are initiatives to found parties called ‘Children and Family,’ ‘Slovak Social Democrats’ and ‘Conservative Revival of Slovakia’ as announced concerning a new party from the founders of the ‘Civic Movement of Social Revival’(OSOH). “Given the unacceptable situation in society, OSOH is seeking to bring together non-corrupt pro-civil forces, that is, to unite people from small political parties, future parties and civil associations in order to secure a dignified life for all ordinary people in Slovakia,” reads a press release by Jozef Solc, Beata Novomeska and Viktor Macanga, all of whom are from Bratislava. According to reports going back to April, there were a total of 156 political parties registered in Slovakia at the time, 86 of which were in the process of dissolution. At present only 10 political parties have representation in the 150-member unicameral Slovak Parliament. Selected stories are provided by TASR-Slovakia, the Slovak Republic’s official News Agency. Slovakia’s capital city of Bratislava is home to many beautiful churches. One of the architecturally most interesting is the Church of St. Elizabeth, known in Slovak svatej Alzbety. It is known as “The Little Blue Church, Modry kostolik, due to the beautiful color of its facade, mosaics and blue-glazed roof. It was originally part of a neighboring gymnasium(high school) and served as the school’s chapel. It is named for St. Elizabeth, daughter of King Andrew II, who grew up in the Bratislava Castle. Known as St. Elizabeth of Hungary, she should in fact be known as St. Elizabeth of Bratislava, the city of her birth. The single-nave church was constructed and dedicated in 1908 designed in the Hungarian Art Nouveau style by Odon Lechner. The facade of the church was first painted with light pastel colors. Later the church got it characteristic blue color. The interior is rich decorated with altar pieces. On the main altar is great painting of St. Elizabeth depicted distributing alms to the poor. A miniature model of the church is found in the Mini-Europe exhibit at the headquarters of the European Union in Brussels, Belgium representing Slovakia. SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, AUGUST 12, 2015 PAGE 11 Final Results of the 47th International Slet Slippery Rock University + Slippery Rock, Pa. + July 14 - 18 Place Group 1 3 2 14 3 5 4 19 5 4 6 11 7 1 8 7 9 17 FINAL TRACK & FIELD TEAM RESULTS Female Male Female City Track Track Field East Douglas 141.0 117.0 28.0 Pittsburgh 64.0 59.0 68.0 Cleveland 37.5 54.5 24.0 Toronto 54.5 43.5 32.0 Chicago 17.5 16.5 43.0 Superior 4.0 0.0 24.0 Passaic 7.5 16.5 0.0 Wilkes-Barre 11.5 0.5 2.0 Youngstown 2.0 0.0 0.0 Place Group 1 14 2 5 3 4 4 3 5 19 6 7 7 1 8 11 9 17 FINAL GYMNASTIC TEAM RESULTS Female Male Female City Track Track Field Pittsburgh 182.0 124.0 Cleveland 0.0 93.0 Chicago 27.0 49.0 East Douglas 28.0 0.0 Toronto 28.0 0.0 Wilkes-Barre 7.0 0.0 Passaic 0.0 0.0 Superior 0.0 0.0 Youngstown 0.0 0.0 Place Group 1 3 2 19 3 4 4 14 5 5 6 17 7 7 8 1 9 11 FINAL DRILL TEAM RESULTS Female Male Female City Track Track Field East Douglas 85.0 116.0 Toronto 97.0 39.0 Chicago 68.0 32.0 Pittsburgh 66.0 30.0 Cleveland 89.0 0.0 Youngstown 8.0 0.0 Wilkes-Barre 5.0 0.0 Passaic 0.0 0.0 Superior 0.0 0.0 Male Field 60.0 16.0 43.0 9.0 17.0 0.0 2.0 10.0 3.0 Total Points 346.0 207.0 159.0 139.0 94.0 28.0 26.0 24.0 5.0 Male Field Total Points 306.0 93.0 76.0 28.0 28.0 7.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Male Field VOLLEYBALL RESULTS 1 2 3 5 3 4 Total Points 7.0 4.0 1.0 Cleveland East Douglas Chicago Place Group FINAL INTERNATIONAL FLAG TEAM RESULTS City Track Drills Gymnastics Volleyball 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Pittsburgh East Douglas Cleveland Toronto Chicago Wilkes-Barre Superior Passaic Youngstown 14 3 5 19 4 7 11 1 17 207.0 346.0 159.0 139.0 94.0 24.0 28.0 26.0 5.0 96.0 201.0 89.0 136.0 100.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 306.0 28.0 93.0 28.0 76.0 7.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Boys 10-12 Boys 13-15 Men Girls 8-9 Girls 10-12 Girls 13-15 Women Group 19 3 4 3 5 14 19 3 5 All-Around Track & Field Winners City Name Toronto Anthony Glugosh East Douglas Sloan Slowik Chicago Noah Romine East Douglas Alec Goldenburg Cleveland Matthew Underation Pittsburgh Riley Bush Toronto Elisa Glugosh East Douglas Allie Benedict Cleveland Chelsea Laury Category Boys 8-9 Boys 10-12 Boys 13-15 Men Girls 8-9 Girls 10-12 Girls 13-15 Women Group 14 4 5 14 19 14 3 14 All-Around Gymnastics Winners City Name Pittsburgh Ethan Kandcer Chicago Mitchell Rakow Cleveland Daniel Underation Pittsburgh Dalton Pribila Toronto Rozie Popik Pittsburgh Catherine Perekiszka East Douglas Skylar Manyak Pittsburgh Erica Pribila Category Boys 8-9 Boys 10-12 Boys 13-15 Group 3 3 5 Individual Drill Winners City Name East Douglas Nicholas St. George East Douglas Raymond Johnson Cleveland Ian Lattea Category Boys 8-9 Total Points 201.0 136.0 100.0 96.0 89.0 8.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 7.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Points 609.0 579.0 348.0 303.0 271.0 36.0 28.0 26.0 5.0 * * * * Men Directors Girls 8-9 Girls 10-12 Girls 13-15 Women Directresses Category Junior Boys Junior Girls Senior Women Senior Men 5 3 19 3 19 19 3 Group 3 3 19 5 Team Drill Winners City East Douglas East Douglas Toronto Cleveland 3 Spirit Award Winner East Douglas Andy Underation Zach Manyak Rozie Popik Reece Slowik Emily Fallis Jenna Babinchak Jacqulyn Manyak 14 Overall Gymnastic Winner Pittsburgh 3 Overall Track & Field Winner East Douglas 3 14 Place 1 2 3 Cleveland East Douglas Toronto East Douglas Toronto Toronto East Douglas Group 5 3 14 Overall Drill Winner East Douglas International Flag Winner Pittsburgh TEAM DRILL RESULTS Senior Men City Cleveland East Douglas Pittsburgh Score 98.00 97.13 90.76 Place 1 2 3 4 Group 3 19 4 14 Junior Boys City East Douglas Toronto Chicago Pittsburgh Score 99.25 95.75 91.75 90.50 Place 1 2 3 4 5 Group 19 4 14 3 7 Senior Women City Toronto Chicago Pittsburgh East Douglas Wilkes-Barre Score 99.50 98.25 98.00 97.75 90.25 Place 1 2 3 4 Group 3 14 4 19 Junior Girls City East Douglas Pittsburgh Chicago Toronto Score 96.50 95.00 91.75 84.00 Place 1 2 Group 3 14 Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 Group 5 5 5 3 5 7 Senior Men 16 & up City Name Cleveland Andy Underation Cleveland Carson Cunningham Cleveland Frank Laury Jr. East Douglas Daveed Goldenburg Cleveland Matthew Underation Wilkes-Barre Matthew Malenovitch Score 9.80 9.60 9.50 9.45 9.40 9.35 Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 Group 5 3 3 5 5 3 Senior Men 13-15 City Cleveland East Douglas East Douglas Cleveland Cleveland East Douglas Score 9.25 9.15 9.05 8.65 8.60 8.35 Place 1 Group 3 Directors & Assistants City Name East Douglas Zachary Manyak Pittsburgh Dalton Pribilla Name Ian Lattea Alec Goldburg Joshua Cyr Luke Underation Daniel Underation Brendan Mazzuchelli Junior Boy’s 10-12 City Name East Douglas Raymond Johnson (Continued on page 12) Score 9.45 9.35 Score 9.00 PAGE 12 SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, AUGUST 12, 2015 Final Results of the 47th International Slet (Continued from page 11) Junior Boys 10-12 City Name Chicago Noah Romine Toronto Adam Dorich Cleveland Trent Zollinger Cleveland Nathan Underation Toronto Mark Popik Place 2 3 4 5 6 Group 4 19 5 5 19 Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 Group 3 4 19 3 19 4 Place 1 2 Group 3 5 Directresses & Assistants City Name East Douglas Jacquelyn Manyak Cleveland Abby Underation Score 9.00 8.50 Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 Group 19 4 4 4 19 19 Senior Women 16 + up City Name Toronto Jenna Babinchak Chicago Lexi Stecker Chicago Cassi Stecker Chicago Paige Barnowski Toronto Rachel Bettencourt Toronto Sarah Fallis Score 9.90 9.85 9.25 8.93 8.70 8.50 Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 Group 19 19 14 3 14 3 Senior Women 13-15 City Name Toronto Emily Fallis Toronto Rebecca Bettencourt Pittsburgh Christina Sobeck East Douglas Rachael Mello Pittsburgh Kara Devers East Douglas Devin Haire Score 9.60 9.30 8.90 8.75 8.65 8.50 Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 Group 3 3 14 14 14 19 Junior Girls 10-12 City East Douglas East Douglas Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Toronto Name Reece Slowik Katie Peloquin Taylor Weiss Brooke Martin Hailey Piotrowski Jamie Cartwright Score 9.87 9.65 9.14 8.93 8.70 8.50 Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 Group 19 3 4 14 5 3 Junior Girls 8-9 City Toronto East Douglas Chicago Pittsburgh Chicago East Douglas Name Rozie Popik Ava Haire Amber Radtke Riley Bush Annika Romine Molly Stinchfield Score 9.80 9.75 9.40 9.00 8.30 8.10 Junior Boys 8-9 City East Douglas Chicago Toronto East Douglas Toronto Chicago Name Nicholas St. George Andrew Peterson Anthony Glugosh Sloan Slowik Nicholas Dorich Terrance Biddle Place 1 2 3 Group 3 19 4 Boys 10-11-12 400 METER RELAY City East Douglas Toronto Chicago Place 1 2 3 4 Group 19 4 3 14 Girls 10-11-12 400 METER RELAY City Toronto Chicago East Douglas Pittsburgh Place 1 2 3 Group 3 19 14 Place 1 2 Group 5 14 Girls 13-14-15 400 METER RELAY City East Douglas Toronto Pittsburgh Men’s 400 METER RELAY City Time Cleveland 47.70 Pittsburgh 55.90 Place 1 2 3 Group 3 19 4 Women’s 400 METER RELAY City Time East Douglas Toronto Chicago Time 70.00 72.49 76.70 Time 71.40 75.00 76.10 77.60 Score 8.75 8.60 8.00 7.80 7.75 Score 8.25 8.00 7.00 6.80 6.75 6.50 Time 60.60 64.60 65.10 * 59.50 61.50 62.40 4 5 14 7 Pittsburgh Wilkes-Barre 66.50 67.80 Place 1 2 3 4 Group 19 14 3 4 8-9 MIXED 200 METER RELAY City Toronto Pittsburgh East Douglas Chicago Time 37.40 40.10 40.50 40.80 Place 1 2 3 4 5 Group 14 3 4 19 5 10-11-12 MIXED 400 METER RELAY City Pittsburgh East Douglas Chicago Toronto Cleveland Time 67.30 67.40 69.20 71.10 73.10 Place 1 2 3 4 Group 3 19 5 14 13-14-15 MIXED 400 METER RELAY City East Douglas 54.90 Toronto 59.40 Cleveland 62.40 Pittsburgh 63.50 Place 1 2 3 4 5 Group 5 3 14 19 1 MEN/WOMEN MIXED 400 METER RELAY City Time Cleveland 50.50 East Douglas 51.30 Pittsburgh 57.20 Toronto 58.40 Passaic 59.30 Time * Place 1 2 3 4 5 Group 5 3 19 14 4 WOMEN’S TRACK 100 METER RUN City Name Cleveland Chelsea Laury East Douglas Micalea Goldenburg Toronto Cassandra Kapsa Pittsburgh Brittany Hast Chicago Lisa Hoeck Place 1 2 3 4 5 Group 5 3 19 3 14 City Cleveland East Douglas Toronto East Douglas Pittsburgh 200 METER RUN Name Chelsea Laury Micalea Goldenburg Cassandra Kapsa Makenzie Cyr Brittany Hast Time 26.96 29.60 31.10 31.46 31.48 Place 1 2 3 4 5 Group 3 3 3 19 14 City East Douglas East Douglas East Douglas Toronto Pittsburgh 400 METER RUN Name Makenzie Cyr Micalea Goldenburg Ashley Quinn Rachael Bettencourt Isabella Kenny Time 1:03.90 1:09.20 1:14.60 1:22.60 1:23.70 Place 1 2 3 4 5 Group 3 3 1 14 19 City East Douglas East Douglas Passaic Pittsburgh Toronto 800 METER RUN Name Makenzie Cyr Micalea Goldenburg Janice Matlon Brittany Hast Sarah Falls 2:35.36 2:43.60 2:57.10 3:14.70 3:15.00 Place 1 2 3 4 5 Group 3 1 11 3 7 City East Douglas Passaic Superior East Douglas Wilkes-Barre 1500 METER RUN Name Makenzie Cyr Janice Matlon Mary Matlon Ashley Quinn Nikki Walsh Time 5:12.60 6:04.30 6:29.50 6:32.00 6:33.70 Place 1 1 3 4 5 Group 14 14 14 4 4 City Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Chicago Chicago Place 1 2 Group 5 14 City Cleveland Pittsburgh HIGH JUMP Name Erica Pribila Madison Hanley Maggie Mihalcin Paige Barnowski Lexi Stecker RUNNING LONG JUMP Name Chelsea Laury Brittany Hast Time 12.80 14.50 14.90 15.20 15.30 * * Time * Height 4’2” 4’0” 4’0” 3’10” 3’10” Distance 16’9.” 13’8.5” * SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, AUGUST 12, 2015 3 4 5 4 4 4 Chicago Chicago Chicago Kristina Gemoll Jessica Dobbs Lisa Hoeck 3 4 5 13’8” 13’4” 13’3” PAGE 13 7 5 5 Wilkes-Barre Cleveland Cleveland Phil Walsh Drew Laury Steve Underation 91’3” 89’1” 80’0” Place 1 2 3 4 5 Group 4 4 5 4 7 City Chicago Chicago Cleveland Chicago Wilkes-Barre 8LB. SHOT PUT Name Distance Brianna McDonald 26’6” Paige Barnowski 25’4.5” Carly Cunningham 23’5” Jenny Cybella 23’0” Danielle Zablotney 22’10.75” Place 1 2 3 4 5 Group 7 5 7 3 5 City Wilkes-Barre Cleveland Wilkes-Barre East Douglas Cleveland DISCUS THROW Name Matthew Malanovitch Drew Laury Phil Walsh Kevin Theriault Andy Lipovsky Distance 111’3” 110’5” 87’11” 76’0.5” 75’2.5” Place 1 2 3 4 5 Group 4 7 3 3 14 City Chicago Wilkes-Barre East Douglas East Douglas Pittsburgh DISCUS THROW Name Distance Jenny Cybella 62’7” Danielle Zablotney 59’6” Amanda Gresian 57’7” Jaquelyn Manyak 57’3” Traci Walkowiak 57’2” Place 1 1 3 4 5 Group 5 3 5 5 5 City Cleveland East Douglas Cleveland Cleveland Cleveland HIGH JUMP Name Nicholas Underation Trevor Manyak Carson Cunningham Matthew Underation Frank Laury Height 5’8” 5’4” 5’0” 5’0” 4’10” Place 1 2 3 4 5 Group 5 3 14 3 11 City Cleveland East Douglas Pittsburgh East Douglas Superior JAVELIN THROW Name Distance Chelsea Laury 92’10.5” Jaquelyn Manyak 76’9” Madisn Hanley 72’9” Ashley Gresian 64’8” Rachel Matlon 61’1” * Denotes New Record * ALL-AROUND WINNER - CHELSEA LAURY * Denotes New Record ALL-AROUND WINNER - MATTHEW UNDERATION GIRLS 13-14-15 TRACK 100 METER RUN Name Allie Benedict Jolene Ulichney Myra Tadlock Leah Haire Brynn Hurley Time 15.10 15.20 15.44 15.48 15.50 Time 32.10 32.20 32.32 32.33 32.60 Place 1 2 3 4 5 Group 3 7 5 3 3 City East Douglas Wilkes-Barre Cleveland East Douglas East Douglas Place 1 2 3 4 5 Group 5 5 1 3 5 MEN’S TRACK 100 METER RUN City Name Cleveland Andrew Underation Cleveland Nicholas Underation Passaic Kevin Matlon East Douglas Trevor Manyak Cleveland Carson Cunningham Place 1 2 3 4 5 Group 5 1 5 5 3 City Cleveland Passaic Cleveland Cleveland East Douglas 200 METER RUN Name Matthew Underation Kevin Matlon Andrew Underation Nicholas Underation Daveed Goldenburg Time 24.90 25.40 25.70 26.10 26.50 Place 1 2 3 4 5 Group 3 3 3 7 19 City East Douglas East Douglas East Douglas Wilkes-Barre Toronto 400 METER RUN Name Allie Benedict Leah Haire Rachael Mello Julia Christian Mallory Kapsa Time 1:10.10 1:11.50 1:11.90 1:12.60 1:13.60 Place 1 2 3 4 5 Group 5 3 1 1 5 City Cleveland East Douglas Passaic Passaic Cleveland 400 METER RUN Name Matthew Underation Daveed Goldenburg Gerard Freda Kevin Matlon David Underation Time 54.90 55.70 56.60 56.80 60.00 Place 1 2 3 4 5 Group 3 3 7 3 3 City East Douglas East Douglas Wilkes-Barre East Douglas East Douglas 800 METER RUN Name Allie Benedict Rachael Mello Julia Christian Kiara Johnson Molly Vincent Time 2:50.25 2:54.33 2:55.34 3:03.56 3:07.60 Place 1 2 3 4 5 Group 3 5 5 1 7 City East Douglas Cleveland Cleveland Passaic Wilkes-Barre 800 METER RUN Name Daveed Goldenburg Matthew Underation David Underation Kevin Matlon Paul Zablotney Time 2:16.60 2:23.20 2:26.90 2:34.20 2:40.00 Place 1 2 3 4 5 Group 11 3 14 14 3 City Superior East Douglas Pittsburgh Pittsburgh East Douglas SOFTBALL THROW Name Rebecca Matlon Brynn Hurley Angelina Martin Melina Bushmen Molly Vincent Place 1 2 3 4 5 Group 3 1 5 14 3 City East Douglas Passaic Cleveland Pittsburgh East Douglas 1500 METER RUN Name Daveed Goldenburg Sean Freda David Underation Jonathan Gable Zachary Manyak Time 5:05.60 5:10.02 5:10.05 5:55.80 6:03.80 Place 1 2 3 4 5 Group 3 3 5 14 7 RUNNING LONG JUMP City Name East Douglas Leah Haire East Douglas Brooke Mazzuchelli Cleveland Myra Tadlock Pittsburgh Angelina Martin Wilkes-Barre Jolene Ulichney Place 1 2 3 4 5 Group 5 5 3 1 5 RUNNING LONG JUMP City Name Cleveland Andrew Underation Cleveland Nicholas Underation East Douglas Trevor Manyak Passaic Gerard Freda Cleveland Carson Cunningham Distance 17’11” 17’5.5” 16’10” 16’7.5” 16’5” Place 1 2 3 4 5 Group 11 14 14 3 19 City Superior Pittsburgh Pittsburgh East Douglas Toronto 8LB. SHOT PUT Name Rebecca Matlon Lexi Meder Melina Bushman Alexa Gresian Serena Baron Distance 22’11.25” 22’6.5” 20’5” 20’0” 19’10” Place 1 2 3 4 5 Group 5 5 7 3 3 City Cleveland Cleveland Wilkes-Barre East Douglas East Douglas 12LB. SHOT PUT Name Drew Laury Frank Laury Matthew Malanovitch Trevor Manyak Zachary Manyak Distance 42’5.5” 35’11” 34’3” 32’10” 32’9” Place 1 2 3 4 5 Group 3 11 14 14 7 City East Douglas Superior Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Wilkes-Barre DISCUS THROW Name Alexa Gresian Rebecca Matlon Melina Bushmen Sara Bushmen Julia Christian Distance 52’9” 46’8” 43’1” 41’5” 40’10” Place 1 2 Group 3 5 City East Douglas Cleveland JAVELIN THROW Name Zachary Manyak Frank Laury Distance 124’2” 100’11” Time 11.90 12.00 12.40 12.90 13.00 Place 1 2 3 4 5 Group 3 5 3 3 7 City East Douglas Cleveland East Douglas East Douglas Wilkes-Barre 200 METER RUN Name Allie Benedict Myra Tadlock Leah Haire Brynn Hurley Jolene Ulichney * Denotes New Record ALL-AROUND WINNER - ALLIE BENEDICT (Continued in next issue) Distance 152’5” 143’6” 129’7” 123’9” 116’7” Distance 13’1” 13’0” 11’9.5” 11’8” 11’5.5” PAGE 14 SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, AUGUST 12, 2015 KIDS’ CORNER “Detský kútik ” August, 2015 ANNOUNCING THE KIDS’ Fun Facts CORNER SUMMER READING PROGRAM!!!! Just a reminder…...I will need the completed reading lists returned to me no later than September 15th. Include your name, address, Group number and age so that I can recognize you in the paper. Don’t forget to highlight your favorite books on the list!!! and have fun reading!!!! Please send your completed reading lists to: Julie Ann Dobbs– 5314 Agatha Turn, Racine, WI 53402 If you prefer to do it online you can e-mail it to me: i A crocodile cannot stick out it's tongue. i A shark is the only fish that can blink with both eyes. i All 50 states are listed across the top of the Lincoln Memorial on the back of the $5 bill. i Babies are born without kneecaps. They don't appear until the child reaches 2 to 6 years of age. i "Dreamt" is the only English word that ends in the letters "mt". i It's impossible to sneeze with your eyes open. i No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver, or purple. i On a Canadian two dollar bill, the flag flying over the Parliament building is an American flag. i Peanuts are one of the ingredients in dynamite. i The average person will spend 2 weeks over their lifetime waiting for the traffic light to change. i Walt Disney was afraid of mice. i Elephants are the only animals that can't jump. [email protected] %\Dr. Michael Kopanic WRUHDG þtWDĢ>FKHH±WDDĢ@:LWK DVRIW³W´LWLVVRIWOLNHWKH³W´LQWKHZRUG ³TXHVWLRQ´ ,ORYHWRUHDG 5iGþtWDP>5DDG FKHH±WRP@7KHÄD³LVDORQJiDQG VRXQGHGORQJHU ERRN NQLKD>NQHH±KDK@1RWH WKDWWKH³N´LVSURQRXQFHGDVLQ.QXWH 5RFNQHWKHIDPRXV1RUZHJLDQ $PHULFDQIRRWEDOOFRDFKDW1RWUH'DPH LQWKHVDQGV ERRNV NQLK\>NQHH±KHH@ ,ORYHWRUHDGERRNV 5iGþtWDP NQLK\>5DDGFKHH±WRPNQHH± KHH@ HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!! Michael Fesko 8/6 Ian Dobbins 8/9 Jason Banaszak 8/12 Lauren Marie Bond 8/14 Edward Stankowski 8/14 Donald Kacmarcik 8/15 Ryan Sims 8/16 Kayla Hvozdovic 8/16 Eric Jozwiak 8/19 Bryce Watkins 8/19 Juliana Hoeck 8/20 Alex Jozwiak 8/22 Amber Radtke 8/29 Backpack Safety We know that nobody wants to think about going back to school, but it is only a few weeks away. Backpack safety has become an important issue in the past few years. An overweight backpack can cause you to have muscle strains, shoulder problems, and back problems. It is important to follow a few safety guidleines. i Choose the right size backpack for your height and weight. When choosing a backpack, look for the following: wide straps, two shoulder straps, waist strap, lightweight backpack or rolling backpack. i The maximum weight of a loaded backpack should not exceed 15% of your body weight. i Use both shoulder straps. You are added extra unnecessary weight to one shoulder if you carry the backpack by one strap. i Do not carry unnecessary supplies back and forth from home to school. Leave all supplies in your desk of locker and have a spare set at home. i Do not carry unnecessary books home. If you do not need it, leave it at school. SLOVENSKÝ KATOLÍCKY SOKOL, 12. AUGUSTA 2015 Slovenská liga v Amerike poskytne štipendiá americko-slovenským študentom Slovenská liga v Amerike oznamuje, že americko-slovenským študentom na univerzitách alebo college, poskytne tohto roku desať (10) štipendií po $1.000.00. Štipendiá budú udelené na počesť a uctenie pamiatky zomrelých manželov Dr. Ladislav a Dr. Catherine Hinterbuchner. Štipendiá budú vyplatené ako Drs. Ladislav and Catherine Hinterbuchner Memorial Grants v druhej polovici decembra tohto roku. Žiadatelia majú napísať štúdiu na piatich (5) stranách (obriadok – doublespaced) na témy, ktoré majú vzťah k slovenskej histórii, kultúre alebo k americko-slovenskému životu a majú ju poslať čím skôr, ale najneskôr do 7. decembra t.r. na adresu: Slovak League of America, 205 Madison St, Passaic, N.J. 07055. Na tejto adrese si záujemcovia majú vyžiadať formulár, ktorý majú so svojou prácou poslať do kancelárie Slovenskej ligy. Formulár si môžu vyžiadať aj telefonicky od 11.00 hodiny dopoludnia a 3.30 hodine popoludní na telefónnom čísle: 973472-8993. Manželia Hinterbuchneroví boli dlhoročnými podpororovateľmi Slovenskej ligy v Amerike a iných slovenských programov. Dr. Hinterbuchner zastával počas viacerých termínov funkciu 1. podpredsedu SLvA. Štipendijný program Slovenskej ligy bol založený v roku 1972. Odvtedy v rámci tohto programu dostalo štipendiá vyše 200 študentov. Fond je inkorporovaný ako dobročinná inštitúcia a je udržiavaný z darov, ktoré sú odpočitateľné na daňových priznaniach. Dary možno poslať na adresu: S.L. Scholarship Fund, 205 Madison St., Passaic, N.J. 07055. Slovenskí vojaci budú v Afganistane školiť letecký personál Do Afganistanu odišlo začiatkoma augusta 12 vojakov, ktorí budú plniť úlohy v oblasti komunikačných a informačných systémov NATO. Slovenskí vojaci by mali v Afganistane školiť aj letecký a technický personál Afganskej národnej armády. Na základe požiadaviek partnerov Slovensko už pripravuje takýchto odborníkov na vyslanie do operácia Resolute Support. Vládou a parlamentom odsúhlasený počet vojakov pôsobiacich v tejto krajine sa tým nezvýši, potrebné bude odobriť doplnenie úloh. V Afganistane môže pôsobiť do 66 slovenských vojakov. Po desiatich rokoch sa minulý rok skončila v Afganistane bojová operácia ISAF a jej prirodzeným pokračovaním sa od januára stala nebojová misia Resolute Support. Jej primárnym cieľom je podpora, ale aj poradenstvo a výcvik afganských bezpečnostných síl. V Afganistane má Slovensko v súčasnosti nasadených približne štyridsať vojakov. Ich jadro tvoria členovia 5. pluku špeciálneho určenia - útvaru Síl pre špeciálne operácie. Okrem vojakov školiacich afganských kolegov pôsobí priamo v Kábule niekoľko slovenských vojakov v najvyššom veliteľstve Resolute Support a dvaja zdravotníci v poľných nemocniciach. V štruktúre najvyššieho veliteľstva špeciálnych síl v Afganistane NSOCC-A reprezentuje Slovenskú republiku jeden kmeňový člen 5. pluku špeciálneho určenia. Zaujímavosti o Kremnici Kremnické námestie. - (Foto: Archív Mincovňa Kremnica, Ivan Čillík) Kremnica patrí k vyhľadávaným turistickým atrakciám. Návštevníci tam majú možnosť spoznať bohatú históriu mesta, ktoré je známe najmä svojou mincovňou, kde sú vystavené medaily a mince rôznych exotických štátov, ktoré pre nich kremnická mincovňa vyrazila. Ďalšou atrakciou Mincovne je ukážka ako sa mince razili v minulosti a ako sa razia dnes. Záujem návštevníkov upúta aj napodobenina zlatej tehly – koľko predstavovala ročná Ach, tá naša slovernčina! Banky na Slovensku zaznamenali vlani 52 prípadov skimmingu - ...ako tvrdí, že toto stupídne divadlo ukončí... - ISSN: 0897-8107 Majitel« a vydavatel«: SLOVAK CATHOLIC SOKOL Daniel F. Tanzone, redaktor Telefónne ™íslo: (973) 777-4010 V£etky ™lánky, príspevky a správy treba posielat« na adresu: Editor, Slovak Catholic Sokol, P.O. Box 899 205 Madison Street, Passaic, New Jersey 07055 produkcia zlata v Kremnici, akú hodnotu by mala dnes, aké to bolo rušné a dôležité mesto, aj ako v minulosti prebiehali menové reformy. Vystavené sú tam aj slávne kremnické florény, dukáty aj guldinery. Zaujímavé sú inflačné peniaze počas napoleonských vojen, bankovky Rakúsko-uhorskej banky či prvé československé bankovky. Len pár metrov od Mincovne je kremnický mestský hrad. Je to komplex budov z 13. až 15. storočia, v ktorého strede stojí gotický Kostol sv. Kataríny patrónky mesta - s nádhernou klenbou. Na bočnom oltári je umiestnená socha Madony z prelomu 15. – 16. storočia, z obdobia renesancie je zachovaný toskánsky stĺp kazateľnice, ako aj krstiteľnica z ružového mramoru. Súčasťou prehliadky je aj krásny výhľad na panorámu mesta a okolité kopce z mestskej veže, na ktorú vedie 127 schodov. Jedzte letné ovocie - je plné vitamínov Leto je obdobím, kedy máme možnosť jesť čerstvé a chutné ovocie, ktoré si máme dopriať každý deň. Zlepšujú zrak, čistia tráviaci trakt, zabíjajú baktérie, obsahujú vitamín C, železo, atioxidatny a mnoho minerálov. Jahody majú vynikajúci liečivý účinok na cholesterol, ktorý po ich konzumácii klesá rovnako ako krvný tlak. Draslík, vláknina, vitamín C sú podporou pre imunitný systém. Sú prevenciou voči šedému zákalu a čo je ich najväčšie plus, vedia byť osožné Najtrendy svadobné účesy desaťročí: ...Beauty blogerka Kayley Melissa ukázala svoju šikovnosť a vytvorila ikonické svadobné účesy. - Úradn¥ ™asopis SLOVENSKÉHO KATOLÍCKEHO SOKOLA Zalo¢en¥ 15. apríla 1911 – Vychádza ka¢dú druhú stredu PAGE 15 Chia semiačka - super food nielen pre vegánov! - Letné ovocie a jeho benefity pre telo - Last minute zájazdy dokážu ušetriť nemalé peniaze... - Viete, že okrem chuti ponúkajú aj množstvo benefitov pre vaše zdravie? - pri vyhladzovaní vrások. Černice obsahujú vitamín K, ktorý je potrebný na správnu funkciu pečene, zabraňuje vzniku infekcií, je nevyhnutný na dobré zrážanie krvi a hlavne podporuje dlhovekosť. Černice sú nápomocné pri boji s rakovinou a význam sa im pripisuje aj ako preventívny činiteľ chrániaci pred rozvojom srdcovo – cievnych ochorení. Čerešne sú prírodným zdrojom melatonínu, ktorého sa počas leta tvorí menej a tak sme náchylní viac sa budiť a menej spávať. Červený melón obsahuje draslík, antioxidanty, karote-noidy, sacharidy, vitamíny A, B6, a C, vápnik, ale aj zdravé bielkov- iny a vlákniny. Preventívne ho užívajte aj pri vypadávaní vlasov, alebo zlom zraku. Zvykne veľmi výrazne napomôcť zlepšeniu oboch diagnóz. Broskyne sú bohaté na vitamín C, ktorý má antioxidačné účinky a posilňuje tiež našu imunitu. Nachádza sa v nich aj vitamín A a tiež beta-karotén, ktoré spoločne zlepšujú zrak a tiež napomáhajú k obnove buniek a zlepšeniu stavu pokožky. Popri skupine vitamínov sa v broskyniach nachádza aj železo, draslík či fluór – podporujú tvorbu krviniek, lepšie fungovanie svalov a tiež zlepšenie stavu zubov či kostí. A v neposlednom rade sú tu flavonoidy, ktoré majú antioxidačné účinky. Slovensko predložilo kandidatúru do Rady OSN pre ľudské práva (Pokračovanie zo str. 20) píše sa v dokumente. Slovensko sa tiež bude angažovať pri presadzovaní rodovej rovnosti, posilňovaní postavenia žien a dievčat a odstraňovaní všetkých foriem diskriminácie a násilia voči nim. Slovensko podporí všetky racionálne a reálne kroky, ktoré povedú k zvýšeniu efektívnosti, transparentnosti a reprezentatívnosti organizácie. Slovensko „bude podporovať reformné úsilie a bude sa naďalej aktívne podieľať na procesoch revitalizá- cie Valného zhromaždenia OSN a zlepšenia jeho pracovných metód, aktívne sa zapojí do diskusie o reforme Bezpečnostnej rady OSN,“ uvádza materiál. Slovenská republika už v minulosti členom Rady OSN pre ľudské práva bola, a to v rokoch 2008 – 2011. Členom Bezpečnostnej rady OSN sme boli v rokoch 2006 a 2007 a členom Hospodárskej a sociálnej rady OSN, ktorá je jedným z hlavných orgánov organizácie, Slovensko bolo v rokoch 2010 – 2012. - SITA For God and Nation Za Boha a národ SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON ÚRADNÝ ČASOPIS SLOVENSKÉHO KATOLÍCKEHO SOKOLA - 28 000 ČLENOV - HLAVNÁ ÚRADOVŇA: 205 MADISON STREET, PASSAIC, NJ 07055 – VOLUME CIV PASSAIC, N.J., 12. AUGUSTA 2015 38. slovenský festival v PNC Bank Arts Center bude 27. septembra Organizačný vybor Festivalu slovenského dedičstva v New Jersey pripravuje aj na tohoročný 38. festival bohatý program. Festival sa bude konať v nedeľu 27. septembra v PNC Bank Arts Center v Holmdel, NJ. Program začne o 10.00hodine ráno a skončí večer po 6. 00hodine. Tohto roku sa tradičné bohoslužby budú konať v gréckokatolíckom obrade a začnú o 11.00 hodine predpoludním. Bohoslužby sa budú konať v grécko-katolíckom obrade. Hlavným celebrantom bude gréckokatolícky biskup Ján Pazak, C.Ss.R. z Toronta. V kultúrnom programe vystúpi známy ľudový súbor z Pitts- burghu PAS a tiež viaceré detské súbory z New Yorku a New Jersey. Predstaví sa aj operný spevák Jozef Ivaška ml. Program festivalu doplnia aj ďalšie aktivity, ako hry pre deti, futbalový turnaj a tanečná hudba. Ako po iné roky, na festivale budú predajné a výstavné stánky s knihami, keramikou, pamiatkovými predmetmi a rôznymi výrobkami slovenského ľudového umenia a stánky so slovenskými špecialitami. Festival prídu pozdraviť aj slovenskí diplomati v USA a očakáva sa aj účasť vysokých činiteľov Slovenskej republiky. Vstup do parku a parkovanie sú bezplatné. Júl bol na juhu Slovenska najhorúcejší za posledných 145 rokov Júl bol tento rok na Slovensku extrémne teplý a na niektorých miestach najteplejší za posledných 145 rokov. Priemerná mesačná teplota vzduchu dosiahla extrémnu hodnotu na takmer jednej tretine meteorologických staníc s denným spravodajstvom. Priemernú mesačnú júlovú teplotu nad 24 stupňov Celzia zaznamenali v histórii meteorologických meraní na Slovensku iba v rokoch 1994, 2006 a 2015. V Hurbanove dosiahla v júli tohto roku priemerná mesačná teplota 24,2 stupňa Celzia, čo je pre tento mesiac najvyššia hodnota od roku 1871. Slovensko podpísalo dohodu s USA Slovenská republika a Spojené štáty americké 31. júla podpísali dohodu na zlepšenie dodržiavania medzinárodných predpisov v oblasti daní a na implementácii zákona FATCA. Na základe tejto dohody sa bude medzi zmluvnými štátmi uskutočňovať automatická výmena informácií na daňové účely o príjmoch na finančných účtoch rezidentov zmluvných štátov. Dohoda FATCA je pritom podľa rezortu financií v Slovenskej republike adresovaná najmä odbornej informovanej verejnosti, ktorou sú finančné inštitúcie. “Účelom predmetnej dohody je zabránenie daňovým únikom a podvodom a zlepšenie výberu daní,” informovalo Ministerstvo financií SR. Za Slovenskú republiku bol splnomocnený na podpis dohody štátny tajomník Ministerstva financií SR Ivan Lesay a za Spojené štáty americké Chargé d’Affaires z Veľvyslanectva USA v Bratislave Rudolf Perina. Po podpise bude dohoda FATCA predložená na vyslovenie súhlasu Národnej rade Slovenskej republiky a na ratifikáciu. - sita ČÍSLO 5049 Krátke správy zo Slovenska S Podľa údajov Organizácie spojených národov žije vo svete takmer 350-tisíc slovenských emigrantov. Najviac ich je v Českej republike, Veľkej Británii a Nemecku. Z veľkých Európskych krajín Slovákov najmenej láka Francúzsko. Viac slovenských emigrantov žije napríklad vo Švajčiarsku a v Španielsku. Imigrantov na Slovensku podľa údajov OSN z posledných uverejnených štatistík žije takmer 150-tisíc. Najviac imigrantov prišlo z Českej republiky, Maďarska a Ukrajiny. S Obrovské nešťastie sa stalo 2. augusta ked’ vo vodnej priehrade Ružín pri Košiciach skončilo osobné auto. Žena s dieťaťom prišla autom za mužom, ktorý rybárčil. Vystúpila, vozidlo zavrela a 2,5-ročného Lukáška, ktorý bol pripútaný v autosedačke, nechala vnútri. Auto sa však dalo do pohybu a skončilo v asi 4-metrovej hĺbke uviaznuté v bahne. Chlapčeka sa z neho vyslobodiť nepodarilo. S Keď hasiči vytiahli auto spod hladiny po vyše dvoch hodinách, našli v ňom už len ne- hybné telíčko. S Slovenskej agentúre pre rozvoj investícií a obchodu (SARIO) sa v spolupráci s Ministerstvom hospodárstva SR podarilo v prvom polroku tohto roku uzavrieť jedenásť investičných projektov. Vďaka týmto projektom by sa malo na Slovensku preinvestovať zhruba 170 miliónov eur a vytvoriť 2 800 nových pracovných miest. V medziročnom porovnaní ide o nárast preinvestovaných prostriedkov o 70 miliónov eur, pričom vďaka novým investičným projektom vznikne o 300 pracovných miest viac, ako v rovnakom období minulého roku. S Mladú Slovenku, ktorú začiatkom augusta hladali vo Vysokých Tatrách dva dni, našli horskí záchranári 3. augusta mŕtvu. Dievčina zrejme spadla z výšky, jej telo totiž našli pod stenou Satana v Mlynickej doline už bez známok života. Smrteľné zranenia utrpela pri páde z výšky, informovali horskí záchranári. Do pátracej akcie sa spolu s horskými záchranármi zapojili aj dobrovoľníci a verejnosť. Slovensko predložilo kandidatúru do Rady OSN pre ľudské práva Po 15 rokoch začalo 1. augusta opäť slúžiť verejnosti kúpalisko Zelená žaba v Trenčianskych Tepliciach. Je najvyššie položené termálne kúpalisko v strednej Európe. V roku 2001 ho z technických príčin po 65-ročnej nepretržitej prevádzke uzavreli. Kúpalisko dlhé roky chátralo. Teraz po otvorení sa pýši najmodernejšími technológiami. Areál Zelená žaba návštevníkom ponúka veľký plavecký bazén, detský bazén, oba s vodnými atrakciami, štyri sauny s odpočinkovými miestnosťami, multifunkčné športové ihrisko, plážový volejbal, detské a športové herné prvky, vychádzkovú zónu s vyhliadkou, niekoľko gastronomických prevádzok a reštauráciu. - Foto: TASR Slovenská republika predložila svoju kandidatúru do Rady Organizácie Spojených národov (OSN) pre ľudské práva na roky 2018 - 2020 v snahe zohrávať pozitívnu a konštruktívnu úlohu v rozvoji a ochrane ľudských práv vo svete. Slovensko bude presadzovať posilnenie a zefektívnenie ochrany univerzálnych, neodňateľných, nedeliteľných a vzájomne od seba závislých ľudských práv a zdôrazňovať nezastupiteľnú úlohu a činnosť orgánov OSN zameraných na ľudské práva. Slovensko tiež podporuje reformu systému OSN a jej orgánov a inštitúcií s cieľom zvýšiť ich efektívnosť a pripravenosť reagovať na geopoli- tické výzvy, ktorým dnes svetové spoločenstvo čelí. Vyplýva to z návrhu účasti delegácie Slovenskej republiky na 70. zasadnutí Valného zhromaždenia Organizácie Spojených národov a smernice pre postup delegácie, ktorý je v medzirezortnom pripomienkovom konaní. 70. zasadnutie Valného zhromaždenia OSN sa začne 15. septembrav New Yorku. Slovenskú delegáciu povedie minister zahraničných vecí a európskych záležitostí Miroslav Lajčák. Slovensko sa bude podľa dokumentu naďalej spolupodieľať na boji proti všetkým formám diskriminácie, rasizmu, xenofóbie a ostatným prejavom ne- tolerancie ako aj na boji proti mučeniu a inému neľudskému alebo ponižujúcemu zaobchádzaniu a trestaniu a spolu s ostatnými členskými krajinami Európskej únie bude pokračovať v presadzovaní uplatňovania práv zraniteľných skupín, osobitne detí a bude v tomto kontexte aktívne presadzovať práva osôb so zdravotným postihnutím. „Slovensko bude naďalej podporovať úlohu OSN pri koordinácii a poskytovaní medzinárodnej humanitárnej pomoci a obhajovať dodržiavanie medzinárodného humanitárneho práva, právnych predpisov v oblasti ľudských práv a práva utečencov,“ (Pokračovanie na str. 19)