June 2016**Banner War Edition!
June 2016**Banner War Edition!
The Blade Artist Unknown May 2016 Missive from the Crown G reetings unto Galandor! We have returned from the northern reaches of Our territory having spent a pleasant few days in the colder climes of the mountains and forests. Banner War was a rousing success due to the tremendous efforts of Squire Torrent Stormwind and Shandalar. As a sign of our gratitude for their hard work, both were inducted into the Order of the Sovereign’s Gratitude. While many other things of note took place we would like to extend Our special congratulations to the newest member of the Order of the Knights Combatant, Lord Sir Antinious Darkfyre. We know that he will serve the Kingdom with honour and chivalry. We were also honored to have Duke Sir Lassidor from the Duchy of Cithera and two noble squires from Puerto San Vladimir. As summer approaches and the temperatures rise it is the perfect time to turn to Our more indoor based pursuits. Arts is a vital aspect of Our existence and We have seen a decline in its importance in some areas of the Kingdom. We challenge everyone to expand their knowledge in whatever artistic endeavor they choose. As an added incentive for your efforts We will be holding a special Arts competition in September. All the artisans of the Kingdom who wish to participate will compete for the accolade, Kingdom Arts Champion. Please note, Her Majesty Anne will be entering as well and it has been quite a while since anyone has beaten Her in an arts competition. Yours in Humble Service, King Gaelen and Queen Anne. The Edge of Altiora Altiora Tournament / Event Recap Please look for future messages and updates from the Territory of Altoria in upcoming Blades. 3 The Edge of Solaris G reetings Lords and Ladies of Solaris! Wow, what an amazing month May was! We all had such a wonderful time this year at Banner War and I wanted to send out another heartfelt thank you to everyone who was able to join us. Thanks to the extreme heat that our summer is bringing, we are going to move our evening fighter practice to 7PM and for our Archery practices, our Archery Marshall is going to try and find an indoor range. We will communicate this to everyone as soon as we have a plan. In Loyal Service, Astrid O’Ciarain 4 Solaris Tournament / Event Recap BANNER WAR! Greetings lords and ladies of the empire! First I would like to thank everyone who attended banner war and made it a success! We conquered all obstacles in our way. First we saddled up our steeds and over loaded them with the gear of war. We journeyed to the faraway lands of Willard Springs. Our steeds may have had trouble with the mountains but at long last we made it! Once we were there set up was swift, there was no time to delay, the enemy was coming! Friday was spent in preparation Saturday the festivities began, after opening court there was practice for our archers. Soon after we met the enemies at the combat field in Shinai our men fought gallantly there was no tournament in this form because the battle was so fierce. After lunch we prepared for battle in the form of Rapier, before we could get far an announcement was made and Lord Squire Antinious Darkfyre was called forward. Kind words were said about the Squire. He was presented with a shovel with a blue hue to be reminded to reflect on what his peers have to say. He was also presented with a belt of blue, and spurs so that he may ride in the kingdom unhindered. Lord Sir Antinious Darkfire rose as a Knight and was held by his peers as he took the last blow he will ever take unanswered. There was much joy for the new Knight because everyone in attendance knew that he has earned this honor. After the combat field knighting we celebrated by competing in a double elimination tournament Lord Sir Amadeus O'day competed and rose as the victor! After such celebration it was time to step back into the fray of melee, after hours of battle Grand Court was held. The proceedings of the day were announced. Our Margravine had asked and was released from her position in Peregrine. Our current president was presented a banner by Squire Volker on behalf of the previous president. After court the kitchens bustled with the preparation of food. Foods from different lands made an appearance and everyone went to bed that night with food in their bellies. Sunday, court was called to go ever the events of the day. After court the call to arms rings yet again. Steel would be fought. But alas! I see a Squire, and a Forsaken Wolf that are able bodied and two suits of armor to stuff them in. All hands on deck. We will make their armor fit! For the first time Whisper of house Forsaken and Squire Edward Jameson fought on the Steel combat field. Their armor was not as shiny as the new knight's was, but they fought bravely. In the end Duke Sir Lassiter prevailed in the round robin Steel tournament. The men battled hard and the enemy was weak so it took less time to finish them off that day. 5 Solaris Tournament / Event Recap BANNER WAR! After lunch the populous gathered at the archery range for a King Henry style tournament to fire at the Vikings as they sailed away. Shandalar La Fluer was victorious as she fired her flaming arrow into their sail at 40 yards. Closing Court was held and the victors were recognized: Lord Sir Amadeus for Rapier Duke Sir Lassiter for Steel Shandalar Le Fluer for Archery Whisper of house Forsaken for Arts Many thanks were given to the squires Volker and Ruslan for their help even in the absence of their knights they were always happy to help and were actively looking for work to help with. Whisper of house Forsaken was also thanked for allowing me to use his wagon. If the wagon had not been provided the event would not have been as successful. Squire Torrent Stormwind and Shandalar Le Fluer were both accepted into the order of the Sovereign's Gratitude. Last but not least Astrid O'ciaran was accepted into the house Forsaken. After closing Court everyone helped with tear down and we enjoyed the company of our fellow combatants and beloved members of the empire. In service, Squire Torrent Stormwind 6 Special Announcement Attention Galandor! The Kingdom of Galandor and the Territory of Solaris are proud to introduce a new knight who has joined the ranks of honored Sirs and Dames Let it be known to all that Lord Squire Antinious Darkfyre Shall know be recognized as Lord Sir Antinious Darkfyre Longtime member of the Kingdom of Galandor Served as Margraf of Solaris Recipient of The Sovereigns Gratitude Member of The Order of the Golden Feather Member of House Forsaken Chainmail Master of the Kingdom Lineage: Sir Reinhardt von Konrad Sir Galen O’Flaharty Sir Gerrit Kendel, Sir Antinious Darkfyre \\\ 5 Solaris BANNER WAR A gathering of spirits Solaris Tournament / Combat 10 Solaris Tournament / Combat Solaris / Archery Solaris Upcoming Events for May 2016 Upcoming Events for June Saturday June 11th 7PM, evening fighter practice at Country Side Park. Archery Practice TBD Saturday June 18th 7PM, evening fighter practice at Country Side Park. Archery Practice TBD Saturday June 25th 8AM- Ridiculously Hot, Scalding Archery Tournament at Paseo Vista Recreational Park 6:30PM, Solaris Ridiculously Hot, Scalding tournament at Country Side Park. Sunday June 26th Collegium hosted by House Resilient (please see their post for more details). Solaris Ridiculously Hot, Scalding tournament It’s no secret that the sun has been bearing down on our territory in full force. We will be starting in the evening close to when the sun begins setting. There will be Shinai, Rapier and for the bravest of us, Steel! There will be Arts judging as well so start working on your arts! Site fee will be 1 crown ($1). For Archery, we are going to start early in the morning and hopefully try to beat the heat as best we can. Site fee will be 1 crown ($1). We look forward to seeing everyone at both tournaments! Astrid O’Ciarain The Crafty Fox of House Forsaken "Greetings Galandor” I, Squire Edward Jameson, am pleased to announce that the soon to be created House Resilient will be hosting a Collegium. It will be held at Their Majesties' estate on June 26th and will start at 1 p.m. (please contact me if you need directions). We have planned subjects for all three tierages and if you have a subject you would like to present, I ask that you please contact me.I look forward to seeing you all there." In service Squire Edward Jameson 13 8 The Edge of Stahldrache G reetings unto the populace- This May marked the 7th year since Stahldrache's first event. We greatly appreciate all those who made it to the event and the autocrats who did a wonderful job putting it on. As we enter the summer months of our great territory please remember to keep up on practice announcements on Facebook and to follow the Blade for upcoming events around the kingdom. As always if there is any question or need in the territory please contact us. The gates are always open. Duke and Duchess von Hesser 2016 Stahldrache Officers Arts Archery Chronicler Combat Martial Exchequer Herald Hospitaler Lists Quartermaster Rolls SOA Web Minister Lady Mona Vickery Lady Elysse Jagerkin Brunhild Ebert von Bayern Squire Lothar von Helbrungen Duchess Dame Ana van Hesser Friar Frances Lady Halyna Tulloch Amithyst Pisano Page Baltazar Schmidt Lady Elysse Jagerkin Eiebhleann Vuhselin Steward Lydas Roldan 14 10 Stahldrache Tournament/Event Recap B irlth of S tahldrache- On Sunday, May 22nd, 2016, Stahldrache celebrated their 7th birthday with their annual "Birth of Stahldrache" tournament hosted by Ambrosius D'rossi, and Amithyst Pisano at the Citadel. After a grueling day of fighting, shooting and having fun there was a fresh batch of winners. In the fight for Steel champion, Squire Lothar von Helbrungen took the prize as well as being the most Chivalrous fighter of the day. The fighter deemed victorious of the Rapier battle was Sir Christoph Vuhselin. His Grace Sir Adon Von Hesser proved his skills in the battle of thrown weapons. Lord Sir Teunis Atterdag proved his deadly accuracy by taking home the prize for Archery. And last but not least, Lady Halyna Tulloch showed her passion for the arts and claimed the prize. All in all, Stahldrache fought well, fought hard, and is excited for the many years to come. In the fight for Steel champion, Squire Lothar von Helbrungen took the prize as well as being the most Chivalrous fighter of the day. The fighter deemed victorious of the Rapier battle was Sir Christoph Vuhselin. His Grace Sir Adon Von Hesser proved his skills in the battle of thrown weapons. Lord Sir Teunis Atterdag proved his deadly accuracy by taking home the prize for Archery. And last but not least, Lady Halyna Tulloch showed her passion for the arts and claimed the prize. All in all, Stahldrache fought well, fought hard, and is excited for the many years to come. Service with honor Ambrosius D'Rossi & Amithyst Pisano A special thanks to all that came out to the Kokomo First Friday Demo May 6th. IU Art Gallery 219 N Union Kokomo. Again we were able to reach more of our mainstream public and this event in the past has proven to give us great exposure in a different setting with people visiting from nearby cities. We were paired up with Kokomo American Tribal Belly Dancers and the event proved to be a good match. This Demo also spotlighted the up and coming Day of Change event for our territory in September. Future First Friday Demos will also be coupled to Kokomo American Trial Style as it helps to fill time between fighting and talking to the public. 15 12 Stahldrache – Combat Birth of Stahldrache 14 Stahldrache – Archery and Throwing Weapons Birth of Stahldrache Upcoming Events for Stahldrache June 2016 JULY 2016 Y ou are invited to attend the 4th Annual Lights over Morse Lake 4th of July Festival with us in Cicero, Indiana. This year dates are July 2nd thru the 4th. Early set up on June 30th. There will be security for us thru Monday evening. Go to www.lightsovermorselake.com to view their schedule of events. This is the Centennial Celebration for Indiana this year, Things will be ramped up, We will have historic fencing demos. Hope all will embrace this group as our brothers and possibly include them in any other skits that would come up. As always, raffle table and Saturday evening pitch in dinner. Please no drinking when public is present. No shooting unless in a skit, neighbors have dogs. Everyone come to enjoy and interact with the public politely. The city does a lot for us, so let’s bring on our "A" game. Contact Shellie Riggle 765-461-3380, [email protected] to RSVP. Thanks in advance Wood and ice are provided. We will have access to showers. Please enjoy and entertain. Love ya all. In Service, Lady Mona Vickery Upcoming Events for Stahldrache 2016 Viking Weekend Campout Tournament & Feast $20 Tourney only ($5) - Families (contact autocrat) September THE DAY OF C.H.A.N.G.E. Saturday September 3rd T he Annual Age of Chivalry Day of Change will be held in the lands of Stahldrache again this year in Kokomo, Indiana. Labor Day Weekend, Saturday September 3rd. We invite our Crown and territory brothers and sisters to come and be part of the celebration. Each year this event gets bigger and more intense. This year we plan to have more fighting, more vendors, and much more fun. This year Viscountess Dame Ana will be using the event as her ministry project so it promises to be a Grand Event for our Territory and the ECS. Look to future Blades for more detailed information to come. If you have any questions please contact Her Grace Viscountess Dame Ana. 19 Message from the Chronicler A s your Royal Chronicler I attempt to highlight the activities of the kingdom and keep our news as a running part of our history, legacy, and lineage. If you have anything of good news or articles please forward that to me for a feature in The Blade. For event photos I comb the social media pages and try to get the most artistic and period shots we take as a collective kingdom. Please feel free to flood our Kingdom and Pages with great event pics as you have been. Moving forward I would like to highlight more items on Arts & Sciences as well as Guilds and Collegiums as to promote and share the collective skills of our populous. You may even find some common interests with a member from another territory. And that can only bring us closer as an entity. Celebrate in our common interests and like minds We are Galandor! If you would like a copy of the Blade emailed to you, please send me your email address. If you need to get a hold of me please use any and all means necessary! 宋剑锋 Royal Chronicler and Stewart of House Stone Dragon [email protected] 765-776-0905 Paco Solis via Facebook/Messenger 20 Medieval Lore Dandelion Mead Spring brought the inevitable Dandelions to the grounds of the Citadel. As an experiment, My lovely Elysse Jagerkin decided to research making Dandelion Wine, (always heard of, yet never tried!) . The blossoms of these versatile weeds have been plucked, and are now fermenting. We always enjoy any excuse to ferment something completely different! When we think if dandelions and cooking we think more of the leaves as commonly used in dandelion salads (which are indeed quite tasty) unless you harvest in close proximity to livestock. But dandelion wines are not formed from the leaves as one would expect but from the blossoms during or prior to pollination. Below is a recipe which I encourage all you meadsters to try. Ingredients 1. 3 quarts dandelion blossoms 2. 1 gallon water 3. 2 oranges. with peel. preferably organic 4. 1 lemon, with peel, preferably organic 5. 3 pounds sugar 6. 1 package wine yeast 7. 1 pound raisins. preferably organic (because inorganic raisins are just difficult to find) Instructions 1. Collect the blossoms when they are fully open on a sunny day. Remove any green parts; they will impair fermentation. 2. Bring the water to a boil and pour it over the flowers in a large pot. Cover and let steep for three days. 3. Prepare the oranges and the lemon. Zest (finely grate) about half the skin off and cut the rest off in very thin strips to minimize the amount of white pith added to the brew. (The pith will make it bitter.) 4. Finish peeling the citrus, and slice them into thin rounds. 5. Add the orange and lemon zest to the flower-water mixture and bring to a boil. Remove from heat, strain out solids, then add the sugaring (or honey) until it is dissolved. Allow to cool. 6. Add the orange and lemon slices, yeast, and raisins to the liquid. Put everything into a crock with a loose lid (so gas can escape) to ferment. (I covered it with a clean cotton towel held down by a rubber band.) 7. When the mixture has stopped bubbling (2 days to a week), fermentation is complete. Strain the liquid through several layers of cheesecloth or a flour sack towel and transfer to sterilized bottles. Slip a deflated balloon over the top of each bottle to monitor for further fermentation. When the balloon remains deflated for 24 hours, fermentation is complete. Cork the bottles and store in a cool, dark place for at least six months before drinking for best flavor. NOTE: Be sure not to seal these tightly before they finish fermenting, and don't put them somewhere Warm. Otherwise, you’ll end up with exploding bottles. Hierarchy of Galandor Crown of Galandor- HRM Gaelen O’Flaharty & HRM Anne of Brackley [email protected] Province of Altiora- Viscount Sir Reinhardt von Konrad Marquisette of Solaris- HE Markgräfin Astrid O’ Ciarain [email protected] Solaris House Peregrine- Isabelle-Antoinette Perendreau Solaris House Forsaken- Lord Sir Navar Amadeus O'dea Duchy of Stahldrache- Duke Viscount Sir Adon von Hesser & Duchess Viscountess Dame Anna von Hesser [email protected] Stahldrache House of the Dragon’s Blade- Lady Halyna Tulloch & Steward Lydas Roldan Stahldrache House Stone Dragon- Lord Sir Teunis Atterdag & Steward Squire Song Jain Feng (宋剑锋) Royal Officers of Galandor Kingdom Herald – Sir Kheldar [email protected] Minister of Archery – Lord Sir Navar Amadeus O'dea (Interim) Minister of Arts and Sciences – HRM Anne of Brackley Minister of Combat – Lord Sir Christoph Vuhselin Minister of Rolls – Viscount Sir Adon von Hesser [email protected] Sovereign of Arms – Markgräfin Astrid O’ Ciarain Royal Chronicler –宋剑锋 [email protected] - [email protected] Royal Exchequer – Lady of the Court Celeste il Ferro Rosa [email protected] Kingdom Web Minister – Lydas Roldan [email protected] Kingdom Secretary – Squire Edward [email protected] Minister of Kingdom Regalia – Lord Sir Navar Amadeus O'dea 22 Knights of the Known Realm Artisan Combat Ministry KNIGHT ARTISANS: KNIGHT CHAMPIONS: KNIGHT CIVIL: Ehwaz Bragisdotti Reinhardt von Konrad Anne of Brackley Inara al-Zarqa' Gaelen O'Flaharty Adon von Hesser Gerrit Kendel Richard "Rabbit" Kirk Adon von Hesser Gerrit Kendel KNIGHT MINISTERS: Kheldar of Galandor Inara al-Zarqa' Gerrit Kendel KNIGHT BANNERETTES: Gaelen O'Flaharty Adon von Hesser Ana von Hesser Christoph Vuhselin William Black Gerrit Kendel Reinhardt von Konrad Navar Amadeus O'dea Ehwaz Bragisdotti William Black KNIGHT BACHELOR: Kheldar of Galandor Ulric Sturmere William Black Teunis Atterdag Santo Este Ana von Hesser Panthernykos Antinious Darkfyre ECS Websites Imperial Website - www.ecs-imperial.org Kingdom of Galandor - www.ecs-galandor.org Kingdom of Vega - www.ecs-vega.com 23