$olol`!|al $l`lal| Lll0
$olol`!|al $l`lal| Lll0
Gr[t B0tl $olol'!|al $l'lal| Lll0 r IIATURt$ ash body wrthsolid lockng tuners ByPhilipp€Herndon electric guitar designers llfhen lfll attempt to imovate, they enter f ! a wilderness ftaught with limidess peril. For every Leo Fender 'plarilC' or PaulReedSmith dual-cutaway, there are dozens of misshapen science-fair projects that occupy the "here be dragons" section of your music store or suburban doset. \A/ith his S\a"n sedesof electrics,lim Soloway luckily gets much closet to the fomer than the latter By tweaking some classic designs,he's created a visually appealing inshument boasting superbplayabilityand adistinctive voice, [00]($ o" the sotowaywebsite, styles:Odgina, No- PRICIS $2,200-s3,200 & mateials) c0lilAcl SolowayGuitars 503-977-2727 01t t||tcl aa l( 66 GUITAROl{E the swan is called "the ideal sl,'Inbol for everything we are trying to achieve,"and the guitar we received sure seems to back up that claim. Both striking and somehow familiar, the body shape could be a thematic bridge between Tom Petty's 600series Rickenbackers and Prince's "cloud guita/' frorn Purple Rain, (Note to Solo$1ay:I would strongly ulge your altist rclations departrnent to get a purple model over to Paisley Park assoon as the paint dies.) Our test model a1ai!.ed with a gorgeous, solid Indian rosewood top with ivoroid binding over a chambercd, twopiece swamp ash body. Finished in a Blossynitrocellulose lacquer, the gultaronemag.€om HO DAY2006 body bears a deep shine without the rcsonance-killing layers of cornmon polyester clear coats.A one-piece maple necl with pau ferro ftetboard matches the body perfecdy,creating a la].ered effect sparuing the length of the guitar. The black pearl truss rod cover with inlaid swan logo and brass nged ftet markers are subde nods to the swar"s ltr)ruy standing. $lth other nice touches including a stainless steel Hipshot bridge, Electrosocket jacb chrome pickup dngs,and ashcontrol cavityplate, the o\,'emllefiect is ujrderstatedyet classy Other than somediscoloration on the binding nearthe neckjoint, tlis Swan was aestheticallyfl awless. tttl I LLLSolo\,my'stagline fordle Swanis "LongNecksandBigBoftoms."Ilo:row it sounds like a great ZZ Top song tide, but there'smore to dlis concept fian just wink-and-point marketing. Central to the Swan'sdesign is an exceptiona.l27" scale length. (It's genemllybelievedthatFendels 25.5" scalelength contributes to that special snap and t\,\,?ng,while Gibson's 24.75"measureimparts wamth and makes the strings easierto bend.) I didnt notice the LN6's scale length uttil it was pointed out to me. It pla,s effordessl]4as Soloway has compensated for the extra length with a thin neck thats easyfor smaller hands to get around, and a flatter 16" radius that's great for stringbending. A nicely contoued neck joint allo\asfor unimpeded accessto the upper registers.At the headstocl! a mild 1o-degreeangleand 3+3flrner array maintain pressure across the nut without string tees and mitigate the exfta string tension that comes with a longer scalelength. Most semi-hollow or chambered gujtarstend to be neck-heaw tipping down'\,?rd when played in a standing position. But Sololray has countercd this tendency with two significant design tactics. Firct, the openback Sperzeltuners marage to lock the stdngswithoutanyextramechanical partsor addedweightto the headstock.S€cond,the longer hom on the bassside helps reposition the hstIumentwhilestanding.TheSwan'sbody shape \aas also well suited for playing in a sitting positioq and the deep "be\cuf inthebackallo\,!stheguitar will adore the LN6. Unplugged, I noticed a significant diffeience in bassresponsebet\,\,eenthe S&1an and other guita$ I had. It \ ,?sn'ta matter of volume or EQ so much as qualCAMNNUED ON PAGE125 s i 2 0rln B0[ ity; while my Telecasterhad good thump and bomce, low notes and walking lines played on d1eS],€n stood out like theyd been played on a piano. Although &e LN6 is designed for standard tunin& the improved defirftion was especialy apparent when'hying altemate or lo\ /er tunings. As a custom builde! Solouay offerc a variety ofpickup options. Our test model camewithTv lonesry Chssicand ClassicPlu\ pickup\ dul worked odremely well for clean to mediumgain applications. I was a litde disappointed to 6nd only master \'olulne and tone contols for the two humbuckers, but all ofthe pickup selections and conhol settingssounded terific, and a dual-volume option is alailable. Solowayalso offels a number of DMarzio pickups, tbr those seekingto use the Swan'sexfaordinary definitlon in higher-gain situations. lSll [0RY0U? t" o*suitoraspeciflc soar, Solowayhascome up with aconcept that'sbeen verl well thought rrough.n/hile ils designis unconventional, tlle SwaI doesnt come across as"different" or er?edmental. The components a.llworktogetherto qeate aguitarwith greatdefinition, d)'namics,andplayability ff pute look ing forthese qualities ft omyourinstrumeni, ihe Swanmight be what you need to take fllght'