Use of mnemotechnics to memorise a presentation
Use of mnemotechnics to memorise a presentation
Use of mnemotechnics to memorise a presentation BRAIN Each of us has a short-term memory and long-term memory. It was discovered that brain memorise any information most effectively by transferring it from shortterm memory to long-term memory. Learning process requires repetitions at specified intervals. And so the most common model of repetitions recommends: - 10 minutes, 1 hour, - 24 hours,- 48 hours, - the week – Month, - 6 months, - Year. ASSOCIATIONS POSITIVE IMAGES EROTIC FULL OF COLOUR YOU IN YOUR ASSOCIATIONS FULL OF SOUNDS AMAZING Full of action ABSURDITY AND HUMOR DETAILS Senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch and kinesthetic overstatment Exercise your imagination constantly - it is the key to the development of an excellent memory. Exercise 1: Creating associations ! A CANDLE A SWAN A CLOVER A SAILBOAT AN APPLE A SNAIL A SNOWMAN A BALLOON A KNIGHT A CANDLE A SWAN A CLOVER A SAILBOAT AN APPLE A SNAIL A SNOWMAN A BALLOON A KNIGHT