Fayette Broadcasting Corporation WMBS
Fayette Broadcasting Corporation WMBS
Fayette Broadcasting Corporation WMBS-AM Annual EEO Public File Report The purpose of this EEO Public File Report is to comply with Section 73 .2080( c) (6) of the FCC's 2002 EEO Rule. This report has been prepared on behalf of the Station Employment Unit that is comprised of the following station: WMBS-AM Licensed in Uniontown, Pennsylvania. The information contained in this report covers the time period beginning March 31, 2013 and continuing through March 31, 2014. Activities Section 1: Vacancy Information Appendix 1 to Annual EEO Report 3/31/13-3/31/14 Section 1: Vacancy Information: WMBS Hired one part time on air announcer during the above period. WMBS used wide dissemination to fill the opening including ads on the WMBS website and airwaves, contacting PA Career Link of Fayette County, placing an ad in the local newspaper, The Herald Standard, Pennsylvania Association of Broadcasters Website www.pab.org and contacting local universities to inform them of the opening including Penn State Fayette Campus, Waynesburg University and St. Vincent College. The station interviewed a total of 8 people for the part/full-time vacancies during the period covered in this report for the On Air Announcer. The following are the recruitment sources used during the period covered in this report and the cumulative number of interviewees referred by each: PA Career Link of Fayette County 2 The Herald Standard 0 Pennsylvania Association of Broadcasters Website 0 St. Vincent College 0 On-Air Recruitment: WMBS RADIO 3 WMBS590.Com (Internet web-site) 1 Internal Referral (Employee) 2 Waynesburg College 0 California University of PA 0 Attachment A contains the following information for each full-time vacancy: • The recruitment source(s) used to fill each vacancy, identified by name, address, contact person, and telephone number • The recruitment source that referred the hiree for each fulltime vacancy • The total number of persons interviewed for each full-time vacancy; and • The total number of interviewees referred by each recruitment source used in connection with each vacancy JOB TITLE OF VACANCY: DATE VACANCY OPENED: DATE VACANCY FILLED: RECRUITMENT ON AIR ANNOUNCER JUNE 2013 AUGUST 2013 SOURCE THAT REFERRED TOTAL NUMBER THE HIREE: OF PERSONS INTERVIEWED NAME OF RECRUITMENT WMBS590.COM FOR VACANCY: 8 CONTACT PERSON ADDRESS SOURCE PHONE NUMBER DID THE NUMBER OF INTERVIEWEE S SOURCE REFERRED NOTIFICATION REQUEST BY SOURCE PA CAREER LINK 135 WAYLAND SMITH DR. OF FAYETTE COUNTY UNIONTOWN, WMBS590.COM 44 S. MT. VERNON AVE UNIONTOWN, LEANN BERGMAN 724-434-lOBS BRIAN MROZIAK 724-438-3900 BRIAN MROZlAK 724-438-3900 724-438-3900 2 YES PA 15401 NO PA 15401 ON AIR 44 S. MT. VERNON AVE ANNOUNCEMENT UNIONTOWN, INTERNAL REFERRAL 44 S. MT. VERNON AVE NlCKKRAFT UNIONTOWN, PA 15401 MIKE SACKLEY HERALD STANDARD UNIONTOWN, PA 15401 VICKY 724-439-7500 0 NO PAB 8501 PAXTON STREET HUMELSTOWN, PA 17036 GAIL PONTI 717-482-4820 0 NO PENN STATE FAYETTE 2201 UNIVERSITY DRIVE LEMONT FURNACE PA 15456 CAREER PLACEMENT 724-430-4100 0 NO CALIFORNIA PA 250 UNIVERSITY AVE. CALIFORNIA, PA 15419 CAREER PLACEMENT 724-938-4000 0 NO 51 WEST COLLEGE STREET WAYNESBURG, PA 15370 LANNY FRATTARE 724-627-8191 0 NO UN1V OF WAYNESBURG UN1V 3 NO PA 15401 NO NO Attachment B contains a list and brief description of menu option activities undertaken pursuant to the FCC's EEO rules during the time period covered by this report. Section 2: Recruitment Source Information Recruitment efforts regarding past open positions consisted of the following: 1. Announcement to Fayette County Career Link 2. Announcement to the Colleges and Universities in our listening area- California University of Pennsylvania, Waynesburg University and Penn State(Fayette Campus) 3. Advertisement on Air - WMBS-AM 4. Advertisement on radio station web site - www.wmbs590.com and also an advertisement on the WMBS Facebook Page. 5. Advertisement in local daily newspaper - Herald Standard 6. Announcements to all respondents to requests. 7. Announcement on Pennsylvania Association of Broadcaster Website www.pab.org. (Examples can be found in the WMBS Public File) D WMBS Radio JUNE 24, 2013 WMBS RADIO IS CURRENTLY TAKING APPLICATIONS FOR A PART/FULL TIME NEWS ANCHOR AND PRODUCER. PREVIOUS RADIO EXPERIENCE IS PREFERRED. APPLICANTS SALARY WILL BE BASED ON PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE. SHOULD SEND A RESUME AND DEMO CD TO: WMBSRADIO 44 S. MT. VERNON AVE. UNIONTOWN, PA 15401 OR E-MAIL THE RESUME AND ON AIR SAMPLE TO STATION GENERAL MANAGER BRIAN MROZIAK AT [email protected] OR CALL WMBS AT 724-438-3900 DURING NORMAL BUSINESS HOURS FOR ADDITIONAL BROADCASTING EMPLOYER. INFORMATION. WMBS IS A PART OF THE FAYETTE COMPANY AND IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY FEMALES AND MINORITIES ARE ENCOURAGED TO APPLY. Section 3: Supplemental Recruitment Activities The station's staff participated in numerous activities to promote careers in broadcasting: Station: WMBSlFayette Broadcasting Type of Activity: Internship Program-POINT PARK COLLEGE Date of Participation: May 20l3-August 2013 Participating Employees: Brian Mroziak, Jerome W. Shell, Steve Superick, Nick Kraft, Mike Sackley Host Sponsor: WMBS Brief Description of Program: WMBS continued a partnership with Point Park College hosting intern Tori Adams. Tori participated in broadcast internship at WMBS between May 2013 through August 2013. Tori learned the Radio Business from the Ground Up. He was taught news gathering, writing and reporting. She also learned the station audio board and expanded his knowledge on the board by assisting in the production of network broadcasts. The Internship program was overseen by General Manager Brian Mroziak and Producers Nick Kraft and Mike Sackley. Station: WMBS/Fayette Broadcasting Type of Activity: Veterans Career Link Jobs Expo Date of Participation: 11/7/13 Participating Employees: Brian Mroziak:, John Evans, Nick Kraft, Mike Sackley, Janel Mechling Host Sponsor: WMBS Brief Description of Program: WMBS sponsored Job fair in corporation with The Fayette County Veterans Association, PA Career Link and The Holiday Inn of Uniontown. The purpose of the Jobs Fair is to provide Veteran job seekers an opportunity to gather in one location and meet with employers and post-secondary schools who have jobs andlor internships and to acquire information about certificates and degrees. Along with sponsoring the event WMBS did a 4 hour live remote broadcast between 9a-l p the day of the event. Station: WMBSlFayette Broadcasting Type of Activity: Radio Education to Catholic School Students in the Area Date of Participation: 1/13-2/13 Participating Employees: Sandy Tracy, Mike Sackley, Brad Bishop, Janel Mechling, Nick Barcheck, Brian Mroziak:, Jim Morgan and other staff members. Brief Description of Program: Staff Members conducted various tours to local Catholic School Students in Conjunction with Catholic Schools Week. Participating Schools included St. John's of Uniontown, Geibel and Conn-Area Catholic. Students were shown the basics of the radio industry and also recorded various announcements about their school in the station production room. The Students were then able to hear those announcements on the air when they were broadcast during Catholic Schools Week. Station: WMBSlFayette Broadcasting Type of Activity: Station Tour and Information Session to Boy Scouts of America Laurel Highlands Council. Date of Participation: 5/13/13 Participating Employees: Nick Kraft and Brian Mroziak Brief Description of Program: Nick Kraft gave a tour and radio education session to a local Girl Scout Troop. On 5/13/13 Scout members from the Local Girls Scout Troop lead by Carrie Haney and Melissa Cahill learned about Radio from Nick. Station: WMBS/Fayette Broadcasting Type of Activity: Food Drive Date of Participation: 1118/13, 11115113 Participating Employees: Brian Mroziak, Mike Sackley, Sandy Tracy and Janel Mechling Brief Description of Program: WMBS partnered with the Fayette County Food Bank, Fayette County Buy Local Network, Cecchini Dental and State Theatre and conducted two food drives on 1118/13 and 11115/13 from lOam to 12noon each day and collected over 1,000 pounds of food and cash donations for the Fayette County Food Bank and City Mission of Uniontown to benefit low income families during the holiday season. II. Narrative Statement: The station has contacted numerous groups to promote job openings and opportunities in the radio industry and at WMBS. A list of all organizations is available in the WMBS public file, The station has also set up programs to educate the community about the industry. WMBS also promotes all openings online and on the air. FORM B-2 List of sources used for job openings and internships and organizations requesting information on job openings: The Regional Internship Center c/o Sara Mongell 33 Terminal Way Suite 429A Pittsburgh, PA 15222 412-258-2688 Shipley Group Susie Shipley PO Box 51 Chalk Hill, PA 15421 724-438-5131 St. Vincent College C/o Dennis Gilbert Career Development Director Latrobe, PA 15650 724-537-4570 Penn State Fayette Campus C/o Davida Cavello University Drive Uniontown, PA 15401 Pennsylvania Career Link C/O John Evans or David Zebrasky 135 Wayland Smith Drive Uniontown, PA 15401 724-434-JOBS The Herald Standard 818 East Church Street Uniontown, PA 15401 Report compiled and completed by Brian Mroziak, General Manager, WMBS Radio, Fayette Broadcasting Corporation. Placed in Public File and posted on Web site - March 2014. Page I of2 JobGateway - Review .Job Posting n~~PLo·tf.j~ NANlt: lCCAT10,"J:- :;8P.ANCH! WMBS Raaio/l'ayette Sroaccas'iing: ~ PHONE !~tiMl3:~R: E,t'<~y~,::i\fR1D: WMBS Radll)/Fayette Sroadcastln;;! Un!OntlW>'n;:1:2tHI3S.39tll} 2.91:U'l Job Posting: Revielw l"rmfJew 'dO ~o:s;:mS View ,our job j>tts;ting as It will ellsplav to job $"""'-'rs before submltl!n;) fer 'Pl'rcval Vlew Q;sllga!Jon View oecupatlon Wa{!~, groYUe Information informatlon tndudtng Knowledge .e.Skms: -EducaUorJ &: Trafntno: and more Ther!! are <:urrent:lv ne lob PMUI'llIS tn lobGataway"H that are slrnllar to your postlllg V~.ew other J'ObGi'i!r.e.\"1ilYSM lob PQsUngs stml1a:r to yours Baslc OetaHs Approval Statu$': App,oved JGb l'ostlnO Status: QOSeil "'*''''~''_'. . P.ttSUng 6/2;'l20131C~2i.~42AJ-i '=0;.<;1. Datet Job T$tle~ N~·".i5Anchor and 20b Sum.mary: Pc-oGuc~r Position can ce fuil time or part tsme. Responsible for '..~,.itlng ne'~. ancnc-nr.g statro;'l; n2WS casts, prooudng caucus programs a;;4 SfiiHU'"iY .a\i~t;. ASV, i6j:-or.-5lt;t.a: tor reCDra:1lg comme;d~!s B,"1d venous p-ccccctcn duti:s. Position b (u!i time end persce r"Or..'st be r~!t;re to war'" we:ekal"ida end et~IfY'~. AU appllU!nt5 must be able to provide a demo cd of j¥ev1CUS on air wOrk .. Apply to job Gi"dei aqd emaU resume to employer. . ot~~r. . Job Tltl" {Other Than EfI1Jlisn): Job Summary (Oth ••• Than EngUsh): Is thIs foreIgn Lab"Qf"Ce:rttfh:;atloll Jotl ?ostJng ~o;efg:n Labor 02rtlRcatlolt ? No. TVpe: Foreign Labor Ce.rtl.fkatlon Start Date Forelsn laccv.- Certtf1Cirtlon End Date.! Federal cantractor Job Listing fs CO"'~a!lnv UMef {FO\.} I!.mrm"o'/O! 30b Postlnll' Ne Rat<m RlillnG' .=-nparjenlCe~ Nc· 2 Years !Jcen5~Type: None Slate; endo~mentsa euswm 'FiiWre~ EduCiltkln level; 6achelor:s degree AsS1g-ned staff.: Be-:gm3n~Lc.anii Job Site tleta ils AOdress une 1: A:ldfi!$S una 2: ¥. S Nount verncn A¥e Cfty: UrJonlcvm Stllb2, PennsyiVa~!a ZIp Cetie: 15'101 County~ fayeo-..9 ·\'V01"kShUt~ Day, Even~n9, Night 30b Type: ft.:l1-TIm£.: rJcurs Per Weekr M'~tn11..:mSidary! Mammum 40.00" g,QC S?iary: Sa!~JyPer: Hem Comm~.ES!cn: Olspiay S.a1art tc lndlvid'uais! No Numi>er "r Openinll'" 1 VtCV.i many appU(;~..etlomrdO' you want to review?: 40 ~~ctuo.t Numher of Job Re;'errats: :t :I$ ttd$ Job Opc.nlri~ ·KeYS~';1;;;e ~NO(ffl) P~g •.am~ r~il3tEd'~N:l Ste'lf! Summary Notes:. https:!lwV'iw.jobgatevNay.pa.gov/jponline/EmployerflvlanageJobPostings/JobPostingReview.,. 3118/2014 Jobflatewaw - Review Jolb Posting Page 2 of2 Cont.ct DetaU. Would yOU Ilk" PA Careerl.!;'uk0 St<>ff assistance for this lob I'l<> posting?: Would you like tal disi>lay your Company Name?: Keep Connpany Informatlon ConndenUel: COntact: Methods of Contact! Application Instruction •• Instrwc;tions tor I'll c..reerUnk@ staff; Yes No "'.rollak, Br!co Aiternate Emall Apply to job order and ernau res•••me to Qlmploye.-. Apply to job order and emall resume to emp:oyer. 6/24/13 lI!ergman Occupation Matching Mat:c!llng Options QuestionnaIre ScreenlfilJ Created By; UlXlated By: createc O}n: 6!f1J2013 10;21;42 AM Last Updat<!<l On. 1()/4/1D13 6:15:14 p~, PA C.reorU!lk~ CoPyrt9t!t l;@ Tom Corbett BUild OIftCllS I Accesslb1l!1tv I ~ 2014 Cpmmonwgalth I ~ I ~ I prtyacy PolICy I Security Q'i~ STAr'!' CWRS STAff POlicy rof p§rmsylvan1a. Gpverncr Version: 6ull~ Time:;t<>mp; 211Si2014 12: 19:";1 PM Appflcatton EnvSronment.:{UHSGOOOVrN8Z, Database fnvtronment:Oatabase ]Qb_ngR""lew.asp< Cun-.,nt Date: 3/18/20l4 [SSR Number 6S3] B:24:41 rcstence AI4 https://v.'WW.jobgatewajy .pa.gov/jponlinelEmployerlManageJobPostings/JobPostingReview... 3f18f20 14 Jobflateway - Job Posting; Details Page 1 of1 lob Details News Anchor and IPr9ducer Postlng Number: 3667562 Posted: Jun 24, 20:1.3 Shift: Multiple Shifts I Full-Time Overview locatlom: Unlonlollm, PA 15401-3224 Job Tltl"" News AnChor snd Producer Employer.: WMBS RadlCIFaye~.e Broadcasting E'perlenem: 2 Years Education LaveHfBacllelots degree IJIJnlm~m Solary,!;9.00 par Hour ShlfhDay, EVsn!ng, Night WOI1<'Neak:fFUIl-nne Hou ••••Per Week:t40,OO Summary Position een ba full time or pm;; Ume, Responsible lorwtitlng news, anchoring station n9''''S casts, pro<tU'.;ing various programs and st·ortIng events. Also. respon(tiible: fer recording commercials end other var!0U5 productIon duties. Position Is full time ana person must be flexible to worn weekends and 6venlnqs. Afi applicants must be allis 10 provlOa a demo cd of previou. on air ""Orl<. Apply to job order and emall ", •• urns to employ er, Other Details This Is not a Green .Jcb This Is not a 'Koy£too<> WcrkGProgrmm' rela\eo Job Bu~fd' V'e'r'SIon:r __ 1.U,1.2'3 I\p~ Bu;!d Timestamp: 2/1812014 12:1Q:41 PM~ VlewJobOtrlails EnY1>~ert;{l\HBG":lC~:)} ..asp!<:[SSR Number 849} D.c1dJlf3C enw.~trI:'r.\:D:r.~ \!r.ii~~ Current Dale: 311812014 8:24:56 AM httPS:J/Y,"Nw.jobgateway,tpa.gov/jponlinelJobSeekerlManageJobSearchlView JobDetails.asp... 3i18/20 14 Federal Communicatiorss Commission Washington, D. C. 205554 Approved by OMB 3060·0922 September 2002 (For FCC Use Only) BJROADCAST MID-TERM REPORT Code No. Legal Name of the Licensee 6(p~"tt:(J·fi4;j (O'ftJz.,.IJ,,·y' fttyeHC Mailing Address II J.iLf I 5., mi. tit/'1\/1·1/ ,()v-e. I State or Country (ifforeign address) ZIP Code , fJA i5YO/ j I Telephone Number (include area mode) )E-Mail Address (ifavailable) )li/- 1I~6'"} 9vtJ I 1J/I1/~214 i:. FCC Registration Number (FRN) o 0 1"'/<; 3 tli Facility ill Number ).IZ,?J 77 TYPE OF BROADCAST Radio aa /, {0""1 Call Sign 1 /v/lfd.J STATHON: Commercial Broadcast Station ~ tZt Noncommercial Broadcast Station D TV D EducationalRadio D Low Power TV D Educational TV D Intematssnal List call sign and location of alll stations included on this report. List connnonly owned stations that share one or more employees. Also list stations operaited by the licensee pursuant to a time brokerage agreement. Indicate on the table below whch stations are operated pursuant to a time brokerage agreement. To the extent that licensees inchlde stations operated pursuant to a tim:: brokerage agreeement on this report, responses or mformation provided in Sections I tlrrough ill should take into consideration the licensee's lEEO compliance efforts at brokered stations, as well as any other stations, included on this form For purposes of this form.; a station employment unit is a station or a group of commonly owned stations in the same market that share at least one empHQyee. Call Sign WfVJ~5 Fac,illityID Nwnber ;; IJ. 3 7 Type (check applicable box) I[ZIAMDFM DTV Location (city, state) 1/ 'Vliwf~"i/';I fll Time Brokerage Agreement (check aonlicable hOYl DYes~o DAMDFMDTV DYesDNo DAMDFMDTV DYesDNo DAMDFMDTV DYesDNo DAMDFMDTV DYesDNo DAMDFMDTV DYesDNo DAMDFMDTV D DAMDFMDTV DYesDNo DAMDFMDTV o Yes DNo Yes DNo FCC 397 SEND NOTICES MND COMMUJNICATIONS Lit. eN5(t!. INDICATED BELO'\\\': TO THE FOLLOWING if /'tf-vhicf 1l':,T:unf'_ I'd5p NAMED PERSON AT THE ADDRESS v' Street Address City State Zip Code Telephone No. ( ) FILING INSTRUCTIONS Broadcast station licensees are rerquired to afford equal employment opportunity to all qualified persons and to refrain from discriminating in employment andl related benefits on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, and sex See 47 C.F.R Section 73.2080. Pursuant to these: requirements, a television station employment unit that employs :five or more full-time station employees must file a full and corrqplete Broadcast Mid-Term Report. If a television station employment unit employs fewer than :five full-time employees, only the fiirst two pages of this report need be filed. A copy of this Mid-Term Report imust be kept in the statim's public file. Failure to meet these requirements may result in sanctions or remedies. These requiirements are contained in 47 C.F.R Section 73.2080 and are authorized by the Communications Act of1934, as amended. Consider as ''full-time'' employees eall those permanently working 30 or more hours a week. SECTION L Does your station employment unitt employ fewer than:five full-time employees, if television, or fewer than eleven:full-time employees, ifllradio? If yes, you do not have to :file th:is:dOrrn with the FCC. Hovve=r,}Ou ha= the optim tv complete the certi&ation bekiw, return the form to the FCC, and place a cropy in your station(s) publc file. You do not have to complete the rest of this form If your station employmenturrit employs fiive or more full-time employees, if television, or eleven or more full-time employees, ifradio, you must complete all of this form aind follow all instructions. CERTIFICATION This report must be certified, as folliows: A. By licensee, if an indivilual; B. By a partner, if a partnership (gesneral partner, if a limited partnership); C. By an officer, lfa corporation OJran association; or D. By an attorney of the licensee, iin case of physical disability or absence from the United States of the licensee. Wll.LFUL FALSE ST£1EMENTS ON THIS FORM ARE PUNISHABLE BY FINE AND/OR IMPRISONMENT (U.S. CODE, TIlLE 18, SECTIOJN 1001),AND/ORREVOCATION OF ANY STATION UCENSEOR CONS1RUCTION PERMIT (U.S. CODE, TlTIE 47Z, SECTION 312(aXl)), AND/OR FORFEITURE (U.S. CODE, TITlE 47, SECTION 503). I certify to the best of my knowledgge, infurmation and belief: all statements contained in this report are true and correct Signed q~ Name of Respondent /J/J 4'" Title &W(/tll Date ;/~I/c; FCC 397 (page 2) September 2002 /YJa-2/~k Telephone No. (include area code) / fYJ q tV"! t/1... 7ZY- if]r- )1(.10 I GENERAL POLICY A broadcast stationnnust provile eequal employment opportunity to all qualified individuals without regard to their race, 't-<URJ1,'1W~ili\ religion. Oil sex in an personnel actions including recruitment, evaluation, selection, promotion, compensation, mining and terminattion =~ SECTIONll. RESPONSmILITYFOR IMPLFilMENTATION A broadcast station must assign a jparticular officjal overall responsibility for equal employment opportunity at the station That offciajs name and title are: It is also the responsibility of all peersons at a broadcast station making employment decisions with respect to recnritrnent, evaluation, selection, promotion, (compensation, training and termination of employees to ensure that no person is discriminated against in employmemt because of race, color, religion, national origin or sex SECTIONm. MID-TERM REPORT Television station employment unias with five or more full-time employees and radio statim employment units with more than ten full-time employees filiog; in the middle of the license term must attach a copy of each of the two most recent EEO public file reports (the rejports from this year and last year). Stations are required to place annually such infolTIllltionas is required by 47 C.lF..R.Sectioa '?J.2()8f) in Ihcir pubk 1i1cs. EXHIBIT 1 FCC NOTICE REQUIRED BY THE PAlPERWORK REDUCTION ACT We have estimated 11",teach response to tliilis collection ofinIDrmation will average 30 minutes. Our estimate includes the time to read the instructions, look through existing records, gather and mainltain required data, and actually complete ani review the form or response. If you have any comments on this estimate, or on how we can improve the collJection and reduce the burden it causes you, please write the Federal Communication; Commission, AMJ>PERM, Paperwork Reduction Project (3060·0922), \Washington, D.C. 20554. We will also accept your comments via the Internet if you send them to [email protected]. Remember. you are not required to respornd to a collection of information sponsored by the Federal government, and the government may not conduct or sponsor this coJ.lection, urness it displays a csurrently valid OMB control number or if"" filil to provide you with this notice. This collection has been assigned an OMB control numherof3060-0922. THE FOREGOING NOTICE IS REQUJIRED BY THE PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT OF 1995, P.L. 104-13, OCfOBER 1, 1995, 44 U.S.C 3507. FCC 397 (page 3) September 2002 Federal Communications Cormnissjon Approved by OMB 3060-0113 Washington, D. C. 20554 BJROADCAST EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY MODEL PROGRAM REPORT Legal Name of the f4.pooant .• -a./t.flc Mailing Address Cily J../'i f) tV J 'ovitt/,1/ tJlUt" ta!) 1-,'1/j Ii /f'&~rt1It t)·-v 1. ml: ,. i/erNP''') /lye. State or Country (ifforeign 11' 72- '1-'13/- J9,,0 I iJMa'2/QK.. IS'ItI/ 2-lt ~ Application for Construction Pernnit for New Station o Application for Transfer ofContrrol 0AM to ,r:; ,e,~;I_ t"'_ FacilityIDNumber D b. \ ZIP Code E-Mail Address (ifavailab1e) Telephone Number (imlude area code) a. Service Type: address) tJA FM o 7 D TV Ci" I CallSign fA/M6S Appbcation for Assignment of License Other (specify) Connnun:ityofLicense: INSTRUCTIONS Applicants seeking autlhority to constrruct a new commercial, nonconnnercialor international broadcast station applicants seeking authority to obtain assignment of the monstruction permit or license of such a station, and applicants seeking authority to acquire control of an entity holding such constnuction permit or license are required to afford equal employment opportunity to all qualified persons and to refrain from discraninatson in employment and related benefits on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or sex See 47 C.F.R Section 73.2080. IPursuant to these requirements, an applicant who proposes to employ five or more full-time employees must establish a program dsesigned to assure equal employment opportunity. This is submitted to the Commission as the Model EEO Program For purposes off this form, a station employment writ is a station or a group of commonly owned stations in the same market that share at least one '<n1Rployee. Guidelines for at Model EEO Program and a Model EEO Program are attached NOTE: Check appropriate box, sign thee certifcatjon below and return to FCC: D Station employment unit will errqploy fewer than 5 full-time employees; therefore no written program is being submitted, ~ Station employment unit will empRoy 5 or more full-time employees. Our Model EEO Program is attached. (You must I certify that the statements made herenn are true, complete, and correct to the best of'rny knowledge and belie:£::and are made :in Signed Name )l,fIkspondent Title Date /5J1/4¥ Ma2/~t WTILFUL FALSE STATEMENT~ ON THIS FORM ARE PUNISHABLE BY FINEAND/OR IMPRISONMENT (U.S. CODE, TITIB 18, SECTION 1001), ANID/ORREVOCATION OF ANY STATION LICENSE OR CONSTRUCTION PERMIT (U.S. CODE, TI1LE47, SEC1I10N 312(a)(1)), AND/ORFORFElTURE (U.S. CODE, TI1LE47, SECTION 503). FCC 396-A GUIDELINES TO THE MODEL EEO PROGRAM The model EEO pro~m adopted b)Y the Commission for construction permit applicants, assignees, and transferees contains five sections, des.WA tn asssist the apphcamt in establishing an effective EEO program for its station The specific elements which should be addressed are as follows: I. GENERAL POLICY The first section oftbe program shoulld contain a statement by the applcant that it will afford equal employment opportunity in an personnel actions without regard to rrace, color, religion, national origin or sex, and that it bas adopted an EEO program wlrich is designed to :fully utilize the skills of qmalifed persons. IT. RESPONSIDILITY FOR IMPlLEMENTATION This section calls for the name (ifkmown) and title of the official who will be designated by the applicant to have responsibility for imp1ernentlng /he station's program. ill POLICY DISSEMINATION The purpose of this section is to dissclose the manner in which the station's EEO policy will be communicated to employees and prospective employees. The appbcamt's program should indicate whether it: (a) intends to utilize an employment application form which contains a notice informing jolb applicants that discrimination is prohibited and that persons who believe that they have been discrimimted against may notifY apWToprizre governmental agencies; (0) will post a notice which informs job applicants and employees that the applicant is an equial opportunity employer and that they may notify appropriate governmental authorities if they believe that they have been discr:imimated against; and (c) will seek the cooperation of labor unions, if represented at the staton, in the implementation of its EEO progy:am and in the inclusion of nondiscrimination provisions in union contracts. The applicant should also set forth any other metlhods it proposes to utilize in conveying its EEO polcy (e.g., orentaton materials, on-air announcements, station newsletter) tco employees and prospective employees. IV. RECR UI'IMENT The applicant should specify the recnuitment sources and other techniques it proposes to use to attract qualified job applicants. The purpose of the listing i<; to assist the sapplicant :indeveloping specialized referral sources to ensure wide dissemination of vacancy mformation as job opportunites occmr. Sources which subsequently prove to be nonproductive should not be relied on and new sources should be sought MODELEQUALEMPLOYMENTOPWORTUNITYPROGRAM I. GENERAL POLICY It will be our policy to provide equail employment opportunity to an qualified indiv:iduals without regard to race, color, religion, national origin or sex in an personneet actions including recruitment, evaluation, selection, promotion, compensation, training and termination FCC 396-A (page 2) n~rp.m~pr 'Inn,c; FCC NOTICE REQ)UIRED BY TIRE PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT We have estimated tlbat each responsse to this collection of infonnation will take one (l) hour. Our estimate includes the time to read t-bft,~.Ilhi'wt';1mfl>, liliUk tlu:ough.exlstiing records, gather and maintain required data, and actually complete and review the form or response. If you have any comrrentts on this estimate, or on how we can improve the collection and reduce the burden it causes you, please write the Federal Comrmmiccations Commission, AMD- PERM, Paperwork Reduction Project (3060-0113), Washington, D. C. 20554. We will also accept yOUIfcomments via the Internet if you send them to pra(a1fcc.:=ov. Remember - you are not required to respond to a collection of infonnattion sponsored by the Federal govennnent, and the govermnent may not conduct or sponsor this collection, unless it displays a curremtly valid OMB control number or if we fail to provide you with this notice. This collection has been assigned an OMB control numlber of3060-0 113. THE FOREGOING NOTICE ns OCTOBER 1,1995,44 U.S.C. 35017. FCC 396-A (page 4) np(' ••.•..• ·,J.••••.T" ")(lfl'< REQUIRED BY THE PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT OF 1995, P.L. 104-13, It will also be our poky to promotte the realization of equal employment opportunity through a positive, continuing program of specific practices des:igned to ensures the :full realizatjon of equal employment opportunity without regard to race, color, religion, national origin or sex. To make this policy effective, andl to ensure conformance with the Rules and Regulations of the Federal Communications Cormnission, we have adopted an Eqjual Employment Opportunity Program which includes the following elements: n. RESPONSffiILITYFOR IMPPnEMENTATI oN Narre/Tit1e will be responsible for the administtration and implementation of our Equal Employment Opportunity Program. It will also be the responsibility of all persoms making employment decisions with respect to the recruitment, evaluation, selection, promotion, compensation, tra~ and tennination of employees to ensure that our policy and program is adhered to and that no person is discriminated ag~inst in employment because of race, color, religion, national origin or sex. ill POUCYDISSEMINATION To ensure that all members of thre staff are cognizant of our equal employment opportunity policy and their :individual responsibilities in carrying out this pajlicy, the foflowmg connnun:icationefforts will be made: The station's employment appliiicationforms will contain a notice informing prospective employees that discrimination because of race, color, religion, national otigin or sex is prohibited and that they may notify the appropriate local. State or Federal agency if they believe they have: been the victims of d:iscriminatim Appropriate notjces will be postted informing applicants and employees that the station :isan Equal Opportunity Employer and of their right to notity an approjpriate local, State or Federal agency if they befeve they have been the victims of discrimination, We will seek the cooperation cof unions, ifrepresented at the station, to help implement our EEO program and an union contracts will contain a nondiscrrimination clause. ~ I Other (specifY) ~Cl f{O'j~""'J IV. RECRUITMENT To ensure that information concerrriing each full..time vacancy :iswidely disseminated, we propose to use file fonowing list of recruitment sources consistent with ifue requirements of47 C.F.R Section 73.2080: FCC 396-A (page 3) T)p"p.1'nhpr ')O{),; Federal Communications Commission Washington, D. C. 20554 Approved by OMB 3060-0113 mROADCASTEQUALEMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY PROGRAM REPORT (To be filed witlh broadcast license renewal application) (For FCC Use Only) Code No. s~or Country (ifforeignaddress) ZIP Code /..F&juj E-MailAddress (ifavaiJable) , ,/I> 74/ 4 a« I Cr "'1 Facility ID Number . Call Sign tJlt'?7 WN7I.5 ~OFBROADCASTSTATIOM: Commercial Broadcast Station l2l\ Radio 0 D D Noncommercial Broadcast Station TV o EducationalRadio LowPowerTV D Educational TV Internationall List call sign and location of all stattions included on this report. List commonly owned stations that share one or more employees. Also list stations operated by the liicensee pursuant to a time brokerage agreement. Indicate on the table below which stations operated pursuant to a time brokereage agreement To the extent that licensees include stations operated pursuant to a time brokerage agreement on this report, responsees or infurrnation provided in Sections I through N should take into consideration the licensee's EEO compliance efforts at brokeredi stations, as well as any other stations, included on this funn For purposes of this fonn, a station employment unit is a station or a grump of commonly owned stations in the same market that share at least one employee. are Call Sign WIfJ(;5 Facilitty ID Number J.1J-}7 Type (check applicable box) ®AMDFMDTV DAMDFMDTV DAMDFMDTV DAMDFMDTv DAMDFMDTV DAMDFMDTV DAMDFMDTV DAMDFMDTV DAMDFMDTv Location (city, state) IJ'V/dvk w../IILJ Time Brokerage Agreement (check applicable box) Dyes JAj'Na Dyes DNa Dyes DNa Dyes DNa Dyes DNa Dyes DNa Dyes DNa Dyes DNa Dyes DNa FCC 396 March 2003 CONTAcrPERSOIN IFOTIIER 1HIAN llCENSEE /5 ;;1/ tel /LII'&v)C'< /(/j~'1;) Street Address Nane I c.lnj State ! Zip Code Telephone No. ( ) FlUNG INSlRUCIIONS Broadcast station licensees are reequired to afford equal employment opportunity to aD.qualified persons and to re:fiain from discriminating in employment and nelated benefits on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, and sex See 47 C.F.R Section 73.2080. Pursuant to these requirennents, a license renewal applicant whose station employment unit employs five or more :full.time station employees must file a reporrt of its activities to ensure equal employment opportunity. lfa station employment unit employs fewer than five :full.time employeess, no equal employment opportunity program infonnation need be :filed. If a station employment unit: is filing a combined report, a cmpy of the report must be fied with each station's renewal application A copy of this report must be keptt in the station's public:file. These actions are required to obtain license renewal. Failure to meet these requirements may result in samctions or license renewal being delayed or denied. These requirements are contained in 47 C.FR Section 73.2080 and are authorized lby the Commurrications Actofl934, as amended. DrSCRIMlNA nON COMPLAINTIS. Have any pending or resolved complaints been:filed during this license term before any body having connpetent jurisdiction under federal, state, tenitorial or local law, alleging unlawful discrimination in the empUoyment practices of the station(s)? If so, provide a briefdescriptionoffthe complaint(s), including the persons involved, the date of the :filing,the court or agency, the file number (ifamy), and the disposition or current status of the matter. Does your station employment unit eemploy fewer than five fu1l.timeemployees? Consider as ''full. time employees am those permanently working 30 or more hours a week. II If your station employment unit ennploys fewer than :five :full.timeemployees, complete the certification below, return the furm to the FCC, and place a copy in your stattion(s) public:file. You do not have to complete the rest of this form If your station employment unit employs five or more full-time esmployees, you must complete all of this form and followaD.in.structions. CERTIFICATION This report must be certified, as folHows: A. By licensee, ifan lndividual; B. Bya partner,:ifa partnership (gemeralpartner, ifa limited partnership); C. By an offcer, ifa corporation ora an association; or D. By an attorney of the licensee, iin case of physical disability or absence from the United States of the licensee. WIILFUL FALSE STATIEMENTS ON THIS FORM ARE PUNISHABLE BY FINEAND/OR IMPRISONMENT (U.S. CODE, TITLE 18, SECTIONlOOI),AND/ORREVOCATION OF ANY STATION UCENSE OR CONSTRUCTION PERMIT (U.S. CODE, TI1LE47, ~ECTION 312(aXl»,AND/ORFORFEITURE(U.S. CODE, TITLE 47, SECTION 503). I certify to the best efrny knowledgge, infonnation and belief; an statements contained in this report are true and correct. FCC 396 (Page 2) March 1003 The purpose of this «locurrent is to) provide broadcast licensees, is meeting equal eIDJPloyment opporttunity requirements. the FCC, and the public with infonnation about whether the station C'..FNERAL.l!c::u.ICY! A broadcast station must provides equal employment opportunity to all qualified individuals without regard to their race, color, national origin, religion or sex in aID personnel actions including recruitment, evaluation, selection, promotion, compensation, training and termination, RESPONSlBIlXIYFOR IMPLEMIENTATION A broadcast station must assign official's name and title are: INJr'«N ai particular offeial overall responsibility II1IVli,fr~ 1= fur equal employment opportunity at the station "That 1 ,p/l7u /}¥'.-v"lt'tl.. It 15 also the responsibility of'all peirsons at a broadcast station makingernplJyment decisions with respect to recrumnent, evaluation, selection, promotion, compensatiom, training and termination of employees to ensure that no person is discriminated against in employment because of race, color, rreligion, national origin or sex I EFDPUBllCFlIEREPORT Attach as an exhibit one copy oferach of the EEOpublic:fil: Stations are required to place anmually such information 73.2080 in their public files, reports fiom the previous two years. as is required by 47 C.F.R Section n NARRA'IWE STATEMENT Provide a statement in an exlnbili which demonstrates how the station achieved broad and :inclusive outreach during the two-wear period prior to :filing this application Stations that have experienced difficulties in their outreeach efforts should explain. FCC NOTICE TO INDIVIDUALS REQIDIRED BY THE PRIVACY ACT AND THE PAPERWORK ExhDitNo. . f'c C a I-iz.( t,/c:! ExhbitNo. fr'( tfIl ktc t,ecf REDUCTION ACT The FCC is authorized under the Communiications Act of 1934, as amended, to collect the personal information we request in this report. We will use the information you provide to determine itftthe benefit requested is consistent with the public interest. If we believe there may be a violation or potential violation of a FCC statute, regulation, rrule or order, your request may be referred to the Federal, state or local agency respomible for investigating, prosecuting, enforcing or implementing [the statute, rule, regulation or order. In certain cases, the information in your request may be disclosed to the Department of Justice or a court or adjud:licative body when (a) the FCC; or (b) any employee of the FCC; or (c) the United States Government, i; a party to a proceeding before the body or has aan interest in the proceeding. In addition, all information provided in this form will be available for public inspection If you owe a past due debt too the federal government, any information you provide may also be disclosed to the Department of Treasury Financial Management Service, other fedleral agencies and/or your employer to offset your salary, IRS tax refund or other payments to collect that debt The FCC may also provide this mformattion to these agencies through the matching of computer records when authorized. If you do not provide the information requested on this report, tl±re report may be returned without action having been taken upon it or its processing may be delayed while a request is made to provide the missing iinformation Your response is required to obtain the requested authority. We have estimated that each response to this collection of information will aveerage 1 hour, 30 minutes. Our estimate includes the time to read the instructions, look through existing records, gather and maintain required data, and aactually complete and review the form or response. If you have any comments on this estimate, or on how w: can improve the collection and reducee the burden it causes you, please write the Federal Communications Commission, AMD-PERM, Paperwork Reduction Project (3060·0113), Washmggton, D. C. 20554. We will also accept your comments via the Internet if you send them to jboley@:fuc.gov. Remember. you are not required to resprond to a collection of information sponsored by the Federal government, and the government may not conduct or sponsor this collection, unJess it disp:\aiys a currently valid OMB control number or ifwe fail to provide you with this notice. TIlls collection has been assigned an OMB control number of3060}'<0113. 'IRE FOREGOING NOTICE IS REQUITRED BY 'TIlE PRIVACY ACT OF 1974, P.L 93-579, DECEMBER 31, 1974, 5 U.S.C. 552a(e)(3), 1HE PAPERWORK REDUCfION ACIT OF 1995, P.L 104-13, OCTOBER AND 1, 1995, 44 U.S.C. 3507. FCC 396 (page 3) March 2003 INTER.:.T\JSHIP AGREEMENT This agreement establishes the relationship between Califomia University of Pennsylvania (referred to as the "University"), an educational institution in the State System of Higher Education, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and WMBS Radio. 44 S. Mt. Vernon Avenue. Uniontown. PA 15401 ,refened to as the "Organization"). . The University offers degree programs in a wide variety of disciplines, which are academically enhanced by practical experiences outside of the traditional classroom setting. For this agreement the Organization shall provide practical experience pursuant to the terms of this agreement and serve as an internship site offering facilities, resources, and supervision to students. Both parties agree to the following: I. DUTIES A.~DRESPONSIBILITIES OF THE Uf~T"ERSITY 1. The University will be responsible for internships that are conducted during a regular academic semesterts) or scheduled summer temus). The University and the Organization agree to schedule the internship hours to mutually benefit all parties involved and to conform to the scheduling formula of 40 hours of site contact to equal one credit. 2. The University shall certify eligibility for students registering internships for academic credit. Approved students will have the appropriate educational background. and skills consistent with the advertised internship and departmental requirements for participation. 3. The University determines the amount of academic credit to be earned through the internship and establishes all academic requirements that the student must meet to earn the credit. The University establishes a grading system and criteria to earn the grade upon completion of the internship. 4. The University will assign a faculty member to monitor and evaluate the student's performance during the internship. The University will assume all costs associated with the faculty supervision of the intern. S. The University, at the beginning ofthe internship term. will provide the Organization with all evaluation materials and the expected timeline for submission. 6. The University agrees to advise students of any known policies, procedures, and requirements of the internship as specified by the Organization. 7. The University, at the beginning of the internship term, will inform the Organization of course requirements such as the intern' s attendance at meetings/seminars or activities that may take the intern away from the assignment. 8. The University may request termination of the internship placement for any student not complying with University guidelines and procedures for the internship program, as long as the Organization has been notified in advance. 9. The Organization understands that as an Agency of the Commonwealth, the University is prohibited from purchasing insurance. As a public university and state instrumentality there is no statutory authority to purchase insurance and it does not possess insurance documentation. Instead, it participates in the Commonwealth's Tort Claims Self-Insurance program administered by the Bureau of Risk and Insurance Management of the Pennsylvania Department of General Services. This program covers Commonwealth/University-owned property, employees, and officials acting within the scope oftheir employment, arid claims arising out of the University's performance under this Agreement, subject to the provisions of the Tort Claims Act, 42 Pa.C.S.A §§8521, et seq. -~ il. Duties and Responsibilities of the Organization 1. The Organization agrees to prepare an internship job description that outlines the duties and responsibilities of the intern. The Universitv will use this document to determine the suitability of the internship for academic credit Should changes to the job description be necessary after the internship is approved, the Organization agrees 'to notify the University of such changes. 2. The Organization agrees to notify the University of all selection criteria and any requirements of the selection process including but not limited to background investigations, drug testing, health screenings, etc. 3. The Organization selects interns based on the Organization's needs and preferences. 4. The Organization determines the schedule that the intern will maintain on premises. The total scheduled hours win comply with standards established by the University for the award of credit hours: 40 hours of site contact equals one credit. The minimum internship is 120 hours for a semester or summer term. 5. The Organization, at the beginning of the internship, determines the amount of compensation, if any, received by the intem. The Organization will inform the University if interns will receive an hourly wage, stipend or will serve in a non-paid capacity. 6. The Organization agrees to provide suitable workspace and resources for the intern to complete the internship assignment. The Organization will also provide orientation, training, supervision and evaluation of the intern. I. The Organization shall provide all reasonable information requested by the University on a student's internship performance. If there are any student evaluations, they will be completed and returned according to any reasonable schedule agreed to by the University and the Organization. 8. The Organization agrees to make every possible accommodation to the University's request for a faculty site visit during the internship. TIle Organizationalso agrees to allow the intern to attend University-required internship meetings/seminars during the internship. 9. Should the Organization become dissatisfied with the pelfonl1anc~of a stud~nt, the ~l:?aJ:U,zati?n may This C!CC:UT beennotiried 3D aovance a ., J (lay-s azreement "'b~\.'- tt._:! •._,.t_ the ()rgariizatiDIJ \V1811 to terminate the anv student interrus) will have the ormortunitv to to the comoletion semester/term '--'--.~t-' .."'."'-"--.'" nf;1 ,-,,,,,. ~~... - .. c\ent nF d '~Uh~t".I·)t1:·c;: h"i,";'i'," l·yr;,e ..•.~ '--l'-'.·-L~.!'l <---.'.~.. .I<. ' _-' . ~ ~ ~ _! -.~ . . - .' .•.. ~ . .• ,Ie;'. respective P{)liC.:~~3~(;~,nondiscrimination bas~~~on the:: i".;,,, • e>»: 'h,.,n relationship of the parties IO this (:;unlract to each otl:e1' shall not be construed to constitute a partnership, joint 'xL!,L'p,~nOL,n ,~(;ntT;;ici·c:1·:~, fhe authorized representatives of the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date indicated below. WMBS Radio (Organization ----""''''''''':........--------.------------------ (California l}njvcrsil)' Authorized Signature) &4~ ' (Organization Authorized Signature) ------------- 8r i~~r{\ fo 2ia)( /G-wefl" Sean Madden, Provost (Name/Title) EFFECTIVE DATE OF AGREEME~'T Name) (Print Name/Title) (date of last signature); M~NltJ~ • _[Q.=~_I~. _ Approved by SSHE Legal Counsel 9/7/02 Please sign and rerum to: Karen Primm, Director, Internship Center California University of PA 230 Eberly Science and Technology Center 250 University Avenue California, PA 15419