Ch 4 integumentary system


Ch 4 integumentary system
Ch. 4 Skin and Body Membranes
Title: Oct 20­7:35 AM (1 of 69)
Essential Question:
How is skin considered a body system?
Title: Oct 20­7:41 AM (2 of 69)
Body membranes:
• cover surfaces
• line body cavities
• protective sheets around organs
2 types:
• epithelial
• connective
Title: Oct 20­7:43 AM (3 of 69)
Epithelial Membranes:
(do have connective tissue underneath)
• Cutaneous = skin
keratinizing stratified squamous epithelium
underlying dermis = dense fibrous connective tissue
dry membrane
Title: Oct 20­7:48 AM (4 of 69)
Mucous Membranes (mucosa):
• epithelium on loose connective tissue called lamina propia
• lines all body cavities open to exterior
respiratory, digestive, urinary, reproductive
• cell make­up varies
stratified squamous ­ mouth, esophagus
simple columnar ­ digestive tract
• wet membranes
• adapted for absorption, secretion
Title: Oct 20­7:59 AM (5 of 69)
Title: Oct 20­8:27 AM (6 of 69)
Serous membranes (serosa):
• simple squamous epithelium on aerolar tissue
• line body cavities closed to exterior
• occur in pairs
parietal­ lines wall of ventral cavity
visceral ­ covers outside of organs
between layers = serous fluid ­ secreted by the membranes (prevents friction)
Title: Oct 20­8:03 AM (7 of 69)
Title: Oct 20­8:28 AM (8 of 69)
Serous membrane names depending on where found:
• peritoneum ­ abdominal cavity
• pleura ­ lungs
• pericardium ­ heart
Title: Oct 20­8:28 AM (9 of 69)
Synovial membranes:
• soft aerolar tissue, no epithelium
• line fibrous capsules surrounding joints
• secrete lubricating fluid
• line bursae (small sacs) and tendon sheaths (tube­
like) ­ cushion during muscle activity
Title: Oct 20­8:31 AM (10 of 69)
Title: Oct 20­8:31 AM (11 of 69)
aka: integumentary system
(What kind of membrane?)
Title: Oct 20­8:30 AM (12 of 69)
• Protection
mechanical damage
chemical damage
bacterial damage
ultraviolet damage
thermal damage
desiccation (drying out)
Title: Oct 20­8:31 AM (13 of 69)
• heat maintenance
to lose heat ­ activates sweat glands
to retain heat ­ capillaries constrict
goosebumps ­ arrector pili ­ makes hair stand up to try and trap heat
subcutaneous layer = fat = insulation
Title: Oct 20­8:39 AM (14 of 69)
• Excretion
lose urea and uric acid via sweat glands
• synthesis of Vitamin D
modified cholesterol molecules converted to vitamin D by sunlight
Title: Oct 20­8:42 AM (15 of 69)
• other functions:
nervous system receptors found here
light touch
Title: Oct 20­8:44 AM (16 of 69)
Structure: Epidermis
top layers
bottom layers
Title: Oct 20­8:46 AM (17 of 69)
stratified squamous epithelium
5 zone layers = strata
cells = keratinocytes = produce keratin
Title: Oct 20­8:49 AM (18 of 69)
Layers from the inside out (deep to superficial):
• Stratum Basale
aka. stratum germinativum
­ actively mitotic (dividing), millions daily
­daughter cells pushed upwards
­close to dermis
­only epidermal cells that receive nourishment
­melanocytes found here ­ produce melanin = color of skin
­sun exposure= more melanin production
­cells phagocytize the pigment, protects DNA
­freckles, moles = concentrated areas of melanin
Title: Oct 20­8:48 AM (19 of 69)
Title: Oct 20­12:01 PM (20 of 69)
albinism= lack of melanin pigment
­missing enzyme that changes tyrosine into melanin
­genetic problem
Vitilago ­ skin condition that causes loss of pigment in skin
­melanocytes are destroyed
­2­4 million Americans
­cause ­ unknown, but may be genetic, immunological or neurological
Title: Oct 20­11:39 AM (21 of 69)
• Stratum Spinosum
= "spiny layer"
­8­10 layers thick
­irregular shaped cells
­cells in this layer starts synthesis of keratin, lots of RNA present
Title: Oct 20­11:46 AM (22 of 69)
Title: Oct 20­12:02 PM (23 of 69)
• Stratum granulosum
­granular layer
­keritinization happens here ­ cell replaces cytoplasm with keratin (protein)
­waterproofs the cell
­3­5 layers thick
­top layer, cells start to die
­lysosomes release digestive enzymes
Title: Oct 20­11:49 AM (24 of 69)
Title: Oct 20­12:02 PM (25 of 69)
• Stratum Lucidum
­clear layer
­3­5 layers thick
­lose this layer as we age
­found in soles of feet, palms of hands
­made of dead cells
Title: Oct 20­11:52 AM (26 of 69)
Title: Oct 20­12:02 PM (27 of 69)
• Stratum Corneum
­outermost layer of skin
­20­30 layers thick
­stratified squamous keratinizing epithelial
­dead cells, no nutrients
­shed skin every 25­45 days
­hyperkeratosis = callous
­cause = friction
Title: Oct 20­11:54 AM (28 of 69)
Title: Oct 20­12:00 PM (29 of 69)
Layers of Dermis:
• Papillary Layer
­upper dermal region
dermal papillae ­ make the ridges for your fingerprints, genetic
­contains capillaries ­ nutrients ­house pain receptors = Meissner's corpuscles
­made of dense fibrous connective tissue
Title: Oct 20­12:03 PM (30 of 69)
• Reticular layer
­makes up 80% of dermis
­made of collagen and elastin fibers
­contain blood vessels ­ nutrients, temp. regulation
­sweat and oil glands located here
­nerves located here
­pressure receptors ­ Pacinian corpuscles
­phagocytes here ­ kill bacteria
Title: Oct 20­12:09 PM (31 of 69)
Hematoma = bruise
capillaries break and bleed into surrounding
Title: Oct 20­12:13 PM (32 of 69)
Decubitis ulcer = bed sore
­weight of body puts pressure on skin over bones
­restricts blood supply, cells die, small cracks form
Title: Oct 20­12:19 PM (33 of 69)
Stretch marks
­breaking apart of dense tissue ­ scar like
­cause rapid weight gain, pregnancy
Title: Oct 20­12:23 PM (34 of 69)
­separation of epidermis from dermis
­causes: friction, heat, chemicals­burn­blister­close­up.html
Title: Oct 20­12:28 PM (35 of 69)
underneath dermis = subcutaneous tissue = Fat
­adipose tissue
Title: Oct 20­12:32 PM (36 of 69)
Skin color
• melanin ­ brownish pigment
• carotene ­ orange pigment
­ stratum corneum, subcutaneous tissue
• hemoglobin ­ pink color
Title: Oct 20­12:41 PM (37 of 69)
Skin disorders that affect skin color
• cyanosis ­ lack of oxygen to skin
­turns blue
­ex. emphysema
• jaundice ­ yellow color to skin
­indicates a liver problem
­bilirubin pigments released by liver and colors skin, normally get broken down
Title: Oct 20­12:48 PM (38 of 69)
• pallor ­
­lack of blood (hemoglobin)
­cause ­ anemia, scared, before passing out
• bronzing ­ metallic sheen
­cause­ hypofunction of adrenal cortex
• erythema ­ redness
­due to emotional stimuli, fever, allergies
Title: Oct 20­12:52 PM (39 of 69)
Skin appendages:
• Glands ­ exocrine ­ made from stratum basale
1. sebaceous glands = oil glands
Title: Oct 20­12:56 PM (40 of 69)
­ all over skin, except palms and soles
­ducts empty into hair follicle, some to surface
­sebum = oily substance and fragmented cells
­has chemicals that kill bacteria
­become very active during puberty ­ male sex hormones
Title: Oct 20­12:58 PM (41 of 69)
­ whitehead = pimple
­blocked sebaceous gland
­blackhead = whitehead that has oxidized
­acne = infection of sebaceous
Title: Oct 20­1:02 PM (42 of 69)
­seborrhea= "cradle cap"
­cause ­ overactive sebaceous glands in infants
Title: Oct 20­1:05 PM (43 of 69)
2. sweat glands = sudoriferous glands
A. eccrine glands
­produce sweat (water, salts, vit C, metabolic wastes ­ urea, ammonia, lactic acid
­pH = 4­6
­inhibits bacterial growth
­regulate body temp
­secrete sweat if high body temp
­hot day ­ lose up to 7 liters of water
Title: Oct 20­1:11 PM (44 of 69)
B. Apocrine sweat glands
­associated wtih axillary and genital areas
­larger than eccrine glands
­ducts empty into hair follicles
­secrete fatty acids and proteins, water, salts, etc.
­milky to yellowish color
­bacteria on skin use secretions for nutrients
­causes odor (BO)
­begin functioning at puberty due to androgens (male hormones)
­no heat regulation
Title: Oct 20­3:10 PM (45 of 69)
• Hair
• guard head against bumps
• shields eyes
• keep debris out of respiratory passages
• evolution
Title: Oct 20­3:14 PM (46 of 69)
hair follicle
flexible structure
part in follicle
part projecting
from scalp
formed by stratum basale
Title: Oct 20­3:17 PM (47 of 69)
­hair made in inferior follicle, pushes out and dies
Title: Oct 20­3:20 PM (48 of 69)
hair has three parts:
cortex ­ pigmented
cuticle ­ scale­like
Title: Oct 20­3:24 PM (49 of 69)
follicle ­ ­epidermal sheath
­forms hair
­dermal sheath
­supplies blood
arrector pili
­pulls hair upright
Title: Oct 20­3:23 PM (50 of 69)
Nail = scale like modification of epidermis
free edge, body, root (under skin), nail folds, cuticle
Title: Oct 20­3:28 PM (51 of 69)
nail bed­ under nail, stratum basale here
nail matrix­where nail growth occurs
Title: Oct 20­3:30 PM (52 of 69)
Lunula = white crescent of nail
Title: Oct 20­3:32 PM (53 of 69)
Skin Imbalances
1. Athlete's foot (tinea pedis)
­fungal infection
Title: Oct 20­3:33 PM (54 of 69)
2. Boils and Carbuncles
­inflammation of hair follicles and sebaceous glands
­carbuncles = many boils together, Staphylococcus aureus
Title: Oct 20­3:35 PM (55 of 69)
3. cold sores (fever blisters)
­cause ­ herpes simplex in nerve
­activated by emotions, fever, UV light
­usually on lips, mouth
Title: Oct 20­3:39 PM (56 of 69)
4. contact dermatitis
­cause ­ exposure to chemicals, ex. poison ivy
­allergic response­contact­dermatitis/1133­Dermatitis­contact/
Title: Oct 20­3:42 PM (57 of 69)
5. impetigo
­pink, water­filled lesions, develop yellow crust
­cause ­ Staphylococcus infection
­common in elementary school children­imgs.html
Title: Oct 20­3:44 PM (58 of 69)
6. Psoriasis
­chronic condition
­reddened epidermal lesions, with dry silvery scales
­unknown cause,
may be genetic
Title: Oct 20­3:47 PM (59 of 69)
= tissue damage and death due to intense heat, electricity, UV radiation & chemicals
Immediate life threatening problems:
dehydration ­ wound seeps liquids
infection ­ pathogens ­ bacteria & fungi
­burned skin is sterile for 24 hours
­leading cause of death in burn victims
Title: Oct 20­3:50 PM (60 of 69)
To determine how much of body is burned:
The Rule of the Nines
Title: Oct 20­3:54 PM (61 of 69)
Title: Oct 20­3:55 PM (62 of 69)
Classification of Burns:
• 1st degree ­ only epidermis damaged
­red & swollen
­not serious, heal in 2­3 days
­ex. mild sunburn
­partial thickness burn
Title: Oct 20­3:57 PM (63 of 69)
• 2nd degree burn
­injury to epidermis and upper region of dermis
­red and painful
­blisters appear (separation of epidermis from dermis)
­regeneration of tissue, no scars if not infected
­partial thickness burn
Title: Oct 20­4:02 PM (64 of 69)
• 3rd degree burn
­entire thickness of skin burned
­full thickness burn ­ can be down to bone
­appears gray­white or black
­nerve endings destroyed ­ not painful initially
­no regeneration, need skin grafting
Title: Oct 20­4:02 PM (65 of 69)
skin graft
Title: Oct 20­4:09 PM (66 of 69)
1st degree
2nd degree
3rd degree
Title: Oct 20­4:02 PM (67 of 69)
Burns considered critical if:
1. over 25 % of body with 2nd degree burns
2. Over 10% of body with 3rd degree burns
3. 3rd degree burns on face, hands or feet.
Title: Oct 20­4:10 PM (68 of 69)
Title: Oct 27­3:22 PM (69 of 69)