doing business differently
doing business differently
g s n i o d sines tly bu feren dif g eadin l s e i an sion ompd c vi e h - t air tra e trade the f ansform to tr s y doinig s e n busferentl dif ading ies len n a p com isio - the air trade vrade f t the nsform to tra Some companies were created to make trade fairer. It’s not business as usual, or even business with added extras, these companies have created entirely new business models with producers at the heart of all they do. Some of these companies have been building fair trading partnerships and new opportunities with producers long before the FAIRTRADE Mark existed. Their pioneering work made many of the big Fairtrade switches by This guide brings these unique brands together, explains who they are and what they do, and most importantly – what you can do to be part of making their vision a reality. As the experts, these companies are leading fair trade by: !" #$%&%'()*"+$%,-./$"%0)/$12(+"3" They have developed new models of ownership and empowerment where the producers are at the heart of the proposition. Producers own 45% of Divine and 42% of Liberation. !" !"#$%"&'#$()*+,-'&)',)&'+"$('."$) growers’ businesses and communities (this is over and above the Fairtrade premium) – Cafédirect have reinvested over 456"%7"'2/($"+$%8'1"'%",9'/:" !" Offering access to producers #$)/#0-123')'"++#',+#"& – for example, Tropical Wholefoods ;$%-*2'"$9(1()1<"'2/"8$1'"=9($'$9,/" product from Afghanistan to shelves. Photography: Peter Caton multinational companies possible and they continue to lead the way on new products, new opportunities and new ways of trading. Fairtrade wouldn’t be where it is today without them and their work is vital to the future of Fairtrade. !"Opening up new product categories, like Traidcraft’s work to bring rubber gloves from Sri Lanka. !" Added value – making the product at origin can add value through jobs and expertise as well as >//+()*"+$%8'"()"'2/"29),1"%7" the producer; Equal Exchange’s rooibos tea is packed in South Africa. People Tree and Bishopston work with fair trade manufacturers in India. !" All invest in building the market for Fairtrade with producers, retailers and consumers. Find out more about these companies and how you can be part of their story. Get involved We need you to tell everyone (including your friendly shop and café managers) what makes these companies special and the extra difference that buying these brands makes to the producers at the heart of their businesses. Click on a logo to go to that page, use back arrow at bottom left of each page to return to this page Traidcraft – going the extra mile At Traidcraft we know that poor people can transform their lives through trade. Because trade – not aid – is the most sustainable way '%"8*2'"+%?/$'@:"A%<"0('2"2/B+"9),"1-++%$'" from tens of thousands of committed activists 9),",%)%$1<"0/"$/&%?/"'2/";9$$(/$1"'29'" restrict poor people in the developing world from successfully trading the crops they grow and the products they make. Fair trade is an important part of achieving our vision of a world free from the scandal of poverty. Pioneering new 79($"'$9,/"())%?9'(%)1<"'$9,()*" directly with 100 producer groups who live in some of the poorest regions of the developing world and working in longterm partnership with small-scale producers are just some of the ways we do more than other companies which just sell Fairtrade marked products – what we call going the extra mile. But helping producers trade their way out of poverty is just part of our story. We also tackle issues faced by people who are disadvantaged by unfair trade practices. We ,%"'2(1";@"()C-/).()*"+%B(.@"&9>/$1"'%";$()*" about trade justice and challenging other businesses to demonstrate ethical practices. By purchasing fair trade items from Traidcraft @%-"9$/"2/B+()*"'%"8*2'"+%?/$'@"'2$%-*2" '$9,/<";/.9-1/"'$9)17%$&()*"'$9,/".9)"&/9)" transforming lives. Get involved Choose from the widest range of fair trade products – D(1('"%-$"0/;1('/"'%"8),"%-'"9BB"'2/"09@1"@%-".9)".%)'$(;-'/"'%"%-$"/77%$'1"'%" transform trade. Traidcraft Speaker Network – Traidcraft for Schools website – Church Resources – Fair trade at work – Become a fair trader – the vision of an equal exchanGe Equal Exchange pioneered fair trade with Campaign Coffee in the 1980s and more successfully, co-launched iconic brand Cafédirect in the 90s. We have always believed that pioneers were needed to challenge the hitherto unequal business relationship with farmers in the Global A%-'2:"E'"091"()1-78.(/)'"7%$".9&+9(*)/$1" to demand change, somebody had to take on the business risks and do it differently. We did. Fair trade is now mainstream and whilst it is a multimillion pound category and many small-scale farmers do have more 1/.-$/"B(?/B(2%%,1",-/"'%"19B/"%7"./$'(8/," products from their co-operatives, in our view, the market is not investing enough in the poorest supply chains. Change is still needed. Supporting farmers Equal Exchange spent the last six years working in partnership with nut farmers and collectors and strengthening their supply chains. In recent years, we have been the largest importer of Fairtrade nuts and co created Liberation CIC to develop this market. Every year we have also helped these farmers tell their message to consumers in person during Fairtrade Fortnight. Show off your label F/"9$/"G-1'(89;B@"+$%-,"'29'"%-$"B9;/B"%7'/)" says ‘made at origin’. Making the product at origin adds value through jobs and expertise 91"0/BB"91">//+()*"+$%8'"()"'2/"29),1"%7" the producer. Look out for our organic tea, rooibos and Palestinian Fairtrade olive oils, all packed at origin. Get involved Our seventeen wholesale customers distribute over 75 Equal Exchange Fairtrade products into many, many small natural food or deli shops in towns throughout the UK. Look out for these products near you and try them if you haven’t already. Tweet @EqualExchangeUK, share experience on our Facebook or download resources from our website But hundreds of small shops are not enough! H9)I'"8),"%-$"=9($'$9,/"%B(?/"%(B"()"9"1-+/$&9$>/'")/9$"@%-J"K/BB"-1"9),"0/IBB"1/),"@%-" a free recipe as a thank you. Tropical wholefoods Tropical Wholefoods help farmers to achieve best practice in agriculture, to add value to the crops they grow, and to secure as B9$*/<",(?/$1/"9),"+$%8'9;B/"&9$>/'1"91"+%11(;B/:"L9$)/11()*"'2/" support of international donors has been important in helping us achieve these aims. We started by popularising solar fruit drying in Uganda in the early 1990s, and selling sun dried pineapples and bananas in the UK. Then we took on marketing dried mango from Burkina Faso, and apricots, walnuts and almonds from Northern Pakistan. We are now developing nut oil and shell processing in Pakistan for sale into the cosmetics industry. In Burkina Faso, Comic Relief has funded our research into developing biogas out of mango waste. The biogas will be used to heat the co-operatives’ mango drying ovens. Since 2007, we have worked with international NGO Mercy Corps in Afghanistan to build up raisin production 9),"/M+%$':"E)"N5O5"0/"0/$/"+$%-,"'%"(&+%$'"'2/"8$1'"=9($'$9,/" raisins from Afghanistan. We have learned a lot from running our own food factory in Sunderland where we pack all our own dried fruits and nuts and where we also bake our own snack bars. We share all this practical knowledge with our partners overseas. Get involved We’d love to hear from you! Please email kate@tropicalwholefoods. com if you’d like to be kept in touch with our latest news. We are also always happy to contribute to Fairtrade events whenever we can, with samples, posters, recipes and videos. We have some great new videos up on our Youtube channel about our work with our partners in Pakistan, Uganda, Burkina Faso and Afghanistan so do drop in on these: And if you are ever in Sunderland, you are more than welcome to drop into our factory and be shown around. divine chocolate Divine Chocolate is a Fairtrade company set up by Kuapa Kokoo – a democratically-run co-operative of 45,000 cocoa farmers in Ghana. Today Kuapa Kokoo has a 45% stake in the business, so in addition to getting a sustainable price and premium for their .%.%9<"'2/@"$/./(?/"'2/";(**/1'"129$/"%7"('1"+$%8'1:"P1"0/BB"91" offering a diverse and delicious range of chocolate, it is this -)(Q-/"$/B9'(%)12(+"0('2"R-9+9"R%>%%"02(.2"&9>/1"S(?()/" special and inspires us to be so passionate about the company. T0)/$12(+"/&+%0/$1"'2/"79$&/$1<"*(?()*"'2/&"-)+$/./,/)'/," 9../11"'%"'2/".2%.%B9'/"&9$>/'<"()C-/)./"9),"1'9'-1"()"'2/" (),-1'$@<"9),"9"&%$/",($/.'"129$/"()"'2/"0/9B'2"'2/@"29?/" helped create. Divine is a leading champion of the Fairtrade movement, engaging 7$%&"'2/"1'9$'"0('2"'2%-19),1"%7"9.'(?(1'1"02%"09)'"'%".29)*/"'2/" 09@"'$9,/"0%$>1<"9),"/)1-$/"9"1-1'9()9;B/"B(?()*"9),"79($"9../11" '%"&9$>/'1"7%$"1&9BBU1.9B/"79$&/$1"0%$B,0(,/:"=9($'$9,/"(1")%'"G-1'" 9"V9$>";-'"9"&%?/&/)'"'29'"09)'1"'%"1//"9)"/),"'%"-)79($"'$9,/" +$9.'(./1<"9),"1&9BBU1.9B/"79$&/$1"()"9)"/&+%0/$/,"9),"1>(BB/," +%1('(%)"'%"'$9,/"'2/($"%0)"*%%,1:"WB'(&9'/B@"0/"9B1%";/B(/?/"'2(1" leads to improved food security and better, more sustainably 1'/09$,/,"79$&B9),: Get involved Without the amazing and continued support of dedicated Fairtrade 1-++%$'/$1"S(?()/"0%-B,)I'";/"02/$/"('"(1"'%,9@:"K2/"&9$>/'"(1"1'(BB" challenging for a small independent business and Divine still needs to strive to improve listings in supermarkets, and to get stocked ()"9BB"'2/"+B9./1"@%-I,"/M+/.'"'%";-@".2%.%B9'/"X9),"+/$29+1" 1%&/"02/$/"@%-"0%-B,)I'YZ:"[%&()9'/"'2/"B%.9B"1'%$/"02/$/"@%-" ;-@"S(?()/"7%$"S(?()/I1"Stockist of the Month"3"'2/"0())/$"0()1" +$(\/1"3"0('2"/M'$9"+$(\/1"'%"'2%1/")%&()9'%$1"02%"29?/"'2/&1/B?/1" convinced the store to stock the leading Fairtrade chocolate range from Divine. month.aspx Young people can get behind Dubble, our brand &9,/";@"9),"7%$"@%-)*"+/%+B/<";@"1(*)()*"-+"91"S-;;B/"P*/)'1" '%".29)*/"'2/"0%$B,"].2-)>";@".2-)>IY" about cafÉDirect At Cafédirect our mission is to change lives and build communities through inspirational, sustainable business. We provide an important link between the smallholder grower and consumer communities, working with 39 grower organisations across 13 developing countries, encompassing over quarter of a million farmers and directly improving the lives of more than 1.8 million people around the world. A&9BB2%B,/$"*$%0/$1"()"$/&%'/".%&&-)('(/1" are the most vulnerable and least able to $/9B(1/"'2/";/)/8'1"%7"'2/($"29$,"0%$>:"E'I1" ,(78.-B'";/()*"9"1&9BB"812"()"9";(*"+%),:" And that is the balance we set out to restore 0('2"%-$"-)(Q-/"]S($/.'"7$%&"'2/"*$%0/$1I" business model. By cutting out the middle man and breaking down anonymous trading relationships our grower partners can realise a good price for their crop and our consumers can trust in the origin and skill that goes into their daily cuppa. Fair trade is just the starting point. We set out to prove that good business can be done in a truly sustainable way, putting people 9),"'2/"+B9)/'"8$1':"A%"'%"/)1-$/"%-$"*$%0/$" partners continue to grow we re-invest at B/91'"^^6"%7"%-$"+$%8'1"X%?/$"456"'%",9'/Z" in things like climate change adaptation, skills training, new agricultural tools and processing facilities. Producers also own shares in Cafédirect and are part of our decision making with seats on the Board. This reinvestment is over and above the prices we pay for coffee, tea and cocoa and in addition to Fairtrade premiums. _-1'"()"'2/"B91'"8?/"@/9$1<"H97`,($/.'"29?/" +9(,"&%$/""'29)"aO5:4"&(BB(%)"'%09$,1" the businesses and communities of its smallholder grower partners. Get involved Your support for Cafédirect has a transformational effect for smallholder grower communities. By purchasing and recommending Cafédirect, you are not only getting award-winning coffee, tea and cocoa, you are personally making the world of difference to growers. To join our community of Friends and take part in our campaigns, please go to or join us at or twitter@cafedirect_hq. LiBERATIoN Liberation is the world’s only Fairtrade nut company and it is co-owned by the very farmers who grow the nuts it sells. It supplies 80% of the UK’s Fairtrade nuts to major supermarkets and other outlets and has created Harry’s Nuts!, the nutty snack brand, in partnership with comedian Harry Hill. Liberation’s largest shareholder is a co-operative of nut farming groups representing 22,000 farmers – from Malawi, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Peru, Brazil, El Salvador and India – the International Nut Producers’ Co-operative (INPC). Its other shareholders are ethical investors and charities. Because of the structure of the company, Liberation is Fairtrade '%"('1"?/$@">/$)/B:"E'"091"/1'9;B(12/,"+-$/B@"'%";/)/8'<"1-++%$'"9)," work alongside smallholder farmers and nut gatherers. The whole team has that as its vision – even Harry Hill makes no money from Harry’s Nuts! He is passionate about the brand because of his long term support for Fairtrade (and love of salted peanuts). The INPC elects representatives on to Liberation’s board and meets regularly. In this way farmers from three different continents support each other and help run the company which markets their +$%,-./:"K2/"79$&()*"*$%-+1"0(BB"$/./(?/"9"129$/"%7"+$%8'1"02/)" a dividend is paid. Liberation provides a vital link between the nut farmers and gatherers, UK consumers and products in shopping trolleys. As cashew farmer Thomas Kalappura said on a visit to Tesco, ‘These nuts will recognise me!’ Tomy Matthews of cashew farmers Fair Trade Alliance Kerala adds: ‘This company is tremendously encouraging and motivating for our farmers. The farmers tell each other ‘We are selling to ourselves! We cannot ever compromise on quality.’ If someone brings along B%0"Q-9B('@")-'1"2/"0(BB"29?/"8?/"%$"'/)"79$&/$1"+%-).()*"%)"2(&" telling him we need to be more careful – our future is in the high quality of what we provide to Liberation.’ Get involved Many people still think of Fairtrade as being about bananas, coffee, tea and chocolate. Liberation wants everyone to go NUTS for Fairtrade as well – to buy Harry’s Nuts! in Tesco, Sainsbury’s and Waitrose stores and other outlets and buy Fairtrade nuts in the fresh produce section of your local supermarket. Please ‘like’ the new Harry’s Nuts! Facebook page and go to the website for more nutty news. THE BISHOPsTON tRADiNG COMPanY The Bishopston Trading Company is a pioneer. In 1978 a friendship link was formed between the Bishopston community in Bristol and the South Indian village of K.V.Kuppam. Several years later one of the village leaders explained that it was not our charity they wanted but work that they needed. This was the inspiration to set up the company in 1985 with the sole aim of trading fairly. K2(1")%'U7%$U+$%8'"9++$%9.2"&/9)1"'29'" the welfare of our producers is paramount. When you buy from us you can be sure we have worked for 25 years in the same village 1-++%$'()*"%)/"9)%'2/$"'2$%-*2",(78.-B'" times, using their skills of weaving, tailoring and embroidery to develop an exceptional +$%,-.'"-1()*"%)B@"=9($'$9,/"./$'(8/,".%''%):" We have been very innovative with this cotton – it is hand woven on traditional looms, woven on small power looms within the village to produce calico and denim and with a specialised weaving company to produce velvet and corduroy. Get involved We have a very large variety of products so, if you are, for instance, a Fairtrade Town, City or Village, have a look at our printed bags and tea towels to advertise your status. For this go to our wholesale site on Here you will 9B1%"8),"79;$(.";@"'2/"&/'$/"02(.2"(1"*$/9'" for schools and fashion colleges – or if you are in the catering industry, our quality aprons embroidered with your logo. We are also happy to work with our producers to create small fashion ranges for customers or manufacture a cotton product that you are longing to bring to market. For fair trade shops we produce two wholesale catalogues a year. For everyone else, please visit our online shop at about PEOPLE TREE For every beautiful garment People Tree makes, there’s an equally beautiful change happening somewhere in the world. We like to think of it in terms of our little shoots-and-roots motif. We provide you with exclusive fashion – the shoots – while at the same time we work deep down through the roots, improving the lives and environment of the artisans and farmers in developing countries who work to produce it. It’s fair trade throughout. Simple. In order to ensure People Tree fashion meets the fair trade principles set out by WFTO (World Fair Trade Organisation), we work closely with 45"79($"'$9,/"*$%-+1"()"O4".%-)'$(/1:"K29'"09@<"0/".9)";$()*";/)/8'1" to people and the planet at as many steps of the production process as possible – growing cotton, weaving, dyeing, embroidery, stitching – helping alleviate poverty in the world’s most marginalised communities. We also work hard to ensure that we pioneer ecologically sound methods of production and minimise environmental impact. Not only (1"&%1'"%7"%-$".%''%)"./$'(8/,"%$*9)(."9),"=9($'$9,/<"9BB"%-$".B%'2/1"9$/" dyed using safe and natural dyes. And we source as many products as we can locally, choosing natural and recycled products over toxic, synthetic and non-biodegradable materials. Get involved To make sure that we continue to work in the best interests of all our stakeholders from producers to customers, we have regular social reviews in which we ask them what they think of us and how we could improve the way we work with them. If you would like to receive regular news about People Tree and updates about our products, try subscribing to our email newsletter. GOSSyPIUM Grow Design K2/"8$1'"1'/+"()"'2/"+$%./11"(1"'%"/)1-$/" we’re using the right cotton. We spent a lot of time in India working closely with cotton farmers. Our partnership with them reduces risk, both for the farmers and ourselves, as we’re able to make long term plans – and because we’re working outside the commodity market. Once the cotton is ready it’s transported by road to the nearest mill to be transformed into cotton yarn. All Gossypium products are designed in-house. We work through a process that we’ve developed ourselves; it enables us to make sure the product is right for you and also that we’re using the right material for the product. Our goods are design to last as long as possible and we’ll go a very long way to ensure they do. Make b/.9-1/"0/",/1(*)"9),"1%-$./"+$%,-.'1" ourselves it’s easier to go on and make the products. It’s a bit like cooking with the best ingredient – rather than having a take-away. In India or in England we only work with factories that we’ve personally ?(1('/,"9),"02/$/"0/"7//B"19'(18/,"0('2"'2/" quality of the work they produce, and very importantly, their level of transparency. For us transparency is more important than 9)@"./$'(8.9'(%): Enjoy Once in the hands of our customers our +$%,-.'1"9$/"/)G%@/,"7%$"@/9$1:"b/.9-1/" they’re designed and produced with such care and attention we can guarantee their quality for a very long time. We always welcome feedback about our products and 29?/"9"8B/"7-BB"%7"+2%'%1"9),"B/''/$1"7$%&"%-$" customers; this is what we work for. Get involved You can join our pioneering company which has also created a wonderful Ethical Council of interested people as shareholders – sign up for an info pack on The best way to help a cotton farmer is to buy his cotton – check out our pyjama range on the link below – some are even made specially for you at our workshops in the UK. VISIONaRY SoAP Visionary Soap is the UK’s leading fair trade body care company whose whole range carries the FAIRTRADE Mark. Our range consists of organic body care products handcrafted in the UK and abroad -1()*"()*$/,(/)'1"7$%&"=9($'$9,/"./$'(8/,"+$%,-./$1"()"#9B/1'()/<"E),(9<" c29)9<"[(.9$9*-9<"S%&()(.9)"d/+-;B(.<"A$("e9)>9<"#9>(1'9)"9)," South Africa. All our products have been formulated to contain a very high percentage of Fairtrade ingredients. We strive to use the maximum =9($'$9,/"()*$/,(/)'1"9),"91"&%$/"()*$/,(/)'1"9$/"./$'(8/,<"0/"9$/" .%&&(''/,"'%"().%$+%$9'()*"'2/&"()'%"%-$"+$%,-.'1<"'2-1";%%1'()*" these percentages and supporting our Fairtrade producers even more! T-$"7%-),/$1"9$/"+911(%)9'/"9;%-'"1%.(9B"G-1'(./<"'2/")9'-$9B" environment and enabling people through trade and are very committed to value-added job creation in communities abroad and locally. We have forged manufacturing partnerships with social enterprise training programmes in Africa and our community of L91'()*1<"f91'"A-11/M:"K2/"+$%,-.'(%)"%7"29),.$97'/,"1%9+"+$/1/)'1" %++%$'-)('(/1"7%$"1-++%$'()*"1-1'9()9;B/",/?/B%+&/)'<"91(,/"7$%&" '2/")9'-$9B"()*$/,(/)'1"()?%B?/,<"'2/$/"(1"%)B@";91(."/Q-(+&/)'" $/Q-($/,"9),"&()(&9B"09'/$"9),"/)/$*@"-19*/"3"2(*2B@"(&+%$'9)'"()" communities where these resources are often scarce. Get involved =(),"%-'"9;%-'"%-$"B9'/1'"+$%G/.'1<"+$%&%'(%)1"9),"%+/)",9@1" 9),"02/$/"@%-".9)"8),"-1"9'" PANTS TO POVERtY Liberating the power (often dormant) in people’s pants! We work directly with farmers in India through our partners in India to develop bespoke solutions to overcoming poverty and inequality 1/''()*"-+"9".29$('@".9BB/,"#("=%-),9'(%)"'%";-(B,";-1()/11"-)('1"%$" companies owned by producers to trade their way out of poverty. The 8$1'"+$%G/.'"(1"9")/0".%''%)"1//,"'$9,()*"-)('<"$-)";@"9),"7%$"0%&/)"'%" free them from the yoke of multinational companies who are pushing GM seeds on them. With this model they own the seeds, the land and farm their natural seeds organically and can still sell them cheaper than the multinational companies. Every pair of pants sold on our website donates £1 to this project. We have supported farmers by helping them sell their cotton to mainstream retailers and to restructure their organisation to maximise farmer control. We campaign with the farmers to support Fairtrade and organic practices. In 2009 we conducted a campaign which mobilised thousands of farmers, factory workers, retailers and consumers around '2/"0%$B,"'%".9BB"%)"b9@/$"'%"+-BB"9"29$&7-B"+/1'(.(,/"X/),%1-B79)Z"7$%&" the market. Within one week of launching the campaign, they agreed with us. Our vision of Fairtrade = Fashion without poverty Get involved We have done a lot of the hard work by setting up the model. Now we need to sell pants!! So you can support us by: - contacting your local favourite fashion store to persuade them to stock our pants - become a reseller, selling our pants to your friends, colleagues and students. It’s all about sales!!! ZAYTOUN Zaytoun is a Community Interest Company founded in 2004, born out of a campaignerled desire to create and develop a UK market for ethically-sourced high quality artisan Palestinian produce. The company is a co-operative, and a member of the World Fair Trade Organisation. We now buy olive oil, as well as many other products, from hundreds of co-operatives in the occupied West Bank of Palestine, and since 2009 we have been delighted to support dozens of co-operatives selling the 0%$B,I1"8$1'U/?/$"=9($'$9,/"%B(?/"%(B"9),"%B(?/1: E)"9,,('(%)"'%"'2/"C9*12(+"=9($'$9,/"%B(?/" oil and olives, Zaytoun sells medjoul dates, almonds, maftoul (hand-rolled giant couscous), olive oil soap and the Palestinian herb mix za’atar. In the face of ongoing occupation, Palestinian producer communities suffered economic hardship and isolation from the world community. We saw a role for Fairtrade in 9".%)C(.'"\%)/"91"9"09@")%'"%)B@"'%"1/.-$/" sustainable livelihoods for Palestinian farmers but also to allow those farming communities a voice in the wider world; to speak of their rich history and heritage and their lives as farmers, families, landowners and traders. After decades of being forced to sell their olive oil at below cost price, farmers are now being paid a fair price for their organically grown produce and the additional Fairtrade premium paid to the co-operative allows for further development and training. Since its inception, Zaytoun has imported and distributed some 200 tonnes of olive oil to a mixture of retail and wholesale customers, in addition to regional fair trade and Palestine campaign groups. Jewish, Muslim and Christian faith groups have also taken an interest, and Zaytoun Fairtrade olive oil is used for anointments by Cathedrals across the UK throughout the year. Zaytoun would like to see Palestinian farmers having an owner stake in our company in the near future. Get involved Share the story of fair trade farmers in Palestine - join us on Twitter Zaytoun_CIC and Facebook, check out our Fairtrade resources at Zaytoun - get involved or call us on 0845 345 4887 to hear about stalls and talks near you. g s n i o d sines tly bu feren dif Photography: Peter Caton ing s lead e i n a comp vision - the air trade trade f the ansform to tr Fairtrade Foundation, 3rd Floor, Ibex House, 42-47 Minories, London EC3N 1DY T: +44 (0) 20 7405 5942 F: +44 (0) 20 7977 0101 [email protected], Registered Charity Number: 1043886. Company Reg. in England & Wales No. 2733136
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