breaking new ground - The Greater Richmond ARC


breaking new ground - The Greater Richmond ARC
Greater Richmond ARC 2014 Annual Report
1954 - 2014
Our Vision and Our Mission
Celebrating 60 Years
Our Vision:
For 60 years the Greater Richmond ARC has been breaking new ground
Richmond will be a community of opportunity
for all. We envision a community where all
people with disabilities are healthy and safe,
enjoy economic independence, live where they
choose, and participate in activities that create
a fulfilling life.
Since 1954 the Greater Richmond ARC, created by families for families, has provided services
and supports that help individuals with developmental disabilities to achieve their dreams and
fulfill their potential. Over the past 60 years, as families’ needs have changed,
ARC has adapted to fill voids in our community.
Our Mission:
ARC is celebrating its 60-year history! Sixty years,
for many, is a lifetime – a lifetime of opportunities
to achieve your potential, a lifetime to consider the
mark you might leave on the world, and a lifetime
of wisdom to help others move toward their future.
And, this year, we are celebrating Marshall Butler’s
lifetime career at ARC. We are celebrating how far
ARC has come during his tenure and positioning
ourselves to continue the legacy he and many of
you have helped to create.
“When we organized there was no state money, no federal money,
nothing. We had to do everything ourselves.”
~ Robert H. Wilson, Founding Member, RTD, 1979
In partnership with families, ARC creates
life-fulfilling opportunities for individuals
with developmental disabilities.
“..I’ve seen how the talent and generosity of parents, volunteers
and staff ‘leave it all on the field’ to make the world a better place.”
~ Mike Foley, ARC Youth Conference Chair 1975; Past Board Chair;
BOD 1986-2001; ARC Director of Business Development since 2007
What Distinguishes Us in the Metro
Richmond Community?
ARC empowers people with disabilities across
the broadest spectrum.
cross the life span - from infants to the elderly.
cross all levels of disability - from mild
to profound.
Robert L. Sommerville, ARC Board Chair
“ARC’s consumers are like me; they have disabilities; they do the
best they can every day; they grow up, gain confidence and adjust
to change.”
Today, he and 350 employees work tirelessly to
assure they are making a difference for 1,400
individuals and families. When you read individuals’
personal stories in this, our 60-year Annual Report,
consider the breadth and diversity of ARC’s reach.
~ Patricia (PT) Thomlinson, blind since birth, ARC Receptionist since 1980
cross the community - not limited by
geographic boundaries - so families can have
the best help wherever they live in metro and
Tri Cities areas.
In 1978, on his first day on the job, Marshall met his
staff of eight and considered how best to help 200
individuals who attended ARC’s Infant Stimulation
Program, Camp Baker’s summer camp and the
Civitan Workshop.
“I remember the struggles, but families never stopped pressing
forward to improve the plight of our special people.”
Consider, too, why ARC’s Board of Directors believes
Marshall has led so effectively.
One longtime member will tell you, “ARC’s success
over time is a testimony to Marshall’s adaptability.
When circumstances change, he is able to change
with them. He guides the organization to change,
as well.”
Let’s celebrate a lifetime! Let’s celebrate the families
who founded ARC 60 years ago, Marshall’s missiondriven leadership for nearly 40 of those years, and
the Board’s unwavering commitment to breaking
new ground for generations to come.
Robert L. Sommerville
ARC Board Chair
~ Bill Suttles, Past BOD Chair, BOD 1976-2001
Cover photo: Vicki and Chip Beatty, with son Davis, played
a lead role in the concept and development of the ARCpark.
The doctor said,
“Put him in an institution
and forget about him.”
~ Robert Clarke, Founding
Member, BOD ’54-94
Preschool, Developmental
Training and Day Activity Centers
for 81 people, ages 4 to 40.
The Association for
Retarded Children
formed by eight families.
Richmond Times Dispatch 1979
Richmond Times Dispatch 1984
Volunteers run two-week
summer day camp at
Camp Baker.
Naval Diesel School converted
to a Cooperative Training
Center for 30 children.
ARC opens first center
for 10 preschoolers.
Richmond Times Dispatch 1972
Camp Baker’s swimming
pool dedicated.
“Parents of normal children
suggested [our kids] should
be shut away.”
~ Mrs. Roy Owens,
Preschool Parent’s Club
Richmond Times Dispatch 1974
ARCpark - Breaking New Ground for the Future
& Childservices
arc employment
There's no explanation for Charlotte
Muhlenfeld's hearing loss.
The toddler's deafness was "completely
random. There's no family history,"
said mom Leah, adding, "This is
Charlotte's path."
And yet, having a cochlear implant in
her left ear and a hearing aid in her right
hasn't stopped her. "She's a little pistol;
smiley, adventurous, a life-lover," Leah says.
You spoke and we listened
You told us it’s time for Richmond to have a park for
all ages and all abilities – a park where everyone in
the family can play and exercise together; where the
playing field is level for everyone in our community;
where our similarities overcome our differences.
We listened when you told us this very special park
should welcome the public and have:
• Activities for all intellectual & physical abilities
• Features that can be enjoyed through a lifetime
• Safe and accessible components for all
Charlotte Muhlenfeld & her mom Leah
“I was crying and driving… I saw a bus with a sign that said, ‘Need help with your
disabled child? Call ASK 2000.’ They referred me to ARC… To this day, my son and
I feel at home with the dedicated staff… He is still growing and changing. He loves
to get up in the morning and go to work with his friends.”
~ Patricia Brown, 1983 Volunteer of the Year, mother of Patrick
~ Vicki Beatty, mother of Davis, a young adult born with a genetic anomaly
respite opens for
six families a week.
Wilton Barnes Civitan
Workshop dedicated.
Richmond Times Dispatch
March 1982
Infant Stimulation
Program is one of
first in VA.
ARC blitzes schools with message, "Kids
with disabilities are like everyone else."
“We met other parents and
realized we weren’t the only
people experiencing this.”
~ Vince Burgess, BOD ‘98 - ‘13;
CB Board ‘96 - ‘13
“We are not advocating for
words or labels. We are
advocating for people.”
~ Peggy Soulen, Program
Director, ’72-‘95
U.S. Sen. John Warner dedicates
Westwood Ave. facility.
Source: Interview 2015
Source: Richmond Times Dispatch 1986
Children and Families
Served in 2014: 467
Community Impact
“Davis has missed out when not given the chance
to naturally interact with others on, quite literally,
a level playing field. As a family, we are counting
the days until the ARCpark becomes a reality.”
Preschools and
Developmental Activity
Centers close; free public
education mandated.
"She's a total go-getter. Nothing's going
to stop her."
One reason Charlotte's so unstoppable is
the therapy she's received since infancy
from ARC. While initially she "didn't
know how to listen and was way behind
the curve on understanding," now age
two, Charlotte has learned to listen and
respond, and can say about 60 words.
Coming in 2015! The Greater Richmond ARCpark, with
2.4 acres for exercise, fitness, games, exploration, team
work, and just plain fun.
Thanks to those of you who shared your ideas, participated in
planning and gave your support to make the ARCpark a soon-to-berealized, dream-come-true. Our ARCpark supporters are recognized
on our website at
ARC therapists have been "great with
establishing tangible goals and helping me
with exercises" at home to help Charlotte,
says Leah, adding you can see progress
when her daughter fulfills directives such
as "pick up the ball."
Richmond Times Dispatch 1986
(See Jake Stroy profile on page 6)
After School & Summer Day Services
ARC Employment Services
Lauren, 18, didn’t immediately love ARC’s after school program. Like many
teenagers, she needed to be convinced.
Then she got involved in ARC’s Work Readiness program for high school juniors
and seniors that helps students with disabilities transition after graduation to what
lies ahead.
It’s been a great relationship ever since. Lauren likes office-related tasks such
as shredding documents. She also enjoys outings that include visiting places of
business and community services, such as the 911 call center and local firehouse.
She also volunteers at Meals on Wheels.
Nowadays, Lauren is “actively involved in everything, socially outgoing, and loves
ARC,” says Developmental Service Supervisor Camesha Peters.
Students served in 2014: 96
ARCenter: 57
Camp Baker:
Jake has been with the Greater Richmond
ARC for so long that he remembers when
Senator Warner visited. That’s Senator
John Warner, not Mark, and in 1984 the
statesman dedicated the opening of the
Westwood Avenue production facility.
Jake cut the ribbon that day, and has
been an important part of ARC ever since.
“I love coming here,” he says, pointing to
a nearby counselor as proof and adding,
“She is a joy to work with.”
A member of the pre-vocational program,
Jake receives job training and participates
in skill-building activities like cooking.
He also helps clean the Megabus stop
in downtown Richmond, and volunteers
at Meals on Wheels three times a week
through ARC.
Community Impact
Jake’s says the best thing about the
organization is “the people.” But he’s also
game for new activities; even taking up
sewing at ARC a few years ago. Because
he doesn’t have use of his feet, staffers
provided a sewing machine foot pedal for
him to operate with his hands.
Community Impact
“I am a single mom. My choice is to give up my job and go on
welfare or give up my child to foster care. She has nowhere else
to go after school.”
Individuals Employed in 2014:
Government Sites: Organizational Employment:
“We’ve all heard the Chinese
proverb about giving a man
a fish versus teaching him to
fish. ARC does both.”
~ Pat Robson, Past Board Chair,
BOD since 1988
~ Parent of a student who has autism, 2003
Lauren Kramer
Jake Stroy
10-year Camp Baker plan will
culminate in new dining hall,
dormitory, and amphitheater.
ARC participants begin volunteering
with Meals on Wheels and 20 other
community-based organizations.
ARC jobs with competitive pay
and health/welfare benefits
begin at federal government sites.
New afterschool
programs for middle and
high school students.
Document scanning
puts more people
to work.
"I remember the struggles, but
families never stopped pressing
forward to improve the plight
of our special people.”
~ Bill Suttles, BOD ’76-’01
ARCenter becomes
agency headquarters
and serves more people.
The ARCpark, for all
ages & all abilities, will
welcome everyone.
Adult Day Support Services
Camp Baker Summer Camp & Respite Care
The first thing you notice about Daisy is her 100-watt smile. And it really lights up when she
goes on outings with her Day Support group.
Scott is full of energy, giving frequent hugs and high-fives. He loves sports, which is
why Camp Baker is such a good fit. While there for summer camp, Scott swims, goes
boating, and rides horseback; during weekend respite sessions year round, he’s often
found at the hoop.
“She always likes to go out,” says her dad Joe.
Scott’s mom Joanne, a special education teacher, says Scott loves Camp Baker’s full
roster of sports and social activities. “He looks forward to it.”
“It is good to have so many activities.” On a typical day, for instance, the group may travel to
Target and then on to Rockwood Park to walk and enjoy the scenery. Or they may go to the
local library, or a performance at a children’s theater.
A Special Olympics participant, Scott, 23, requires a lot of “supervision, and it can be
very wearing with all the other things in life going on,” she adds. Undivided attention
from the counselors “really makes an impact” on Scott and his family.
“I don’t think I could take her individually to places like that, and I do know all people learn
from having varied experiences,” he added.
“It is a very comfortable, very accepting place. He recognizes it as a safe place to be.”
Success, Joe explained, has to be measured in little bitty increments, but his feeling is
that Daisy “is a lot better now” socially. The staff at ARC agrees, saying Daisy has shown
significant progress in communicating and walking - even walking a distance of almost
15 feet on her own.
Campers Served in 2014:
Summer Camp (overnight):
Summer Camp (day campers):
Weekend and Emergency Respite:
“She just appears to be very happy with what’s going on,” Joe added.
Adults Served in 2014:
Camp Baker:
Community Impact
Daisy Knox
“We learned that a long-term commitment had to be made and began
to prepare for it.”
312 34
Community Impact
Scott Catron & Dad
[We look at our campers] "as children with the ability to
do many things and a zeal to enjoy… the fun, fellowship
and comradeship that prevails in such a setting.”
~ Mac Alley, Camp Director, 1957-1960
~ Vince Burgess, Past BOD Chair; BOD 1998-2013; Camp Baker Management Board (1996-2013)
ARC’s Groundbreaking Supporters
Your generosity is overwhelming. You help us
break new ground every day. New programs are
developed and individuals with disabilities in
your community grow in ways never imagined.
You send a powerful message that you care
about those around you because of your
support and you are creating positive change
for those who need you.
The Greater Richmond ARC recognizes and thanks the following companies, civic organizations, congregations, governmnent entities and individuals for
their outstanding generosity and dedication to helping us create a community of opportunity for all. (* Includes ARCpark gifts or pledge payments in 2014)
Because of your compassion, our community is
stronger. Your unselfishness breaks ground for
new adventures. You unlock doors that can now
be opened by people with disabilities. You are
an inspiration. Thank you!
Please call 804-358-1874 to find out other
ways you can help people with disabilities.
$100,000 AND ABOVE
Pre-Voc participants volunteer at US Cycling National Championships
$25,000 - $99,999
2014 Milestones
• Our mobile crews, working in the community,
have grown by 8 full-time individuals with
• Chesapeake Document Systems became a
strategic partner as the program participant
funding model evolved.
Judith Haskell Brewer Fund of TCF*
County of Henrico*
Impact 100 Richmond*
The Mary Morton Parsons Foundation*
United Way of Richmond & Petersburg
Tommy J. West Charitable Lead Annuity Trust*
Altria Companies Employee Community Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph H. Bunzl*
The CarMax Foundation*
Chesapeake District, Civitan International, Inc.*
Marietta M. & Samuel T. Morgan, Jr.
City of Richmond
• F amilies at a local homeless shelter participated
in parenting classes taught by ARC staff.
ver 200 books were donated by bbgb tales
for kids for children and families through ARC’s
holiday book drive.
$5,000 - $24,999
• Dealer DOCx created six jobs for document
preparation clerks and scanner operators.
After School students sell lemonade
• BB&T set up a system for summer camp
counselors to cash their paychecks, as well as
established bank accounts for our international
• 150 volunteers spruced up the grounds of
Camp Baker during “Comcast Cares Day”.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Beall*
Bon Secours Richmond Health System*
Mr. Marshall Butler Jr.*
The Beirne Carter Foundation*
Chesterfield County*
The Overton & Katharine Dennis Fund*
Dominion Resources*
Employee Charity Organization (ECHO) of
Northrop Grumman
Charles M. Guthridge Associates*
Richard & Caroline T. Gwathmey Memorial Trust*
Mr. & Mrs. Elliott M Harrigan*
HRH Charitable Fund of TCF*
Hunter Charitable Trust*
Markel Corporation*
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Mumford*
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Niamtu*
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Redmond Jr.
Mr. Myron H. Reinhart
The Reinhart Foundation*
Mr. & Mrs. Gustav G. Remppies III*
Richard S. Reynolds Foundation*
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Sommerville*
Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Stettinius*
Mr. & Mrs. Don Stevens*
Target G492
The Universal Leaf Foundation*
The Waltie Fund*
• CSX employees donated a commercial popcorn
popper to Camp Baker.
• Pre-Voc consumers volunteer at a Richmond
Volunteer Rescue Squad once a month.
• A new Work Readiness program began training
juniors and seniors in high school for the
transition from school to possible employment.
Camp Baker staff members and camper Kelli Key experience the joys
of Boating at Pocahontas State Park. Boating was re-introduced at
Camp Baker in 2014
Anthony participates in Work Readiness Program
2014 Ladybug Fund sponsors at the Torque Club
$1,000 - $4,999
ACE Electric Company, Inc.
Ameriprise Financial
Kimberlee, Mark and Alex Ames*
Asset Protection Group, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Atkins Sr.*
BB&T Insurance Services
The Bloomfield Foundation
Mr. Brad Bobbitt
Brandermill Region Men's Club
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Brown*
Burgess Inspections, Inc.
CAP Community Foundation*
Capital One Associates Political Fund Match
Mr.& Mrs. James & Lynne P. Carney*
Chubb Group of Insurance Companies*
CIGNA Health & Life Insurance Company
Civitan Club of Chester*
The Comcast Foundation
Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign
Mr. John E. Corey*
Ms. Donna Curry
Custom Kitchens, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. H. Benson Dendy III*
Dennis & Cindy Pryor Charitable Trust
Heidi & Mark Dix*
Eta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Mrs. Marguerite V. Foley*
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Goodwin Jr.*
Ted & Linda Hanson Family Charitable Trust*
Hirschler Fleischer
Mrs. Joyce A. Hann & Mr. Robert Hunt*
Mr. & Mrs. Brandon Hedrick*
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur & Anne Hendrick*
Mr. & Mrs. David Hendrick*
James River Air Conditioning Company
James River Lions Club*
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Joshua
JP Morgan Chase & Co.
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Kay*
Kjellstrom + Lee, Inc.
Knights of Columbus-Bishop Ireton Council 6189
Mr. & Mrs. Chad A. Logan Esq.*
Ms. Karen M. Manning*
Dr. & Mrs. Meg & David Hendrick Downs*
Mr. & Mrs. Bill McClelland
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Mueller*
Mr. & Mrs. John & Carol M. Napier*
NewMarket Foundation*
Mr. & Mrs. Matt O'Connell*
Mr. & Mrs. Randall S. Parks
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Penny*
Ms. Stephanie Pick
Mr. & Mrs. William D. Poole*
Mr. & Mrs. Warren C. C. Redfern Jr.*
Mr. William Reinhart
Karen Lee Remington Fund of The Community
RIR Cares
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert L. Roberts*
B. Patterson Robson, Jr.*
Rotary Club of South Richmond*
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Salsitz
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Sanchez*
Mr. Barron Schmitt*
Mr. & Mrs. Serge Schreiner
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Shewey
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Shifflett
Skookum Contract Services*
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Steelman
Dr. & Mrs. Arden M. Sterling*
Ms. Demis Stewart*
Mrs. Mildred S Stillman*
Mrs. Geraldine B. Story*
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Story, III*
SunTrust United Way Campaign
Swedish Match North America, Inc.*
The Standard Insurance Co.
The Trust Company of Virginia
Ms. Carolyn E. Trimmer*
UPS Freight
URS Energy & Construction
Mr. Edward Villanueva
Virginia Family Dentistry
Mrs. Kimberly W. Watson*
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Wyatt IV*
$500 - $999
1752 Financial Solutions Inc.
Amerisure Insurance Company
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Aprahamian
Mr. Matthew Barns*
Bon Air Rotary Club
Mr. & Mrs. Dave Brotherton
C & W Tesco, Inc.
Mrs. Erin Calloway*
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford & Susan Campbell
Cathedral of the Sacred Heart
Chesapeake Document Services, LLC
Commonwealth Woman's Club
Core Consulting, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Crone*
CSC Leasing Company*
Mrs. Lucy B. Del Cardayre
Mr. Joseph DePaola
Mr. & Mrs. Richard & Mary Beth Hendrick
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Disharoon
El Disharoon
Dominion Service Company
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Dotts III
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Durand
Mr. & Mrs. Suter Easley
Eastern Henrico Ruritan Club
Eat Restaurant Partners
Exit First Realty*
Dr. & Mrs. William & Katherine F. Falls*
Ms. Lisa Freeman*
Mr. & Mrs. Stokes Grymes
Mr. & Mrs. Jon & Tricia S. Gustin
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hendrick*
Holiday Inn I64 West End
Honeywell Hometown Solutions
Mr. Walter Jones IV*
Landin Inc.*
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lehmann
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Liepis*
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Marker
The Martin Agency
Mr. & Mrs. Franz Mayr*
McGeorge Toyota
Mr. William R. Mechnick*
Mr. & Mrs. Fernando Medina
Ms. Eunice Morck
Ms. Sandra T. Naumann
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Olander
Owl Inc. Transportation
Mr. Jarrott Patteson
Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Jeannie Reilly
Rostro Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Schick
Mr. & Mrs. D.B. Smit*
Mr. & Mrs. David & Cindy Spear
Nita Starr*
Mr. & Mrs. Rob Stone*
Mr. Frank Talbott IV*
The Circle of Hope Foundation, Inc.
TMT Mechs, LLC & T/A Midas Service
United Way - Combined Federal Campaign
United Way - Local Government & Schools
United Way of Greater Atlanta
Van Go, Inc.*
Londella Hamilton accepts life-time achievement award for Mrs. Geraldine Story,
longtime ARC Board member, from Warren Redfern, Board Vice Chair.
Mr. & Mrs. Jose & Anne Vazquez*
Virginia Credit Union, Inc.
Ms. Anne Frost Waring*
Mr. John S. Whitlock*
$100 - $499
Ms. Emily P. Abell
Advanced Therapy Products, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. George F. Allen*
Mr. & Mrs. Roy C. Ambler
Ms. Candice Anderson*
Ms. Susan Anderson*
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Anise*
Ashland Christian Church
Ms. Robin P. Austin
Autism Society of America-Central VA Chapter
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Ayres
Mr. & Mrs. Victor Bakhsi*
RP Baskin
Mr. Frank C. Bedell
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Bell Jr.*
Mr. & Mrs. William Biedenharn*
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Birsinger
Ms. Shauna M. Boehmer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bollings
Mr. & Mrs. Sanford Bond
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Booker
Ms. Kendall L Bozarth*
J. Richard Bragg
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin H. Brandon*
Mr. Edward H. Brewer
Mr. Robert F Brichta
Ms. Anne Broadhead
Mr. & Mrs. H. Gray Broughton*
Dr. & Mr. Patricia & Dewey Brown*
Mr. Michael Burch
Mr. John Burgess
Mr & Mrs. Philip & Ann Burks
Bucci & Dix PLLC
Ms. Mandy Burnette
Blaine Butler
Mr. & Mrs. Wymond Cabell
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Cacavella
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Campbell
Ms. Nansey L. Cardone*
Mrs. Patricia F. Carrington
Mr. & Mrs. Clement D. Carter*
Chamberlayne Heights United Methodist Church
Chester Masonic Lodge #94
Mr. & Mrs. Charles "Ken" Childers*
Mr. Jerry Clark
Colonial Heights American Legion Post 284
The Community Foundation Serving Richmond
& Central Virginia
Congregation Beth Ahabah
Mr. & Mrs. Marshall E. Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy S. Cornwell*
Mr. & Mrs. R. Thomas Crew
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas & Tonya Croston
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Crowder
Ms. Jennifer Crowder
Ms. Cecilia M. Dail
Ms. Miriam H. Daughtry
Mr. Brian Davis
Ms Stephanie Davis*
Dr. & Mrs. Gilbert Frank De Biasi
Ms Elizabeth D De Wolff*
Mr. & Mrs. Monty Dise
Dominion Employee Giving Program
Mr. & Mrs. Ed & Roberta L. Douma
Mr. Jeffrey M Dowd
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph V. Downes Jr.
Mr. Bill Downs*
Ms. Kara Downs*
Mr. Ryan Downs*
Mr. & Mrs. Phil & Jennie Eckert*
Ms. Vera D Edwards*
Eidson & Son Concrete & Repair, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. William Elam III*
Mr. & Mrs. Paul U. Elbling*
Mrs. Barbara B. Elias
Mrs. Susan O. Eutsler
Ms. Barbara Facetti
Mr. & Mrs. Colin & Deena Ferguson*
Dr. Steven M. Fiore
Mike and Cindy Foley
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gates
GFWC Worthington Woman's Club
Genworth Financial Foundation
Gibrall Insurance Agency, Inc.
Ms. Johanna W Gilbert
Mr. Michael Goff*
Mr. Anthony L. Goode
Mr. & Mrs. L. Michael Gracik Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Carl K. Graham
Greater Richmond Civitan Club*
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Grimes
Mrs. Lauren Hall*
Mr. Samuel R. Hall*
Vanessa Hampton
Mr. Alonzo Harbut*
Mrs. Timea Harisova
Mr. & Mrs. David & Sandra Harless
Mr. & Mrs. Ratcliffe Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Haskins*
Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell W Hassell
Mr. & Mrs. Roger & Sarah Haun*
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick F. Heinen
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Henry
Henry Clay Woman's Club
Ms. Ann Hierholzer
Hippodrome Entertainment, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Holmes
Ms. Amy Horan*
Mr. Thomas Horsey*
Ms. Tracey Adler Horwitz*
In House Design, Inc.*
Mr. & Mrs. H. W. Hudson Jr.
Innsbrook Rotary Club
International Packaging Corporation of
Dr. Terry Izzo
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Jarrett*
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Jeffer
Johnny on the Spot*
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Kasoff
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Keisch
Mr. Clinton Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Kennedy
Dr. & Mrs. Paul & Emilie Kiritsis*
Ms. Lynn Kirstein
Ms. Paige Kloeti
Mrs. & Mr. Peggy & Barry Knisley
Ms. Jody Korman
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Kruschwitz
Mr. Eric Kunkel
Ms. Mary E. Langer*
Mr. Nelson Lankford*
Mr. & Mrs. Chaffraix A. Lelong, Jr. *
Dr. Barbara & Coach Ron Lester*
Mr. Robert A. Levin*
Mr. & Mrs. Edmund D Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. J. Theodore Linhart
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy Lloyd
Ms. Claudette Longest*
Luxury Pool & Spa
Mr. & Mrs. John Mahone
Mr. John Manning
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey E. Markunas
Mr. & Mrs. Brian McCarty
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C McCoy
Mr. & Mrs. Mike McGrath*
Mr. & Mrs. Russell A. Menefield
Mr. & Mrs. David Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. Victor J. Moes
Moms Club of Midlothian South
Mr. Glenn R. Moore*
Dr. & Mrs. Roland E. Moore*
Mr. & Mrs. Brent Mrozinski
Ms. Suzanne H. Munson
Mr. & Mrs. David Nagle
Ms. Katherine Natale
Nationwide Financial
Kirsten Nelson
New Life Solutions LLC
New Rainmakers, LLC
Nu Sigma Chapter
Mrs. Joanne R. Ollett
Mr. Jay Owen
Mr. & Mrs. David Pace
Mr. Jarrott Patterson & Ms. Emily Sanford
Ms. Camesha Peters*
Pfizer United Way Campaign
Ms. Cathy Plotkin*
Mr. & Mrs. Russ Pollard*
Mr. & Mrs. Cleve Porter*
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Porter
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Potter
Mrs. Diane E. Powers
Mr. Allen Priester
Mr. Steve Radigan
Mr. & Mrs. Warren C. Redfern*
Mr. & Mrs. Blake Reid
Aiden Steele, Comcast Cares Day at Camp Baker
Richmond Chamberlayne Chapter 390 AARP
Richmond Christian Leadership Institute
Ms. Susan Rickman
Mr. Frank G Rizzo & Ms. Leslie K. Stack*
Dr. & Mrs. Clifford Roffis
John Romeo
Alan Rudnick & Marciano M. Villamiel
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth & Mary Lynn Saady
Ms. Catherine Sanders
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey W. Saunders
Mr. William Saunders
Mr. Calmet M Sawyer
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Schwab
Lynn & Jay Schwartz*
Mr. & Mrs. Cullen & Rosemary Seltzer*
Mr & Mrs. Sheldon & Carmen Seltzer
Mr. Rodney A. Shelton*
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Silvester
Mr. Zachary Sisisky*
Ms. Krista Smith*
Softerware, Inc
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Soulen*
Col. & Mrs. Samuel Spicely
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Edward Stefanovich*
Stevens Jewelers, Inc.
Ms. Cassandra Stoddart*
Ms. Elizabeth Stokes*
Mr. & Mrs. Charles I. Story*
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Stough
Ms. Nancy H. Sutton
Mr. & Mrs. Josef Szadvari
Mr. & Mrs. William Tatu
The Blue Goat
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Thomas
Ms. Elizabeth Tillberg
Ms. Valerie Fleming Tillies*
Ms. Katherine J. Timberlake
TNT Transportation
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tonacci
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Toothman
Ms Barbaranne Toritto*
Treehouse Pediatric Therapy
Mr. & Mrs. Hal Tyler
United Way Suncoast
Mr. & Mrs. William Ellis Vaiden
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Van Manen
Ms. Chelsea Van Manen
Mr. David N. VanBlaricom
Mr. & Mrs. Leigh Vanneman
Vineyard Vines
Virginia Commonwealth Corporation*
VMDO Architects*
Mr. & Mrs. Bernie J. Walker
Wasabi's Corporation
Mr. Jeffrey Michael Wheeler
Mr. & Mrs. Scott White
Whitley Service
Mr. H B Whitmore*
Ms. Loretta S Wiggins*
Mrs. Geline B. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. William Wilson*
The Wilton Companies
Dr. & Mrs. Ross N. Wlodawsky*
Ms. Sara C Wolff
Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Yoffy*
Mr. John Wesley York
$1 - $99
Dr. & Mrs. John M. Alexander*
All About the Beverage*
Ms. Christine Anderson*
Ms. Della R. Anderson
Mr. Zachary M. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene H. Autry
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Averell
Bank of America Workplace Campaign
Mr. & Mrs. William Banks Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Chip Beatty
Mr. Paul Bender
Mr. Richard Bernard
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Berninger
Mr. Bill Bevins
Mr. Mark Biggs*
Mrs. Teresa Bobinsky*
Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Bodenstine
Ms. Cheryl Boltz*
Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Virginia Bower
Bowl America
Mr. J. Christian Bozorth*
Mr. Jamey Braswell
Mrs. Brina Brighan
Mr. Phillip L. Britt
Chris & Ray Bruce
Mr. George A. Bruner Jr.
Ms. Lauren Bruner
Ms. Kelly Burge*
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Burns
Ms. Annette H. Burrell
Mr. Ryan Byrd
Mr. Richard L. Calhoun*
Ms. Suzanne B Carlton
Ms. Brittany Carter*
Ms. Kathy Cheatham*
Ms. Marion Chenault*
Ms. Rebecca W. Clarke
Mr. & Mrs. Justin Clouse
Ms. Lynn E. Colbe
Mr. & Mrs. John & Wendy Cooke*
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Cox*
Mrs. Ruth B. Dabbs
Mr. Carlyle Dabney Jr.*
Ms. Stephanie D Dabney
Mrs. Heather M. Dickey*
Ms. Elizabeth B. Dickie
Mrs. Kara Dillon-Totty
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick DiServio*
Ms. Lisa R. Dudley
Ms. Susan Early*
Ms. Ruth S. Eddy
Mrs. Andrea Edmunds*
Mr. Raymond Elmore*
Ms. Ginny Engler
Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Epes III*
Ms. Barbara Erny*
Mr. Scott Evans
Ms. Linda R. Everette*
Fat Dragon Corporation
Mr. Darryl Lorena Fisher*
Mr. & Mrs. Rives & Suzanne Fleming
Ms. Dianna Gabay-Selby
Ms. Jennie Gayle
Ms. Karen Denise Glass
Mrs. Frances F. Goldman
Mr. John W. Goodman
Mr. Stuart V. Grandis
Mr. Timothy Groves*
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Hall
Ms. Austin Harlow
Mrs. Susan P. Harlow
Mr. & Mrs. Craig & Mary C Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Wallace "Bo" G. Harris
Mr. Jonathan Harvell & Mrs. Latachia Harvell
Mr. Bruce Haymans*
Mr. Christopher Haymans*
Mr. Joseph Haymans*
Mr. Robert R. Hopkins Jr.
Mrs. Harold Horowitz
Mrs. Patricia Horsey
House of Carpet
Ms. Helen Hunnel*
Dr. Allix B. James
Mr. & Mrs. W. Patrick & Laura Jarrett
Mr. & Mrs. Ian Jeremiah
Mr. & Mrs. Gary & Lisa D Jewett
Mr. Antonio Johnson*
Ms. Jeanie Johnson*
Ms. Robin G. Johnson*
Ms Elizabeth C Jones*
Ms. Octavia C. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Kastelberg
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis D. Kelley Jr.
Ms. Katie Kestle*
Mr. Geoffrey H. Kleb Jr.
Mr. Steven W. Knockemus
Mr. Joseph Knox
Ms. Lauren Konstant
Mr. & Mrs. William & Donna Lane*
Ms. Marilyn Leander
Mr. David Levy
Ms. Lillian Lowery-Copeland*
Ms. Challen Mabry
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher I. Mack*
Mrs. Lisa S. Mallory
Ms. Donna L. Mansfield
Mr. TaVarous Maple*
Mr. David S. Martin
Ms. Vonda K. Mathews
Ms. Edith M. Matze*
Mr. Bobby Maxwell
Ms. Michelle Mayo*
Mr. & Mrs. Chuck & Sharon McCurdy
Mrs. Kathleen A. McGinley
“2014 “Round of Good” golfers at Richmond Country Club (Sandy Stoddart,
Kathy Bliley, Christopher Russell, Meg Downs, Beth Brotherton)
Ms. Tracy McNeil*
Mr & Mrs. David & Paula Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Miller
Ms. Shannon K. Mitchell
Mrs. Tina B. Moody
Ms. Naomi M. Moore
Ms. Laura L. Moss
Ms. Marcie B. Moyer*
Mr. & Mrs. Willie Munford
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Musselman
Ms. Laurie Newsome
Mr. Doug Nickerson
Mr. R Bradley Nimmons
Mr. & Mrs. William Noftsinger
Mr. Ben Page
Mr. Samuel Paige*
Ms. Margaret A. Palmore
Mr. James Patterson*
Mr. N. Douglas Payne Jr.*
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Piascik*
Mr. & Mrs. Allen B. Pickels Jr.
Ms. Johna Pitts*
Mr. Scott Plummer*
Ms. Judy Powell
Ms. Eloise Price
Mrs. Pearl P. Randolph
Mr. Scott Reid
Ms. Mary Reidelbach
Ms. R.L. Reynolds
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Rich
Ms. Barbara W Riley*
Mrs. Mary H. Riley
Mr. & Mrs. Jon & Patti Rittling*
Mrs. Margaret H. Roisch
Mr. William Rousch*
Ms. Brenda Savage
Mrs. Lisa Schaffner*
Mr. Eric C. Scott Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. David Sealey
Ms. Susan Sella
Dr. Rupal D Shah*
Ms. Stephanie P Shaw
Ms. Janet Sheridan
Mr. & Mrs. Garrett Shifflett
Mrs. Judith A. Shires
Ms. Julie H. Smith
Mr. Robert Lee Smith
Mr. Max Solano
Mr. & Mrs. L. Easley Spencer
Ms. Courtney Standerfer*
Mr. & Mrs. Hal Starr
Ms. Cherlyn S. Stevens
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Strauss
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Streetman
Ms. Deanna S. Sturtz*
Mr. Wayne Joseph Swatlowski
Ms. Wanda N. Thimsen
Mr. & Mrs. George F. Tinker
Ms. Josi Toothman*
Mr. William Trigg
Ms. Ann Temple Tripp*
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Troy
Mr. Aaron Tunnell
Mr. Eric Turner
Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Van Goor
Ms. Ann M. Vargo
Ms. Nancy C. Vaughan
Mr.& Mrs. Ward Waltman*
Mrs. Camille I. Washington*
Dr. & Mrs. Damon Omar Watson*
Mr. & Mrs. Allan R. Williamson
Mr. Dennis Winfree
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald & Chris Wynn
Mr. Jason Zaleski
Mr. Bill Zieser
In honor of Kathleen Anderson
Exit First Realty
In honor of Nickole Campell
Burgess Inspections, Inc.
In memory of George Beavers
Stevens Jewelers, Inc
In honor of Ric Brown
Craig Burns
John Mahone
In honor of Paul Burgess
John Burgess
In honor of Susan Tate
Burgess Inspections, Inc.
In honor of Meg Downs
Bill Downs
In honor of Mike Foley
David Levy
In memory of Bernard Levey
Susan Early
In honor of Gayle Walters
Burgess Inspections, Inc.
In memory of Elizabeth Gayle
Marilyn Leander
R. L. Reynolds
Chris & Ray Bruce
Suzanne Carlton
TMT Mechs,LLC & T/A Midas Service
Calmet Sawyer
Ginny Engler
Eliose Price
In memory of Gregory Milo Gotwals
Allan Williamson
In honor of Thomas Haskins & Family
Clifford Roffis
In honor of Josh Simpson
Burgess Inspections, Inc.
In memory of Liddy Horsey
Jeffrey Saunders
John Manning
Patricia Horsey
Richard Averell
Kimberly Watson
In memory of Sheldon Isenberg
John & Carol Napier
In honor of Richard & CarolAnn Ivey
Exit First Realty
In honor of Jessica Johnson
Exit First Realty
In honor of Sue Ferrell
Burgess Inspections, Inc.
In honor of Karen Stephens
Burgess Inspections, Inc.
In honor of Erin Barton
Burgess Inspections
In honor of Patsy Hancock
Burgess Inspections, Inc.
In honor of Lease Buy Own, LLC
Exit First Realty
In honor of Cathy Saunders
Burgess Inspections, Inc.
In honor of Brooke Barnard
Burgess Inspections, Inc.
In honor of Jim Martin
Burgess Inspections, Inc.
In honor of Allen Mollen
Burgess Inspections, Inc.
In honor of Ken Edwards
Burgess Inspections, Inc.
In honor of Cathy Noonan
Burgess Inspections, Inc.
In honor of James "Punky" Lumpkin
William Vaiden
In honor of Michael & Terri Marcolini
Exit First Realty
In honor of The Niamtu Family
Courney Standerfer
Local radio personalities Jeff Katz of WRVA and Kat Simons of Lite 98 hosted
a Clear Channel pizza party for After School and Day Support participants.
In honor of Mark Paniccia
Exit First Realty
In honor of Barry Pierce
Exit First Realty
In memory of Elizabeth Barker
Craig & Mary Harris
In honor of William Paul Reidelbach
Mary Reidelbach
In honor of David Ogle
Burgess Inspections, Inc.
In honor of Kurt Negaard
Burgess Inspections, Inc.
In honor of Scott Winston
Burgess Inspections, Inc.
In honor of Rosemary & Cullen Seltzer
Sheldon & Carmen Seltzer
In honor of Randy & Necole Semmons
Exit First Realty
In honor of Don & Linda Stevens
Johanna Gilbert
In honor of Patricia Tomlinson
Margaret and Richard Soulen
In memory of Marilyn Villanueva
Edward Villanueva
In honor of Jamie Younger
Burgess Inspections, Inc.
In honor of Debbie Welch
Burgess Inspections, Inc.
Emily Lehmann, ARC Director of Day Support Services, with Rich Neal of the YMCA
of Greater Richmond. The YMCA continues to support ARC by providing volunteer
opportunities and client access to its facilities.
Carmen Allen
Samantha Arritt
Becky Balog
Vicki Beatty
Jack Berninger
Bill Bevins
Aftyn Brandon
Anne Broadhead
Dave Brotherton
Elizabeth Brown
Kathleen Burden
Scooter Burgess
Britt Calloway
Cindy Cates
A Solid Financial Foundation
Chamberlayne Heights United
Methodist Church
Circle of Friends Community Volunteers
Kevin Cook
Tonya Croston
Janis Crowder
Lisa Davis
Tad Davis
Dawn Davis
Meg Downs
Kaitlyn Gibson
Joyce Hann
Jodi Harris
Carol Harris
Amy Horan
Thom Horsey
Matt Hulcher
Emily Jeremiah
Bonnie & Ron Kasoff
Jessica Keliota
Lynn Kirstein
Jennifer Lawson
Jason Mcquaid
Vicki Mirandah
Colleen Moore
Eunice Morck
April Niamtu
Jeff Penny
Ruthann Priest
Angela Pugh
Taylor Ramey
Bill Reinhart
Gus & Eileen Remppies
Jane Rhyne
Matthew Rhyne
P.J. Rhyne
Johnetta Roane
Valerie Sampson
Heidi Schlicher
Babette Schmitz
Eleanor Sharp
Katie Shook
Zach Sisisky
Lauren Soles
Bob Sommerville
Cindy & Dave Spear
Don & Linda Stevens
Cassandra Stoddart
Elizabeth Taylor
Arlene Waller
Anne Waring
Jeff Wilmoth
Amanda Wilmoth
Lauren Wilson
John Wyatt IV
*Revenue (Unaudited)
Federal Contracts (Ability One)
Government Agencies 4,772,306
Insurance, Participant Fees, Other
Contract Sales1,071,4248%
Expenses and Increase in Net Assets (Unaudited)
If we inadvertently made an error or omitted your name, please accept our apologies
and notify our Vice President of Development at 804-358-1874, Ext 223.
705,443 5%
Development319,869 3%
Developmental Services
Employment Services
Increase in Net Assets 210,794
Impact 100 Richmond representatives at the ARCpark groundbreaking ceremony
held on October 21, 2014. Impact 100 awarded ARC $100,000 towards
construction of the ARCpark. Left to right: Carol Anne Lajoie, Cheryl Woodward,
Kemper Thiornton, Phyllis Ellenbogen, Lynn Schwartz and Pam Hervey.
*Revenue excludes pledges and donations of $830,618 received in 2014 for the ARCpark
If you would like more information about our
finances, please contact our Vice President of
Finance at 804-358-1874, Ext 245.
Comcast Cares volunteers helped with repairs and landscaping at Camp
Baker in 2014.
Thanks to area supporters who continue to donate books to our ARCenter library
for our youngest clients.
ARC Leadership
Marshall Butler, ARC President - 37 Years of Leadership
It has been almost four decades
since I started my career at
ARC. How do I describe the
progress I have seen – progress
driven by families who coaxed
and demanded a change in
our society’s attitudes about
and legislation for those with
developmental disabilities?
When I arrived at ARC, these
families’ well-fought battles
had already resulted in public
education and job training
programs for their children,
but there was still much to
do. Families entrusted ARC to
create and expand programs to
help their children thrive, so we
developed year-round respite
programs, afterschool care,
employment opportunities in
diverse work settings, and more.
Families’ grit and determination
inspired us, and we knew that to
help them over a lifetime, ARC
needed to be financially stable
and adaptable enough to meet
their changing needs. Often we
needed to consider differing and
ever-changing perspectives and to
find sound solutions and choices
that would bring a family peace
of mind. That’s how we could,
how ARC can, make a practical
for the right person to lead ARC
into the future.
ARC Board of Directors 2014
Camp Baker Management Board 2014
ARC Executive Officers 2014
Richard D. Brown
Dabney E. Short, Jr., Bermuda District
Marshall W. Butler, Jr., President
I am pleased that I will get to
work with your next President for
a smooth transition period.
Marshall W. Butler, Jr., ARC President
James “Punky” Lumpkin, Dale District
Bob Levin, Vice President of Finance
Harvey Crone
Vincent “Vince” Burgess, Clover Hill District
Donald D. Darr, Executive Committee
Michael “Mick” Simms, Matoaca District
Quintin Mitchell, Vice President
of Developmental Services
Heidi Dix
Hugh Urban, Midlothian District
Meg Downs
William “Bill” Collie, Chester Civitan Club
Thomas Horsey
William “Bill” Poole, ARC Board of Directors
Chad Logan, Esq., Secretary
Robert Mills, Member At-Large
Marshall W. Butler, Jr.
Jeff Penny
Ed Nicely, Chesterfield Community Services Board
President, Greater Richmond ARC
William Poole
ARC Staff, Demis Stewart, Executive Vice President
Cheryl Boltz, Maintenance Manager
Quintin Mitchell, Vice President,
Developmental Services
I thank all of you for giving me
the opportunity of a lifetime and
a life-fulfilling career.
Warren Redfern, Vice Chair
B. Patterson Robson, Jr.
Now, as I prepare for retirement,
a very capable team is searching
Robert L. Sommerville, Chair
Matt O’Connell, Vice President
Employment Services
Demis Stewart, Executive Vice President
Charles Story, Vice President
of Human Resources
Kim Watson, Vice President of Development
Don Stevens, Executive Committee
Sam Hall, ARC Employment Services, with
Marshall Butler in ARCenter lobby, 2015.
Rob Stone
Valerie Fleming Tillies
“ARC needed a strong leader who would move quickly in the
direction of service delivery. Providers were badly needed.”
Anne Waring
David Nagle, Corporate Counsel
~ Bill Suttles, Board Chair ’78-‘81/’96-‘98
Talking with parents, 1979.
At Westwood Avenue
facility opening, 1984.
Speaking at ARC’s
40th anniversary, 1994.
On the production floor at
ARC’s Westwood Avenue, 2004.
With Delegate Frank Hall
and Gov. Mark Warner at the
Virginia state capitol, 2005.
Accepting donation for Camp
Baker from Knights of Columbus,
Bishop Ireton Council, 2007.
With James A. Rothrock,
commissioner of Virginia Dept.
of Rehabilitative Services, at DRS
awards ceremony, 2007.
Presenting Philip Morris
volunteers at Camp Baker
certificate of appreciation, 2008.
With City Council representative
Charles Samuels and Henrico
County Manager John Vithoulkas
at ARCpark groundbreaking,
October 2014.
3600 Saunders Avenue
Richmond, Virginia, 23227
(804) 358-1874
(804) 353-0163 fax
[email protected]
Publication design: Greater Richmond ARC and River City Consulting
Portrait photos © 2015
Portia Coleman,
ARC Pre-Vocational
Services, 2015.