Deeply rooted - Chautauqua Region Community Foundation


Deeply rooted - Chautauqua Region Community Foundation
D e e p l y
r o o t e d
Annual Report
A man does not plant a tree for himself, he plants it for posterity.
Alexander Smith
any times as we travel in the Chautauqua Region, we fail to see
the beauty surrounding us. We take the grandeur of the landscape, Chautauqua Lake, and our distinct seasons for granted.
The many and varied trees that dot the landscape are part of
the splendor of our environs. These trees perpetually provide value to our neighborhoods, streets, and highways by adding beauty and helping the environment.
Trees are at the “root” of a project underwritten several years ago by the Board of
Directors of the Community Foundation. As the City of Jamestown Urban Design
Plan process was taking shape, the Foundation looked for a project that could
make a long-term difference—a project that would be a part of the skyline of the
City. The Foundation decided to plant trees.
In partnership with the City of Jamestown, the Foundation investigated the need
for more trees—trees in locations that would complement the Urban Design
Plan. The North Main Street/Route 60 corridor, which serves as the north side
entrance to the City, was identified as an area that would benefit from additional
trees. The Foundation also partnered with Love Elementary School to plant trees
on streets adjacent to the school. These trees, which will enrich the landscape
and help create a lasting image of the City, are representative of what the
Community Foundation stands for in the Chautauqua Region.
Similar to a tree that started with a seed, sprouted, and became firmly rooted as
it grew, the Chautauqua Region Community Foundation and its many charitable
funds all started from “seed” money, which sprouted, become deeply rooted, and
grew. It will continue to gain strength and offer financial assistance to the
Chautauqua Region through a vast number of programs now and in the future.
As you read this annual report, consider the value of a tree to the natural beauty
and environment of our area. At the same time, think about the value of the
Chautauqua Region Community Foundation to the strength, stability and beauty
of our community.
Chautauqua Region Community Foundation • Enriching the Quality of Life in the Chautauqua Region since 1978
The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
DEEPLY ROOTED : Webster’s Dictionary defines “deeply” as “extending far
downward from the outer surface.” “Rooted” is defined as “an underground part
of a plant body that functions as a means of anchorage and support.” When used
together, these words describe something that provides support and stability due
to its penetration far below the surface. The Chautauqua Region Community
Foundation seeks, through its mission and actions, to be an entity that is deeply
rooted in the community.
In 1978, the founding members established the Community Foundation as an
anchor of strength and stability for charitable action in our community. Their
work has been nurtured by all who have followed.
During the past 29 years, the mission of “enriching the quality of life in the
Chautauqua Region,” has resonated with and been supported by thousands of
donors. In 2007, 2,270 donors made gifts totaling $2,667,000.00 to a wide
variety of charitable purposes. As part of this generosity, 30 new endowment
funds were established, taking the total number of funds administered by the
Foundation to 479. These funds provide the means to award grants and scholarships and to provide support wherever it is most needed.
Our desire to maintain and strengthen our ability to serve as a charitable anchor
led to the creation of the Legacy Society at the Foundation. The Legacy Society
honors those individuals who have made the decision to provide a planned gift
for their favorite charitable purpose at the end of their lives. The Legacy Society
recognizes and thanks those donors during their lifetimes. Their dedication to
worthwhile causes is an inspiration and encouragement to all. Their philanthropy
will enrich the community for generations to come.
On behalf of the Board of Directors and staff, we thank each of you for years of
generous support. It has allowed us be become the “Deeply Rooted” anchor
reaching far below the surface of the Chautauqua Region.
Lyman A. Buck III
Planned Gift Information— • Phone: 716.661.3390
Randall J. Sweeney
Executive Director
JHS Class of 1950
Nagle and Bender Families
CRCF Staff
J.H.S. Class of 1950
Judy Smith’s Birthday
Birth of Gianna Denise Schrantz
Birth of Max Elliott Lingenfelter
JHS Class of 1954
Jason, Amy, Carly, Alison VanDewark
CCS Class of 1962
M. Carlyle & Doris VanLente Neckers
Kevin and Jennifer Morse
Gene, Mary, Caity, and Annie Homan
Samuel Alessi
Mr. Burton M. Anderson
Richard Arthur
Tammy Bakewell
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory D. Bender & Family
Jodell Bender
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Benson
Douglas E. Benson
Cole Michael Bloomquist
Grayson Brooke Bloomquist
Kassidy Carlson and Dan Austin
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Christopherson
Lois Christy
Patricia Cline
James C. Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Costanzo
Diane G. Crandall
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Cusimano
David and Shirley Sember Daly
Fletcher DeMink
Porter DeMink
Trey DeMink
Andrea DiMaio
Jane Fagerstrom
Mark French
Lois T. Galloway
Eugene C. Gerhart
Dr. Robert A. Hagstrom
Sally Hardenburg
Dorothy and Fred Heft
Cristie L. Herbst
Douglas Hoisington
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Hood
Carla M. Howie
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jochum, Jr.
Susan Jones
Barbara Josephson
Rolland Kidder
Mr. James W. King
Bethany S. Kling
William Knight
Elizabeth Lindquist
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ludwig
Jennie Maione
S. Ralph and Frances Marra
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McCullor
James McElrath
Melsetta “Mel” H. McFadden
Larry Mee
Sandra Merwin
Rev. and Mrs. Daniel Nagle
Janice Nagle
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Nagle
Thomas Nagle
Jim Nealon
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas C. Neckers
Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Newhouse
Mrs. Phyllis Hunt Newman
Dr. Lillian Ney
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Overcash, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Peterson
Ruth Rowley
Lisa and Steve Runyan
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Schaefer
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Scholla & Family
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Scully
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Stronz
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Stronz
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Stronz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Sundell
Doris Swanson
Richard J. Swanson
Mr. and Mrs. Roland A. Swanson
Randall Sweeney
Michael Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Vivian A. Taylor
James M. Walrod
Stanley A. Weeks, Esq.
The Rev. Susan Anslow Williams
2 0 0 7 J O H N D . H A M I LT O N AWA R D
Lyman Buck, Lula and Vivian Taylor – 2007 Award Recipients, Randall Sweeney
Chautauqua Region Community Foundation • Enriching the Quality of Life in the Chautauqua Region since 1978
J. Howard and Ethel Lewis Peterson
My Parents
Rollin A. and Annie P. Fancher
Clarence R. and Amy M. Johnson
Robert W. and Mildred M. Carlson
Deceased Members—JHS Class of 1950
The Fun We Used To Have Here!
Kathy Coons’ Mother
Sir Oliver VII
Margaret and Harold Weed
Arlon and Melva Shick
G. Dewey and Myra E. Spencer Larson
William R. & Catherine J. Krishock
Harold J. Adams
Mary Anna Adams
Marian Larson Adye
Mildred J. Allenza
Lillian Alm
2 0 0 7 A X E L W. C A R L S O N AWA R D
Randall Sweeney, Eleanor Esch – 2007 Award Recipient, Robert Young, Committee Chairman
Joseph Michael Andalora
David and Lillian Anderson
Elizabeth A. Anderson
Gordon E. Anderson
Gunnard Anderson
Harold R. Andersen
Ted M. Anderson, Sr.
Josephine Antolini
Patsy Antonuccio
Msgr. Antoinne P. Attea
Wendy Sue Axelson and Ted Moll II
Wendy Sue Axelson
Marion Larsen Ayde
Mable L. Bailey
Macy J. Bailey
Sally Woods Bailey
Don Baker
Russell S. Baldwin
Theresa M. Banks
Mrs. Lucy Barber
James A. Barlow Sr.
Audrey D. Bartholomew
Mr. Maurice Baska
Barbara Bauer
Corl A. Belknap
Spiro G. Bello
Mary-Ann Bender
Robert and Harriet Bender
LeRoy N. Benson
Dr. Roger Bjornstjerna
Kathleen A. Black
David A. Blixt
Jeffrey L. Bloomquist
A. Charles Bocchino
Ernest B. Boerst
Stacey A. Boltz Palasek
E. Robert Bootey
Online Giving/Donate Now!— • Phone: 716.661.3390
Rose G. Bower
Louise R. Bradley
George S.R. Braley
SEABEE John W. Brandt
Lois Guichard Brigiotta
Helen Brinkley
Marjorie S. Broadhead
Mary Brome
Dorothy Brooks
Roseann Brady Brooks
Gale Gokey Brown
Richard K. Brown
Robert B. and Edith M. Buchan
Rob Buck
James Bumbalo, M.D.
Thomas A. Buttafaro
Philip L. Cala
Rosaria Calimeri
Dorothy Cameron
Albert Caprino
Bessie Caprino
Vera Gourley Capron
Nick Carlessi
Beatrice Anne Carlson
C. Reynold Carlson
Marilyn Carlson
Rudolph Carlson
W. Park Catchpole, Esq.
Timothy L. Christenson
John Christy
Audrey L. Clauson
Merrill E. Coffin
Walter J. Colburn
Suzanne Colf
Charles H. Colvin
Lance G. Colvin
Susan Stone Conant
Gordon M. Connelly
William Constantine
Betty Conti
Edward L. Cooper
R. Richard Corbin
Karen R. Crossley
Virginia Crowell
S. Charlotte Dahlbeck
Ruth Godard Damcott
Jeanette Anderson Danchuck
Nancy Agate D’Angelo
Thomas A. D’Angelo
Meagan Lee Danielson
Corrine Gunnarson Davis
John Davis
Max Davis
Bert Day
Larry Denzel
Arnold R. DePetro, Sr.
Eugene Diamond
Candace Lewis Dickinson
Sikora DiMaio
Virginia Dingman
Anthony T. DiVincenzo
James Stuart Dole
Mary T. Doolittle
Morgan O. Doolittle, Jr.
Ernest Arthur Doud
Joyce Duster
Richerd Ecklund
William G. (Gus) Erickson
Gordon Erlandson
Jane Fagerstrom
Rollin A. and Annie Fancher
Dan Feather
Allen R. Findlay
Phillip S. Fonti, Jr.
Francesca Trantum Forte
Louise Foti
Luella K. Fox
Aldine Francisco
Herbert R. Frantz, Jr.
Andrew Freeman
Cathy L. Straight Frew
Jody A.R. Fricker
Anthony S. Galati
Nelson Garifi Sr.
Sebastian Garigal
James Gatto
Bruce Gee
Fredrick Giambeluca
Donald W. Giddy
Virginia Greco
Patricia Green
Molly Griffith
Frank Gugino
Dan Gustafson
James Edwin Gustafson
Richard C. Gustafson
Robert C. Gutknecht
Karen J. Hagstrom
Mary Lou Haldeman
John Hale
Carolyn R. Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hamilton
Sally Hammond
Sheridan Hardenburg
Essel K. Hegberg
Gerald C.E. Heglund
Edwin J. & Katherine M. Hegstedt
Edith Helgren
Glen T. Helgren
Martha Herby
Wayne T. Herrick
Sven Hillring
Paul J. Hillstrom
Roy A. Hine
John Hoisington
Paul Holmes
Melissa K. Homan
Randy Hough
Tom House
Jim Howard
Dr. Mark A. Howard
Harold Howbridge
Donald L. Hoyt
Evelyn Y. Hyde
Annie M. Immordino
Kevin Ingalsbe
Robert H. Ingalsbe
Thomas Mark Irwin, Sr.
Ruth Jacobson
Mr. and Mrs. Zira P. James
Elsie Johanson
Eleanor John
Barbara A. Johnson
George L. Johnson
Janice B. Johnson
John W. Johnson
Lillian B. Johnson
Merle E. Johnson
Dr. Robert G. Johnson
Roger T. Johnson
Sandra Russ Judson
Jeffery D. Kearney
Herbert J. Kennedy
Thomas E. Kiddoo, Jr.
Paul Kiebler III
Geoffrey M. Kier
Diane Bates Kimball
Gunnard F. Kindberg
Amy R. King
Jeremy Kinnear
Ordence Knowlton
Joseph E. Korcyl Jr.
William & Catherine Joann Krishock
Myrna Kulig
Sharon Kunkel
Ignatius Frank “Nay” LaMancuso
Frank Lamantia
Sara M. LaMarca
Donald E. Larkin
Robert W. Larson
David L. Lawrence
Paul “Skip” Lawson
Marie Constantine Leake
George Lee
James Lemyre
Alice E. Levin
Alice and Ernest Levin
Carl W. Levin
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Lind
“Lindy” Lindberg
Egon Lindberg
William Linden
Ina Lindner
RoseMarie K. Cappa Lindstrom
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph X. Lombardo
Elizabeth Loncki
Jonathan E. Long
Dorris A. Lundquist
Mr. Charles Magnuson
Paul L. Maione
Esther L. Maisto
S. Ralph Marra
Frank Marsh
Mary S. Martz
Frances Laska Marucci
Cutler R. Mason
Albert “Abe” F. Mattison
William McKinley
Bruce Fabian McKnight
Richard W. McNeal
Arthur and Sara Memmott
Jack Messina
John Messina
Rose Mary Miano
Maxine Michalski
Bonnie L. Migliore
Carmen A. Miller
Felix J. Mira
Karen Mitchell
Ted Moll
Patrick J. Morales
Willard Morton
Ruth E. Munson
Geneva Oberg Muscarella
Marie E. Muscarella
Albert Neckers, Jr.
Carl and Viola Nelson
Dr. John H. Nelson
Susan Nelson
Weldon Nelson
Delmore Garrison Newman
Carol Sapienza Newton
Alison Ney and Christa Stineman
SEABEE Thomas E. Nissen
Chuck Norris
Robert North
Chautauqua Region Community Foundation • Enriching the Quality of Life in the Chautauqua Region since 1978
Bob Nugent
Lillian O'Brien
Barbara Thayer Olson
Dr. Frank Roland Olson
Margaret E. Olson
Suzanne Shearman Osmer
Georgina B. Ostrom
Juanita Owens
Stacey Boltz Palasek
Steven Pangborn and Willie Hayes
Dr. Marion A. Panzarella
Jody Pappalardo
James Pappas
Kathleen Parinella
Guy G. Paterniti
Joan Patrie
Donald R. Pembridge
Edna Peterson
Lyle S. Peterson
Reid L. Pierson
Lena Pilato
Anna Marie Pillittieri
Samuel C. Pillittieri
Robert “Bobby” G. Pollino II
Dorothy Potter
Spiros D. Poulos
Beverly Eckstedt Preston
Wilson C. “Trip” Price III
Evelene Quaintance
Della Rabith
Mike Rabith
Algot and Esther Ralg
Albertus Whitney Rappole, M.D.
Donald E. Reese
Michelle Kay Reynolds
William Riggs Reynolds Jr.
Elsa Rhodes
Roger E. Rich
Lawrence Rinaldo
Reuben H. Rinaldo
Vincent Riolo
Mary Restivo Rizzo
Samuel B. Robbins
Betty Jean Russell
Abbey R. Sadowski
Grace S. Sanfilippo
William Ross Sard
James J. Schrantz
Patricia Anderson Schultz
Delight Sharer
Wendy Anne Sharp
Richard P. Shearman
Joyce Richards Shelgren
Lela I. Shelters
Lena Scholeno Sinatra
Bette J. Sisson
Edgar Skinner
Judith S. Smith
R. Edward Smith
Irene Beck Sorensen
John Clayton Sorenson
Lee Spindler
Ben Spitale
Janis Staples
Jeryl Lynn Sandbloom Stearns
Christa N. Stineman
Dan Stone (Sklarsky)
Vivian M. Anderson Stormer
Timothy F. Stronz
Beatrice A. Strunk
Brian S. Suckow
Betty Wheelock Sullivan
Paul B. Sullivan
Shannon A. Carroll Summers
Doris VanHorn Swanson
Ford L. Swanson
Ray D. Swanson
Doris and Cloise Swearingen
Crystal J. Sweeney
Jane E. Szymanowicz
Anthony Teresi
Joseph H. Terrano
Maria Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Thomas
Alison Anderson Thompson
Ruth Tickel
Thomas A. Todaro, Sr.
Rosanne C. Traniello
Concetta M. Triscari
Berit Turnquist
Norbert A. Uhrich
Susan M. Urso
Rodney Vanstrom
Sarah Cardinale Vassallo
Lory Thomas Ventura
Glenn W. Waite
Jack Wakefield
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walrod
William A. Walrod
J. Emerson Weaver
Nadine H. Webb
Rebie Webster
Vivian Paul Wettingfeld
Gloria Wheelhouse
Kathy Kardish Wilson
Ernest Winterhalter
Janet Wormuth
Hal Youngblood
Versel Hagberg Young
Florence Zanghi
Robert H. Jackson/Lyle S. Peterson
Memorial Lectureship Fund
Criteria: To provide financial assistance to the Robert H. Jackson Center for
expenses relative to the Lyle S. Peterson Lectureship Program.
Robert H. Jackson Center
Mr. Peterson, a native of Jamestown, was vice president and part
owner of Jamestown Electro-Plating for 35 years. During his lifetime,
he participated in and was a member of a variety of organizations,
including being a charter member of the Allen Park Men’s Club and a
former director of the Jamestown Figure Skating Club. Mr. Peterson’s
interests included the American Scandinavian Heritage Foundation,
youth sports, participation in golfing, bowling, ice skating, and he was
a driver for the Christian League for Handicapped.
He was, most importantly, a family man and was interested in all the activities of his children and grandchildren. This fund
was established in honor of his son Gregory’s passion for the Robert H. Jackson Center.
Planned Gift Information— • Phone: 716.661.3390
AAA East Central–Jamestown
Abbey Rose Sadowski Memorial
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Abdella
Mrs. Dolores Stawiarski Abram
Acu-Rite Companies, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas F. Adams
Mrs. Evelyn Adams
Mr. Harold J. Adams
Adko Advertising Specialties
Advanced Manufacturing
Technology, Inc.
Ms. Anna E. Ahlgren
Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Ahlstedt
Mr. Keith D. Ahlstrom
Ms. Lynda Albert
Ms. Helen Alden
Aleksandrowicz Private Investors
Group, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Alessi
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Alessi
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Alessi
Mr. Richard Alexander & Jill Casey
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Alexander
Allegiance Capital, Inc.
Allen Fire Equipment S&S, Inc.
Allen Park Women’s Club
Ms. Nancy Allen
Alliance Advisory Group, Inc.
Allied Alarm Services, Inc.
Allied Fire Protection Systems Inc.
Altria Matching Gifts Program
American Eagle Outfitters
American Scandinavian Heritage
Mr. Tom Ames
Mrs. Deborah A. Andersen
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Anderson
Capt. Burton M. Anderson
Mrs. Colleen Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Anderson
Jean T. and Dean M. Anderson
We thank the following individuals, organizations and businesses for making
donations to enrich the quality of life in the Chautauqua Region in 2007.
Mrs. Delores S. Anderson
Ms. Elizabeth P. Anderson
Mrs. Geraldine B. Anderson
Mr. J. Bard Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Anderson
Ms. Jeanette C. Anderson
Ms. Jo Ann Anderson
Mr. John E. Anderson
Ms. Joyce M. Anderson
Ms. Karen M. Anderson
Ms. Linda S. Anderson
Ms. Margaret Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Anderson
Mr. Randall G. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Roger E. Anderson
Mrs. Sondra R. Anderson
Mr. Thomas M. Anderson
Mr. Thomas P. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Andrews
Mrs. Sarah K. Anglin
Mrs. Nancy Annis
Ms. Katherine Anslow
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Anson
Arro Tool & Die, Inc.
Douglas E. & Alba I. Arters
Arthur R. Gren Co., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Atcheson
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Atkinson
Mr. and Mrs. Hans P. Auer
Mrs. Nancy Bellavia Austin
Mr. and Mrs. David Axelson
Mr. Carl Badger
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baggiano
Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian A. Baggiano
Ms. Cheryl A. Bailey
Mr. Joseph Kenneth Bailey, Jr.
Mrs. Virginia M. Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Baker, Jr.
Bakewell Financial Services, Inc.
Mrs. Donna K. Bakewell
Cousins Sparky, Haley, and Dusty
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Bakewell
Ms. Tammy Bakewell
Mrs. Millie Ball
Mr. Steven W. Bancroft
Bank of America Matching Gifts
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barber
Mr. Daniel W. Bargar
Mr. and Mrs. David Bargar
Mr. Robert S. Bargar
Mr. Walter Barker
Mr. Scott Barnhouse
Mr. Adam S. Barone
Mr. Charles A. Barone
Nathaniel Barone, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Barry
Mrs. Doris M. Bartlett
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Bartoldson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bartolo
Mr. James R. Bartoo
The Basket Company Inc.
Mr. Bruce D. Battler
Mr. Jeffery A. Bauer
Ms. Donna R. Beal
Ms. Norma M. Beazell
Ms. Gretchen H. Beckstrom
Ms. Stephanie R. Beckstrom
Tony and Carrie Behrman
Mr. John Bell
Ms. Melissa B. Belli
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Belschner
Bemus Point CSD Support Staff
Mr. Gregory D. Bender
Ms. Jodell Bender
Mr. Roger L. Bender
Mr. Alan P. Benson
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Benson
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Benson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Benson
Mr. Roy A. Benson
Steven J. Benson, D.M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Benson
Mr. Alan M. Bentley
Mr. and Mrs. Eric S. Berg
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Berger
Mrs. Mary Lindbeck Berglund
Mrs. Nancy J. Bergstrom
Mr. Milton E. Bergwall
Mrs. Janet L. Berlinghoff
Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Bernard
Bill and Tiffiny
Birthday Party of Kassidy Carlson
& Dan Austin
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Bjork
Mr. G. Timothy Black
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon W. Black
Ms. Elizabeth Blackburn
Blackstone Business Enterprises
Mrs. Mary H. Blair
Marcia C. Bliss, CPA
Mrs. David Blixt
Bloomquist's Landscaping, Inc.
Mr. C. Jeffrey Bloomquist
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Bloomquist
Mr. Steven J. Bloomquist
Bly, Sheffield, Bargar, & Pillittieri
BNO International Trading Co. Inc.
Mr. Michael K. Bobseine
Mrs. Barbara Turk Bochman
Mrs. Nina P. Boerst
Mr. Theodore F. Bogdan
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore J. Bogdan Jr.
Michael Bolender, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Bond
Mr. and Mrs. Russ Bonfiglio
Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Bootey
Mrs. Sally T. Bootey
Mrs. Barbara J. Booth
Mr. Norman P. Booth
Borsari Food Co. Inc.
Mrs. Jeanette Mignacca Boscarino
Mr. Michael Boskin
Mr. Stephen Boskin
Mrs. Lorraine Bouma
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Bowman
Mr. Owen T. Brady
Chautauqua Region Community Foundation • Enriching the Quality of Life in the Chautauqua Region since 1978
Ms. Mary Lou Brands
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brands
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Brannon
Mrs. Carol M. Brewer
Mr. and Mrs. John Brinkley
Mr. Gregory K. Britton
Mr. William A. (Skip) Broadhead
Brooks Memorial Hospital
Ms. Jeanette E. Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Brown
Brent, Anita, Jake, & Josh Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Drew M. Brown
Gale G. Brown, Jr., M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brown
Bruce Peterson Memorial Fund
Mrs. Doreen H. Brugge
Mr. and Mrs. R. Kenneth Bruner
Mr. and Mrs. Lyman A. Buck III
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan L. Bucklin
Buffamante Whipple Buttafaro, P.C.
Ms. Katherine K. Burch
Mr. Bill Burk
Dr. and Mrs. James R. Burk
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Burnett
Bush Industries Inc.
Busti Lime Service, Inc.
Busti Men’s Association
Mr. and Mrs. James Butler
Mrs. Michelle Buttafaro
Ms. Janet K. Buttafarro
Cable Hollow L G L
Sherwood Cadwell
Ms. Carmela Cala
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Cala
and Carm Cala
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Cala
Mr. Martin Cala
Mrs. Nelle T. Cala
Philip A. Cala, Esq.
Mr. Nicholas P. Calanni
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Calimeri
Mr. and Mrs. Philip C. Cammarata, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. George Campbell
Ms. Helen N. Campbell
Ms. Joan B. Campbell
Mr. Donald J. Campisano
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Capizzi
& Family
Mrs. Catherine Cappa
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley L. Card
Ms. Christine E. Card
Mr. E. Douglas Card
Ms. Beverly S. Carlberg
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Carlberg
Mr. C. A. Carlett
Mr. Allan R. Carlson
Ms. Betty F. Carlson
Mr. Charles V. Carlson
Mr. George A. Carlson
Mr. J. Theodore (Ted) Carlson
Ms. Jean J. Carlson
Mrs. Jeanette J. Carlson
Mr. Marc Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall L. Carlson
Mr. Randall A. Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Carlson
Papa and Nana
Ms. Susan DePetro Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Carlson
Wayne Carlson Family
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Carnevale
Ms. Sarah L. Carothers
Mrs. June Johnson Carpenter
Carpenters Union Local #66
Mr. J. Marlin Casker
The Hon. Stephen W. Cass
John W. Catlin, D.D.S.
Cattaraugus County Bank
CBJ Credit Recovery
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin M. Cedarquist
Ms. Danielle Cederquist
Celoron United Methodist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Centi
Chautauqua Aerie 2145
Chautauqua Archaeology Society
Chautauqua Metal Finishing Supply
Chautauqua County I.D.A.
Chautauqua County Probation
Chautauqua County Special
Chautauqua Institution
Chautauqua Lake Region AACA
Chautauqua Patrons Insurance
CRCF Board and Staff
Chautauqua Region Community
Chautauqua Sports Museum
& Hall of Fame, Inc.
Chautauqua Watershed Conservancy
Mr. Jeffrey P. Chimera
Ms. Patricia Lynch Christina
Hon. Judith S. Claire and
Robert VanEvery
Mr. and Mrs. Keith D. Clancy
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce H. Clark
Ms. Helen A. Clark
Claywin Properties Inc.
Mrs. Patricia Cline
Ms. Paula F. Coalier
Ms. Carol A. Coats
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Coddington
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Coffman
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Colburn
Mr. and Mrs. Craig P. Colburn
Mrs. Lurabel Colburn
Coleen Christy GMAC Real Estate
Mrs. Patricia Burns Collins
Mrs. Norma Colvin
Community Bank N.A.
Community Eye Care Specialists P.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Conley
Dr. George W. Conner
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Conroe
Mr. Mark Conroy
Mr. Terry Constantine
Ms. Lisa Conti
Mr. and Mrs. James Conti
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Coon
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy L. Coon
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Cooper
David R. Corbin &
Deborah L. Liczwek
Mrs. Doris Corbin
Ms. Mary Louise Corkery
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Cornell
Mr. and Mrs. William Cornell
Ms. Mary Lou Costanzo
Mr. Richard L. Cotten
Mr. and Mrs. George S. Coulter
Courier Capital Corporation
CP Plastics Group, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Crandall
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Crandall
Ms. Florence M. Crawford
Mr. A. Bert Crocker
Ms. Kathleen A. Crocker
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Crytzer
Mr. William F. Culliton
Mr. and Mrs. J. Bradford Currie
Ms. Mary B. Currie
Ms. Frances T. D’Angelo
Ms. Heather D’Angelo
Mrs. Tina Thompson Dahl
Ms. Sharon R. Dailey
Mr. and Mrs. William Daly
Mr. Edwin L. Danielson
Mr. Eugene T. Danielson
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Danielson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Danielson
Mr. and Mrs. Verland Danielson
Darling Designer Cuts
Mrs. Donna Darling
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Darroch
Ms. Shirley E. Dash
Mr. and Mrs. David Daversa
Ms. Kristen M. Daversa
David M. Civilette PC
David R. Blossom Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Davidson
Mr. David B. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy E. Davis
Mr. David Dawson
Marcia de la Cerda &
William de la Cerda
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Deaton
Mr. and Mrs. George C. DeBell
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Deering
Mrs. Juliet DeHosson
Mr. Vincent DeJoy III
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel V. DeKimpe
Mr. and Mrs. Phin DeMink
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Dennerlein
Mr. and Mrs. Guy DePalma
Mr. Jeffrey D. DePetro
Deputy Sheriff's Assoc. of
Chautauqua County
Ms. Karen T. DeRemer
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Desnerck
Mr. Brian DeVine
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Devine
Ms. Evelyn L. Dewey
DFT Communications
DFT Communications Community
Betterment Fund
Mrs. M. Leona (Pat) Dickey
Mr. Robert E. Dickinson
Mr. and Mrs. Russell E. Diethrick, Jr.
Digitell, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dillingham
Mr. Gregory DiMaio
Mr. Thomas Dimas
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. DiNapoli
Mr. James S. Ditzler
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Divine
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Dixon
DLS Financial Services, Inc.
Ms. Grace M. Dolan
Mr. Anthony J. Dolce
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Domagola
Mr. Mario Domenici
Mr. George S. Doolittle
Mr. Timothy M. Doolittle
Mr. Howard L. Dougherty
Rev. Joseph M. Dowdell
Mr. Raymond G. Downey
Downtown Jamestown
Development Corp.
DPW and Parks Department Staff
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Drake
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney A. Drake
Ms. Michele Driver
Ms. Kristina Dustin
Mr. Tim Dye
Mrs. Marguerite (Peggy) Vullo Eades
Mrs. Sheila Eaglesome
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Eaton
Mr. Russell Ecklund
Ed Shults Chevrolet, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy W. Edborg
Mary Jo Eddy
Edwards For Executive
Edwin J. & Katherine M. Hegstedt
Mem. Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Ekey
Online Giving/Donate Now!— • Phone: 716.661.3390
Mrs. Margaret C. Elf
Randy Elf, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Elia
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick D. Ellis
Ms. Ann N. Ellison
Employees–Chautauqua Co Mental
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Engdahl
Mr. James C. English
Ms. Cathy Ensminger
Ms. Christina L. Erickson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Erickson
Mrs. Isabelle C. Erickson
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Erickson
Mr. and Mrs. L. Bruce Erickson
Mr. Oliver W. Erickson
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Erickson
Mr. and Mrs. Warren T. Erickson
Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Ericson
Mr. Michael Erlandson
Ms. Deanna M. Errico
Linda Crossley & Patrons of
Esquire Cleaners
Estate of David R. Blossom
Estate of Glenn M. Janowsky
Estate of Mary S. Hartley
Estate of William B. Long
Evans Family Fund
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Evans
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Everhart
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Everson
Mr. Daniel R. Fafinski
Charles Edward Fagan, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Fagerstrom
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Fagerstrom
Falconer Central School District
Falconer Electronics, Inc.
Falconer Printing & Design, Inc.
Falconer Rotary Club
Falconer Wrestling Boosters
Family of Sebastian J. Garigal
Mrs. Elaine Anderson Fargo
Farman Free Library Association
of Ellington, NY
John A. Farnella, D.D.S.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Scott Farrell
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Farrell, Jr.
Mrs. Daniel Feather
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Feather
Mr. Melvin Feather
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Federico
Rev. and Mrs. Richard Fenn
Fenton History Center
Mr. Joseph Ferrau Jr.
Fessenden Laumer & DeAngelo
Fessenden Laumer & DeAngelo
Athletic Club Inc.
Mr. Richard H. Fessenden
Mrs. Margaret Filbrick
Mrs. Margaret H. Findlay
Mrs. Joan Samuelson Finnell
Jean Finnerty
Mrs. Josephine Fiorello
The Firecracker Fund
First Presbyterian Church
Five Star Bank
Mr. Jeffrey L. Flanders
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Floccare
Mr. James F. Floros
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Flynn
Chautauqua County District
Attorney's Office
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Fonti
Mr. Christopher Forbes
Mrs. Elaine Forbes
Ms. Phoebe M. Forbes
Ms. Virginia P. Forsberg
Ms. Jane R. Fosberg
Ms. Lori J. Foster
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley P. Fox
Ms. Cleone Fox
Ms. Luella K. Fox
Mr. and Mrs. John Frangione
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Frank
Fredonia College Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory H. Freed
Mrs. Marilyn DeGoede Freeman
Ms. Carolyn French
Mr. and Mrs. John Frey
Ms. Brenda Fricker
Friends of Falc. Central School
Class of 1957
Friends of Frank Pagano
Friends of Jeff Bloomquist Mem.
Golf Tournament
Friends of John G. Hale Mem.
Golf Tournament
Kay Burch, Donna Beal, Jeanette Carlson, Mary Lou Scully
CRCF Annual Golf Tournament
Friends of Robert North, Sr.
Memorial Scholarship Fund
Friends of SSEF
Friends of Underground Railroad
Tableau Fund
Ms. Jennifer L. Froah
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Frushone
Ms. Margaret S. Fuchs
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Fugagli
Mr. Jack Fullerton
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Fuscus
Mr. and Mrs. Joel T. Gaden
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Gaeddert
Ms. Sophie Gage
Jacob Galati
Kaitlyn Joan Galati
Abbey Rose Galati
Jacob Anthony Galati
Timothy Michael Galati
Tim Galati
Ms. Abbey Rose Galati
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M. Galati
Mr. and Mrs. John Galati
Mr. James A. Gallagher
Mr. Gregory D. Galloway
Mr. and Mrs. B. Scott Garlock
Ms. Frances Garratt
Gebbie Foundation, Inc.
Geer-Dunn Co., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. George
Robert & Janet Jankowski George
Hon. and Mrs. Joseph Gerace
Gerald S. Gaeta Club, Inc.
Mr. Eugene C. Gerhart
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Giambruno
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Giannicchi
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gibbon, Jr.
Ms. Mary Jane Gibson
Gilbert Taylor dba Mojo’s
Mr. Roger M. Gilbert
Dr. and Mrs. Harry E. Glatz
Mrs. Marjorie Muir Gliozzo
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Goffar
Mr. Joel J. Goldman
Ms. Patricia A. Goldman
Sotir & Goldman
Goodell & Goodell
Ms. Esther H. Goodell
Ms. Carole E. Grace
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Graham
Mr. Philip T. Gravink
Greater Buffalo Savings Bank
Jamestown Area Chamber of
Mr. Norman Green
Ms. Sandra Green
Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Green
Nancy Greenwald
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gregory
Mrs. Concetta Grice
Mr. and Mrs. Thom Griehm
Mr. and Mrs. George T. Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Griffin
Mrs. Mary Jane Griffith
Dr. and Mrs. Lyndon Gritters
Ms. Stephanie Grobaski
Mrs. Mary C. Grow
Mrs. Marilyn F. Gruel
Mrs. Mary Ann Johnson Gruel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Guiffreda
Ms. Judith A. Guild
Ms. Sheilah L. Gulas
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic A. Gullotti
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Gulvin
Mr. James R. Gustafson
Mr. Karl W. Gustafson
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Gustafson
Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Gustafson
Habiterra Associates
Hadley A. Weinberg, CFP
Dr. and Mrs. J. Bruce Hagadorn
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Haglund
Mary S. Hajdu, Esq.
Mr. Charles T. Hall
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Hall
Bari, Brenda, and Alex Hallberg
Mr. and Mrs. Clair F. Hammond
Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Hammond
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hampton
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Hanby
Hanson Sign Companies
Ms. Jennifer L. Satalino-Harkness
Ms. Michele G. Harms
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Harp
Ms. Mary Anne Harp
Chautauqua Region Community Foundation • Enriching the Quality of Life in the Chautauqua Region since 1978
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Harris
Hartley Buick
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Harvey
Mr. Gregory Harvey
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hasson
Mrs. Vivian Anderson Hasson
Mrs. Eleanor M. Haupt
Mr. and Mrs. J. Douglas Hay
Mr. and Mrs. David Hazelton
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Hazzard
Ms. Caroline A. Hedberg
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Hedberg
Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Hedberg
Mrs. Susan Hedberg
Neil E. Hedin, D.C.
Ms. Peggy Hedman
Ms. Cristie L. Herbst
Ms. Karen M. Herbst
Mr. and Mrs. Roger H. Hermanson
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hern
Ms. Marsha Hern
Mr. and Mrs. Forest R. Herron II
Mr. James Herron – Go Auto Sales
Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. Hetrick
Mr. James T. Hewitt
Joan Savino Hicks
High School Physical
Education Staff
Mrs. Lois Swanson Highfill
Hillcrest Baptist Church
Ms. Pamela A. Hillerby
Mrs. Bergit Hillring
Historic Square Agency
Carolyn E. Hitchcock
Ms. Svea Hjalmarson
Mrs. Barbara Bootey Hoag
Ms. Nichole Hodges-Abbasi
Mrs. Paula C. Hofgren
Mr. Doug Hoisington
Mr. Charles J. Holder
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald T. Holmes
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Holt
Mr. and Mrs. Randy H. Holt
Holy Family Catholic School
Home Depot, Inc.
Mr. Joseph G. Hoose
Hope's Windows, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent W. Horrigan
Hospice Chautauqua County, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hotelling
Hourglass Club
House of Petillo
Mr. Jerry House
Mr. John Householder
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Howard
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Howard
Mrs. Alma S. Hubbard
Mr. and Mrs. Wally Huckno
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hull
Mr. Stephen D. Humm
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hustead
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hvizdzak
Hypack, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jairus T. Ibabao
IBEW Local 106
Ideal Coatings, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin F. Idzik
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Imfeld
Ms. Karen M. Ingeman
Insyte Consulting
Mr. and Mrs. Jerrold W. Ireland
Mrs. Margaret Ireland
Ivory Baptist Church
J. Edwards Insurance Agency, Inc.
J.H.S. Class of 2007
Mr. and Mrs. John Jablonski III
Jackson Rohm Concert Proceeds
Ms. Cynthia A. Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. John Arter Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Neil A. Jacobson
Dr. Roy S. Jacobson
Ms. Victoria R. James
Jamestown Anesthesia Associates, P.C.
Jamestown Area AFL CIO Council
Jamestown Area Medical Associates,
Jamestown Awning, Inc.
Students at Jamestown Business
Jamestown Business College
Jamestown Center City
Development Corporation
Jamestown Chapter AARP
Jamestown Community College
Foundation, Inc.
Jamestown Community College
Jamestown Lions Club, Inc.
Jamestown Lodge #263 B.P.O.E. Elks
Jamestown Macadam, Inc.
Jamestown Medical Oncology
Hematology, LLC
Jamestown Pediatric Associates
Jamestown Radiologists, P.C.
Doctors of Jamestown Radiologists,
Jamestown Savings Bank
Janette L. and Lyman A. Buck III
Ms. Jill E. Jarrett
Ms. Juli A. Jause
Cdr. and Mrs. James L. Jenkins
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Jennings
Jensen-Haglund Memorials
JFG Management, Inc.
JHS Football Boosters
Jochum Business Systems
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jochum
The Johanson Agency Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Johanson
John S.Trussalo, CPA
Johnny’s Lunch Franchise LLC
Johnson Foundation
Mrs. Alberta G. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Allen E. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Alpine W. Johnson Jr.
Mrs. Annette Dunn Johnson
Mrs. Audrey M. Johnson
Mrs. Bridget B. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Johnson
Mr. Charles J. Johnson
Mrs. Claretta E. Berg Johnson
Ms. Debra L. Johnson
Mr. Donald Johnson
Ms. Donna N. Johnson
Mr. Gary M. Johnson
Mr. Greg G. Johnson
Ms. Janet Johnson
Mr. Joseph M. Johnson
Kenneth P. Johnson, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Kermit B. Johnson
Ms. Lorrelle S. Johnson
Mr. Mark Johnson
Ms. Patricia B. Johnson
Mr. Paul A. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Johnson
Mr. Richard M. Johnson
Mr. Roger A. Johnson
S. Michael Johnson, DDS
Mr. and Mrs. Todd J. Johnson
Mrs. Darlyne Ganz King Johnston
Mrs. Greta R. Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Jones
Mr. Matthew J. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Josephson
Judith J. Anderson Family
Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Chris A. Kaczmarek
Mrs. Susan Lee Thomas Kalfas
Mr. and Mrs. James Kane
Mrs. Martha S. Karapontso
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kardish
Dr. and Mrs. Mumtaz R. Karimi
Ms. Katherine M. Kates
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Kathman
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Kathman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Katilus
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Kearney
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Keeney
Mrs. Betty L. Kelly
Mr. Ronald L. Kelly
Kendall Club PBA of Jamestown
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Kenyon
Key Bank of New York NA
Key Foundation
KeyBank National Association
Ms. Bonnie Kidder
Mr. Rolland E. Kidder
Ms. Sue and Bernice Kier
Kim and Wade
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Kimmel
Mrs. Carol Ann Kindberg
Ms. Sandra K. Kindberg
Mr. Ronald I. Kindland
Mr. Donald W. King
Kellie J. King and Tom Eggleston
Ms. Linda E. King
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart King
Kings Heating & Sheet Metal, Inc.
Kingsview Enterprises, Inc.
Mr. Jaden Wright Kinnear
Ms. Lynn Kinnear
Ms. Melissa Kinnear
Ms. Patricia J. Kinney
Mr. Gerald L. Kittle
Kiwanis Club of Lakewood
Mrs. Nancy Billstone Klar
Mr. F. Daniel Kluckhuhn and
Ms. Helen C. English
Mrs. Ida B. Knight
Ms. Nikole L. Knobloch
Lynn Foundation Fund
Criteria: To provide financial assistance to
religious and/or non-religious charitable
The Lynn Foundation Fund was established in 2006 by the members of the
Lynn family. The original contribution to
this fund was made possible through the
ongoing profitability of the family-owned
business, Allied Fire Protection Systems.
By the year 2000, Allied had become one
of the larger fire protection sprinkler
contractors in the state.
The Lynn Foundation Fund was established by the current owners who are Charles Lynn,
Christopher Lynn, Scott Lynn, and Gary Lynn. This fund was inspired by an incident in 1969. At
that time, MRC/TRW, a local bearing manufacturer, provided Gary Lynn with a scholarship, even
though he was not a high school star pupil. Due to their investment in him, he has always had the
desire to give back to others.
Planned Gift Information— • Phone: 716.661.3390
Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Kohl
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Kohl
Ms. Melinda Brown Kopp
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kosinski
Mr. Roger Kotsaqis
Kraft Foods Matching Gifts
Ms. Jamie L. Kransk
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kreinheder
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kress
Mr. W. Patrick Krishock
Ms. Katherine Kurelja
Kwik-Kopy Printing
L. J. Stein & Company, Inc.
L.V.C.S. Alumni Association
Mr. and Mrs. Gerry J. LaCavera
Laha Family Charitable Fund
Lake Shore Paving
Lake Shore Savings & Loan
Mr. Robert E. Lake
Lakewood Apothecary & Natural
Health Center Inc.
Lakewood Furniture Galleries, Inc.
Lakewood Legion
Lakewood United Methodist
John M. LaMancuso, M.D.
Kate LaMancuso
Mrs. Patricia LaMancuso
Mr. and Mrs. A. Leonard Lampo
Lane Women’s Health Group, LLC
Mr. J. David Lange, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Langworthy
Mrs. Jacqueline G. Lanphere
LANtecs Network Consultants
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. LaPlaca
Mrs. Bonnie Prosser Larkin
Mr. and Mrs. John Larkin
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Larson
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Larson
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Larson
Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Larson
Laser Eye Surgery of Erie, Inc.
Kenneth M. Lasker, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Lasker
Mr. and Mrs. Miles L. Lasser
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Lata
Mr. and Mrs. Mannie Laughlin
Leonard, Rich & Jennifer Law
Mr. and Mrs. Gifford J. Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Lawson
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Lawton
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley D. Lefford
The Lenna Foundation
Mr. John E. Leonard
Mr. Dean A. Levin
Ms. Doris A. Levin
Mr. William D. Levin
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Lewellen
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Lewellen
Ms. Wendy Lewellen
Lind Funeral Home, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Lind
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Lind
Ms. Jaime Lindell
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Lindell
Mr. Jared A. Lindell
Mr. and Mrs. Charles K.
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Lindquist
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne H. Lindquist
Mrs. Roslyn LaValle Lindstrom
Linowes and Blocher LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F.
Lloyd & Company CPA, P.C.
Lloyd Family Fund
Local 418 - Jamestown City
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lockwood
Mr. and Mrs. Lucian C. Lodestro
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Loftus
Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Lombardo
Mr. Samuel J. Lombardo
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley E. Long
Mr. and Mrs. Carl G.
Longnecker, Jr.
Mr. Carl G. Longnecker Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Longnecker
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Longnecker
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Loomis
Loren Smith/Southern Tier
Basketball Camp
Lori and Helen
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lovecchio
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J.
Ms. Lisa Lowe
Loyal Order of Moose 1681
Lucile M. Wright Air Museum
Mr. Dana A. Lundberg
Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Lundgren
Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. Lundgren
Ms. Ruth Lundin
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Lundine
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lundquist
Mr. and Mrs. Don Lunz
Mr. Francis Lus
Lutheran Social Services Group,
Mr. and Mrs. James Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lynch
Mrs. Lisa W. Lynde
Ms. Shirley C. Lynn
Mr. and Mrs. R. Lyon
Lyons Family Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Lyons
M & T Bank
Mr. Thomas MacTavish
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy B.
Mr. Richard P. Maher
Mr. and Mrs. Clark M. Maloney
Ms. Nancy Yerkes Mancini
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Manno
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marchiando
Mr. and Mrs. Vic Marcum
Mrs. Frances P. Marra
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Marra
Mr. Jerome F. Marra
Mr. John Marra
Mr. Robert A. Marra
Mr. Tom Marra
Mr. Gordon H. Martin
Martinelli Enterprises Inc/DBA
Overhead Door Co. of Jamestown
Mr. Daniel Massey
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Matteson
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy B.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl G. Matthies
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Mattison
Mr. and Mrs. James F. May
Mr. Robert G. Mayer Jr.
Mayville Library
Ms. Rebecca R. Mazzie
Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Mazzie
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Mazzu
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. McArdle
Mr. Bruce McAvoy
Mr. and Mrs. William J.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McCullor
Mr. and Mrs. Maynard E.
Anita McDonald & Janice
Mrs. Marianne McElrath
Mr. Michael McElrath
Mr. Allen McElwain
McFadden Stateside Toyota
Mr. and Mrs. Fred F. McGill
Beatrice McKenzie
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. McKenzie
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Meckley
Medical Society of the County of
Ms. Cynthia M. Meloy
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Melquist
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Melquist
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund A.
Mr. Anthony J. Merchant
Ms. Natalie A. Merchant
Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation,
Dr. and Mrs. James M. Merrins
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Metzger
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Meyers
Mrs. LaVerne Meyers
Ms. Sandra J. Meyers
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Michael
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Ms. Jenica Mignogna
Miley's Old Inn
Mr. Samuel J. Milioto
Mrs. Jane K. Miller
Mrs. Janet (Michaels) E. Miller
Mr. Robert R. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Minarovich
Drs. Michael Mitchell and
Yan Liu
Mr. and Mrs. Don I. Mittleman
Chautauqua Region Community Foundation • Enriching the Quality of Life in the Chautauqua Region since 1978
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary F. Mong
Mr. and Mrs. Greg N. Mong
Michael E. Montini
Moonbrook Veterinary Hospital,
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory W. Moore
Mr. Richard D. Moran
Ms. Staci S. Morgan
Mr. J. Bradford Morris
Mrs. Paula S. Morris
Mrs. Frances Hall Morrison
MRC Federal Credit Union
Mrs. Imfeld FACS
Entrepreneurship Project
Drs. Diane and Rudolph Mueller
Mrs. Elaine A. Muirhead
Mr. Greg L. Mullavey
Mr. and Mrs. Alden Munson
Ms. Alisa M. Coats Murphy
Mr. James Murphy
John Murphy
Mr. James A. Muscato
Ms. Marilyn M. Myers
NACO Express
Ms. Hilda Nafarrate
Ms. Janice Nagle & Family
National Fuel Gas Distribution
Corp - Jamestown
The Nau Family Fund
Mr. Andrew C. Neckers
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas C. Neckers
Mr. M. Carlyle Neckers
Mr. Thomas J. Neelen
Mr. Alvin F. Nelson
Ms. Cheryl K. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Nelson
Mrs. Janis Nelson
Ms. Joanne E. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Norman A. Nelson
Mrs. Phyllis H. Newman
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Newton
Dr. Lillian Ney
Mr. Robert J. Nichols
Ms. Tonja M. Nichols
Mr. John A. Nord
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence F. Nordsiek
Northwest Savings Bank
Mr. Brad Nunn
Mr. and Mrs. Brian O’Connor
Joyce, Judy, and Janice
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Odrzywolski
Mrs. Alma Ognibene
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Ognibene, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Olmstead
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Olsen
Ms. Karen L. Olson
Ms. Mary Ann Green Olson
Mr. Patrick Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Olson
Mr. Thomas T. Olson
Mrs. Virginia L. Olson
Mr. Jonathan M. Oram
Mr. and Mrs. Brian N. Orlando
Ms. Janice H. Ostrander
Mr. Robert E. Ostrom
Mrs. Sally Anderson Otander
Our Lady of Loreto Holy Name
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Overcash Jr.
Mr. Jefferson M. Pagett
Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Palasek
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Palasek
Mr. Matthew E. Palasek
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Palasek
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Palermo
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Palmeri
Mr. Kevin Palmquist
Ms. Marilyn Palmquist
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Pangborn
Mr. Joseph Pappalardo
Mr. Ronald Pappalardo
Ms. Betty Pappas
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Pappas
Ms. Flossie V. Parks
Partners for Play
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Pascarella
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pasciullo
Ms. Nancy J. Paslaqua
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory F. Paterniti
Ms. Jennica Paterniti
Patrick J. Morales Memorial Golf
Ms. Joan Patrie
Pearson's Stained Glass
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Peck
Peek’n Peak Resort
Mrs. Rosalie Pembridge
Dr. and Mrs. Jack E. Penhollow
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald C. Peppy
The Pepsi Bottling Group
Foundation, Inc.
Sue Perrin
Dr. and Mrs. Albert J. Persia
Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Peters
Peterson Overhead Door Company,
Mr. and Mrs. Allen E. Peterson
Ms. Anne H. Peterson
Mrs. Gladys E. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Jon W. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Petrella
Mr. Thomas Pfleeger
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Phillips
Phillips Lytle LLP
Phoenix Metal Fabricating, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Piazza
Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Pickard
Hope’s Windows, Inc.
Scholarship Fund
Criteria: To assist student(s) who are children or
stepchildren of a Hope’s Windows Inc. employee.
Hope’s Windows, Inc., 84 Hopkins Street, Jamestown, N.Y., is the world’s preeminent manufacturer
of custom steel windows, steel doors, security windows, fire-rated windows, and other architectural
products. Hope’s Windows was founded in 1912 and was originally known as International
Casement Company.
Frank A. Farrell, Jr., Hope’s Windows president and chief executive officer, recently created the
“Hope’s Windows Scholarship Fund.” This award will help young people with financial assistance to
further their education in order to compete in today’s workplace.
Throughout its long history, Hope’s steel windows and doors have been synonymous with longevity
and quality. Hope’s is also synonymous with quality education for their employees and is eager to
help them and their families with this key part of their future.
Mr. and Mrs. Max R. Pickard
Mr. Max R. Pickard
Kal and Addie Pierce
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Pilling
Mrs. Eleanor Sundell Pinder
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Pollaro
Mrs. Angeline Pollino
Mr. John A. Pollock
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Polowy
Mr. and Mrs. W. Clark Poppleton
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Porpiglia
Mr. and Mrs. Avrom Posner
The Post-Journal
Mr. Clair W. Potter
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Potter
Mr. and Mrs. Barclay Potts
Mr. and Mrs. Barclay D. Potts, Jr.
Mrs. Kelly R. Powell
Preceptor Epsilon Chapter of Beta
Sigma Phi
Mr. James O. Preston
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Price
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. Price, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Priester
Mr. Malcolm M. Prine
Ms. Rose S. Prinzi
Proceeds From All For Amy Fund
Golf Tournament
Proceeds From Bracelet Fundraiser
Proceeds from Concert
Proceeds From Magnet Sale
Proceeds from the NIE Auction
Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Proctor
Ms. Dorothy Progre
Mr. and Mrs. Scott W. Prosser
Ms. Valerie R. Przepiora
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Puder
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pullano
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Pumford
Mr. Jon Putnam
R. R. Gould Foundation
Mr. Gregory P. Rabb
Mr. William Race
Radack & Associates, Inc.
Ms. Lori L. Radack
RAE-SHEL Corporation
Mr. Bruce C. Ralg
Ms. Sheryl Ramsey
Online Giving/Donate Now!— • Phone: 716.661.3390
Mr. David E. Rapp
Mr. Kenneth E. Rapp
Dr. Bert W. Rappole
Mrs. Bonnie Rappole
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Rappole
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Rauh
Rev. Donald Ray
Raynors Liquor Store, Inc.
Mrs. Ann S. Reading
Ready About Sailing, Inc.
Ms. Alverna Roberts Reichard
The Resource Center
Retired Southwestern Coaches
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Reynolds
Mr. Donald E. Rhoda
Rhoe B. Henderson Agency, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Rice
Ms. Kay P. Richard
Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso Richardson
Mrs. Angeline Ricotta
Mr. Michael J. Rinaldo
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Rishell
Ms. Frances Rizzo
RK Creations, Inc.
RMC Hauling Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Roach
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Roach
Mr. and Mrs. Dale C. Robbins
Mrs. Janet R. Robbins
The Robert H. Jackson Center, Inc.
The Robert P. Walker Family
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Robinson
Andrew S. Robinson
Dr. and Mrs. Peter S. Robinson
Drs. Stephen and Linda Robinson
Robo Enterprises, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Rodgers
Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Rodgers
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Rodgers
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Roehm
Roger Tory Peterson Institute
Rogers Kimball Family Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Romaniuk
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Romer
Mr. Ward L. Romer
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Roselle
Ross Grange #305
Rotary Club of Jamestown
Community Service Fund, Inc.
Rotary Club of Lakewood
A Field of Interest Grant from
The Blossom Fund supports
reading at SG Love School.
Ms. Kay Rouse
Mr. and Mrs. George Rowley
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Ruckman
Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Ruflin
Emily and Lorie Runge
Mr. Brian D. Rusk
Ms. Dorothy S. Russ
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley J. Russell
Ms. Mary D. Ruth
Mr. Gene Sadowski
Mr. Gary Saff
Mr. and Mrs. Jon A. Saff
Ms. Lori Sakorafis
Mrs. Pamela Sali
Mr. Kevin J. Salisbury
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Salter
Sam's Club #6526
Mr. David Sanctuary
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Sandberg
Dr. and Mrs. Rick Sapp
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sardi
Mr. Christ P. Sarro
Mr. and Mrs. William Saulsgiver
Ms. Allison B. Saxe
Mrs. Mildred T. Saxton
Mr. Jarrett D. Scalise
Mrs. Diana Scanlon
Carl and Marilyn Scarpino
Ms. Kristin Schmidtfrerick
Ms. Jody M. Schnars
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scholla
Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Schrader
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Schrantz
& Children
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob S. Schrantz
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Schroeder &
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Schutte
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Schuver
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Schweik
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Scorse
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Scorse
Scorse-Loomis Bay Properties LLC
Scott L. Harding dba Suburban Blend
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Scotty
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Scully
Sister Mary Julia Scully
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Seamans
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Sellstrom
Mr. Donald Semmens
Seneca Eye Surgeons, Inc.
Serta Mattress Company
Mr. Gust D. Servis
Mr. Thomas Sharp
Ms. Mary Derry Shearman
Ralph C. Sheldon Foundation
Ms. Barbara L. Sheldon
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Shepherd
Mr. Dan Shields
The Shrump Memorial Annual
Golf Scramble
Shults Auto Group
Shults Management Company
Mr. and Mrs. Edmond R. Shults
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Siegel
Signature Sealcoating and Striping
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell J. Simons
Sinclairville Supermarket, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Siperek
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Sirianni III
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Sirianni
Mr. Nicholas J. Sirianni
Mr. Peter Sirianno
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Sitaro
John, Doreen, and Kevin Sixbey
Mr. Kevin Sixbey
Ms. Margaret Sixbey
SKF USA Inc. - MRC Bearings
Mr. Gary W. Skoog
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Slagle
Ms. Dawn Slater
Ms. Janice D. Slaton
Mr. Mark D. Sleggs
Slone Melhuish Insurance Agency
Mrs. Dawn M. Smiling
Mrs. Barbara M. Smith
Mr. Bruce Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Smith
Sneakers, Inc. dba Durkins
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Snyder
Mr. Leonard M. Snyder
Mr. B. A. Solomonson
Mrs. Tillie Solomonson
Sons of the American Legion
Ms. Sandra Sopak
Ms. Doris P. Sorenson
Carol, Jim, and Dan Sorg
Mr. Stephen Sorg
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Sotir
South Hills Country Club
Southern Chaut. Co. Retired
Teacher Assoc., Inc.
Southern Chautauqua Federal
Credit Union
Southern Tier Municipal &
Construction Supply Co.
Southern Tier Pediatrics Practice, PC
Southwestern Central School
S.W.C.S. District Teachers
Southwestern Central High School
Southwestern Chapter, NYSACFO
Southwestern Middle School PTO
Southwestern Schools Education
Southwestern Soccer Boosters
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E.
Mr. Wayne Sparling
Chautauqua Region Community Foundation • Enriching the Quality of Life in the Chautauqua Region since 1978
Mr. Dennis L. Spaulding
Spectrum Eyecare
Jane Spencer
Mr. Donald J. Spindler
Mrs. Marian R. Spoto
Mr. George D. Sprague
SSEF Volleyball Fundraiser
St. James R.C. Church Music
St. Susan Center, Inc.
Mr. Richard Stahlsmith
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Stancombe
David Stapleton, Esq.
Mr. Ray V. Stark
Stateside Toyota
Mrs. June H. Steele
Mr. Eric Steff
Ms. Pamela D. Stelmach
Ms. Diane M. Stelmack
Dr. and Mrs. Dixon G. Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Stofka
Ms. Kathleen Krishock Stone
Mrs. Sara F. Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Storms
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Stornes
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Strand
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Strickler
Mr. Robert H. Stuart
Mr. and Mrs. James Suckow
Mr. John D. Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Sullivan
Mr. Peter B. Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Sullivan
Mr. Robert A. Sundell
Sunrise Gymnastics Academy, Inc.
Rev. Robert M. Sutherland, Sr.
Mr. James R. Swan
Ms. Cynthia A. Swanson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Swanson
Ms. Donna Swanson
Dr. Gary D. Swanson
Ms. Geraldine M. Swanson
Rev. and Mrs. John A. Swanson
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Swanson
Ms. Joyce R. Swanson
Ms. Linda Voltmann Swanson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Swanson
Mrs. Phyllis Swanson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Swanson
Mr. and Mrs. Roland A. Swanson
Mr. and Mrs. Terry L. Swanson
Mrs. Torie J. Swanson
Mr. Tyler C. Swanson
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis W. Swartzman
Mr. Donald E. Swartzman
SWCS Class of 1960
SWCS Class of 1982
SWCS Class of 1997
SWCS Magnet Sales
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Swearingen
Mr. Walter E. Swearingen
Mr. Donald F. Sweeney
Mr. Randall J. Sweeney
Mrs. Rhonda Sweeney
Rev. and Mrs. Thomas Sweet
SYSCO Food Services of
Jamestown, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Szwejbka
T. J. Hine Photography
T. Meyers Enterprises, Inc.
Ms. Melissa Talbett
TAR Enterprises, LLC
Mrs. Brenda Tarana
Ms. Christine L. Tarbrake
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tavana
Ms. Delma C. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Lorie Bruce Taylor
Mrs. Mary J. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Myron A. Taylor
Mr. Stephen C. Taylor
Mrs. Lula Taylor
Teachers & Staff-Holy Family
Catholic School
Ms. Beverly P. Teague
Mr. Johannes J. Teigeler
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Teresi
Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Thelander
Ms. Debra Thomas
Patricia, Kevin, and Marc Thomas
Ms. B. Dolores Thompson
Mr. Bill Thompson
Roberta and Jack Thompson
Ms. Sharleen M. Thompson
Mr. Steven P. Thorsell
Thule Lodge #127
Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. Thurnau
Mr. Roy Alson Tickner
Mrs. Shirley Tilburg
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin C. Till
Time Warner Cable
Mr. Gerald J. Todaro
Dr. and Mrs. David W. Todd
Ms. Sandra Tompsett
Tony and Teddie Brown Fund
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Tordella
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Toter
Mr. and Mrs. Bronco F. Toter
Town of Ellicott Police Benevolent
Town of Poland Elected &
Appointed Officials
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Traniello
Mr. Todd Traniello
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Trathen
Mrs. Cynthia Traynor
Mr. Sebastian Triscari
Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Trisket
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Troche
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Trostle
Mr. Matt Trusso
Trust of John McLaughlin
Mr. Leroy Tubbs
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus C. Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Turner Sr.
Mrs. Terry Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Turner
Mr. Charles B. Ulrich
Mr. and Mrs. Craig R. Underwood
Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Ungerer
United Way of Southern
Chautauqua County
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Usselman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Usselman
Mr. Robert I. Utter
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Vail
Mr. Lenel Van den Berg
Mr. Roger A. Van Every
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Vanco
Jason, Amy, Carly Ann, & Alison
Vanstrom Reunion
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Vanstrom
Ms. Donna Vanstrom
Ms. Janet M. Vanstrom
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Vavala
Mr. James Ventura
Mr. George F. Vishnia
Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Volk
W.C.A. Alumnae Association
W.C.A. Employees Care and Share
Terry L. Wagner
Mr. Gordon W. Wahlgren
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Wahlstrom
Wal-Mart Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Walrod
John H. Walrod, D.D.S.
Ms. Evelyn A. Walzer
Washington Group Internatl PAC
Match Program
The Waters of Westfield
Ms. Beth M. Watson
WCA Class of 1951
WCA Hospital Medical Staff
Mr. and Mrs. Todd K. Weatherby
Weaver Materiel Service, Inc.
Mrs. Helen E. Weaver
Weber-Knapp Co.
Ms. Darleen Webster
Dr. and Mrs. John Weeks
Ms. Pat Weeks
Mrs. Celestine Welch
Welco LKA, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Wellman
Ms. Nancy J. Wells
Mr. Frank S. Werren
Mr. James A. Wescott
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. West
Westfield Animal Clinic, Inc.
The Westman Law Firm
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Wetsel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W.
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Whipple
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. White III
Mrs. Herbert A. White
Ms. Leona M. White
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. White
Mr. James W. Whitermore
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wight
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Wigren
Mr. and Mrs. David T. Wilder
Wilderland Farm
Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Wilkerson, Jr.
Norma and Catherine Willard
William B. Anderson and
Juliet J. Anderson Rosch Charitable
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Williams Sr.
Col. Harry L. Winberg, USAF (RET)
Mrs. Anne DePetro Windom
Mr. Robert H. Winterburn
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Wirges
Ms. Teresa I. Wise
Mr. Eric A. Wolfe
Dr. Peter J. Wolfe
Women of Moose Jamestown
Chapter No. 87
Women of the Moose-Lakewood
Chap. 2237
Mr. and Mrs. Lee B. Woodward
Mrs. Barbara Hitchcock Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wright
Mr. Stephen J. Wright
Mr. Kirk Wyse
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Yaggie
Ms. Alice W. Yahn
Mr. and Mrs. Allen J. Yahn
Dr. and Mrs. Franklin H. Yartz
Ms. Jennifer A. Coats Yata
Yaw Oil Co. Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Young
Ms. Judith N. Young
Mr. Robert D. Young, Jr.
Mr. Marlin E. Younker
Ms. Sharon J. Zachau
Mr. Charles W. Zahler
Zahm & Matson, Inc.
Ms. Martha A. Zenns
Mr. and Mrs. Russell B. Zimmer
Zonta Club of Jamestown
Mr. John C. Zuroski
Rogers School Remembrance Garden Fund Dedication Ceremonies
with Sam Pellerito, Dave Poulin and Sandi Olson.
Planned Gift Information— • Phone: 716.661.3390
Donor Advised Funds to actively participate in the grant process by making
recommendations to the Foundation on which charitable organizations and
causes receive monies from the fund.
Stacey Boltz Palasek
Memorial Scholarship Fund
Criteria: To assist a Southwestern Central School graduating High
School senior female student(s) with a “B” or better G.P.A. majoring in
science attending a four year accredited college or university with priority
given to a private institution. Student(s) must have shown evidence of
taking Advanced Placement or similar courses.
Nora Stronz Alexander Family Fund
David and Lillian Anderson Family Fund
Jeffrey L. Bloomquist Memorial Fund
Dennis and Rebecca Brumagin Fund
Chautauqua County Assistance Fund
The Firecracker Fund
Marian M. and Roger M. Gilbert Fund
Gerald W. Hamme Memorial Fund
Edwin J. and Katherine M. Hegstedt Memorial Fund
The HUGO Fund
Jamestown Center City Development Corporation Ice Arena Fund
Reg and Betty Lenna Fund
Lynn Foundation
Marine Midland Bank Fund
Donald and Rosalie Pembridge Fund
Judith S. Smith Community Service Fund
Stacey was a 1996 graduate and
valedictorian of Southwestern
Central School. As a 2000
graduate of the University of
Richmond, she earned degrees
in biology and chemistry. Her
master’s degree in analytical
chemistry was received from the
University of Georgia in 2003.
Sadly, Stacey passed away on
Community Service Funds assist with the future of the community. Donors
have not determined a particular charitable beneficiary or field of interest,
promoting flexibility in addressing area needs as they arise.
Mabel Anderson Fund
Board, Member, Staff Fund
Lillian Brink Fund
Thomas A. Buttafaro Community Service Fund
Axel W. Carlson Memorial Fund
Courier Capital Fund
Ingrid M. Dawson Memorial Fund
Morgan O. Doolittle Jr. and Mary T. Doolittle Memorial Fund
Emil M. and Gertrude E. Johnson Fund
Isabelle C. Erickson Community Service Fund
General Fund
Simon Goldman Memorial Fund
Helen F. Granger and Molly Ottaway Community Service Fund
Harold E. and Elizabeth Adams Johnson Fund
Ruby H. Holmberg Fund
Jamestown Visiting Nurses Association Fund
Stacey Boltz Palasek
October 14, 2006. At the time
of her death she resided in
Charlotte, N.C. with her husband Matthew Palasek. She was
employed by CEM Corporation, a leading manufacturer of scientific
microwave technology.
Stacey’s memory will continue to live on through the fund as more
students benefit from it with each passing year. Stacey Boltz Palasek
would be proud to know that she is continuing to make a difference
and that the trail she blazed will not be forgotten.
Chautauqua Region Community Foundation • Enriching the Quality of Life in the Chautauqua Region since 1978
The Patrie – Leamon Fund
Criteria: To assist the community.
Joan Patrie was always ready with
a smile and quick wit. People
gravitated toward her with her
matter-of-fact manner and easygoing ways. Acknowledged
affectionately as a superior
teacher by her colleagues and
students alike, Ms. Patrie influenced the lives of many individuals. Her professional resume,
Joan Patrie-Leamon
also, included being a published
author and a communications
She had an immense capacity and dedication to those organizations
she served, including a long-standing commitment to the growth
and excellence of the YWCA of Jamestown. She also served on the
Public Relations Committee as Public Affairs Disaster Officer and
as Secretary for the Chautauqua County Chapter of the American
Red Cross. She served on the Board of Director’s for the Girl Scouts
of Southwestern New York, Family Services of the Chautauqua
Region and SUNY/Fredonia Foundation.
Her commitment to her community did not end with her death.
Her legacy of giving continues through The Patrie-Leamon Fund,
an unrestricted Community Service Fund.
Jack and Isabelle Kahler Memorial Fund
Joyce I. Manchester Fund
C. Malcolm and Jeanette M. Nichols Community Service Fund
Ruth R. Olson Memorial Fund
Alice W. Sandberg and Walter B. Sandberg Fund
James J. Schrantz Memorial Fund
Ralph C. Sheldon and Mildred Bloomquist Sheldon Fund
The William and Helen Long Fund
Designated Funds benefit a specific charitable organization.
Mary A. Anderson St. John’s Church Fund
Arts Council for Chautauqua County Endowment Fund
Corl A. Belknap Daughters of the American Revolution Fund
Mary-Ann Bender Memorial Fund
Marjorie S. Broadhead Memorial Fund
Lillian A. Carlson Fund for the Humane Society
Ralph T. & Marian M. Campbell Fund
Ralph T. & Marian M. Campbell Fund for the Humane Society
Mae and Al Cannan Fund
Cappa Family Fund
Lillian A. Carlson for The Salvation Army
Francis B. and Mary C. Grow Fund
Dr. Harold M. and Joyce S. Childress Fund
Tim Christenson and Don Hogan Fund for the benefit of Jamestown Area Midget
Football League and Special Olympics
Axel W. Carlson Jamestown Community College Fund
Axel W. Carlson Prendergast Library Fund
Axel W. Carlson Salvation Army Fund
Axel W. Carlson Union Gospel Mission Fund
G.C.E. & H.C.D. Memorial Fund
Ingrid Dawson Memorial Fund for Immanuel Lutheran Church
Howard and Mary Diehl Memorial Fund
Rita A. Dunn American Cancer Society Fund
Rita A. Dunn American Heart Association Fund
Rita A. Dunn Humane Society Fund
Irene B. Eckberg Jamestown Audubon Fund
Irene B. Eckberg R.T.P.I. Fund
Dan Feather Memorial Fund
Allen R. and Margaret H. Findlay Fund
June H. Steele/Fluvanna Community Church Youth Fund
Jane R. Fosberg Fund
Katherine E. Ganz Memorial Library Fund
The Eugene C. Gerhart-Robert H. Jackson Fund
Robert H. Jackson Family Cemetery Maintenance Fund
Robert A. Hagstrom Chautauqua County Humane Society Fund
Richard O. Hartley - Safe House of Chautauqua County Fund
Help Kids Play Youth Hockey Fund
F. Parker and Mildred D. Hollenbeck Memorial Fund
Online Giving/Donate Now!— • Phone: 716.661.3390
Ruth Benson Walrod
Scholarship Fund
William A. Walrod
Veteran’s Van Fund
William A. and
Ruth B. Walrod
Kennedy Library Fund
William A. and Ruth B. Walrod
This past year marks the passing of two premier Community Foundation
and community advocates, William A. and Ruth B. Walrod of Kennedy,
New York.
Mrs. Walrod graduated from Alfred University with a Bachelor of Arts degree
and a Masters of Education degree. She highly valued the importance of
acquiring an education and felt the first step to that goal was to support local
students in attending Jamestown Community College. The Ruth Benson
Walrod Scholarship Fund provides scholarships for Frewsburg Central School
graduating seniors entering Jamestown Community College.
Mr. Walrod, a graduate of Empire State College, Jamestown Community
College and Jamestown Business College was a veteran of World War II.
From 1970–1985, he served as the Veteran Service Officer for Chautauqua
County in the Jamestown office. Among many community organizations,
Mr. Walrod was a member of the American Legion Ira Lou Spring Post 149
and the Veterans of Foreign Wars John W. Tiffany Post 53. In 1991, he
established the William A. Walrod Veteran’s Van Fund. This fund provides
transportation assistance for needy veterans to Veteran Administration facilities.
Together, they founded the William A. and Ruth B. Walrod Kennedy Library
Fund. This fund will forever provide yearly income to the Kennedy Library.
The legacy of Mr. and Mrs. Walrod is inspirational and reflects those aspects
of life which were important to them.
Hospice Fund
Stanley A. Weeks/Robert H. Jackson Fund
Jamestown Street Railway Trolley Car #93 Restoration Project
The Jane Fagerstrom Fund
Jamestown Bar Association Prendergast Library Fund
Ketchy Family Fund for St. Nicholas Church
Nikole L. Knobloch Humane Society Fund
Karl Peterson First Lutheran Church Fund
Karl Peterson Lutheran Social Services Fund
G. Dewey and Myrna E. Spencer Larson Memorial Fund
Alida T. Lewis Memorial Fund
R.A. and E.S. Lenna Fund Benefiting the Reg Lenna Civic Center
R.A. and E.S. Lenna Fund Benefiting SS Peter & Paul Church
Robert A. Maytum, Sr./Valley of Jamestown A.A.S.R. Fund
Animals For The Disabled Fund by Doug and Lamae McCullor
Stanley A. Weeks Mt. Moriah Lodge Tax Fund
Sally J. Nalbone Memorial Fund
Albert Neckers, Jr. Family Fund
C. Malcolm & Jeanette Malmstrom Nichols Fund
C. Malcolm and Jeanette M. Nichols Roger Tory Peterson Institute Fund
“Sir Oliver VII” Bakewell/Humane Society Endowment Fund
James and Mary Pappas Trust Fund of Olean, New York
PB Sullivan & Co. Employees Foundation
Franklin Peterson, Gretchen Peterson Davies, Griffith Davies Fund
Centaur Stride Therapeutic Horseback Riding For The Handicapped Fund
J. Howard and Ethel Peterson Fund
The Carlson Family Fund
Robert S. and Je'Anne Bargar Fund
Katie Campbell Rexford Memorial Fund
Robert H. Jackson Center, Inc. Endowment Fund
Douglas R. and Priscilla H. Robbins Fund
William Robertson YWCA Memorial Fund
William Robertson Boys & Girls Club Fund
Elmer C. & Eleanor H. Rose Union Gospel Mission Fund
Elmer C. & Eleanor H. Rose Salvation Army Fund
Elmer C. & Eleanor H. Rose Hugo Lindgren Apartment Fund
William Robertson YMCA Fund
Roger Tory Peterson Institute Fund
Paul W. Sandberg Fund
John Sember/Robert H. Jackson Center - Law Day Fund
Anna and Andrea Sondell Fluvanna Free Library Fund
Leona M. Spoon Memorial Fund
June H. Steele/Lakeside Bible Chapel Youth Fund
Robert and Patricia Sundell Environmental Fund
Gilbert Swanson YMCA Fund
Donald F. and Crystal J. Sweeney Fund
Ford L. Swanson Memorial Baseball Fund
Anonymous Fund
The Rosanne Traniello Kindergarten Tuition Assistance Fund
United Way Endowment Fund
Chautauqua Region Community Foundation • Enriching the Quality of Life in the Chautauqua Region since 1978
The Clark Trust United Way Fund
Urban Forestry Fund
Veteran’s Memorial Project Fund
William A. & Ruth B. Walrod Kennedy Library Fund
William A. Walrod Veteran’s Van Fund
Leland B. Ward Little Theatre Fund
Leland B. Ward Lakewood Memorial Library Fund
Paul H. and Frances A. Wolfe Memorial Fund
Lucile M. Wright Air Museum Fund
Agency Endowment Funds allow not-for-profit agencies to create funds to guarantee monies for their future activities.
Operating Endowment Funds pay for the overhead expenses of the Foundation.
Gebbie, Sheldon Expense Endowment Fund
Lowell L. Swanson Scholarship Expense Fund
Scholarship Expense Endowment Fund
Field of Interest Funds support specific causes of interest to the donor, such as
education, human services or the arts.
Carl Yngve and Lucille Adamson Fund
Amicae Fund for the Prevention of Domestic Violence
The Blossom Fund
Chautauqua Breast Health Education Awareness Fund
Candace L. Dickinson Better Parenting Skills Fund
Charles Bradley Carlson Memorial Fund
Chi Sig Remembrance Fund X E X
Russ Diethrick Fund
Rollin A. & Annie P. Fancher Fund
Greater Jamestown Leadership Fund
Help For Kids Fund
Edwina N. Holmquist Memorial Fund
Sarita Hopkins Weeks Fine Arts Fund
Karl Peterson Field of Interest Fund
Karl Peterson Unrestricted Fund
Miles & Gloria Lasser Community Insight Fund
John Edward McLaughlin Family Fund
Lucy M. Munson Assistance Fund
Margaret E. Olson Memorial Fund
Laurie Baer Olympic Hopeful Fund
Michelle Kay Reynolds Memorial Leukemia Fund
Joyce Richards Shelgren Trust to Assist and Aid Needy and Disabled Children
Leo Squinn Memorial Fund
Stephen Pangborn & Willie Hayes Memorial Cancer Fund/“The Stephen & Willie Fund”
Stanley A. Weeks Fund
Annie Immordino Community Music Project, Inc. Endowment Fund
ASHF/Jennie Vimmerstedt Fund
Spiro G. Bello Camp Scholarship Fund
Chautauqua Blind Association Fund
Robert H. Jackson/Samuel F. Bonavita Lectureship Fund
Chautauqua Center for the Visual Arts
Chautauqua County Resource Center Fund
Jane Cleaver Leadership and Community Planning Fund
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Chautauqua County Fund
The Creche Fund
Chautauqua Striders Track Maintenance Fund
Falconer Central School Endowment Fund
Farman Free Library of Ellington Endowment Fund
Fenton History Center Collection Support Fund
Fenton Historical Society Fund
Falconer Public Library Fund
Gerald S. Gaeta Charitable Fund
Bertha Hamilton Fund
Henrietta Ord Jones Bird, Tree, and Garden Program Fund
Ivory Baptist Church Fund
Kids First Mini Grants support Gerry Youth Baseball
Planned Gift Information— • Phone: 716.661.3390
Jamestown Area Babe Ruth World Series Committee Fund
Jamestown Audubon Society Fund
Jamestown Boys & Girls Club Fund
Kids Inspired Tuition Assistance Fund
Dr. Bob Kochersberger Endowment Fund for the Sinclairville Free Library
Lucille Ball Little Theatre Fund
Reg Lenna Civic Center General Endowment Fund
Reg Lenna Civic Center/Julian Wright Memorial Fund
Robert H. Jackson/Lyle S. Peterson Memorial Lectureship Fund
Edwin P. Maher Holy Family Catholic School Fund
Elizabeth Warner Marvin House Fund
Mayville Library Fund
Meals on Wheels of the Jamestown Area Fund
Dr. John H. and Susan V. Nelson Memorial Fund
Our Lady of Loreto Fund
Pine Hill Cemetery Fund
Reachout Ministries Endowment Fund
George and Regina Johnson Rotary Endowment Fund
Wendy Anne Sharp Jamestown Rotary Handicapped Childrens Camp Fund
St. Susan Center Fund
Southwestern Schools Education Endowment Fund
Herbert Star Memorial Fund
Veteran’s Endowment Fund
Chautauqua Watershed Conservancy Endowment Fund
Eric Westrom Memorial Fund
Whitney R. Harris Lectureship Fund
William E. and Nancy R. Jackson Fund
World War II Legacy Fund
Scholarship Funds offset the cost of education and are an excellent way to honor
a special person or persons.
A.A.R.P. Jamestown Chapter #334 Scholarship Fund
Allied Fire Protection Systems, Inc. Scholarship Fund
Agnes Home Scholarship Fund
Glenn Lee Akam, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund
A. A. Amidon Scholarship Fund
“All for Amy” Fund
Harold R. Andersen Memorial Scholarship Fund
Richard M. Anderson, Sr. & Richard M. Anderson, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund
Wyman L. Ansley Scholarship Fund
William C. Arrison Memorial Scholarship Fund
Wendy Sue Axelson & Theodore Moll II Frewsburg School Scholarship Fund
Mable L. Bailey Memorial Scholarship Fund
C. Russell and Verona A. Barker Memorial Scholarship Fund
Jack Bargar Scholarship Fund
Ina Buell Barker and Constantine T. Barker Memorial Education Fund
Stephanie A. Frucella
Stephanie A. Frucella
Memorial Scholarship Fund
Criteria: To assist graduating high school student(s) from Bethel Baptist,
Jamestown, Falconer, Southwestern, Frewsburg, Maple Grove or Panama
majoring in education with a 3.0 or better G.P.A. who are hardworking
and demonstrate active church involvement.
Stephanie A. Frucella was born in Jamestown on October 7, 1979.
She was the daughter of Robert J. and Kathleen M. Barry Frucella.
Her smile was bright, warm and inviting. It was no wonder that
children were attracted to her. Her dedication to children was
implicit, as a 4th grade teacher in Maryland and later in Florida.
Children were central to who she was. She once told her family that
“…there are so many children who have never had anyone in their
lives who they can trust; it is so important as a teacher to be that
person for them….taking a personal interest in each student is so
important…” She did take that interest. She was very committed to
her “children.”
Her deep faith gave strength to her family, as the tragic details of her
death on February 3, 2008, were learned. She was a devout
Christian. While living in Jamestown, she was a communicant at
St. James Catholic Church, as well as a Eucharistic Minister.
Chautauqua Region Community Foundation • Enriching the Quality of Life in the Chautauqua Region since 1978
Barbara Mae Gustafson & Bridget Mary Drew (B&B) Scholarship Fund
Primo G. Belluz Scholarship Fund
Kathleen A. Black Memorial Scholarship Fund
Brian A. Bogey Scholarship Fund
Stacey Boltz Palasek Memorial Scholarship Fund
E. Robert Bootey III Scholarship Fund
Rose Gullotti Bower Scholarship Fund
Braw Caddie Clan Award for Excellence Fund
Dorothy Brooks Fund
Gale Gokey Brown Memorial Scholarship
Robert B. and Edith M. Buchan Memorial Nursing Scholarship Fund
Rob Buck Memorial Scholarship Fund
John J. and Elaine E. Cali Memorial Scholarship Fund
Lillian A. Carlson Scholarship Fund
Charles Reed Carlson Business Education Fund
Sebastian C. Caruso Memorial Scholarship Fund
Constance E. Casey Scholarship Fund
Chautauqua County Basketball Officials Board 39 Scholarship Fund
Joan C. Chiappetta Scholarship For A Career In Practical Nursing
Walter J. Colburn Memorial Scholarship Fund
Charles H. and Lance G. Colvin Memorial Scholarship Fund
Terry Gane Coon Scholarship Fund
Pfc. Charles S. Cooper, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund
R. Richard Corbin Memorial Scholarship Fund
Emily Harrington Crane Scholarship Fund
Gordon & Mabel Morse Danielson Memorial Scholarship Fund
Meagan Lee Danielson Memorial Scholarship Fund
Barbara O. D'Angelo Teaching Scholarship Fund
Verland & Doris Danielson Scholarship Fund
Bert Day/Acu-Rite Memorial Scholarship Fund
Arnold R. DePetro Memorial Scholarship Fund
Raymond G. DePietro Memorial Fund
Betty Derby Memorial Scholarship Fund
A Memorial Scholarship in Honor of Mr. & Mrs. J.H. Stohlbrost, Ebba Goranson,
Marilyn Carlson McLain and Alberta Sandberg Morse
Rita A. Dunn & Mollie Dunn McKee Scholarship Fund
James A. and Delores S. Erickson Scholarship Fund
Falconer Central School Alumni Education Scholarship Fund
Falconer Rotary Club Scholarship Fund
Dan Gilhula Memorial Scholarship Fund
George L. Johnson Memorial Scholarship Fund for Jasper-Troupsburg Central School
John S. and Dorothy C. Gleason Scholarship Fund
William “Gus” Erickson Memorial Scholarship Fund
John G. Hale Memorial Fund Trust
John D. Hamilton Scholarship Fund
Hanna-Carola Art Scholarship Fund
Sheridan 'Shirt' Hardenburg Memorial Scholarship Fund
Walter & Grace Hazzard Scholarship Fund
Frederick J.W. and Dorothy G. Heft Scholarship Fund
American Scandinavian Heritage Foundation Gerald C. E. Heglund Scholarship Fund
Chautauqua Watershed Conservancy Endowment Fund
Criteria: To assist the charitable activities of the Chautauqua Watershed Conservancy
The Chautauqua Watershed Conservancy was established in 1990 with a mission to preserve and enhance the water quality, scenic beauty
and ecological health of the lakes, streams and watersheds of the Chautauqua region. It addresses the root causes of lake problems by
partnering with landowners, governments, businesses and organizations to conserve, augment and restore the natural watershed. The
Chautauqua Watershed Conservancy’s highest priority initiative is to preserve Chautauqua Lake’s few remaining natural shore land
habitat sites.
In December of 2007, the Chautauqua Watershed Conservancy established an endowment fund with monies from a generous bequest
from Nancy Ericson. The purpose of the Chautauqua Watershed Conservancy Endowment Fund is to ensure financial stability for land conservation and watershed education programs in perpetuity.
This fund gives members of the Chautauqua Watershed Conservancy an opportunity to make gifts through their wills, life insurance policies, charitable gift annuities or
other donations to support Conservancy programs for decades beyond their lifetime.
Online Giving/Donate Now!— • Phone: 716.661.3390
Stephen Pangborn & Willie Hayes Memorial Cancer Fund
“The Stephen & Willie Fund”
Criteria: To provide financial assistance to underinsured cancer patients.
Stephen R. Pangborn and William A. Hayes were young men who struggled with a form of cancer known
as Rhabdomyosarcoma. This cancer is a highly malignant, fast-growing tumor that is seen primarily in the
younger population. After continued treatment, both Stephen and Willie, ultimately, lost their battles.
Stephen was 17, and Willie was 18. Michael Taylor, Jamestown resident, City Council member and
founder of the fund, also had his own battle with Rhabdomyosarcoma which he was able to overcome.
Due to the shared adversity, an unbreakable link was formed between these three individuals. In honor and
memory of the inspiration, friendship and legacy left behind by Stephen Pangborn and Willie Hayes,
Michael Taylor established “The Stephen Pangborn & Willie Hayes Memorial Cancer Fund.”
Stephen Pangborn
Willie Hayes
Herron Scholarship Fund
Betty C. Herrick and Wayne T. Herrick Memorial Fund
Hazel A. and H. Margaret Johnson Scholarship Fund
F. Parker Hollenbeck and Mildred D. Hollenbeck Memorial Scholarship Fund
Paul J. Holmes Memorial Scholarship
Melissa K. Homan Nursing Scholarship Fund
Hope’s Windows, Inc. Scholarship Fund
Randy Hough Scholarship Fund
Mark A. Howard Memorial Fund
Barbara Griffin Huntington Memorial Fund
Italian Heritage Award Fund
Jamestown High School Class of 1950 Fund
Dee and Zira James Memorial Scholarship Fund
C. Jeffrey Bloomquist History Scholarship Fund
Jamestown General Hospital Auxiliary Scholarship Fund
Jamestown High School Class of 2007 Scholarship Fund
Robert G. Johnson Memorial Scholarship Fund
John A. Johnson Memorial Scholarship Fund
Paul A. Johnson Trade School Fund
Frank Johnstone and Bob Thompson Memorial Scholarship Fund
Jamestown School of Practical Nursing Scholarship Fund
Jeffery D. Kearney Memorial Education Fund
Florence L. and Leonard J. Field Memorial Scholarship Fund
Maude Grant Kent Scholarship Fund
Dempsey Lewis Knight Memorial Scholarship Fund
Geoffrey Mead Kier Memorial Scholarship Fund
Jeremy Wright Kinnear Memorial Scholarship Fund
Kiwanis Club of Lakewood/Paul R. S. Johnson Scholarship Fund
Ordence Knowlton Scholarship Fund
William R. & Catherine Joann Krishock Scholarship Fund
Sharon Kunkel Nursing Scholarship Fund
Donald E. Larkin Scholarship Fund
Robert W. & Deloras M. Larson Memorial Fund
Lois T. Larson Scholarship Fund
Samuel J. Lasser Scholarship Fund
Ernest and Alice Levin Memorial Scholarship Fund
Melvin Lewellen Memorial Scholarship Fund
RoseMarie K. Cappa Lindstrom Memorial Scholarship Fund
Jonathan E. Long Memorial Scholarship Award
Longnecker-Miller Scholarship Fund
Ruth A. & G. Elving Lundine Scholarship Fund
The Magliola Family Scholarship Fund
Pauline N. MarLett Memorial Scholarship Fund
S. Ralph and Frances P. Marra Scholarship Fund
Elizabeth Warner Marvin Music Scholarship Fund
Dr. Ansel R. and Millie S. Martin Scholarship Fund
Marshal and Mary Martz Fund
Joseph H. and Martha E. Mason Scholarship Fund
Lee R. Mathewson Scholarship Fund
J.C. Matteson Memorial Scholarship Fund
McFadden Family Automotive Scholarship Fund
Bea and Bob McKenzie Aviation Scholarship Fund
John Edward McLaughlin Family Memorial Scholarship Fund
Kathryn Sweet Mee, Class of 1934 Scholarship Fund
Charles D. Melhuish Scholarship Fund
Memmott-Langhans Scholarship Fund
Leon S. Miller Memorial Scholarship Fund
Minority Educator Scholarship Fund
Chautauqua Region Community Foundation • Enriching the Quality of Life in the Chautauqua Region since 1978
Felix J. Mira Memorial Fund
Karen S. Mitchell Nursing Scholarship Fund
Walter L. and Martha T. Miller Fund
Ted Moll Flight Scholarship Fund
Patrick Morales Memorial Scholarship Fund
Brenda L. Morrow Memorial Scholarship Fund
Alberta M. Morse Memorial Scholarship Fund
Alice G. Mosher Memorial Scholarship Fund
Helga Hulse Mozart Club Music Scholarship Fund
Ruth E. Munson Music Scholarship Fund
Emma and John V. Nelson and Alice N. Anderson Memorial Scholarship Fund
Margarete E. Nelson Scholarship Fund
Carl W. & Viola Vanstrom Nelson Scholarship Fund
Verna S. Nelson Zonta Club Scholarship Fund
Delmore Garrison Newman Memorial Scholarship Fund
C. Malcolm and Jeanette M. Nichols Vocational Education Scholarship Fund
C. Malcolm and Jeanette M. Nichols Scholarship Fund
Carol J. Carle and W. Clifford Nobbs Scholarship Fund
Robert North, Sr. Memorial Scholarship Fund
Alison Ney - Christa Stineman Memorial Scholarship Fund
Dr. Frank R. Olson Memorial Scholarship Fund
Stephen Pangborn Memorial Cross-Country Scholarship Fund
Marion A. Panzarella Fund
Jane Hultquist Pearson Medical Scholarship Fund
Franklin W. Peterson Electronics Scholarship Fund
Chautauqua County Pharmacy Scholarship Fund
Phi Delta Theta Educational Allegheny College Fund
United Association of Plumbers and Steamfitters Scholarship Fund
Robert ‘Bobby’ Guy Pollino II Memorial Scholarship Fund
Parris V. Peterson Scholarship Fund
Senator Jess J. Present Scholarship Fund
Robert and Barbara Josephson First Presbyterian Church Scholarship Fund
Wilson C. ‘Trip’ Price III Memorial Fund
Barbara B. Quackenbush Scholarship Fund
A.W. Rappole M.D. - Nursing Professional Development Fund
Catherine Campbell Rexford Scholarship Fund
Roach Family/Falconer Printing & Design, Inc. Scholarship Fund
Samuel B. Robbins Jr. and Janet R. Robbins Scholarship Fund
Genevieve F. Roche Memorial Scholarship Fund
Juliet Anderson Rosch Scholarship Fund
Louise A. Roskamp Scholarship Fund
Ross Grange # 305 Scholarship Fund
Edward and Marie Russo Memorial Suzuki Scholarship Fund
Hazel Sack-One Teacher Can Make a Difference-Memorial Scholarship Fund
Abbey Rose Sadowski Memorial Scholarship Fund
Southern Chautauqua County Retired Teacher's Association, Inc. Scholarship Fund
Rudolph J. Schreck Scholarship Fund
Roger Seager Memorial Scholarship Fund
Roger Seager Presidential Scholarship Fund
Arlon and Melva Shick Scholarship Fund
Harold R. Andersen
Memorial Scholarship Fund
Criteria: To assist Business graduate(s) of Jamestown Community College going on to pursue a four-year degree. Priority given to Phoenix
Metal Fabricating, Inc. employees and/or their children.
On May 24, 2007, Harold R. Andersen passed away after a courageous battle with cancer. Mr. Andersen was a highly respected,
local industrialist. At the time of his death, he was the owner, Chairman of the Board and CEO of Phoenix Metal Fabricating
Inc. He was a charismatic gentleman who gave fully of himself as demonstrated by the many civic and community organizations
he was involved in through the years. Some of those organizations who were benefactors of his generous time and expertise
were: the Business Council of New York, Inc., American Heart Association, YMCA, WCA Hospital, Private Industry Council,
the Salvation Army and the United Way of Southern Chautauqua County.
Harold R. Andersen
In his personal life, Mr. Andersen was devoted to his family. He was an easy-going, gracious man. His involvement endeared
him to the community and those organizations he served.
Planned Gift Information— • Phone: 716.661.3390
Shults Auto Group Employees Scholarship Fund
Charles E. and Nancy Sinatra Family Scholarship Fund
Jamestown Sister Cities Affiliation Committee Scholarship Fund in Memory of
Margaret Hitchcock
Edgar Skinner Scholarship Fund
John A. Smith and Ruth I. Smith Scholarship Fund
James L. Smith Agricultural Scholarship Fund
Anna and Andrea Sondell Scholarship Fund
Jim Sorensen Memorial Scholarship Fund
Ben Spitale Memorial Labor Scholarship Fund
Jeryl L. Stearns/Pharmacy Innovations Scholarship Fund
Brian S. Suckow Memorial Scholarship Fund
Roland A. and Doris M. Swanson Fund
Craig ‘Swanny’ Swanson Memorial Scholarship Fund
Southwestern Central School Class of 1962 Scholarship Fund
Southwestern Central School Class of 1982 Memorial Scholarship Fund
Southwestern Central School Class of 1970 Alumni Fund, In Memory of Linda Kron Nau
Darlyne E. Swanson Scholarship Fund
Cloise & Doris Swearingen Memorial Scholarship Fund
W. Ernest Tiffany Elmira Scholarship Fund
Robert P. Tiffany Memorial Scholarship Fund
Norman M. Tinkham Scholarship Fund
Hubert D. & Adelaide E. Tompkins Scholarship Fund
Rodney A. Vanstrom Memorial Scholarship Fund
Lory T. Ventura Music Education Scholarship Fund
Chautauqua County Veterinary Medical Society Scholarship Fund
Vocational Scholarship Fund
Ruth Benson Walrod Scholarship Fund
Christine G. Watt Scholarship Fund
W.C.A. Alumni School of Nursing Scholarship Fund
W.C.A. Care and Share Fund
J. Emerson Weaver Scholarship Fund
Sarita Hopkins Weeks Excellence in Music Fund
Drs. Paul & Adelaide Ellsworth Weston Scholarship Fund
WHEAL Scholarship Fund
George and Helen Wilde Memorial Scholarship Fund
Clarence & Bessie Williams Scholarship Fund
Kathy Kardish Wilson Memorial Educational Fund
Robert V. Woodside Memorial Scholarship Fund
Lucile M. Wright Air Museum Scholarship Fund
Anne H. Crowe Zonta Club Scholarship Fund
Meagan Lee Danielson Memorial Scholarship Fund
Criteria: To assist a senior member(s) of the Southwestern competition cheerleading squad, whose positive attitude, leadership, high energy
and determination inspires others.
Meagan Lee Danielson, 26, died on May 10, 2004, in Utah, the result of injuries sustained in an automobile accident.
When Meagan was a student at Southwestern High School, one of her passions was participation in the varsity competition
cheerleading squad. Her participation with the squad also aided in her development, where she learned the true meaning of dedication, and hard work. Based on this passion, Meagan’s friends and family established the “Meagan Lee Memorial Scholarship
Fund” at the Community Foundation.
Meagan Lee Danielson
This fund will serve to remember Meagan forever, while assisting senior members of Southwestern’s competition cheerleading
squad who demonstrate the same positive attitude, leadership, energy, determination, and inspiration that Meagan exuded.
Meagan Lee Danielson was loving, kind, and had a way of lighting up a room. This new scholarship will reflect that light on all
Southwestern students who benefit in her name, while remembering her for the truly good person she was.
Chautauqua Region Community Foundation • Enriching the Quality of Life in the Chautauqua Region since 1978
William “Gus” Erickson
The John Edward McLaughlin Family
C. Jeffrey Bloomquist
William “Gus” Erickson
Memorial Scholarship Fund
John Edward McLaughlin
Family Fund
C. Jeffrey Bloomquist
History Scholarship Fund
Criteria: To assist graduating high school senior(s) from
Panama Central School who are pursuing majors in business.
Criteria: Financial assistance to projects that demonstrate
a direct benefit to Randolph, N.Y. and scholarships benefiting Randolph High School graduating seniors.
Criteria: To assist a student majoring in History. Priority
given to American History.
William “Gus” Erickson loved Panama, both the community and the school. He loved teaching, loved his
students; and they loved him back. He went the extra
mile for his students and taught not only academics
but “life.”
He felt that getting a good education in whatever field
chosen was important. He was a 1943 graduate of
Jamestown High School, a 1950 graduate of Grove
City College, and earned his Master’s degree from
Syracuse University in 1970.
Mr. Erickson made learning fun. Throughout the years,
students have sought him out for his sage advice.
Emily Runge, Peggy Erickson-Lamb and Martha
Young, Mr. Erickson’s daughters, established this fund
to forever carry on their father’s legacy.
John Edward McLaughlin was a life-long resident of
Randolph, N.Y. (1913-2001). Along with his wife, he
owned and operated the Cain Oil Company in East
Randolph for over 20 years. Later, also in Randolph,
he was employed as a mechanic for Harold Garris
Garage and Randolph Motors. He was a communicant
of St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church in Randolph.
His son, Patrick Joseph McLaughlin of the Randolph
Manor, survived him and died in 2006.
The John Edward McLaughlin Family Fund was established at the Chautauqua Region Community
Foundation through a bequest from the estate of the
McLaughlin family. This fund is designated to provide
financial assistance to religious and non-religious charitable activities and scholarships in Randolph, N.Y.
C. Jeffrey Bloomquist was born and raised in
Jamestown. He graduated from Jamestown High
School in 1968 and attended JCC before being
drafted in the United States Army. While in the
Army, Bloomquist served in Vietnam as a field
Abraham Lincoln Impersonator C. Jeffrey
Bloomquist has been a friend of the Chautauqua
Region Community Foundation for years. Jeff brings
a personality that garners smiles, laughs and good
conversation. Aside from being a Civil War buff and
a Lincoln historian, for the past 25 years he has been
working for the American Cancer Society. His reason
for his untiring dedication to the Cancer Society is
two-fold: (1) He lives to help others. (2) He, himself, is a cancer survivor. However, it is never about
him but always others.
His legacy, through the C. Jeffrey Bloomquist
History Scholarship Fund, will serve to benefit the
Online Giving/Donate Now!— • Phone: 716.661.3390
2 rants
Arts Council for Chautauqua County, Inc
Chautauqua Alcoholism & Substance Abuse Council
Chautauqua Center for the Visual Arts
Chautauqua Regional Youth Ballet
Chautauqua Regional Youth Symphony, Inc.
Chautauqua Striders, Inc.
Infinity Performing Arts Program
Jamestown Audubon Society, Inc.
Jamestown Concert Association
Kennedy Free Library
Lucille Ball Little Theatre of Jamestown, Inc.
Reg Lenna Civic Center, Inc.
United Arts Appeal Of Chautauqua County
Allegheny Highlands Council, Inc.
Babe Ruth League
Camp Mission Meadows
Center for Family Unity
Chautauqua Children's Safety Education Village, Inc.
Chautauqua County Special Olympics
Chautauqua County Youth Hockey Association
Chautauqua Lake Child Care Center
Chautauqua Region Community Foundation
Chautauqua Striders, Inc.
City of Jamestown Parks, Recreation and Conservation Dept.
Civil Air Patrol - Jamestown Squadron
Community Support Center of Southwestern Chautauqua County
Court Appointed Special Advocates of Chautauqua County, Inc.
Creche, Inc.
Falconer Village Park
Fluvanna Community Church
Fluvanna Fire Department
GA Family Services
Gerald S. Gaeta Club, Inc.
Gerry Youth Baseball
Girl Scouts of Southwestern New York, Inc.
Holy Family Catholic School
Jamestown Area Volleyball Athletes
Jamestown Babe Ruth World Series Committee
Each year the Community Foundation is committed to making grants that
have maximum positive impact on the Chautauqua Region.
Bemus Point Library
Cassadaga Branch Library
Cassadaga Valley Central School
Chautauqua County IDA
Chautauqua Region Community Foundation
Chautauqua Regional Youth Ballet
Chautauqua Striders, Inc.
Chautauqua-Cattaraugus Library System
City of Jamestown Veterans Commission
Community Music Project
Community Support Center of Southwestern Chautauqua County
Cornell Cooperative Extension Chautauqua County
Jamestown Boys & Girls Club
Jamestown High School
Jamestown High School Athletic Department
Jamestown Jammers Baseball
Jamestown Midget Football Association
Palm Tree Orphanage
Rotary Club of Jamestown
Sacred Heart Church
Town of Sherman
Shooting Stars Unlimited, Inc.
Sinclairville Free Library
Southwestern Schools Education Foundation
Trinity Relief Zone
Underground Railroad Tableau
Women's Services of Chautauqua County
YMCA Camp Onyahsa
YWCA of Jamestown
Board of Public Utilities
Brocton Housing Development Fund Co., Inc.
Chautauqua Rails to Trails
Chautauqua Lake Rowing Association, Inc.
City of Jamestown Parks, Recreation and Conservation Dept.
City of Jamestown Strategic Planning & Partnership Commission
Downtown Jamestown Development Corp.
Jamestown Area Soap Box Derby, Inc.
Jamestown Renaissance Corporation
Jamestown Skating Club
Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz Center, Inc.
Mt. Moriah Lodge #145
Reg Lenna Civic Center, Inc.
Scandinavian Studies Program at Jamestown Community College
Town of Ellington
Alexander Findley Community Library
Allegheny Highlands Council, Inc.
Arts Council for Chautauqua County, Inc.
Bemus Point Elementary School
Community Service Grant funds new security system at Boys & Girls
Club. Jeff Kroon demonstrates to Community Service Grant Committee
member, Charles Ulrich.
Chautauqua Region Community Foundation • Enriching the Quality of Life in the Chautauqua Region since 1978
Jamestown Lodge of ELKS #263
Junior Achievement of WNY, Inc.
Lakewood Memorial Library
Lucile M. Wright Air Museum
Marshal Martz Mem. Astronomical Assoc.
Mayville Library
Myers Memorial Library
Reg Lenna Civic Center, Inc.
Research Foundation For & On Behalf Of SUNY Fredonia
Roger Tory Peterson Institute
Rotary Club of Jamestown
Sinclairville Free Library
Southwestern Central School
The Robert H. Jackson Center, Inc.
Underground Railroad Tableau
U.S. Rowing Association
Valley Historical Society
Warren Free Public Library
Westfield Academy and Central School
Lyman Buck coaches CRCF FunderBolts to victory in the Kickball vs.
Cancer Tournament to benefit the Stephen Pangborn and Willie
Hayes Memorial Cancer Fund.
Chautauqua Bird, Tree & Garden Club Inc.
Chautauqua Lake Association
Chautauqua Watershed Conservancy
Jamestown Audubon Society, Inc.
Roger Tory Peterson Institute
DAS PUPPENSPIEL Puppet Theater Inc.
Emmanuel Baptist Church
Erie 2 -Chautauqua-Cattaraugus BOCES
Falconer Central School District
Falconer Public Library
Farman Free Library Association of Ellington, N.Y.
Fenton History Center
Fluvanna Free Library
Friends Of The National World War II Memorial
Grove City College
Harmony Historical Society
Holy Family Catholic School
James Prendergast Library Association
Jamestown Audubon Society, Inc.
Jamestown Bronze Works
Jamestown Community College
Jamestown Community Learning Council
Jamestown High School
American Scandinavian Heritage Foundation
Axel W. Carlson Award - Eleanor Esch
Bratt Agricultural Center
Brocton Housing Development Fund Co., Inc.
Chautauqua County Humane Society, Inc. SPCA
Chautauqua Lake Association
Chautauqua Lake Rowing Association, Inc.
Chautauqua Region Community Foundation
Fluvanna Cemetery Association
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
Hugo Lindgren Apartments
Jamestown Chapter NSDAR Inc.
Lakewood Volunteer Fire Dept.
Marvin Community House
R.R. Rogers Elementary School
R.R. Rogers PTA
Safe House of Chautauqua County
Southwestern Central School
Stockton Citizen's Organization for Renewal and Expansion
The Resource Center
Underground Railroad Tableau
Urban Forestry Fund
Valley of Jamestown A.A.S.R. Consistory
Village of Falconer Cemetery Fund
Westfield Cemetery
American Cancer Society
American Diabetes Association
American Heart Association of SWNY
American Red Cross Blood Services, New York-Penn Region
Ashville Food Pantry
Catholic Charities
Centaur Stride, Inc.
Center for Family Unity
Chautauqua Alcoholism & Substance Abuse Counc
Chautauqua Blind Association
Chautauqua County Department of Social Services
Chautauqua County Veterans Service
Chautauqua Opportunities for Development, Inc.
Chautauqua Opportunities, Inc.
Chautauqua Region Community Foundation
Community Helping Hands
Court Appointed Special Adovcates of Chautauqua County, Inc.
Family Service of the Chautauqua Region
First Congregational United Church of Christ
Friends of HUGO
GA Family Services
Heritage Group
Hospice Chautauqua County, Inc.
Jamestown Audubon Society, Inc.
Jamestown Boys & Girls Club
Jamestown High School PTSA
Jamestown Public Schools
Joint Neighborhood Project, Inc.
K.I.D.S. Kids In Distressed Situations, Inc.
Legal Aid of Chautauqua Region, Inc.
Love Elementary School
Meals on Wheels of the Jamestown Area
Muscular Dystrophy of Erie
Oprah’s Angel Network
Research & Planning for Human Services, Inc.
Roswell Park Cancer Institute
Seneca Diabetes Foundation
St. Susan Center, Inc.
The Resource Center
The Salvation Army
Planned Gift Information— • Phone: 716.661.3390
TLC Health Network
TRC Foundation
Trinity Relief Zone
Union Gospel Mission, Inc.
United Way of Southern Chautauqua County
Veterans Assistance Fund
Vietnam Veterans of America
Washington Middle School
Westfield Memorial Hospital
Westfield Memorial Hospital Foundation
YMCA of Olean
YWCA of Jamestown
Chautauqua County Office for the Aging
Heritage Group
Lutheran Social Services
Lutheran Social Services Foundation
Meals on Wheels of the Jamestown Area
RSVP, Chautauqua County
Seniors and Lawmen Together
WCA Lifeline
New Covenant Assembly
North Clymer United Methodist Church
Our Lady of Loreto Church
Presbyterian Association of Chautauqua
Pure for God
Randolph United Presbyterian Church
Reachout Ministries, Inc.
Sacred Heart Church
St. John's Church
St. Luke's Episcopal Church
St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
Sts. Peter & Paul Roman Catholic Church
The Baptist Church of Ellington
Thru the Bible Radio Network
Trinity Relief Zone
Union Gospel Mission, Inc.
Western New York District of the Wesleyan Church
Westfield Portland-Union Cemetery
Zion Covenant Church
Zion Lutheran Preschool
Scholarship Recipients
Community Service Grants benefit Camp Onyahsa
Ashville United Methodist Church
Bethel Lutheran Preschool
Busti Federated Church
Celoron United Methodist Church
Cherry Creek Leon United Methodist Church
Christian & Missionary Alliance Church
Crystal Cathedral Ministries
Ellington Community Food Pantry
Ellington United Methodist Church
First Congregational United Church of Christ
First Covenant Church
First Lutheran Church
First Presbyterian Church
First Presbyterian Church, Westfield
Focus on the Family
Gerry Free Methodist Church
Holy Family Catholic School
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
Immanuel Lutheran Church
Ivory Baptist Church
Jamestown Church of Christ
Living Waters Open Bible Church
Chautauqua Region Community Foundation • Enriching the Quality of Life in the Chautauqua Region since 1978
CRCF funds transportation
to Striders Field through
Field of Interest Grant.
June Diethrick is shown
with Track & Field
Interest and dividends
Realized gains
Unrealized gains (losses)
Net revaluation of gift annuities
Total revenues, gains, and other support
$ 62,128,234
Unrestricted net assets:
Operations and Administration
Charitable Gift Annuities
Distributions to beneficiaries
Administrative and fund-raising expenses
Investment management fees
Total expenses
NET ASSETS, at beginning of year
NET ASSETS, at end of year
Accounts payable
Grants payable–current
Current portion of note payable
Liability for amounts held for others
Grants payable–future years
Gift annuities payable
Funds held for agencies
Note payable, less current portion
Cash and cash equivalents
Accounts receivable
Prepaid expenses
Contributions receivable from lead trust
Investments, at fair value
Other investments
Property and equipment, net of
accumulated depreciation
DECEMBER 31, 2007 and 2006
The Foundation’s auditing firm is Moore & Myott, LLP. The basis for this information is the
audited financial statements which can be inspected at the Foundation office or the James
Prendergast Library Association. A copy of the Foundation’s last annual report, filed with the
New York Secretary of State, may be obtained on request from the New York Department of
State, 162 Washington Avenue, Albany, New York 12231.
Online Giving/Donate Now!— • Phone: 716.661.3390
Massimo Greco, Holy Family School,
Recipient of the Rosanne Traniello
Kindergarten Tuition Assistance Fund
CRCF partners with Elks Lodge #263
South County third graders receive dictionaries from
Lisa Lynde, CRCF Program Officer and Rolland Phillips, Lodge #263
Kickball vs. Cancer Committee is joined by Executive Administrator, June Diethrick, left.
Alyssa Schwartz auditions for
music scholarships.
Mayor Sam Teresi and CRCF’s Executive Director, Randall Sweeney, right, are joined by
additional supporters of the City of Jamestown’s Summer City Recreation program.
Chautauqua Region Community Foundation • Enriching the Quality of Life in the Chautauqua Region since 1978
ow to
Tax-exempt, not-for-profit agencies in southern
Chautauqua County are encouraged to apply for any
of the following grant processes:
Community Service (three processes yearly): due April 30
or August 31 or December 15. For larger projects in
southern Chautauqua County.
The Foundation office at 418 Spring Street, Jamestown.
FOR 29 YEARS, DONORS FROM ALL OVER THE REGION have been using the Chautauqua Region
Community Foundation as a means to participate in local philanthropy. Each gift to an endowed fund, whether large or
small, continues to generate funds year after year for the benefit of our community.
These gifts may come to the Foundation in a number of forms, including cash, appreciated securities, bequests,
charitable remainder trusts, gifts of life insurance and real property (with Board approval). All gifts to the Community
Foundation are tax-deductible and, in some cases, may offer tax and retirement advantages.
With over 480 funds, it should be easy to find an existing fund that matches your charitable interests. If you cannot
find a match, consider joining the Foundation’s family of funds by establishing a new fund in one of the following categories:
Community Service Funds - assist with the future needs of
the community. Donors have not determined a particular
charitable beneficiary or field-of-interest, promoting flexibility in addressing area needs as they arise.
- offset the costs of education and are
an excellent way to honor a special person or persons.
Scholarship Funds
- support specific causes of interest
to the donor, such as education, human services or the arts.
Field-of-Interest Funds
Designated Funds - benefit a specific charitable organization.
Agency Endowed Funds - allow not-for-profit agencies to
create funds to guarantee monies for their future activities.
due January
31st. For community projects primarily in
Chautauqua County. Religious Organizations are
encouraged to apply.
Karl Peterson Fund & Lynn Foundation:
Operating Endowment Funds
Field-of-Interest: due on the last Friday of each month.
For smaller projects in southern Chautauqua County.
Applications for all of these grant programs are available
from the Foundation website at or
by calling 716-661-3390. Please feel free to call with
any questions.
- pay for the overhead
expenses of the Foundation.
Donor-Advised Funds -
allow donors to actively participate
in the grant process by making recommendations to the
Foundation on which charitable organizations and causes
receive monies from the fund.
Non-Endowed Donor-Advised Funds -
a form of donoradvised fund that is more temporary in nature. This fund
would also allow the donor the ability to make recommendations to the Foundation for charitable purposes.
Scholarships are due on June 1st for graduating high
school students and July 15th for returning college
students. Apply online at There are
several special applications that have deadline dates from
March to May. Scholarships are primarily for graduates
of Chautauqua County high schools who are interested
in financial assistance for their higher education.
Planned Gift Information— • Phone: 716.661.3390
Ann M. Abdella
H. James Abdella
William J. Banks
Barry L. Benson
Michael Bird
Timothy P. Black
Jane E. Conroe
Scott A. Cooper
Michael Danielson
Sheila M. Eaglesome
Timothy W. Edborg
L. Bruce Erickson
Dudley R. Ericson
William A. Evans
Jane R. Fosberg
Tamu Graham-Reinhardt
Mary S. Hajdu
Jennifer Harkness
Carol S. Hay
Vincent W. Horrigan
Bruce G. Janowsky
Gary M. Johnson
Deborah B. Kathman
Patricia J. Kinney
Ronald W. Kohl
Dana A. Lundberg
Marianne McElrath
Michael G. McElrath
Mark T. Olson
Judy Parker
Jeffrey B. Present
Dale C. Robbins
Mary B. Schiller
Thomas W. Schmidt
Shirley A. Sember Daly
Alexis T. Singleton
Catherine A. Smith
Peter M. Stark
Pamela Stelmach-Noll
Terrence P. Stronz
Christopher Anderson
Margaret Anderson
Nancy Anderson
Dawn Babbage
Millie Ball
Mark L. Bargar
Sue H. Bates
Donna R. Beal
Edith Bensink
Diane Benson
Gordon W. Black
Sally Black
Brian Bogey
Jane Campbell
Brian M. Ceci
Mary Rose Chasler
Patricia Cline
Debra S. Cliver
Bruce Colburn
David R. Corbin
John D'Angelo
Chris DeAngelo
Kelly Deck
Maureen DePietro
Louis A. Deppas
Ellen Ditonto
Tina Duliba
Carol Engblom
Barbara Johnson Engdahl
Lindsay Erickson
Pat Fales
Richard Fessenden, Esq.
Connie Flowers
John Fuch
Nancy F. Gaden
Judith A. Guild
Robert Hagstrom
John Hamels
Emily Harvey
Anne K. Hedin
Jack Hemink
Shellee Irwin
Kenneth and Marilyn Johnson
Nancy L. Johnson
Gregory L. Jones
Robert and Barbara Josephson
Robin Kayner
Dennis Kearney
Gwen Kearney
Teresa Klein
Louanne Lind
Marie Lindahl
Lois Lindell
Ron Lindstrom
Stacey Lindstrom
Karen Livsey
John B. Lloyd
Norman D. Lydell
Thomas Mann
Ellen Maternowski
Christine L. Tarbrake
Terry L. Turner
Charles B. Ulrich III
Paul V. Webb, Jr.
Dennis C. Webster
Liz Wigren
Jacquelyn D. Witherspoon
Stephen J. Wright
Waneta Melquist
Diane Meyer
Joseph Minarovich
Michael Montagna
Gary Nelson
Roslin D. Newton
Lillian Ney
Patrick Olson
Linda Olson
Daniel Overcash
Rosalie Pembridge
RuthAnne Pitt
Robert W. Plyer
Ann Powers
Tamu Reinhart
Rebecca Robbins
Evelyn Ryberg
William A. Salter
David Sanctuary
Thomas G. Sanderson
Chautauqua Region Community Foundation • Enriching the Quality of Life in the Chautauqua Region since 1978
Mary B. Schiller
Mary Lou Scully
Sue Seamans
Robert H. Sigler
Tillie Solomonson
Sylvia Stenander
Richard Stineman
Clark Stohl
Kenneth W. Strickler
Patricia Sundell
Tyler C. Swanson
Thomas Sweet
John Watkins
Stanley A. Weeks
Mark Wilson
Kelly Wilson
Robert D. Young Jr.
Former Board Member, Mary Lou Scully hosts CRCF Luncheon.
LaVerne Meyers, Gerri Swanson, Mary Lou Scully, Rose Mary Allen
Kickball team member and Board Vice President, Paul Hedberg
“29 Years of Progress” presented to past and current members of the Board of Directors.
School Superintendent Jane Fosberg (back left), and CRCF’s
Executive Director, Randall Sweeney are joined by Friends of
Falconer Central School Class of 1957, contributors to the
Falconer Central School Alumni Education Scholarship Fund
Stanley Weeks and Braw Caddie Scholarship Recipient Susan Bentley
Online Giving/Donate Now!— • Phone: 716.661.3390
LYMAN A. BUCK III, President
Banking Relationship Manager and Senior Vice President
with KeyBank, N.A.; earned bachelor’s degree in economics from LeMoyne College; currently serves as a
director of CODI, Inc.; former Chair of the American
Red Cross of Chautauqua County; Director and Officer
of New York-Pennsylvania Blood Region Board; Director
of the Seneca Nation Mortgage Board; and a member of
Finance Committee of The Resource Center.
President and Founder of Blackstone Business Enterprises in
Jamestown; native of Minneapolis; earned B.S. and M.S. degrees
from the University of Minnesota; currently serves on the Board
of Allegheny Highlands Boy Scouts, the Board of Appeals for
the Town of Ellery, and active in the Jamestown Rotary and
other civic organizations.
NYS Court Interpreter (Spanish) for all courts – based at
Chautauqua Family Court; Jamestown Community College
adjunct faculty; SUNY College at Fredonia magna cum laude
graduate; Masters Degree in Education from same institution;
former board member – YWCA of Jamestown and the
Chautauqua Regional Youth Symphony.
PAUL H. HEDBERG, Vice President
Assistant Dean of Administration at Jamestown
Community College; earned B.S. and M.S. degrees in
mathematics from SUNY Fredonia; Treasurer of the
Chautauqua County Chapter of the American Red Cross;
current Treasurer and past President of the Chautauqua
Leadership Network; past Treasurer of the United Way;
past Chair of Research and Planning for Human Services
in Chautauqua County.
Supreme Court Justice – Integrated Domestic Violence Court;
Chautauqua County Surrogate’s Court Judge; graduate cum
laude from Allegheny College with a law degree from Albany
Law School; President of New York State Surrogates Association;
active in many other community/civic organizations and a member
of the Trinity United Methodist Church of Frewsburg.
Community Relations Coordinator for Jamestown Community
College; graduate of Wells College; former editor, The Westfield
Republican; former board member, Chautauqua-Cattaraugus
Library System and Chautauqua Area Girl Scout Council.
Director and Certified Public Accountant with the
accounting firm of Buffamante Whipple Buttafaro PC;
graduate of Jamestown Community College and Miami
University; Gebbie Foundation Board; Jamestown Center
City Development Corp. Board; and Holy Trinity
Lutheran Church.
Editor of The Post-Journal; member of the Lakewood
Community Development Corp., the President’s Media
Advisory Council at SUNY Fredonia, the American
Society of Newspaper Editors. Former member of several
United Way Agency boards.
Chief Financial Officer for ACU-RITE
Companies, Inc. in Jamestown; earned a
bachelor’s degree in accounting from St.
Bonaventure University and a MBA from
the Rochester Institute of Technology;
The Resource Center Board Member,
and member of the M&T Bank Advisory
Council; past Chairman of the Red Cross
Board; past United Way Campaign
Chairman and Board President; served 3
terms on the Bemus Point Central School
Senior Vice President and Chief Lending
Officer for Cattaraugus County Bank;
graduate of SUNY Fredonia (B.A.);
Assistant Coach for the Southwestern/
Maple Grove High School Hockey Team;
member of the loan committee for
Western Region Corporation; member
and Vice Chair of the Advisory Council
for the School of Business at SUNY
Fredonia; member of the Sportsmen’s
Club, Town Club, and Jamestown
Partner with the law firm of Phillips Lytle
LLP; graduate of Cornell University;
graduate philosophy from Oxford
University; J.D. from Cornell Law
School; Chautauqua Leadership Network
member; and Gebbie Foundation Board.
Chautauqua Region Community Foundation • Enriching the Quality of Life in the Chautauqua Region since 1978
Staff Volunteers
L-R Barbara Josephson, John Bauer, Lois Christy
Foundation staff members left to right: June C. Diethrick, Executive Administrator;
Christine A. Ditz, Program Associate; Randall J. Sweeney, Executive Director;
Rose S. Prinzi, Communications Coordinator; Jacob S. Schrantz, Fiscal Officer;
Janet K. Buttafarro, Office Manager; and Lisa W. Lynde, Program Officer.
Donald L. Hoyt
Donald L. Hoyt, close friend and advisor to the
Chautauqua Region Community Foundation, died
September 18, 2007. His wisdom and friendship
will be sadly missed by all that knew him.
A life-long learner, Mr. Hoyt was instrumental in
the creation and development of the Vocation
Education Scholarship Fund administered by the
Community Foundation.
Top, left – Love School Students enjoy books purchased through Field
of Interest grant
Bottom, left – Scholarship Recipients – Elizabeth Pask & Katie Clark
Center, left – Julianne Ventura (second from left) observes Music
Scholarship auditions.
RuthAnne Pitt, Mrs. Ventura, Robert Sigular, Norman
Lydell, Lou Deppas, Louanne Lind
Center, right – Lula and Vivian Taylor attend Underground Railroad
Dedication Ceremonies
Planned Gift Information— • Phone: 716.661.3390
E. Robert Bootey III Scholarship Fund
David W. Love Memorial Scholarship Fund
“…There’s nothing you can know that can’t be known.
Nothing you can see that isn’t shown,
Nowhere you can be that isn’t where you’re meant to be.
It’s easy.
All you need is love, all you need is love,
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.”
John Lennon & Paul McCartney
A life built around law, service, community and
family, E. Robert (Bob) Bootey III served each of
those commitments faithfully and with unending
dedication. Born in 1918, he was the third generation of Bootey lawyers to practice in the Jamestown
area. Graduating from Lakewood High School in
1936 and Randolph-Macon College in 1940, he
then received his LL.B. and J. D. from Albany Law
School. From the earliest days in his education, he
was captivated by law and the judicial process. It
became a rewarding and productive lifetime career,
ending shortly before his death in 2004.
E. Robert (Bob) Bootey III
Bob Bootey served in various capacities with the
Town of Busti and the Village of Lakewood, including sitting on village or town
boards, serving as legal counsel and advisor as well as fairly serving and assisting
all members of his community. He held the elected office of Busti Town Justice
for over 30 years. Additionally, he had served as Village Attorney for the Villages
of Celoron and Lakewood.
In addition to his love of law, community service and politics, Bob was a
consummate sports fan. As long as there was competition, he enjoyed participating
in and observing sports activities. Bob Bootey never passed up an opportunity
to attend a game in which one of his children or grandchildren were participating.
There was always time for his family. His granddaughter, Julie, put it best
when it came to his kids, saying, “It seemed like every time I would visit, he was
doing something with a contract or legal document. But the second I would
walk in, it was all about me.”
In life, he was passionate about law. and wanted only to practice law as a profession. That passion, his dedication to community and his great love of family
were only surpassed by his integrity.
The Bootey family has established the E. Robert Bootey III Scholarship
Fund in his memory, so that desiring students may have the opportunity to pursue a law career. It was his hope and his family’s dream that the scholarship recipients will find the same passion, love and integrity both in law and in life.
David W. Love, 19, unexpectedly passed away on
March 2, 2008.
Born with a birth defect, he fought for his life.
After two surgeries which permanently corrected his birth defect, he beat the
odds. He grew up to be an inquisitive little boy who delighted his family, friends
and even strangers with his love of history, music, humor, movies and video
games. He was a sensitive individual who developed strong friendships and
watched over those who were lucky enough to know him. David’s father recalled
“the curly-haired boy with the flawless blue eyes” was always giving of himself in
little unspoken ways which endeared him to others. As a transplant donor and
through the David W. Love Memorial Scholarship, his giving lives on.
With his love of music, he participated in many of the programs Jamestown
High School offered. His talent as an actor will live on in the memory of those
who saw him perform in the JHS’s musicals from 2000-2004. As a JHS
Marching and Concert Band member, as well as a member and an officer of the
A’Cappella Choir, he shared the multigenerational language of song and music
with others.
He loved life; when he wasn’t laughing and listening to music, he was learning.
David was a scholar in the truest sense of the word. His conviction to history
and politics offered a complementary approach to past and present aspects of
human activity, enabling him to set contemporary political problems in their
historical perspective. David was a 2006 graduate of Jamestown High School,
receiving the DAR History Award and the Ben Spitale Memorial Scholarship.
The E. Robert Bootey III Scholarship Fund was established to assist Graduate student(s),
with financial need, enrolled in an accredited law school.
The David W. Love Memorial Scholarship Fund has been established to provide
scholarships for students who are graduating from Jamestown High School who exhibit
the greatest passion in the study of history and political science.
From the “Celebration of Life” for David W. Love
Sung by David’s friends: Scott Costantini, Peter Larson,
Mike Magnuson and Eric Schwob
David W. Love
418 Spring Street, Jamestown, New York 14701
Phone: 716.661.3390 • Fax: 716.488.0387
email: [email protected] •