2015 Spring Newsletter - Regional Association of West Quebecers
2015 Spring Newsletter - Regional Association of West Quebecers
2015 Spring Newsletter "A healthy English-speaking community in a secure French-speaking Quebec . A strong Quebec in a united Canada." President's Message As a founding member and partner with the Quebec Community Groups Network (QCGN), we have been vigilant and successful in getting changes in the Quebec Government’s Bill 10 regarding the reorganized structure and governance of health and James Shea social services in our community. While we have succeeded in realizing a commitment for English representation on the governing bodies, we should not become complacent regarding the delivery of health and social services to our broader population. It is evident that our Quebec Government is intent on balancing its budget at the expense of health and education services. As a community, we should continue to be vigilant in our advocacy for continued quality services. RAWQ is well positioned to advocate on your behalf. Growth in membership is critical to our advocacy. I would encourage you to renew your membership and to assist in our membership campaign which was launched at our very successful Quiz Night. Our AGM is scheduled for June 3rd and we expect to have a record turnout. Dan Lamoureux, President of QCGN will be our guest speaker and will talk about QCGN and what it means for West Quebecers to be a member of QCGN. I want to share accolades to Brian Rock, Chair of our Education, Youth, Culture and Sports Committee, who successfully executed a very impressive Youth Leadership Conference on Saturday March 27 at Place des Pionniers in the Aylmer Sector. It is our expectation to see the formation of a Youth Committee that is governed by youth and for youth in our greater community. This is a great start. Alone we can go faster, but together we can go farther. Jim Shea President, RAWQ Board of Directors James Shea President Arthur Ayres V ice-President Clinton McCrank Treasurer Michael James Secretary Directors: Patricia Cassidy Mary Tessier Elaine Plummer Heather Stronach Aldo Jauregui Bryan Daly Noel Gates Brian Rock Staff Executive Director Administration and Communications Officer President’s Message Executive Director ‘s Message Quiz Night Membership Drive Youth Conference 311 Feedback AGM Invitation Book and Bake Sale Seniors Action Quebec 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 5 6 We are moving, see page 5 for more info... Executive Director’s Message West Quebecers is ON THE MOVE AGAIN. April 24th, RAWQ will move to new quarters in Galeries d’Aylmer. We will be located just inside the back entrance, across from the movie theatre. Our other coordinates remain the same. It will take approximately one week to settle into the new location. We would be delighted to have you drop by after that. Heather Stronach Not a member of West Quebecers? Our MEMBERSHIP DRIVE was launched at Quiz Night on March 20th and will wrap up at our AGM on June 3rd. Anyone who has joined West Quebecers or has renewed their membership in that time period is eligible for a prize drawn at the AGM. Our QUIZ NIGHT AND SILENT AUCTION was a sell out! People who had never attended before said they had so much fun they would be back again next year. This event would not have been such a success without the leadership of RAWQ’s FROM Committee under Chairperson Mary Tessier with Nancy Peppy, Pat Cassidy, Aldo Jauregui and volunteers Rose and Elizabeth. We appreciated the very generous support of local businesses, members and friends who donated items for the silent auction and all the prizes.1 On March 28th, West Quebecers held a very successful REGIONAL YOUTH CONFERENCE at Place des Pionniers in Aylmer; the exchange between students and panelists was energetic and at a high level of discussion. Read all the details on page 4. On Saturday May 9th, RAWQ will hold a BAKE AND BOOK SALE at the Galeries d’Aylmer kiosk just down the corridor from our new office. As a member, we hope you will support this event by donating baked goods and/or books in good condition. Would you kindly bring your items to the Kiosk in Galeries d’Aylmer anytime after 8:30 am on May 9th. RAWQ’s ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING will be Wednesday, June 3rd, at the Western Quebec Career Centre, at 6:30 pm. We are excited to announce QCGN President, Dan Lamoureux as our Guest Speaker. The AGM is your opportunity to meet with other members of the Association, ask questions and have your say about issues of concern. Come and learn more about how RAWQ and QCGN advocate for you as a member of the English-speaking community. We will also be electing the RAWQ Board of Directors for 2015-16. If you, or someone you know, is interested in serving your Association as a member of the Board, please let us know as soon as possible. I look forward to seeing you at our new office in the Galeries d’Aylmer. Regards, Heather Stronach Executive Director 1 Au Jardin de Sylvie, Au Vieux Duluth, Bistro Ambrosia, Bostaurus, Café British, Café Mulligan’s, Casa Grecque, CÉGEP Heritage College, Château Symmes Retirement Residence, Cinéma Aylmer, CONNEXIONS/OHSSN, Dinty’s Restaurant, Dr. Jean R. Amyotte, East Side Mario’s (Hull), Encadrement Art 2000, Fleuriste Aylmer, Gateau Néo, Lavender Ridge Farm, La Vieille Alliance, Le Matinal, Marta Argueta, Ongles Angel, Ottawa Little Theatre, Patricia Cassidy Photography, St. Hubert Bar-B-Q (Aylmer), SOL Épicerie Santé, Tim Horton’s (rue Principale, Aylmer), Tutti Frutti. Page 2 Silent Auction and Quiz Night The Pictures The Silent Auction was very successful. Music, prizes and laughter made it obvious that everyone was having a good time! Patricia Cassidy took the photos between games. Page 3 Regional Youth Conference West Quebecers' Education, Youth, Culture and Sport Committee organized a Regional Youth Conference on Saturday, March 28th at Place des Pionniers in the Aylmer sector of Gatineau. The morning opened with a political panel discussion moderated by Brian Rock, the Chairman of the EYCS Committee. The panelists were Mathieu Ravignat, Member of Parliament for the riding of Pontiac, Caryl Green, Mayor of Chelsea, Sylvie Goneau, Gatineau Municipal Councillor and James Shea, Chairman of the Western Quebec School Board and President of RAWQ. The panelists explained the responsibilities and duties of their political positions and how and why it was so important for the youth to become more involved in political action. The morning ended with a lively question and answer forum that raised many interesting issues and concerns. Lunch was provided by Mike Duggan, Municipal Councillor of the city of Gatineau, and enjoyed by the conference participants and panelists alike. The afternoon began with a Panel discussion on community involvement moderated by Brian Rock. The panelists were Mara McCallum, Regional Co-ordinator of the Young Quebecers Leading the Way, who talked about the Quebec Community Groups Network youth project; Audrey Bureau, Vice-President of the Forêt Boucher Foundation; Mike Duggan speaking about the Commission Jeunesse Gatineau; Dan Curley, a Secondary Teacher from D’Arcy McGee High School speaking about digital citizenship; Chloé Bureau of Enviro Educ-Action and Robin McNeill of Generate U. The afternoon forum allowed for many dynamic exchanges between participants and panelists. L to R: Caitlin Grady (CÉGEP de l’Outaouais), Elizabeth "Dale" Graham Richardson (Heritage College, Pontiac Campus), Caroline Zamor (Philemon Wright High School), Gabriel Kim (Heritage College), Paulo Guedes (Heritage College), Erin Rousseau (Pontiac High School), Adrielle Richer (Heritage College), Ashlie Leclair (Pontiac High School), Lucie Lengpin, Brian Rock (RAWQ, Conference Chair), James Shea (President of RAWQ). Crystal Gleason of Saint Michael’s High School was not present to receive her award. The Conference closed with the presentation of Outstanding Youth Leadership Awards to Paulo Guedes, Gabriel Kim, and Arielle Richer of Heritage College, Caitlin Grady of CÉGEP de l’Outaouais, Ashlie Leclair and Erin Rousseau of Pontiac High School and Caroline Zamor of Philemon Wright High School. Crystal Gleason of Saint Michael’s High School was also a recipient. A Special Outstanding Community Leadership Award was presented to Elizabeth ‘Dale’ Graham Richards of Heritage College, Pontiac Campus. Thank yous are in order to André Fortin, Liberal Member of the National Assembly for the Riding of Pontiac for his generous contribution towards the Outstanding Leadership Awards, Patrimoine Canadian Heritage and la Ville de Gatineau for their sponsorships, and Patricia Cassidy for her excellent work as Regional Youth Conference official photographer. Page 4 Seeking for your Feedback Have you tried the City’s 311 information number recently? Were you able to find the services you were looking for? Or, was it a challenge? Do you think the service has improved over the last year? Please tell us your experience: [email protected] 819 682-9602 Page 5 On Monday, April 27, 2015, Seniors Action Quebec, a non-profit organization working on behalf of English-speaking seniors in Quebec, will host a family Conference on the new Provincial Legislation Bill 52: End of Life Choices. The conference is an opportunity for individuals, (family members, caregivers and health care professionals) to become informed regarding the new legislation and the services available when facing terminal illness. The intent is to begin discussions to ensure that seniors’ decisions are understood and respected. Please note everyone MUST register in advance Topics covered include: Final deadline to register is April 17, 2015. The Conference will be held at La Plaza Bill 52: Overview Depression and Terminal Illness (former Holiday Inn Midtown), 420 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal, QC., H3A 1B4 Registration forms available at: www.seniorsactionquebec.ca. Contact: Ruth Pelletier, President, [email protected] Religious Perspectives Front Line medical situations and services Ethics Legal and Funeral Arrangements Palliative Care: Comfort and Support What We Do Who We Are The Regional Association of West Quebecers plays a significant role in initiatives that support the minority English-speaking community in the Outaouais by means of advocacy, networking, information and support for youth & Seniors The Regional Association of West Quebecers is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to serving and supporting the minority English-speaking Community (ESC) in the Outaouais. Our Coordinates : Membership has its Privileges (as of April 27th) 181, rue Principale, Unit A-11 Gatineau (Aylmer) QC J9H 6A6 819 682-9602 or 1 877-733-0177 Fax: 819 682-4033 [email protected] or [email protected] www.westquebecers.ca Through emails you can receive the quarterly Newsletter and bi-weekly eBulletins . With a membership to West Quebecers, you can subscribe to the West Quebec Post (WQP) for an additional $20 per year, a saving of almost $14 annually with this special offer. Page 6
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