océan Atlantique Atlantic Ocean golfe du Saint
océan Atlantique Atlantic Ocean golfe du Saint
68° Tasiujaq 66° 64° 62° Kangiqsualujjuaq 60° 58° 56° Northern Labrador Nord du Labrador 64°W 54° 52° 50° 58° 70° 62°W NUNAVUT 58° Kuujjuaq 60°N 60°N Rivière Koksoak ND LA OR ND AD OU BR WF LA ENE D UV AN R NE DO ERA AB TE Lac Nachicapau Nain Lac Cambrien Lac Castignon QUEBEC QUÉBEC 56° Davis Inlet Lac Mistinibi Lac Champdoré 64°W 62°W NORTHERN LABRADOR NORD DU LABRADOR Lac Otelnuk Lac Vannes 56° -L RR ET Lac Le Moyne Mistastin Lake Lac Tudor Lac Wakuach Hopedale Makkovik Attikamagen Lake L a b r a d o r S e a Postville Schefferville Petitsikapau Lake NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR Astray Lake Réservoir de Caniapiscau TERRE-NEUVEE T- L A B R A D O R 54° Margaret Hamilton Lake Smallwood Reservoir Happy Valley-Goose Bay 500 La Tabatière Mutton Bay Sept-Îles 330 Quirpon Raleigh St. Lunaire-Griquet 145 50° Mingan 138 tico île d 'An Gros-Morne Grande-Vallée 198 Ming's Bight La Scie Seal Cove Jackson's Arm Isla nd tico sti Corner Brook Rivière-au-Renard Gaspé Sault-au-Mouton Luceville Sainte-Luce Les Amqui Escoumins Lac-au-Saumon Le Bic Sainte-Blandine Causapscal Saint-Fabien 2 Lac-Humqui 13 Sainte-Florence s ti Cloridorme 198 Ruisseau-Gagnon Fogo Twillingate Change Islands Sop's Arm Middle Arm Cobbs Arm Seldom-Little Seldom Moreton's Harbour Aspen Cove Summerford King's Point Horwood Leading Tickles Deadman's Bay Springdale Hampden Rocky Harbour Lumsden Carmanville Birchy Bay South Brook Norris Point Point Embree Trout River Leamington New-Wes-Valley 1 Lewisporte Greenspond Cormack Botwood 1 Norris Arm Centreville-Wareham-Trinity Howley Bishop's Falls Deer Lake Glenwood St. Brendan's Benton Cox's Cove Badger Hare Bay Lark Harbour 1 Pasadena Meadows Grand Falls-Windsor Gambo Humber Arm South Bonavista Salvage Buchans Junction Buchans Glovertown Eastport Millertown King's Cove Catalina Red Indian Lake Percé 132 Kelly Caplan Thivierge Dalhousie Charlo Port-Daniel-Centre Stephenville Mainland Stephenville Crossing St. George's Flat Bay St. Teresa NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR TERRE-NEUVEET-LA B R A D OR 1 Burgeo Ramea Garnish 11 Jean de Baie Marystown Lewin's Cove Grand Bank PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND St. John's Sunnyside 370 Come By Chance Carbonear Cavendish Chance Grand Le Southern Harbour Cove English Harbour Pierre Cupids East Dildo Chapel Arm Brigus Rencontre East Terrenceville Blaketown Holyrood Bay L'Argent Whitbourne Belleoram Witless Parkers Cove Fox Harbour Bay Tors Cove Rushoon Colinet Placentia Red Harbour Cape Broyle Seal Cove Fortune Saint-Pierre et Miquelon Bay de Verde Old Perlican Hant's Harbour Clarenville Arnold's Cove Gaultois Hermitage Grey River François Channel-Port aux Basques 8 Swift Current St. Alban's 11 Bathurst 8 Deep Bight Milltown-Head of Bay D'Espoir Paspéblac South Branch New Nash Creek Paspébiac Balmoral N Carlisle e McKendrick Codroy 11 w Miscou Centre Belledune Lorne Brunsw N Upsalquitch i c o k u Grande-Anse Cabano veau-B St. Andrew's Upper Ferry Pointe-Verte Caraquet Madran runswi Petit Rocher Nigadoo Lamèque c k 115 Kedgwick Shippagan Bertrand Cape Ray Rose Blanche-Harbour Le Cou 170 Saint-Martin-de-Restigouche Inkerman Moulin-Morneault Sully Isle aux Morts Saint-Quentin Dégelis Saint-Sauveur Pont-Landry Les 105 Grande-Entrée Allardville Étroits Saumarez Edmundston 17 Rivière-Verte Val-Comeau Daulnay Lac Baker 2 Pointe-Basse Brantville St. Hilaire Lavillette Cap-aux-Meules 175 Tabusintac Clair Siegas St. Leonard Neguac Riley Brook Havre-Aubert St. André Grand Falls Barryville Canton Baie-Sainte-Anne Sevogle Drummond Escuminac Miramichi Oxbow Chatham Sillikers Plaster Rock St. Margaret Village Nail Pond Pointe-Sapin Medford Tignish Aroostook St. Margarets Millerton Miminegash South Harbour Four Falls 150 Pleasant Bay Perth-Andover St. Edward Odell Renous 225 Elmsdale Alberton Maliseet Collette Blackville 150 Ingonish Kilburn O'Leary Rogersville Ingonish Beach Beechwood Chéticamp Rexton Juniper Bristol Ellerslie Sainte-Anne-de-Kent Aldouane Doaktown Holtville Florenceville Tyne Valley Wicklow Big 135 North Harcourt Centreville Oakland Boiestown Wellington Cove Rustico Napadogan 110 Morell Elmira Lakeville Lower Windsor Saint-Antoine Summerside Hartland Margaree Forks Saint-Paul Cocagne Stanley Central Mount Lower Brighton Alder Point Kinkora Souris Grande-Digue Bedeque Nashwaak Bridge Stewart Jacksonville Inverness Crapaud Salmon Creek Woodstock Millville Cap-Pele Taymouth Shediac Bridge Georgetown Chipman Northampton Debec Port Morien Montague 200 Burtts Corner Baddeck 10 Cape Breton Nackawic Mabou 4 Gaspereaux Salisbury 115 Douglas Memramcook Eldon Marion Meductic Port Hood Havelock Baie Verte Murray River 2 1 Bridge Canterbury Coles Island Oromocto Northport Big Pond Carsonville Hanwell Eskasoni Judique 2 Dorchester Waasis Gabarus Pugwash Jemseg Berwick Rusagonis Cape George Geary Elgin Gagetown Amherst 6 Wallace Manners Sutton Grande Harvey Nappan Apohaqui Creignish Oxford Tracy Maccan McAdam Sussex Anse River Hebert Havre Boucher Antigonish Hampstead Joggins West Norton Pomquet Springhill L'Ardoise Hoyt Trenton Alma Wentworth Louisdale Mulgrave Arichat New Glasgow Five Londonderry Lawrence Station 4 Islands 0 2 Debert 1 Guysborough Goshen Parrsboro Bible Hill Moores Mills Advocate Economy Truro Canso Bonny Harbour Noel Scots Bay Oak Bay Hilden Dover River Walton Brookfield Port Felix Bayside Utopia Centreville Stewiacke Kennetcook Canning New Harbour St. Stephen St. George Kentville Avonport Micmac Port Bickerton 1 4 Saint Andrews 1 Lords Cove Kingston Port Lorne Hantsport Elmsdale Wilsons Beach Windsor Lawrencetown North 115 Bridgetown Upper Parkers Cove Head 10 Vaughan Annapolis Royal 7 1 Castalia New West Grand Harbour Ross Dalhousie Digby Springfield 103 Brighton Chester New otia sse c S o Germany va le-Éc Mahone Bay o Weymouth N l 11 NEW BRUNSWICK NOUVEAUBRUNSWICK Georges Brook Jeddore Lake 1 Port Rexton Musgravetown Lethbridge Port Blandford 1 Grande-Rivière Chandler Newport Glover Island Gallants Gulf of St. Lawrence golfe du Saint-Laurent Douglastown Rimouski Maria Gander 1 Pointe-à-la-Frégate Murdochville Sainte-Félicité 2 Baie Verte Parson's Pond 1 erent 138 v Godbout Riaur Baie-Comeau c e t - L Cap-Chat 132 n Pointe-Lebel re ain Chute-aux-Outardes Marsoui Mont-Louis w S a Pointe-aux-Outardes L e v . t eu S Les Méchins l f Grosses-Roches Matapédia Robinsonville Fleur de Lys La Romaine Natashquan 50° Great Harbour Deep Cow Head St. Pauls Baie-Trinité Pointe-à-la-Garde Hawke's Bay Harrington Harbour Port-Cartier An Conche Roddickton Castor River North Daniel's Harbour Baie-Johan-Beetz Pointe-aux-Anglais Croque Plum Point River of Ponds Havre-Saint-Pierre Longue-Pointe-de-Mingan St. Anthony 1 Réservoir Manic Trois Moisie 48° 1:1,500,000 Universal Transverse Mercator Projection, Zone 20, NAD 83 projection universel Mercator tranverse, Fuseau 20, NAD83 Englee Port au Choix Port Saunders Tête-à-la-Baleine Lac Musquaro Saint-Cyprien 100 Km Main Brook Forresters Point Saint-Augustin Lac-des-Aigles Biencourt Squatec 80 52° Red Bay Cook's Harbour Pinware Reefs Harbour L'Isle-Verte 60 Mary's Harbour Réservoir Manicouagan Métis-sur-Mer Price Saint-Noël 40 290 Flower's Cove Rivière-Portneuf 10 20 48° 52° Ashuanipi Lake L'Anse-au-Loup Forteau Blanc-Sablon Green Island Brook Saint-Ulric Baie-des-Sables 0 205 Atikonak Lake Île René-Levasseur Forestville Nova Scotia Nouvelle-Écosse 445 Port Hope Simpson Petit lac Manicouagan Matane PE NS Charlottetown Wabush QUEBEC QUÉBEC Colombier NB ON 1,260 Lac Joseph 138 QC 290 Fermont Réservoir Outardes Quatre MB SK NL Paradise River 125 Labrador City AB New Brunswick NouveauBrunswick 50 0 Shabogamo Lake BC Black Tickle Gull Lake 345 Ossokmanuan Reservoir NU NT 230 130 North West River Sheshatsheits Churchill Falls Lac Opiscotéo Cartwright Grand Lake Northern Labrador Nord du Labrador YT m e r d u L a b r a d o r Rigolet 465 Menihek Lakes Atlantic Provinces Provinces Atlantiques 54° Lac aux Goélands Point May St. Bride's Burin Lawn Admiral's Beach St. Mary's Branch St. Lawrence Lamaline Ferryland Fermeuse Renews Riverhead Gaskiers Portugal Cove South Trepassey ÎLE-DUPRINCE-ÉDOUARD 8 46° 12 Charlottetown 2 Fredericton 10 5 46° Moncton 19 7 1 U.S.A. É-U d'A 104 4 101 8 Pointe-à-la-Garde Matapédia 48° Biencourt Caplan Carleton--Saint-Omer Dalhousie Charlo Balmoral Atholville McKendrick Saint-Arthur Robinsonville Upsalquitch Lorne Riceville Clair Rivière-Verte St. Hilaire Sainte-Anne-de-Madawaska Saint-François de Madawaska Siegas 2 2 47° Perth-Andover Oxbow Plaster Rock Medford Anderson Road Odell Arthurette Maliseet NOUVEAUBRUNSWICK Knoxford Centreville Oakland Lakeville Hartland Lower Brighton 150 Bass River Napadogan 67° Salmon Creek 10 225 Rexton Chipman 66° Grand Lake Cumberland Bay Saulnierville Meteghan Big Cove Bouctouche Moncton 135 110 Shediac Salisbury 65° Port Maitland Alberton O'Leary 330 Lennox Island Ellerslie Tyne Valley Indian River Wellington Miscouche Cape Egmont Summerside Cocagne Barachois 200 Havelock Mavillette Sainte-Anne-de-Kent Harcourt Saint-Antoine Saint-Paul New Bandon Hardwood Ridge Taymouth Minto Miminegash Elmsdale Petite-Aldouane Richibucto Blackville Boiestown Stanley Nashwaak Bridge 150 Collette Saint-Ignace Gray Rapids Doaktown Holtville Baie-Sainte-Anne Pointe-Sapin 8 68° Lower Windsor Renous Freeport Nail Pond Tignish Escuminac St. Margarets Millerton 8 Kilburn Johnville Juniper Beechwood Bath Glassville Wicklow Eel Ground Sillikers Barryville Chatham Miramichi ÎLE-DUPRINCE-ÉDOUARD Cap-Pele 15 Cape Tormentine Dieppe Riverview Memramcook Dorchester South Ohio Plymouth Kensington NOVA SCOTIA NOUVELLEÉCOSSE East Kemptville Lower Argyle 64° Shag Harbour Middleton Shelburne Barrington North East Point Port La Tour Jordan Falls Sandy Point Lockeport 65° Port Mouton Sable River Wallace West Wentworth Scots Bay Kingston Aylesford 1 Berwick Greenwood Centreville Kentville Springfield 8 Canning Greenfield Bridgewater Port Medway Brooklyn Liverpool Hunts Point Walton New Avonport Minas Hantsport Brooklyn 14 Kemptown Truro Kennetcook Lantz Bible Hill Hilden Stewiacke Shubenacadie Halifax 795 Lunenburg Riverport A t l a n t i c O c e a n o c é a n A t l a n t i q u e 64° 104 Brookfield Micmac 103 Debert Noel Ellershouse Chester Martins River Pleasantville Londonderry Great Village Mount Uniacke Western Shore Mahone Bay Tatamagouche 2 Wolfville New Germany Caledonia Five Islands Economy Upper Vaughan New Ross Queens Milton Oxford Springhill Falmouth Windsor Middlewood Clyde River Port Elgin Baie Verte Northport 6 Margaretsville Lawrencetown Lake Rossignol Lower West Pubnico 64° West Dalhousie 335 110 Port Lorne 115 Weymouth Tusket Universal Transverse Mercator Projection, Zone 20, NAD 83, View is rotated 25 degrees counterclockwise projection universel Mercator tranverse, Fuseau 20, NAD83, Orientation à 25 degrés dans le sens contraire des aiguilles d'une montre Parrsboro Parkers Cove Bridgetown Deep Brook 200 1:750,000 50 Km Advocate Harbour F u n d y F u n d y Annapolis Royal Yarmouth 20 Borden-Carleton Scoudouc Haute-Aboujagane Belliveaus Cove Brighton 40 65° 103 Aroostook NEW BRUNSWICK Neguac 11 St. Leonard St. André Canton Drummond Grand Falls U.S.A. É-U d'A Sevogle Riley Brook Four Falls 69° 8 17 105 8 Lac Baker Edmundston PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND Digby 30 1 Les Étroits 11 Moulin-Morneault Shippagan Le Goulet Inkerman Brantville 20 10 Lavillette Lamèque Saumarez Val-Comeau Rivière-du-Portage Daulnay Tabusintac Fairisle Saint-Quentin o f d e B a y b a i e Sainte-Rose-Gloucester Pont-Landry 175 10 6 11 Allardville Saint-Martin-de-Restigouche Dégelis Bertrand Paquetville st Bathur Saint-Sauveur Kedgwick Cabano Saint-Léolin Nigadoo 170 Caraquet 5 66° Miscou Centre Anse-Bleue Grande-Anse Madran Beresford 64° Paspébiac Bonaventure 0 Universal Transverse Mercator Projection, Zone 20, NAD 83, View is rotated 10 degrees clockwise projection universel Mercator tranverse, Fuseau 20, NAD83, Orientation à 10 degrés dans le sens des aiguilles d'une montre 65° Thivierge Nash Creek Belledune Petit Rocher Saint-Jean-Baptiste-de-Restigouche 115 New Richmond 66° 1:1,000,000 11 Lac-des-Aigles Squatec Maria 132 50 Km 54° 45° Sainte-Florence QUEBEC QUÉBEC 2 13 67° 40 56° 4 Saint-Fabien Lac-Humqui 68° 30 58° 12 Sainte-Blandine Le Bic 20 60° 14 0 5 10 62° 104 64° 10 3 66° Barrington 10 1 68° Clark's Harbour Sandy Lockeport Point Clyde River 1 Lower Woods Harbour 110 44° 3 Lower West Pubnico Hunts Point Port Mouton Sable River Shelburne 10 3 335 330 U Liverpool 2 Yarmouth 200 Riverport Greenfield East Middlewood Lake Rossignol Kemptville Port Medway Queens Milton O L E V E L O C É E S S 47° 1 44° Port Maitland Bridgewater Caledonia N u ve o N O VA S CO A I T 44° 12 10 14 1 Halifax 795 N Freeport Meteghan Atlantic Ocean océan Atlantique 7 3 Saint John 220 63°
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