streets ad alleys committee meeti g age da village of trempealeau
streets ad alleys committee meeti g age da village of trempealeau
STREETS AD ALLEYS COMMITTEE MEETIG AGEDA VILLAGE OF TREMPEALEAU COMMUITY CETER FEBRUARY 19, 2013 5:15 PM 1. Roll Call and Call to Order 2. Approval of Minutes A. 3. Old Business A. 4. Approval of the October 16, 2012 Minutes Sidewalk Planning - Mississippi River Regional Planning Commission New Business A. B. C. Consideration of Equipment Purchases Consideration of LRIP Application Amendment Weaver Estates/Weaver Court Asphalt Discussion 5. Superintendent's and/or Administrator's Report 6. Any Other Business Which Lawfully Comes Before the Committee (No Action) 7. Adjournment IT IS POSSIBLE THAT MEMBERS OF, AND POSSIBLY A QUORUM OF, MEMBERS OF OTHER GOVERNMENTAL BODIES OF THE MUNICIPALITY MAY BE IN ATTENDANCE AT THE ABOVE STATED MEETING TO GATHER INFORMATION; NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN BY ANY GOVERNMENTAL BODY AT THE ABOVE STATED MEETING OTHER THAN THE GOVERNMENTAL BODY SPECIFICALLY REFERRED TO ABOVE IN THIS NOTICE. PLEASE NOTE THAT, UPON REASONABLE NOTICE, EFFORTS WILL BE MADE TO ACCOMMODATE THE NEEDS OF DISABLED INDIVIDUALS THROUGH APPROPRIATE AIDS AND SERVICES. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR TO REQUEST THIS SERVICE, CONTACT THE VILLAGE CLERK AT (608) 534-6434. VILLAGE OF TREMPEALEAU STREETS AND ALLEYS COMMITTEE MINUTES VILLAGE OF TREMPEALEAU COMMUNITY CENTER ocToBER 16,2012 1. Roll Call and Call to Order Chair Koelbl called the meeting to order at 6:11 PM. Present: Joan Koelbl, Tom Scherr and Kurt Wood. Others present: Travis Cooke, Village Administrator and John Ebersold, Streets Superintendent. 2. Approval of the June 26, 2012 Minutes Motion by Scherr to approve the June 26,2012 Minutes. Seconded by Wood. MC 3-0. 3. Old Business A. Review 2012 Projects The Committee reviewedthe2012 projects recently completed. Kurt commented that the extra expense for the seed matting was worth it and that the guys did a good job on the landscaping. B. Equipment Planning The Committee reviewed equipment needs for the 2013 Capital Budget. Staff is to spec out a plow truck with a 6 yard dump box, single axle, automatic chassis with all associated plow accessories for October 2013 delivery. 2014 the Village would look at a short box pickup truck and trade in the end loader in2015 to save trade in value and upgrade to a larger size end loader. 4. New Business A. 2013 Street Projects/lVlaps - Discuss Hiring Engineer for Bids The Committee reviewed projects for 2013. Joan will be drawing up new maps for distribution to the Committee. B. Pine Street Resurfacing Concern - Maggie and Kent Hammer The Committee reviewed concems from the Hammer's regarding the proposed alignment of Pine Street and the impact on their yard. Kurt drew out the proposed alignment on a satellite map for Travis to share with the Hammer's at a later date. The goal of the realignment is to spare as much of their yard as possible and to save the boulevard trees. C. Downtown Maintenance/?ool Parking Lot The Committee came to the consensus to use operating funds not to exceed $5,000 to work on re-staining the faux brick downtown. The Committee also recommended that seal coating and re-lining the pool parking lot be placed in the 2013 Budget. D. Sidewalk Planning The Committee reviewed a draft plan from Davy Engineering regarding sidewalk planning linking River Road Estates to the bike trail. The Committee came to the consensus that the plan was not complete enough to make any formal plans with at this time. 5. Street Superintendent's and/or Administrator's Report None. 6. Any Other Business Which Lawfully Comes Before the Committee (No Action) None. 7. Adjournment Motion by Koelbl to adjourn the meeting at7:40 PM. Seconded by Wood. MC. 3-0. MISSISSIPPI RIWR REGIO NAL P LANNIN G CO M M ISSION 1707 Main Steel, Saite 240 La Crosse, WI 54601 Phone: (608) 7E5-9396 Fax: (608) 785-9394 Email: plan@ltrrpcom Richard Wilhelm, Ellsworth, Chahman lll Eugue Sowge, Black Rivu FaUs, WI Vic&Chairman Jon Keil, It Crosse, W Seuetary & Tressurq Grcg Flogslad, Onalas*L lll Director May 8, 2009 Travis Cooke, Administrator 24455 3rd St. Trempealeau, Wl 54661 Dear Travis: Per our phone conversation I am enclosing a draft of the Village's Outdoor Recreation Plan. Please review it and if everything is ok, then please take the plan to the village board for their approval and adoption. lf you have changes and would like those changes completed before taking to the Village Board I can do that, I have enclosed a sample resolution for your consideration. As I mentioned in our conversation the "Action" Program is a list of what the Village would like to do to improve outdoor recreation facilities and programs within the village. Once the Village Board approves the plan could you could mail me a copy of the signed resolution. I put it in the plan and send you a bound final copy and also I will send a copy to the DNR for their records. lf you have any questions please do not hesitate to call me at 608-785-9396 or email me at dave@mrrpc,com, Again sorry for the delay. Sincerely, \*-A< Dave Bonifas Community Development Planner & GIS Specialist A Nine County Economic Development District Providing Assistance To Local Governments Use Planning. Zoning and Subdivision Ordinanca Ttansportation Planning Economic Development Planning 'GIS Mappingo Recreation Planningt Revolving Loan Fund Administration Grant ll/ritirg Socioeconomic Data Dissemination o,4ssist Local Interests In Responding To Stateand Federal Progrars AdvisoryService on Local Planning Issues cCoordinating Agencyfor Programs and Activitiu Public Policy Advocaqt on Issues Affecting our Region .Innd RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION ADOPTING VILLAGE OF TREMPEALEAU OUTDOOR RECREATION PLAN WHEREAS, the Village of Trempealeau, has participated in a county-wide Outdoor Recreation Planning Program covering both unincorporated and incorporated areas of Trempealeau County, and WHEREAS, said planning program has been conducted by Trempealeau County through the Mississippi River Regional Planning Commission in conjunction with the Village of Trempealeau, and WHEREAS, said planning document reflects community and county recreation needs in light ofgoals, objectives, and generally accepted recreation planning standards. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village of Trempealeau does hereby adopt the Village of Trempealeau Outdoor Recreation Plan 2009-2013 as its guide to future recreation facility improvements in the Village of Trempealeau. day of Dated this SUBMITTED BY: -. Village Clerk do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the resolution adopted by the Village of Trempealeau at a meeting as held on Village Clerk VILLAGE OFTREMPEALEAU OUTDOOR RECREATION PLAN 2009-2013 Village of Trempealeau Outdoor Recreation Plan VILLAGE OF TREMPEALEAU INTRODUCTION Located in the southwest comer of Trempealeau County, the Village of Trempealeau overlooks the Mississippi River. The village is served by State Highway 35, also known as the Great River Road, part of a scenic parkway conidor that parallels the Mississippi River from the Gulf of Mexico to its source. The village lies adjacent to Penot State Park on the west and has the Great River State Bike Trail running directly through it. The trail is 24 miles in length and links the Trempealeau Wildlife Refuge with the La Crosse River State Trail. Also nearby is the Trempealeau Wildlife Refuge and Van Loon Refuge which are unique outdoor recreation features for the village. Approximately 20 miles south is the urban area of La Crosse and 15 miles west is Winona, Minnesota, both which serve as shopping, employment, and educationalcenters for many village residents. compared to the population growth between 1990 and 2000 of 26.9 percent. The projected growth rate should be given careful consideration in local outdoor recreation facility planning efforts. TABLE T.1 Population Figures and Projeclions Village of Trempealeau, Trempealeau County Year Population 7o 1980(11 1990(11 ZUUUI" 2006(21 2015 1960(1r 1970(1) 704 743 956 1,039 1,319 1,461 5.5 28.7 8.7 26,9 10.7 Change (31 1,634 1 1.8 (1) Decennial U.S. Census - U.S. Bureau of Census (2) 2N6 Estimates, Ws. Dept. of Admin-hmqnphlcs Services Clr. (3) Population Projections, Ws. Dept. of Admin -Demographics Seruice @nter Steep bluffs tower above the village providing a majestic setting. To the north and east are the rolling agricultural and woodlands. To the south lie the river and lake systems, which provide hunting and fishing opportunities. The Village of Trempealeau combines a historical sefting with a wonderland of nature to form a tourist attraction for Wisconsin. According to the 2000 Census the Village had 6.7% of its population under the age of 5, this percentage is almost exactly the same as the U.S. percentage of 6.8% and is slightly higher than the Wisconsin percentage of 6,4%. The Village's percentage of people over the age of 18 was77.6o/oi this figure is higher than the U.S. percentage ol 74.3o/o and the Wisconsin percentage ol74.5o/o. An even more significant number is the percentage of people age 65 and older. The Village had 15.4% of its population in this age bracket. This percentage is slightly higher than the U,S. percentage ol 12.4o/o and the Wisconsin percentage 13.1o/o. Theses numbers indicate that the Village has a similar age distribution to the U.S, and Wisconsin averages. ol -q:4 ;{ Village entrance sign on STH 35 SOCIO.ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS Population The village is within commuting distance of the growing La Crosse and Winona urban areas, creating a healthy population groMh of 1,319 in 2000 to an estimated 1,463 in 2007. The population growth has remained steady Trempealeau Marina on Mississippi River Village of Trempealeau Outdoor Recreation Plan !ncome According to the 2000 Census the Median Household lncome for the Village was $36,422 this figure is $7,369 or 16.81% below Wisconsin's Median Household lncome of $43,791 and 13.3% belowthe U.S. Median Household lncome of $41,994. ln addition the Village had 6.3% of the needs and desires of all village residents and visitors. The provision of adequate and rcspnsive outdoor recreation facilities is an integral element in the establishing of a well-balanced environment. The prcparation and adoption of an updated outdoor recreational facility plan constitutes a major effort in providing a quality environment. its population living below the poverty level. These figures stress the importance of the Village's need to ln addition, the adoption of a comprehensive plan will help provide free outdoor recreation facilities to its people, as they are often unable to afford or able to travel outside the village to use recreation facilities, to assure the community's eligibility to participate in state and federal recreation facility development assistance programs, such as the Land and Water Conservation Act Program (LAWCON), and the State Stewardship Program, Employment The largest individual employers in the village are a tool and die plant, a lumber dry kiln, and a large regionally popular restaurant. Smaller restaurants and tavems, small retail shops, and repair services also provide employment. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Lock and Dam 6 is also located at Trempealeau and provides employment as well as a tourist attraction for the area, The largest occupational grouping of employed persons was "Production, Transportation, and Material moving" at 28.4 percent, with another 24.6 percent being "Management, Professional, and related occupations". The most predominant type of "lndustry" or employer was "Manufacturing" at 25.5 percent, with 'Educational, Health and Social Services" at second place with '17,9 percent. These employers and jobs include all those held by Trempealeau residents, not just those available within the village. Great River State Trail Sign GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The Village of Trempealeau's intent in participating in the preparation of the County Plan as well as including its recreational facility development plan as a separate section of the County Plan is to assist in helping to guide the overall growth and development of the region. The impacts of actions taken by both the village and the county do affect each other, therefore, a cooperative planning relationship will assist in making local and area wide planning a mutually beneficial relationship. Therefore, the village shares with the county the goals and objectives described in the "County Section" of this Plan. STANDARDS Central Park According to a generally accepted set of standards, the Village of Trempealeau is slightly deficient in regards to the of recreational land necessary for its population. At present Trempealeau provides its citizens PURPOSE OF THE PLAN total amount The Village of Trempealeau wishes to assure its residents of a well-balanced living environment. This task calls for a community planning effort that will take into consideration with approximately 9 acres of developed recreational land, whereas the standard requires 12 acres. How criticalthis is must be determined by refening to the demands of the Village of Trempealeau Outdoor Recreation Plan village residents. Also when applying standards, the residents must take into consideration the accessibility of the facilities as well as its own interests and needs. EXISTING FACILITIES To effectively plan for the future development and expansion of a community's outdoor recreation program, an inventory and evaluation must finst be made of the existing facilities in and around the community. An inventory and the application of standards will then help to guide the community into the direction that will be most responsive to community needs. Following is a listing and description of Trempealeau's outdoor recreation facilities. VILLAGE FACILIT]ES Cenkal Park - Centrally located between 4th and 5th Street and between Gray and Jay Street, the park is park approximately one and one-half acres. lncluded in the are picnic tables, a gazebo, playground equipment for a horseshoe court, and children fumished by the Trempealeau Lion's Club. The park also has drinking water and portable toilets available. Marina The marina, operated by a contractor, is located in the south central part of the village just across the railroad tracks from Duck Pond and adjacent to Lock and Dam 6. This facility consists of a gas dock with pumping station, a paved parking area, a boat-launching ramp, and public restrooms and office area, Rental Tremoealeau houseboats are available through a contractor and the marina cunently has 110 boat slips with room for 146 more. Duck Pond Park - This one-acre park is just north of the Trempealeau Marina and runs along 2nd Street from South Street to Sumner Street. lt is bounded on the south by the BNSF Railroad right-of-way. lt consists of a pond with duck habitat and sunounding green space. There are picnic tables, and in the winter the pond is maintained for iceskating. The park also contains a parking area and a building with running water and toilet facilities. The building belongs to the Sportsman Club and is used for various activities throughout the year. - This facility is located in the northwestem edge of the village on North Penot Road. The park is the site for the supervised summer baseball progmm, which is set up for youth between the ages of 5 and 16. The ballpark is complete with dugouts, bleachers, fenced field, scoring booth, concession stand, bafting and pitching cage, restrooms, shelter, and a sprinkling system. There is also a parking area available, Youth Sports Club Swimming Pool Park Swimminq Pool Park - This two-acre facility is located on the eastem edge of the village on 4th Street. The park houses Trempealeau's pool and bathhouse where three sessions of swimming lessons are offered each summer, and swimming meets are held. There cunently are bleachers for watching the swimming activities. The pool is maintained and supervised by manager, assistant manager, and lifeguards. The park also contains toilet facilities, a parking lot, and a volleyball court. The Great River State Trail passes through this park. a Youth Sports Club ballfield Boat Landinq - This boat launch is located below Lock and Dam 6 in Pool The facility is used extensively and consists of two launching ramps and a parking area for boat trailers. There are also picnic tables, grills and restroom facilities available. A fishing dock is present and a privately owned bait shop is located adjacent to the landing. 7. Village of Trempealeau Outdoor Recreation Plan STATE FACILIT!ES Great River State Trail - The trail is located on the old Chicago Northwestem Railway right of-way and runs southeast and northwest along the northem part of the village. lt is surfaced with fine stone screenings and is suitable for all types of human powered bicycles, hiking, and snowmobiling. Cross-country skiing is also allowed. The trail is maintained and administered by Penot State Park staff. There is a parking facility available located on the eastem edge of the village limits. School Playground ,ACTION'PROGMM Short and long term goals and objectives of the village's outdoor recreation facility planning address both the continued maintenance as well as the improvement and expansion of those facilities. Because of the adequate amount of recreational lands evenly distributed throughout the community, village officials need not have to address themselves to a costly acquisition prognam. The preceding statement is not intended to suggest that local officials The school's playground is located between 4th Street and Sth Street just ignore acquisition opportunities. Should an opportunity to acquire land arise that would be beneficial for the village in the long run, serious consideration should be given to the opportunity. Also, considenation should be given to accepting donated land to determine if the local budget can afford to accept it in view of tax and maintenance factons. Below are the recommended projects to improve the existing facilities. north of Sumner Street. The facility is quite large and consists of two soccer fields, playground equipment, ball CentralPark Great River State Trail OTHER FACILITIES Junior Hioh and Elementary School - diamond, and tennis courts, all which are fenced in. There o Update Playground equipment (High Priority) are also toilet and water facilities available in the school building but this is not always open. Duck Pond o Construct trail to connect to Great River State Trail (Low Priority) it Village of Trempealeau outdoor Recreation Plan VILLAGE OFTREMPEALEAU OUTDOOR REGREATION MAP @ Recreational Facilities 1. Swimming PoolPark 2. Trempealeau Marina 3. CentralPark 4. Duck Pond Park 5. Youth Sports Club Park 6, Boat Landing 7. Junior High & Elementary School 8. Great River State TrailParking .--.-.- q Great River State Trail T'*rnr 'gNAl" O. January 08, 20i3 ,pared For: LAGE OF TREMPEALEAU rn Ebersold EAST 3RD ST W 54661. =MPEALEAU, 3)534 - 6434 erence lD: N/A Presented By: DEBAUCHE TRUCK & DIESEL Joel Allen 535 FANTA REED PLACE LA CROSSE W 54603 (608)781_8840 nk you for the opportunity to provide you with the following quotation on a new lnternational truck. I am sure the following detailed cification will meet your operational requirements, and I lo6k'fonivard to serving your businesi n""0". Model profile 2014 TERMSTAR SFA ax4 .ICATION: toN: ECONOMY: NSION: NE, DIESEL: . ISMISSION, AUTOMATIC: CH: , FRONT DRIVTNG: , REAR, SINGLE: FRoNT: REAR: ENs [R005) Landscape Dump Requested GMffR: 19500. Catc. GMffR: 19500 Calc. Start / Grade Abitity: 3Z.tO% I 3.88o/o @ SS MpH Calc. Geared Speed: 86.0 MpH 8.63 MPG @ 55 MPH Wheelbase: 158.00, CA: 83.60, Axle to Frame: 49.00 {Mac<Force 7} EPA 10, 3oo Hl @ 2600 RpM, 660 rb-ft Torque @ 1600 RpM, 28oo RpM Governed Speed, 300 peak Hp (Max) {Allison 1350-RDS} 4th Generation cbntots; ctose Ratio, S-speed, with overdrive; with pro Provision, tnctudes park pawt, Less Retarder, with 19,500fb c'V\ / 6i SO,OOO_fO GCW Max. on/off hwy Omit ltem (Ctutch & Controt) {Dana Spicer 70-213} Singte Reduction, 8,000_tb Capacity {Dana sp.icer s110} singte Reduction, witn orset Housini; 13,soo-rb capacity, 160 wlreer Ends Gear Ratio: 4.30 Conventional e) 225t7oR1s s 994!RSS (cooDyEAT) g4o rev/mite, toad range F, 12 pty it1zzarcrus.s 9647 nSS iCOOOVEnnI o+o rev/mite, toad range F, 12 pty - roN, RR, sPRr NG, STNGLE : vari 1"X,3#rtj?tJ?f ,p""iti- Location 1:0311, Omaha Orange (Std) Chassis schematic N/A Proposal: 6455-01 INTERNATIONALo vehicle Specifications January o8,2oi3 2014 TERRASTAR SFA 4x4 (TR005) Descriotion Base Chassis, Model TERRASTAR SFA 4x4 with 158.00 ty'Vheelbase, 83.60 CA, and 49.00 Axle to Frame. TOW HOOK, FRONT (2) Frame Mounted SKID PLATE Steel, Frame Mounted, Protects the Transfer Case from the Ground FRAME MILS High Strength Low Alloy Steel (80,000 PSI Yield); 7.375" x 3.079" x .312" (187.45mm x 78.2mm x 8.0mm) With Transition to 9.125" x 3.079" x .312" (231.8mm x 78.2mm x 8.0mm); lncludes 1.2" (30mm) Drop Under Cab; 335.2" (8512.2mm) Maximum OAL Notes : Refer to \A/B/AF COMBINATIONS Chart in the Compatibility Charts section of the CT-400 Data Book and the Price List for compatible AF dimension. LICENSE PLATE HOLDER lncludes Upper & Lower Mounting Plate Hardware, Mounted in Existing Holes in Front Bumper BUMPER, FRONT Full\Mdth, Aerodynamic, Steel, Painted Gloss Black, 0.118" Material Thickness cRossMEMBER, REAR, AF (01) WHEELBASE RANGE 128" (325cm) Through and lncluding 183" (465crn) AXLE, FRONT DRIVING {Dana Spicer 70-2731Single Reduction, 8,0001b Capacity SUSPENSION, FRONT, SPRING Parabolic, Taper Leaf; 8,000-lb Capacity; \A/ith Shock Absorbers BRAKE SYSTEM, HYDMULIC {TRW355} Split System, Wth Three ChannetABS lncludes : : BMKE LININGS, FRONT HX-73, Non-Asbestos BMKE LININGS, REAR HX-73, Non-Asbestos BMKE, PARKING fl-RW) Drum-in-Hat Type; for Hydraulic Brake chassis; Activated by Lever in Cab; Mounted in Rear Wheets lncludes : PARKING BRAKE CONTROL Lever, Floor Mounted, Located Right of Driver BMKES, FRONT, HYDMULIC DISC {TRW 15.35" x 1.54" Rotors; Dual 2.36" (60mm) Diam. Pistons BRAKES, REAR, HYDMULIC DISC fiRW) 15.35" x 1.54" Rotors; Dual 2.36" (60mm) Diam. Pistons STEERING COLUMN Tilting STEERING WHEEL 2-Spoke, '18" Diam., Black STEERING GEAR {Sheppard MD83} Power EXHAUST SYSTEM Single, Horizontal, Aftertreatment Device Frame Mounted Left Side Back of Cab; lncludes Horizontal Tail Pipe SWTCH, FOR EXHAUST 3 Position, Momentary, Lighted Momentary, ON/CANCEL, Center Stable, lNHlBlT REGEN, Mounted in tp lnhibits Diesel Particulate Filter Regeneration Wtren Switch is Moved to ON \Mile Engine is Running, Resets \Men lgnition is Turned OFF ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 12-Volt, Standard Equipment lncludes BATTERY BOX Steel DATA LINK CONNECTOR For Vehicle Programming and Diagnostics ln Cab FUSES, ELECTRICAL SAE Blade-Type HAZARD SWTCH Push On/Push Off, Located on Top of Steering Column Cover HEADLIGHT DIMMER SWTCH lntegralwith Turn Signal Lever HEADLIGHTS (2) Sealed Beam Halogen, 5" x 7" Rectangular, with Molded-ln Argent Colored Bezels HORN, ELECTRIC Single JUMP START STUD Located on Positive Terminal of Outermost Battery PARKING LIGHT lntegral with Front Turn Signal and Rear Tail Light RUNNING LIGHT (2) Daytime, lncluded Wth Headtights STARTER SWTCH Electric, Key Operated 2 Proposal: 6455-01 INTERNATIONAL" Vehicle Soecifications January 08,2013 2014 TERMSTAR SFA 4x4 (TR005) Descriotion STOP, TURN, TAIL & B/U LIGHTS Dual, Rear, Combination with Reflector TURN SIGNAL SWTCH Self-Cancelling for Trucks, Manual Cancelling for Tractors, with Lane Change Feature TURN SIGNALS, FRONT lncludes Reflectors and Solid State Flashers; Flush Mounted WNDSHIELD WPER SWITCH 2-Speed with Wash and lntermittent Feature (5 Pre-Set Delays), lntegralwith Turn Signal Lever WNDSHIELD WPERS Single Motor, Electric, Cowl Mounted WRING, CHASSIS Color Coded and Continuously Numbered POWER SOURCE Cigar Type Receptacle without Plug and Cord ALTERNATOR {Leece-NevilleLBP2224H} Brush Type;12Volt 120 Amp. Capacity, Pad Mount BATTERY SYSTEM {lnternational} Maintenance-Free (2) 12-Volt 1300CCA Totat RADIO {Panasonic CO120} AM/FM, lncludes Multiple Speakers, lncludes Auxiliary lnput lncludes : SPEAKERS lN CAB (2) Dual-Cone with Deluxe lnterior : SPEAKERS lN CAB (4) Coaxialwith Premium lnterior JUMP START STUD Remote Mounted CLEAMNCE/MARKER LIGHTS (5) {Truck Lite} Amber LED Lights, Flush Mounted on Cab or Sunshade HEADLIGHTS ON W/VVIPERS Headlights WllAutomatically Turn on if \Mndshield \Mpers are turned on COURTESY LIGHT (2) Mounted ln Front Map Pocket Left and Right Side Notes : Feature included with CAB INTERIOR TRIM, Premium INDICATOR, LOW COOLANT LEVEL Wth Audible Atarm STARTING MOTOR {Delco Remy 29MT} 12 Volt; Less Thermal Over-Crank Protection, \Mth lntegrated Magnetic Switch FOG LIGHTS (2) {Grote} Clear, Halogen, Rectangutar GRILLE Molded, Dark Gray Color FRONT END Tilting, Fiberglass, \Mth Three Piece Construction lncludes : HOOD TILT ASSIST lncludes Torsion Bar Spring System PAINT SCHEMATIC, PT-1 Single Color, Design 100 PANT ryPE Base CoaUClear Coat, 1-2 Tone CLUTCH Omit ltem (Clutch & Control) BLOCK HEATER, ENGINE {Phillips} 120 VolU1000 Watt lncludes : BLOCK HEATER SOCKET Receptacle Type; Mounted below Drivers Door ENGINE, DIESEL {MaxxForce 7} EPA 10, 300 HP @ 2600 RPM, 660 lb-ft Torque @ 1600 RPM, 28OO RPM Governed Speed, 300 peak HP (Max) lncludes AIR COMPRESSOR AIR SUPPLY LINE Naturally-Aspirated (Air Brake Chassis Only) ANTI-FREEZE Red Shell Rotella Extended Life Coolant; -40 Degrees F/ -40 Degrees C; for MauForce Engines CRUISE CONTROL Electronic; Controls lntegralto Steering Wleel ENGINE OIL DRAIN PLUG Magnetic ENGINE SHUTDO!\N Electric, Key Operated FUEL FILTER Engine Mounted FUEL HEATER lncluded with FuelA//ater Separator FUEL I/ATER SEPARATOR Engine Mounted 3 Proposal: 6455-01 INTERNATIONALU Vehicle Specifications January 08, 2013 2014 TERRASTAR SFA 4x4 (TR005) Description : GLOW PLUG Automaticwith lndicator Light : GOVERNOR Electronic : OIL FILTER, ENGINE Drop-ln Cartridge Type FAN DRIVE {Borg-Warner Series 790} Viscous Type, Screw On lncludes : FAN Nylon MDIATOR Aluminum; 2-Row, Cross Flow, Side-by-Side System, 697 Sqln Louvered, \Ittlh225 Sqln CAC, With ln-Tank Oil Cooler lncludes : DEAEMTION SYSTEM with Surge Tank : HOSE CLAMPS, RADIATOR HOSES Gates Shrink Band Type; Thermoplastic Coolant Hose Clamps : MDIATOR HOSES Premlum, Rubber . AIR CLEANER \Mth Service Protection Element lncludes : GAUGE, AIR CLEANER RESTRICTION Air Cleaner Mounted THROTTLE, HAND CONTROL Engine Speed Control; Electronic, Stationary, Variable Speed; Mounted on Steering Wheel ENGINE CONTROL, REMOTE MOUNTED - No Provision Fumished for Remote Mounted Engine Control FEDEML EMISSIONS for 2010; Man<Force 7 Engines FAN DRIVE SPECIAL EFFECTS Fan Cooling Ring with Fan Shroud Effects, Engine Mounted EMISSION COMPLIANCE Federal, Does Not Comply \Mth California Clean Air ldle Regulations OBD COMPLIANCE for 2013 OBD TMNSMISSION, AUTOMATIC {Allison 1350_RDS} 4th Generation Controls; Close Ratio, S-Speed, with Overdrive; with PTO Provision, lncludes Park Pawl, Less Retarder, with 19,500-lb GW/ & 30,000-lb GCW Max. on/off hwy TMNSFER CASE {Fabco TC-28} Two-Speed, Gear Drive, 3,600 lb-ft Capacity with Electric Shifting Controls, without PTO Provision TMNSMISSION OIL Synthetic; 20 thru 28 Pints AXLE, REAR, SINGLE {Dana Spicer 5110} Single Reduction, With Offset Housing; 13,500-lb Capacity, 160 \A/heel Ends . Gear Ratio: 4.30 lncludes : REARAXLE DRAIN PLUG (1) Magnetic, ForSingle RearAxle SUSPENSION, RR, SPRING, SINGLE Vari-Rate; 13,500-lb Capacity Notes : The following features should be considered when calculating Rear GAWR: RearAxles; Rear Suspension; Brake System; Brakes, Rear Air Cam; Brake Shoes, Rear; Special Rating, GAWR; ly'Vheels; Tires. FUEL TANK Top Draw; Rectangular, Steel; 40 U.S. Gal., 151 L Capacity, 15" Depth, lncludes Fuel FillerAssembly and Vent Hosing, Mounted Between Frame Sidemembers and Behind Rear Axle CAB Conventional lncludes ARM REST (2) Molded Plastic; One Each Door CLEARANCE/MARKER LIGHTS (5) Flush Mounted COAT HOOK, CAB Located on Rear Wall, Centered Above Rear Wndow CUP HOLDERS Two Cup Holders, Located in Lower Center of lnstrument Panel DOME LIGHT, CAB Rectangular, Door Activated and Push On-Off at Light Lens, Timed Theater Dimming, lntegral to Console, Center Mounted : GLASS, ALL WNDOWS Tinted : GRAB HANDLE, CAB INTERIOR (1) "A' Pillar Mounted, Passenger Side 4 Proposal: 6455-01 INTERNATIONAL' Vehicle Specifications January 08, 2013 2014 TERRASTAR SFA 4x4 (TR005) Description : GRAB HANDLE, CAB INTERIOR (2) Front of "B" Pillar Mounted, One Each Side : INTERIOR SHEET METAL Upper Door (Above Window Ledge) Painted Exterior Color : STEP (4) Two Steps Per Door GAUGE CLUSTER English With English Electronic Speedometer lncludes : GAUGE CLUSTER (5) Engine Oil Pressure (Electronic), Water Temperature (Electronic), Fuel (Electronic), Tachometer (Electronic), Voltmeter : ODOMETER DISPLAY, Miles, Trip Miles, Engine Hours, Trip Hours, Fault Code Readout : WARNING SYSTEM Low Fuel, Low Oil Pressure, High Engine Coolant Temp, and Low Battery Voltage (Visual and Audible) lP CLUSTER DISPLAY On Board Diagnostics Display of Fault Codes in Gauge Cluster SEAT, DRIVER {National 2000} Self Contained with Compressor, Mid Back, Vinyl, Less lsolator, Less Lumbar, 2 Position Front Cushion Adjust, Adjust, -3 to +14 Degree Seat Back Adjust lncludes : SEAT BELT 3-Point, Lap and Shoulder Belt Type SEAT, PASSENGER {Gra-Mag} Non Suspension, High Back, Fixed Back, lntegral Headrest, Vinyl lncludes : SEAT BELT 3-Point, Lap and Shoulder Belt Type MIRRORS (2) {Lang Mekra} Rectangular, f .Q{" 1q 14.84" &7 .44" sq. Convex Both Sides, 102" lnside Spacing, Breakaway Type, Heated Heads Thermostatic Controlled, Black Heads, Brackets and Arms CUP HOLDERS Omit, ln lnstrument Panel AIR CONDITIONER {Blend-Aifl Wth lntegral Heater & Defroster lncludes : HEATER HOSES Premium : HOSE CLAMPS, HEATER HOSE Mubea Constant Tension Clamps : REFRIGEMNT Hydrofl uorocarbon HFC-'I 34A CAB SOUND INSULATION lncludes Dash lnsulator and Engine Cover lnsulator Notes : Feature included with CAB INTERIOR TRIM, Premium INSTRUMENT PANEL Center Section, Flat Panel WNDOW POWER (2) And Power Door Locks, Left and Right Doors, lncludes Express Down Feature KEYLESS ENTRY SYSTEM REMOTE \Mth Panic and Auxiliary Buttons, lncludes One Key Fob (Transmitter) STORAGE POCKET, DOOR Molded Plastic, Full\Mdth; Mounted on Passenger Door CAB INTERIOR TRIM Deluxe lncludes : "A' PILLAR COVER Molded Plastic : CAB INTERIOR TRIM PANELS Cloth Covered Molded Plastic, Full Height; All Exposed lnterior Sheet Metal is Covered Except for the Following: with a Two-Man Passenger Seat or with a Full Bench Seat the Back Panel is Completely Void of Covering CONSOLE, OVERHEAD Molded Plastic; With Dual Storage Pockets with Retainer Nets and CB Radio Pocket DOOR TRIM PANELS Molded Plastic; Driver and Passenger Doors FLOOR COVERING Rubber, Black HEADLINER Soft Padded Cloth INSTRUMENT PANEL TRIM Molded Plastic with Black Center Section STORAGE POCKET, DOOR (1) Molded Plastic, Full-Length; Driver Door SUN VISOR (2) Padded Vinylwith Driver Side TollTicket Strap, lntegralto Console MODESry PANEL Molded, Dark Gray Color 5 Proposal: 6455-01 INTERNATIONAL" Vehicle Specifications January 08, 2013 2014 TERRASTAR SFA 4x4 (TR005) Descriotion WHEELS, FRONT DISC; 19.5" Painted Steel, '10-Stud (225mm BC) Hub-Piloted, Flanged Nut, Metric Mount, 6.00 DC Rims; \A/ith Steel Hubs WHEELS, REAR DISC; 19.5" Painted Steel, 1O-Stud (225mm BC) Hub-Piloted, Flanged Nut, Metric Mount, 6.00 DC Rims; \Mth Steel Hubs (2) TIRE, FRONT 225n0R19.5 G647 RSS (GOODYEAR) 640 rev/mile, load range (4) TIRE, REAR 225l70R19.5 GM7 RSS (GOODYEAR) 640 rev/mile, load range 6 F,12ply F,12ply Proposal: 6455-01 INTERNATIONALO January 02,2013 Prepared For: VILLAGE OF TREMPEALEAU Presented By: DEBAUCHE TRUCK & DIESEL John Ebersold Joel Allen 535 FANTA REED PLACE LA CROSSE W 54603 . (608)781-8840 50 EAST 3RD ST TREMPEALEAU, W 54661(608)s34 - 6434 Reference lD: N/A Thank you for the opportunity to provide you with the following quotation on a ndw lnternational truck. I am sure the following detailed specification will meet your operational requirements, and I look forward to serving your business needs. Model Profile 20147400 SFA 4X2 (SA525) APPLICATION: MISS!ON: FUEL ECONOMY: DIMENSION: ENGINE, DIESEL: Front Plow with spreader Requested GMffR: 50000. Calc. GVWR:50000 Calc. Start/ Grade Abllity: 26.10% 12.28% @ 55 MPH Calc. Geared Speed: 61.8 MPH N/A 85" \Meelbase: 183.00, CA: 108.00, Axle to Frame: 63.00 {Mao<Force 10} EPA 10, 310 HP @ 2000 RPM, 1050 lb-ft Torque @ 1200 RPM, 2200 RPM Governed Speed TRANSMISSION, AUTOMATIC: {Allison 3000_RDS_P} 4th Generation Controls; Close Ratio, 6-Speed, \Mth Double Overdrive; On/Off Hwy; lncludes Oil Level Sensor, Wth PTO Provision, Less Retarder, Wth 80,000-lb GVW & GCWMax. CLUTCH: Omit ltem (Clutch & Control) AXLE, FRONT NON-DRIVING: {Meritor MFS-20-133A} Wde Track, l-Beam Type, 20,000-lb Capacity AXLE, REAR, SINGLE: {Meritor RS-30-185} Single Reduction, Standard Track, 30,000-lb Capacity, TWheel Ends, Driver Controlled Locking Differential Gear Ratio: 6.83 CAB: Conventional (2) 315180R22.5 HSU2+ (CONTINENTAL) 481 rev/mile, load range L, 20 ply TIRE, FRONT: (4) 315/80R22.5 HSU2+ (CONTINENTAL) 481 rev/mile, Ioad range L, 20 ply TIRE, REAR: SUSPENSION, RR, SPRING, SINGLE:Vari-Rate; 31,000-lb Capacity, lncludes 4500-lb Capacity Multileaf Auxiliary PA!NT: Cab schematic 100GM Location 1: 031 1, Omaha Orange (Std) Chassis schematic N/A 1 Proposal: 6443-01 INTERNATIONALO Vehicle Soecifications January 02,2013 20147400 SFA 4X2 (SA525) Description Base Chassis, Model 74OO SFA 4X2 with 183.00 Meelbase, 108.00 CA, and 63.00 Axle to Frame. TOW HOOK, FRONT (2) Frame Mounted FRAME RAtLS HeatTreatedAlloy Steel(120,000 PSlYield); '10.866" x 3.622" x 0.433" (276.0mm x 92.0mm x 11.1mm);456.0" (11582mm) Maximum OAL BUMPER, FRONT Omit ltem FRAME EXTENSION, FRONT lntegral; 20" ln Front of Grille CROSSMEMBER, FRONT for Hydraulic Pump, Mounting Flange to Accommodate Pump WHEELBASE RANGE 146" (370cm) Through and lncluding 195" (495cm) MLE, FRONT NON-DRIVING {Meritor MFS-20-133A} Wide Track, l-Beam Type, 20,000-lb Capacity Notes : The following features should be considered when calculating Front GAIA/R: FrontAxles; Front Suspension; Brake System; Brakes, Front Air Cam; lMreels; Tires. SUSPENSION, FRONT, SPRING Parabolic, Taper Leaf; 20,000-lb Capacity; Wth Shock Absorbers lncludes : SPRING PINS Rubber Bushings, Maintenance-Free Notes : The following features should be considered when calculating Front GAWR: Front Axles; Front Suspension; Brake System; Brakes, Front Air Cam; Wheels; Tires. BMKE SYSTEM, AIR Dual System for Straight Truck Applications lncludes BMKE LINES Color and Size Coded Nylon DRAIN VALVE Twist-Type DUST SHIELDS, FRONT BMKE DUST SHIELDS, REAR BRAKE GAUGE, AIR PRESSURE (2) Air 1 and Air 2 Gauges; Located in lnstrument Cluster PARKING BRAKE CONTROL Yellow Knob, Located on lnstrument Panel : PARKING BRAKE VALVE For Truck : QUICK RELEASE VALVE Bendix On Rear Axle for Spring Brake Release: 1 tor 4x2,2 for 6x4 : SI-ACK ADJUSTERS, FRONT Automatic : SLACKADJUSTERS, REAR AutomatiC : SPRING BRAKE MODULATOR VALVE R-7 lor 4x2, SR-7 with relay valve for 6x4 Notes : Rear Axle is Limited to 23,000-lb GAWR with Code 04091 BRAKE SYSTEM, AIR and Standard Rear Air Cam Brakes Regardless of Axle/Suspension Ordered. BRAKES, FRONT, AIR CAM 16.5" x 6", lncludes 24 Sqln Long Stroke Brake Chambers Notes : The following features should be considered when calculating Front GAWR: Front Axles; Front Suspension; Brake System; Brakes, Front Air Cam; Wheels; Tires. DRAIN VALVE {Berg} Manual; With Pull Chain, forAir Tank lncludes : DMIN VALVE Mounted in Wet Tank BRAKE SHOES, REAR CaSt Notes : Provides Rear Axle GAWR Up to 26,000-Lb. 2 Proposal: 6443-01 INTERNATIONAL' Vehicle Specifications January 02,2013 20147400 SFA 4X2 (SA525) Descriotion : The following features should be considered when calculating Rear GAWR: Rear Axles; Rear Suspension; Brake System; Brakes, Rear Air Cam; Brake Shoes, Rear; Special Rating, GAWR; \Meels; Tires. AIR BRAKE ABS {Bendix AntiLock Brake System} Full Vehicle Wheel Control System (4-Channel) AIR DRYER {Bendix AD-g} Wth Heater lncludes : AIR DRYER LOCATION lnside Left Rail, Back of Cab BRAKE CHAMBERS, FRONT AXLE {Haldex} 24 Sqln BRAKE CHAMBERS, REAR AXLE {Haldex GC3636} 36/36 Spring Brake lncludes : BRAKE CHAMBERS, SPRING (2) Rear Parking;WTH TRUCK BMKES: All4x2,4x4; WTH TMCTOR BMKES: All4x2,4x4; 6x4 & 6x6 with Rear Tandem Axles Less Than 46,000-lb. or GMA/R Less Than 54,000-lb. SLACK ADJUSTERS, FRONT {Haldex} Automatic SLACK ADJUSTERS, REAR {Haldex} Automatic BMKES, REAR, AIR CAM S-Cam; 16.5" x 7.0"; lncludes 36/36 Sq.ln. Long Stroke Brake Chambers and Spring Actuated Parking Brakes Notes : Provides Rear Axle GAWR Up to 31,000-Lb. : The following features should be considered when calculating Rear GAWR: RearAxles; Rear Suspension; Brake System; Brakes, Rear Air Cam; Brake Shoes, Rear; Special Rating, GAWR;Wreels; Tires. AIR COMPRESSOR {Bendix Tu-Flo 550} 13.2 CFM Capacity AIR TANK LOCATION (2) : Two Mounted Outside Right Rail, Under Cab, On Step Mounting Brackets Notes : This air tank location reduces ground clearance by 2" vs. the standard air tank location. : Use Air Tank Location Code 04VDX with Exhaust Code 07BEJ and Baftery Box Code 08WGE or 08WGG to provide clean CA. STEERING COLUMN Tilting STEERING WHEEL 2-Spoke, 18" Diam,, Black STEERING GEAR (2) {Sheppard M-100/M-80} Dual Power EXHAUST SYSTEM Single, Horizontal, Aftertreatment Device Frame Mounted Outside Right Rail Under Cab; lncludes VerticalTail Pipe and Guard lncludes : EXHAUST HEIGHT 10' Exhaust Height - Based on Empty Chassis with Standard Components (+ ep - 1" Height) : MUFFLER/TAIL PIPE GUARD Non-Bright Finish ENGINE COMPRESSION BMKE for Mao<Force 16 Engines; Electronically Activated ELECTRI CAL SYSTEM 12-Y oll, Standard Equipment lncludes BATTERY BOX Steelwith Plastic Lid DATA LINK CONNECTOR For Vehicle Programming and Diagnostics ln Cab FUSES, ELECTRICAL SAE Blade-Type HAZARD SWTCH Push On/Push Off, Located on Top of Steering Column Cover HEADLIGHT DIMMER SWTCH lntegralwith Turn Signal Lever HEADLIGHTS (2) Sealed Beam, Round, with Chrome Plated Bezels HORN, ELECTRIC Single JUMP START STUD Located on Positive Terminal of Outermost Battery PARKING LIGHT lntegralwith Front Turn Signal and Rear Tail Light RUNNING LIGHT (2) Daytime, Included With Headlights 3 Proposal: 6443-01 INTERNATIONALO Vehicle Specifications January 02,2013 20147400 SFA 4X2 (S4525) Descrlotlon STARTER SWTCH Electric, Key Operated STOP, TURN, TAIL & B/U LIGHTS Dual, Rear, Combination with Reflector TURN SIGNAL SWTCH Self-Cancelling for Trucks, Manual Cancelling for Tractors, with Lane Change Feature TURN SIGNALS, FRONT lncludes Reflectors and Auxiliary Side Turn Signals, Solid State Flashers; Flush Mounted WNDSHIELD WPER SWTCH 2-Speed with Wash and lntermittent Feature (5 Pre-Set Delays), lntegralwith Turn Signal Lever WNDSHIELD WPERS Single Motor, Electric, Cowl Mounted WRING, CHASSIS Color Coded and Continuously Numbered SNOW SHIELD (2) Chrome; for Dual Air Horns POWER SOURCE Cigar Type Receptacle without Plug and Cord ALTERNATOR {Leece-Neville LBP2203H} Brush Type,12 Volt 160 Amp. Capaci$, Pad Mount BODY BUILDER WRING To Rear of Frame, Wth Stop, Tail, Turn, and Marker Lights Circuits, lgnition Controlled Auxiliary Feed and Ground, Less Trailer Socket BATTERY SYSTEM {lnternational} Maintenance-Free, (3) 12-Volt 1950CCA Total RADIO {lntemational} AM/FM Stereo Wth Weatherband, Clock, Auxiliary lnput, lncludes Multiple Speakers lncludes : SPEAKERS lN CAB (2) Dual-Cone with Deluxe lnterior : SPEAKERS lN CAB (4) Coaxialwith Premium lnterior SWTCH, AUXILIARY Accessory Control; for \Mring in Rool With Maximum of 20 amp Load \Mth Switches ln lnstrument Panel AUXILIARY HARNESS 5.0' for Auxiliary Front Head Lights and Turn Signals for Front Plow Applications BATTERY BOX Steel, \Mth Aluminum Cover, 3 Battery Capacity, Mounted Right Side Under Cab Below Frame Mounted Exhaust, Provides Clean CA TEST EXTERIOR LIGHTS Pre-Trip lnspection will Cycle all Exterior Lamps Except Back-up Lights HEADLIGHTS ON WANIPERS Headlights \MllAutomatically Turn on if \Mndshield Wipers are turned on STARTING MOTOR {Delco Remy 38MT Type 300} 12 Volt; less Thermal Over-Crank Protection HORN, AIR (2) Single Tone, Rectangular; Chrome INDICATOR, LOW COOLANT LEVEL \Mth Audible A|arm CIRCUIT BREAKERS Manual-Reset (Main Panel) SAE Type lll Wth Trip lndicators, Replaces All Fuses Except For S-Amp Fuses INSULATION, UNDER HOOD for Sound Abatement GRILLE Stationary, Chrome INSULATION, SPLASH PANELS for Sound Abatement BUG SCREEN Front End; Mounted Behind Grille FRONT END Tilting, Fiberglass, With Three Piece Construction; for 2007 & 2010 Emissions PAINT SCHEMATIC, PT-1 Single Color, Design 100 lncludes : PAINT SCHEMATIC ID LETTERS,,GM, PAINT ryPE Base CoaVClear Coat, 1-2 Tone CLUTCH Omit ltem (Clutch & Control) OIL FILTER, ENGINE {Hudgins Model 960 Spinner} BLOCK HEATER, ENGINE {Phillips} 120 VolU1250 Watt lncludes 4 Proposal: 6443-01 INTERNATIONAL@ Vehicle Specifications January O2,ZO13 20147400 SFA 4X2 (SA525) Descriotion : BLOCK HEATER SOCKET Receptacle Type; Mounted below Drivers Door ENGINE, DIESEL{Maro<Force 10} EPA 10,310 HP @ 2000 RPM, 1050|b-ftTorque @1200 RPM,2200 RPM Governed Speed lncludes : ANTI-FREEZE Red Shell Rotella Extended Life Coolanfi -40 Degrees F/ -40 Degrees C; for Malc<Force Engines FAN DRIVE {Horton Drivemaster} Direct Drive Type, Two Speed With ResidualTorque Device for Disengaged Fan Speed lncludes : FAN Nylon MDIATOR Aluminum, Front to Back Cross Flow, Series System; '1663 Sqln Core and 885 Sqln Charge Air Cooler and 470 Sqln Low Temperature Radiator Down Flow FEDEML EMISSIONS for 2010; MaxrForce 9 & 10 Engines AIR CLEANER Single Element, with lntegral Snow Valve and ln-Cab Control lncludes : GAUGE, AIR CLEANER RESTRICTION Air Cleaner Mounted THROTTLE, HAND CONTROL Engine Speed Control; Electronic, Stationary, Variable Speed; Mounted on Steering Wheel ENGINE CONTROL, REMOTE MOUNTED Provision for; lncludes Module and Connector for Body Builder lnstallation of Remote Engine Speed Control, With SAE J1939 Communication ACCESSORY WRING, SPECIAL for Road Speed Wire Coiled Under lnstrument Panel for Customer Use EMISSION COMPLIANCE Federal, Does Not Comply \Mth California Clean Air ldle Regulations OBD COMPLIANCE for 2013 OBD TMNSMISSION, AUTOMATIC {Allison 3000-RDS-P} 4th Generation Controls; Close Ratio, 6-Speed, \Mth Double Overdrive; On/Off Hwy; lncludes Oil Level Sensor, With PTO Provision, Less Retarder, \Mth 80,000-lb GVW & GCW Max. lncludes : OIL FILTER, TMNSMISSION Mounted on Transmission : TMNSMISSION OIL PAN Magnet in Oil Pan OIL COOLER, AUTO TMNSMISSION {Modine} Water to Oil, for Allison or CEEMAT Transmission TRANSMISSION SHIFT CONTROL {Allison} Push-Button Type; for Allison 3000 & 4000 Series Transmission TMNSMISSION OIL Synthetic; 29 thru 42 Pints ALLISON SPARE INPUT/OUTPUT for Rugged Duty Series (RDS); General Purpose Trucks, Construction SHIFT CONTROL PAMMETERS Allison Economy Programming in Primary and Allison Performance Programming in Secondary AXLE, REAR, SINGLE {Meritor RS-30-185} Single Reduction, Standard Track, 30,000-lb Capacity, T Wheel Ends, Driver Controlled Locking Differential . Gear Ratio: 6.83 lncludes : REAR AXLE DRAIN PLUG (1) Magnetic, For Single RearAxle Notes The following features should be considered when calculating Rear GAWR: Rear Axles; Rear Suspension; Brake System; Brakes, Rear Air Cam; Brake Shoes, Rear; Special Rating, GAWR; \Meels; Tires. : \lUhen Specifying Axle Ratio, Check Performance Guidelines and TCAPE for Startability and Performance : SUSPENSION, RR, SPRING, SINGLE Vari-Rate; 31 ,000-lb Capacity, lncludes 4500-lb Capacity Multileaf Auxiliary Notes The following features should be considered when calculating Rear GAV/R: Rear Axles; Rear Suspension; Brake System; Brakes, Rear Air Cam; Brake Shoes, Rear; Special Rating, GAWR; \y'Vheels; Tires. : 5 Proposa!: 6443'01 f NTERNAf IONAL' Vehicle Soecificatlons January O2,2O13 20147400 SFA 4X2 (SA525) Descriotion sHocK ABSORBERS, REAR (2) FUEL TANK Top Draw; D Style, Non Polished Aluminum, 19" Deep, 70 U.S. Gal., 265 L Capacity, with Quick Connect Outlet, Mounted Left Side, Under Cab CAB Conventional lncludes : ARM REST (2) Molded Plastic; One Each Door CLEAMNCE/MARKER LIGHTS (5) Flush Mounted COAT HOOK, CAB Located on Rear Wall, Centered Above RearWndow CUP HOLDERS Two Cup Holders, Located in Lower Center of lnstrument Panel DOME LIGHT, CAB Rectangular, Door Activated and Push On-Off at Light Lens, Timed Theater Dimming, lntegral to Console, Center Mounted GLASS, ALL WNDOWS Tinted : GRAB HANDLE, CAB INTERIOR (1) "A'Pillar Mounted, Passenger Side GRAB HANDLE, CAB INTERIOR (2) Front of "B" Pillar Mounted, One Each Side INTERIOR SHEET METAL Upper Door (Above Window Ledge) Painted Exterior Color STEP (4) Two Steps Per Door GAUGE CLUSTER English Wth English Electronic Speedometer lncludes : GAUGE CLUSTER (6) Engine Oil Pressure (Electronic), Water Temperature (Electronic), Fuel (Electronic), Tachometer (Electronic), Voltmeter, Washer Fluid Level : ODOMETER DISPLAY, Miles, Trip Miles, Engine Hours, Trip Hours, Fault Code Readout : WARNING SYSTEM Low Fuel, Low Oil Pressure, High Engine Coolant Temp, and Low Battery Voltage (Visual and Audible) GAUGE, AIR CLEANER RESTRICTION {Filter-Minder} With Black Bezel Mounted in lnstrument Panel lP CLUSTER DISPLAY On Board Diagnostics Display of Fault Codes in Gauge Cluster SEAT, DRIVER {National 2000} Air Suspension, High Back \Mth lntegral Head Rest, Cloth, lsolated, 1 Chamber Lumbar, 2 Position Front Cushion Adjustment, -3 to +14 Degree Seat Back Angle Adjustment, Dual Shocks lncludes : SEAT BELT 3-Point, Lap and Shoulder Belt Type SEAT, PASSENGER {Gra-Mag} Non Suspension, High Back, Fixed Back, lntegral Headrest, Cloth lncludes : SEAT BELT 3-Point, Lap and Shoulder Belt Type MIRRORS (2) {Lang Mekra} Styled; Rectangular, 7.09" x 15.75'& lntegral Convex Both Sides, 102" lnside Spacing, Breakaway Type, Heated Heads Thermostatic Controlled, Clearance Lights LED GRAB HANDLE Chrome; Towel Bar Type With Anti-Slip Rubber lnserts; for Cab Entry Mounted Left Side Only at "B" Pillar CAB MOUNTING HEIGHT EFFECTS High Cab in Lieu of Mid High Cab Mounting (Approx. 4.5") WNDSHIELD Heated, Single Piece ARM REST, RIGHT, DRIVER SEAT AIR CONDITIONER {Blend-Air} With lntegral Heater & Defroster lncludes : HEATER HOSES Premium : HOSE CLAMPS, HEATER HOSE Mubea Constant Tension Clamps : REFRIGERANT Hydrofluorocarbon HFC-134A CAB SOUND INSULATION lncludes Dash lnsulator and Engine Cover lnsulator Notes : Feature included with CAB INTERIOR TRIM, Premium 6 Proposal: 6/143-01 INTERNATIONAL" Vehicle Speciflcations January 02,2013 20147400 SFA 4X2 (SA525) Descriotion INSTRUMENT PANEL Center Section, Flat Panel WNDOW POWER (2) And Power Door Locks, Left and Right Doors, lncludes Express Down Feature HVAC FRESH AIR FILTER STORAGE POCKET, DOOR Molded Plastic, Full\Mdth; Mounted on Passenger Door CAB INTERIOR TRIM De|uxe lncludes : "A" PILLAR COVER Molded Plastic : CAB INTERIOR TRIM PANELS Cloth Covered Molded Plastic, Full Height; All Exposed lnterior Sheet Metal is Covered Except for the Following: with a Two-Man Passenger Seat or with a Full Bench Seat the Back Panel is Completely Void of Covering CONSOLE, OVERHEAD Molded Plastic; \A/ith Dual Storage Pockets with Retainer Nets and CB Radio Pocket DOOR TRIM PANELS Molded Plastic; Driver and Passenger Doors FLOOR COVERING Rubber, Black HEADLINER Soft Padded Cloth INSTRUMENT PANEL TRIM Molded Plastic with Black Center Section STOMGE POCKET, DOOR (1) Molded Plastic, Full-Length; Driver Door SUN VISOR (2) Padded Vinyl with Driver Side Toll Ticket Strap, lntegral to Console CAB REAR SUSPENSION Air Bag Type WHEELS, FRONT DISC; 22.5" Painted Steel, 5 Hand Hole, 1O-Stud (285.75MM BC) Hub Piloted, Flanged Nut, Metric Mount, 9.00 DC Rims;\Mth SteelHubs. lncludes : PAINT IDENTITY, FRONTWHEELS White Notes : Compatible Tire Sizes: 12R22.5, 295n5R22.5, 29518OR22.5, 315/80R22.5 WHEELS, REAR DUAL DISC: 22.5" Painted Steel, 5 Hand Hole, 10 Stud (285.75MM BC) Hub Piloted, Flanged Nut, Metric Mount 9.00 DC Rims with Steel Hubs lncludes : PAINT IDENTITY, REAR WHEELS White Notes : Compatible Tire Sizes: 12R22.5, 295175R22.5, 295180R22.5, 315/80R22.5 (2) TIRE, FRONT 315/80R22.5 HSU2+ (CONTINENTAL) 481 rev/mile, load range L, 20 ply (4) TIRE, REAR 315/80R22.5 HSU2+ (CONTINENTAL) 481 rev/mile, load range L, 20 ply Services Section: SRV CONTRACT, EXT ENGINE To 60-Month/100,000 Miles (160,000 km), 3600 Hours; lncludes Engine, Engine Electronics and lnjectors; for Ma:o<Force 9 Engines 7 Proposal: 6443-01 JAN,29,2013 N0 PISCHI(E MOIORS I{S 4:43Plv1 156 D1 t,t FAX COVEH SHEET PlgcHKE MOTOBS, TNC 1460 WEST CrTY HWY 16 / PO EOX 846 wE$T SALEM,W!54669 (608) 786-1150 (60E) 786.e700. FAX Number of pagee lnctudtng cov.r - Z ****CON FI DENTIALITY NOTICE**** The documents accompanying this fax tranemiesion may contaln infurmation. All lnfoma" tion tranemiiled is intended gnly lor the uee of the above named lf you are net the named recipient, yau are not authorired to read, dlscloee, copy, dlstrlhute, or any action otherthan lmm+ diate dellvery to the namod reolplent, le strictly prohiblted. !f you have thlE lax ln error, do not read tho lnformalion and please lmmediatety notify the sender hy phone. you arethe nametl rcclplent, you elE not authorized to reveal any of thi8 informailon to any other Pereon andarE hereby inetructed to deetroy the information when no longer needed. Commentel prpcJAN. 29, 2013R 4: 43 PM P ISCHKE I'40I0RS D{N0. lVS 156 1t27. 2t1s $EE WHAT A DIFFERENCE WE MAKEI Village Of Trernpealeau 24455 3RD St, u, Wl 546ts1-9155 * 2012 RAM TRKS RAM 5500 4WD Chasis Cab RETAII. RetailPrlce $49,125.0( Savlngt $5,177,0t /r*n t-.*----., $0.00 rfor /rYC t v P€d $utrTotal G $171.5c J--S-","r! $0.0c Net Sales Frice w4,, r FeeE lncludei troc Fee $gg'00, LicenEe t3'00, Tltle $s9'50 Finance Tex Clty 0.0000%, Finrnce Tax Gounty O5(tr0o6, Flnancs Tsx State 3,0000% Gustomer Approval x- Nothing dse promEed or svred unlesE ln v'/rlting; Retsil prynentB $e an eatimate and may vary ammg lending it flnal teitrs olyour loan maydifferdependlng m lhe actual temls of the financlal inetltutionrs flccBplsnce snd sre ls bflEed on 0 do,{ll paymffit This quote iE ulid untL 1P012011 stHEffi Proval mffy vsry pBr JAN, r9, 201 3 N0 P]SCHKE MOTORS IIS 4:44PM MOTORS lNcoRPoHArEq : .6oHKE dmo weer 95111ls1ff{fY '16 r. 156 1 ConflEura[on PluYIow wEsrSALEil'w SlGEttEm DEte Prlntod: eo13-01-2S 143 PM vlN: YON: Eetimeted thlP DBta! Quentltyi 1 glstugl BA - Pendlng order FAN 1r 2s559 STATE OF wlgcoNslN FANI: CllentCode: ShlP to: Eold to: pt6CHKE MoroRs IN0oRPOMTE0 (64685) (€d686) PISCHKE MOTORS INCORPORATED 16 '1460 WEST CITY HIOHWAY 1460 wEgT clTY HICHWAY 16 . WEST SALEIvI, Wl 5468816?0 WEST 6elee Code Model: peckage: PainUElesutrlm: OpUonE: x.l cAB cHASBlg (1445In 6.7L DF2 P12 APA Bright Rsd GA (1'14'5 In WE ' 1,2S5 400 0 lilonstons Pald HDVinYl 4OtilOEo 6plit Bsnch Beal -x6 BlacltlDieeel GraY Dellwry Allaranco MAF AHD ADE HqHvy Orcd 0 0 0 0 it e50 Du! Snow Plo,r PreP Oroup 90 Cold WsathEf Oroup 150 DOt Cerllfr€d Roedside SafutY Kft 22EIi0R19.6G All T(aclton TIrEE 250 0 0 0 0 Prspald Holdback Fleet Option Editor Flest Saleg Order Zone 61-Chicego 0 0 Sold Vehlda Epeclul BiJ-lneliEiEle For Incentive 0 Qsy6ln6snl ll6entltms 965 Totd PrlE6: Order Type: Schaduling FrlorlSI Floet 'l . Sold Order 46,695 o Cumrllrr Turbo Dleael Enghe E.spd Auto Aiain As6LRc HDTrane 4ES ol60 ln) (DP0LG3) 0 18 'TX TT201386 ' ilBRP(usD) Dercdption ETK 4EA 4FA YUE ' 284 ,151 Bid Numhell Dostlngilon Feee: 6LT 4 cHAsSls IDoo REc TRADESMAI{ / SLT 4 x4 CAB OA of 60 in) Bu8iomEr Prefered Pookage aoA DPOL63 ACL TUZ 4DH 4FM 4FT Non Equlpmeni: SAIEM,Wl5466fie20 2013 5500 REG TR^EEST$AN Vehlclel TT201386 Bld NumEsri PO HilmEer: 4S.125 FEF lf,onthMleak: Eulld Pfiotltyi 90 OuFtomEr NamEl CuEtomef AddiEtc: tnetructlonr: and aubloctto ih-g" o' gnd qqulpment gtlovrn on thls Frlcod oder Eonllrmatlon ere tantf,uv€ NoE: Thle ts n.t an lnvctce, Tha prlcea tnrsvehicle lnvolce fo?tlhtl ltetEd or pricEErquctsd wltlbe accepied, Feftrto con€cliDn ry[hout prlor nEfica. No c{aime agolnst{fiq eontent tho vehlcle la ehlpped by the factory' Pq'a I sl vehlcle contont lnd FrIGlnE' Ordore sre accapied only when 1 X Boboat. Shio to Village of Trempealeau Attn: Todd Lakey Trempealeau, Wl 54661 Phone: 608-792-1 735 Fax: 608-534-6280 Product Quotation Quotation Number: 57 5F 0627 Date: 20 I 3-01-07 08:25:33 3 BillTo Bobcat Dealer Bobcat of the Coulee Region, lnc.,Dresbach,MN 31465 VETERANS RD DRESBACH MN 55947 Phone: (507) 643€781 Fax: (507) 643-7053 Village of Trempealeau Attn: Todd Lakey Trempealeau, Wl 54661 Phone: 608-792-1735 Fax: 608-534-6280 Contact: Josh Bever Phone: 507€43-6781 Fax: 507€43-7053 Cellular: 507-458-841 3 E Mail: [email protected] Description 5570 Bobcat Skid-Steer Loader 61.0 HP Turbo Interim Tier 4 Diesel Engine Auxiliary Hydraulics : Variable Flow Backup Alarm Bob-Tach Bobcat Interlock Control System (BICS) Controls: Bobcat Standard EngineAlydraulic Systems Shutdown Glow Plugs (Automatically Activated) Horn Instrumentation: Engine Temperature & Fuel Gauges, Hourmeter, RPM and Waming Lights Lift Arm Support No M0059 ary 1 Part Price Ea. $21,194.00 Total $21,194.00 Lights, Front & Rear Operator Cab Includes: Adjustable Cushion Seat, Top & Rear Windows, Parking Brake, Seat Bar & Seat Belt Roll Over Protective Structure (ROPS) meets SAE-J1040 & rso 3471 Falling Object Protective Structure (FOPS) meets SAEJ 1043 & ISO 3449, Level I; (Level II is available through Bobcat Parts) Spark Arrestor Muffler Tires: l0-16.5, 8 PR, Bobcat Standard Duty Warranty: l2 Months, Unlimited Hours Lift Path: Vertical A5l Option Package Cab Enclosure with Heat and AC Suspension Seat M00s9-P0l -A51 I s2,908.00 s2,908.00 l $1,002.00 $1,002.00 Power Bob-Tach Cab Accessories Package Two Speed, Engine Block Heater Bobcat Heavy Duty Tires M0059-P03-F20 Radio M00s9-R26-C02 M0059-R09-C02 l l sr50.00 s254.00 $rs0.00 $2s4.00 $25,508.00 s150.00 $303.00 $0.00 ($17,000.00) $8,961.00 Total of Items Quoted Dealer P.D.I. Freight Charges Dealer Assembly Charges Bobcat 5185 H51 968hrs Trade-in Quote Total - US dollars Notes: All prices subject to change without prior notice or obligation. This price quote Customer must exercise his purchase option within 30 days from quote date. Customer Acceptance: Authorized Sisnature: Purchase Order: supersedes all preceding price quotes. TRACTOR CENTRAL, LLC 1530 WANEKAVENUE ARCAD|A, W 54612 Phone: 608-323-3363 Fax: 608-323-7965 Jorlrq Swrne Quote ld:6707587 Customer: VILLAGE OF TREMPEALEAU Quote Summary Prepared For: VILLAGE OF TREMPEALEAU 24455 3RD ST TREMPEALEAU, WI 54661 Equipment Summary JOHN DEERE 997 Commercial L. C. Diesel Max-Frame Z-Trak with 72 ln. Side Discharge 7-lron PRO Deck JOHN DEERE 2960A Commercial Zlrakwith 60 ln. 7-lron PRO MulchOn-Demand Deck and Comfort and Convenience SKT10170 Prepared By: TOM STEINMETZ 1530 WANEKAVENUE ARCAD|A, W|54612 Phone: 608-323-3363 tstei n metz@tractorce ntral. com Quote ld: 6707587 Created On: May 15,2012 Last Modified On: May 15,2012 Expiration Date: May 17,2012 Price $ 13,647.06 X Selling Extended Qty 1 - $ 11,000.74 X Equipment Total $ 13,647.06 $ 11,000.74 $ 24,647.80 Quote Summary Salesperson : X Equipment Total $ 24,647.80 SubTotal $ 24,647.80 Total $ 24,647.80 Down Payment (0.00) RentalApplied Balance Due (0.00) $ 24,647.80 Accepted By : X Selling Equipment -.lot"ll.tDtens Quote ld:6707587 Customer: VILLAGE OF TREMPEALEAU JOHN DEERE 997 Commercial L. C. Diesel Max-Frame Z-Trak with Side Discharge 7-lron PRO Deck 72ln. Hours: Stock Number: Description Max- 997 Commercial L. C. Diesel Frame Z-Trak with 72 ln. Side Discharqe 7-lron PRO Deck Qty 1 Selling Price $ 13,647.06 Unit Extended $ 19,375.00 $ 19,375.00 Other Charges $ 517.85 $ 40.00 $ 517.85 $ 557.85 $ -6,285.79 $ 19,932.85 $ -6,285.79 13,647 $ 40.00 EnviroCrate Freight Other Charges Total Suggested Price Discount Price JOHN DEERE 2960A Commercial ZTrak with 60 In. 7-lron PRO Mulch-OnDemand Deck and Comfort and Convenience SKTI0170 Hours: Stock Number: Description 29604 CommercialZTrak with 60 ln. 7lron PRO Mulch-On-Demand Deck and Qty 1 Selling Price $ 1 1,000.74 Extended Unit $15,380.00 $15,380.00 Comfort and Convenience SKT10170 Standard Options - Per Unit United States and Canada 1 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ o.oo 1 $ 40.00 1 $ 405.88 $ 40.00 $ 405.88 $ 445.88 Standard Options Total 6ttrer Charges EnviroCrate Freight Other Charges Total Suggested Price Discount $ -4,825.14 $ 15,825.88 $ -4,825.14 2012-20r3 LOCAL ROADS IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM STATE/]VIUNICIPAL PROJE CT AGREEMENT Date: December 29,2011 Project Number: County: 1T890 MSIPLT Accounting Code: 0880-13-04 FEIN Number: 396006389 00 Appropriation: 278 (Object Code: 5513) Trempealeau Municipality/County: VillageofTrempealeau On Route: College St. [686] At Route: 2nd St. Toward Route: 4th st. The signatory city, village, town or count5/, hereinafter called the MUNICIPALITY, through its duly authorized officers or officials via the signed LRIP application form and terms and conditions, and the State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation, hereinafter called the STATE, enter into this agreement to accomplish the described project. The authority for the MTINICIPALITY and the STATE to enter into this agreement is provided by the Administrative Code TRANS W isconsin 20 6.03 (l 2). Need for Improvement to Existing Facility: Asphalt-Severe Asphalt Deterioration Proposed Improvement: Reconstruction Pulverize existing pavement, widen and install curb and gutter between 2nd and 3rd St., add base where needed, and pave with hot mix asphalt. Estimated Cost Estimated Cost Preliminary Real Estate Engineering: Acquisition: LRIP / State Funds Municipal Funds $0.00 $0.00 Construction or Hot Mix Asphalt Purchase: Total Cost Distribution: $27,298'00 $27,298.00 s7,809.47 $19,488.53 This request is subject to the terms and conditions agreed to at the time of application for the designated MUNICIPALITY and upon acceptance by the STATE, per signature below, shall constitute agreement between the MUNICIPALITY and the STATE. Accepted for the State of Wisconsin, Department of Transportation: Local Transportation Programs and Finance Note: