Vivante Voice January 2016


Vivante Voice January 2016
January 2016
Happy New Year! 2016 marks the beginning of our third year as a community. Each year has been full of
successes, challenges, and opportunities to support one another and grow together as residents, family
and team members. This past year we have said goodbye to several cherished friends and welcomed
many new ones. The memories, good times and laughter we have shared, and those just waiting to be
made in the upcoming year bring a great sense of fondness and excitement. Together, we will continue
to change lives and build relationships. I am so thankful for Nexus Development, Vivante’s generous,
supportive, and innovative owner. Curt Olson & Cory Alder, with the support of the entire Nexus team,
built Vivante on the Coast to give back to those that were the backbone of our local community. Our collective 2016 resolution is to stay true to our Mission. We will continue to strive to create an environment
of unparalleled luxury and comfort for those who call Vivante home.
2016 is off to a fresh start, filled with new and exciting opportunities to live life to the fullest every day.
In addition, please consider getting involved in supporting one or two of the local charities Vivante will
be supporting along wih you, our wonderful and generous residents. Please review the Special Events &
Did You Know columns in addition to the calendar of each Vivante Voice. We strive to provide a robust and resident-driven variety of
educational, recreational, and relationship building opportunities. Your suggestions for the calendar are welcome and appreciated
so please do continue to share them. Our first Sunday Brunch of the year will be on January 10th. Don’t forget to invite your family
and friends to join you and make a reservation with the host station in the Mélange or by calling extension #4712.
Let us help you keep those resolutions you will undoubtedly make to exercise more, start a healthy eating plan, make new friends, or
learn a new skill. Research shows simply wanting to change is not enough; you need to make it stick. One way to do this is to share
your resolution with others. We would be delighted to help you set such goals and put an action plan together to help achieve them.
Whatever your New Year goals, give yourself some time to make them a reality–more time than you may have planned on, actually.
While most people cling to the widespread belief that new habits can be formed in 21 days, new research is suggesting that we need
a longer timetable. One recent study found it took participants an average of 66 days to do something different, and stick with it.
Cheers to the New Year and all the wonderful things to come!
This gentleman was born in Manhattan’s lower East Side and was raised in
a cold water flat that had a bathtub in the kitchen. His parents were from
Russia and Austria. He married in 1960 after meeting his wife Loretta at a
singles synagogue group. They both loved to dance and that “sealed the deal”
between them. Out of high school, he was enlisted in the Army Air Force
Technical School and was trained as a Radio Operators Mechanic. He fought
on the front lines in World War II, being awarded several medals including the
American Service Medal and Victory Medal. He served for three years and
was discharged honorably in 1946. After the service he worked as a women’s
lingerie cutter, making $12 a week. He went on into a career in theatrical lighting, setting up broadway stages and venues for entertainers like Tony Bennett
at the Waldorf Astoria.
You may have seen him dancing at a few of our happy hours lately as that is
one of his favorite things to do. He and his wife lived in New York and Florida,
and enjoyed traveling the world together. Prior to moving to California he was
the sole caregiver for his wife for the seven years before she passed away. He
enjoys Vivante and shares that his goal is to bring people together with what
he calls the universal language of music and dance. Who can this interesting
fellow be? He is sometimes referred to as “sweetie pie”.
Paula Snyder
Dorothy Gibbons
Janice Simmons
Mattie Futrell
This month’s newcomer lunch
will be held on January 12th at
11:30 in the Oak Room. Please
RSVP with the Concierge desk or
the Activities office.
1640 Monrovia Ave, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • 949.629.2100 • • Lic # 306004582
Our featured residents this month are Jack and Mary Reed, who where among the first residents to make
Vivante their new home. On the night of their first dinner here, Jack sat with Cory Alder, one of Vivante’s
founders, who asked Jack about his past. Jack mentioned his work at Seaboard Finance in Los Angeles. Cory
asked Jack if he knew Gene Alder (Cory’s father). It turns out that Gene was Jack’s boss! What a small world!
Jack was raised in the Lynwood area of L.A. County and, although he never completed high school or got a
college degree, graduated from Western State University, College of Law in 1972. Mary was raised in Fullerton and Placentia and had completed her A.A. degree in Library Tech Training at Fullerton Junior College in
1969. She immediately began working at the Technical Information Center at Union Oil Research Center in
Brea and continued to take college courses at night. She had always planned to go to USC Graduate School
of Library Science, after getting her B.A. in English.
Jack and Mary met in September 1970. Just five months later, Jack took a bad fall on the job. His doctor told
him he needed a cervical spine fusion or he would be paralyzed from the neck down. In March 1971, at age
37, he had the surgery and came out of it paralyzed from the neck down for six days. He spent a month
at Long Beach Memorial Rehabilitation, re-learning how to walk. At the time, Jack was a self-employed,
Jack & Mary Reed
licensed investigator. His clients were major insurance companies who hired him to film people suspected
of faking claims. When he was released from the hospital, Mary chose to move in and take care of Jack because he could barely walk
and couldn’t drive. Jack offered her a job working in his business at night and on weekends so that she could go back to college full time.
Mary graduated in two years from CSU Fullerton in June 1973. She then passed the Graduate Record Exam and was all set to go to USC
Graduate School of Library Science. However, she and Jack got married that September, and she began to work full time as a bookkeeper/Girl Friday in his investigation business. After many years of continued growth in the business, traveling around the world for
conventions and meetings, Jack got ‘restless’, as there were seemingly no more mountains to climb and their business was running like
clockwork. Jack had read an article in the Wall Street Journal in which IBM stated that they would have a computer in every home by
the year 2000. He determined that computerization was indeed the wave of the future and came up with the idea of purchasing ALL
the public record information from ALL the courts in California so that he could resell the information to other licensed investigators
and attorneys in a digital format. At that time, different courthouses kept their records on microfiche, microfilm and even hand-written in ledgers. It was a monumental task to gather all the data from each and every court in all 58 counties, but he did it. A few years
later, he decided to go national, and purchased all of the public record data from all courts in all 50 states! At that time, his was the
only privately-held company who had access to this data. Jack traveled back and forth to Washington DC to testify before Congress on
the issue of the right to privacy vs. what was legitimately ‘public record’. He reasoned the following in front of the courts: What if you
wanted to hire a banker or stock broker and couldn’t check into their background to make sure that they had never been convicted of
theft or fraud? Or, what if you wanted to hire a nanny or a grammar school teacher, and you couldn’t check to see if they had ever been
convicted of child molestation?
By 1999 this “Information” business had turned into a multi-million-dollar company. He and Mary decided to sell it, before it got too big
to be bought out. They retired to their vacation home in the Naples, Florida area, returning to their Orange County home for an occasional vacation. Now living at Vivante, they are close to Jack’s grandson and family, and Mary’s sister and family.
In December, we suffered the sudden and unexpected loss of two of our beloved residents; Harry Rawlins and Sara Scroggs. We will miss both of them
terribly and send out or sincerest condolences to their family and friends.
Harry Rawlins
Sara Scroggs
Vivante’s residents hold a meeting once a month to
discuss community issues in the absence of staff. You
are invited to ask questions, make suggestions, speak
freely with Council Members and our Ombudsman.
Staff is invited to join at the Council’s request and
may share updates within the Community, answer
questions and more. The meeting is located in the
CRO’s Nest.
You are encouraged to attend the next meeting on
Wednesday, January 13th at 2:00 p.m.
Our current council members are: Don Borthwick,
Georgiana McLeod, Bob Woodward, Catherine
Broker, Peggy Gordon, and Gay Purcilly. If you have
an interest in being a part of the Council, please
see Activities or call at 949 - 629 - 2100, extension
We would like to thank Shirley Sullivan and Mr.
& Mrs. Hulett for the holiday presentation of short
films created by Ralph Hulett, Shirley’s ex-husband.
The beautiful artwork and animated card collection
was a real treat. Thank you for sharing such special
films and stories!
Thank you to our residents who so kindly opened
up their homes over the holidays to share their décor and hospitality with others in the community. We
loved visiting the apartments of Betty Hinson, Molly
Doughty and Mary Neely. If you would have an interest in sharing your apartment for a happy hour with
other residents, the Activity Department is pleased
to provide the appetizers, treats, wine, set up and
clean up on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday at
3:30 p.m. (Please contact Activities if interested)
A huge thank you to Dori Kagan, our Vivante
Vocals leader, Catherine Titus, our accompanist,
Sally, our coordinator and all of our wonderful singers. The two concerts performed in The Shores and
Social Grounds were beautiful. You may view some of
the concert on the Vivante facebook page.
Dori Kagan, who is Marvin and Libby’s daughter, will
be leading the Vivante Vocal Group each Monday in
the Ivory Lounge area at 1:30 p.m. Please join us in the
group or come and listen.
Dori will also be offering an “Art for the Brain” class
each Wednesday, beginning January 6th at 1:30 p.m. in
the Social Grounds area. All supplies will be provided.
Coming Soon - We have quite a few that are enjoying
the blackjack and poker games. We have ordered two
new tables and will be receiving them shortly. Thank
you for joining us in the weekly games.
Regina Cole, Shores Program Director
Regina Cole, our Shores Program Director,
joined the Vivante Family in January 2015.
She was born and raised in Diamond Bar,
California and is the youngest of four children. She always believed that she was a
“surprise” since her three older siblings are
six, eight and nine years older than she is, respectively.
Regina was a joy to her family and was
always an active little girl, dancing tap, jazz
and ballet. She also took piano, organ and
clarinet lessons. Her most favorite activity
was playing soccer, so she decided to focus
on the sport, playing competitively from age five to nineteen. She attended
San Francisco State University, where she played soccer her freshman year,
but then decided to focus on her studies and graduated with a BS in Kinesiology, emphasizing in Exercise Science and Fitness.
Regina knew she wanted to help others and was most interested in sports
injuries and rehabilitation. While working at Sequoia Hospital in Redwood
City, she had the opportunity to not only work with injured athletes, but
also to teach cardiac rehabilitation classes with older adults in the community. This is where Regina fell in love with the senior population and accepted a new position as the Wellness and Exercise Director for Coventry Park
Assisted Living–a senior living community in San Francisco. She worked
at the community for seven years and, while doing so, obtained her MA
degree in Gerontology.
Regina met the love of her life in 2003 and together they have two beautiful
children, Jalen (age 5) and Kianna (age 3.5). In 2013, they left San Francisco
and moved to Southern California to be closer to family. Regina and her
family currently reside in Huntington Beach. It may not be San Francisco,
but they truly enjoy the weather, living near the ocean and, most importantly being close to their loved ones. We are very excited for Regina and
her family as they anticipate the arrival of their third child in May.
Lost & Found Glasses - If you have lost or misplaced
a pair, we have a jar near the Activities office on the
table with both reading and sunglasses that have
been found. Other lost and found items may be
checked for at the Concierge.
Roof Top Chats will now have two space heaters to
take the edge off the chill and allow for viewing the
beautiful sunsets and stars. Please join us at our weekly
chats near the aquarium, at the fire pits, on the roof
tops and in co-residents apartments. We usually meet
about 3:30 p.m. and would love to see you.
Specialized Services offered within Vivante:
Monday - Hearing Exams with Shawna 1:30-4:30 p.m.
Tuesday & Thursday - Massage with Victoria
Tuesday - Auto Wash/Detail $20 with Tony - 9 a.m. till
done. Give keys to the Concierge with space number.
Wednesday - Facials and Waxing with Paige - By Appt
Our January Birthday Dinner will be held on Wednesday, January 27th @ 5:00 p.m. Please look for your
invitation if you are celebrating a January birthday.
You are also invited to bring a complimentary guest
to join you.
For those who may be interested in attending a
“Friends of Bill” meeting, please contact the activities department.
Continued on page 4 - - >
Best wishes from Vivante!
January Birthdays
Mary Reed
Nial Morgan
Herbert Kawahara
Marilyn Silverman
Bob Christen
Nacho Lozano
Norell Clark
Sheila Rakestraw
Richard Murtaugh
Berenice Walsh
Chris Runa
Maria Villanueva
Susie Flores
Ruby Elias
Lupe Alegre
Sam Franciosa
Ursula Nelson
Paul Furgatch
Robert Rakestraw
Pat Schilling
Edwin Glasberg
Patricia Tilstrom
Linda Lee Harper
Jeana Farol
Juliana Juarez
Diane Lugo-Edmondson1/27
Joe Maldonado
Maria Carrillo
Araceli Garcia
Have you ever considered inviting your friends to visit Vivante?
We have wonderful spaces to host a bridge game luncheon, tea,
small lunch, birthday celebration, formal dinner etc. The spaces
listed below give an idea of capacity should you be interested.
Please see activities for booking in the following areas:
Oak Room - Up to 20 people
Club 52 - Up to 12 people
Cro’s Nest - Up to 50 people
Large parties may book in the Mélange and are
seated in the Grille section.
Vivante offers at least one exercise class daily and what better
way to start off the New Year than with a re-commitment to
fitness and wellness? Some of the classes offered are:
Total Body Fitness with Elizabeth - Mon. & Wed. @ 9:15 a.m.
Stretch Class with Megan - Tues. @ 9:30 a.m.
Water Aerobics with Lisa - Tues. & Thurs. @ 10:30a.m.
(Followed by a hot tub soak)
Total Body Fitness with Laura - Thurs., Fri. and Sat. @ 9:30 a.m.
Gym Circuit with the Activities team - Sun. @ 1:30 p.m.
January Events
Peking Acrobats
SOKA University
Friday, January 8th
Depart @ 7:00 p.m.
Tickets are $39.00
Kwanzaa Festival at the Bowers Museum
Sunday, January 3rd. Depart @ 1:00 p.m.
Teatro Martini - Comedy Dinner Theater
Sunday, January 9th - Buena Park
Bus Departs @ 6:30 p.m.
Please sign up in Activities. $69.95
Lin Plays Mozart
Violinist Cho-Liang Lin
Segerstrom Center
Thursday, January 7th
Depart @ 7:00 p.m.
Tickets - $40/$190.00
Laguna Beach Art Walk
Laguna Museum
Thursday, January 7th.
Stop for dinner before
viewing. Depart @ 4:30 p.m
Segerstrom Center
Sunday, January 3rd
Depart @ 12:00 p.m.
Tickets $29-$89
Irvine Museum - Independent Visions
Women Artists. Wednesday, January 13th
Depart @ 10:00 a.m. - Free
If/Then - Idina Menzel - Segrestrom
Saturday, January 23rd. Depart @ 1:00 p.m
Sign up with Activities for ticket pricing
N.Y. Metropolitan Opera - Live Simulcast
Saturday, January 16th. Depart @ 9:00 a.m.$27.00 - Bus - Box lunches available.
2 hours, 29 minute duration.
Rita Rudner in “Act 3” - Laguna Playhouse
Sunday, Jan 17th - 1:00 p.m. Showtime
Depart @ 12:00 p.m. - $58.00
Chinese New Year Concert
Segerstrom Center
Monday, January 18th
Depart @ 6:00 p.m.
Tickets $10-$35.00
“Red”-South Coast Repertory
Saturday, January 30th.
Depart @ 1:30 p.m. $69.00
N.Y. Metropolitan Opera - Live Simulcast
Saturday, January 30th, Depart @ 9:00 a.m.
$27.00 - Box lunches available
3 hours, 15 minutes duration
Diva’s of Hollywood
Friday, January 22nd
The Huntington Beach
Depart @ 7:00 p.m.
St. Louis Symphony
Wednesday, January 27th
Depart @ 6:30 p.m.
Tickets are $49.00
Little Saigon Flower Festival
Wednesday, January 20th
Asian Gardens, lunch, shopping.
Bus Departs @ 10:00 a.m.
January 2016
8:45, 9:00, 9:30 & 10:00 Church Transportation
8:30 Coffee Talk - Social Grounds
10:00 Walking Club - Meet @ SG
10:45 iPad Class & Current Events with Kim - SG
11:30 Bocce Ball - Front Patio
12:00 Friendship Table - Mélange Dining Rm
1:00 Garden Group - Palm Court
1:30 Mystery Trip with Chris - Bus
1:30 Pool Exercise - Splash Pool
1:30 Bingo with Kim - Oak Room
1:30 Movie Matinee - Balboa Hall
2:30 Blackjack @ Social Grounds
4:00 Kim on Saxophone - Social Grounds
7:00 Movie - Balboa Hall
8:45, 9:00, 9:30 & 10:00 Church Transportation
9:00 Coffee Talk w/Georgiana - Social Grounds
10:45 iPad Class - Social Grounds
11:15 Walking Club - Meet @ SG
12:00 Riverdance - OCPA - Bus
12:00 Friendship Table - Mélange
1:00 Tai Chi w/Megan - Mélange Lobby
1:00 Garden Club - Palm Court Patio
1:30 Movie Matinee - Balboa Hall
1:30 Kwanzaa Festival & Museum - Bowers
1:30 Bingo - Oak Room
2:30 Blackjack - Social Grounds
3:30 Jennifer Hart Singer and Sing along with
Vivante Vocals - Social Grounds
5:00 Friendship Table - Dinner
7:00 Movie - Balboa Hall
8:45, 9:00, 9:30 & 10:00 Church Transportation
8:30 Coffee Talk - Social Grounds
10:45 iPad Class and Current Events - SG
11:30 - 1:30 Champagne Brunch - w/Dave on
11:15 Walking Club - Meet @ Social Grounds
1:00 Tai Chi with Kim - Mélange Lobby
1:00 Garden Group - Palm Court
1:00 Westpark Theater
1:30 Bingo - Oak Room
1:30 Movie Matinee - Balboa Hall
1:30 Pool Exercise - Splash
2:00 Blackjack - Social Grounds
2:30 Health Talk - Social Grounds
3:30 Raza Singer - Social Grounds
5:00 Friendship Table - Mélange
7:00 Movie - Balboa Hall
8:00 Rose Bowl Parade - Mélange Lobby
9:00 Coffee Talk - Social Grounds
9:30 Exercise with Laura & Kathleen - MF
10:45 iPad Class @ Social Grounds
11:30 Walking Club - Meet in Social Grounds
1:00 Tai Chi with Kim - Mélange Lobby
1:30 Music Appreciation w/Kim - Balboa Hall
1:30 Art Project with Laura - Mélange
2:00 Rose Bowl Game - Mélange & Club 52
2:00 - 3:00 Bingo with Kim - Oak Room
4:00 Rick McClellen - One Man Band - Holiday
Show - Mélange Lobby
5:30 Friendship Table w/Kim - Mélange
7:00 Movie - (Classic) Balboa Hall
Sunday Brunch
Mélanage Restaurant
Sunday, January 10th
11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Please R.S.V.P with the Mélange Host
8:45, 9:00, 9:30 & 10:00 Church Transportation
8:30 Coffee Talk - Social Grounds
10:45 iPad Class & Current Events with Kim - ML
11:15 Walking Group - Meet in Social Grounds
12:00 Friendship Table w/Megan - MDR
12:00 Matinee - Balboa Hall
1:30 Pool Exercise - Splash
1:30 Bingo with Kim - Oak Room
2:30 Blackjack @ Social Grounds
3:30 Ultimate Duo - Social Grounds
5:00 Friendship Dinner Table with Kim - Mélange
7:00 Movie - Balboa Hall
8:45, 9:00, 9:30 & 10:00 Church Transportation
8:30 Coffee Talk - Social Grounds
10:00 Walking Club - Meet @ SG
10:45 iPad Class & Current Events with Kim - SG
11:30 Bocce Ball - Front Patio
12:00 Friendship Table - Mélange Dining Rm
1:00 Garden Group - Palm Court
1:00 The Man from Earth - Cabrillo Playhouse - $20/25
1:30 Mystery Trip with Chris - Bus
1:30 Pool Exercise - Splash Pool
1:30 Bingo with Kim - Oak Room
1:30 Movie Matinee - Balboa Hall
2:30 Blackjack @ Social Grounds
4:00 Armando Cardoza Singer - SG
7:00 Movie - Balboa Hall
9:15 Total Body Exercise - Motion Fitness
9:30 Current Events - Social Grounds
9:45 Pilates, Tai Chi, Chi Kong & Meditation - MF
10:00 Silk Scarf painting with Rhea
10:45 iPad Class @ Social Grounds
11:00 Trivial Pursuit - Oak Room
11:15 Walking Club - Meet @ Social Grounds
11:15 Adapt to It - Device Adjustments
1:00 Mahjong and Canasta - ML
1:30 Hearing Exams - Therapy Room
1:30 Drawing with the Right Side of the Brain - ML
1:30 Vivante Vocals w/Dori - Social Grounds
1:30 Movie Matinee - Balboa Hall
2:00 Baking with Berenice - Social Grounds
2:30 Bible Study with Kerri - Oak Room
2:30 Library Project - Apt 229
3:00 Room Visits and 3:30 Firepit Chat - Palm Court
4:00 Tai Chi Exercise – Mélange Lobby
5:00 Friendship Table with Kim - Mélange
7:00 Movie - Balboa Hall
9:00 Coffee Talk - Social Grounds
9:15 Total Body Exercise - Motion Fitness
9:30 Current Events - Social Grounds
9:45 Pilates, Tai Chi, Chi Kong & Meditation
10:30 Resident Council Meeting - Oak Room
11:00 Trivial Pursuit - Oak Room
1:00 Mahjong - Mélange Lobby
1:00 Walking Club - Meet @ Social Grounds
1:30 - 4:30 Shauna/Hearing Exams - Therapy Room
1:30 Vivante Vocals w/Dori - Social Grounds
1:30 Pool Exercise - Splash
1:30 Drawing with the Right Side of the Brain - ML
1:30 Poker in the Mélange Lobby
2:00 Knitting - Mélange Lobby
2:30 Bible Study/Small Group with Kerri - ML
3:00 Room Visits
3:30 Palm Court Chat w/wine
4:00 Travel Film - Mélange Lobby
7:00 Movie - Balboa Hall
9:00 Coffee Talk - Social Grounds
9:15 Total Body Exercise - Motion Fitness
9:30 Current Events - Social Grounds
9:45 Pilates, Tai Chi, Chi Kong & Meditation - MF
10:30 iPad Class @ Social Grounds
11:00 Trivial Pursuit - Oak Room
1:00 “Act 3” with Rita Rudner - Laguna Playhouse
1:30 - 4:30 Shauna Hearing Exams - Therapy Room
1:30 Vivante Vocals w/Dori - Social Grounds
1:30 Pool Exercise Class - Splash
1:30 Drawing with the Right Side of the Brain - ML
2:00 Baking with Berenice - Social Grounds
2:30 Bible Study/Small Group with Kerri - Oak Room
3:00 Room Visits
3:30 Fireside Chat - Palm Court
4:00 Tai Chi Exercise - Mélange Lobby
5:00 Friendship Table with Kim - Mélange
7:00 Movie - Balboa Hall
8:00 - 3:00 Massage Inc - Therapy Room
9:00 Coffee Talk - Social Grounds
9:30 Exercise with Activities - Motion Fitness
10:00 The Right Touch Car Wash - $20
10:15 Gym Circuit Instruction - Motion Fit
10:30 Shores Outing - Bus & Off site walking Club
11:00 Walk & Stretch - Meet in SG
11:00 Growers Group - Palm Courtyard
*Triangle Square Movie Outing - Bus
1:00 Art Project - Palette
1:00 Mexican Train - Mélange
1:30 Movie Matinee - Balboa Hall
1:30 Short Story Reading with Hedy - Library
2:00 Knitting - Mélange Lobby and Lite
3:30 Rooftop Chat - Appetizers/Wine
4:30 Travel Film - Mélange
5:00 Friendship Table - Mélange
7:00 Movie - Balboa Hall
9:00 Coffee Talk - Social Grounds
9:15 Total Body Exercise w/Elizabeth - MF
9:30 Current Events - Social Grounds
9:45 Pilates, Tai Chi, Chi Kong & Meditation
10:30 iPad Class @ Social Grounds
11:00 Trivial Pursuit - Oak Room
1:00 Mahjong & Canasta Mélange Lobby
1:30 - 4:30 Shauna Hearing Exams - Therapy Room
1:30 Vivante Vocals w/Dori - Social Grounds
1:30 Pool Exercise Class - Splash
1:30 Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain
2:00 Baking with Berenice - Social Grounds
2:30 Library Project - Apt #229
2:30 Bible Study/Small Gorup
3:30 Palm Court Chat w/wine
5:00 Friendship Table - Mélange
7:00 Movie - Balboa Hall
9:00 Coffee Talk - Social Grounds
9:15 Total Body Fitness w/Elizabeth - MF
9:30 Current Events - Social Grounds
9:45 Pilates, Tai Chi, Chair Yoga, Meditation - MF
10:00 Facials with Paige - Therapy Room
10:45 iPad Class - Social Grounds
11:00 Trivial Pursuit - Oak Room
11:00 Walking Club - Meet at S/G
11:00 Balboa Island Lunch Outing
1:00 Mahjong and Canasta w/Sally - ML
1:30 Pool Exercise - Splash
1:30 Movie Matinee - Balboa Hall
3:00 Growers Group - Palm Courtyard
3:30 Health Talk - Mélange Lobby
4:00 Biography Film - Mélange Lobby
7:00 Movie - Balboa Hall
8:30 - 3:30 Massage Inc - Therapy Room
9:00 Coffee Talk - Social Grounds
9:30 Exercise with LeeAnna - Motion Fitness
10:30 Water Aerobics with Lisa - Splash
10:45 iPad Class @ Social Grounds
11:00 Walking/Stretch Club - Meet @ SG
1:00 Art Project with Laura - Mélange
1:30 Pool Exercise – Splash Pool
1:30 Short Story Reading with Hedy - Library
2:00 Brain Fit - Mélange Lobby
2:30 Poker in the Mélange Lobby
2:30 Balance Class w/Sally - Motion Fit
3:00 Room Visits
4:30 Happy Hour @ Social Grounds w/Colette
4:30 Laguna Beach Art Walk - Museum & Dinner
6:00 Elvis Story - Regency Theater
7:00 Lin Plays Mozart - Segerstrom - $25-$120
7:00 Movie - Balboa Hall
8:00 - 3:00 Massage Inc - Therapy Room
9:00 Coffee Talk - Social Grounds
8:30 - 3:30 Massage Inc - Therapy Room
9:30 Exercise with Activities - Motion Fitness
9:30 Current Events - Social Grounds
9:00 Coffee Talk - Social Grounds
10:00 Maggie’s Boutique - Mélange Lobby
9:30 Exercise with Laura - Motion Fitness
10:00 The Right Touch Car Wash with Tony
10:30 Pool Aerobics with Lisa - Splash
10:30 Ambassador Meeting - Oak Room
10:00 Irvine Museum - Independent Visions - Free 10:45 iPad Class - Social Grounds
10:30 Pool Exercise with Lisa - Splash
10:45 iPad Class @ Social Grounds
10:45 iPad Class - Social Grounds
1:00 Putting Practice on the Green
11:00 Trivial Pursuit - Oak Room
11:00 Walk & Stretch - Meet in SG
1:00 Art w/ Sally - Mélange
11:00 Growers Group - Palm Courtyard
11:00 Walking Club - Meet @ Social Grounds
1:30 Tai Chi Exercise - Mélange
11:30 New Resident Welcome Luncheon - OR
1:00 Habits of Happiness in Social Grounds
1:30 Movie Matinee - Balboa Hall
1:00 Art project with LeeAnna - Mélange
1:30 Movie Matinee - Balboa Hall
1:30 Pool Exercise – Splash
2:00 All Resident Meeting - CRO’s Nest
1:30 Pool Exercise - Splash
1:30 Short Story Reading with Hedy - Library
2:30 Berenice in Shores
1:30 Short Story Reading with Hedy - Library
3:00 Vivante Property Tour & appliance demos, etc. 2:00 Canasta - Social Grounds
2:30 Laura in Shores/& Brain Fit - Mélange
3:00 Health Talk - Social Grounds
3:30 Blackjack - Mélange Lobby
2:30 Mexican Train - Mélange Lobby
3:30 Firepit Chat with Appetizers/Wine
4:00 - 6:00 CRO’s Nest - w/James Rader on Guitar
4:30 Pretty Nails - Mélange Lobby
4:00 Travel Film - Mélange Lobby
5:00 Friendship Table - Mélange
6:00 Nutrition Revolution Presentation 5:00 Friendship table with Laura - Mélange Dining 5:00 Side Door @ Five Crowns with Sally
Great Park - Irvine/Bus
7:00 Movie - Balboa Hall
7:00 Movie - Balboa Hall
7:00 Movie - Balboa Hall
8:30 Massage Inc - Therapy Room
8:00 The Right Touch - Car Wash - $20
9:00 Coffee Talk - Social Grounds
8:30 - 3:30 Massage Inc - Therapy Room
9:15 Total Body Exercise/Elizabeth - MF
9:00 Coffee Talk - Social Grounds
9:30 Activities Total Body Class - MF
9:45 Pilates, Tai Chi, Chi Kong.Meditation - MFD 9:30 Total Body Exercise w/LeeAnna
9:00 Coffee Talk - Social Grounds
10:00 Facials with Paige - Therapy Room
10:00 Brain Fit - Social Grounds
9:30 Current Events - Social Grounds
10:45 iPad Class - Social Grounds
10:45 iPad Class - Social Grounds
10:30 iPad Class @ Social Grounds
11:00 Trivial Pursuit - Oak Room
11:00 Walking Club - Meet in Social Grounds
10:30 Pool Aerobics with Lisa - Splash
10:00 Flower Festival, lunch, shopping in Little Saigon 1:00 Art Project - Artists Palette
11:00 Walking Club - Meet @ Social Grounds
11:00 Walking Club - Meet @ Social Grounds
11:00 Growers Group - Palm Courtyard
1:30 Gym Assistance - Motion Fitness
11:00 Dana Point Picnic ZOuting
1:00 Art Project - Mélange Lobby
1:30 Movie Matinee - Balboa Hall
1:30 Pool Exercise Class - Splash Pool
1:00 Mahjong – Mélage Lobby
2:00 Reminiscing - Social Grounds
1:30 Short Story Reading with Hedy - OR
1:30 Movie Matinee - Balboa Hall
2:30 Short Story Reading with Hedy - Library
2:30 Brain Fit with Sally - Mélange
1:30 Habits of Happiness - Mélange Lobby
2:00 Reminiscing - Social Grounds
3:00 Martin Luther King Film & Trivia - ML
2:00 Pretty Nails - Mélange Lobby
3:00 Growers Group - Palm Courtyard
3:00 Room Visits
4:00 Blackjack - Mélange Lobby
3:30 Health Talk - Social Grounds
5:00 Friendship Table with Megan - Mélange
4:00 - 6:00 CRO’s Nest Open w/Colette
3:30 Fireside Chat - Palm Court Patio
6:00 Chinese New Year Concert - OCPA - Bus
7:00 Movie - Balboa Hall
7:00 Movie - Balboa Hall
7:00 Movie - Balboa Hall
8:00 The Right Touch - Car Wash - $20
9:00 Coffee Talk - Social Grounds
8:30 Massage Inc - Therapy Room
9:15 Total Body Exercise/Elizabeth - MF
8:30 - 3:30 Massage Inc - Therapy Room
9:00 N.Y. Met Opera - Live Simulcast
9:30 Exercise with Activities - MF
Puccini’s Turandot - $22 - Bus
9:00 Coffee Talk - Social Grounds
9:00 Coffee Talk - Social Grounds
10:30 iPad Class @ Social Grounds
9:30 Total Body Exercise w/LeeAnna
11:00 Walking Club - Meet @ Social Grounds
10:30 Pool Aerobics with Lisa - Splash
10:00 Brain Fit - Social Grounds
10:45 iPad Class @ Social Grounds
11:00 Walking Club - Meet @ Social Grounds
10:30 Foot Committee Meeting - Oak Room
11:00 Trivial Pursuit - Oak Room
11:00 Growers Group - Palm Courtyard
1:00 Art Project with Sally - Mélange
10:45 iPad Class - Social Grounds
1:00 Art Project - Mélange Lobby
11:00 Walking Club - Meet in Social Grounds
1:30 Pool Exercise Class - Splash Pool
1:00 “Red” - S.C. Repertory - Bus
1:30 Short Story Reading with Hedy - Library
1:30 Movie Matinee - Balboa Hall
2:30 Brain Fit with Sally - Mélange
2:00 Reminiscing - Social Grounds
2:30 Spanish Class with Laura - Mélange
3:00 Growers Group - Palm Courtyard
2:30 Short Story Reading with Hedy - Library
2:30 LeeAnna in Shores - Art
3:30 Firepit Chat - wine etc.
3:00 Room Visits
3:30 Fireside Chat - Palm Court Patio
4:00 Blackjack - Mélange Lobby
5:00 Birthday Dinner w/Dave on Guitar - CRO’s
4:00 - 6:00 CRO’s Nest Open w/Colette - Singer
7:00 Movie - Balboa Hall
7:00 Movie - Balboa Hall
9:00 Coffee Talk - Social Grounds
9:00 Yoga with Kathleen - Motion Fitness
9:30 Exercise with Laura & Kathleen - MF
10:15 Pool Aerobics with Laura - Splash
10:45 iPad Class @ Social Grounds
11:00 Room Visits
11:30 Walking Club - Meet in Social Grounds
1:00 Tai Chi with Laura - Mélange Lobby
1:30 Gym Assistance - Motion Fitness
1:30 Music Appreciation with Kim - Balboa
2:00 - 3:00 Bingo - Oak Room w LeeAnna
2:30 Brain Fit - Mélange Lobby
4:00 Happy Hour w/Dave Deluca on Guitar - ML
5:30 Friendship Table with Kim - Mélange
7:00 Peking Acrobats - SOKA - $39 - Aliso Viejo
7:00 Movie - (Classic) Balboa Hall
9:00 Coffee Talk - Social Grounds
9:00 Yoga with Kathleen - Motion Fitness
9:30 Exercise with Laura & Kathleen - MF
10:15 Pool Aerobics with Laura - Splash
10:45 iPad Class with Kim - Social Grounds
11:00 Walking Club w/Kim - SG
1:00 Putting Practice on the Green
1:00 Current Events - Social Grounds
1:30 Music Appreciation Program w/Kim - BH
2:30 Open Art Studio - Artist Palette
2:30 Library Project - Apt #229
4:00 April Walsh Singer and “Doris Day” Happy
Hour - Mélange
5:30 Friendship Table with Kim - Mélange
7:00 Movie - (Classic) Balboa Hall
9:00 Coffee Talk - Social Grounds
9:30 Yoga w/Kathleen & Total Body Exercise Laura - MF
10:45 iPad Class @ Social Grounds
11:00 Walking Club - Meet @ SG
11:30 Current Events - Social Grounds
1:30 “Music Appreciation Program with Kim - BH
2:30 Brain Fit Program - Mélange
3:30 James Rader on Guitar - Happy Hour Mélange Lobby
6:00 Dinner Outing and Fabulous Divas of Hollywood Show
At Huntington Beach Playhouse - $15 - Bus
7:00 Movie - Balboa Hall
9:00 Coffee Talk-Social Grounds
9:30 Yoga w/Kathleen & Total Body Exercise
with Laura-MF
10:45 ipad Class @ Current Events - SG
11:00 Walking Club-Meet @ SG
11:30 Current Events-Social Grounds
1:30 “Music Appreciation Program with Kim - BH
2:00 Open Art Studio - Artist’s Palette
2:30 Brain Fit Program - Mélange Lobby
4:00 Happy Hour - Kim on Saxophone - ML
7:00 Movie -Balboa Hall
9:00 Coffee Talk - Social Grounds
9:30 Total Body Exercise - Motion Fitness
10:00 Five Rites Class - Motion Fitness
10:15 Legends in Concert - Mélange Lobby
10:30 Shores Outing - Bus
10:45 iPad Class @ Social Grounds
1:00 Tai Chi Class - Mélange Lobby
1:30 Bingo with Laura - Oak Room
1:30 Mystery Outing with Chris - Bus
2:30 Games with Sally - Mélange
3:00 Motion Fitness Gym Assistance
4:00 - 6:00 CRO’s Nest Open - w/Kim on Sax
5:00 Friendship Table w/Laura - Mélange
7:00 Movie - Balboa Hall
9:00 Coffee Talk - Social Grounds & Errand Run
10:15 Legends in Concert - Mélange Lobby
10:30 Judy’s Gems Boutique - Mélange
10:45 iPad Class @ Social Grounds
11:00 Current Events @ Social Grounds
1:30 Open Art Studio - AP
1:30 Mystery Outing with Chris – Bus
1:30 Putting Practice with Kim
2:30 Library Project - Apt #229
2:30 Brain Fit - Mélange Lobby
3:30 Blackjack - Mélange Lobby
3:30 Errand Loop - Bus
4:00 - 6:00 CRO’s Nest Open w/Kim on Sax
*Friendship Table in CRO’s Nest Today*
6:30 Teatro Martini Dinner/Comedy Show - Bus
7:00 Movie - Balboa Hall
9:00 Coffee Talk - Social Grounds
9:00 Errand Run - Back by 10:30/Shores Trip
9:00 NY Metropolitan Opera - Live Simulcast
“Les Pecheurs de Perles”
9:30 Total Body Exercise w Laura - Motion Fitness
10:45 iPad Class/Current Events - Social Grounds
11:30 Walking Club - Meet in SG
11:30 Friendship Table w/Kim - Mélange
1:30 Laguna Beach Shopping/Scenic Outing - Bus
2:00 Games with Kim - Mélange
2:30 Brain Fit with Laura - Mélange Lobby
2:30 Library Project - Apt #229
2:30 Vivante Tour - Appliance Demo, Transportation Tips, Exercise Equipment Demo, etc.
3:30 Blackjack - Social Grounds
4 - 6 CRO’s Nest Open w/John Cosgriff on Keyboards
7:00 Movie - (Classic) Balboa Hall
9:00 Errand Run - Back by 10:30/Shore Trip
9:00 Coffee Talk - Social Grounds
9:15 Total Body Exercise - Motion Fitness
10:15 Legends in Concert – Mélange
10:45 iPad Class & Current Events - SG
11:00 Walking Club - Social Grounds
1:00 If/Then Play - OCPA - Bus
1:30 Mystery Outing with Chris – Bus
1:30 Music Appreciation with Kim - Balboa
1:30 Blackjack - Social Grounds
2:30 Library Project & Dakim Brain Fit Instruction Apt #229 and Library
2:30 Brain Fit Class - Mélange Lobby
4:00 - 6:00 CRO’s Nest Open w/Kim on Sax
5:00 Friendship Table - Mélange
6:45 Hitoshi & Friends Classical - Social Grounds
7:00 Movie - Balboa Hall
9:00 Puccini’s Turandot-N.Y. Met Opera
Tustin - $22 - Bus.
9:00 Coffee Talk - Social Grounds
9:15 Total Body Exercise - Motion Fitness
10:15 Legends in Concert - Mélange Lobby
10:45 iPad Class & Current Events - SG
11:00 Walking Club - Social Grounds
1:30 “Red” @ the S.C. Repertory - $64 - Bus and
South Coast Plaza Shopping.
1:30 Music Appreciation with Kim – Balboa Hall
1:30 Blackjack - Social Grounds
2:30 Library Project & Dakim Brain Fit Instruction
2:30 Brain Fit Class - Mélange Lobby
4:00-6:00 Cro’s Nest Open - Ronnie Jayne Singer
from 4:30-5:30 p.m.
5:00 Friendship Table - Mélange
7:00 Movie - Balboa Hall
Curt Olson - CEO
Cory Alder - President
Jennifer Kornmann - Executive Director
Tahmina Aziz - Asst. Executive Director
Beth Otterbein - Community Mktg Director
Dee Vollendorff - Community Mktg Director
Diana Fransis Onorato - Community Mktg
Hazel Zaragoza - Health Services Director
Danniele Hansen - Move In Coordinator
Megan Stilwell - Activity Director
Regina Cole - Shores Program Director
Carol da Costa - Shores Activity Director
Tessa English - Life Enrichment Coordinator
Joe Maldonado - Maintenance Director
Mark Thompson - Technology Director
Alex Godinez - Executive Chef
Christopher Baker - Dining Room Manager
Berna Reyes - Dining Room Supervisor
Vivante’s highest mission is complete satisfaction for our
residents, families, and team members. We consistently
strive to create an environment of unparalleled luxury and
comfort, coupled with the highest level of personalized
service. The Vivante experience will enhance your lifestyle,
maintain your independence, and foster a community of
health and well - being.
Our “Guess Who” resident is Herbert Orenstein
1640 Monrovia Avenue
Costa Mesa, CA 92627
(949) 629-2100
License # 306004582
Vivante on the Coast is licensed as a Residential Care Facility for the Elderly by the Community Care Licensing Division of the California Department of Social Services (License
No. 306004582). Vivante is a servicemark of Nexus Development Corporation/Central Division. Equal Housing Opportunity. Please contact us to be removed from our mailing list.

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