GIVING BACK B.A.C.A. Bikers Against Child Abuse


GIVING BACK B.A.C.A. Bikers Against Child Abuse
B.A.C.A. Mission Statement
“Bikers Against Child Abuse (B.A.C.A.) exists
with the intent to create a safer environment for
abused children. We exist as a body of bikers to
empower children to not feel afraid of the world
in which they live. We stand ready to lend support
to our wounded friends by involving them with
an established, united organization. We work in
conjunction with local and state officials who are
already in place to protect children. We desire
to send a clear message to all involved with
the abused child that this child is a part of our
organization, and that we are prepared to lend
our physical and emotional support to them by
affiliation and our physical presence. We stand
at the ready to shield these children from further
abuse. We do not condone the use of violence
or physical force in any manner; however, if
circumstances arise such that we are the only
obstacle preventing a child from further abuse, we
stand ready to be that obstacle.”
g i v i n g
b a c k
by Shelley Jukanovich
N W M O M M a g a zin e . c om
Fall 2015
C h i l l s m a d e t h e i r way up my arms
as I witnessed sixty local bikers make a
thundering entrance into the Mission
Motors of Stanwood parking lot for a
rally. The bikers, known as B.A.C.A., were
there in support of a local family who had
experienced the unthinkable—the abuse of
an innocent child. B.A.C.A., or Bikers Against
Child Abuse, left an impression on me that
will forever change my image of ‘bikers’.
B.A.C.A. International, Inc. was founded by
John Paul “Chief” Lilly in 1995. Chief, a Licensed
Clinical Social Worker, saw a greater need for
protecting boys and girls who were victims of
abuse. Though the court system has done much
to help abused children, there are limitations
that sometimes prevent children from getting
the help that they need. Chief saw a need and
moved to address it. B.A.C.A. was formed and
is now an international organization that has
offered protection to thousands of children in
nine different countries.
There's only one
thing in the hearts of
B.A.C.A. members—
to unselfishly offer
their protection and
their presence to
hurting children.
observers in tears. As I introduced myself
to several members I was struck by how
compassionate and full of love they were. These
B.A.C.A. members were ‘all in’. They were there
for the children no matter how great the need.
‘Trouble’ and her husband, ‘Superman’, have been
B.A.C.A. members for three years. Superman is
now the president of the North Sound Chapter.
The North Sound Chapter of B.A.C.A., along
with a few members from the Canadian Chapter,
arrived at Mission Motors with one thing in their
hearts—to unselfishly offer their protection and
their presence to hurting children. Immediately
upon arriving, several bikers strategically took
an intimidating stance at the entrance to the
parking lot, acting as a shield of protection.
These B.A.C.A. members were part of a security
team and had the title ‘Guard Dog’ embroidered
on their B.A.C.A. vests. To try to explain the
statement that this made to our friends and
our community is impossible. To experience the
depth of love and commitment that the B.A.C.A.
members exuded was overwhelming. To be a part
of something so incredibly powerful was lifechanging and inspiring beyond words.
The bikers circled up, officially adopting our
friends into their B.A.C.A. family. They shared
their mission and their commitment to the girls,
showering them with hugs and gifts. Each girl
received an official B.A.C.A. vest embroidered with
their chosen biker road name. On the back of the
vest was the B.A.C.A. patch, which holds great
significance for the organization. “White represents
the innocence of children, red represents the
blood of the children that has been spilled, the
fist represents our opposition to child abuse, the
skull and crossbones is the symbol to the death of
child abuse, and the chains represent our united
It was a powerful experience that left many
Fall 2015
N W M O M M a g a zi ne .c o m
g i v i n g
b a c k
He is also the State Secretary and
International Development Officer for
B.C., Canada. Trouble had the following
to say about the impact that B.A.C.A.
has had on her life: “Other than raising
my own children, this has been the most
rewarding thing I’ve done in my entire
life. Empowering these abused children
and making them feel safe in their world
is truly the best feeling ever!”
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N W M O M M a g a zin e . c om
Fall 2015
I was filled with awe at the unselfish,
enormous hearts of this organization.
As I watched Trouble and the other
B.A.C.A. members surround my friend’s
kids with their love and protection, I felt
like I was experiencing something very
extraordinary. As a sort of ceremonial
gesture, a couple of bikers took the girls
for a cruise around the block, escorted in
the front and the rear by other B.A.C.A.
members. Protection for the kids is
paramount to the B.A.C.A. organization.
After the initial B.A.C.A. rally, each child
received the name and number of the
two B.A.C.A. members residing closest
to them. Those two members become
the child’s contact person, whom they
can call on anytime they feel scared or
threatened. These contacts will provide
whatever it takes to make the child feel
safe. With permission from the parents,
the members will enter the child’s home
if he or she is scared and will even
accompany them to court if requested.
Karin, the mother of one abused child,
had the following to say about B.A.C.A:
“The B.A.C.A. rally was so powerful in the
message it relayed to my children and
me. Sexual child abuse is so taboo in our
society that it allows the hideous acts to
grow and almost go unchecked. Not with
B.A.C.A.! They don’t look the other way
or shy away. They boldly face it head
on and stand in the gap in whatever is
needed for the children to not only feel
safe and secure, but loved and worthy.
When tragedy like this strikes, though
there is one perpetrator, the ripple effect
devastates many, many lives. You find
out really fast who is truly worthy of your
friendship. And sadly, it is just a handful
at best. With B.A.C.A. we have true
friends—family for life. People we can
really count on to show ongoing love
and support. It feels like someone really
has our back. Thank you, B.A.C.A. We
love and appreciate you!”
If you know of an abuse situation, or
would like to join the B.A.C.A. family,
contact, or call
the International Information Hotline
at (866) 712-2873 and take a stand
against child abuse.
B.A.C.A. Creed
By Chief
Adapted from “The Fellowship of the
I am a member of Bikers Against Child
Abuse. The die has been cast. The
decision has been made. I have stepped
over the line. I won’t look back, let up,
slow down, back away, or be still.
My past has prepared me, my present
makes sense, and my future is secure.
I’m finished and done with low living,
sight walking, small planning, smooth
knees, colorless dreams, tamed visions,
mundane talking, cheap giving, and
dwarfed goals.
I no longer need pre-eminence,
prosperity, position, promotions, plaudits,
or popularity. I don’t have to be right,
first, tops, recognized, praised, regarded,
or rewarded. I now live by the faith in my
works, and lean on the strength of my
brothers and sisters. I love with patience,
live by prayer, and labor with power.
My fate is set, my gait is fast, my goal is
the ultimate safety of children. My road is
narrow, my way is rough, my companions
are tried and true, my Guide is reliable,
my mission is clear. I cannot be bought,
compromised, detoured, lured away,
turned back, deluded, or delayed. I will
not flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate
in the presence of adversity, negotiate
at the table of the enemy, ponder at the
pool of popularity, or meander in the
maze of mediocrity.
I won’t give up, shut up, let up, until I
have stayed up, stored up, prayed up,
paid up, and showed up for all wounded
children. I must go until I drop, ride until
I give out, and work till He stops me.
And when He comes for His own, He
will have no problem recognizing me, for
He will see my B.A.C.A. back patch and
know that I am one of His. I am a member
of Bikers Against Child Abuse, and this is
my creed. nwm
206 . 691 . 2625
Fall 2015
N W M O M M a g a zi ne .c o m