Med Student Presentation v2.pptx - CSAM


Med Student Presentation v2.pptx - CSAM
It’s Time for an IntervenBon… You !
have a Drug Problem Lisa Hunt, PGY-­‐2 Psychiatry University of Calgary [email protected] Why care…? 47,000 Canadian deaths
linked to substance abuse annually Canada’s illegal drug trade has hit a 30-year high !
60% of illicit drug users in Canada are between 15-24 years of age!
ProporBon of Canadians who’ve used an illicit drug has risen 28 ! 45%!
Opioid Rxs have risen 850% in the last 10 years!
Acute Care Hospital Days due to Illicit Drugs rose 949% $40 Billion Dollars spent annually due to substance abuse ($8.8B on Health Care) Every $1 invested in AddicBon Treatment Programs yields >$12 Savings in Health costs, drug-­‐related crime, criminal jusBce costs, theW. 25% of Residents feel Unprepared !
to diagnose a SUD 62% of Residents feel Unprepared to treat AddicBon h\p://www.csam-­‐ Student Membership is Free REFERENCES 1. Hayes, Nick. “ Top 10 Drug AddicBon Myths.” Drug Rehab Blog. October 22, 2009. Narconon. February 27, 2011. h<p://­‐addicCon/top-­‐10-­‐drug-­‐addicCon-­‐myths.html 2. Mate, Gabor. In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts. Toronto: Alfred A. Knopf Canada, 2008. 3. McKenna, C. and Ross, C. “DiagnosBc conundrums in substance abusers with psychiatric symptoms: variables suggesBve of dual diagnosis. American Journal of Drug & Alcohol Abuse. 20 (4): 397-­‐412. November 1994. 4. Khantzian, E. J., “ The Self-­‐MedicaBon Hypothesis of Substance Use Disorders: A ReconsideraBon and Recent ApplicaBons.” Harvard Review of Psychiatry. 4 (5): 231-­‐44. Jan-­‐Feb 1997. 5. Welzl, Hans. “Frontal Lobe – Higher CogniBve FuncBons.” May 31, 2010. InsCtute of Anatomy – Neuroanatomy and Behavior Group. February 27, 2011. h<p:// 6. “Sekng the TacBcal Scene.” EMS World. January 12, 2011. EMS World. February 27, 2011. h<p://­‐World/Se\ng-­‐the-­‐TacCcal-­‐Scene/1$4358 7. “Anatomy.” The Brain Wizard. 2008. The Brain Wizard. February 27, 2011. h<p:// 8. “Bringing the Power of Science to Bear on Drug Abuse and AddicBon.” The NaConal InsCtute on Drug Abuse. NaConal InsCtutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. February 27, 2011. h<p:// 9. “Cocaine – Abuse and AddicBon.” The NaConal InsCtute on Drug Abuse. NaConal InsCtutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. February 27, 2011. h<p:// 10. “Bringing the Power of Science to Bear on Drug Abuse and AddicBon.” The NaConal InsCtute on Drug Abuse. NaConal InsCtutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. February 27, 2011. h<p:// 11. “Cocaine – Abuse and AddicBon.” The NaConal InsCtute on Drug Abuse. NaConal InsCtutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. February 27, 2011. h<p://
effects.html 12. “Fried Alive.” Life or Meth. Life or Meth. February 27, 2011. h<p://­‐alive/4509266231 13. “Strange but True AddicBon Facts.” One80Center. November 18, 2010. One80Center. February, 27 2011. h<p:// 14. “Current Canadian Drug StaBsBcs.” Teen Challenge Canada. Teen Challenge Inc. February 27, 2011. h<p://­‐drug-­‐stats 15. Davies, L. et al. “ The Drug Treatment Outcomes Research study (DTORS): Cost-­‐effecBveness analysis.” Research Report 25 – Key ImplicaCons. December, 2009. Home Office. February 27, 2011. h<p:// 16. “Principles of Drug AddicBon Treatment. A Research-­‐Based Guide. Second EdiBon.” NaBonal InsBtute on Drug Abuse. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. April 2009. 17. Rehm, J. et al. “ The Costs of Substance Abuse in Canada 2002.” March, 2006. Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse. February 27, 2011. h<p://­‐011332-­‐2006.pdf 18. Ries, R. et al. “Principles of AddicBon Medicine, Fourth EdiBon.” Lippinco\ Williams & Wilkins. 2009 19. Mojtabai, R. and Zivin, J. “EffecBveness and Cost-­‐EffecBveness of Four Treatment ModaliBes for Substance Disorders: A Propensity Score Analysis.” Health Services Research. 38:1, Part 1. February 2003. 20. Sco\, C. and Dennis, M. “Results from two randomized clinical trials evaluaBng the impact of quarterly recovery management checkups with adult chronic substance users.” AddicCon Research Report. 104. 959-­‐971. 2009. 21. Wakeman, SE. et al. “Internal medicine residents’ training in substance use disorders: a survey of the quality of instrucBon and residents’ self-­‐perceived preparedness to diagnose and treat addicBon.” Substance Abuse. 34 (4): 363-­‐70. 2013.