INH pg.18 LOSER.indd


INH pg.18 LOSER.indd
Independent News Herald / March 23, 2016 / Page 18
with Karin
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Be A Loser With Karin
Could everything we think we know be
wrong? Part 2
Gunnars’ Bottom Line: Despite having been demonized in the past, many new
Last week I shared with you some nutristudies have shown that low-carb diets are
tion myths. It is crazy how over the years
much healthier than the low-fat diet still
our heads get filled with nonsense about
recommended by the mainstream.
mainstream nutrition. The article I referMyth 19: Sugar is Mainly Harmful
enced is called “20 Mainstream Nutrition
Because it Supplies “Empty” Calories
Myths (Debunked by Science)” by Kris
Sugar doesn’t just provide empty caloGunnars, BSc on Authority Nutrition.
ries, but can cause a lot of other health probIn Part 2 we will cover the final 10
Gunnars’ Bottom Line: Many experts
Myth 11: All Calories Are Created
now believe that sugar may be driving some
Equal, It Doesn’t Matter Which Types of
of the world’s biggest killers… including
Foods They Are Coming From
obesity, heart disease, diabetes and even
That is what I used to think, too. I
thought that it didn’t matter if I drank a six
Although sugar is fine in small amounts
pack of soda every day, as long as I counted
(especially for those who are physically acmy calories. Wrong!
tive and metabolically healthy), it can be a
complete disaster when
Line: Not all calories are
consumed in excess.
created equal, because
Myth 20: Refined
different foods and macSeed- and Vegetable Oils
ronutrients go through
Like Soybean and Corn
different metabolic pathOils Lower Cholesterol
ways they have varying
and Are Super Healthy
effects on hunger, horGunnars’
mones and health.
Line: Just because someMyth 12: Low-Fat
thing improves a risk facFoods Are Healthy Betor, it doesn’t mean that
cause They Are Lower
it will affect hard end
in Calories and Satupoints like heart attacks or
rated Fat
death… which is what reIf you read a nutrition
ally counts.
label, you know this is not
The truth is that severentirely true.
al studies have shown that
“When the low-fat
these oils increase the risk
guidelines first came out,
of death, from both heart
the food manufacturers
disease and cancer.
responded with all sorts
Even though these oils
of low-fat ‘health foods,’”
have been shown to cause
said Gunnars.
heart disease and kill peo“The problem is…
ple, the mainstream health
these foods taste horrible
organizations are still tellwhen the fat is removed, Just because the meat is red does not mean you shouldn’t eat it, contrary to ing us to eat them.
so the food manufacturers
They just don’t get
added a whole bunch of does not raise the risk of certain diseases!
it… when we replace real
sugar instead,” she said.
foods with processed fake
foods, we become fat and
Line: Processed low-fat foods tend to be
Myth 16: Saturated Fats and Trans sick.
very high in sugar, which is very unhealthy Fats are Similar… They’re The “Bad”
How many decades of “research” does it
compared to the fat that is naturally present Fats That we Need to Avoid
take to figure that out?
in foods.
Gunnars’ Bottom Line: Many mainMy thoughts exactly!
Myth 13: Red Meat Consumption stream health organizations lump trans fats
Raises The Risk of All Sorts of Diseases… and saturated fats together, which makes no
As I write my blog each day, or nearly
Including Heart Disease, Type 2 Diabetes sense. Trans fats are harmful, saturated fats each day, I find myself thinking about a lot
and Cancer
are not.
of things, including asking myself, “How
Just because the meat is red, should not
Myth 17: Protein Leaches Calcium can I better help the people in our contest?”
automatically send up warning flags.
From The Bones and Raises The Risk of That is what I hope my blog is helping with,
“The largest studies (one with over Osteoporosis
I post my blog articles on my Facebook
1 million people, the other with over 400
Gunnars’ Bottom Line: Numerous page, as well, so you can get them there.
thousand) show that unprocessed red meat studies have shown that eating more (not
My goal in writing the blog is to let you
is not linked to increased heart disease or less) protein is linked to a reduced risk of know that you are not alone in your desire
type 2 diabetes,” said Gunnars.
osteoporosis and fractures.
to live a healthier life. It isn’t just about
Gunnars’ Bottom Line: It is a myth
Myth 18: Low-Carb Diets Are Dan- weight loss, but about wellness, too!
that eating unprocessed red meat raises gerous and Increase Your Risk of Heart
You can find the blog on our website at:
the risk of heart disease and diabetes. The Disease Then just follow the Be
cancer link is also exaggerated, the largest
Low-carb diets are not for everyone. A Loser With Karin links to the Fat Chat
studies find only a weak effect in men and I am on one because of Type II Diabetes, blog.
no effect in women.
but what I do and what you do are probably
Quote for the Week
Myth 14: The Only People Who different things and for different reasons. I
Life is 10% what happens to you and
Should go Gluten-Free Are Patients With know that low-carb dieting has resulted in 90% how you react to it.
Celiac Disease, About 1% of The Popula- weight loss for me.
~Charles R. Swindoll
by Karin L. Nauber
[email protected]
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“Keep in mind that the gluten situation
is actually quite complicated and there are
no clear answers yet. Some new studies
suggest that it may be other compounds
in wheat that cause some of the digestive
problems, not the gluten itself,” she said.
Gunnars’ Bottom Line: Studies have
shown that many people can benefit from a
gluten-free diet, not just patients with celiac
Myth 15: Losing Weight is All About
Willpower and Eating Less, Exercising
Gunnars’ Bottom Line: It is a myth
that weight gain is caused by some sort of
moral failure. Genetics, hormones and all
sorts of external factors have a huge effect.
8 servings 143 cals
In a large skillet or saucepan,
melt butter over medium heat; add
apples. Cook, stirring constantly,
until apples are almost tender,
about 6 to 7 minutes.
Dissolve cornstarch in water;
add to skillet. Stir in brown sugar
and cinnamon. Boil for 2 minutes,
stirring occasionally. Remove from
heat and serve warm.
Independent News Herald
310 W. Main St.
P.O. Box 188
Clarissa, MN 56440
1/4 cup butter
4 large tart apples - peeled,
cored and sliced 1/4 inch thick
2 teaspoons cornstarch
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We accept Mastercard/Visa
Subscribe to the
1/2 cup cold water
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Add all ingredients to list
Green Giant package cut
Strawberries 1lb 2/$4.00
Blackberries 6oz/ $5.00
Exp. 3/26/16
15 m
Ready In
20 m
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