Cabin Fever Quilters Guild of South Stevens County WA
Cabin Fever Quilters Guild of South Stevens County WA
Next Meeting: Thursday December 10, 2015 Guild Meetings are flexible in order to be on the calendar at the Valley Fire Training Center on Third Ave in Valley, WA. December 2015 Cabin Fever Quilters Guild of South Stevens County WA Mailing Address: 3383 Betteridge Rd Valley, WA 99181 HOSPITALITY SCHEDULE December 2015 Pot Luck and Gift Exchange Utensils/cups/plates – Linda M Drinks – Phyllis (BYOM) January 2016 Drinks & Cups – Shirley Snacks – Barbara Door Prizes - Margaret Annual Dues : $15.00, or $7.50– ages 65+ or students Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 6:15 P.M by president, Indigo Kennedy. There were 20 members and 1 visitor present. Secretary’s Report: Kathy Conway moved and Carol B. seconded that the minutes be accepted as presented. Motion carried. Carol B. moved and Sharon H. seconded that the September minutes be amended to read that Erin Kennedy was elected as the 2015-2016 president of the guild. Motion carried. Treasurer’s Report: Sharon Heil and Phyllis Fitzgerald reported that their audit found the books to be accurate and in order. Cindy reported the following: October: checking $1563.14 & savings $3087.17; November: checking $1560.71 & savings $3087.30. 1 CORRESPONDANCE/ANNOUNC EMENTS Indigo announced that the Guild’s address has been changed to the treasurer Cindy McDowell’s address since her address is on the checks. Cindy read thank-you’s from Kylea Fitzgerald and Kaelyn Malone for their fair awards; and from Cleo for her comfort quilt and quilt box. Members were reminded that dues are due at this time if they haven’t been paid installment blocks, “Sister’s Choice” and “Zig Zag.” Historian Committee -Indigo continued a discussion of this committee from last meeting. There is a need to expand the responsibilities of this office in order to update bylaws and record Guild documents electronically. Sharon H. is already doing a great job of collecting and organizing articles and pictures. Kris Grooms volunteered to help with additional tasks. REPORTS: Raffle Quilt 2015 – Mary Ann handed out several packets of tickets. Three ladies attended the luncheon at Enterprise and took the quilt there. Proceeds to date are $325. Continuous Line Quilting Class –Linda and Carol reported on the class. Although it had its challenges, it was a great class. . OLD BUSINESS Guild Project BOM – Members shared their completed blocks to date. All are stunning and it’s so interesting to see the many different color choices. Kathy C. handed out the third NEW BUSINESS Transfer of Bank Account Signatures – Linda McCanna moved and Carol Bordwell seconded that the signatures for the Guild bank account be changed from outgoing president, Kathy Conway, to current president, Erin Kennedy. Motion carried. Disclaimer: In the newsletters, the Cabin Fever Quilters Guild presents information that may be of interest to the members. No accuracy or endorsement of any article, website, etc., is intended. It is offered as information only. Next Meeting: Thursday December 10, 2015 Guild Meetings are flexible in order to be on the calendar at the Valley Fire Training Center on Third Ave in Valley, WA. December 2015 Cabin Fever Quilters Guild of South Stevens County WA Mailing Address: 3383 Betteridge Rd Valley, WA 99181 Secret Sisters -- Phyllis moved and Carol B. seconded that we postpone the secret sister reveal until the January meeting. Motion carried. So those participating should bring a usual gift for their secret sister in December if they wish; and a final one in January. Cookie Exchange – We will be having a cookie exchange at the December meeting. Those who wish to participate should bring a plate of 1-2 dozen cookies and a container to take their collection home in. Also bring the recipe! Christmas Meeting – There will be a short business meeting followed by Christmas treats, show and tell and a gift exchange. Please bring snacks and sweets for refreshments, a mug for Phyllis’s hot cider, your usual show and tell items and a gift of around $15 if you wish to participate SHOW AND TELL/ SECRET SISTER Indigo – string ball ornament of yarn and glitter; glued and beaded head sculpture Lorraine – stained-glass quilt of braided panels made of 2 ½” strips Sharon – blue half-square triangle table topper 2 Jean H. – kitty Christmas wall hanging Shirley – a bagman Santa with raggy beard and a primitive muslin angel tree topper. Shirley says: “primitive doesn’t shine!” Inez – several Christmas table toppers and place mats; and her continuous quilting “Majestic Challenge” elk wall hanging – gorgeous! Kathy R. – her continuous quilting “Covey of Quails” – lovely colors! Kris G. – triangle blocked scrap quilt of many colors Beverly W. – turkey placemats with utensil pockets; wedding ring quilt and pillow sham made for her daughter with a cute story to go with Phyllis – Margaret’s baby quilt, a snowball block quilt, and her secret sister camel quilt which Phyllis did on a long arm with increased confidence as she went along! Margaret – a fall quilt of the member-made blocks she won at last October’s meeting Carol – a brightly colored poppy quilt top and her continuous quilting “Covey of Quails” – beautiful color choices! Linda – a foundation pieced Wacky Jack Halloween quilt top and her continuous quilting “Covey of Quails” wall hanging Karin – a black, white and silver embroidered Christmas quilt top – and the pattern – demonstrating that one can take a traditional pattern and make it their own; and a Halloween quilt that was shown at WSQ where it won a HUGE ribbon for best quilting! DOOR PRIZES – Jean Hickman, Shirley Hendrickson, Kathy Rouleau, Phyllis Fitzgerald, Linda McCanna and Cindy McDowell COMING EVENTS Next meeting: THURSDAY, December 10, 2015 at 6:00. Reminder: Quilting Bee – November 18; 12:00 – 3:00; at the Valley Fire Hall. Great time to complete those Christmas gifts! The meeting was adjourned at 8:20. ******************************** For our December Meeting, please bring: Completed BOM #3 to share Raffle Quilt Ticket Sales A Potluck Dish Gift for our Exchange Cookies to Exchange Mug for Cider Fabric for the Summit Valley School Project Show and Tell Items Disclaimer: In the newsletters, the Cabin Fever Quilters Guild presents information that may be of interest to the members. No accuracy or endorsement of any article, website, etc., is intended. It is offered as information only. December 2015 Cabin Fever Quilters Guild of South Stevens County WA Mailing Address: 3383 Betteridge Rd Valley, WA 99181 Block #4 coming in December! Next Meeting: Thursday December 10, 2015 Guild Meetings are flexible in order to be on the calendar at the Valley Fire Training Center on Third Ave in Valley, WA. The guild “Sewing Bee” will usually be on the third Wednesday of each month. The exact date will be announced at the monthly meeting. The Sewing Bee is held at the Valley Fire Training Center, from noon to 3 pm. Bring a project, work on a charity kit, or just come and visit! You can ask questions, get help if you just can’t figure out a pattern, ask about fabric selection, lend a needed hand, etc. Bring your own snacks and drinks— and enjoy the fun! Be sure and tell us all about it at the next meeting too! Please be sure to post to our Facebook Page – share those pictures, websites and giggles you find in the vast online wilderness! – and search for Cabin Fever Quilt Guild of Stevens County 3 Disclaimer: In the newsletters, the Cabin Fever Quilters Guild presents information that may be of interest to the members. No accuracy or endorsement of any article, website, etc., is intended. It is offered as information only.