Kansas Statewide Tax Unit GIS Database


Kansas Statewide Tax Unit GIS Database
Kansas Statewide
Tax Unit GIS Database
A collaborative partnership between the
State of Kansas Department of Revenue –
Property Valuation Division (KDOR/PVD),
the Kansas GIS Policy Board’s
Data Access & Support Center (DASC),
and Kansas County Clerks
Data Access & Support Center
Established by the Kansas GIS Policy Board in 1991
Central repository of GIS databases of statewide/regional
Designated as an National Spatial Data Infrastructure
(NSDI) clearinghouse node in 1997
Located at the Kansas Geological Survey at the University
of Kansas
Web site –
Kansas Statewide
Tax Unit GIS Database
State of Kansas Department of Revenue –
Property Valuation Division (KDOR/PVD)
Annual Tax Certification Process
How things were done before collaborative project began:
1 – County Clerks Certify tax units with KDOR/PVD through database
summary & paper map (8 ½ x 11 print out, marked up KDOT maps, etc)
2 – Tabular data was reviewed for completeness & maps were reviewed
then filed away
3 – No statewide spatial representation of tax unit boundaries
Kansas Statewide
Tax Unit GIS Database
2009 – Proof of concept
How can DASC be part of Certification process and process edits
Work with KDOR/PVD to develop workflow (shared editing tasks)
Clerks training & Clerks conferences
Initial data compiled from various sources
2010 – Establish 2010 statewide baseline GIS file
Data collection & clean up
Contained thousands of topological errors
Attributes had to be standardized (State codes, as well as tax unit
Data collected via GIS files or paper maps and verified for
accuracy by Clerks
Clerks continue to Certify database summary & paper map to
KDOR/PVD Tax Unit database
Kansas Statewide
Tax Unit GIS Database
Data Gap
& Overlap
Many errors
along county
Kansas Statewide
Phase 2 -2010 Tax Unit GIS Database
Paper Maps
Kansas Statewide
Tax Unit GIS Database
Phase 2 -2010
Paper Maps Edits:
• Mark up the map with
markers/colored pencils
• XXX out incorrect boundaries and
draw new boundaries in
• Double check each tax unit number,
correct if needed
•Feel free to include additional print
outs or documentation!
Tax unit 110 is new area outlined in red.
Kansas Statewide
Tax Unit GIS Database
Phase 2 - 2010
GIS Data
Jefferson County
Submitted to DASC
on 2/2/10
KDOR/PVD or DASC staff
incorporates GIS data into
statewide GIS file and
makes any corrections
needed along county
Kansas Statewide
Tax Unit GIS Database
2011 – DASC/Clerk Certification Integration
and first public data release
Eliminate need for Clerks to submit paper map to KDOR/PVD
KDOR/PVD Certification document contains a link to DASC website
with on-line map viewer
Clerks certify with KDOR/PVD & with DASC via on-line map viewer
Maintenance – Total of 6 statewide GIS tax unit files were
released to the public on the DASC website between March –
Data available for download from DASC website
Kansas Statewide
Tax Unit GIS Database
Kansas Statewide
Tax Unit GIS Database
Kansas Statewide
Tax Unit GIS Database
Kansas Statewide
Tax Unit GIS Database
Kansas Statewide
Tax Unit GIS Database
Kansas Statewide
Tax Unit GIS Database
2012 Statistics
105 Kansas counties = 100% participation
70 counties no changes
23 counties submitted changes via GIS files
12 counties submitted changes via paper maps
Collaboration benefits:
Clerks enthusiastic about project, less phone calls & map
Fully integrated into Clerk’s Annual KDOR Tax Unit Certification
DASC gives annual presents at KDOR/PVD Clerk’s Training &
the Kansas Association of Tax Representatives (KATR)
Kansas Statewide
Tax Unit GIS Database
Kansas Statewide
Tax Unit GIS Database
GIS example – select all tax units that intersect 1 m buffer
Contact Information
Eileen Battles
Data Access & Support Center (DASC)
[email protected]