Historic Note Card Order Form 7-06


Historic Note Card Order Form 7-06
Historic Oyster Bay Note Cards
These beautiful historic note cards were created in 2004 by Eleanor Gregory, a Center
artist for many years. These 6 ¼” X 4 ¼” note card packages contain depictions of
nine historic sights: the First Presbyterian Church, the Oyster Bay Railroad Station, the
Matinecock Lodge, Sagamore Hill, St. Dominic’s Church, the Moore Building, Christ
Church, Raynham Hall Museum and the Earl Wightman House. They capture the
history and spirit of the hamlet of Oyster Bay and are the perfect gift for family
members and friends both near and far.
The price is only $10.00 per package.
Please enter the desired quantity:
Packages @ $10.00 each
Shipping/Handling ($1.50 per pkg.)
Total enclosed
$ ___________
$ ___________
$ ___________
Please make checks payable to “The Life Enrichment Center” and mail to—45 East
Main Street, Oyster Bay, NY 11771 or we gladly accept Mastercard and Visa.
___Mastercard ___Visa #_________________________Exp.__________
Ordered by:
For more information please call (516) 922-1770
Historic Oyster Bay Note Cards
$10.00 per package
Available at:
The Life Enrichment Center at Oyster Bay
45 E. Main Street, Oyster Bay — 922-1770
Dodds & Eder
221 South Street, Oyster Bay — 922-4412