Edmar Castaneda Solo Rider


Edmar Castaneda Solo Rider
All the requirements of this document are necessary for a professional performance. We
can be flexible to a certain extent while still trying to ensure a good production. In case
these requirements can not be provided we would ask you please to contact us.
1. HARP (Edmar brings his own Colombian harp)
The harp has two outputs: Bass & Treble: BASS-­Output (just like an electric bass guitar):
• Epifani 4x10 speaker cabinet ( or Mark Bass or Aguillar 4X10)
• High quality 1/4" speaker cable
• One (1) microphone for the bass cabinet
• Edmar will bring the bass head
TREBLE-­Output Two (2) Direct Boxes for the lines out from a pedal board that Edmar brings.
Two (2) short 1/4 cable
One (1) AC step-down converter to get 110V~60Hz AC, VERY IMPORTANT (this will be only for Europe) One (1) vocal mic (Shure SM58 or equivalent) to talk to the audience
A mix should have 1/3 octave graphic equalizers
Two (2) monitor speakers are required
2. LIGHTING VISUAL EFFECTS Professional quality Stage Lighting System with standard assortment of bright colored
gels on independently controlled instruments, to be set to a light wash under the sole
direction of ARTIST during sound check. Once the lighting is set, it is not to be altered
during the performance.
3. SOUND SYSTEM We will require either the house system or a system provided by a professional third
party. It must be a concert sound system of sufficient size, sophistication and quality to
deliver to all members of the audience (including sound reinforcement to balcony if any)
an amplified blend of ARTIST’S music (including all instruments) free of distortion,
feedback, and extraneous noises to the satisfaction of the ARTIST or the ARTIST’S
representative. Sound system must be operable at least three hours prior to doors opening
to audience. ARTIST must have a successful sound check as late as possible prior to
opening of venue to audience
Edmar Castaneda solo harp Stage plot
Bass Cabinet 4x4
Talk mic
DI Box
Power Strip