Spring 2014 - Cancer Services of Northeast Indiana


Spring 2014 - Cancer Services of Northeast Indiana
Side by side. Every step of the way.
Strategic planning—
not just for big corporations
Early last fall, the
Foellinger Foundation
made it possible for
Cancer Services to
engage a national leader
in the field of supportive
care for cancer patients.
Dr. James Zabora, a
researcher, author and
expert in oncology social
work, visited Cancer
Services and did an
in-depth evaluation
of our operations and
the services we provide
to local families affected
by cancer.
Dr. Zabora presented a full report to the board of directors a few
months later. His findings included several suggestions about
expanding the scope and variety of educational offerings at Cancer
Services, the best ways to help clients once they have completed
treatment and enhancements to ensure that the most vulnerable
patients receive the help they need.
This report was the first step in the organization’s process of
creating a plan for the next five years, a plan that positions and
equips Cancer Services to enhance the quality of life for local
families with cancer.
There are a number of outside factors that board members are
watching closely. Certainly healthcare reform and the Affordable
Care Act play an important role in our clients’ experience. Physicians
and healthcare providers are also changing and improving how they
deliver care.
Connect with us
Subscribe to our e-newsletter
6316 Mutual Drive, Fort Wayne, IN 46825
P. 260-484-9560 l Toll Free 866-484-9560
F. 260-484-9572 l www.Cancer-Services.org
Because Cancer Services is a nonprofit organization, we never forget that
it is the financial support of caring individuals, corporations and local
foundations that make it possible for our programs to exist. There is still
much work to be done, hard questions to ask and important decisions to
be made. Once the 2015-2020 strategic plan is made, the next step will
be to find the money to make it happen. For nonprofits the primary
concern is always mission. Once the need is identified and a plan to meet
that need is created, then it is the caring donors who make it happen.
That’s how it started 70 years ago in 1944 when the Allen County
Cancer Society was formed. A small group of caring volunteers wanted
to help friends and neighbors fighting a dreaded disease called cancer.
So much has changed since then. Doctors and scientists understand
that rather than one disease, there are really many variations of the
disease. Treatment options have grown to include highly-targeted
treatments, immunotherapies, complicated surgical techniques and
highly sophisticated tests. For many people, a diagnosis that was a
death sentence in 1944 is now survivable.
We are proud to be an organization of volunteers and community
leaders who want to help others. Who know how to not only dream,
but develop a plan to ensure no family is alone on their cancer journey.
Join Janet at Lapper 2014
Janet first learned about Cancer Services
when her late husband was diagnosed with
lung cancer. Then she became a client when
she was diagnosed with breast cancer in
2007. Once she was done with treatment she
wanted to volunteer and give back.
Janet drives clients to treatment and performs
various other volunteer duties. She also captains a team
at Lapper. Last August, Janet Steadman retired after working 16 years at
Kohl’s. But she is again gathering people from all three area stores to
form a team at Lapper 2014. This will be the fourth year for the Kohl’s
Lapper team.
Janet said she looks
forward to the Lapper
and Survivors Day
celebration each year
because “It’s a lot of fun
and I think it’s a rewarding
Please Join us!
Lapper 2014 and Survivors Day
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Register online at www.lapper2014.kintera.org
Great memories & new beginnings
Design on Life Recap
On May 18, 2013, Kim Fislar
was walking in the Lapper to
benefit Cancer Services. Her
father, Norm Knuth, was
diagnosed with esophageal
cancer in December 2012
and was a Cancer Services
client. Kim, her father and
several other family members
formed a team to honor
Norm’s battle.
Despite Norm’s having a trach for a rescue airway and a feeding tube,
he and his Lapper team still managed to walk three laps – about three
miles. At the beginning of each lap, Kim would ask her dad if he wanted
to do another lap and he said, “Yes.”
What a wonderful evening! More than 200 people joined us for our
11th annual Design on Life fundraising auction on Saturday, February
22, at Ceruti’s Summit Park. This year’s theme was “A Walk in the
Garden” and guests enjoyed plentiful hors d’oeuvres, games and
music by Dan Heath, Steve Walley and Kevin Piekarski.
The highlights of the evening were the silent and live auctions. Fine
jewelry, Pacers, Colts and Komets tickets, spa treatments, a deluxe
Weber grill, and a one-of-a-kind car show were all on the auction block.
Thanks to the generosity of Cancer Services supporters more than
$45,000 was raised at the event. All of the money will go to help local
families affected by cancer.
If you missed the event, we hope you will plan to join us next year!
While walking with her dad Kim had an epiphany of sorts.
“I realized being there that I was surrounded by people who were so
happy to be there and who felt they were lucky to be there and to be
living,” Kim said, “I realized how lucky it is to be blessed with good
health and that we should not take it for granted.”
Kim Fislar, 38, is a labor and delivery nurse at Parkview. She is also a
wife and mother to two young boys. At her core she is a caregiver. But,
she admits, she hasn’t always taken the best care of herself. She has
had a lifelong struggle with her weight, but that all changed after
walking the Lapper with her dad.
Immediately after the Lapper Kim began eating a healthy diet and
exercising regularly.
“I realized it was time to take care of myself so I could be around to
take care of my children,” she said. “So, I took up my own battle against
my weight at the same time my dad was battling to live.”
Kim has lost more than 97 pounds.
“I’m down almost 100 pounds,” she said. “My goal is to be down 100
pounds by Lapper 2014 and I think I’m going to make it. My ultimate
goal is 150 pounds.”
Kim’s dad, Norm, died in July. Kim keeps a
picture of him on the mantel so she can see
him while she is exercising.
“I actually talk to him a lot when I’m working
out. It keeps me going,” she said. “I just
wish my dad was here to see what I’ve
accomplished because I know he’d be very
proud of me. He was always very encouraging.
I know that he is always with me, but it’s not the same. I really miss him.”
Dianne May, President and CEO
Gail Hamm, Program Director
Stacey Stumpf, Development
& Marketing Director
Kathy Ryan, Finance Manager
Cheryl Dafforn, Volunteer Coordinator
Linda Bewley, Outreach Coordinator
Laura Lichauer, Assistant Development
& Marketing Director
Tina Roy, Assistant Program Director
& Children’s Advocate
Recently, Kim put on her Lapper t-shirt from last year and it looked like
a dress.
She said she plans on doing the Lapper again this year because she
had such a good time last year and it provided her with such a great
memory of her father.
“We had such a good time last year,” she said. “The weather was
perfect and it was a great memory. I had such a good time talking
and walking with my dad. We had a great time together.”
Cancer Services of Northeast Indiana Inc.
6316 Mutual Drive • Fort Wayne, IN 46825
(260) 484-9560 • (866) 484-9560 Toll free
CareLines is a quarterly publication of Cancer Services of Northeast Indiana
Danielle Peterson, Client Advocate
Denise Glasser, Client Advocate
Maureen Zink, Client Advocate
Sandra Thomas, Client Advocate
Marcia Reynolds, Finance Assistant
Noni Hoham, Administrative Professional
Jim Walker Client Equipment Specialist
Mary Weiks, Client Equipment Specialist
Thank you, Lois…
By Dianne May, President and CEO of Cancer Services
Join our Community
Last week, I learned about someone who
had a heart for people affected by cancer.
I never had the privilege of meeting Lois
Richey, but I know she had the desire to
do something to help others. Attorneys
and financial planners would call it
“charitable intent.” They tell me that it is
a rare and beautiful thing that not everyone has.
It’s What’s for Dinner
It takes someone special to turn a desire and dream into something real
and tangible. They have to take action and there can be barriers to taking
action. It’s sometimes difficult to think about our own mortality, to ponder
what might happen when we are no longer alive on this earth to love our
families and friends, to work and live out our passions.
If you have specific desires that you want fulfilled, it is necessary to make
those wishes known. That usually involves meeting and working with
professionals like attorneys and financial advisors. Lois did that and
chose an approach that allowed her to provide income to people close to
her and then when they no longer needed it, to help people with cancer
in her community.
Many of us have played the If-I-won-the-lottery-game. It’s fun to think about
what we might buy with a windfall and with whom we might share our
wealth. For people with charitable intent that circle is larger. They think
about others in their community who might be suffering and have needs.
The technique Lois used is called a charitable remainder trust. But there
are even simpler ways such as a bequest or naming a charity as the
beneficiary of an IRA or an insurance policy. None of these approaches
are too great a barrier when someone has charitable intent. They want to
help others and they find a way to do so.
Lois was special, but she is not alone in her compassion for cancer patients.
Others have told me that they want to provide a gift to Cancer Services
when the time comes. If you are one of those people who are considering
making a future financial gift to Cancer Services, I encourage you to speak
with a qualified professional advisor. One opportunity to do so is this fall;
when Cancer Services will again participate in “Write a Will Day.”
Chris Moore, R.D.,
from Parkview Hospital
will discuss the pros
and cons of juicing.
She will also share some
recipes and provide samples.
April 29, 2014 • 5:30-7:00 PM
Cancer Services Healing Arts Center
6316 Mutual Drive, Fort Wayne
All programs are held at Cancer Services, unless otherwise stated.
Please call (260)484-9560 or toll free at 866-484-9560
or email Tina Roy at [email protected]
for more information or to make reservations.
All programs are open to the public.
You save, we gain
Interested in saving money on your electric bill and making $25
for Cancer Services of Northeast Indiana? Cancer Services has
recently partnered with Energizing Indiana in the Home Energy
Assessment Program.
Energizing Indiana is a program
designed to improve energy
efficiency throughout the state.
The program was created under
former Governor Mitch Daniels
and is funded by six of Indiana’s largest utility companies.
I’d also encourage you to include our federal EIN #35-0965609 as part of
the official documentation so that your gift intentions are made clear.
One component of Energizing Indiana is a program that helps
local nonprofits, including Cancer Services, raise money.
There are many important reasons to have a will and to make plans for
the future. A desire to help others is one— do you have charitable intent?
Here is the way it works. Every time a Cancer Services’
supporter has a Home Energy Assessment completed on their
home they provide Energizing Indiana with Cancer Services’ name
and a special ID number and then Cancer Services gets $25.
Annual “Swing for Cancer”
Golf Outing at Cobblestone
The program creates a win-win situation for everyone. Cancer
Services gets $25, which we use to provide practical assistance
and compassionate support to local families battling cancer.
You get a detailed report explaining ways to improve your home’s
energy efficiency, which will lower electric bills and increase
your home’s value. To sweeten the deal, the Energizing Indiana
technician doing the assessment will also provide and install CFL
light bulbs, faucet aerators and showerheads for free.
The Cobblestone Ladies Golf Association is sponsoring
a “Swing for Cancer” golf outing at Cobblestone Golf
Course in Kendallville on June 17, 2014. Proceeds
from the event will benefit Cancer Services. The
tournament is a fun way to support cancer survivors
in your community. You may sign up as a team or an
individual. The cost is $75 per golfer or $300 per team
and includes continental breakfast, green fees, cart rental, lunch and
prizes. The registration deadline is June 10, 2014. Call Phyllis Weber
at (260) 347-1674 for more information.
Side by side. Every step of the way.
If you are interested in enrolling, Cancer Services special ID
number is CSNI03122014. To learning more about Energizing
Indiana and how you can help Cancer Services, please call
Stacey Stumpf at 484-9560.
Changing faces at Cancer Services
While we have to say goodbye to one employee, we are also
excited to welcome two new employees to Cancer Services.
Please join us in saying a fond farewell to Allen Koehlinger who
is retiring at the end of March. Allen has been a dedicated client
equipment specialist member at Cancer Services for the past 7
years. Allen made sure all our supplies were fully stocked and
organized, inspected and cleaned equipment that had been
returned and ordered supplies. He also delivered and set up
hospital beds in our clients’ homes.
“I had fun working here,” Allen said. “What I enjoyed most was
visiting with clients whenever I delivered or picked up a bed.”
Please join us in thanking Allen for all that he has done for
Cancer Services and our clients.
We also want to welcome Sandra Thomas and Jim Walker to
the team!
Sandra began her job as our new Client Advocate at the
beginning of January. She has her master’s degree in social work
with more than 20 years experience. As a Client Advocate,
Mrs. Bobbie J. Alvarez
Mr. George D. Artoux
Mr. Dale Art Augspurger
Mr. John Beckman, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. George N. Bewley
Mr. and Ms. Michael Birt
Ms. Mindy N. Blech
Ms. Ashlee Brown
Mr. and Mrs. James Butler
Mr. and Mrs. Mendall Campbell
Ms. Kris A. Chester
Ms. Brenda G. Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Devon Cromer
Mrs. Cheryl Dafforn
Ms. Adel A. Davenport
Ms. Julie A. Dekoninck
Mrs. Lisa M. Dial
Ms. Marci M. Diem
Mrs. Karla Dixon
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Dixon
Ms. Elizabeth Dock
Debbie and Timothy Durnell
Ms. Debra S. Federspiel
Mr. Leonard C. Felger
Mr. Paul E. Forsyth
Ms. Marjorie Foster
Mr. Timothy P. Galbreath
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Gambrell
Mrs. Debra K. Gamby
Mrs. Beth Garstka
Mr. Douglas S. Geller
Ms. Caron L. Gillenwater
Mr. Lavon Goebel
Mrs. Lois M. Goeglein
Mrs. Deborah Griffith
Ms. Keirstin B. Grillo
Ms. Susan Guck
Mrs. Angela L. Hall
Ms. Gail Hamm
Mrs. Elizabeth Hart-Roberts
Mr. David G. Hauze
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Hennick
Mrs. Trisha A. Hinen
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell O. Hudson
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Huffman
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Irven
Ms. Jenny Jaxtheimer
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Johnson
Ms. Brandi Jones
Ms. Nancy Kartholl
Ms. Kimberly D. Kem
Ms. Amy E. Kenseth
Ms. Pamela Kleber
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Lahr
Mr. James L. Larson
Mrs. Jan E. Lay
Ms. Maria A. Lewis
Mr. Gerald S. Litchfield
Mrs. Sara Marjamaa
Mrs. Andria S. Maus
Tom and Dianne May
Mr. Greg McConiga
Mr. Mark McDonald
Mr. James L. Meyer
Ms. Molly Miller
Ms. Debra Moser
Mr. Robert J. Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Rick P. Neuhaus, Jr.
Ms. Angela S. Nevers
Mrs. Linda M. Pickerman
Mrs. Trudy R. Platt
Ms. Sally Powell
Ms. Kimberly L. Ramer
Mr. Alan O. Reed
Mrs. Keli B. Reif
Mr. and Mrs. David Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. James Riecken
Mr. Jeffrey C. Rose
Mr. Kevin Rothgeb
Ms. Tabitha M. Rowe
Mr. and Mrs. Russ Roy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Rupp, Jr.
Ms. Debera Sassen
Mr. Tom Scofield
Ms. Rose Ann Scranton
Mr. Thomas W. Scrogham
Ms. Wendy Sensibaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Shanebrook
Mr. Dennis Shuler
Ms. Jennifer Shultz
Mrs. Shelia R. Skinner
Ms. Marlene E. Sloat
Mr. Bruce Smith
Mrs. Ellen J. Smith
Mr. Zachary K. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. David Springer
Ms. Julia A. Steward
Mrs. Maureen E. Stronczek
Mr. Robert N. Taylor
Ms. Anne Thomas
Mrs. Charlotte Tompkins
Ms. Angela Townsend
Mr. and Mrs. Luke Vachon
Mr. William Vogelgesang
Mr. Randy Walker
Mr. Kent Weber
Mrs. Mary L. Weiks
Mr. Steve Whitlock
Mrs. Shari L. Wiebke
Mrs. Rebecca Wolfe
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Wood
Ms. Sally Zuber
Allen Koehlinger
Sandra Thomas
Jim Walker
Sandra meets with clients and their families to identify their needs and then
works with them on an ongoing basis to assure that those needs continue to
be met.
Jim, our new client equipment specialist, joined our team in March.
He previously worked at Advanced Healthcare for 7 years. As a warehouse
staff member, along with Mary Weiks, he will be responsible for managing
supplies, making deliveries to clients and helping maintain our building.
Foundation &
Trust Giving
Giving between 11/26/2013 - 3/11/2014
American Express Foundation
Howard P. Arnold Foundation
Estate of Betty A. Bryant
English Bonter Mitchell Foundation
Foundation for Financial Planning, Inc.
GE Foundation
Estate of Halice M. Grabner
Hesemeyer Foundation
Susan G. Komen Foundation
Kosciusko County Community Foundation
Lincoln Financial Foundation
The Lutheran Foundation
Owen and Jean Pritchard Foundation
Ronald G. Repka Foundation, Inc.
Waterfield Foundation Inc.
Wells Fargo Private Client Services
Whitley County Community Foundation
Corporate &
Organizational Donors
Giving between 11/26/2013 - 3/11/2014
97.3 WMEE
A Bark Above
AALCO Distributing Company, Inc.
AG Plus
All Angles
All Electric
All Occasion Party Rentals
The Allergy & Asthma Center
Allstar Communications
Altra Designs 200 Inc
Andy Pauquette Photography
Angel Interiors
BAE Systems
Barnes & Noble
Belmont Beverage
Berger Auto
Boudoir Noir
Brighton Collectibles
Cap n' Cork
Carson Boxberger LLP
Christopher James Menswear, Inc
Classic Image Salon
Clear Lake Lutheran Church
Club Soda
Colonial Homes, Inc.
Country Heritage Winery
DeBrand Chocolatier
Despos Custom Tailoring
Don Hall's Guest House
Encore Carpet Cleaning
Expectations Salon
Federated Media
Fischer Bros Trucking
Fort Financial Credit Union
Fort Wayne Children's Zoo
Fort Wayne Komets
Fort Wayne Medical Oncology
& Hematology
FWS, Inc
Give with Liberty
Hall's Gas House
Helmer U M Church
Hylant of Indiana
Ideal Office Source
Indiana Pacers
Indianapolis Colts
IU Assembly Hall
Marvin Johnson & Associates, Inc
Just Sue Graphic Design, Inc.
Lopshire Flowers
Lutheran Health Network
Master Spas
Mike's Car Wash
Ness Bros Real Estate & Auction Co
The Olive Twist, Inc.
Parco, Inc.
Paris Design Associates
Parkview Hospital
Parkview Noble Hospital
Parrish Leasing, Inc
Parrot Press Inc
Pizza Hut of Fort Wayne, Inc.
Quadrant Engineering Plastic Products
USA, Inc.
Red Robin Gourmet Burgers
RNDC (Republic National
Distributing Company)
Robinson Chapel UMC Missions
The Rogers Company
Rogers Formal Wear
Rose's Bouquet
Sand Point Living Interiors
Schumm Farms, Inc
Scott Pressler Real Estate LLC
Sentimental Journey
Shenk Repair, Inc.
State Employees Community Campaign
Studio Tan
Summit City Radio Group
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans'
Thrivent Choice® Program
Tower Bank & Trust Co.
United Way of Adams County
United Way of Allen County
United Way of Central Ohio
United Way of DeKalb County, Inc.
United Way of Greater Philadelphia
& Southern NJ
United Way of Greater Toledo
United Way of Huntington County
United Way of Jay Co.
United Way of Noble County, Inc
United Way of Tri-State
United Way of Wells County
United Way of Whitley County
Vanilla Bean Unique Cookies
Vanroot Growers, Inc.
Wabash Electric
Wells Fargo
WFFT Local
Wible & Associates Realty
Windows Doors & More Factory Store
Yolo Event Center & Early Birds
Ultra Lounge
Partners Caring
Thanks to all who gave to Cancer Services between November 26, 2013 and March 11, 2014.
Mrs. Marjorie Abbott
Mr. Rick Johnston and Mrs. Cynthia Acra
Mr. Ian Akers
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Allen
Dr. and Mrs. Michael F. Amorini
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Weiks
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Arceo
Dr. and Mrs. William Ashman
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bair
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Baird, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kent A. Bearman
Mr. Scott Beck
Mr. and Mrs. Don Bender
Ms. JoAnn Bender
Mr. Jim Benya
Ms. Sandra K. Bertsch
Mr. and Mrs. George N. Bewley
Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Billings
Mrs. Virginia Blauvelt
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bobay
Mr. and Mrs. John Boerger
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Bonar
Mr. Jeremy P. Brames
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brandt
Mr. D.F. Brannon
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Brockway
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Brogan
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Bugher
Mr. and Mrs. Dale A. Bultemeier
Mrs. Mary Ann Bultemeier
Ms. Janice L. Burgette
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Burrus
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Burwell
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bussick
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Butt
Dr. Carol A. Buttell
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Byers
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Candor
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Carlson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Carter
Mr. Hib Cassidy
Dr. and Mrs. Manuel I. Cervoni
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chambers
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Church
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Clifford
Mr. and Mrs. J. Nelson Coats
Mr. Rick Cochran
Ms. Marilyn M. Cocklin
Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Collie
Mrs. Janet Collins and Mr. Glen Bowman
Concordia Lutheran High School
Dr. and Mrs. Jerald L. Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Cordial
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Coy
Dr. and Mrs. John N. Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Dafforn
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Davis
Dept. of Workforce Development
Mr. Christopher Didier
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Dolezal
Mrs. Sandy Drees
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Dreibelbis
Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Dunderman, Jr.
Ms. Kathleen M. Dunfee
Ms. Judy Dunlap
Debbie and Timothy Durnell
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Eckert
Ms. Dennise Ellinger
Mr. Matthew Elliott
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Elyea
Dr. and Mrs. Albert V. Emilian
Ms. Jill Engle
Miss Kayla Etzler
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Fee
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Felger
Dr. and Mrs. John W. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. John Lefever
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lemon
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Levickas
Mr. Zachary Levickas
Lincoln Financial Group
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Linnemeier
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Lizer
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Loch
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Love
Mr. Richard E. Lutz
Dr. and Mrs. R.V. Prasad Mantravadi
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Marcuccilli
Mr. Harold W Markey
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Martin
Mr. Stanley Matheny
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Matz
Tom and Dianne May
Ms. Brenda McCorkle
Mrs. Alice J. McRae
Mr. and Mrs. W. John Meinzen
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry R. Meyer
Ms. Heather Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Milligan
Ms. Patricia Moorman
Dr. and Mrs. David L. Mullins, Ph.D.
Ms. Ann Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Ness
Ms. Amy Newcomer
Mr. John Nguyen
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard A. Niezer
Ms. Elizabeth A. Niezer
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Niezer
Ms. Lizzy Niezer
Ms. Sally Niezer
Mr. and Mrs. Rick G. Nill
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Nill
Ms. Donna M. North
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Nyffeler
Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas O'Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Oberstar
Mr. Jared Overman
Mr. and Mrs. G.L. Pac
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Packnett
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. Maclyn T. Parker
Mrs. Anna Mae Parry
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mauricio
Ms. Sarah Pearson
Ms. Catherine Peterson
Mr. Frederick Peterson
Dave and Kathy Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Butch Pine
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Pitzer
Mrs. Marianne Platt
Mrs. Pat Poinsatte
Ms. Shanon Porter
Miss Carol Pritchard
Mr. and Mrs. D James Pritchard
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis B. Przybyla
Dr. and Mrs. Mark S. Putt
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Racine
Mr. and Mrs. A. Joseph Rager
Dr. John E. Ramsey
Dr. and Mrs. Mohan Rao
Mr. Larry Redmon
Mr. Alan O. Reed
Mrs. Brittany Reed
Ms. Victoria Reed
Ms. Joan Reichhart
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Rice
Mr. and Mrs. James Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. LaVern Roth
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse D. Roth
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Rupp, Jr.
Hon. Michael and Mrs. Rush
Juli and Sean Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Ryan
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Fiacable
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Fish
Mr. Dave Fisher
Mr. Kent Flesher
Fort Wayne Area High School Hockey
Ms. Nila Fox
Fraternal Order of Eagles Auxiliary # 3512
Pastor and Mrs. Richard G. Frazier
Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Fredericks
Ms. Kathryn Froebe
Ms. Sandra K. Gast
Mr. S. Michael Geist
Mr. Cary Gerber
Mr. Matthew Gerbers
Lynn and Darrell Gerig
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Giaquinta
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gillig
Glaze Family Reunion
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard M. Goldstein
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Gomez
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Gompf
Rae and Ron Gonterman
Reverend and Mrs. Timothy Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gray
Ms. Vicki L. Groves
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Hagerman
Ms. Betty Hall
Ms. Mary Lu Harrington
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Harter
Mr. Craig Hartman
Ms. LaDonna Hartmann
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Harvey
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hause
Mr. Bernard A. Hay
Mr. and Mrs. Chad Heilman
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hensch
Ms. Emily Herr
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Herstad
Mrs. Donna M. Hess
Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Hilty
Mr. and Mrs. Juergen Hinz
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. John Hoham
Mr. and Mrs. N. Thomas Horton II
Mr. Jerry Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Howard
Ms. Tisha Howell
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Ianucilli
Indiana Tech
Mr. Fred Inman
Mr. Bobby Simpson and
Ms. Julie Inskeep-Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. Vassil Ivanov
Ms. Renee Jersey
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Jewell
JPMorgan Chase's Good Works
Employee Giving Campaign
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kaiser
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Keoun
Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Kessens
Mr. and Mrs. Roland G. Keuneke
Dr. and Mrs. Seung Soo Kim
Mrs. Tisha A. Knott
Mr. and Mrs. James Koday
Mr. Allen Koehlinger
Mr. and Mrs. Denis Koehlinger
Dr. William A. Kunkel III
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kurtz
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Lain
Mr. and Mrs. James Lancia
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lancia
Ms. Ann Larmore
Ms. Shirley A. Laser
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Laughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Lautzenhiser
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Saalfrank
Ms. Virginia L. Schackow
Ms. Cassandra K. Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Schnepp
Dr. and Mrs. William Schroeder
Ms. Rose Ann Scranton
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Scrogham
Ms. Deb Seabury
Mr. Robert A. Seslar
Mr. and Mrs. Max P. Shambaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Shanebrook
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer L. Shawgo
Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Shearer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Shields
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Shields
Mr. and Mrs. Perry D. Shilts
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Shirey
Mrs. Bee Siegel
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Simmons
Mr. Paul Sims
Ms. Audrey Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Darryl R. Smith
Mr. Dennis J. Smith
Mr. Isaiah Smith, Jr.
Mrs. Vivian Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Sordelet
Mr. Russell Sordelet
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Souers
Mr. and Ms. Maurice K. Sperry
Ms. Karen Spillson
Mr. and Mrs. Don R. Stauffer
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Stebbins
Mrs. Lois Steere
Dr. and Mrs. Bryon J. Stephens
Mr. and Mrs. Gerrett Stier
Mr. and Mrs. Cory Strouse
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Stumpf
Mr. Jacque Wilson and Mrs. Stacey Stumpf
Mr. Edward Sweeny
Mr. Alan D. Swim
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Szelis
Dr. Hassan N. Taki
Ms. Abby Talarico
Dr. Diane Taub
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tejera
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Terfler
Mrs. Carol Ann Terwilliger
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Thompson
Dr. and Mrs. David A. Trenkner
Mrs. Renate Troutman
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Tucker
Mr. and Mrs. Luke Vachon
Ms. Edith VanHouten
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Voirol
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Walchle
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Warrener
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Watkins
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Waymire
Mr. and Mrs. Roger R. Werling
Mrs. Rosemary Westrick
Mrs. Esther L. Wilcox
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wilkens
Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Williams
Ms. Becky Williamson
Mr. and Mrs. John Woenker
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Wooding, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Woodrum
Ms. Kristin L. Wuensch
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Wyatt
Kelley J. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Younger
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Zink
Thanks to all who gave honoraria and memorials to Cancer Services between November 26, 2013 and March 11, 2014.
Gina M. Burtness
Mrs. Rosemary J. Sweet
William W. Hagerman
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Hagerman
Sam McDonald
Ms. Lois Owen
Cancer Services Staff
Mr. and Mrs. Randy L. Eager
Ms. Barbara J. Franklin
Mrs. Cynthia L. Mainord
Cancer Survivors
Ms. Darleen Haugen
Robin M. Hermann
William and Sara Hatlem
Martha Mendelhall
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Spann
Dr. John N. Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Mitson
Holly Hovarter
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vice
Mary A. Meo
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Blickendorf
Dr. Daniel Cummiskey
Lilly Jarrett
Mr. and Mrs. John Jarrett
Ms. Renee Jarrett
Kim Merriman
Ms. Jessica Bloomfield
Pastors - Holy Cross Lutheran Church
Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Stein
Peter Albertson
Ms. Denise Buhr
Anita Bair
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vice
Linda Bewley
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Marker
Side by side. Every step of the way.
Ronny R. Gillum
Ms. Sherri Crawford
Terry L. Klinger
Mr. Andrew Klinger
Cliff and Judy Gjertson
Mr. Jeff Burdek and Ms. Gayle D. Goodrich
The Lapper
Mr. and Ms. Steven P. Howard
Dr. Glenn L. Goldstein and Staff
Mrs. Rose A. Kiester
Dianne May
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Marker
Clifford Miller III
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bulmahn
Jennifer and Ann O'Connell
Mr. and Mrs. Cory Strouse
Thanks to all who gave honoraria and memorials to Cancer Services between November 26, 2013 and March 11, 2014.
IN HONOR OF cont’d
Kathryn & Joseph Barbieri
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M. Henry
Susie Rakes
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Congress
Terry S. Barnhill
Windsor Homes by Jeff Gillmore
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bartkus
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Diss
Ms. Leann Pendarvis
Dr. and Mrs. James Rakes 36th Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Reynolds
Sharon Reed
Mrs. Bonnie M. Gibson
Marcia B. Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Congress
Rebecca A. Rodgers
Ms. Mary M. Wilhelm
Rose M. Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Ryan
Michelle Savieo
Admin Staff of Allen County DCS
Ruth Schaper
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hoy
Ron and Lynda Sleeper
Ms. Lois Fuller
Butch and Carolyn Sloan
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Di Ianni
The Caregivers
Mr. and Mrs. John Tarbell
Mary Helen Thuente
Dr. Hermine J. van Nuis
Hermine J. van Nuis
Dr. Arline Standley
Volunteers at CSNI
Mrs. Bette J. Geddis
Pat White
Ms. Joan Parsons
Timothy S. White
Mr. and Mrs. Alton N. White, Jr.
Mr. and Ms. Greg White
Mr. Matt White
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy White
Traci Yingling
Dupont Hospital - Purple Day Fundraiser
East Allen County Schools
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Hein
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Hollinger
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Herendeen
Mr. and Mrs. James Kinsey
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Sordelet
Mr. and Mrs. Chris G. Stavreti
Curtis and Vernice Chandler
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey K. Wolever
Steve Cheviron
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gentile
Patricia Beck
Mrs. Donna A. Caron
Susan L. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. David Lazzer
Antoinette L. Berger
Web Industries, Inc.
Jerry G. Clary
Mr. and Mrs. John Jarrett
Toni Berger
Mr. and Mrs. David Beer
Delois Clemons
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Garrison
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kincaid
Mr. and Mrs. John Petrie
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Schroff
Carl Berggoetz
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Berggoetz
Gene E. Betts
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bailey
Debra Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Randy M. Miller
Marilyn J. Binkley
Mr. Norman Binkley
Faye Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff A. Collins
Carol Bordner
American Sealants
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bade
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Dafforn
Ms. Edith Dix
Mr. and Mrs. Randy L. Eager
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Ely, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Franke
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Franke
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Harter
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Heidenreich
Mr. and Mrs. Dan K. Herney
Ms. Marquita Hertig
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd R. Johns
Ms. Gloria C. Longardner
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Longardner
Mr. and Mrs. Nevin L. Longardner
Ms. Elsie Love
Marquart Family Reunion
Mr. and Mrs. Mike A. McMaken
Ms. Peggy Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Oliver
The Overdorf Family
Ms. Phyllis Reeb
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sauder
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Spindler
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lee Spindler
Mrs. Jo Stackhouse
Mr. and Ms. Steven J. Stinson
Mr. and Mrs. Roy T. Tope
The Villas of Cedars
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley L. Wells
Ms. Delores Witte
Thomas F. Collins
Mrs. Charlene A. Collins
Franklin D. Colone
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Colone
Esther W. Congress
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Congress
Jon B. Crates
Mrs. Jeanie Crates
Marilyn Dafforn
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Altmeyer
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Arkkelin
Mr. Richard E. Block
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Christoff
Mr. and Mrs. William A Close
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Conley
Ms. Nancy Evans
Mrs. and Mrs. Peter L. Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Kitson, Jr.
Ms. Juanita A. McConnell
Ms. Molly A. O'Connor
Janet and Todd Stephenson
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Timinsky
David E. Foltz
Ms. Janice Foltz
Orland R. and Sara H. Foltz
Ms. Janice Foltz
Eldon Fore
Mrs. Shirley Fore
Margueriete Forester
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Kolkman
M. Robert Frick
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Frick
Jerry L. Fritz
Mrs. Arlene S. Green
George Furman
Mr. Henry Furman
Frieda M. Gabriel
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Barile, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael V. Davis
Ms. Margaret Diehl
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Gilliam
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Kastner
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Kline
Ms. Barbara P. Roth
Mr. and Mrs. John Segyde
Ms. Patricia J. Trosvig
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Wise
James Geddis
Mrs. Bette J. Geddis
Judy Gelzleichter
Mr. Richard J. Gelzleichter
Lorrie A. Gilliam
Ms. Leslie Holland
Linda L. Girardot
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stebing
Larry Dangerfield
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Dangerfield
Leonard J. Glaser
Shambaugh & Son L.P.
Mr. and Mrs. Bret S. Angel
Mr. Frederick A. Beckman
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Belschner
Mr. Phillip Cler
Mr. Greg J. Colelli
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Litchin
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Meier
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scare
Ms. Carol Smeltzley
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Yentes
Robert DeCook
Mrs. Gloria DeCook
Eric Goeglein
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Goeglein
Richard & Ruth Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Sockrider
Caroline Bowman
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford L. Campbell
Dennis S. DeCoursey
Mrs. Regina F. DeCoursey
Larry J. Graham
Mrs. Genevieve Graham
Gary Adang
Mr. Lee B. Adang
Vern F. Bradley
Mrs. Virginia Bradley
Herbert Derrick
Mr. Clive McCarthy
Arlyss Gray
Janet and Todd Stephenson
Letha F. Adang
Mr. Lee B. Adang
Evelyn Brincefield
Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Brincefield
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Cornwell, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sade
Charles Didion
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Horn
Linda E. Grossman
Mr. James Grossman
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Haines
James Altman
Ms. Susan L. Altman
Mr. Eugene Fox
Ms. Elizabeth H. Olson
Lawrence Amidon
Mrs. Rita Amidon
John E. Andrejko
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hackett
Helen Antle
Ms. Sue McDonald
Terry Aubuchon
Ms. Mary M. Wilhelm
Nancy Badders
Dr. Lubricant, Inc.
Mr. Todd Bauserman
Ms. Fran Bowsman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Conrow
Ms. Terry Franks
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gast
Mr. and Mrs. Eric R. Hamman
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Maldeney
Mrs. Carole K. Yerrick
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Zink
Marianne Baker
Ms. Abby Ehinger
Norma Jean Baker
Mr. David A. Baker
Eileen L. Dini
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Frick
Dorothy Brothers
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Buhr
Mervin D. Eash
Dr. Hermine J. van Nuis
Eldon R. Buhr
Ms. Marcella Buhr
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Buhr
Violet Ebetino
Mr. Frank J. Ebetino
Rodney Bush
Mrs. Deborah Menzie
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Sarsfield
Mr. and Mrs. William Simms
Kathryn Eich
Ms. Cathleen A. Distelrath
Mr. and Mrs. John Drummond
Mr. and Mrs. Hal T. Lepper
Jerry L. Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Baermann
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bushong
Mr. and Mrs. Jay D. Herendeen
Ms. Stephanie Sponsel
Lois Eiler
Mr. T. R. Eiler, Jr.
Warren R. Campbell
Mrs. Annelies Campbell
Family Members
Indigo Printing and Graphics, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Saalfrank
Sylvia Joan Farmer
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ross
Robert E. Falls
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry E. Falls
James Cantello
Mr. and Mrs. Frank X. Cantello
Robert R. Grotemat
Mr. and Mrs. Evan Grotemat
John E. Gulliksen
Ms. Jill Gulliksen
Paul W. Guy
Mrs. Mary L. Guy
Dale C. Harter
Ms. Virginia D. Harter
Mary T. Haughan
Mr. Paul J. Haughan
Sheila D. Healy
Ms. Kathy Antibus
Ms. Jessica M. Felkner
Mrs. Nancy V. Kline
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wagoner
Mr. Keith White
Bruce Heine
Mr. Stephen Heine
Byron R. Carrier
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Berggoetz
Mrs. Mary Carrier
Ms. Maryann Hyder
Ms. Bev Slaggy
Marolyn J. Felger
Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. Griffis
Sharon M. Heston
Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Sprott
Katherine Ann Felheim
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Clark
Donna Hetrick
Mr. Mark Hetrick
Hib Cassidy
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Bercot
Mr. and Mrs. Steven H. Cassidy
Sue L. Fenker
Mr. Frank Fenker
Ted P. Hevel
Mr. Steve Hevel
Maria Flores
Ms. Helen Espinosa
Richard "Rick" J. Hoffman
1st Source Bank
Ms. Lynn Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Beaver
Mr. and Mrs. John Brandt
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Jacoby
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Johnson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley L. Ketzler
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kulik
Mr. Paul Kulik
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Litchin
Monarch Capital Management, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary McCallister
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Purvis, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Rupp
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Smith
Kim and Chris Vanlaarhoven
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Wendling
Silas & Hannah Hofmann
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Weier
Barbara Hogan
Mr. Dennis J. Hogan
Mary Jo Horn
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Horn
Mabel Howenstine
Ms. Jean Kinsey
Anna Hummel
Ms. Pat A. Hummel
Kevin R. Huse
Mr. and Mrs. Joel E. Gunn
Ms. Suzanne W. Huse
Dorothy A. Lauritsen
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Price
Fred L. Leighty
Ms. Karen S. Saylor
Diana K. Lerch
Mr. Dennis J. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil C. Burke
Dr. and Mrs. Jack P. Covell
Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Dove
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Durnell
Ms. Alice Habig
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Malcom
Ms. Molly A. O'Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Rice
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Thurston
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Zehner
Theron C. Lindsey
Mr. and Mrs. Ken S. Eber
Mrs. Stella Eber
Mrs. Olga Lindsey
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Smith, Jr.
Debbie Littlejohn
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Berggoetz
Linda Lloyd
Neighborhood Health Clinic
C & A Tool Engineering, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Shank
Robert L. Inskeep
Mrs. Marilyn Inskeep
Stephen Longenberger
Mrs. Annabelle L. Dirr
Thomas Jehl
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff A. Collins
Katie Ludden
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Girardot
Ms. Jacqueline Roehling
Mark Kanning
Mrs. Barbara Kanning
Larry L. Kem
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Armstrong
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Chaney
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Didion
Mr. Mike Eavey
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Figg
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Figg
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gentile
Ms. Gloria Gibbs
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hegerfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hubbard
Mr. and Mrs. Daryle T. Keith
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Merriman
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Pflueger
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Post
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rice
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Slater
Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Statler
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Stier
Ms. Vecchi J. Talarico
Mr. Ron Tuttle
Ralph E. Kiester
Mrs. Rose A. Kiester
Sadie Kish
Something Old Something New Consignment
Twylia C. Kline
Mr. Duane Kline
Terry L. Klinger
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Busch
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Coffee
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Dustman
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Everett
Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Gaylord
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Hoagburg
Ms. Donna Holderbaum
Ms. Jennifer M. Huber
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hutter
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Murphy
Ms. Sharon Roberts
Dr. and Mrs. Ken J. Roller
Ms. Constance H. Schafer
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Schafer
Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Sherburne
Side by side. Every step of the way.
Michael L. Miller
Ms. Annette Abels
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bruick
Ms. Cathy M. Bux
Ms. Tammy L. Couch
Ms. Gayle J. Doornbos
Mr. and Mrs. Jason A. Ebert
Mr. and Mrs. John Fedele
Mr. Larry S. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Freiburger
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Gilliom
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Gump
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph R. Hilker
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Craig D. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard G. Mattes, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Mauger
Ms. Carol A. Puls and Ms. Martha Rose Smith
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Ruoff
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Schreck
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Sgro
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Smiley
Ms. Dian Sullivan
Mrs. Jeanette M. Troutner
Mrs. Diane Winkeljohn
Savannah B. Lepley
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Schafer
Marvin Hutsell
Mrs. Alta Hutsell
Edward Jordan
Ms. Rebecca L. Dunn
Ms. Dorothy L. Ehresmann
Mr. and Mrs. Brian S. Mahlan
Mr. and Mrs. Kraig L. Johns
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Johnson
Ms. Ann L. Keith
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Miller
Ms. Darlene Peck
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Salge
Mr. Ralph Snyder
Mr. John S. Zollinger
Robert P. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. David Barris
Jerry D. Mills
Ms. Rose M. Opliger
Debbie A. Mock
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Brown
Ms. Georgia Freeman
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Richman
Mr. and Mrs. Terry L. Schlotterback
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Shoaff II
Ms. Renee A. Sloan
Patricia Ludwig
Huntington Champion Hill Toppers VBBC
Red Hatters
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Archbold
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry G. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Ned C. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Mike E. Plasterer
Ms. Judy D. Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Spangle
Ms. Diana Yngstrom-Bugge
James Mohan
Mrs. Delores M. Zelt
Mrs. Gloria DeCook
Jane M. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Jess H. Bonecutter
Emma A. MacDonald
Mr. William MacDonald
Sondra Nemeth
Mr. and Mrs. Philip G. Nicole
Mike Marshall
Mr. Dennis J. Marshall
Don & Mary Numbers
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Riley
Timothy Martz
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Martz, Sr.
Esther Sue O'Dell
Wabash Technologies
Daniel W. Matter
Mrs. H. Faye Matter
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Riley
Glenna Oakes
C & A Tool Engineering, Inc.
Mary Dale (Shockey) Oldham Wenrich
Mr. and Mrs. William Nicolai
Candy Maugherman
Ms. Pepper Wells
Joseph Olry
Mr. and Mrs. James Sabo
Marjorie McClurg
Mr. Leslie W. McClurg
Frank McCurley
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Sarosi
Un Im Paek
Beverly Amstutz and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Baird, Jr.
Judy McGillivary
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Pfister
Lloyd H. Parrish
Mrs. Donna J. Parrish
Beth Ann McKeeman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Loucks
MaryAnn Pattee
Ms. Marilyn Vincent
William Mead
Mr. and Mrs. Dan A. Stalf
Mr. Travis Strock and Ms. Hillary Strock
Gerald Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mauricio
Corrine R. Paul
American Legion Auxiliary Jack Brinker Post 409
John T. Menzie
Mrs. Deborah Menzie
Hildegard Perlich
Mr. and Mrs. Roger D. Perlich
Dorotha W. Merren
Mr. Richard H. Merren, Jr.
Marna R. Pettersson
Mr. Anthony Pettersson
Clifford "Bud" Miller II
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bulmahn
Robert "Bob" Pike
IUE-CWA Local 999
Delores J. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Gorsuch
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Herrick
Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Hostetler
Dr. and Mrs. David L. Hurley
Ann L. Pinkham
Ms. Elsa Reiter
Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Strock
LeRoy L. Ratliff
Mrs. Mary Ratliff
Marlene Record
Mr. Lincoln F. Record
Marianna Reick
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Nartker
Sarah A. Rettig
Mr. and Mrs. Evan Grotemat
Ruthann Richards
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hagen
Robert E. Richey
Happy Hookers Golf League
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Beaver
Mr. and Mrs. John Bowers
Mr. James H. Crance
Mr. Steven E. Crance
Mrs. Jeanie Crates
Mr. and Mrs. Terry S. Harkenrider
Mr. and Mrs. Ricky N. Hartley
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Henry
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Kirchhofer
Mr. and Mrs. John N. Kline
Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Legg
Ms. Patricia Leuenberger
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory H. Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Merz
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Richey
Ms. Cynthia M. Ringler
Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Windmiller
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry R. Working
Weldon Richman
Masolite, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Bleke
Mr. and Mrs. David T. Bowman
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Counterman
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Day
Ms. Susan Doster
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Fay
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Gallmeyer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Griebel
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hoffman
Mrs. Susan K. Hoffman
Kim and Aubrey Hormann
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hormann
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Krouse
Ms. Norma J. Lepper
Ms. Babe Richman
Mr. Mark Richman
Ms. Mary Beth Sipe
Ms. Beverly Smith
Ms. Dawn Stephenson
Ms. Linda Voirol
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Weimer
Sandra Ridley
Mrs. Lovilee Johnson
Helen L. Riehle
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Deetz
Ann Fowler Riggs
Mrs. Norma J. Bloom
Mr. D.F. Brannon
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Brunson
Ms. Ann Crewdson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Hufford
Ms. Marilyn P. Perry
Mr. and Mrs. George L. Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Spangler
Ms. Doris Wright
Judy Ringle
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Buhr
Mary Katherine Rish
Kaiser Tool Company
Mannia & Company LLC
Ms. Elizabeth Anderson
Dr. and Mrs. Walter P. Beaver
Mr. John R. Bell
Dr. Carol A. Buttell
Mr. and Mrs. Don W. Currise
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Doerffler
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Dowling
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Elder, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Faist
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Keck
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Kostoff
Mr. Karl Mess
Ms. Mary E. Okeson
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Orendorff
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Pippenger
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Pitcher
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Poure
Mr. Charles Richardson
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Rowdon
Ms. Naomi Tazian
Mr. and Mrs. Bill R. Williams
Kent J. Roudebush
Buster and Cheryl Brown
Mrs. Beth Kramer
Mrs. Charla Palmer
Alice Ross
Deerfield Estates Comm. Assoc. Inc.
Virginia F. Sauer
Mr. John Bubb and Ms. Pamela Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Collins
The Eversole Family
Ms. Dian S. Gillmar
Mr. Daryl D. Gruenwald
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gruenwald
Ms. Jana G. Kriedeman
Ms. Ruth J. Perry
Ms. Janet Plath
Ms. Barbara N. Sauer
Mr. Dick Sauer
Ms. Amy Scaer
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Wise
Mr. and Mrs. Bert V. Baker
Ms. Peggy Nelson
Ms. Wanda Wysong
Patricia Schaefer
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Willen
Herb Scheumann
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Scheumann
Michael L. Scheumann
Mrs. Delores Scheumann
Jon Schmenk
Mr. and Mrs. Ray R. Grocock
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Hess
Mr. and Mrs. Don Rowdabaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Schmenk
Ms. Theresa Tilbury
Rita Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. McBride
Edwin Clark Schouweiler
Mr. Dave Schouweiler
Jeanne R. Schouweiler
Mrs. Patricia Keller
Mr. Dave Schouweiler
Susan D. Sharpe
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Wright
Gary E. Shippy
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Shippy
Marilee Shuler
Ms. Annette Zirkle
Ramon R. Sickmiller
Mrs. Carolyn E. Washler
Renee L. Sieger
New Haven High School
Carolyn K. Simpson
Ms. Helen Kay Adams
Ms. Peggy J. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Ellett
Ms. Cheryl Hite
Mrs. Joann Terlosky
Harold Sleesman
The Journey Free Methodist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Chris M. Bowles
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Dickey
Mrs. Arlene Georgi
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Grashoff
Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Guthrie
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Harris
Ms. Jean Kinsey
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. McCracken
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Denny L. Nusbaum
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Raupfer
Ms. Geraldine Raupfer
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Timinsky
John F. Sorg
Mrs. Judy Sorg
Sheila E. Stacy
Mr. and Mrs. Jay L. Toutenhoofd
Tony Stanski
Ms. Janice I. Stanski
Judy M. Staub
The Bowlers and Friends at Pro Bowl
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Boyle
Ms. Rebecca L. Cook Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Croy
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Girardot
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Kohn
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin E. Silvers
Ms. Georgienne Westrick
Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Wilkerson
Lee Stiles
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Frick
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus J. Marquart
Mr. David A. Springer
Mr. and Mrs. Garold Springer
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Springer
Jerry K. Walker
Ms. Lauren Walker
Dolores Warner
Mr. Robert W. Warner
Faith M. Webber
Mr. and Mrs. William Webber
James P. Westropp
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hummel
Eugene Stutzman
Mrs. Shirley Stutzman
Phyllis C. Swank
Ladies Auxiliary, VFW Post #857
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Brewer
Jd Crody
Ms. Kathryn Froebe
Ms. Linda Holman
Mr. and Mrs. Al Huth
Mr. Billy Imler
Ms. Vickie Klopfenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Lindblom
Ms. Sara Muncie
Mr. Jeff Rachell and Mis and Matt
Robert Sweet
Mrs. Rosemary J. Sweet
Thomas Sweet
Mrs. Rosemary J. Sweet
Gary Thrush
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Steward
Veronika Timinsky
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Timinsky
Max A. Troutner
Mrs. Jeanette M. Troutner
Steven Troxel
Ms. Lyndsay R. Davis
Rosalin Unverzagt
Ms. Linda Giles
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle L. La Fever
Eileen J. Whippo
Mr. Stan Whippo
Beverly Whiting
Co-Workers at Century Link
Starke County Economic Development
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Baumert
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Beard
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ferber
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Heiden
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Schuman
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sitterle
Mrs. Gladys Wysong
Joan T. Wilder
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Wilder
Eileen Young
Beckman Weil Shepardson LLC
Parma Service Workers Local 1
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Bartelsmeyer
Ms. Candida Bunn
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cassady
Mr. Christopher Heckman and Ms. Kristen Myers
Ms. Virginia Hindman
Ms. Fran Russmann
Mr. and Mrs. Owen F. Wade
If we have misspelled your name or
inadvertently left it off our list, please
call 484-9560 so we can make a correction.
Cancer Services of Northeast Indiana Inc.
6316 Mutual Drive
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46825
Ft. Wayne, IN
Permit No. 67