In the icy near-vacuum of interstellar space are seething
In the icy near-vacuum of interstellar space are seething
In the icy near-vacuum of interstellar space are seething cauldrons of stellar genesis. The breeding grounds are becoming known, Trying to describe the formation of a star with the fragmentary evidence now available to astronomy, University of California astronomer George H. Herbig once remarked, is very much like trying to reconstruct the plot of a movie from just a few still frames. The problem is that the gestation period of a star is so long—ranging from a few tens of thousands of years for certain giant stars to hundreds of thousands of years for stars like the sun—that astronomers can never hope to observe any one star through the transformations it undergoes between conception and birth. Instead, Herbig and other astronomers find themselves forced to capture instantaneous images of young stars at different stages of their growth. From these isolated data points, they try to work out the beginning, middle and end of the stellar formation process. That there are beginnings, as well as middles and ends, to stellar odysseys has long been known. But in and among these trimesters are many, many uncertainties. There was far less uncertainty 75 years ago, or at least so it seemed. By the end of this century's first decade, a Danish and an American astronomer had each independently come up with a new way of classifying stars diagrammatically. By plotting temperatures against luminosities, Ejnar Hertzsprung of Denmark and Henry Norris Russell of Princeton University determined that most stars fell along a gently undulating, ordered and orderly curve, from bright and hot to faint and cool. The diagram plotting the curve came to be known as the Hertzsprung-Russell Stellar nursery. Spiral galaxy NGC 5194, in Canes Venatici, and the regions along the trailing edges of its spiral arms where infrared data suggest new stars are being formed. 28 MOSAIC MAY/JUNE 1 978 diagram, and the gently undulating curve as the main sequence. The latter was thought to reflect the principal stages in the life of a fully developed star, after it had completed the processes of genesis and before it began its inevitable decline. There were, to be sure, two major star types that didn't quite lend themselves to superposing on the main sequence. These were the red giants (quite luminous but cool) and white dwarfs (dim but extremely hot). Astronomers at first believed that the giants might be infant stars, too young and too unconsolidated to be on the main curve, and that the dwarfs were superannuated stars, on when coupled to a telescope, generated an electric signal proportional to the intensity of the light falling upon it. These and subsequent technological advances (see "Catchers of the Sky" in this Mosaic) enabled astronomers to measure with some precision the apparent brightness (magnitude) and color of many stars. The revelations were often astounding. Stars that had been thought to be young were found, on the contrary, to be quite old; the red giant Betelgeuse, for instance, proved to be not a vigorous young adult star, but rather a doddering oldster, nearing the end of its life. Moreover, the theoretical astronomers Supergiants Giants Mam sequence White dwarfs J— L_ Stellar sequence. The famous Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, an early attempt to describe stellar evolution. Stellar evolution is actually far more complex and far less well understood, even now. their way to the stellar boneyard. This schema, so plausible and so logical, was widely accepted by the astronomical community as a definitive description of stellar evolution. It was, unfortunately, wrong. It is still useful, but for much more limited purposes than were originally intended. A number of astronomical developments in the second and third decades of this century revealed the weaknesses of this premature evolutionary theory. These were principally advances in instrumentation that made possible insights that Hertzsprung and Russell could not have had. These advances included better photographic plates and emulsions for the then-operating telescopes, and the photoelectric cell which, and physicists were also contributing to the ferment of the time. In the nineteentwenties, Harlow Shapley demonstrated that the sun and its planets lie on the outskirts of the Milky Way galaxy. At about the same time, Edwin Hubble disclosed both the existence of untold numbers of other galaxies in the universe and the expansion of the universe (see "One Universe, Indivisible" and "The Extragalactic Ferment" in this Mosaic). In the late nineteen-thirties, Hans Bethe showed that the incredible outpouring of energy from a star was the result of thermonuclear reactions deep in its interior. Progress continued into the nineteenforties and nineteen-fifties. The photomultiplier tube enabled astronomers in the late nineteen-forties to establish firm magnitude standards for faint stars. And in the early nineteen-fifties, astronomers were busily building models of stars and stellar processes and predicting properties appropriate to those models. The five-meter Hale telescope on Palomar Mountain had gone into operation in southern California; by then it was providing observational data against which the new theories could be checked. Not all celestial objects—-those hidden by clouds, for instance—are visible in ordinary light, however, and it began to become apparent that traditional, optical astronomy had inherent limitations. "All this early work was being carried out optically," says Herbig, who is also a staff astronomer at the Lick Observatory on Mount Hamilton, some 50 miles southeast of San Francisco. "It was being done with conventional telescopes at conventional wavelengths. But people recognized at the time that the very earliest stages of star formation must have taken place when the objects were very cool [and surrounded by cool dust and gas] and probably undetectable in visible light. "If only astronomers could penetrate these dense dust clouds where stars were thought to be forming, they thought, they might be able to see stars in their earliest stages," Herbig continues. "So it became apparent that infrared and radio astronomy, particularly microwave astronomy, were the way to go; these radiations can penetrate the clouds and provide information on the very initial stages of stellar formation." Unswaddling the infants And that was the way astronomy went. Throughout the nineteen-sixties and nineteen-seventies—using principally the radio telescopes and interferometers at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory at Green Bank, West Virginia, NRAO's millimeter-wave radio telescope in Arizona, the 300-meter fixed radio antenna at Arecibo, Puerto Rico, and optical and other equipment at the Kitt Peak National Observatory in Arizona and the Lick, Owens Valley and Hat Creek Observatories in California— astronomers working in radio and infrared frequencies gathered a great deal of information about young stars and the dusty, gassy, interstellar medium that is the stellar environment. "Let me say," Herbig told a 1976 international symposium in Geneva, Switzerland, on star formation, "how struck I MOSAIC MAY/JUNE 1978 29 am by the delicate symbiosis that exists between the stars and the interstellar medium, how each is nourished by the other and how the galaxy as we know it is entirely a consequence of that balance and interplay." Astronomers have long known that there are huge, cloudlike collections of dust and gas swirling through the interstellar regions of a galaxy; they discovered these clouds as a result of the reddening effect that dust (as well as radial velocity—see "One Universe, Indivisible" in this Mosaic) has on starlight: the more dust there is between a star and an observer, the more that star's visible radiation will seem to be reddened, as is the light of the sun at sunset. Only recently, however, have they come to appreciate the "delicate symbiosis" between these clouds and the formation of new stars. The dust is particularly important. It shields the gas within a cloud's deep interior from the effects of radiation from older, adjacent stars; dust grains provide surfaces on which chemical reactions can take place and dust radiates energy from the cloud during the star's early, formative stages. And yet these tiny grains—of uncertain composition, though graphite, silicon, carbide, and iron are possible constituents—contribute less than one percent to a cloud's total mass. Their effect becomes appreciable only because of the great size of the clouds—some of them up to 100 light-years across. The screening effect is perhaps the most important function served by interstellar dust. Like an opaque filter placed between a heat lamp and a bowl of setting Jell-O, the dust blocks out ultraviolet radiation from stars surrounding the cloud. It thus enables chemical reactions inside the cloud to go forward and complex, delicate molecules, formed from the atomic constituents of the gases, to survive. The first molecular specimen to be found in the interstellar medium was discovered 40 years ago. Astronomers then regarded it as something of a cosmic freak, a chemical oddball amidst the overwhelming profusion of atomic elements like hydrogen, helium and carbon. Today, of course, astronomers are aware of approximately 40 molecular species in the clouds among the stars and along the arms of spiral galaxies. These include molecular hydrogen (H 2 ), hydroxyl radical (OH), formaldehyde (HCOH), water vapor (H 2 0), ammonia (NH 3 ) and car- 30 MOSAIC MAY/JUNE 1 978 2 light-years Orion Nebula (Ionized gas) Stellar womb. The Orion Molecular Cloud (above) and the location within it where Don Hall locates the protostellarBecklinNeugebauer infrared object. The process and key components of such a sfeliar birthplace are depicted (after Zuckerman) at left. to Earth Trapezium cluster More molecular cloud bon monoxide (CO), among others. New ones are constantly being discovered. The dust grains, and the molecules thought to form on their microscopic surfaces, absorb the radiation given off by the slowly contracting envelope of gas and dust at the center of the cloud. They then reradiate it at their own characteristic wavelengths. Without this cooling by reradiation, the collapse of molecular clouds would be much less likely. Clouds collapse By radiating, explains Gillian R. Knapp, a senior research fellow in radio astronomy at Caltech, the molecules sap the cloud of the heat energy that has been keeping it inflated. "As a cloud cools," she says, "the balance between its internal heat and its gravitational forces is upset, and it starts to collapse." The collapse of a cloud is a key step in star formation. But it is a process that is poorly understood. It once was thought that a cloud was more or less spherical and that when it fell in upon itself, it did so radially, like a deflating balloon. The current view is that a cloud may break up into many fragments during the collapse. "Why they form," Knapp says of the fragments, "how many there are, how massive they are and how they're dis- tributed throughout the cloud are all questions for which we really don't have good answers at the moment." There are, however, some hints from infrared data: Small clouds appear to decompose into only two or three fragments, each of which may be some two or three times as massive as the sun. At the other extreme, there are huge clouds— cosmic overcasts—which disintegrate into a dozen pieces or more. Some of the pieces are the equivalent of ten solar masses, some are a few thousand solar masses and some are as large as several hundreds of thousands of solar masses. Current calculations by radio and infrared observational astronomers, says David N. Schramm, a University of Chicago theorist, indicate that motions within the collapsing cloud cause the individual, spinning fragments to take the shape not of a deflating balloon, but rather of a rotating disk. Moreover, Schramm says, based on observations by Martin Cohen of the University of California at Berkeley and others, the disks seem to be thinner close to their central cores than they are Cloud-to-protostar. An artist's conception of the process by which a collapsing cloud takes the spinning, scooped-out disk shape of a star in formation. At stage III, it is radiating energy at its poles. around their perimeters. This gives them something of a scooped-out appearance on top and bottom. Thus, if a disk were seen edge-on, all that would be observed would be a thick, obscuring envelope of dust. Seen from above or below, however, the disk would appear to be a core surrounded by dust of graduated density: thinner in the immediate vicinity of the center and thicker farther out toward the rim. Critical densities This structure allows the formative star to radiate energy from its polar regions out into the interstellar medium, while continuing to draw in matter along the equatorial plane of the disk. The signature of these processes, says Knapp, is t h e p r e s e n c e of c e r t a i n m o l e c u l a r wavelengths. "Hydrogen cyanide and formaldehyde can r a d i a t e , " she says "only when the density, the number of particles per cubic centimeter, is above a critical value. So, when we see one of those, for example, we know that the density in that region of the cloud is roughly ten times what it is in a region where we see only CO or hydroxyl radical." Once collapse begins, gravitational forces dominate the process. The disk continues to shrink and its density to in- 4 mm 4* - ^ &* *£r& k ._?«; ,.V"" MOSAIC MAY/JUNE 1978 31 crease until, at last, the center is generating heat faster than it can radiate it away. Temperatures begin to rise and the radiation given off changes from the longer wavelengths of infrared to the shorter. Any dust particles still in or near the core are either blown off or sublimated; only gas remains at the center, and it is now beginning to glow. When this stage is reached—when the center of a collapsing fragment is dense enough and hot enough to emit the shorter wavelengths of infrared—it can be said that a protostar is born (or protostars, since the evidence suggests that dark molecular clouds bear stars in litters rather than singles). It may take a collapsing cloud a few tens of thousands of years to reach the protostar stage. Thereafter, depending upon its mass, it may be anywhere from a million to ten million years before it bursts into the flame of thermonuclear fusion. Then its radiation moves into the visible and ultraviolet part of the spectrum. Until that time, it exists as an infrared object. A star is born Back in 1966, Gerry Neugebauer and Eric Becklin of Caltech noticed a prominent infrared source in the Orion Molecular Cloud. The cloud, in Orion's sword and some 1,500 light-years from the earth, is a complex structure containing a variety of objects: the Orion Nebula, a sheet of ionized gas; the Trapezium cluster of young, hot stars that are responsible for the ionization of the nebula; a dense layer of neutral molecular gas some 500 times the mass of the sun, and a group of protostars that are very bright in the infrared part of the spectrum but still not visible in the optical region. Becklin and Neugebauer focused their attention on one of these infrared objects. It was compact, glowed 10,000 times as luminous in infrared as the sun, had a temperature of 600 degrees Kelvin and appeared to have a diameter of not quite 200 astronomical units, roughly 18 billion miles. These characteristics, the Caltech astronomers suggested, made the object a prime candidate for identification as a pre-main-sequence star—a star about to be born. In January 1978, a team of astronomers looked closely at the BecklinNeugebauer object with the four-meter telescope at the Kitt Peak National Observatory, rigged for infrared. The radiation from the Becklin-Neugebauer object collected by the telescope was fanned out in a special spectrometer designed and built by team members Donald N. B. Hall and Stephen T. Ridgway of Kitt Peak. Hall and his colleagues—besides Ridgway there were F. C. Gillett of Kitt Peak and Susan G. Kleinmann of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology— focused their attention on two spectral lines in the object's infrared spectrum. These were lines that were emitted by hydrogen atoms at different levels of excitation. Through a series of complicated backtracking equations, the astronomers were able to deduce the kind of object that would produce such patterns. " O u r observations revealed," Hall says, "that the object is a B-class star in its very earliest stages of evolution." A Bclass star is large and hot (only O-class stars are hotter); Rigel, the brightest star in Orion, is a B-class star. The Kitt Peak astronomers also have inferred that the Becklin-Neugebauer object had first rapped at the door of the main sequence within the past 1,000 years or so; it is now running on the energy of thermonuclear fusion and is emitting visible light. At the moment, the newborn star is probably throwing off its swaddling layers of gas and dust. Nevertheless, because of its distance (1,500 light-years), it could be anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand years before the corroborating evidence of this activity—photons of visible light—are received here on earth. It may, a team of Japanese astronomers has suggested, almost be ready to take on the characteristics of the next, and only slightly more advanced, kind of star: the troublesome T Tauri. The T Tauri class, so called because the first such stellar object was discovered in the constellation Taurus (others have since been found all over the sky), is among the more interesting, and puzzling, of star types. These stars are visible in both optical and infrared wavelengths and are found clustered in dark clouds or in the turbulent regions sandwiched between the cloud and an adjacent bright nebula. Astronomers believe the T Tauri stars to be further along than the BecklinNeugebauer source but still in the premain-sequence process of collapsing gravitationally. The T Tauri stars are noted for their variability. Back in 1936, a faint star that is believed to have been a T Tauri, of a type known as FU Orionis, went from the 16th to the 10th magnitude, an increase in luminosity of 250 times, in about a year. It was considered then to have been Stellar midwivery. Shock fronts from the death-blast of a star-cum-supernova are among prime candidates for inducers of the collapse of clouds into protostars. Mixing at the interface gives second-generation stars their complement of heavy elements. .- Shock Front . \ SHOCK Front \ 5- Gas Mi/'ng at Interface -~-.^/\ t \ V. Proicsciar nebula (interstellar gas and dust grains; 32 MOSAIC MAY/JUNE 1978 Grains Penetrate •"*" |. 1_^_ interface " *" \j (Shrapnel'i • """"'J\X ) Collapse \ Begins T .. ^ • f\ s C3j/ Supernova Gas and Grabs Presoiar Nebula [interstellar Gas and Grains - Supernova Grains and Gaj / A. an arcane object. Some astronomers believe now, however, that it was observed in the process of blowing off the remnants of its cloud as, it has been suggested, the Becklin-Neugebauer protostar is expected to do in the not-too-distant future. Just in the last few months, however, Jeremy Mould of Kitt Peak and others have obtained infrared spectra of FU Orionis stars that suggest a more precise mechanism for t h e brightening. The spectra appeared to show the stars to be rotating fast enough to be casting off mass from their equatorial regions. As the stars redistribute their mass to compensate for the loss, Don Hall explains, "they could brighten considerably." That model, the astronomers caution, "appears the more promising" of several possibilities, though it cannot be "strong- ly preferred" from the present data. In any event, the interest that the Becklin-Neugebauer star has attracted is due more to its proximity—a mere 1,500 light-years—than to its age or its singularity; there may be others as young or younger, and there are known to be at least several dozen other young or forming stars embedded in thick interstellar dust clouds here and there about the universe. Indeed, says Roger Ulrich, chairman of UCLA's astronomy department, there is probably as much interest in galactic regions, where dust clouds and their associated stars and infrared objects appear to be concentrated, as there is in the sequential development of an individual star. There seem to be processes at work within these regions that cause the clouds to fragment, collapse and produce stars. The mechanisms, at this junction, are more important than the consequences. Processes a! work It is no accident that the BecklinNeugebauer object is in the Orion Molecular Cloud. That cloud is just such a region as Ulrich has in mind. Judging from the large number both of young visible stars and infrared objects recently discovered there, it appears that this complex cloud, two light-years in diameter, with its Great Nebula and HerbigH a r o objects—tiny, shock-heated hot spots in the dust, named for Guillermo Haro of the Mexican National Observatory and for George Herbig—are to stars what Scammon's Lagoon in Baja California is to gray whales: a breeding ground. It is, however, just one of several different cosmic niches where stars seem to form. Some of these sites are concentrated along the trailing edges of a galaxy's spiral a r m s ; others can be detected in and around the hub of a galaxy. The question: Where? appears to be being answered. But not the questions: Why? or How? What causes the dust and gas in interstellar space to aggregate and form dark clouds? What perturbs these clouds and sets the collapse process in train? What is the relationship between the lee of a spiral galactic arm and other stellar breeding grounds? Spiral illusion. Differential rotation of elliptical density waves around a galaxy core has been proposed as an explanation of the illusion of spiral arms. "Windrowing" of interstellar material behind the density waves can provide the environment for the coalescing of gas and dust into protostars. So far, the forces at work within the spiral arms of galaxies come closest to producing a theory of cloud collapse and star gestation. At least there is one explanation that currently finds favor among many scientists: the density wave theory credited to the Swedish astronomer Bertil Lindblad and American astronomers Chia-Chiao Lin of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Frank Shu of the University of California at Berkeley. According to this theory, the stars, dust and gas of a galaxy are initially more or less evenly distributed throughout the rotating galactic disk. But a density wave, something like a cosmic analogue of a sound wave, ripples through the disk. This wave rotates around the galactic core less rapidly than does the rest of the galactic matter and presents an obstacle to the overtaking gas, dust and stars. These, then, bunch up like a windrow behind the slow-moving density wave. In each of these elliptical log-jams of galactic matter, for the length of time that matter bogs down behind the density wave, the density of the galactic matter itself builds up, and conditions become right for clouds to aggregate and stars to begin to form. Although the exact mechanism of the density wave remains to be elaborated, it is thought that the compressional effects of the wave cause small variations in the densities of stars washing up behind it. These variations lead to small warpings in the gravitational fields extending out from the stars. These warpings, in turn, have an impact on the gas and dust particles drifting about in that region. "You might think of it," says Michael W. Werner of Caltech, "as the density wave causing little 'holes' of gravitational anomalies into which the gas and dust fall." This would aggregate the gas and dust into a cloud, the first step toward star formation. (A series of such galactic bottle-necks, created by crests of anomalous density sharing a common hub and rotating at different velocities around the galactic core, has been proposed by Jay Pasachoff, director of the Hopkins Observatory, Williamstown, Massachusetts, as an explanation of the spiral appearance of some galactic disks. The spiral appearance may be no more than an illusion, the proposal holds, created as the ellipses, sharing a hub and rotating at different speeds, approach but don't cross each other at a sequence of points that trace an apparent spiral.) MOSAIC MAY/JUNE 1978 33 Other processes But there are other processes seemingly at work as well: F. J. Vrba of the University of Arizona and Karen M. Strom and Stephen E. Strom of Kitt Peak carried out a survey of stellar rookeries between 1974 and 1976. They used the 4-meter, 2.1-meter and 1.3-meter telescopes at Kitt Peak, equipped for infrared. By measuring the polarization of the radiation being emitted by young stars, the trio was able to determine something about the magnetic fields surrounding the stars. This was possible because magnetic fields cause a systematic alignment of dust particles within a cloud, and the dust particles affect the polarization of light emitted by the stars. Vrba's and the Stroms' findings indicated that magnetic fields play a role in the collapse of some clouds, either by channeling the gas along field lines into a cloud center or by mapping the general flow directions for the gas. One cloud they studied seemed to have a magnetic sinkhole; matter poured down along the lines of force and stars were forming at the bottom. A second type of cloud, having weak magnetic fields, seemed to be undergoing a relatively quiet collapse as the result of gravitational attraction alone. A third and a fourth cloud type, however, gave indications of more dynamic forces at work, the former because of a shock wave ripping through it and the latter because of a collision with another cloud. What the three astronomers showed is that the efficiency of the star-forming process in a cloud is coupled to the vigor of the collapse process and that, whatever the role of magnetic fields, it gets washed out by more energetic forces. In the first two cloud types, those under the influence of the magnetic sinkhole and simple gravity, only one to two percent of the original cloud mass was converted into new stars. The shock-wave cloud, in contrast, made about 8 percent of its original mass into new stars, while the colliding clouds yielded 28 percent of their masses in the form of young stars. Shock waves are, at the moment, one of the more hotly pursued topics in stelNew stars and hydrogen. Reading hydrogen distribution at two central velocities around new stars in the direction of Cepheus (right), Assousa and Herbst identify portions of the sheii ejected in our direction—dashed lines— and estimate initial rest velocities of matter ejected into the shell'—solid lines. The distribution of ionized hydrogen in the red-sensitive photo plates (above) indicates star formation. 34 MOSAIC MAY/JUNE 1 978 lar astronomy. Astrophysicists William Herbst and G. E. Assousa of the Carnegie Institution of Washington have suggested that the shock waves from a supernova— the cataclysmic explosion of a huge star— act as triggers for the collapse of dark molecular clouds. Such might have triggered the birth of the solar system. A Caltech group, including Gerald Wasserburg, Dimitri Papanastassious, Typhoon Lee (now at the University of Chicago) and Malcolm McCulloch, has advanced evidence to support such a contention. They contend that a supernova occurred in the vicinity of the solar system some 500,000 to a million years or so before the sun and the planets formed (see "Stellar Ontogeny: . . .to Ashes" in this Mosaic). And, the Caltech researchers propose, along with Schramm, Harvard University's A. G. W. (Al) Cameron and others, that a supernova was instrumental in the system's formation. The occurrence of a supernova can only be described as a colossal event. The responsible star, at least six times as massive as the sun, after having burned brightly for perhaps ten million years, collapses within a span of just a few seconds. The outer shells of the star are ejected with great force and velocity by shock waves generated in the implosion. It is just such shock waves, according to Schramm and his theoretical group at Chicago, that interact with the elements in those outer shells to spawn such heavier elements as magnesium and aluminum and spray them through the interstellar space. Herbst and Assousa have found a group of newly formed stars around the edge of an expanding shell of gas that they have traced to a supernova remnant in Canis Major, the constellation that includes the star Sirius. They have also detected an expanding shell of neutral hydrogen in the constellation Cepheus, as well as a clutch of new stars there. Both the shell and the stars appear to be around 430,000 years old. Based on these associations and the occasional presence of rare elements in some stars (elements not thought to be synthesized by the slow, thermonuclear fusion in stellar cores, but only in the very violent crucible of supernovas), the two Carnegie researchers contend that stellar explosions such as these could be major producers of hot young stars in spiral galaxies. Rare elements also figure in the Caltech group's assertion that a super- nova was instrumental in the formation of the solar system (see "Stellar Ontogeny: . . .to Ashes" in this Mosaic). Wasserburg and his colleagues detected an unusually enriched concentration of a telltale element in the Allende meteorite, a two-ton carbonaceous chondrite that, left over from the primordial solar nebula, fell to earth in 1969. The element was magnesium-26, a substance created when aluminum-26 decays radioactively. Since aluminum-26 has a half life of 700,000 years (meaning that half of a given amount of aluminum-26 will decay to magnesium-26 and other forms in that time), the fact that there is so much of its decay product in a fragment 4.6 billion years old is startling. It can only mean that there was a lot of aluminum-26 around when the meteorite, the sun and the planets all condensed. Could the early sun have produced this element? It's possible, says Wasserburg, but then the planets, as well as meteorites, would have picked up some of this radioactive element—and melted. The heat released during decay would have done the job within about 300,000 years. Since the planets have lasted at least 4.6 billion years, this hypothesis is unlikely. Instead, Wasserburg and his Caltech associates argue, the aluminum-26 came from a nearby supernova that exploded anywhere from five billion to perhaps seven billion years ago. The element was synthesized as the shock wave from the Planetary possibility. The circumstellar disk around MWC 349 could well represent the condensation of planets out of a protostellar structure. The temperature of the disk decreases with distance from the star. explosion ripped through the outer shells of the dying star and fired, like a spray of pellets from a shotgun, into an adjacent cloud. The wave would have initiated the collapse of the cloud and elements like aluminum-26 would have been captured by the dust particles in the cloud. Planetesimals and planets At a symposium on protostars and planets, held in early January at the University of Arizona, Cameron called a supernova "the most straightforward explanation" for all of the trace elements like aluminum-26 now known to be included in meteorites. The explosion would have caused the primordial cloud to disintegrate into fragments, one of which eventually became the solar disk. Initially, says Cameron, the disk grows in radius by drawing in the matter from the collapsing cloud. As a simile, a large, roughly spherical lump of runny clay spinning on a potter's wheel and gradually flattening into a disk suggests an image of the process; matter is flowing inward near the center of the disk and outward along its perimeter. Most of the disk's mass would radiate away or be spun off within a fairly short period of time—perhaps less than 100,000 years or so—leaving only a MOSAIC MAY/JUNE 1978 35 thin plane of dust particles circling the central region. There are two possible ways for these particles to accrete, or grow together, to form planets, according to William K. Hartmann of the Planetary Science Institute in Tucson: • The dust rains down out of the extended gaseous nebula or fragment toward the midplane of the galactic disk; like raindrops sliding down a windowpane, the dust clumps with other dust particles contacted during the fall. In the midplane of the galaxy, the particles and clumps are ultimately so closely crowded that groups of them aggregate by gravitational attraction into kilometerscale bodies. • The grains collide individually, sometimes bouncing apart, sometimes sticking together and sometimes breaking up aggregates previously formed. But each collision bleeds a little velocity from the interacting particles; the next time they strike each other they tend to remain closer. Eventually, when relative speeds are low enough, colliding grains are held together by their own gravity. "Most people feel that the planets formed as either a mix or sequence of the two processes," Hartmann says. But once the second process, called "collisional accretion," began, then planets would have agglomerated within a fairly short period of time. The time required might be as little as 10 to 100 years for the first planetesimals, a few tens of kilometers across. Calculations by Hartmann and his colleagues indicate growth of a few bodies to 1,000-kilometer dimensions within as few as 20,000 years. For all these rocky objects to have been swept up into the solar system's so-called terrestrial planets—Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars—however, it could have taken tens of millions of years. The asteroids that lie between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter are thought to be remnants of that long-ago process. "It could be," says Hartmann, "that no single asteroid ever got big enough to carry the process of collisional accretion through to sweep up all the rest. It could also be that Jupiter may have disturbed the belt so much that the objects never slowed down enough to accrete." Other solar systems Are there other solar systems, either in this galaxy or in external galaxies? Astronomers have long believed that planetary systems should be something of a commonplace, even though they 36 MOSAIC MAY/JUNE 1978 have not yet developed the techniques needed to demonstrate that this is actually the case. Barnard's Star, some six light-years away from earth, may or may not have two huge planets roughly the size of Jupiter and Saturn revolving about it (see, "Life Among the Stars," Mosaic, Volume 8, Number 2). There may be others; the data depend principally on astrometric techniques and are, at the very least, ambiguous. More recently, Peter Strittmatter and Rodger I. Thompson of the University of Arizona reported finding a greater-thananticipated amount of visible light coming from a star known by its catalog number of MWC 349. From this, and from a body of infrared data, the Arizona investigators believe that MWC 349 is a star surrounded by a preplanetary disk structure. Continued studies of this object may reveal whether, indeed, the sun and its planets have cousins elsewhere in the vastness of the universe. Not forever? There is a sense of continuity in the birth and evolution of stars, as there is in the propagation of h u m a n life. A biologist once remarked that human beings were only temporary repositories of DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid, the molecular basis of life. It may be that something of the sort is true of stars. At this moment, according to Beatrice M. Tinsley of Yale University, about 80 percent of the known mass of the Milky Way galaxy is bound up in stars, living and dead. Even in death, stars return some of the matter that once was theirs to the interstellar medium, via the agency of explosions like novas and supernovas. Young stars draw upon these used materials to build their own new stellar furnaces, and the cycle goes on. Not forever, however. As long as the universe continues to expand (see "One Universe, Indivisible" in this Mosaic), a time will come—in perhaps 40 billion years or so—when too much matter will have been irrecoverably buried in dead or dying stars for the universe to give rise to new stars. No young stars will be born, and any observer alive then would have the melancholy privilege of watching the last few points of light sputter, flare, fail and finally gutter out. Perhaps, at least in an eternally expanding open universe, the birth of a star should be regarded with sadness as, philosophically, the Chinese traditionally regarded the birth of a human. They saw it as bringing closer the moment of death.®