Forced Air - ECONAR Products
Forced Air - ECONAR Products
Air Installation & Operation Manual Forced Installation & Operation Manual Engineering Specifications ECONAR ColdClimate Series Forced Air Models REC-V036 – REC-V060 Table of Contents I. Key & Legend ................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Key to Model Numbers ....................................................................................................................................................... 2 Configuration Options ......................................................................................................................................................... 3 Legend for Tables ................................................................................................................................................................ 3 II. Warnings & Cautions ....................................................................................................................................................... 4 III. General Information ........................................................................................................................................................ 4 Inspection ............................................................................................................................................................................ 4 Storage ................................................................................................................................................................................ 4 Protection ............................................................................................................................................................................ 5 Pre-Installation Preparation ................................................................................................................................................ 5 IV. Best Practices ................................................................................................................................................................... 5 System Sizing ....................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Building Heat Loss/Heat Gain .......................................................................................................................................... 5 Ground Sources and Design Water Temperatures ........................................................................................................ 5 Temperature limitations .................................................................................................................................................. 6 V. System design .................................................................................................................................................................. 6 Ground Source Design ......................................................................................................................................................... 6 Ground Loop Installation ................................................................................................................................................. 6 Ground Water Installation ............................................................................................................................................... 7 Application Diagrams .......................................................................................................................................................... 8 Unit location/mounting ....................................................................................................................................................... 8 VI. Electrical........................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Controller ............................................................................................................................................................................ 9 LED Lights .......................................................................................................................................................................... 11 VII. Heat Pump Commissioning............................................................................................................................................ 12 Maintenance ..................................................................................................................................................................... 13 VIII. Accessories .................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Room Thermostat.............................................................................................................................................................. 13 Desuperheater................................................................................................................................................................... 13 IX. Engineering Specifications ............................................................................................................................................. 16 Performance Ratings ......................................................................................................................................................... 16 Performance Data ............................................................................................................................................................. 18 Physical Data ..................................................................................................................................................................... 24 Electrical Data.................................................................................................................................................................... 25 Blower Performance.......................................................................................................................................................... 25 Water Coil Pressure Drop Ratings ..................................................................................................................................... 26 X. Figure ............................................................................................................................................................................. 27 Figure 1 – Ground Loop Water Plumbing ...................................................................................................................... 27 Figure 2 – Ground Water Plumbing ............................................................................................................................... 27 Figure 3 – Preferred Desuperheater Installation ........................................................................................................... 28 Figure 4 – Alternate Desuperheater Installation ........................................................................................................... 28 XI. Troubleshooting............................................................................................................................................................. 29 XII. Wiring Diagram .............................................................................................................................................................. 37 1 I. KEY & LEGEND KEY TO MODEL NUMBERS R E C - V 036 - A R S - E C – XXX [Application] R = Series [Special] Mfg Code [Build] E = ECONAR [Compressor] C = ColdClimate [Heat Exchanger] C = Copper N = Cupronickel source coil [Configuration] V = Vertical (forced air) [Blower] E = ECM [Unit Size] 036 = 3 Ton 048 = 4 Ton 060 = 5 Ton [Domestic Hot Water] S = Desuperheater X = none [Electrical Supply] A = 208/230V-60Hz, Single Phase [Air Return] L = Left Return (vertical) R = Right Return (vertical) 2 CONFIGURATION OPTIONS Standard Special Order - Not Available Model Suffix Description 036 048 060 REC – **** - A** - ** - *** 208/230-1-60 Hz, Single Phase REC – **** - M** - ** - *** 208/230-3-60 Hz, Three Phase REC – **** - N** - ** - *** 460/230-3-60 Hz, Three Phase REC – V*** - *L* - ** - *** Left return REC – V*** - *R* - ** - *** Right return REC – **** - **X - ** - *** No Desuperheater REC – **** - **S - ** - *** Desuperheater REC – **** - *** - *C - *** Standard, Copper REC – **** - *** - *N - *** Cupronickel source coil LEGEND FOR TABLES BTU/hr CAP COP CFM DB DEWT DHW DLWT dP DSH EER EWT FLA GND Heating or cooling capacity Capacity Coefficient of performance (BTU/hr out : BTU/hr in) Cubic feet per minute Dry-bulb entering air temperature Demand Entering Water Temperature Demand Hot Water Demand Leaving Water Temperature Pressure drop across heat pump Desuperheater Energy efficient ratio (BTU/hr CAP : watts in) Entering water temperature Full-load amperage Ground GPM HE HR HYD kW LLTC LLTH LRA LWT MBTU/hr RLA SLT VA WB 3 Gallons Per Minute Heat Extracted Heat Rejected Hydronic Kilowatt Liquid Line Temperature Cooling Liquid Line Temperature Heating Locked-rotor amperage Leaving water temperature Btu/hr x 1000 Rated-load amperage Suction Line Temperature Volt-amperes Wet-bulb entering air temperature CAUTION – Three-phase units must be wired II. WARNINGS & CAUTIONS properly to ensure proper compressor rotation. Improper rotation may result in compressor damage. An electronic phase sequence indicator must be used to check supply-wiring phases. Also, the “Wild” leg of the three-phase power must be connected to the middle leg on the contactor. Note – Always refer to the inside of the lower front door for the correct wiring diagram, and always refer to the nameplate on the exterior of the cabinet for the correct electrical specifications. WARNING WARNING – Service of refrigerant-based –Verify refrigerant type before equipment can be hazardous due to elevated servicing. The nameplate on the heat pump system pressures and hazardous voltages. Only identifies the type and the amount of refrigerant. trained and qualified personnel should install, All refrigerant removed from these units must be repair or service. Installer is responsible to ensure reclaimed by following accepted industry and that all local electrical, plumbing, heating and air agency procedures. conditioning codes are followed. CAUTION WARNING – ELECTRICAL SHOCK CAN protected. Insufficient amounts of antifreeze may CAUSE PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH. cause severe damage and will void warranty. Disconnect all power supplies before installing or Loop antifreeze must be non-flammable. Never servicing electrical devices. Only trained and operate with ground loop flow rates less than qualified personnel should install, repair or specified. Continuous operation at low flow or no service this equipment. flow may cause severe damage and may void WARNING – Ground loop must be freeze warranty. – THE UNIT MUST BE III. GENERAL INFORMATION PROPERLY GROUNDED! The main electrical service must be protected by a fuse or circuit breaker and be capable of providing the amperes required by the unit at nameplate voltage. All wiring must comply with the national electrical code and/or any local codes that may apply. Access to the line voltage contactor is through the knockouts provided on the side of the heat pump as labeled. Route EMT or flexible conduit with appropriate size and type of wire. INSPECTION Equipment should be inspected upon receipt to assure that damage has not occurred during shipment of the unit. Carefully check the shipping company bill of lading against the packing slip to verify that all units and accessory packages have been received. Inspect each package for physical damage and ensure that the carrier makes Ensure adequate supply wiring to minimize the level of dimming lights during compressor startup on single-phase installations. Some dimming is normal upon compressor start-up. notation of any damage or missing packages on bill of lading records. Pictures of any damage are recommended. Concealed damage should be reported to the shipping company immediately. CAUTION – Route field electrical wiring to avoid contact with electrically live bare metal parts inside the electrical box. STORAGE Unit should be stored in a clean, dry location in 4 the original shipping packaging. Units shall be stored in an upright position and should not be Inspect electrical connections for cleanliness and attachment stacked unless noted on the shipping packaging. Inspect liquid connections to assure that any debris has been removed and caps are PROTECTION removed as appropriate. Units should be protected when on the building IV.BEST PRACTICES site from damage and contamination. Keep units covered or in original shipping packaging during SYSTEM SIZING job site construction. All physical connections (air supply and return, piping, electrical) should be Selecting the unit capacity of a geothermal heat protected pump requires three things: and covered/capped prior to installation. PRE-INSTALLATION PREPARATION Care should be taken to assure that the installation of the geothermal unit is successful. Locate the unit where there is Building Heat Loss / Heat Gain. Ground Sources and Design Water Temperatures. Temperature Limitations. BUILDING HEAT LOSS/HEAT GAIN adequate ventilation and room for servicing. Units should The space load must be estimated accurately for be placed on a level surface on a vibration– any successful HVAC installation. There are absorbing pad slightly larger than the base of the many guides or computer programs available for unit. Care should be taken to use the proper duct estimating heat loss and gain, including the size, piping is not hard-plumbed to the unit, and Manual J, and others. After the heat loss and gain any sound or vibration is not transmitted into the analysis surroundings. Temperatures is completed, (EWT’s) are Entering Water established, and heating conditions are determined. The heat Units are designed for indoor installation only pump can now be selected using the heat pump where the ambient temperature remains above data found in the Engineering Specifications 45°F. Do not use the heat pump for initial heating section. Choose the capacity of the heat pump of the building during construction. Operating the based on both heating and cooling loads. heat pump during construction or renovation will subject the unit to contamination, potentially GROUND SOURCES AND DESIGN WATER TEMPERATURES resulting in failure of the unit. Starting the heat pump in a cold environment may flush lubricant from the compressor resulting in compressor Ground sources include the Ground Water damage and ultimately, unit failure. (typically a well) and the Ground Loop varieties. Water flow-rate requirements vary based on Review the electrical data on the nameplate to configuration. The Engineering Specifications assure that the correct unit has been shipped section provides capacities at different loop Carefully remove any packing material from entering water temperatures and entering air the outside and inside of the unit and inspect temperatures. for any concealed damage 5 energy (in the heating mode) from the relatively GROUND LOOP SYSTEMS warm surrounding soil through the pipe and into Loop systems use high-density polyethylene pipe the buried underground to supply a tempered water the loop Entering solution. The solution energy with the solution, and then the solution operate at higher flow rates than ground water because cold circulates to the heat pump, which transfers solution back to the heat pump. Ground loops systems relatively circulates back through the ground to extract Water more energy. Temperature (EWT) is lower. EWT affects the capacity of the unit in both heating and cooling CAUTION – Ground Loops must modes, and loops in cold climates are normally freeze sized to supply wintertime EWT to the heat pump antifreeze may result in a freeze rupture of the down to 25°F. unit or can cause unit shutdown problems during protected. Insufficient be properly amounts of cold weather operation. Propylene glycol is a GROUND WATER SYSTEMS common antifreeze solution. Propylene glycol See Figure 3 antifreeze solution should be mixed 25% with Note – If a heat pump is installed with ground water to obtain a 15°F freeze protection. Enertechs water, it should have a Cupro-Nickel (CuNi) proprietary Geothermal Transfer Fluid (GTF) water coil. Cupro-Nickel water coils withstand is methanol-based antifreeze and should be mixed well water much better than standard copper 50% with water to achieve freeze protection of water coils. 12°F. TEMPERATURE LIMITATIONS Important – Do not mix more than 25% propylene glycol with water in an attempt to Be aware of the operating range of the geothermal achieve lower than 15°F freeze protection, since system when sizing the particular heat pump to more concentrated mixtures of propylene glycol avoid premature equipment failure. Operating become too viscous at low temperatures and will outside of these limitations may cause severe become more difficult to pump through the earth damage to the equipment and may loop. Horizontal loops typically use GTF, and void warranty. CAUTIONS: vertical loops typically use propylene glycol. Note – Always check State and Local codes for any Reference tables in engineering section for acceptable operating conditions. special requirements on antifreeze solutions. V. SYSTEM DESIGN CAUTION – Never operate with flow rates less than specified. Low flow or no flow may cause the unit to shut down on a pressure lockout or GROUND SOURCE DESIGN may cause a freeze rupture of the heat exchanger. GROUND LOOP INSTALLATION Important– A Ground Loop system circulates the same Pressure/Temperature (P/T) ports in the entering antifreeze solution through a closed system of and leaving water line of the heat pump is high-density underground polyethylene pipe. As recommended (see figure 2). A thermometer can the solution passes through the pipe, it collects be inserted into the P/T ports to check entering 6 Installation of and leaving water temperatures. A pressure should always remain above 20 psig, to ensure gauge can also be inserted into these P/T ports to circulation pumps do not cavitate or pull air into determine the pressure differential between the the entering distributor or factory representative for more and differential leaving can then water. be This pressure compared to the system. Contact your local installer, information. specification data on each particular heat pump to confirm the proper flow rate of the system. GROUND WATER INSTALLATION An individually-sized Enertech Flow Center can Since water is the source of energy in the winter supply pumping requirements for the Ground and the energy sink in the summer, a good water Loop fluid. supply is possibly the most important requirement of a geothermal heat pump system Note – Refer to instructions included with the installation. Flow Center for properly purging the ground loop. A Ground Water system gets its name from the Filling and purging a loop system are very open discharge of water after it has been used by important steps to ensure proper heat pump the heat pump. A well must be available that can operation. Each loop must be purged with supply all of the water requirements of the heat enough flow to ensure two feet per second flow pump for up to 24 hours/day on the coldest rate in each circuit in the loop. This normally winter day plus any other water requirements requires a 1½ to 3 HP high-head pump to drawing off of that same well. A bladder type circulate fluid through the loop to remove all the pressure tank with a “draw down” of at least 1 ½ air out of the loop. Allow the pump to run 10 to times the well pump capacity must be installed on 15 minutes after the last air bubbles have been the supply side of the heat pump. removed. After purging is completed, add the Important – A screen strainer must be placed calculated proper amount of antifreeze to give a on the supply line with a mesh size of 40 or 60 12°F to 15°F freeze protection. Always pump and enough surface area to allow for particle away from coil or into the earth loop. After buildup between cleanings. antifreeze has been installed and thoroughly circulated, it should be measured with Important a – It is highly recommended that hydrometer (methanol), refractometer (propylene Pressure/Temperature (P/T) ports be placed in the glycol), or Enertech methanol anti-freeze tester to supply and discharge lines so that thermometers determine the actual freezing point of the or pressure gauges can be inserted into the water solution. stream. The purge pump can be used to pressurize the Important system for a final static pressure of 30-40 psig visual flow meter be installed to allow visual after the loop pipe has had enough time to stretch. inspection of the flow. If flow meter appears In order to achieve the 30 to 40 psig final pressure, cloudy the water coil may need to be cleaned. the loop may need to be initially pressurized to – It is highly recommended that a A solenoid control valve must be installed on the 60-65 psig. This static pressure may vary 10 psig water discharge side of the heat pump to regulate from heating to cooling season, but the pressure 7 Important the flow through the unit. Schedule 40 PVC piping, copper – To ensure easy removal and replacement of access panels, leave panels tubing, secured in place until the unit is set in place and polyethylene or rubber hose can be used for leveled. supply and discharge water lines. Make sure line sizes are large enough to supply the required flow Important with a reasonable pressure drop (generally 1” ambient temperature remains above 45°F. Service diameter minimum). Consult local plumbing is primarily from the front. Rear and side access codes to ensure compliance. should be provided when possible, 12” clearance CAUTION – Never operate with flow rates less on all sides is desirable. than specified. Low flow rates, or no flow, may Important cause the unit to shut down on a pressure lockout required under the entire unit if accidental water or may cause a freeze rupture of the heat discharge could damage surrounding floors, exchanger. If unit is operated without flow walls or ceilings. warranty with be voided. compliance. GROUND WATER FREEZE PROTECTION CAUTION CAUTION – Locate the unit indoors where – A field installed drain pan is Check local codes for – Do not mount components or pipe to the exterior of the heat pump cabinet. – Only equipment ordered with a CuNi coil shall be used on ground water Important applications. vibration absorbing pad slightly larger than the These units are provided with – Units must be mounted on a base to provide isolation between unit and floor. freeze protection. Water supply pumps shall not be hard plumbed APPLICATION DIAGRAMS directly to the unit with copper pipe; this could transfer vibration from the water pump to the Figures 1 through 4, show the components of a refrigeration circuit, causing a resonating sound. heat pump system discussed above used in some Flexible water connection use is recommended to common applications. These figures by no means eliminate transfer of vibration wherever possible. represent all the possible heat pump applications, but they do show important principles that can be CAUTION applied to any system. into plastic female or into metal female fittings. Never use metal male fittings into plastic female UNIT LOCATION/MOUNTING fittings. On metal-to-metal fittings; use pipe thread compound, do not use pipe thread tape. CAUTION – Units must be kept in an upright Hand tighten first, and then only tighten an position during transportation or installation, or severe internal damage may occur. additional ½ turn with a tool if necessary. On Never plastic fittings, always use 2 to 3 wraps of pipe transport a heat pump on its side or back. CAUTION – Always use plastic male fittings thread tape, do not use pipe thread compound. – Do not use this unit during Hand tighten first, then only an additional ½ turn construction. Dust and debris may contaminate with a tool if necessary. Do not over-tighten, as electrical and mechanical components; resulting damage may occur. in damage. 8 Important All Possible Combinations of Room Thermostat Inputs (24 VAC) – Install with constant downward Mode slope. Fan Only Heating 1st Stage VI. ELECTRICAL Note Heating 2 Stage Heating Auxillary Heating 2nd Stage Auxiliary panel for the correct wiring diagram and guide to Cooling LEDs. x x x x st 1 Stage Emergency Heat Important – 2nd Stage Emergency Heat If external controls require more than shown in the engineering Y2 x nd – Always refer to the inside of the front power Y1 x x x x x x Operation Inputs W1 O G x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x W2 x x x The heat pump will not run if there is an invalid specification, external transformer & isolation thermostat call and the LEDs will be illuminated, relays should be used. see LED section. Important – Miswiring of 24Vac control voltage Anti-Short Cycle on system controls can result in transformer Every time the compressor relay is turned off, the burnout. time delay function will prevent the compressor Important – Units with dual voltage rating relay from turning on for a period of 5 minutes. (example, 208/230) are factory-wired for the Reset higher voltage (example, 230). If connected to power supply having the lower voltage, change A push button located on the control board called wiring to transformer primary to the correct lead; 'TEST' is used to shorten the anti-short cycle otherwise premature failure, or inability to progress. The anti-short cycle time is shortened operate the control components may occur. from 5 minutes to 1 minute. This button, intended for use only by a qualified service technician, CONTROLLER eliminates the need to wait for the time out period when cycling in different modes of operation. The controller is designed to provide high reliability in controlling numerous operating Fan Operation functions of geothermal heat pumps with space heating, space cooling, desuperheater The fan has an extended run time of 2 minutes. If and the thermostat/fan has an internal fan extended dedicated domestic water heating. This controller run time, the fan could potentially run for longer switches control devices by reviewing the various than 2 minutes once the G call is satisfied. control inputs and temperature information, making decisions based on operation priority. ECM Fan Speed Control Power up Initialization The controller has the ability to change the ECM When system powers up, there is a random start Fan Speed. Refer to the CFM table in the up time of 30-90 seconds. Once per second, the Engineering Specifications for specific CFM taps. controller will examine process inputs, execute Using +/- Taps will adjust all CFM values + or - the control algorithm for the system, and update 10%. the process outputs. 9 Reversing Valve Control hot water circulating pump to turn on every five Every time the compressor relay output is turned minutes to circulate water from the hot water off following cooling operation, reversing valve storage tank to the heat pump. At the end of a 2 will stay energized 90 seconds. This allows minute system pressure to equalize prior to de-energizing temperature), if the temperature of the water reversing valve. After a heating call, reversing entering the heat pump is equal to or less than the valve will be energized & de-energized 90 programmed cut-in temperature after 2 minutes seconds after compressor output is turned off. of continuous circulation, water heating mode is Switching the reversing valve after each run cycle initiated. period (sampling of the water keeps it well lubricated and operational. In Desuperheater Operation The controller temperatures ON position, the pump will run continuously, similarly the water will be sampled monitors allowing the unit continuously. See priority settings & operation for desuperheater equipped more information. with desuperheater to operate most efficiently. Refer to STG-Ground Loop Pump Operation the Desuperheater section for more information Water circulating pumps used to circulate an about Desuperheater controls. antifreeze solution can be staged by the controller Dip Switches to cycle on one or more pumps at different The dip switches mounted on the controller board entering water temperatures. allow the installer to select various features for Loop pump relay #1 is the primary pump control. operating the unit. Once the dip switch position is It is energized whenever there is a call for space changed, power must be reset in order for the heating, space cooling, and water heating. change to register on the control board. The dip switches are listed below. Staging Control Main Board In the space heating mode, as fluid temperature Designator Description Dipswitch On Dipswitch Off FRZ Freeze Protection 17°F 35°F Single or Two Stage Compressor Two Stage Single Stage Enable/Disable Desuperheater Enabled Disabled STG 2 DSH PMP HYD 2 declines in the winter, more flow (gpm) is required to provide more heat transfer from the ground to the heat pump. Likewise, in the space cooling mode, as fluid temperature increases, more flow (gpm) is required to remove heat from the heat pump to the ground. 1 Loop Pumps Together Separate Water-to-Water or Water-to-Air Water-toWater Water-to-Air Energy savings are increased because the heat pump can cycle off one or more pumps when 1 See Ground Loop Pump operation for more information. 2 Used for internal software to verify board configuration w/model number. they are not needed. Heating Operation (Thermostat or DHW) Explanation of Dip Switch Settings Ground loop pump #2 will turn on once the SMP - Sampling Mode entering water temperature falls below 60°F. In the OFF position, this selection commands the Pump #2 will turn off once the temperature rises 10 to 65° F. Pump #2 will turn on/off “on the fly”. Low Pressure - Refrigerant pressure too low EWT is continually checked during operation. Freeze - LWT below setpoint Cooling Operation Overflow - Drain pan filled with water Ground loop pump #2 will turn on once the Guide to LEDs entering water temperature rises above 60°F. Pump #2 will turn off once the temperature falls LED Illuminated Action Status PWR Flashing Solid Random Start Up Time - wait. Power to Unit Running Heating and/or Auxiliary Heat 1. Waiting to run Heating and/or Auxiliary Heat 2. Soft lockout - hold DIAG button for 2 seconds. Lockout LED will be illuminated if soft lockout. Running Cooling 1. Waiting to run Cooling 2. Soft lockout - hold DIAG button for 2 seconds. Lockout LED will be illuminated if soft lockout. to 55° F. Pump #2 will turn on/off “on the fly”. Solid EWT is continually checked during operation. HEATING LED LIGHTS Flashing PWR LED Solid Solid illumination of this light indicates that the COOLING control board is functioning properly. During the Flashing random start period the LED will be flashing. No light may indicate loss of power to board. Voltage must be 18VA - 32VA. Mode of Operation LED Lights HEATING & COOLING & DEMAND HOT WATER Flashing - all HEATING & Service LED Solid both COOLING & Service LED Solid both Service LED Flashing Without Mode LEDs Flashing Mode of Operation LED lights (three) in addition to the PWR LED, aid in troubleshooting and indicating the mode of operation. While a mode is running the LED will be illuminated solid. If a mode is waiting to run for the anti-short cycle period the LED will be flashing. Invalid Input from Thermostat Hard Lockout - type of lockout LED Illuminated occurred while Heating was running. Hard Lockout - type of lockout LED Illuminated occurred while Cooling was running. Thermistor Error 1. If FREEZE - LWT Error 2. If LOW PRESSURE - EWT Error 3. If High DGT - DGT Error 4. If OVERFLOW - DEWT Error Heating - Space Heating or Electric Heat Soft and Hard Safety Lockouts Operation On occasion, the unit’s operating conditions may exceed the parameters set for normal operation. Cooling - Space Cooling Operation This means that the unit could lock out on a safety Demand Hot Water - Demand Hot Water control, thus preventing the unit from operating. Operation (not available in ECONAR ColdClimate series) To restore operation, a qualified service technician must service the unit. Service LED Lights Service LED lights (five) in addition to the PWR To eliminate nuisance lockouts as a result of high and Mode LEDs, aid in troubleshooting. They are or low pressure safety trips, the controller has the as follows: ability to allow more than one lockout (soft lockout) before it decides to permanently lock out (hard lockout) the mode of operation in which the High DGT - Hot refrigerant gas lockout occurred. High Pressure - Excessive refrigerant pressure 11 For example, when the high pressure lockout and the LWT rises 7°F above setpoint. If a freeze occurs in heating mode for the third time in a lockout is initiated 3 times in a 90 minute period a period less than 90 minutes, the heating mode hard lockout will be set requiring a manual power will be disabled until a manual reset is performed. reset. High & Low Pressure Lockout Active Control Panel The High or Low Pressure LED is illuminated All LED lights are also located on the Membrane. once a Hard Lockout occurs. A hard lockout is The TEST button is located on the membrane at defined as; high or low pressure switch has been the top left corner or on the left below the service activated 3 times within 90 minutes. Once the LEDs. The DIAG button is located on the high or low pressure switch is activated, the unit membrane at the top right corner or on the right is shut down and soft lockout is triggered. The below the “t” in Enertech. unit will be shut down for 15 minutes. At which VII. time it will attempt to run again if there is a HEAT PUMP COMMISSIONING thermostat input. If a hard lockout occurs power Before applying power to the heat pump, check must be reset in order to clear the lockout. the following items: Discharge Gas Temperature (DGT) Lockout Water supply plumbing to the heat pump is The discharge gas refrigerant temperature is completed and operating. Manually open the continually gas water valve on well systems to check flow. temperature rises above 250°F a soft lockout is Make sure all valves are open and air has been initiated and the unit is shut down. Unit will be purged from a loop system. Never operate the shut down for 15 minutes, at which time it will system without correct water supply flow. monitored and when hot attempt to run again if there is a thermostat input and the DGT temperature is below 200°F. If DGT All high voltage and all low voltage wiring is reaches 250°F 3 times in a 90 minute period a hard correct and checked out, including wire sizes, lockout will be set requiring a manual power fuses and breakers. Set system to the “OFF” reset. position. Note Overflow Lockout – The heat pump is located in a warm Once the overflow sensor is triggered a hard area (above 45°F). (Starting the system with lockout will be set requiring a manual power low ambient temperature conditions is more reset. difficult and may cause low-pressure lockout.) Do not leave the area until the space is brought up to operating temperatures. Freeze Lockout Freeze protection lockout occurs when the leaving Commissioning water temperature falls below the setpoint of pump remains on for 15 minutes. The unit will The controller has the ability to perform a system check on all modes using the Commissioning process. Run this process at the end of each installation - attempt to run again if there is a thermostat input data will be stored in the controller. LWT. At which time a soft lockout is initiated and the compressor is shut down. The ground loop 12 1. Reset Power. part of the system installation) will display a system lockout. If lockout occurs, follow the procedure below: 2. Hold the TEST button for 15 seconds. PWR & Cooling LED will begin flashing. 3. Cooling will be run for 15 minutes. 1. Determine and record which indicator lights 4. Unit idle for 3 minutes while Heating LED on the controller are illuminated. (Refer to flashing. Troubleshooting Section for more information 5. Heating will be run for 15 minutes. on possible causes of Lockout Conditions.) 6. Unit idle for 3 minutes. 2. Check for correct water supply from the 7. If equipped with Desuperheater - the ground loop or ground water system. Desuperheater will run for 15 minutes. 3. Reset the system by disconnecting power at Unit will run in Heating mode. the circuit breaker for one minute and then 8. Once complete the following LEDs will be reapplying. illuminated: 4. If shutdown reoccurs, Call your Enertech a. Power – Off dealer. Do not continuously reset the lockout b. Heating – On condition or serious damage may occur. c. Cooling - On Note d. Demand Hot Water – On – Improper fluid flows or incorrect antifreeze levels are the cause of almost all 9. Hold TEST button for 5 seconds or power lockouts. reset to resume normal operation. MAINTENANCE VIII. ACCESSORIES Properly installed, the Enertech heat pump ROOM THERMOSTAT requires only minor maintenance such as periodic cleaning of the ground water heat exchanger for Installations may include a wide variation of heat ground-water available electronic room thermostats, and most applications. Setting up regular service checkups of them must be configured by the Installer and with your Enertech dealer should be considered. checked out after installation. For the number of Any major problems with the heat pump system wires required or other questions, please refer to operation will be indicated on the lockout lights. the installation manual that was sent with the pumps CAUTION installed in thermostat. – During evacuation of refrigerant of a system not having antifreeze protection of the DESUPERHEATER ground-side, water in the unprotected heat exchanger must be removed or continuously A heat pump equipped with a double-wall vented flowing to avoid a potential heat exchanger desuperheater can provide supplemental heating failure caused by freeze rupture. of domestic hot water by stripping some energy from the superheated gas leaving the compressor Important – Always install a new filter/drier after replacing a refrigeration component (compressor, etc.). and transferring it to a hot water tank. A built in The Enertech controller (and a room thermostat, if the tank. desuperheater pump circulates water from the domestic hot water tank, heats it and returns it to 13 The desuperheater only provides supplemental damaged. hot water when the compressor is running to condition space. All air must be purged from the desuperheater Because the desuperheater is plumbing before the pump is engaged. To purge using some energy from the heat pump to heat small amounts of air from the lines, loosen the water, the heat pump’s capacity in the winter is about 10% less than a unit without desuperheater pump from its housing by turning a the brass collar. Let water drip out of the housing desuperheater. The desuperheater can be disabled until flow is established, and re-tighten the brass with a dip switch on the control board. collar. Using 1/2-inch copper tubing or larger The control board has the ability to control from the tank to the desuperheater inlet is desuperheater operation. The desuperheater will recommended to allow proper water flow. An air operate desuperheater vent in the inlet line can also help systems where temperature is below 120°F and the compressor is air is a problem. If one is used, mount it near the energized. The desuperheater will continue to run desuperheater inlet roughly 2-1/2 inches above until the DEWT reaches 130°F, at which point the horizontal pipe. Shutoff valves allow access to operation will end. the desuperheater plumbing without draining the once the entering hot water tank. Keep the valves open when the Desuperheater operation is ended once an pump is running. auxiliary heat call is made. Hot water tank maintenance includes periodically The desuperheater can be enabled or disabled opening the drain on the hot water tank to with a dipswitch on the control board. Refer to remove deposits. If hard water, scale, or buildup Control Section. WARNING– causes regular problems in hot water tanks in The desuperheater your area, it may result in a loss of desuperheater high temperature cutout switch is located on the return effectiveness. Cleaning may be required. line from the water heater and is wired in series CAUTION – Insulated copper tubing must be used to run from the water tank to the desuperheater connections on the side of the unit. Desuperheater must be plumbed in copper tubing. with the desuperheater pump to disable it from circulating at entering water temperatures above 140°F. If tank temperatures become uncomfortably hot, move this switch to the leaving water line, which will reduce the tank The built-in desuperheater pump can provide the proper flow to the desuperheater if the total equivalent length of straight pipe and connections is kept to a maximum of 90 feet of 1/2-inch type L copper tubing (or a combination of approximately 60 feet with typical elbows and fittings). This tubing can be connected to the water tank in two ways: maximum temperatures 10°F to 15°F. CAUTION– Running desuperheater pump without water flow will damage the pump. A fuse is attached to the fuse holder and must be inserted in the fuse holder after the desuperheater is purged and operational. Important – Do not insert the fuse until water flow is available and the desuperheater is METHOD 1 completely purged of air, or the pump may be Using a desuperheater tee installed in the drain at the 14 bottom of the water heater This is the preferred method for ease of installation, comfort and efficiency. The tee eliminates the need to tap into the domestic hot water lines and eliminates household water supply temperature variations that could occur from connecting to the hot water pipes. Poor water quality may restrict the effectiveness of the desuperheater tee by plugging it with scale or buildup from the bottom of the tank, restricting water flow. METHOD 2 Taking water from the bottom drain and returning it to the cold water supply line This method maintains the same comfort and efficiency levels but increases installation time and cost. Important – This method requires a check valve in the return line to the cold water supply to prevent water from flowing backwards through the desuperheater when the tank is filling. Water passing through the pump backwards damages the rotor's bearing, which reduces pump life and causes noise problems in the pump. Note – A spring-type check valve with a pressure-drop rating of 1/2 psig or less is recommended. 15 IX. ENGINEERING SPECIFICATIONS PERFORMANCE RATINGS REC-V036 PERFORMANCE RATINGS Heating Performance Data (Tested in accordance with ASHRAE/AHRI/ ISO Standard 13256-1) Operating Mode Full Load Part Load Application Source EWT (°F) Ground Water 50°F Ground Loop 32°F * Ground Water 50°F Ground Loop 41°F Entering GPM (source) Total Heat Output (MBH) CFM COP 45,500 1100 4.0 39,300 1100 3.4 33,000 900 4.2 30,900 900 8 3.9 * Antifreeze required Cooling Performance Data (Tested in accordance with ASHRAE/AHRI/ ISO Standard 13256-1) Operating Mode Full Load Application Source EWT (°F) Ground Water 59°F Ground Loop 77°F Entering GPM (source) Total Cooling Output (MBH) CFM EER 36,200 900 27.5 33,500 900 19.9 Total Heat Output (MBH) CFM COP 56,500 1450 4.0 45,500 1350 3.6 41,000 1100 4.2 36,000 1040 8 REC-V048 PERFORMANCE RATINGS Heating Performance Data (Tested in accordance with ASHRAE/AHRI/ ISO Standard 13256-1) Operating Mode Full Load Part Load Application Source EWT (°F) Ground Water 50°F Ground Loop 32°F * Ground Water 50°F Ground Loop 41°F Entering GPM (source) 10 3.7 * Antifreeze required Cooling Performance Data (Tested in accordance with ASHRAE/AHRI/ ISO Standard 13256-1) Operating Mode Full Load Application Source EWT (°F) Ground Water 59°F Ground Loop 77°F Entering GPM (source) 10 16 Total Cooling Output (MBH) CFM EER 51,000 1100 26.4 47,000 1100 22 REC-V060 PERFORMANCE RATINGS Heating Performance Data (Tested in accordance with ASHRAE/AHRI/ ISO Standard 13256-1) Operating Mode Full Load Part Load Application Source EWT (°F) Ground Water 50°F Ground Loop 32°F * Ground Water 50°F Ground Loop 41°F Entering GPM (source) Total Heat Output (MBH) CFM COP 59,000 1700 4.0 55,600 1700 3.5 50,500 1400 4.2 46,400 1400 12 3.7 * Antifreeze required Cooling Performance Data (Tested in accordance with ASHRAE/AHRI/ ISO Standard 13256-1) Operating Mode Full Load Application Source EWT (°F) Ground Water 59°F Ground Loop 77°F Entering GPM (source) 12 17 Total Cooling Output (MBH) CFM EER 55,000 1400 25.3 53,800 1400 20.0 PERFORMANCE DATA REC-V036 PART LOAD HEATING & COOLING PERFORMANCE DATA Ground Cooling Heating EAT 80.6°F DB & 66.2°F WB EAT 68°F DB EWT Airflow Total Sensible GPM dP psig dP ft KW °F CFM Capacity Capacity 20 30 40* 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 EER Suction Discharge Pressure Pressure Airflow Total Heat CFM Capacity Extracted KW EER Suction Discharge Pressure Pressure 6 1.6 3.7 900 24.4 16.6 2.3 3.1 66 342 8 2.5 5.8 900 24.6 16.8 2.3 3.1 67 348 10 3.8 8.8 900 24.9 17.0 2.3 3.1 68 354 6 1.6 3.7 900 29.2 21.3 2.3 3.4 83 360 8 2.5 5.8 900 29.4 21.2 2.4 3.5 84 366 10 3.8 8.8 900 29.7 21.5 2.4 3.5 85 372 6 1.6 3.7 900 37.4 28.0 1.2 33.4 127 146 900 32.9 24.7 2.4 3.8 97 368 8 2.5 5.8 900 37.8 28.4 1.1 34.2 124 146 900 33.3 25.0 2.4 3.8 98 374 10 3.8 8.8 900 38.5 28.9 1.1 37.2 121 118 900 34.3 26.0 2.4 3.9 101 384 6 1.6 3.7 900 36.5 27.4 1.4 30.0 126 182 900 32.6 24.1 2.5 4.2 105 378 8 2.5 5.8 900 36.9 27.7 1.3 30.6 125 177 900 32.9 24.4 2.5 4.2 106 384 10 3.8 8.8 900 37.7 28.3 1.2 33.3 122 150 900 34.7 25.8 2.6 4.4 112 396 6 1.6 3.7 900 35.7 26.8 1.5 26.5 127 214 900 36.7 27.8 2.6 4.6 122 396 8 2.5 5.8 900 36.1 27.1 1.4 27.1 126 209 900 36.9 28.1 2.6 4.6 123 402 10 3.8 8.8 900 36.8 27.6 1.4 29.5 122 182 900 38.9 30.1 2.6 4.7 128 414 6 1.6 3.7 900 46.6 34.9 1.9 19.3 127 241 900 40.6 31.7 2.6 4.9 137 414 8 2.5 5.8 900 47.0 35.3 1.8 19.7 126 237 900 41.1 31.9 2.7 5.0 138 420 10 3.8 8.8 900 48.0 36.0 1.7 21.4 122 209 900 44.1 34.9 2.7 5.1 143 432 6 1.6 3.7 900 46.4 34.8 1.9 17.8 125 246 900 45.0 35.2 2.9 5.5 152 459 46.9 35.2 1.9 18.2 124 241 900 45.5 35.4 3.0 5.6 153 466 900 48.9 38.7 3.0 5.7 159 479 Operation Not Recommended 8 2.5 5.8 900 10 3.8 8.8 900 47.3 35.5 1.9 18.6 123 237 6 1.6 3.7 900 45.2 33.9 2.1 14.6 126 278 8 2.5 5.8 900 45.7 34.3 2.1 15.0 125 273 10 3.8 8.8 900 46.2 34.7 2.1 15.3 124 268 6 1.6 3.7 8 2.5 5.8 10 3.8 8.8 6 1.6 3.7 8 2.5 5.8 10 3.8 8.8 6 1.6 3.7 8 2.5 5.8 10 3.8 8.8 Operation Not Recommended Operation Not Recommended * Operation at 40° EWT for long periods of time in Cooling is not recommended, this is an extreme operating condition. Data subject to change. Pressure: Suction +/- 5 psig & Discharge P +/- 10 psig. Pressure Drops with pure water. 18 REC-V036 FULL LOAD HEATING & COOLING PERFORMANCE DATA Heating Ground EAT 68°F DB EWT GPM dP psig dP ft °F 20 30 40* 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Airflow CFM Total Capacity Heat Extracted KW EER Suction Pressure Discharge Pressure 6 1.6 3.7 1100 33.4 22.4 3.2 3.3 67 330 8 2.5 5.8 1100 33.8 22.8 3.2 3.3 68 336 10 3.8 8.8 1100 34.1 23.1 3.2 3.3 69 342 6 1.6 3.7 1100 39.6 28.0 3.4 3.6 82 359 8 2.5 5.8 1100 40.0 28.4 3.4 3.6 83 365 10 3.8 8.8 1100 41.5 30.5 3.2 3.8 85 423 6 1.6 3.7 1100 40.3 28.7 3.4 3.6 84 371 8 2.5 5.8 1100 44.5 32.4 3.5 3.8 94 365 10 3.8 8.8 1100 45.0 32.9 3.5 3.9 95 371 6 1.6 3.7 1100 45.1 32.1 3.8 4.0 111 419 8 2.5 5.8 1100 45.5 32.5 3.8 4.0 112 426 10 3.8 8.8 1100 48.0 34.7 3.9 4.1 120 472 6 1.6 3.7 1100 50.4 36.8 4.0 4.3 127 452 8 2.5 5.8 1100 50.9 37.3 4.0 4.3 128 459 10 3.8 8.8 1100 53.7 39.7 4.1 4.4 136 505 6 1.6 3.7 1100 55.7 41.8 4.1 4.6 143 478 8 2.5 5.8 1100 56.3 42.0 4.2 4.6 144 485 10 3.8 8.8 1100 60.3 45.6 4.3 4.8 152 531 6 1.6 3.7 1100 63.3 47.4 4.6 5.2 163 543 8 2.5 5.8 1100 63.9 47.7 4.8 5.2 164 550 10 3.8 8.8 1100 68.4 51.8 4.9 5.5 172 602 6 8 1.6 2.5 3.7 5.8 10 3.8 8.8 6 1.6 3.7 8 2.5 5.8 10 3.8 8.8 6 1.6 3.7 8 2.5 5.8 10 3.8 8.8 6 1.6 3.7 8 2.5 5.8 10 3.8 8.8 Operation Not Recommended * Operation at 40° EWT for long periods of time in Cooling is not recommended, this is an extreme operating condition. Data subject to change. Pressure: Suction +/- 5 psig & Discharge P +/- 10 psig. Pressure Drops with pure water. 19 REC-V048 PART LOAD HEATING & COOLING PERFORMANCE DATA Ground Cooling Heating EAT 80.6°F DB & 66.2°F WB EAT 68°F DB EWT Airflow Total Sensible GPM dP psig dP ft KW °F CFM Capacity Capacity 20 30 40* 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 8 10 12 8 10 12 8 10 12 8 10 12 8 10 12 8 10 12 8 10 12 8 10 12 8 10 12 8 10 12 8 10 12 2.0 3.8 5.3 2.0 3.8 5.3 2.0 3.8 5.3 2.0 3.8 5.3 2.0 3.8 5.3 2.0 3.8 5.3 2.0 3.8 5.3 2.0 3.8 5.3 2.0 3.8 5.3 2.0 3.8 5.3 2.0 3.8 5.3 4.6 8.8 12.2 4.6 8.8 12.2 4.6 8.8 12.2 4.6 8.8 12.2 4.6 8.8 12.2 4.6 8.8 12.2 4.6 8.8 12.2 4.6 8.8 12.2 4.6 8.8 12.2 4.6 8.8 12.2 4.6 8.8 12.2 EER Suction Discharge Pressure Pressure Operation Not Recommended 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 49.8 52.8 53.9 47.7 50.6 51.6 45.6 48.4 49.3 43.5 46.1 47.0 41.4 43.9 44.7 39.3 41.7 42.5 38.2 40.3 40.4 36.6 38.6 38.7 34.9 36.9 37.0 29.3 30.8 30.9 31.7 33.5 33.6 30.1 31.7 31.9 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.8 1.8 1.7 2.0 2.0 1.9 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.7 2.6 2.5 31.9 32.9 33.8 28.8 29.8 30.6 25.8 26.7 27.4 22.8 23.5 24.2 19.8 20.4 21.0 16.7 17.3 17.8 141 136 134 139 134 132 137 132 130 135 130 128 133 128 126 131 126 124 185 178 170 210 202 193 235 226 216 260 250 239 285 274 262 310 298 285 Airflow Total Heat CFM Capacity Extracted 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 30.8 31.2 31.5 36.6 36.9 37.3 41.3 36.0 42.9 40.6 41.0 42.7 45.5 45.9 47.8 50.2 50.7 52.9 55.5 56.1 58.4 21.6 22.0 22.3 26.7 26.7 27.1 30.6 25.1 32.0 29.9 30.1 31.8 35.4 35.8 37.4 39.6 39.8 42.0 44.5 44.8 47.2 KW EER 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.9 3.0 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.2 3.1 3.2 3.2 2.9 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.3 3.3 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.8 2.9 2.9 3.6 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 5.0 5.1 5.2 Suction Discharge Pressure Pressure 68 69 70 89 90 91 109 110 113 118 119 124 137 139 144 158 159 164 188 189 195 308 313 319 330 336 338 344 353 359 358 364 370 375 381 386 398 403 409 419 424 430 Operation Not Recommended Operation Not Recommended * Operation at 40° EWT for long periods of time in Cooling is not recommended, this is an extreme operating condition. Data subject to change. Pressure: Suction +/- 5 psig & Discharge P +/- 10 psig. Pressure Drops with pure water. 20 REC-V048 FULL LOAD HEATING & COOLING PERFORMANCE DATA Heating Ground EAT 68°F DB EWT GPM dP psig dP ft °F 20 30 40* 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Airflow CFM Total Capacity Heat Extracted KW EER Suction Pressure Discharge Pressure 8 2.0 4.6 1400 38.8 27.2 3.9 3.3 66 308 10 3.8 8.8 1400 39.4 27.8 3.7 3.4 67 304 12 5.3 12.2 1400 39.8 28.1 3.8 3.3 69 312 8 2.0 4.6 1400 44.7 30.5 4.2 3.5 78 336 10 3.8 8.8 1400 45.4 31.7 4.0 3.5 80 331 12 5.3 12.2 1400 45.9 31.8 4.1 3.5 82 340 8 2.0 4.6 1400 50.7 35.4 4.5 3.6 91 364 10 3.8 8.8 1400 51.5 36.7 4.3 3.7 92 359 12 5.3 12.2 1400 52.1 36.9 4.4 3.6 96 368 8 2.0 4.6 1400 56.7 40.3 4.8 3.8 104 391 10 3.8 8.8 1400 57.5 41.8 4.6 3.8 105 386 12 5.3 12.2 1400 58.2 42.0 4.7 3.8 109 396 8 2.0 4.6 1400 63.3 49.0 5.0 3.9 120 430 10 3.8 8.8 1400 64.3 49.5 5.0 3.9 122 424 12 5.3 12.2 1400 65.0 50.1 5.2 3.8 126 435 8 2.0 4.6 1400 68.6 50.1 5.4 4.1 129 447 10 3.8 8.8 1400 69.7 51.9 5.2 4.2 131 441 12 5.3 12.2 8 2.0 4.6 1400 1400 70.4 74.5 52.2 55.0 5.3 5.7 4.1 4.3 135 141 452 474 10 3.8 8.8 1400 75.7 56.9 5.5 4.3 144 468 12 5.3 12.2 1400 76.6 57.3 5.7 4.2 149 480 8 10 2.0 3.8 4.6 8.8 12 5.3 12.2 8 2.0 4.6 10 3.8 8.8 12 5.3 12.2 8 2.0 4.6 10 3.8 8.8 12 5.3 12.2 4.6 8 2.0 10 3.8 8.8 12 5.3 12.2 Operation Not Recommended * Operation at 40° EWT for long periods of time in Cooling is not recommended, this is an extreme operating condition. Data subject to change. Pressure: Suction +/- 5 psig & Discharge P +/- 10 psig. Pressure Drops with pure water. 21 REC-V060 PART LOAD HEATING & COOLING PERFORMANCE DATA Ground Cooling Heating EAT 80.6°F DB & 66.2°F WB EAT 68°F DB EWT Airflow Total Sensible GPM dP psig dP ft KW °F CFM Capacity Capacity 20 30 40* 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 8 10 12 8 10 12 8 10 12 8 10 12 8 10 12 8 10 12 8 10 12 8 10 12 8 10 12 8 10 12 8 10 12 2.0 3.8 5.3 2.0 3.8 5.3 2.0 3.8 5.3 2.0 3.8 5.3 2.0 3.8 5.3 2.0 3.8 5.3 2.0 3.8 5.3 2.0 3.8 5.3 2.0 3.8 5.3 2.0 3.8 5.3 2.0 3.8 5.3 4.6 8.8 12.2 4.6 8.8 12.2 4.6 8.8 12.2 4.6 8.8 12.2 4.6 8.8 12.2 4.6 8.8 12.2 4.6 8.8 12.2 4.6 8.8 12.2 4.6 8.8 12.2 4.6 8.8 12.2 4.6 8.8 12.2 EER Suction Discharge Pressure Pressure Operation Not Recommended 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 35.8 36.4 37.1 41.2 41.9 42.7 46.7 47.4 48.3 53.2 54.0 55.1 57.5 58.4 59.6 39.3 41.7 42.5 26.2 27.7 27.8 30.2 31.9 32.0 34.2 36.1 36.2 36.2 38.0 38.2 42.1 44.4 44.7 30.1 31.7 31.9 2.0 1.9 1.8 2.2 2.1 2.0 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.6 2.4 2.3 2.9 2.7 2.6 2.7 2.6 2.5 19.7 20.7 21.1 20.3 21.3 21.8 20.9 22.0 22.4 22.0 23.1 23.6 22.1 23.2 23.7 16.7 17.3 17.8 104 96 89 116 108 99 128 119 110 130 120 111 152 141 130 131 126 124 154 147 137 185 177 165 216 206 192 230 220 205 277 265 247 310 298 285 Airflow Total Heat CFM Capacity Extracted 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 44.7 45.2 45.7 48.4 48.9 49.4 52.4 52.8 52.8 55.5 56.0 55.5 59.2 59.7 59.2 62.8 63.4 62.8 67.2 67.8 67.2 30.5 31.1 31.5 33.5 34.0 34.5 37.3 37.7 37.2 37.0 37.5 35.4 41.5 42.0 40.3 44.2 44.9 42.6 47.6 48.2 45.9 KW EER 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.6 5.4 5.4 5.9 5.2 5.2 5.5 5.4 5.4 5.9 5.7 5.7 6.2 3.4 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.6 3.6 3.7 3.7 3.4 3.4 3.3 3.5 3.5 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.4 3.6 3.6 3.5 Suction Discharge Pressure Pressure 79 80 81 86 87 88 94 95 97 101 102 105 110 111 114 118 119 122 127 129 133 278 282 287 297 301 306 316 321 325 352 357 362 372 377 382 397 402 407 427 432 438 Operation Not Recommended Operation Not Recommended * Operation at 40° EWT for long periods of time in Cooling is not recommended, this is an extreme operating condition. Data subject to change. Pressure: Suction +/- 5 psig & Discharge P +/- 10 psig. Pressure Drops with pure water. 22 REC-V060 FULL LOAD HEATING & COOLING PERFORMANCE DATA Heating Ground EAT 68°F DB EWT GPM dP psig dP ft °F 20 30 40* 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Airflow CFM Total Capacity Heat Extracted KW EER Suction Pressure Discharge Pressure 8 2.0 4.6 1700 32.8 27.4 3.3 3.2 66 282 10 3.8 8.8 1700 33.4 27.9 3.3 3.2 67 283 12 5.3 12.2 1700 34.0 28.1 3.4 3.2 69 287 8 2.0 4.6 1700 37.8 25.9 3.5 3.4 78 306 10 3.8 8.8 1700 38.5 26.5 3.5 3.4 79 307 12 5.3 12.2 1700 39.3 27.1 3.6 3.4 81 311 8 2.0 4.6 1700 42.9 30.2 3.7 3.6 89 329 10 3.8 8.8 1700 43.7 30.9 3.7 3.6 91 331 12 5.3 12.2 1700 44.5 31.6 3.8 3.6 93 336 8 2.0 4.6 1700 48.0 34.6 3.9 3.8 101 353 10 3.8 8.8 1700 48.9 35.4 4.0 3.8 102 355 12 5.3 12.2 1700 49.8 36.2 4.0 3.8 105 360 8 2.0 4.6 1700 54.0 41.0 4.2 4.0 115 382 10 3.8 8.8 1700 55.0 41.5 4.2 4.1 117 384 12 5.3 12.2 1700 56.0 41.8 4.2 4.2 120 389 8 2.0 4.6 1700 58.1 43.3 4.3 4.2 124 401 10 3.8 8.8 1700 59.2 44.3 4.4 4.3 126 403 12 5.3 12.2 8 2.0 4.6 1700 1700 60.3 63.2 45.2 47.7 4.4 4.5 4.3 4.4 129 135 408 425 10 3.8 8.8 1700 64.3 48.7 4.6 4.5 137 427 12 5.3 12.2 1700 65.5 49.8 4.6 4.5 141 433 8 10 2.0 3.8 4.6 8.8 12 5.3 12.2 8 2.0 4.6 10 3.8 8.8 12 5.3 12.2 8 2.0 4.6 10 3.8 8.8 12 5.3 12.2 4.6 8 2.0 10 3.8 8.8 12 5.3 12.2 Operation Not Recommended * Operation at 40° EWT for long periods of time in Cooling is not recommended, this is an extreme operating condition. Data subject to change. Pressure: Suction +/- 5 psig & Discharge P +/- 10 psig. Pressure Drops with pure water. 23 PHYSICAL DATA Nominal Rated CFM Air Coil Face Area (ft2) Tube O.D. Fins per Inch Coil Rows Filter Height and Width 1" Thick ECM Blower Motor HP ECM Blower Wheel Size Source Connections DSH/DHW (in) Connections RGS-036 RGS-048 RGS-060 1100 4.2 7/8 OD 14 FPI 4 21 5/8” x 29” ¾ 10” x 8” 1” FPT 1” FPT 1400 5.3 7/8 OD 14 FPI 5 26 5/8” x 29” ¾ 10” X 8” 1” FPT 1” FPT 1700 5.3 7/8 OD 14 FPI 6 26 5/8” x 29” 1 10” X 8” 1” FPT 1” FPT UNIT DIMENSIONS Measurement in Inches Dimension 3 Ton 4-5 Ton Height 53.1 53.1 Width 27.0 27.0 Depth 31.1 31.1 A 12.0 12.0 B 10.25 10.25 C 0.6 0.6 E 21.9 26.9 F 1.3 1.3 G 28.5 28.5 I 7.0 7.0 Water Inlets 1.0 FPT 1.0 FPT Water Outlets 1.0 FPT 1.0 FPT Cond. Drain 1.0 FPT 1.0 FPT Filter Size 21 5/8” x 29” 26 5/8” x 29” 24 ELECTRICAL DATA BLOWER PERFORMANCE ECM BLOWER DATA Model RE*-V036 RE*-V048 RE*-V060 Speed Tap G Only C1 B C1 B C1 B 450 525 600 700 750 850 Full Load Heating & Cooling 1100 1200 1400 1600 1700 1900 When part load is available CFM will be 76% of the full load rating. Using the +/- Jumpers will result in + or - 10% of the ratings. Test at .6 Static 1 Indicates Factory Setting. 25 Part Load Auxiliary Heat 900 925 1100 1250 1400 1550 1200 1300 1600 1800 1900 2100 WATER COIL PRESSURE DROP RATINGS Pressure drops (PSI) with pure water. REC-V036 GPM Water Flow 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Source Water Pressure Drop 1.6 2.0 2.5 3.1 3.8 4.3 4.8 6.0 7.5 9.4 REC-V048 GPM Water Flow 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 Source Water Pressure Drop 3.8 4.6 5.3 6.1 7.0 9.0 10.2 REC-V060 GPM Water Flow 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Source Water Pressure Drop 2.3 2.8 3.3 3.8 4.3 4.9 5.6 6.3 7.0 26 X. FIGURE FIGURE 1 – GROUND LOOP WATER PLUMBING IN Pressure/Temperature (P/T) Ports Out PumpPAK To/From Closed Loop FIGURE 2 – GROUND WATER PLUMBING From Bladder-Type Pressure Tank Shutoff Valves Boiler Drains Strainer IN Visual Flow Meter Solenoid Valve Flow Control Valve Out Discharge 27 Pressure/Temperature (P/T) Ports FIGURE 3 – PREFERRED DESUPERHEATER INSTALLATION COLD HOT 1/2" or 3/4" Copper Pipe Air Vent 1/2" Copper Pipe Desuperheater Tee Shutoff Valves Drain (Hang Down) Note – Always use copper pipe. Check local codes and use proper plumbing procedures. FIGURE 4 – ALTERNATE DESUPERHEATER INSTALLATION Note – Always use copper pipe. Check local codes and use proper plumbing procedures. 28 XI. TROUBLESHOOTING If the heat pump goes into lockout on a high or low pressure switch or discharge refrigerant temperature, the cause of the lockout can be narrowed down by knowing the operating mode and which switch the unit locked out on. The following table will help track down the problem once this information is known. Important – A lockout condition is a result of the heat pump shutting off to protect itself. Never bypass the lockout circuit. Serious damage can be caused by the system operating without lockout protection. 29 INICATOR LIGHTS CONDITION AC Power Applied MODES PWR HTG CLG LOCKOUTS DHW FRZ LP HP OFLW DGT Off Off Off Off Off Power removed or incorrect voltage. Off Off Off Off Off Random start up time between 30-90 seconds on power initialization. Off AC Power Applied Blink AC Power Applied X Blink Blink COMMENTS Power applied - unit running or waiting for a call to run. Blink FREEZE INDICATOR Thermostat Heating Mode X X - X - Cooling Mode X X X - Loss/lack of flow through ground side heat exchanger. Low fluid temperature operation in ground heat exchanger. Freezing fluid in ground side heat exchanger (lack of antifreeze) Loss/lack of flow through ground side heat exchanger. Low fluid temperature operation in ground heat exchanger. LOW PRESSURE INDICATOR Thermostat Heating Mode X X - X - Cooling Mode X X X - 30 Loss/lack of flow through ground side heat exchanger. Low fluid temperature operation in ground side heat exchanger. Freezing fluid in ground side heat exchanger (lack of antifreeze) Dirty ground side heat exchanger (on ground water systems) Low ambient temperature at the heat pump. Undercharged/ overcharged refrigerant circuit. Expansion valve/sensing bulb malfunction. Low ambient temperature at the heat pump. Undercharged/overcharged refrigerant circuit. Expansion valve/sensing bulb malfunction. Excessively low fluid temperature in the ground side heat exchanger. HIGH PRESSURE INDICATOR Thermostat Heating Mode X X - X Cooling Mode X X X - Check if High Pressure switch is open. Check electrical connections between High Pressure switch and Controller. Loss/lack of flow through the groundside heat exchanger. High fluid temperature in the groundside heat exchanger. Dirty ground-side heat exchanger.(on ground water system). Overcharged refrigerant circuit. Expansion valve/sensing bulb malfunction. OVERFLOW INDICATOR Thermostat Heating or Cooling Mode X X X X - Drain pan is filled with water. Overflow sensor has a short. - Significantly low flow through ground-side heat exchanger. Below minimum ground temperatures. Significantly undercharged refrigerant circuit. Significantly low flow through ground-side heat exchanger. Above maximum ground temperatures. Significantly undercharged refrigerant circuit. DISCHARGE REFRIGERANT TEMPERATURE INDICATOR (DGT) Thermostat Heating Mode X X X - Cooling Mode X X X - PROBLEM CHECKS AND CORRECTIONS POSSIBLE CAUSE Tripped Breaker Reset circuit breaker (check for correct size). Broken or Loose Wires Replace or tighten the wires. Voltage Supply Low If voltage is below minimum voltage on data plate, contact power company. Low Voltage Circuit Check 24-volt transformer for burnout, blown fuse or voltage less than 18 V. Entire unit Room Thermostat does not run Set system to "Cool" and lowest temperature setting, unit should run. Set system to "Heat" and highest temperature setting, unit should run. If unit does not run in either case, the room thermostat could be faulty or incorrectly wired. To check, disconnect thermostat wires at the unit and jumper between "R", "Y1" and "G" terminals, and unit should run. Only replace with correct replacement. A substitute may not work properly. Interruptible Power Check incoming supply voltage. Water Lack of sufficient pressure, flow, temperature and/or quantity of water. Unit Undersized Recalculate heat gains or losses for space to be conditioned. If excessive, rectify by adding insulation, shading, etc. 31 PROBLEM CHECKS AND CORRECTIONS POSSIBLE CAUSE Loss of Conditioned Air by Leaks Check for ductwork leaks or introduction of ambient air through doors and windows. Thermostat Improperly located thermostat (e.g. near kitchen inaccurately sensing comfort level in living areas). If thermostat has anticipator, set at 1.0 or 1.2. Airflow (Across fan coil) Lack of adequate airflow or improper distribution of air. Check the motor speed and duct sizing. Check the filter, it should be inspected every month and changed if dirty. Remove or add resistance accordingly. Refrigerant Charge Low on refrigerant charge causing inefficient operation. Adjust only after checking CFM, GPM and inlet/outlet temperatures. Insufficient Compressor cooling or heating Reversing Valve Desuperheater Check for defective compressor. If discharge pressure is too low and suction pressure too high, compressor is not pumping properly. Replace compressor. Defective reversing valve creating bypass of refrigerant from discharge to suction side of compressor. When necessary to replace reversing valve, wrap with wet cloth & direct heat away. Excessive heat can damage the valve. The desuperheater could be disabled with dipswitch setting during cold weather to allow full heating load to house. High Pressure or Low Pressure Unit could be off on high pressure, low-pressure or discharge refrigerant temp cutout. Switch or Discharge Refrigerant Check water GPM & temps, ambient temperature & loss of refrigerant. If unit still Temp Switch fails to run, check for faulty switches or wiring. Loss of Conditioned Air by Leaks Check for leaks in ductwork or introduction of ambient air through doors/windows. Wiring Check for loose or broken wires at compressor, capacitor, or contactor. Defective Capacitor Check capacitor, if defective remove, replace, and rewire correctly. Voltage Supply Low If voltage is below minimum voltage specified on the data plate, contact local power company. Check voltage at compressor for possible open terminal. Low Voltage Circuit Check 24-volt transformer for burn out or voltage less that 18 volts. Compressor Overload Open In all cases an "internal" compressor overload is used. If the compressor motor is too hot, the overload will not reset until the compressor cools down. If the compressor is cool and the overload does not reset, there may be a defective or open overload. Replace the compressor. Compressor short cycles. Compressor Motor Shorted to Ground Internal winding grounded to the compressor shell. Replace the compressor. If compressor burnout replace the liquid line filter/drier. Compressor Windings Open Check continuity of the compressor windings with an ohmmeter. If the windings are open, replace the compressor. Seized Compressor Try an auxiliary capacitor in parallel with the run capacitor momentarily. If the compressor still does not start, replace it. Room Thermostat Improperly located thermostat (e.g. near kitchen, inaccurately sensing comfort level in living areas). If thermostat has an anticipator, set at 1.0 or 1.2. Compressor Overload Defective compressor overload, check and replace if necessary. If the compressor runs too hot, it may be due to insufficient refrigerant charge. Wiring and Controls Loose wiring connections, or control contactor defective. 32 PROBLEM Unit short cycles Thermostat Improperly Set Is it below room temperature? Check the thermostat setting. Defective Thermostat Check thermostat operation. Replace if found defective. Incorrect Wiring Check for broken, loose, or incorrect wires. Dirty Air Filter Check Filter, Clean or replace if found dirty. Room Thermostat Ensure that these products are properly configured according to their own instructions for the “System Type” they are installed on. Reversing Valve doesn’t Shift Defective solenoid valve will not energize. Replace solenoid coil. Unit will not Reversing Valve does not Shift, run in 'Heating' the Valve is Stuck - Solenoid valve is de-energized due to miswiring at the unit or remote control correct wiring. Replace if valve is tight or frozen and will not move. Switch from heating to cooling a few times to loosen valve. Insufficient Antifreeze Check antifreeze level and add antifreeze to obtain correct freeze protection. Compressor Make sure compressor is not in direct contact with base or sides of cabinet. Cold surroundings can cause liquid slugging, increase ambient temp. Blower Motor Defective Refer to Blower Motor Trouble Shooting. If it does not operate the compressor will go off on high head pressure. Dirty Air Filter Check filter. Clean or replace if found dirty. Evaporator Airflow (air coil) ices over in cooling mode Blower Speed Set Too Low Unit does not cool (Heats Only) CHECKS AND CORRECTIONS POSSIBLE CAUSE Lack of adequate airflow or improper distribution of air. Check the motor speed and duct sizing. Check the filter, it should be inspected every month and changed if dirty. Check for closed registers. Remove or add resistance accordingly. Verify blower speed jumpers are in factory settings. Low Air Temperature Room temperatures below 65F may ice over the evaporator. Reversing Valve does not Shift Defective solenoid valve will not energize. Replace solenoid coil. Room Thermostat Ensure that it is properly configured according to their own instructions for the 'System Type' they are installed on. 33 PROBLEM Noisy Operation CHECKS AND CORRECTIONS POSSIBLE CAUSE Contactor A "clattering" or "humming" noise in the contactor could be due to control voltage less than 18 volts. Check for low supply voltage, low transformer output or extra long runs of thermostat wires. If the contactor contacts are pitted or corroded or coil is defective, repair or replace. Rattles and Vibrations Check for loose screws, panels, or internal components. Tighten and secure. Copper piping could be hitting the metal surfaces. Carefully readjust by bending slightly. Ensure hard plumbing is isolated from building structures. Water and Airborne Noises Excessive water through water-cooled heat exchanger will cause squealing sound. Ensure adequate flow for good operation but eliminating the noise. Cavitating Pumps Purge air from ground loop. Squealing Sound from Inside the Cabinet Purge air from the water side of the desuperheater heat exchanger or defective desuperheater heat exchanger. Blower and Blower Motor Blower wheel hitting the casing, adjust for clearance and alignment. Bent blower, check and replace if damaged. Loose blower wheel on shaft, check and tighten. Compressor Make sure the compressor is not in direct contact with the base or side of the cabinet. Cold surroundings can cause liquid slugging, increase ambient temperature. Condensate Drain Line Kinked or Plugged Clean condensate drain. Make sure external condensate drain is installed with adequate drop and pitch. Unit not Level Level vertical units. Reversing Valve Defective reversing valve creating bypass of refrigerant from discharge to suction side of compressor. When it is necessary to replace the reversing valve, wrap it with a wet cloth and direct the heat away. Excessive heat can damage the valve. Desuperheater The desuperheater circuit (in-line) fuse should be disconnected during cold weather to allow full heating load to house. Refrigerant Charge Airflow Low on refrigerant charge causing inefficient operation. Adjust only after checking CFM, GPM, and inlet/outlet temperatures. Lack of adequate airflow or improper distribution of air. Check the motor speed and duct sizing. Check the filter, it should be inspected every month and cleaned if dirty. Remove or add resistance accordingly. 34 ECM Motor PROBLEM Motor rocks slightly when starting Motor won’t start •No movement CHECKS AND CORRECTIONS This is normal start-up for ECM Wait for completion of ramp-up at start Check power at motor Check low voltage (24 VAC R to X) at motor Check low voltage connections (G, Y, W2, R, X) at motor Check for unseated pins in connectors on motor harness Test with a temporary jumper between R and G Check motor for a tight shaft Perform Moisture Check* Motor rocks, but won’t start Check for loose or compliant motor mount Make sure blower wheel is tight on shaft Motor starts, but runs erratically •Varies up and down or intermittent Check line voltage for variation or “sag” Check low voltage connections (G, Y, W2, R, X) at motor, unseated pins in motor harness connectors Check out system controls, thermostat Perform Moisture Check* ”Hunts” or “puffs” at high CFM (speed) Does removing panel or filter reduce puffing? Reduce restriction Stays at low CFM despite call for higher speed Check low voltage wires and connections Verify fan is not in delay mode; wait until delay complete ”R” missing/not connected at motor Stays at high CFM Verify fan is not in delay mode; wait until delay complete ”R” missing/not connected at motor Blower won’t change CFM after adjusting the speed control setting. Power to the unit must be reset to enable the new settings Verify fan is not in delay mode; wait until delay complete ”R” missing/not connected at motor Blower won’t shut off Current leakage from controls into G, Y, or W? Excessive noise Determine if it’s air noise, cabinet, duct or motor noise High static creating high blower speed? Air noise Does removing filter cause blower to slow down? Check filter Use low-pressure drop filter Check/correct duct restrictions Noisy blower or cabinet Check for loose blower housing, panels, etc. High static creating high blower speed? Check for air whistling through seams in ducts, cabinets, or panels Check for cabinet/duct deformation\ Moisture Check Connectors are oriented as recommended by equipment manufacturer. Is condensate drain plugged? Check for low airflow (too much latent capacity) Check for undercharged conditions Check for plug leaks in return ducts, cabinet 35 ECM Motor PROBLEM Comfort Check CHECKS AND CORRECTIONS Check proper airflow settings. Low static pressure for low noise. Set low continuous-fan CFM. Thermostat in good location? For further technical support contact Enertech 618-664-5860. 36 XII. WIRING DIAGRAM STANDARD MODELS WITH OPTIONAL DESUPERHEATER Blower Motor (ECM) Optional Slide In Heater 5 4 3 2 1 X 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 W2 E BLK 3 WHT 2 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 GRN 1 WHT 6 WHT 7 WHT 13 BLK 5 Connect ORG wire to WHT 13 for 230V Operation TO LOOP PUMP 1 BLK 5 WHT 8 P1 TO LOOP PUMP 2 (OPTIONAL) P2 DSH RED BLK 12 ORG BLK C 208 240 BLK 43 TRANSFORMER WHT 6 WHT 8 WHT 11 BLK 15 WHT 7 User Interface Membrane BLU 41 BLU 19 ORG 18 ORG 40 RED 14 DSH Relay (Optional) P2 Relay P1 Relay BLU 17 BLU 4 EQUIPMENT GROUND YEL 20 WHT 11 ORG 16 Power Supply 208/240 VAC 50/60 Hz BLU YEL WHT 51 COMPRESSOR RUN CAPACITOR BLK 12 WHT 13 RED 42 TO DHW PUMP BLK, CMPR C RED, CMPR R BLU, CMPR S Thermostat Inputs RED 42 GeoSystems CONTROL BOARD Y1 Y2 W1 W2 G O R C A B FUSE LLTH FRZ HDGT OFD LPLO HPLO DHW COOL HEAT PWR BLK 43 USB YEL 20 OFD (N/A for REC Models) BLU 21 YEL BLU BLK 27 HP DLWT (optional) SLT EWT LLTC DEWT (optional) LWT DGT R_IN COM R_RLY C_RLY 2 1 3 1 2 DSH 2 4 1 3 P1 P2 GP 2 1 JP801 BLK 26 BLU 25 LP OFD PWM DEH BLU 37 Y2 C S Y1 RVR G BLU R BLK W1 COMPRESSOR HP W2 ORG 22 BLU 23 LP PWM_S PWM_C ADJ COOL DLY HEAT RVR BLU FLW 3 BLU 24 RED Thermistor/ Sensor Inputs DSH PUMP (Optional) BATTERY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 3 6 5 4 2 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 2 1 3 2 1 1 BLU 21 38 Greenville, IL & Mitchell, SD [email protected] 040-00098 Rev. 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