June 2016 - Temple Beth Rishon


June 2016 - Temple Beth Rishon
June 2016
Temple Beth Rishon
585 Russell Avenue
Wyckoff, NJ 07481
Iyar 5776 / Sivan 5776
Phone: 201-891-4466
Fax: 201-891-0508
[email protected]
School Office: [email protected]
School Phone: 201-891-6074
TBR Annual Spring Fundraiser featuring Neil Berg’s Night of Broadway Stars!
Saturday, June 4th @ 6:30 pm—Details on page 7
Annual Congregational Meeting & Breakfast
Sunday, June 5th @ 10:00 am—Details on page 6
Board Installation Service
Friday, June 10th @ 7:30 pm
Confirmation Service
Saturday, June 11th @ 7:30 pm—Details on page 8
Shavu’ot Services with Yizkor
Sunday, June 12th @ 10:30 am—Details on page 8
Shabbat Tzavta—Folk Rock Shabbat with Beth Rishon Klezmer AllStars
Friday, June 24th @ 7:00 pm—Details on page 10
28 Iyar
1 Sivan
13 Sivan
20 Sivan
10:30AM Services &
12:00PM Luncheon
6 Sivan
14 Sivan
21 Sivan
8:00PM Kol Rishon
Celebration Week
22 Sivan
15 Sivan
Celebration Week
8 Sivan
7 Sivan
29 Iyar
6:00 PM Confirmation
Page 2
Early Dismissal
2 Sivan
24 Iyar
9 Sivan
16 Sivan
23 Sivan
8:00PM Kol Rishon
7:30PM Board of
Trustees Meeting
7:30PM Administrative
Committee Meeting
8:00PM Kol Rishon
Celebration Week
7:30PM Kol Rishon
Spring Social
25 Iyar
Early Dismissal
3 Sivan
24 Sivan
17 Sivan
Celebration Week
10 Sivan
7:00PM Confirmation
7:00PM Confirmation
7:30PM Reader’s Circle
8:00PM Ritual
Committee Meeting
26 Iyar
4 Sivan
Celebration Week
11 Sivan
18 Sivan
TZAVTA: Folk Rock
Shabbat with Beth Rishon
Klezmer AllStars
Candle lighting 8:15PM
Candle lighting 8:13PM
Candle lighting 8:11PM
10:30AM Preschool
7:30PM Services
Candle lighting 8:06PM
27 Iyar
12 Sivan
8:30AM Services
Ben Wilson Auf Ruf
19 Sivan
9:00AM Nosh & Drash
10:00AM Services
Bar Mitzvah: Robert Trosten
7:30PM Confirmation Service
5 Sivan
9:00AM Nosh & Drash
10:00AM Services
Bat Mitzvah: Lindsey Polevoy
8:00AM Shabbat Hike
10:00AM Services
Bar Mitzvah: Jake King
Rosie Honor Blitz Zakim Family Baby Naming
TBR Calendar—June 2016
If you were to ask the average person what he/she wants out of life, most would probably tell you—‘I want
to be happy and I want to make a difference’
If I were to ask you which nations do you believe ranked highest on happiness and life satisfaction, I can
assure you that most of us would not list Israel among those nations. For Israelis live in a hostile and volatile neighborhood, concerned daily about the safety of its citizens, worried about a nuclear threat from Iran.
Yet, according to the World Happiness Report and life-satisfaction rankings Israel ranked 11 of 158 countries on happiness and
#5 of the 36 organizations for economic cooperation and development countries on the Life Satisfaction index, ahead of the U.
S., the U.K., and France! So Israel wins the prize in both these categories!
I found these numbers incredible! How on earth can Israelis rank so high in both these global surveys?
When I read these studies, I kwelled! I felt proud to be a Jew! I wondered to myself, how can a people who live with such insecurity and threats to its existence, remain optimistic and feel self-fulfilled?
On this, the 68th anniversary of the birth of the modern State of Israel, we Jews welcome any good news, especially when it
comes from reputable sources which shine a positive light on Israel and its people.
But the problem is not so much with Israelis, but with Americans, as Israel is losing its cache with young American Jews.
Rabbi Dr. Donniel Hartman asks: What is different today from when most of us grew up?
Today’s Jews, especially those in their 20s and 30s live in an era where one’s identity, loyalties and affiliations are no longer
simply inherited. They must be chosen! That is a key difference today from when we (those who grew up in the 50s and 60s)
grew up!
We can no longer shame them or guilt them into feeling something or expressing their loyalty for something which they do not
choose! Their loyalty must be earned!
Today, he writes—“ we are the receivers of many stories competing for our identity and loyalty—Jewish, American, Canadian,
gender, socioeconomic, geopolitical to name but a few.” Which ones we choose as our inheritance, in which ones we choose to
play, to whom we give our loyalty is the question!
In order for Judaism to win in the market place it must INSPIRE, CHALLENGE, ENRICH AND ENNOBLE! IT MUST INNOVATE
Keeping this in mind, I had to decide how I would talk about Israel to our 10 th grade confirmation class. I decided to show a
YouTube which spoke of Israel being the new Silicon Valley, the home of great technological innovations for the 21 st century. It
presented Israel as a nation that inspires in its medical technology and security devices, which are so needed today in a dangerous world
I hoped to instill pride, within our young people in seeing all the advances Israel has made and continues to make and how a
small country, like Israel, makes a difference in people’s lives worldwide.
One Israeli tech person presented in the video said:
“For such a tiny country in a conflict zone, the fact that Israel is seen as a competitor to the behemoth that is Silicon Valley might
shock outsiders, but for Israelis the success can be chalked up to any number of factors that make the country so unique.”
Think of Israel’s inventions-Novocure develops treatments for solid-tumor cancers. Its Optune product uses electrical fields to attack brain tumors called glioblastomas.
Team8 works with leaders and entrepreneurs worldwide to identify the biggest problems in cybersecurity and create long-term,
innovative cybersecurity companies to address those problems with disruptive, out-of-the-box solutions.
California has been dealing with one of the worst water crises in its history. A delegation of Israeli companies in the field of water
systems purification and management began holding a series of meetings in the West Coast of the United States.
But how can one make sense of Israel’s successes? The YouTube suggested the following values which Israelis share:
1) The ability to be self-critical.
(continues on next page)
Page 3
2) Seeing failure not as a curse, but a blessing! A new invention comes out of failing once, twice, and even three times, so that
the end result is perfected!
3) Chutzpah-–asking questions that others are too afraid to raise.
4) Talmudic study—which sharpens the mind, and challenges our own thought when we sit and learn in chevruta---(in group
5) Questioning, questioning, and more questioning!
Even in the army, officers are permitted to question. Young officers who are in their 20s can come up with new strategies, which
those who have been working in the field for many years, may have never imagined!
6) The ability to look back and take inventory.
There is a story about former Prime Minster Ariel Sharon who died in 2014. He once recalled that, after finishing a day’s work
with his father in their K’far Malal fields, he had pointed out in frustration how much was left to be plowed. His father, Samuel,
told him to turn around and take in how much they had done.
The moral was this, in every aspect of Israel’s existence, there is plenty left to be plowed—yet Israelis take comfort in looking
back and savoring how much has been achieved. This adds to their level of happiness and satisfaction! They are proud of what
they have achieved and know that there is still much more to do!
So what causes their happiness and feeling of self-fulfillment?
Studies indicate that 83% of Israelis say their nationality is significant to their identity. Jewish culture, strong Jewish family ties,
and their friendships stretching back to the army, all foster a sense of well-being and happiness!
I hope you feel proud of what Israel produces which makes the world a better and safer place to live! HAPPY 68TH BIRTHDAY
Rabbi Dr. Kenneth A. Emert
[email protected]
Nosh & Drash
Shabbat Hike
Join us for a
Shabbat morning service & Hike
Led by Ron Rosensweig
Saturday, June 4th
8:00 AM
*We will carpool to our destination at 8:10 am sharp!
Ramapo Mountain State Forest
There will be a 90 minute hike on trails with moderate difficultly and a short 30
minute service. Expect to return to TBR no later than 11:30 am.
Please wear comfortable attire. Sneakers or hiking shoes are a must! Be Prepared!
Bring your own water, bug spray, sunscreen, snacks, etc. in a backpack.
RSVP to the Temple office—201-891-4466
Saturdays, June 11th &
18th @ 9:00 am
Explore the weekly Torah
portion with Rabbi Lois
Intern. Build familiarity with our sacred text
and get acquainted with some of its most
provocative commentators, ancient and
Upcoming dates will be posted in the
September Tablet.
Visit our Adult Education
page on the TBR website:
High School Graduation Shabbat
Friday, June 17 at 7:30pm
Please join us as we honor our High School Graduates. Our graduates will be invited to
speak about their prospective college destinations or alternate plans.
Page 4
May 14, 2016
6 Iyyar 5776
All the hate speech, lies, racist remarks, misogynistic diatribes, and talk about closed borders and isolationism that have permeated this election year have been disturbing and unnerving. The demagogues are raging, and the sheep follow. What is most troubling is the positive response these remarks are getting from
our fellow American voters. Some are enthralled by the demagogues, and others are willing to compromise
their own principles for political reasons. Is this the America our forefathers envisioned? An America of
hate, a land of the rich, a land that rejects the unfortunate, the poor, the downtrodden, the other? There is a
slight reflection of 1933 Germany happening right under our noses.
Which America are we: the one written about by Woody Guthrie or Emma Lazarus?
Deportees by Woody Guthrie
The New Colossus by Emma Lazarus
The crops are all in and the peaches are rotting
The oranges are filed in their creosote dumps
They're flying 'em back to the Mexico border
To take all their money to wade back again
Goodbye to my Juan, farewell Roselita
Adios mis amigos, Jesus e Maria
You won't have a name when you ride the big airplane
All they will call you will be deportees
My father's own father, he waded that river
They took all the money he made in his life
It's six hundred miles to the Mexico border
And they chased them like rustlers, like outlaws, like thieves
The skyplane caught fire over Los Gatos Canyon
The great ball of fire it shook all our hills
Who are these dear friends who are falling like dry leaves?
Radio said, "They are just deportees"
Is this the best way we can grow our big orchards?
Is this the best way we can raise our good crops?
To fall like dry leaves and rot on our topsoil
And be known by no names except "deportees"
© Ludlow Music, Inc.
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
Which America are we?
With much trepidation,
Kol Rishon Adult Choir
Open to High School students and adults. Ability to read music and
Hebrew are not required.
Contact Cantor Mamber: [email protected] or 201-891-4466
for more information.
Rehearsals for the High Holidays will begin in June.
Rehearsals take place on either Mondays or Wednesdays starting at
Fall 2016 Kol Rishon Performances:
High Holidays, September-October
Shabbat Evening Service with Cantor Summer Greenwald-Gonella
concert: November
Cedar Crest, November
Pre-Chanukkah Service, December
[email protected]
Zemer Rishon Teen Choir
We invite all 7th through 12th graders to participate.
Rehearsals, under the direction of our cantorial intern, Summer
Greenwald-Gonella, take place two Sundays a month from 9:0010:00am or 12:00 - 1:00pm.
Contact Cantor Summer Greenwald-Gonella at [email protected] or 209-761-3082 or Cantor Ilan Mamber at
[email protected] or 201-891-4466 #204.
There is NO fee for this special program!
Rehearsals for the teen choir will begin in September.
Upcoming Zemer Rishon Performances:
Shabbat Evening Service with Cantor Summer Greenwald-Gonella
concert: November
Pre-Chanukkah Service, December
Page 5
Dear Friends,
Please join me in congratulating Judy Opper on being honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award by Jewish
Federation of Northern New Jersey. Her constant commitment to the Jewish community is and has always been an
inspiration and an example of the kind of dedication we should all strive for.
I would also like to congratulate Michael Goldberg for being honored as Volunteer of the Year by Jewish Family
Service. Michael is the founder of the DASH program, which provides dental care to Holocaust survivors in need.
Congratulations and a BIG THANK YOU to Temple Beth Rishon’s very own Volunteers of the Year, Cyrile Wilson, Cathy
Goldman, Justin Landsman and Olivia Fornasieri. TBR would not be the thriving community it is without the commitment and enthusiasm
of our volunteers.
I look forward to seeing all of you at the Spring Fundraiser on Saturday, June 4th, the Annual Congregational Meeting on Sunday, June 5th
and at the Home Hospitality Shabbat on Friday, July 15th at 6:00 pm (details to follow).
Wishing you a great summer,
Alyson Cohn
TBR President
Temple Beth Rishon
50/50 Raffle
(Drawing on Saturday, June 4th @ 11:00 pm—Winner does not need to be present at drawing)
Each ticket is $50 or 3 tickets for $100.
You can purchase raffle tickets in advance by credit card via PayPal at
http://www.bethrishon.org/springfundraiserraffle.html or email the temple office.
Stop in to the temple office to pickup your raffle tickets or, we will call you with the raffle ticket number.
People that are attending the fundraiser can pick them up at the door or purchase them the night of the event.
1 winner gets 50% of the proceeds.
Annual Congregational Meeting
Sunday, June 5th
@ 10:00 am
Come be a part of the decision making for 2016-2017—Breakfast will be served!
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Page 7
Confirmation Service—June 11th
During the evening of Saturday, June 11, 2016, at 7:30 pm, the following
10th graders will be confirmed during the Shavuot Evening Service:
Jasmine Barash
Louis Cahn
Caroline Cole
Ben Costa
Rebecca Frenkel
Deanna Javer
Jacob Niederman
Sarah Tesser
Lauren Zoneraich
Please join us in celebration of our Confirmation Students.
Shavu’ot Services
Sunday, June 12th
Services with Yizkor at 10:30 am
Luncheon at 12:00 noon
Join us to celebrate the holiday of the “Giving of the Torah”.
Please RSVP to the temple office if you would like to attend the luncheon.
201-891-4466 - [email protected]
Page 8
Dear TBR Family,
It is hard to believe how quickly the school year has passed and come to an end. I would like to thank you
for your faith, trust, and commitment to the mission of TBR Religious School. It is your belief in the Jewish
education values that help us to sustain our school. We respect the sacrifices each family makes to send
their child to our School, and we will continue to put your child first in everything we do! This was a very
busy year and you, as partners in education, played a great role in making it a success!
As we reflect on the 2015-2016 school year, we realize the many wonderful learning experiences and educational opportunities that have taken place for our students at TBR Religious School, in numerous classrooms and in very creative and innovative ways. Together we have planned and executed fun, meaningful
and engaging programs for students and parents.
TBR Religious School’s unique character, spirit and philosophy, make it a wonderful community and special learning environment.
Thank you again very much for your support and have a great summer,
Gonen Arad
Religious School Director
[email protected]
As this school year comes to a close, we have the difficult task of saying good-bye to our graduates. We are
lucky in the sense that we will continue to watch them grow as they study with Gonen, practice prayers with
Judy and participate in youth group with Jana. We will get to watch them stand on the bima as they become a
bar or bat mitzvah and shed a tear at their confirmation. However, while they will always be a part of our TBR
family, we will never again have the daily intimacy that we share today. I recently read a poem (author unknown) that conveys how the teachers and I feel on this occasion.
Although we are not their parent,
We care for them each day.
We cuddle, sing and read to them
And watch them as they play.
We see each new accomplishment
And help them as they learn.
They come to us for comfort
We soothe away their tears,
They proudly show their work to us
We give the loudest cheers.
No, we are not their parent,
But our role is very strong.
We know someday the time will come,
When we may have to part.
But we know each child we have cared for,
Is forever in our hearts.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the amazingly gifted, dedicated and loving group of teachers who worked so
hard to make the children feel confident, loved and prepared for the next phase of their lives. I am very grateful to work with all
of them. Thank you to Hillary, Susan, Shelly, Beth, Caroline, Judy, Chris, Vivian, Rabbi Emert, Cantor Mamber, Rabbi Lois, and
Cantor Summer for all you did to make this year so special!
Hillary Posner, Director of Early Childhood
[email protected]
Page 9
A Sing-A-Long Folk-Rock Shabbat Evening Service
At Temple Beth Rishon
Friday, June 24th at 7:00 PM
The Beth Rishon Klezmer AllStars:
Cantor Ilan Mamber: guitar, vocals, harp
Jane Koch: keyboard, vocals; Gale Bindelglass: vocals
Jimmy Cohen: percussion; Len Stern: trumpet
An Oneg Shabbat with desserts will follow the religious services.
Contact Cantor Ilan Mamber at 201-891-4466 or [email protected]
Coffee & Octane
FUN on
May 22nd
Page 10
Jake King: Hello, my name is Jake King, and I will become a Bar Mitzvah on June 4th. I
have two brothers, Sean and Ty, and we live in Oakland with my parents, Ed and
Vivian. I attend Valley Middle School also in Oakland, NJ. My main interest is hockey but
I also enjoy running track. I enjoy fishing in the river with my friends and vacationing in
LBI with my family. Keeping my passion for hockey in mind I have decided for my Bar
Mitzvah project to hold a hockey equipment drive. All equipment collected will be
donated to the organization "Hockey in Newark".
Lindsey Polevoy: My name is Lindsey Polevoy and I will be called to the Torah as a Bat
Mitzvah on June 11th. I am a 7th grader at FAMS. My family consists of my parents,
Sherry and Jeff, my two older brothers, Adam and Danny and our dog, Max. I enjoy
playing piano and clarinet, singing, and participating in school shows. I also throw the
discus on the FAMS’ Track & Field Team. I look forward to spending time with my family,
especially when we go to Ocean City on the Jersey Shore. For my Mitzvah project, I
baked dog treats for shelter dogs and made gift baskets with toys, leashes and bones for
the shelter and adoption families.
Robert Trosten: Hi. My name is Robert Trosten and I will be called up to the Torah as a Bar
Mitzvah on June 18th. I am a seventh grader at Franklin Avenue Middle School in Franklin
Lakes. I am an only child and live with my mom. My interests include video games,
drawing, karate, and playing the cello. My favorite subjects in school are math and
science, and I hope to become a chemist when I am older. For my Mitzvah Project, I have
chosen something very close to my heart. I am raising money to help purchase specific
books dealing with expressing emotions and feelings for Jewish Family Service for a new
children’s library for their Play Therapy Room.
The Distinguished Speaker Series
welcomed Rabbi David Ellenson, Ph.D.,
for the Food For Thought presentation
and breakfast on Sunday, May 1st.
Page 11
Coming to TBR in the Fall
Consider making a tribute to a
special event in your life by inscribing
it on the
Tree of Life
A New Daytime Adult Learning Opportunity
Watch for Details
in TBR’s beautiful lobby.
Call Anne Zenn at 201-848-9322.
New leaves are available at eye-level!
Jewish Family Service of North Jersey is offering…
Wise Aging
This group is for community members age 60+ and will
focus on many facets of aging, including changing
relationships, rituals, values, and legacy. Participants
will use the tools of text study, writing, meditation,
and listening to gain perspective on how to approach
this phase of life with insight and wisdom.
Find a special item for yourself, family member or a friend in your
temple gift shop.
We have something for every occasion!
Please call Gretta Berman at
201-788-2838 for an appointment.
Tuesday Mornings
Through June 21, 2016, 11am-1pm.
at Temple Beth Rishon.
Please contact Lauryn Tuchman, LCSW, to register:
Jewish Family Service of North Jersey
One Pike Drive, Wayne – 973-595-0111
[email protected]
Visit our Giving Opportunities page at http://
In the event that the Clergy may not have been informed,
please contact the Temple Office
at 201-891-4466 with the name of any congregant who is ill
at home, facing surgery, or in the hospital.
We appreciate it!
Planning an event?
Keep Our Catering Facility in Mind!
If you are planning a special occasion, consider using our spacious and elegant ballroom
for your next simcha.
When celebrated in the sanctity of the Temple, weddings, b’nei mitzvot, brit, babynamings, and other life cycle events take on a more spiritual significance.
We have a marvelous panel of caterers from which to choose.
Contact Laura Freeman at 201-264-3857 or visit the “Facilities and Catering” tab at
Page 12
Members to join the Caring Committee.
The Caring committee helps our temple community in a variety of ways - we deliver baskets to welcome new
members and
babies, organize catered meals to be delivered to families sitting Shiva, and make phone calls to individuals who are in need
or who have family/friends in need of our support.
If you are interested in joining our committee, please contact Stacey Frenkel at [email protected] or 201-493-7773.
Cantorial Intern Coordinator Needed
We are looking for someone who will kindly take over host family scheduling, confirming open dates and ensuring alternate
families are available. Also, be willing to retain/identify and recruit families to ensure the continuation of this wonderful program.
Please contact Cantor Ilan Mamber at 201-891-4466, ext. 204, or [email protected].
Attention Insurance Professionals…
We are looking for a few Members who might have expertise in insurance to review our policies and
coverages. Ideally, we are looking for 3 or 4 people. Please contact Mark Niederman at 201-615-7818
or [email protected].
Visit us at www.bethrishon.org under the “Our Community” tab.
Michael Goldberg DDS proudly
Liany Farinas-Han DMD to
the TBR community.
May your relationship grow
strength to strength.
Dental care for children to
senior citizens.
24 Godwin Avenue
Midland Park, NJ 07432
Office: 201-444-3049
[email protected]
The June Food Drive
will benefit
The Center for Food Action.
Collection baskets are located in the front lobby.
Items must be non-perishable. Please check
expiration dates.
Thank you for your generosity!
Page 13
Addison M. & Elizabeth Opper Religious School
Randy & Ted Cohen to Gonen & Einat Arad in honor of
the birth of your new son.
Stuart & Tanya Kurtz made a generous donation to
this fund.
Daniel Frenkel, Matthew & Ryan Kossak made a generous donation to this fund with the proceeds from
their bake sale.
Andrew Friedland Preschool Fund
The following donations were made to Lydia & Jack
Zakim in honor of the birth of your new granddaughter:
Diane & Marvin Gess
Elena & Jeffrey Greene & Family
The following donations were made to Ruth Friedland
in memory of your beloved brother:
Karin & Herb Maier
Fred & Judy Steinberg
Phyllis & Harold Schreier made the following
Arlene Teitel in memory of your beloved
Sheryl Fischer in memory of your brother-in
Physical Plant Fund
Carole, David & Lisa Schwartz & Family to Jack Berger in appreciation for the beautiful Shiva Service.
Carole, David & Lisa Schwartz & Family to Rabbi Lois
Ruderman in appreciation for the beautiful Shiva Service.
Carole, David & Lisa Schwartz & Family to Manny
Kaplan in appreciation for the beautiful Shiva Service.
Carole, David & Lisa Schwartz & Family to Cantor Ilan
Mamber in great appreciation for the beautiful funeral
& Shiva Service.
Rabbi Discretionary Fund
Leonard & Leann Lebov to Rabbi Emert in honor of
Jason’s Bar Mitzvah.
Edna & Seelig Lewitz made the following donations:
Len & Ruth Stern in honor of your 50th wedding
Dr. Michael Goldberg in honor of your generous
service to the DASH program.
Bruce & Shelly Freed to Lauren Blutig & Family in
memory of your beloved father Stuart Weinstein.
Susan Sorkenn to Rabbi Emert in appreciation.
Cantor Discretionary Fund
Norman & Cherie Eisdorfer made a generous donation
to this fund.
Rabbinic Intern Fund
Martin & Mary Kwartler made a generous donation to
this fund.
Leonard & Leann Lebov to Cantor Mamber in honor of
Jason’s Bar Mitzvah.
Ritual Fund
The Ritual Committee made the following donations:
Viviane & Edward King in honor of Jake’s Bar
Sherry & Jeff Polevoy in honor of Lindsey’s Bat
Zahava Trosten in honor of Robert’s Bar Mitzvah.
Donna Krieger to Mr. & Mrs. R. Friedman in memory of
your beloved mother.
Caring Committee
Robert & Marilyn Gellert to Ruth Friedland in memory
of your beloved brother
Gail & Mark Niederman to Mike Rubenstein in memory
of your beloved father.
Carol Berger Festival Meal Fund
Scott Fergang & Barbra Lieberstein to Mike
Rubenstein in memory of your beloved father.
Susan & Alan Yacavone to Lydia & Jack Zakim in
honor of the birth of you granddaughter.
Channa Mamber Memorial Music Fund
Cyrile Wilson made a generous donation to this fund in
appreciation of the NJCCE Cantors Concert.
Social Action Fund
Scott Fergang & Barbra Lieberstein to the
Sackstein Family in honor of Sam’s Bar Mitzvah.
Fred Emert Adult Education Fund
Monday Night Book Club Friends to Ruth Friedland in
memory of your beloved brother.
Youth Wing Fund
The following donations were made to Lydia & Jack
Zakim in honor of the birth of their granddaughter:
Anne & Jeff Zenn
Leslie & David Klyde
General Fund
Nancy Wellington to Alyson Cohn & Family in memory
of your beloved dog.
Elena Shargoradsky made a generous donation to this
fund in honor of Passover.
Donna Krieger to Lydia & Jack Zakim in honor of the
birth of your new granddaughter.
Paula Steinberg to Warren Kaufman in honor of your
Page 14
Lydia & Jack Zakim to Jim Baum in honor of your
special birthday.
The following donations were made to Ruth Friedland
in memory of her beloved brother:
Linda Dombrowsky & Ron Rosensweig
Nancy & Arthur R. Kramer
Mary Lou Ciavarra
Membership Madness!
Membership incentives for new members. Contact the temple office at
201-891-4466 for information.
Grey Card—donation of $10.00
Silver Card—donation of $18.00
Gold Card—donation of $36.00
All donations will be published in the
newsletter and your donation
will be applied to the
TBR fund of your choice.
Available through the Temple office
at 201-891-4466.
 Addison M. & Elizabeth Opper
Religious School
 Andrew Friedland Preschool
 Cantor’s Discretionary
 Cantorial Intern Fund
 Caring Committee
 Carol Berger Festival
Meal Fund
 Cemetery Plot Fund
 Channah Mamber Music Fund
 Fred Emert Memorial Adult
Education Fund
 General Fund
 Physical Plant Fund
 Rabbinic Intern Fund
 Rabbi’s Discretionary
 Ritual Fund
 Social Action
 Yad L’Yad
 Youth Group
 Youth Wing
June Yahrzeits
Rose Cooperman
Albert Charles Nussenbaum
Violet R. Schomer
Leah S. Kaplan
Gerald Dinitz
Martin Russell
Marvin Paul
Harry F. Kwartler
Stewart Tauscher
Pearl Falkenstein
Louis Friedberg
Hy Silverberg
Miriam Kaufman Wein
Alice Goldstein
Edith Emert
Sam Blake
Faye Axelrod
Seymour S. Krug
Lenore I. Suffness
Sherwood Teitel
Samuel Zakim
Martha Friedlander
Bernard Schwam
Isidore Aronson
William Weinraub
Miriam Schwartz Silverman
Alfred Ephraim
Dorothea Auerbach
Samuel Frey
Simeon Einstein
Dolly Kolben
Joseph Gutfriend
Blanche LeVine
Andrew David Friedland
Linda D. Fleischauer
Charles Suslak
Barbara Seiden
Helen Eisner
Jesse Feld
Rita Cantor
George Gornstein
Martin Platt
Dennette Malkin
Juda Weintraub
Harry B. Silman
18 Gertrude Bedrin
Randolph London
Michael Lefferman
19 Sigmund N. Auerbach
Ida Diner
21 Lillian Glassman
Edwin J. Goldstein
Milton Rosenblum
22 Hannah Zimmerman
Evelyn Greenberg
Newton Roemer
Jack m. Appel
23 Seymour Derechin
Gustave Suffness, MD
Harold Lager
24 Alex Lyon
Charles Gaspari
25 Grace Miller
Walter Freimark
26 Edythe Lustig
27 Abe Goldstein
Sam Rein
Nathan Weiss
David Harold Shalofsky
Mildred Rubinson
Sarah Suslak
Louise Annette Barth
28 Harold Kramer
29 Mollie Helman
30 Sherle Bernstein
31 Robert Knopf
Yahrzeit Donations
In accordance with the Jewish tradition of giving Tzedakah
as a tribute of reverence and love to the memory of our
departed, the following donations have been made to the
Temple Beth Rishon Yahrzeit Fund:
Family of:
In Memory of:
Ruth Freudenthal
Martin Kwartler
Doris Miller
Bernard Goldstein
Anne Zenn
Janet Shapiro
The Zalkowitz Family
Janet Indick
Alfred Ephraim
Harry F. Kwartler
Simeon Einstein
Alice Goldstein
Nathan Kurz
Charles Gaspari
Robert Knopf
Sarah Suslak
Charles Suslak
Miriam Schwartz Silverman
Robin Shlien
Manya Ehrlich
Henry Pflaum
Max Gess
Alexander Bluestein
Ana Eagle
Benjamin Steinik
Bracha Feldman
Sarah Emont
David Goodman
Abram Isaac Wyrobnik
David Lederman
Nita & Chuck Goodgal
Robert Shlien
Phyllis Schreier
Diane Gess
Marvin Gess
Phyllis Egyes
Rona Eagle
Ruth Greenberg
Jake Feldman
The Phillips Family
Jerry Goodman
Viviane Newman
Amy Tesser
When a Death in Your Family Occurs, Please Let us Know...
When a death in your immediate family occurs, the TBR Community would like to acknowledge your loss and support you in any
and all ways possible.
Please promptly notify Rabbi Emert at 201-819-5005 or Cantor Mamber at 201-914-2693.
In addition, to provide pertinent information that you would like to share, call the Temple Office at 201-891-4466.
Even if the service is out of town, we would like to know so that we can offer our condolences.
Page 15
Click To Support TBR!
Each time you make a purchase from
Amazon.com or buy a tree in Israel
from the Jewish National Fund via our
website, the temple receives a percentage towards our fundraising goals.
Both links are at the bottom of our HOME
page at www.bethrishon.org.
The entire membership, staff and clergy
thank you for using this painless way to
help our bottom line!
Temple Beth Rishon, 585 Russell Avenue, Wyckoff, NJ 07481
Tel: 201-891-4466, Fax: 201-891-0508
Education: 201-891-6074
[email protected] / www.bethrishon.org
Camp Little Feet starts June 27th.
Call Hillary Posner at 201-891-6074
for information and registration.
Home Hospitality Shabbat Friday,
July 15th @ 6:00 pm

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