Program Guide - 2016 Tennessee Governor`s Conference on


Program Guide - 2016 Tennessee Governor`s Conference on
Program Guide
September 17-19, 2013
Governor Bill Haslam
Commissioner Susan Whitaker
Tennessee Department of
Tourist Development
Welcome to the 2013 Governor’s Conference on Tourism.
Crissy and I join with our friends in Franklin and Williamson
County in welcoming you to one of America’s most distinguished small
towns. This middle Tennessee town has made the list of Most Beautiful
Towns in America, Top Ten Downtowns, Dozen Distinctive Destinations
and America’s Best Small Cities. Franklin is indeed a Tennessee
treasure, and it’s rolling out the red carpet this week for the state’s
thriving tourism industry.
Tourism provides more than 177,000 jobs for Tennesseans, making
your industry one of the most important in our state.
I’m grateful to all of you for continuing to set the standard for
great customer service and unparalleled hospitality, creating first-class
vacation experiences for the Tennessee traveler.
We have leading motivators in marketing, branding and consumer
trends joining us in Franklin for this conference, and I’m pleased
to welcome Kelly McDonald, Duane Knapp, Jake Olson and McKay
Christensen, among others, this year. We look forward to being inspired
by these industry experts.
Special thanks to Commissioner Susan Whitaker and her staff,
Executive Director John Whisenant and the officers of the Tennessee
Tourism Roundtable, the city of Franklin, Williamson County CVB, the
Tourism Committee and the tourism partners who have made this
conference possible.
Have a great event, enjoy Franklin, and keep looking ahead for
continued growth and even greater success in Tennessee’s flourishing
tourism industry.
Dear Friends in Tourism,
I’m delighted to welcome you to the 2013 Governor’s Conference
on Tourism in beautiful, historic Franklin! One of America’s favorite
small towns, Franklin has captured the essence of “place” with this
year’s conference theme “Back to the Future.” While Franklin is one of
Tennessee’s most important historic towns, it is also one of our most
forward-thinking in tourism development and, with all of Williamson
County, is No. 6 in Tennessee for economic impact in tourism.
Tennessee Tourism Roundtable and this year’s host committee have
done a remarkable job in putting together one of the best conferences in
our state’s history.
For the first time there are TWO Marketing Super Seminars. Tuesday’s
seminar “From Eyesore to Attraction: Reclaiming Historic Assets for
Tourism” takes attendees to the Factory at Franklin and the Franklin
Theatre for on-site tours. Thursday’s seminar on “Marketing to People
Who Are Not Like You,” features Kelly McDonald, named No.1 of “26 Hot
Speakers” by Successful Meetings magazine.
Additional highlights of this year’s event include a session by wellknown speaker Duane Knapp, “Building a Destination Brand,” and a session
titled “Open Your Eyes: 10 Uncommon Lessons to Discover a Happier Life,”
featuring 16 year old Jake Olson and McKay Christensen. These sessions,
along with a “roll out the red carpet” night in legendary Leiper’s Fork, will
provide great opportunities for gaining practical information from national
experts as well as your Tennessee peers. And there’s so much more!
Governor Bill Haslam is a true champion of tourism, providing solid
leadership and tangible support by allocating an additional $8 million
this year to market the state. We are so pleased he will be with us at the
Governor’s luncheon on Thursday. The continued support from Governor
Haslam and the Tennessee General Assembly is vital to our industry’s
success. This is the perfect time to offer our sincere appreciation to
Governor Haslam for his investment in tourism.
Once again, I am truly excited about giving the update on the “State
of the Industry” Wednesday morning. The economic numbers look great! I
will also be partnering with the Tourism Committee to present the FY13-14
Strategic Marketing Plan.
As we all know, outstanding conferences don’t just happen without
the leadership and attention to detail of some great people. Special thanks
to John Whisenant, executive director of Tennessee Tourism Roundtable,
the Board of TTR and the conference committee led by Mark Shore,
executive director, Williamson County CVB. Also, a big thank you to my
good friends, Franklin City Mayor Ken Moore and Williamson County
Mayor Rogers Anderson for hosting our group.
Finally, thanks to each and every one of you for your remarkable
dedication and hard work. Now it’s time to move full speed ahead and into
the future!
Enjoy the ride!
Brenda McCroskey
2013 Chair
Tennessee Tourism Roundtable
CEO, Sevierville Chamber
of Commerce
Dear Industry Colleagues:
On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Tennessee Tourism
Roundtable, welcome to the 2013 Tennessee Governor’s Conference
on Tourism!
This year’s conference theme, “Back to the Future” is so appropriate
to both our setting and to our industry. Our hosts, Franklin and
Williamson County, are noted for both their genuine appreciation of and
care for their historic assets, and for also being one of the fastest growing,
future-oriented communities in the state. As it relates to our industry, this
year’s conference will not only celebrate our history and past successes
but will also provide us with the information and tools necessary to grow
tourism in Tennessee to even greater levels in the future.
The theme also speaks of our own organization, the Tennessee
Tourism Roundtable. TTR is now nearly 20 years old and has accomplished
a great deal during its existence. But every organization, ours included,
should periodically examine its purposes and programs. As a result, our
Board of Directors created a special study committee this year to examine
TTR’s program of work and to make recommendations for its future. That
committee has taken its task very seriously, and over the course of this
last year has worked and studied diligently the various aspects of our
mission, the goals of our partner organizations, the structure and work
of similar organizations in other states, and various scenarios for our
future. I am pleased to report that the committee made very positive
recommendations to the Board, and that over the next several months
we will be working towards implementing those recommendations. I can
most definitely share with you that it is going to be an exciting future
that will benefit both our organization and, even more importantly, our
industry. I sincerely thank our Study Committee members for their hard
work and commitment, and I want to thank our Executive Director, John
Whisenant, for guiding us through this sometimes challenging but exciting
Speaking of “thanks”, there is a long list of folks that I want to thank
for their part in putting on this year’s conference. Certainly, “thanks” first
of all to our hosts in Franklin and Williamson County, and in particular the
staff of the Williamson County CVB and their many community partners.
And a big “thanks” to our conference sponsors and exhibitors for their
tremendous support of our industry and our conference – they have
truly stepped up to the plate this year in ways that have allowed us to
attract some of the best speakers in the nation. And of course, thanks to
the staff of the Tennessee Department of Tourist Development for their
partnership in producing the conference and for their efforts to promote
Tennessee and its travel industry.
Finally, “thanks” to each of you for giving me the opportunity to
serve again as TTR Chair during this past year. It is an honor and privilege
to be a part of this organization and our state’s dynamic tourism industry.
Best wishes for a successful conference and for a bright future!
Mark Shore
Executive Director
Williamson County Convention &
Visitors Bureau
Dear Tourism Colleagues,
There is no possible way that a standard welcome letter, printed
in your conference material, could ever convey what it means to us to
have you here in Williamson County! The best and the brightest stars
of the Tennessee tourism industry, right here in our backyard; we are
honored to have you here as our guests.
This year’s conference schedule has been designed to take
you beyond the doors of our great hotels and meeting space. We
encourage you to get out and explore. Our visitors guide is loaded with
suggestions of things to do and places to see but it is not until you
actively engage that you will find what makes Franklin and the unique
communities of Williamson County special. We’re not an easy place to
define in a word or two but there is something powerful in our gentle
rolling hills. It’s the secret ingredient to the words a songwriter puts on
paper. It’s also the beautiful coexistence of historic and contemporary.
So stay an extra day or come again soon because we would never
encourage you to skip a conference session. On behalf of Williamson
County, the City of Franklin and the board and staff of the Williamson
County Convention & Visitors Bureau-Welcome!
Rogers Anderson
Williamson County Mayor
On behalf of the citizens of Williamson County, thank you for the
privilege of hosting the 2013 Governor’s Conference on Tourism!
Williamson County continues to be noted as one of the fastest
growing counties in the United States. As such, our governmental
entities, non-profits and businesses all work together to balance our
progress and maintain our small-town atmosphere and the quality of life
features that attract many new residents each year.
From our unique shopping venues to our one-of-a-kind local
restaurants, to our antique shops and our historic battlefields, I hope
your schedules will afford you the opportunity to experience what
makes us a unique community with diverse surroundings, people and
Looking forward to meeting you, getting to know you and sharing
how we live, play and do business in Williamson County!
Dr. Ken Moore
Mayor, City of Franklin
Dear Friends of Tourism,
Welcome to the beautiful town of Franklin, a place we love to
call home! Franklin is historic, with time-honored traditions; while
at the same time it is progressive, family-oriented, comfortable, fun,
recreational, entertaining and much, much more. We have 48 nationally
registered properties in our urban growth boundary, two national
historic landmarks, and five nationally registered districts. We also serve
as home for many Fortune 500 companies and national headquarters.
As we gear up to celebrate our city’s rich Civil War history,
culminating in the national sesquicentennial celebration in 2014, this is
the perfect time for you to visit our city. Founded in 1799 and named
after Benjamin Franklin, one of the bloodiest battles in the Civil War
took place here. Each year thousands of tourists visit the site of the
Battle of Franklin, Carnton Plantation, the Carter House, and many other
historic locations throughout the City. In 2009, the National Trust for
Historic Preservation awarded Franklin the prestigious title of Distinctive
Destination for offering an authentic visitor experience by combining
dynamic downtowns, cultural diversity, attractive architecture, and a
strong commitment to historic preservation.
We thank Governor Haslam and all of our elected officials as well
as the Williamson County Convention and Visitors Bureau for making
Franklin home to this year’s tourism conference. I sincerely hope you
learn and share best practices during this conference. We share your
overall goal of sharing Tennessee’s treasures with visitors from across
the nation and the world.
Please get out and enjoy the hometown feel of Franklin’s
downtown and our trendy fun eateries and pubs in Cool Springs. We
thank you for celebrating all Tennessee has to offer in our hometown!
2013 Governor’s Conference Planning Committee
Greg Adkins, Tennessee Hospitality Association
Laura Crawford, Tennessee Department of
Tourist Development
Aaron Gumpenberger, Tennessee Tourism Committee
Paula Hankins, Tennessee Department of Tourist Development
Pam Huff, Tennessee Tourism Committee
Jennifer Littlejohn, CTTP, Tennessee Department
of Tourist Development
Marty Marbry, CTTP, Tennessee Department
of Tourist Development
Kellye Murphy, Williamson County CVB
Kaitlyn Noe, Williamson County CVB
Gaby Robbins, Williamson County CVB
Mark Shore, Williamson County CVB
Deborah Warnick, CTTP, Williamson County CVB
John Whisenant, CTTP, Tennessee Tourism Roundtable
Susan Whitaker, Tennessee Department
of Tourist Development
Kathryn York, CTTP, Williamson County CVB
The 2013 Conference has been made possible through the generous support of the following sponsors:
Tennessee Department of Tourist Development
Williamson County Convention and Visitors Bureau
Knoxville Convention and Visitors Bureau
Special thanks to our Tennessee Tourism EXPO Exhibitors for their support of our industry and the conference!
AAA / Preservation
AJR Media Group
American Road Magazine
Atlanta Magazine
Blue Ridge Outdoors
Chocklett Press
Collinson Media & Events
Compass Media
Garden & Gun
GEORGIA Magazine
Group Tour Media
Internet Marketing Expert Group
Jack Rabbit Systems & Book Direct
Lithographics, Inc.
Madden Media
National Cinemedia
Navigate Media / Meredith Travel Group
The Osford American
Paramore | the digital agency
Scripps Networks Interactive
Southern Travel & Lifestyles
Southern Living
TN Dept. of Tourist Development
The Tennessee Magazine
Travel Advertising Group
Trip Advisor
USA Weekend
Weider History Group
2013 Conference Schedule
September 17
9:30 am – 5:30 pm
Registration Open
10:00 am – 11:00 am
Play Tennessee Meeting
Franklin Room
11:15 am – 12:45 pm
Regional Directors Meeting/Lunch
Williamson Room
Page 6 for 1:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Tourism Super Seminar I
Factory at Franklin & Franklin Theatre
Opening Night Motorcoach boarding begins 12:45 pm from Marriott Hotel Lobby
Event details 5:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Opening Night Event
Leiper’s Fork
Motorcoach boarding begins 5:15 pm from Marriott Hotel Lobby
September 18
September 19
7:00 am – 5:30 pm
Registration Open
7:30 am – 9:45 am
Opening Breakfast
State of the Industry Address
Commissioner Susan Whitaker
Presentation of Tourism Marketing Strategic Plan
Colin Reed, Tennessee Tourism Committee
9:45 am – 10:00 am
10:00 am – 5:30 pm
Tennessee Tourism EXPO Tradeshow
10:00 am – 11:00 am
Morning Educational Sessions*
11:00 am – 11:15 am
11:15 am – 12:15 pm
Morning Educational Sessions Repeat*
12:15 pm – 12:30 pm
12:30 pm – 2:00 pm
Lunch & Keynote Presentation
Open Your Eyes to a Happier Life
Jake Olson & McKay Christensen
2:00 pm – 2:15 pm
2:15 pm – 3:15 pm
Afternoon Educational Sessions*
3:15 pm – 3:30 pm
3:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Afternoon Educational Sessions Repeat*
4:30 pm – 5:30 pm
Reception in TN Tourism EXPO Tradeshow
5:00 pm
Silent Auction Closes, Winning Bids Declared
5:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Franklin Dine-Around
7:30 am – 1:00 pm
Registration Open
8:00 am – 9:30 am
Breakfast & Keynote Presentation
Building Genuine Destination Brands
Duane Knapp, BrandStrategy, Inc.
9:30 am – 9:45 am
9:45 am –11:15 am
Super Seminar II
Marketing to People Who Are Not Like You:
The New Market Segmentation
Kelly McDonald, McDonald Marketing
11:15 am – 11:30 am
11:30 am – 1:00 pm
Governor’s Lunch & Industry Awards
Governor Bill Haslam
1:00 pm
Conference Concludes
Salon 6 – 10
Salon 1 – 5
Salon 6 – 10
Salon 1 – 5
Salon 1 – 5
Salon 6 – 10
Salon 5
Salon 6 – 10
Opening Night Event
Tuesday, September 17 • 5:30 PM – 9:00 PM
“Music, Moonshine
& More!”
Our Franklin and Williamson County hosts have really pulled out all the
stops for a great evening of fun, food, and more in the historic and hip
community of Leiper’s Fork! Enjoy an evening with tasty Tennessee BBQ,
great music and dancing at the Lawnchair Theatre (with our locals there to
teach some traditional county dances), shopping in the Village, and a few
unique twists like a working moonshine still (with the opportunity to sample!)
and having the “General Lee” and vintage police car on hand for photo ops. All this
PLUS a few other special surprises! And our event sponsors Arrington Vineyards,
Collier and McKeel, and Turtle Anarchy will be serving their tasteful libations as well.
It’s a great night you won’t want to miss!
Complimentary roundtrip motorcoach transportation will be provided to this event. All motorcoaches will leave from and return to the Franklin Marriott Hotel lobby. Boarding will begin at 5:15 pm,
with motorcoaches departing at 5:30 pm and 5:45 pm. Motorcoaches will depart Leiper’s Fork at
7:00 pm, 7:45 pm, 8:30 pm, and 9:00 pm, arriving back at the Franklin Marriott approximately onehalf hour after leaving Leiper’s Fork.
Silent Auction
Wednesday, September 18
Specialty items from across the state, gift baskets, travel and
hotel packages, artwork, crafts, and so much more await you
at the annual TTR Silent Auction, located in the Tennessee
Tourism EXPO Tradeshow from 10:00 am – 5:00 pm. Proceeds
from the Silent Auction benefit the various programs and
activities of the Tennessee Tourism Roundtable.
To place a bid, simply write your name and amount of your bid
on the bid sheet. Be sure to check back often during the day to
see the status of your bid!
Winning bids will be declared at 5:00 pm Wednesday evening.
Winning bidders may pay for and pick up their items from 5:15
pm – 6:00 pm. Payments may be made with VISA, MasterCard,
Discover, or American Express credit cards or by check made
payable to “Tennessee Tourism Roundtable.”
Wednesday Afternoon
Wind down from your busy day and network with your friends
and colleagues from 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm on Wednesday
evening at a special reception in the Tennessee Tourism EXPO
Tradeshow in Salon 1 – 5. Two complimentary beverage tickets
are included with your registration materials (cash bar service
available for additional beverages).
Wednesday Night, September 18
The restaurants and shops of Franklin are rolling out the red carpet
just for our Governor’s Conference attendees! There’s no better
way to get to know an area than by enjoying cuisine prepared by
locals. In Historic Downtown Franklin, dining experiences range
from down-home cooking to fine cuisine served in charming
settings. A list of local restaurants offering discounts and special
offers to Governor’s Conference attendees has been provided by
our Franklin hosts and the Downtown Franklin Association in your
registration material.
An important part of the annual
conference, the Tennessee Tourism
EXPO Tradeshow provides you
with a unique opportunity to meet
personally with service providers to
the travel industry.
Make sure to stop by and visit with
each of our exhibitors and sponsors.
While talking with them, have them
initial your EXPO “Dance Card” for a chance to win $100.00!
Keynote Speakers
Governor Bill Haslam
Commissioner Susan Whitaker
Tennessee Department of
Tourist Development
Born and raised in Knoxville, Tennessee, Bill was blessed with
parents who instilled their strong faith and work ethic in their children.
As a young man, Bill excelled in academics and sports and was a leader
in student government. At thirteen, Bill got a job pumping gas at a
family-owned service station, and quickly learned that running a small
business took diligent hard work. When Bill was 16 years old, tragedy
struck his family. The sudden, unexpected death of his mother marked
a turning point in his young life. Bill’s dad pulled the family together
and they leaned on each other and on their faith to get through the
tough days.
Bill entered Emory University in 1976, and on the first day of class,
met Crissy, a young woman from Memphis who would later become his
wife. While attending college in Atlanta, Bill was a volunteer leader for
Young Life, a Christian ministry that reaches out to adolescents. During
the summers, Bill volunteered for the grassroots political campaigns of
Howard Baker and Lamar Alexander and gained a deep understanding
of the type of principled leadership needed to govern.
After graduating with a degree in History, Bill and Crissy married
and moved to Knoxville, where Bill had agreed, at his father’s urging,
to work “for a couple of years” managing his family’s small chain of
gas stations. In the early years, Bill spent long days driving all over the
country identifying, negotiating and purchasing good locations for
new truck-stops. While lots of politicians talk about creating jobs—
Bill Haslam has actually done it. When he first went to work for the
company, Pilot Corporation had 800 employees; and when he left had
more than 14,000 employees in 39 states. Throughout his time at Pilot,
Bill sustained the company’s growth by allocating resources wisely,
managing the business conservatively, working hard to increase sales
and satisfy customers. It was here that Bill gained the essential handson knowledge that makes the chief executive officer of a complicated
enterprise successful.
In 2003, at the urging of many friends, he ran successfully for
Mayor of Knoxville. The skills he honed in the private sector have
helped make him an extremely effective Mayor. Reelected in 2007
with 87 percent of the vote, Bill has balanced seven consecutive city
budgets, tripled the Rainy Day Fund, insisted that city government
focus on providing services in an efficient manner, helped found key
education initiatives, and recruited and retained thousands of jobs to
the city.
On November 2, 2010, Bill was elected with 65 percent of the vote
– winning 90 of 95 counties and securing the largest victory of any nonincumbent gubernatorial candidate in our state’s history.
Having celebrated their 32nd wedding anniversary in 2013, Bill
and his wife, Crissy, have also been blessed with three children, a
daughter-in-law, two sons-in-law and a new grandson. For 28 years, Bill
and Crissy have been members of Cedar Springs Presbyterian Church
(EPC) in Knoxville and for 22 of those years Bill has served as an Elder.
Susan Whitaker, a veteran tourism marketing executive, was
appointed in January 2011 to the cabinet of Governor Bill Haslam as
Commissioner of Tourist Development. Whitaker was initially appointed
to the position in 2003 by Governor Phil Bredesen, and reappointed
under his administration in 2007. Whitaker was named the 2013 National
Tourism Director of the Year by the U.S. Travel Association’s National
Council of State Travel Directors.
As Commissioner, Whitaker is responsible for marketing Tennessee’s
tourism industry domestically and internationally. Tourism is one of
Tennessee’s largest industries, providing a $15.36 billion direct economic
impact and generating more than $1 billion annually in state and local
sales tax revenue for the past six years. Tennessee is now ranked 9th
among all states in total travel.
Whitaker oversees the development and implementation of
statewide tourism’s comprehensive marketing, publicity and promotions
campaigns, all designed to stimulate growth of tourism in Tennessee. Of
note is the state’s award-winning consumer website,, as
well as the state’s 14 Welcome Centers.
Under Whitaker’s leadership, the Department of Tourist
Development launched the Discover Tennessee Trails & Byways program.
The program features 16 comprehensive, statewide trails that guide
visitors from Tennessee’s big cities to off-the beaten path attractions
throughout the state. This initiative includes all of Tennessee’s 95 counties
as well as the state’s five National Scenic Byways.
As the co-chair of Tennessee’s Civil War Sesquicentennial
Commission, Whitaker is a strategic part of the planning and overseeing of
Tennessee’s 150th Civil War commemoration. In preparation for this Civil
War milestone, Whitaker launched the Tennessee Civil War Trails Program.
To date, markers are in place at more than 260 Civil War sites throughout
the state with a goal to have the trail go into every Tennessee county.
The Commission is also responsible for annual Civil War Sesquicentennial
Signature events during the 150th commemoration.
Whitaker launched Tennessee’s Sustainable Tourism initiative with
the 2008 Great Smoky Mountain Sustainable Tourism Summit, positioning
the state as a national leader in sustainable tourism. Further outgrowth
of the Summit has been Tennessee’s launch of a sustainable tourism
website, featuring a complete online toolbox, 10 statewide sustainable
tourism workshops as well as a six-part webinar series. Tennessee’s
program has been recognized by U.S. Travel Association as a national best
practice and included on the website.
Whitaker serves as the Secretary of the U.S. Travel Association’s
Board of Directors. She also serves on the Executive Committee of the
National Council of State Travel Directors, Travel South USA Board of
Directors, the University of Tennessee’s Retail, Hospitality and Tourism
Management Advisory Board, and the Governor’s International
Advisory Council. She serves as the co-chair of Tennessee’s Civil War
Sesquicentennial Commission as well as the Tennessee State Fair
Commission and is a member of the Smoky Mountains Park Commission.
Whitaker is a Chicago native and a direct descendent of
Tennessee’s first Governor, John Sevier. She holds a bachelor’s degree in
communications from Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. Prior to
her state cabinet post, Whitaker served as vice president of marketing for
Dollywood, Tennessee’s most visited manmade attraction.
Keynote Speakers
Duane Knapp
Founder and Chairman
BrandStrategy, Inc.
Duane Knapp is recognized as the authority on building Genuine
Brands. He is a pioneer in the field of BrandScience as well as in
developing and implementing transformation strategies.
He has served on dozens of organizations’ boards of directors,
including Annika, Inc., American University in the Emirates (AUE),
Federated Western Properties, Inc., and is director emeritus of Longs Drug
Stores (now CVS), and has held a variety of senior executive positions,
including chief executive officer, president, executive vice president, vice
president of corporate marketing, vice president corporate development
and corporate strategist at public and private companies. These include
Westin Hotels, Holiday Corporation, The Promus Companies and
Cinnabon World Famous Cinnamon Rolls. He advises leading law firms
relating to high-profile brand and intellectual property matters and has
specific expertise in the fields of travel and hospitality, food and beverage
products, restaurants, retailing, health care, financial services and real
estate development.
He has taught and lectured widely at universities and graduate
schools throughout the United States, including Vanderbilt, Stanford,
the University of California, the University of Colorado at Boulder and
Seattle University. He has been published, quoted or featured in hundreds
of publications, including BusinessWeek, Brandweek, CFO Magazine,
Association Management, Marketing, Washington CEO, Bankers
Magazine, Design Forum, Focus Magazine, Risk Management, Forbes
Magazine Travel, Distribution Reports, Private Clubs Magazine, Fortune
Magazine and International Journal of Medical Marketing, as well as The
Seattle Times, The Journal of Commerce and many private corporate and
association publications, plus television and radio talk shows.
He is the author of several books including The BrandPromise® and
The BrandMindset®, Global Destination BrandScience™ and Destination
BrandScience™. His newest book, Global Destination BrandScience
outlines how a successful destination strategy goes beyond the tourism
aspect; it becomes a focal point for the entire community when making
strategic decisions regarding economic opportunity. The BrandMindset
book was selected by IBM and American Express as the “must read”
book for their top 400 executives. It is available in seven languages and is
considered the definitive guide to building Genuine Brands.
Knapp is Founder and Chairman of BrandStrategy, Inc., which has
advised over 300 brands in 15 countries worldwide including corporations,
communities, societies, professional associations, institutions, countries,
world-class professionals, celebrities and successful individuals who desire
to optimize their perception, image and success.
Knapp earned his BA in Business Administration from Western
Michigan University and his MBA from the University of Toledo. He also
completed a postgraduate program in Strategic Marketing at the Stanford
University Graduate School of Business.
Kelly McDonald
Founder and Owner
McDonald Marketing
Kelly McDonald is a marketing and advertising expert with 20
years of ad agency experience and is considered one of the nation’s top
experts in multicultural marketing and consumer trends.
McDonald Marketing was formed in 2002 with a single focus:
to help clients and companies grow their business by marketing
effectively to multicultural consumers. With that sole vision, Kelly
McDonald started her business as a marketing consultant and speaker,
emphasizing market segmentation.
Her approach to niche marketing challenges grew the company
from a one-woman enterprise to a full-service agency in just over
a year. Today, with both foreign-born and U.S. born employees,
McDonald Marketing is as diverse as the professional backgrounds
they bring to the business. Her team has experience in nearly every
market category and has worked with some of the country’s bestknown brands. Her client experience includes brands such as Toyota,
State Farm, Nike, Harley-Davidson, Miller-Coors, and Sherwin-Williams.
Advertising Age has twice named her company one of the top ad
agencies in the U.S.
Kelly was named #1 on the list of “26 Hot Speakers” by Successful
Meetings Magazine and was awarded the prestigious “Top 5 Speaker”
designation in 2010 and 2011 by Speakers Platform, one of the most
prominent speakers bureaus in the U.S. Out of hundreds of nominees,
Kelly has become one of the country’s most respected and compelling
speakers in marketing, and she has been featured on CNBC, in Forbes,
BusinessWeek, Fast Company, on and on Sirius/XM
Radio. She is a frequent speaker at tourism industry conferences and
conventions, having spoken at numerous governor’s conferences on
tourism, as well as at national events such as ESTO and the annual
convention of the Destination Marketing Association International
She is the author of two books. Her first, How to Market to People
Not Like You, was #7 on the list of Bestselling Business Books of 2011.
Her latest book is titled Crafting the Customer Experience for People
Not Like You.
Keynote Speakers
Colin V. Reed became president and
chief executive officer of Ryman Hospitality
Properties (formerly Gaylord Entertainment
Company) in May 2001. Reed was named
in August 2004 by the company’s board
of directors as chairman and added those
responsibilities in May 2005.
Since joining the company, Reed has
successfully led the company’s strategic
reorganization as a hospitality and
entertainment corporation through its Gaylord
Hotels and Grand Ole Opry brands. In that
time, he has led the company’s efforts to
divest more than $300 million in non-core
assets, strengthened its balance sheet and
repositioned the company for future growth.
Prior to joining the company, Reed was
chief financial officer and a member of the
three-executive Office of the President for
Harrah’s Entertainment Inc. He joined that
company in 1977 as a financial controller for its
Colin V. Reed
Chairman, President, CEO
Ryman Hospitality Properties
former Holiday Inn International Division, with
accounting responsibility for operations in the
United Kingdom.
Reed was named head of finance and
administration for Holiday Inn International
European Division in 1981 and was appointed
chief financial officer for Holiday Inn for the
Europe, Middle Eastand Africa Division in
1985. He moved to the company’s corporate
headquarters in 1987 as executive assistant to
the chairman.
Between 1987-92, Holiday Corporation
executed a very successful recapitalization, sold
Holiday Inns, launched new industry-leading
hospitality brands and achieved the distinction
of being one of the Top 10 companies in terms of
returns to shareholders listed on the New York
Stock Exchange. During this period, Reed worked
with the chairman and chief executive officer on
these endeavors.
In 1992, Reed was promoted to senior
McKay Christensen, Ph.D
Businessman, Professor, Author, Speaker
McKay Christensen
is the President of
Melaleuca, a $1
billion consumer
products company
with hundreds of thousands of employees and
Marketing Executives. In that role, McKay speaks
to audiences around the world about leadership,
teamwork, perseverance, and personal
performance. In his current position and his past
leadership roles with Fortune 500 companies,
he’s led diverse teams in marketing, sales and
management. He has written numerous articles
on career development, leadership and business
management and co-authored a book on Career
Development. He has an M.B.A. and a Ph.D. in
Organization and Adult Learning.
As part of his doctorate work, McKay led
ground-breaking research on how adults learn
and find happiness. This research, one of the
most comprehensive quantitative studies of its
kind, reveals how people can learn to be happy.
His research and publication experience includes
topics such as servant leadership, transformation
as adults, and lasting change. McKay has a
heartfelt passion for helping others reach their
full potential. He currently teaches graduate
school courses at Idaho State University.
McKay was born on Luke Air Force base
and was the son of a fighter pilot. He grew up in
a large family with seven brothers and sisters.
Without much money and a lot of mouths to
feed, McKay’s parents taught their children to
vice president of
development for
the company. From
1993-95, he was
responsible for
building and executing the growth strategy of
Harrah’s Casinos, a company subsidiary, which
resulted in Harrah’s becoming one of the nation’s
largest, most distributed and most profitable
casino companies in the nation. In June 1995,
Harrah’s and its parent, Promus Companies,
split into two separate public companies and in
1997 Reed was named executive vice president
and chief financial officer. From 1999-2001 he
served on the board of directors of Harrah’s
Entertainment. Reed previously served on the
Bass Pro Shops and Rite Aid board of directors
and currently serves on the board of directors
for First Horizon National Corporation. He also
serves as the chair of the Tennessee Tourism
Jake Olson
Student, Athelete, Author, Speaker
work at an early age. Whether it was farming,
cleaning horse stalls, or working in the local flour
mill, hard work was part of everyday life. At the
age of 15, McKay was run over and crushed by a
14-ton harvester in a farming accident which left
him with a broken leg and back, crushed pelvis,
collapsed lung, and a dozen other broken bones.
McKay spent months recovering. As a young man,
living in the Rocky Mountains, he learned to fly
fish. Even today, he still loves to escape to the
South Fork of the Snake River for a day of fishing.
As a college student, McKay learned to
speak Japanese and has lived and worked in
Japan. He is an avid runner and completed
numerous marathons, including the Boston
marathon several times. He and his wife Jennifer
are the parents of five children.
As a teenager Jake Olson has overcome
the loss of both his eyes to cancer. Yet Jake’s loss
of sight has only increased his drive and passion
for life. “It’s just a new stage of my life” says Jake,
and “I may have lost my sight but not my vision
for my life.”
Since then, Jake has inspired tens of
thousands of people at sporting events, youth
rallies and business conventions. Jake’s story
is one of tears, struggles and loss but most of
all Jake’s story demonstrates his VICTORY over
blindness through his unwillingness to give up
those things in life he loves, especially golf. Jake
continues to develop his game without sight
and is now playing on his High School Golf team.
Jake’s Out of Sight Faith
Foundation provides
support and resources
for blind children.
With Jake’s
recent fame, he has had the opportunity to
speak about his experiences and faith in front
of corporations, schools, service organizations
and congregations. In January 2010, Jake was a
showcased speaker, along side legendary coach
Bobby Bowden, for the Fellowship of Christian
Athletes National Event held in Irvine, California.
Jake was also a keynote speaker at Dick Vitale’s
5th Annual V Foundation for Cancer Research
Eventheld in Sarasota, Florida and has had
several opportunities to speak for the benefit of
The American Cancer Society. Last summer he
and his twin sister Emma went to Costa Rica on a
mission trip to help build houses and encourage
less-advantaged children.
Jake was featured on the Fox Network in an
exclusive story about his ability to overcome and
succeed in the face of tremendous challenges.
Most recently, Jake appeared with Katie Couric
on her show “Katie”.
Jake loves to help and serve others. Jake
is not afraid to challenge himself or challenge
others and has personally raised his expectations
for his own life. Jake’s faith and attitude have
been an inspiration to others, and his belief in
making the most out of life continues to motivate
those around him.
Super Seminar I
Tuesday, September 17
1:00 PM – 4:30 PM
From Eyesore to Attraction:
Reclaiming Historic Assets
for Tourism
You won’t want to miss this totally unique Super Seminar!
Seminars will be conducted by Calvin Lehew
and Jed Hilly at the Factory, and by Mary
Pearce and Dan Hays at the Franklin Theatre.
Please see their biographical information on page 11.
Complimentary motorcoach transportation will be
provided for this event. Motorcoaches will begin
boarding at 12:45 pm from the lobby of the Franklin
Marriott Hotel and will depart at 1:00 pm.
Participants will first travel to the Factory at Franklin. Built in 1929 and once the site
of the Dortch Stove Works, Magic Chef, and later the Jamison Bedding Company,
the property had been abandoned and fallen into serious disrepair by the mid-1990’s.
Participants will tour the sprawling facility and learn how the property was saved,
restored, and has now come alive with concerts, dining, shopping, meetings, theatre,
art galleries, antiques, and offices.
Next participants will travel to the Franklin Theatre in Historic Downtown Franklin.
The theatre first opened its doors in 1937, but over the next 70 years, the world
changed a lot – and time eventually took its toll on the venerable movie house.
The doors closed in 2007 under the pressure of rising rents and the trend toward
mega-theaters. Participants will learn from a local nonprofit group how, rather than
losing the heart of Main Street, they stepped in to buy and rehabilitate the historic
landmark. Today, the new Franklin Theatre continues the cherished tradition of
showing movies, but also adds a new dimension to Main Street – live music – and is
destined to be an entertainment and cultural icon for years to come.
How to Market to People
Not Like You: The New
Market Segmentation
The marketing environment has become more complex and
consumers have become more sophisticated. Diversity marketing
is the new norm – gender, race, age, lifestage, language, sexuality,
and even hobbies or special interests are all ways in which people’s
differences are recognized.
While it may seem counterintuitive to focus on differences rather
than similarities, recognizing these differences and tailoring
your product, message or marketing efforts to reflect consumers’
uniqueness can truly stretch your marketing muscles and bring
incremental results.
Super Seminar II
Thursday, September 19
9:45 AM – 11:15 AM
This presentation by Kelly McDonald of McDonald Marketing
(see biographical information on page 8) will include learning
about the hottest new market segments and how they’re shaping
culture, understanding the key emotional drivers for important
target segments and how to leverage that in your marketing
messages, learning which group represents the greatest potential
for you now and which group will be your greatest opportunity
tomorrow, and specific strategies and tactics for identifying your
high-potential prospects and reaching them effectively.
September 18
The Two Year Marketing Plan:
Opportunities for the Industry
10:00 am – 11:00 am
11:15 am – 12:15 pm
Understanding the
Tennessee Customer Through
Collaborative Research
10:00 am – 11:00 am
11:15 am – 12:15 pm
T.3.P.O.: A Redesign in
Function and Meaning for the
Department’s Most Important
Owned Media Asset
10:00 am – 11:00 am
11:15 am – 12:15 pm
Get in the Game with
Sports Marketing
2:15 pm – 3:15 pm
3:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Surviving the Crisis: Before,
During, and After
2:15 pm – 3:15 pm
3:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Telling Your Story through
Personalized Content
2:15 pm – 3:15 pm
3:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Educational Seminars
Super Seminar I Speakers
Calvin Lehew
Calvin Lehew, the visionary
developer and creator of
the Factory at Franklin, began his illustrious career as
a page in the United States
Senate in 1956. After college and military service,
Mr. Lehew was co-founder of Freeway National,
Inc., a chain of drug stores in Alabama, Georgia
and Florida. A co-founder of Holt & Lehew Construction Company, Harpeth Academy, Handy
Hardware, and Harpeth Materials, he was also a
co-founder with his wife Marilyn of the popular
Choices Restaurant in Franklin.
Mr. Lehew has long been a strong supporter
of several local charities, and is a community
leader who provides genuine leadership, integrity, and commitment to his family, community
and nation. He has served as President of the
Williamson County Chamber of Commerce and
on the Board of Directors of Williamson County
Bank. He was Man of the Year for the Franklin
Lions Club and was the recipient of the Legend
Award from the Williamson County Chamber in
March 2007. He was a co-founder of the Downtown Franklin Association and Past President of
the Natchez Trace Parkway Association of Mississippi, Alabama and Tennessee.
A locally and nationally sought author and lecturer, Mr. Lehew served on the Presidents’ Commission on White House Fellowship from 1994
to 1995 and was listed in Williamson Homes
& Lifestyles in January 2000 as one of the Ten
Most Important People to make a difference in
Williamson County in the last century.
Jed Hilly
Jed Hilly began his music
career as a bass player in a
band of which he was also
the manager. He found
himself at Sony Records
as a part-time inventory
clerk and was promoted
through the ranks to Director of Merchandising.
He joined the corporate executive team and was
asked to develop new business strategies for
Sony’s Digital Asset Management Initiative, and
was later named Corporate Vice President and
Global Manager of Business-to-Business Applications.
Following the 9/11 disaster, Jed relocated his
family to Nashville, Tennessee, and became Vice
President for Orbison Records. In the spring of
2007, Jed accepted the position as Executive
Director of the Americana Music Association,
whose mission is to foster growth of Americana
music. During his tenure, expansion has been
evident such as the Recording Academy’s decision (2010) to add the Americana Category to
its list of Grammy Awards. He has also steered
the Association to increased attendance totals at
their annual Americana Music Festival and Conference.
Jed has served on the National Association of
Recording Merchandisers (NARM) and Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) merchandising committees; the Rock & Roll Hall of
Fame American Music Masters Advisory board,
the Nashville Mayors Music Council and is an active member of NARM, the Recording Academy
(NARAS) and the Country Music Hall of Fame.
Mary Pearce
Mary Pearce says that her
passion and her job are one
and the same. As Executive
Director of the Heritage
Foundation, Mary leads the
not-for-profit organization
dedicated to protecting and
preserving the historic resources in Franklin and
Williamson County and to continue the revitalization of Downtown Franklin in the context of
historic preservation. Among the Heritage Foundation’s programs are the award-winning Main
Street Program and the Downtown Franklin Association, which promotes and revitalizes the
150 unique places to explore in the 15-block
downtown National Register District.
A native of Somerset Kentucky and graduate of
Transylvania University in Lexington, Kentucky,
Mary serves on a number of boards, including
The African American Heritage Society, Franklin’s
Charge, Williamson County Convention and Visitor’s Bureau, Leadership Franklin, City of Franklin
Battlefield Commission, Historic Zoning Commission, and Cumberland Region Tomorrow. She
has received a number of honors for her work,
including the Person of the Year Award by The
Review Appeal, the Tennie Pinkerton Dozier
Award for Battlefield Preservation, and the Business Journal Leadership Award.
Mary and her husband Harris live in Franklin and
are parents to three children and have three
grandchildren. In her free time, Mary enjoys
cooking, all types of design and spending time
with family and friends.
Dan Hays
Dan Hays is the Director of
the Franklin Theatre, a historic venue which reopened
in 2011 after an $8.5 million
renovation. Dan’s goal is to
lead the effort to make the
Franklin Theatre one the
“Best 300 Seat Music Venue in the World” while also continuing to feature
movies, live theater and to host other corporate
and community events.
Prior to his post at the Franklin Theatre, Dan
Hays was the Executive Director of the International Bluegrass Music Association (IBMA) for
more than 21 years. As head of the “chamber
of commerce” for bluegrass music, Hays worked
extensively to promote the music’s strength and
recognition. He was instrumental in creating the
worldwide broadcast of the IBMA Awards Show
Educational Seminars
and coordinating IBMA’s annual conference and
Bluegrass Fan Fest which draw over 20,000 people to Nashville each year.
Dan is a native of Gray Hawk, Kentucky and is
a graduate of Eastern Kentucky University. He
has been married since 1991 to his partner in
life, Suzanne Hays, who travels the country doing speaking engagements and educational programs as a leadership consultant for FranklinCovey. The couple lives in Franklin, Tennessee.
The Two Year Marketing
Plan: Opportunities for
the Industry
Wednesday, September 18
10:00 am – 11:00 am &
11:15 am – 12:15 pm
Following up on the presentation of the Tennessee Tourism Strategic Marketing Plan, this
seminar will focus on highlights of the strategic
planning process and how, as an industry, we will
“move the needle” through marketing collaboration over the next two years – and beyond!
Sande Weiss
A veteran marketing executive in Pigeon Forge, Sande
Weiss, joined Music Road
Hospitality as President/
CEO in May 2007. Sande
oversees operations, guides
the marketing and business
development efforts of Music Road Hotel, Music Road
Inn and the Music Road Convention Center.
Weiss originally moved to East Tennessee from
Middle Tennessee to direct the advertising and
marketing for the Louise Mandrell Theater in
1997. In January of 2000 she assumed the General Manager’s position overseeing operations,
marketing and community involvement until the
theater sold in 2005. Later, as Vice President at
Wonderworks, she was instrumental in opening
the unusual upside down Pigeon Forge attraction. In addition to overseeing the operations,
community relations and marketing of the facility, she assembled a team of education leaders
to develop a guide that combined the entertainment experience with the educational aspect of
each exhibit which school children utilize when
touring the facility.
Weiss has her B.S. and M.S. from Ball State
University. She has been active and supportive
of numerous charities like Relay for Life, Cystic
Fibrosis, Smoky Mt Children’s Home, Boys and
Girls Club, Friends of the Smokies, Alzheimer of
Tennessee and has served on the Board of Directors for Leadership Sevier and Our Smokies-Our
Future Task Force.
Paula Hankins
Paula Hankins, a seasoned
tourism marketing industry
executive, has been serving
as Assistant Commissioner
of Marketing for the Tennessee Department of Tourist
Development since March
2011. Prior to this position,
she held the position of Director of Marketing
since July 2010. In her current role, Hankins is
responsible for marketing Tennessee’s tourism industry domestically and internationally
through comprehensive publicity and promotion
campaigns, advertising, sales, public relations/
communications, social media/website, brand
management, database management, industry
outreach and research/planning. Additionally,
Hankins is responsible for strengthening collaborative relationships among the state’s tourism
industry partners and oversees the Discover Tennessee Trails & Byways program.
Prior to serving the State of Tennessee, Hankins served as the Vice President of Marketing
and Sales for six years at The Hermitage, Home
of President Andrew Jackson in Nashville. Her
responsibilities included overseeing the marketing, public relations, sales, guest services, facility rentals, retail store and catering. During this
time, Hankins served on several boards including
the Nashville Travel and Tourism Professionals
and Donelson/Hermitage Leadership.
Hankins grew up in Ft. Wayne, IN and graduated
from Indiana University in 1990 with a Bachelor
of Arts degree in Education. She currently resides
in East Nashville with her husband Kyle and her
three children Madeline, Nicholas and Jonathan.
Understanding the
Tennessee Customer through
Collaborative Research
Wednesday, September 18
10:00 am – 11:00 am &
11:15 am – 12:15 pm
This seminar will walk you through the data that
will help shape the cooperative opportunities offered to the industry in the Strategic Plan. This
milestone in successful industry research will
show insight into our regional differences as
well as offer a statewide summary as formulated
from guest folio data collected from partners
across the state.
Terry Berggren
Terry Berggren, Director
of Destination Marketing
for Ruf Strategic Solutions,
has been with the company since 1997 and has 25
years of experience in database marketing. At Ruf, he
is responsible for helping
clients recognize the power
and potential of their databases.
Terry utilizes a consultative approach and has an
acute comprehension of direct marketing, both
of which result in success for his clients. Using
techniques such as Ruf’s Navigator iCRM solution, e-lead generation, file scoring, demographic, psychographic and geographic data appends,
cleansing and auditing, Terry creates custom solutions to fit the unique needs of each client.
As a leader in the direct marketing industry, Terry
has been referenced in numerous publications,
including Direct Magazine, Target Marketing
Magazine and ARDA Developments Magazine.
Terry serves on the Board of Directors for the
Travel & Tourism Research Association and the
Marketing Board of the Kansas City Convention
and Visitors Association.
T.3.P.O.: A Redesign in
Function and Meaning
for the Department’s
Most Important Owned
Media Asset
Wednesday, September 18
10:00 am – 11:00 am &
11:15 am – 12:15 pm
What does T.3.P.O. mean for the tourism industry? This seminar will provide an in-depth review of the redesign of, including functionality, stunning visuals, partner and
research influences, and how this resource will
amplify the overall marketing plan and ability for
collaboration for the entire industry.
Joseph Nother
As the Founder, Principal,
and Creative Director of
Nother oversees teams
that deliver beautiful and
compelling branding, interactive and marketing
solutions to select organizations, including the Tennessee Department
of Tourist Development, Tennessee State Parks,
Warners Bros., Radiosystems (Petsafe), Outward
Bound USA, and Scripps Networks.
His creative work has earned national recognition from the American Advertising Federation
and the American Academy of Digital Arts and
Sciences and has been featured in numerous
publications and online compendiums. Joseph
believes in the power of entrepreneurial thinking and is passionate in applying design thinking,
process and principles in business, social and
economic problems.
He is President Emeritus of AIGA Knoxville,
the professional association of design, and was
named a 2011 Finalist for the Knoxville Chamber’s Pinnacle Young Entrepreneur Award.
Educational Seminars
Jennifer Littlejohn
Jennifer Littlejohn is the director of marketing for the
Tennessee Department of
Tourist Development and
has worked in the tourism
industry since 2002. She
got her start at The University of Alabama as an intern with the Tuscaloosa
Convention & Visitors Bureau. In Chattanooga,
she joined the marketing team at the Chattanooga Area Convention & Visitors Bureau for
three years, which led her to Nashville and the
Tennessee Department of Tourist Development,
in 2007.
Jennifer joined the agency White | Thompson in
2010 as a senior account executive, working with
tourism and non-profit clients. Now in Nashville
with the Tennessee Department of Tourist Development, Jennifer was named as one of Southeast
Tourism Society’s “Forty for the Future” in 2012.
In April 2013, Jennifer ran her second half-marathon. Jennifer serves on the board of directors
for the Nashville Adult Literacy Council and is a
member of the Junior League of Nashville.
Get in the Game with
Sports Marketing
Wednesday, September 18
2:15 pm – 3:15 pm &
3:30 pm – 4:30 pm
More and more destinations, both small and
large, are realizing the value and impact of amateur sports as a part of their tourism mix. And as
with any market segment, it’s important to understand the target audience and how to reach
them. This seminar will help you identify what
sports have the greatest potential in your community, how to find and market to sports events
planners and organizers, and how to involve the
overall community in operating successful sporting events.
Don Schumacher
Don Schumacher, Executive Director of the National Association of Sports
Commissions, has 50 years
of experience in the fields
of communications, family
entertainment, theme park
marketing and operations, arena and stadium
marketing and operations, event management,
sports marketing and facilities consultation. For
the past 30 years he has focused his activities on
the sports event travel market, and has consulted with more than fifty cities on strategies to increase their share of this market. He has earned
the distinction of Certified Sports Event Executive (CSEE) from the NASC. He recently completed a four year term on the board of directors of
the U.S. Travel Association (U.S. Travel).
He has served as an adjunct professor in Xavier
University’s graduate program in sports administration and is currently involved as an advisor to
an undergraduate program in sports marketing
for Northern Kentucky University. In addition,
he team teaches an elective course on sports
destination marketing and management in the
Destination Management Association International (DMAI) Certified Destination Management
Executive (CDME)Program.
Don is a nationally recognized speaker and consultant on the sports travel industry and in July
2008 Don was named one of the “25 Influential People You Should Know” by Sports Events
Telling Your Story
Through Personalized
Wednesday, September 18
2:15 pm – 3:15 pm &
3:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Travel content is increasingly personal to each
traveler as the visual and the verbiage combine
in a single tool for the destination marketer.
This session demonstrates the sweet spot of delivering the right message, to the right person,
through the right channel and at the right time.
During this session, you will learn about personalized platform tools and methods of measuring
ROI, hear case studies of successful video storytelling experiences, and walk away with ideas for
your own destination’s implementation of personalized content.
Steven Keith
As Senior Travel Editor for
Miles Media, Steven Keith
is responsible for directing
content strategy and creation in a variety of print,
electronic and integrated
publishing programs for
destinations across the country. By gaining a crucial understanding of clients and their marketing
goals – and combining those with the latest travel trends and research – he helps destinations
create award-winning publications, email programs and websites that deliver more visitors.
One of the reasons he knows the DMO side so
well is because he used to be on it. Before joining Miles Media in 2007, Steven spent five years
as State Travel Advertising Manager for the West
Virginia Division of Tourism, where he developed campaigns that won national TIA Mercury
Awards for Best Travel Guide, Best Technical
Marketing, Best Radio Advertising, Best Video
and Best Special Promotion. Also a freelance
food writer, Steven’s work has been published
in Bon Appetit, Fodor’s, and a variety of regional
publications. His weekly newspaper column
“The Food Guy” has also won top honors from
the West Virginia Press Association.
Steven grew up near Huntington, West Virginia,
and graduated cum laude in 1991 with a degree
in journalism from Marshall University, where
he was named a Distinguished Alumni in 2000.
He now resides in Charleston with his wife, Amy,
and sons Adam, Isaac and Ryan.
Surviving the Crisis:
Before, During, and After
Wednesday, September 18
2:15 pm – 3:15 pm &
3:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Floods. Tornadoes. Earthquakes. Fires. Madmade disasters. Such events can have a horrific
impact on a community. And while most communities have emergency communication plans,
most destination and tourism organizations and
businesses don’t. Such plans are critical -- both
for the local tourism industry and for your potential visitors. This seminar will lead you through
the steps of creating an emergency destination
communication plan ahead of such events, how
to implement the plan during a time of crisis, and
how to effectively follow-up afterwards.
Dawn Bramblett
Sharing stories and building relationships have been
important to Dawn Bramblett for as long as she
can remember. During the
past 25 years, she has been
blessed with opportunities
to use those passions in a variety of careers and
volunteer arenas.
Graduating with a degree in communication
(public relations) from Freed-Hardeman University in 1988, Dawn returned to her hometown
of Union City, Tenn. There she quickly learned
about entrepreneurship, customer service and
necessary details like which days sales tax payments are due by opening a PIP Printing franchise with her parents. After six years, Dawn
moved from Northwest Tennessee to Southwest
Tennessee, when she became the alumni director at FHU. She enjoyed 12.5 years of connecting
people and sharing their stories through this fulfilling work. Seven years ago, she joined her husband in beginning Bramblett Group, a marketing,
adverting and public relations firm in Henderson,
In addition to her communication studies, Dawn
received a Master of Arts in Liberal Studies degree from The University of Memphis in 2004.
She has stayed in touch with college students
through working with interns, speaking to classes, and serving as an adjunct communication instructor for U of M and FHU.
The Tennessee Tourism Roundtable is an
“Association of Associations” and represents the
combined interests of our Partner Associations: the
Tennessee Attractions Association, the Tennessee
Association of Convention and Visitors Bureaus, the
Tennessee Hospitality Association, and the Meeting
Professionals International Tennessee Chapter.
The mission of the Tennessee Tourism Roundtable
is to unite the travel, tourism, and allied industries
of the state to promote and strengthen the tourism
industry through advocacy, education,
and communication.
2013 TTR Board of Directors
Rhonda Adams, CTTP, Dickson County CVB
Greg Adkins, Tennessee Hospitality Association
Carol Agee, CTTP, Dollywood
Shannon Bowles, Nashville Airport Marriott
Shirley Davis Conner, Graceland
Kelly Field, Opry Mills
Deborah Shaw Laman, Casy Jones Village
Sheila Leggett, Tennessee Association of CVBs
Frank Lett, CTTP, Kingsport CVB
Brenda McCroskey (Chair), Sevierville CVB
Ray Ogle, The Inn At Christmas Place
Shelda Rees, Chattanooga CVB
Susan Whitaker, TN Dept. of Tourist Development
Mary Steadman, Miles Media
John Whisenant, CTTP, TTR Executive Director
The Governor’s Conference on Tourism
is produced by
The Tennessee Tourism Roundtable
in partnership with
The Tennessee Department of Tourist Development
Tourist Development Central Office Staff
Melanie Beauchamp
Gladys Carr
Patrick Casey
Laura Crawford
Lee Curtis, CTTP
Cindy Dupree, CTTP
Tami Giles
Patricia Gray, CTTP
Bill Hall
Michelle Hamm
Paula Hankins
Nancy Hargiss-Tatlock
Fay Hicks
Christina Humphrey
Dave Jones, CTTP
Bennjin Lao, CTTP
Tom Lightsey
Jennifer Littlejohn, CTTP
Marty Marbry, CTTP
Carrie McMichael
Sharon Reed
Pete Rosenboro
Rob Sherrill
Amanda Stravinsky
Frank Thomas
Mike Uhles
Susan Whitaker
Mark White
Public Relations Media Manager
TN Tourism Information Specialist
Director of Information Systems & Support Services
Executive Assistant to the Commissioner
Director of Program Development
Director of Public Relations
Welcome Center Coordinator
Research & Sustainable Tourism Manager
Accounting Manager
Shipping Manager
Assistant Commissioner for Marketing
General Counsel
TN Tourism Information Specialist
Financial Services Clerk
East TN Regional Manager
Director of Sales
Deputy Commissioner, Administration
Director of Marketing
West TN Regional Manager
Senior Marketing Assistant
Director of Human Resources
Director of Welcome Centers
Special Projects Coordinator
Public Relations Media Specialist
Distribution Coordinator
Website Manager
Procurement Officer
Welcome Center Regional Managers
The designation “CTTP” after the names of individuals in this
program indicates that the person is a graduate of the “Certified
Tennessee Tourism Professional” program, an educational and
professional development program of the Tennessee Tourism
Roundtable. Information on the CTTP Program can be found on
the TTR website at
Laura Mann
Michael Ross
Lee Southard
Charles Webb
Welcome Centers
Northeast Regional Manager
Welcome Centers
Middle Regional Manager
Welcome Centers
West Regional Manager
Welcome Centers
Southeast Regional Manager