summer recreation - City of Logansport
summer recreation - City of Logansport
Logansport Parks & Recreation summer recreation May 27 GUIDE Hershey Track & Field Program begins . . . . pg. 9 June 1-11 2 4 6 9-13 13 22-26 27 Tennis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg. 7 Minor League begins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg. 6 Tower Park Municipal Pool opens . . . . . pgs. 4-5 Lil’Angler’s Fishing Derby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg. 8 “Out-of-School, Hit-the-Pool” . . . . . . . . . . . pg. 5 Bike Rodeo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg. 9 Junior Golf Clinic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg. 15 Tower Park Kids Triathlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg. 5 July Spring/Summer 2009 Friday, May 15, 2009 Logansport Parks • 574-753-6969 4 17 20-24 Fourth of July Festivities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg. 9 Punt, Pass & Kick Football Competition . . . pg. 6 Tournament Week for Minor League . . . . . . pg. 6 2 • (574)753-6969 Volunteers Needed Mission Statement: Logansport Parks & Recreation is committed to improving the quality of life for Loganland residents by preserving land, facilities, the environment and our natural heritage and by creating significant opportunities for recreation, conservation, relaxation, and education for now and future generations. LOGANSPORT PARKS & RECREATION BOARD President, Chico Rodriguez; Vice President, Terry Doran; Secretary, Jim Plew; Member, Beth Myers; Member & School Board Representative, Cyle Dibble ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF - L-R: John Hiatt, Maintenance Superintendent; Vicki Ward, Activities Director; Janet Fawley, Parks Administrator; Kathy Scott, Administrative Assistant; Dean Vietti, Golf Course Manager The Logansport Parks Department is looking for some committed volunteers this summer. Volunteers or a lack of them, will be the one element these next few years that can determine our success within the community. We understand how hard it is to commit to time away from your family and your home, so we hope we’re making it easy for you when you’re in the parks this summer. We would like to hear from interested persons and community groups to help us in three different areas: Minor League takes place in the summer each year at Tower Park. If your child is participating in that program, we are simply asking that parents that attend to watch their child, help us at the dugouts. It’s a simple job that helps keep the kids inside the dugout & ready to play when the time comes. The financial crisis has forced us to hire fewer staff persons for this program, and the help will be greatly appreciated. Playground Parents is a new volunteer program which enlists parents to help the parks department keep the playground clean and ready for the children. We hope that parents who take their children to the playground will perform the following tasks as a Playground Parent: • Attend a training session; • Visit a specified playground 1x/week; • Check-in with Parks office while visiting park or online after visit; • Pick up trash on playground; • Monitor and report playground equipment’s condition; report when playground is vandalized with graffiti or play equipment is not working properly; • Count playground visitors as requested; • In the event of an emergency, contact Police. Adopt-A-Spot is a program that your entire family can be involved in. It’s your opportunity to help beautify the parks at landscaped locations that need additional attention. Adopt-A-Spot volunteers do the following: • Sign an agreement for 1, 2, or 3 year period; • Attend a training session; • Provide labor for ADOPT-A-SPOT location • Provide materials, flowers, and shrubbery for ADOPT-A-SPOT location • Regularly maintain ADOPT-A-SPOT location by adding seasonal flowers, and removing undesirable vegetative materials (weeds). • Dispose of trash & “yard waste” using methods required by the City of Logansport. • Check –in with Parks Department by phone or online to notify of work completed, and time spent. We hope that you want to help us be good stewards of your parks. Your volunteer time will help us with that. Those that have questions should contact me at the Parks office at Riverside Park. We welcome your help and hope that it fits into your family activities. We look forward to continuing our joint efforts to be good stewards of our programs and facilities in the Logansport Parks. Have a wonderful summer in your Logansport Parks! Janet Fawley, Parks Administrator Photo Policy Please be aware that personnel from the Logansport Parks & Recreation Department and local media may photograph program participants throughout our programs, special events, and park facilities to assist in the promotion of the many opportunities that are offered to our community in the city parks. These photos may be used in the newspaper, brochures, our website or other promotional materials. Published photographs do not identify participants by name without your permission. PLEASE INFORM OUR PHOTOGRAPHER IF YOU DO NOT WANT YOUR PICTURE TAKEN. & Screenprinting • Trophies & Awards • Embroidery Vinyl Signs & Banners • Team Apparel • Ad Specialties 506 NORTH ST. • LOGANSPORT, IN 46947 (800)342-8269 (574)737-7106 FAX (574)737-7306 “THE EXTRA EFFORT PEOPLE” 723 E. BROADWAY, LOGANSPORT, IN 574-722-3855 ed , IN • (574)753-6969 %URXJKWWR\RXE\&DVV&RXQW\5HDGLQJ5DLOURDG 6XPPHU5HDGLQJ(YHQWV IRU)DPLOLHVRI&DVV&RXQW\ :HHNO\(YHQWV-XQH :HHNO\(YHQWV-XQHz -XO\ -XO\ • 0RQGD\V 0RQGD\V||7UDLQ6WDWLRQ} 7UDLQ6WDWLRQ} Please come to the Early Literacy Center at the Logansport Cass County Library. This Early Literacy Center is filled with reading activities for all Cass County preschool to second grade children. Open every Monday from 1-6 p.m. • 7KXUVGD\V 7KXUVGD\V6WRULHV$ 6WRULHV$UWDWWKH|6WRU\+RXVH'HSRW} UWDWWKH|6WRU\+RXVH'HSRW} |0HHW\RXDWWKH%HUU\3DWFK} Reading Railroad and the Logansport Art Association will have a story and craft at Spencer Park from 10-11 a.m. every Thursday during the month of June. • :HHNGD\VDWWKH|6WRU\+RXVH'HSRW} :HHNGD\VDWWKH|6WRU\+RXVH'HSRW} Stop by the “Story House Depot” at Spencer Park to hear community leaders read a story. Open Monday through Thursday evenings from June 1st through July 30th from 6:307:30 p.m. 6SHFLDO6XPPHU(YHQWVIRU)DPLOLHV 6SHFLDO6XPPHU(YHQWVIRU)DPLOLHV |6WRU\ERRN)HVWLYDO} • -XQH -XQHz|0HHW\RXDWWKH%HUU\3DWFK} |0HHW\RXDWWKH%HUU\3DWFK} 3DWFK} DPz SP DPzSP A great outdoor reading and learning event especially planned for Father’s Day! Mr. LaPierre and Reading Railroad will meet you at the Berry Patch which is located behind Logansport High School. • -XO\ 6WRU\ERRN)HVWLYDO} } -XO\ z|6WRU\ERRN)HVWLYDO |6WRU\ERRN)HVWLYDO } SP SP Hop on board with award-winning family music artist, James Coffey. Story tellers, book give-a-ways, art projects, and snacks will all be part of this fun-filled afternoon! |0HHW\RXDWWKH&DURXVHO} )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWWKH 5HDGLQJ5DLOURDGSOHDVHFDOO RUFKHFNRXWWKH:HEVLWHDW ZZZ&DVV&RXQW\5HDGLQJ5DLOURDGRUJ • $XJXVW $XJXVWz|0HHW\RXDWWKH&DURXVHO} |0HHW\RXDWWKH&DURXVHO} 0HHW\RXDWWKH&DURXVHO} SP SP SP Reading Railroad will meet you at the carousel at Riverside Park for a back to school festival! Come meet our community helpers as they welcome you and your child back to school! 3 4 • (574)753-6969 Mission: To provide aquatics activities that encourage physical fitness and family fun in a safe and healthy environment. Schedule for Summer 2009 The pool opens for the season on Thursday, June 4th and will close Sunday, August 9th. In addition, the pool will not be open on Monday’s throughout the season. Open Swim hours are daily from 1 – 7 p.m. ACTIVITY FEES Child ages 0-4 . . . . . . . . . . . Free of Charge Child ages 5-17 . . . . . . . . $2.50 per person Adult, ages 18 and older . $4.00 per person Punch Card-Child or adult to use . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$40.00 for 20 visits Punch Card-Child or adult to use . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$75.00 for 50 visits Swim Lesson (8-30 minute sessions). . $30.00 per person One-on-One or Small Group lesson . . . . . . . . . $30.00 per person Junior Lifeguarding . . . . $30.00 per person TOWER PARK 721 21st St. • Logansport IN 46947 574-753-8806 Pool Manager: Beth Kinsey Pool Business Manager: Amy Werner Municipal Swimming Pool Swim Lessons WHEN: Tuesday-Friday for two weeks WHERE: WHO: Tower Park Municipal Pool Anyone 3 years of age and older Swim Lessons are offered throughout the summer to any person 3 years of age and older. For novice swimmers, lessons focus on water safety and elementary skills. Lessons for more advanced swimmers will focus on strokes used in competition. Adults interested in advancing their swimming skills should make arrangements with the pool manager. Parents can sign up at the Tower Park Municipal Pool during regular operational hours The cost per session is $30. There are four (4) sessions that include 8-half hour classes, which run Tuesday through Friday for two weeks. Saturdays are then available as make-up days when weather causes a class to be cancelled. Morning lessons are offered during sessions “2” & “4”; Evening lessons are offered during Sessions “1” & “3” SESSION DATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: • Session 1 (evening lessons) June 16th – June 26th • Session 2 (morning lessons) June 30th – July 10th • Session 3 (evening lessons) July 14th – July 24th • Session 4 (morning lessons) July 28th – August 7th LUBE, OIL & FILTER CHANGE $ 24 95 + TAX Includes: Engine oil replacement up to 5 qts. 6 qt. fill $26.95. Complete chassis lube. New Mopar oil filter. Fluid level inspection. Inspect CV joints and front suspension components. Synthetic & Specialty Oils higher. Includes $2.00 charge for fluid/filter disposal. Some specialty vehicles and trucks higher. Cannot be used with any other coupon specials or like service. Customer responsible for sales tax. Must present coupon when making appointment. Expires May 31st, 2009. DONATO & SONS JEEP 1600 W. MARKET ST. • LOGANSPORT, IN 46947 ® 574-753-0434 OR 1-800-886-JEEP® d o na to a n d so n s je e p .c o m CELEBRATING 75 Y E A R S 1934-2009 Security Federal Savings Bank OUR MISSION “ provide the highest quality financial products and services with a community bank touch.” Member FDIC NEW • (574)753-6969 One on One/ Small Group Swim Lessons Individual lessons offer one-on-one instruction for all ages and all abilities. These lessons are 30 minutes long. Small group lessons offer instruction for 2-3 swimmers similar in age and swimming ability. These lessons are perfect for any swimmer(s) who would like individualized attention and a lesson specific to their swimming needs. Schedules for these lessons are made on a case-by-case basis. For more information, contact the Pool Manager. Water Aerobics Tower Park Lifeguard Staff will be offering water aerobics to those interested. Classes take place every Tuesday and Thursday night immediately following regular pool program hours. Starts in July. COST PER CLASS: $2.50 per child, $4.00 per adult. Buy a punch card and save!! Junior Lifeguarding N 46947 53-8806 Junior lifeguarding sessions are offered to 12-14 year olds. The focus of Junior Lifeguarding sessions h Kinsey is to give younger teens an opportunity to discover more about lifeguarding. The session includes 4 y Werner hours of instruction including actual practice time in the pool. The sessions do not replace lifeguard certification, but it does prepare students for the training. Students will receive a certificate upon completion of the week-long course. Each session costs $30 per person. A Junior Lifeguarding session includes 4 – one hour classes, Tuesday through Friday, with Saturday being used as a make-up day. SESSION DATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: • Session 2(morning lessons) – July 7 – 10th • Session 3(evening lessons) – July 21st – 24th ool Lap Swimming Times for lap swimming are frequently available to interested adults. Lap swimmers may utilize the “short course” (25 yds.) during morning or evening swim lessons as well as during open swim hours. General admission fees apply. Lap swimmers who achieve a goal of 25 miles during the summer will be eligible to receive a free t-shirt from Tower Park Municipal Pool. Pool Rentals Tower Park Municipal Pool is available to rent for private parties. The entire facility is available and guards are provided. Reservations are to be made 2 weeks in advance, and the cost is $98 per hour, or $74 per hour for Logansport City Residents. Contact the Pool Manager for more information. CUT OUT THIS COUPON FOR A FREE ADMISSION ON YOUR SCHOOLS ASSIGNED DAY. “Out of School, Hit the Pool” In cooperation with the Logansport Community Schools, the Parks Department will be hosting “Out of School, Hit the Pool”. • June 9th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fairview Elementary • June 11th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Landis Elementary • June 10th . . . . . . . . . . . . . Columbia Elementary • June 12th . . . . . Franklin Elementary & All-Saints • June 13th . . . . . . . . . . . . Middle & High Schools DEICHMAN EXCAVATING, INC. 2245 S. CR 150 E. • 574-722-7677 We proudly support the Logansport Parks and Recreation Department! 5 2nd Annual Kid’s Triathlon WHAT: WHEN: WHERE: WHO: Tower Park Kids Triathlon June 27th at 8am Tower Park Municipal Pool Youth to Age 18 Come join us for the 2nd Annual Tower Pool Kid’s Triathlon. The event offers a unique opportunity for family members, volunteers, and community members to encourage physical activity and to establish a life-long healthy foundation for kids. The triathlon will be offered to age groups up to age 18. Participants will start by swimming in the pool. Once finished, they will make the transition to biking in front of the pool. Kids will then bike around Tower Park on the road. When the biking portion is finished, participants will then run around Tower Park on the sidewalks. When finished their time will be written down and awards will be distributed. Every participant will receive a finisher’s medal or an award for first through third place in each age group, male and female. There is a $20.00 supply fee per participant. Come to Tower Pool or the Logansport Parks Department for registration forms and more information. The event date will be June 27th and the first wave will start at 8:00 A.M. Registration deadline will be on June 19th. 6 • (574)753-6969 Parks Sponsored Programs Minor League & T-Ball WHEN: WHO: ACTIVITY FEE: WHERE: June 2nd – July 24th Boys & girls 4-12 yrs. $15.00 per child Games are played at Tower Park Games are scheduled during the day according to age groups. Registration will be held at the Benjamin Long Recreation Center, 101 N. Cicott St. daily beginning May 1st, Mon.-Fri. 8-4:30 pm., Sat. & Sun. 12-5 pm. A play-off tournament will end the season. Trophies are awarded to the winning teams. All participants will receive a ribbon at the end of the season. Kids will have the chance to learn the basics of baseball and improve their skills. Having FUN is the most important goal of this program. Punt, Pass & Kick Competition sponsored by Logansport Parks Department WHEN: TIME: WHERE: WHO: ACTIVITY FEE: Friday, July 17, 2009 TBA Logansport High School Stadium Boys & girls, Ages 8-15 yrs. No cost to participants Young football fans will have the opportunity to exhibit their football skills based on distance and accuracy in punting, passing and place-kicking. Entry forms MUST be filled out by parents prior to the competition and will be available at the Benjamin Long Recreation Center, 101 N. Cicott Street beginning in July. BRUNO’S PIZZA ROBERT J. BARR Agent 222 Mall Road Logansport, IN 46947-2285 Bus.: (574)722-3036 Res.: (574)722-1250 AUTO - LIFE - HOMEOWNERS HEALTH - FARM - COMMERCIAL Like A Good Neighbor...State Farm Is There! ms • (574)753-6969 7 QuickStart Tennis Program The Logansport Parks Department is inviting kids in grades K-8 to join the rapidly growing movement of QuickStart Tennis. Once again, the Parks Department’s Summer Tennis Program will utilize the QuickStart Tennis format for developing players. WHEN: June 1st -11th 8-10:30 am. WHERE: Logansport High School Tennis Courts WHO: Boys & girls K-3rd grade: Courts 1-5 from 8-9 am 4th-5th grade: Courts 6-10 from 8-9 am Beginning Middle School: Courts 1-5 from 9-10:30am Advanced Middle School: Courts 6-10 from 9-10:30am COST: $30.00 for 8 sessions Children learn the basics of tennis through the QuickStart Tennis Program with Logansport High School Berries coach, Matt Tuggle. There are 8 classes which run Monday through Thursday for two weeks. Fridays are available as make-up days when weather causes a class to be cancelled. Registration forms are available at the Benjamin Long Recreation Center, 101 N. Cicott Street. Also, registration forms may also be printed from the Summer Camps page on the LHS Athletic website. A limited number of racquets are available to be borrowed from the Parks Dept. Students are generally responsible for providing their own equipment. What is QuickStart Tennis? QuickStart Tennis is an exciting new play format for learning tennis. It is designed to bring kids into the game by utilizing specialized equipment, shorter court dimensions, and modified scoring, all tailored to age and size. It’s the fast, fun way to get kids into tennis--and keep them playing. “I’m very excited about the Quick Start Program. This will provide young players the opportunity to play actual matches in a way that is ideal to help them learn the game. Other sports have modified versions of their game for younger players- now, tennis does too. After a short time, young players will experience tennis the way experienced players do.” Logansport High School Tennis Coach Matt Tuggle BRENDA & KIM’S SPORTS MEDICINE CENTER Get back in the “Game”. 1603 Chase Road • Logansport, IN 46947 (574)737-7404 • Fax (574)737-7503 “FOR THE BEST... DRIVE WEST!” est West B&K W Individually Owned & Operated by Root Beer est. 1949 ® Brenda and Kim Graham Since 1980 1101 W. Market St.•Logansport•574-753-3917 8 • (574)753-6969 EASY FOOT ACCESS SITES • • • • • Spencer Park Dunwoody Park Riverside Park River Bluff Trail Patriot Park (Formerly Front Street Park) PUBLIC ACCESS SITES FOR BOAT LAUNCHING • • • • Adamsboro Spencer Park Riverside Park West end of the River Bluff Trail at Michigan Avenue Wabash River EASY FOOT ACCESS SITES • Little Turtle Waterway • Benjamin Long Recreation Center • France Park PUBLIC ACCESS SITES FOR BOAT LAUNCHING • New! East of Little Turtle Waterway on Wabash Avenue • France Park on Georgetown Road FISHING in Logansport In a community that is located between two rivers, fishing is an experience that is easily achieved. Lil’ Anglers Fishing Derby WHEN: WHERE: WHO: ACTIVITY FEE: Saturday, June 6th 9am-12noon Pond at Total Electronics (for this event ONLY) Boys & girls 15 yrs. and younger No cost to participants Children will have an opportunity to fish and compete for the biggest, longest, smallest fish and more. Parental involvement is a MUST. This is strictly a “catch & release program”. Registrations must be completed at the Benjamin Long Recreation Center, 101 N. Cicott St. or by calling 574-753-7388 prior to the event. Participants are responsible for providing their own equipment and bait. A limited number of poles are available to borrow from the Parks Dept. Fish weigh-in and disbursement of prizes will begin at 11:45 am. ENJOY THE GREAT SOUNDS OF SUMMER CLOSE TO HOME CASS COUNTY RECYCLE E USE RE REDUC Eel River SOLID WASTE New in Town? Cass County Solid Waste Management District CALL FOR RECYCLING INFORMATION 574-732-9253 or R-E-C-Y-C-L-E Look us up on the web LOG 20 • (574)753-6969 9 LOGANSPORT PARKS DEPARTMENT ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 2009 Special Events Independence Day Celebration July 4th, 2009 Patriotic Pooch Parade @ Riverside Park Starting at 10 a.m. Water Carnival @ Tower Park Swimming Pool 1-7 p.m. Annual Celebration @ Fairview Park 11 a.m. – 10 p.m. Hershey Track & Field WHEN: Practices on Mondays & Wednesdays. 5-6 pm. WHERE: Logansport High School Stadium WHO: Boys & girls, 9-14 yrs. REGISTRATION: May 27th at the LHS Stadium ACTIVITY FEE: No cost to participants Participants will have the opportunity to run races of various lengths, throw a softball for distance & accuracy and do the standing long jump. Practices will be held on Mondays & Wednesdays from 56 pm beginning May 27th. The local meet will be held on June 24th and leads up to the state meet, which will be held in Lafayette, IN on Saturday, July 11th. Bike Rodeo Come to Fairview Park on July 4th for a day filled with fun and relaxation for the entire family. The Jaycees will be hosting a car cruiser car show throughout the day. Don’t forget: Tower Park Swimming Pool is also hosting a free day of swimming, games and other activities. As always, music and food are an important part of this annual celebration. At dark, (about 10 p.m.), the annual fireworks show will be presented by the Logansport Jaycees at Steinman Field. Watch the Pharos-Tribune for more information. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ NE Adults an W THIS YEAR d ! for the 2 teens: Prepare y WHEN: Saturday, June 13th, 10 am. – 12 pm. our bicyc Rivers on le 2 here in C WHERE: Tower Park, north parking lot ass Coun Wheels Bike Rid e ty . Adults WHO: Boys & girls, Ages 3-15, & bicycle riders of all ages. are invite an d an equip to bring their bic d teens CO-SPONSORS: City of Logansport/Police, Fire & Parks ment ch y cles for ec bicycle re & Recreation Departments. pairmen k with profession . Do al Logansp ort High an easy ride up to The Logansport Police Dept. will make available a School a nd back. bicycle obstacle course & bike registrations. S FREE DRAWING be held for The Logansport Fire Department will offer yr. olds) will for youth (3-15 es! the fire safety house and fire truck tours. & several bicycl bicycle helmets The Logansport Parks & Recreation Dept. I , CHIPS & PEPS will provide free swimming to all FREE HOT DOGSERYONE! participants of the Bike Rodeo. FOR EV IN STOCK! Medicare Approved Scooters KESLING HOME HEALTH CARE •Starting as low as $1,000 HOME MEDICAL SUPPLIES •Up to 400 lb. weight cap. 1115 W. MARKET, LOGANSPORT •0-Turn radius •Accessories available 574-735-0082 •Foam filled tires 800-358-4514 10 • (574)753-6969 PARK LOCATOR A1 B3 B6 C4 C5 Dykeman Golf Course Hervey Preserve Labyrinth Spencer Park Riverside Park Dunwoody Park D1 W. Melbourne Park D2 Patriot Park D3 Little Turtle Waterway & Heritage Park D5 Tower Park E2 Benjamin Long Center & Maintenance Barn E5 Bishop Park F2 Fairview Park F3 Flory Preserve EBERTS RD. FREDRICK ST. DAVIS RD. 25 A1 MA B3 PLE 17 HIGH ST. RAIL RIVE C5 ST. HIGH H ST. R NO T C4 R. SIDE D RIVER DWAY BROA MEL BOU MARKET ST. LTW N. CICOTT FR ON TS T. D1 MELBOURNE AVE. RNE D3 Tra il 11TH S AVE . WO O 18T HS EET HA MIL TON 329 435 F3 str o wa om ter P ic /d r in k n ic ing P ic S h e l f o u n n ic ter t a in P la T a b l e/ yg Op round Benc en h es S o f S p ac e tb a B a ll F ie seb ld S o c all F i e ld ce W a r /F o o lk i tb B a n g /r u a ll ske nn i Ten tball ng "t nis Goa rail" ls C Vo lley ourt b a Sh u f f ll l G o eb o a rd lf /D S w r iv i n gR im R iv m in g / a n g e wa er/ D o strea ter sl wn m id e R e h ill W n ta int M in l S h e e r A c lter t iv i ia t t ie s B a u re G s t t in o g C lf age KLOENNE F2 ET ET TRE STR CLA Y BIDDLE ST. RSON JEFFE ERI E E5 DLA WN AVE . BU RLI NG TO N WEST WABASH 25 D5 HT WRIG E2 MA IN TREET D SMEA 24 TRE 21ST S MARK TRE 19TH S TREET ET ST. TREET AVENUE 15TH S D2 WHEATLAND ET ST. MARK DWAY BROA 18TH S H ST. NORT 35 ET ST. HIGH 24 Park Facility Benjamin Long Recreation Center Bishop Park Dunwoody Park Dykeman Park Dykeman Park Municipal Golf Course Fairview Park Heritage Preservation Park Little Turtle Waterway Plaza Little Turtle Waterway Trail Melbourne Park Patriot Park Riverside Park Riverside Ramp & Rail Park Spencer Park Tower Park Tower Park Municipal Swimming Pool Re Neighborhood Parks Amenities Guide Acres 6 5 3 3 167 20 5 4 1 5 5 13 2 18 5 2 B6 21ST T UFF R BL x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 7 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 2 x x x x x 3 x x x x x x x 2 x x x x x x x 2 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 7 x x • (574)753-6969 11 12 • (574)753-6969 Program Scholarships The Logansport Parks & Recreation Department provides programs to all Logansport families regardless of their ability to pay for the program. No child of a Logansport family will be turned away from participation in any program for any reason. The following scholarship policy has been established to assist families with documented financial need. Families may pick-up a scholarship form at the Parks office at Riverside Park’s McHale Pavilion (753-6969) or at the Benjamin Long Recreation Center, 101 N. Cicott (753-7388). Scholarship Fund Policy 1. Scholarships are available for Logansport Parks & Recreation Department programs and to all children within the Logansport Community School Corporation. 2. All scholarship requests will be reviewed and awarded by the Parks Administrator, Logansport Parks & Recreation Department. 3. Scholarships may be awarded for the full amount of the program or for any fraction of the program fee. Scholarships will be awarded from available Department allocated resources. 4. Scholarship requests will be awarded or denied based on verifiable information provided by the applicant and the criteria established herein. 5. Scholarships must be applied for at least two weeks prior to the program’s commencement. The number of scholarships approved shall be restricted by the number of participants registered for the program, and available scholarship funds. 6. Scholarship assistance will be limited to a maximum of $100 per family per year. 7. Scholarship assistance includes only the program fee, not the additional money that may be needed for equipment or materials not included in the program fees. 8. Scholarships shall be granted or denied without regard to race, creed, color, religion, age, disability or national origin of applicant. Individuals Considered Eligible For Scholarship Application • Family members currently receiving public assistance and can document eligibility with a Hoosier Works Card. • Foster children on whose behalf federal, state or local government payments are made or received. • Members of the family that can document a financial hardship. The Parks Administrator shall consider all available documentation such as income tax returns, recent pay slips, the hardship of burdensome medical expenses and any other form of hardship that can be documented, in making eligibility decisions. Locations for great walks • Little Turtle Waterway offers five blocks of riverbank walking, uninterrupted by any street crossings. Though it has no lighting of its own, ambient light from downtown is enough for evening users. The entire length of the trail and the upper Plaza is accessible to the disabled. Handicap accessibility is available via the parking lot at the south end of Fifth Street. Walking distance from east parking lot to trails end and back: .93 miles. • Spencer Park provides a circular driveway of .48 miles of walking distance for those that appreciate a regular walking routine. It’s especially beneficial to parents that would like to let their children play at one of two wonderful playgrounds located at Spencer Park. • Riverside Park also provides a circular driveway of .74 miles of walking distance along the Eel River. Walkers are cautioned to walk against traffic since Riverside Drive is considered a residential street. • Dykeman Park offers a quiet and peaceful walk along the 167 acre Golf Course. Walkers are encouraged to park at the west end of the lane by the pavilions. Walking distance from west parking to front gate and back: 1.6 miles. • Fairview Park provides Southsiders a place to create their own circular walkway. By utilizing Kloenne Street, Biddle Street’s sidewalk, and Sam Tocco Lane walkers can give themselves a walking regime of .30 miles each time they walk. • River Bluff Trail along the Eel River is owned and operated by the Memorial Hospital Foundation. It’s 1.3 miles of elevated, paved surface trail make it ideal for anyone that wishes to ramp up their walking routine. Its entire length is also uninterrupted by any street crossings. Though it has no lighting of its own, ambient light is enough for evening users. The entire length of the trail is accessible to the disabled. Handicap accessibility is available via the parking lot off Davis Road or Michigan Avenue. • France Park, located 4 miles west of Logansport on US 24 West is owned and operated by the Cass County Parks Department. France Park is home to 7-9 miles of hiking trails throughout it’s 510 acres. Trails are wide and open and are available to hikers and mountain bikers. Contact France Park at 753-2928 for maps and further information. • Not enough? Volunteers are currently working to connect and extend the Little Turtle Waterway Trail and the River Bluff Trail. This new trail will run along the Eel River and is called the Eel River Run Trail. Grants have been awarded and the engineering work is being done. Look for construction to begin sometime in 2010. VISIT ONE OF OUR LOCATIONS IN NORTHERN INDIANA FOR THE BEST SELECTION OF NEW OR USED VEHICLES! Mike Anderson GM Super Center LOGANSPORT 574-753-6285 • 800-599-5990 Mike Anderson Chrysler Dodge Super Center LOGANSPORT 574-753-5151 • 866-452-0958 Mike Anderson Chevrolet of Ossian OSSIAN 260-622-4115 • 888-999-4243 Mike Anderson Dodge Superstore MARION 765-674-3394 • 800-422-5002 Mike Anderson Chevrolet of Merrillville MERRILLVILLE 219-947-4151 • 888-947-4151 Mike Anderson Chrysler Dodge Jeep ROCHESTER 574-223-2711 • 888-223-2724 Mike Anderson Chevrolet of Gas City GAS CITY 765-674-2241 • 800-556-5696 Mike Anderson Used Cars KOKOMO 765-457-4911 • 800-669-1855 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • or s • (574)753-6969 Park Rules 1. All Logansport Parks are open daily from 2009 Rental Fees 6 am – 10 pm. 2. Possession & use of alcoholic beverages & illegal drugs, are not permitted in this park. 3. People who intimidate (by legal definition) another person shall be dealt with using police authority. 4. Smoking is restricted to a designated and inconspicuous location no closer than twenty-five (25) feet from all but not limited to city owned buildings, playgrounds, park bleachers, park pavilions, swimming pools, or in the vicinity of children, and athletic fields (Ord.# 05-11). 5. Picnic tables in the Parks are available on a first come-first serve basis. Picnic tables, benches & bleachers may ONLY be used outside of the parks for public events or activities with permission from the Parks Administrator. 6. All domestic animals must be kept on a six-foot leash or crated; Animal “waste” must be disposed of properly. 7. Any animal or reptile, domesticated or wild, that has dangerous propensities is strictly prohibited from all parks. 8. Please use trash & recycling containers. 9. Speed limit within the parks is fifteen (15) mph. Please watch for children and other pedestrians. 10. It shall be unlawful for any person to use or operate any sound-producing or sound amplifying device (including vehicles) in such a manner or with such volume as to annoy or disturb persons in its vicinity. Ord.# 01-14 11. Ground fires are not permitted. Fires for cooking food are permitted only in grills such as those provided throughout LPRD parks. 12. No gambling, glass bottles, or profanity within the park. 13. Motor vehicles are to park ONLY in designated areas. 14. Bicycles, skates, roller blades, skateboards, or motorized vehicles excluding personal handicap equipment must remain on paved surfaces within the park. 15. No marking, writing, or defacing of any equipment, structure, or pavement within the park. 16. Geocaching and metal detecting require a permit available at the Logansport Parks Department, 1212 Riverside Dr., 753-6969. 17. In the event of an emergency, Logansport Police should be notified at 911. Facility BENJAMIN LONG RECREATION CENTER Gymnasium 13 Period of Use Deposit 2009 Fee w/Resident Discount* w/Non-profit Discount** Hourly Full Day* $50 Deposit $50 Deposit $52.00 $480.00 $39.00 $360.00 $26.00 $240.00 Full Day* Full Day* Full Day* Full Day* Full Day* Full Day* No Deposit No Deposit No Deposit $25 Deposit $25 Deposit No Deposit $52.00 $72.00 $52.00 $39.00 $54.00 $39.00 $26.00 $36.00 $26.00 $52.00 $39.00 $26.00 Full Day* Full Day* No Deposit No Deposit $52.00 $52.00 $39.00 $39.00 $26.00 $26.00 $100 Deposit $100 Deposit $100 Deposit $100 Deposit $100 Deposit $100 Deposit $100 Deposit $100 Deposit No Deposit No Deposit $50 Deposit No Deposit $25 Deposit No Deposit No Deposit $180.00 $360.00 $539.00 $90.00 $1800.00 $135.00 $270.00 $404.00 $72.00 $52.00 $52.00 $52.00 $135.00 $270.00 $404.00 $68.00 $135.00 $102.00 $203.00 $303.00 $54.00 $39.00 $39.00 $39.00 $90.00 $180.00 $270.00 $45.00 $90.00 $68.00 $135.00 $202.00 $36.00 $26.00 $26.00 $26.00 $62.00 $599.00 $47.00 $449.00 $31.00 $300.00 4 hours 8 hours Full Day* $200 Deposit $200 Deposit $200 Deposit $180.00 $360.00 $539.00 $135.00 $270.00 $404.00 $90.00 $180.00 $270.00 Full Day* No Deposit $52.00 $39.00 $26.00 Full Day* Full Day* Hourly Full Day* $50 Deposit No Deposit No Deposit No Deposit $52.00 $52.00 $98.00 $957.00 $39.00 $39.00 $74.00 $718.00 $26.00 $26.00 $49.00 $478.50 WEST MELBOURNE PARK Softball Field+ Full Day* $50 Deposit $52.00 $39.00 $26.00 DYKEMAN PARK Upper Pavilion Lower Pavilion Full Day* Full Day* No Deposit No Deposit $52.00 $52.00 $39.00 $39.00 $26.00 $26.00 SPENCER PARK Upper Pavilion Lower Pavilion (5) Small Pavilions Horseshoe Courts/Equipment Shuffleboard Courts/Equipment Gazebo FAIRVIEW PARK Pavilions (2 Available) Football/Soccer Field RIVERSIDE PARK McHale Complex Weekends (Fri. 4pm-Sun. 10pm) 4 hours 8 hours Full Day* McHale Complex Weekdays (8am-10pm) 4 hours 8 hours McHale Complex (Mon.-Thur. evenings 4pm-10pm) 4 hours 8 hours Full Day* Old Carousel Bldg Full Day* Gazebo Full Day* Softball Field+ Full Day* Basketball Court No Lights Full Day* Horseshoe County/Equipment Full Day* Skatepark Hourly Full Day* LITTLE TURTLE WATERWAY HERITAGE PARK Gazebo TOWER PARK Softball Field+ Sand Volleyball Court Swimming Pool (includes lifeguards) *Full day: 8 am - 10 pm. Coordination with lessee required. All documented residents will receive 25% discount. *All documented resident non-profits will receive 50% discount. +Coordination with lessee required. 2009 FACILITY RENTAL INFORMATION MCHALE COMPLEX PAVILION AT RIVERSIDE PARK Reservations are to made & paid for at the McHale Complex Pavilion, 1212 Riverside Dr. or by calling the Park Office at 574-753-6969. A copy of policies & procedures can be received upon request or at the time of the reservation. ALL OTHER PAVILIONS All other pavilion rentals can be made & paid for at the Benjamin Long Recreation Center, 101 N. Cicott Street, or by calling 574-753-7388. A copy of policies & procedures can be received upon request or at the time of the reservation. PICNICS, FAMILY REUNIONS, AND OTHER PRIVATE GATHERINGS IN THE PARKS It is recommended to those that wish exclusive use of a shelter, that they contact the Parks Department to rent their desired facility for a specific day & time. Those who have paid a rental fee for the exclusive use of a pavilion or shelter will have priority of use over others. Otherwise, picnic tables and pavilions in the parks are available on a first come, first serve basis. 14 • (574)753-6969 2009 Golf Rates DAILY GREEN FEES: • Season Ticket Holder . . . . . . . . . . $1 • Regular 18 Holes . . . . . . . . . . . $16 • Regular 9 Holes . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9 • Senior Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13 • Student Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7 Until May 1st, daily greens fees are discounted by 25%. After May 1st, daily greens fees are discounted after 1 p.m. everyday. Other discounts are available to those using the American Lung Association and Indiana Golf Discount Golf Books. SEASON PASS: Good for the entire calendar year • Full Season Regular. . . . . . . . . $400 • Full Season Second Adult . . . . $360 • Full Season Senior . . . . . . . . . $320 • Full Season Second Senior. . . . $300 • Full Season Junior (12-26Yrs) . $160 • Half Season Regular . . . . . . . . $200 • Half Season Second Adult . . . . $180 • Half Season Senior . . . . . . . . . $160 • Half Season Senior Second Adult . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150 • Half Season Junior (12-26Yrs) . . $80 • Monthly Pass . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100 CART RENTALS • 18-hole Round . . . . . . . . . . . . . $11 • 1-9 hole Round . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7 • Full Season Regular (any day) . $600 • Full Season Regular Second Adult . . . . . . . . . . . . . $540 • Full Season Limited (M-F, no holiday) . . . . . . . . . . . $450 • Full Season Limited Second Adult . . . . . . . . . . . . . $405 • Private Cart Rider(18 holes) . . . . . $5 • Pull Cart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 DRIVING RANGE • Full Season . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100 • Small bucket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3 • Large bucket. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5 DYKEMAN PARK 101 Eberts Road • Logansport IN 46947 Clubhouse: 574-753-0222 Golf Course Manager: Dean Vietti Municipal Golf Course The best deal in golf anywhere around is at Dykeman Park Municipal Golf Course. Not only are golfers able to play on one of the best courses in the area, but May 1st through Labor Day, daily greens fees and cart rentals are discounted 25% after 1 p.m. everyday. Players may make tee time reservations up to two days in advance by calling the pro shop at 574-753-0222. Pro Shop hours may vary, peak season hours are 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Course Description Dykeman Park plays to a par 70, at 6185 yards using the longest tees. When using the shortest tees, it plays to a par 73, measuring 5347 yards. Dykeman Park’s two sets of nine holes vary in terrain, the front being a relatively flat par 34 and the original back nine consisting of rolling hills and plays to a par of 36. All eighteen holes are lined with beautiful, mature trees and include a number of challenging dog-legs. Men, women, and juniors may play either using a golf cart or walk with a pull-cart. se • (574)753-6969 15 DYKEMAN PARK 2009 TOURNAMENT & OUTING SCHEDULE May 17th Schrumy Scramble Junior Golf Clinic May 25th Memorial Day Supergangsome WHEN: June 5th Boys Sectional 9:30 am WHERE: WHO: COST: HOW: June 22nd – 26th, 9:00am, 10:00 am or 11:00 a.m. June 26th – Tournament will be in the afternoon Time for the Tournament: TBD Dykeman Park Municipal Golf Course Girls & Boys, ages 6-18 $25 for 5-1 hour lessons given by former Logansport Berries Coach Bob Bannon & Golf Course Manager Dean Vietti Contact Dykeman Golf Shop for questions about the program. Youth participants will learn the fundamentals they need to get started playing golf the right way. This junior program will also help those who are already involved in golf sharpen their skills to become a better player. The program covers every area of the golf swing from the teeing ground to the putting green. The program has been very successful in years past and participation is limited, so make plans in advance to attend. A limited number of golf clubs are available to be borrowed from the Parks Department. Students are generally responsible for providing their own equipment. June 6th, 7th, 8th, 13th, 14th Men’s County Championship-Match Play June 17th Memorial Hospital Golf Tournament June 20th Polsi’s Pub Outing June 27th Darche Memorial June 28th Dave Baumen Memorial Golf Outing July 4th 4th of July Super Gangsome July 8th Mayor’s Tournament July 17th Dykeman Park Invitational Practice Round July 18th, 19th Dykeman Park Invitational Aug 8th, 9th, 15th, 16th Logansport City Championship-Stroke play Aug 29th, 30th Beaupre Cup @ Dykeman Sept 16th Special Olympics Golf Outing 16 • (574)753-6969 Hervey Preserve and River Bluff Trail connect to form 2.4 miles of paths through the heart of wooded areas along the Eel River near downtown Logansport.
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