Sunday, January 11, 2015 - St. John Baptist Church
Sunday, January 11, 2015 - St. John Baptist Church Sunday, January 11, 2015 Church-wide Theme: Reach Up, Reach Out & Reach In Acts 1:6-8 Address 9055 Tamar Drive Columbia, MD 21045 (410) 992-6977 Rev. Dr. Robert A. F. Turner, Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Ostein B. Truitt, Assistant Pastor Services: 8:00 AM – Traditional Service 9:10 AM – Sunday School 10:15 AM – Blended Service 12:00 Noon – Contemporary Service Rev. Janelle Bruce Smith, Youth Pastor Rev. Sadie Woolford, Associate Pastor, Pastoral Care OUR VISION Praise the Lord and welcome to St John Baptist Church! On behalf of the entire St John family, allow me to take this opportunity to thank our friends, guests and members for choosing to help us lift up the name of Jesus here today. We say to you who are unsaved-join Jesus! To you who are unchurched-join us in membership, as we seek to make disciples for Jesus Christ. To be “A Christ Centered Church, Making a Difference for Jesus Christ in the Church, Community, Home & Workplace. OUR MISSION To be a thriving spiritual center that reaches people for Christ and builds believers to be Christ-like. (Matthew 28:19-20; Jude 1:20-21) SJBC Question of the Week Stuart Scott: Inspirational. Impactful. Champion. Hero. Trailblazer. Winning attitude. What is his legacy for you? #SJBCTalks Share your responses with us! FaceBook—SJBCDiscover Twitter & Instagram—sjbc_discover We respectfully ask that no food or drink be brought or eaten in the sanctuary. SJBC Image Policy - By entering this Church, you hereby grant St John Baptist Church the right, but not the obligation, to photograph, film and capture you and your likeness, on film and/or through any other method currently available or that becomes available in the future. You further agree that these images may be used in the production, exhibition, distribution, promotion, publicity and advertising of similar events and any other event sponsored by St John Baptist Church. Under no circumstances will your likeness be used in connection with commercial endorsements of any kind. “Being Born Again” 1-11-15 -ORDER OF SERVICE- 8:00 a.m. *Congregation Stands……………………………………...………….**Ushers May Seat Worshippers Call to Worship………………………...………..……………………….…….…….Rev. Todd Givens Invocation (*)………………………………………………….……………..………..…….Rev. Givens Hymn of Praise (*)(**)……………..……………………………………….…………….Congregation #141 “Love Lifted Me” Responsive Reading (*)……………………………….……………………..……..……….Rev. Givens #565 “Regeneration” Pastoral Announcements (**)……………………..…………………………..…….Rev. Ostein Truitt The Welcome (**)…………………………….……………….……………......…….…Sis. Kim Hilson Selection (**)………………………………………………………..……….……………..Male Chorus Offertory/ Choir Selection…………………………………………..…………………….Male Chorus Prayer/Offering/Doxology* Sermonic Selection (**)………………..……………………….………………………….Male Chorus Scripture(*)/Sermon………………….…………………………………….………………..Rev. Truitt John 3:1-11, 16 “Being Born Again” Invitational Hymn (*)…………………………………..……..………………..Choir & Congregation “I Really Love the Lord” Altar Prayer (*)…………………………..……………………...….………………………..Rev. Truitt Closing Hymn (*)………………………………………………...……………..Choir & Congregation “Where He Leads Me” Benediction (*)…………………………………………………..…………………..……….Rev. Truitt Enter to Worship Cry Room Available Depart to Serve “Being Born Again” 1-11-15 10:15 a.m. -FLOW OF SERVICE- *People Stand…………………………………..…….………………..**Ushers May Seat Worshipers Call to Worship…………………………………..………………….…..….……Rev. Regina Mitchell Opening Prayer (*)……………………………..………..…………………….….……...Rev. Mitchell Song of Praise (**)……………………………..…..………………...…………………...Male Chorus Community News (**)………………………….…………………………..………Rev. Ostein Truitt Welcome Guests (**)………………………………………………….................…Sis. Amber Hodges (Children are dismissed for Children’s Church in the Chapel) Special Song (**)…………………………………………………...……………………..Male Chorus Prayer/Receive Financial Gifts/Song……………………………...…….……………….Male Chorus Song of Preparation (**)………………………………………………………………….Male Chorus Read God’s Word (*)/Sermon…………………………………….……………..…………Rev. Truitt John 3:1-11, 16 “Being Born Again” Special Invitation & Song (*)………………………………………...………..Choir & Congregation “I Really Love the Lord” Community Prayer (*)…………………………………………….………………………..Rev. Truitt Closing Song (*)………………………………………………………...……...Choir & Congregation “Where He Leads Me” Closing Prayer (*)…………………………………………………….…………………….Rev. Truitt Enter to Worship Cry Room Available Depart to Serve “Being Born Again” 1-11-15 -FLOW OF SERVICE- 12:00 p.m. *People Stand…………………………………...………….……..**Ushers May Seat Worshippers Opening Words/Prayer (*)…………………………………….…….………...…..Rev. John West Worship & Praise (**)……………………………………...………………………….Praise Team Welcome Guests (**)…………………………………………………..………......……..Rev. West Worship & Praise (**)………………………………………………………..……….Praise Team Community News (**)……………………………………………………...…...Rev. Ostein Truitt Children’s Message (**)……………………………….……………….….…..….Sis. Anita Hilson Prayer/Receive Financial Gifts/Song…………………….……………..…………….Praise Team Sacred Arts Presentation (**)…………………………………………………….Drama Ministry Special Song (**)………………………………………….……..……………………..Praise Team Read God’s Word (*)/Message…………………………………………..…...………...Rev. Truitt John 3:1-11, 16 “Being Born Again” Special Invitation & Song (*)………...…………………………………………………..Everyone “Withholding Nothing” Community Prayer (*)……………………………...…………………..……………….Rev. Truitt Closing Song (*)…………………………………….…………..…………………………Everyone “Let It Rise” Closing Prayer (*)…………………………………………...……..……………………Rev. Truitt Enter to Worship Cry Room Available Depart to Serve Church Evacuation Overview In the event of an emergency you are requested to remain where you are in order to receive instructions on how to proceed. If we need to evacuate the building: 1. Please follow the instructions of staff positioned along the way and head to the designated safe area. 2. Parents please do not attempt to go and get your children if they are in Children’s Church. Once all children have been accounted for, you will be allowed to reunite with them. 3. Please do not attempt to go to your car or to drive off the parking lot. 4. Please remain in the designated safe area until instructions to return to the building are given. We are so happy to have you worship with us today. As you take your seat, please take a minute and familiarize yourself with where the exits are located. In the event of an emergency you will receive appropriate instructions from the pulpit. PLEASE ENJOY THE SERVICE. Attention Ministry Leaders If you would like to reserve a table after Sunday Worship services in the Fellowship Hall to promote your ministry event, please utilize our on-line Midas system. The earlier you reserve the better; we have a limited number of tables. Thank You. Forward ministry bulletin requests by COB Tuesday: [email protected] January Thurs., 1/15 Fri., 1/16 7 p.m. 5 p.m. 7 p.m. Sat., 1/17 Sun., 1/18 Mon., 1/19 Thurs., 1/22 Sun., 1/25 Wed., 1/28 Sat., 1/31 10 a.m.—1 p.m. ALL 3 Worship Services 7-9 p.m. 7-8:15 p.m. ALL 3 Worship Services 9 a.m.—5 p.m. 10 a.m. Every 3rd Sunday is Bring a Friend Sunday!!! Service Styles: 8 a.m.—Traditional Service 9:10 a.m.—Sunday School for all ages 10:15 a.m.—Blended Service 12 Noon—Contemporary Service GriefShare Support Group Begins Deadline-Trustee Board/Ministry Nominations Dr. MLK, Jr. & Rabbi Heschel Interfaith Service Beth Shalom, 8070 Harriet Tubman Ln., Columbia Social Action—Pathways to Social Justice MLK Recognition Sunday Experiencing God Course Begins Youth Ministry Interest Meeting Team Spirit Sunday Health & Wholeness Ministry Health Event SJBC Annual Church Meeting Mid-Week Power Hour Service Wed., Jan. 14th at 7:00 p.m. Chapel Rev. Jessie Paul Clay Guest Speaker 12 Noon Service SA Presentations for January: 2nd Sunday - Drama Ministry 3rd Sunday - Dance Ministry/ Decoded Praise Youth Choir th 4 Sunday - No SA Presentation If you’d like to deliver an inspirational message one Wed. night, contact: Rev. Ella Moore (443) 820-3437 MLK Recognition Sunday Jan. 18th ~ All 3 services Team Spirit Sunday Jan. 25th ~ All 3 services Rev. Turner will deliver a word on one of the most renowned leaders of the Civil Rights Movement that changed a nation and impacted the world. Come dressed in your favorite team’s paraphernalia! It doesn’t matter what you wear as long as you are part of God’s team of worshippers, for He is worthy!! 18th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr./Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel Interfaith Service Fri., Jan. 16th at 7 p.m. Beth Shalom Congregation, 8070 Harriet Tubman Lane, Columbia, MD On behalf of Rabbi Susan Grossman, Cantor Richard Walters, and the Beth Shalom Congregation Social Action Committee, you are cordially invited to this uplifting event! Please join us in celebrating this historic moment in American history at which time Rabbi Grossman and Cantor Walters will be joined by keynote speaker Rev. Jane Wood of Locust United Methodist Church, whose speech will address “Where Do We Go from Here?” We will also be joined by Rev. Dr. Robert Turner of St John Baptist Church, Pastor Larry Walker of Celebration Church and a variety of spirited and inspirational congregational choirs. Bringing together our leaders, congregations, choirs, youth members, and greater community is always a wonderful way to remind us all of the extraordinary county, state and nation in which we live. Reverend Dr. King and Rabbi Heschel are honored together every year at this commemorative, inspiring, and celebratory community service in tribute for their work together on the front lines of the Civil Rights Movement. SJBC Annual Church Meeting Sat., Jan. 31st at 10 a.m. Fellowship Hall Your presence is important! The annual budget will be presented and you will have the opportunity to elect officers for 2015. Make sure you mark your calendars! Introducing the newest SJBC Cluster! Do you sew, knit, crochet, paper craft, quilt, woodwork, etc.? If you answered YES, why not use your craft to benefit a cause? Let’s use our gifts of handcrafting for fellowship and outreach! For more information, please contact Sis. Leath McCallum: [email protected] OR 215-206-6762 1st & 3rd Tues. of each month at 7 p.m. in Room 157 Join us as we discover something new, together -- how to appreciate our blessings and best serve God in our season of singleness. There will be prayer, reading of Scripture and fellowship. Feel free to bring and be responsible for your children who can stay in an adjoining room while we meet. For more information, please contact Sis. Cecily Christian at [email protected] This activity is part of the St John Singles for Christ Ministry. Grief Support Group Every Thurs. at 7 p.m. Beginning Jan. 15th—April 9th To register, please contact Sis. Minnette Parham: 410-992-6977 or [email protected] You will need to provide your full name, phone number, and email address (if applicable). Preventive Health Event Wed., Jan. 28th from 9 a.m.—5 p.m. SJBC Fellowship Hall Do you know how to recognize the warning signs of a stroke? If you or someone you know is experiencing any of these symptoms (sudden numbness, difficulty speaking, severe dizziness, loss of coordination, sudden loss of vision, sudden intense headache, brief loss of consciousness), call 911 right away! It’s important to seek medical treatment immediately. The Health & Wholeness Ministry is pleased to partner with Life Line Screening to host affordable, non-invasive and painless screenings. Protect your health by finding out your risk of having a stroke by participating! Register today for the Stroke, Vascular & Heart Rhythm package, which includes four screenings: carotid artery, abdominal aortic aneurysm, peripheral arterial disease and atrial fibrillation. In order to register for this event and to receive a $10 discount off any package priced above $129, please call 1-888-653-6441 or visit For more information, please contact Sis. Trudy Thompson: 617-771-0157 or [email protected] ATTENTION ALL ST JOHN MEMBERS: A CALL TO SERVE AND DO GOD’S WORK Request for Nominations 2015 Trustee Board (aka Joint Board) and Trustee Board Ministry Members Your Church needs your assistance! Nomination forms for the 2015 Board of Trustees/Joint Board and Trustee Board Ministry Members are NOW available! The vacant positions to be filled on the Trustee Board (aka Joint Board) are: □Members-at-Large (2 positions) □Church Clerk □Assistant Church Clerk The vacant positions to be filled on the Trustee Board Ministry are: □Chairperson □Vice-Chairperson □Treasurer □Assistant Treasurer □Financial Secretary □Trustee (4 positions) □Youth Member (2 positions) Nomination forms with a brief description of the responsibilities of each position may be obtained from the literature rack near the Info Center. All Nominees are asked to attend an Informational Orientation session designed to equip nominees with an understanding of the skills and expectations for all positions. Nominees will be informed of the date and time for this session. Any questions regarding the nomination process should be directed to: Committee Chair, Rev. Todd Givens - [email protected] All nominations should be placed in a sealed envelope addressed to SJBC Nomination Committee and turned into the church office no later than Fri., Jan. 16th. Please prayerfully consider filing for a position! Our noon service Praise Team is holding auditions for singers & musicians ALL MONTH. We also have positions available on our Creative Worship Technology Team. To join the team, please contact Minister of Music & Dir. of Creative Arts: Bro. Eric Byrd at [email protected] Social Action – Pathways to Social Justice Sat., Jan. 17th; 10 a.m.—12:30 p.m.; SJBC Fellowship Hall The Treyvon Martin, Michael Brown and Eric Gardiner verdicts are sobering reminders that we have not completely overcome. Why is that and where do we go from here? We invite all SJBC and community members to join us in this critical conversation about African American manhood, race relations, community policing and social action strategies. Part I: Our History – Then and Now ~ A dynamic presentation by Dr. Lenneal Henderson, Ph.D. that will take us on an amazing jour ney through our histor y. Part II: RESPECT and the Law ~ A panel discussion between local law enforcement officials, youth leaders, the DA’s office and the Christian community to develop action strategies for positive change. If you are interested in assisting with planning or need more information, please contact: DIT Henry Johnson at 443-677-1584 or [email protected] 11th Annual SJBC Heritage Celebration Sat., Feb. 21st, 3-6 p.m. ~ SJBC Fellowship Hall Join us for a cultural experience you will never forget! *Food from 9 different countries *Culturally exciting entertainment *Great fellowship Tickets can be purchased on the SJBC website: Adults—$10 AND Children 10 and under—$5.00 (Plus a small transaction fee) For more information please contact: Sis. Marcia St Lawrence at 410-538-5437, Sis. JoAnn Burnet at 410-262-2986, Bro. Edward Kontor at 301-605-5649 OR Sis. Mae Beale at 301-596-2432 Calling all youth leaders, parents & persons interested in working with the Youth Ministry. Thur., Jan. 22nd ~ 7-8:15 p.m. There will be a very important meeting discussing the 2015 youth calendar and ministry and leadership opportunities. If you want to know how you and/or your child(ren) can get involved, please join us! If you are currently serving in the Youth Ministry, please be sure to attend this meeting. For more information, please contact our Youth Pastor, Rev. Janelle: 410.992.6977 ext. 1014 or [email protected] “IT’S ALL ABOUT THE ARTS” Fri., Feb. 27th 6 p.m.—Pre-Reception, Art Gallery and Crafts 7 p.m.—Performances DANCE ~ POETRY ~ ACTING ~ MUSIC All types of artwork are needed for the gallery! Youth of all ages are encouraged to sign-up for performances, group recitations & skits! For more information, please contact: Sis. Edwina Britt at 443-812-0442 or [email protected] Experiencing God Mon., Jan. 19th, 2015 ~ 7 to 9 p.m. It is time to register for the next Experiencing God class. Come join this small group study and learn answers to questions like: How do I know God is speaking to me? I am a Christian, but I still have questions about my relationship with God! Learn that God is always working around you and that God is not just pursuing a continuous love relationship with but wants you to understand how to make Godly decisions. For more information, please contact Sis. Gloria Glasper at [email protected] OR register now at Masterlife is a small group study for maturing believers as God’s disciples. These classes will enable believers to make Christ Master and to master life by developing a personal, lifelong, obedient relationship with God. The classes are currently held on Thursday from 7-9 p.m. Disciples Personality Dec. 11th through Feb. 12th, 2015 Thursday 7-9 p.m. Sis. Antoinette Walker Bro. Lee Harris Sis. Trudy Thompson Disciples Victory Mar. 5th, 2015 through Apr. 23rd, 2015 Thursday 7-9 p.m. Sis. Peggy Anthony Sis. Sarah Smith Disciples Mission May 14th, 2015 through July 23rd, 2015 Thursday 7-9 p.m. Sis. Bertha Richardson Sis. Elisa Wrenn MasterLife (Day) T.B.D. Tuesday 10 a.m. - Noon Sis. Eloise Hunt Facilitators are needed to start a new Disciples Cross class. For additional information & member registration, please contact: Sis Phronnie Jones at [email protected] or visit the church website, (UNABLE TO COME OUT) Geraldine Gaillard (Brighton Gardens Assisted Living) Ernestine Jones (Brighton Gardens Assisted Living) Iris Moran (Brighton Gardens Assisted Living) Beulah Patterson (Lorien Nursing Home) Dea. Shirley Alston (Autumn Assisted Living) Jackie Vandervall (Brighton Gardens Assisted Living) Leola Anderson Ruth Craigen Eunice Frazier (VA) Gayla Elder-Leak Thelma Giles James A. Dorsey Prayer Line Sis. Cindy Baker is on the prayer line during the month of January. Join her for prayer!!! Call: (410) 995-6089 Week of 1-11-2015: Rev. John West If you desire a visit, please contact the Minister or Deacon assigned for the week. *Bold indicates new entries for this week. Our Sick Doris Collier Ayesha Dobbins Kaini Bradford Karen Williams Rose Pinder Fredrika Hill Henson Michael Eloise Linton Martha Lee Cecilla Sanya, mother of Cica Bradley DIT Adrienne Fleming Joe Williams’ mother (Gladys Williams) Mattie Simmons Sirlene Green Emma Outen Neila Peart Vivian Bowling Herman Thompson Shelly McCrae Elizabeth Champtal Shelby Pollard Henry Holmes Darian Sharp– Son of Crudella Carroll Tanji Johnson Tania McAllister Cynthia Hill Mikaili Robertson Tim Picot Audrey Mullins Mabel Clarke Teresa Gusler Rainsford Trivers Jurnee del Rosario Gwendolyn Millner Ed Tucker Gwendolyn Wilkins Jenna Fletcher Mikaili Robertson Michelle Patterson Dea. Dorothy Tucker Malik Burns Rev. John Cheek Deleanor Boone Erica LeMon’s grandmother, JoAnne Isabel Johnnie Bingham Gerald Dawson Ruby Wilkins Hazel Jemmot Dennis Stephens Beverly Moore Gus Owens Dea. Bill Ross Judith Bland First Lady—Kim Turner Rhonda O’Guinn Phyllis Isaacs Rev. Eric Brooks Trustee Aaron Lancaster Carol Holland Tim Picot Week of 1-11-2015: Rev. John West If you desire a visit, please contact the Minister or Deacon assigned for the week. *Bold indicates new entries for this week. Prayer Due to Illness Cynthia Gail McClain -sister of Diane Martin Curtis Washington– cousin of Glenda Morton Monyetta Reid– Daughter of Ian and Stacy Swain Derrick Hayes– Son of Leatrice Hayes Bill Schreiber -Friend of Bob & Anita Hilson John Travett’s Mother, RosaLee & Mother-in-Law, Donna Phyllis Turner– Mother of Terri Fuller Sister and Brother of Peggy Anthony Betty Pryor– Aunt of Adrienne Fleming Marlene Reagin -sister of Joanne Tyson Laura Boone’s sister, Phyllis Kendrick Wright Robert Taylor nephew of Joyce Henderson’s Revonda Lewis cousin of Sadie Jackson’s Pam Otis’ nephew & wife Anthony & Tiffany Brown Olivia Brodie, Sister of Rev. Carolyn Fredericks Barbara Love’s father Christine Rodriguez –Sister of Lester & Bridget Meggett Donna Pollock Shurney– Friend of Eric Byrd Deborah Backer—Sister of Dawn Murray Parents of Marhissa Bailey—Cynthia & Joseph Bailey III Steven Herndon—Brother of Chanda Herndon James Shannon—Friend of Chanda Herndon Alisa Henderson—Friend of the Hilson Family Emily Robbins—Mother of Shoneka Robbins Son of Frances Lawton—Friend of Dea. Harolyn Harrison Sarah Harris, Patricia Fowler and Dr. Michael Owens Mother of Barbara Towson Natalie Towson Nknenti Juliana Mana—Friend of Emeline Ngam Ayeah Ella Cowden—Friend of Mary Adu Hope Taylor —Friend of Dea. Kathleen Ridley Cheek Dea. Richard Shepherd’s mother Phronnie Jones’ Son & Son-in-Law Penny Pritchett’s Friends/Family Margaret Walker—Friend of Dea. Alfreda McCoy-Gwynn Claudette Motely—Mother of Cleveland & Clevetta Chandler Leslie Turner—Various Family Members Maurice & Faye Barksdale—Friends of Deacon Bill Ross, Sr. Celia E. Jackson—Sister of Deacon Bill Ross, Sr. TyAnne Martin—Sister of Lorna Evans Denise Howze’s Father Shanita Smith—Friend of Rev. Janelle Smith John Wigglesworth—Brother of Wilbur Wigglesworth Ricky Harrison—Friend of Dea. Lenny Harper Jandie Turner’s brother Tonya Gorham’s aunt Elaine Hubbard Angela Levrone’s mother-in-law Linda Hayes’ friends daughter, Steff Maya Haywood, daughter of Cassandra Haywood Dea. Bill Ross’ brothers, Eugene Ross and Earl Ross Hazida Hosein’s sister, Aklima Hosein and father, Zal Hosein Mary Jones’ brother, Walter L. Meeks Rev. Michael Alston’s brother, friend Rev. Corrogan Vaughn, and friend Churchill Wortheley Rev. John West’s brother Mike in NY Pat Penny’s friend Martha Jacqueline Jones—niece of Phyllis Isaacs & cousin of Caroline Darden Blanche Williams—Sister of Ira Snell, Jr. Marion & David Green’s daughter Monica Harry Evans’ mother Mamie Cox Rose Ann Green-Aunt of Barbara Lassiter & Sister of Barbara Brown Jackie Dobbin’s sister Charlotte Beulah Patterson’s husband, David & God-daughter, Stephanie, grand-daughter, Jada and daughter Michelle Cindy Baker’s mother & God-father Dea. Ron Colbert’s mother Bereavement Carole Bennett lost her cousin Betty Gilmer lost her brother Kevin Gwynn lost his uncle Joyce Henderson lost her sister in Virginia Trustee James LeMon lost his mother Mamie Perkins lost her father Friend of SJBC, Rev. Dr. Michael Murphy of Peoples Congregational United Church of Christ passed Friend of SJBC, Alcie Bray passed MESSAGE NOTES Date: Speaker: Scripture: Sermon Title: POINTS TO REMEMBER -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------—————— Sermon Cd’s are available in the Fellowship Hall. HOW TO REACH OUR STAFF Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Robert A.F. Turner (410) 992-6977 [email protected] Office #121 Assistant Pastor Rev. Dr. Ostein Truitt (410) 992-6977 Ext. 1007 [email protected] Office #119 Youth Pastor Rev. Janelle Bruce Smith (410) 992-6977 Ext. 1014 [email protected] Office #111 Assoc. Pastor for Pastoral Care Rev. Sadie Woolford (410) 992-6977 Operations Manager Sis. Vera Miles (410) 992-6977 Ext. 1010 [email protected] Office #118 Innovative Technology Solutions Specialist Minister of Music/Director of Creative Arts Bro. Eric Byrd (410) 992-6977 Ext. 1013 [email protected] Office #136 Rev. Monique Budd (410) 992-6977 Ext. 1023 [email protected] Office #112 Sr. Administrative Project Coordinator Sis. ‘Chon Cottman (410) 992-6977 Ext. 1005 [email protected]
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