Linear guides for LinMot Motors
Linear guides for LinMot Motors
Stainless Steel ZA Catalogue Lin18e F - 68190 RAEDERSHEIM Tél: +33 (0) Fax: +33 (0) [email protected] Linear systems for LinMot motors 2 axes c300 X LB37 LE37 c200 LB23 c150 Z LE37 c200 LE23 c200 X Z Y Z LR37 c1400 Y LG23 c245 LE37D c350 Y Z Z LB23 c150 LE37 c400 LE23 c300 LH... Y Z LR48 c1750 Y LR37 c1400 LE37D c350 X LR37 c650 LG23 c245 Y Y X Z LE37 c200 LH... Y LE23 c200 LE37 c300 LG23 c245 LH... Z Linear systems for LinMot motors 3 axes Y LR37 c1400 c300 X LB37 LE37 c200 LB23 c150 Z LE37 c200 LE23 c200 X Y Z Y X Z Y LR48 c1750 X LR37LA c450 Z LB23 c150 LE37 c400 LE23 c300 LH... c1750 X LR48 LR37 c1400 X LR48 c1750 Y LR37 c1400 X Y Z Z LB23 c150 LE37 c400 LE23 c300 LH... Summary of range Guides for LinMot® motors P01-23 Modules : Application : Motors P01-23x80/50x110 P01-23x80/150x210 P01-23x80/210x270 P01-23x80/280x340 P01-23x80/340x400 P01-23x80F/40x100HP P01-23x80F/70x130HP P01-23x80F/100x160HP P01-23x80F/140x200HP P01-23x80F/160x220HP P01-23x80F/220x280HP P01-23x80F/290x350HP P01-23x80F/350x410HP P01-23x160/70x70 P01-23x160/70x210 P01-23x160/130x270 P01-23x160/200x340 P01-23x160/260x400 P01-23x160/360x500 P01-23x160H/60x200HP P01-23x160H/80x220HP P01-23x160H/140x280HP P01-23x160H/210x350HP P01-23x160H/270x410HP P01-23x160H/370x510HP LB23 LE23 LH23 LG23 vertical horizontal/vertical horizontal/vertical horizontal Stroke (mm) 55 Load (kg) 0,6 45 75 90 150 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,2 (X) 90 150 2 1,6 65 90 150 3 3 2,5 pneumatic balancing guide rods Ø12 Stroke (mm) 70 170 230 300 (X) 50 80 110 150 170 230 300 (X) (X) 90 150 220 280 (X) 70 90 150 220 280 (X) Load (kg) 0,2 to 1 0,4 to 1,5 0,5 to 2 0,5 to 2,5 rod lock MagSpring™ guide rods Ø12 Stroke (mm) 70 120-180 180-220 270-(X) (X) 70 70-120 120-180 120-180 180-220 220-270 270-(X) (X) 70 70-120 120-180 180-220 270-(X) (X) 70-120 120-180 180-220 220-270 270-(X) (X) Load (kg) 0,2 to 1 Stroke (mm) 105 185 245 Load (kg) 1 (X) 105 105 185 185 245 1,5 0,5 to 2 (X) 105 185 245 2 0,5 to 2,5 (X) 105 185 245 2 0,4 to 1,5 rod lock guide rods Ø10 4 rollings / rods Ø6 (X) : strokes on request LE23 and LH23 : all other stroke on request Page 04 / 18e Summary of range Modules : Application : Motors P01-37x120/20x100 P01-37x120/80x160 P01-37x120/180x260 P01-37x120/280x360 P01-37x120/380x460 P01-37x120/480x560 P01-37x120/580x660 P01-37x120F/40x120HP P01-37x120F/100x180HP P01-37x120F/160x240HP P01-37x120F/200x280HP P01-37x120F/300x380HP P01-37x120F/400x480HP P01-37x120F/500x580HP P01-37x120F/600x680HP P01-37x120F/700x780HP P01-37x120F/800x880HP P01-37x120F/1000x1080HP P01-37x120F/1200x1280HP P01-37x120F/1400x1480HP P01-37x240/100x100 P01-37x240/60x260 P01-37x240/160x360 P01-37x240/260x460 P01-37x240/360x560 P01-37x240/460x660 P01-37x240/560x760 P01-37x240/660x860 P01-37x240/860x1060 P01-37x240/1060x1260 P01-37x240/1260x1460 Guides for LinMot® motors P01-37 LB37 LE37 LH37 LE37D LR37 horizontal horizontal /vertical horizontal /vertical horizontal horizontal Stroke (mm) Load (kg) Load (kg) 110 210 310 1 to 5 410 100 160 200 300 6,5 5,2 4,7 4 50 110 170 210 310 410 1,5 to 7 160-200 -300 300 Stroke (mm) 60 60-110 170-210 210260-330 330-410 410-510 510-610 60 110 170 210-260 260-330 410 510 610 Load (kg) Stroke (mm) 1 to 10 52 147 252 Load (kg) Stroke (mm) Load (kg) (X) 100 (X) 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 1000 1200 1400 16 5 352 1,5 to 14 52 112 152 252 352 6 90 60 110 4 to 5,2 200 170-210 150 4 300 400 260-330 330-410 410-510 510-610 (X) 250 350 450 550 650 850 1050 1250 guide rods Ø20 e s in Guid s Steel les Stain m otors r fo SSC -* **- 4 1 0 P 2 pa ge Stroke (mm) 2 to 8 rod lock MagSpring™ guide rods Ø16 2 to 16 rod lock guide rods Ø12,16,20 guide rods Ø16 16 1 guideway 4-row size 25 (X) : strokes on request LE37 et LH37 : all other stroke on request Page 05 / 18e Summary of range Modules : Application : Motors P01-48x240/30x180 P01-48x240/90x240 P01-48x240/180x330 P01-48x240/300x450 P01-48x240/390x540 P01-48x240/480x630 P01-48x240/600x750 P01-48x240/690x840 P01-48x240/900x1050 P01-48x240/1080x1230 P01-48x240/1290x1440 P01-48x240/1500x1650 P01-48x240/1680x1830 P01-48x360F/60x210 P01-48x360F/180x330 P01-48x360F/270x420 P01-48x360F/360x510 P01-48x360F/480x630 P01-48x360F/570x720 P01-48x360F/780x930 P01-48x360F/960x1110 P01-48x360F/1170x1320 P01-48x360F/1380x1530 P01-48x360F/1560x1710 Guides for LinMot® motors P01-48 LH48 LR48 horizontal/vertical horizontal Stroke (mm) 70 70-120 120-180-220 220-270-340 340-420 420-520 520-620 620-(X) (X) 70 120-180-220 220-270-340 340-420 420-520 520-620 (X) Load (kg) 3 to 16 5 to 25 Stroke (mm) Load (kg) 180 270 390 480 570 690 780 990 1170 1380 1590 1770 150 270 360 450 570 660 870 1050 1260 1470 1650 rod lock guide rods Ø20,25 50 90 2 guideways 4-row size 25 (X) : strokes on request LH48 : all other stroke on request e s in Guid s Steel les Stain m otors r fo SSC -* **- 5 1 0 P 2 pa ge Page 06 / 18e VERTICAL MODULE with pneumatic balancing LB23 Description : - Guided by 2 rods Ø12 on 4 ball bearings Pneumatic balancing : pressure must be regulated between 1 and 4 bars according to the load (cylinder Ø12) Internal stop for « move in » initialization Sold without motor Option : . 1 fan set HV01-23 (not supplied) only for LB23x160(HP) . Front wiper-ring integrated in housing (Order Nb : 8319171) => SS offset : +4 mm Module (mm) For Linmot® P01-23x… Order No. Maxi carried payload (kg) SS position Weight* (kg) Weight in motion (kg) 55 45 75 90 150 90 150 65 90 150 80/50x110 80F/40x100HP 80F/70x130HP 80F/100x160HP 80F/140x200HP 160/70x210 160/130x270 160H/60-200HP 160H/80-220HP 160H/140-280HP 8311110 8311145 8311175 8311190 8311195 8311200 8311295 8311365 8311390 8311395 0,6 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,2 2 1,6 3 3 2,5 +2 / +52 +2 / +42 +2 / +72 +2 / +90 +2 / +142 +2 / +72 +2 / +132 +2 / +62 +2 / +82 +2 / +142 0,890 0,880 0,930 0,950 1,180 1,050 1,280 1,010 1,050 1,280 0,460 0,450 0,500 0,520 0,730 0,520 0,730 0,480 0,520 0,730 Stroke LB23x80 LB23x80HP LB23x160 LB23x160HP L1 L2 (mm) (mm) 227 227 237 267 307 307 367 297 317 377 205 195 225 240 360 240 360 215 240 360 * Weight without motor - Guide friction : 2 N - Maxi speed : 2 m/s - Maxi acceleration : 50 m/s² Dimensions : Pick&Place with LB37, LG23, LR37 L1 L2 50 Tuyau Ø4 (équilibrage) 4x M4 / 32x32 75 pour kit HV01-23 sur LB23x160(HP) 52 4x M5 + 2x Ø5.02 H7 (36) 51.5 40 62 Ø12 26.5 42 4x Ø4.2 + 2x Ø4.02 H7 Pneumatic balancing : OU Ø4 pressure reducer expansion volume OU Ø4 LB23 rapid vent + valve LB23 LB23 pressure regulator Ø4 + pressure reducer 1 dm3 mini Page 07 / 18e HORIZONTAL MODULE LB37 Description : - Guided by 2 rods Ø20 on 4 ball bearings Internal stop for « move in » initialization Sold without motor Options : . Cable carrier . Stand (see page 19) . Adaptation kit for fan 60x60 (Order No. : 8319193) . Front wiper-ring integrated in housing (Order No. : 8319172) => SS offset: +6 mm (mm) For Linmot® P01-37x… Order No. Maxi carried payload (kg) 100 160 200 300 160 200 300 300 120F/100x180HP 120F/160x240HP 120F/200x280HP 120F/300x380HP 240/160x360 240/160x360 240/160x360 240/260x460 8314110 8314116 8314120 8314130 8314300 8314400 8314500 8314530 6,500 5,200 4,700 4,000 5,200 4,700 4,000 4,000 Stroke Module LB37x120HP LB37x240 SS Weight in motion (kg) Weight* position (mm) (kg) 0 / +100 0 / +160 0 / +200 0 / +300 0 / +160 +20 / +180 +70 / +230 +20 / +280 4,100 4,300 4,600 5,100 4,500 4,800 5,300 5,300 1,900 2,150 2,400 2,900 2,150 2,400 2,900 2,900 L (mm) 343,5 403,5 443,5 543,5 523,5 543,5 593,5 643,5 * Weight without motor - Guide friction : 6 N - Maxi speed : 2 m/s - Maxi acceleration : 50 m/s² Dimensions : L 234,5 + stroke 98 49 52 Ø20 4x Ø5.5 + 2x Ø5.02 H7 52 4x M6 + 2x Ø5.02 H7 120 12 100 Stroke L Deflection (mm) Deflection (mm) : G 67 (45 or 7) -C or -C20 Option: adaptation kit for fan 4xM3 / 50x50 0,4 L=300 0,3 0,2 L=200 0,1 L=100 0 1 2 3 4 5 Carried payload (kg) Page 08 / 18e MODULE LG23 Description : - Guided by 2 rods on 4 rollers Using with mobile stator or fixed stator Internal stop for « move in » or « move out » initialization Sold without motor Module LG23x80 LG23x80HP LG23x160 LG23x160HP Stroke (mm) 105 185 245 105 105 185 185 245 105 185 245 105 185 245 For Linmot®: P01-23x… 80/50x110 80/150x210 80/210x270 80F/70x130HP 80F/100x160HP 80F/140x200HP 80F/160x220HP 80F/220x280HP 160/70x210 160/130x270 160/200x340 160H/80x220HP 160H/140x280HP 160H/210x350HP Order No. 8351010 8351030 8351050 8351210 8351220 8351230 8351240 8351250 8351110 8351130 8351150 8351310 8351330 8351350 SS position +28/+78 +18/+168 +18/+228 +8 / +78 +8 / +105 +8 / +148 +8 / +168 +8 / +228 +18/+88 +28/+158 +28/+228 +8 / +88 +8 / +148 +8 / +218 Weight* (kg) 0,980 1,130 1,250 0,980 0,980 1,130 1,130 1,250 0,980 1,130 1,250 0,980 1,130 1,250 Weight in motion* (kg) mobile stator fixed stator 0,410 0,410 0,410 0,410 0,410 0,410 0,410 0,410 0,410 0,410 0,410 0,410 0,410 0,410 0,560 0,710 0,830 0,560 0,560 0,710 0,710 0,830 0,560 0,710 0,830 0,560 0,710 0,830 slider LS 190 290 350 200 230 270 290 350 290 350 420 290 350 420 * Weight without motor - Guide friction : 1 N - Maxi speed : 5 m/s - Maxi acceleration : 50 m/s² Dimensions : 19 (+ stroke) B A 80 43 40 30 56,5 19 40,5 P01-23x80 or 23x160 70 70 44 70 54 8x Ø5,2 4x M5 x 10 LG23x80 LG23x80HP LG23x160 LG23x160HP Stroke 105 185 245 all 105 185 245 all A 22 12 12 12 12 22 22 12 B 0 0 0 0 37 37 37 37 155 + stroke Admissible torque and load : LG23 Maxi carried payload : 2 kg 8 Nm maxi L max = 120 mm L 5 Nm maxi 13 L maxi 13 85 N Page 09 / 18e GANTRY LR37 Description : - Guided by 2 carriages with 4–row balls on 1 guideway size 25 - Internal stop for « move in » or « move out » initialization - Sold without motor - Options : . Cable carrier (see page 18) . Support for sensor MS01-1D (Order No. : 8353991) . 1 or 2 fan set HV01-23 on LR37x120HP (not supplied) . Carriages with plastic spacers between rolling elements for noise reduction : /KT after Order No. . Carriages with low friction wipers : /LF after Order No. . Lengthen girder : on 1 side : /LA or /LAO – on both sides : /LA2 after Order No. Module LR37x120HP LR37x240 Stroke (mm) 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 1000 1200 1400 150 250 350 450 550 650 850 1050 1250 * Weight without motor For Linmot®: P01-37x… Order No. SS position Weight* (kg) Weight in 120F/100x180HP 120F/200x280HP 120F/300x380HP 120F/400x480HP 120F/500x580HP 120F/600x680HP 120F/700x780HP 120F/800x880HP 120F/1000x1080HP 120F/1200x1280HP 120F/1400x1480HP 240/160x360 240/260x460 240/360x560 240/460x660 240/560x760 240/660x860 240/860x1060 240/1060x1260 240/1260x1460 8353001 8353101 8353201 8353301 8353401 8353501 8353601 8353701 8353801 8353901 8353981 8353000 8353100 8353200 8353300 8353400 8353500 8353600 8353700 8353800 0 / +100 0 / +200 0 / +300 0 / +400 0 / +500 0 / +600 0 / +700 0 / +800 0 / +1000 0 / +1200 0 / +1400 0 / +107 0 / +207 0 / +307 0 / +407 0 / +507 0 / +607 0 / +807 0 / +1007 0 / +1207 5,100 5,800 6,500 7,200 7,900 8,600 9,400 10,100 11,500 13,000 14,400 6,500 7,200 7,900 8,600 9,400 10,100 11,500 13,000 14,400 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 - Guide friction : 15 N - Maxi speed : 4 m/s 8 N (option /LF) Admissible torque and load: Mx = 51 Nm maxi My = 72 Nm maxi Mz = 72 Nm maxi - Values reduced of 30% with /KT option My (not added up) 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1200 1400 1600 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1200 1400 1600 Maxi acceleration : 100 m/s² Mz Mx Slider LS motion (kg) P (daN) 16 Maxi carried payload : => see P value in charts 12 8 deflection <0,1 mm at maxi load 4 0 B 0 P (daN) 16 100 200 300 400 500 déportBB(mm) (mm)–-gantry portique LR37 offset LR37 onsur its chant edge 600 200 400 600 800 1000 distance LR37flat à plat length A A (mm) (mm) -–portique gantry LR37 1200 P (daN) 16 12 12 8 A 8 4 4 0 0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 distance (mm)– -gantry portique LR37 chant length A A (mm) LR37 on sur its edge 1750 0 Page 10 / 18e GANTRY LR37 Dimensions : 200 2x Ø5.02 H7 100 LR37x120HP 128 4x M8 46.5 (30) 64 2x M4 (for HV01-23) (2x) 40 99 32 adjustable dimension ( maxi 175 + stroke ) 40 80 286 + stroke 123 120 0 stroke 4x 2xM8 163 120 46.5 lengthen girder version: on this side: /LA other side: /LAO both sides: /LA2 sensor MS01-1D (not supplied) connector upward if cable carrier 200 LR37x240 2x Ø5.02 H7 100 128 4x M8 46.5 (30) 64 99 73.5 40 adjustable dimension ( maxi 280 + stroke ) 40 80 390 + stroke 195 stroke 120 0 4x 2xM8 195 46.5 120 sensor MS01-1D (not supplied) lengthen girder version: on this side: /LA other side: /LAO both sides: /LA2 connector upward if cable carrier Lengthen girder version : - on 1 side : /LA or /LAO (after Order No.) example : fixation on its edge, by the extremity additional weight : 0,520 kg - on both sides : /LA2 (after Order No.) example : to move away the stands of a gantry additional weight : 1,040 kg Double corner Order No. 8319120 Y X Z Page 11 / 18e GANTRY LR48 Description : - Guided by 4 carriages with 4-row balls on 2 guideways size 25 - Internal stop for « move in » or « move out » initialization - Sold without motor - Options : . Adaptation kit for sensor MS01-1D : /MS after Order No. . 2 end of stroke hydraulic shock absorber (Order No. : 8319175) . Carriages with plastic spacers between rolling elements for noise reduction : /KT after Order No. . Carriages with low friction wipers : /LF after Order No. . Wipers PA01-48 (not supplied) Module LR48x240 LR48x360F Stroke (mm) 180 270 390 480 570 690 780 990 1170 1380 1590 1770 150 270 360 450 570 660 870 1050 1260 1470 1650 * Weight without motor For Linmot®: P01-48x… Order No. SS position Weight* (kg) 240/90x240 240/180x330 240/300x450 240/390x540 240/480x630 240/600x750 240/690x840 240/900x1050 240/1080x1230 240/1290x1440 240/1500x1650 240/1680x1830 360F/60x210 360F/180x330 360F/270x420 360F/360x510 360F/480x630 360F/570x720 360F/780x930 360F/960x1110 360F/1170x1320 360F/1380x1530 360F/1560x1710 8355011 8355021 8355031 8355041 8355051 8355061 8355071 8355081 8355091 8355101 8355111 8355121 8355013 8355023 8355033 8355043 8355053 8355063 8355073 8355083 8355093 8355103 8355113 +45 / +135 +45 / +225 +45 / +345 +45 / +435 +45 / +525 +45 / +645 +45 / +735 +45 / +945 +45 / +1125 +45 / +1335 +45 / +1545 +45 / +1725 +45 / +105 +45 / +225 +45 / +315 +45 / +405 +45 / +525 +45 / +615 +45 / +825 +45 / +1005 +45 / +1215 +45 / +1425 +45 / +1605 13,000 14,100 15,600 16,700 17,800 19,200 20,300 22,900 25,100 27,700 30,200 32,400 14,100 15,600 16,700 17,800 19,200 20,300 22,900 25,100 27,700 30,200 32,400 - Guide friction : 30 N - Maxi speed : 4 m/s 16 N (option /LF) Admissible torque and load: Mx - Weight in motion Slider LS (kg) 4,950 4,950 4,950 4,950 4,950 4,950 4,950 4,950 4,950 4,950 4,950 4,950 4,950 4,950 4,950 4,950 4,950 4,950 4,950 4,950 4,950 4,950 4,950 410 500 620 710 800 920 1010 1220 1400 1610 1820 2000 500 620 710 800 920 1010 1220 1400 1610 1820 2000 Maxi acceleration : 100 m/s² Fy Mz Maxi carried payload : 90 kg Fy = 4700 N maxi Mx = 350 Nm maxi Mz = 230 Nm maxi Values reduced of 20% with /KT option Deflection (mm): length between 2 flange (mm) : no load On its edge for 10 kg add. no load Flat for 10 kg add. A = 750 0,003 0,002 0,005 0,003 A = 1500 0,025 0,015 0,045 0,025 Valid for A’ = 90 mm Maxi guide admissible deflection : 0,1 / 1000 mm Dimensions A and A’ : see page 13 Page 12 / 18e GANTRY LR48 Dimensions : 130 8 x M8 186 12,5 106 33,5 178 A’ A A’ LR48x240 : 352 + stroke LR48x360F : 472 + stroke 207 0 4x M10 p.14 200 2x Ø8,02 H7 A – A’ 38 mm see deflection 72 166 mini : maxi : Additional fixing flange : Order No. : 5206020 Option - external position sensor : 20 Adaptation kit for sensor MS01-1D and magnetic band MB01. Sensor is fixed on the mobile carriage. sensor MS01-1D (not supplied) adaptation kit Option - wipers PA01-48 (not supplied) : It’s possible to equip your motor with wipers PA01-48 (motor and wipers not supplied). => Stroke will be reduced from 10 mm. Page 13 / 18e MODULE LE23 Description : - Guided by 2 rods Ø12 on 4 ball bearings Internal stop for « move in » initialization Sold without motor Options : . Mechanical rod lock . Adaptation kit for MagSpring™ M01-20 (Order No. : 8319180) . Fan set HV01-23 (not supplied) . Front wiper-ring integrated in housing (Order No. : 8319171) => SS offset : +4 mm Be careful : fan set can not be mounted with MagSpring™ Module LE23x80 LE23x80HP LE23x160 LE23x160HP Stroke 70 170 230 300 50 80 110 150 170 230 300 90 150 220 280 70 90 150 220 280 Order No. For Linmot® P01-23x… without rod lock 8300007 8300017 8300023 8300030 8301005 8301008 8301011 8301015 8301017 8301023 8301030 8302009 8302015 8302022 8302028 8303007 8303009 8303015 8303022 8303028 80/50x110 80/150x210 80/210x270 80/280x340 80F/40x100HP 80F/70x130HP 80F/100x160HP 80F/140x200HP 80F/160x220HP 80F/220x280HP 80F/290x350HP 160/70x210 160/130x270 160/200x340 160/260x400 160H/60x200HP 160H/80x220HP 160H/140x280HP 160H/210x350HP 160H/270x410HP * Weight without motor - Guide friction : 3 N - with rod lock SS position Weight* (kg) 8300207 8300217 8300223 8300230 8301205 8301208 8301211 8301215 8301217 8301223 8301230 8302209 8302215 8302222 8302228 8303207 8303209 8303215 8303222 8303228 +11 / +61 +11 / +161 +11 / +221 +11 / +291 +1 / +41 +1 / +71 +1 / +101 +1 / +141 +1 / +161 +1 / +221 +1 / +291 +11 / +81 +11 / +141 +11 / +211 +11 / +271 +1 / +61 +1 / +81 +1 / +141 +1 / +211 +1 / +271 0,850 1,020 1,130 1,250 0,810 0,865 0,925 0,980 1,020 1,130 1,250 0,970 1,060 1,195 1,295 0,930 0,970 1,060 1,195 1,295 Maxi speed : 2 m/s - Weight in motion (kg) 0,370 0,540 0,640 0,760 0,330 0,385 0,435 0,510 0,540 0,640 0,760 0,400 0,510 0,625 0,725 0,370 0,400 0,510 0,625 0,725 Slider LS 190 290 350 420 170 200 230 270 290 350 420 290 350 420 480 270 290 350 420 480 Maxi acceleration : 50 m/s² => all other stroke on request Deflection (mm) : (horizontal) Rod lock : Flèche (mm) Clamping force : 600 N 0,6 0,5 L=300 0,4 0,3 0,2 L=200 0,1 0 L=100 Rod lock 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 Carried payload (kg) Electrovalve 3/2 2 24V Output : Brake X4.3 controller E1100 3 1 3 Air connect. 3 to 8 bars Page 14 / 18e MODULE LE37 Description : - Guided by 2 rods Ø16 on 4 ball bearings Internal stop for « move in » initialization Sold without motor Options : . Mechanical rod lock . Adaptation kit for MagSpring™ M01-37 (Order No. : 8319182) . Adaptation kit for fan 60x60 (Order No. : 8319193) . Front wiper-ring integrated in housing (Order No. : 8319172) => SS offset : +6 mm Be careful : fan set can not be mounted with MagSpring™ Module Stroke LE37x120 LE37x120HP LE37x240 110 210 310 410 50 110 170 210 310 410 90 200 300 400 * Weight without motor Order No. For Linmot® P01-37x… 120/80x160 120/180x260 120/280x360 120/380x460 120F/40x120HP 120F/100x180HP 120F/160x240HP 120F/200x280HP 120F/300x380HP 120F/400x480HP 240/60x260 240/160x360 240/260x460 240/360x560 without rod lock 8304011 8304021 8304031 8304041 8305005 8305011 8305017 8305021 8305031 8305041 8306009 8306020 8306030 8306040 - Guide friction : 6 N - with rod lock SS position Weight* (kg) 8304211 8304221 8304231 8304241 8305205 8305211 8305217 8305221 8305231 8305241 8306209 8306220 8306230 8306240 +18 / +98 +13 / +193 +18 / +298 +18 / +398 0 / +38 0 / +98 0 / +158 0 / +198 0 / +298 0 / +398 +13 / +73 +18 / +178 +18 / +278 +18 / +378 2,630 2,930 3,230 3,530 2,450 2,630 2,810 2,930 3,230 3,530 2,750 3,080 3,380 3,680 Maxi speed : 2 m/s - Weight in motion (kg) 1,130 1,430 1,730 2,030 0,950 1,130 1,310 1,430 1,730 2,030 1,070 1,400 1,700 2,000 Slider LS 300 395 500 600 240 300 360 400 500 600 395 500 600 700 Maxi acceleration : 50 m/s² => all other stroke on request Deflection (mm) : (horizontal) Rod lock : Clamping force : 1000 N Flèche (mm) 1 L=400 0,8 L=300 0,6 L=200 0,4 Rod lock 0,2 L=100 0 1 2 3 4 5 Carried payload (kg) Electrovalve 3/2 2 24V Output : Brake X4.3 controller E1100 6 1 3 Air connect. 3 to 8 bars Page 15 / 18e MODULES LE23-LE37 1,7 Dimensions : included cooler for P01-23x160 LE23 option: rod lock 1 + stroke 70 P01-23x80 or 23x160 30 motor penetration : 79 4x M4 on 32/32 for set HV01-23 5: without MagSpring 8: with MagSpring 24 option: adaptation for fan 4x M3 / 50x50 LE37 2 12 option: adaptation for MagSpring included cooler for P01-37x240 option: rod lock 1,5 + stroke 120 or 37x240 6: without MagSpring 8: with MagSpring 6 49 Motor penetration: 139 42 option: adaptation for MagSpring Page 16 / 18e MODULE LE37D Description : - Guided by 2 rods Ø16 on 4 ball bearings Radial fixing on 2 end plates Internal stop for « move in » initialization Sold without motor Module For Linmot® P01-37x…-C 120/80x160 120/180x260 120/280x360 120/380x460 120F/100x180HP 120F/160x240HP 120F/200x280HP 120F/300x380HP 120F/400x480HP Stroke LE37Dx120 LE37Dx120HP 52 147 252 352 52 112 152 252 352 * Weight without motor Order No. 8304405 8304414 8304425 8304435 8305405 8305411 8305415 8305425 8305435 - Guide friction : 6 N - SS position +18 / +52 +18 / +147 +18 / +252 +18 / +352 0 / +52 0 / +112 0 / +152 0 / +252 0 / +352 Maxi speed : 2 m/s Weight* (kg) 2,850 3,100 3,500 3,800 2,850 3,050 3,150 3,500 3,800 - Weight * Slider LS 300 395 500 600 300 360 400 500 600 in motion 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 Maxi acceleration : 50 m/s² Dimensions : 4x Ø6,7 / Ø11 4x M8 1,5 24,5 46 49 4x Ø6,5 / Ø11 4x M8 100 2x Ø5,02 H7 6 170 stroke 15 58 104 3 P01-37x120 46,5 110 Ø16 15 Motor penetration: 139 7,5 7,5 LS + 37 Admissible torque and load: Deflection (mm): Flèche (mm) 0,15 Maxi carried payload : 6 kg Mx = 19 Nm maxi Mz = 8 Nm maxi charge 5 kg Mz 0,1 Mx 0,05 0 300 400 500 600 LS (mm) Page 17 / 18e CABLE CARRIERS The option includes: - The cable carrier (opening by inside, with separators) - The mounting parts For LB37x240 connector type (-C) ou cable type (-C20) For LB37x120HP only cable type (-C20) For module LB37 : Inner dimensions : Maxi cable Ø : Radius : Maxi load : Module stroke 100-160 200 300 25x18 mm Ø10 mm 48 mm 0,4 kg/m => You have to attach driving cable with recommended bend radius (see LinMot catalogue) Order No. 8319210 8319211 8319212 122 48 No lower overtaking For gantry LR37 (flat) : Inner dimensions : Maxi cable Ø : Radius : Maxi load : Module stroke 100-150 200-250 300-350 400-450 500-550 600-650 700-800-850 1000-1050 1200-1250 1400 50x18 mm Ø12 mm 78 mm 0,4 kg/m Order No. 8319330 8319331 8319332 8319333 8319334 8319335 8319336 8319337 8319338 8319339 187 71 No lower overtaking This version can be used on its edge for stroke < 350 mm. For gantry LR37 (on its edge): Inner dimensions : Maxi cable Ø : Radius : Maxi load : Module stroke 100-150 200-250 300-350 400-450 500-550 600-650 700-800-850 1000-1050 1200-1250 1400 37x18 mm Ø12 mm 78 mm 0,4 kg/m Order No. 8319420 8319421 8319422 8319423 8319424 8319425 8319426 8319427 8319428 8319429 179 Back overtaking: 15 mm Page 18 / 18e STAND - The plate is mobile on columns by pinching - Fine adjusting and security anti-falls by threaded rod between columns - The screws to fix modules is supplied - Adjusting: vertical axis: ± 110 mm (plate moving) lateral axis: ± 4 mm (by 4 oblong holes) Weight : 6,4 kg LB37 LR37 (flat) LR37 (on its edge)* LE37 Order No. (for 1 stand) 8319100/1 8319100/5 8319100/6 8319100/0 A B 33,5 47 108,5 95 = Axis gantry LR37 (flat) = Axis module LB37 and LE37 The gantry LR37 (on its edge) is shifted of 40 mm (see the corner plates) A B 12 * For a LR37 on its edge, add the batch of 2 corner plates: Order No. : 8319115 For module : 40 140 ASSEMBLY INTERFACES on <= Order No. Thickness Weight (g) Order No. Thickness Weight (g) LB37 LE37 Screws + Centring supplied sur LR37 LE37D LG23 LR48 <= Order No. Thickness Weight (g) Order No. Thickness Weight (g) Order No. Thickness Weight (g) Order No. Thickness Weight (g) LB23 8319104 LE23 8319114 LE37 8319117 0 0 9 120 11 260 - 8319106 8319116 - 0 0 11 250 LB23 8319111 LB37 8319110 LE23 8319113 LE37 8319112 12 510 12 510 12 510 8319121 - 8319122 12 510 - 12 510 8319118 - 8319119 8 100 - 9 70 12 510 - - 8319123 - 8319124 - 14 700 - 14 700 Page 19 / 18e LINEAR GUIDE UNITS Type LH For linear motors: LINMOT® P01-23, P01-37, P01-48 Description: Option: - Guided by 2 rods on 4 ball bearings - Guided protected by 4 wipers seals - Integrated motor flange - Fixation on front plate with self-alignment - Several sizes of guide for the same motor (37 and 48) - Without maintenance - Maxi speed: 2 m/s - Maxi acceleration: 50 m/s² - Materials: . Housing and front plate: anodized aluminium . Screws: zinc steel . Rods: hardened steel - Sold without motor - Mechanical rod lock on one guide rod in case of electric cut (pneumatic release) Additional weight (g) : LH23-10 LH37-12 LH37-16 LH37-20 LH48-20 LH48-25 Rod lock 50 50 90 170 170 350 Electrovalve 3/2 2 24V Output : Brake X4.3 controller E1100 1 3 Air connect. 3 to 8 bars Ball bearings ® Linear motor Linmot (Not supplied) Self-alignment fixation Motor flange Assembly interfaces: On LH37-12 LH37-16 LH37-20 LH48-20 LH48-25 <= Order No. Thickness Weight(g) Order No. Thickness Weight(g) Order No. Thickness Weight(g) Order No. Thickness Weight(g) LH23-10 5130212 8 75 5130214 10 160 5130216 11 250 - LH37-12 5130224 10 160 5130226 11 250 5130227 13 380 LH37-16 5130246 11 250 5130247 13 380 LH48-20 5130267 13 380 Page 20 / 18e LINEAR GUIDE UNITS LH23 For P01-23… motors Description: Guided by 2 rods Ø10 (LH23-10) on 4 ball bearings (Guide on brass bearing on request) Internal stop for « move in » initialization (on the stator ring or front plate on housing) Interchangeable with H guides for pneumatic cylinder Ø25 Options: . Mechanical rod lock . Fan set HV01-23 (not supplied) . Additional cooler for P01-23x160 (Order No.: 8319160) - LH23-10 Model : Stroke code: stroke 70 mm : 120 mm : 180 mm : 220 mm : 270 mm : 323 282 323 292 Order No. without rod lock with rod lock Maxi stroke (mm) Weight stroke 0 (kg) Weight for 100 mm (kg) 270 0,820 0,120 0,240 0,120 350 Weight in motion stroke 0 (kg) Weight in motion/100 mm (kg) Clamping force rod lock (N) Nota: Weight without motor 1 2 3 4 5 (all other stroke on request) 2 + effective stroke 3,2 11 4x M5 28 29 = 28 (2) = 38 100 4x M5 19 = 28 = 20 Ø10 33 28 4x M5 Dimensions: 4x Ø5,5 - = = 20 26 59,5 38 option: rod lock 52 Ø23 28 68 80 84 option: cooler for P01-23x160 10,5 2x Ø6,2 20 122 + effective stroke 0,6 0,5 Radial admissible load: 9 8 L=200 0,4 0,3 0,2 F (daN) Flèche (mm) Deflection (mm): (horizontal) L=100 0,1 0 0,5 1 1,5 Carried payload (kg) 7 6 5 4 3 2 50 100 150 200 250 Distance L (mm) Page 21 / 18e LINEAR GUIDE UNITS LH37 Pour moteurs P01-37… Description : LH37-16 LH37-20 325 284 325 294 326 284 326 294 With rod lock 410 (416) 1,400 0,170 0,410 0,170 600 510 (527) 2,200 0,310 0,770 0,310 1000 610 (636) 3,400 0,480 1,380 0,480 1400 Stroke (mm) Weight stroke 0 (kg) Weight for 100 mm (kg) Weight in motion stroke 0 (kg) Weight in motion/100 mm (kg) Clamping force rod lock (N) Nota : Weight without motor E2 4x ØD1 D2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 E2 = K ØA Dimensions : stroke 60 mm : 110 mm : 170 mm : 210 mm : 260 mm : 330 mm : 410 mm : 510 mm : 610 mm : 4x ØD3 Order No. Without rod lock 4x ØD2 LH37-12 324A 284 324A 294 Model Possibility to increase stroke from L8 and (L6) if needed - Guided by 2 rods Ø12 (LH37-12) on 4 ball bearings Ø16 (LH37-16) Ø20 (LH37-20) (Guide on brass bearing on request) - Internal stop for « move in » initialization (on the stator ring or front plate on housing) - Interchangeable with guides for pneumatic cylinder Ø32 (LH37-12), Ø40 (LH37-16), Ø50 (LH37-20) - Options : . Mechanical rod lock . Adaptation kit for fan 60x60 (Order No. : 8319193) . Additional cooler for P01-37x240 (Order No. : 8319166) : Stroke code: L2 = = E2 B G E4 Ø37 E2 E3 = E5 ±0,02 5,3 4x ØD1 option: cooler for P01-37x240 = L1 (L6) 2x Ø6 H7 E2 L3 L5 J E6 ±0,02 L8 + effective stroke 4x ØD1 K1 = Nota: With rod lock, do not use the centring Ø6H7 of the lateral side 85 H K F option: rod lock 2x Ø6 H7 LH37-12 LH37-16 LH37-20 A 12 16 20 B 15 15 19 D1 M6 M6 M8 D2 6,6 6,6 9 D3 11 11 15 L4 + effective stroke E2 32,5 38 46,5 E3 78 84 100 E4 61 69 85 E5 50 54 72 E6 81 99 119 F 20 30 30 G 43 42 46 H 12 20 15 J 21 32 41 K 25 29 35 K1 24 29 34 L1 92 112 134 Deflection (mm): (horizontal) L=300 0,8 LH37-16 L=400 1 L=300 0,8 L=200 0,6 0,4 0,6 L=200 0,4 L=100 0,2 0 0,2 L=100 0 1 2 3 4 Carried payload (kg) 2 4 6 8 Carried payload (kg) L3 97 115 137 L4 149 166 196 L5 120 125 140 L6 4 7 8 L8 2 10 18 Radial load: LH37-20 L=600 1,4 1,2 1 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0 L=400 L=200 2 4 6 8 Carried payload (kg) F (daN) LH37-12 1 L2 45 55 68 20 LH37-20 18 16 LH37-16 14 12 10 8 6 LH37-12 4 100 200 300 400 Distance L (mm) 500 Page 22 / 18e LINEAR GUIDE UNITS LH48 For P01-48… motors Description: with rod lock Stroke (mm) Weight stroke 0 (kg) Weight for 100 mm (kg) 620 (636) 3,800 0,480 1,380 0,480 1400 620 (653) 6,900 0,770 2,900 0,770 2500 Weight in motion stroke 0 (kg) Weight in motion/100 mm (kg) Clamping force rod lock (N) Nota : weight without motor Dimensions: stroke 70 mm : 120 mm : 180 mm : 220 mm : 270 mm : 340 mm : 420 mm : 520 mm : 620 mm : E1 M ØA 4x ØD1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 L2 = = B G E4 Ø48 E2 E5 ±0,02 = L1 6,5 E1 4x ØD1 option: cooler for P01-48x360 = E3 (L6) 2x ØD4 H7 E2 L3 L5 J E6 ±0,02 L8 + effective stroke 4x ØD6 K1 = E2 = K Nota: with rod lock, do not use the centring ØD4H7 of the lateral side. 120 H K F option: rod lock 2x ØD5 H7 L4 + effective stroke LH48-20 1,2 1 L=400 0,8 0,6 0,4 L=200 0,2 0 4 6 8 10 12 Carried payload (kg) LH48-25 L=600 1,4 1,2 1 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0 20 19 M8 9 15 6 6 M8 46,5 46,5 100 85 72 119 30 46 50 41 35 34 134 68 137 186 140 8 8 9 25 29 M12 11 18 10 8 M10 72 56,5 105 130 82 130 33 48 25 43 42,5 42,5 172 80 178 244 169 8 25 12 Radial admissible load: L=400 L=200 55 45 F (daN) Flèche (mm) Deflection (mm): (horizontal) A B D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 F G H J K K1 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L8 M LH48-25 LH48-25 326R 286 326R 296 4x ØD3 Order No. without rod lock 4x ØD2 LH48-20 326 286 326 296 Model LH48-20 Ø20 (LH48-20) on 4 ball bearings Ø25 (LH48-25) (Guided on brass bearing on request) - Internal stop for « move in » initialization (on the stator ring or front plate on housing) - Interchangeable with guides for pneumatic cylinder Ø50 (LH48-20) - Options: . Mechanical rod lock . Adaptation kit for fan 80x80 (Order No. : 8319195) . Additional cooler for P01-48x360 (Order No. : 8319168) : Stroke code: Possibility to increase stroke from L8 and (L6) if needed - Guided by 2 rods LH48-25 35 25 15 LH48-20 5 5 10 15 20 25 Carried payload (kg) 100 200 300 400 500 600 Distance L (mm) Page 23 / 18e GUIDE IN STAINLESS STEEL LX37 Description : - Guide adapted to motor P01-37x120F-HP-SSC with 1 bearing PB01-37x24-SS (on back side) delivered with 1 wiper for slider (on front side), integrated into the guide - Guide rods Ø12 (LX37-12) or Ø16 (LX37-16) - Guided on 4 ball bearings protected by double wiper - Materials : . Bearings, plate : Stainless Steel 304L . Rods : Hardened Stainless Steel X46Cr13 . Screws : Stainless Steel . Slider’s wiper : PEEK . Guide rod’s wipers : Polyurethane . Internal bearing’s wipers: NBR . Balls of bearing : Hardened Steel => option /AB : Hardened Stainless Steel . Grease of bearings : Lithium Grease => option /AF : Food industry grease FDA - Working temperature : -20° to +50° C - Internal stop for « move in » or « move out » initialization Stroke(1) Model LX37-12 LX37-16 88 193 293 393 88 193 293 393 For Linmot® P01-37x120F/ 29,5 11 9 Weight (3) (kg) in motion (kg) Slider LS 8412210 8412220 8412230 8412240 8413210 8413220 8413230 8413240 1,800 2,000 2,200 2,400 2,450 2,800 3,150 3,500 0,650 0,850 1,050 1,250 0,950 1,300 1,650 2,000 395 500 600 700 395 500 600 700 75x75-HP-SSC 180x180-HP-SSC 280x280-HP-SSC 380x380-HP-SSC 75x75-HP-SSC 180x180-HP-SSC 280x280-HP-SSC 380x380-HP-SSC Specifications Friction (N) Maxi speed (m/s) Maxi acceleration (m/s²) Maxi dynamic load LX37-12 (kg) Maxi dynamic load LX37-16 (kg) Weight Order No. (2) 20 2 50 7 / 0,5 (4) 12 / 1 (4) (1) maxi stroke between front stop and back stop (2) add option /AB and /AF after the Order No. weight without motor load in horizontal, it decrease while stroke increase (use without bearing PB01 in front face) . (3) (4) 4 48 16 25 4x Ø6,5 2x Ø6,5 Option: set of 2 corner plates Part No.: 8410937 48 32,5 4x Ø5,2 Ø37/Ø43 (modifiable on request) Motor P01-37***SSC (not supplied) Bearing PB01-**SS Front stop 164 116 150 93 60 Back stop Ø12 Ø16 maxi stroke 75 / 90 6 + stroke 25 LS (slider) + 26 38 Page 24 / 18e GUIDE IN STAINLESS STEEL LX48 Description : - Guide adapted to motor P01-48x240F-SSC with 1 bearing PB01-48x25-SS (on back side) delivered with 1 wiper for slider (on front side), integrated into the guide - Guide rods Ø20 (LX48-20) or Ø25 (LX48-25) - Guided on 4 ball bearings protected by double wiper - Materials : . Bearings, plate : Stainless Steel 304L . Rods : Hardened Stainless Steel X46Cr13 . Screws : Stainless Steel . Slider’s wiper : PEEK . Guide rod’s wipers : Polyurethane . Internal bearing’s wipers : NBR . Ball of bearings : Hardened Steel => option /AB : Hardened Stainless Steel . Grease of bearings : Lithium grease => option /AF : Food industry grease FDA - Working temperature : -20° à +50° C - Internal stop for « move in » or « move out » initialization Model LX48-20 LX48-25 For Linmot® P01-48x240F/ Order No. (2) Weight (3) (kg) in motion (kg) Slider LS 92 212 302 392 92 212 302 392 80x80-SSC 200x200-SSC 290x290-SSC 380x380-SSC 80x80-SSC 200x200-SSC 290x290-SSC 380x380-SSC 8417210 8417220 8417230 8417240 8418210 8418220 8418230 8418240 4,500 5,100 5,540 5,980 6,130 7,050 7,750 8,450 1,830 2,430 2,870 3,310 2,700 3,620 4,320 5,020 500 620 710 800 500 620 710 800 Specifications Friction Maxi speed Maxi acceleration Maxi dynamic load LX48-20 Maxi dynamic load LX48-25 34 11,5 Weight Stroke(1) (N) (m/s) (m/s²) (kg) (kg) 25 2 50 20 / 3 (4) 35 / 5 (4) (1) maxi stroke between front stop and back stop (2) add option /AB and /AF after the Order No. weight without motor load in horizontal, it decrease while stroke increase (use without bearing PB01 in front face) . (3) (4) 4 60 4x Ø8,5 40 58 14 23 26 2x Ø8,5 Option: set of 2 corner plates Part No.: 8410948 4x Ø8,5 Ø49,5/Ø57 (modifiable on request) Motor P01-48***SSC (not supplied) Bearing PB01-**SS Front stop 220 160 202 80 127 Back stop Ø20 Ø25 maxi stroke 110 / 135 6 + stroke 30 LS (slider) + 32,5 48 Page 25 / 18e GUIDE IN STAINLESS STEEL LW37 Description : - Guide adapted to motor P01-37x120F-HP-SSC (without bearing) delivered with wipers for slider (on both sides), integrated into the guide - Guide rods Ø16 - Guided on 4 ball bearings protected by double wiper - Materials : . Bearings, plates : Stainless Steel 304L . Rods : Stainless Steel X46Cr13 . Screws : Stainless Steel . Slider’s wiper : PEEK . Guide rod’s wipers : Polyurethane . Internal bearing’s wipers: NBR . Balls of bearing : Hardened Steel => option /AB : Hardened Stainless Steel . Grease of bearings : Lithium Grease => option /AF : Food industry grease FDA - Working temperature : -20° to +50° C - Internal stop for « move in » initialization Model Stroke(1) LW37-16 100 205 305 405 505 For Linmot® P01-37x120F/ Weight (3) (kg) 8433210 8433220 8433230 8433240 8433250 4,400 4,730 5,040 5,350 5,660 75x75-HP-SSC 180x180-HP-SSC 280x280-HP-SSC 380x380-HP-SSC 480x480-HP-SSC (1) Specifications Friction Maxi speed Maxi acceleration Maxi dynamic load 29,5 Order No. (2) (N) (m/s) (m/s²) (kg) 25 2 50 12 / 3 (5) 10,8 (2) (3) . (4) (5) Weight in motion (4) (kg) 2,300 2,300 2,300 2,300 2,300 Slider LS 395 500 600 700 800 maxi stroke (using without bearing PB01) add option /AB and /AF after the Order No. weight without motor using in moving stator, weight without stator load in horizontal, it decrease while stroke increase 9 (4) 48 10,8 248 4x Ø6,5 option: set of 2 corner plates Part No.: 8410937 24 (2x) 4x Ø5,2 Ø43 (modifiable on request) Front stop 164 150 60 50 93 4x M6 Ø16 Motor P01-37x120F/***SSC 116 5,5 5,5 41 stroke LS (slider) + 18 = 25 = 9 = 32,5 = = 38 = Page 26 / 18e GUIDE IN STAINLESS STEEL LW48 Description : - Guide adapted to motor P01-48x240F-SSC (without bearing) delivered with wipers for slider (on both sides), integrated into the guide - Guide rods Ø25 - Guided on 4 ball bearings protected by double wiper - Materials : . Bearings, plates : Stainless Steel 304L . Rods : Stainless Steel X46Cr13 . Screws : Stainless Steel . Slider’s wiper : PEEK . Guide rod’s wipers : Polyurethane . Internal bearing’s wipers: NBR . Balls of bearing : Hardened Steel => option /AB : Hardened Stainless Steel . Grease of bearings : Lithium Grease => option /AF : Food industry grease FDA - Working temperature : -20° to +50° C - Internal stop for « move in » initialization Model Stroke(1) For Linmot® P01-48x240F/ Order No. (2) Weight (3) (kg) LW48-25 100 220 310 400 520 80x80-SSC 200x200-SSC 290x290-SSC 380x380-SSC 500x500-SSC 8438210 8438220 8438230 8438240 8438250 10,300 11,200 11,900 12,600 13,500 (1) Specifications Friction Maxi speed Maxi acceleration Maxi dynamic load 34 (N) (m/s) (m/s²) (kg) 30 2 50 40 / 9 (5) 13,8 (2) (3) . (4) (5) Weight in motion (4) (kg) 5,200 5,200 5,200 5,200 5,200 Slider LS 500 620 710 800 920 maxi stroke (using without bearing PB01) add option /AB and /AF after the Order No. weight without motor using in moving stator, weight without stator load in horizontal, it decrease while stroke increase 59,5 13,8 345 11,5 4x Ø8,5 option: set of 2 corner plates Part No.: 8410948 (4) 30,2 (2x) 4x Ø8,5 Ø57 (modifiable on request) Front stop 220 202 80 70 127 4x M8 Ø25 Motor P01-48x240F/***SSC 160 7 7 56 stroke LS (slider) + 23 = 30 = 11,5 = 40 = = 48 = Page 27 / 18e
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