ROCKLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS ROCKLAND, MASSACHUSETTS SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2013, 6:30 PM WRPS TV STUDIO The School Committee met on Monday, December 9, 2013, at 6:30 PM, in the WRPS TV Studio. Committee members present were: Mr. Norris, Mrs. Pezzella, Mr. Phelps and Mr. Biggins. Also present were Superintendent Retchless, Assistant Superintendent Forlizzi, Mrs. Cusick, and Student Representative Molly Garrity. Ms. Patton, High School Assistant Principal; Ms. Lannin-Cotton, High School teacher; Ms. Paulding, REA President; Mr. Paul and Mr. Dow, Rockland Historical Commission; and citizens broadcasting for WRPS/TV were present in the audience. Mr. Norris welcomed Student Representative Molly Garrity to the meeting. Chairman Norris announced that Mr. Mills was not present due to illness. On the motion of Mr. Phelps, seconded by Mr. Biggins, unanimous, the minutes of the meeting of November 25, 2013 were accepted. On the motion of Mr. Phelps, seconded by Mr. Biggins, unanimous, the minutes of the Budget-Sub Committee Meeting of November 25, 2013 were accepted. Superintendent Retchless gave the Committee a brief resume of Jonathan Soo Hoo’s accomplishments which include: being ranked number one is the Class of 2014 and also number one every year since he entered high school, member of the National Honor Society, Math Team, Student Government Council, and the Environmental Club. He is described by his teachers as responsible, honest, and conscientious. Mr. Retchless presented Mr. Soo Hoo with the MASS Superintendent’s Excellence Award. Mr. Dow and Mr. Paul, members of the Rockland Historic Commission, gave the Committee an overview of the history and current circumstances with regard to the Tramp House at the Almshouse on Spring Street. The Commission would like to improve the structure and perhaps use it was a museum as it is on the National Historic Register of old buildings. Superintendent Retchless reported that the Shakespeare Festival was well attended and that the staff and students did an excellent job on the project. The play will be shown on cable in the days to come. It was announced that the Grade 8 Open House will be held on Thursday, December 12 at 6:30 PM. Mr. Retchless noted that he has a new twitter account and that its followers can get the latest up-to-date information about school activities at any time. School Committee Meeting Monday, December 9, 2013 Page 2 On three separate motions by Mrs. Pezzella, seconds by Mr. Phelps, unanimous, the following November Monthly Reports were approved: 1) Administrators 2) 3) Guidance Nurse Dr. Cron, Ms. Bohn, Mr. Gray, Mrs. Pruitt, Ms. Sheehan Mrs. Shaw Mrs. Ryan On three separate motions by Mr. Biggins, seconds by Mrs. Pezzella, unanimous, the following Security Trailer Reports for November were accepted: 1) 2) 3) Almshouse Esten Memorial Park The following December Newsletters were noted: 1) 2) 3) 4) Esten Jefferson Memorial Park JWR Middle School Mr. Murphy, TV Station Manager, introduced Devan Gilmore, Victoria Pratt, Emily Williams and Georgia Panagiotidis, students in his Digital Media course. The girls gave the Committee an overview of Video Journals, Video Photography, “Veritas”, the high school newspaper and website, and “Images” the high school literary magazine. The girls reported on how they have been using technology and written media in this course. The Committee and the Superintendent congratulated the students on their exceptional work. The Building Rental Report for November was noted. The Superintendent reported that the sound system in the auditorium has been a problem and Mr. Murphy has done a good job getting it up to par. It was announced that the next meeting of the Building Committee will be held on Tuesday, December 10, 2013. On the motion of Mr. Biggins, seconded by Mr. Phelps, unanimous, it was voted to declare a proposed list of technology equipment as surplus. Superintendent Retchless made a PowerPoint presentation of the Rockland Public Schools FY15 Preliminary Budget. Budget issues include: electric bills doubling, HVAC maintenance contract up $80,000, and reduced federal grants (SPED & Title 1) of $100,000. The fiscal goal is to sustain current programs and staffing. The proposed FY15 budget is $21,487,831 which is a 6% increase. The breakdown of the 6% increase is 2.5% which covers contractual agreements and 3.5% which covers revenue losses. School Committee Meeting Monday, December 9, 2013 Page 3 Assistant Superintendent Forlizzi gave the Committee an update of the information that has been gathered regarding the sale of Lincoln School. After a general discussion with regard to the appraisal that had been done several years ago and uses of the building, it was voted to have Ms. Forlizzi continue her efforts in moving forward with this project. Motion by Mr. Phelps, seconded by Mr. Biggins, unanimous. Assistant Superintendent Forlizzi reviewed the proposed increases in the Rockland Day Care Program rates which included an hourly rate increase of $.50, 25% discount for eldest sibling reduced to 20%, $.25 per hour increase for out of town families increased to $.50 per hour, and the $10 annual registration fee increased to $25. On the motion by Mr. Phelps, seconded by Mr. Biggins, unanimous, it was voted to approve the proposal. After a general discussion regarding the Food & Beverage Policy in the RMS & RHS Gyms, it was voted to allow all non-alcoholic drinks to be taken into the gyms. Motion by Mrs. Pezzella, seconded by Mr. Biggins, unanimous. The policy will be revisited in six months. Ms. Garrity announced that the National Honor Society will hold an Adult Trivia night in February. The Committee commended the staff and students for their efforts on the production of Jungle Book and the Shakespeare Festival. It was noted that the Holiday Stroll was very successful and that the winter sports season is now opening. The Committee wished the public a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. On the motion of Mr. Biggins, seconded by Mr. Phelps, unanimous, the meeting adjourned at 7:55 PM. Respectfully submitted, Thomas F. Mills, Jr. Secretary ROCKLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS ROCKLAND, MASSACHUSETTS SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 2013, 6:30 PM WRPS TV STUDIO The School Committee met on Monday, November 25, 2013, at 6:30 PM in the WRPS TV Studio. Committee members present were: Mr. Norris, Mr. Mills, Mr. Phelps, and Mr. Biggins. Also present were Superintendent Retchless, Assistant Superintendent Forlizzi, and Mrs. Cusick. Dr. Cron, High School Principal, Ms. Paulding, REA President; and citizens broadcasting for WRPS/TV were present in the audience. Chairman Norris noted that Ms. Pezzella was not present due to illness. Mr. Norris introduced Gabby derKinderen, Student Representative. On motion of Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Phelps, the minutes of the meeting of November 12, 2013 were accepted. Curriculum Corner with WRPS students was postponed until the next meeting. A request from the Rockland Lions Club to distribute flyers to the elementary and middle school students was approved on the recommendation of the Superintendent. Motion by Mr. Phelps, seconded by Mr. Mills, unanimous. On four separate motions by Mr. Mills, seconds by Mr. Phelps, unanimous, the following Financial Reports for October were accepted: 1) 2) 3) 4) School Department High School Student Activities Middle School Student Activities Cafeteria School Committee Meeting November 25, 2013 Page 2 On thirty-six separate motions by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Biggins, unanimous, the following Monthly Reports for September/October were accepted: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) Art Athletic Computer Technology Day Care Deans English (5-8) English (9-12) Family Consumer Sci./Technology Health/Physical Education Library Math (5-8) Math (9-12) Music Radio/TV Station Science Social Studies Special Education (9-12) Middle School Ms. Gibson Mr. Graziano Mr. Wells Mrs. Veiga Ms. Paulding/Mr. Damon Mrs. Cook Ms. Cahill Mrs. Folsom Mrs. Folsom Mrs. Linehan Ms. Scopelleti-Howes Mr. Casagrande Mr. Harden Mr. Cable-Murphy Ms. Hoyo Mr. Grimmett Mrs. McGonnigal Mrs. Schipper Mrs. Folsom gave an extensive report on the wood shop activities. It was noted that Rockland High School received the sportsmanship award for golf. The Superintendent announced that the HVAC system is almost up to speed and the lighting issue is 90% complete. Superintendent Retchless gave the Committee an overview of the PARCC Field Test. The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education has approved a two-year pilot process. Rockland Public Schools will be included in this process. Rockland students in Grades 3-8 are already using Galileo as an instrument for testing. The MCAS test will be taken first. There will be no data available for accountability with the PARCC test. The Superintendent reviewed the class size report noting that high school classes range from twenty to twenty-four. It was noted that Kindergarten class sizes are up and elementary sizes are down. The report included four years of data. The offering of halfyear classes at the high school has proved to be beneficial to students giving a greater diversification. School Committee Meeting November 25, 2013 Page 3 It was noted that there will be a preliminary budget presentation at the December 9th School Committee meeting and a preliminary budget submitted to Town Officials on December 13th. There will be a meeting with Rich Penney, Finance Committee Liaison during the week of December 16th. On the motion of Mr. Phelps, seconded by Mr. Biggins, unanimous, it was voted to approve a raffle fundraiser submitted by the high school baseball team. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Biggins, unanimous, it was voted to approve a sports night fundraiser submitted by the Class of 2016. On five motions by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Phelps, unanimous, it was voted to approve five gift card fundraisers from various stores submitted by the Pre-School PAC. After a general discussion, it was voted to approve a proposed home education request. Motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Biggins, unanimous. Superintendent Retchless announced that Mr. Austin was appointed as the Middle School Newspaper advisor. Public Service announcements included the Committee wishing the public a happy and safe Thanksgiving and a reminder of the Holiday Stroll that will be held on Saturday, November 30th. Mr. Norris related his experience of an assembly for Grade 6 students regarding local government. The panel included the Town Administrator, Selectman representative, Police Department and Fire Department. The National Honor Society will hold a prom dress sale and the band booster made approximately $5,200 on the mattress sale. A list of high school sports all-stars included: Boys Soccer Kyle Scheim and Joe Kimball, Girls Soccer Julia Matson, Jenna Novio and Lauren Farrell, Cheerleading Sarah Fitzgerald, Haley Reardon, Kelsey Girard, Krystin Killion, and Carly Reardon, Boys Cross Country Owen Scott and Ian Welch, and Golf Trevor Trudeau. The Thanksgiving Day football game will be held in East Bridgewater. On the motion by Mr. Biggins, seconded by Mr. Mills, unanimous, the meeting adjourned at 7:04 PM. Respectfully submitted, Thomas F. Mills, Jr. Secretary ROCKLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS ROCKLAND, MASSACHUSETTS SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2013, 6:30 PM WRPS TV STUDIO The School Committee met on Tuesday, November 12, 2013, at 6:30 PM, in the WRPS TV Studio. Committee members present were: Mr. Norris, Mrs. Pezzella, Mr. Mills, Mr. Phelps and Mr. Biggins. Also present were Superintendent Retchless, Assistant Superintendent Forlizzi, Mrs. Cusick, and Student Representative Jonathan SooHoo. Ms. Bohn, Middle School Principal; Dr. Cron, High School Principal; Ms. Paulding, REA President; Mrs. Schipper, Middle School Assistant Principal; and citizens broadcasting for WRPS/TV were present in the audience. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Biggins, the minutes of the meeting of October 28, 2013 were accepted. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Phelps, the minutes of the Executive Session meeting of October 15, 2013 were accepted. A request from College Gate/College Academy to distribute flyers to elementary and middle school students was approved on the recommendation of the Superintendent. Motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Ms. Pezzella, unanimous. A request from Holiday Stroll to distribute flyers to elementary and middle school students was approved on the recommendation of the Superintendent. Motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Phelps, unanimous. Ms. Bohn, Middle School Principal, introduced Ronan McNally and Lily Matson who attended the Massachusetts Maritime Advanced Studies & Leadership Summer Program. The students gave an overview of their experiences. Mr. Norris presented the students with certificates of accomplishment. The Superintendent reported on the MASC/MASS Conference held last week in Hyannis. It was noted that Superintendent are frustrated with the initiatives being passed down from the DESE. The Superintendent announced that three candidates for the position of Interim Pupil Personnel Director will be interviewed next week. Mr. Retchless commended the staff and students for their respectful participation in the Carnathan funeral procession On four motions by Mr. Mills, seconds by Mrs. Pezzella, unanimous, the following October Monthly Reports were approved: 1) Administrators 2) 3) 4) Guidance Nurse Pupil Personnel Services Dr. Cron, Ms. Bohn, Mr. Gray, Mrs. Pruitt, Mrs. Sheehan Mrs. Shaw Mrs. Ryan Ms. Salem School Committee Meeting Tuesday, November 13, 2012 Page 2 There was a general discussion regarding the homeless with regard to transportation and the McKinney-Vento statute. The subject of the dental program was also discussed. Free screening is provided for students. On three separate motions by Mr. Mills, seconds by Mr. Biggins, unanimous, the following Security Trailer Reports for October were accepted: 1) Almshouse 2) Esten 3) Memorial Park The following November Newsletters were noted: 1) 2) 3) 4) Esten Jefferson Memorial Park Middle School The Building Rentals for October were noted. The Superintendent noted that there approximately fifty items left on the punch list. HVAC and lights are still being examined. It is expected that there will be only one or two more meetings. There was a general discussion regarding the subject of smoking prevention for students. The church across from the high school has installed “No Smoking” signs. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Phelps, unanimous, it was voted to send a letter to the Health Agent, Selectmen, and the Police Department regarding the sale of cigarettes to under age students. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mrs. Pezzella, unanimous, it was voted to declare the 1994 WRPS van as surplus property. It was noted that Parent Conferences for the high school and middle school would be held this week. The drama production of “Jungle Book” will be presented this week. The high school fall sports banquet will be held next week. The Holiday Stroll will be held on November 30th, donations would be appreciated. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mrs. Pezzella, unanimous, the meeting adjourned at 6:55 PM. Respectfully submitted, Thomas F. Mills, Jr. Secretary ROCKLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS ROCKLAND, MASSACHUSETTS SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING, MONDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2013, 6:30 PM WRPS TV STUDIO The School Committee met on Monday, October 28, 2013, at 6:30 PM at the WRPS TV Studio. Committee members present were: Mr. Norris, Ms. Pezzella, Mr. Mills, Mr. Phelps, and Mr. Biggins. Also present were Superintendent Retchless, Assistant Superintendent Forlizzi, and Mrs. Cusick. Ms. Paulding, REA President; Dr. Cron, High School Principal; and citizens broadcasting for WRPS/TV were present in the audience. On the motion of Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Phelps, the minutes of the School Committee meeting of October 15, 2013 were accepted. The Superintendent announced that the State has abandoned the policy of sending letters regarding student’s BMI (Weight/Height) to parents. Mrs. Ryan has done an excellent job in the past making sure that the letters were composed in a kind manner in order that no adverse reactions would occur. The figures are still required by the State Board of Health. The Superintendent, along with Mr. Norris and Mr. Phelps, attended the last meeting of the Selectmen with Starwoods, the company that is trying to change legislation at the Southfield site. Superintendent Retchless spoke to the audience to make sure that any homes with children that are built on Rockland land should be guaranteed that those students go to Rockland schools. With regard to the Superintendent’s goal to improve Science scores on MCAS tests, it was reported that Ms. Hoyo, Science Department Chair, will be meeting with Grade 4 and 5 science teachers to create coordination in this area. Funds from the RTTT Grant will be used to improve this structured coordination at the elementary level. On four separate motions by Mr. Mills, seconds by Ms. Pezzella, unanimous, the following September Financial Reports were accepted: 1) 2) 3) 4) School Department High School Student Activities Middle School Student Activities Cafeteria It was noted that the Cafeteria account is ahead of last year’s figures due to having seventy-five more students and full day Kindergarten students who eat lunch. It was also mentioned that the Grab & Go carts have been initiated after school for athletic students. The initiative seems to be popular with the students. School Committee Meeting October 28, 2013 Page 2 There was a general discussion regarding the security trailers at Esten, and Memorial Park Schools and the Almshouse. The Committee feels that the usefulness of this program has passed and that the trailers could be a liability to the school department. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Phelps, unanimous, it was voted that the contract for the trailers would be signed for this year and that as of July 31, 2014 the contracts would expire not to be renewed. The North River Collaborative is interested in keeping the trailer at the Almshouse because of the fleet of vans. The Superintendent noted that the HVAC systems have still not been completed. There have been problems in the TV studio area. Mr. Fennell, Mr. Agostini, and Mr. Gilchrist have been working with the companies to finalize this part of the project. Mr. Wells has been working diligently regarding lights and there will be a three-day meeting with the company in early November. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Phelps, unanimous, it was voted to approve a fundraiser for a School Mall at Jefferson School. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Phelps, unanimous, it was voted to approve a fundraiser for the sale of sweatpants for the Class of 2017. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Biggins, unanimous, it was voted to approve a fundraiser for a Panera Night for the Theater Guild. On five separate motions by Mr. Mills, seconds by Mr. Biggins, unanimous, it was voted to approve a Hershey Candy Sale, a Meat Raffle, a LRC tournament, Lucky 8 chances, a Car Wash, and any additional fundraisers for the Grade 8 Philadelphia trip. On nine separate motions by Mr. Mills, seconds by Mr. Phelps, unanimous, it was voted to approve a 99 Restaurant Night, gift cards for the Family Dollar Store, Ocean State, A.C. Moore, Michael’s, Target, CVS, Wal-Mart, and Walgreens. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mrs. Pezzella, unanimous, it was voted to declare a list of miscellaneous curriculum and classroom materials as surplus. The Superintendent gave the Committee an overview of the PARCC (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers) testing program. The Rockland Public Schools will be field testing in the spring. PARCC is developing a set of assessments in English Language Arts/Literacy and Mathematics based on the Common Core State Standards. The primary purposes of the PARCC Field Test are: to examine the quality of items so that PARCC can build assessment forms for the 2014-2015 school year, to test out assessment administration procedures, and to give school and districts the opportunity to experience the administration of PARCC assessment. Grade 3 at Esten, grade 4 at Jefferson, grades 5, 6, 7, and 8 at the Middle School and grade 11 at the High School will participate. School Committee Meeting October 28, 2013 Page 3 Superintendent Retchless and Dr. Cron, High School Principal, gave the Committee an overview of the proposed exchange program with Chinese students and included information received from the company involved. It would create a revenue stream for the school department as tuition would be assessed. Between five and ten students would be participating during the first year. The Superintendent stated that this would be a good opportunity for cultural advancement for Rockland students. On the motion by Mr. Phelps, seconded by Mr. Mills, unanimous, it was voted to grant permission to continue with information gathering on the initiative. The Superintendent announced that Lisa Breeden has been appointed as the WRPS Station‘s Operations Manager. The Committee suggested that the public be careful during the trick or treating that will be going on at Halloween. It was also suggested that the public support the Rockland sports teams who are involved in post-season playoffs. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Biggins, unanimous, it was voted to adjourn the meeting at 7:44 PM. Respectfully submitted, Thomas F. Mills, Jr. Secretary ROCKLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS ROCKLAND, MASSACHUSETTS SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2013, 6:30 PM WRPS STUDIO The School Committee met on Tuesday, October 15, 2013, at 6:30 PM at WRPS Studio. Committee members present were: Mr. Norris, Ms. Pezzella, Mr. Mills, Mr. Phelps, and Mr. Biggins. Also present were Superintendent Retchless, Mrs. Cusick, and Student Representative Leah Benson. Ms. Paulding, REA President; Dr. Cron, High School Principal; Mrs. Pruitt, Jefferson School Principal; Ms. Sheehan, Memorial Park School Principal; Ms. Bohn, Middle School Principal; Mr. Materna, Veterans Agent; Mr. Najarian and Dr. Levine, Veterans Memorial Committee; and citizens broadcasting for WRPS/TV were present in the audience. Chairman Norris welcomed Ms. Benson, Student Representative, to the meeting. On the motion of Mr. Mills, seconded by Ms. Pezzella, unanimous, the minutes of the School Committee meeting of September 23, 2013 were accepted. A request from the RHS Band Boosters to distribute flyers to elementary, middle school students was approved on the recommendation of the Superintendent. Motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Biggins, unanimous. A request from the New England Wildlife Center to distribute flyers to elementary and middle school students was approved on the recommendation of the Superintendent. Motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Ms. Pezzella, unanimous. Mr. Retchless introduced Mr. Materna, Veterans Agent, who gave the Committee an overview of the proposed Veterans Memorial Project to be constructed at the Memorial Stadium. There was a general discussion regarding the project and the possibility of a revenue stream to raise funds to rehab the stadium. The discussion included the suggestion of advertising on the property. On the motion by Mr. Phelps, seconded by Mr. Mills, unanimous, it was voted to allow the Committee to move forward with the project and to return to the School Committee after their discussion regarding a revenue stream. Superintendent Retchless announced that the Selectmen have invited the School Committee to an open meeting with representatives from Southfield to be held in the high school auditorium. The meeting will be held on Monday, October 21, 2013. The Superintendent reported that he had contacted Mrs. McCarthy, Health Agent, to inquire about returning to a night schedule for athletics. Mrs. McCarthy stated that the moratorium will continue for the time being. Mr. Retchless announced that local landscaper Tom Reske is responsible for the beautification of the plant area in front of the high school entrance. The Committee was appreciative of his contribution. School Committee Meeting October 15, 2013 Page 2 On three separate motions by Mr. Mills, seconds by Mr. Biggins, unanimous, the following September monthly reports were accepted: 1) Administrators 2) 3) Guidance Nurse Dr. Cron, Ms. Bohn, Mr. Gray, Mrs. Pruitt, Mrs. Sheehan Ms. Shaw Mrs. Ryan On three separate motions by Mr. Mills, seconds by Mrs. Pezzella, unanimous, the following Security Trailer Reports for September were accepted: 1) Almshouse 2) Esten 3) Memorial Park Mr. Phelps asked about the results of anything that is noted on the reports. The following October Newsletters were noted: 1) 2) 2) 3) Esten Jefferson Memorial Park Middle School It was announced that the newsletters are on the school district’s website. Building Rentals for September were noted. Superintendent Retchless noted that there are still problems with the HVAC system and the lighting. Other items discussed included the punch list, status of the lawns, camera poles, FOBs, and middle school basketball fence. The Superintendent gave the Committee a PowerPoint presentation of the results of the 2012-2013 MCAS results. There has been continued growth in Mathematics and English. There is concern regarding Science scores. Highlights included: In Grade 3 28% of the students are at the advanced level in Math in the school district. At Grade 4 there is a four year upward trend in percentage of students in proficient and advanced in Math. Jefferson and Memorial Park students have advanced in both Math and English in Grade 4. The challenges that are being faced include; science improvement in achievement across the board, maintaining and upward trajectory in math, and beginning a strong upward trend in English at the elementary and middle school levels. The action plan includes: a target on science for improvement in the district, to analyze Grade 3 reading, to analyze classes that did not perform well and to focus on our lower performing sub groups. The Committee would like to see a snapshot of data showing results by schools. School Committee Meeting October 15, 2013 Page 3 The School District’s Bullying Plan must be revised bi-annually and there are some changes that have been made from the Federal level. The Committee reviewed the changes which added the phrase “the plan shall apply to students and members of a school staff including, but not limited to, an educator, administrator, school nurse, cafeteria worker, custodian, bus driver, athletic coach, advisor to an extracurricular activity or paraprofessional”. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Ms. Pezzella, unanimous, it was voted to waive the second reading of this plan. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mrs. Pezzella, it was voted to approve the changes. Ms. Pezzella, Mr. Mills, Mr. Phelps, and Mr. Biggins voted in favor, Mr. Norris abstained. Ms. Bohn, Middle School Principal, gave the Committee the details of the proposed Grade 8 trip to Philadelphia. There appears to be over one hundred students interested in participating. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Biggins, unanimous, the trip proposal was approved. Superintendent Retchless reviewed his goals which included: “to successfully integrate two new administrators and an interim administrator into the district, to increase Science scores in the FY14 MCAS by 10% in Grades 5, 8 and 10, to study the issue of class size disparity between the elementary schools in the district and propose solutions, to examine the possibility and practicality of free full day K for all students, to seek budget cuts while maximizing revenue sources to stabilize the district’s finances and to complete and publish a comprehensive multi-hazard emergency plan. After a general discussion it was voted to approve the Superintendent’s goals with the addendum that Goal #2 regarding Science scores would be discussed in September not during the regular Superintendent evaluation time in June. Motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Biggins, unanimous. After a general discussion with regard to a home education request, it was voted to approve the request. Motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Phelps. Ms. Pezzella, Mr. Mills, Mr. Phelps, and Mr. Biggins voted in favor and Mr. Norris abstained. The 2013 Community Education Adult Classes were noted. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Ms. Pezzella, unanimous, Superintendent Retchless was appointed to the PCC Board of Directors. The Superintendent reviewed the October 1 enrollment figures and noted that this is the first year since 1998 that there has been an increase in enrollment. There are 200 students in Kindergarten and the largest Grade 9 class in many years. On the motion by Ms. Pezzella, seconded by Mr. Mills, unanimous, a fundraiser for the Memorial Park School PE Department was approved. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Phelps, unanimous, a fundraiser for the Sophomore Class was approved. School Committee Meeting October 15, 2013 Page 4 On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Ms. Pezzella, unanimous, a fundraiser for the Senior Class was approved. On the motion by Mr. Phelps, seconded by Mr. Biggins, unanimous, a fundraiser for the National Honor Society was approved. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Biggins, unanimous, a fundraiser for the National Honor Society was approved. On the motion by Mr. Phelps, seconded by Mr. Biggins, unanimous, a fundraiser for the Memorial Park School PAC was approved. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Biggins, unanimous, a fundraiser for the High School Foreign Language Department was approved. Ms. Pezzella noted that the Homecoming game and dance will be held this weekend and that the public should be extra aware of students. Mr. Phelps announced the passing of Richard Jasper, a lifelong community leader. Mr. Jasper made many contributions to the school department and the sports community. He will be missed. The school newspaper Veritas was noted and kudos were given to the staff and students who contributed to this issue. It was suggested that the public should get out to various athletic events and to support the Rockland teams. The Chairman polled the Committee with regard to Executive Session to consider the lease of real property and the Chairman declared that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect of the negotiating position of the School Committee. The vote included Mr. Norris, Mrs. Pezzella, Mr. Mills, Mr. Phelps, and Mr. Biggins. The vote was unanimous. The meeting adjourned at 8:04 PM. Respectfully submitted, Thomas F. Mills, Jr. Secretary ROCKLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS ROCKLAND, MASSACHUSETTS SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2013, 6:30 PM WRPS TV STUDIO The School Committee met on Monday, September 23, 2013, at 6:30 PM, in the WRPS TV Studio. Committee members present were: Mr. Norris, Mrs. Pezzella, Mr. Mills, Mr. Phelps, and Mr. Biggins. Also present were Superintendent Retchless, Assistant Superintendent Forlizzi, and Mrs. Cusick. Mr. Cron, High School Principal; Mrs. Pruitt, Jefferson School Principal; and Ms. Paulding, REF President; were present in the audience. Representing the press were citizens broadcasting for WRPS/TV. On a motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Biggins, unanimous, the minutes of the meeting of September 9, 2013 were accepted. A request from the SPED PAC to distribute flyers to elementary and middle school students was approved on the recommendation of the Superintendent. Motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Phelps, unanimous. A request from the Rockland Fire Department to distribute flyers to elementary and middle school students was approved on the recommendation of the Superintendent. Motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mrs. Pezzella, unanimous. A request from the Rockland Fire Department to distribute flyers to middle school students was approved on the recommendation of the Superintendent. Motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mrs. Pezzella, unanimous. A request from the RHS Student Government Council to distribute flyers to elementary and middle school students was approved on the recommendation of the Superintendent. Motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Phelps, unanimous. A request from the Rockland Youth Soccer to distribute flyers to elementary and middle school students was approved on the recommendation of the Superintendent. Motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Biggins, unanimous. Superintendent Retchless commended the Middle School staff for their handling of the mercury incident. Ms. Harding, Ms. Schipper, and Ms. Forlizzi did an excellent job communicating with parents and keeping the situation under control. It was announced that Mr. Salvucci would be leaving WRPS and that this would be his last meeting. The Committee wished him well in his future endeavors. School Committee Meeting September 23, 2013 Page 2 On three separate motions by Mr. Mills, seconds by Mr. Phelps, unanimous, the following Financial Reports were accepted: 1) 2) 3) School Department (July-August) High School Student Activities (July-August) Middle School Student Activities (July-August) The Building Rentals for August were noted. Superintendent Retchless noted that the contractor would be off sight shortly. There are still problems with the lighting system. The MSBA would like a narrative explanation with regard to the reimbursement of some change orders. There was a general discussion regarding the football locker room and the problem with ventilation, also heat in some classrooms, poor quality grass, and more trash barrels needed near the basketball court. The School Department will take possession of the trailer at the Jefferson School this week. National Grid will remove the electricity from the trailer. The Superintendent reviewed a proposal to charge outside groups that include some Rockland kids to use the gyms for a fee of $30 per hour plus custodian if needed and both gyms $80 per hour including custodian. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mrs. Pezzella, unanimous, it was voted to approve the proposal. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mrs. Pezzella, unanimous, it was voted to accept the donation from EMD Serono. The donation included $400 for the Rockland Public School calendar and $1,500 for Project Support for the Memorial Park Elementary School. The Superintendent noted that a thank you letter had already been sent. The Superintendent reviewed the 2013 accountability ratings for the Rockland Public Schools. The MASS Department of Elementary & Secondary Education rates each school on student performance and growth. The total School District went from Level 3 to Level 2 with the High School and Jefferson Elementary going from Level 2 to Level 1. The Committee commended the staff and students for their outstanding accomplishments. The Superintendent reported that there has been an increase of seventy-seven students this year which means the first increase since 1998. It is the hope of the Superintendent that there will soon be full day Kindergarten for all students in Rockland. It was also noted that there are fewer students attending South Shore Voc Tech this year. School Committee Meeting September 23, 2013 Page 3 The Committee was pleased to see the new Rockland High School brochure that will be used as a public relations tool for the public. It was noted that the quality was very good especially as it was produced in-house. Mrs. Pruitt explained the content of a Professional Development Workshop on Early Literacy Writing that is proposed for all Kindergarten teachers, Mrs. Pruitt, and Ms. MacKinnon, Literacy Coach. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Phelps, unanimous, it was voted to approve the proposed workshop and to cancel Kindergarten classes for November 8, 2013. Superintendent Retchless gave the Committee an overview of a proposed research project to be conducted with a clinical researcher from MGH and MIT. The project involves both voluntary parents and students using Speech/Language and the study of autism. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Phelps, unanimous, the proposal was approved. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mrs. Pezzella, unanimous, the North River Collaborative Agreement for 2013-2014 was approved. The agreement will be signed by Chairmen of all of the School Committees included in the Collaborative. The Superintendent noted that the Interim SPED Director position was advertized in the newspaper. Superintendent Retchless reviewed personnel activity for August and September including the appointments of cafeteria personnel of Margaret Millen, Catherine Knight, and Beverly Boughter at the High School and Michele Rugnetta at Memorial Park. Mr. Retchless announced the retirement of Kathryn Salem, Director of Pupil Personnel Services on December 31, 2013. Ms. Salem has been a great asset to the Rockland Public Schools and will be definitely missed. The Superintendent also announced the retirement of Mrs. McGrath, Esten School Principal effective January 4, 2014. Mrs. McGrath will be missed by her staff at Esten School and by her colleagues and students. The Committee gave kudos to the staff of the Rockland High School for their outstanding work at the recent Open House. It was announced that Ms. Patton did an excellent at the annual Rockland Cares program held recently. It was suggested that parents check the schedules of all of sports that are now in full swing. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mrs. Pezzella, unanimous, the meeting was adjourned at 7:22 PM. Respectfully submitted, Thomas F. Mills, Jr. Secretary ROCKLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS ROCKLAND, MASSACHUSETTS SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2013, 6:30 PM WRPS TV STUDIO The School Committee met on Monday, September 9, 2013, at 6:30 PM at the WRPS TV Studio. Committee members present were: Mr. Norris, Mrs. Pezzella, Mr. Mills, Mr. Phelps, and Mr. Biggins. Also present were Superintendent Retchless, Assistant Superintendent Forlizzi, and Mrs. Cusick. Present in the audience were: Mr. Gray, Esten School Principal, and Ms. Paulding, REA President. Representing the press were citizens broadcasting for WRPS/TV. On motion of Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Phelps, the minutes of the meeting of August 26, 2013 were accepted. Mr. Norris, Mrs. Pezzella, Mr. Mills, and Mr. Phelps voted in favor and Mr. Biggins abstained. A request from Esten School to distribute flyers to elementary and middle school students was approved on the recommendation of the Superintendent. Motion by Mr. Phelps seconded by Mr. Mills, unanimous. A request from the Rogers Middle School PAC to distribute flyers to elementary and middle school students was approved on the recommendation of the Superintendent. Motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Phelps, unanimous. Mr. Norris announced that the public could email Ms. Beatrice for further information. A request from the Piano Mill to distribute flyers to elementary and middle school students was approved on the recommendation of the Superintendent. Motion by Mr. Phelps seconded by Mr. Mills, unanimous. A request from Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts to distribute flyers to elementary and middle school students was approved on the recommendation of the Superintendent. Motion by Mr. Mills seconded by Mrs. Pezzella, unanimous. A request from Rockland Cub Scouts to distribute flyers to elementary and middle school students was approved on the recommendation of the Superintendent. Motion by Mr. Phelps, seconded by Mr. Mills, unanimous. The Superintendent reported that there were four students that have applied to School Choice. There are two students from Whitman, one from Avon and one from Abington. The deadline for School Choice is September 30th. If a student returns to their former school the cost of tuition will be prorated between the two schools. On three separate motions by Mr. Phelps, seconds by Mrs. Pezzella, unanimous, the following Security Trailer Reports for August were accepted: 1) 2) 3) 4) Almshouse Esten Jefferson Memorial Park School Committee Meeting Monday, September 9, 2013 Page 2 Mr. Phelps suggested that there be a follow up to anything that is significant that is noted on the monthly report. The Superintendent has sent the trailer contract to Mr. Clifford, the School attorney, for review. A meeting with all trailer tenants will be held shortly to finalize the coming year’s contract. The Superintendent announced that the school department has taken ownership of the trailer at Jefferson School. The following School Newsletters for September were noted: 1) 2) 3) 4) Esten Jefferson Memorial Park Middle School Mr. Retchless announced that there would be a meeting with the MSBA, Representative Nyman, Senator Keenan, and members of the Building Committee with regard to reimbursement. Only 30% of change order items is being reimbursed. Many of these items are included in the high school renovation. On the motion by Mr. Phelps seconded by Mr. Mills, unanimous, the June Nurse Report was accepted. Superintendent Retchless gave the Committee an overview of Mr. Gray’s background including the fact that he had been the Principal of an elementary school in Dover, New Hampshire since 2006. Mr. Gray is the new Principal at the Esten School. He has a strong background in School Safety Incident Command System and the All Hazard Safety System and he will be a leader in updating the Rockland system. The Committee welcomed Mr. Gray and wished him well. Superintendent Retchless announced that the opening of school at Jefferson was very smooth including Kindergarten. There were some problems with the bus company due to a new software program that has been initiated. Students at the Middle School seem to be settling in very well. The traffic pattern at the high school/middle school is still of some concern. The woodshop at the high school is in full swing. The repaving of Reed Street created some problems for the Memorial Park opening. Ninety-nine students signed up for the Student Government Council including forty-four freshmen. On the motion by Mr. Phelps, seconded by Mr. Mills, unanimous, it was voted to approve a holiday wreath sale proposed by Ms. Walsh on behalf of the students going to Italy in 2015. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Biggins, unanimous, it was voted to approve a prize calendar submitted by Ms. Walsh on behalf of the students going to Italy in 2015. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Phelps, unanimous, it was voted to approve the sale of necklaces, etc, to help defray the cost of tuition to PCC. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Phelps, unanimous, it was voted to approve the following fundraisers proposed by the Junior Class: car wash, sale of t-shirts, yard sale, class dash, bake sale/raffle, and egg hunt. School Committee Meeting Monday, September 9, 2013 Page 3 On the motion by Mr. Phelps, seconded by Mr. Mills, unanimous, it was voted to approve a restaurant benefit night for the RHS Swim team. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mrs. Pezzella, unanimous, it was voted to declare a slicer and mixer in the cafeteria at the Jefferson School as surplus. On the motion by Mr. Phelps, seconded by Mr. Mills, unanimous, it was voted to declare a topload freezer at the Esten School as surplus. Ms. Pezzella announced that the RHS Back to School Night will be held on the 18th of September. Mr. Biggins noted that the school calendar is available and that Mrs. Werkheiser and Mr. Mullen are on the cover. He thanked them for their service to the school department. Mr. Phelps encouraged the public to enjoy the talents of students in the band and sports that have started. Mr. Mills reminded the public to reflect on the tragedy of 9/11. The Committee asked the public to be careful now that children are walking to and from school and to obey flashing lights on school buses. It was noted that the school department is working with the police department with regard to the traffic situation on Taunton Avenue. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Biggins, unanimous, the meeting was adjourned at 7:05 PM. Respectfully submitted, Thomas F. Mills, Jr. Secretary ROCKLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS ROCKLAND, MASSACHUSETTS SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING, MONDAY, AUGUST 26, 2013, 6:30 PM WRPS TV STUDIO The School Committee met on Monday, August 26, 2013, at 6:30 PM, in the WRPS TV Studio at the High School. Committee members present were: Chairman Norris, Vice-Chairman Pezzella, Mr. Mills, and Mr. Phelps. Also present were Superintendent Retchless, Assistant Superintendent Forlizzi, and Mrs. Cusick. The press was represented by citizens broadcasting for WRPS/TV. Present in the audience were Ms. Salem, Pupil Personnel Services Director; and Ms. Paulding, REA President. On motion of Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Phelps, the minutes of the regular meeting of June 24, 2013 were accepted. On motion of Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Phelps, the Budget Sub Committee meeting minutes of the meeting of July 1, 2013 were accepted. On motion of Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Phelps, the Special meeting minutes of the meeting of July 23, 2013 were accepted. On motion of Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Phelps, the Budget Sub Committee meeting minutes of the meeting of July 23, 2013 were accepted. A request from the Middle School PAC to distribute flyers to elementary and middle school students was approved on the recommendation of the Superintendent. Motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Phelps, unanimous. On two separate motions by Mr. Mills, seconds by Mr. Phelps, unanimous, the following June Monthly Reports were approved: 1) Administrators 2) Guidance Mr. Cron, Ms. Bohn, Mrs. McGrath, Mrs. Pruitt, Mrs. Sheehan Mrs. Shaw On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Phelps, unanimous, it was voted to table the Nurse Report for June until the next meeting. On four separate motions by Mr. Mills, seconds by Mrs. Pezzella, unanimous, the following Financial Reports were accepted: 1) 2) 3) 4) School Department (June) High School Student Activities (June) Middle School Student Activities (June) Cafeteria (June) School Committee Meeting Monday, August 26, 2013 Page 2 On six separate motions by Mr. Mills, seconds by Mr. Phelps, unanimous, the following Security Trailer Reports for June and July were accepted: 1) 2) 3) Almshouse Esten Memorial Park Superintendent Retchless noted that he will meet with the tenant at the Jefferson trailer to discuss removal of the trailer. The future disposition of the school security trailers will be added to the agenda for the second meeting in September. There will be a meeting with the tenants to sign the contracts for 2013-2014. The Building Rentals for June and July were noted. There was a general discussion with regard to the University Sports Complex in Hanover. The Superintendent noted that there will be a rental rate proposal at the next meeting. The Superintendent announced that the FY14 budget is going forward in a positive direction but there is concern for following years. There was a general discussion with regard to School Choice. There have been two or three students interested in enrolling in Rockland. The deadline for enrollment is September 30th. The Building Project is moving to completion. Inspections by the fire department and building department have been done. The woodshop is ready with the exception of the installation of the window. The punch list is down to fifty items. Superintendent Retchless gave an overview of the opening of school expressing appreciation to the custodial/maintenance staff for their efforts during the summer. It was noted that there are many new staff members that attended Professional Development activities on Monday, August 26th The Kindergarten enrollment is up to 195, Esten School has 30 new students and the Freshmen class is the largest in a decade. One hundred teachers attended IPad workshops during the summer. On the recommendation of the Superintendent, it was voted to approve the proposed fundraisers. Motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Phelps, unanimous. The Committee was pleased that the Band TV Auction was back on the list. Mr. Norris expressed concern regarding any additional toll booth fundraisers and suggested that they not be allowed in the future. Ms. Salem, Pupil Personnel Services Director, reviewed the proposed home education list. There was a general discussion and a vote was taken regarding the proposals. Motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Phelps. All members were in favor with the exception of Mr. Norris who abstained. School Committee Meeting Monday, August 26, 2013 Page 3 Superintendent Retchless announced the donation of $5,000 from Mr. Fred Brown, former Esten School physical education teacher. The Committee expressed great appreciation for Mr. Brown’s continued support of the Esten School. On the motion by Mr. Phelps, seconded by Mr. Mills, unanimous, it was voted to accept the donation and to send Mr. Brown a letter. The Superintendent announced that the school district has received a check for $5,000 from EMD Serono. The money is to be designated to help fund the school’s science department. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Phelps, unanimous, it was voted to accept the donation and to send Serono a letter. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mrs. Pezzella, unanimous, various pieces of office furniture from Lincoln and Jefferson Schools were declared surplus. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mrs. Pezzella, unanimous, miscellaneous books at Esten School were declared surplus. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Phelps, unanimous, various pieces of musical equipment at Esten School were declared surplus. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Phelps, unanimous, various pieces of camera equipment from Memorial Park School were declared surplus. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Phelps, unanimous, miscellaneous books from Memorial Park School were declared surplus. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Phelps, unanimous, miscellaneous technology equipment from Esten, Jefferson, Memorial Park, Middle and High Schools was declared surplus. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Phelps, unanimous, the list of staff from Administrators through Cafeteria for the 2013-2014 School Year was approved as reappointments. The Superintendent noted that five new teachers have been hired at the high school. Mr. Burnieika was appointed as WRPS Operations Assistant. Mr. Retchless commented on the quality of the new staff and expressed excitement about this coming year. It was noted that new staff members will be fingerprinted in the near future. Superintendent Retchless noted that Mrs. Cusick, the Executive Assistant to the Superintendent and School Committee, has announced her plans to retire at the end of the school year. Mr. Retchless stated that Mrs. Cusick has held this position for twenty-nine years and has served five Superintendents. She leaves quite a legacy and she will be sorely missed. Members of the Committee expressed wishes for a safe and good school year. Respectfully submitted, Thomas F. Mills, Jr. Secretary SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING MONDAY, JUNE 24, 2013, 6:30PM ROCKLAND HIGH SCHOOL WRPS TV STUDIO The School Committee met on Monday, June 24, 2013 at 6:30 PM, at the Rockland High School WRPS TV studio. Committee members present were: Mrs. Pezzella, Mr. Mills, Mr. Phelps, and Mr. Biggins. Also present were Superintendent Retchless, Assistant Superintendent Scarpelli, and Mrs. Cusick. Mr. & Mrs. McGrath, Esten School Principal; Mr. Cron, High School Principal; Mr. Murphy, Mr. Casagrande, High School Department Chairs; Ms. Forlizzi, Math Coach; Mrs. LaCombe, Mr. Runci, Mrs. Pelissier, Ms. McDonnell, Ms. Hayes, Esten School staff; and Ms. Paulding, REA President, were present in the audience. Representing the press were citizens broadcasting for WRPS/TV. On the motion of Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Biggins, unanimous, the minutes of the meeting of June 10, 2013 were accepted. On the motion of Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Biggins, unanimous, the minutes of the Executive Session of June 10, 2013 meeting were accepted. Superintendent Retchless reported on the end of school activities especially the Moving Up Ceremony of Grade 8 students at the Middle School. On four separate motions by Mr. Mills, seconds by Mr. Phelps, unanimous, the following Financial Reports for May were accepted: 1) 2) 3) 4) School Department High School Student Activities Middle School Student Activities Cafeteria School Committee Meeting June 24, 2013 Page 2 On seventeen separate motions by Mr. Mills, seconds by Mr. Phelps, unanimous, the following May/June Monthly reports were accepted: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) Art Athletic Computer Technology Day Care English 5-8 English 9-12 Family Consumer Sci./Tech Ed Foreign Language Library/IMC Math Music Radio/TV Station Science Social Studies Special Education (9-12) Middle School Title 1 Mrs. Gibson Mr. Graziano Mr. Wells Mrs. Veiga Mrs. Cook Ms. Cahill Mr. Graziano Mrs. Palmer Mrs. Linehan Mr. Casagrande Mr. Harden Mr. Cable-Murphy Mr. Murphy Mr. Grimmett Mrs. McGonnigal Mrs. Schipper Title 1 Coordinator Mr. Phelps commended Ms. Lannin-Cotton for the award for the school newspaper Veritas. It was noted that the math department will have two department heads starting in the next school year. There was a general discussion regarding the scheduling issue with the music program. All problems have been resolved. Superintendent Retchless updated the Committee on the School Building project. It was noted that the central court yard is being competed and the wood shop will be completed by August 16th. On the recommendation of the Superintendent, it was voted to approve an outof-country trip to Italy and Greece in April 2015. Motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Biggins, unanimous. On the motion of Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Biggins, unanimous, it was voted to approve the 2013-2014 Day Care Staff Policies and Procedures Handbook and the Parent Handbook. On the recommendation of the Superintendent, it was voted to approve the amendment to the Enrollment of Children of Employees Policy. Motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Phelps, unanimous. School Committee Meeting June 24, 2013 Page 3 Mrs. Hayes, Esten School teacher, gave the Committee an overview of the proposal to name the Professional Literacy Lending Library after Mrs. McGrath. On the recommendation of the Superintendent, it was voted to name the room after Mrs. McGrath. Motion by Mr. Phelps, seconded by Mr. Biggins, unanimous. The Superintendent reviewed the proposal that the stage, which was constructed by Mr. Killinger, at Memorial Park School be named for him. The project was done in conjunction with a grant from Lowe’s. On the recommendation of the Superintendent, the proposal was approved. Motion by Mr. Phelps, seconded by Mr. Mills, unanimous. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Biggins, unanimous, it was voted that August 26, 2013 would be the date for the summer meeting of the School Committee. The award of the Contracted Special Education Transportation Quote was noted. On the recommendation of the Superintendent, it was voted to approve the proposed John & Anne Shea Scholarship. The Committee expressed appreciation to the family of the Sheas for their many years of contributions to the school department. Motion by Mr. Biggins, seconded by Mr. Mills, unanimous. Mr. Scarpelli gave an overview of the Adult Diploma program and read the names into the public record of the 2012-2013 graduates including: Erin P. Croal, Donna M. Stewart, Thomas A. Brand, Kim Marie Shaughnessy, Tyler John Hannon, Ashley M. Whiting, Dan Mello, Sarah A. Pollini, Molly P. O’Meara, Mariney Pereira de Almeida, Alyssa Marie Conkey, Tulas Lynn Moore, Eric A. Smith, David Sarno. Mr. Casagrande reported on the proposed AP Microeconomics textbook, which included the number of books needed, cost, and on-line accessibility. On the motion of Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Biggins, unanimous, it was voted to approve the adoption of the book. On the motion of Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Phelps, unanimous, it was voted to adopt the proposed Foreign Language Textbook. Mr. Casagrande, Math Department Head, gave the Committee an overview of the proposed Algebra I, Geometry & Algebra II Textbooks. On the motion by Mills, seconded by Mr. Phelps, unanimous, the Committee adopted the proposed books. School Committee Meeting June 24, 2013 Page 4 On the motion of Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Phelps, unanimous, it was voted to adopt the AS Biology Textbook. Mr. Murphy, Science Department Head, gave the Committee an overview of the book. On the recommendation of the Superintendent, it was voted to approve a fundraiser for the High School Soccer team. Motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Biggins, unanimous. On the recommendation of the Superintendent, it was voted to approve a fundraiser for the High School Girls Volleyball team. Motion by Mr. Phelps, seconded by Mr. Mills, unanimous. There was a general discussion with regard to the issue of Security Trailers on School Property. It was suggested that the subject be placed on the agenda for the next meeting. Ms. Pezzella review the Superintendent’s evaluation highlighting: Assess Progress toward goals, rate impact on student learning, Superintendent’s Performance (instructional leadership, management & operations, family & community, and professional culture) Ms. Pezzella read comments offered by members of the Committee stating that they were pleased with the Superintendent’s performance. Superintendent Retchless reported on personnel information for May and June including: the appointment of SPED teacher Matthew Cleary, and retirements of Ms. Rogers and Mrs. Trapeno, cafeteria workers. The Committee wished everyone a happy and safe summer. There was a reminder of the FOX 25 Zip Trip on Friday, June 28th. On a motion from Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Phelps, unanimous, the meeting adjourned at 7:43 PM. Respectfully submitted, Thomas F. Mills, Jr. Secretary ROCKLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS ROCKLAND, MASSACHUSETTS SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING TUESDAY, MAY 28, 2013, 6:30 PM WRPS TELEVISION STUDIO The School Committee met on Tuesday, May 28, 2013, at 6:30 PM in the WRPS Television Studio. Committee members present were: Mr. Norris, Mrs. Pezzella, Mr. Mills, Mr. Phelps and Mr. Biggins. Superintendent Retchless, Assistant Superintendent Scarpelli, and Mrs. Cusick were also present. Representing the press were citizens broadcasting for WRPS/TV. Mr. Cron, High School Principal; Ms. Bohn, Middle School Principal; Mrs. McGrath, Esten School Principal; Mrs. Pruitt, Jefferson School Principal; Mrs. Schipper, Middle School Assistant Principal; Ms. Paulding, REA President; Ms. Forlizzi, Math Coach; Ms. Leonard, Food Service director; Ms. Julia DiCienzo and Ms. Genesis Rojas, Middle School students; and members of the Esten School PAC and Middle School PAC were present in the audience. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mrs. Pezzella, unanimous, the Public Hearing on School Choice for the 2013-2014 School Year was opened. After a general discussion, on the recommendation of the Superintendent, it was voted not to participate in School Choice for the 2013-2014 School Year. Motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Biggins, unanimous. On the motion of Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Biggins, unanimous, the Public Hearing on School Choice was closed. On motion of Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Phelps, the minutes of the meeting of May 13, 2013 were accepted. Ms. Bohn introduced Julia DiCienzo and Ms. Genesis Rojas, Grade 8 students, who were selected as the Middle School Scholar Leaders for this year. These students were chosen because they excel in the following areas: work ethic, peer relations, leader in grade and conduct and effort. Superintendent Retchless reported on the visit from DESE with regard to the district review. The Committee interviewed the School Committee, Superintendent, administrators, town officials, and staff. It appears that it was a positive visit with suggested changes and challenges. The report should be available during the summer. The Superintendent will make any factual corrections. There was a general discussion with regard to the Strategic Plan that will be created in the near future and also the District Improvement Plan which will be reviewed every year. The grand opening for the high school will take place at 1 PM on Saturday, June 1, 2013. School Committee Meeting Tuesday, May 28, 2013 Page 2 On four separate motions by Mr. Mills, seconds by Mr. Phelps, unanimous, the following Financial Reports for April were accepted: 1) 2) 3) 4) School Department High School Student Activities Middle School Student Activities Cafeteria On thirteen separate motions by Mr. Mills, seconds by Mr. Phelps, unanimous, the following March/April Monthly Reports were accepted: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) Art Ms. Gibson Athletic Mr. Graziano Computer Technology Mr. Wells Day Care Mrs. Veiga Deans Ms. Paulding/Mr. Damon English (5-8) Ms. Cook English (9-12) Ms. Cahill Family Consumer Sci./Tech Ed. Mr. Graziano Foreign Language Mrs. Palmer Library/IMC Mrs. Linehan Math Mr. Casagrande Music Mr. Harden Radio/TV Station Mr. Cable-Murphy On four separate motions by Mr. Mills, seconds by Mr. Phelps, unanimous, the following March/April Monthly Reports were accepted: 14) 15) 16) 17) Science Social Studies Special Education (9-12) Middle School Mr. Casagrande Mr. Grimmett Mrs. McGonnigal Mrs. Schipper Mr. Phelps reported on the Middle School Building Project stating that the woodshop continues to make progress. Landscaping continues in preparation for the grand opening on Saturday. There was a general discussion regarding the court yards, tennis court, and basketball court. On the motion by Mrs. Pezzella, seconded by Mr. Mills, unanimous, it was voted to approve the 2013-2014 EASE Student Handbook. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Biggins, unanimous, it was voted to approve the 20132014 High School Student Handbook. On the motion by Mr. Phelps, seconded by Mr. Mills, unanimous, it was voted to nominate Mrs. Werkheiser to represent the Rockland School Committee on the Building Committee. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Biggins, unanimous, it was voted to approve the revised 2013-2014 School Calendar. The first day of Kindergarten will be September 4, 2013 and high school parent conferences will be April 9, 2014. School Committee Meeting Tuesday, May 28, 2013 Page 3 There was a general discussion with regard to enrollment of children of Rockland Public Schools employees. The proposed policy included the fact that employees must continue to be employed by the Rockland Public Schools, that space is available, that the child abides by school regulations, that the child has not been expelled from another school, and that transportation will be responsibility of the parent. The final approval will be that of the Superintendent. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Phelps, unanimous, the vote was tabled until the next meeting. Ms. Bohn, Middle School Principal, gave the Committee an overview of the School Improvement Plan. The 2013-2014 Plan includes curriculum and instruction, school culture and climate/transition, and communication. Each section includes goals, responsibility and timeline. On the motion by Mrs. Pezzella, seconded by Mr. Mills, unanimous, it was voted to approve the Improvement Plan. Ms. Peck and Ms. McHugh, PAC members presented a review of the activities of the group at the Middle School. Activities included: updated/Facebook page, comedy night, Shamrock Classic basketball game, teacher appreciation, cultural enrichment and school field trips. The parents thanked Ms. Bohn and Mrs. Schipper for their help during the year. The PAC has set up a text messaging program to have greater communication among their members. Mrs. McGrath reviewed the progress on the goals for the Improvement Plan for 2012-2013. Goals included: curriculum development, assessment, and enrichment, technology, and to ensure a safe, healthy, and enjoyable environment for students and staff. Progress included a new writing program, continuation of Keys to Literacy, creation of Vertical teams for math, reading and writing, analysis of MCAS results, new laptops, concentration of prevention of bullying, and creation of a sensory room and a counseling room. The Plan for 2013-2014 will continue the development of goals from the previous year. On the motion by Mr. Phelps, seconded y Mrs. Pezzella, unanimous, it was voted to approve the proposed Improvement Plan. Mrs. Leoncavallo, Chairperson of the Esten School PAC, reviewed the activities of the group which included field trips, Grade 1 Celebrate Reading Day and two high school scholarships awarded to Esten Alumni. Mr. Mills requested that the School Improvement Plans be submitted earlier in order that they can be included in the School Committee packet for review prior to the meeting. There was a general discussion with regard to the Wellness Policy. It was noted that the Committee meets quarterly. Topics under discussion included the breakfast cart, healthy choices for students and the suggestion that students send letter to their Senators and Representatives regarding required food as outlined by the government. On the motion by Mrs. Pezzella, seconded by Mr. Mills, unanimous, it was voted to table the approval of the policy until the next meeting. Ms. Walsh, High School English teacher, reviewed the proposed trip to Europe during the 2015 school year. There was discussion regarding the success of the recent trip and the popularity of the upcoming proposed trip. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Biggins, unanimous, it was voted to table the approval of the trip until the next meeting. School Committee Meeting Tuesday, May 28, 2013 Page 4 The Superintendent reviewed the agreement with the Cafeteria workers with regard to their contract which included uniform arrangements. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Phelps, unanimous, the cafeteria contract was ratified. Superintendent Retchless reviewed the personnel information for April and May which included the retirement of Ms. Milewski, a Special Education teacher at the high school. The Committee noted the coming events including graduation and the prom. Mr. Phelps stated that the recent Pops Concert was exceptional. The Grand Opening will be held at Saturday, June 1 and the adult graduation will be held on June 11. The Committee congratulated the graduating class and stressed the importance of having a safe and happy celebration with no problems with alcohol. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mrs. Pezzella, unanimous, the meeting adjourned at 8 PM. Respectfully submitted, Thomas F. Mills, Jr. Secretary ROCKLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS ROCKLAND, MASSACHUSETTS SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING, MONDAY, MAY 13, 2013, 6:30 PM WRPS TELEVISION STUDIO The School Committee met on Monday, May 13, 2013, at 6:30 PM at the WRPS Television Studio. Committee members present were: Mr. Norris, Mrs. Pezzella, Mr. Mills, Mr. Phelps and Mr. Biggins. Also present were Superintendent Retchless, Assistant Superintendent Scarpelli, and Mrs. Cusick. Present in the audience were: Mr. Cron, High School Principal; Ms. Bohn, Middle School Principal; Ms. Forlizzi, Math Coach; Ms. Salem, Pupil Personnel Director; Ms. Paulding, REA President; Mrs. Patton, High School Assistant Principal; Ms. Cahill, High School English Department Chair; Mr. Grimmett, High School Social Studies Department Chair; Mr. Rowe, High School Social Studies teacher; Ms. McDonough, High School English teacher; Mr. Murphy, High School Science Department Chair; Mr. Damon, High School Math teacher/Dean; Mr. Graziano, Athletic Director; Ms. Thompson, High School Art teacher; Mr. & Mrs. Gibson, Tyler Gibson, Tamara Gibson, high school students; and citizens broadcasting for WRPS/TV. Mrs. Pezzella called the meeting to order and asked for nominations for Chairman. Mr. Mills nominated Mr. Norris. Mr. Biggins seconded the motion. Mr. Norris was elected Chairman by unanimous vote. Mr. Norris thanked the Committee for their support. Mr. Norris asked that nominations be opened for Vice-Chairman. Mr. Mills nominated Mrs. Pezzella. Mr. Phelps seconded the motion. Mrs. Pezzella was elected Vice-Chairman by unanimous vote. Mr. Norris asked that nominations be opened for Secretary. Mrs. Pezzella nominated Mr. Mills. Mr. Phelps seconded the motion. Mr. Mills was elected Secretary by unanimous vote. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Biggins, Mr. Phelps and Mrs. Pezzella were nominated to the Sick Leave Committee. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mrs. Pezzella, Mr. Biggins was nominated to serve as the School Committee representative to the North River Collaborative. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mrs. Pezzella, Mr. Phelps was nominated to the Wellness Committee. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Phelps, Mr. Norris and Mrs. Pezzella were nominated to the Alcohol/Drug Violation sub-Committee. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mrs. Pezzella, Mr. Phelps was nominated to the position of Athletic Department Liaison. School Committee Meeting Monday, April 23, 2012 Page 2 On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Phelps, unanimous, it was voted to table the nomination to the Fiscal Policy Committee. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mrs. Pezzella, Mr. Mills and Mr. Biggins were nominated as the WRPS/TV Community Broadcasting Liaisons. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Biggins, Mrs. Pezzella was nominated to the Early Graduation Committee. On the motion by Mrs. Pezzella, seconded by Mr. Mills, Mr. Mills was nominated to the Cable Advisory Committee. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Phelps, unanimous, it was voted to table nomination to the Budget Sub-Committee. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mrs. Pezzella, Mr. Phelps and Mr. Mills were nominated to the Energy Sub-Committee. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Biggins, unanimous, items O through S were tabled. On motion of Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Phelps, unanimous, Robert’s Rules of Order for Parliamentary Procedure was unanimously accepted. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Phelps, unanimous, it was voted to open the Hearing on School Choice. After a general discussion regarding School Choice, it was voted to table the vote until the next meeting. Motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Biggins, unanimous. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Biggins, unanimous, it was voted to close the hearing. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mrs. Pezzella, it was voted to accept the minutes of the meeting of April 22, 2013. Mr. Norris, Mrs. Pezzella and Mr. Mills voted in favor, Mr. Phelps and Mr. Biggins abstained. Mr. Retchless reported that there will be a Grand Opening for Rockland High School on Saturday, June 1, 2013 at 1 PM. The program will included self-guided tours of the high school. The MASS Department of Elementary and Secondary Education will be visiting the district to evaluate the system. The group will meet with members of the School Committee on Thursday, May 23rd at 6:30 PM in the Superintendent’s Conference Room. The group will also meet with classroom teachers, students, town officials and parents. Mr. Graziano gave the Committee an overview of the activities of Tyler Gibson, high school student who has been awarded the “Gatorade Athlete of the Year Award”. Mr. Graziano presented Mr. Gibson with a trophy. Mr. Damon, High School Basketball Coach, presented Mr. Gibson with a trophy representing the Massachusetts Basketball Coaches Regional Award. Mr. Gibson was also awarded the State Basketball Player of the Year. School Committee Meeting Monday, April 22, 2013 Page 3 On four motions by Mr. Mills, seconds by Mr. Biggins, unanimous, the following April Monthly Reports were approved: 1) Administrators 2) 3) 4) Guidance Nurse Pupil Personnel Services Mr. Cron, Ms. Bohn, Mrs. McGrath, Mrs. Pruitt, Mrs. Sheehan Mrs. Shaw Mrs. Ryan Ms. Salem Mr. Phelps asked about a report regarding the maintenance of the buildings. Mr. Retchless announced that there is a five-year plan and that it would be presented at a future meeting. On three separate motions by Mr. Mills, seconds by Mrs. Pezzella, unanimous, the following Security Trailer Reports for April were accepted: 1) 2) 3) Almshouse Esten Memorial Park The following May Newsletters were noted: 1) 2) 3) 4) Esten Jefferson Memorial Park Middle School Building Rentals for April were noted. It was noted that there have been problems with the high school woodshop and that no students will be using it during this school year. The shop will open for the 2013-2014 school year. The next meeting of the Building Committee will be Tuesday, May 14th. It was noted that Mrs. Werkheiser would be nominated to represent the School Committee on the Building Committee. The vote will take place at the next meeting. The Committee voted to add “non public” after various function on Page 40 of the Student Handbook. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Biggins, unanimous, it was voted to approve the Middle School Student Handbook with the amendment added. After a general discussion regarding bus transportation and the proposed family cap, it was voted to approve the proposed amount of $475 for a family. Motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Phelps, unanimous. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mrs. Pezzella, unanimous, it was voted to table approval of the 2013-2014 High School Student Handbook. Mr. Cron noted that there were no significant changes to the handbook. School Committee Meeting Monday, April 23, 2012 Page 4 On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Phelps, unanimous, it was voted to table the approval of the EASE Student Handbook. It was noted that there were no changes to the handbook. Mr. Cron, High School Principal, reviewed the NEASC accreditation process. The Committee reviewed a letter from NEASC announcing that the school is being removed from probation for the Standards for Accreditation on Core Value, Belief, and Learning Expectations, Curriculum and Community Resources for learning. The NEASC Committee commended the completion of the school renovation/addition project which proves a state-of-the-art facility that supports the school’s education programs. The School Committee congratulated the High School staff for their efforts on behalf of this project. Ms. Salem, Director of Pupil Personnel Services, gave the Special Education PAC report for the 2012-2013 school year. The report included activities and programs that were held during the school year. On the recommendation of the Superintendent a car wash fundraiser submitted by the Cheerleaders was approved on the motion of Mr. Phelps and seconded by Mr. Mills, unanimous. On the recommendation of the Superintendent, a Youth Camp fundraiser submitted by the Cheerleaders was approved on the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Biggins, unanimous. Mrs. Pezzella asked what the camp would cost for students and for the cheerleaders. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mrs. Pezzella, unanimous, the proposed underclassmen Final Exam Schedule was approved. After a general discussion regarding negotiations, it was voted to approve the Aides’ Contract. Motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Biggins, unanimous. On the motion by Mrs. Pezzella, seconded by Mr. Mills, unanimous, it was voted to approve the Custodians’ Contract. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Biggins, unanimous, it was voted to approve the Secretary’s Contract. Superintendent Retchless gave the Committee an overview of the proposed Regulations Relating to Educational Collaboratives. After a general discussion, it was voted to approve the establishment of a North River Collaborative Capital Reserve Fund in compliance with DESE Collaborative Regulations 603 CMR 50.07 for the purpose of capital maintenance and improvements to North River School and Conference Center, not to exceed $350,000. Motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Biggins, unanimous. Mr. Retchless reviewed the new DESE Superintendent’s evaluation process which included the self-evaluation, Superintendent’s Performance Goals, and the End-of-Cycle Summative Evaluation Report. The Superintendent will email the Summative Evaluation Report to Mr. Norris, Mrs. Pezzella and Mr. Mills for their review. School Committee Meeting Monday, April 23, 2012 Page 5 Public service announcements included the upcoming Junior Prom. Condolences were expressed to Mrs. Werkheiser on the passing of her mother. The new members thanked the public for their votes and stated that they look forward to working with the veteran members on the Committee. It was announced that Fox 25 Zip Trip would be in Rockland on June 28 to broadcast for the day. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Phelps, unanimous, the meeting adjourned at 7:52 PM. Respectfully submitted, Thomas F. Mills, Jr. Secretary ROCKLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS ROCKLAND, MASSACHUSETTS SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING, MONDAY, APRIL 22, 2013, 6:30 PM HIGH SCHOOL/MIDDLE SCHOOL LECTURE HALL The School Committee met on Monday, April 22, 2013, at 6:30 PM at the High School/Middle School Lecture Hall. Committee members present were: Mr. Norris, Mr. Mullen, Mrs. Pezzella, Mr. Mills, and Mrs. Werkheiser. Also present were Superintendent Retchless, Assistant Superintendent Scarpelli, and Mrs. Cusick, and Student Representative Shannon Doyle. Mr. Cron, High School Principal; Ms. Salem, Pupil Personnel Services Director; Ms. Bohn, Middle School Principal; Ms. Paulding, REA President; Mrs. Pruitt, Jefferson Principal; Ms. Forlizzi, Math Coach; Mrs. McGrath, Esten Principal; Mrs. Sheehan, Memorial Park Principal; Ms. Walsh, High School English teacher; Ms. Kemenes, High School language teacher; Mrs. Duffey, Ms. Learning, and Ms. Wells, Esten School Grade 4 teachers, and Esten School students and parents were present in the audience and citizens broadcasting for WRPS/TV. Mr. Norris called the meeting to order. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Mullen, unanimous, the School Budget Public hearing was opened. The Superintendent gave an overview of the FY14 School Budget. The overview included a history of the budget from 2007, fiscal goals, issues, a discussion of a sustainable budget, fiscal realities, and the final budget. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Mullen, unanimous, the budget was approved in the amount of $20,208,540. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Mullen, unanimous, the hearing was closed. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Mullen, the minutes of the meeting of April 8, 2013 were approved. All voted in favor except Mrs. Pezzella who abstained. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Mullen, the minutes of the Executive Session of the meeting of April 8, 2013 were approved. All voted in favor except Mrs. Pezzella who abstained. The Superintendent noted that Ms. Walsh, High School English teacher, had reported that the forty students and five chaperones returned safely from their trip to Spain. Ms. Walsh reported that the students were well-behaved, curious and represented Rockland very well. There is a trip being planned to Italy and Greece for 2015 and it will be presented for approval during a meeting in May On four separate motions by Mr. Mills, seconds by Mr. Mullen, unanimous, the following Financial Reports for March were accepted: 1) 2) 3) 4) School Department High School Student Activities Middle School Student Activities Cafeteria School Committee Meeting Monday, April 22, 2013 Page 2 Mrs. McGrath introduced Mrs. Duffey, Ms. Learning, and Ms. Wells, Esten School Grade 4 teachers. Students read poems that they had written as a result of a visit from Liam, Poet in Residence. Members of the School Committee were given a copy of the poetry book that had been created. Members of the Committee commended the students for their efforts. Mrs. Werkheiser noted that a large punch list for the remaining items of the building project is being whittled down. The new terrazzo floor in the high school lobby has been installed. Everyone is pleased with the outcome. It is expected that the front entrance to the high school will be accessible within one week. The clock will serve as a good point to give directions to get to the high school. Signage is being completed around the buildings. It was noted that the Superintendent’s office has moved into its new offices at the high school. There will be a Grand Opening for the High School on June 1st at 1 PM. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Mullen, unanimous, it was voted to approve the 2013-2014 School Calendar. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Mullen, unanimous, it was voted to approve the Rockland Public Schools District Improvement Plan. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Mullen, unanimous, it was voted to approve the Rockland Public Schools Professional Development Plan. Superintendent Retchless commended Mrs. Sheehan for her efforts on this project. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Mullen, unanimous, it was voted to approve the Rockland Public Schools Accommodation Plan. Mr. Retchless commended Ms. Salem for her efforts on behalf of this project. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Mullen, unanimous, it was voted to approve the 2013-2014 Elementary Handbook. It was noted that there were minimal changes and that the words “social media” were added. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Mullen, unanimous, it was voted to table the approval of the 2013-2014 Middle School Student Handbook until the next meeting. On the motion by Mr. Mullen, seconded by Mr. Mills, unanimous, it was voted to approve the proposed Special Education Summer School Program. The proposal included costs and staffing. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Mullen, unanimous, it was voted to approve a listing of office furniture at the Lincoln School as surplus property. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mrs. Pezzella, unanimous, it was voted to table approval of the Superintendent’s evaluation process and add it to the next meeting’s agenda. After a general discussion, it was voted to table the approval of the proposed School Bus Fee Increase. Motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Mullen, unanimous. School Committee Meeting Monday, April 22, 2013 Page 3 Mr. Retchless noted the appointment of Mr. Moscoso as the new Spanish teacher at the High School. Also it was announced that Mr. Victor from the Maintenance Department will be retiring in July and Mr. Perkins, Middle School Physical Education teacher for many years will be retiring at the end of the school year. Superintendent Retchless presented Mrs. Werkheiser and Mr. Mullen with plaques from the School Department commending them on the fine contributions that they have made during their tenure on the School Committee. Chairman Norris presented Mrs. Werkheiser and Mr. Mullen with citations from the House of Representatives and the Senate proclaiming their years of service to the Rockland Public Schools. Members of the Committee, Superintendent Retchless, and Assistant Superintendent Scarpelli shared memorable moments about Mr. Mullen and Mrs. Werkheiser. Mrs. Werkheiser and Mr. Mullen reviewed their years on the Committee and wished the members well in the future. Public Service announcements included the Recycle Day sponsored by the High School Band, National Honor Society Induction, Jefferson School project regarding New Town Ct, School Committee Candidate’s Night, Little League and Girl’s Softball Opening day activities, Meat Raffle for RMS Philadelphia trip and Town Election on Tuesday, April 30th. On motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Mullen, unanimous, the meeting adjourned at 8:05 PM. Respectfully submitted, Michelle E. Pezzella Secretary ROCKLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS ROCKLAND, MASSACHUSETTS SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING, MONDAY, APRIL 8, 2013, 6:30 PM HIGH SCHOOL/MIDDLE SCHOOL LECTURE The School Committee met on Monday, April 8, 2013, at 6:30 PM at the High School/Middle School Lecture Hall. Committee members present were: Mr. Norris, Mr. Mullen, Mr. Mills, and Mrs. Werkheiser. Also present were Superintendent Retchless, Assistant Superintendent Scarpelli, Mrs. Cusick, and Student Representative Thanh Dieu. Present in the audience were Mr. Cron, High School Principal; Ms. Bohn, Middle School Principal; Mrs. Sheehan, Memorial Park School Principal; Ms. Forlizzi, Math Coach; Ms. Paulding, REA President; Mr. Biggins, candidate for School Committee and citizens broadcasting for WRPS/TV. Mr. Norris introduced Thanh Dieu, High School Student Representative. Mr. Norris announced that Mrs. Pezzella was not present due to a work commitment. On motion of Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Mullen, the minutes of the regular meeting of March 25, 2013 were accepted. Mr. Norris, Mr. Mullen, Mr. Mills, and Mrs. Pezzella, voted in favor. Mrs. Werkheiser abstained. On motion of Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Mullen, the minutes of the Executive Session of the meeting of March 25, 2013 were accepted. Members voting in favor were Mr. Norris, Mr. Mullen, Mrs. Pezzella, and Mr. Mills, member abstaining was Mrs. Werkheiser. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Mullen, unanimous, a fundraiser submitted by the high school cheerleaders and football team was approved on the recommendation of the Superintendent. The Superintendent reported that the administration offices have moved back into the high school. The move went very smoothly. The Professional Development day for teachers went very well with a guest speaker. Mr. Retchless noted that thirty-four applications have been received for the position of Principal of Esten School. A memo has been sent to teachers at Esten asking if anyone is interested in being on the Committee to select the new Principal. Mr. Mills volunteered to serve as the School Committee member on the Committee. There was a general discussion with regard to students charging school lunches. It was noted that no child will be turned away without a lunch. Teacher evaluations will be completed by May 15th. On four motions by Mr. Mills, seconds by Mr. Mullen, unanimous, the following March Monthly Reports were approved: 1) Administrators 2) 3) 4) Guidance Nurse Pupil Personnel Services Mr. Cron, Ms. Bohn, Mrs. McGrath, Mrs. Pruitt, Mrs. Sheehan Mrs. Shaw Mrs. Ryan Ms. Salem School Committee Meeting Monday, April 8, 2013 Page 2 On four separate motions by Mr. Mills, seconds by Mr. Mullen, unanimous, the following Security Trailer Reports for March were accepted: 1) 2) 3) 4) Almshouse Esten Jefferson Memorial Park The following April Newsletters were noted: 1) 2) 3) 4) Esten Jefferson Memorial Park Middle School Building Rentals for March were noted. Mrs. Werkheiser announced that work is being done on the tennis courts. The next meeting is at the Town Hall on Tuesday, April 9th at 5 PM. The Superintendent noted that concentration is now being made on the punch lists. Mr. Retchless announced that the 2013-2014 School Calendar has June 16, 2014 as the last day of school with no snow days and June 23, 2014 with five snow days built in. The union has been contacted regarding the start day of August 28th as a Professional Development day for teachers and Orientation Day on the 29th. The union is in favor of this proposal. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Mullen, unanimous, it was voted to table the vote until the next meeting. The Superintendent reported that Mr. Hardy, from MASC, along with Mrs. Pezzella and Mr. Mullen, have been working on revising the Rockland Public Schools Policy Manual. On the motion of Mrs. Pezzella, seconded by Mr. Mullen, unanimous, it was voted to accept the completed policy manual. It was reported that the 2012-2013 Spring Parent Conferences went well according to the Principals despite the delay with snowy weather. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Mullen, unanimous, it was voted to schedule the 2013-2014 School Budget Public Hearing on Monday, April 22, 2013 with the regular School Committee meeting to follow. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Mullen, unanimous, it was voted to approve the proposed graduation procedure. School Committee Meeting Monday, April 8, 2013 Page 3 On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Mullen, unanimous, it was voted to approve the proposed Senior Week activities. There was a general discussion with regard to the trip to Six Flags. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Mullen, unanimous, it was voted to approve the last day of the 2012-2013 School Year for elementary and middle school students as June 26th. The last day for the high school will be June 27th. Both will be half days. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Mullen, unanimous, it was voted to table the vote on the Rockland Public Schools District Improvement Plan until the next meeting. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Mullen, unanimous, it was voted to table the vote on the Rockland Public Schools Professional Development Plan until the next meeting. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Mullen, unanimous, it was voted to table the vote on the Rockland Public Schools Accommodation Plan until the next meeting. On the motion by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Mullen, unanimous, it was voted to table the vote on the 2013-2014 Elementary Handbook until the next meeting. It was noted that there were minimal changes, that the new Technology Policy was added and that the words “social media” were added. Superintendent Retchless read a letter from Mr. Scarpelli announcing his retirement on June 30th. Each member of the School Committee and the Superintendent expressed their appreciation for Mr. Scarpelli’s many years of dedication to the Rockland Public Schools. Mr. Scarpelli thanked the Committee for their kind words. Mrs. Werkheiser announced the names of he students at Esten and Memorial Park who won awards through the Ladies Auxiliary Contest Program. The Breakfast in the Classroom Program has begun at the Memorial Park School. Seventy-seven students were served on the first day. Spring sports are now in full swing. There will be a basketball camp for students in grades 5-9 during the April vacation. Chairman Norris polled the Committee with regard to adjourning into Executive Session not to reconvene into open session. Mr. Norris, Mr. Mullen, Mr. Mills, and Mrs. Werkheiser all voted in favor. The meeting adjourned at 7:17 PM. Respectfully submitted, Michael Mullen Vice-Chairman