London to South Midlands Multi
London to South Midlands Multi
Executive Summary 1. Introduction The London to South Midlands Multi Modal Study (LSM) is one of the largest transport studies to have been commissioned in recent years. Its geographical focus is an area north of the M25 which extends just west of the M1, just east of the M11 and north of the A14. The population of the LSM Study Area is currently 3.6 million people. It is one of the most prosperous regions in the Country, and has no obvious structural problems in the economy which indicate any slowdown or faltering in its continuing long-term growth. The consequence of this continuing and growing prosperity will therefore be a continuing long-term growth in the demand for movement both within the Study Area and between the Study Area and other regions. In addition to locally generated movement, the Study Area is also the vital bridge for movement between London, the South East and Channel Ports to the Midlands, the North and Scotland. This long-distance, inter-regional and international movement is concentrated on a limited number of strategic corridors, most notably the West Coast, Midland and East Coast Main Line rail corridors, the M1 and the M11. Of a lesser scale, but nevertheless increasingly important, is the role which the Study Area plays in facilitating east-west movement between East Anglia and the Haven Ports with the rest of the Country. On roads, this movement is primarily routed via the M25 or the A14, partly due to the lack of suitable standard alternatives elsewhere in the region. On rail, freight from the Haven Ports currently travels via the North London Line to access the West Coast Main Line, due to the inadequacy of the more direct routes to the Midlands and North. Finally, the location of the Study Area immediately to the north of London means that there are very strong economic links which have been formed with the capital over a long period. The result is a pattern of infrastructure through the Study Area, which as indicated above, is predominantly radial to London. The completion of the M25 as a high-quality orbital route has complicated the economic linkages in recent years by overlaying this radial commuting movement with a smaller, but nevertheless, significant movement to the outer areas of London. 2. Influence of Other Studies The Study Area directly abuts or is influenced by a number of other strategic studies being undertaken within broadly similar timescales. These include the following multi modal studies: • ORBIT – Orbital movements around London; • North-South Movements on the M1 in the East Midlands (Junctions 21-30); and • Cambridge to Huntingdon Multi Modal Study (CHUMMS) – A14 between Cambridge and Huntingdon. -I- In addition to this, the Study has incorporated the conclusions from the Roads-Based Study of M1 Junction 19. The Study is also influenced by two major planning studies, namely: • Milton Keynes to South Midlands Sub-Regional Planning Study; and • London-Stansted-Cambridge Sub-Regional Planning Study. Finally, the Study Area is likely to be significantly influenced by the outcome of the South East and East of England Regional Air Services Study which is currently reviewing options for air passenger and freight growth over the next 30 years. As far as possible, the Study Team either incorporated the approved outcomes from these studies where they were available or maintained a dialogue with the other studies to incorporate plausible scenarios into the base position for LSM. 3. Baseline and Future Travel Conditions LSM is concerned primarily with inter-urban movement and how best this can be accommodated and managed on the different transport networks. The most important feature of inter-urban travel in the Study Area is that it is dominated by the private car, which accounts for some 92% of all movement. For inter-urban movements which are wholly internal to the Study Area, the private car represents 96% of all travel; for movement to other regions, 92% of all travel; and for ‘through’ movements, just under 60%. Of the traffic on the sections of M1, M11 and A1(M) immediately north of the M25, a relatively small proportion is destined for Central London. Whilst rail makes virtually no contribution to wholly internal movements, it features much more strongly for travel to and from London which either starts within the Study Area or from beyond. For example, rail is the dominant mode for trips to Central London, and in the case of through movements rail accommodates over 30% of all trips. The role of the bus is less easy to define. Within the Study Area it accommodates about 4% of all inter-urban movement, whereas it represents just over 1% of travel to other regions. Its contribution to through movements, however, is greater at about 10%. The volume of local urban bus travel has not been quantified, because although it is important that use of such modes is encouraged to grow, it is unlikely to have a significant impact on the strategic movements which are the focus of this Study. Forecasts for the Study Area are that, in the absence of targeted policies or specific measures to reinforce the role of public transport over and above those already committed, car travel will grow at a greater rate than rail or bus travel. Car travel is forecast to grow by 60% over the next 30 years compared to bus at 37% and rail at 54% On the freight side, a similar situation is anticipated. Over 90% of freight traffic to, from and through the Area is carried by road. Even if the Government’s 10-Year Plan forecasts of increased freight by rail are realised, road freight traffic will increase substantially over the Study period. The conclusion, therefore, is that the existing, overwhelmingly dominant, roles of the private car and heavy goods vehicle are likely to be reinforced through time in the absence of any concerted strategy to counter these trends. - II - 4. Existing and Future Problems The Study Team’s understanding of the Study Area, its characteristics and problems, both existing and forecast, was discerned from a combination of public consultation and data analysis. Consultation covered a wide range of stakeholders and users throughout the Study Area. The data analysis made use of a multi-modal transport model of the Area. A consequence of the Study Area’s locally generated movement overlain by a requirement to carry a high proportion of long-distance through movement is that there are competing demands for use of the strategic transport networks. This is currently most evident at the following locations: • the southern sections of the M1 immediately north of the M25 (the section between Junctions 6 and 10A was remitted to the Study); • the A5 through Dunstable (Dunstable Eastern Bypass was remitted to the Study); • Junctions 6-8 of the A1 (remitted to the Study); • the A421 east of the M1; and • the A14 between Cambridge and Huntingdon (the subject of the recent CHUMMS study). There are a number of other locations where major problems currently occur on a regular basis but these are either due to extraordinary and short-lived circumstances such as roadworks, for example M11 at Junction 8, or where other studies are already defining a course of action, for example at M1 Junction 19. Needless to say, there are also many urban areas within the Study Area where there are transport problems and, equally, a number of local problems on the inter-urban network, but both types of problem are beyond the scope of the current Study. Analysis of the movement patterns indicates that a large amount of traffic is travelling on a primarily south-east to north-west axis, using the M25 and M1 or the M11 and A14. On the M1, approximately 50,000 vehicles per day travel between the M25 (Junction 6A) and the A14 (Junction 19), representing between 30% and 50% of total traffic. There are also problems in accessing a number of the major urban areas from the motorway and trunk road network, in particular: • Cambridge; • Stevenage; • Milton Keynes/Bedford; • Luton/Dunstable; and • Corby/Kettering/Wellingborough/Northampton. The problems of east-west access are particularly relevant in regard to the two major airports in the region, Stansted and Luton, both of which are now the subject of consideration for significant expansion. - III - Through time, problems on the inter-urban highway network will increase significantly. In a north-south direction, operational problems are forecast for: • the M1 between the M25 and at least as far as Junction 13; • the M11 between junctions 8 and 14; and • A1(M) between Junctions 6 and 8. In an east-west direction operational problems are forecast for: • A421/A428, which will be required to take an increasing proportion of long distance movements; and • A14, for the whole of its length between Cambridge and the M1. On the strategic rail network, the problem is one of overcrowding although the scale of this tends to increase with proximity to London. Through time, rail passenger demand will increase significantly, such that the longer-distance services, principally the West Coast and East Coast Main Line inter-city services destined for London, are virtually full as they enter the Study Area. The passenger upgrade on West Coast Main Line will facilitate an increased number of train paths and new rolling stock will permit higher speeds, thus giving a significant improvement to journey times and service frequency within this corridor. Outer-suburban commuter services will suffer progressive overcrowding until improvements such as Thameslink 2000 provide additional capacity in some corridors, as well as improved accessibility to rail for some locations in the Study Area. For east-west travel by public transport the problem is different in that although there are inter-urban bus services, there is currently no east-west rail facility with the exception of the Bedford-Bletchley branch line. The consequence of this is that east-west rail movements can only be achieved by going into and out of London on different lines. East-west public transport is therefore characterised by a lack of provision and hence poor accessibility. The analysis for this Study was not confined to the problems of moving people but to freight problems also. In general, these tended to mirror the types of issues identified for moving people but, in addition, highlighted the key point, that freight is very often constrained to use the strategic transport corridors (eg M1 and West Coast Main Line) to a much greater extent than for person movement. It is therefore more important for freight that these corridors provide the appropriate level-of-service because there is little, if any, opportunity for alternative actions on behalf of the operators. 5. Planning Scenarios In considering the location of future development, it was recognised that there is limited land availability in the southern half of the Study Area and that, as a result, development pressures will migrate northward. For example, there is strong growth potential in the arc between Cambridge and Oxford. Account was taken of the findings of the Milton Keynes to South Midlands and London-Stansted-Cambridge Sub-Regional Planning Studies in developing the future land-use scenarios for this Study. - IV - A set of three planning scenarios to 2016 and 2031 were prepared for a number of the key socio-economic variables that impact on travel behaviour. These include: households, population, employed population, economically active population and employment. The timescales are, of course, well beyond the horizons of conventional economic forecasting models, but the aim of this work was to produce a set of alternative future scenarios which: • were internally consistent, reasonably plausible and not in obvious conflict with major established national and local policy commitments; and • covered a sufficiently broad range of outcomes that they reflected the likely nature and scale of future transport problems which the Study Area may face. The starting point for this work was the construction of a consistent baseline for 2001 at District and Ward level using a range of data sources, including: Ward-based Census of Population data for 1991, the Department for Transport’s TEMPRO 4.2 projections, the Labour Force Survey and the Annual Business Inquiry Survey. Not surprisingly, the use of such diverse sources pointed to some inconsistencies, suggesting in particular an implausibly large fall in net out-commuting from the Area over the preceding decade. In the absence of good evidence on how commuting patterns actually changed over this period, adjustments were made to hold net out-commuting steady at 1991 levels. Three separate scenarios were developed, as described below. Scenario A – Base Scenario. This is effectively a ‘business as usual’ scenario in which the projections of additional dwelling numbers in current Regional Planning Guidance are simply rolled forward for a further period to 2031. This then determines the other demographic variables and, via the labour supply constraint, levels of employment. Scenario B – Balanced Development. The demographic variables follow Scenario A to 2016 but, thereafter, it is assumed that opposition to housing development results in a reduction of 25% for additional dwellings compared to Scenario A. Throughout the projection period the pattern of employment growth follows the changes in labour supply so that there is no growth in net commuting between Districts relative to the 2001 baseline. The reduction in rates of housing development and the matching of growth in economically active population and jobs at District level is intended to provide a ‘best foreseeable’ land-use planning case, so far as future travel growth is concerned. Scenario C – Market Driven. Under this scenario, policy is more accommodating to growth resulting, inter-alia, in more rapid increases in the socio-economic and land-use drivers of travel growth after 2016. Specifically, general rates of housing development are increased by 50% in the northern districts of the Study Area – excluding Cambridge where constraints on housing development are tighter – and by 25% in the remainder of the Area. Specific provision is also made for additional employment growth in Luton (regeneration policies and airport related growth), Uttlesford (Stansted Airport related growth), parts of Cambridgeshire (growth in the high technology cluster) and Corby (regeneration initiatives). The Department for Transport’s Consultation Document The Future of Air Transport in the UK (July 2002) forecasts a three-fold increase in air passenger movements in the UK up to 2030. The Consultation Document was published late in the LSM timetable and a decision was made not to evaluate the options put forward as they were consultative in nature. Nevertheless, it was acknowledged that some options, including one for three additional runways at Stansted, would obviously have profound implications for the Study Area. It -V- was felt, however, that evaluating the impact of these options would need to be the subject of a separate exercise once the LSM strategy had been developed and there was more certainty on a reduced number of options. Notwithstanding this, the central growth option of the London-Stansted-Cambridge SubRegional Study makes specific provision for additional growth from direct jobs generated by the expansion of Stansted Airport to accommodate 40 mppa by 2026. In employment terms, this was projected to generate 28,000 jobs by 2026. Taking forward the figures set out in this option, employment was expected to grow by 43% between 2001 and 2016, and by another 43% between 2016 and 2031. To reflect the additional growth projected under this option, further adjustments were made to Scenario C. The higher growth scenario set out in the Milton Keynes to South Midlands Sub-Regional Planning Study makes provision for the success of major regeneration initiatives at Corby, Bedford and Luton as regional priority areas. Under the higher growth scenario, an additional 24,000 jobs are projected for Corby (80% growth), 19,000 in Luton (22% growth) and 14,000 in Bedford (33% growth). To ensure consistency with the projections made under the Milton Keynes to South Midlands Sub-Regional Planning Study scenario, adjustments were again made to Scenario C. The majority of the strategy development and appraisal work for 2031 was undertaken in relation to the Base Scenario (A). The Balanced and High Growth scenarios were used as sensitivity tests to explore the robustness of the Preferred Strategy. 6. Strategy Options The Consultant Team has undertaken a wide range of testing and consultation to determine, first, the type of strategy that would be most successful and acceptable in tackling the problems identified and, second, the precise content of such a strategy. From the initial rounds of consultation and brainstorming within the Study Team and Steering Group, a long list of potential schemes and options were identified. These were subjected to a sift process, which identified the schemes (or types of schemes) that would be taken forward for further consideration. In terms of the strategy type, the Consultant Team then tested a number of approaches which placed a different emphasis on each of the Government’s five overarching objectives relating to environment, safety, accessibility, economy and integration. The tests included: • creation of major new rail capacity but with no new road capacity; • wholesale change in capacity for both road and rail; • restraint of growth using urban or area wide congestion charging, as well as access charges; and • a number of variants from the above which tested the impact of different scales of infrastructure for different corridors. - VI - The overwhelming conclusions from the testing work were as follows: • no single mode can solve the problems of the Study Area; • in a similar vein, demand restraint measures alone cannot solve the problems of the Area; • even under the most optimistic assumptions there would be no acceptable solution without increasing road capacity in strategic corridors; and • a combination of measures is required which must provide ‘balance’; first, to ensure that road improvements do not undermine parallel rail investment and, second, that investment on one part of the road network does not create a problem elsewhere. The process of strategy development itself sought to reflect the Government’s priorities whereby the options presented by measures other than expansion of the road network were considered first. This work demonstrated the very useful contribution which investment in public transport, ‘soft measures’ and restraint could make but confirmed the conclusion above, that selective investment in new road capacity was also required. 7. Preferred Strategy The Preferred Strategy resulting from the above development work was one which sought to address the strategic problems identified, in a manner which was consistent with the Government’s five overarching objectives. It includes a number of interventions which are summarised below. Policy The strategy is based on an overarching policy which considers the role of all modes in developing solutions to specific problems. In that respect, the Study has assumed a continuation of current Government policy insofar as it: • promotes the slow modes of walking and cycling for short distance intra-urban trips and re-allocates road space in pursuit of this objective; • promotes public transport for longer distance intra-urban movements, gives priority where this is possible through re-allocation of road space and pursues a range of other ‘quality’ initiatives designed to make public transport more attractive; • continues to promote and support travel awareness campaigns and other ‘soft measures’ to influence travel behaviour; and • pursues low cost engineering and safety measures across the highway network, in pursuit of safety objectives or very localised congestion. In the main, this continuation of policy could not be modelled explicitly, except for changes in public transport accessibility, which were assumed to improve relative to car, so that access times to rail stations reduced by half. - VII - Infrastructure The main emphasis of the strategy development work has been to assess and appraise the need for new infrastructure and recommendations have been made for both rail and highway infrastructure. In considering the balance between rail and highways in the recommendations it must be borne in mind that the Reference Case contains a considerable number of rail schemes which are expected to be completed in the short to medium term. The rail and highway infrastructure can be summarised as that required to satisfy a number of objectives: • reducing highway congestion and rail passenger overcrowding on the northsouth routes; • providing a significant increase in train paths to facilitate freight transfer from road to rail; • improving facilities for east-west travel, particularly for rail ; and • providing the necessary strategic connections so that the road and rail infrastructure can be managed more effectively as networks rather than as individual corridors. This latter point was particularly important as it recognised the problems caused by a temporary loss of capacity and the limited ways in which such loss can be mitigated under current arrangements. Such a loss can result for a variety of reasons such as maintenance, accidents, incidents or asset renewal. A key aspect of the proposals was therefore to provide the necessary infrastructure for better management within each individual network and also between the networks. The infrastructure which would deliver these objectives is summarised in Table 1 and Figure 1. It should be noted that whilst the level of highway infrastructure required to accommodate a given flow is relatively simple to define, there may be several solutions for providing the required increase in rail capacity. Table 1 therefore sets out recommendations by which the Study objectives could be achieved and, crucially, within a framework where no user of the rail network would receive a worse level of service in the Preferred Strategy than existed in the Reference Case. It is acknowledged, however, that the rail industry may be able to design more costeffective means of providing the same capacity in some cases and further detailed analysis will be required in this respect. Thus, the additional capacity proposed on the West Coast Main Line could be achieved by providing six tracks between Watford Junction and Berkhamsted, but it is possible that this could also be achieved at a lower cost by providing a series of passing or dynamic loops. This is an area of investigation where the SRA and Network Rail may be able to find a more cost effective solution through revised train formation and timetabling arrangements. Nevertheless the underlying requirement remains that extra capacity is required- it is the specific means of achieving it which requires further, more detailed, investigation. - VIII - Table 1 Proposed Infrastructure Improvements Corridor Section Rail WCML/MML/M1 Watford Junction -Berkhamsted 6 tracks or equivalent capacity M1 Junctions 6A-131 Dual 4-lane standard Rugby – Birmingham 4 tracks or equivalent capacity Dunstable Northern Bypass1 Dual 2-lane standard Kings Langley and Apsley Increase platforms to accommodate 12-car trains Luton Northern Bypass Dual 2-lane standard M1 Junction 12 Closure Bedford – Northampton Re-open as extension of Thameslink M1 Junction 131 Re-modelling to separate eastwest movement from that gaining access to/egress from the M1 A1, Brampton-Alconbury Dual 3-lane standard A1, Sandy to Beeston Dual-2 lane standard bypass A1, Junction 6-8 Climbing lane only northbound and associated ATM. Alternative 3-lane dual carriageway, only if associated with other measures for the corridor to downgrade its role. ECML/A1/A1(M) WAML/M11 Recommendation Section Road Recommendation Bedford – Leicester 4 tracks throughout or equivalent capacity Bedford Station Re-model, including electrification of fast tracks Welwyn Garden City – Knebworth 4 tracks throughout (including Welwyn Viaduct) or equivalent capacity Huntingdon – Peterborough 4 tracks throughout or equivalent capacity Kings Cross and Finsbury Park area and north of Peterborough Additional modifications as necessary Tottenham Hale – Bishops Stortford 4 tracks throughout or equivalent capacity M11 Junctions 8-91 Dual 3-lane standard Stansted Airport Additional tunnel M11 Junctions 9-14 Dual 3-lane standard Cambridge Station and Ely Station Additional platforms and tracks - IX - A14 A421/A428 Note: 1. Bicester – Bletchley Re-open rail link Bedford – Cambridge New link M1 Junction 19 – Ellington A1 Dual 3-lane standard B1047-A11 Dual 3-lane standard A421 immediately west of M1 Dual 2-lane standard A421 from M1 to Bedford Bypass1 Dual 2-lane standard A428 east of A1 to Caxton Gibbet New alignment south of St Neots Dual 2-lane standard plus offline improvement to Dual 2-lane standard These schemes are expected to be delivered within the 10-Year Plan. -X- Figure 1 Preferred Strategy - XI - In this respect, the SRA’s Network Capacity Utilisation Review will be a more appropriate means of identifying those parts of the network for which a net benefit can be achieved by allowing some loss in level-of-service at certain stations to facilitate greater benefits elsewhere. It would therefore be useful to review the infrastructure recommendations in the near future, when: • the results of the Network Capacity Utilisation Review and individual Route Utilisation Strategies are known; and • the rail industry has given more detailed consideration to alternative mechanisms by which the objectives for each corridor, and the connectivity of the network as a whole could be achieved. In the meantime, the infrastructure schemes set out in Table 1 have been used in the evaluation of the Preferred Strategy. These schemes could, therefore, be considered to present a ‘worst-case’ scenario of the requirements, both in terms of their cost and their impact on the environment. Nevertheless, they do deliver the step-change improvement in level-of-service which is desirable and the benefits which will flow from such improvement. However, they also require a step-change in costs and thus exploring less expensive mechanisms to capture these benefits will be an essential next stage of work beyond this Study. Given that the majority of improvements are proposed beyond the 10Year Plan, this provides a particularly valuable intervening period for detailed planning and evaluation. With regard to the highway infrastructure recommendations, further work will be required in order to finalise designs and costs such that the recommendations can be added to the Highways Agency’s Targeted Programme of Improvements. This must be done as a matter of great urgency as capacity improvements to strategic highway corridors represent the majority of work within the 10-Year Plan period. Pricing In support of an objective that the benefits from new infrastructure must be protected from erosion, the strong recommendation from the Study Team is that comprehensive, area wide, road user charging should be implemented approximately half way through the Study period (approximately 2016). This will follow the major highway investment designed to eliminate congestion on the strategic network and create a much better balance, in terms of a more consistent level of service. Technology The development of technology is really beyond the scope of this Study, but the strategy nevertheless assumes and supports: • continuing development of Intelligent Transport Systems, such as Active Traffic Management, variable message signs and ramp access controls, which will allow the network to be managed more efficiently and effectively; • continuing development of information systems which will assist users to make optimal choices before setting out on a journey or even during a journey; and - XII- • 8. continuing development of techniques and processes to reduce emissions and improve safety for cars, buses and rail. Appraisal Strategic Benefits In addition to resolving local congestion problems, a fundamental characteristic of the strategy is the improved connectivity within the strategic transport networks. This is intended to give travellers a choice of route, but more importantly to provide sufficient flexibility to maintain an operational network if one section suffers a loss in capacity for any reason. For example, if roadworks or an accident cause disruption on the M1, then the M11 and A14 will be better able to act as an alternative route for some strategic traffic between London, the South East and the West Midlands. Similarly, if a blockage occurs on any of the north-south rail routes, the improved east-west linkage will allow trains, or at least passengers, to divert to another route. Framework Analysis A Framework Analysis for the full strategy against the 2016 Reference Case shows the following conclusions: • Environment; there is an overall reduction of about 1% in car person-km. and 2% in HGV-km. as a result of the strategy. • Accessibility; accessibility by all modes is improved whether for person-related or employment-related purposes for trips originating in the Study Area. Similar benefits are enjoyed for virtually all through movements. • Safety; again the strategy delivers major safety benefits with a reduction of traffic on all classes of road in the Study Area and the biggest reduction occurring on those classes of road with the highest accident rates. Savings of over 1,000 deaths or injuries per year are forecast. • Integration; all integration objectives are improved by the strategy. Integration between modes is improved through better access to both major airports by all modes; integration with social policy improves through better access to jobs in relatively deprived areas; land-use policy is also reinforced and integration with economic and regeneration policy is improved through better access to jobs for those not having a car. • Economy; the key economy indicators all improve; average speeds across the highway network improve and access to the major economic centres improves by almost all modes to all centres. A separate economic evaluation also demonstrates a very healthy benefit/cost ratio for schemes proposed within the 10-Year Plan. A similar analysis at 2031 gives the following conclusions. • Environment; the reduction in travel as expressed in car person-km. and HGV-km. support this objective with a significant reduction of 6% in HGV-km. resulting from rail investment and the freight transfer which this facilitates. - XIII- • Accessibility; accessibility within the Study Area is improved for social and employment trips for both car and rail. In terms of through movements, there is a general improvement on all axes but with some occasions where the cost of travel increases. Whilst showing a net benefit therefore, satisfying this objective does not perform as well as it did at 2016 levels. • Safety; the reduction in traffic on all road types is a clear benefit from a safety perspective as is the reduction in the proportion of time spent in overcrowded rail conditions. It is forecast that over 1,200 deaths or injuries per year will be saved. • Integration; all the integration objectives are improved by the strategy at 2031 with the exception of trips made by bus which show a slight deterioration. • Economy; again the indicators generally support this objective. A separate economic evaluation over the full 30-year period demonstrates a more marginal benefit/cost ratio for the full strategy rather than the 10-Year Plan schemes alone, but this is not surprising, given the very substantial investment in rail which traditionally gives lower economic rates of return than road. The results from the Framework Analysis demonstrate that the strategy performs very well against each of the Government’s overarching objectives at 2016 levels of demand. Whilst it still performs well at 2031 against a Reference Case for the same year, the performance is not as overwhelmingly beneficial as for the earlier year. The conclusion to be drawn, therefore, is that at the higher levels of demand the strategy benefits start to be eroded and locational problems re-appear. Operational Analysis It is clear that operationally, the highway network will not be capable of returning to current levels of performance given the high levels of traffic increase forecast over the 30year period. Even allowing for some peak spreading in response to increased traffic volumes at the forecast year relative to the Base Year, the analysis shows that demand will reduce peak period levels of service for car users. Thus, whilst the strategy has delivered undoubted benefits against the Government’s five objectives, it is nevertheless clear that further work must be done to ensure that the investment can deliver operational benefits for most hours of the year on the strategic highway network. The two measures seen to offer most potential in this respect are Active Traffic Management and road user charging. In the case of Active Traffic Management, the underlying proposition is that it can increase traffic throughput by controlling usage of the available road space and managing the traffic demand more effectively, particularly at times of very high demand or when some capacity is lost because of accidents or incidents. Road user charging is more problematic in that it is not currently a part of Government policy and even if policy were to change, it could not be adopted with full functionality within the short term for various legal, institutional and technical reasons as well as for reasons of public acceptability. Nevertheless, road user charging does offer a mechanism for: • reducing overall levels of traffic growth; - XIV- • encouraging a shift from private to public transport; and • effectively targeting congestion (depending to an extent on the particular technique used). All of these outcomes sit very comfortably within Government’s policy framework even if the principle itself has not been adopted. Equally, the revenue from such a policy could either create new, additional, revenue streams to accelerate improvements in transport provision or, as a revenue-neutral outcome, allow some re-basing of current fiscal measures related to transport. The debate on road user charging, the form it could take, the precise charging mechanisms and the possible implications for existing fiscal measures are all beyond the scope of this Study. Nevertheless, it is incumbent to highlight the benefits such a policy could deliver. To this end the transport model has been run assuming a charge of 10p/km., a scale of charge often cited as a reasonable starting point for testing such regimes. The outcome from that work has been to show considerable operational benefits at 2031 for the highway network as well as a modal shift towards public transport. In view of these strategic benefits, the Study recommends that road user charging should form an integral part of the strategy at approximately the mid-way point of the Study period to safeguard the infrastructure investments. However, the strategy is not critically dependent upon user charging from a highway capacity viewpoint, given the additional capacity which can be achieved through Active Traffic Management. Nevertheless, road user charging offers a rational basis for tackling congestion which has significant benefits not achievable through other mechanisms and for that reason it is strongly supported as a pivotal component of the strategy after about 2016. If both these recommendations, road user charging and Active Traffic Management, are accepted, then a key issue will be to ensure that the technology will allow a transition from one to another as the primary means of bringing traffic volume and highway capacity into balance. Equally, the technology must allow both regimes to function in tandem since this will possibly be required at times of accidents, incidents or extreme traffic demands. 9. Implications for 10-Year Plan Targets Table 2 summarises the contribution which the Preferred Strategy will make to the target indicators in the Government’s 10-Year Plan for transport. Where possible, a quantitative measure has been used to demonstrate performance against the targets, and these measures are shown in the Table. The Table refers to 2016, which is the closest year modelled to the end of the 10-Year Plan period. The assessment of the contribution is based on the full strategy even though some elements will not be implemented until considerably later than 2016. - XV- Table 2 Contribution of the Preferred Strategy to the 10-Year Plan Targets 10-Year Plan Measurement 2001 Base 2016 Reference Target Indicator Year Case Reduce road congestion below current levels Increase rail passengerkilometres by 50% Delays in Study Area in average morning peak hour Average delay per trip in morning peak hour Rail passengerkilometres per day in Study Area Increase rail freight tonne-kilometres by 80% Increase bus use by 10% Double light rail use Cut journey time on London Underground 47,304 PCU-hours (+73%) 434 seconds (+31%) 14,548,910 17,906,083 (+23%) 18,739,295 (+29%) N/A Implicitly assumed in Reference Case demand that sufficient capacity would be provided to increase rail usage by 80% As Reference Case, but large number of additional rail freight paths made available 4,629,974 5,564,750 (+20%) 5,641,355 (+22%) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 331 seconds None Reduced congestion likely to represent less of a deterioration than Reference Case, but likely to remain worse than Base Year levels Reduced congestion likely to represent less of a deterioration than Reference Case, but reductions below 1990 levels dependent on increased fuel efficiency of vehicle N/A Severe deterioration likely in line with large growth in traffic and congestion None Emissions generally greater than 1990 level Severe deterioration likely in line with large growth in traffic and congestion although effect could be mitigated by increased fuel efficiency of vehicles Fatalities per year in Study Area 222 308 (+39%) 305 (+37%) Serious injuries per year in Study Area 3,414 4,765 (+40%) 4,684 (+37%) None N/A Similar effect to above likely Similar effect to above likely Improve air quality None Reduce greenhouse gases by 12.5% from 1990 levels Reduce number killed and seriously injured on roads by 40% 48,671 PCU-hours (+78%) 445 seconds (+34%) 27,339 PCU-hours None Bus passengerkilometres per day in Study Area None 2016 Preferred Strategy Reduce children killed and seriously injured by 50% The contributions to these targets are discussed in more detail in the paragraphs which follow. Reduce Road Congestion The growth in traffic forecast between 2001 and 2016 is such that a very large increase in congestion is predicted for the Reference Case. Whilst this will be somewhat mitigated by the Preferred Strategy, a return to 2001 levels is not expected (even for the motorway - XVI- network). Therefore, whilst the proposed infrastructure will be one mechanism for reducing the congestion predicted in the Reference Case, it will need to be reinforced by one or more of the following measures: • Active Traffic Management; • road user charging; and/or • traffic restraint in urban areas. It should be noted that, in general, the locations where congestion is predicted under the Preferred Strategy are not those where major infrastructure works are proposed. Therefore, additional junction improvements at the remaining ‘hotspots’ could result in a significantly greater reduction in congestion. Increase Rail Passenger-Kilometres The large amount of investment in the Study Area rail network as part of the Reference Case (principally the WCML upgrade and Thameslink 2000), together with the underlying growth, are forecast to increase passenger-kilometres by 23% from 2001 to 2016. With implementation of the Preferred Strategy a total increase from 2001 of 29% is forecast. This increase occurs in a number of ways, notably: • passengers changing their trip origin or destination; • transfers from highway trips; and • entirely new (generated) trips. The model does not, however, take account of existing air passengers who would transfer to rail following investment in the network, either as part of the Reference Case or the Preferred Strategy. Since additional long-distance services are being provided (and in the case of WCML journey time reductions), the value of 29% could be a significant underestimate. Furthermore, forecasts have assumed that fares will remain constant in real terms. In practice, the investment is likely to leave some free capacity on trains, particularly during off-peak periods. The Train Operating Companies could be expected to introduce various cheap fare offers to fill this capacity with passengers who would not otherwise be attracted to use the rail network. It is reasonable to predict, therefore, that the total increase in rail passenger-kilometres will be close to, or even in excess of, the 50% target. Increase Rail Freight Tonne-Kilometres The Reference Case assumes that sufficient additional freight capacity will be provided on the rail network to facilitate the Government’s target of an 80% increase in tonnekilometres by 2011. - XVII- The Preferred Strategy provides a further increase in the number of freight paths available in each corridor. It has therefore been assumed that the rate of rail freight growth achieved between 2001 and 2011 will continue throughout the Study Period, and hence the 80% target will be significantly exceeded. Increase Bus Use Increasing congestion on both the road and rail networks, together with the introduction of various ‘soft’ measures to improve the quality of services are forecast to increase interurban bus usage by 20% in the Reference Case. A further small increase (to 22% compared with 2001) is forecast with implementation of the Preferred Strategy. The Government target of 10% is, therefore, clearly exceeded. Whilst bus services in urban areas are not explicitly modelled, the Preferred Strategy recommends bus priority where appropriate in urban areas, and improved ‘feeder’ services connecting with the rail network. An increase in local bus patronage can, therefore, also be expected. Double Light Rail Use The inter urban nature of this Study is such that no light rail schemes are recommended. Cut Journey Time on London Underground The London Underground is wholly external to the Study Area and hence measures to reduced journey times have not been considered. Improve Air Quality Air quality can be expected to change in line with the growth in traffic and the change in congestion levels. Therefore, air quality is likely to deteriorate between 2001 and 2016 (Reference Case), but will be improved by implementation of the Preferred Strategy. This improvement is, however, unlikely to return air quality to 2001 levels. Reduce Greenhouse Gases Similarly, greenhouse gases are likely to increase in line with traffic to 2016, but reduce with implementation of the Preferred Strategy. Levels of greenhouse gases will be further reduced as vehicles are designed with greater fuel efficiency. Reduce Road Fatalities and Injuries Between 2001 and 2016, fatalities and serious injuries are predicted to increase by around 40%, although this increase would be reduced to 37% with implementation of the Preferred Strategy. Since a high proportion of accidents occur on minor roads or in urban areas, further road improvements by the appropriate Local Authorities would make a significant contribution to accident reduction. Reduce Child Fatalities and Injuries Accidents involving children are not explicitly modelled, but could be expected to follow a similar pattern to that for accidents in general (described above). However, since a - XVIII- higher proportion of trips involving children are within urban areas, there is a greater dependence on Local Authority schemes to achieve this target. ` 10. Immediate Actions The strategy presents a framework of recommendations for implementation over the next 30 years. Clearly, these cannot all be implemented in the short term. Indeed, the priorities may change to some extent in line with changing economic and demographic circumstances over the period. However, it is clear to the Study Team that certain elements of the strategy should be taken forward at the earliest possible opportunity. First, the M1 is clearly the primary highway axis through the Study Area. The widening between Junctions 6A and 10 and then between Junctions 10 to 13, will benefit a large proportion of the population. The Highways Agency has well-developed proposals for these schemes, which should now be implemented. Second, given the pressures to implement the 10-Year Plan, there are a number of other highway schemes which can be fast tracked to deliver early benefits. These include Dunstable Northern Bypass, A421 from M1 to A1 and M11 Junctions 8-9. Third, the East-West Rail Link has been under discussion for considerable time. Whilst the eastern section will be expensive to construct and there are still design issues to resolve, the Bicester to Bletchley section can be implemented relatively quickly. This will facilitate services between Bristol, Oxford, Milton Keynes and Bedford and the Strategic Rail Authority should consider advancing construction of this route. East of Bedford, it is recommended that a combined corridor is used in conjunction with improvements to the A421 and A428. Whilst this scheme features shortly after the 10-Year Plan period, it is vital that a commitment to the scheme is made now, so that all future design work can take into account the needs of both the road and rail schemes. Finally the other new section of railway connects Bedford and Northampton. Construction of this link is programmed beyond the 10-Year Plan. However, any undue delay could result in land being taken for other purposes. A commitment should therefore be made to the project, with sufficient design work to protect the appropriate land, even if construction does not commence for a number of years. - XIX- Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Introduction Study Approach Study area and it’s Environment Baseline Network Conditions and Travel Patterns Socio Economics and Land Use Modelling Framework Problems and Issues Strategy Development Process Developing the Strategy Preferred Strategy Appraisal of the Preferred Strategy Delivering the Strategy Summary of Study Recommendations Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E Appendix F Appendix G Appendix H Appendix I Appendix J Terms of Reference Steering Group Representation Wider Reference Group Consultant Team Representation Modelling Framework Corridor Assignment Validation Scenario B&C Reference Case Framework Analyses Strategy Themes for Option Development 1 Introduction 1.1 Background to the Study The London to South Midlands Multi Modal Study (LSM) is one of the largest transport studies to have been commissioned in recent years. The need for such a study was identified as part of the Government’s 1998 review of the Trunk Road Programme. The findings of this review were published as ‘A New Deal for Trunk Roads in England’1 in July 1998 which announced that, whilst some road schemes would be taken forward in a Targeted Programme of Improvements, other schemes would be subject to further study. This resulted in a total of 27 studies, of which 17 were termed multi-modal studies and 10 roads-based studies. The presumption for the roads-based studies was that the preferred solution would almost inevitably focus on road improvements, whereas for the multi-modal studies there was a presumption that other modes and other policy instruments, such as land-use policy or transport pricing, could have a more profound contribution than had been acknowledged in the past. In the case of LSM, ‘A New Deal for Trunk Roads in England’ summarised the Study as being: “……………to consider congestion problems in the area based on M1, A1(M)/A1 and M11 corridors. Particular issues to be addressed will be development pressures, access to major urban areas and the scope for modal shift.” This Report sets out the results of the Consultant Team’s investigations to address these complex issues and their recommendations as described through an overall strategy and plan of specific interventions. 1.2 Study Area The geographical coverage for this study is shown in Figure 1.1. It extends from immediately north of the M25 to north of the A14 and from west of the M1 and West Coast Main Line (WCML) to east of the M11 and West Anglia Main Line (WAML). The area contains a population of almost 4 million people. In transport terms, it is the vital ‘bridge’ connecting London and the South East with the Midlands, the North and Scotland. Its strategic corridors are therefore of national importance and accommodate some of the heaviest volumes of long-distance movement in the United Kingdom. 1 Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions (July 1998): A New Deal for Trunk Roads in England -1- Figure 1.1 Geographical Coverage of the Study Area and Wider Area of Influence -2- This is in addition to the very substantial volumes of passenger and freight movement which both begin and end their trip within the Study Area, or which travel to another region, such as London, the Midlands or the Southeast. At the Study outset, it was recognised that because of the Study Area’s strategic importance, a wider Area of Influence should be recognised and this is also shown in Figure 1.1. Although recommendations were not expected for this area, it was nevertheless important to recognise the significant impact which schemes and policies from this wider area could have on the core Study Area. For the purposes of transport modelling, it should be noted that model coverage included the whole of mainland UK, although with progressively coarser coverage with increasing distance from the Study Area. 1.3 Terms of Reference Terms of Reference for the Study were defined at two levels in terms of general and specific objectives. At the higher level, the key requirements were as follows: “The overall aim of the Study is to make recommendations for a long-term strategy to meet passenger and freight needs within an area based on the M1, A1(M)/A1 and M11 corridors.” “The Study should make recommendations on the problems of east-west travel across the Study Area, both in terms of the difficulties of east-west movement and the impact that east-west movement has on north-south congestion. Of particular relevance is the role of the A14, the lack of a strategic east-west route between the A14 and the M25 and the lack of an east-west railway.” At a more specific level, the Study was required to make recommendations on road improvements remitted from the Trunk Road Programme Review. These comprised: • M1 Junctions 6A-10; • A1(M) Junctions 6-8 widening; and • A5 Dunstable Eastern Bypass. In conducting the Study, the Terms of Reference strongly emphasised the need to consider a comprehensive raft of possible measures and interventions which could assist in overcoming existing deficiencies. It also highlighted the need to ensure that both the Study recommendations and the processes and analyses which underpinned the recommendations, were guided by the Government’s National Transport Strategy. This strategy is embodied within two key documents, the White Paper “A New Deal for Transport: Better for Everyone” 2 and The Ten Year Plan3. 2 Department for the Environment, Transport and the Regions (July 1998) A New Deal for Transport: Better for Everyone. The Government’s White Paper on the Future of Transport. 3 Department for the Environment, Transport and the Regions (July 2000): Transport 2010 The 10-Year Plan -3- The full Terms of Reference are given as Appendix A to this document. 1.4 Management of the Study 1.4.1 Steering Group The size of the Study Area and complexity of issues to be tackled meant that the Steering Group needed to represent a broad spectrum of interests and perspectives. The Steering Group composition is given as Table 1.1. Since the names of some organisations changed during the course of the Study, the name at Study completion is given. The role of the Steering Group was to give strategic guidance and overall direction. Table 1.1 Steering Group Composition Organisation Government Office for the East of England (Go-East) Government Office for the South East (GOSE) Government Office for the East Midlands (GOEM) Multi Modal Studies Unit (Department for Transport) (MMSU) Strategic Rail Authority (SRA) Railtrack/Network Rail (NR) Highways Agency (HA) BAA Plc (BAA) Northamptonshire County Council (NCC) Bedfordshire County Council (BCC) East of England Local Government Conference (EELGC) East of England Development Agency (EEDA) East Midlands Transport Activists Round Table (EMTAR) Council for the Protection of Rural England (CPRE) RAC Foundation for Motoring (RAC) Freight Transport Association (FTA) Individual representation within the Steering Group is given as Appendix B. -4- 1.4.2 Wider Reference Group Supporting the Steering Group was a Wider Reference Group (WRG) whose role was to act as a ‘sounding board’ to the Consultant Team. This function was performed as part of the Consultation process when the WRG advised on key issues and problems which the Study had to address, their possible causes and the direction to be taken in developing solutions. A full list of the WRG composition is given as Appendix C. 1.4.3 Consultant Team The companies represented in the Consultant Team and their responsibilities, are given as Table 1.2. Table 1.2 Consultant Team Company FaberMaunsell Role Project Management Transport Planning (including modelling) Engineering Consultation (from March 2002 onwards) Ecotec Economic Forecasting Socio-Economic Analysis David Lock Associates Strategic Land-use Planning Environmental Resources Management Environmental Appraisal Sinclair Knight Merz Freight Air Transport Projects in Partnership Consultation (to February 2002) Count-on-Us Data Collection Individual representation within the Consultant Team is given as Appendix D. 1.5 Structure of the Report The remainder of this Report is divided into 12 chapters which describe the full scope of technical work undertaken. This allows the work to be described as a logical progression from data collection and model development, through to problem identification, option generation, option appraisal, preferred strategy and implementation plan. Each of the chapters is described and discussed below. Chapter 2 provides an overview of the Study approach. As such, it describes the overall programme of work and its underlying rationale, the linkages between various analyses and the wider links established with other studies and the delivery agencies. -5- The Study Area and its environment, which sets the background to the study and presents a number of constraints on future development, are described in Chapter 3. Understanding how the Study Area functions at the current time is described in Chapter 4. This covers the current transport networks and movement patterns by different modes for passengers and freight. Chapter 5 then contains a description of the baseline economic and land-use conditions, and how alternative future scenarios for land-use and economic growth were developed. Arising from these alternative scenarios are different patterns and intensities of movement which form the basis for identifying future problems and solutions. Having set the context for the Study in Chapters 2 to 5, Chapters 6 to13 then describe the work involved in developing a strategy and detailed implementation plan. Chapter 6 describes the work undertaken in modelling and forecasting transport demand. This comprises three elements: • developing the transport model for the Study, which is described in outline, with more detail given in Appendix E, and the assumptions used in forecasting; • the definition of the Reference Case transport networks, incorporating the best estimate of committed schemes that will have been implemented by the forecast years; • a summary of the growth in travel that is forecast for the future years. Chapter 7 focuses on problem identification at the Base Year (2001), 2016 and 2031, identified through a combination of consultation and the various technical analyses. The strategy development process is described in Chapter 8, which concentrates on the rationale adopted for the process, and describes the various different analyses, frameworks and measures used to assess whether key objectives had been satisfied. The development of the strategy itself, the schemes and policies taken forward through various stages, and those rejected, is set out in Chapter 9. This includes the reactions to the emerging strategy from the public consultation that was conducted in various locations in the Study Area. The Preferred Strategy is set out as succinctly as possible in Chapter 10, with reference to the overall rationale, achievement of objectives, and robustness to alternative planning scenarios. The detailed appraisal of the strategy and of individual components within the overall strategy is described in Chapter 11. Where possible the analysis is presented at strategy, corridor and scheme levels so that the contribution of different interventions can be clearly understood. -6- Having established the strategy, Chapter 12 then describes the process of delivery. A key feature here is the likely phasing of different interventions and, a not dissimilar issue, the actions required to achieve early delivery, wherever possible, in support of the Government’s 10-Year Plan objectives. Finally, Chapter 13 summarises the Consultant Team’s recommendations. -7- 2 Study Approach 2.1 Overview Due to its size and complexity, the LSM study was preceded by a scoping study which, amongst other things, considered a range of methodological approaches to the main study. It concluded that a preferred approach was one in which the analysis was conducted at two levels. The first, strategic level, analysis was required to understand the way in which the Study Area functioned in transport terms and to test a variety of interventions which addressed major problems with a sub-regional, regional or even national impact. A second, more detailed, analysis was then required to examine these individual strategy components or interventions within key corridors. The purpose of this more detailed analysis was in order to make very specific recommendations on what type (and standard) of intervention was required, to demonstrate its marginal net benefits over other possible solutions and to consider in more detail the key issues of implementation and timing. Inevitably, there was some interaction between the corridor and strategic levels, but this was expected for two reasons. First, the Study had a timescale of approximately two years, during which time data sources were updated and refined. Given the time lag between ‘corridor’ and ‘strategic’ analyses, therefore, some of the basic travel demand parameters changed over this period. The second reason for interaction was that only in the detailed analysis of options were constraints and opportunities revealed which might affect the feasibility of delivering the strategy which was developed at a more conceptual level. The process therefore had two clear stages, the first being strategy development which considered the role of each mode and any other instrument in finding transport solutions to congestion or poor accessibility. The second level then examined the preferred options in more detail within specific corridors, thus establishing the degree of fit between different measures and their overall deliverability. 2.2 Strategy Development 2.2.1 Introduction The strategy development phase of the work comprised a number of distinct elements which are set out in Figure 2.1. The process itself is divided into three major components, base year problem identification, future year problem identification and option appraisal. Each of these aspects is discussed in more detail in the following sections. -8- Figure 2.1 Strategy Development Process Ad Hoc Data Collection Base Year Problem Identification Future Year Problem Identification Option Appraisal Base Year Model Development Base Year Problem Identification Future Year Model Development Future Year Problem Identification Problem Statement Strategies for Testing Option Generation Appraisal Problem Statement Coarse Sift Preferred Strategy Corridor and Scheme Analyses 2.2.2 Base Year Problem Identification This phase of work was concerned with two issues; first, identifying the problems of movement as they exist at the Base Year, 2001, and second, understanding the scale and patterns of movement which give rise to these problems. The findings from this analysis are dealt with fully in Chapter 7, but it is nevertheless worth making a few points at this early stage: • the process of problem identification was based upon a number of data sources, including ad hoc data such as ground counts from various sources, base year model output and views expressed in the consultation process; -9- • 2.2.3 the understanding of problems and their causes was informed by a variety of socio-economic data and by various operational analyses designed to understand, amongst other things, the type (e.g. inter-regional, sub-regional) and scale of movement on different parts of the network and the propensity for any or all of that movement to be carried by a different mode or different part of the network. Future Year Problem Identification Having set out a statement of findings at the Base Year, the transport model was then used to forecast travel demand at the years 2016 and 2031. In order to understand the types of problem resulting from this further growth, as well as their location, two pieces of analysis were undertaken. The first was an operational analysis designed to identify ‘stress’ on either the highway or rail network. In the case of both highways and rail, this was done on the simple basis of a volume/capacity ratio. The second piece of analysis at the future year was designed to identify the extent to which conditions between the base and future years had deteriorated (or in exceptional circumstances, improved). This was done by means of an appraisal framework designed specifically to assist the strategy development process. This framework was categorised according to the five overarching criteria of accessibility, economy, environment, integration and safety with sub-objectives within each category relating to general measures of performance or to measures which addressed issues specifically identified by the brief as being particularly important to LSM. The key outputs from the Problem Identification at 2016 and 2031 are given in Chapter 7. 2.2.4 Option Appraisal The options were appraised at increasing levels of detail as the strategy was refined. At the initial, coarse sifting, stage options were assessed on grounds of feasibility, effectiveness and acceptability. The schemes that passed the coarse sifting stage were then built up into ‘themed’ strategies, which were appraised against key performance indicators, corresponding to the Government’s objectives for transport, as encapsulated in the New Approach to Appraisal (NATA). It became evident at this stage that there was relatively little interaction between the road and rail networks, and two separate strands of testing were undertaken on the separate road and rail networks to determine the most appropriate networks to satisfy future operational needs. Appraisal at this stage concentrated on indicators of congestion and accessibility. Having developed separate road and rail strategies, the two were brought together again for detailed testing using the key performance indicator framework, and a final set of strategy options was developed. These options were tested using the NATA methodology and Appraisal Summary Tables were produced. Consultation took place at several stages in the appraisal process, with a progressively widening group of contacts from Steering Group, through Wider Reference Group and the general public. The draft strategy was the subject of public exhibitions undertaken - 10 - throughout the Study Area. Environmental Bodies. 2.3 Consultations were also undertaken with the Statutory Corridor Studies Whilst the Study was primarily concerned with developing an overall strategy for the Study Area, it was important that the work should be sufficiently detailed for infrastructure recommendations to enter the delivery programmes of different agencies. To this end, five corridors were identified for further detailed analysis. The corridors and their constituent parts are described below: • M1/WCML/MML: this corridor includes not only the major north-south rail and road arteries defined above, but also any other infrastructure which connects into or is dependent upon these arteries. Access issues to Milton Keynes and Luton, for example, would be examined in the context of this corridor. The length of the M1 considered for this analysis was between Junction 6A where it joins the M25, and Junction 19, where it meets the M6 and A14. The WCML and MML routes encompass services between London (Euston and St. Pancras respectively) and the Midlands, Northern England and Scotland, in addition to more ‘local’ services to Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire; • A1(M)/A1/ECML: this corridor comprises the A1(M)/A1 between the M25 and A14. The ECML is concerned with long-distance strategic rail movements which extend well beyond the boundary of the Study Area, in addition to services from London Kings Cross to Cambridge and Peterborough. These services also provide the principal connection between London and many parts of Hertfordshire; • M11/WAML: the third major north-south corridor comprises the M11 and WAML rail services from London Liverpool Street to Cambridge and Stansted Airport; • A421/A428/East-West Rail: the first of the two east-west corridors extends from Milton Keynes to Cambridge for the roads based analysis, but further west to Bicester for the rail analysis; • A14: finally, the second east-west corridor comprises the A14 from its junction with the A11 east of Cambridge to its junction with the M1 at Junction 19. 2.4 Role of Consultation The Study Brief placed particular importance on the need for a comprehensive consultation exercise with an accompanying press and public relations strategy. The purpose of consultation was to ensure that all shades of opinion were considered at each stage of the study; for example, in defining existing problems, the causes of such problems and the possible solutions. In support of such a process, the Wider Reference Group was developed as a sounding board designed to reflect all shades of opinion. As such, it comprised a wide variety of organisations with different interests, viewpoints and policy perspectives. - 11 - Importantly, the Consultation process was undertaken as a complementary process to the other, more technical, areas of work at key stages throughout the Study. This was to ensure that any major conclusions could be informed, not only by the Consultant Team’s technical process, but also by a much wider spectrum of opinion and knowledge. In particular, the Consultation contributed to the understanding of current and future problems and issues, to the generation of options for testing and to the acceptability of various schemes, policies and options. Consultation events were held at various locations within the Study Area during strategy development to enable the public to understand the proposals and to provide feedback to the Study Team. The Consultation process itself was designed to form a ‘cascade’ where each stage of the process informed the next. The cascade process is shown as Figure 2.2 which shows the starting point for the process as being the hopes and concerns expressed by the Steering Group as to what would constitute a successful outcome for the Study and the barriers to this accomplishment. This, in turn, set the agenda for the next stage of work, the telephone interviews with the Wider Reference Group and so on. Thus, each stage of the process informed the next with, as a general rule, the numbers of consultees increasing as the theme of the consultation became more detailed and specific. - 12 - Figure 2.2 Cascade Process Study Process Inception Report Consultation Process Structure of Study Consultation Steering Group Workshop Style and content of Problem Identification Consultation Problem Identification Perceived Problems Telephone Interviews with WRG WRG Workshops Hard-to-Reach Groups Perceived Problems Strategy Testing Strategy Development Process Option Development Workshops with WRG Principles and Detailed Recommendations Strategic Options Indicative Strategies Option Testing Workshops with WRG Local Communities Event for MPs Detailed Mapping of Responses to Strategies Draft Preferred Strategy Public Exhibitions Preferred Strategy - 13 - At no stage in the development process was there any attempt for the consultation to be seen as a quantitative process registering a ‘vote’ for or against any particular proposition. Its role was purely to capture as efficiently as possible the variety of knowledge and opinion likely to be held by the population at large. To this end, the Wider Reference Group was selected on the basis that, as far as possible, it was likely to represent the full spectrum of such views. At the final stage of work, however, some element of quantification was included in the Consultation process as the public was asked to react to specific proposals by the Consultant Team. The conduct of consultation at each stage of the work and the conclusions arising are described in the chapters on problem identification, option appraisal and preferred strategy development. A fuller description of the entire process is also given in the Study Consultation Report. 2.5 Integration with Other Studies The LSM study was sufficiently large that it influenced, or was influenced by, a significant number of other major studies in one way or another. These other studies reached their conclusions at different points during the course of the Study and the extent to which LSM could respond to or accommodate their conclusions therefore varied. However, the LSM Study Team attempted to maintain a dialogue with all the other studies to ensure, as far as possible, the best possible fit between the different sets of conclusions. The main studies, their Terms of Reference and possible impacts on LSM are described below. Figure 2.3 also highlights their geographical coverage. ORBIT Study ORBIT is a major multi modal study whose remit was to investigate problems of orbital movement around London and recommend solutions which particularly addressed issues of congestion on the M25 and poor accessibility by public transport. The study reported shortly before LSM and its conclusions potentially have a major impact on LSM because of the huge influence of the M25 both with respect to north-south and eastwest strategic movements. North South Movements on the M1 in the East Midlands This study, to the north of the LSM Study Area, was completed roughly halfway through the LSM Study. The proposals emanating from this study deal with improvements for the road and rail networks between junctions 21 and 30 of the M1 and are unlikely to have a significant impact on LSM. - 14 - Figure 2.3 Strategic Studies Influencing or Influenced by LSM - 15 - Cambridge to Huntingdon Multi Modal Study (CHUMMS) Again, this study was completed soon after the commencement of LSM and dealt with finding solutions to the problems of congestion on the A14 between Cambridge and Huntingdon. It was of particular importance as its Study Area was contained wholly within the LSM Study Area. The recommendations from CHUMMS were adopted sufficiently early by the East of England Local Government Conference (EELGC), the Regional Planning Body, and endorsed by the Secretary of State for Transport in December 2001, that they could be incorporated within the Reference Case for LSM. Milton Keynes to South Midlands Sub-Regional Planning Study (MKSM) This 1-year study started after LSM but reported approximately two months before LSM’s completion. Its remit was to examine strategic planning options for this sub-regional area in pursuit of a number of key objectives, including those of promoting economic growth and capturing environmental benefit. Given the level of overlap between the studies, there was a continuing dialogue between the planning consultants for both studies. The conclusions from MKSM were also discussed prior to completion of the study to ensure, as far as possible, their compatibility with the emerging conclusions from LSM. The recommendations of the study have been taken into account in developing the planning scenarios for LSM. London-Stansted-Cambridge Sub-Regional Planning Study (LSC) The LSC commenced shortly after LSM and reported shortly before LSM’s completion. Its remit was to consider strategic planning allocations for housing and employment within the LSC corridor and to recommend a small number of strategic options for further consideration and development by the local authorities. The recommendations of the study have been taken into account in developing the planning scenarios for LSM. M1 Junction 19 Road-Based Study (M1J19) Severe congestion is a regular feature for much of the day at the western end of the A14. This strategic junction of the highway network, where the A14 meets the M6 and M1, was the subject of a detailed study by the Highways Agency. The conclusions were published some two months before completion of LSM and its recommendations incorporated within the Study Reference Case, although Ministerial approval is still awaited. South East and East of England Regional Air Services Study (SERAS) / Midlands Regional Air Services Study (MRAS) In July 2002, the Government published a series of consultation papers on Regional Air Services. Those which had the greatest potential impact on conclusions emanating from LSM were SERAS and MRAS. Of these two, the more important for the Study Area was undoubtedly SERAS. With the exception of ORBIT, this was the most important, and also the most problematic study with respect to LSM. It was problematic for two reasons: first, the scale of landside infrastructure necessary to service some of the airside options being considered in the - 16 - consultation process would require a scale change to the strategy which was emerging from LSM; and, second, the fact that no decisions would be made on SERAS until well after LSM had reported would leave this matter unresolved. High Speed Rail Link Study The SRA commissioned a study of a new high speed Anglo-Scottish route, due to report late in 2002. The implication of such a route is that it could provide some relief to the existing main line services through the Study Area by the removal of some long distance services. However, it is unlikely that there would be any stations on the new line within the Study Area, so that there would be no direct benefits to trips within, to or from the Study Area. 2.6 Integration with Delivery Agencies An important aspect of the Study was that its recommendations, if accepted by the Regional Planning Bodies and the Secretary of State, should be capable of early adoption within the strategies and programmes of the delivery agencies, namely the SRA, HA and local authorities. Satisfying this objective meant that analytical and appraisal work on the study had to be at a sufficiently detailed level that it satisfied the various requirements for programme entry for the different bodies. A particularly important objective in this respect was that approved recommendations from LSM should, if possible, be able to support the Government’s 10-Year Plan. Given that the SRA Strategic Plan, its ten year programme of work, was already specified, the urgency for scheme justification was much greater for the HA, part of whose programme of work had been referred to LSM for resolution. In order to ensure that the proposals from the Study were not only supported by the delivery agencies, but would be developed further within the different programmes, a regular dialogue was maintained for the last six months of the Study. In the case of the HA, this relationship went further in that Framework Consultants were appointed to develop schemes from the emerging strategy in greater detail. This was to review their feasibility and costs in greater detail and ensure that no unnecessary delay occurred in moving from study recommendation to entry into the Targeted Programme of Improvements. Liaison on rail matters occurred both with SRA and Railtrack (Network Rail). Discussions with SRA were concerned primarily with the principles of the LSM strategy, ensuring consistency with the SRA’s broader strategy and with the business case principles being adopted for rail investment. Discussion with Railtrack focused more on the practicality and feasibility of achieving specific network enhancements. Finally, there was discussion with key local authorities to ensure that Study recommendations were consistent with existing policies and programmes. - 17 - 3 Study Area and Its Environment 3.1 Baseline Environment An assessment of the baseline environment provides a yardstick against which the impact of proposed transport strategies and plans can be measured. This ensures that environmental issues are taken into account at all stages in the strategy development process. The opportunities, in terms of the environment, to accommodate the various components of a transport strategy or plan are dependent upon the environmental constraints of the area. Environmental constraints have therefore been considered through reference to existing information relating to environmental features. The inclusion of large settlements in the Study Area has had a strong bearing on the way that the impacts on people are assessed, as has the existence of existing major transport corridors. This assessment has been done at a necessarily coarse level for strategies, and at a more detailed level for plans. 3.2 Key Environmental Constraints 3.2.1 Introduction The findings of the review of the key environmental constraints and opportunities in the Base Year are summarised according to environmental discipline below, beginning with landscape, which provides a geographic context. 3.2.2 Landscape The landscape of the Study Area is very varied, including no less than nine different Countryside Character Areas/Natural Areas. This is due in part to the diversity of the underlying geology. The area extends from the claylands of the Thames Basin and Essex, north-westwards across the chalk, and then across the Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire claylands. Although mainly low-lying and relatively flat, areas of more resistant rock give rise to clear topographical ridges extending south-west to north-east. The principal ridges (working from south-east to north-west) are the Chilterns, the Bedfordshire Greensand ridge, the Yardley-Whittlewood ridge, and the Northamptonshire uplands. The Northern Thames Basin landscape is heavily influenced by the towns immediately north of London, commercial and industrial development and the roads and railways serving the capital. Moving northwards into Hertfordshire and Essex, this influence lessens and the landscape takes on a much more rural character, with rolling landform, large areas of woodland, and mature and newly created wetland areas in former gravel workings. To the east, within the East Suffolk and North Essex Clayland, an open, arable landscape is more characteristic. To the north-west, the northern end of the Chilterns escarpment blends gradually into East Anglian Chalk landscape. Here a number of large settlements, including Luton, Dunstable and Stevenage, and the M1 and A1(M) transport corridors, exert a strong influence upon the landscape. Eastwards, the landscape is less developed with - 18 - smooth, rolling chalkland hills, shelterbelts, large arable fields with hawthorn hedges, and some more intimate river valley landscapes. The Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire claylands landscape, which dominates the centre of the Study Area, has gently undulating plateaux divided by broad, shallow valleys. This is a mainly arable landscape, with sparse woodland cover. There is a history of clay extraction for the brick industry; and the rich alluvial soils of the river valleys are often used for market gardening. Milton Keynes and Bedford are set within this landscape. The claylands are broken between Bedford and Luton by the higher ground of the Bedfordshire Greensand Ridge, where there is a concentration of estates and parkland, with ancient woodland and acid grassland habitats. Further north, the Yardley-Whittlewood Ridge, between Northampton and Bedford is a remnant royal hunting forest, today dominated by large woodlands and arable farmland. The adjoining Northamptonshire Vales, made up of gentle clay ridges separated by wide river valleys, form the setting for Northampton, where industry, retail and business park developments influence the character of surrounding countryside. To the north lie the Northamptonshire Uplands, effectively an extension of the Cotswolds. This area is characterised by rounded hills, parklands and attractive ironstone villages; however, its previously remote and rural character has been altered to some extent by new construction and development. In summary, the landscape character within the Study Area is diverse, as illustrated in Figure 3.1. The Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) overlaps the south west of the Study Area. Other than this there are no statutory landscape designations in the Study Area. The majority of the Study Area is either ‘urban’ or ‘semi tranquil’ according to Tranquil Area maps. Small pockets of Tranquil Areas are located in rural areas fringing the main settlements and transport corridors. 3.2.3 Noise The principal sources of transport noise impact within the Study Area include the M1, A1(M)/A1 and the M11 motorways, and other strategic roads and railways, including the West Coast Main Line, East Coast Main Line and West Anglia Main Line. In addition, several airports are located within the Study Area including Stansted, Luton and Cambridge. Coventry Airport lies close to the western boundary, outside of the Study Area. There are a number of policy commitments which are likely to mitigate the impact of traffic noise on local communities within the LSM area in the medium to long term. These include the use of lower noise surfaces for 60% of the trunk road network and the retrospective noise mitigation programme which is providing noise barriers to the worst affected locations. These policies should help to stabilise levels of transport noise in the Study Area and, in the long term, may lead to reductions in noise levels in certain areas. However, transportation noise, which is dominated by road traffic noise and is currently at levels that are generally considered to be unacceptable (greater than 65 dB) is likely to remain at undesirable levels along many transport corridors in the Study Area. It is within this context that opportunities to reduce noise levels further have been developed as part of this Study. - 19 - Figure 3.1 Different Landscape Characteristics Yellow signifies Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty - 20 - 3.2.4 Climate Change Increasing atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases which originate from human activity are expected to change the earth’s climate significantly over a 25100 year timescale, with potential large scale consequences. To tackle this threat, the Framework Convention on the Atmosphere (Climate Treaty) was endorsed at the 1992 Rio Earth Summit. The major greenhouse gas is CO2, the sources of which are mainly motor vehicles and power stations using fossil fuels. The UK Government has said that it would reduce the emissions of CO2 by 20% of the 1990 level by 2010 (Kyoto Earth Summit 1997). 3.2.5 Local Air Quality Air quality in the Study Area is either currently, or projected to be, within the Air Quality Strategy (AQS) objectives set for future years. Projections are based on the anticipated levels of growth and assume that traffic growth rates do not exceed the current national forecasts. 3.2.6 Biodiversity and Natural Heritage There are a high number of Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI’s) spread throughout the Study Area, as illustrated in Figure 3.2, with numerous sites of international importance located mostly at the periphery of the Study Area. Any non-statutory designated sites which were identified in local plans and UDPs such as County Wildlife Sites and local nature reserves have been included within the assessment. Information from the Highways Biodiversity Action Plan and other relevant information from English Nature has also been included where appropriate. It is possible that there are additional sites which have not yet been identified, such as RSPB Reserves and Local Wildlife Trust Reserves. Although they are not statutory, these sites also contribute to the local biodiversity resource and therefore would be taken into account at a more detailed stage (ie during a full Environmental Impact Assessment), as appropriate. 3.2.7 Cultural Heritage The cultural heritage of the Study Area ranges through all periods and monument types, from “bumps in fields”, agricultural field systems and parkland, to substantial occupation sites, standing buildings and historic towns. A number of ongoing threats to the cultural heritage of the Study Area have been identified, which may lead to degradation of surviving archaeological and historic features. During a multi-modal study, full details of options to be appraised will not always have been defined, hence not all constraints can realistically be identified. However, early on in the project, it was possible to identify the Scheduled Ancient Monuments (SAMs) as constraints. Not only may there be physical damage to these sites but there could also be secondary impacts such as disruption to their setting and visual intrusion - 21 - Figure 3.2 Biodiversity and Natural Heritage - 22 - In addition, historic town centre areas (of which there are many in the Study Area) should be considered a constraint, and were identified early on. Opportunities exist to enhance such areas where traffic flows can be reduced. In the later stages of the project, the following records of cultural heritage were also interrogated: • National Monuments Record, compiled by English Heritage; • Register of Historic Parks and Gardens, compiled by English Heritage; and • Local Plans (in order to identify Conservation Areas and Archaeological Priority Areas) 3.2.8 Water Resources The Study Area contains a large number of watercourses and associated floodplains, as well as numerous brooks, canals, lodes and other smaller drains. There are also a number of lakes, ponds and reservoirs. In general, water resources within the Study Area are unlikely to be affected by proposed schemes unless they involve major new infrastructure or widening works, or significant changes in traffic flow. Impacts may arise from an increase in the extent of impermeable surface areas and structures being below the surface of the ground and increased pollutant loading of the run-off. 3.3 Summary As described above, the Study Area is heavily developed already. Later chapters will outline the impact that this has in terms of both transport and land use. The combination of the existing levels of development, and the further development needed to support additional economic growth in the region, leads to a conflict between development pressures and the environment. This conflict is likely to arise from the need to improve transport provision, albeit in a sustainable manner for the long term, and the need to minimise the impact on the environment. Throughout the development of the strategy great care has been taken to reflect this conflict between development and environment, and the preferred strategy and a number of variations have been the subject of a comprehensive appraisal. - 23 - 4 Baseline Network Conditions and Travel Patterns 4.1 Introduction The purpose of this chapter is to ‘paint a picture’ of the transport networks and travel patterns within the Study Area. The Base Year for the Study was defined as 2001, and all existing data was related to that year, as the basis for forecasting. This chapter describes the transport networks and the travel patterns in and through the Study Area as they existed at the Base Year. The problems arising from those travel patterns and networks, both now and in the future, are dealt with in Chapter 7. 4.2 Study Area The post-war period has seen a substantial growth in road-based traffic which has increased ten-fold to the present day. The M1 motorway was built, in 1959, in response to traffic pressures. It heralded a new era of long-distance movement catered for by a strategic network capable of providing consistently high levels of service. Originally predicted to carry about 14,000 vehicles/day, the M1 motorway now carries over 100,000 vehicles per day on a regular basis despite some relief provided by construction of the M40 to the west and the M11 corridor to the east. Nationally, traffic has increased more than four-fold since the M1 was opened and at a much faster rate on the high speed strategic network. The problems now besetting the M1 are not untypical. Greater car ownership, improvements to the strategic network and improvements in car design, have all contributed to a culture of increasing trip lengths and progressively greater use of the private car, including the increasing substitution of trips that could be made by other modes. This is perhaps nowhere more apparent than in the sub-region between London and the South Midlands. It was in the 1960s and 1970s that population dispersion from London and the creation of New Towns also created a ring of additional development around London, which since that time has grown massively. This has resulted in the creation of substantial east-west movements on a number of different axes that, because of historic patterns, are not well catered for. Whilst a proportion of these trips are associated with the East Coast ports, a far greater number are associated with the myriad of movements to destinations within the sub-region between London and the South Midlands or in close proximity to London. Whilst the M25 and A14 accommodate a significant proportion of east-west road movements, the area between these major corridors is not well catered for by road, and not at all by rail, with the result that growing demand is resulting in growing congestion. The London-South Midlands sub-region experiences some of the most intense pressure on the strategic road and rail networks as well as on the local networks which serve a generally prosperous region. The need to satisfy medium- and long-distance radial movements to London, as well as more local trips within the sub-region, has created acute congestion on both the road and rail networks. This needs to be considered - 24 - not as two independent single mode problems, but in a combined manner that highlights the complementary roles and investment needs of each. 4.3 Passenger Transport 4.3.1 Introduction This section of the chapter describes the strategic transport networks, key corridors, their operational characteristics and the types of movement they accommodate. Before that, however, there is a more strategic level of analysis which describes movement across the whole Study Area by mode. 4.3.2 Overview The LSM study is concerned primarily with inter-urban movement and how best this can be accommodated and managed on the various transport networks. Whilst travel conditions within urban areas are obviously important, the ability to model these conditions is limited in a study of this size. This is not to say that urban initiatives or change cannot be represented in the model, just that the modelling itself cannot be as explicitly detailed as it would be in a local urban model. This means that figures provided in the various tables in this section are overwhelmingly weighted towards representing inter-urban movement. Table 4.1 below summarises the scale of person movement by different modes within the Study Area. Table 4.1 Base Year Modal Comparison (%) Across the Study Area Internal (Trips starting or ending within the Study Area) Car1 Rail Bus Internal 95.6 0.8 3.6 External (Trips starting or ending outside the Study Area) Car1 Rail Bus 91.6 7.1 1.3 57.7 32.2 10.1 83.5 13.1 3.4 Car1 Rail Bus 94.6 2.5 3.0 83.4 13.4 3.2 91.6 5.3 3.0 Total External 91.1 7.7 1.2 Total 94.4 2.7 2.9 Note: 1 Including LGV This summary demonstrates the overwhelming dominance of the car for inter-urban trips wholly contained within the Study Area (internal/internal 96%). This dominance is only slightly reduced for trips between the Study Area and elsewhere (internal/external 91%), whilst for movements passing straight through the Study Area (external/external) it still accounts for more than half. The role of rail increases in response to increasing trip distance. Thus, for trips wholly contained within the Study Area, it accounts for less than 1%, but for over 7% to destinations outside the area. This latter market is dominated by movement to London and, for rail in particular, the centre of London. For longer distance - 25 - movements through the Study Area, rail accounts for over 30% of all personal movement. Finally, bus accounts for just over 3% of internal-internal inter-urban movements, but its role reduces considerably for internal-external movements where rail takes an increasing share. For movements passing through the Study Area, bus accounts for a surprising 10% of all movement. The influence of Central London on the modal share of internal/external trips is shown more clearly by an analysis of trips from the Study Area to Greater London, presented as Table 4.2. Table 4.2 Modal Comparison of Trips (%) from Study Area to Greater London Car1 Rail Bus Total As Percentage of Total Study Area to Central London 35.2 64.0 0.7 100.0 26% Study Area to Inner London 81.8 18.1 0.2 100.0 23% Study Area to Outer London 97.5 2.0 0.4 100.0 51% Note: 1 Including LGV Rail accounts for 64% of trips from the Study Area to Central London, compared with only 35% by car. For the purpose of this analysis, Central London has been defined as the City of London and City of Westminster, together with the London Boroughs of Camden, Islington, Lambeth and Southwark. The latter four Boroughs were included in view of the number of passengers whose journeys end at key rail stations within these Boroughs, such as Kings Cross, Finsbury Park and London Bridge. If, therefore, the analysis was limited to the parts of these Boroughs closest to the City and West End, the proportion of trips by rail would be even higher. By contrast, only 2% of trips from the Study Area to Outer London are by rail. An analysis of highway traffic on the key north-south corridors also shows that the majority of inter-urban car trips are not bound for Central London. For example, the majority of southbound traffic on the M1 immediately north of the M25 has destinations dispersed over a wide area. A significant volume of traffic continues onto one of the principal orbital routes (the M25 or North Circular Road) and a number of trips terminate in north-west London. However, only 12% of the traffic has a destination in Central London. With the broad definition of Central London used here, the proportion of trips terminating in the City and West End will be even smaller. Similar analysis for the A1(M) and M11 show 19% and 14% respectively of traffic having destinations in Central London. This relatively straightforward analysis demonstrates three key conclusions about the role currently played by different modes and is fundamental to understanding the potential roles which they can play in the future: • Car use is ubiquitous and is represented strongly in all parts of the matrix regardless of average trip length. The evidence does suggest, however, that - 26 - its role diminishes for very long distance trips, especially those with a city centre destination, where rail becomes more important; • Rail currently serves two primary markets, the suburban market to the centre of London and the long-distance inter-urban market from city centre to city centre, with London again the primary destination; • In contrast to rail, the role of the bus is less well defined. It diminishes with increasing trip length for trips from the Study Area to other regions but its role appears to increase for through trips. The latter is largely due to the network of National Express coaches, which has many routes originating in London. It is clear, however, that the bus ‘market’ is less precisely defined than for rail, with the result that the patterns of movement are more diverse. As an overall summary of this analysis, there is an inescapable conclusion that even if public transport capacity could be massively increased and such an increase were fully effective in terms of a demand response, it would only reduce car-related travel by a small proportion. For example, a doubling of public transport capacity, if fully effective, would reduce Base Year car demand by some 8%, a reduction likely to be nullified by natural growth within 5-10 years. Furthermore, there is little scope for transferring trips to Central London to the rail network, since the proportion of trips made by car is already very small. This does not in any way mitigate against public transport improvements which remain a primary objective of Government policy and of this Study. It does, however, highlight the relatively limited impact which such improvements can make by themselves in alleviating congestion and the need, therefore, to buttress these with a number of other measures. 4.3.3 Rail The Study Area includes within it a number of major rail corridors, some of national importance, which are described below. West Coast Main Line (WCML) The WCML runs from London Euston to Glasgow Central linking many of the principal conurbations in the UK. The route includes a loop to Birmingham New Street and Wolverhampton, as well as branches to Liverpool Lime Street and Manchester Piccadilly. The WCML is a designated priority on the Trans-European network. Within the Study Area, between Watford Junction and Rugby, the WCML is a fourtrack railway with a line speed of 100-110 mph (60-90 mph on the slow lines). Between Hanslope Junction (north of Milton Keynes) and Rugby, the four tracks are provided by two separate double-track routes, with the ‘fast’ lines running via Weedon, and the ‘slow’ lines running via Northampton. The WCML is electrified throughout. - 27 - The inter-city trains are currently operated by Virgin Trains. Principal services include: • an hourly service to Preston, with alternate services extended to Glasgow; • an hourly service to Manchester; • an hourly service to Liverpool; and • a half-hourly service to Birmingham, with alternate services extended to Wolverhampton. Within the Study Area, a selection of services calls at Milton Keynes and/or Rugby. Silverlink also operates a half-hourly service to Birmingham, but this is a slower service via Northampton, which calls at a number of additional stations. Extra trains run to Northampton only, together with a half-hourly service between London and Milton Keynes, which calls at all stations north of Watford Junction. The WCML is also the most significant rail freight route through the Study Area. Midland Main Line (MML) The MML links London St Pancras with Leicester, Derby, Nottingham, Sheffield and Leeds. However, the southern section forms part of the Thameslink network, with connections from Moorgate and South London. Within the Study Area, the line is predominantly four-track with some two- and three-track sections north of Bedford. Line speeds through the Study Area are typically 100-110 mph on the ‘fast’ lines and 90 mph on the ‘slow’ lines. The route is only electrified from London to Bedford The inter-city trains are currently operated by Midland Mainline. Hourly fast services operate from St Pancras to both Nottingham and Sheffield, supported by hourly semifast ‘Turbostar’ services to Derby and Nottingham. A selection of services calls within the Study Area at Luton (or Luton Airport Parkway) and/or Bedford. Thameslink operates a frequent service over the electrified section of route. Typically, fast trains run every fifteen minutes between Bedford and Brighton (calling at all stations between Bedford and St Albans), with stopping trains every fifteen minutes between Luton and Sutton. Both services call at several stations in the London area. The MML is also an important freight route through the Study Area. East Coast Main Line (ECML) The ECML extends from London to Edinburgh via Peterborough, York and Newcastle, with branches to Leeds, Hull and Cambridge. Although Kings Cross is the principal terminus for long-distance services, there is also a spur from Moorgate (joining the main line at Finsbury Park) which is used by many London commuter services. Within the Study Area, between Potters Bar and Huntingdon, the line is predominantly four-track. However, there is one section between Welwyn Garden City and Knebworth (including the ‘Welwyn Viaduct’) which has only two tracks, and thus acts - 28 - as a major pinch-point on the network. North of Huntingdon, there is a mix of two, three and four tracks until Peterborough, beyond which the route is predominantly double-track. There is also a double-track loop via Hertford North. Whilst the Hertford Loop is used by local passenger services, it is also the route taken by freight trains to enable maximum use of the ‘Welwyn Viaduct’ by passenger trains. The branch to Cambridge diverges from the main line at Hitchin, and is similarly double-track. The line speed is up to 125mph on the ‘fast’ lines, reducing to 70-80 mph on the ‘slow’ lines and the Hertford Loop. The ECML is electrified to Leeds and Edinburgh, but not north thereof. Consequently, services to Aberdeen and Inverness, and also the services to Hull, are operated by diesel rolling stock. GNER operates high-speed inter-city services over the length of the route. As a general rule, there is at least one train per hour from Kings Cross to Edinburgh or beyond, and a half-hourly service to Leeds. This pattern is augmented by additional services to York and Newcastle. Most services do not call at stations south of Peterborough, and hence not within the Study Area, with the exception of a limited number calling at Stevenage. The other inter-city operator is Hull Trains, which provides a limited service between Kings Cross and Hull (but not calling within the Study Area). WAGN is the principal operator of outer-suburban services on the ECML, typically providing: • a frequent stopping service from London Moorgate to Welwyn Garden City, and Hertford North; • a half-hourly fast service from Kings Cross to Cambridge, with alternate services extended to Kings Lynn; and • half-hourly semi-fast services from Kings Cross to both Cambridge and Peterborough, serving many stations within the Study Area. The ECML is also an important freight route through the Study Area. West Anglia Main Line (WAML) The WAML runs from London Liverpool Street to Kings Lynn via Cambridge and has branches to Hertford East and Stansted Airport. The line is predominantly double-track. However, between Hackney Downs and Cheshunt there is an additional double-track loop via Seven Sisters. The branches to Hertford East and Stansted Airport are generally also double-track, but the Stansted route includes a single-track section in tunnel. The line speed is typically 90 mph, and the entire route is electrified. All trains from London on the WAML are operated by WAGN, the key services being: • four fast trains per hour to Stansted Airport, with few (if any) stops within the Study Area; - 29 - • an hourly slow service to Stansted Airport, calling at principal stations within the Study Area, supplemented by an additional hourly service to Bishops Stortford (which cannot be extended to Stansted Airport due to the capacity of the tunnel); • a half-hourly service to Cambridge, calling at various stations within the Study Area; • a half-hourly service to Hertford East, which calls at all stations via Seven Sisters; and • various inner-suburban services which are wholly external to the Study Area. Between Stansted Airport and Ely, the WAML is also used by an hourly diesel service operated by Central Trains from Stansted Airport to Liverpool, via Peterborough, Leicester and Birmingham. The volume of freight on the WAML is comparatively small, except in the vicinity of Ely. Marston Vale Line The Marston Vale Line runs from Bedford to Bletchley, although it originally continued to Bicester. It is predominantly double-track, with a short section of single-track at Fenny Stratford. Line speeds are generally low, and the route is not electrified. An hourly service calling at all stations is operated by Silverlink. Watford Junction to St Albans Abbey Branch The Watford Junction to St Albans Abbey branch is a single-track branch line with no passing loops. Line speeds are generally low, but the route is electrified. The service is operated by Silverlink, every 45 minutes, calling at all stations. This is the maximum frequency achievable within the constraints of the single-line working. Chiltern Line The Chiltern Line is outside the Study Area, but is mentioned because of its strategic significance. The main line runs from London Marylebone to Birmingham with a branch to Aylesbury. There is also a line to Aylesbury via Amersham. The route to Birmingham has recently been upgraded to give a double-track alignment throughout, although the route is not electrified. Chiltern Railways currently operates an hourly service between Marylebone and Birmingham, enhanced to halfhourly at peak times, but it is proposed to introduce a half-hourly service throughout the day in the near future. Whilst the Chiltern Line to Birmingham is slower than WCML services, fares are generally lower and hence the service is attractive for passengers who attach greater importance to price than time. In addition, the service is more suitable for travel from certain parts of North West London and Buckinghamshire to Birmingham, and from Solihull to London. - 30 - Figure 4.1 summarises the rail network in the Study Area with its key characteristics. Base Year morning peak period passenger flows on the rail network within and slightly beyond the Study Area are shown as Figure 4.2. The principal feature is the dominance of the three inter-city corridors WCML, MML and ECML. In each of these corridors, although the southbound flow is dominant during the morning peak period. There is, nevertheless, a significant northbound flow. For the WCML and ECML the flows are very high north of Rugby and Peterborough respectively, indicating the long-distance nature of travel on these lines. In the case of MML, flows increase significantly south of Luton. Table 4.3 presents a comparison of rail passenger flows at different points in the network for the morning three-hour peak period. Table 4.3 Sample of Strategic Rail Passenger Movements (3 Hour Morning Peak Period) Location Southbound Northbound WCML – North of Milton Keynes 7,000 (7,000 + 0) 2,900 (2,900 + 0) WCML – South of Milton Keynes 10,300 (7,700 + 2,600) 3,600 (3,100 + 500) MML – North of Bedford 3,200 (3,200 + 0) 1,000 (1,000 + 0) MML – South of Luton 7,500 (3,400 + 4,100) 1,700 (1,100 + 600) ECML – South of Huntingdon 6,900 (5,300 + 1,600) 2,900 (2,700 + 200) Note: The first number in parentheses is the flow on inter-city services, followed by the flow on other services) The analysis highlights the importance of Central London as the key destination for rail travel in the Study Area. This is manifest in a number of ways; the high number of morning peak hour boardings in the Study Area; low level of alighting and low level of interchange as highlighted in Figure 4.3. In terms of boardings, the key locations are: • Milton Keynes and Watford on WCML; • Stevenage, Welwyn, Hitchin and Peterborough on ECML; • St. Albans, Luton, Harpenden and Bedford on MML; and • Cambridge, Bishops Stortford and Harlow Town on WAML. - 31 - Figure 4.1 Diagram of Rail Network - 32 - Figure 4.2 Pattern of Rail Movements in 2001 - 33 - Figure 4.3 Morning Peak Period Boardings, Alightings, Interchange Boardings Alightings Interchange - 34 - The pattern of alighting demonstrates that St. Albans, Stevenage and Cambridge are the most important destinations. Across the whole Study Area interchange is, not unexpectedly, low given the lack of east-west rail connections. Nevertheless, some interchange does take place at locations such as Milton Keynes, Stevenage and Watford Junction between fast and slow services in the same corridor. In describing the existing size and patterns of rail demand, it should be recognised that each of the Train Operating Companies (TOCs) serving the Study Area has enjoyed a dramatic rise in passenger journeys in recent years. Table 4.4 summarises the trends in the few years prior to the Study Base Year. Table 4.4 Patronage Trends Statistic Year Central Chiltern GNER Midland Mainline Silverlink Thameslink Passenger Journeys (million) 1997 1998 1999 2000 30.5 32.4 34.5 35.7 8.1 8.8 9.6 10.4 11.9 13.7 13.9 15.9 5.8 6.3 6.8 8.2 28.0 30.7 34.3 35.5 Passenger Kilometres (million) 1997 1998 1999 2000 1997 1998 1999 2000 1997 1998 1999 2000 1997 1998 1999 2000 1090.30 1148.50 1216.50 1284.60 27.04 27.68 29.28 30.72 35.75 35.45 35.26 35.98 40.33 41.49 41.55 41.82 324.11 358.56 424.80 480.80 5.63 5.81 6.72 7.04 40.01 40.75 44.25 46.23 57.54 61.74 63.21 68.30 3352.11 3570.97 3470.56 3939.40 15.93 16.58 17.28 17.76 281.69 260.65 249.68 247.19 210.40 215.44 200.84 221.31 758.93 802.06 928.96 1069.60 5.15 5.15 5.60 9.44 130.85 127.31 136.61 130.44 147.38 155.75 165.89 111.31 923.72 1018.02 893.76 976.16 8.69 9.17 12.16 12.64 27.59 26.51 26.06 27.50 88.89 88.74 73.50 77.23 Train Kilometres (million) Average Journey Length (km) Average Train Load (passenger km per train km) WAGN 27.0 30.2 34.4 38.0 Virgin West Coast 13.2 15.0 15.9 16.6 923.72 1018.02 1135.68 1206.72 9.98 10.30 10.88 11.36 34.21 26.51 26.06 27.50 92.58 98.84 104.38 106.23 2917.77 3292.40 3340.64 3398.40 16.58 16.90 17.12 18.72 221.04 219.64 210.10 204.72 176.03 194.85 195.13 181.54 1495.82 1614.74 1764.00 1939.52 16.41 16.58 17.76 18.24 29.62 30.58 31.67 31.69 91.13 97.42 99.32 106.33 50.5 52.8 55.7 61.2 Whichever of the three measures is used, passenger journeys, passenger-kms or trainkms, considerable growth has been achieved by all the TOCs. Passenger-km increases of up to almost 50% have been achieved by some TOCs with none achieving less than 16%. In contrast, there has been some fluctuation in average trip length as the pattern of usage has changed through time. Similarly, there have been considerable fluctuations in average load through time. Continuous increases for Chiltern, Thameslink and WAGN suggest that passenger numbers are growing faster than additional capacity is being provided. 4.3.4 Highway Network The highway network in the Study Area and the standards applying to different routes and route sections reflect two principal considerations; first, the historic pattern of development and; second, the travel demands and patterns which have prevailed in the recent past, most notably in the post-war period. The historic pattern of development is dominated by the presence of London just to the south of the Study Area. The result of this is a pattern of north-south routes which - 35 - are radial to London and which serve established centres within the Study Area or larger centres beyond. This type of historic, radial route to London is exemplified by the A1, A5, A6, A10 and A11, all of which are built around Roman alignments. Overlain on this historic north-south route development is a later phase of development which began in the late 1950s/1960s. This was essentially the beginning of the motorway network when the creation of Road Construction Units accelerated the development of strategic routes designed to higher, more modern, standards with an overarching objective to accommodate longer distance movements and an increasingly greater proportion of freight vehicles. The three routes developed over this period were the M1, A1(M) and M11. The M1 was the first motorway in the country to be opened in the late 1950s between Junctions 5 and 18. Further sections were added to the south in the 1960s and 1970s. Improvements to the A1, most notably the upgrading to motorway standard was undertaken incrementally with opening dates for different sections as follows: • Stevenage Bypass (Junctions 6-8) – May 1962; • Baldock Bypass (Junctions 8-10) – July 1967; • Stanborough to Welwyn (Junctions 4-6) – May 1973; • South Mimms to Roestock (Junctions 1-2) – May 1979; • Roestock to Stanborough (Junctions 2-4) – December 1986. Finally, the M11 in the Study Area was opened to traffic over a 5-year period between June 1975 and February 1980. In contrast to the north-south highway network in the Study Area, which has responded to changing patterns of travel and increasing demands, east-west provision is less well developed. This is manifest in the mix of highway standards to be found in each of the east-west corridors and, with the exception of the A14, the lack of consistent standards to anything like the same extent as for north-south corridors. The principal east-west route in the Study Area is the A14. Built over a period of some eighteen years between 1973 and 1991, this is the only strategic long-distance eastwest route in the Study Area with a consistent standard of provision serving an interregional function. Other significant east-west routes include the A45/A43, A428/A421, A505 and A414. All these routes have inconsistent design standards along their length, although efforts have been made over a long period of time to provide greater consistency. The result is that, in the main, they serve primarily an intraregional function although in the case of the A421/A428 there is a significant contribution from inter-regional movement. The M25 is immediately to the south of the Study Area, and is the subject of a separate study (ORBIT). However, regular congestion on the M25 contributes to increased pressure on the east-west routes in the southern part of the Study Area. - 36 - A description of each corridor in terms of function and network standards and traffic characteristics is given below. Figure 4.4 also illustrates the pattern of movement across the network. The problems and issues arising from current and forecast year movement patterns are described in Chapter 7. M1 The M1 is the dominant corridor in the Study Area. Conceived as the first full motorway in the UK, it is the principal corridor connecting London with major conurbations to the north including the West Midlands, Greater Manchester, Merseyside, East Midlands, West and South Yorkshire and beyond to the North East and Scotland. The standard on the M1 in the Study Area is mainly dual 3-lane, with the exception of Junctions 6A-7 northbound, Junctions 7-8 both directions and Junction 9-10 northbound which are all four lane standard. In the case of Junctions 7-8, the four lanes do not represent through running lanes alone, but need to accommodate weaving movements between the M10/M1 and M1/A414. Service areas on the motorway are provided as follows: • Toddington – Junctions 11 to 12; • Newport Pagnell – Junctions 14 to 15; • Rothersthorpe – Junctions 15A to 16; and • Watford Gap – Junctions 16 to 17. Flows on the M1 are approximately 105,000 vpd at its northern end (Junction 19) and up to 150,000 vpd at its southern end (Junction 6A). Over this length of motorway, there is a through movement at the base year of approximately 50,000 vpd, highlighting its role in carrying nationally important long-distance movement. The heavy goods vehicle flow on the M1 is in the order of 20,000 vpd for most sections, of which approximately half represents the long-distance through movement. A feature of the traffic analysis for the M1 shows that only a very small proportion of longer distance traffic actually has a destination in Central London. Instead, the traffic is dispersed around Outer London and to destinations beyond London via the M25, or to parts of Inner London via the North Circular Road. M11 The need for a motorway between London and Cambridge was originally identified in the 1940s, but only delivered during the latter half of the 1970s. - 37 - Figure 4.4. Modelled Base Year Traffic Flows The standard of the route is dual 3-lane provision south of Junction 8 (Bishop’s Stortford and Stansted) and dual 2-lane provision to the north. A service area is provided only at Junction 8 but off-route as compared to those on the M1. Development of the M25 and widening of the A1(M) between Alconbury and Peterborough has changed the nature of the M11 to some extent in that it now carries a significant volume of longer distance traffic from East London and the South East generally to points west and north of Huntingdon. For trips between the Channel Ports and the East Midlands or Yorkshire, for example, the M11 offers a real alternative to the M1 as a strategic long-distance route. Given the relative levels of congestion in the north-south corridors as well as the M25, the M11 becomes even more competitive. In terms of long-distance, strategic north-south traffic, the M11 is the next most important corridor to the M1. Again, the higher flows are at the southern end of the corridor, up to 95,000 vpd. Flows at the northern end are typically in the order of 55,000 vpd and there is a long-distance through movement of 30,000 vpd which travels the full length of the M11 between the M25 and A14. - 38 - A1/A1(M) This corridor differs from the M1 and M11 in that the A1 corridor, improved incrementally during the 1960s and 1970s, has a relatively small long-distance movement, about 5,000 vpd, compared to the other north-south corridors. Its primary function, therefore, is to serve its hinterland immediately north of the M25. This includes locations such as Hatfield, Welwyn Garden City, Stevenage, Hitchin, Letchworth and Baldock. Standards vary in the A1/A1(M) corridor with design to motorway standard south of Junction 10 at Baldock and all-purpose dual carriageway provision north of Baldock. On the sections south of Baldock motorway standards prevail on all sections and are as follows: • Junctions 1-3 – dual 3-lane; • Junctions 3-4 – dual 2-lane; • Junctions 4-6 – dual 3-lane; • Junctions 6-8 – dual 2-lane; • Junctions 8-9 – dual 3-lane; and • Junction 9-10 – dual 2-lane. To the north of Baldock as far as the A428, a distance of approximately 25km., all major junctions are at-grade with frequent minor junctions and direct frontage access, and with some sub-standard sections of dual carriageway. To the north of the A428 as far as Alconbury, where motorway standards resume, most major junctions are grade separated, the exception being at Buckden. Junction provision is also variable over the motorway standard section. In most cases junctions allow all movements with the exception of Junction 5, which only has a northbound on-slip and Junction 2, which has south-facing slips only. In summary, therefore, the A1/A1(M) corridor embodies considerable variation in design standards which, northbound from the M25 is, first, full motorway standard; then, all-purpose at-grade and, finally, all-purpose grade-separated before reverting to motorway standard at Alconbury. Other North/South Routes The other principal north-south routes in the Study Area are the A5, A6 and A10. These are all classified as third tier, Regional Routes in the Consultation of Options for Regional Planning Guidance for the East of England (RPG14). In each case, the standards are inconsistent, with the majority of each route being single carriageway standard with shorter lengths at dual carriageway standard, primarily where towns and villages have been by-passed. - 39 - In the main the long-distance, inter-regional function of these routes has been supplanted by the M1 and M11, and to a lesser extent the A1(M). A14 The primary long-distance east-west corridor in the Study Area is the A14. The route is designed to dual two-lane all purpose standard for the whole of its length between the M11 and M1 and is the same standard for the section which forms a northern bypass to Cambridge. The route was constructed over an 18-year period between 1973 and 1991. At the current time, temporary arrangements are in place at the western end of the route where the A14 joins the M1 and M6. This temporary arrangement will be replaced in time by a reconfigured grade separated all movements junction in line with the recommendations of the Roads Based Study at M1 Junction 19. Throughout the length of the A14, junctions are grade-separated with the exception of two junctions in the vicinity of the A1 and Huntingdon. Flows at the western end of this corridor at the M1 Junction 19 are about 40,000 vpd. On the section between Cambridge and Huntingdon, however, the flow is typically 70,000 vpd. This is as a result of the east-west movement from Cambridge to the Midlands and North East, merging with north-south traffic from the M11 heading towards the A1(M) at Huntingdon. A421/A428 The second most important east-west road corridor within the Study Area is the A421/A428 linking the M1 at Milton Keynes with the A1 near St. Neots and the M11 at Cambridge. There is a discontinuity on this corridor just south of St. Neots and as a result, a short section of the A1 in the vicinity of Black Cat roundabout (A1 Junction with A421) is used as part of this east-west route. This is classified as a first tier, Strategic National Route, in the Consultation of Options for RPG14. Analysis undertaken by the Study Team has identified a much lower level of inter-regional movement in this corridor than for the A14, but a significantly greater proportion than for other east-west routes. To illustrate this point average trip lengths for the principal east-west routes are as follows: • A14 – 103 km; • A421 – 64 km; • A505 – 23 km; and • A414 – 38 km. Standards of provision are variable in this corridor. Immediately to the east of the M1 standards are a mix of single two-lane all purpose standard and dual two-lane standard as far as Bedford Southern Bypass. This relatively new section of road is then - 40 - at dual two-lane all-purpose standard but reverts to single two-lane standard immediately east as far as the A1. It is proposed that this section of road will be upgraded to dual two-lane standard, subject to the outcome of the Great Barford Bypass Public Inquiry. To the east of the A1, design standards are predominantly single two-lane. A43/A45 The A43/A45 provides a strategic connection from the south west (Oxford, the M40 and A34 corridors) to points north, north-east and east of the Study Area. Within the Study Area itself, Northampton is the focus for both corridors. To the south of Northampton the A43 has been progressively upgraded in recent years to provide dual carriageway standard. The A45 is similarly dual carriageway standard to the M1. To the north and east of Northampton, standards differ between the A43 and A45. The A43 is predominantly single carriageway standard as far as Kettering and then again to the north of Kettering. The A45, however, is a consistent dual carriageway standard as far as Stanwick where it reverts to single carriageway standard. The section of route immediately south of Stanwick also has at-grade junctions as opposed to the grade separation between Northampton and Rushden. In summary, therefore, the movement from the south-west through the northern part of the Study Area is generally catered for on high quality all-purpose roads with the exception of the section between Stanwick and Thrapston. This reduced standard for a relatively short length is the only inconsistency over the full length of the corridor as far south as the A5. Further improvements in the Targeted Programme of Improvements on the A43 south of the A5 will effectively make the whole corridor dual carriageway with the exception of Stanwick to Thrapston. A505 The A505 corridor is designated as a third tier, Regional link in the Draft RPG14 roads hierarchy. It is clearly of lower importance than the A14 and A421/A428 within the Eastern Regional Planning Area and also of lower strategic significance than the A43/A45 corridor. The corridor itself connects Luton and the M1 corridor to the A1(M) corridor at Baldock and the M11 west of Cambridge. Design standards on the route are a mixture of dual and single carriageway with the dual carriageway standard predominating on the inter-urban sections. Modelling work undertaken by the Study Team confirms that the corridor is not used significantly for long-distance through movements, but mainly to access settlements in the corridor itself. - 41 - A414 The A414 is the most southerly of the east-west routes in the Study Area. The route itself is primarily of dual carriageway standard except at its eastern end where it enters Harlow. In order to maintain the dual carriageway standard, the corridor uses sections of north-south routes, such as the A10 south of Ware and the A1(M) west of Hatfield. At the western end of the corridor the A414 turns south via the A405 to M25 at Junction 21A and M1 at Junction 6. It also continues north to the M1 at Junction 7 via the M10. The A414 is once again categorised as a third tier, Regional Link in the Consultation on Options leading to RPG14. Its function, therefore, is to provide good east-west connections for those settlements in the corridor. Through movements of an interregional nature are catered for by the M25, which lies a short distance to the south. 4.3.5 Bus The LSM Study is concerned primarily with inter-urban movement and statistics presented earlier show that bus accounts for less than 4% of all internal movements and for only 1% of movements from the Study Area to other areas. The pattern of bus movements is most easily shown on the basis of peak and off-peak boardings. Figure 4.5 demonstrates the high levels of peak and off-peak demand for Cambridge, Luton and Stansted airports. The role of the airports is particularly interesting and reflects the well-developed airport network, which is very strongly represented in medium- and long-distance express coach travel. 4.4 Freight 4.4.1 Manufacturing and Mineral Extraction The area is not important in terms of manufacturing or extractive industry. In manufacturing, there are important centres for the automotive, pharmaceutical, aviation, electronics, and food processing industries, but in general these are not concentrated nor of national significance. Steel processing is still an important activity in Corby, but the area’s iron ore deposits are no longer worked. The area contains a concentration of clay pits and associated brick works in the Peterborough and Bedford to Bletchley areas. This is a declining industry, but the abandoned pits are an important resource for waste disposal. There are gravel and sand beds in the area, which are being actively worked, but there are also major movements of aggregates into the Study Area from the Pennines, which typically arrive by rail at terminals throughout the area. - 42 - Figure 4.5 Bus Travel AM Peak OffPeak - 43 - 4.5 Freight 4.5.1 Manufacturing and Mineral Extraction The area is not important in terms of manufacturing or extractive industry. In manufacturing, there are important centres for the automotive, pharmaceutical, aviation, electronics, and food processing industries, but in general these are not concentrated nor of national significance. Steel processing is still an important activity in Corby, but the area’s iron ore deposits are no longer worked. The area contains a concentration of clay pits and associated brick works in the Peterborough and Bedford to Bletchley areas. This is a declining industry, but the abandoned pits are an important resource for waste disposal. There are gravel and sand beds in the area, which are being actively worked, but there are also major movements of aggregates into the Study Area from the Pennines, which typically arrive by rail at terminals throughout the area. 4.5.2 Retail Distribution The notable characteristic of the area is its importance for the retail distribution sector. The North of the Study Area is close to the ‘golden triangle’ for national distribution centres – broadly the M1/M42/M6 area. This is considered to be the best possible location for a National Distribution Centre (NDC), allowing all main population centres in the UK to be served from a single location. The remaining parts of the region are also popular as locations for distribution related activities. The main focus is along the M1, particularly at Milton Keynes and Northampton, and also on the A1 at Peterborough. The A14 has made towns such as Wellingborough, Kettering, and Corby far more attractive as centres for distribution. Figure 4.6 illustrates the locations of National Distribution Centres (NDCs – in blue), and Regional Distribution Centres (RDCs – in red) in the Study Area. Data was sourced from the Institute of Grocery Distribution (IGD) Retail Distribution Survey 2000 which covers the main supermarket chains and Boots. There are two classic models for retail distribution in the UK: Supplier–NDC–RDC–Store (or from NDC to store), and Supplier–RDC–Store. Larger volume products will often move direct from the supplier to the store. Overlain on this network will be a “reverse logistics” network bringing back packaging and returned goods. The movements into stores are controlled by the retailers, but often carried out by Third Party Logistics Providers such as Tibbett and Britten or Hays Logistics. Further analysis of the IGD Retail Distribution Survey suggests that while the Study Area includes only 5% of the UK population, it includes 33% of all NDCs in the survey, and 13% of RDCs. Each of these facilities is huge – generally around 300,000 square feet. The RDCs in the Study Area tend to be larger than average, and so the Study Area includes 16% of RDC space in the UK. - 44 - Figure 4.6 Location of Distribution Centres in Study Area Furthermore, several DCs are located very close to but outside the boundary of the Study Area. Once these are included, the immediate area includes 24% of all retail distribution centre warehouse space recorded. Not all of the RDCs surveyed reported the number of cases handled. However, if it is assumed that the number of cases handled is proportional to the floor area of the facility, it can be estimated that DCs in the study handled 587 million cases of retail goods. Very broadly this would equate to 5.8 million Tonnes, or over 500,000 truck journeys. Allowing for return loads and inbound freight, it can be estimated that the DCs in the Study Area generate up to 3,500 lorry movements per day. The average vehicle journey is around 230km, and a very large proportion of this traffic uses the M1. To this must be added vehicle movements from other distribution centres outside the Study Area (such as Boots three NDCs in Nottingham) moving to stores in the Study Area as well as London and the South East. The supplier networks also generate huge volumes of traffic in their own right – for instance 300 vehicles per day from Britvic, and several hundred daily movements for Coca Cola. This trend is set to continue – there is very strong demand for new distribution parks in the Study Area, and major new parks are being developed at Kettering, - 45 - Northampton, and Junction 13 of the M1. This is happening to the extent that demand for these land ‘hungry’ freight generating sites should be seen as a strong threat to large parts of the rural land in the area. Understanding the needs and impacts of retail distribution is highly relevant to the Study. It illustrates that there are two types of freight flow that dominate the Study Area: through freight and freight associated with retail distribution. The former will be immune in volume terms to any actions taken as a result of the Study: it can only be accommodated, diverted, or transferred between modes. However, the Study can identify ways of reducing the volume, increasing the efficiency, or mitigating the impact of retail distribution for movements which begin or end their journey in the Study Area. 4.5.3 The Pattern of Freight Movements in the Study Area The Study Area is dominated by north-south road and rail corridors, which are vital freight arteries for UK industries. The M1, for example, is the most important road within the country for freight delivery and distribution. Movement on the east-west axis is more difficult for road freight, as there are no through trunk routes other than the A14 and the M25 at the northern and southern edges of the area respectively. The main impact of poor east-west access is the difficulty of reaching the ports of Felixstowe and Harwich from most of the Study Area. Similarly, the West Coast Main Line is the main strategic rail route for north-south freight, but there are no main line routes serving the east to west axis. Goods vehicles tend to use trunk roads where these are available as the time taken in completing a journey is more important in cost terms than a reasonable variation in the distance covered. To maximise use of trunk roads, new businesses generating or receiving high volumes of freight will seek to locate as close as possible to trunk roads providing good access to all of their markets. The poor quality of east-west access through the Study Area results in HGVs using indirect routes, with consequent impact on business economics. Use of an updated version of the SRA Demand Forecast Model, which is based on a County-to-County origin and destination matrix, suggests the following broad pattern of freight movements to, from, within and through the Study Area. • Approximately 326 million Tonnes of freight move to, from, through or within the Study Area. Of this volume, some 7% moves by rail. • The road freight volume is broadly equivalent to 147,000 goods vehicle movements per day. Some 40% of road freight movements are ‘transit traffic’, with both origin and destination outside of the Study Area. In comparison, 22% of road freight completes its entire journey within the Study Area. • The main commodities moved by rail are construction materials (with rail carrying 9% of the total) and deep-sea containers, with rail carrying 20% of the total. The main flow of deep-sea containers is between Felixstowe and the Midlands/North West. When moving by road this traffic uses the A14, but by rail it currently passes via London and the southern section of the WCML. - 46 - • 4.6 There are relatively few rail terminals receiving or forwarding freight by rail in the Study Area. The main freight facilities are several terminals receiving construction traffic, the DIRFT inter-modal terminal, Corby Steel Plant and car terminals in Corby. Air Transport The two major airports in the Study Area are Stansted and Luton. There is a third airport at Cambridge, but the level of commercial activity is sufficiently low that it need not be considered further. Stansted is the largest airport in the Study Area and, like Luton, has experienced rapid growth in passenger numbers. The strategy for the airport has been to create a climate for the growth of low cost airlines such as Buzz, Go, Ryanair and Virgin Express. Passenger numbers reached 13.6 million passengers per annum (mppa) in 2001. BAA has a planning application which is approved in principle to raise passenger capacity from 15 mppa to 25 mppa to meet the growing demand for air travel to and from the Eastern Region. Freight has also increased substantially at Stansted in recent years which currently handles about 175,000 metric tonnes per annum. Passenger volumes at Luton are about half those at Stansted, but have shown significant growth in recent years. Passenger traffic was 6.5 mppa in 2001. Air freight is about one sixth of that at Stansted. Expansion to 10 mppa is provided for within the Bedfordshire Structure Plan, although the airport itself believes that ultimately it could handle 30 mppa. Outside the Study Area, the largest airports are Heathrow, Gatwick and Birmingham and, of these, Heathrow is by far the most important and relevant to this Study. In 2001 Heathrow handled just over 60 mppa, having fallen from 64 mppa the previous year. Growth to 66 mppa is forecast for 2004/5 and to 75 mppa by 2009/10. The recently approved Terminal 5 would enable the airport to handle 80 mppa. Table 4.5 and Figure 4.7 summarise the growth in passenger volumes achieved in recent years at these airports and highlight the rapid growth which is far outstripping any other mode of transport. They also show that, after several years of increasing growth, the rate of growth slowed between 2000 and 2001, presumably due to the fear of terrorist activity following September 11. It should be noted, however, that this has affected the low cost airlines to a lesser extent than conventional airlines, and hence future growth at Stansted and Luton is unlikely to be significantly reduced. Forecasts of future growth at these and other UK airports has been the subject of a major series of studies on regional air services. At the time of preparing this Report, the South East and East of England Regional Air Services Study4 is out to consultation. In very broad terms, there is an expectation that total air passenger journeys in the South East and East of England, which totalled approximately 110m in 2001, will rise to about 300m by 2030. This almost three-fold increase will have major implications for 4 The Future Development of Air Transport in the United Kingdom: South East. Department for Transport July 2002 - 47 - all airports if shared on a pro-rata basis. If, however, it is skewed towards one or two airports, the implications for landside infrastructure could, potentially, be enormous. Table 4.5 Growth in Passenger Volumes at Luton and Stansted Passenger Volume Year Luton (mppa) Stansted (mppa) 1993 1.8 2.7 1994 1.8 3.3 1995 1.8 3.9 1996 2.4 4.8 1997 3.2 5.4 1998 4.1 6.8 1999 5.3 9.4 2000 6.2 11.8 2001 6.5 13.6 Figure 4.7 Growth in Passenger Volumes at Luton and Stansted 16 14 Luton Million Passengers per annum Stansted 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 Year - 48 - 1998 1999 2000 2001 4.7 Waterways The role of waterways within the total transport network is relatively limited within the Study Area. Its role at the current time is predominantly for leisure use with narrowboats being a regular feature of the Grand Union Canal. Plans are currently at an early stage for a new Milton Keynes-Bedford canal which will have some commercial uses in niche markets in addition to leisure use. However, even if fully developed to the limit of existing aspirations, waterways would not play a significant role within the overall movement of passengers and freight in the Study Area. They will, therefore, not be considered further in this report. Nevertheless, their continued development is broadly supported, subject to their being appraised against the Government’s five overarching criteria. - 49 - 5 Socio-Economics and Land Use 5.1 Introduction Future transport demand is strongly driven by the future disposition of land-use, in particular the location of population and employment, and the levels of employed population. Clearly, there is a strong link to the regional and national economies, which also drive other influencing factors such as car ownership and disposable income. In this Chapter the socio-economic conditions at the Base Year are described, as well as each of three planning scenarios which have been developed for the future years. 5.2 The 2001 Baseline 5.2.1 Overview Table 5.1 sets out the baseline at 2001 for the five socio-economic variables. The area had an estimated 3.6m population, 1.5m households and some 1.75m jobs. Note that the figures for counties refer to that part of the County which is within the Study Area. Net out-commuting amounted to the 1991 figure of 159,000. Table 5.1: 2001 Baseline Area Households Population Employment Employed Population1 Active Population2 Leicestershire 46,715 115,339 48,200 59,823 Warwickshire 37,388 87,880 42,914 43,144 44,747 260,919 625,005 311,788 330,203 342,259 Northamptonshire 60,790 Bedfordshire 235,482 561,150 245,898 292,210 303,914 Buckinghamshire 196,063 470,513 241,480 261,006 266,613 Essex 111,946 267,917 122,231 138,625 142,521 Hertfordshire 400,809 958,843 485,178 506,907 517,372 Cambridgeshire TOTALS 207,642 496,313 243,677 275,378 280,768 1,496,964 3,582,960 1,741,366 1,907,296 1,958,984 1. Employed Population is defined as a residential measure of employment, in contrast to the workplace based measure, ‘employment.’ It is a measure of the number of resident workers in any given area, rather than the number of jobs. 2. Active population is defined as the resident population who are economically active. It is calculated by summing the employed population with the International Labour Organisation (ILO) unemployed. ILO unemployment is defined as someone who is not employed, who has looked for work in the last 4 weeks, and is ready to start work in the next two weeks. As a general overview, the LSM area is a relatively prosperous one. It benefits from the economic opportunities provided by its proximity to Greater London and, to a much lesser extent, the rest of the South East which makes the southern parts of the Study Area a particularly attractive location for both communities and businesses. The Cambridge and Milton Keynes sub-regions have seen particularly strong growth pressures. In the former case this reflects the success of the cluster of internationally - 50 - competitive knowledge-based sectors and, in the latter, the benefits of a quality infrastructure and relatively extensive development opportunities. With the exception of the Luton-Dunstable-Houghton Regis area and the associated car industry, the Study Area does not have major structural problems typically associated with, for example, declining industries. 5.2.2 Population and Labour Supply The Study Area has a population of 3.6m, some 6% of the national total. During the 1990s its population grew by 4.8% against a national average of 3.1%. Milton Keynes and Cambridge saw particularly rapid growth, with net in-migration being a key driver. Activity rates for both males and females tend to be well above the national average, reflecting a combination of the relative ease in acquiring jobs in most areas and the relatively low proportion of retired people. The high activity rates are also reflected in the levels of out-commuting, most notably to London. The 1991 census identifies 190,000 people from the Study Area who commuted to Inner London and 120,000 to Outer London. The main net importers of labour are Cambridge, Milton Keynes and Luton, with the major net exporters being the rural Districts. Notwithstanding the trends summarised above, there is a reasonably high level of self-containment, with 54% of residents living and working in the same District. 5.2.3 Economy The economic indicators all highlight the relative buoyancy of the Study Area. For example, GDP per head is higher than the national average in all counties, except one. Employment through the 1990s grew much more rapidly than in the UK as a whole, by 13.3% against 8.2%. It was also characterised by a much higher level of growth in fulltime jobs than at the national level. The converse of this employment growth is that unemployment is relatively low throughout the area. In some parts, unemployment is close to, or below, what would be regarded as an irreducible frictional minimum. The combination of proximity to London, pressures from migration and policy restraints mean that housing land values are relatively high. The South East and East Anglia have both seen above average growth in house prices over recent years and the southern part of the Study Area has some of the most expensive housing in the UK, raising major issues of housing affordability. The Study Area has very few wards which are ranked highly for their deprivation, based upon either the 1998 or 2000 Indices of Local Deprivation. Only fourteen wards, for example, were ranked in the 1000 most deprived wards in the UK on the 1998 index and nine on the 2000 index. Most of the wards affected, however, are concentrated in the Luton area, but with smaller pockets of deprivation in north Bedfordshire, Northampton, Corby, Harlow and Wellingborough. - 51 - 5.2.4 Strategic Planning At around 11,500 square kilometres, LSM is geographically one of the largest multimodal studies. It contains 33 district/unitary councils and part or all of eight counties. The pattern of post-war development in the Study Area has been significantly influenced by the establishment of the Metropolitan Green Belt in 1955 and the New Towns Programme. Of the eight ‘Mark One’ New Towns designated in a ring around London, five are to be found in the Study Area: Stevenage, Harlow, Hemel Hempstead, Welwyn Garden City and Hatfield. Analysis of the 1966 Census (10% sample), revealed that these New Towns remained much more self-contained than equivalent older towns, but 20 years later, a similar analysis showed this characteristic to be rapidly diminishing. Away from London, the early post-war New Towns programme concentrated on areas of regional decline. Within the Study Area, Corby was designated in 1950 to provide for the growing workforce at its nationalised steel mill. In the late 1960s came three further New Towns for London – Milton Keynes (essentially a greenfield new city), Northampton (enlargement of a medium size county town), and, just outside the Study Area, Peterborough (also an enlargement of a county town). Compared with the ‘Mark One’ New Towns, these were planned for much larger populations, typically 175,000-250,000. They were also more distant from London, although their location on main transport corridors was deliberately planned to provide good accessibility to the capital, as well as major settlements in the Midlands and the North. The 1960s also saw the designation of Wellingborough and Daventry under the New Town Expansion Programme. Although pressure for growth has generally been greatest in the south of the Study Area, pockets of pressure are to be found elsewhere, not least in the Cambridge area, where growth of the city is constrained by surrounding Green Belt. Within this, historical context, work on the strategic land-use element of the Study focused on the identification of unconstrained land to develop future year alternative economic and land-use scenarios. 5.2.5 Summary of Key Characteristics in the Base Year The picture being painted of the Study Area is relatively clear, despite its size and variety of characteristics. The Study Area itself is part of a prosperous region. The normal economic indicators, such as earnings, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per head, levels of unemployment all reinforce this point. Importantly, the analysis also demonstrates that there is no structural weakness or reliance on ageing industries which is likely to undermine its future prosperity. The clear linkages with London, the creation of the Metropolitan Green Belt and the relatively high prosperity in the Study Area all mean that house prices have been driven up in the south of the Study Area. It also means that there are few opportunities for growth arising from strategic planning allocations. Available land, - 52 - fewer constraints and lower housing costs mean that development pressures will progressively migrate to the north of the Study Area. There will be several consequences of this, including longer trip lengths for London commuters and higher rates of traffic growth for sub-regional and local movements in areas beyond the southern commuter belt. There is, therefore, an incentive to encourage a change in commuting patterns towards shorter length trips which exploit this increasing level of land-use development in the north of the Study Area. Previous studies, for example, have identified the possibility of growth in the east-west corridor forming the OxfordCambridge arc, including Milton Keynes and Bedford. Clearly, the change in commuting patterns will be dependent upon improved transport connections in the corridor. The future land-use scenarios and transport strategies both take account of this shift in development pressure and the opportunities created for influencing the pattern of commuting. Within this general picture of growth - and growth probably skewed towards the northern half of the Study Area – any new land-use or infrastructure will need to reflect and respect environmental constraints. The Study Area has rich environmental diversity, though only in the southwest is there a statutory landscape designation, the Chilterns. The transport consequences of the descriptions given above present a more complex picture. This is because not only does the Study Area serve journeys with a local origin or destination, but also it acts as a vital ‘bridge’ between the northern and southern regions of the country. The long-term prosperity of this region, as well as other regions, particularly those to the south, mean that whatever pressures and problems exist at the present time, these will become more intense through time. These are described comprehensively in Chapter 7. 5.3 The Future Scenarios 5.3.1 Overview A set of scenarios to 2016 and 2031 were prepared at traffic zone level for a number of the key socio-economic variables that impact on future travel behaviour. These include: households, population, employed population, economically active population and employment. The timescales are, of course, well beyond the horizons of conventional economic forecasting models, but the aim of this work was to produce a set of alternative future views which: • were internally consistent, reasonably plausible and not in obvious conflict with major established national and local policy commitments; and • covered a sufficiently broad range of outcomes that they reflected the likely nature and scale of future transport problems which the Study Area may face. - 53 - The starting point for this work was the construction of a consistent baseline for 2001 at district and ward level using a range of data sources, including: ward based Census of Population data for 1991, the Department for Transport’s TEMPRO 4.2 projections, the Labour Force Survey and the Annual Business Inquiry Survey. Not surprisingly, the use of such diverse sources pointed to some inconsistencies, suggesting in particular an implausibly large fall in net out-commuting from the area over the preceding decade. In the absence of good evidence on how commuting patterns actually changed over this period, adjustments were made to hold net out-commuting steady at 1991 levels. The future scenarios were developed around the following principles. • Until 2016 the growth in the number of dwellings is mostly assumed to reflect current Regional Planning Guidance, except under one scenario which takes on the emerging results from two recently completed studies of future subregional planning policy options. The level of housing provision that is assumed in each case effectively determines growth in the number of households and this, in turn, drives the growth in population and economically active population based upon the relationships incorporated in the TEMPRO 4.2 projections. After 2016 the scenarios employ differing assumptions about the level and pattern of growth in numbers of dwellings, although the relationships between numbers of households, population and economically active population generally again follow those in TEMPRO 4.2; • Reflecting recent experience, the growth in employment in the Study Area is largely determined by the labour supply constraints which, in turn, depend upon the combination of the growth in economically active population, assumptions about the extent of the potential changes in net out-commuting from the Study Area – primarily to London, which is assumed to remain a key economic driver – and unemployment. The latter is assumed held at an irreducible ‘frictional’ minimum of 1% at the projection dates. The one exception to this ‘supply driven’ pattern of growth is in the Market Driven Scenario C in which specific allowance is made for a number of potential drivers of employment growth within the Study Area, which post-2016 planning policies are assumed to accommodate; • The allocation of demographic and employment changes to Districts and more particularly to traffic zones reflects the combination of national and local planning policies. This includes current land allocations within Structure and Local Plans, as well as an assessment of the implications for potential future development patterns based on the ‘sequential test’ and known constraints on development such as special environmental designations and floodplains. Two recent studies were taken into account in developing the market-driven Scenario C. These were the London-Stansted-Cambridge Sub-Regional Planning Study5 and the Milton Keynes to South Midlands Sub-Regional Planning Study6. 5 London Stansted Cambridge Sub-Regional Planning Study, ECOTEC Research and Consulting, David Lock Associates, Land Use Consultants, and Oscar Faber, 2002 6 Milton Keynes to South Midlands Sub-Regional Study, Roger Tym and Partners, 2002 - 54 - London-Stansted-Cambridge Sub-Regional Planning Study The purpose of the London-Stansted-Cambridge Sub-Regional Planning Study was to give advice and guidance to the East of England Regional Planning body and the Mayor of London on future strategic land-use development in the corridor for the period up to 2026. The study area stretched south along the M11 corridor from Cambridge to London, with Stansted located centrally within it. Three growth scenarios were developed by the consultants to test the implications of four possible spatial patterns of development to 2026. The study concluded that there was considerable opportunity for a ‘polycentric’ pattern of development across the subregion. The consultants stated that if the sub-region realises its potential, then this would result in considerable growth. The growth projected in the areas of Uttlesford (as a result of Stansted Airport) and Cambridge (owing to growth in knowledge intensive clusters) were of particular relevance to the construction of the marketdriven Scenario C. Milton Keynes to South Midlands Sub-Regional Planning Study The Milton Keynes to South Midlands Sub-Regional Planning Study aimed to assess the potential growth of Milton Keynes and Northampton with improved linkages to and regeneration of Luton, Bedford and Corby. Under all of the study options put forward by the consultants, Milton Keynes is expected to be a key growth node, growing west into the Aylesbury Vale district. In addition, under the higher growth option, the successful regeneration of Corby is expected to lead to up to 3.4% employment growth per annum to 2031, making it the fastest growing area in the sub-region. Again, as a key area within the LSM Study Area, these projected developments were also built into Scenario C. Additional Housing in the South East A third consideration in constructing Scenario C was the announcement by the Deputy Prime Minister, John Prescott, in July 2002 that £1.3bn of additional funds would be invested in the South East region to build 200,000 additional homes over the next 10 years. The Deputy Prime Minister set out that the new homes would be targeted in four growth areas, two of which are contained within the LSM Study Area - Milton Keynes and Stansted. At the time of the announcement, the proposals were indicative and allocations between the four areas had not been fully outlined. This is still the case. As the magnitude of additional housing growth in the study area remains unclear, the Scenarios do not reflect the additional housing growth put forward under these proposals. However, as set out below, Scenario C assumes a much faster growth in housing development than that provided for in the current version of Regional Planning Guidance. The additional housing is, therefore, assumed to be included under Scenario C. 5.3.2 Scenario A – Base Scenario This is effectively a ‘business as usual’ scenario in which the projections of additional dwelling numbers in current Regional Planning Guidance are simply rolled forward for a further period to 2031. As indicated, this then determines the other demographic - 55 - variables and – via the labour supply constraint – levels of employment. The results are set out (at county level) in Tables 5.2 and 5.3. Table 5.2: Scenario A at 2016 and 2031 Households 2016 2031 Population Employment 2016 2031 Employed Population 2016 2031 Active Population 2016 2031 Leicestershire 55,617 64,520 127,476 144,544 56,294 65,269 64,942 75,713 2016 65,598 2031 76,478 Warwickshire 43,196 49,005 97,425 106,815 47,899 53055 54,515 58,587 55,066 59,179 Northamptonshire 311,392 361,866 691,946 791,807 355,022 401,528 404,152 499,646 408,233 504,694 Bedfordshire 275,213 314,942 599,912 676,547 277,748 314,467 333,552 383,872 336,921 387,749 Buckinghamshire 234,957 273,850 524,446 588,839 296,578 362,037 301,881 354,906 304,931 358,491 Essex 124,518 137,091 277,034 297,074 141,251 162,154 149,730 166,534 151,243 168,217 Hertfordshire 445,049 489,291 1,007,654 1,070,690 577,696 684,388 564,210 619,482 569,908 625,738 Cambridgeshire 236,016 264,392 293,410 350,655 331,940 393,838 335,292 397,816 TOTALS 527,102 569,381 1,725,958 1,954,957 3,852,995 4,245,697 2,045,898 2,393,553 2,204,922 2,552,578 2,227,192 2,578,362 Table 5.3: Scenario A at 2016 and 2031 (Growth from 2001(%)) Households Population Employment Employed Population Active Population 2016 2031 2016 2031 2016 2031 2016 2031 2016 2031 Leicestershire 19.06% 38.11% 10.52% 25.32% 16.79% 35.41% 8.56% 26.56% 7.91% 25.81% Warwickshire 15.53% 31.07% 10.86% 21.55% 11.62% 23.63% 26.36% 35.79% 23.06% 32.25% Northamptonshire 19.34% 38.69% 10.71% 26.69% 13.87% 28.78% 22.40% 51.31% 19.28% 47.46% Bedfordshire 16.87% 33.74% 6.91% 20.56% 12.95% 27.89% 14.15% 31.37% 10.86% 27.59% Buckinghamshire 19.84% 39.67% 11.46% 25.15% 22.82% 49.92% 15.66% 35.98% 14.37% 34.46% Essex 11.23% 22.46% 3.40% 10.88% 15.56% 32.66% 8.01% 20.13% 6.12% 18.03% Hertfordshire 11.04% 22.08% 5.09% 11.66% 19.07% 41.06% 11.30% 22.21% 10.15% 20.95% Cambridgeshire 13.66% 27.33% 6.20% 14.72% 20.41% 43.90% 20.54% 43.02% 19.42% 41.69% TOTAL AREA 15.30% 30.59% 7.54% 18.50% 17.49% 37.45% 15.60% 33.83% 13.69% 31.62% The key features of the scenario are that: • numbers of households grow to 1.7m (+15.3% compared to 2001) by 2016 and to 2.0m by 2031 (+13.3% compared to 2016); • population increases to 3.9m at 2016 (+7.5% compared to 2001) and to 4.2m at 2031 (+10.2% on 2016); • employment increases by 17.0% to 2m at 2016 and by another 17.0% to 2.4m at 2031; • by assumption, net out-commuting remains at the level of 159,000 over the projection period. 5.3.3 Scenario B – Balanced Development The demographic variables follow Scenario A to 2016. Thereafter, it is assumed that opposition to housing development results in only 75% of additional dwellings compared to Scenario A up to 2031. Throughout the projection period the pattern of - 56 - employment growth follows the changes in labour supply so that there is no growth in net commuting between districts relative to the 2001 baseline. The reduction in rates of housing development and the matching of growth in economically active population and jobs at District level is intended to provide a ‘best foreseeable’ land use planning case, so far as future travel growth is concerned. The results are set out in Tables 5.4 and 5.5. Table 5.4: Scenario B at 2016 and 2031 Households 2016 Employment 2016 2031 62,294 127,476 139,565 53,614 54,741 64,942 66,069 65,598 Warwickshire 43,196 49,005 97,425 106815 47,899 53,055 54,515 58,587 55,066 59179 Northamptonshire 311,392 349,248 691,946 764,112 386,109 402,891 404,152 420,934 408,233 425,186 Bedfordshire 275,213 305,010 599,912 655,228 312,053 323,066 333,552 344,565 336,921 348,046 Buckinghamshire 234,957 264,127 524,446 568,121 284,610 298,510 301,881 315,781 304,931 318,971 Essex 124,518 133,948 277,034 290,235 125,559 126,688 149,730 150,859 151,243 152,382 Hertfordshire 445,049 478,231 1,007,654 1,046,511 503,879 505,753 564,210 566,084 569,908 571,803 236,016 257,299 324,044 323,520 331,940 331,416 335,292 334,764 527,102 554,002 2031 2016 2031 Active Population 55,617 TOTALS 2016 Employed Population Leicestershire Cambridgeshire 2031 Population 2016 2031 66,737 1,725,958 1,899,162 3,852,995 4,124,589 2,037,767 2,088,224 2,204,922 2,254,295 2,227,192 2,277,068 Table 5.5: Scenario B at 2016 and 2031 (Growth from 2001 (%)) Households 2016 Population Employment 2031 2016 2031 2016 2031 Employed Population 2016 2031 Active Population 2016 2031 Leicestershire 19.06% 33.35% 10.52% 21.00% 11.23% 13.57% 8.56% 10.44% 7.91% 9.78% Warwickshire 15.53% 31.07% 10.86% 21.55% 11.62% 23.63% 26.36% 35.79% 23.06% 32.25% Northamptonshire 19.34% 33.85% 10.71% 22.26% 23.84% 29.22% 22.40% 27.48% 19.28% 24.23% Bedfordshire 16.87% 29.53% 6.91% 16.77% 26.90% 31.38% 14.15% 17.92% 10.86% 14.52% 19.64% Buckinghamshire 19.84% 34.72% 11.46% 20.75% 17.86% 23.62% 15.66% 20.99% 14.37% Essex 11.23% 19.65% 3.40% 8.33% 2.72% 3.65% 8.01% 8.83% 6.12% 6.92% Hertfordshire 11.04% 19.32% 5.09% 9.14% 3.85% 4.24% 11.30% 11.67% 10.15% 10.52% Cambridgeshire 13.66% 23.91% 6.20% 11.62% 32.98% 32.77% 20.54% 20.35% 19.42% 19.23% TOTAL AREA 15.30% 26.87% 7.54% 15.12% 17.02% 19.92% 15.60% 18.19% 13.69% 16.24% The overall totals at 2016 are similar to Scenario A but the distribution of employment growth is significantly different. All variables grow more slowly over the period 20162031 and the distribution of employment growth is again rather different: • numbers of households increase by 172,000 (10.0%) compared with the growth of 229,000 under Scenario A; • population grows by 268,000 (7.0%) compared with the growth of 393,000 under Scenario A; • employment rises by only 49,000 (2.4%) compared with the 348,000 increase under Scenario A; - 57 - • 5.3.4 net out-commuting again remains at 159,000 by assumption. Scenario C – Market Driven Under this scenario, policy is more accommodating to growth resulting, inter alia, in more rapid increases in the socio-economic and land use drivers of travel growth after 2016. Specifically, general rates of housing development are increased by 50% in the northern districts of the Study Area – excluding Cambridge where constraints on housing development are tighter – and by 25% in the remainder of the area. Specific provision is also made for additional employment growth in Luton (regeneration policies and airport related growth), Uttlesford (Stansted Airport related growth), parts of Cambridgeshire (growth in the high technology cluster) and Corby (regeneration initiatives). The Department of Transport’s Consultation Document The Future of Air Transport in the UK (July 2002) sets out that air passenger movements in the UK are forecast to increase threefold up to 2030. One of the proposals put forward in the consultation document is to develop up to three additional runways at Stansted Airport. The Consultation Document came out late in the LSM study timetable and a decision was made not to follow the options put forward as they were consultative in nature. The highest option of three additional runways at Stansted would obviously have profound implications for the Study Area. It was felt that these would need to be the subject of a separate exercise if their adoption appears likely. Notwithstanding this, the central growth option of the London-Stansted-Cambridge Sub-Regional Planning Study makes specific provision for additional growth from direct jobs generated by the expansion of Stansted Airport to accommodate 40mppa by 2026. In employment terms, this was projected to generate 28,000 jobs by 2026. Taking forward the figures set out in this option, employment was expected to grow by 43% between 2001 and 2016, and by another 43% between 2016 and 2031. To reflect the additional growth projected under this option, final adjustments were made to Scenario C. The Higher Growth scenario set out in the Milton Keynes to South Midlands SubRegional Planning Study makes provision for the success of major regeneration initiatives at Corby, Bedford and Luton as regional priority areas. Under the higher growth scenario, an additional 24,000 jobs are projected for Corby (80% growth), 19,000 in Luton (22% growth) and 14,000 in Bedford (33% growth). To ensure consistency with the projections made as part of this study, final adjustments were made to Scenario C. The final results are set out in Tables 5.6 and 5.7. - 58 - Table 5.6 Scenario C at 2016 and 2031 Households 2016 Employment 2016 2031 68,971 127,476 154,503 55,913 66,972 64,942 80,861 65,598 Warwickshire 43,196 49,005 97,425 106,815 47,899 53,055 54,515 58,587 55,066 59,179 Northamptonshire 338,494 430,200 752,013 941,549 382,734 461,877 438,952 593,829 443,382 599,827 Bedfordshire 288,195 351,532 628,628 755,411 291,192 348,391 347,985 426,799 351,501 431,110 Buckinghamshire 240,453 299,042 536,967 642,929 312,981 418,624 308,973 387,767 312,095 391,683 Essex 149,889 190,933 333,845 410,739 157,651 214,293 177,862 242,687 181,569 245,126 Hertfordshire 464,846 536,455 1,052,733 1,158,605 586,258 738,317 587,791 674,216 595,528 680,457 Cambridgeshire 248,861 299,876 334,893 478,475 347,203 472,194 351,975 476,212 666,803 2031 2016 2031 Active Population 55,617 555,656 2016 Employed Population Leicestershire TOTALS 2031 Population 2016 2031 81,677 1,829,551 2,226,014 4,084,743 4,837,354 2,169,521 2,780,004 2,328,223 2,936,940 2,356,714 2,965,271 Table 5.7 Scenario C at 2016 and 2031 (Growth from 2001 (%)) Households Population Employment Employed Population Active Population 2016 2031 2016 2031 2016 2031 2016 2031 2016 2031 Leicestershire 19.06% 47.64% 10.52% 33.96% 16.00% 38.95% 8.56% 35.17% 7.91% 34.36% Warwickshire 15.53% 31.07% 10.86% 21.55% 11.62% 23.63% 26.36% 35.79% 23.06% 32.25% Northamptonshire 29.73% 64.88% 20.32% 50.65% 22.75% 48.14% 32.93% 79.84% 29.55% 75.26% Bedfordshire 22.39% 49.28% 12.02% 34.62% 18.42% 41.68% 19.09% 46.06% 15.66% 41.85% Buckinghamshire 22.64% 52.52% 14.12% 36.64% 29.61% 73.36% 18.38% 48.57% 17.06% 46.91% Essex 33.89% 70.56% 24.61% 53.31% 28.98% 75.32% 28.30% 75.07% 27.40% 71.99% Hertfordshire 15.98% 33.84% 9.79% 20.83% 20.83% 52.17% 15.96% 33.01% 15.11% 31.52% Cambridgeshire 19.85% 44.42% 11.96% 34.35% 37.43% 96.36% 26.08% 71.47% 25.36% 69.61% TOTAL AREA 22.22% 48.70% 14.00% 35.01% 24.59% 59.65% 22.07% 53.98% 20.30% 51.37% The key elements of the scenario are as follows: • household numbers rise by 333,000 (22.2% on 2001) by 2016 and by a further 400,000 (21.8% on 2016) by 2031 so that by this time there are over 270,000 more households than under Scenario A; • population increases by 502,000 (14% on 2001) by 2016 and by a further 752,000 (18.4% on 2016) by 2031 to a figure nearly 600,000 greater than under Scenario A; • employment grows by 428,000 (24.6% on 2001) by 2016 and a further 610,000 (28.1% on 2016) by 2031. By this time, employment is almost 390,000 above the level of Scenario A; • again, net out-commuting is held at the 159,000 level. - 59 - 6 Modelling Framework 6.1 Overview This Chapter presents a brief overview of the purpose and function of the transport modelling framework that was used in the Study. A more comprehensive description is provided at Appendix E. The description of the modelling framework is followed by the definition of the future year Reference Case. The Reference Case comprises those schemes and policies that are assumed to be implemented between the Base Year (2001) and the forecast years (2016 and 2031), irrespective of the strategy developed as part of this Study. There is, in fact, only one Reference Case, since virtually all the schemes that are sufficiently well advanced to be considered as committed, are expected to be in place by 2016. Finally, an outline description is presented of the future travel patterns that are forecast for the Reference Case in each of the forecast years. 6.2 Role of the Transport Model The transport model represents the travel demand and supply in the particular year. In estimating future demand for travel, it takes account of changes in transport supply and the consequent effects on congestion, crowding and the resultant travel costs. The various choices made by travellers are represented by a series of linked models. The model was created for use in estimating the future travel demand and the manner in which it would be spread between the alternative modes and routes of the highway and public transport networks. It could then be used to test the impact that future schemes and policies, proposed as part of a strategy, would have in relation to the Reference Case, and so provide the information needed for an appraisal of that strategy. The model, therefore, is set up to represent the following aspects of transport choice: • trip generation/suppression; • distribution (origin and destination); • mode choice; • route choice (for each of road, rail and bus). 6.3 Characteristics of the Transport Model It is assumed that all travel choices are based primarily on minimising transport costs. As such, the model uses ‘generalised costs’ which are a weighted combination of the various elements of travel time and costs incurred in making a trip. A number of iterative processes are used in linking together the various elements of travel choice indicated above, to ensure that the costs and demands on the networks are in balance. These processes take account of congestion on the - 60 - highway network, crowding on the rail network and the overall interaction between the various travel choices represented. The transport model was created for the Base Year (2001), using a number of sources of observed data from earlier transport models of the area, supplemented by new surveys and evening counts. It was calibrated and validated for the Base Year for each of the morning peak and off-peak periods. Calibration is the process of ensuring that the sensitivities in the various models can reproduce the observed choices. Validation is the comparison of the Base Year model flows against observed flows, ensuring that the Base Year model is able to reproduce observed data. The calibration and validation of the model are discussed further in Appendix E, and the validation results are summarised in Appendix F. As previously indicated, it is assumed that travel decisions are based primarily on transport costs. However, not all users of the transport system face the same choices or behave in the same way. Choices can be different because people are making different journeys, or because they do or do not have a car available. Behaviour can also be different because people have different priorities and valuations of the separate components of generalised cost, which may be attributable to different journey purposes or car ownership levels. In the model, the geographical origins and destinations of trips are represented by zones, of which there are 588 representing the whole of England, Scotland and Wales, based on Local Authority boundaries, but at progressively less detail with distance from the Study Area. The Study Area itself is represented by 258 zones, each representing one or more wards. The remaining 330 zones include 14 to represent specific air and sea ports. Differences in behaviour are represented by segregation of total demand into the user classes shown in Table 6.1, which also shows the elements of the model in which each user class features. Model forecasts are driven by a combination of: • planning data; • economic forecasts; and • network revisions. - 61 - Table 6.1 User Classes Used in the Model User Class Highway Public Mode Distribution Assignment Transport Choice Model Assignment Generation Model Car available Home Based Work (HBW) ! ! ! ! ! Home Based School (HBS) ! ! ! ! ! Home Based Other (HBO) ! ! ! ! ! Employer Business (EB) ! ! ! ! ! Non-Home Based Other (NHBO) ! ! ! ! ! Home Based Work (HBW) " ! ! ! ! Home Based School (HBS) " ! ! ! ! Home Based Other (HBO) " ! ! ! ! Employer Business (EB) " ! ! ! ! Non-Home Based Other (NHBO) " ! ! ! ! Light Goods Vehicles (LGV) ! " " ! " Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGV) ! " " " " Non car available Other The planning data forecasts have been described in the preceding Chapter; network revisions reflect the difference between the Reference Case network and the particular strategy to be appraised for the chosen forecasting year. The assumptions made with regard to economic forecasts were taken from the DfT’s Traffic Economics Note, and are summarised in Table 6.2. Table 6.2 Annual Growth Rates Assumed for Economic Parameters (average % per annum) Base to 2016 2016 to 2031 GDP 2.32 2.25 Value of Time 2.07 2.03 It was assumed that there would be no change in real terms in the costs of motoring, public transport fares, bus and rail operating costs or parking charges. 6.4 Future Year Reference Case The analysis for 2016 and 2031 was made against a Reference Case network which comprises the schemes and policies that are assumed to be implemented between the Base Year (2001) and the forecast years (2016 and 2031), irrespective of the strategy developed as part of this Study. Selection of these schemes was based on a review of documentation published by the Strategic Rail Authority, Highways Agency and Local Authorities. Whilst difficult to develop precise ‘rules’ for which schemes to include, it was generally possible to identify those which were either committed or were generally perceived to be inevitable. - 62 - Where possible, the emerging recommendations from other studies were included within the Reference Case, notably the A14 improvements and guided bus system recommended as part of CHUMMS and the improvements proposed to junction 19 of the M1. The ORBIT study, however, deserves particular mention, firstly because of the importance of the M25 to the LSM Study Area, and secondly because it was necessary to develop the Reference Case assumptions significantly in advance of the ORBIT study reporting. After a number of tests at alternative capacities, the Reference Case was based on the M25 having the capacity of a dual-4 lane motorway. This is not suggesting that the LSM proposals are dependent on widening of the M25 to this standard, but that the route would be modified to give capacity equivalent to a dual-4 lane motorway implying a level-of-service broadly similar to that which exists at the present time. Such additional capacity need not necessarily be provided by widening alone, but could be through a combination of widening and traffic management measures that would make more efficient use of the existing road space. The schemes included in the Reference Case are summarised in Tables 6.3 and 6.4 for the public transport and road networks respectively. In practice, the public transport schemes were limited to rail service or infrastructure improvements. Table 6.3 Public Transport Model Reference Case Schemes Scheme Rail Line Hourly Sheffield to London St Pancras fast service in AM Peak and return in PM peak Hourly Norwich to Cambridge all stations service Hourly Kings Cross to Leeds service (making 2tph Kings Cross to Leeds) CTRL Domestic Services Chiltern 2002 Winter Timetable (including 2tph to Birmingham) West Coast Main Line Upgrade (affecting Virgin West Coast and Silverlink) Thameslink 2000 Virgin Cross Country Improvements (1tph to most destinations) Inclusion of Hull Trains and GNER ‘White Rose’ services New station at Kidlington New station at Blaby New station at Kibworth New station at East Goscote East London Line Northern and Southern Extensions Braintree Branchline Improvements doubling of frequency to/from Braintree) Crossrail South West to Hackney (Crossrail 2) Croxley Rail Link Luton/Dunstable Translink Cambridge/St Ives/Huntingdon Guided Bus Felixstowe-Nuneaton Freight Route Midland Main Line Norwich to Ely, and Ely to Cambridge East Coast Main Line Southern Chiltern West Coast Main Line Midland Main Line, East Coast Main Line, Brighton Main Line West Coast Main Line, East Coast Main Line, Great Western Main Line East Coast Main Line Great Western Main Line Leicester to Nuneaton line Midland Main Line Leicester to Peterborough line LUL, North London Lines, Southern Great Eastern Main Line, Braintree branch Great Western Main Line, Great Eastern Main Line, LT&S Line, Chiltern Lines, Met Line South Western, LUL Central Line Metropolitan Line, West Coast Main Line Disused Luton/Dunstable line Disused Cambridge/St Ives line Various - 63 - Table 6.4 Highway Model Reference Case Schemes Road Scheme County M1 M11 A1 A6 A6 A6 A6 A10 A11 A11 A11 A12 A14 A14 A14 A15 A15 A40 A41 A43 A43 A43 A43 A43 A43 A120 A130 A131 A142 A421 A428 A428 A428 A428 A505 A505 A507 A510 A1081 A1198 A4010 A4071 A4146 A4146 A5134 B4034 Unclassified J19 Improvements Junction 8 slip road improvements Tempsford Junction improvements Clapham Bypass Great Glen Bypass Rothwell and Desborough Bypass Rushden and Higham Ferrers Bypass Wadesmill to Collier’s End Bypass Attleborough to Roudham dualling Thetford to Atteborough Bypass Five Ways to Thetford dualling Hatfield Peverel to Witham Link Road Additional link to M1 (southbound) Cambridge to Huntingdon improvements Junction improvements west of A1 Glinton to Northborough improvements Werrington to Glinton Bypass A40/A404 junction improvements Aston Clinton Bypass Corby Link Road M40 to B4031 dualling Moulton Bypass Moulton to Broughton dualling Silverstone Bypass Whitfield turn to Brackley Hatch dualling Stansted to Braintree dualling A130 Bypass (A132 to A127) Great Leighs Bypass Fordham Bypass Great Barford Bypass Bedford Western Bypass (A428 to A6) Cambourne to Hardwick dualling Crick Bypass West Haddon Bypass Baldock bypass Duxford Junction improvements Ridgmont Bypass and Woburn Link Wellingborough Eastern Relief Road Luton South Circular Improvements Papworth Everard Bypass Ayslesbury to High Wycombe improvements Rugby Western Relief Route Linslade Western Bypass Stoke Hammond Bypass Bedford Western Bypass (A421 to A428) Bletchley Link Road and bridge Kempston Road improvements Leicestershire Essex Bedfordshire Bedfordshire Leicestershire Northamptonshire Northamptonshire Hertfordshire Norfolk Norfolk Norfolk Essex Leicestershire Cambridgeshire Cambridgeshire Peterborough Peterborough Buckinghamshire Buckinghamshire Northamptonshire Northamptonshire Northamptonshire Northamptonshire Northamptonshire Northamptonshire Essex Essex Essex Cambridgeshire Bedfordshire Bedfordshire Cambridgeshire Northamptonshire Northamptonshire Hertfordshire Cambridgeshire Bedfordshire Northamptonshire Luton Cambridgeshire Buckinghamshire Warwickshire Bedfordshire Buckinghamshire Bedfordshire Buckinghamshire Bedfordshire - 64 - 6.5 Summary of Forecasts The overall growth in the numbers of trips made, and the numbers of those made by car available and non car available persons are shown in Table 6.5. This Table shows the number of trips in each category relative to the 2001 Base Year, and also how the proportion of trips changes through time. Figures for 2016 and 2031 are based on the Reference Case networks, described above, prior to the inclusion of any recommendations from the Study. Table 6.5 Summary of Travel Growth from Base Year to Forecast Years (2001 = 100) 2001 2016 Car Available 100 (83%) 142 (84%) Car Unavailable 100 (7%) 132 (6%) LGV 100 (5%) 135 (5%) HGV 100 (5%) 119 (5%) Total 100 (100%) 139 (100%) 2031 167 (87%) 90 (4%) 160 (5%) 137 (5%) 160 (100%) It can be seen that trips are expected to grow by nearly 40% by 2016 and 60% by 2031. Furthermore, the change in car ownership is such that the proportion of person trips for which a car is available is predicted to grow from 92.2% in 2001 to 95.6% in 2031. Table 6.6 shows the growth to 2016 and 2031 separately for internal and external movements. The conclusions on modal share from these Tables are two-fold: first, that the growth rates for the private car are generally higher than for public transport and that, as a consequence, the proportion of total movement represented by public transport in the future will reduce, albeit marginally. As a consequence, the strategy is required to reverse a negative trend rather than reinforce a positive trend. Three other points also require comment, namely the high levels of internal rail and through HGV growth after 2016, and the low growth after 2016 for through rail trips. In the case of internal rail trips, it should be noted that internal trips represent only a very small proportion of the overall rail market. Since these trips are not Londonbased, there is generally spare capacity on existing train services. Therefore, as highway congestion grows for such trips, the rail network is able to accommodate modal transfer. This is generally confined to trips within one corridor, such as Northampton to Milton Keynes or Bedford to Luton. The increase in through HGV trips by road is predominantly in the 2016 to 2031 period. This is because the growth assumes an 80% increase in freight carried by rail to 2011, but thereafter, without further investment in the rail network, all growth in freight carried will need to be absorbed by the highway network. Underlying this, of course, is the premise that freight growth will be higher than passenger growth over the Study period. - 65 - Table 6.6 Travel Growth from Base Year 2001 to 2016 and 2031 Car (person trips)1 (including LGV) HGV Rail (person trips) Bus (person trips) Total Person Trips Percentage Growth 2001-2016 2001-2031 33.2 65.4 25.2 49.6 37.2 90.4 30.2 60.2 11.1 18.7 24.0 51.5 58.9 173.2 21.3 47.8 26.7 96.5 23.9 56.5 35.5 38.8 28.2 53.6 16.3 34.4 26.6 38.9 33.4 45.7 21.4 37.4 31.2 61.5 25.0 50.1 38.9 81.1 29.2 58.3 Note: 1 The four figures indicated in each category represent internal-internal trips; the average of internal-external and external-internal trips; through trips; and total trips, respectively. In the case of through rail trips, a reasonable level of growth is estimated through to 2016, during which period the capacity of the rail network (particularly WCML and Thameslink) is expanded, but there is little additional growth assumed between 2016 and 2031, due to the capacity limitations of the rail network after 2016. Forecast Rail Flows The growth in peak period rail flows on the network (within and slightly beyond the Study Area) between 2001 and 2031 is shown in Figure 6.1. The principal feature continues to be the dominance of the three inter-city corridors. Forecast Highway Flows The change in morning peak period traffic levels through time is shown in Figures 6.2(a) and 6.2 (b) for 2016 and 2031 respectively. In each case, the green band shows the scale of movement for the Base Year and the thickness of the accompanying blue or red line represents the scale of growth. The very simple conclusion from this analysis is that further growth will occur in all parts of the network as the full three hour peak period capacity is progressively filled up. Forecast Bus Flows As described earlier, the growth in bus travel is expected to be less than that forecast for both rail and the private car for most types of movement at 2016 and 2031. - 66 - Figure 6.1: Growth in Peak Period Rail Flows between 2001 and 2031 2001 flows in blue over 2031 flows in red - 67 - Figure 6.2 (a) (b) Peak Period Traffic Flow Growth to 2016 and 2031 (a) 2001 shown in green over 2016 in blue. (b) 2001 shown in green over 2031 in red. - 68 - 7 Problems and Issues 7.1 Introduction The purpose of this Chapter is to set out, as comprehensively as possible, the transport problems which occur at the Base Year and which are likely to occur at the future years of 2016 and 2031. The analysis relates primarily to inter-urban movement and is based predominantly on the transport modelling work undertaken within the Study. It does, however, also take into account the insights, both strategic and local, provided by consultation. The work described in this Chapter is confined to what can best be described as ‘strategic’, to the extent that the issues raised and the problems described are important to the Study Area as a whole. Inevitably, however, their nature and intensity is more acute in some areas than others. 7.2 Base Year Personal Travel 7.2.1 Overview Baseline travel patterns in the Study Area have already been described in Chapter 4. In transport terms, the key feature of the Area is the fact that it intercepts virtually all north-south arteries linking London and the South East with the Midlands, the North of England and Scotland. The lack of a major conurbation or dominant urban area within the Study Area means that the predominantly north-south strategic movements are overlain by a relatively dispersed pattern of inter-regional, sub-regional and local movements. On many of the strategic routes (and particularly the M1, M11 and A14) there is a high proportion of through traffic, and of freight vehicles. The proximity of some urban areas close to these routes also leads to localised instances of shorter distance commuting trips which use the strategic network for only one or two sections. A consequence of this conflict is that most strategic corridors experience significant levels of congestion (road) or overcrowding (rail). Particularly affected are the West Coast and East Coast Main Lines, the M1, the southern sections of the A1(M) and the A14 between Cambridge and Huntingdon. Other sections of inter-urban road and rail also experience congestion, though not as regular or intense. A key finding of the analysis was that whilst there are many car commuter trips on the sections of radial routes immediately north of the M25, the proportion of those heading for locations inside the North Circular Road was very small. Rather, they were destined for a wide range of locations throughout North London or beyond. Consequently, the potential for attracting these trips to rail travel was very small. Similarly, a very high proportion of trips destined for Central London travel by train. One key feature of the analysis undertaken is that, whilst the dominant theme for north-south problems is that of congestion, east-west problems can be viewed in two ways; firstly, as a general lack of accessibility (particularly for rail connections which - 69 - are virtually non-existent) and secondly, high or moderate levels of congestion on those roads which do provide the necessary strategic connections. 7.2.2 Measures of Overall Performance The multi-modal studies have a very clear focus in addressing congestion on the highway network and reducing it by a variety of interventions, with new road construction the action of last resort. In the case of rail travel, an excess of demand over seating capacity will result in a progressively deteriorating quality of travel, which will restrict the growth in rail travel unless additional capacity can be provided. Whilst overcrowding acts as a deterrent to growth in rail travel and has safety implications, it can also have a marginal impact upon the ability of the rail service to operate to timetable. However, as the operators seek to provide additional train capacity through more frequent services, the rail network, just like the road network, is limited by capacity such that minor delays can have significant knock-on effects. This concept is perhaps more readily appreciated in the case of road travel, where the effects of congestion are evident. The most obvious measure, and one derived easily from the model, is the volume/capacity (v/c) ratio. In essence, as this figure increases beyond about 0.85, so there is an increasingly rapid deterioration in travel conditions, with the user experiencing rapid speed changes (stop-start), lack of ability to manoeuvre between lanes and, eventually, gridlock. The Study Team has used a 3-hour peak period model which allows growth to occur at the shoulders of the peak when the peak hour itself may be congested. This is a very pragmatic modelling approach to a behavioural response which, in the main, results from a re-timing of trips before the peak and, to a lesser extent, a retiming of trips after the peak. In order to overcome this difficulty, a lower figure of 0.6 was adopted to reflect the variability of traffic volumes within the peak period and to capture all potential instances of operational problems. Such a figure, for example, could correspond with a critical v/c of 0.85 for the morning peak hour with a prepeak value of 0.6 and post peak of 0.35. It should be emphasised that no single measure can adequately capture the variety of traffic profiles that exist across such an intensely travelled part of the national network. The figure of 0.6 for the 3-hour peak period was therefore taken only as an indicator that a problem may exist. 7.2.3 Rail Key rail movements in the Study Area have already been described in Chapter 4 of this Report and in Chapter 6 the intensity of movement taking place on inter-city and outer-suburban rail networks has been demonstrated for the base and forecast years. From the analysis undertaken, serious levels of overcrowding are most prevalent on the inner-suburban services. Whilst overcrowding also occurs on outer-suburban and inter-city services, this is generally to a lesser extent and often confined to particular trains in the timetable. Other problems and issues identified from the consultation process include the following: - 70 - • a perceived lack of strategy for rail development with many questioning what plans existed to improve capacity and/or level of service in line with Government policy; • specific problems associated with lack of east-west travel opportunities for passengers and freight; and • a number of very specific issues relating to lack of capacity on existing routes or lack of accessibility from locations such as Corby, Dunstable etc. 7.2.4 Bus The Consultation Process identified a number of problems concerned with bus services. Apart from issues which were very locationally specific, the more general points concerned: • the Competition Act which was seen to stifle integration; • poor levels of integration between bus and rail, as well as poor physical interchange and travel facilities; • lack of information generally about bus services; • lack of rural services; and • poor quality of bus services, both in terms of the infrastructure for buses to use, which was not seen to give sufficient priority and the service offer itself; the service offer contained a variety of issues from service frequency to hours of operation, passenger waiting facilities and quality of the vehicles. 7.2.5 Road The operational analysis of the highway network produced a very clear picture of potential congestion in the strategic highway network (see Figure 7.1). Further analysis confirmed the key problem areas as: • M25, for the whole of its length, plus the majority of network within the M25; • the southern sections of the M1, from the M25 as far north as Milton Keynes; • Junctions 6-10 of the A1(M), with some localised congestion north of this; • A14, Cambridge-Huntingdon section and localised problems around Kettering; • the A5 around Dunstable and Milton Keynes; and • the M11 north of Stansted Airport. - 71 - Whilst the analysis highlighted other instances where the critical v/c ratio was exceeded, these were sporadic and therefore of less interest than the concentrated effects described above. Congestion was undoubtedly the major problem identified in the consultation. However, whilst congestion itself was seen universally as a problem, there were a variety of attitudes to the cause. Comments received reflected the following viewpoints: • the private car is used excessively, particularly for commuting; • congestion results partly from a lack of viable public transport alternatives; • unforeseen problems such as incidents and accidents are the main cause of problems; and • congestion cannot be solved by capacity increases alone given the constraints limiting the expansion of the existing road system, particularly in historic towns and environmentally sensitive areas. Figure 7.1 Base Year Highway Network Congestion Interestingly, from the comments above, the causes of problems associated with the highway network were not necessarily attributed to a lack of infrastructure, but to an imbalance of demand and supply which could equally be addressed through demand restraint, or better management of the network. - 72 - 7.2.6 Air The consultation process revealed a number of problems associated with air transport, or at least the landside problems of air transport. The problems focused particularly on Stansted and Luton as the major airports in the Study Area and included: • lack of east-west rail links to major airports; • poor or non-existent rail links from the West Midlands to Luton and Stansted; and • poor road access to Stansted and Luton because of congestion on the M11 and M1 respectively. Other consultees commented on the planning regime and the implications for landuse development associated with expansion at the airports. 7.3 Base Year Freight 7.3.1 Introduction The Study used a combination of desk research, data collection and in-depth faceto-face interviews with over 25 industry decision makers to identify the current position of freight transport in the Study Area. This research: • identified the main freight generators and destinations in the Study Area; • assessed the volume and patterns of freight being moved by road and rail; • identified the network being used and existing problems associated with that network; and • worked with freight decision makers to understand the processes underlying freight transport. The key issues arising from this in-depth research are set out below. 7.3.2 Road Issues Distribution Sector This sector of the road freight industry is experiencing rapid change to meet the objectives of improving service while reducing costs. Some of the changes have resulted in reductions in vehicle payloads, for instance the move towards more frequent deliveries. Some retailers are addressing this by using information technology to optimise vehicle movements, or by developing new supply chain solutions designed to reduce empty movements and encourage the sharing of vehicles. - 73 - Congestion Firms generally report that they are living with congestion for the time being, with motorways still considered to be the most efficient roads for the heaviest goods vehicles. Many interviewees reported that the main strategic congestion problems are outside the Study Area: the M25 and the M6 around Birmingham. However, the southern section of the M1 is undoubtedly seen as a barrier to freight movement during the morning peak. Some junctions cause regular congestion, including the A14/M1 junction, and Junction 15 of the M1 at Northampton, which suffers from serious peak hour congestion and provides vital access for freight to Northampton and Wellingborough. Whilst in principle, HGV operators and drivers prefer to use the highest quality of road available, some firms operating smaller trucks and vans now use A-roads in preference to the most heavily congested sections of motorway. In consequence, there is a trend to use the A14/M11, and to a much lesser extent the A1(M), to avoid the problems on the M1. Routes and timetables are varied to avoid the peak periods but the peaks are getting longer with the off-peak period slowly filling up on critical sections of road. Disruption Firms are less able to live with disruption caused by accidents, unexpected jams, and emergency roadworks. The result is that companies increasingly use radio and mobile telephones for drivers to advise them of problems and to inform other drivers. Early communication of problems in this way allows deliveries to be re-scheduled and customers to be advised, thus reducing the likelihood of failed deliveries and unnecessary repeat visits. The A14 is particularly susceptible to disruption by accidents, since it has no hard shoulder, and limited alternative routes. East-west movement is thus seen as being particularly problematic. Lack of East – West Trunk Road Routes Many of the strategic distribution sites are in the north of the Study Area, and this area is normally well served by the A14 / M6 / M42 axis for east-west movements. Similarly, any location within 10 miles or so of the M25 will use this as an east–west link. In a few locations in the Study Area, hauliers choose to use non-trunk roads as part of a longer journey because no suitable trunk route exists, or the trunk route involves a much longer journey. Examples include east-west movements to Milton Keynes, movements from the East Coast to Stevenage, and movements from Northampton to Essex and parts of Cambridgeshire. This level of provision also results in some north-south routes being used in part to undertake east-west movements. - 74 - Link Routes / Access Some link roads from the trunk road network to major towns or industrial sites are of poor quality, are slow, or suffer from congestion. Of note are the roads serving Spalding, which has become a key centre for food preparation and distribution generating hundreds of truck movements per day, and also the roads linking the M1 to Northampton and Bedford. Truck Bans / Restrictions Hauliers accept the necessity for control of routeing and movements through sensitive areas at night. However, their business is made very difficult when such schemes are uncoordinated or badly publicised. If goods vehicles are to be encouraged to travel at night, the impact of local night-time delivery restrictions will need to be reviewed on a regional basis. 7.3.3 Rail Issues Lack of Private Siding Connections Very few businesses have direct access to the rail network in the Study Area. There are few, if any, manufacturing facilities which are both located near to a railway line and offer suitable freight for rail movement. Similarly, none of the major retail distribution centres are rail connected or rail connectable. Lack of Freight Interchanges In the absence of direct connection, freight customers must access the rail network at rail freight terminals or interchanges. The area is poorly served by both conventional rail terminals and by intermodal terminals for general (non-bulk) freight. For bulk freight adequate terminals are provided, but there is a constant demand for new aggregates terminals which is often frustrated by planning constraints. Daventry (DIRFT) also provides an intermodal facility, and traffic to or from the north of the Study Area can also use Hams Hall, but traffic in the south of the area is only served by the cramped and congested terminal at Willesden. 7.4 Future Year Problems 7.4.1 Appraisal Framework Describing and measuring problems and issues at either 2016 or 2031 can be done in two ways – either through some form of absolute measure (eg v/c ratio) or by the use of a relative measure (eg how have average journey speeds reduced relative to the Base Year?). For the purpose of this analysis, both measures have been used. In the case of relative measures, they have also been incorporated within a comprehensive framework that is directly linked to the Government’s five overarching objectives. The framework and its constituent parts are described briefly below: - 75 - Environmental Objectives Three criteria were included in this category; number of car trips, all day person-km. by car and all day HGV-km. For all measures, the environmental objective performs better as they reduce, all other things being equal. Accessibility Objectives Two measures have been included in the framework; population accessibility and employment accessibility. The index measures the ease with which individuals can reach other individuals and employment opportunities. As the index increases, so accessibility increases and the objective performs better. Also included in the framework are the generalised costs of representative through movements on different axes. As the generalised cost increases relative to the Base Year, so the facility for movement is reduced. Safety Objectives The safety objective is maximised in three ways: by transferring strategic traffic to public transport, to higher-standard roads and by reducing overcrowding on rail. Reducing the overall vehicle-km. therefore makes this objective perform better, all other things being equal, provided that rail has the capacity to accommodate the additional trips. However, even if the overall number of vehicle-km. does not reduce, but is re-allocated to roads with a lower accident rate, this is also beneficial. Integration Objectives Although it is sometimes difficult to quantify changes in performance for this objective, the analysis for this Study identified three key themes: integration between modes, integration with social and economic policy (particularly regeneration and Areas of Multiple Deprivation) and integration with land-use policy. In the case of integration with other modes, an accessibility index was developed for Luton and Stansted Airports. As this increased so the objective performed better. Improving accessibility to employment for those living in Corby, Dunstable and Harlow was seen as an important measure of integration with social and economic regeneration policy since these had performed worst in the Index of Multiple Deprivation. Increasing this index improved performance against the objective. In terms of integration with land-use policy, the overriding objective here is to minimise the number of vehicle-km. travelled by car. Minimising the number of vehicle-km. therefore improves the performance of this objective. Since a particular objective of land-use (and transport) policy, is to improve overall levels of accessibility by public transport for social and economic reasons, this is also included. Improving these accessibility indices, therefore, improves performance within this objective. Economy Objective Finally, the economy objective is improved if congestion is reduced, indicated by an overall travel speed increase, thus reducing journey times and the extent to which - 76 - distance is perceived as a deterrent to economic activity. It is also improved if the time spent in crowded conditions on trains is reduced. It is uncertain whether an increase in Home Based Work and Employer’s Business trips should be seen as a measure of improvement since this may act against other initiatives such as home working etc. These measures have therefore been excluded. Improved accessibility to places of employment, however, should improve the functioning of the economy and thus, as these indices increase, so the objective performs better. This measure of accessibility is different to those considered under the accessibility objective in that it is measuring accessibility to rather than from a particular location. 7.5 Problems at 2016 The scale of growth likely to take place by 2016 has already been discussed in Chapter 6, as have the assumptions made on network improvements likely to take place by that year. In order to understand the impact of this level of growth, Table 7.1 presents a simple Framework Analysis using the measures described above. Colour coding in red indicates deterioration from the Base Year and in green, an improvement. Environment The number of car trips in the Study Area will increase by over 30%. The impact, however, will be greater because of increasing average trip lengths giving an overall increase in car person-km. of 39%. HGV vehicle-km. are also forecast to increase by over 40%. The extent to which such growth will be converted into congestion is shown in Figure 7.2, which shows an increase in congested sections of road, particularly affecting the southern part of the Study Area and a greater part of the M1 within the Study Area. Accessibility A result of lower speeds and increasing congestion will be a decline in accessibility by car, rail and bus. In the case of rail, the effect of crowding is to increase the overall cost of travel and, hence, reduce the accessibility. Accessibility by car reduces by about 30% for both indices whilst for bus it is almost 20%. The lower reduction for bus reflects a general policy direction coded into the model which assumes further opportunities for bus increasing its share of the market through, typically, a re-allocation of road space in urban areas. In the case of rail the reduced accessibility is not nearly so great. This reflects a number of features: an increase in overcrowding which is offset to some extent by new capacity in the form of Thameslink 2000 and the West Coast Main Line upgrade; improved ‘quality’ of service; and, improved local access to rail stations. The West Coast Main Line upgrade also accounts for the marginal improvement for London to Birmingham trips. - 77 - Table 7.1 Framework Analysis for 2016 Reference Case LONDON TO SOUTH MIDLANDS MULTI-MODAL STUDY (t23146-MOD) Performance Measures Base = 2001 Test = 2016 Ref Case 2001 vs 2016 Reference Case ENVIRONMENTAL OBJECTIVES Base Test Test - Base Test / Base 5,049,861 6,656,781 1,606,920 1.32 All Day Car Person km (study area) 109,029,549 151,338,896 42,309,347 1.39 All Day HGV km (study area) 13,356,384 19,049,814 5,693,430 1.43 Base Test Test - Base Test / Base Population Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 1103.00 235.81 166.56 794.61 221.88 136.02 -308.39 -13.94 -30.55 0.72 0.94 0.82 Employment Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 322.92 59.04 51.36 224.39 59.00 41.51 -98.53 -0.05 -9.85 0.69 1.00 0.81 London to Peterborough Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 1,625 955 1,953 1,027 328 72 1.20 1.08 London to Leicester Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 1,825 1,120 2,180 1,233 355 113 1.19 1.10 London to Birmingham Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 1,940 1,415 2,293 1,380 353 -35 1.18 0.98 Chelmsford to Peterborough Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 1,510 4,105 1,760 4,280 250 175 1.17 1.04 Chelmsford to Birmingham Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 2,235 4,990 2,513 5,033 278 43 1.12 1.01 Ipswich to Birmingham Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 2,290 5,825 2,653 5,913 363 88 1.16 1.02 Norwich to Birmingham Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 2,515 6,275 2,953 6,507 438 232 1.17 1.04 Norwich to Oxford Generalised Costs Car Public Transport 2,590 5,705 3,260 5,967 670 262 1.26 1.05 All Day Car Trips (study area) ACCESSIBILITY OBJECTIVES - 78 - SAFETY OBJECTIVES Base Test Test - Base Test / Base 5,049,861 6,656,781 1,606,920 1.32 All Day Car Person km (study area) 109,029,549 151,338,896 42,309,347 1.39 Passenger km by Road Type: Motorway A-Road B-Road Unclassified 147453295 202725201 16229614 9766678 192300075 269732394 21836201 13591015 44846780 67007193 5606587 3824337 1.30 1.33 1.35 1.39 % Passenger km by Road Type: Motorway A-Road B-Road Unclassified 39.20 53.89 4.31 2.60 38.66 54.22 4.39 2.73 -0.54 0.33 0.08 0.14 0.99 1.01 1.02 1.05 Proportion of Time in Crowded Conditions: Rail 57.35 73.60 16.25 1.28 Base Test Test - Base Test / Base Luton Airport Accesibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 47.06 5.63 8.25 26.54 6.54 8.00 -20.53 0.92 -0.25 0.56 1.16 0.97 Stansted Airport Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 74.50 12.88 6.19 77.44 11.44 5.61 2.94 -1.44 -0.58 1.04 0.89 0.91 Corby Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 30.08 1.68 2.04 25.00 1.94 2.03 -5.08 0.26 -0.02 0.83 1.15 0.99 Dunstable Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 39.28 2.88 3.20 24.77 3.65 3.44 -14.51 0.77 0.24 0.63 1.27 1.08 Harlow Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 28.60 3.96 2.16 19.37 4.10 2.14 -9.23 0.14 -0.02 0.68 1.03 0.99 109,029,549 151,338,896 42,309,347 1.39 59.04 51.36 59.00 41.51 -0.05 -9.85 1.00 0.81 All Day Car Trips (study area) INTEGRATION OBJECTIVES All Day Car Passenger km (study area) (Proxy for land-use policy) Employment Accessibility Indices: Rail Bus (Proxy for employment/regeneration policy) - 79 - ECONOMY OBJECTIVES Base Test Test - Base Test / Base Average Speed: Highway (study area) 64.45 59.98 -4.48 0.93 Proportion of Time in Crowded Conditions: Rail 57.35 73.60 16.25 1.28 Milton Keynes Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 44.38 21.13 6.94 27.22 20.09 7.29 -17.16 -1.04 0.35 0.61 0.95 1.05 Cambridge Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 30.31 16.44 6.06 17.40 15.10 5.93 -12.91 -1.34 -0.13 0.57 0.92 0.98 Stansted Airport Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 56.00 16.88 5.06 33.86 13.80 4.41 -22.14 -3.07 -0.66 0.60 0.82 0.87 Luton Airport Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 73.31 19.75 7.75 42.44 18.99 7.35 -30.87 -0.76 -0.40 0.58 0.96 0.95 Northampton Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 42.56 16.25 5.56 28.87 14.58 5.64 -13.69 -1.67 0.08 0.68 0.90 1.01 Bedford Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 82.88 13.06 6.44 56.08 16.23 6.22 -26.79 3.17 -0.22 0.68 1.24 0.97 Stevenage Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 139.19 22.38 6.81 84.50 21.32 6.54 -54.69 -1.06 -0.27 0.61 0.95 0.96 St Albans Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 57.69 24.94 8.13 33.96 23.30 7.81 -23.73 -1.64 -0.32 0.59 0.93 0.96 Hitchin Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 58.94 20.06 6.19 37.52 18.92 5.25 -21.42 -1.14 -0.94 0.64 0.94 0.85 - 80 - Figure 7.2 Highway Network Congestion at 2016 Base year congestion (top) and congestion at 2016 (bottom). - 81 - Safety In order to maximise the safety objective, it is desirable to transfer as many trips as possible to public transport and, of those remaining as private car trips, to transfer as many strategic trips as possible to high-standard roads with low accident rates. The effect of travel growth on the Reference Case network, however, is exactly the opposite where travel growth is forecast to occur at a faster rate on road than rail. Equally disturbing are the growth rates for different road types, which show motorway growth to be lower than for some other road classes. This reflects the diversion of trips from the higher-standard network, which is subject to a faster rate of deterioration in speed than the wider, non-strategic network. The increased proportion of time in congested rail conditions implies that future rail capacity is not matching demand. Overall, therefore, the Government’s safety objective is significantly undermined by continuing growth in road-based travel to 2016. Integration The integration objective has a mixed outcome in the 2016 Reference Case, as described in broad terms below. • Integration between modes; access to Luton Airport improves for rail because of Thameslink 2000. The access time reductions built in to the model for bus to reflect a general policy direction offset general traffic growth to give only a small reduction in bus accessibility. Access by car to Luton Airport, however, reduces, primarily as a result of growing congestion on the M1. With respect to Stansted Airport, improvement of the A120 east of the airport delivers a general improvement in road accessibility, whereas rail and bus deteriorate in the absence of any significant investment for this corridor in the Reference Case; • Integration with social policy; improving access to jobs for those living in areas which featured highest in the Index of Multiple Deprivation was a key measure of integration. Results again show a mixed picture with car access reducing significantly, rail access improving and bus performance remaining similar to the present day; • Integration with land-use policy; the key measure for this category was the overall change in vehicle-km. which, because it increased significantly was seen to be at variance with land-use policy. Also, as a broad measure of access to jobs for those without access to a car, the employment accessibility by rail and bus showed no change for the former and deterioration for the latter. - 82 - Economy The prime measure of the economy objective is the average speed with which movement can take place. In the case of road, average speed across the whole network reduces by about 7%. Similarly, travel by rail deteriorates and is therefore made less attractive because of increased overcrowding. Accessibility to all major economic nodes by all modes also reduces by typically 30%40% by car and up to 20% for public transport. Conclusions The conclusions from this analysis at 2016 are relatively straightforward. The result of increasing demand for movement will be to increase demands on the highway network by over 30% in the next 15 years and to displace some movement from public transport to car because of the greater level of reserve capacity which exists on the wider highway network. This is diametrically opposed to the Government’s long-term transport policy and 10-Year Plan. Not surprisingly, therefore, the framework shows a consistent pattern of deterioration. In fact, all five of the Government’s overarching objectives show significant deterioration against a range of quantified measures. In purely operational terms, the effect of existing congestion is to displace demand to other parts of the highway network, thus creating additional demands in other corridors. For longer distance through movements there is also evidence that, whilst well-defined corridors existed for through movements at the Base Year, alternative corridors are now being established at 2016, particularly in the south of the Study Area. For rail, this is not a possibility because of the relatively sparse network. The result is therefore an increasing level of overcrowding and transfer of patronage to road – an impact which, again, is contrary to the desired direction of change. 7.6 Problems at 2031 7.6.1 Introduction The year 2031 represents the end point of the Study period and the year at which, in the absence of an integrated transport strategy, the greatest problems are likely to occur. Since 2031 is beyond the horizon of Regional Planning Guidance, a number of alternative economic and land-use scenarios have been developed against which to test any emerging strategy. For the purposes of problem identification, however, the analysis has been undertaken against Scenario A, the central assumption. 7.6.2 Framework Analysis: Scenario A Assessment of travel conditions in 2031 is once again made against the Government’s five overarching objectives using a framework, Table 7.2, based on outputs from the Study model. Figure 7.3 shows the resulting highway network congestion. The results of the assessment against each of the objectives are given below. - 83 - Table7.2 Framework Analysis – Reference Case 2031 Scenario A LONDON TO SOUTH MIDLANDS MULTI-MODAL STUDY (t23146-MOD) Performance Measures Base = 2001 Test = 2031 Scen A Ref Case 2001 vs 2031 Scen A Ref Case ENVIRONMENTAL OBJECTIVES Base Test Test - Base Test / Base 5,049,861 8,175,722 3,125,861 1.62 All Day Car Person km (study area) 109,029,549 195,200,396 86,170,847 1.79 All Day HGV km (study area) 13,356,384 26,457,840 13,101,456 1.98 Base Test Test - Base Test / Base Population Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 1103.00 235.81 166.56 565.85 188.38 102.80 -537.15 -47.44 -63.76 0.51 0.80 0.62 Employment Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 322.92 59.04 51.36 139.22 49.08 27.13 -183.70 -9.96 -24.23 0.43 0.83 0.53 London to Peterborough Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 1,625 955 2,445 1,300 820 345 1.50 1.36 London to Leicester Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 1,825 1,120 2,736 1,564 911 444 1.50 1.40 London to Birmingham Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 1,940 1,415 2,873 1,764 933 349 1.48 1.25 Chelmsford to Peterborough Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 1,510 4,105 2,200 4,473 690 368 1.46 1.09 Chelmsford to Birmingham Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 2,235 4,990 3,118 5,318 883 328 1.40 1.07 Ipswich to Birmingham Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 2,290 5,825 3,300 6,355 1,010 530 1.44 1.09 Norwich to Birmingham Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 2,515 6,275 3,736 7,018 1,221 743 1.49 1.12 Norwich to Oxford Generalised Costs Car Public Transport 2,590 5,705 4,418 6,427 1,828 722 1.71 1.13 All Day Car Trips (study area) ACCESSIBILITY OBJECTIVES - 84 - SAFETY OBJECTIVES Base Test Test - Base Test / Base 5,049,861 8,175,722 3,125,861 1.62 All Day Car Person km (study area) 109,029,549 195,200,396 86,170,847 1.79 Passenger km by Road Type: Motorway A-Road B-Road Unclassified 147453295 202725201 16229614 9766678 245325605 336987912 28938046 17572097 97872310 134262711 12708432 7805419 1.66 1.66 1.78 1.80 % Passenger km by Road Type: Motorway A-Road B-Road Unclassified 39.20 53.89 4.31 2.60 39.01 53.59 4.60 2.79 -0.18 -0.30 0.29 0.20 1.00 0.99 1.07 1.08 Proportion of Time in Crowded Conditions: Rail 57.35 61.02 3.67 1.06 Base Test Test - Base Test / Base Luton Airport Accesibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 47.06 5.63 8.25 15.78 5.63 5.98 -31.28 0.00 -2.27 0.34 1.00 0.72 Stansted Airport Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 74.50 12.88 6.19 61.82 9.21 4.27 -12.68 -3.66 -1.91 0.83 0.72 0.69 Corby Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 30.08 1.68 2.04 20.03 1.56 1.34 -10.05 -0.12 -0.70 0.67 0.93 0.66 Dunstable Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 39.28 2.88 3.20 13.71 2.82 2.26 -25.57 -0.06 -0.94 0.35 0.98 0.71 Harlow Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 28.60 3.96 2.16 7.62 3.06 1.43 -20.98 -0.90 -0.73 0.27 0.77 0.66 109,029,549 195,200,396 86,170,847 1.79 59.04 51.36 49.08 27.13 -9.96 -24.23 0.83 0.53 All Day Car Trips (study area) INTEGRATION OBJECTIVES All Day Car Passenger km (study area) (Proxy for land-use policy) Employment Accessibility Indices: Rail Bus (Proxy for employment/regeneration policy) - 85 - ECONOMY OBJECTIVES Base Test Test - Base Test / Base Average Speed: Highway (study area) 64.45 52.50 -11.95 0.81 Proportion of Time in Crowded Conditions: Rail 57.35 61.02 3.67 1.06 Milton Keynes Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 44.38 21.13 6.94 17.64 14.19 5.25 -26.74 -6.93 -1.68 0.40 0.67 0.76 Cambridge Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 30.31 16.44 6.06 11.56 10.88 4.23 -18.75 -5.56 -1.83 0.38 0.66 0.70 Stansted Airport Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 56.00 16.88 5.06 21.60 9.74 2.78 -34.40 -7.13 -2.28 0.39 0.58 0.55 Luton Airport Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 73.31 19.75 7.75 27.13 13.48 5.15 -46.19 -6.27 -2.60 0.37 0.68 0.67 Northampton Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 42.56 16.25 5.56 21.40 10.62 4.16 -21.16 -5.63 -1.41 0.50 0.65 0.75 Bedford Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 82.88 13.06 6.44 39.32 11.60 4.35 -43.56 -1.46 -2.09 0.47 0.89 0.68 Stevenage Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 139.19 22.38 6.81 56.06 15.27 4.68 -83.13 -7.11 -2.13 0.40 0.68 0.69 St Albans Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 57.69 24.94 8.13 21.74 16.68 5.57 -35.95 -8.26 -2.56 0.38 0.67 0.69 Hitchin Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 58.94 20.06 6.19 26.30 13.52 3.55 -32.63 -6.54 -2.64 0.45 0.67 0.57 - 86 - Figure 7.3 Highway Network Congestion at 2031 Base year congestion (top), congestion at 2016 (middle) and congestion at 2031 (bottom) - 87 - Environment The increase in vehicle trips and the higher growth in vehicle-km., both signal environmental deterioration at a rate equivalent to that in the first 15 years of the Study period. Accessibility Accessibility also suffers at the year 2031 compared to present day conditions. In terms of accessibility to people, this reduces by about 50% for car relative to the Base Year. In other words, to reach the same number of people requires the expenditure of about double the generalised cost than it did at the Base Year. Bus trips fare slightly better than this at a 40% accessibility reduction while rail fares best of all three modes at only a 20% reduction. This lower accessibility reduction for rail results from the Reference Case schemes discussed earlier such as Thameslink 2000 and the West Coast Main Line upgrade plus, perversely, the lower level of passenger growth than for car-based trips. In terms of access to jobs, car trips fare worse than for person accessibility. This probably arises from the concentration of jobs in central areas, which will obviously suffer disproportionately from increases in car use. Rail accessibility reduces to a much smaller extent as a result of dedicated infrastructure. Bus access lies between rail and car because although the bus is given some priority in urban areas, it is delayed by general congestion. Access on all axes through the area, as defined by pairs of towns and cities, deteriorates significantly for both private car and public transport. Typically, the generalised cost for car travel increases by some 40%-50% whereas for public transport there is generally a smaller deterioration but a greater range at 10%40% Safety The safety objective is undermined over the 30-year period as a smaller proportion of all travel occurs by rail and the largest growth in traffic occurs on those roads with the highest accident rates. This demonstrates the general pattern of diversion as trips become more dispersed in order to avoid congestion. The net result, however, is that this objective is seriously undermined in the absence of further infrastructure investment and/or other interventions. Integration Following the trend of the other objectives all the Performance Indicators for the integration objective deteriorate relative to the Base Year. The only, partially redeeming feature is that access to Luton Airport, having improved to 2016, now reverts to its Base Year level but is no worse. Overall, the Reference Case for 2031 performs poorly against the integration objective, with conditions generally worse than in the Base Year. - 88 - Economy Average highway speeds across the Study Area reduce by about 19% relative to the Base Year whilst rail overcrowding increases by over 6%. Accessibility indices for all major employment centres reduce as a result of further growth in travel demand. The reduction in accessibility is typically 60% for car-based movements, 30 -40% for rail movements and 25%-40% for bus. Locations towards the southern part of the Study Area appear to suffer more on the car-based measure, whilst for rail the impact is much more even. 7.6.3 Scenarios B and C Whilst the detailed outputs for Scenarios B and C have not been presented in this section, the summary conclusions are that they replicate the trends identified by Scenario A. In Scenario B all day car trips grow by only 9% less than for Scenario A at 53% whilst for Scenario C the growth is 18% more at 80%. This simple measure alone highlights the fact that Scenario A does not sit at the mid-point of different growth scenarios but is offset towards the lower end of the range. Full details of the Framework Analysis for Scenarios B and C are given as Appendix G. 7.7 Conclusions 7.7.1 Policy Overview The Government’s 10-Year Plan and the White Paper which preceded it, are predicated on the desire to assist economic growth, but without the attendant problems of unfettered growth in road-based traffic, which brings with it increased congestion and environmental degradation. The main policy plank for achieving this at the inter-urban level is to encourage greater use of public transport at the expense of private transport. The benefits of such a stance can be readily understood; public transport can be more efficient both operationally and environmentally and also provide accessibility benefits to those unable or unwilling to use a car. Evidence over a long period of time, however, demonstrates that increasing economic prosperity has a direct, one-for-one, relationship with increasing car use which, in turn, reduces the demand for public transport usage. It is important to understand, therefore, how further economic growth will change not only the overall demand for movement, but also the relative balance between public and private transport. 7.7.2 Increased Demand for Movement The Study Area is relatively prosperous with some of the highest levels of car ownership in the country. Despite this, further economic growth will generate even higher levels of car ownership and use. Forecasts show an almost constant rate of - 89 - growth over the 30-year Study period. During this period, rail travel will grow more slowly than car travel. One feature of travel behaviour will be an increase in average trip length. This arises because of an assumption that an individual’s value of time will increase through time. Thus, the time element of any journey becomes progressively more important in the decision making process or, put another way, non-time costs become less of a deterrent to travelling longer distances. The result is that, perhaps perversely, average trip length will increase despite increasing congestion. In fact it is precisely this increase in trip length which is a major contributor to increasing congestion in the future as it has been in the past. 7.7.3 Government’s Overarching Objectives The analysis has shown that, without exception, the Government’s five overarching objectives will be adversely affected at both 2016 and 2031 by the increasing demand for movement. The analysis demonstrated that: • environmental conditions will deteriorate as a result of increased traffic growth and the increasingly dispersed patterns which result; • accessibility will reduce at a broadly similar rate to the increase in movement; • the safety objective will be undermined for two reasons: first, because there is a modal shift away from rail to road over the Study period, and: second, there is a net diversion to lower standard roads, such as B-class and unclassified, which have the highest accident rates; • the integration objective is similarly undermined, whether in terms of integration between modes, with social and economic regeneration policy or with land-use policy; and • the generally lower speeds on the highway network result in higher journey costs for all movements, which undermines the economic objective. The result, therefore, is that even with some level of intervention as represented by new infrastructure in the Reference Case, there is still a significant deterioration in travel conditions relative to the present day. 7.7.4 Impact of ‘Soft’ Measures Work undertaken recently by DfT has shown that some ‘soft’ measures, such as home working, flexible working hours and car parking, could contribute a demonstrable benefit to travel on the highway network. However, even the most optimistic scenario would limit the potential demand reduction on the highway network from ‘soft’ measures to about 5%. This is an important point because it means that even if the take-up rate for such techniques were to accelerate dramatically, it would have little impact on the growth levels predicted. In other words, the Government’s - 90 - overarching objectives would all deteriorate even with the Reference Case schemes and ‘soft’ measures making their maximum possible impact. As a proxy, Scenario B represents a lower level of growth which, as a convenience, could be considered to represent the type of soft factors discussed above. By way of comparison the car trip growth is some 6% lower than for Scenario A and the car trip Km. some 3% lower. The outcome of the Framework Analysis, however, is that on all measures relating to the Government’s five overarching objectives, there is a significant deterioration against the Base Year. In virtually all cases, the deterioration is within a few percentage points of that measured for Scenario A. The conclusion, therefore, is that even allowing for soft measures any improvement would be only at the margin and still represent a significant deterioration from the Base Year. 7.7.5 Operational Performance The effect of increasing demand is different for the rail and road networks. In the case of rail, the sparse network means that increasing demand produces increasing levels of overcrowding and a propensity, although modest, to divert from rail to road. The exceptions to this are the West Coast Main Line which will benefit from the improvements defined within its Passenger Upgrade initiative and Thameslink 2000 which will introduce new capacity and service patterns. In the case of road, however, increasing demand aggravates the conditions in corridors which are already congested, and also diverts traffic into relatively uncongested corridors. This cascading effect means that motorways experience the lowest growth levels with non-motorway routes experiencing growth about 25% higher on average. This results in a greater proportion of the network being congested and a greater proportion of traffic travelling on routes with relatively higher accident rates. 7.7.6 Freight The forecasts suggest that freight movements in the Study Area will grow significantly faster than freight movements in the UK as a whole, a symptom of the continued population growth and increasing number of distribution centres. For instance, road freight in the Study Area is forecast to grow by 28% to 2010, compared to 16% for the UK as a whole. In general, freight journey lengths by road are increasing, which means that roads handling long-distance freight movements such as the M1 are likely to experience the fastest increase in freight traffic. This trend is likely to be magnified by continued development of retail distribution centres along the M1 in the north of the Study Area, and by the growth of trade across the Channel or through Felixstowe. For rail freight the situation is even more extreme since most of the SRA’s target of 80% growth in rail freight will inevitably come from long-distance freight movements. The majority of those long-distance movements pass through the Study Area, including - 91 - Channel Tunnel freight, the movement of deep-sea containers, and general freight movements between the South East and Scotland or the North West. As a result, rail freight movements in the Study Area are forecast to double by 2010, compared to a 21% increase for the UK as a whole. With respect to road problems, hauliers currently seek to avoid congestion by moving freight at night, or at least by avoiding the known peak periods. As congestion gets worse it will be increasingly difficult to avoid. Night curfews in towns, and the impact of the working time directive may also encourage more freight to move in the daytime rather than at night. These trends are difficult to model, but their impact will be to exaggerate day-time road freight growth. The continued trend towards larger and more centralised distribution centres will result in still more of these facilities being developed in the Study Area, causing an even more rapid increase in road freight movements unless issues of back hauling and load utilisation are seriously addressed. Rail freight problems all centre around the need for additional infrastructure. As an example, to meet growth targets, more rail terminals must be provided. In particular, rail freight between London and Scotland/North West cannot grow unless more intermodal terminals are provided around London and elsewhere in the Study Area. The most serious constraint to rail freight growth is likely to be the capacity of the WCML and cross-London routes. It has been difficult to be precise while the WCML upgrade plans have not been clear, but in general it would appear that adequate capacity may be found to meet the 10-Year Plan growth forecast, but beyond 10 years new North–South capacity must be provided. 7.7.7 Key Issues The conditions described above and in previous Chapters mean that the conflicts already evident at the Base Year in the Study Area will become profoundly more acute in the future. Thus longer-distance, nationally important, movements will be subject to increased delays when travelling by road or to increasing levels of overcrowding when travelling by rail (with the exception of WCML). In the case of roads, this will cause increasing levels of diversion to non-strategic routes. Equally, those living within the Study Area will suffer reduced accessibility, increasing journey times and, for business users, higher costs. - 92 - 8 Strategy Development Process 8.1 Overview In recent years, the policy framework for transport has changed dramatically as a result of the Government’s Transport White Paper, ‘A New Deal for Transport: Better for Everyone’. The White Paper has acted as a catalyst for legal, institutional and financial change, all of which have created a different climate within which the planning of future transport is now made. One outcome from the White Paper was the 10-Year Plan which established a determination and resolve that each mode, and particularly the more sustainable modes, should play their full role in solving transport problems. The 10-Year Plan also identified five principles to guide the development of all multi-modal solutions. These were that they should: • address the most severe problems in specific corridors or areas; • be driven by regional and integrated transport strategies; • deliver long-term and sustainable solutions; • provide an open process, with the opportunity to build consensus; and • consider ways to minimise environmental impact. Set within these principles, and at the risk of simplifying the whole multi-modal approach, it should be acknowledged that the process, both for this and other studies, is anchored by two key objectives. These are to tackle existing road congestion in an effective manner, but also to promote a change in travel behaviour, which will safeguard short-term interventions and deliver long-term change. This latter objective of changing behaviour, which was clearly set out in the Terms of Reference for LSM, demands that the Study looks wider than solving the immediately apparent problems, by taking a more visionary approach towards future transport needs. Satisfying these two objectives can create tensions and conflicts, but the intention is nevertheless clear, to maximise the opportunities for rail, bus, walking and cycling in any design solution before reverting to the more traditional solutions, such as road widening or building new roads. This philosophy underpinned the entire strategy development process for LSM albeit that the resulting analysis demonstrated clearly that increasing road capacity could not be avoided as an intervention in any design solution. 8.2 Process Guidance on the Methodology for Multi Modal Studies (GOMMMS) identifies two conventional approaches to strategy development; one which is objectives led and the other, problems led. Each approach has its strengths and the pragmatic response, therefore, is to ensure that the process adopted captures the best features of both. In the case of LSM, the strategy development was preceded by an analysis of problems at the Base Year, 2016, and 2031 as described in Chapter 7. - 93- Those problems were defined not only in spatial terms or their impact on transport networks, but also in relation to their impact on the Government’s five overarching objectives of environment, safety, accessibility, integration and economy. The approach therefore attempted to identify the most pressing problems on the strategic transport networks in a manner which sought to maximise improvement against the Government’s objectives and to that extent captured the strengths from both methodologies identified by GOMMMS. The Strategy Development process itself was divided into five phases as described below: • Generation of options, policies and measures. This flowed directly from the identification of problems and issues and reflected suggestions and proposals from the Steering Group, Wider Reference Group and the Study Team; • A coarse sift was used to appraise a range of different measures, policies and interventions against three criteria describing feasibility, effectiveness and acceptability. Those measures which passed the coarse sift process could then be considered further; • Following the coarse sift, an objective maximising strategy was adopted which sought to maximise the benefits represented by each of the Government’s five overarching transport objectives. Thus, a strategy was developed (with measures selected from those that had passed the coarse sift) which sought to maximise environmental benefits, whilst others focused on the economy, accessibility, safety and integration; • A conclusion of the objective maximising strategies was that much greater change occurred within mode than between modes (for the reasons given in Section 4.3.2). As a result, some very detailed single-mode analysis was undertaken to understand the types of trips being made and, hence, the role of different network elements within an overall hierarchy; and • Finally, at the conclusion of this process, the optimised single mode networks were recombined, tested together and progressively refined towards a preferred strategy. Following this process, discrete elements of the strategy were investigated further at either an individual or corridor level. Figure 8.1 summarises the process, the function of each stage and its desired output. - 94- Figure 8.1 Strategy Development Process Inputs Government’s Policy Process Generation of Options Study Brief Objectives Coarse Sift Function Reject those schemes, initiatives, interventions which are not feasible, ineffective or unacceptable for other reasons Technical, Economic, Environmental Constraints Five Overarching Objective Maximising Approach Define Problems Modal Analysis Identify those interventions which are particularly helpful/unhelpful in support of Government objectives Identify hierarchical levels within each network. Identify impacts of specific interventions on specific problems Preferred Strategy Review single mode conclusions within multimodal approach Corridor Analysis Detailed examination of discrete proposals by corridor to establish feasibility, effectiveness and acceptability - 95- 8.3 Option Generation The consultation at the problem identification stage of the Study not only sought views on existing problems, but also invited suggestions for solutions to these problems. This consultation was undertaken through telephone interviews and a series of seminars (or workshops), through which almost all members of the Steering Group and Wider Reference Group were contacted. Respondents were invited to suggest potential solutions across all modes of transport, and indeed the response to the consultation reinforced the need to be visionary and look across all modes as well as at means of changing behaviour and reducing the need to travel. From the consultation, and additional work by the Study Team and Steering Group, a long list of potential options was generated. 8.4 Coarse Sift The coarse sift had two purposes. First, it was used to consider the feasibility, effectiveness and acceptability of a particular measure within an overall strategy or plan. Second, it was used to refine potential measures. Table 8.1 identifies the main headings under which the long list of potential options were classified, and sets out the results of the coarse sift for the most relevant options. Table 8.1 Coarse Sift of Long List of Measures Feasibility Effectiveness Infrastructure Parkway stations Double decker trains WCML Capacity Upgrade New high speed line Intermodal terminals New East-West motorway High speed east-west rail Waterways as high capacity transport corridor New airports Urban metros More motorway junctions Acceptability Carry forward to next stage ! ? ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! X ! ! ! ! ! ? ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! X ! X ! X ? X/? X X X/? X X ! - 96- Economic Instruments Motorway tolls Road User Charging (various regimes) Charging by occupancy Workplace Charging Regulation Vehicle usage according to registration number Reduce parental choice of schools Multiple occupancy vehicle lanes Reduced speed limits Universal imposition of Travel Plans Technology/Management Bus lanes on motorways Park and Ride at motorway service areas HGV lanes on motorways Narrow lanes on motorways Ramp metering Freight gates Motorway junction closures Real time information on motorways Real time public transport information Automatic Vehicle Identification on all new vehicles Land Use Greater housing density Greater central area development density Greater level of mixed land use development All new development within 10 Minutes of PT services Persuasion Freight Quality Partnership No car trips to school Flexitime – 4 day working week Transport campaigns Car sharing ! ! ! ! !/? ? ! ! ? ! ? X ? ? X X ! ! X X X X/? X X ! ! ? ! ! X ? ? ? X ! X ! ! ? X !/? X ! X ! ! ! ! ! ! X/? X ! ! ! ! X/? X ! !/? !/? ! ! X ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !/? ! ! ! ! ! ! !/? !/? ! X !/? !/? X ! X !/? ! ! ! ! X X/? ! X ! ! !/? ? ? ! ? ! ! Key ! = satisfies criteria X = does not satisfy criteria ? = uncertain whether criteria is satisfied or not - 97- It should be emphasised that the Table overleaf does not claim to be exhaustive but rather representative of the ideas which emerged from ‘brainstorming’ seminars which separately involved the Wider Reference Group, Steering Group and the Consultant Team. It was not necessarily the case that all interventions could be explicitly appraised in the strategy testing process. It was however, necessary to acknowledge that there were a number of measures apart from new infrastructure which could all make a contribution towards an overall strategy and part of the rationale for the coarse sift was to identify these other measures. The analysis considered the full range of measures whether strategic or local, urban or rural. Although the detailed urban measures are beyond the scope of this study, which has its focus as inter-urban movement, it is nevertheless important to record the types of intervention assumed in the modelling appraisal work. A review of Local Transport Plans identified a consistency between the different Local Authorities in their determination to drive through local strategies which saw the changing of attitudes and behaviour as the central objective. Thus, the LTP’s were rooted in local measures designed to: • support walking, cycling and public transport; • pursue persuasive techniques such as campaigns to achieve a modal shift; and, • consider new roads only in specific instances where they opened up development land or offered environmental improvement. This general policy direction could not be properly reflected at a local level within the model, although improved accessibility to public transport was explicitly recognised in the modelling process for both future years. 8.5 Objective Related Tests 8.5.1 Introduction The desired end result for any strategy development process is one in which, at least theoretically, no alternative could have been chosen which would have been better than that selected. Unfortunately, there is no truly prescriptive process that can guarantee this end point. The process of strategy development will always contain within it some element of subjective assessment, not least in defining the range of options from which the ‘best’ is to be selected. This means that the end result may not necessarily be the ‘best’ but is at least likely to be close to being the ‘best’. The normal approach to this problem is to define a number of starting points to reflect very different outcomes. By evaluating these very different starting points, the strengths and weaknesses of each can be identified and a compromise developed which retains the best features of each starting scenario and eliminates the worst. Arguably, however, such an approach can sometimes be unhelpful because the basic premise itself is not realistic. For example, a public transport-only or roads-only solution could never be the strategy outcome and is thus an unrealistic starting point. - 98- Nevertheless, there is considerable merit in creating starting points with sufficient variation that they are likely to capture all possible strategy components and inform an understanding of area-wide travel behaviour by delivering different outcomes. For that reason, as well as to create an audit trail, five strategies were defined which linked back to the Government’s five overarching criteria. The starting position adopted for the strategy development process was to review the five overarching appraisal objectives (criteria) and their respective sub-objectives and to devise thematic approaches that optimised the various sub-objectives. Table 8.2 demonstrates the approach, the various themes that emerged and the types of intervention considered to be appropriate to maintain the consistency of the theme. As a contrast, for example, maximising the environmental objective might mean no infrastructure in new corridors, regardless of economic consequences, whereas maximising the accessibility objective would mean new infrastructure where a demand exists, regardless of environmental consequences. Naturally, this prior view might need to be modified once the tests have been run and the consequences of different actions are known. For each option, therefore, it was acknowledged that some optimisation might be necessary but only to the extent that it eliminated major weaknesses identified by other criteria. For example, the progressive widening of a motorway could assist the safety objective because of the lower accident rates but eventually create an unacceptable environmental consequence if houses needed to be demolished or it impinged into a Site of Special Scientific Interest. 8.5.2 Strategy Options Five themes were identified and specific infrastructure schemes or other interventions allocated to each. Environmental Theme The key features of the environmental strategy were as follows: • no further infrastructure in new corridors; • no new road infrastructure at all; • ‘tough’ restraint policies to curb both inter-urban and urban travel; this would most likely be a mix of fiscal measures nationally and pricing measures locally (eg parking charges); • strong emphasis on public transport both in terms of making it more attractive through pricing policy and providing sufficient capacity; • emphasis on slow modes and other persuasive/lifestyle measures to reduce overall levels of travel (eg Green Travel Plans and home working); • strategic park-and-ride as the necessary complement for urban restraint measures. - 99- Table 8.2 Rationale for Defining Strategy Options Starting Points Appraisal Objective Environment Safety Economy Accessibility Integration Sub Objectives • • • Responses Retain existing quiet areas Minimise traffic growth Minimise traffic exposure in centres of population • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Strategy Measures No new transport corridors Promotion of traffic restraint measures Separation of people from vehicles Minimise growth of traffic Promotion of traffic restraint measures No new transport corridors Traffic reduction in towns and cities No new transport corridors No new transport corridors No new transport corridors Provision of transport alternatives Promotion of sustainable modes Improve strategic routes to consistent standards Increase rail/ bus capacity • • • • • • • • • • Minimise additional car use Minimise new land take Minimise impacts on buildings and people Minimise new land take Minimise new land take Minimise new land take Reduce dependence on car Reduce exposure to the car Reduction in congestion, overcrowding, unpredictable journey times. Consistent level of service Accidents • • Promote high standard roads with low accident rates Transfer to safer modes High quantity interchange Improved PT infrastructure • • • • • Maximise transfer of people to high standard road. Maximise transfer of freight to rail. Maximise transfer of passengers to rail Improve inter and intra modal interchange. Improve inter modal freight interchange. • Security • • • • Economic efficiency of transport system Reliability Wider economic impacts • • • • Avoidance of congestion Avoidance of congestion Spare capacity at time of incidents Support for regeneration initiatives • • • • Capacity improvements at congestion hotspots Capacity to match demand Advanced telecoms for incident detection/avoidance Access optimised to/from regeneration areas • • Option Values • Increase availability of PT • • Severance Access to the transport system • • • Avoidance of new corridors Good interchange Remedy areas of poor access to PT • • • • • • Increase E-W rail accessibility Increase role of park and ride Increase E-W bus accessibility Strategic park-and-ride sites Increase station parking Local walk and cycle links • Transport Interchange • High class inter modal passenger interchange • Land Use Policy • Other Government policies • • • • • • Support for urban PT; car restraint High class freight interchange Reduce longer distance road based travel PT access to airports Good PT connections for new development Traffic reduction to support health policies • • • • • • • • Improved rail connections for Luton/Stansted Improved park- and- ride Improve rail connections N/S and E/W New rail freight between interchange High quality urban passenger initiatives Improved rail connections for Luton/Stansted PT connections to all new strategic development sites Restraint policies for urban areas • Noise • Local Air Quality • • • • • • • Climate Change Landscape Townscape Heritage Bio Diversity Water Resources Life Styles • Journey Ambience • - 100- Overall this strategy is characterised by an emphasis in demand restraint and modal transfer. Appendix H.1 provides the schedule of schemes and interventions defined as the starting point for this process. Safety Theme The key elements of this option were to transfer as much passenger and freight traffic as possible from road to public transport or strategic traffic to high speed roads since these are generally safer than other all-purpose (particularly urban) roads. The need to ensure that (safer) high-standard roads can play their full part in the strategy means that there should be no shortage of motorway capacity which might otherwise cause traffic to divert to less safe routes. Appendix H.2 summarises schemes and interventions adopted for the testing work. Accessibility Theme The accessibility theme was characterised by a need to provide accessibility by all modes at all times of the day. This implied major capacity enhancements to the strategic infrastructure for road and rail. Appendix H.3 summarises the schemes and interventions considered for this test. Economy Theme The economy theme was predicated on providing sufficient capacity for all modes so that the transport system did not act as a barrier or constraint to future economic development or inward investment. However, it should not over-provide either. It must accommodate all modes, road, rail and air, to such a level that journey times are predictable and unreliability is minimised. It must also allow freight to be moved directly and cheaply. Importantly, as well as providing for east-west rail to assist new economic axes, east-west road links must also be improved to provide the high quality connections required. Appendix H.4 summarises the schemes and interventions comprising this strategy. Integration Theme It could be argued that ‘integration’ sits uneasily with the other objectives since it is not an objective in itself, but rather a design requirement of any solution. Nevertheless, as identified in Chapter 7, there is a requirement to ensure that any transport solution is integrated on a variety of fronts; between modes, with economic and land-use policies and with Government’s other policies. The broad theme of this test must therefore be that it contains a range of measures to support other Government policies relating to the wider transport agenda and landuse. In the main, this will focus on changing attitudes and behaviour against using the car indiscriminately both in congested urban conditions and for longer-distance discretionary trips. The components tested are set out in Appendix H.5. - 101- 8.5.3 Assessment of Strategy Options Behavioural Impacts The major behavioural response to different interventions was one of re-routeing traffic. This is not surprising and from much research it has long been recognised as the primary response to a change in travel ‘costs’. The second response was, probably, one of re-distribution as discretionary trip purposes in particular, sought alternative origins or destinations to satisfy a specific purpose. Shopping trips would be an example of this. Unfortunately, without very detailed matrix analysis it is difficult to quantify the extent to which this has taken place, but the model functionality is designed to reflect this type of behaviour. From the Framework Analyses produced during this work, it would appear that trip generation and suppression (beyond the re-distribution discussed earlier) features marginally more prominently than modal shift. This may be because the relatively sparse rail network in the Study Area limits modal choice opportunities for many key corridors, for example, in an east-west direction. It is also attributable to the finding, reported in Chapters 4 and 7, that the spread of origins and destinations is such that it is not generally conducive to mass transport, except in those corridors where rail already dominates, and in some local areas. On the basis of these findings, a key conclusion was that, relative to the number of trips made in the Study Area, there was relatively little modal switching as a result of different interventions. It was concluded, therefore, that analysis within mode, rather than between modes, would form a profitable line of analysis as the next stage of strategy development. Independence/Interdependence of Transport Corridors The analysis undertaken both as part of this work and in complementary ‘proving’ tests, showed that the main strategic corridors were relatively independent of each other. Nevertheless, there is a corollary to this finding, namely that if the highway network is to perform more effectively in the future, then ways must be found of increasing the connectivity of different corridors to provide flexibility and opportunities for diversion in response to accidents and incidents. Consequently, one of the key principles of the strategy development phase emerged from this thematic testing; that is the principle of increasing the connectivity of the networks (both road and rail) to increase the level of choice and the potential for interchange. The Role of Soft Factors From the tests undertaken and complementary ‘proving’ tests, it was found that the biggest change to rail patronage occurred through ‘soft’ qualitative improvements rather than new infrastructure. Such measures are designed to reduce the resistance - 102- to public transport observed in many people which, in the modelling process, is reflected through higher costs. Soft measures which might make public transport generally, and rail in particular more attractive, include a secure environment, modern rolling stock, clean carriages, high levels of customer care by the operators’ staff as well as good parking, refreshment and toilet facilities at stations. Put another way, the testing process found that rail was better able to compete against the private car when it improved the quality of its offer, rather than seeking marginal travel cost savings from reduced travel time or overcrowding. Since these were already assumed within the Reference Case, there was little opportunity for further incorporation of such measures in the strategy. Infrastructure Requirements The work described at this stage of the strategy development process was designed to form a deeper understanding of different interventions and combinations of interventions in terms of their adverse and beneficial impacts in the Study Area. From that work, however, some key conclusions could be drawn on the scale of infrastructure likely to be required in the Study Area. These were as follows: • Beyond dual 4-lane standard in the M1 corridor, any improvements attract traffic into the Study Area from the M40 corridor. There are two arguments why this is undesirable. First, because that same traffic has already, to some extent, been used to justify improvements in the M40 corridor and, second, because the intervention is in effect solving problems in another corridor which is outside the remit of this Study and which may not be the best solution for that corridor anyway. • There is a danger that massive road infrastructure improvements may negate, or even undermine major investment in public transport, contrary to Government policy. Above dual 4-lane standard for M1 some transfer from rail to road was forecast. Care must be taken, therefore, not to over-provide road infrastructure. • Providing substantially higher levels of road infrastructure than exist at the current time would create problems elsewhere on the road network which, in turn, require additional capacity at those locations. Achieving the right balance between different elements of the highway network was therefore a key requirement in the overall strategy development process. Scale of Change All of the strategies produced relatively small responses within each of the subobjective measures. This highlights the point that most interventions are specific to a certain location and that whilst there may be cascading effects, no single measure or group of measures is likely to produce area-wide benefits. Any final strategy will therefore need to be a consideration of groups of measures. - 103- Restraint Policies The closest to a restraint policy tested at this stage was the environmental policy. This showed that any attempt at reducing road capacity or reducing the attractiveness of strategic road connections was unlikely to restrain overall demand. Instead, it would divert demand to other routes and parts of the network more able (though less suitable) to accommodate it, thus causing environmental and operational disbenefits beyond the corridor of immediate concern. Restraint policies, therefore, if enacted through a failure to deliver improvement to the strategic transport networks, were unlikely to be successful. Conclusions The conclusions from this stage of work were as follows. • There is little, if any, merit in attempting to restrain demand through locationally specific actions since re-routeing rather than restraint will occur. The corollary to this is that some measure of new infrastructure is therefore required to contain traffic growth within desired corridors and routes, rather than allow it to disperse across the network; • The balance of infrastructure provision is vital, both between modes and within a single mode between different parts of the strategic network; • The opportunity for modal switch is very limited, in part because of the relative costs of travel, but also in part because of the relatively sparse public transport network (see Section 4.3.2). A key question arising from this analysis is the extent to which road improvements can feature as part of an overall strategy, given the competing priorities of Government policy and travel behaviour as observed on the networks. The answer appears to lie in the issue of ‘balance’, such that: • sufficient new strategic road capacity must be provided to prevent damaging trip diversion and dispersion to other parts of the highway network unsuited to strategic traffic; but • the capacity improvements should not damage or undermine the opportunities for other modes to play their full role in any solution or create problems elsewhere on the highway network. 8.6 Consultation on Strategy Direction At this stage, having obtained an understanding of the most likely components from which the strategy would be constructed, a further consultation exercise was undertaken. This was designed to focus on the direction required for the strategy and the plan components that would assist in achieving that direction. Three indicative strategy directions were developed for this purpose: - 104- • increasing capacity; • prioritising investment in public transport; and • restraining demand. The objective was to inform the choice of a ‘fourth strategy’ for the Study Area. Consultation was conducted through interactive seminars, focus groups and questionnaires. Respondents were presented with a general background to the Study, the problems and issues identified and a description of the three ‘directional’ strategies. It was emphasised that these were ‘alternative directions’ rather than ‘actual strategies’, and that the final strategy was likely to be a mixture of the elements shown in the directional strategies. Respondents were asked to indicate their preferred direction for the fourth strategy by placing stickers within or outside a triangle where the vertices represented the three directions. The spread of responses demonstrated that the respondents supported all the alternative directions to some extent. However, the responses showed a clear preference towards a strategy in which public transport was given a high priority. It also demonstrated that improved capacity measures generally (ie road as well as rail) were seen as making a greater contribution than demand restraint measures. Figure 8.2 summarises the results obtained. Figure 8.2 Consultation Response to Alternative Strategy Directions A: Increasing Capacity 0.5 1.5 6.75 5.5 6 1 4 59.75 1 2.5 5 1 4.5 6.5 5.5 50.5 4 4.5 2 7 9 3 B: Prioritising investment in public transport C: Restraining Demand - 105- The consultation was conducted with a very wide range of respondents including representatives of the WRG, local councillors, business representatives, freight representatives and a number of focus groups aimed at the socially excluded. Questionnaires using the same approach were sent to councillors, officers and business groupings within the Study Area, and to Regional Assemblies, Regional Development Agencies and Government Offices across the country. Finally, a consultation event was held at Westminster for Members of Parliament, with specific invitations sent to Members with constituencies in the Study Area. - 106- 9 Developing the Strategy 9.1 Introduction The initial round of multi-modal strategy testing identified that there was very little modal switch in response to different interventions. In fact, far greater change occurred within mode than between modes. The key reasons for the lack of transfer were as follows: • rail already has the major share of trips to and from Central London; and • there is generally not a sufficiently ‘critical mass’ of people moving between most urban areas outside Central London to justify provision of new services (despite extensive testing). Therefore, in order to make the testing process more efficient, the model was simplified for the next stages of the strategy development by breaking the link between public transport and highway trips. In separating the highway and public transport modelling the analysis was able to concentrate on the strategic networks that would be needed to serve each of the mode-specific demands. Conscious of the need to avoid planning a ‘predict and provide’ outcome for the highway network, the overall level of demand was reduced to 90% of that forecast. The choice of 90% reflected the combination of expected maximum transfer from road to rail as well as the reduction in highway trips that could be achieved by the so-called ‘soft measures’, such as an increase in working from home. The rail and highway strategies were then developed through mode-specific testing, based only on the assignment (ie route choice) aspects of the model. The model was then ‘reconnected’ to test the integrity of the full multi-modal strategy. 9.2 Rail Strategy 9.2.1 Overview The rationale for the rail strategy is predicated on two principles, a need for greater connectivity between corridors so that it can act more effectively as a network, and a reduction in crowding on existing services. To this end, development of the rail strategy has focused on identifying the areas where: • sufficient patronage could be attracted to justify the provision of new rail lines; • sufficient patronage could be attracted to justify the provision of new through services over existing lines; • additional passenger capacity is required on existing routes; or - 107 - • additional freight capacity would allow the rail freight industry to continue to grow and thereby remove HGV’s from the road network. In addition, consideration was given to ‘soft measures’ which could significantly enhance the quality of journey and perception of the rail network, thereby encouraging existing car users to transfer to rail travel. Prior to specifying the detailed infrastructure requirements for the strategy, it was necessary to identify the key constraints that currently prevent expansion of existing service provision. This was carried out through a series of consultations with the rail industry and by reviewing various documents. The conclusions are set out in Table 9.1. It should be noted that there are a number of other constraints on the network not shown in the Table, since they do not prevent the delivery of any components of the proposed strategy. In the following sections, each existing route is discussed in terms of schemes recommended as a part of the strategy, and in some cases additional schemes that were considered but rejected. The service aspirations are set out, followed by the infrastructure required to overcome the constraints identified in Table 9.1. The discussion includes two potential new routes through the Study Area: • a restored connection between Bedford and Northampton, facilitating through services between the MML and the WCML; and • a route linking Bristol, Oxford, Milton Keynes and Bedford with Cambridge, Ipswich Norwich and Stansted Airport. A final section then summarises the soft measures which are recommended, from a network-wide perspective only. Possible locations for parkway stations have also been considered, and are discussed as part of the strategy for each route. It should be noted that the schemes are presented in such a way that the objectives are clearly defined, for example to increase the number of local services and freight trains on the WCML. The infrastructure proposals then set out a solution by which these objectives could be achieved. It is acknowledged, however, that the rail industry may be able to design less expensive solutions in some cases. For example, the additional capacity on the WCML could be achieved by providing six tracks between Watford Junction and Berkhamsted, but it is possible that this could also be achieved at a lower cost by providing a series of passing or dynamic loops. Furthermore, it was assumed when developing the strategy that no station could be given a reduced level of service (in terms of frequency or speed) than that in the Reference Case, including stations external to the Study Area. For example, the MML between Bedford and Leicester currently carries up to six trains per hour in each direction: • two fast ‘High Speed Trains’; • two semi-fast ‘Turbostar’ trains; and • two freight trains. - 108 - Table 9.1 Key Constraints Preventing Service Enhancements Route Location Constraints West Coast Main Line Watford – Milton Keynes West Coast Main Line Rugby - Birmingham West Coast Main Line Various Midland Main Line Bedford Midland Main Line Bedford – Leicester East Coast Main Line Kings Cross* East Coast Main Line Finsbury Park* East Coast Main Line East Coast Main Line Welwyn Garden City – Knebworth (including ‘Welwyn Viaduct’) Huntingdon - Peterborough East Coast Main Line North of Peterborough* West Anglia Main Line Liverpool Street* West Anglia Main Line Liverpool Street – Tottenham Hale* West Anglia Main Line Tottenham Hale – Bishops Stortford West Anglia Main Line Bishops Stortford – Stansted Airport West Anglia Main Line Cambridge West Anglia Main Line Ely West Anglia Main Line Various Capacity reduced by mix of stopping patterns on four-track section, in particular between Watford and Berkhamsted Capacity reduced by mix of train speeds on two-track section, in particular between Coventry and Birmingham Some platforms will remain at 8car length after WCML upgrade Insufficient capacity through station, in particular limited by Thameslink terminating trains Capacity reduced by mix of stopping patterns on two-track and three-track sections Insufficient platform capacity and track access to station Insufficient capacity through station Capacity of two-track section fully utilised Capacity reduced by mix of train speeds on two-track and three-track sections Capacity reduced by mix of train speeds on two-track sections and also by at-grade junctions with other lines Insufficient platform capacity and track access to station Capacity of two-track sections fully utilised Capacity reduced by mix of stopping patterns on two-track sections Capacity of single-track tunnel fully utilised Insufficient platform and track capacity Insufficient platform and track capacity Some platforms limited to 8-car trains Note: * Outside Study Area but a constraint for improvements in the Study Area This mix of train speeds (and stopping patterns) results in a very inefficient use of the capacity available. By contrast, if all trains were to operate at the same speed, it is likely that at least twelve trains per hour could operate with no additional infrastructure. This could only be achieved by: • inserting additional stops on the High Speed Train services, thus increasing journey times to London from places such as Leicester, Derby, Sheffield and Nottingham; and/or - 109 - • removing some intermediate stops from the Turbostar services, thus reducing journey times but also reducing the frequency of trains serving some of the smaller stations. In the strategy development it was assumed that neither of these solutions would be acceptable, and that the additional capacity could only be provided through infrastructure works. The SRA’s Network Capacity Utilisation Review will be a more appropriate study to recommend that certain stations could be disadvantaged to facilitate benefits elsewhere on the network. It would therefore be useful to review the infrastructure recommendations in the near future, when: • the results of the Network Capacity Utilisation Review are known; and • the rail industry has given more detailed consideration to alternative mechanisms by which the objectives for each corridor could be achieved. 9.2.2 Chiltern Lines The Chiltern lines are entirely outside the Study Area. However, the importance of Chiltern services as a route between London and the West Midlands, effectively complementing and competing with the WCML, is such that the services need to be considered as part of the Study Area. Chiltern Railways has recently secured a twenty-year franchise agreement for its current services, but is also considering several innovative new services, including: • a through service from Marylebone to Oxford, by restoring track along a former railway alignment from Princes Risborough to Oxford via Thame and Wheatley; and • extension of services north of Aylesbury via the former Great Central Railway route to Rugby and Leicester, with a parkway station near the junction between the M1, M6 and A14. The model suggests that the former service will attract a high patronage (around 700 passengers in the 3-hour morning peak period in 2031). By contrast, the latter service will attract comparatively few passengers, which is largely due to the slow journey times compared with existing routes. For example: • Euston to Rugby - 66 minutes; • Marylebone to Rugby - 115 minutes; • St Pancras to Leicester - 71 minutes; and • Marylebone to Leicester - 140 minutes. There are, however, additional benefits of the schemes, notably a direct service from parts of North West London and Buckinghamshire to Oxford, Rugby and Leicester and - 110 - many of these intermediate flows are not represented in the model. In the case of the direct connection between Marylebone to Rugby and Leicester, however, the demand is likely to be insufficient to justify the service. It is therefore considered appropriate that LSM should support the Chiltern Railways proposals for new services in view of the benefits which will be achieved in the Study Area, but recognise that these benefits are insufficient for the schemes to be included as part of the strategy. On a smaller scale, consideration should be given to a Cherwell Valley parkway station, providing an additional point of interchange between the M40 and Chiltern Railways. Because of its location beyond the Study Area, this proposal has not been developed further as part of the Study, but we recommend that it should be considered by the SRA or Chiltern Railways. Similarly, it is beyond the remit of this Study to assess whether the half-hourly service between Marylebone and Birmingham (to be implemented shortly as part of the franchise commitment) will be sufficient to meet demand to 2031, or whether larger rolling stock and/or more frequent services will be required. However, its objectives are supported in terms of increasing rail’s share of longer distance traffic and providing some relief to congested corridors in the LSM area. 9.2.3 West Coast Main Line At the time when the Reference Case was developed, the SRA was unable to provide a service specification for the WCML upgrade. A service pattern was therefore prepared for use as a working assumption, which was effectively a hybrid between Phase One and Phase Two of the original WCML upgrade proposals. A consultation document has since been published with a revised specification, but there was insufficient time to repeat the strategy development and appraisal with this specification. It may be beneficial, however, to carry out some sensitivity tests when the results of the WCML consultation are published early in 2003. In terms of the LSM strategy, no new inter-city services are proposed for the WCML beyond the upgrade included in the Reference Case. Through services to stations on the West London Line and North London Line were modelled, but found to have a very low patronage compared with services to Euston. In addition, through services from the WCML to Heathrow Airport were considered. However, few areas associated with the WCML (either in terms of the local Silverlink network or the national Virgin Trains network) were found to have a large number of car trips which could transfer to such a new service. Nevertheless, the idea of regional services from, say, Manchester to Heathrow Airport, is supported by the study, but the services would attract passengers currently using domestic air services for connections to international flights at Heathrow, rather than removing car trips from the main roads in the Study Area. Enhancements to the local services, currently operated by Silverlink, are likely to be required by 2031. In addition, services from Northampton to London and Birmingham, which will be reduced by the WCML upgrade, should be significantly increased. Table 9.2 shows the service pattern assumed in the Reference Case, together with that recommended as part of the strategy. - 111 - Table 9.2 Recommended Service Enhancements for WCML Local Services Service Trains in Typical Peak Hour Trains in Typical Off-Peak Hour Reference Strategy Reference Strategy Case Case Euston – Tring 1 1 1 1 slow Euston – Milton 1 1 1 1 Keynes slow Euston – Northampton 1 1 3 3 fast Euston – 1 1 1 1 Northampton semi-fast Euston – Rugby via 1 0 1 0 Northampton Euston – Berkhamsted 0 2 0 2 slow Euston – Birmingham 0 2 0 2 via Northampton In addition to the changes in service frequency, all services during peak hours should be provided by 12-car trains, rather than the mix of 8-car and 12-car trains envisaged in the Reference Case. Freight is also likely to grow significantly by 2031. If the growth is not constrained by capacity, up to seven train paths per hour could be required during some parts of the day. This would be reduced only slightly by the full Felixstowe to Nuneaton route upgrade. The passenger and freight service enhancements proposed could require the following infrastructure improvements: • widening the alignment between Watford Junction and Berkhamsted to have six tracks rather than four (allowing separate tracks for fast, semi-fast and slow trains); • widening the alignment between Rugby and Birmingham to have four tracks rather than two (allowing separate tracks for fast and slow trains); and • lengthening platforms at Kings Langley and Apsley (and outside the Study Area at Euston and Bushey) to accommodate 12-car trains. It should be noted that for widening between Rugby and Birmingham to be effective, additional capacity will be required at Birmingham New Street Station. This has not been included in the scheme costs, since: - 112 - • it is wholly outside the Study Area; and • capacity requirements at Birmingham are regularly reviewed by the rail industry, since any expansion would bring large benefits on both a national and local basis. Parkway stations are unlikely to be feasible for inter-city services, due to the extended journey times associated with additional stations. However, the provision of extra parking provision at Watford Junction and Milton Keynes is recommended, perhaps with some form of control to reserve certain parking spaces for particular market segments. New parkway stations are likely to be more appropriate for the slower services, currently operated by Silverlink, and possible locations include south of Northampton, where the loop line crosses the M1. It is understood, however, that it may be difficult to obtain appropriate land in the area. Alternatively, a parkway station north of Northampton would provide access to the existing service and also the proposed new service via Bedford (see Section 9.2.4). Such a location, however, would be less well connected to the strategic highway network. Both possible areas for parkway stations merit more detailed study. 9.2.4 Midland Main Line The Reference Case for the strategy development has assumed implementation of Thameslink 2000, and implementation of additional Midland Mainline services specified as part of the franchise commitment. The most significant proposal for the MML as part of the strategy is the further extension of the Thameslink 2000 network from Bedford to Northampton. The original railway between Bedford and Northampton closed in 1962, and most of the former alignment remains intact. With some local diversions, in particular around Olney, it is recommended that this route should be re-opened, including: • electrification; • a station at Olney; • a connection with the MML north of Bedford Station; and • a connection with the WCML (Northampton Loop) south of Northampton Station. This would enable Thameslink trains, currently terminating at Bedford, to be extended to Northampton and Rugby. In conjunction with other improvements on the WCML between Rugby and Birmingham, it would eventually be possible to extend Thameslink services to Birmingham. - 113 - The extension of Thameslink in this manner would fulfil several strategic functions: • providing a connection between Bedford and Northampton (two of the largest towns in the Study Area); • providing an alternative route from Northampton to London, which would be slightly slower but give access to a range of destinations within London (notably City Thameslink, Blackfriars and London Bridge); • providing a convenient service, probably with only one interchange, between a number of North London suburbs and the West Midlands; • providing direct access from the West Midlands and Northampton to Luton (including Luton Airport) and St Albans; and • designation of Bedford as a major transport interchange, linking with the services to Bristol, Oxford, Cambridge and Stansted Airport (see Section 9.2.7). It should be noted that Luton and St Albans are the two largest urban areas associated with the M1 and M6 corridors without a direct rail service from the West Midlands. In addition to the key strategic functions, the extension of Thameslink services will remove the need for some trains to terminate at Bedford, which imposes a major constraint on the capacity of the MML. For the purposes of appraisal, it has been assumed that two Thameslink trains per hour which terminate at Bedford in the Reference Case will be extended to Birmingham New Street, whilst a further two trains per hour will be extended to Northampton. If the improvements to the WCML north of Rugby are not carried out, it may be possible to implement the extension of Thameslink services to Birmingham by absorbing the existing local services between Coventry and Birmingham. This would give a direct service between suburbs east of Birmingham and London (similar to the successful implementation by Chiltern Railways of direct services between Solihull and London). The model demonstrated that the Bedford to Northampton connection would fulfil a strategic role, rather than just providing a local link: the average trip length of passengers forecast to use the section is 133km, and by 2031 around 700 passengers would travel from Northampton to Bedford in the three hour morning peak period. Typical journey times would be (with corresponding peak period times from the highway model shown in parentheses): • St Albans to Northampton • Luton to Birmingham • Bedford to Birmingham - 58 (51) minutes; 103 (165) minutes; - - 114 - 79 (98) minutes; • City Thameslink to Northampton - 85 (116) minutes; and • East Croydon to Northampton - 123 (205) minutes. The above times show that, in addition to many new opportunities being created for travel by rail, in most cases the in-vehicle journey times are quicker than by car. Of course, the in-vehicle time is only part of the total time associated with travel by public transport, but nevertheless there are considerable time differences for some of these journeys. In order to achieve maximum benefits from re-opening the route to Northampton, some re-modelling of Bedford Station will be necessary, including electrification of the fast lines. This would enable the fast lines to be used by Thameslink trains which continue to Northampton and by inter-city services (currently operated by Midland Mainline), with the slow lines dedicated to Thameslink services terminating at Bedford Station and freight trains. It is also proposed that all Midland Mainline services should call at Bedford, which would give some passengers a small journey time penalty, but also offer two key advantages: • the optimum capacity utilisation can be achieved with a uniform stopping pattern; and • Bedford will become a major transport hub, served by all north-south and east-west services. The additional capacity for terminating trains created at Bedford will allow two trains per hour which terminate at Luton in the Reference Case to be extended to Bedford. It is recognised that it will be difficult for the Bedford to Northampton scheme to be accommodated within the SRA’s 10-year programme. However, the area is rapidly developing, and if the scheme is not pursued in the short-term it may become more difficult to identify a suitable route (in particular through Olney). Detailed engineering studies would allow a precise route to be defined and the appropriate land protected from further development, even if the scheme is not implemented for a number of years. Additional inter-city services, currently operated by Midland Mainline, are likely to be required by 2031. It is therefore proposed to provide two additional trains per hour between St Pancras and Leicester. Freight is also likely to grow significantly by 2031. If the growth is not constrained by capacity, up to four train paths per hour could be required during some parts of the day, including some freight during peak periods. These passenger and freight service enhancements are likely to require widening of the alignment between Bedford and Leicester to have four tracks rather than two. This would allow one pair of tracks to be dedicated to fast trains with the second pair used by slow trains and freight trains. Parkway stations are unlikely to be feasible for inter-city services, due to the extended journey times associated with additional stations. New parkway stations are likely to - 115 - be more appropriate for Thameslink, ideally between Luton and Bedford with good access from the M1. The possibility of a parkway station at Harlington has been considered, and may warrant further study. In principle, the station could be accessed from the M1, possibly in conjunction with the motorway service area at Toddington, although it is understood from the Highways Agency that this could be difficult in operational terms. In addition, the station would be very close to the existing station at Harlington, and two stations in such close proximity would severely affect capacity on the rail network. Re-siting the existing station would inconvenience current users, whilst upgrading the station to a parkway facility would route a considerable volume of traffic through Harlington. Proposals are currently being developed for a new station at Elstow, south of Bedford. Although this station is intended to serve local passengers, it is recommended that the design should be sufficiently flexible to enable expansion of the parking facilities at a later date. This would allow the station to act as a strategic road-rail interchange point. From the railway operations perspective, it may be difficult to provide two additional stations between Luton and Bedford, ie at both Harlington and Elstow. However, when reviewing junction arrangements for the M1, and how these may impact on access to the motorway service area at Toddington, the Highways Agency should consider whether there are any opportunities to incorporate a connection to the rail network. In addition to the above recommendations, a number of schemes in the MML corridor were considered as part of the strategy development but not pursued for various reasons, namely: • extension of Thameslink services to Kettering or north thereof; • re-instatement of passenger services to Corby; • re-opening of the railway between Northampton and Wellingborough; and • re-opening of the railway between Luton and Leighton Buzzard via Dunstable. Each of the above schemes was modelled, but found to attract a very low patronage for the reasons set out below. • An extension of Thameslink services to Kettering would result in considerably slower journey times than the existing service currently offered by Midland Mainline. Passengers requiring access from Kettering or north thereof to the Thameslink network would therefore continue to use inter-city services and change at Luton or St Pancras. • A shuttle service between Kettering and Corby is unlikely to provide an improved service compared with the current bus service, in particular as the bus can serve several different locations within Corby. Since the bus is - 116 - cheaper to operate, it is possible to provide a higher frequency service than could be sustained by rail. Various patterns for a direct rail service to London were also tested, but the patronage was found insufficient to sustain a high frequency service. If a low frequency service to London is operated, the majority of people from Corby will continue to travel to Kettering to take advantage of the greater flexibility offered. Although it is appreciated that there are benefits for regeneration offered by providing a railway station in Corby, this clearly cannot be justified in economic terms. Forecasts from the model suggested that even a frequent service would attract less than 30 passengers per hour at peak times. Hence, even if the economic activity in Corby increased threefold, the rail demand would remain low. • The Northampton to Wellingborough service does not offer the same opportunities for strategic connection as the Northampton to Bedford service. In particular, passengers from the south would not use the MML to access the WCML, since this would require travelling north to Wellingborough and south to Northampton. As a result, passenger flows for a Northampton to Wellingborough service were forecast to be only around 20% of those achievable with the Northampton to Bedford service. • A strategic role for the disused Leighton Buzzard-Dunstable-Luton line, such as providing Dunstable to London (via the MML) or Luton to Milton Keynes (via the WCML) services, would be difficult to deliver because of engineering complexities associated with connecting to the MML at Luton and a lack of available paths on the WCML. The service was also tested as part of an east-west rail link, but it was found that the more northerly scheme (discussed in Section 9.2.7) would attract a significantly higher patronage. It appears, therefore, that local passengers between Luton and Dunstable can be better accommodated by the proposed Translink scheme, which will serve a variety of locations in both Luton and Dunstable. 9.2.5 East Coast Main Line The Reference Case for the strategy development has assumed implementation of Thameslink 2000 (which will replace most outer-suburban services) and some additional trains to Leeds. The latter would provide a consistent half-hourly service throughout the day. It is envisaged that a further increase in the London to Leeds service to three trains per hour will be required by 2031. In addition, it is recommended that the hourly service between London and Newcastle should be strengthened to two trains per hour, and the existing infrequent service between London and Hull should be replaced by a regular hourly service (which should call additionally at Peterborough). It is likewise predicted that local services, currently operated by West Anglia Great Northern, will require an increase by 2031 (despite the investment in Thameslink 2000). The following additional services are therefore proposed: • one train per hour in off-peak periods between Moorgate and Hertford North; - 117 - • one train per hour in off-peak periods between Moorgate and Welwyn Garden City; • two additional trains per hour in peak periods between Moorgate and Welwyn Garden City; and • two trains per hour extended from Welwyn Garden City to Stevenage throughout the day. Freight is also likely to grow significantly by 2031. If the growth is not constrained by capacity, two train paths per hour could be required during both peak and off-peak periods. The passenger and freight service enhancements proposed could require the following infrastructure improvements: • widening the alignment between Huntingdon and Peterborough to have four tracks rather than two (allowing separate tracks for inter-city and outer suburban or freight trains); and • widening the alignment between Knebworth and Welwyn Garden City (including the ‘Welwyn Viaduct’) to have four tracks rather than two (allowing separate tracks for fast and slow trains). It should be noted that for any significant benefits of these enhancements to be gained, additional work will be required outside the Study Area. In particular, a major increase in capacity at Kings Cross Station and through Finsbury Park Station will be required. Alternatively, services could operate from Moorgate rather than Kings Cross, but this would necessitate works to increase the capacity of the Moorgate Branch. North of the Study Area, various junctions between Peterborough and York should be remodelled to remove conflicting movements. These enhancements outside the Study Area have not been included in the scheme costs. Parkway stations could make a significant contribution to the ECML, in two respects: • intercepting the main parallel highway route into London, the A1(M), thereby encouraging drivers to park and transfer to rail for the remainder of their journey to London; and • providing a facility for drivers over a wide area to park and board trains to Northern England and Scotland. The extended journey times associated with providing an additional station are a disadvantage of such parkway stations. It is therefore recommended that the feasibility of expanding the existing station at Stevenage should be examined. A significant increase in parking provision would be required, but also some expansion of the station entrance, platforms and footbridge. However, Stevenage is an ideal location for a parkway station since it is adjacent to the A1(M) and already served by inter-city trains. - 118 - In addition, a parkway station is recommended at St Neots, which will become a major transport hub at the intersection of the A1, the upgraded A421/A428, ECML, and the Bedford – Cambridge – Stansted rail route. 9.2.6 West Anglia Main Line The Reference Case for the strategy development has assumed no changes to the service operated in 2001. By 2031, it is expected that the following service enhancements will be required: • two additional trains per hour between Liverpool Street and Stansted Airport throughout the day; • all services currently starting from or terminating at Bishops Stortford extended to Stansted Airport; and • two additional trains per hour between Liverpool Street and Cambridge (one fast and one slow) in off-peak periods. In addition to the changes in service frequency, it is recommended that the length of trains on certain services should be increased as follows: • fast and semi-fast services between Liverpool Street and Stansted Airport should be operated by 12-car trains throughout the day; and • all services between Liverpool Street and Cambridge should be operated by 12-car trains during peak hours and 8-car trains at other times. In addition to the growth in passenger services, some increase in freight traffic is also forecast. By 2031, two train paths per hour during off-peak periods could be required, in particular with the increasing importance of Ely and Kings Lynn. The passenger and freight service enhancements proposed could require the following infrastructure improvements: • widening the alignment between Tottenham Hale and Bishops Stortford to have four tracks rather than two (allowing separate tracks for fast and slow trains); • adding a second tunnel on the approach to Stansted Airport; • additional tracks and platforms at Cambridge Station and Ely Station; and • lengthening platforms at various stations between Bishops Stortford and Cambridge to accommodate 12-car trains. Despite these infrastructure improvements, the route between Liverpool Street and Tottenham Hale via Hackney Downs will remain congested. However, the construction of Crossrail will vacate two tracks between Liverpool Street and Stratford. It is therefore proposed to re-route fast trains to and from Cambridge and Stansted - 119 - Airport via Stratford and the little-used route between Stratford and Tottenham Hale, which could be achieved with no adverse effect on journey times. This will provide the additional benefits of allowing passengers from Cambridge and Stansted Airport access to a large number of destinations by a single interchange at Stratford, including: • the Docklands area, via the Docklands Light Railway or the Jubilee Line; • South East London, via the Docklands Light Railway or the Jubilee Line; • the West End, via the Central Line, Jubilee Line or Crossrail; • certain areas of Berkshire and Buckinghamshire, via Crossrail; • East London and Essex via Great Eastern services or the Central Line; and • Kent, France and Belgium, via the Channel Tunnel Rail Link. It should be noted that, despite significant public pressure for the second tunnel to Stansted Airport, there would be little benefit without investment elsewhere to provide the necessary capacity on the WAML. The need for a parkway station in the Cambridge area is recognised, although this would be more local in catchment than the other parkway stations discussed. In particular, such a station would help to reduce the parking and traffic problems around Cambridge Station. The new station could be to the north or south of the existing station, but in either case some additional track capacity may be necessary to avoid reducing train frequencies or increasing journey times. 9.2.7 Bristol – Bedford – Cambridge – Stansted Service A new route between Bristol and Stansted Airport is proposed, which will provide a strategic east-west link through the Study Area. This would fulfil several strategic functions: • connecting Milton Keynes, Bedford and Cambridge with Oxford and Bristol, and by means of a single interchange giving access to most of South West England and South Wales; • providing access to Stansted Airport (and also Ipswich and Norwich) from Bedford, Milton Keynes and Oxford; • strengthening the role of Bedford as a transport hub, in conjunction with the proposed extension of Thameslink to Northampton; • improving access to Luton Airport by means of an interchange at Bedford; • improving services available for local commuters to Milton Keynes, Bedford and Cambridge; and • connecting Winslow and Cambourne to the rail network. - 120 - The following paragraphs describe the route from west to east, and set out the proposed service pattern. Additional advantages that the route could provide are then discussed. Bristol - Bicester Thames Trains currently operates services between Bristol and Oxford and between Oxford and Bicester (less than hourly in both cases), with some trains combined to form a Bristol – Bicester service. It is proposed that these services should be absorbed into longer-distance services on the Bristol – Stansted line. Bicester – Bletchley A passenger service operated between Bicester and Bletchley until 1968, although various parts of the route were used for freight after this date. The entire alignment remains available, with some of the track intact. It is proposed to re-open the entire route, including a station at Winslow. Whilst no additional land will be required, it is likely that most of the track will need to be replaced. Some other minor infrastructure works will also be required to restore the route to a standard suitable for passenger services. Bletchley and Milton Keynes Through services between Oxford and Milton Keynes have been considered, but there is unlikely to be sufficient capacity on the WCML between Bletchley and Milton Keynes. In addition, the patronage generated by Milton Keynes is unlikely to be sufficient to sustain frequent Oxford – Milton Keynes services, and diverting trains on the through route to serve Milton Keynes would impose a significant journey time penalty. It is therefore proposed to ‘market’ Bletchley as an alternative station to Milton Keynes, perhaps branded as ‘Bletchley & Milton Keynes South’. In any case, Milton Keynes Station is not conveniently located for a substantial proportion of the local population and employees, and it is recommended that the network of bus services from Bletchley Station should be strengthened to serve most areas of Milton Keynes. Bletchley – Bedford Silverlink currently operates one train per hour between Bletchley and Bedford, calling at all stations. It is proposed that this service should be absorbed into longer-distance services on the Bristol – Stansted line. In addition, some minor infrastructure works will be required to allow a proportion of trains to run non-stop between Bletchley and Bedford. Bedford - Cambridge The original rail link between Bedford and Cambridge was severed in 1968. Several studies have proposed restoring this connection, and the East-West Rail Consortium has identified several possible alignments through which this could be achieved. - 121 - However, this Study recommends a unique approach to make maximum use of existing transport corridors and to serve the growth areas in the corridor. The A421 between Bedford and St Neots and the A428 between St Neots and Cambridge are recommended for upgrading to dual carriageway throughout, some sections as Reference Case schemes and the remainder as part of the highway strategy. It is therefore recommended to use the same corridor to accommodate a double-track railway, thereby minimising both the financial and environmental impacts. Stations should be included at St Neots and Cambourne. The former will provide an interchange with the ECML, whilst the latter will mitigate two of the traffic problems caused by the development at Cambourne: • commuters to Cambridge will be able to use the new service, as an alternative to driving; and • commuters to London will be able to interchange at Cambridge or St Neots, whereas residents of Cambourne are currently forced to drive to one of these stations to access the rail network. It should be noted, however, that this proposal will require further feasibility studies, in particular to identify suitable alignments to access the existing railways at Bedford and Cambridge. It may then be desirable to review scheme costs and benefits and compare the economic evaluation with other routes proposed by the East-West Rail Consortium. South or East of Cambridge No additional infrastructure would be required south or east of Cambridge, and services could continue over existing lines to Stansted Airport, Ipswich or Norwich. Service Proposals The infrastructure requirements west of Bedford are comparatively small, and it is envisaged that these could be accommodated within the 10-Year Plan. The following ‘interim’ service pattern is then recommended: • an hourly service between Bristol and Bedford, calling at principal stations only; and • an hourly service between Oxford and Bedford, calling at all stations. It is also recommended to form a connection with Chiltern Railways north of Aylesbury, to enable existing services from Marylebone to Aylesbury to be extended to Bletchley & Milton Keynes South. This would provide a direct link from parts of North West London and Buckinghamshire to Milton Keynes. A simple interchange would then provide connection with other WCML services, or with onward services to Bedford, Cambridge and Stansted Airport. In view of the limited infrastructure works required, it is envisaged that this service should also be implemented within the 10Year Plan. - 122 - At a later date concurrent with or shortly after completion of widening work on the A428, the section between Bedford and Cambridge could be opened. The above service pattern could then be replaced with the following: • an hourly service between Bristol and Stansted Airport, calling at principal stations only; and • an hourly service between Oxford and Cambridge, calling at all stations, with trains extended alternately to Ipswich or Norwich. Typical journey times are shown in Table 9.3, with the corresponding peak period times from the highway model shown in parentheses. In all cases, journeys facilitated by the new rail link are quicker than those by road. Table 9.3 Typical Journey Times Facilitated by Bristol – Stansted Route Bristol Oxford Bletchley & Milton Keynes South Bedford Cambridge Stansted Airport Bristol Oxford Bletchley & Bedford Cambridge Stansted Milton Airport Keynes South 118 (162) 138 (174) 175 (205) 203 (221) 43 (109) 63 (131) 100 (176) 128 (161) 0 (0) 75 (144) 75 (144) 0 118 (162) 43 (109) 0 20 (59) 57 (103) 85 (109) 138 (174) 175 (205) 203 (221) 63 (131) 100 (176) 128 (161) 20 (59) 57 (103) 85 (109) 0 37 (53) 65 (67) 37 (53) 0 28 (38) 65 (67) 28 (38) 0 Note: All journey times are in minutes Forecasts from the model show a healthy patronage on this route. For example, in the 3-hour morning peak period in 2031, nearly 800 passengers are predicted to use services from Cambourne into Cambridge, which is in excess of 150 passengers per train. Similarly, around 1,000 passengers are forecast to use the section from St. Neots to Bedford. Nearly 900 passengers are also predicted to use the section from Bletchley & Milton Keynes South to Winslow, with around 50% of passengers continuing to Oxford and the remainder using the Chiltern route into London. These flows are considerably higher than on many existing branch lines, and are also comparable with patronage on the Aylesbury section of the Chiltern Line. Further calculations have suggested that over thirty years the revenue attributable to the route would be around £200 million (after discounting). In addition, a service between Stansted Airport and North East England is likely to be required by 2031. It is proposed that this should also make use of the new tracks rather than routing through Ely. The service will thus increase the range of destinations accessible from Cambourne and St Neots, whilst taking advantage of the spare track capacity available between Cambridge and St Neots. The route recommended is, therefore, Sheffield – Nottingham – Grantham – Peterborough – St Neots – Cambridge – Stansted Airport. Additional Opportunities A number of through services onto the various north-south routes have been modelled, such as a Luton – Peterborough service, but patronage forecasts are - 123 - generally low. It is proposed, therefore, to concentrate services on the core east-west route. If, however, an operator expresses an interest in additional through services, capacity is likely to be available. Moreover, the route provides connectivity between the principal north-south corridors. In addition to the interchange opportunities this presents, it would be possible to divert trains to an alternative route if an incident or engineering works caused one of the corridors to be blocked. For example: • if the WCML were blocked south of Bletchley, trains from the West Midlands and North West England could be diverted to run into London via Aylesbury and the Chiltern Line or via Oxford and the Great Western Main Line; • if the MML were blocked south of Bedford, trains from Sheffield, Nottingham and Derby could be diverted to run into London via Bletchley and the WCML or via St Neots and the ECML; and • if the ECML were blocked south of St Neots, trains from North East England and Scotland could be diverted to run into London via Bedford and the MML or via Cambridge and the WAML. It should be noted that all these options require that diesel locomotives are deployed to power the trains on these non-electrified routes. The above examples are equally applicable to both passenger and freight trains. In addition, the route may provide new opportunities for freight to be carried by rail, either on an east-west axis through the Study Area or in connection with industrial sites close to the new sections of route. 9.2.8 Soft Measures Modelling work undertaken as part of the Study has shown that there is a large modal ‘penalty’ associated with travel by public transport. Put simply, if the costs for a particular journey were identical by car and public transport, the choice of mode would not be 50:50 - a much higher proportion would use the car. It is important, therefore, that there is a continuous process of improvement to overcome this ‘prejudice’ against public transport. The following ‘soft’ measures therefore need to be seen as part of any overall strategy: • improved reliability; • greater confidence in safety and personal security; • improved punctuality; • real time information at all stations, and other locations such as town centres and the internet; • improved on-train information; • clear signage at stations; - 124 - • improved cleanliness on trains and stations; • improved waiting facilities at stations; • high quality toilet facilities at stations and on trains; • through ticketing with bus services, and greater ease of purchasing tickets; and • improved access for mobility impaired passengers. In all future year model runs (including the Reference Case), therefore, the mode choice constants for public transport were adjusted to take account of the implementation of these soft measures. In addition to these measures, the success of the rail network in attracting passengers is also attributable to the ease with which stations can be reached. This includes factors such as: • the ease of finding a parking space; and • local bus service provision to and from the station. It has been assumed that improvements in accessibility would be included in any strategy, including the Reference Case. Therefore, in future year model runs, all access times between zones and stations were halved to take account of such improvements. The detailed implementation plan for these improvements at a local level is beyond the scope of this study, with the exception of the parkway stations discussed above. 9.3 Highway Strategy 9.3.1 Introduction The conclusions from earlier testing work (section 8.5.2) suggested the following rationale which should underpin any highway strategy: • the strategy should aim to improve connectivity between strategic corridors in the Study Area, thus lending itself to area-wide management; • the strategy should reinforce network hierarchy and road function within this overall hierarchy; • care must be taken to balance the different elements of the highway network. In fact, balance is probably more important than the scale of capacity required since it safeguards against generating increased traffic demands and, hence problems, on other parts of the network where previously none existed; and - 125 - • the long-term strategy must protect investments made over the 30-year period. In other words, a strategy which works at 2016, but deteriorates year by year to 2031 must be buttressed by further measures. A critical consideration in the highway testing work was the capacity assumption regarding the M25. Given that the ORBIT team had not reached any conclusions at the time that testing began in the LSM Study, the Study Team were required to develop some robust assumptions. Testing work by the study team had concluded that capacity equivalent to dual-4 lane standard would be required for the M25. How it was to be provided, whether through widening of the motorway, or by the use of advanced traffic management techniques (or any other approach) was not considered further. However, the assumption was endorsed by the ORBIT study team as a reasonable basis for developing the highway components of the LSM strategy. 9.3.2 Remitted Schemes Three schemes were remitted to this Study from the Roads Programme: • M1 Junctions 6A-10; • A1(M) Junctions 6-8; and • A5 Dunstable Eastern Bypass. M1 Corridor As indicated in Chapter 4, the M1 is the dominant corridor in the Study Area, carrying the bulk of the demand from London and the South-East to the Midlands and North. The testing work for M1 was undertaken on the basis of resolving known problems and then trying to optimise this solution. The analysis of operational problems for the M1 demonstrated capacity problems between Junctions 6A-13, with capacity problems also occurring on connecting routes both east and west of the M1. Capacity problems were also evident on the southbound section between junctions 15 and 14, but these were primarily attributable to ‘backing-up’ of delays from traffic leaving the motorway at Junction 14. The strategy tests undertaken included tests at dual 4-lane, dual 5-lane and dual 6-lane provision for the section between junctions 6A and 13. Testing of a dual 4-lane solution between 6A and 13 provided substantial relief but did not completely meet the v/c criterion of being lower than 0.6 in 2031. Further enhancement to dual 5-lane south of junction 10 produced only a modest increase in flow but an improvement in congestion relief. Improvements north of junction 13 in association with those to the south produced a number of problems, not least increased flows resulting from transfers from rail and the M40 corridor. The conclusion, therefore, was that the provision of additional capacity in this section would provide relatively little relief and would give rise to undesirable impacts. - 126 - A further round of testing identified dual-4 lanes between junction 6A and 13 as the optimum provision given, critically, that the effective capacity of the M25 was also dual-4 lane provision. It was acknowledged, however, that the additional capacity would need to be complemented by other measures, such as ramp metering, to control traffic flows on to the motorway at peak times during the later years of the Study period. A1/A1(M) The specific scheme remitted to the Study for the A1/A1(M) corridor was between Junctions 6 and 8. This section of road is dual 2-lane motorway standard whereas sections north and south are dual 3-lane motorway standard. The alternative capacity standards tested and their impacts are given below. In each case the traffic increase is a marginal impact related to the previous test. • dual 3-lane standard Junctions 6 to 8 (this resulted in a 14% increase in traffic in the corridor over the base position and introduced delays between Junctions 8 and 10); • dual 3-lane standard Junctions 6 to 10 (this resulted in a 5% increase in traffic in the corridor and introduced delays south of Junction 8); • dual 4-lane standard Junctions 1 to 10 (this resulted in a 6% increase and introduced delays north of Junction 10); • dual 4-lane standard Junctions 1 to 10 and dual 3-lane standard to Junction 14 (this re-introduced congestion between Junctions 8 to 9); • as per the option above, but dual 5-lane standard Junctions 8 to 9. The testing process revealed a classic response between capacity and demand, indicating that as capacity was increased to overcome local congestion so it attracted additional demand into the corridor. The additional demand drawn into the corridor created problems on adjacent sections, which would require additional capacity. This process repeated itself until the final option, where a mixture of dual 3, 4 and 5-lane standard was required in the A1/A1(M) corridor to satisfy the demand for movement. Following this process through would lead to a very substantial infrastructure provision in the corridor and the creation of a new strategic route, which was inconsistent with current use of the corridor. This is the issue of balance referred to earlier. This also highlights the much more fundamental issue – what the role of the A1/A1(M) should be. The choices were whether it should retain the role that it satisfies at the current time, or whether it should become more strategic in nature. The conclusion from the analysis was that, in strategic terms, the A1/A1(M) does not satisfy a strategic long-distance function, but serves movement from its immediate urban hinterland including Hatfield, Welwyn, Stevenage, Hitchin, Letchworth and Baldock. Given that fact, there is no case for considering the potential role of the A1/A1(M) corridor to be more strategic than exists at the current time. - 127 - Such a conclusion, however, could assist the development of a solution between Junction 6-8. Put succinctly, an increase in capacity to solve existing congestion problems would be recommended if it did not, as a consequence, create problems elsewhere in the corridor resulting from additional traffic. Solutions which might achieve this include narrow lanes, full widening but with reduced speed limits between Junctions 6-8 or, full-widening for Junctions 6-8 but with reduced speeds and standards on adjacent sections. All those solutions would provide additional capacity whilst minimising the potential to create problems elsewhere in the corridor. As a conclusion, therefore, it is recommended that capacity improvements between junction 6-8 should only be provided as part of a comprehensive package which downgrades the strategic role of the A1, thus allowing the development of local design solutions to local problems. One specific element of the design solution which could be given further consideration, if it can be achieved without creating safety problems, would be to de-specialise and re-number the A1(M). The one exception to this ‘safety-only’ consideration is with respect to the town of Sandy which suffers significant environmental impacts as a result of the sub-standard alignment and junction arrangements for the A1 in this vicinity. As such, a Sandy Bypass is recommended which in its alignment also offers benefit to Beeston which suffers similar environmental intrusion. Further north, between Baldock and Brampton, there are a number of sections where the current design of the route is sub-standard, and which have associated safety problems. Local treatments only are recommended for these sections, but once again seeking to avoid any significant reduction in travel times such that the route becomes a strategic corridor, which would put much greater pressure on the remaining sections. An alternative to full widening and a compensating reduction in standards elsewhere in the corridor would be to consider a more modest improvement between Junctions 6 and 8. Such a solution, for example, could include a climbing lane northbound from Junction 6 to compensate, at least partially, the lane drop and simultaneous increase in gradient on this section. This improvement could be complemented by hard-shoulder running as part of an Active Traffic Management solution which would only operate during peak periods. The section of A1 between Brampton and Alconbury will experience higher levels of traffic as a result of the recommendations for A14 emanating from CHUMMS. In effect, traffic from A1 north to A14 east will now need to travel as far south as Brampton before travelling east on the A14 towards Cambridge. Analysis of the additional flow on this section of A1 between Brampton and Alconbury has highlighted the need to improve this section of A1 to dual 3-lane all-purpose standard to allow the CHUMMS recommended improvements to function at the required level of service. It is uncertain whether such an improvement would in practice form part of the CHUMMS recommendations or not. For the avoidance of doubt, it has been assumed that this improvement will be implemented at or about the same time as the A14 improvements between Huntingdon and Cambridge. It has therefore not been included as part of the LSM strategy but is assumed to be a necessary part of the - 128 - CHUMMS strategy. The cost of this improvement is estimated at £39.94m at First Quarter prices 2002. A5, Dunstable The A5 through Dunstable currently experiences significant congestion for much of the day. Much of this emanates from serious congestion at the junction in the town centre, where through movements, north-south and east-west, conflict with local movements. For a number of years there has been a proposal for a north-south bypass (the Dunstable Eastern Bypass) passing through the urban area rather than truly bypassing it. This solution, though welcomed by many, has been strongly opposed by some sections of the local community, primarily on environmental grounds. As a result the scheme did not enter the Targeted Programme of Improvements and was remitted to this study. An analysis of southbound traffic flows on the A5 to the north of Dunstable demonstrated that, whereas some traffic wished to access the M1 at Junction 9, around 30% actually wishes to travel in an easterly direction to Luton, and a further 15% beyond that to the A505 corridor. Consequently, proposals have been tested for a connection from the A505/A5 junction, north of Houghton Regis to the widened dual 4-lane M1 at a new Junction 11A, to form a Dunstable Northern Bypass. It is assumed that this route would then be continued as the Luton Northern Bypass to link up with the A6, and then on to link with the A505 and Luton Eastern Corridor scheme. Whilst the Dunstable Northern Bypass would remove the need for the Eastern Bypass, it may still be beneficial to provide a new access to Dunstable town centre from the north, following the line of the remitted scheme. This would need to be assessed in greater detail by more local studies. Together, these schemes would remove a considerable volume of the traffic from the A5, and allow better use of the section through the centre of Dunstable by buses and pedestrians. Detailed operational analysis of the Dunstable Bypass, together with a Luton Northern Bypass identified dual 2-lane provision as being the most appropriate standard, subject to further detailed local study. The opening of the new Junction 11A would warrant the re-consideration of Junction 12 and access to the Toddington service area. This is a detailed operational issue for the Highways Agency to address. Elsewhere on the A5, an analysis of traffic in the vicinity of Towcester confirmed the local nature of traffic movements and the absence of longer-distance strategic traffic. Any interventions in the corridor are, therefore, in the context of improving local traffic conditions and beyond the remit of this Study. - 129 - 9.3.3 Other North-South Corridors M11 The other major north-south corridor considered was the M11 between Cambridge and the M25. Analysis undertaken on the basis of the M1 and A1/A1(M) improvements discussed earlier suggested operational problems between Junctions 8 and 9. This section of the M11 suffers particular pressures as a dual 2-lane section of motorway for the following reasons: • it accommodates traffic from the A14 corridor west of Cambridge as well as from the A11 and A14 east of Cambridge; • it serves traffic from all parts of Cambridge travelling south; • it is immediately adjacent to Stansted Airport and consequently carries virtually all long-distance strategic traffic from the north. As the M11/A14 corridor becomes increasingly competitive with the M1 for longdistance strategic movements, and as Stansted Airport continues to grow, so the pressures on the M11 will increase. It is therefore a strong recommendation that the M11 between Junctions 8 and 9 is widened to dual three-lane standard as a priority, if possible within the 10-ar Plan period. Further to the north, there is a strong case for widening between junctions 9 and 14, although the operational problems are not nearly so acute. The reasons for widening this section of motorway are as follows: • under the strategy, the M11 will be expected to play a more strategic role than at the present day, becoming in effect a managed alternative to the M1 at times of abnormally high demand, accidents or incidents. In these circumstances consistent 3-lane standard therefore becomes more important; • the operational performance of a dual 2-lane motorway can be severely impaired when there is a significant proportion of HGVs, which require longer overtaking distances. This is particularly relevant in rolling countryside; • the section between Junctions 9 and 14 is a distance of only 14 miles and contains six junctions. Whilst some of the junctions are restricted movements, there is still a considerable requirement for weaving movements over this section; • the problems of maintenance become progressively more difficult as the capacity of the motorway section is approached. Maintaining the effective capacity of the network is a key objective of the strategy. For the reasons given above, it is recommended that the M11 is widened to dual 3lane standard between Junctions 9 and 14. Given the timescales for widening the A14 immediately to the north between Cambridge and Huntingdon, and the M11 to - 130 - the south (ie both within the 10-Year Plan period) it is recommended that work on this section should commence as quickly as possible. However, given the scale of other highway work being undertaken in the 10-Year Plan period and the need for careful programming, it is acknowledged that improvements to M11 Junctions 9 to 14 would fall outside this period. Analysis of M11 south of Junction 8 demonstrated some queueing during peak periods. This, however, was associated with constraints on the M25 and M11 south of M25. The creation of additional capacity of M11 between Junctions 6 and 8 would only exacerbate these problems. Conversely, the constraints on M25 and M11 south would continue to restrict traffic flows reaching M11 north of M25, thus preventing it from delivering the full benefit of any investment. No recommendation is therefore made to increase the capacity of M11between Junction 6 and 8, although further expansion of Stansted Airport will require this recommendation to be critically reviewed. A6, A10 The proposed improvements to strategic north-south corridors will provide significant protection to other north-south routes such as A6 and A10 which will continue to perform a sub-regional function. No significant increase in capacity is therefore proposed for these routes which might alter their function within the existing hierarchy. Local safety and minor improvement schemes, however, are supported subject to the usual investment criteria being satisified. 9.3.4 East-West Corridors A14 Analysis of the A14 corridor demonstrated that even by 2016 there would be some need to increase capacity of the A14 in the vicinity of Kettering. At some point between 2016 and 2031 this pressure for improvement would have extended to the whole corridor between M1 Junction 19 and Huntingdon. Given the functions of this route as the primary east-west corridor north of the M25, the need for a high quality route with reliable and predictable journey times is of paramount importance. It is also important to acknowledge that improvements to M1 Junction 19, in tandem with improvements to the A14, create new opportunities for the Highways Agency to manage long distance traffic on the strategic network between M1 Junction 19 and M25 Junction 27 (junction with the M11). Thus it allows a greater degree of multirouteing between the West Midlands and points north with East London, Thames Gateway, Kent, parts of Surrey and East Sussex and the Channel ports. Such multirouteing or the ability to divert long distance traffic would be invaluable at periods of very high demand (eg Bank Holidays) or when accidents and incidents cause a reduction in capacity for the M1. The analysis confirms that widening the A14 to dual 3-lane standard is necessary if it is to remain effective as the primary east-west route within the Study Area. The standard of this section, whether motorway or all-purpose road cannot be finally determined until the standard of A14 between Cambridge and Huntingdon is fully resolved. This vital improvement to the strategic network was recommended by - 131 - CHUMMS and endorsed by the Regional Planning Body and confirmed by the Secretary of State. However, further work is underway to finalise the required standard of the scheme and, for the sake of consistency, any decision on A14 west of Huntingdon must await this resolution. In principle, however, the following points can be made: • the standard of the route should be dual 3-lane throughout; • the incorporation of hard shoulders would be beneficial, both from the point of view of maintenance and consistency of standard with the M6. The timing of improvements to the A14 depends on the timing of the M1Junction 19 improvements and the Cambridge to Huntingdon improvements. Ideally, the improvements to the A14 west of Huntingdon would be in a similar timescale. However, resource planning work by the Study Team and by the Highways Agency indicates that this may be difficult to achieve. Consequently, it is recommended that the western section of the A14 is improved as soon as possible after the 10-Year Plan period. Earlier problems on the section of A14 around Kettering will need to be addressed through short term measures such as low cost junction improvements and ramp metering. In addition to the proposal west of Huntingdon, the analysis highlighted a short section of A14 east of Cambridge Northern Bypass which required improvement to overcome congestion. This section, between B1047 (Horningsea) and A11 would create a consistent dual 3-lane standard between M1 and A11. A421/A428 Analysis has demonstrated that, in part as a result of increasing congestion on the M25, but also as a result of increased development and stronger east-west economic linkages, the A421/A428 corridor will become progressively more important through time for long-distance, east-west movements. This longer-distance role, when considered in tandem with the increasing levels of congestion, both east and west of the M1, highlighted the need for improvements in this corridor. The conclusion from this testing work was that provision east of the M1, as far as the M11, should be at a consistent dual 2-lane standard. West of the M1, environmental constraints limited the options available for providing additional capacity. The operational testing work and environmental assessments confirmed that the existing A421 should continue to serve its current function with respect to through movements. This would require some dualling of the A421 west of M1 Junction 13 from the junction to the existing section of dual carriageway. In the longer term, further treatment of the many roundabout junctions on the existing A421 through Milton Keynes may be required to accommodate the higher volumes of traffic. The dualling of the A421, both east and west of M1 Junction 13, as well as widening of the M1 immediately south of Junction 13, will create further pressures at the junction, which is already over capacity at peak periods. Analysis of movements at this junction highlighted the significant east-west movement on the A421, which does not - 132 - require access to the M1. Work by the HA’s framework consultants identified the possibility of removing this traffic from the M1 junction by providing a new over-bridge to the north of the junction. This can be achieved without the need for a new Junction 13A, which had been suggested as an alternative, and the improvements to Junction 13 are therefore recommended as part of the strategy. The timing of scheme construction in this corridor would see improvements being made first to the section of A421 immediately east of the M1. These improvements would also require the new M1 Junction 13 arrangements to be in place at an early stage, since the widening of M1 to this point would also be planned in the first few years of the strategy implementation. Work on the eastern end of the corridor, the A428 east of A1, would probably take place just beyond the 10-Year Plan period. However, in order to demonstrate the contribution of the full corridor improvements, it has been assumed for appraisal purposes only that the entire upgrading of A421/A428 between M1 and M11 would take place during the 10-Year Plan period. Finally, it is assumed that A421 improvements west of the M1 would take place beyond the 10-Year Plan. A505 The other major east-west corridor considered for further capacity improvements was the A505. Select link analysis showed that whilst this corridor does accommodate some long distance movement, the majority of movements are bounded by the M1 and M11. In other words, they are predominantly sub-regional and local in nature. The starting point for testing work was the assumption that the M1 would be improved to dual 4-lane standard and that Dunstable Northern and Luton Northern Bypasses would be constructed to dual 2-lane standard. The Reference Case network also assumed a Baldock Bypass. Testing was of an incremental nature, first to the west of the M1, connecting A418 to A5; second, a Hitchin bypass and, third, a Letchworth bypass. The effect of all these proposals was to provide improved operating conditions on the route but, crucially, they did not change the function of the corridor in terms of long-distance movements. If, however, improvements were made to the east of Baldock, on the A507 connecting to Bishops Stortford and Stansted Airport, then this would dramatically change the function of the corridor by attracting much longer distance traffic and effectively creating a new strategic east-west route between the M1 and M11. This route would relieve the M25 to some extent and begin to create a new strategic ‘outer-orbital’ route through an environmentally sensitive area. The conclusion of this testing work confirmed the Dunstable and Luton Northern Bypasses as dual 2-lane standard. Construction of the Hitchin and Letchworth Bypasses, however, was dependent upon the view taken by Hertfordshire County Council, but did not have a material impact on the scale of strategic long-distance movements and is, therefore, not an issue for this Study. There was a strong view, - 133 - however, that improvements should not be made east of Baldock on the A507 since this would attract long-distance, strategic traffic into the corridor. Initial tests using the model showed that traffic on the A505 would increase by at least 15% virtually all of which would be travelling the full length of this new corridor between M1 and M11. To the west of the M1, there were very few strategic east-west trips and any proposed improvements would, therefore, be a County matter. Other Corridors The role of other corridors was considered in the strategy development process and, although they do not feature in the preferred strategy, the outcome of the analysis is discussed below. A43/A45 Analysis of this corridor highlighted its function in serving Northampton as well as a wider inter-regional role. In this respect, although critical operational problems were not identified, it was noted that the section of A45 between Thrapston and Stanwick represents the only single-carriageway section on an otherwise continuous dualcarriageway route. It is recommended that more detailed study is undertaken to identify whether this single-carriageway section forms a barrier to the potentially wider role of the corridor or any emerging land-use proposals. A414 The A414 is the southernmost east-west route in the Study Area. Its proximity to the M25 and its identical orientation ensures that the M25 should, in principle, carry all relevant strategic traffic. The A414 will inevitably carry some strategic traffic at times when the M25 is heavily congested, but it is not suited to this function, linking to and through a number of urban areas. Consequently, it is recommended that any future enhancements of the A414 should be of a local nature, such that strategic traffic is not drawn into the corridor. 9.3.5 Supporting Measures Any highway strategy will need to be supported by measures to manage the network more efficiently. In this respect, a particularly important role will be played by Active Traffic Management (ATM). This is a technique designed to meet the following objectives: • optimisation of safety and performance with increased throughput during periods of peak demand; • reduction of delays and disruption during maintenance and incidents; • provision of improved driver information on network conditions, alternative routes etc; • provision of more consistent journey times; and - 134 - • reduction of fuel consumption and harmful emissions. A number of regimes are being developed for ATM, which will allow the easy management of many common situations. These regimes include: • variable speed limits, designed to avoid flow breakdown and increase throughput; • ramp metering, to manage demand and avoid flow breakdown; • hard shoulder running, to increase throughput during peak periods and during maintenance and incidents; and • lane marshalling by direction/vehicle type to optimise lane utilisation and increase effective network capacity. These regimes will be able to give additional capacity at peak times, intelligently use the available capacity and help reduce the disruption caused by incidents and maintenance. This will all be at a significant cost, but will allow maximisation of the use of available road space without requiring much new build. The initial business case undertaken to justify deployment on the M42 was positive and is therefore justified in its own right. As it is an active management system it also enables network operators to decide on the policy to be adopted and act accordingly (i.e. giving priority, using lane marshalling etc, to some movements but not others, to reinforce the strategic role of the corridor). Figure 9.1shows an example of how the on road infrastructure for ATM might look. Figure 9.1 Road Infrastructure For ATM - 135 - The technique involves the use of additional highway infrastructure, intelligent systems and revised institutional practices in order to make best use of the road space available. Active Traffic Management will involve the use of electronic sign gantries at approximately 500 m intervals. These gantries will be similar in appearance to the one shown in Figure 9.2. On each signals gantry there will be over lane automatic motorway indicators (AMI’s) and over lane text units. In addition, on each gantry, there will be a variable message sign. This will be able to display both text and pictograms. Figure 9.2 Signals Gantry for ATM In addition to the visible on-road infrastructure, there will also be comprehensive automatic incident detection. This incident detection will reduce the time taken to detect and deal with incidents. ATM will also facilitate the use of what is currently the hard shoulder. In order to allow this lane to be used in certain conditions a number of emergency refuge areas (ERAs) will be built. These ERAs will allow broken down vehicles to clear the carriageway to allow hard shoulder running. It is likely that when the ‘hard shoulder’ is in use, there will be a 50 mph speed restriction in place. 9.4 Bus Strategy 9.4.1 Introduction The rationale behind the rail strategy was two-fold. First, there was a requirement to continue serving those markets which rail serves best, namely inter-city centre to centre and suburban to a strong centre. Second, the strategy sought to improve the connectivity and, hence, flexibility of the system allowing it to act as a network rather than separate corridors. From this platform, the bus strategy rationale had three defining features: • to integrate with the rail strategy to provide the best possible public transport service offer in competition to the private car; - 136 - • to provide services in those corridors not well served by rail; and • to integrate with area-wide urban strategies and local bus service initiatives. In specifying the rationale in this way, there is also an acknowledgement that bus serves a number of niche markets, largely captive to that mode. An example includes price sensitive, non-time critical services. It is expected that bus will continue to serve these markets. 9.4.2 Integration with Rail Strategy Maximising the public transport service offer is a key element of current transport policy, at national, regional and local level. Analysis already presented has shown the relatively sparse rail network in the Study Area and hence the need to widen its appeal through integrated bus services. This improved offer therefore presents a more competitive alternative to the private car and a greater level of accessibility to those who do not have access to a car. There are three areas frequently highlighted which are central to integration between public transport modes; namely ticketing, interchange and information. In the case of ticketing, there are already some train operating companies which facilitate flat-fare add-ons to train ticket prices. In effect, this is both lowering the cost of travel and simplifying the interchange process. According to transport theory, there will always be some travellers who are on the margin of travel between two or more modes. The flat-fare add-on will, therefore, result in some modal shift, although the impact will generally be small. Further improvements, however, should be pursued in terms of smartcard facilities between all TOCs and bus operators to simplify the interchange process further. Information is a further pivotal requirement of integration where bus and rail timetables should each show how the connecting service integrates with the main mode. Finally, improved physical interchange between modes is an important building block in the integration process. Thus, covered bus waiting areas in station forecourts with good service information, signage and short walks to and from the platforms are beneficial. Whilst it is not possible to provide detailed recommendations on how these elements can be implemented throughout the Study Area, a few examples can be highlighted. • Bedford and Cambridge both have bus stations which are a considerable distance from the railway stations, primarily because the railway stations are at some distance from the town centre. In these circumstances, relocation of the bus stations is impractical, but ensuring that the railway stations are principal calling points for all services, would help to create a seamless interchange. - 137 - • Thameslink passengers to Luton are entitled to travel by bus to Dunstable at no extra cost. However, this is poorly publicised, and anecdotal evidence has shown that even some staff are not aware of the facility. This could be marketed in a better way, which would also help to increase demand from the Dunstable area in preparation for the implementation of Translink. • Stansted Airport is now served by many local and long-distance bus and coach services, with the bus station very close to the railway station. Integrated publicity and ticketing could strengthen Stansted’s role as a transport hub, rather than simply an airport destination. 9.4.3 Services in Non-Rail Corridors Graphical representation of bus services in the Study Area has shown that proportionately there is a greater east-west component than for car and rail where the dominant corridors of movement are north-south. To some extent, therefore, interurban bus is already capitalising on the lack of east-west rail-based public transport services. A number of new inter-urban bus services were tested. Potential routes were defined by examining the highway matrices and identifying movements for which large numbers of car trips were taking place. These movements were then reviewed geographically and a series of bus services designed to cater for as many such movements as possible. It was found, however, that new services could generally not be justified, for a number of related reasons: • there are comparatively few origin-destination pairs which have a large volume of people travelling and do not already have a bus or rail service; • in cases where new services were identified, people would only be encouraged to use bus rather than car if the service is of a sufficiently high frequency, including evening services; • even where there are significant inter-urban movements, the volumes concerned are generally insufficient to provide a high frequency service; • the situation is exacerbated because most people live on the fringes of the urban areas, and hence would need to drive or use a feeder bus to reach the urban centre; and • including more than a few ‘fringe’ areas on inter-urban bus routes would impose a severe journey time penalty, which in turn would further reduce the attractiveness of the service compared with the private car. Tables 9.4 and 9.5 show the number of bus trips terminating in major centres, during the peak and off-peak periods respectively, for 2001 and 2016. In this case, the peak period reflects the three hours between 0700 and 1000 hours and the off-peak period the six hours between 1000 and 1600 hours. There are two conclusions to be drawn from the numbers: first, that on an hourly basis, they are small compared to total peak period movement into these areas; and, - 138 - second, they show only modest growth over the 15 year period, under Reference Case assumptions. Table 9.4 Bus Trips to Major Urban Areas - AM Peak Bus Trips Trips to 2001 Northampton 558 Bedford 404 Cambridge 3,487 Hitchin 698 Luton 1,737 St Albans 1,215 Hemel Hempstead 247 Stevenage 496 Bishops Stortford 326 Corby 142 Kettering 272 Harlow 657 Table 9.5 Bus Trips to Major Urban Areas - Off Peak Bus Trips Trips to 2001 Northampton 885 Bedford 338 Cambridge 5,058 Hitchin 884 Luton 3,034 St Albans 2,508 Hemel Hempstead 325 Stevenage 946 Bishops Stortford 479 Corby 294 Kettering 623 Harlow 1,045 2016 582 484 3,622 858 1,964 1,516 274 579 351 198 310 800 2016 910 390 5,262 1,072 3,415 3,076 364 1,106 504 410 736 1,288 If bus is to fulfil a larger role, therefore, efforts must be made to ensure that: • as far as possible, the various ‘soft’ measures (which have already been listed for rail and are very similar for bus) are addressed to improve the quality of the journey; and • the complementary urban measures are as supportive as possible to give bus a relative advantage over the private car. 9.4.4 Integration with Area-Wide Urban Strategies Improvements to inter-urban highway infrastructure may provide the opportunity for inter-urban bus services to achieve improved journey times. However, it is unlikely that any relative advantage would be achieved over the private car. Where bus routes enter urban areas, however, there is an opportunity to achieve a relative advantage through a number of initiatives, not least pricing (eg parking charges) and infrastructure (eg bus lanes). - 139 - There is also the opportunity for new styles of interchange on the periphery of urban areas, such as informal transport hubs where transfer from car to bus or from bus to bus is made easier. An example of this latter concept is the park-and-ride arrangements in Oxford where the same parking area used for park-and-ride into Oxford can be used for ‘parkway’ style services from Oxford to London. The creation of this hub could have numerous applications on the Study; for example, at urban areas adjacent to strategic corridors such as Milton Keynes, Luton, Dunstable, Stevenage, Cambridge and so on for northsouth movements and Bedford for east-west movements. 9.4.5 Conclusions on the Bus Strategy The discussion has highlighted that any improvement to the bus service offer will be largely incremental in nature and probably outside the range of improvements for which specific recommendations can be made. They include improving the quality of the service through addressing ‘soft’ measures, improving integration with rail to create a competitive offer and ensuring that bus is given every advantage in urban areas relative to the private car. - 140 - 10 Preferred Strategy 10.1 Introduction The analysis presented in the previous chapters has identified the various stages in the strategy development. The process itself was one of continuous refinement. In the objective maximising tests (see Section 8.5), broad policy choices were considered. Having identified the different outcomes from these choices, their strengths and weaknesses, a much more specific set of tests was undertaken to resolve locational problems on the highway and rail networks. When re-combined, the sum of these individual measures, with some adjustment and amendment was refined into a Preferred Strategy. This strategy itself is summarised below and a Framework Analysis used to highlight the benefits accruing according to the Government’s five overarching objectives. Whilst the Framework has been designed specifically for the LSM Study, GOMMMS requires an appraisal process that is consistent with all other land based transport studies. This appraisal is given as Chapter 11 of this Report. 10.2 Summary of Preferred Strategy The Preferred Strategy includes a number of interventions, as summarised below. Policy The strategy is based on an overarching policy which considers the role of all modes in developing solutions to specific problems. In that respect the Study has assumed a continuation of current Government policy insofar as it: • promotes the slow modes of walking and cycling for short distance intra-urban trips and re-allocates road space accordingly in pursuit of this objective; • promotes public transport for all intra-urban movements, gives priority where this is possible through re-allocation of road space and pursues a range of other ‘quality’ initiatives designed to make public transport more attractive; • continues to promote and support travel awareness campaigns and other ‘soft measures’ to influence travel behaviour; and • pursues low cost engineering and safety measures across the highway network, in pursuit of safety objectives or very localised congestion. In the main, this continuation of policy could not be modelled explicitly, except for changes in public transport accessibility, which were assumed to improve relative to car, so that access times to rail stations reduced by half. Technology The development of technology is really beyond the scope of this Study, but the Strategy nevertheless assumes and supports technology that will make best use of existing infrastructure. - 141 - This includes: • continuing development of Intelligent Transport Systems, such as Active Traffic Management, variable message signs and ramp access controls, which will allow the network to be managed more efficiently and effectively; • continuing development of information systems which will assist users to make optimal choices before setting out on a journey or even during a journey; and • continuing development of techniques and processes to reduce emissions and improve safety for cars, buses and rail. One area of work which is definitely beyond the scope of the Study, but which offers enormous scope is in the development of an electronic vehicle registration identifier other than the current paper tax disk. This would have immediate benefits in terms of data collection, as well as for enforcement purposes. In the longer term, it could also have a pivotal role in the development of road user charging regimes. Pricing The strategy thus far has considered pricing only to the extent that fares and car operating costs were viewed as part of the objective maximising tests (see Section 8.5) to understand their possible influence on overall levels of demand and modal share. A further set of tests have also been run for different levels of road user charging to understand the extent to which this mechanism for restraint could buttress the infrastructure improvements, thus allowing the benefits from such investment to be enjoyed over a much longer period of time. In support of an objective that the benefits from new infrastructure must be protected from erosion, the strong recommendation from the Study Team is that comprehensive, area wide, road user charging should be implemented approximately half way through the Study period. This will follow the major highway investment designed to reduce congestion on the strategic network and create a much better balance, through a more consistent level of service. Infrastructure The main emphasis of the strategy development work has been to assess and appraise the need for new infrastructure. The results of this work are summarised in Figure 10.1 and Table 10.1. - 142 - Figure 10.1 Preferred Strategy - 143 - Table 10.1 Proposed Infrastructure Improvements Corridor Rail Section WCML/MML/M1 Road Recommendation Section Recommendation Watford Junction -Berkhamsted 6 tracks or equivalent capacity M1 Junctions 6A-13 Dual 4-lane standard Rugby – Birmingham 4 tracks or equivalent capacity Dunstable Northern Bypass Dual 2-lane standard Kings Langley and Apsley Increase platforms to accommodate 12-car trains Luton Northern Bypass Dual 2-lane standard Bedford – Northampton Re-open as extension of Thameslink M1 Junction 12 Closure M1 Junction 13 Re-modelling to separate eastwest movement from that gaining access to/egress from the M1 A1, Brampton-Alconbury1 Dual 3-lane standard A1, Sandy to Beeston Dual-2 lane standard bypass A1, Junction 6-82 Climbing lane only northbound and associated ATM. Alternative 3-lane dual carriageway, only if associated with other measures for the corridor to downgrade its role. Bedford – Leicester Bedford Station 4 tracks throughout or equivalent capacity Re-model, including electrification of fast tracks ECML/A1/A1(M) WAML/M11 Welwyn Garden City – Knebworth 4 tracks throughout (including Welwyn Viaduct) or equivalent capacity Huntingdon – Peterborough 4 tracks throughout or equivalent capacity Kings Cross and Finsbury Park area and north of Peterborough Additional modifications as necessary Tottenham Hale – Bishops Stortford 4 tracks throughout or equivalent capacity M11 Junctions 8-9 Dual 3-lane standard Stansted Airport Additional tunnel M11 Junctions 9-14 Dual 3-lane standard Cambridge Station and Ely Station Additional platforms and tracks - 144 - A14 A421/A428 Bicester – Bletchley Re-open rail link Bedford – Cambridge New link M1 Junction 19 – Ellington A1 Dual 3-lane standard B1047-A11 Dual 3-lane standard A421 immediately west of M1 Dual 2-lane standard A421 from M1 to Bedford Bypass Dual 2-lane standard A428 east of A1 to Caxton Gibbet New alignment south of St Neots Dual 2-lane standard plus off-line improvement to Dual 2-lane standard Note: 1. 2. Although improved capacity for the Brampton-Alconbury section of A1 is recommended, it has not been taken forward formally in the appraisal process. This is because it is seen as an integral improvement required to make A14 between Cambridge and Huntingdon scheme function properly (ie it is associated with the CHUMMS Scheme rather than the LSM Strategy). Given that any substantive improvement to A1 Junctions 6-8 is conditional upon other changes in the corridor, no scheme has been included in the formal appraisal process. - 145 - 10.2.1 Framework Analysis The Framework Appraisal of the Preferred Strategy against the Reference Case is given in Table 10.2 for the year 2016 and in Table 10.3 for the year 2031. This analysis should not be seen as a formal appraisal of the strategy – that is provided as Chapter 11 of this Report. It should instead be seen as an audit that the strategy is delivering the key benefits which are at the heart of Government’s National Transport Strategy and 10-Year Plan. It should be noted that for both years, the main difference between the strategy and the Reference Case is represented by new infrastructure. Other considerations from Section 9.2.8 (ie technology or soft measures) have not been modelled explicitly but have been assumed to remain unchanged between the Reference Case and Strategy. At neither year has the strategy been buttressed by a road user charge. This is dealt with in Section 10.6. Table 10.2 presents the Framework Analysis for the full strategy against the 2016 Reference Case. A summary of the conclusions follows. • Environment; there is an overall reduction of about 1% in car person-km. and 2% in HGV-km. as a result of the strategy. • Accessibility; accessibility by all modes is improved whether for personrelated or employment-related purposes for trips originating in the Study Area. Similar benefits are enjoyed for virtually all through movements. • Safety; again the strategy delivers major safety benefits with a reduction of traffic on all classes of road in the Study Area and the biggest reduction occurring in those roads with the highest accident rates. • Integration; all integration objectives are improved by the strategy. Integration between modes is improved through better access to both major airports by all modes; integration with social policy improves through better access to jobs in relatively deprived areas; land-use policy is also reinforced and integration with economic and regeneration policy is improved through better access to jobs for those not having a car. • Economy; the key economy indicators all improve; average speeds across the highway network improve and access to the major economic centres improves by almost all modes to all centres. As a summary conclusion, the full strategy delivers a range of benefits against all five of the Government’s overarching objectives. Where there is a disbenefit against the Reference Case, this tends to be very small. - 146 - Table 10.2 Framework Analysis 2016; Preferred Strategy Versus Reference Case Performance Measures Base = 2016 Ref Case Test = 2016 Strategy 2016 Ref Case vs Strategy ENVIRONMENTAL OBJECTIVES Base Test Test - Base Test / Base 6,656,781 6,648,704 -8,077 1.00 All Day Car Person km (study area) 151,338,896 150,558,159 -780,737 0.99 All Day HGV km (study area) 19,049,814 18,687,642 -362,172 0.98 Base Test Test - Base Test / Base Population Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 794.61 221.88 136.02 796.39 258.00 146.16 1.78 36.13 10.14 1.00 1.16 1.07 Employment Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 224.39 59.00 41.51 224.57 68.96 43.22 0.18 9.97 1.71 1.00 1.17 1.04 London to Peterborough Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 1,953 1,027 1,947 967 -7 -60 1.00 0.94 London to Leicester Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 2,180 1,233 2,187 1,213 7 -20 1.00 0.98 London to Birmingham Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 2,293 1,380 2,307 1,353 13 -27 1.01 0.98 Chelmsford to Peterborough Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 1,760 4,280 1,760 3,947 0 -333 1.00 0.92 Chelmsford to Birmingham Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 2,513 5,033 2,500 4,693 -13 -340 0.99 0.93 Ipswich to Birmingham Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 2,653 5,913 2,627 5,480 -27 -433 0.99 0.93 Norwich to Birmingham Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 2,953 6,507 2,927 5,840 -27 -667 0.99 0.90 Norwich to Oxford Generalised Costs Car Public Transport 3,260 5,967 3,213 5,273 -47 -693 0.99 0.88 All Day Car Trips (study area) ACCESSIBILITY OBJECTIVES - 147 - SAFETY OBJECTIVES Base Test Test - Base Test / Base 6,656,781 6,648,704 -8,077 1.00 All Day Car Person km (study area) 151,338,896 150,558,159 -780,737 0.99 Passenger km by Road Type: Motorway A-Road B-Road Unclassified 192300075 269732394 21836201 13591015 190040486 268148553 21352772 12384617 -2259589 -1583841 -483429 -1206398 0.99 0.99 0.98 0.91 % Passenger km by Road Type: Motorway A-Road B-Road Unclassified 38.66 54.22 4.39 2.73 38.63 54.51 4.34 2.52 -0.02 0.29 -0.05 -0.21 1.00 1.01 0.99 0.92 Proportion of Time in Crowded Conditions: Rail 73.60 72.59 -1.01 0.99 Base Test Test - Base Test / Base Luton Airport Accesibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 26.54 6.54 8.00 27.09 7.61 8.55 0.55 1.07 0.55 1.02 1.16 1.07 Stansted Airport Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 77.44 11.44 5.61 77.63 13.48 6.06 0.19 2.04 0.45 1.00 1.18 1.08 Corby Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 25.00 1.94 2.03 25.02 2.30 2.12 0.02 0.36 0.09 1.00 1.19 1.04 Dunstable Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 24.77 3.65 3.44 25.94 4.16 3.62 1.17 0.52 0.18 1.05 1.14 1.05 Harlow Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 19.37 4.10 2.14 19.28 4.61 2.25 -0.09 0.52 0.11 1.00 1.13 1.05 151,338,896 150,558,159 -780,737 0.99 59.00 41.51 68.96 43.22 9.97 1.71 1.17 1.04 All Day Car Trips (study area) INTEGRATION OBJECTIVES All Day Car Passenger km (study area) (Proxy for land-use policy) Employment Accessibility Indices: Rail Bus (Proxy for employment/regeneration policy) - 148 - ECONOMY OBJECTIVES Base Test Test - Base Test / Base Average Speed: Highway (study area) 59.98 60.45 0.48 1.01 Proportion of Time in Crowded Conditions: Rail 73.60 72.59 -1.01 0.99 Milton Keynes Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 27.22 20.09 7.29 27.67 21.77 7.71 0.45 1.68 0.42 1.02 1.08 1.06 Cambridge Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 17.40 15.10 5.93 17.43 16.75 6.25 0.03 1.65 0.32 1.00 1.11 1.05 Stansted Airport Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 33.86 13.80 4.41 34.15 15.45 4.67 0.29 1.65 0.26 1.01 1.12 1.06 Luton Airport Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 42.44 18.99 7.35 42.96 20.61 7.65 0.52 1.62 0.29 1.01 1.09 1.04 Northampton Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 28.87 14.58 5.64 28.84 16.23 5.96 -0.03 1.65 0.32 1.00 1.11 1.06 Bedford Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 56.08 16.23 6.22 55.40 19.93 6.58 -0.68 3.69 0.36 0.99 1.23 1.06 Stevenage Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 84.50 21.32 6.54 84.60 23.33 6.90 0.10 2.01 0.36 1.00 1.09 1.05 St Albans Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 33.96 23.30 7.81 34.28 24.66 8.16 0.32 1.36 0.36 1.01 1.06 1.05 Hitchin Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 37.52 18.92 5.25 37.94 20.12 5.44 0.42 1.20 0.19 1.01 1.06 1.04 - 149 - Table 10.3 Framework Analysis 2031; Preferred Strategy Versus Reference Case • Performance Measures 2031 Scen A Ref Case vs Strategy Base = 2031 Scen A Ref Case Test = 2031 Scen A Strategy ENVIRONMENTAL OBJECTIVES Base Test Test - Base Test / Base 8,175,722 8,162,752 -12,970 1.00 All Day Car Person km (study area) 195,200,396 194,305,518 -894,878 1.00 All Day HGV km (study area) 26,457,840 24,912,180 -1,545,660 0.94 Base Test Test - Base Test / Base Population Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 565.85 188.38 102.80 573.79 197.59 102.88 7.94 9.21 0.08 1.01 1.05 1.00 Employment Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 139.22 49.08 27.13 140.58 51.38 27.04 1.36 2.30 -0.08 1.01 1.05 1.00 London to Peterborough Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 2,445 1,300 2,455 1,255 9 -45 1.00 0.97 London to Leicester Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 2,736 1,564 2,727 1,573 -9 9 1.00 1.01 London to Birmingham Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 2,873 1,764 2,855 1,764 -18 0 0.99 1.00 Chelmsford to Peterborough Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 2,200 4,473 2,236 4,418 36 -55 1.02 0.99 Chelmsford to Birmingham Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 3,118 5,318 3,091 5,309 -27 -9 0.99 1.00 Ipswich to Birmingham Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 3,300 6,355 3,273 6,291 -27 -64 0.99 0.99 Norwich to Birmingham Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 3,736 7,018 3,755 6,718 18 -300 1.00 0.96 Norwich to Oxford Generalised Costs Car Public Transport 4,418 6,427 4,445 6,064 27 -364 1.01 0.94 All Day Car Trips (study area) ACCESSIBILITY OBJECTIVES - 150 - SAFETY OBJECTIVES Base Test Test - Base Test / Base 8,175,722 8,162,752 -12,970 1.00 All Day Car Person km (study area) 195,200,396 194,305,518 -894,878 1.00 Passenger km by Road Type: Motorway A-Road B-Road Unclassified 245325605 336987912 28938046 17572097 236479220 330669981 28180512 16036971 -8846385 -6317931 -757534 -1535126 0.96 0.98 0.97 0.91 % Passenger km by Road Type: Motorway A-Road B-Road Unclassified 39.01 53.59 4.60 2.79 38.68 54.09 4.61 2.62 -0.33 0.50 0.01 -0.17 0.99 1.01 1.00 0.94 Proportion of Time in Crowded Conditions: Rail 61.02 58.81 -2.21 0.96 Base Test Test - Base Test / Base Luton Airport Accesibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 15.78 5.63 5.98 16.29 5.90 6.00 0.51 0.27 0.02 1.03 1.05 1.00 Stansted Airport Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 61.82 9.21 4.27 62.03 9.94 4.29 0.22 0.73 0.02 1.00 1.08 1.00 Corby Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 20.03 1.56 1.34 19.97 1.68 1.33 -0.06 0.12 -0.01 1.00 1.08 0.99 Dunstable Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 13.71 2.82 2.26 15.28 2.93 2.26 1.57 0.11 0.00 1.11 1.04 1.00 Harlow Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 7.62 3.06 1.43 7.64 3.18 1.37 0.01 0.12 -0.06 1.00 1.04 0.96 195,200,396 194,305,518 -894,878 1.00 49.08 27.13 51.38 27.04 2.30 -0.08 1.05 1.00 All Day Car Trips (study area) INTEGRATION OBJECTIVES All Day Car Passenger km (study area) (Proxy for land-use policy) Employment Accessibility Indices: Rail Bus (Proxy for employment/regeneration policy) - 151 - ECONOMY OBJECTIVES Base Test Test - Base Test / Base Average Speed: Highway (study area) 52.50 53.20 0.70 1.01 Proportion of Time in Crowded Conditions: Rail 61.02 58.81 -2.21 0.96 Milton Keynes Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 17.64 14.19 5.25 18.15 14.78 5.27 0.51 0.59 0.02 1.03 1.04 1.00 Cambridge Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 11.56 10.88 4.23 11.35 11.58 4.08 -0.22 0.71 -0.16 0.98 1.06 0.96 Stansted Airport Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 21.60 9.74 2.78 22.11 10.54 2.76 0.51 0.80 -0.02 1.02 1.08 0.99 Luton Airport Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 27.13 13.48 5.15 27.79 14.05 5.14 0.67 0.57 -0.02 1.02 1.04 1.00 Northampton Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 21.40 10.62 4.16 21.58 11.29 4.16 0.18 0.67 0.00 1.01 1.06 1.00 Bedford Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 39.32 11.60 4.35 39.14 13.76 4.43 -0.18 2.16 0.08 1.00 1.19 1.02 Stevenage Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 56.06 15.27 4.68 55.49 16.05 4.66 -0.57 0.78 -0.02 0.99 1.05 1.00 St Albans Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 21.74 16.68 5.57 22.27 16.90 5.51 0.53 0.22 -0.06 1.02 1.01 0.99 Hitchin Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 26.30 13.52 3.55 26.60 13.80 3.55 0.29 0.27 0.00 1.01 1.02 1.00 - 152 - Table 10.3 presents a similar Framework Analysis for 2031 which compares the full strategy against the Reference Case at 2031 levels of demand. The results can be summarised as follows. • Environment; the small reductions in travel as expressed in car person-kms and HGV-kms support this objective. • Accessibility; accessibility within the Study Area is improved for both indices and for all modes, with the exception of bus access to employment. In terms of through movements, there is a general improvement on all axes but some occasions where the cost of travel increases. Whilst showing a net benefit therefore, satisfying this objective does not perform as well as at 2016 levels. • Safety; the reduction in traffic on all road types is a clear benefit from a safety perspective as is the reduction in the proportion of time spent in overcrowded rail conditions. A minor concern, however, is that motorways carry a slightly smaller proportion of total traffic volumes than in the Reference Case. • Integration; all the integration objectives are improved by the strategy at 2031 with the exception of trips made by bus which show a slight deterioration. • Economy; again the indicators generally support this objective but with bus consistently showing a slight disbenefit. The results from the Framework Analysis demonstrate that the strategy performs very well against each of the Government’s overarching objectives at 2016 levels of demand. Whilst it still performs well at 2031 against a Reference Case for the same year, the performance is not as overwhelmingly beneficial as for the earlier year. The conclusion to be drawn, therefore, is that at the higher levels of demand in the later forecast year the strategy benefits start to be eroded and locational problems reappear. Appendix I summarises the Framework Appraisals for the strategy against the economic/land-use Scenarios B and C. The results, though not exactly identical to Scenario A, are very similar thus demonstrating that the strategy performs consistently against a range of uncertain economic outcomes in the Study Area. The strategy developed has not been able to accommodate the full range of possible outcomes which could emanate from other concurrent studies, such as to those relating to a possible High Speed line, Central Railway or major increases in airport capacity. However, some consideration has been given as to how the strategy could accommodate such uncertainties and this is discussed in Chapter 12. - 153 - 10.3 Freight Strategy 10.3.1 Railways The freight strategy has a number of discrete rail components which are discussed below. East-West Rail Link Cambridge to Oxford This is primarily a passenger project. It is not of significant benefit to rail freight because the volume of freight moving along this axis is relatively low. However, the corridor may be of use both for east–west movements and also to allow freight trains to divert between the various north–south main lines, potentially improving capacity and reliability. To achieve this the proposals for the line must provide capacity for freight trains, and allow the route to access main lines in both directions where they are crossed. Further Gauge Enhancement Where possible all key corridors in the Study Area should be enhanced to W12 gauge to allow 9’6” containers to be carried. The case for further gauge enhancement is difficult to make because the investment required is likely to be much higher than for W12. Capacity Provision The Reference Case upgrade of the WCML would provide adequate capacity to meet the10-year forecast of rail freight growth, particularly if Felixstowe traffic is diverted away from London. Beyond this, if rail freight traffic is to continue to grow, further north-south capacity must be provided. This issue is fully addressed by the capacity improvements recommended by this Study, which will provide high quality freight paths on all of the main north-south lines adequate to meet forecast freight demand throughout the Study period. Service Improvement Providing adequate capacity and gauge is not enough to ensure that significant volumes of freight transfer to rail. Journey times need to be reduced and reliability improved. A major cause of poor service quality is the lack of alternative freight routes or paths. Investment in new east-west routes, gauge enhancement, and improved capacity on north-south routes will substantially address these issues and underpin the continued growth of rail freight in the Study Area. Terminal Development New intermodal terminals are required around London to achieve the forecast growth in rail freight. Currently, little if any genuine domestic intermodal traffic (e.g. not related to ports or the Channel Tunnel) moves to or from London. Forecasts for this study using the SRA Freight Demand Model suggest that by 2010 there could be - 154 - demand for over 10 trains per day to and from London for this type of traffic, plus a further 4 trains per day to serve Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire, and Bedfordshire. There is also potential for growth in intermodal traffic to and from deep sea ports such as Southampton and Felixstowe. Currently rail services between these ports and London are only marginally viable, but by 2010 it is forecast that demand could increase to 18 trains per day from the current 2 or 3. This would offer further opportunities for an intermodal terminal serving the M25 and the southern part of the Study Area. Ideally, London terminals should be located near to the M25, rather than in Central London, and should be on a main line. There are very few such locations available for development in or near to the Study Area. One option would be to develop on green belt land, for instance where the M25 crosses the WCML, but this is unlikely to be politically acceptable. A suitable site is available at Radlett, although significant investment would be required to improve both road and rail access. Rail-Connected Warehouses Currently all freight movements to and from the huge retail distribution centres in the Study Area must take place by road. There is probably limited or no potential for rail freight to participate in making deliveries from these centres to the stores that they serve, as these are almost always within 100 miles and never served by rail. However, rail can play a role in the inbound movement of goods from suppliers, and potentially in the movement of products between distribution centres in different regions. Very little of this traffic currently moves by rail – although the Malcolm distribution service from DIRFT to Scotland shows that rail can compete over longer distances for retail sector goods. Much more could and would move by rail if the distribution centres were directly served by rail. Within the Study Area new rail-connected warehouses must be developed wherever possible, and non-rail-connected distribution development should be discouraged. Fortunately, many suitable sites exist including: • Northampton (Brackmills); • Kettering; • Wellingborough; • Corby; • Burton Latimer; and • Alconbury. - 155 - The proposed major development associated with the airfield at Alconbury would appear to support the objectives of the Study by offering rail freight access, and by developing a new focus for retail distribution centres away from the M1. Local Intermodal Terminals Some parts of the Study Area do not have easy access to intermodal interchanges, with only DIRFT in the North and Willesden in the South serving the Study Area. While demand from other areas is likely to be limited, small intermodal terminals and associated rail-connected warehousing could be developed at strategic locations such as Peterborough, Cambridge, or Milton Keynes. 10.3.2 Road Within the Study Area, the dominant corridor for road freight is the M1, and its importance is only likely to increase over time with the rapid growth of international trade, and as more companies locate their distribution facilities in the area. Widening of the M1 will improve access to London and the South East from the distribution centres in the north of the Study Area, as well as improving conditions for strategic road freight traffic. Improvements to the M1/A14 junction, the A14, and the M11 will provide a highquality alternative route to the M1/M25 for traffic between the Midlands, Thames Gateway and the Channel. If the improvement of the A14 incorporates hard shoulders, it will reduce delay through disruption on this key route to the Haven ports. Road freight users will also benefit from improved information and signage. If this is linked into hauliers’ communication systems it will allow real time decisions to be made to avoid disruption. Distance Based Charging for Goods Vehicles The Government intends to introduce Distance Based Charging (DBC) for goods vehicles by 2005/6. The cost of the new charges will be offset, for UK hauliers, by reductions in taxation. The overall impact on the volume of road freight moved is unlikely to be significant, but for very long-distance traffic the scheme will result in some transfer of freight from road to rail. There may be the potential to vary the DBC rate according to the time of day or type of road used. The Study recommends that the use of this mechanism to encourage goods vehicles to travel at night should be explored. Freight Priority The Study has explored opportunities to give priority to heavy goods vehicle movements, particularly during busy times of the day. In general the benefits of these schemes were not considered to outweigh the disadvantages and complexity of their operation. However, provision of freight priority at specific motorway junctions handling very high volumes of freight should be given further, detailed consideration. Example locations are Junctions 15 and 13 of M1. Systems meeting this requirement might include the provision of freight gates, or goods vehicle filters on roundabouts. - 156 - 10.3.3 Management and Policy Load Utilisation and Freight Management The Study forecasts of road freight traffic assume no improvement and no worsening of load utilisation for freight vehicles. Any improvement in the volume of freight carried by each vehicle would make a contribution to reducing traffic in the Study Area. The freight industry has clearly put forward a view that load utilisation will improve over time as a result of competitive pressure to reduce costs. However, there are actions which could be taken to accelerate this process including fiscal actions or collaborative actions. The Study recommends that Freight Quality Partnerships in the Study Area set targets for improved load utilisation. In addition, a Freight Forum should be created covering the Study Area and focus particularly on the retail distribution sector. The Forum should work closely with Freight Quality Partnerships to spread best practice in load sharing, back loading, and load utilisation. Freight Restrictions and Curfews Presently restrictions and curfews are the responsibility of Local Authorities, and restrictions reflect local needs. Restrictions have been built up in a non coordinated way over many years. There is an opportunity to coordinate restrictions across the Study Area and in Central London with the objective of improving the efficiency of distribution and encouraging the movement of long-distance freight by night, whilst still minimising the impact of freight deliveries in communities. 10.4 Operational Analysis It is also clear that operationally, the highway network will not be capable of returning to current levels of performance given the high levels of traffic increase forecast over the 30-year period. Figure 10.2 summarises the operational performance of the highway network at 2031. For this analysis a critical v/c ratio of 0.8 has been used for the full 3-hour peak period which assumes some peak spreading in response to increased traffic volumes at the forecast year relative to the Base Year. The plot shows that demand exceeds this critical v/c ratio for much of the strategic network. Thus, whilst the strategy has delivered undoubted benefits against the Government’s five objectives, it is nevertheless clear that further work must be done to ensure that the investment can deliver operational benefits for most hours of the year on the strategic highway network. The two measures seen to offer most potential in this respect are Active Traffic Management and road user charging and these are discussed below. - 157 - Figure 10.2 Highway Congestion 2031 with Preferred Strategy - 158 - 10.5 Active Traffic Management It is assumed that, in the longer term, increasingly sophisticated and responsive regimes will be adopted for the day-to-day management of the highway network. As stated in Section 9.3.5, one such regime is Active Traffic Management which is currently being developed and refined for wider application on the strategic network. It is assumed that such a technique will be used judiciously and, subject to the usual investment criteria, to tackle problems of particularly high demand where a flexible approach is required. The underlying proposition for ATM is that it can increase traffic throughput by managing the traffic demand more effectively. There is insufficient data yet to draw any conclusion on the scale of effective capacity increase which can be delivered but best estimates suggest a figure in the region of 10% - 20%. Given this range of improvement and delivery for some peak spreading, Figure 10.3 shows the operating conditions on the highway network at 2031 under Scenario A, assuming an effective capacity increase of 20%. 10.6 Road User Charging Road user charging is currently not a part of Government policy and even if policy were to change, it could not be adopted with full functionality within the short term for various legal, institutional and technical reasons as well as for reasons of public acceptability. Nevertheless, road user charging does offer a mechanism for: • Reducing overall levels of traffic growth; • Encouraging a shift from private to public transport; and • Effectively targeting congestion (depending to an extent on the particular technique used). All of these outcomes sit very comfortably within Government’s policy framework even if the principle itself has not been adopted. Equally, the revenue from such a policy could either create new, additional, revenue streams to accelerate improvements in transport provision or, as a revenue-neutral outcome, allow some rebasing of current fiscal measures related to transport. The debate on road user charging, the form it could take, the precise charging mechanisms and the possible implications for existing fiscal measures are all beyond the scope of this Study. Nevertheless, it is incumbent to highlight the benefits such a policy could deliver. To this end the transport model has been run assuming a charge of 10p/km which appears to be widely accepted as a reasonable starting point for optimising the charging regime. - 159 - Figure 10.3 Highway Congestion at 2031: Preferred Strategy with Active Traffic Management Strategy (top) and Active Traffic Management (bottom) – effect of a 20% capacity increase . - 160 - The outcome from that work has been to show considerable operational benefits at 2031 for the highway network through trip suppression (Figure 10.4) and modal shift towards public transport. Figure 10.4 Highway Congestion at 2031: Preferred Strategy with Road User Charging But No ATM Strategy (top) and Road User Charging (bottom) – assuming a charge of 10p/km. - 161 - Given these strategic benefits, the Study recommends that road user charging should form an integral part of the strategy at approximately the mid-way point of the Study period to safeguard the infrastructure investments. However the strategy is not critically dependent upon user charging from a highway capacity viewpoint, provided that additional capacity can be achieved through comprehensive application of Active Traffic Management. Nevertheless, road user charging offers a rational basis for tackling congestion, giving significant benefits not achievable through other mechanisms. It is also extremely flexible, in its most sophisticated form, allowing price variation by vehicle type and level of congestion (or time of day and road type as proxies for this). For these reasons it is strongly supported as a pivotal component of the strategy after about 2016 when much of the highway investment has taken place. If both these recommendations, road user charging and Active Traffic Management, are accepted, then a key issue will be to ensure that the technology will allow a transition from one to another as the primary means of bringing traffic volume and highway capacity into balance. Equally, the technology must allow both regimes to function in tandem since this will possibly be required at times of accidents, incidents or extreme traffic demands. - 162 - 11 Appraisal of the Preferred Strategy 11.1 Introduction This Chapter of the Report sets out the key findings of the strategy appraisal. A more detailed Study report (the Options Appraisal Report) sets out the findings by corridor and, where appropriate, by scheme. This division of reporting is considered appropriate because of the mass of information to be reported. Nevertheless, the principles of the whole process are discussed in this Chapter. Earlier Chapters described the strategy development process, starting with a ‘coarse sift’, through a set of objective maximising tests, separate highway and public transport analyses and finally a re-combined and refined strategy. This led to the development of a Preferred Strategy which sought to maximise the benefits represented by the Government’s objectives. For the early stages of strategy development, a Framework Appraisal was developed, in line with the principles set out in GOMMMS, so that options could be considered against each of the Government’s objectives without the need for detailed analysis (see Tables 10.2 and 10.3). In this way, it was possible to make rapid progress in the development of the strategy. However, for the final stages of appraisal, the full GOMMMS approach has been followed, as part of which Appraisal Summary Tables (AST’s) have been prepared. These final stages of appraisal are reported in this Chapter. 11.2 Corridor Definitions A key driver for the Study is to consider problems within five separate corridors. defined broadly as follows: • M1/WCML/MML; • A1(M)/A1/ECML; • M11/WAML; • A421/A428/East-West Rail; and • A14. These are One of the challenges of the LSM appraisal is to assimilate a great deal of information across these five largely disparate corridors. In order to do this in a meaningful way, it has been necessary to define each corridor spatially according to the following principles: • The main thrust of traffic movements in the Study Area is north-south, focused on the three main road corridors (M1, A1 and M11) as well as the major rail corridors (WCML, MML, ECML and WAML). The Study Area has, therefore, effectively been split approximately three ways on a north-south axis, each ‘sector’ more or less centred on one of the three major roads. This allows all significant changes in traffic in each of the three major corridors to be observed. • The two east-west corridors (A421/A428 and A14) have been dealt with in a slightly different way, to avoid any blurring of observed effects between corridors. The A14 corridor has been treated as a single, narrow strip, effectively comprising only the -163 - road itself. The intention is not to diminish the importance of east-west movements within the Study Area, but rather to isolate the effects on that particular road. A similar strategy has been adopted for the A421 and A428, although the corridor is drawn to encompass the proposed east–west rail scheme (Bicester-BletchleyBedford-Cambridge-Stansted). 11.3 Description of the Option Appraisal Tests The Study has undertaken a series of five separate plan appraisals, all of which were tested at individual corridor level as well as across the Study Area as a whole. The options have been tested principally against a Reference Case based on Scenario A for 2031. However, in order to assess the strategy performance against different economic outcomes, tests were undertaken against two further economic/land-use Scenarios B and C (see Section 5.3). The five plans tested can be summarised as follows: • Option 1. This comprises those interventions proposed within the Study Area which can be achieved within the 10-Year Plan period. This has been tested against the Reference Case under Scenario A. It should be noted that this package includes the A428 east of the A1. The reasons for this are given in Section 9.3; • Option 2. This comprises Option 1 together with the remaining rail schemes developed within the Study Area. This has, again, been also tested against the Reference Case under Scenario A; and • Options 3, 4 and 5. These options each contain the full strategy. The difference in these three tests is that whilst they have all been tested against the Reference Case networks, they were tested under Scenarios A, B and C respectively. The schemes included for each Option are summarised in Table 11.1. Options 3 to 5 comprise all the schemes listed in Table 11.1. 11.4 Option Appraisal Methodology 11.4.1 Overview The Government’s five objectives for transport have been described earlier (Section 7.4). In summary, these are as follows: • environment – to protect the built and natural environment; • safety – to improve safety; • economy – to support sustainable economic activity and get good value for money; • accessibility – to improve access to facilities for those without a car and to reduce severance; and • integration – to ensure that all decisions are taken in the context of the Government’s integrated transport policy. -164 - Table 11.1 Proposed Infrastructure Improvements Corridor Rail Section WCML/MML/M1 Road Recommendation Section Recommendation Watford Junction -Berkhamsted 6 tracks or equivalent capacity M1 Junctions 6A-13 1 Dual 4-lane standard Rugby – Birmingham 4 tracks or equivalent capacity Dunstable Northern Bypass 1 Dual 2-lane standard Kings Langley and Apsley Increase platforms to accommodate 12-car trains Luton Northern Bypass Dual 2-lane standard M1 Junction 12 Closure Bedford – Northampton Re-open as extension of Thameslink M1 Junction 131 Re-modelling to separate eastwest movement from that gaining access to/egress from the M1 A1, Brampton-Alconbury 2 Dual 3-lane standard A1, Sandy to Beeston Dual-2 lane standard bypass A1, Junctions 6-8 2 Climbing lane only northbound and associated ATM. Alternative 3-lane dual carriageway, only if associated with other measures for the corridor to downgrade its role. Bedford – Leicester Bedford Station 4 tracks throughout or equivalent capacity Re-model, including electrification of fast tracks ECML/A1/A1(M) WAML/M11 Welwyn Garden City – Knebworth 4 tracks throughout (including Welwyn Viaduct) or equivalent capacity Huntingdon – Peterborough 4 tracks throughout or equivalent capacity Kings Cross and Finsbury Park area and north of Peterborough Additional modifications as necessary Tottenham Hale – Bishops Stortford 4 tracks throughout or equivalent capacity M11 Junctions 8-9 1 Dual 3-lane standard Stansted Airport Additional tunnel M11 Junctions 9-14 Dual 3-lane standard Cambridge Station and Ely Station Additional platforms and tracks -165 - A14 A421/A428 Note: 1. 2. Bicester – Bletchley1 Re-open rail link Bedford – Cambridge New link Schemes included in the 10-Year Plan. Not included in appraisal for reasons given in Chapter 10. -166 - M1 Junction 19 – Ellington A1 Dual 3-lane standard B1047-A11 Dual 3-lane standard A421 immediately west of M1 Dual 2-lane standard A421 from M1 to Bedford Bypass1 Dual 2-lane standard A428 east of A1 to Caxton Gibbet New alignment south of St Neots Dual 2-lane standard plus off-line improvement to Dual 2-lane standard Appraisal against the five Government objectives is the principal element in the assessment of plans and interventions, as set out in GOMMMS. The option appraisal results are summarised in a series of AST’s given in Appendix J. Worksheets recording the impacts predicted for each option in a qualitative and quantitative way have also been prepared and are included in a separate Options Appraisal Report. This supporting report also makes use of a number of AST’s for specific scheme appraisals achievable within the 10-Year Plan undertaken by the Highways Agency’s Framework Consultants who were ‘shadowing’ the Consultant Team for the later stages of the Study (when the strategy content was becoming more clearly defined). The advantage of the Framework Consultants’ AST’s is that they were scheme-specific rather than strategy-related and, hence, could provide significantly more detail. 11.4.2 Consultation with Environmental Bodies GOMMMS notes that the process of producing the AST’s, underlying worksheets and the appraisal report is intended to ensure that the basis on which environmental impacts have been scored is transparent. The approach is intended to show, in a clear and auditable manner, how the evidence on environmental impacts has been assembled and analysed. The option appraisal process was programmed to ensure that AST’s were produced with sufficient time to allow the Statutory Environmental Bodies (SEB’s) to comment on them before the strategy was finally concluded. 11.4.3 Level of Appraisal Detail The appraisal has been undertaken at a level of detail consistent with the requirements of GOMMMS with respect to plan level appraisal. However, in the case of Option 1, the LSM Study Team had the advantage of having access to the more detailed work undertaken by Framework Consultants to the Highways Agency in respect of highways proposals achievable within the 10-Year Plan period. This has enabled more detailed work on these scheme components to be presented in this Report. 11.5 Overview of Appraisal Results 11.5.1 Introduction This section sets out the results of the five option appraisal tests described above. For the purposes of this Report, an overview only is given in order to identify any significant improvements or key areas of concern. A full, detailed description of the results is given in the separate Options Appraisal Report. The results are presented under the heading of each GOMMMS appraisal topic and are given in aggregate across the whole Study Area. Where it is possible to distinguish in general terms between results in each corridor and particular schemes, this has been done. This is principally the case in respect of land-based environmental effects (eg landscape and biodiversity). -167 - 11.5.2 Environment Objective Noise The overall pattern of noise exposure across the Study Area would be changed very little by any of the Options because, in terms of noise emissions, road traffic flow changes are generally low. In some areas noise levels will increase a little, in others they will decrease a little, but on balance the net effects over the Study Area as a whole will be small and similar for all Options. The greatest benefits are obtained for Option 5 when the full strategy is appraised against the highest level of demand, Scenario C. In keeping with modern practice, new or widened roads will probably be built with noise mitigation (low noise road surfaces or barriers) leading to benefits in these areas that will often offset any traffic increase on these roads. Conservative assumptions have been taken for the extent of noise mitigation included in these schemes, and under evolving noise policy it is quite possible that a greater level of mitigation will be required and greater noise benefits could be produced. ‘Feeder roads’ that bring traffic to the new or widened roads are expected to experience increased noise annoyance that may go unmitigated and partly offset the benefits of the on-scheme mitigation. Noise impacts on such ‘feeder roads’ will be studied as part of the detailed Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for each scheme, and, if they are predicted to be significant, consideration could be given to noise mitigation; for example, re-surfacing with low noise roads surfacing at a suitable point in the road maintenance programme. Air Quality The key performance indicator when comparing air quality changes using GOMMMS methodology is the air quality index. This index is a function of change in concentration and population affected and its purpose is to indicate the overall impact on air quality. Negative values indicate that the population is likely to experience an improvement in air quality and positive values a worsening in air quality. The greater these values the more marked the change in air quality across the population. The air quality indices for each of the options are summarised in Table 11.2 below. Table 11.2 Change in Air Quality for Each Option Option 1 2 3 4 5 Description 10-Year Plan 10-Year Plan and all rail schemes Full Strategy – Scenario A Full Strategy – Scenario B Full Strategy – Scenario C NO2 Index PM10 Index -57,000 840,000 11,000 580,000 -450,000 -7,000 63,000 -7,000 41,000 -34,000 The indices above indicate that Option 5 performs best. As for noise, this reflects the full strategy within a context of very high economic, and hence traffic growth. The relatively large negative air quality indices for nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and fine particulates (PM10) indicate that there is an overall improvement in air quality for the population within the Study Area. Option 1 (ie the 10-Year Plan) also performs well. However, Options 2 and 4 result in large positive GOMMMS indices. This indicates that the population in the Study -168 - Area is predicted to experience degradation in air quality. indicate a neutral impact to air quality. The indices for Option 3 The explanation for these inconsistencies is as follows. Two quite separate effects are involved in this calculation: an inter-urban effect where traffic volumes decrease, and an urban effect where increased access, particularly by bus to railway stations increases urban vehicle-km. Given that the concentration of exposure to pollutants is higher in urban areas, this creates a disproportionate effect; in other words, any change in pollutant has a greater impact on the index because of the numbers in close proximity exposed to that change. The outcome is not consistent but reflects the net result of two impacts which pull in different directions. The degradation in air quality is therefore mainly in the urban areas and the improvements in air quality are in less populated suburban areas. This suggests that whilst the strategy may deliver improvement to the inter-urban network, there maybe a knock-on urban impact which will require mitigation. It should be noted that a full, in-depth air quality impact assessment would be undertaken for each of these proposed road schemes, as part of an EIA, should they proceed to a more advanced stage. Greenhouse Gases The total amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted from each of the strategies and the Reference Case has been determined and compared for each option. The results of this assessment are presented in Table 11.3 below. Table 11.3 Change in Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Each Option Option CO2 Emissions CO2 Emissions Change in CO2 in Reference with Strategy in emissions (kilo Case Place (tonnes) tonnes) (tonnes) % Change in CO2 Emissions 1 10,513,600 10,192,200 Reduction of 321,400 Reduction of 3.1% 2 10,513,600 10,180,900 Reduction of 332,711 Reduction of 3.2% 3 10,513,600 10,664,000 Increase of 150,400 4 10,949,800 10,550,960 Reduction of 398,840 Reduction of 3.6% 5 10,744,200 10,664,000 Reduction of 80,200 Reduction of 0.7% Increase of 1.0% The results show that Options 1, 2, 4 and 5 result in a decrease in CO2 emissions throughout the Study Area, due to a reduction in traffic flows from the Reference Case. Option 3, the full strategy under Scenario A, results in an increase in CO2 emissions within the Study Area. Again, this reflects two impacts pulling in opposite directions which, in the case of Option 3, nets out as a negative impact. The result appears inconsistent and reinforces the need for much more detailed analysis at individual scheme level. Landscape The appraisal of landscape effects has been undertaken without consideration of mitigation effects and therefore presents a worst-case assessment. The lack of detailed design information for schemes at this stage of appraisal means that effects identified -169 - remain potential, worst-case impacts, which may be reduced or eliminated through alignment alterations or engineering solutions employed in more detailed design. Option 1 produces potentially moderate adverse impacts in the M1, M11 and A421/A428 corridors. Overall effects on the Study Area are therefore assessed as potentially moderate adverse, and arise mainly from the effects of widening schemes upon nonstatutory designated areas such as Areas of Great Landscape Value (AGLV’s). Option 2 produces potentially moderate adverse impacts in the M1, M11 and A421/A428 corridors. Slight adverse impacts are predicted for the A1 corridor, and neutral impacts are assessed for the A14 corridor, as it does not contain any schemes. Overall effects on the Study Area are therefore assessed as potentially moderate adverse, and arise mainly from the effects of widening schemes and new road and rail schemes upon landscape character and non-statutory designated areas such as AGLV’s. Options 3, 4 and 5 produce, overall, a potentially substantial adverse impact. Additional schemes in Options 3, 4 and 5 producing this potentially substantial adverse impact include the Luton Northern Bypass above, the A1 Sandy and Beeston Bypass, the M11 widening between Junctions 9 and 14, A14 widening between A1 and M1 Junction 19, and A14 widening between B1047 and A11. The impact arises principally, however, from the effects of a new road scheme within an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). Potentially adverse impacts also arise from widening schemes and new road and rail schemes affecting landscape character and non-statutory designated areas such as AGLV’s. It should be noted, however, that, as with all the scheme components in the Study, design details have yet to be finalised, and during the more detailed appraisal process as individual schemes are taken forward, detailed mitigation measures will be investigated. Townscape The appraisal of townscape effects has been undertaken without consideration of mitigation effects and therefore presents a worst-case assessment. The lack of detailed design information for schemes at this stage of appraisal means that effects identified remain potential, worst-case effects, which may be reduced or eliminated through alignment alterations or engineering solutions employed in more detailed design. Option 1 produces potentially moderate adverse impacts in the M1 corridor, with potentially slight adverse effects predicted for the A421/A428 corridor. The three remaining corridors will experience neutral impacts. The scheme producing the potentially moderate adverse impacts is the M1 widening from Junction 10 to 13. Overall effects on the Study Area are therefore assessed as potentially moderate adverse, and arise mainly from the impact of motorway widening on urban open spaces. Option 2 produces potentially moderate adverse impacts in the M1, A1 and M11 corridors, with slight adverse effects predicted for the A421/A428 corridor. The A14 corridor will experience neutral impacts. Additional schemes in Option 2 producing moderate adverse impacts include the WCML widening between Watford Junction and Berkhamsted, MML widening between Kettering and Leicester, and WAML widening between Tottenham Hale and Bishops Stortford. Overall effects on the Study Area are therefore assessed as potentially moderate adverse, and arise mainly from the impact of road and rail widening on urban areas, open spaces and Conservation Areas. -170 - Options 3, 4 and 5 produce potentially moderate adverse impacts in the M1, A1 and M11 corridors, with potentially slight adverse effects predicted for the A421/A428 and A14 corridors. Overall effects on the Study Area are therefore assessed as potentially moderate adverse, and arise mainly from the impact of road and rail interventions on urban areas, open spaces and Conservation Areas. Heritage of Historic Resources The lack of detailed design information for schemes at this stage of appraisal means that any impacts on historic resources remain potential, worst-case effects, which may be reduced or eliminated through alignment alterations or engineering solutions employed in more detailed design. For Option 1 highway schemes, in general it is likely that the ground within the highway boundary has already been disturbed through previous road development and landscaping. Therefore, when widening takes place within the highway boundary, the potential for encountering in-situ archaeological deposits during ground works will be limited. However, where widening will extend beyond the existing highway boundaries, it is anticipated that there may be a potentially adverse impact on archaeological resources. Likely landtake requirements for the widening of M1 in the area of The Aubrey's Scheduled Ancient Monument (SAM) have been assessed as having a potentially large adverse impact. In addition, proposals for land take in the M11 corridor will also cause a potentially large adverse impact on two SAM’s: the Roman villa at Chinnel Barn and St Helen's Chapel, Bonhunt. There is a potential moderate adverse impact anticipated on the Thorn Hill SAM close to A5 Dunstable Northern Bypass. In general, where widening will extend beyond the existing railway boundaries, it is anticipated that there may potentially be a slight adverse impact on known and unknown archaeological resources. The impact on listed buildings, Registered Parks and Gardens and Conservation Areas in all the route corridors has been assessed as potentially neutral to slight adverse, as the setting of some Grade II listed buildings which are close to the highway may be affected. In general, the impact of the proposed works on the A421 and A428 on known cultural heritage resources has been assessed as slight beneficial or neutral. However, there may be a potentially slight adverse impact on unknown archaeological resources. For the Option 1 rail scheme, in general, a neutral impact has been identified for most cultural heritage resources along the proposed corridor. However, a potentially slight adverse impact has been assessed for several Conservation Areas immediately adjacent to the track, and ground works which extend beyond the existing engineering base may slightly adversely affect in-situ archaeological deposits. Additionally, industrial archaeology associated with the mothballed track may be slightly adversely affected. For the additional rail schemes in Option 2, in general, it is likely that the ground within the railway boundary has already been disturbed through previous railway development and landscaping. Therefore, when widening takes place within the railway boundary, the potential for encountering in-situ archaeological deposits during ground works will be limited. In general, where no landtake is proposed, the impact on cultural heritage resources will be neutral, unless the resource is immediately adjacent to the track, in which case there may be a slight adverse impact on setting and ambience. -171 - Where widening is likely to extend beyond existing railway boundaries, it is anticipated that there may be an adverse impact on archaeological resources. In particular, potential landtake in the vicinity of Berkamsted Castle SAM, the SAM at Norcott Court Farm and the SAM at the Roman temple in Harlow may result in a large adverse impact on those sites, and landtake near Irchester Roman Town SAM may result in a moderate adverse impact. In addition, slight adverse impacts are predicted on a large number of Conservation Areas, Registered Parks and Gardens, Listed Buildings, Archaeological Priority Areas and known and unknown archaeological sites. For Options 3, 4 and 5 highway schemes, there is a potentially large adverse impact anticipated at the SAM at Cantelupe Farm Haslingfield. There is also a potentially moderate adverse impact predicted on the SAM at Spaldwick Bridge and a slight adverse impact predicted at four other SAM’s, all within the M11 Corridor. There is also a potentially slight adverse impact anticipated at Dray's Ditches SAM in the area of the proposed Luton Northern Bypass. In general, a neutral to slight adverse impact is predicted on all known cultural heritage resources in the route corridors. However, the number of entries in the National Monuments Record indicates that there may be other, unknown archaeological resources in the route corridors which may suffer a slight to moderate adverse impact from the proposed schemes. It should be noted that all of the above impacts have been assessed based on preliminary scheme details and without consideration of mitigation. Detailed discussions will need to take place with English Heritage at the more detailed planning stage. Biodiversity The appraisal of biodiversity effects has been undertaken without consideration of mitigation effects and therefore presents a worst-case assessment. The lack of detailed design information for schemes at this stage of appraisal means that effects identified remain potential, worst-case effects, which may be reduced or eliminated through alignment alterations or engineering solutions employed in more detailed design. For Option 1, there are several cases where the potential for serious or very serious impacts are predicted, particularly where nationally designated sites or ancient woodland lie adjacent, or in close proximity, to the road or rail corridors. The A421/A428 is the most significantly constrained corridor with one SSSI and several areas of ancient woodland affected, whereas the M1 corridor is relatively unconstrained by sites of high nature conservation value. However, there are many locally designated sites which may be affected in this corridor. For Option 2, there are many occasions where potentially serious or very serious adverse impacts are predicted. The WAML corridor is very constrained, with six SSSI’s directly or indirectly affected. The WCML/MML corridor also has potentially significant adverse impacts associated with the eight SSSI’s that may be affected. In Options 3, 4 and 5, the A14 Corridor is the most constrained, with one cSAC (candidate Special Area for Conservation) and approximately 13 sites being potentially adversely affected. The A1 Corridor is also constrained, with one cSAC and several other serious adverse impacts predicted. Of the interventions, rail has the most significant impacts, with the Luton Northern Bypass also having direct impacts on designated sites. The M1 road corridor affects largely local sites. -172 - Although Option 1 has the fewest potentially adverse impacts on designated sites, there are still a few cases where the potential for very serious or serious adverse effects are predicted. Rail interventions in Option 2 have potentially significant effects, particularly for the M1 corridor. As the majority of schemes require landtake, there is a high possibility that protected species or habitats will also be affected and this has been assumed throughout. Impacts on protected species or habitats would represent a potentially major adverse impact. Field surveys would be required as schemes are taken forward to detailed design. Consultation with English Nature would be required to identify appropriate mitigation measures for species protection as well as more general advice on route alignment to mitigate the effects on sites identified above. Water Resources The appraisal of water resource effects has been undertaken without consideration of mitigation and therefore presents a worst-case assessment. The lack of detailed design information for schemes at this stage of appraisal means that effects identified remain potential, worst-case effects, which may be reduced or eliminated through alignment alterations or engineering solutions employed in more detailed design. The schemes proposed in Option 1 cross approximately 13 main watercourses and are likely to pose some potential impacts in terms of increased runoff from the highway schemes. This has the potential to affect flood susceptibility and water quality. The rail scheme is less likely to produce run-off related impacts but may pose potential impacts during construction. The schemes proposed in Option 2 cross approximately 33 main watercourses and are likely to pose a larger number of potential impacts in terms of increased runoff than Option 1. The large number of rail schemes in this option are less likely to produce runoff-related impacts but may pose potentially extensive impacts during construction. The schemes proposed in Options 3, 4 and 5 cross approximately 38 main watercourses and are likely to pose the largest number of potential impacts. The additional highway schemes in Options 3, 4 and 5 compared to Option 2 present a notable increase in potential impact in terms of increased runoff and the associated flood susceptibility and water quality problems. Mitigation measures employed in design and construction will reduce dramatically the potential impacts on water resources, in particular, the use of suitable drainage design in infrastructure schemes. Environment Agency Pollution Prevention Guidelines (PPG’s) should be followed during construction. Overall, the impact will be potentially slightly adverse for all options, given that the above mitigation measures are well accepted and routinely employed in new schemes. Physical Fitness Overall, it is considered that Option 1 would have a neutral effect over the whole Study Area, as the changes in road and rail trips are so small. A slight increase in public transport use (around 1,500 extra rail trips per day related to a Reference Case of some 5 million trips) would be offset by a slight increase in car usage with respect to the Reference Case (5,500 extra trips per day related to a Reference Case of 34 million trips). -173 - Options 2, 3, 4 and 5 would also have a neutral effect over the whole Study Area, as the changes in road and rail trips are similarly very small. Overall, the changes in travel behaviour are too slight to produce significant benefits in terms of physical fitness. Journey Ambience The road widening and new road and rail routes in Option 1 will provide the potential to resolve some existing problems related to traveller care, views and stress and these benefits would be experienced by a large number of people. Overall, a slightly beneficial effect would occur over the whole Study Area. Option 2 would have a moderate beneficial effect over the whole Study Area. The increased number of rail improvements in Option 2 compared to Option 1 would increase the overall journey ambience benefits that accrue and these benefits would be experienced by a larger number of people than in Option 1. Options 3, 4 and 5 would also have a moderate beneficial effect over the whole Study Area. The increased number of road improvements in these Options compared to Option 2 would increase the overall journey ambience benefits that accrue and these benefits would be experienced by a larger number of people than in Option 2. Overall, the improvements to journey ambience build up as the number of road and rail schemes increases. Widened or new roads offer the potential to improve road conditions by reducing stress and improving traveller care and views. Widened or new rail routes offer the potential to reduce overcrowding and thereby improve journey ambience. Although not fully reflected in the AST, these benefits are substantial as they occur over a large area and on a number of routes, and affect a large number of drivers or passengers. The monetary evaluation of overcrowding benefits over the full 30-Year period is estimated to be £311m. discounted to 2001. 11.5.3 Safety Objective Accidents The results of the accident appraisal are shown in Table 11.4 below. The Table describes the accident reduction at 2031 and is expressed in terms of numbers of persons. Table 11.4 Change in Number of Casualties Option Fatal 1 -5 2 -28 3 -26 4 -28 5 -26 Severity Serious -92 -405 -379 -416 -384 Slight -541 -755 -872 -1,031 -851 The above Table shows that all options provide a substantial benefit relative to the Reference Case. Interestingly, the accident benefits decrease marginally as the volume -174 - of traffic increases (eg Scenario C compared with Scenario B). Economic benefits associated with the reduction in accidents are discussed in Section 11.5.4. Security An increase in road security can be produced by a reduction in the amount of time that road vehicles are slow moving or stationary. Each of the five options result in a reduction in the time road vehicles spent slow moving or stationary, as congestion is reduced in the Study Area in a number of location. No change in rail security is expected as a result of the rail schemes proposed in the Options, as measures to improve rail security, such as improved signage, surveillance, lighting and emergency contact points have been assumed with other ‘soft measures’ in the Reference Case (see Section 9.2.8). 11.5.4 Economy Objective Transport Economic Efficiency In accordance with GOMMS, the economic evaluation for the five Options was carried out using the Transport User Benefit Appraisal (TUBA) package. TUBA takes into account the key elements of cost and benefit associated with each scheme, namely: • construction costs; • land costs; • maintenance costs; • preparation costs; • supervision costs; • operating costs (public transport only); • travel time benefits; • vehicle operating cost reductions; and • tax revenue changes. The costs were calculated as part of the scheme specification and input to TUBA, whilst the benefits were calculated by TUBA using journey times, travel distances and trip numbers from the transport model. Monetary values are assigned to these benefits by TUBA, based on values of time, vehicle operating costs and fuel duty. There are, therefore, three key values calculated from TUBA which describe the economic performance of schemes: • present value of costs (PVC): this is the sum of the various cost elements occurring in each year between 2002 (to allow for scheme preparation costs) and 2040, discounted in each case to a base year of 2001 using a discount rate of 6%; -175 - • present value of benefits (PVB): this is the sum of the monetary benefits recognised in each year between 2011 and 2040, again discounted to a base year of 2001 using a discount rate of 6%; and • benefit/cost ratio (BCR): this is the ratio of the PVB to the PVC, and hence gives an indication of the overall value for money of the scheme. There are, however, some elements of the costs and benefits which are not taken into account by TUBA, in particular: • disruption during construction; • benefits during periods of network maintenance; • increased network reliability; • changes in the number of accidents; and • crowding on public transport services. It should be noted that, due to the complexities associated with modelling the number of schemes included in the Options, the economic evaluation was simplified such that: • all schemes in Option 1 were assigned a nominal opening year of 2011; • schemes introduced incrementally in Options 2 to 5 were assigned a nominal opening year of 2021; and • the benefits in Options 2 to 5 for the period from 2011 to 2020 (ie until opening of the additional schemes) were assumed to be identical to those in Option 1, and the PVB calculated by TUBA for Options 2 to 5 was only used for the period from 2021 to 2040. The latter convention was followed to allow all schemes to be evaluated over the same 30-year period. Effectively, this only takes into account benefits for 20 years after the opening of schemes in Options 2 to 5. However, benefits thereafter would be subjected to a significant discount factor, and thus extending the analysis period would be unlikely to have a large effect on the results. Given that the schemes concerned are not due to open until later in the Study period, the economic evaluation carried out as part of the detailed design process will have a later base year and can be assessed for 30 years from the opening of each schemes. The PVB for this analysis can then be expected to be greater than the values calculated as part of this Study. The results of the economic evaluation are discussed below, whilst the Transport Efficiency Table, which summarise the outputs from TUBA, are included with the AST’s in Appendix J. Option 1 The values calculated by TUBA for Option 1 are: • PVC: £783 million -176 - • PVB: £1,786 million; and • BCR: 2.28. The BCR is indicative, therefore, of a package of schemes which would provide very good value for money. The values of PVC, PVB and BCR have also been calculated separately for each scheme, as shown in Table 11.5. With the exception of the Oxford to Bedford rail scheme, each individual scheme has a BCR considerably higher than 1.00 and hence represents good value for money. In terms of the Oxford to Bedford scheme, there are a number of other benefits associated with this scheme which are not included in the economic evaluation, such as the ability to divert trains between the various north-south routes in the event of a blockage in any one corridor. These benefits are discussed in more detail for the full package of rail schemes under Option 2. It should also be noted that, although the BCR for the rail scheme is considerably lower than for the highway components, the combined effect remains a multi-modal package of schemes with a BCR of 2.28. Table 11.5 Economic Evaluation of Schemes in Option 1 Scheme PVC (£ million) Highway: PVB (£ million) BCR M1 Junctions 6A-10 107 351 3.28 M1 Junctions 10-13 with A5-M1 Link (Dunstable Northern Bypass) 208 664 3.19 M11 Junctions 8-9 78 225 2.89 A421 M1 to Bedford Bypass and A428 A1 to Caxton Gibbet 146 366 2.50 Oxford to Bedford 244 179 0.74 Total for highway components 539 1,607 2.98 Total for rail components 244 179 0.74 TOTAL 783 1,786 2.28 Rail: In addition to the benefits calculated using TUBA, a reduction in accidents can be expected for two reasons: • traffic from the highway network will transfer to the rail network; and • additional capacity on the high-standard roads will result in a re-assignment of traffic away from lower-standard roads which have higher accident rates. -177 - A simple calculation based on the change in traffic volumes by road type and transfer to the rail network, in conjunction with standard economic values associated with accidents given in the Government’s COBA Manual, suggests a PVB for accident reduction of £130m. Thus, the total PVB is increased to £1,915m. and the BCR to 2.45. Option 2 The values calculated by TUBA for Option 2 are: • PVC: £4,977 million; • PVB: £2,460 million; and • BCR: 0.49. By comparison with Option 1, the incremental effect of introducing the rail schemes in Option 2 (ie excluding the Oxford to Bedford rail scheme in Option 1) is: • PVC: £4,194 million; • PVB: £674 million; and • BCR: 0.16. Clearly, the BCR for the rail schemes is very low if only the output from TUBA is considered. In part, this is because the demands on the rail network are currently such that a ‘step change’ in track provision is needed to provide a small increase in train paths. However, since the new track will then have spare train paths, there will be scope for operators to provide further new passenger or freight services, beyond those specified as part of the Preferred Strategy. Moreover there are a number of important benefits which are not included in the evaluation using TUBA, notably: • a reduction in overcrowding on trains; • increased reliability of the network and scope for maintenance; • impact on land-use strategy; • a significant reduction in road accidents due to the volume of freight transferred to the rail network; and • scope for additional services. Overcrowding As discussed in Section 7.2.3, many passenger services are currently experiencing high levels of overcrowding. Most models recognised by the rail industry, including the LSM model, reflect the reduced passenger comfort under such conditions by means of a perceived increase in journey time. For example, a 15-minute journey under crowded conditions may be valued by a passenger as the equivalent of a 20-minute journey. The -178 - magnitude of this ‘crowding penalty’ will be increased as the level of crowding is further increased. The increased number of passenger services specified for Option 2 (and Options 3 to 5) will significantly reduce the crowding on trains, and the reduced crowding penalty has been evaluated using TUBA. The reduced time in crowded conditions has thereby been calculated as equivalent to a PVB of £311m, which is a similar value to that given in the Business Case for Thameslink 2000. This could be an underestimate, since only crowding on peak trains is modelled. By 2031, it is very likely that off-peak services will also be significantly crowded, and hence the benefit of crowding relief will be realised over a greater part of the day. Reliability and Maintenance As the analysis of constraints has shown, much of the rail network in the Study Area is operating at capacity and will continue to do so in the future. As a result, any disruption to an individual service will have knock-on implications for other services on the route. This is demonstrated by the poor reliability performance of operators on the LSM routes at present, as shown in Table 11.6 using the SRA’s Public Performance Measure. This is a composite indicator of train service reliability. Table 11.6 Public Performance Measure Results Trains on Time (%) Peak All Day London and South East Operators Silverlink (WCML) Thameslink (MML) West Anglia Great Northern (ECML and WAML) All South East operators Inter-city Operators GNER (ECML) Midland Mainline (MML) Virgin West Coast (WCML) All inter-city operators All Operators 78.4 69.2 66.1 73.9 83.7 72.7 74.8 78.5 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 70.9 76.3 73.3 72.8 78.5 Source: SRA National Rail Trends September 2002 The Table shows that only Silverlink is above the national average for all operators and the average for South East operators. Among the inter-city operators, Midland Mainline’s performance is above average, Virgin’s is approximately at the average level and GNER is below average. Even the best operator, Silverlink, experiences delays to 16% of its trains on an all day basis and 22% in the peak. Furthermore, it should be noted that the definition of ‘on time’ is within five minutes of the scheduled arrival time for the London and South East operators and within ten minutes for the inter-city operators. Accordingly, there is considerable scope for improving performance. Without significant investment, as the rail network continues to increase in age, performance is likely to decline further. The additional capacity provided by the strategy will not be fully utilised, at least initially, and will therefore provide more reserve capacity to manage delays. This should enable a significant improvement in reliability to be achieved. Furthermore, research for the rail -179 - industry has indicated that passengers value the inconvenience of delay time much more highly than scheduled journey time. Increasing the number of tracks and providing additional linkages between routes would also assist in minimising service disruption during maintenance work. This is particularly significant for two reasons. Firstly, decades of under-investment have meant that there is a severe backlog of maintenance and renewal work required on the rail network. As a result the need for engineering possessions is likely to rise significantly over the next few years. The availability of parallel tracks or additional diversionary routes will help reduce the disruption to services and the consequent inconvenience to passengers. Secondly, the introduction of more stringent health and safety regulations for track workers has resulted in a reduction in the number of maintenance activities that can be undertaken on or adjacent to operational tracks. It is often necessary to have the buffer of a nonoperational line between passing trains and the track that is actually being worked on. This severely restricts the options for undertaking maintenance without a total possession of the relevant route section on two-track routes and to a lesser extent four-track alignments. Where six tracks are provided this problem and the associated disruption costs are significantly reduced. To some extent the benefits arising from the improved reliability and the greater flexibility for maintenance are difficult to quantify without detailed operational modelling. However, initial calculations based on current delays suggest that the value of time savings associated with reliability and maintenance could have a PVB of around £183m. Land-Use The Government has plans to further increase the number of households in London and the South East. However, without significant investment in the rail network, the number of peak passengers into London from the Study Area will be limited by capacity, which could have economic implications for the areas concerned. To some extent, the problems associated with further expansion in London will be alleviated by development of employment opportunities in other areas, such as Milton Keynes, Bedford and Cambridge. Such ventures will only be a success if these areas have appropriate transport links. Therefore, the importance of rail services on an east-west axis must be seen in terms of the wider planning agenda, rather than on the basis of simple economic evaluation. Unfortunately, the land-use implications of the rail investment are virtually impossible to quantify. Accidents The methodology for calculating accident benefits has been described above under Option 1. The PVB for the reduction in accidents associated with Option 2 has been calculated as £443 m. which represents an increase of £313m. compared with Option 1. Scope for Additional Services The economic evaluation has been based on the additional passenger services considered necessary to serve the needs of the Study Area. However, the investment will provide some spare track capacity which may be used to provide alternative services from other parts of the County into or through the Study Area. In addition, the costs of Options 2 to 5 include the provision of extra tracks between Rugby and Birmingham. Since this forms part of a core route through the West Midlands, it is likely -180 - that other operators will express an interest in providing new or additional services when the track capacity becomes available. The benefits which these services will provide have not been taken into account in the economic evaluation. Combined Effects of Option 2 The total benefits for Option 2 are summarised in Table 11.7. The Table also shows the incremental change from Option 1, ie the benefits associated with the additional rail investment only. Table 11.7 Total Benefits for Option 2 Component PVB (£ million) Option 2 Total Increment from Option 1 Benefits from TUBA 2,460 674 Crowding relief 311 311 Reliability and 183 183 maintenance Accidents 443 313 TOTAL 3,397 1,481 Comparing the revised PVB’s, with the appropriate PVC’s results in BCR’s of 0.35 for the incremental effect of the rail strategy and 0.68 for all schemes in Option 2 (ie including those in Option 1). Options 3, 4 and 5 The values calculated by TUBA for Option 3, 4 and 5 are shown in Table 11.8. Table 11.8 Economic Evaluation of Options 3, 4 and 5 Option PVC (£ million) PVB (£ million) 3 5,211 2,745 4 5,211 4,584 5 5,211 3,047 BCR 0.53 0.88 0.58 It can be seen from Table 11.8, perhaps surprisingly, that the highest benefits are obtained for Scenario B (Option 4) followed by Scenario C (Option 5). This is because the different planning scenarios can have two diametrically opposed effects: on one hand the higher level of activity in Scenario C will allow more people to benefit from the scheme improvements, but the higher volume of road traffic will result in more residual congestion after the schemes have been implemented; the converse applies for Scenario B. The BCR for each Option is low, due to the high cost of achieving an incremental change in rail service provision, as discussed for Option 2. The incremental effect of implementing the highway schemes in Option 3 can be calculated by comparison with the results of the economic evaluation for Option 2. This provides the following: • PVC: £234 million; • PVB: £285 million; and -181 - • BCR: 1.22 The highway schemes associated with Option 3 thus have a combined BCR greater than 1.00, but this remains relatively low for several reasons: • the schemes are generally those which are less critical, hence their exclusion from the 10-Year Plan schemes, and significant reductions in delay are generally not relevant until close to the end of the evaluation period; • some of the schemes, in particular widening of the M11, have been recommended for operational reasons associated with the suitability of 2-lane motorways for HGV movements, rather than to relieve congestion alone; and • benefits arising from increased availability of lanes during maintenance periods or following an incident will not be included in the TUBA calculations. Based on the methodology described for Option 2, additional benefits have been calculated for Option 3, as shown in Table 11.9. Since Option 3 results in a slight increase in highway trips compared with Option 2, there is a small reduction in accident benefits. Table 11.9 Total Benefits for Option 3 Component Benefits from TUBA Crowding Relief Reliability and Maintenance Accidents TOTAL Option 3 Total 2,745 311 183 PVB (£ million) Increment from Option 2 285 0 0 402 3,641 -41 244 Comparing the revised PVB’s with the appropriate PVC’s results in BCR’s of 1.04 for the incremental effect of the additional highway schemes and 0.70 for Option 3 as a whole. Table 11.10 presents similar information for Options 4 and 5. Table 11.10 Total Benefits for Options 4 and 5 Component PVB (£ million) Option 4 Total Option 5 Total Benefits from TUBA 4,584 3,047 Crowding Relief 311 311 Reliability and Maintenance 183 183 Accidents 429 403 TOTAL 5,507 3,944 Inclusion of the additional benefits results in BCR’s of 1.06 and 0.76 for Options 4 and 5 respectively. Therefore, whichever land-use scenario is followed, the Preferred Strategy demonstrates a BCR of 0.70 or greater and, in the case of Scenario B, greater than 1.00. -182 - Reliability In Option 1 the proposed highway schemes would increase the reliability of highway travel. Use of ATM would also assist this objective. The proposal to open the western section of the east-west rail route would provide direct services between Bristol, Oxford, Bicester, Bletchley and Bedford. It would also mean that in the event of blockages on the West Coast Main Line, there would be some opportunity of diverting some West Coast Main Line services via Oxford then on the Great Western line to London or via Aylesbury and then on the Chiltern Lines also to London. The route would also provide an opportunity for fast through travel from the west of the Country (without interchange) to Milton Keynes and Bedford, instead of travelling into London and interchanging. Overall, the improvements in Option 1 would represent a slightly beneficial impact on reliability. Benefits for Option 1 are also fully captured in Option 2. The further rail enhancements for Option 2 can be considered under four broad headings: • new lines and extensions; • rolling stock strengthening; • service enhancements; and • track construction. The further extension of the east-west rail route through Bedford to St Neots and Cambridge to the east opens up an opportunity to travel from, for example Bristol in the west to Ipswich and Norwich in the east without interchange. Similarly, the extension of Thameslink services from Bedford via Olney (the latter a proposed new station) and Northampton to Birmingham would provide a reliable service from the South Coast direct to Birmingham without any interchange in London, as is often currently required. The rolling stock strengthening proposed for Silverlink County services, fast and semi-fast Liverpool Street to Stansted services and Liverpool Street to Cambridge services would provide more capacity on the trains and therefore reduce overcrowding and increase the certainty to customers of finding a seat. There are also a variety of service enhancements being proposed as part of the strategy. These would increase the frequency of services being provided at a station and therefore make the train service provision more reliable. There are proposals to four-track and six-track some sections of the WCML, the MML, the ECML and the WAML. The important thing to note from this exercise is that should there be any problems with either the ‘slow’ or ‘fast’ lines, with the four-tracking, instead of there being a total shut down of service, there would be an opportunity to channel all services through the free lines. The end result is that there would at least be some service provision, hence a significant increase in the reliability of the service. The comments for Option 2 on rail reliability also apply to Options 3, 4 and 5. In addition to the measures in Option 1, the widening of the M11 between Junctions 9 and 14 would complement the M11 widening for Option 1 making the entire length of M11 north of Junction 8 three lanes. This would reduce the current delays due to congestion and thereby increase the reliability of driving on the M11. -183 - Currently the A1 section through Sandy suffers from heavy traffic congestion. The proposal to build the A1 Sandy and Beeston Bypass would speed up the traffic in this section and preserve the existing A1 for local traffic. Again, this proposal would improve local reliability. Widening of the A14 and construction of the Luton Northern Bypass completes the highway strategy. Together these schemes would give an increased reliability for eastwest travel. In addition, for both the M11 and A14, the increase from two to three lanes would reduce the probability of needing to close the entire carriageway following an accident. Wider Economic Effects The starting point for the appraisal of wider economic effects is predicated as two key issues: the modelled effects on journey times by road and effects on the capacity of key strategic routes. In principle it also includes potential effects on journey time reliability, although quantitative evidence on this is difficult to determine. A comparison of journey times by road was conducted for a range of external-external, internal-internal and external-internal trips at 2031 under the options evaluated, along with the relevant Reference Cases and the 2001 Base Year position. Virtually all journey times in each option deteriorate at 2031 relative to 2001 even with the full strategy. Given the significance of existing levels of congestion, the importance of the Study Area to the UK economy and the importance of the key strategic routes through the Area to other regional economies, this supports the need for the strategy to be reinforced by ATM and road user charging schemes. 11.5.5 Accessibility Objective Access to Transport System In terms of passenger services, Option 1 includes the proposal to open a station at Winslow, between Bletchley and Bicester, with a connection to Aylesbury and hence through services to London. This would improve access to the transport system and therefore the impact is slightly beneficial. In addition to the effects in Option 1, Options 2, 3, 4 and 5 include proposals for new stations at Cambourne (located between Cambridge and St Neots) and Olney (located between Bedford and Northampton). This would improve access to the transport system and therefore the impact is slightly beneficial. In terms of freight services, Options 2, 3, 4 and 5 include substantial new rail capacity, which would offer opportunities to run new freight services and allow freight capacity to be optimised between main lines. For example, improved WCML capacity is essential to continue forecast rail freight growth beyond 2010. Without this improvement, growing demand for freight movement could only be met by road. Option Values In terms of passenger services, highway schemes in Option 1 involve road widening and the building of a bypass, which would have a positive effect on the surrounding population. As this will affect more than 2,000 people in all cases, it would be a strongly -184 - beneficial effect. With regard to rail, the Bristol-Bedford route would enable journeys to be made which were previously not practical by rail. This proposal would also affect more than 2,000 people in all cases and therefore be deemed strongly beneficial. In terms of freight services in Option 1, businesses using road haulage will benefit from the widened M1 and the new Dunstable Northern Bypass. The former will help ameliorate the problem of heavy goods vehicles suffering delays during peak hours owing to congestion, whilst the Dunstable Northern Bypass will improve east-west access and avoid congested urban areas. Businesses using road haulage will benefit from the widened M11. This will enhance M11’s important role for freight as a high quality alternative route between the Midlands and the Thames Gateway and Channel Ports. Such businesses will also benefit from the widened A421 and A428, and improvements to Junction 13 of the M1. In Option 2, the availability of rail freight services would improve as described above, allowing greater choice for industry in the corridor. ECML capacity enhancement will offer opportunities for freight growth, although the main freight corridor will continue to be the WCML. Any new rail terminals developed would improve freight shippers’ choice of freight services, as currently there is virtually no freight interchange provision on the corridor. As in Option 1, businesses using road haulage will benefit from the various highway improvements. The new east-west rail link would offer greater choice of modes and routes for freight shippers. Options 3, 4 and 5 would provide the same benefits described above, as well as improved east-west access along the A14. Widening of the A14 will have important benefits for freight hauliers, particularly in offering a high quality alternative to the M1/M25 to reach the Thames Gateway and Channel Ports. Severance Severance effects are likely in the majority of the schemes in the Strategy. However, the level of information for the schemes at this stage of appraisal does not permit a detailed assessment to be made of these effects. Given the assumption that severance impacts from widening schemes, from new infrastructure, and from capacity alterations for both rail and roads will generally be mitigated through the provision of alternative or new crossings, Option 1 should not result in adverse impacts. The provision of new infrastructure and alternative uses for existing infrastructure mean that benefits will be gained in terms of severance for some of the population in the Study Area. Overall, therefore, Option 1 will result in a slightly beneficial impact from severance resulting from the proposed interventions. Option 2 includes a large number of rail schemes which will result in some potentially adverse impacts on severance in the Study Area. These effects will balance out the beneficial impacts from highway schemes and result in an overall neutral impact in the Study Area. Options 3, 4 and 5 contain a number of additional highway schemes but despite potential beneficial effects the overall impact will be neutral. -185 - 11.5.6 Integration Objective Transport Interchange The proposed highway schemes in Option 1 would increase interchange opportunities. The increased interchange potential at Bletchley due to the Bristol-Bedford route gives access to Chiltern and Great Western services, which would improve links with the Midland Main Line. At Bedford, the same proposal would increase interchange giving improved access to West Coast Main Line, Chiltern and Great Western lines. Overall, therefore, Option 1 would increase interchange opportunities and the impact would be slightly beneficial. In addition to the effects of schemes in Option 1, schemes in Options 2, 3, 4 and 5 would allow Bedford to become a major transport hub because of the extension of the complete Bristol-Stansted route. This would improve interchange opportunities at St. Neots and also access to Stansted Airport. The re-routeing of the West Anglia services via Stratford would also make Stratford a major interchange point between stations in the east of the Study Area and other parts of southern England and Europe. Overall, therefore, Options 2, 3, 4 and 5 would increase interchange opportunities and the impact would again be slightly beneficial. Land-Use Policy The appraisal of land-use policy takes into account whether national, regional and local land-use policies are supported or hindered by the scheme in each Option. The number of schemes in the Options under appraisal means that the results are given as broad statements on the degree of conformity to policy at these three levels. Some package elements in Option 1 are safeguarded at a local level and therefore comply with policy. Overall, the effects are considered to be neutral to slightly beneficial. Some elements in Option 2 are safeguarded at a local level, whilst the substantially increased public transport service levels accord with policy thrust at all levels. Overall the effect is considered to be slightly beneficial. Similarly, most elements in Options 3, 4 and 5 conform to local land-use policy, and public transport investment is welcomed at all levels. Overall, the effect is considered to be slightly beneficial. Other Government Policies As with the land-use policy topic above, the number of schemes in the options under appraisal means that the results are given as broad statements on the degree of conformity to policy. Option 1 includes a number of road improvements, which do not always accord fully with Government policy on sustainability and reducing the need to travel by private transport. However, the public transport improvements are consistent with wider policy and therefore the effects are considered to be neutral. Option 2 again includes road improvements. However, there are considerable improvements to public transport which accord with wider policy. The balance of overall effects is considered to be slightly beneficial. -186 - Options 3, 4 and 5 include road improvements, which do not always fully conform with Government policy on sustainability, the wider environment and reducing the need to travel by private transport. The significant level of public transport improvements, however, is consistent with wider policy. Overall, therefore, the effect is also considered to be slightly beneficial. 11.5.7 Regional and Local Objectives Planning policy at local and regional levels emphasises the need for development to occur in a sustainable and appropriate manner, often establishing objectives for environmental protection and enhancement and for sustainable development. It also identifies continued economic prosperity and growth as key objectives. Regional policy identifies specific areas within which economic renewal is needed, with local policy proposing a pattern of land-uses which will achieve those objectives. Environmental and sustainability objectives are possibly threatened by some elements of Option 1 but supported by others. Investment in highway capacity, for example, may increase the volume and distance of journeys made by road which is contrary to policy; increasing rail service levels, however, provides an opportunity for a choice other than the car, and a new opportunity for those without a car. The package strongly supports local and regional aspirations for economic prosperity by relieving congestion in strategic north-south corridors and creating improved connections on an east-west axis. In Option 2, increasing rail service levels and corridor capacity provides an opportunity for a choice other than the car, and a new opportunity for those without a car. Destinations not currently served by rail would benefit substantially from these new connections. The package would also contribute to economic priority objectives. There would be substantial support for objectives to provide more sustainable transport options On balance, provision of the package of measures in Options 3, 4 and 5 would also meet the objectives of route safeguarding policies, and would contribute to economic priority objectives and elements of regional strategies for the location of development. As with Option 2, there would be substantial support for objectives to provide more sustainable transport options. 11.5.8 Problem Amelioration For Option 1, in comparison to the predicted problems in 2031, congestion relief on the M1 south of Junction 13 will be significant, but little change in congestion is forecast on the A1/A1(M) or M11. A slight reduction in congestion is forecast on the A421, in particular near the M1. Both the A421 and A428 will experience reduced delays through improved junction arrangements with the A1 at Black Cat Roundabout. A slight reduction in congestion is forecast on the A14 between the A1 and the M11. Crowding is not significantly reduced in any corridor. For Option 2, the highway-related impacts are as for Option 1. In addition, significant reduction in crowding is forecast on the WCML and MML network. Crowding on the ECML is forecast to be removed between Stevenage and Hitchin but remains south of Stevenage in 2031. Crowding is also forecast to be removed from the WAML network. -187 - The rail impacts of Options 3, 4 and 5 are as for Option 2 and the majority of highway impacts as for Option 1. However, in addition congestion on A14 is significantly reduced and the benefits to M11 corridor enhanced. 11.5.9 Distribution and Equity In general, it can be argued that road improvements will tend to disproportionately benefit the upper income groups. However, the progressive nature of the tax system means that the taxation required to finance the proposals will also tend to be raised to a greater extent from higher income groups. Lower income groups without access to a car, however, may benefit to a greater extent from the creation of better options for rail travel. For Option 1, the balance and provision towards road improvements will tend to benefit higher income groups to a greater extent, although lower income groups may derive particular benefits from new options for travel on the east-west rail link. For Option 2, the larger number of rail improvements compared to Option 1 will tend to counteract the benefits that higher income groups derive from the road interventions. This means that the balance of measures is more equitable. For Options 3, 4 and 5, the larger number of rail improvements compared to Option 1 will tend to counteract the benefits that higher income groups derive from the road interventions, notwithstanding the addition of more road schemes in this Option compared to Option 1. This means that the balance of measures is more equitable. The geographical incidence of benefits is also spread relatively evenly across the Study Area and, because of the high level of long-distance strategic traffic, provides benefits to areas some distance from the Study Area as well. 11.5.10 Affordability For Option 1, investment of approximately £732m. would be required for implementation of the highway schemes. Overall the principal highway investment would be in the strategic road network and thus it is assumed that the Highways Agency would be responsible for the full costs. Implementation of the rail improvements in Option 1 would require investment of approximately £224m. with annual operating costs of £14m. It is assumed that SRA would be responsible for the capital costs. Although SRA are shown as being responsible for operating costs, these will be borne to some degree by Train Operating Companies through fares and possibly also by means of subsidies when such arrangements are finalised. For Option 2 the investment for the highway network is the same as for Option 1, that is £732m. The additional rail improvements in Option 2 would require a further investment of £2,641m. with annual operating costs of £764m. and £189m. for the passenger and freight services respectively. It is assumed that SRA would be responsible for the capital costs. For Options 3, 4 and 5 the investment for the highway network would increase to £1,292m. It is assumed that Highways Agency would be responsible for the vast majority of the total costs with the remainder (principally for Luton Northern Bypass and A421 west of M1) being the responsibility of Local Authorities. The required investment for the railway schemes in Option 3 is the same as for Option 2, that is £2,865m. -188 - 11.5.11 Practicality and Public Acceptability Option 1 includes the implementation of the M1 and M11 widening schemes which are likely to be widely accepted by the public, particularly as works will be largely confined to the existing corridors. There will, however, be those concerned with the environmental and sustainability impacts which are to be mitigated and resolved. Similarly the implementation of Dunstable Northern Bypass was generally supported at Public Consultation by local people and the benefits from relief to congestion in the area were seen to far outweigh any environmental disbenefit in the new corridor. Support was also given at Public Consultation to the A421 and A428 improvements which will provide a significantly increased level of service to traffic on those routes. The proposal to reestablish the rail link between Oxford and Cambridge via Bedford was strongly supported at Public Consultation and the section between Oxford and Bedford is considered to offer a high level of public acceptability as the route is largely established on the existing railway lines or along previous track. In addition to the comments for Option 1 schemes, Option 2 offers the additional implementation of the rail link between Bedford and Cambridge, and the connection between Bedford and the West Coast Main Line at Northampton largely within the existing corridor. It is likely that there will be significant support for these new rail proposals, building on a base already established at the Public Consultation. The various strategic improvements to rail services proposed by Option 2 are also likely to be firmly supported by the public. In addition to the comments for schemes in Options 1 and 2, Options 3, 4 and 5 may involve the closure of M1 Junction 12. It is likely that some public opposition may be registered in connection with this closure. The widening of the M11 between Junctions 9 and 14 may receive some opposition from local people and those concerned with environmental impacts along the corridor. However, there is likely to be firm support from the media and the public generally, particularly as the role of M11 is likely to increase. Luton Northern Bypass is likely to receive significant public support, although there are issues associated with the Chilterns AONB which could result in some opposition. The improvements to the A1 at Sandy and Beeston will receive strong local support. The A14 widening offers no technical difficulties and is likely to be welcomed as it provides the necessary connection between two sections of highway which have themselves been improved. It is likely to receive considerable support, given the campaign for its construction over many years. Improved access to Milton Keynes is likely to receive substantial public support for the considerable road user benefits which are envisaged. 11.5.12 10 Year plan Targets Table 11.11 summarises the contribution which the Preferred Strategy will make to the target indicators in the Government’s 10-Year Plan for transport. Where possible, a quantitative measure has been used to demonstrate performance against the targets, and these measures are shown in the Table. The Table refers to 2016, which is the closest year modelled to the end of the 10-Year Plan period. However, the assessment of the contribution is based on the full strategy (ie Option 3), even though some elements will not be implemented until considerably later than 2016. -189 - Table 11.11 Contribution of the Preferred Strategy to the 10-Year Plan Targets 10-Year Plan Measurement 2001 Base 2016 Reference 2016 Preferred Target Indicator Year Case Strategy Reduce road congestion below current levels Increase rail passengerkilometres by 50% Delays in Study Area in average morning peak hour Average delay per trip in morning peak hour Rail passengerkilometres per day in Study Area Increase rail freight tonne-kilometres by 80% Increase bus use by 10% Double light rail use Cut journey time on London Underground None Bus passengerkilometres per day in Study Area None None 47,304 PCU-hours (+73%) 434 seconds (+31%) 14,548,910 17,906,083 (+23%) 18,739,295 (+29%) N/A Implicitly assumed in Reference Case demand that sufficient capacity would be provided to increase rail usage by 80% As Reference Case, but large number of additional rail freight paths made available 4,629,974 5,564,750 (+20%) 5,641,355 (+22%) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 331 seconds Reduced congestion likely to represent less of a deterioration than Reference Case, but likely to remain worse than Base Year levels Reduced congestion likely to represent less of a deterioration than Reference Case, but reductions below 1990 levels dependent on increased fuel efficiency of vehicle N/A Severe deterioration likely in line with large growth in traffic and congestion None Emissions generally greater than 1990 level Severe deterioration likely in line with large growth in traffic and congestion although effect could be mitigated by increased fuel efficiency of vehicles Fatalities per year in Study Area 222 308 (+39%) 305 (+37%) Serious injuries per year in Study Area 3,414 4,765 (+40%) 4,684 (+37%) None N/A Similar effect to above likely Similar effect to above likely Improve air quality None Reduce greenhouse gases by 12.5% from 1990 levels Reduce number killed and seriously injured on roads by 40% 48,671 PCU-hours (+78%) 445 seconds (+34%) 27,339 PCU-hours Reduce children killed and seriously injured by 50% The contributions to these targets are discussed in more detail in the paragraphs which follow. Reduce Road Congestion The growth in traffic forecast between 2001 and 2016 is such that a very large increase in congestion is predicted for the Reference Case. Whilst this will be somewhat mitigated by the Preferred Strategy, a return to 2001 levels is not expected (even for the motorway network). Therefore, whilst the proposed infrastructure will be one mechanism for reducing -190 - the congestion predicted in the Reference Case, it will need to be reinforced by one or more of the following measures: • Active Traffic Management; • road user charging; and/or • traffic restraint in urban areas. It should be noted that, in general, the locations where congestion is predicted under the Preferred Strategy are not those where major infrastructure works are proposed. Therefore, additional junction improvements at the remaining ‘hotspots’ could result in a significantly greater reduction in congestion. Increase Rail Passenger-Kilometres The large amount of investment in the Study Area rail network as part of the Reference Case (principally the WCML upgrade and Thameslink 2000), together with the underlying growth, are forecast to increase passenger-kilometres by 23% from 2001 to 2016. With implementation of the Preferred Strategy a total increase from 2001 of 29% is forecast. This increase occurs in a number of ways, notably: • passengers changing their trip origin or destination; • transfers from highway trips; and • entirely new (generated) trips. The model does not, however, take account of existing air passengers who would transfer to rail following investment in the network, either as part of the Reference Case or the Preferred Strategy. Since additional long-distance services are being provided (and in the case of WCML journey time reductions), the value of 29% could be a significant underestimate. Furthermore, forecasts have assumed that fares will remain constant in real terms. In practice, the investment is likely to leave some free capacity on trains, particularly during off-peak periods. The Train Operating Companies could be expected to introduce various cheap fare offers to fill this capacity with passengers who would not otherwise be attracted to use the rail network. It is reasonable to predict, therefore, that the total increase in rail passenger-kilometres will be close to, or even in excess of, the 50% target. Increase Rail Freight Tonne-Kilometres The Reference Case assumes that sufficient additional freight capacity will be provided on the rail network to facilitate the Government’s target of an 80% increase in tonnekilometres by 2011. The Preferred Strategy provides a further increase in the number of freight paths available in each corridor. It has therefore been assumed that the rate of rail freight growth -191 - achieved between 2001 and 2011 will continue throughout the Study Period, and hence the 80% target will be significantly exceeded. Increase Bus Use Increasing congestion on both the road and rail networks, together with the introduction of various ‘soft’ measures to improve the quality of services are forecast to increase interurban bus usage by 20% in the Reference Case. A further small increase (to 22% compared with 2001) is forecast with implementation of the Preferred Strategy. The Government target of 10% is, therefore, clearly exceeded. Whilst bus services in urban areas are not explicitly modelled, the Preferred Strategy recommends bus priority where appropriate in urban areas, and improved ‘feeder’ services connecting with the rail network. An increase in local bus patronage can, therefore, also be expected. Double Light Rail Use The inter-urban nature of this Study is such that no light rail schemes are recommended. However, satisfactory operation of the highway recommendations will require some measures to reduce traffic growth in urban areas, whilst improved access to railway stations is specified as part of the Reference Case. Light rail could potentially have a role in both of these objectives, but such schemes would need to be assessed on an individual basis for the appropriate urban areas. Therefore, the Preferred Strategy could contribute indirectly to increasing light rail usage. Cut Journey Time on London Underground The London Underground is wholly external to the Study Area and hence measures to reduced journey times have not been considered. Improve Air Quality Air quality can be expected to change in line with the growth in traffic and the change in congestion levels. Therefore, air quality is likely to deteriorate between 2001 and 2016 (Reference Case), but will be improved by implementation of the Preferred Strategy. This improvement is, however, unlikely to return air quality to 2001 levels. Reduce Greenhouse Gases Similarly, greenhouse gases are likely to increase in line with traffic to 2016, but reduce with implementation of the Preferred Strategy. Levels of greenhouse gases will be further reduced as vehicles are designed with greater fuel efficiency. Reduce Road Fatalities and Injuries Between 2001 and 2016, fatalities and serious injuries are predicted to increase by around 40%, although this increase would be reduced to 37% with implementation of the Preferred Strategy. Since a high proportion of accidents occur on minor roads or in urban areas, further road improvements by the appropriate Local Authorities would make a significant contribution to accident reduction. -192 - Reduce Child Fatalities and Injuries Accidents involving children are not explicitly modelled, but could be expected to follow a similar pattern to that for accidents in general (described above). However, since a higher proportion of trips involving children are within urban areas, there is a greater dependence on Local Authority schemes to achieve this target. 11.6 Discussion of Results 11.6.1 Introduction The way in which the different Government objectives are influenced by alternative strategies is dependent partly on changes in trip demand and partly by levels of infrastructure provision. Safety, for example, is affected by both numbers of overall trips and improvements in the transport system. Environment is sensitive partly to changes in trips (which affects both noise and air quality), but is affected principally by the introduction (or removal) of infrastructure. The effects of the various strategies tested are clearly far-reaching and change according to the scale of new infrastructure and public transport service provision. In most cases, however, the results are broadly consistent in the form of positive appraisal results. The main exception is the appraisal against the environment objective, where a number of potentially adverse impacts are recorded. It should be emphasised that the level of appraisal expected of GOMMMS as part of a multi modal study is unable to take into account specific scheme details, such as routeing or landtake. For this reason, it is normal to assume a worst case with respect to impacts on designated areas. Moreover, in the absence of detail, the appraisal is inevitably undertaken with no prior knowledge of mitigation measures. All of this tends to overestimate the impacts for the ‘natural resource’ elements of the environment objective. Extensive discussions will take place with the statutory environmental bodies if and when schemes are eventually brought forward for detailed assessment. 11.6.2 Safety All the strategy tests show a reduction in accidents, the greatest benefits occurring as a result of the full strategy, under Scenario B. Benefits are also expected in respect of security on the road network, although no significant changes are expected in terms of rail security. 11.6.3 Accessibility Access to the transport system will be improved in all five options, with the greatest benefits arising from Options 3, 4 and 5, which contain the most schemes and therefore the most improvements. A similar result occurs with option values, as the greater number of schemes in Options 3, 4 and 5 provide the most improvement to possible options for travel in the Study Area. Severance effects will be associated with the majority of schemes and therefore Options 3, 4 and 5 will once again produce the most impacts. However, the potential for new schemes to address current problems means that severance effects are largely neutral. -193 - 11.6.4 Integration Transport interchange opportunities are increased in all five options, although Option 1 has fewer improvements than the other four options. The improvements largely affect rail interchanges and principally result from the new routes. The land-use policy and ‘Other Government Policies’ appraisals generally balance highway schemes which do not always conform with local policy against rail improvements which, in policy terms, are deemed beneficial. This reflects the general policy bias towards public transport. Option 2, 3, 4 and 5 perform better than Option 1 in this respect as they contain more rail schemes. 11.6.5 Economy Option 1 produces a BCR of 2.28 rising to 2.45 if accident benefits are included. The BCR for Option 2 has been calculated as 0.49, but additional, non-TUBA, benefit would increase this to at least 0.68. Options 3 to 5 have BCR’s between 0.53 and 0.88, rising to between 0.70 and 1.06 when additional, non-TUBA, benefits are included. In all cases, however, there are other scheme benefits which are hard to quantify, but in practice would increase the BCR further. The improvements in Option 1 produces a slightly beneficial impact on reliability, due principally to improvements in the trunk road network. The same comment applies to Option 2 in respect of roads, and the addition of improved rail services further increases reliability. The additional highway improvements in Options 3, 4 and 5 also improve reliability. Wider economic effects are predicted to be slightly positive for all options. 11.6.6 Environment Since these results are slightly more complicated, they are dealt with under each of the sub-objectives. Noise The net noise effects over the LSM Study Area will be small for all options tested. The full strategy does not perform significantly differently to Options 1 and 2, with Option 5 delivering the greatest noise benefits. Local Air Quality Option 5 performs best in respect to air quality, but Option 1 also performs well. Greenhouse Gases With the exception of Option 3, all tests show a decrease in CO2 emissions throughout the Study Area. Option 4 shows the greatest benefits. -194 - Landscape In the absence of mitigation, moderate adverse landscape impacts are predicted for parts of the Study Area under Options 1 and 2, principally as a result of the effects of widening schemes on non-statutory designations, such as AGLV’s. Options 3, 4 and 5 have the potential to produce more substantial adverse impacts, mainly in the M1 corridor as a result of the Luton Northern Bypass potentially encroaching into the Chilterns AONB. Townscape There is the potential for moderate adverse townscape impacts in the M1 corridor resulting from Option 1. For all other options, there may be additional moderate impacts in the A1 and M11 corridors. Heritage For most of the schemes under Option 1, a neutral or slight adverse impact has been recorded. However, there may potentially be a large adverse impact on SAM’s in the M1 and M11 corridors. For Option 2, any rail scheme outside the railway corridor may potentially give rise to adverse impacts. Further impacts may be expected for Options 3, 4 and 5, depending on eventual scheme design. Biodiversity Where nationally designated sites lie close to infrastructure schemes, there is the potential for adverse impacts to arise. There are a number of SSSI’s in the Study Area and two internationally designated areas. Overall, Options 3, 4 and 5 potentially have the most severe impacts on biodiversity, particularly with respect to the Luton Northern Bypass and the A14 corridor. Option 1 has the fewest impacts on designated sites. Water Environment Although all options include schemes which cross main watercourses, appropriate mitigation measures will be applied at the design stage. The overall impact for all options, therefore, will be no worse than slight adverse. Physical Fitness Overall, the changes in road and rail trips for all options are relatively small and do not differ markedly. As a consequence, no significant changes in physical fitness are expected. Journey Ambience Journey ambience will be improved for all options, the benefits becoming greater as the number of road and rail schemes increase. In particular, improved rail service provision offers the potential to reduce overcrowding. -195 - 11.7 Conclusion The overall conclusion from the appraisal is that under three objectives, safety, accessibility and integration there are demonstrable benefits. As a general rule these increase with the level of demand for movement and also with the level of infrastructure provided. In the case of the environment objective the appraisal gives a more evenly balanced result, where the advantages provided through behavioural change may be offset through the direct physical impacts suffered. However, as noted earlier, the appraisal has considered the worst-case effects of landtake on the environment without mitigation measures applied. There is, therefore, the potential for identified effects to be diminished or eliminated through more detailed design of the schemes included in the strategy. As particular schemes are taken forward to the detailed design and appraisal stage, consultation with statutory and non-statutory organisations will enable mitigation measures to be developed to reduce the potential effects identified in this appraisal. The 10-Year Plan schemes have high BCR values and hence should be developed as soon as possible. Whilst other schemes have lower BCR values, they are generally sufficient to justify taking schemes forward with more detailed design and evaluation. -196 - 12 Delivering the Strategy 12.1 Introduction The development of an overall strategy, as well as the detailed plan to support that strategy, is of little value unless it is capable of delivery within the timescale that it is actually required. In the case of the multi-modal studies there is an imperative not only to produce a coherent strategy in support of national transport objectives, but one which can also make a significant contribution to the Government’s 10-Year Plan. In support of this, the study team has worked closely with the Highways Agency in particular to identify schemes which could be delivered within this timescale. This section of the Report, therefore, deals with the programme for implementation, any phasing requirements and the profile of expenditure resulting. It also deals with major uncertainties such as the High Speed Rail line, Central Railway and the possibility of major airport expansion in the South East to discuss how these might impinge on the strategy which has been developed. Finally, there is a discussion as to how the most contentious elements of the strategy from an implementation viewpoint, namely the rail components, might be progressed. 12.2 Scheme Implementation Plan 12.2.1 Programme and Phasing The proposed programme for the implementation of the multi-modal strategy is shown as Figure 12.1 and is designed so as to: • bring forward road schemes that the Highways Agency wishes to include in its Targeted Programme of Improvements (TPI) for the 10-Year Plan period; • ensure that schemes which link together at junctions have a common completion date (eg M1 Junction 10 to 13 and Dunstable Northern Bypass); • avoid where possible the situation where schemes that link end to end are constructed concurrently (eg M1 Junction 6A to 10 and M1 Junctions 10 to 13); • avoid where possible schemes that serve some of the same demand being constructed concurrently (eg M1 and M11); • spread the larger capital expenditure so as to keep annual expenditure within reasonable bounds. - 197 - Figure 12.1 Proposed Scheme Programme Corridor Schemes for Version 3 Name 2003 M1 M1 J6a-10 M1 J10-13 M1 J12 closed A5-M1 (Dunstable Northern) M1-A6 Link (Luton Northern) A6-A505 (Luton North-east) WCML without HSL MML without HSL Bedford-Northampton Rail A1 A1 Sandy/Beeston Bypass 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 ECML without HSL M11 M11 J8-9 M11 J9-14 West Anglia Line A421 A428 A421 M1-Bedford BP A428 A1-Caxton Gibbet A421 (Milton Keynes) Oxford-Bedford Rail Bedford-Cambridge Rail A14 A14 Kettering Bypass A14 M1-Kettering Bypass A14 Kettering BP-Ellington A14 Cambridge N - A11 Key - Preparation of scheme up to award of contract for the works - Construction of the Works up to opening for use - 198 - 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 It is not possible to meet all of the above criteria for the proposed schemes so a balance has had to be struck. There is a greater degree of certainty regarding the time needed for road scheme preparation and construction than there is for the rail schemes and because of this, the road improvements and new routes in each corridor have been included in the programme as discrete schemes. These generally match the schemes as they are being considered by the Highways Agency and local highway authorities. On the other hand the railway improvements are a combination of additional track, additional platforms and extended platforms at stations, revised junctions and the like, allied to modifications to timetabling and train lengths, so that generally the rail ‘schemes’ cover the whole rail corridor in the programme. New routes such as Bedford to Northampton, however, are shown as individual schemes. The programme includes scheme preparation as well as construction. For the road schemes the preparation is considered to begin at the point when the scheme formally enters into a highway authority programme, with a commitment to proceed to construction. In the case of the Highways Agency the start of preparation coincides with the entry of the scheme into the TPI. The duration of the preparation section of the programme includes preliminary work leading to public consultation, post-consultation work leading to a preferred route announcement, preliminary design and preparation of Orders under the Highways Act, Public Inquiry, detailed design and tendering. This culminates in the start of construction work. The construction periods for the road schemes have been assessed in consultation with the Highways Agency and durations of either two or three years have been selected depending on the size and complexity of the scheme. Preparation for the rail schemes is assumed to begin when the Strategic Rail Authority (SRA) agrees to consider the case for the scheme. The preparation time allows for initial surveys and data gathering, route location and preparation of a business case over a period of about two years. A further two years is allowed for SRA to consider the scheme and its business case and for refinement of the design. Assuming the scheme is approved by the SRA, another two year period is included for the statutory processes, which could either require a Parliamentary Bill or use of the Transport and Works Act, but the latter is more likely. There is then four years set aside for contract preparation, tendering, award, detailed design and financing. An exception to this preparation programme is the Bristol to Bedford route where most of the proposed upgrading works are alongside existing track or in existing rail corridors. It is therefore anticipated that the timescales could be reduced, hence an allowance of 6 years instead of 10 has been made. The construction periods for each of the rail corridors have been assessed on the basis of engineering judgement and experience of the Study Team. For those schemes in ‘green field’ locations such as Bedford to Northampton and Bedford to Cambridge, a construction period of four years is considered appropriate. For all other rail corridor works, construction periods have been set at five years due to the majority of works being near or adjacent to the live railway. This will mean that working periods will be restricted because of the need for railway possessions. In addition, whilst some of the items of work in each corridor may be carried out concurrently, there will be some that will need to be sequential so as to reduce delays to railway operations. As stated earlier, the programme for the schemes in the strategy attempts to ensure that schemes that link with each other are completed at the same date, schemes that link end to end are constructed consecutively and schemes that serve some of the same demand - 199 - are not built concurrently. proposed as follows: • For the highway schemes the phasing of construction is M1 Junctions 6A-10 Considered a high priority so is placed as early as possible in the programme with construction during 2006, 2007 and 2008. • M1 Junction 10-13 Programmed so that construction follows on from M1 Junction 6A to 10 completion, with construction during 2009, 2010 and 2011. This scheme shares a junction with the A5-M1 Link (Dunstable Northern Bypass). • A5-M1 Link (Dunstable Northern Bypass) This is programmed to have the same completion date as M1 Junctions 10 to 13 so that the shared junction, the new junction 11A, is available to both schemes on opening. It also means that the additional capacity on the road network provided by the two schemes becomes available at the same time and within the Highways Agency’s 10-Year Plan ending in 2011. • M1-A6 and A6-A505 Links (Luton Northern Bypass) These two schemes form a Northern Bypass to Luton. The M1 to A6 is programmed for construction during 2011 and 2012. It starts and finishes after the A5-M1 Link but with about one year overlap. This ensures that Junction 11A on the M1 is available by the time the A5-M1 Link is completed, whilst progressing the rest of the scheme. There is a similar overlap between the construction periods for the M1-A6 Link and the A6-A505 Link. This means that the complete connection from the A5 and A505 from the west to the A505 east will be available in 2013. • A421 M1-Bedford Bypass This scheme shares a junction with the M1 Junction 10 to 13 scheme so is programmed to be completed at the same time, 2011, thus enabling the increased capacity of the M1, Junction 13 and the A421 to be available together and so maximise the benefits. • A421 M1-A5130 (Milton Keynes) This scheme also connects to the M1 at Junction 13 so is programmed to be completed in 2013 with construction starting in 2012 following on from the completion of M1 Junction 13. • A428 A1-Caxton Gibbet Ideally, this would be programmed for completion in 2012 to fit in with delivery of HA schemes within the 10-Year Plan period, as is the A421 M1 to Bedford. Although both of these schemes are programmed to be constructed at the same time thus concentrating the expenditure in that period, it has the benefit of - 200 - making the whole of the A421/A428 available as dual carriageway from the M1 to Cambridge by 2012, assuming that the schemes at Great Barford and Caxton to Cambridge are completed as expected. As discussed earlier, however, in detailed discussions with the HA, it was acknowledged that this section of route may slip beyond the 10-Year Plan period to an opening date of 2013. • M11 Junctions 8-9 This scheme is programmed for construction during 2009 to 2011, which coincides with construction work on the M1 Junction 10 to 13. However, this is unavoidable if this scheme and the M1 schemes are to remain in the HA’s 10-Year Plan. • M11 Junction 9-14 Programmed for construction during 2012 to 2014 this scheme is set to start after completion of M11 Junction 8 to 9. • A14 Schemes The four schemes on the A14 included in the strategy are programmed for construction after the schemes that are included in the HA’s TPI for the 10-Year Plan period. The A14 schemes are phased so as to be constructed consecutively starting with Kettering Bypass in 2013, then Kettering Bypass to Ellington, then M1 to Kettering Bypass and finally Cambridge to A11, being completed in 2024. For the rail schemes, the phasing of construction is as follows: • Bicester to Bletchley This is programmed early in the study period with construction being during 2009 to 2013. (Note: For the purposes of strategy testing it was assumed that this could be brought forward into the 10-Year Plan Period). • Bedford to Cambridge This follows on from the completion of the Bicester to Bletchley section. Construction is programmed during the period 2013 to 2016. Both of these schemes would require an early commitment from the SRA. Preparation work for the Bedford to Cambridge section is arranged so as to allow for the possibility of dealing with the statutory procedures at the same time as the statutory procedures for the A428 A1 to Caxton Gibbet Road Scheme. The Study Team proposes that consideration should be given to the road and rail schemes being promoted jointly under the Transport and Works Act over this section. However, the longer preparation time for rail schemes compared with road schemes means that construction at the same time would not be feasible unless the road scheme was deferred by around three years. • Other rail corridors The proposed upgrades to the main line corridors are phased so as to minimise overlap of construction periods but to complete them all by 2031. The - 201 - programme provides for the schemes to be constructed first on the ECML, during 2013 to 2017, then the MML during 2017 to 2021, the WCML during 2022 to 2026 and the WAML during 2027 to 2031. By making the works on each corridor consecutive, disruption and delays would not occur on more than one route at any one time. The capital expenditure would also be spread over a longer period. The Bedford to Northampton Thameslink extension is programmed during 2018 to 2022 so that construction is phased with the works on the MML. 12.2.2 Costs The estimated costs of the schemes included in the strategy are shown in Tables 12.1 and 12.2. The costs include for the capital cost of the works, preparation and supervision, land, ancillary works (such as alterations to utilities), preliminaries, contingencies and an allowance for risk. Table 12.1 Highway Scheme Capital Costs (1st Quarter 2002) Estimated Cost (1st quarter 2002) £ 149.03M £ 252.72M £ 1.26M £ 27.44M £ 21.56M £ 22.38M £ 42.11M £ 102.40M £ 120.91M £ 98.46M £ 101.88M £ 22.87M £ 41.28M £ 111.12M £ 123.09M £ 54.23M Road Scheme M1 Junctions 6A – 10 M1 Junctions 10 – 13 M1 Junction 12 closed A5-M1 Link (Dunstable Northern Bypass) M1-A6 Link (Luton Northern Bypass) A6-A505 Link (Luton Northern Bypass) A1 Sandy-Beeston Bypass M11 Junctions 8 – 9 M11 Junctions 9 – 14 A421 M1 to Bedford Bypass A428 A1 to Caxton Gibbet A421 M1 to A5130 (Milton Keynes) A14 Kettering Bypass A14 M1 – Kettering Bypass A14 Kettering Bypass – Ellington A14 Cambridge – A11 Total Cost of Road Schemes £1,292.74M Table 12.2 Rail Scheme Capital Costs (1st Quarter 2002) West Coast Main Line Midland Main Line Bedford Northampton Link East Coast Main Line Oxford to Bedford Bedford to Cambridge West Anglia Main Line Estimated Cost (1st quarter 2002) £ 714.53M £ 543.74M £ 330.62M £ 259.71M £ 224.05M £ 416.06M £ 379.22M Total Cost of Rail Schemes £2,867.93M Rail Scheme - 202 - 12.2.3 Sources of Finance The majority of the road schemes will be promoted by the Highways Agency, with the remainder the responsibility of the local highway authorities. The Local Authority contribution will be some £67m. from a total of £1.292m. Funding for the schemes will therefore generally be from public finance, although it is possible that some private finance could contribute to the scheme costs where the scheme can be linked to commercial development. This is more likely to be possible on schemes such as the Luton and Dunstable Bypasses, A421 and A428 improvements. The rail schemes will be promoted by the SRA and owned, operated and maintained by Network Rail. Funding for the schemes will need to be primarily from the public sector but there may be some scope for private finance input, mainly through arrangements to defer public investment and spread the expenditure over time. For example additional rolling stock for longer trains will be provided through Rolling Stock Companies (ROSCO’s) and leased to the Train Operating Companies (TOC’s). Some returns will also be obtained through increased track access charges. Works such as platform extensions, additional tracks and structures would need to be publicly financed although some recovery would be made through track access charges. It is also anticipated that some smaller, discrete elements of work may be financed by Local Authorities through their Local Transport Plans. No estimate, however, has been made of this. 12.2.4 Expenditure Profiles The expenditure required for the Study strategy occurs over the period 2003 to 2031 in terms of capital cost and up to 2041 for additional maintenance for the road schemes from their year of opening. The costs include scheme preparation cost (planning, statutory processes, tendering, design), construction and supervision cost, land and ongoing maintenance. Expenditure profiles for the full strategy road and rail schemes are shown on Figure 12.2. This shows that the required expenditure starts at a low level in 2003 up to 2005 when it reaches about £16M. There is then an increase in 2006 up to £66M with small increases over the next two years, being the period during which the M1 Junction 6A to 10 is being widened. In 2009 there is a further significant increase in expenditure to £248M. Expenditure continues at around £150M to £250M per year up to 2022 with further peaks in 2011, 2013 and 2022 in the range £250M to £300M. This period, 2009 to 2021 is when most of the road schemes are constructed, rail schemes in the Oxford to Cambridge corridor are constructed and schemes begin on the ECML. The cost profile details related to schemes under construction for the period 2003 to up to the peak expenditure at 2013 are given in Table 12.3. - 203 - Figure 12.2 Full Strategy Road and Rail Cost Profile 293 350 255 193 191 197 £M per year 231 71 88 72 80 75 66 100 82 133 125 125 150 147 139 164 194 198 217 255 178 200 2001 2016 2021 Year - 204 - 2026 2031 2036 2 2 2 2 9 2011 9 23 22 2006 2 14 16 2 0 0 9 50 0 Cost £M 250 234 248 300 2041 Table 12.3 Schemes Under Construction by Year 2003 Expenditure (£M) (1st quarter 2002) 9 - 2004 14 - 2005 16 - 2006 66 M1 J6A-10 2007 75 M1 J6A-10 2008 80 M1 J6A-10 2009 248 M1 J10-13, M11 J8-9 A421 M1-Bedford Oxford-Bedford Rail 2010 234 2011 255 2012 178 2013 293 M1 J10-13, Dunstable Northern Bypass, M11 J8-9, A421 M1-Bedford, A428 A1-Caxton Gibbet, Oxford-Bedford Rail M1 J10-13, Dunstable Northern Bypass, M1-A6 Link, A1 Sandy-Beeston Bypass M11 J8-9, A421 M1-Bedford A428 A1-Caxton Gibbet, Oxford-Bedford Rail Luton Northern Bypass, A421-Milton Keynes Access, A428 A1-Caxton Gibbet A1 Sandy-Beeston Bypass, M11 J9-14 Oxford-Bedford Rail Luton Northern Bypass, A421 Milton Keynes Access East Coast Main Line M11 J9-14, Oxford-Bedford Rail Bedford-Cambridge Rail A14 Kettering Bypass Year Schemes under Construction After 2022 the annual expenditure is in the range £100M to £150M reducing in the period 2028 to 2031 to within the range of £50M to £100M. After 2031 the annual costs are generally under £10M with peaks at intervals up to about £25M where an allowance for structural road maintenance is made. 12.2.5 Traffic Management and Operations Traffic management and operational factors that will be encountered during construction will need to be considered in detail during the planning and design stages for both road and rail in order to minimise disruption to users. Disruption to users - 205 - will be more significant for the motorway and all-purpose road widening and railway upgrading than it will be on new routes. On the motorways there will be possibilities of strategic diversion, local diversion and use of hard shoulders. It is anticipated that the HA, and their contractors, will make use of a combination of these methods. Construction works on railway schemes where new routes are constructed, such as the Bedford-Northampton line, will be virtually ‘green field’ sites and will only affect areas where the proposed railway will cross existing roads while bridges are built. Minor disruption will occur at temporary diversions at bridge construction sites, with delays to road traffic being more significant at major roads, such as the A14 on the BedfordCambridge route. The new rail routes will also cause some disruption to existing railways where they connect. The routes connect to or cross the north-south main lines, requiring speed restrictions and possession of track on the north-south lines at periods during the new route construction works. The design of these connections and crossings will need to take account of the proposed upgrading works on the north/south main lines, even though the main lines will still be in the preparation stage or as in the case of the WAML and WCML, some years off starting design work. Therefore some advanced design work for the north-south main lines will need to be included in the preparation of the new routes. The upgrading works on the WCML, MML and ECML involving additional tracks will cause disruption to train operations as the works will be generally alongside existing track. There may be some scope for re-routing long distance passengers from one line to another or for early introduction of longer trains during the construction period on each line to compensate for any reduction in service. The rail schemes on the northsouth main lines have also been phased in the proposed programme so as to avoid disruption on more than one line at any one time. 12.3 Dealing With Uncertainty 12.3.1 High Speed Rail Line The SRA is currently developing proposals for a new high-speed Anglo-Scottish route, and a feasibility study is due to report shortly. The route to be taken, and the precise stations to be served, are not yet confirmed. It is recognised, however, that the number of stations would be limited and concentrated on key city centres. Construction of the new route would impact on the LSM strategy in two respects: • the role of the existing north-south routes could be changed, with significant changes to current service patterns; and • the financial commitment to constructing the new line would probably preclude significant investment on parallel routes. A service pattern has therefore been developed as a working assumption for this Study, which represents one of many scenarios which could possibly be implemented. - 206 - The pattern has then been used to prepare and evaluate an alternative version of the strategy, based on the following principles. • Recommendations for the WAML and the Bristol-Stansted Route will be unaffected, since the High Speed Rail Line will not provide an alternative to services in these corridors. • The Bedford to Northampton route will be re-instated as an extension of Thameslink, but services will only run to Rugby since there will be insufficient track capacity between Rugby and Birmingham. • Additional passenger services proposed for the WCML, MML and ECML will not be implemented (except for those included in the Reference Case). • Existing passenger services on the above lines will be maintained to serve intermediate locations, such as Milton Keynes and Coventry. However, since the majority of inter-city passengers will transfer to the High Speed Rail Line, the total journey time on these services will be less critical. Therefore, trains will call additionally at selected outer-suburban stations. This will provide extra capacity for commuting into London, and also improve connectivity between the Study Area and the North. Inevitably, however, some stations which are currently served by these trains will suffer an increase in journey time as a result of the extra stops. • Due to the need to maintain existing passenger service levels with no additional infrastructure, it will be difficult to accommodate significant growth in freight traffic. The volume of freight transferring from road to rail has, therefore, been capped at the level achievable within the SRA’s 10-Year Plan. The model showed that, as expected, a significant number of trips from the WCML, MML and ECML transfer to the High Speed Rail Line. This results in a reduction in crowding on most inter-city and suburban services. For a number of routes, however, this crowding relief is less than the level which would be obtained from implementing the additional services recommended in the LSM strategy. On an individual basis, whilst inter-city passengers will benefit from the shorter journey times, some passengers from intermediate locations will suffer a longer journey time due to additional stops on the trains. In addition, the traffic reduction on the highway network is less than the LSM strategy due to the lack of opportunity created to carry additional freight by rail. A comparatively small number of existing car drivers are expected to transfer to the new rail service, since a large proportion of inter-city passengers already travel by rail. It should be noted, however, that there will be additional benefits of the High Speed Rail Line which are external to the Study Area, and not fully captured by the LSM model. These include the air capacity created as current air passengers switch to using the new rail service, and transfer from car trips in other parts of England and Scotland. - 207 - It would be possible to increase the benefits of the modified strategy by optimising the specification of the High Speed Rail Line from the point of view of the LSM Study Area. For example, a few additional intermediate stations on the High Speed Rail Line, such as Milton Keynes and Coventry, would enable some services to be withdrawn from the existing lines. There would then be greater flexibility in re-allocating the vacated train paths. This could, however, adversely affect benefits elsewhere, such as by increasing the journey time, which would reduce the potential patronage by existing air passengers. Further testing of options and dialogue with the SRA will be useful in this respect. 12.3.2 South East and East of England Regional Air Services Study (SERAS) The SERAS Report was published in July 2002 and set out a range of options for further airport development in the South East and East of England to accommodate an expected three-fold increase in air passengers over the next 3 years. Addressing this issue is of vital importance given the contribution of aviation to the national economy in terms of business, leisure/tourism and high-value exports. Not surprisingly, many of the options for consideration had a significant impact on movement levels in the area. In some cases this resulted from proposals for Stansted and/or Luton whilst in other cases it was clear that major proposals for airports outside the area, such as Heathrow or Cliffe could also have profound effects. Table 12.4 summarises the options considered in the report and the scale of change, both in terms of capacity and demand, which would result. Table 12.4 Capacity/Forecast Demand in 2030 (mppa) Showing % Change from Base Case Options Heathrow % Change Gatwick % Change % Change TOTAL 0 0 154.0 159.0 210% 190% 0 0 198.5 185.0 31 27 210% 170% 0 0 228.5 217.0 447% 393% 31 29 210% 190% 0 0 248.5 225.0 102 98 580% 553% 31 23 210% 130% 0 0 268.5 243.0 16% -9% 82 76 447% 407% 31 16 210% 160% 0 0 275.5 249.0 46.5 42.0 16% -7% 102 96 580% 540% 31 12 210% 20% 0 0 295.5 266.0 0% -9% 46.5 41.0 16% -9% 129 122 760% 713% 31 15 210% 50% 0 0 292.5 258.0 0% -2% 46.5 40.0 16% -11% 35 26 133% 73% 31 9 210% -10% 113 110 311.5 272.0 15 15 Luton % Change Cliffe 40.0 45.0 Stansted Base Case Capacity Traffic 89 89 10 10 Max. Use Capacity Traffic 89 89 0% 0% 46.5 41.0 16% -9% 35 26 133% 73% 31 29 Heathrow +1 Capacity Traffic 116 116 30% 30% 46.5 48.0 16% 7% 35 26 133% 73% Stansted +1 Capacity Traffic 89 84 0% -6% 46.5 38.0 16% -16% 82 74 Stansted +2 Capacity Traffic 89 82 0% -8% 46.5 40.0 16% -11% Heathrow +1 Stansted +1 Capacity Traffic 116 116 30% 30% 46.5 41.0 Heathrow +1 Stansted +2 Capacity Traffic 116 116 30% 30% Stansted +3 Capacity Traffic 89 81 Cliffe (4 runways) Capacity Traffic 89 87 Within the Study Area the higher growth options, such as three additional runways at Stansted or two at Stansted and one at Heathrow, will create profound land-use and landside traffic impacts which are beyond the scope of this Study. In the case of - 208 - landside traffic, a primary effect will be to increase levels dramatically in direct response to the airport growth. However, a secondary effect will reflect the increased scale of support industries required to serve the airport and to provide for the expanded work force. It is fair to say that these higher growth options can only be examined using a model and planning scenarios that can reflect these secondary effects. As a point of principle, however, it must be emphasised that any appraisal of new airport development should include all costs and benefits. Landside infrastructure improvements necessary to service a particular option should, therefore, be included in the option ‘costs’. Despite the above caveats it is the case that substantial further development at Stansted will put additional pressure on the M11, M25 and A14 corridors, probably requiring additional capacity over and above that allowed for in the Preferred Strategy. It will also strengthen the demand from some quarters for a new strategic link west of Stansted to the M1 in the vicinity of Luton (across the Puckeridge Gap), perhaps even becoming part of an Outer Orbital Route to the M25. The Study Team cannot respond to this type of supposition except to re-iterate the need for a model, sufficiently specified to examine such a proposal, its primary and secondary effects, in detail. Such an appraisal must also encompass all costs and benefits associated with such development. Importantly, it should also include the LSM strategy, if approved by the Regional Planning Body and the Secretary of State, as the Reference Case for its appraisal. LSM work to date has assumed expansion at Stansted Airport up to 40 mppa and at Luton up to 31 mppa and this is represented at Scenario A. Further work has considered expansion at Stansted by an additional runway within the overall specification for Scenario C. This makes no allowance for secondary responses, such as an increase in locally based support services and major new allocations to house the additional work force. The analysis is therefore of limited value in making a detailed assessment of needs arising from airport expansion. It does, however, confirm and reinforce the need for proposals already outlined in the strategy. It is strongly recommended, given the lack of information and certainty at the current time, that after the SERAS options have been fully appraised, including any landside infrastructure proposals, the LSM strategy should be reviewed to ensure its continuing integrity. It is also recommended that the SERAS proposals should be audited using the LSM model, suitably modified, to verify their integrity. 12.3.3 Central Railway Central Railway plc is a commercial organisation proposing to construct a new rail freight route (the ‘Central Railway’) from Northern France to North West England, via the Channel Tunnel. The railway would be built to standards consistent with Mainland Europe, with lorries carried on trains to minimise loading time at terminals. It is expected that a Bill will be submitted to Ministers towards the end of 2003. - 209 - This Study has not explicitly recommended construction of the Central Railway since the costs incurred and the benefits accrued would be of national significance, beyond that which could be considered as part of LSM. The LSM strategy is unlikely to be affected by the outcome of the Central Railway Bill, since international HGV movements represent a comparatively small proportion of traffic using the highway network in the Study Area (and this is generally limited to the M1, M11 and A14). Initial tests using the model have shown that removing certain long-distance HGV trips would encourage cars and HGV’s which are currently using parallel routes to transfer to the motorway network. In addition, the road space vacated would encourage some generation of new car trips. Whilst facilitating the transfer of strategic traffic to the motorway network is an important safety and environmental objective, the need to widen the appropriate roads would not therefore be removed. Freight trains from the Channel Tunnel are currently routed via the WCML, which is also used by many domestic freight trains. Moreover, freight trains on the MML, ECML and WAML are almost entirely domestic. Therefore, whilst some freight trains could be transferred from the WCML to Central Railway, the residual number of trains would almost certainly still require the investment proposed between Watford Junction and Berkhamsted. Similarly, the recommendations for the MML, ECML and WAML would still be necessary to carry domestic freight trains. 12.4 Delivering the Rail Strategy The scheme costs for the rail strategy have been estimated on the assumption that the various schemes will be introduced as freestanding projects. However there could be worthwhile cost savings if they are incorporated in a route upgrade strategy together with maintenance and renewal activity that would be required in any case. For example, a bridge that is due for renewal could be replaced by a wider span to accommodate the additional tracks. The SRA recently launched a consultation document on its proposed Capacity Utilisation Strategy. This strategy is designed to develop a more rational allocation of capacity on each route on the basis of the value for money offered by alternative uses of the available capacity. The strategy also recognises that the pressures placed on significant parts of the network as a result of the increase in service levels experienced in recent years is a major contributor to poor reliability. The main conflict between the Capacity Utilisation Strategy and the LSM rail strategy is the assumption in LSM that all existing services must be retained. SRA will be looking to develop route capacity utilisation strategies to provide the best value for money. These may include both reductions and increases in service levels and could incorporate some of the service developments identified as required in the rail strategy. In the medium term the capacity utilisation strategies will need to take account of the opportunities presented by schemes such as Thameslink 2000. The results of capacity utilisation studies will create, in effect, a new Reference Case situation. The value for money of the proposals in the rail strategy will then need to be considered in the light of this new situation and their priority relative to other worthwhile projects. - 210 - The SRA’s proposed Capacity Utilisation Strategy also has implications for the scenarios assessing the impact of the proposed High Speed Line. As noted in the rail strategy there will be a need to retain residual inter-city services on the existing main lines to serve communities that are not catered for by the High Speed Line. However, the value for money case for retaining these services at their current frequencies, when major traffic flows divert onto the High Speed Line is likely to be weak. Instead, a different pattern of services is likely to emerge tailored to meeting the market needs and potential of the communities that will not be served by the High Speed Line. This is likely to lead to a significant reduction in the number of inter-city services on the existing main lines. However this could be counter-balanced by a requirement for some additional commuter services from cities such as Milton Keynes where part of the commuter load is carried on inter-city services. Nonetheless, the net impact is likely to be a reduction in base service levels, freeing up capacity for some of the additional passenger services and freight paths identified in the strategy. This may in turn reduce or eliminate the need for some of the capacity enhancements highlighted in the strategy. - 211 - 13 13.1 Summary of Study Recommendations Introduction The London South Midlands Multi Modal Study has taken approximately two years to complete, during which time the Study Team has undertaken extensive technical analysis in a variety of disciplines. A number of major studies of importance and relevance to LSM have reached their conclusions during the course of the Study and steps have been taken to ensure, as far as possible, the best possible fit between the conclusions emerging from these various studies. LSM has also implemented a comprehensive consultation exercise designed to elicit differing view points as to how transport policy generally should develop and what specific interventions are required within the Study Area to address the needs of key stakeholders, the public and the Government’s five overarching transport objectives. In order to facilitate the implementation process, the Study Team has engaged with the various delivery agencies to discuss how best any recommendations might be taken forward within their respective programmes. The Study has shown conclusively that despite some level of intervention as represented by new infrastructure in the Reference Case, there will be a very severe deterioration in travel conditions relative to the present day. The end result of this work, therefore, is that the Study Team has recommended a comprehensive package of interventions and supporting measures for the Study Area which will support the Government’s five objectives and provide the necessary operational performance for the strategic transport networks. Some of the interventions are capable of early delivery within existing mechanisms but others are less easy to deliver; for example they require a change of national policy, or are justified in part on the need to support and reinforce other areas of policy, such as landuse planning. Therefore, in concluding this report, the Study Team seek to provide the necessary ‘joinedup’ thinking which identifies a range of actions required to deliver the proposed strategy. This thinking also identifies a range of network management issues, which must complement the strategy if it is to deliver maximum benefit. The recommendations are presented by delivery agency, geographical area, and, finally, policy. Each recommendation is referenced by a number in parentheses. 13.2 Delivery Agencies 13.2.1 Introduction The major infrastructure schemes contained within the strategy will be delivered by the Highways Agency and the Strategic Rail Authority. Others, however, have important roles to play, including the various highway authorities in the Study Area, the planning authorities, the Department for Transport, train and bus operators. -212 - 13.2.2 Strategic Rail Authority The SRA is currently under considerable pressure to address the significant underinvestment which has occurred on the rail network over many years. The result is that within the 10-Year Plan period SRA funding is already committed (through its Strategic Plan) towards corrective and preventative maintenance, together with capacity improvements within corridors where a substantial demand exists. It is also adopting a much more financially stringent approach to investment with a Business Case needing to be developed in support of major investment. In the recent past the SRA has examined ways in which capacity on the network can be enhanced without necessarily creating the need for new infrastructure. The ‘Capacity Utilisation Review’ is based upon the premise that significant capacity increases can be achieved through more efficient pathing arrangements, which exploit a more uniform service pattern in a particular corridor. Such an approach is eminently sensible given the lack of financial and technical resources available to create new capacity. It will, however, result in both ‘winners’ and ‘losers’ on the rail network as service patterns are adjusted relative to the present day. The LSM strategy, in contrast, is designed to address needs within a 30-year period with the objective that many ‘win’ and none ‘lose’. Given that strategic timescale and the underlying constraints it is inevitable that some proposals, beyond those which have already been included within the Reference Case for the Study, may not satisfy a Business Case examination at the current time. This is not to say that such investment would not be justified but that more time is required before the strategic benefits of such investment can be fully realised or, alternatively, that further land-use development must take place before there is sufficient critical mass in certain corridors. Given this context, recommendations for development of the rail network are given below: (1) The creation of future rail capacity should continue to be sensitive to and support long-term land-use planning. (2) The principle of improved connectivity between major networks should be accepted as a long term strategic benefit which is considered as additive to any Business Case assessment and be explicitly recognised in the appraisal process. (3) The Business Case Assessment should recognise that the provision of additional tracks in existing corridors will provide a significant improvement in reliability, as trains will be able to use another track when one is blocked. In addition, the cost and ease of maintenance and renewals will be improved as some of the tracks can remain open, rather than possessions being required for entire sections of route. These benefits should be considered part of any assessment as should any reduction in overcrowding. (4) The SRA should see the strategy as a view of where rail infrastructure will be required in 30 years. Thus, even if the need for 4-tracking and 6-tracking is not required at this stage, any routine renewals such as bridge replacements should be designed to accommodate possible widening of alignments at a later date. East-West Rail (5) The western section of east-west rail between Bicester and Bletchley should receive SRA support through an approved RPP bid at the earliest possible time -213 - (6) (7) to assist in works on WCML as well as the first stage of an east-west route. This should include a station at Winslow and through services to the Chiltern line. The SRA should pursue the eastern section of east-west rail on the most ‘direct’ alignment possible between Bedford and Cambridge, and in the same corridor as an improved A421/A428 to minimise environmental disbenefits. The SRA should initiate a study of rail accessibility to Stansted Airport, including connections from WCML, MML and ECML without travelling through London, given the possible future role of Stansted as an airport of national importance. Even in the short-term, the role of Stansted as a transport hub facilitating interchange between car, rail and bus should be marketed and strengthened. West Coast Main Line (8) The capacity of the WCML between Watford Junction and Berkhamsted should be improved to allow better segregation of slow, semi-fast and fast trains. Similar improvements should be provided between Rugby and Birmingham. These improvements will facilitate additional freight services and local passenger services. Detailed recommendations, however, may need to be refined when the full specification for the WCML upgrade is finalised. (9) The potential for a new ‘parkway’ station on the Northampton loop should be investigated in more detail. Midland Main Line (10) The Bedford – Northampton route should be re-opened as an extension of Thameslink services to Birmingham. This would facilitate many new strategic journeys, which are currently difficult by rail. (11) Although construction of the Bedford-Northampton route may not start in the near future, the alignment should be confirmed as soon as possible and land protected against other development. (12) Additional capacity should be provided between Bedford and Leicester to accommodate additional freight trains and additional passenger trains to Leicester. (13) The intention to develop a new ‘parkway’ station at Elstow should be confirmed at the earliest opportunity. East Coast Main Line (14) The ECML should have additional capacity provided between Welwyn Garden City and Knebworth and between Huntingdon and Peterborough. This will facilitate additional freight services and both local and inter-city passenger services. (15) The stations at Stevenage and St Neots should be expanded to enable a ‘parkway’ role to be fulfilled, in view of their proximity to the strategic highway network. -214 - (16) Sufficient works in the London area should be carried out to maximise the benefits of the enhancements in the Study Area. West Anglia Main Line (17) All fast services between London and Cambridge or Stansted Airport should be rerouted via Stratford. This will provide capacity required in the London area, and enable passengers to benefit from the numerous interchange opportunities available at Stratford. (18) A second tunnel to Stansted Airport should be provided. Additional capacity should also be provided between Tottenham Hale and Bishop’s Stortford to enable additional trains to be operated. (19) The potential for a new ‘parkway’ station in the Cambridge area should be investigated in more detail Freight Specific Proposals (20) SRA should ensure commitment to the Reference Case scheme to provide the track capacity between Felixstowe and Nuneaton that is required to divert freight trains away from London. (21) Any proposals for east-west rail should acknowledge the need for freight capacity. (22) New intermodal terminals are required around London to achieve the forecast growth in rail freight and should be provided with some urgency. (23) Within the Study Area rail-connected movements must be developed wherever there is an economic case. (24) The potential for local intermodal terminals should be considered at strategic locations such as Peterborough, Cambridge and Milton Keynes. Highways Agency The contribution of the Highways Agency to the delivery of the LSM strategy cannot be overstated. With the majority of future rail investments that can be achieved within the 10Year Plan period incorporated within the Reference Case for the Study, virtually all the major infrastructure proposals within the 10-Year Plan period relate to increased road capacity. Key recommendations are summarised below: (25) The widening of M1 to dual 4-lane motorway between junctions 6A-10 is the highest priority road scheme within the Study Area, given that the M1 currently suffers congestion at all peak and many inter-peak periods throughout the week. It should proceed at the very earliest opportunity. (26) M1 between Junctions 10 and 13 should be widened to dual 4-lane motorway standard but not in advance of junctions 6A-10. -215 - (27) The Dunstable Northern Bypass should replace the Dunstable Eastern Bypass as the most appropriate means of bypassing Dunstable and providing access to the M1. (28) A new junction, possibly 11A (see Recommendation 29 below), should be formed between Dunstable Northern Bypass and the M1 which allows an additional connection to a dual 2-lane all-purpose Luton Northern Bypass. (29) Given its proximity to Toddington services, a new junction 11A, and the low levels of traffic carried at Junction 12, consideration should be given to closing the latter, but with arrangements made to retain access/egress for the emergency services. (30) The existing M1 Junction 13 should be re-modelled to separate east-west through movements on the A421 from those wishing to access the motorway. (31) A detailed review should be undertaken of M1 Junction 14 given the proposals for M1 widening, a re-modelled M1 Junction 13 and further expansion of Milton Keynes as proposed by the Milton Keynes to South Midlands Sub-regional Planning Study. (32) Given its strategic function as the most important national motorway the HA should allow no further junctions to be formed on the M1. (33) All new construction and major maintenance should plan for the incorporation of gantries, traffic monitoring and telecoms equipment at the earliest possible opportunity. This will enable the introduction of Active Traffic Management techniques, such as ramp metering, variable signing and signalling, and, eventually, area wide road user charging without later disruption. (34) All existing motorway infrastructure should be similarly reviewed to determine whether there is an Operational Case and a Business Case for incorporating ATM at the earliest opportunity. A1/A1(M) between M25 and A14 (35) Given its sub-regional function, the relatively low levels of through traffic from M25 to A14 and its primary role of serving the immediately adjacent urban hinterland, the A1/A1(M) should not be viewed as a road of national importance. (36) In view of its sub-regional function, the inconsistent standards along its length and the design limitations imposed by motorway status, the status of the A1(M) should be reviewed at the earliest possible opportunity, with a view to providing a more flexible approach to design and speed limits commensurate with its sub-regional role. (37) Between Junctions 6 and 8 the HA should follow one of two courses, either: • a modest improvement should be developed based on a climbing lane north of Junction 6 supplemented by Active Traffic Management to mitigate the worst effects of the loss in capacity across this junction; or -216 - • A1 should be widened to dual 3-lane standard subject to safety considerations and there being no increase of strategic, long-distance traffic in the corridor. This could be achieved by using narrow lanes or alternatively full width lanes with speed limit reductions on this and adjacent sections. (38) For environmental reasons Sandy and Beeston should be bypassed using the shortest length of route which will satisfy engineering design and safety standards. The existing, bypassed A1 should be treated to reduce its capacity and provide environmental betterment. (39) The section of A1 between Brampton and Alconbury should be widened to dual 3-lane standard as part of implementing the A14 improvements recommended by CHUMMS. M11 (40) Between Junctions 8 and 9 of the M11, the design standard should be dual 3lane motorway standard. (41) Between Junctions 9 and 14, the M11 should be dual 3-lane motorway standard. (42) Given the uncertainty regarding the possible growth of Cambridge, Stansted and Harlow, bridge over-widening and other techniques should be adopted to allow for further traffic growth beyond the Study period. (43) Given the strong market in airport-related bus services, local traffic management measures should be considered to ensure that bus services receive appropriate priority in the vicinity of Stansted Airport. A421/A428 (44) The A421/A428 between the M1 and M11 should be widened to a consistent dual 2-lane all-purpose standard. (45) The new alignment for A421/A428, particularly east of Great Barford Bypass should make allowance for a parallel double-track railway. (46) Preparation of the A428 scheme between the A1 and M11 should make allowance for a double-track railway and consideration should be given to jointly promoting and contracting the A1 to Caxton Gibbet section of the road and rail schemes. (47) The A14 should be widened to dual 3-lane standard between M1 junction 19 and the improvements proposed by CHUMMS, which terminate at A1 just south of Huntingdon. The decision between motorway and all-purpose standard should take account of final recommendations from detailed work currently being progressed on CHUMMS. (48) Early improvement to the Kettering Bypass should be viewed as a key phasing requirement. A14 -217 - (49) Widening to dual 3-lane all-purpose standard should be pursued between the B1047 and A11. Network Management (50) The HA should grasp the opportunity created by an improved M1 Junction 19 and an improved A14/M11 to review the strategic management of the highway network particularly with respect to trips between the North and Midlands to East London, Kent and East Sussex, parts of Essex and the Channel Ports. (51) At times of excess demand the HA should preserve the level-of-service provided by the motorway network as a top priority. This would be through measures such as Active Traffic Management, involving ramp metering, dynamic signing and signalling etc. 13.2.3 Local Authorities Local Authorities may be the local highway authority, the local planning authority or both and their contribution to an overall strategy can support either of these roles. In support of their planning function, the Study recommends that: (52) All new development should be located where it is accessible by good public transport provision. (53) Strengthening of the east-west rail axis between Oxford, Milton Keynes, Bedford and Cambridge should be a specific strategic and local priority for land-use policy and for land-use allocations. (54) Bedfordshire County Council should draw on the outputs from LSM to support the case for new development, and a new station, at Elstow. In support of their transport function, including strategic highway provision the Study recommends that: (55) Local Authorities should continue to support transport policies to promote walking, cycling and public transport opportunities through urban design, pricing and re-allocation of road space. (56) The creation of additional capacity on the A421, to the west of the M1 should be phased to coincide with improvements at M1 Junction 13. (57) Construction of Luton Northern Bypass should be phased, if possible, to coincide with construction of Dunstable Northern Bypass and M1 Junction 11A. (58) The precise alignment and junction arrangements for Luton Northern Bypass should be determined by the relevant Local Authority(ies) and set in the context of land-use planning aspirations as well as transport needs. (59) Local Authorities should promote interchange between rail and bus, and strengthen local bus services as feeder routes to the rail network. A particular -218 - application, when bus and railway stations are separated, is to ensure a good shuttle service and that all relevant routes serve the railway station. Bedford and Cambridge are two examples where there is scope for this initiative. 13.3 Geographical Area In a study such as LSM, which covers a large geographical area, there are a number of locations where a specific issue or group of issues dominates the local consideration of transport issues. This section therefore tries to ‘sweep up’ these remaining issues and recommends that: Milton Keynes (60) There is an inadequate case for a Milton Keynes Southern Bypass, based on appraisal against the Government’s five overaching objectives. The existing A421 will therefore need to accommodate through movements on the eastwest axis. This will require widening to dual 2-lane standard between M1 Junction 13 and the periphery of the urban area and may also require local junction improvements through Milton Keynes itself. (61) Further detailed local analysis should be undertaken to determine how best to integrate the Milton Keynes and Bletchley railway stations. One simple idea would be to re-name Bletchley as ‘Bletchley and Milton Keynes South’, supported by a network of bus services to different parts of Milton Keynes. (62) Further detailed analysis is required to determine how best M1 Junction 14 will function given that widening of the M1 is only recommended to Junction 13. Northampton (63) Further analysis should be undertaken to investigate in greater detail the prospects for a ‘parkway’ station on the Northampton Loop. Cambridge (64) Further analysis should be undertaken to investigate in greater detail the prospects for a ‘parkway’ station north or south of the existing station. Corby/Kettering (65) Although no Business Case can be made for a new passenger station at Corby, the position should be kept under review in the light of further land-use development. Dunstable (66) Dunstable Eastern Bypass does not serve a strategic function but a protected corridor may provide local access benefits, which should be resolved by the respective Local Authorities. -219 - A414 Corridor (67) This does not serve a strategic function and any improvements should be local in nature to assist local problems. A45 Stanwick-Thrapston (68) Though not part of the overall strategy, improvement of this route to a consistent standard by dualling the section between Stanwick and Thrapston is considered to have merit. (69) The A5 between M1 and M6 does not serve a strategic function for north-south movement, this function being served by the M1. Any operational or safety problems should therefore be a local matter requiring small-scale solutions. A5 A505 (70) The A505 is not a strategic, long-distance corridor and whilst local network improvements to Baldock and Hitchin are supported they should be of a standard which does not attract additional long distance traffic into the corridor. East-West Travel (71) Any new strategic east-west road connection in the Study Area should be resisted until all other possible transport solutions have been exhausted. 13.4 Policy 13.4.1 Introduction The policy areas which emerged as being of significance to the Study and, at the same time, which resulted in greatest uncertainty, or being the most controversial were as follows: • road user charging which is not part of government policy but which was demonstrated to generate significant major benefits in a Study Area where the demand for movement is expected to grow by about 60% over the next 30 years; • air transport policy, where the recent SERAS and to a lesser extent MRAS reports, identified a potential scale of airport development which could not be accommodated by minor enhancements but could require wholesale change; and • land-use policy, where at the current time, considerable uncertainties exist with respect to the adoption of the proposals from the Sub-Regional Planning Studies carried out for Milton Keynes to South Midlands and London-StanstedCambridge and further housing allocations announced in 2002 by the Deputy Prime Minister. -220 - In addition an area of policy that should be dealt with explicitly relates to freight (in addition to the specific recommendations made for rail freight) and this is therefore covered in this section also. In all these areas, the Study Team has reflected national policy which, per se, is beyond the remit of the Study. However, knowledge gained through the level of analysis and investigation undertaken has highlighted a number of important issues which challenge certain aspects of national policy. Consequently, the Team believes it should present its recommendations as a contribution to the considerations of the Regional Planning Bodies and the Secretary of State. 13.4.2 Road User Charging Whilst Active Traffic Management techniques allied to infrastructure improvements can bring significant benefits in terms of improving throughput on the highway network, it is envisaged that the management of traffic will need to be coupled, at some time in the future, with measures designed to reduce demand. Given the effectiveness of road user charging in reducing demand, the significant benefits which such a regime can deliver, but the fact that it is not currently Government policy, the Study Team recommends the following. (72) Road user charging in principle should be adopted by Government as a mechanism which can deliver considerable benefit in its own right and which can either complement or facilitate other necessary transport interventions. (73) Government should instigate a comprehensive research study to determine how area-wide road user charging could be implemented at the earliest possible date and what form it should take. Such studies should not, however, delay adoption of the policy in principle. (74) Government should include in its consideration issues such as public acceptability, including issues of civil liberties, feasibility, delivery (roll-out), as well as integration with existing information databases and communications networks. Crucially, it must also consider integration and rationalisation with the existing fiscal regimes, as applied to private and commercial vehicles. (75) Any system implemented should be sufficiently flexible to allow changes to the charging regime at a later date, for example to introduce charges by road type or time of day. (76) Government should review existing arrangements for data collection, communications and technology procurement to ensure ‘future proofing’ of any investment in road user charging. (77) Studies should be undertaken to research the social consequences of road user charging and mitigate any adverse effects. (78) Finally, Government should seek ‘early wins’ which will generate significant benefits to existing arrangements as well as the road user charging. An example would be the adoption of an electronic vehicle identifier, which could replace the paper tax disc but also assist a variety of current enforcement measures. -221 - 13.4.3 Air Transport Policy The SERAS study foresees a growth in air passenger movements in the South East and East of England from just over 100 million per annum at the current time to three times this number within a period of 30 years. The land distribution of growth between airports in the South East could create a variety of land transport problems, depending upon which combination is identified to provide the capacity required. Importantly, whatever combination is finally chosen it should build upon the emerging strategies from the multi modal studies. As a result it is recommended that: (79) The airport access implications and infrastructure requirements should be subject to rigorous study and take account of the strategy emerging from LSM. (80) Any additional landside infrastructure beyond the multi modal study recommendations, deemed to be necessary to accommodate recommendations from SERAS, in particular, must be included within the overall economic cost/benefit and framework appraisal for each airport strategy option. 13.4.4 Land-Use Planning Policy Land-use planning policy is the key determinant of travel demand in terms of scale, location and mode. However, changes in policy cannot generate significant change in transport demand in the short term, given the typically long periods between plan development and implementation. Nevertheless, the integration of land-use and transportation policy remains a pivotal requirement for long term change. In recognition of this, it is recommended that: (81) As a principle, Government explicitly recognises the two-way process between land-use and transport by reinforcing the need to locate new development close to good public transport links and maximising the opportunities for walk and cycle trips. (82) Regional Planning Guidance must provide a strong lead on the desirability, or otherwise, of the Oxford-Cambridge arc and the transport infrastructure necessary to underpin its creation and long-term sustainability. (83) Outputs from the London-Stansted-Cambridge and Milton-Keynes to South Midlands Sub-Regional Planning studies should be accommodated within the regional planning process as quickly as possible to minimise uncertainty and to ensure any associated transport needs can be fully reflected within the LSM strategy. 13.4.5 Freight The key rail freight and inter modal proposals are set out in Recommendations 20 to 24. In addition, there are two specific policy issues relating to freight. (84) The Distance Based Charging mechanism for goods vehicles should be explored as a mechanism for encouraging vehicles to travel at night. -222 - (85) 13.4.6 A Freight Forum should be established covering the Study Area with a particular focus on the retail distribution sector. The Forum should work closely with Freight Quality Partnerships to spread best practice in load sharing, back loading and load utilisation. Other Matters Within this general area of policy is an observation that on occasions the appraisal process does not sit comfortably with transport policy as expressed through Government objectives. An example of this is the extent to which transport investment should accommodate existing behaviour as revealed, for example, through the existing “demand for movement” or the extent to which it can be a catalyst for change. Within the appraisal process, it is almost always the case, not unreasonably, that accommodating existing patterns of behaviour provides a more compelling case for investment. However, this can undermine the potential role of transport as an agent for change, as illustrated by the competing claims of east-west and north-south rail travel. Given limited resources, investment will always favour north-south travel because of established and significant demands to the possible exclusion of east-west travel. Nevertheless, improvement to east-west rail travel remains a strategic transport objective in its own right, supports a major regional land-use objective and offers the possibility for long-term change beyond the Study period. As such, it is recommended that: (86) The appraisal process should explicitly recognise and reward the achievement of strategic change, in support of national or regional transport, land-use or economic objectives. The pricing of transport, and particularly private transport is not the subject of this Study although the assumptions made do have a profound impact on the strategy finally developed. In this respect, the Study Team feel justified in making the following recommendation: (87) The price of any transport mode to the end user should reflect the external costs of travel. This would require a progressive increase in the cost of private travel by car until such time as road user charging was adopted and became the mechanism for internalising external costs. Finally, methodologies which have been developed by the Government to support studies such as LSM, should be reviewed, to ensure that they adequately reflect the emerging demographic, fiscal and social trends affecting future demands for travel. As the primary planning tool for multi modal studies and given the problems experienced by LSM it is recommended that: (88) There should be a thorough audit of TEMPRO to ensure that it reflects the latest strategic planning allocations and that the relationships within it are transparent, logical and internally consistent. -223 - Appendix A – Terms of Reference Study Area The Study Area should encompass all strategic routes between London and the South Midlands and therefore can be regarded as being bounded by the A5 and WCML in the west and the M11/A14 and West Anglia Great Northern (WAGN) Line in the east. The southern boundary of the immediate area of interest is the M25 London Orbital Motorway while the northern boundary is just north of the A14. The Scoping Study identified that while the above Study Area forms the immediate “Area of Interest” the development of transport and other policies in the surrounding areas are likely to influence travel behaviour, transport policy and the provision of transport infrastructure in the Area of Interest. An “Area of Influence”, around the Area of Interest, has therefore been defined. While this study will need to take account of the impact of transport policies, strategies and plans being developed in this wider Area of Influence it will be confined to addressing the problems of the Area of Interest. There are a number of other studies that, to varying degrees, overlap with the area of this study. It will be important for this study to be informed by and to inform each of these studies on the development of strategies and plans. In particular, the following studies contain Study Areas that are nested within this London to South Midlands Study: • • Cambridge to Huntingdon Multi-Modal Study M1 Junction 19 Roads-Based Study The Consultant will be expected to have regard to the issues and the development of options within these Study Areas, and where appropriate, to take account of the outcomes from these studies when considering the development of strategies and the appraisal of options. Other studies, whose Study Areas overlap with this study, and with whom a high degree of mutual interest lie include: • • London Orbital Multi-Modal Study North-South Movements in the East Midlands The Consultant will be expected to have regard to the issues and the development of options within these Study Areas, as they impact upon the London to South Midlands Area of Interest. The Consultant will be expected to make contact with, and liase, with consultants employed on other studies for the mutual exchange and co-ordination of information and effort. In particular it will be necessary to ensure mutual compatibility on issues such as data collection, model development and use. General Objectives The study will be guided by the Government’s five over-arching criteria for transport as set out in the White Paper “A New Deal for Transport: Better for Everyone” published in July 1998, namely: - Ai - • • • • • integration – ensuring that all decisions are taken in the context of our integrated transport policy safety – to improve safety for all transport users economy – supporting sustainable economic activity in appropriate locations and getting good value for money environmental impact – protecting the built and natural environment accessibility – improving access to everyday facilities for those without a car and reducing community severance The study will be guided by the national transport strategy as set out in the Government’s plan for transport “Transport 2010: The 10 Year Plan”. The overall aim of the study is to make recommendations for a long-term strategy to meet the passenger and freight transport needs within an area based on the M1, A1(M)/A1 and M11 corridors. To achieve this, the study is to consider the congestion problems on the key corridors within the Study Area by looking in particular at the opportunities for a modal shift from the car and lorry and by looking at opportunities to manage the demand for travel. The study should make recommendations on the problems of east-west travel across the Study Area both in terms of the difficulties of east-west movement and the impact that east-west movement has on north-south congestion. Of particular relevance is the role of the A14, the lack of a strategic east –west route between the A14 and the M25, and the lack of an east-west railway. There are a number of general issues which this study must address in developing options for the long term strategy:• • • • • • • • • • the opportunities for changing travel behaviour through the implementation of a coherent and integrated series of strategies aimed at modal transfers and reducing traffic volumes the opportunities for a change in culture (‘hearts and minds’) to promote sustainable travel behaviour the contributions different modes of travel can make to improving accessibility between major conurbations the potential role of rail service improvements in meeting regional transport objectives the role of air travel in contributing to national and regional transport objectives the efficient movement of freight and the maximisation of opportunities for the movement of freight by rail the interaction between land-use development and the transport system the opportunities to reduce the environmental impact of transport the need to improve safety on all transport networks the likely impact of new technologies and home-working on the desire to travel In identifying transport and other policy options to cater for the future travel demands the study should consider:• • • • • measures to make better use of existing infrastructure measures to manage demand urban and inter-urban charging access controls measures to give priority to certain modes - Aii - • • • • provision of new infrastructure and modal opportunities land-use planning measures measures to reduce the need to travel measures that make use of new technologies in communication The output from the study will be recommendations on a preferred strategy which will address the transport problems of the Study Area and which will meet national, regional and local objectives. The preferred strategy will be accompanied by a plan of interventions that will clearly define how the strategy should be implemented, the delivery process and programme. The recommendations will be made to Regional Planning Bodies who will take responsibility for the strategy. Specific Objectives To address the congestion problem on north-south routes, and to identify the extent to which modes, other than the car or lorry, can contribute to the solution. To make recommendations on the road improvements specifically remitted to the study from the Roads Review, namely:• • • M1 Junctions 6A – 10 Widening A1(M) Junctions 6 – 8 Widening A5 Dunstable Eastern Bypass To review and, if suitable, to incorporate work from previous studies undertaken in the corridor. To identify the conflicts between the needs of long-distance movements and local movements on the strategic road and rail networks in the Study Area To identify and examine the extent to which difficulties with east-west movements within the Study Area contribute to the congestion on north-south routes. To address the congestion problems on east-west routes, and to identify the extent to which modes other than the car or lorry can contribute to the solution. To consider the need for improvements to east-west accessibility within the Study Area by road and rail making particular reference to proposals for an East-West rail link through the Study Area. To improve surface access to airports within the Study Area, with particular reference to London Stansted and London Luton airports. There is also a need to consider access to London Heathrow airport, as it impacts on the Study Area. To identify the extent to which improvements in the capacity of the rail network within the Study Area can contribute to encouraging a modal shift, with particular reference to the West Coast Main Line Upgrade, East Coast Main Line Upgrade, West Anglia Route Modernisation, the proposals for the Central Railway and the re-franchising proposals of the Shadow Strategic Rail Authority. A need exists to consider the capacity constraints at the London Termini and on trains especially during the peak periods. - Aiii - To identify the impact of development pressures in the Study Area on the transport network, with particular reference to access to the following areas; • • • • • • Cambridge Stansted Stevenage Milton Keynes/ Bedford Luton/Dunstable Corby/ Kettering/ Wellingborough/ Northampton To consider the transport needs and problems of the rural areas within the Study Area with particular reference to the Governments objectives on social inclusion and accessibility for all. To consider planned and possible future development needs and pressures affecting the Study Area and assess their impact on the operation of the M1, M11, A1(M), A1 and other strategic routes. To take account of proposals for other transport investments within the Study Area, such as local public transport investments that are being considered by Local Authorities in their Local Transport Plans. To take account of the following highway schemes that form part of the Highway Agency’s Targeted Programme of Improvements:• • • • • • • • • • A6 Clapham Bypass A6 Great Glen Bypass A120 Stansted – Braintree A421 Great Barford Bypass A41 Aston Clinton Bypass A6 Rothwell to Desborough Bypass A6 Rushden & Higham Ferrers Bypass A43 Towcester to M40 Dualling A6 Bedford Western Bypass (developer led A421-A428 link) A428 Caxton Common to Hardwick (developer led) To assess the effect on the level of demand of future changes in the use of various transport modes, future land use policies and future transportation systems up to the prescribed horizon year of 2031. Strategies will also require to be tested for intermediate years of 2006, and 2016. There are likely to be a wide range of transport options identified by the Wider Reference Group and through the public consultations. It will be necessary to sift these options to identify those which will be included in the strategies which will be tested and from which the recommended strategy will be chosen. Linked to the different transport strategies will be a range of land use / planning strategies and as it will not be possible to test all possible combinations, some consistent and transparent means of sifting the combinations will be essential. Recommendations should be presented to the Main Steering Group and to the Secretary of State through Regional Planning Bodies. Decisions will be taken during the course of the Study to enable the Consultant to take forward the approved choices for further testing. - Aiv - To undertake extensive consultation on these options with the public and other interests To recommend one or more strategies that will address the transport problems of the Study Area and which will meet national, regional and local objectives. To identify from those strategies a preferred strategy for consideration by Regional Planning Bodies for inclusion in the Regional Planning Guidance. To identify and recommend a plan of specific interventions and schemes that when implemented will deliver the preferred strategy. To identify sources of funding for the elements of the strategy, including possible developer contributions to the construction of alternative transport options, and investment from the public transport providers. To prepare a plan of interventions for the preferred strategy identifying an implementation programme, the delivery process, achievable targets and the key stakeholders who will be required to take forward individual elements of the plan. The plan of interventions should clearly identify the role key stakeholders have in implementing the strategy and the actions they need to take. This should take account of the linkages between the results of this and other Multi-Modal Studies, the Regional Planning Guidance and the Local Development and Transport Plans. - Av - Appendix B – Steering Group Representation Organisation Representation 1 Government Office for the East of England Caroline Bowdler2 Mike Evans3 Government Office for the South East John Rider Government Office for the East Midlands Mike Hewitt (Mick Woodcock) Multi Modal Studies Unit Ian Dalton (Philip Mills, Ciara Mulligan) Strategic Rail Authority Matthew Lodge Railtrack Richard Workman (Tony Rivero) Highways Agency John Faulkner (Iain Semple, Alan Kirkdale, Jim Bond) BAA Plc Chris Bush Northamptonshire County Council Ian Achurch (Chris Shaw) Bedfordshire County Council Glenn Barcham East of England Local Government Conference Alan Moore East of England Development Agency Steve Cox (Philip Amison, Natalie Blaken) East Midlands Transport Activists Round Table (Friends of the Earth) Andy Brooks (William Miller) Council for the Protection of Rural England Michael Brooks RAC Foundation for Motoring David Leibling Fright Transport Association Ken Costello (John Guttridge) 1. 2. 3. The representation given reflects the Steering Group Members who were in place at the conclusion of the Study. Names in brackets highlight those who were either the organisation’s nominee at an earlier stage in the Study, or who deputised at any stage. Chair of Steering Group Study Manager - Bi - Appendix C - Wider Reference Group Organisation Stansted Airport Ltd Confederation of Passenger Transport National Express Ltd / Airlinks National Federation of Bus Users Stagecoach East Cambridge City Council East Cambridgeshire District Council South Cambridgeshire District Council Countryside Agency CPRE English Heritage English Nature Environment Agency Friends of the Earth The National Trust T2000 (UK) English Welsh and Scottish Railways Freight Transport Association Freightliner Rail Freight Group Cambridge Health Authority Cambridgeshire Constabulary Great North Eastern Railway Rail Passengers Committee for Eastern England The Railway Forum Automobile Association RAC Foundation Pedestrians' Association Swavesey and District Bridleway Association CTC) Northamptonshire County Council Leicestershire County Council Oxfordshire County Council Buckinghamshire County Council Hertfordshire County Council Cambridgeshire County Council Bedfordshire County Council Essex County Council Warwickshire County Council South Northamptonshire Council - Ci - Organisation Northampton Borough Council Kettering Borough Council Daventry District Council Huntingdonshire District Council Aylesbury Vale District Council Chiltern District Council Wycombe District Council South Bucks District Council Corby Borough Council East Northamptonshire Council Wellingborough Borough Council Bedford Borough Council South Bedfordshire District Council Mid Bedfordshire District Council Rugby Borough Council Stratford-on-Avon District Council Warwick District Council Cherwell District Council Oxford City Council South Oxfordshire District Council Chelmsford Borough Council Epping Forest District Council Harlow Council Uttlesford District Council Broxbourne District Council Dacorum Borough Council East Hertfordshire District Council Hertsmere District Council North Hertfordshire District Council St Albans City & District Council Stevenage Borough Council Three Rivers District Council Watford District Council Welwyn Hatfield Council Midland Main Line Ltd Central Trains Ltd Chiltern Railways Connex Central Railway Virgin Trains Silverlink Train Services Ltd Thameslink Rail Ltd West Anglia Great Northern Railways Ltd Campaign Against A5 Dunstable Bypass - Cii - Organisation London Luton Airport Operations Ltd SERPLAN EMRLGA WMLGA First Bus Arriva (The Shires & Essex) Allied Continental Intermodal Ltd. Combined Transport Ltd. Direct Rail Services Ltd Highways Agency Strategic Rail Authority Railtrack Midlands Zone Railtrack East Anglia Railtrack London North Eastern British Waterways Countryside Agency Friends of the Earth CPRE STEER T2000 Road Haulage Association RAC Motorcycle Action Group Rail Passengers Committee Cyclists' Touring Club Ramblers' Association SUSTRANS Disabled Persons Transport Advisory Committee Disabled Drivers' Motor Club Age Concern Chamber of Commerce EELGC (East of England Local Government Conference) Leicestershire Constabulary Confederation of British Industry Institute of Directors Government Office for the West Midlands East of England Development Agency Anglia Railways Association of Train Operating Companies Association for Dunstable Area Passenger Trains - Ciii - Organisation East Midlands Development Agency Cambridge Airport First Eastern National Buses Hertfordshire Constabulary British Horse Society Vauxhall Motors Ltd. The Potter Group Essex Police Blaby District Council Bedfordshire Police Northamptonshire Police Harborough District Council Transport & General Workers Union (TGWU) National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers Trades Union Congress Oadby & Wigston District Council First Bus (Northampton Transport Ltd) Bedfordshire & Luton Chamber of Commerce Cambridge & District Chamber of Commerce Essex Chamber of Commerce Greater Peterborough Chamber of Commerce Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce Milton Keynes & North Bucks Chamber of Commerce British Motorcyclists Federation British Road Federation Unison Institution of Highways and Transportation Coventry City Council Leicester City Council Luton Borough Council Milton Keynes Council Peterborough City Council Rutland County Council RailFuture (formerly Railway Development Society) Stagecoach Cambus First Bus Leicester TUC West Midlands - Civ - Appendix D – Consultant Team Representation Organisation Faber Maunsell Representation Management: Transport Modelling: Corridor Studies: Engineering: Consultation: G Copley (Project Director) H Blessington (Project Manager) S Tarry (Deputy Project Manager) S Freedman (Administrator) S Shapiro (Team Leader) P Olak M Rheinberg S Newman D Aldridge J Pattinson D McGuigan B Bartlett R Pettit F Lever D Voss Ecotec Socio-Economic Analysis: G Barrett M Sales David Lock Associates Strategic Planning: D Lock J Urwin A Owen J Scarlett Environmental Resource Management Environmental Appraisal: S Purnell B Davidson S Mitchell M Stallard Sinclair Knight Merz Freight: I Brooker Projects in Partnership Consultation: H Poldervaart L Wetenhall L Colbourne Count-On-Us Data Collection: G O’Regan Land-Use - Di - Appendix E - Modelling Framework 1.1 Role of Transport Model The intensity and complexity of movement within the Study Area is such that a comprehensive analytical base was required both to describe this movement in detail and as a consistent base for testing different options. This was achieved by means of a transport model, which could describe, reflect and report on the range of possible interventions which had to be considered and the behavioural responses likely to result. The modelling was divided into two components, strategic and corridor. The strategic model was used during the first part of the Study to address area wide policies and major infrastructure investment schemes. During the latter months of the study, this model was refined to give a more detailed network and more accurate trip matrices in the principal corridors associated with the study. This ‘corridor model’ was then used to test the effects of implementing specific schemes and policies at a more local level. 1.2 Overview of Model 1.2.1 Structure of Model The model was based on a standard four-stage approach, with elements of trip generation, distribution, mode choice and assignment. The overall sequence for a model run is shown in a simplified format as Figure E1. Figure E.1 Overall Model Structure 4 x3 x3 Assignment SATURN (Highway) Trip Distribution EMME/2 (Public Transport) Mode Choice x3 Trip Generation (or suppression) x3 In the first instance, the matrices for a given year and land use scenario were assigned to the appropriate networks for each mode and time period. ‘Generalised costs’ of travel between each origin and destination zone were calculated for each mode from the assignments, and by comparison with the generalised costs from the base year (2001) assignments, the distribution model adjusted the origins or destinations of certain trips. A - Ei - similar procedure was then used in the mode choice model to adjust the proportion of trips between each origin and destination zone which used each of the three modes. Finally, the trip generation model was used to estimate the number of new trips which will be made (or the number which will be suppressed) between each origin and destination zone as a result of the change in generalised cost. Following completion of the “assignment – distribution – mode choice – generation” cycle, the revised trip matrices were assigned to the networks a second time, and the entire cycle repeated. Unlike the first iteration, however, the generalised costs were compared with those from the first iteration rather than those from the 2001 assignments. Similarly, a third iteration was carried out, and a final assignment of the trip matrices produced by this iteration. The number of iterations was selected at three based on tests on convergence of the model. 1.2.2 Area of Coverage The model was set up to: • have greatest detail for the Study Area itself, which was the main focus for all schemes tested; and • include the Wider Area of Influence, which delineates a boundary within which it was considered possible that solutions to the problems affecting the Study Area may need to be tested. In practice, however, the model extends, albeit in skeletal form, to the whole of England, Scotland and Wales. 1.2.3 Zone Structure The zoning system was developed to follow Local Authority boundaries, with each zone representing: • one or more Wards within and close to the Study Area; • one Borough in Greater London; • one or more Districts in most of South East England and the Midlands; and • one County elsewhere in England, Scotland and Wales. Additional zones were also included to cover passenger and employee trips associated with the key air and sea ports relevant to the Study Area, i.e. Heathrow, Gatwick, Stansted, Luton and Harwich. This resulted in a total of 588 zones comprising: • 258 within the Study Area; • 316 outside the Study Area; and • 14 representing air and sea ports. - Eii - The number of zones associated with each District in the Study Area is shown in Table E.1, whilst the number of zones outside the Study Area is shown in Table E.2. As can be seen from these tables, a zone numbering convention was adopted at County and District level, for ease of identification and to facilitate grouping into various areas. Table E.1 Zoning Inside the Study Area County District Hertfordshire North Hertfordshire 101xx Stevenage 102xx 3 East Hertfordshire 103xx 18 Dacorum 104xx 10 St Albans 105xx 10 Welwyn Hatfield 106xx 9 Broxbourne 107xx 3 Bedfordshire Zone Numbers Total Number 13 Three Rivers 108xx 3 Watford 109xx 5 Hertsmere 111xx 2 North Bedfordshire 121xx 10 Mid Bedfordshire 122xx 19 South Bedfordshire 123xx 11 Luton Luton 131xx 5 Cambridgeshire Huntingdon 152xx 13 East Cambridgeshire 153xx 5 South Cambridgeshire 154xx 15 Cambridge 155xx 2 Milton Keynes Milton Keynes 161xx 12 Buckinghamshire Aylesbury Vale 171xx 14 Chiltern 173xx 6 Corby 181xx 1 Kettering 182xx 3 East Northamptonshire 183xx 7 Daventry 184xx 5 Northamptonshire Essex Northampton 185xx 3 Wellingborough 186xx 8 South Northamptonshire 187xx 10 Uttlesford 201xx 17 Harlow 205xx 2 Epping Forest 206xx 11 Harborough 254xx 1 Rutland 260xx 1 Warwickshire Rugby 283xx 1 Airports Stansted Airport 22xxx 2 Luton Airport 22xxx 2 Leicestershire GRAND TOTAL - Eiii - 262 Table E.2 Zoning Outside the Study Area County Peterborough Cambridgeshire Buckinghamshire Oxfordshire Essex Southend-on-Sea Suffolk Norfolk Leicestershire Warwickshire West Midlands Nottinghamshire Derbyshire Lincolnshire Kent Surrey West Sussex East Sussex London Hampshire Staffordshire Berkshire Other Counties/Regions Ports District Peterborough Fenland High Wycombe South Buckinghamshire West Oxfordshire Cherwell Oxford Vale of White Horse South Oxfordshire Braintree Colchester Tendring Chelmsford Maldon Brentwood Basildon Rochford Thurrock Castlepoint Southend-on-Sea Heathrow Airport Gatwick Airport Harwich Port GRAND TOTAL 1.2.4 Zone Numbers 141xx 151xx 172xx 174xx 191xx 192xx 193xx 194xx 195xx 202xx 203xx 204xx 207xx 208xx 209xx 211xx 212xx 213xx 214xx 221xx 23xxx 24xxx 25xxx, 26xxx, 27xxx 28xxx 29xxx 31xxx, 32xxx 33xxx, 34xxx 35xxx 36xxx, 37xxx 38xxx, 39xxx 40xxx 41xxx 42xxx, 43xxx, 44xxx, 45xxx 46xxx, 47xxx 48xxx 89xxx 49xxx to 87xxx 22xxx, 88xxx 22xxx 23xxx Total Number 2 5 5 5 5 9 3 6 11 11 7 11 12 7 4 3 6 5 1 1 7 7 7 4 7 8 9 9 13 11 8 5 33 14 9 6 40 6 2 2 326 Modelling Software The overall four-stage model for the Study was developed to operate in the EMME/2 modelling suite, due to its matrix manipulation capabilities. In addition, the public transport assignment model operates within EMME/2. However, for modelling a congested highway network, SATURN is more suitable than EMME/2. The highway model was therefore set up to operate in SATURN with a bespoke computer program designed to convert matrices between the EMME/2 and SATURN formats. - Eiv - 1.2.5 User Groups The model contained twelve user groups. This had several advantages: • different assignment procedures could be attributed to each user group, reflecting the relative importance they attach to different elements of the journey, such as time and distance; • the mix of user groups at particular points on the network, or travelling between particular zones, could be examined; • different growth factors for the future years could be attributed to each user group; and • different parameters could be applied to each user group in the generation, distribution and mode choice models, representing their different behavioural responses and hence propensities to change travel patterns. The user classes and their application in the various components of the model are summarised in Table E.3. Table E.3 User Classes User Class Car Highway Available Assignment Public Mode Distribution Generation Transport Choice Model Model Assignment Home Based Work (HBW) ! ! ! ! ! ! Home Based School (HBS) ! ! ! ! ! ! Home Based Other (HBO) ! ! ! ! ! ! Employer Business (EB) ! ! ! ! ! ! Non-Home Based Other (NHBO) ! ! ! ! ! ! Light Goods Vehicles (LGV) ! ! " " ! " Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGV) ! ! " " " " Home Based Work (HBW) " " ! ! ! ! Home Based School (HBS) " " ! ! ! ! Home Based Other (HBO) " " ! ! ! ! Employer Business (EB) " " ! ! ! ! Non-Home Based Other (NHBO) " " ! ! ! ! 1.2.6 Time Periods Three time periods were modelled to capture the mix of business and leisure trips in the Study Area: • morning peak (0700 to 1000 hours); • off-peak (1000 to 1600 hours); and • evening peak (1600 to 1900 hours). - Ev - Although the public transport model actually operates for each of these time periods, SATURN assignments are usually carried out for a one hour period, and hence have been set up to represent an average hour in each case. 1.3 Assignment Model 1.3.1 Highway Network SATURN allows networks to be coded at two levels – simulation and buffer. Within the simulation area each junction is coded in considerable and explicit detail, whereas in the buffer area a less detailed link based representation is used. As a general rule, the area within the Study Area is represented by a simulation network, whilst that outside is represented by a buffer network. When creating the highway network for the LSM assignment model, maximum use was made of the following existing models: • New Assessment of M25 Improvements (NAOMI) model; • Eastern Region Traffic Model; • the Cambridge to Huntingdon Multi-Modal Study (CHUMMS) model; and • local models for Bedford, Milton Keynes and Northampton. Data from these models were supplemented and refined using information from a helicopter video survey covering the principal corridors, and also from Ordnance Survey maps. The final network contained around 13,700 links, giving coverage as follows: • in the simulation area, all motorways and A-roads, most B-roads and certain “minor roads” considered to have strategic significance (for example, potential “rat runs” which could be used to bypass the main roads); and • in the buffer area, all motorways and A-roads considered to be of particular importance, increasing in density towards the Study Area. The full network is shown in Figure E.2, with an inset for the Study Area in Figure E.3. - Evi - Figure E.2 National Highway Network Figure E.3 Highway Network within Study Area 1.3.2 Highway Trip Matrices (Base Year) It was originally intended to base the highway trip matrices on data from roadside interviews (scheduled to take place in Autumn 2000), supplementing data as necessary from the NAOMI and ERTM models. However, the survey programme was delayed and reduced due to a number of external influences. These included the fuel crisis of Autumn - Evii - 2000, non-typical travel patterns as a result of the Hatfield and Selby rail crashes, the outbreak of Foot and Mouth disease in Spring 2001; and the General Election in June 2001. The roadside interview surveys were, therefore, only incorporated as part of the corridor modelling, with the strategic model matrices being based entirely on data from NAOMI and ERTM. In addition, since the volume of survey data available was less than originally anticipated, data from several other models were incorporated in the corridor model matrices, including: • a local model for Milton Keynes; • a local model for Luton and Dunstable; and • the Cambridge to Huntingdon Multi-Modal Study (CHUMMS) model. The matrices were further refined using ‘matrix estimation’. This is a procedure within SATURN whereby an initial trip matrix is adjusted such that, when the final matrix is assigned to the network, the flows will closely replicate a given set of traffic counts. The matrix estimation was carried out for each of the three time periods, and based on three sets of count data: • a cordon closely following the Study Area boundary; • a set of cordons around key towns in the Study Area; and • a series of isolated points on key roads in the network, which were considered useful to control the volumes of various north-south and east-west movements. Trip totals for each of the base year matrices in the final corridor model are shown in Table E.4. Table E.4 Trip Totals from Base Year Highway Matrices Trip Purpose Home Based Work Home Based School Home Based Other Employer Business Non-Home Based Other Light Goods Vehicles Heavy Goods Vehicles TOTALS 1.3.3 Average AM Peak Hour 481,524 10,536 280,361 145,972 91,622 93,747 86,737 1,190,499 Average Off-Peak Hour 106,291 2,004 349,862 178,427 128,553 89,954 109,571 964,662 Average PM Peak Hour 12 Hour 439,239 5,517 387,292 150,932 108,598 91,391 73,284 1,256,253 3,400,035 60,183 4,102,131 1,961,274 1,371,978 1,095,138 1,137,489 13,128,228 Highway Assignment Procedures The highway assignment uses two principal components within the SATURN model, SATASS and SATSIM. Separate assignments are carried out for each time period. Initially, the matrices for each user group are assigned to the appropriate network using the assignment program SATASS, based on Wardrop’s Principle of Traffic Equilibrium. This - Eviii - assumes that traffic assigns itself on congested networks such that the cost of travel on all routes between each origin and destination pair is equal to the minimum cost of travel, and hence all unused routes have an equal or greater cost. Heavy vehicles, for which some roads may be unsuitable, are given first choice of route before the other user groups are assigned. After completion of SATASS, the simulation program SATSIM is run, which calculates the delays within the simulation area based on the flows assigned in SATASS. SATASS is then run again, re-assigning the trip matrix based on the delays calculated by SATSIM. This procedure continues to a maximum of ten loops, or until convergence is achieved. Convergence was specified such that the flows on at least 90% of links on the network should change by less than 5% between successive loops. 1.3.4 Public Transport Network In recent years, the consultants have developed two strategic rail models for the purpose of evaluating rail enhancement schemes: • the South East Regional Rail Model (SERRM), comprising a detailed network representation of the former Network SouthEast area (including the London Underground), but a coarse level of detail outside this area; and • the National Rail Model (NRM), which has a lesser level of detail but gives full coverage of England, Scotland and Wales. Maximum use was made of these models when creating the networks for the LSM public transport, but neither SERRM nor NRM were considered suitable in isolation for modelling the mix of both local and long-distance trips in the LSM Study Area. It was therefore decided to combine the network detail from the two models, and additional nodes were added as necessary to ensure all stations in the West Midlands were also included (since through movements between London and the West Midlands occupy a substantial proportion of train capacity in the Study Area). The combined network is shown in Figure E.4, with an inset for the Study Area in Figure E.5. - Eix - Figure E.4 National Rail Network LINKS: type=60,69 WINDOW: 3670.1/1713.84 5817.5/3324.44 Figure E.5 Rail Network within Study Area LINKS: type=60 | type=61 WINDOW B: 3670.1/1713.84 5817.5/3324.44 - Ex - Features of the merged model include: • separate link identifiers for heavy rail, London Underground, light rail and interchange walk links, enabling individual statistics to be extracted for each; • separate mode type identifiers for each train operator, enabling statistics to be extracted specific to one or more operator; • representative vehicle types for the key rolling stock categories, including seated and standing capacities; and • boarding penalties of five minutes for London Underground and ten minutes for heavy rail services (thereby representing the dislike passengers have for interchanging between train services). An inter-urban bus network was also added to the rail network, by identifying from the Great Britain Bus Timetable (November 2000 – June 2001) any routes wholly or partially within the Study Area. The key points on each of these routes (normally the points recorded in the timetable) were then coded as nodes, and joined together with standard links (specifically coded to avoid confusion with the rail network). The bus network is shown in Figure E.6, with an inset for the Study Area in Figure E.7. Figure E.6 National Bus Network - Exi - Figure E.7 Bus Network within Study Area 1.3.5 Rail Trip Matrices (Base Year) The rail trip matrices were developed from three sources: • the National Rail Passenger matrix, received from the Department for Transport; • a database of trip ends, also received from the Department for Transport (then DTLR); and • SERRM. In addition, station count data received from the Strategic Rail Authority (SRA) were used to refine some elements of the matrix. Trip totals for each of the matrices are shown in TableE.5. - Exii - Table E.5 Trip Totals from Base Year Rail Matrices Trip Purpose AM Peak Off-Peak Total Total (3 hours) (6 hours) Car-Available: Home Based Work * * Home Based School * * Home Based Other * * Employer Business * * Non-Home Based Other * * Car-Unavailable: Home Based Work * * Home Based School * * Home Based Other * * Employer Business * * Non-Home Based Other * * TOTALS 1,267,389 1,049,139 1.3.6 PM Peak Total (3 hours) 12 Hour * * * * * 1,248,192 129,792 274,244 148,375 31,606 * * * * * 1,280,396 1,004,155 130,946 391,381 193,721 45,709 3,598,121 Bus Trip Matrices (Base Year) The bus trip matrices were developed from two sources: • bus patronage data, received from National Express, Stagecoach United Counties, Stagecoach Cambus, Arriva The Shires, Arriva East Herts and Essex, Arriva Colchester and First Eastern National; and • a database of trip ends, received from the Department for Transport (then DTLR). Trip totals for each of the matrices are shown in Table E.6. Table E.6 Trip Totals from Base Year Bus Matrices Trip Purpose AM Peak Off-Peak Total Total (3 hours) (6 hours) Car-Available: Home Based Work * * Home Based School * * Home Based Other * * Employer Business * * Non-Home Based Other * * Car-Unavailable: Home Based Work * * Home Based School * * Home Based Other * * Employer Business * * Non-Home Based Other * * TOTALS 32,779 62,016 - Exiii - PM Peak Total (3 hours) 12 Hour * * * * * 4,042 4,952 24,171 3,476 4,134 * * * * * 34,062 5,104 7,986 58,669 6,904 9,420 128,858 1.3.7 Public Transport Assignment Procedures Public transport assignments are carried out with the objective of minimising the ‘generalised time’ taken to travel between each origin and destination. The generalised time is calculated by applying appropriate weightings to the various components of the overall journey time: • 1.00 * in-vehicle time; • 1.00 * boarding penalty; • 2.81 * access/egress time; • 2.81 * interchange walk time; and • 2.22 * wait time. The assignments for the peak periods are carried out in six increments. The first increment is based on the input parameters and journey times. From the assigned flows, a revised journey time is calculated for each section of route, which includes a perceived time penalty associated with travelling in crowded conditions. The penalty applied increases with the proportion of the capacity which is occupied. The second increment is then assigned based on these new perceived times, and so on. It should also be noted that, in all time periods, the wait time is based on an ‘effective headway’. This is a function of the true headway, but takes into account that passengers using an infrequent rail or bus service are likely to be familiar with the timetable, and hence have a shorter wait time. Thus, for services up to a 15-minute headway, the average wait time is assumed to be half of this headway, but for services of, say, a 60-minute headway, the average wait time is assumed to be around 20 minutes. 1.3.8 Principles of Model Validation The purpose of model validation is to assess the reliability of the information provided by the assignment models, in order to confirm their reliability as a base for forecasting. Validation is undertaken to ensure that the detailed network description, trip matrices and methods of assignment are sufficiently robust to facilitate replication of observed patterns for a given base year, in this case 2001. Where possible, this is carried out using independent data which have not been used in the development of the model. For this study, however, the validation consisted of a comparison of modelled and observed data for both independent sites and for some sites used in the matrix estimation. Throughout the validation, use has been made of the GEH index. This is a useful measure which combines the absolute and relative differences between the observed and modelled vehicular or passenger flows. It is given by the formula: GEH = ( M − O) 2 0.5( M + O ) where M is the modelled flow and O is the observed flow. A low GEH index indicates a good correlation between the observed and modelled flows. - Exiv - It should be noted, however, that the GEH value is less useful when comparing large numbers, such as trip totals across a series of sites, since the number will be affected by a large absolute difference between modelled and observed values, even though this difference may be small in relative terms. Nevertheless, to allow a complete summary, the GEH has been included in all validation tables shown as part of this appendix. 1.3.9 Highway Model Validation Two sets of traffic count data used in the matrix estimation were also used in the model validation, namely: • the Study Area cordon; and • the set of cordons around key towns in the Study Area. In addition, traffic count data for several locations on each of the key corridors provided an independent set of data for the model validation (although a small number of these points were also used in the matrix estimation). A summary of the results of the model validation for each of these data sets is shown in Table E.7, whilst full details of the validation in each corridor are provided in Appendix F. In addition, journey time surveys were carried out in July 2002 in selected sections of the key corridors, and a comparison between observed and modelled journey times is presented in Table E.8. - Exv - Table E.7 Summary of Highway Model Validation Data Set AM Peak: Study Area Cordon Bedford Urban Cordon Bishops Stortford Urban Cordon Cambridge Urban Cordon Corby Urban Cordon Harlow Urban Cordon Hemel Hempstead Urban Cordon Hitchin Urban Cordon Kettering Urban Cordon Luton Urban Cordon Milton Keynes Urban Cordon Northampton Urban Cordon St Albans Urban Cordon Stevenage Urban Cordon Welwyn Garden City Urban Cordon M1 A1/A1(M) M11 A14 A421/A428 TOTALS Off-Peak: Study Area Cordon Bedford Urban Cordon Bishops Stortford Urban Cordon Cambridge Urban Cordon Corby Urban Cordon Harlow Urban Cordon Hemel Hempstead Urban Cordon Hitchin Urban Cordon Kettering Urban Cordon Luton Urban Cordon Milton Keynes Urban Cordon Northampton Urban Cordon St Albans Urban Cordon Stevenage Urban Cordon Welwyn Garden City Urban Cordon M1 A1/A1(M) M11 A14 A421/A428 TOTALS Overall Results Site Specific Results Absolute Difference (Modelled – Observed) Relative Difference (Modelled/ Observed) GEH Number of Sites GEH <5 GEH 5 - 10 GEH > 10 -616 1512 0.99 1.15 2.03 14.65 94 18 46 12 26 1 22 5 -1255 0.85 14.16 14 13 1 0 -1274 0.92 10.06 20 4 5 11 -275 -670 0.92 0.93 4.80 6.74 8 10 5 3 2 3 1 4 32 1.01 0.41 8 4 4 0 -812 417 45 0.90 1.08 1.00 9.27 5.50 0.41 10 10 16 6 4 9 1 3 3 3 3 4 3818 1.18 25.21 24 6 5 13 -2523 0.88 18.31 26 13 5 8 -517 -854 0.96 0.92 4.62 8.24 16 10 13 5 2 1 1 4 -2845 0.72 30.15 12 6 4 2 -9050 -12717 -675 -8902 -3594 -40755 0.91 0.82 0.98 0.91 0.89 0.97 28.85 49.97 3.53 28.78 20.32 53.91 24 33 16 48 32 449 8 12 6 17 10 202 12 4 4 13 11 110 4 17 6 18 11 137 -3146 2302 0.96 1.32 11.96 25.33 94 18 50 6 23 5 21 7 -1409 0.79 18.10 14 10 4 0 -2546 0.79 24.43 20 7 5 8 -40 -699 0.98 0.91 0.78 8.05 8 10 3 4 5 4 0 2 -224 0.95 3.46 8 7 1 0 293 886 487 1.05 1.19 1.05 3.67 12.31 4.86 10 10 16 7 4 10 3 2 3 0 4 3 299 1.02 2.43 24 11 2 11 -889 0.94 7.53 26 11 6 9 -371 662 0.97 1.09 3.58 7.60 16 10 12 4 2 2 2 4 -1487 0.82 17.41 12 5 5 2 -13794 -7146 -3670 -7052 3352 -34192 0.85 0.86 0.88 0.91 1.14 0.96 46.50 33.07 21.87 25.61 20.77 50.98 24 33 16 48 32 449 2 11 6 17 9 196 7 10 6 21 9 125 15 12 4 10 14 128 - Exvi - PM Peak: Study Area Cordon Bedford Urban Cordon Bishops Stortford Urban Cordon Cambridge Urban Cordon Corby Urban Cordon Harlow Urban Cordon Hemel Hempstead Urban Cordon Hitchin Urban Cordon Kettering Urban Cordon Luton Urban Cordon Milton Keynes Urban Cordon Northampton Urban Cordon St Albans Urban Cordon Stevenage Urban Cordon Welwyn Garden City Urban Cordon M1 A1/A1(M) M11 A14 A421/A428 TOTALS -4299 2006 0.95 1.20 14.26 18.93 94 18 48 6 24 5 22 7 -1150 0.87 12.80 14 8 5 1 -2697 225 -1520 0.84 1.06 0.86 21.99 3.74 15.14 20 8 10 8 6 1 3 1 2 9 1 7 -83 0.99 1.05 8 6 2 0 863 1373 1753 1.11 1.22 1.14 9.57 16.34 15.11 10 10 16 4 3 9 3 3 3 3 4 4 3667 1.16 23.64 24 9 3 12 -2006 0.90 14.29 26 13 4 9 209 1148 1.02 1.10 1.84 10.52 16 10 9 3 6 1 1 6 1059 1.10 10.07 12 1 6 5 -9057 -12436 -887 -16218 -2215 -40265 0.92 0.83 0.98 0.84 0.94 0.97 27.89 48.84 4.58 53.26 12.17 52.55 24 33 16 48 32 449 6 10 11 13 9 183 12 7 2 15 10 117 6 16 3 20 13 149 - Exvii - Table E.8 Comparison between Observed and Modelled Journey Times Route Observed Time (Minutes) Modelled Time (Minutes) Modelled – Observed Modelled/ Observed 43.55 46.07 47.42 42.83 16.05 22.50 38.76 38.92 47.62 48.80 16.85 20.60 -4.79 -7.15 0.20 5.97 0.80 -1.90 0.89 0.84 1.00 1.14 1.05 0.92 41.22 41.20 4.45 4.27 46.77 43.13 17.34 19.83 7.38 38.88 38.70 3.72 3.72 47.58 47.73 16.58 17.17 6.20 -2.34 -2.50 -0.73 -0.55 0.81 4.60 -0.76 -2.66 -1.18 0.94 0.94 0.84 0.87 1.02 1.11 0.96 0.87 0.84 7.27 6.20 -1.07 0.85 4.97 5.12 0.15 1.03 4.82 4.90 0.08 1.02 29.28 33.35 4.07 1.14 26.50 29.07 2.57 1.10 4.48 4.87 6.10 3.72 3.72 6.20 -0.76 -1.15 0.10 0.83 0.76 1.02 6.17 6.20 0.03 1.00 4.98 5.13 0.15 1.03 5.05 4.90 -0.15 0.97 33.18 41.13 7.95 1.24 33.53 33.65 0.12 1.00 AM Peak: M1 J6a to 15a NB M1 J15a to 6a SB A1(M) J1 to A1/A14 junction NB A1/A14 junction to A1(M) J1 SB A5 from M1 J9 to Tilsworth NB A5 from Tilsworth to M1 J9 SB Off-Peak: M1 J6a to 15a NB M1 J15a to 6a SB M11 J6 to 7 NB M11 J7 to 6 SB A1(M) J1 to A1/A14 junction NB A1/A14 junction to A1(M) J1 SB A5 from M1 J9 to Tilsworth NB A5 from Tilsworth to M1 J9 SB A14 between A6 junctions, Kettering EB A14 between A6 junctions, Kettering WB A14 Brampton to Godmanchester EB A14 Godmanchester to Brampton WB A421 Great Horwood to Kempston EB A421 Kempston to Great Horwood WB PM Peak: M11 J6 to 7 NB M11 J7 to 6 SB A14 between A6 junctions, Kettering EB A14 between A6 junctions, Kettering WB A14 Brampton to Godmanchester EB A14 Godmanchester to Brampton WB A421 Great Horwood to Kempston EB A421 Kempston to Great Horwood WB 1.3.10 Rail Model Validation The model validation for the rail network was based on a series of counts of passenger boardings at most stations in the Study Area. These data were generally independent, although for a small number of stations the counts were used to determine factors for adjusting the matrices. It should be noted that, unlike the highway validation, detailed comparisons between modelled and observed data cannot be published, due to confidentiality agreements with the SRA. However, the results of the validation have been reviewed and accepted (albeit with some comments about a few local anomalies) by the SRA. In addition, modelled numbers of passengers on the long-distance services passing through the Study Area were also verified by the SRA. A summary of the results of the model validation for groups of stations is shown in Table E.9. - Exviii - Table E.9 Summary of Rail Model Validation Station Group AM Peak: Chiltern Lines: Aylesbury – Great Missenden West Coast Main Line: Rugby – Watford Junction Midland Main Line: Kettering – Radlett East Coast Main Line: Peterborough – Potters Bar East Coast Main Line: Foxton – Letchworth Garden City East Coast Main Line: Watton-at-Stone – Cuffley West Anglia Main Line: Kings Lynn – Cambridge West Anglia Main Line: Shelford – Waltham Cross* West Anglia Main Line: Hertford East – Rye House Miscellaneous TOTALS Off-Peak: Chiltern Lines: Aylesbury – Great Missenden West Coast Main Line: Rugby – Watford Junction Midland Main Line: Kettering – Radlett East Coast Main Line: Peterborough – Potters Bar East Coast Main Line: Foxton – Letchworth Garden City East Coast Main Line: Watton-at-Stone – Cuffley West Anglia Main Line: Kings Lynn – Cambridge West Anglia Main Line: Shelford – Waltham Cross* West Anglia Main Line: Hertford East – Rye House Miscellaneous TOTALS PM Peak: Chiltern Lines: Aylesbury – Great Missenden West Coast Main Line: Rugby – Watford Junction Midland Main Line: Kettering – Radlett Overall Results Station Specific Results Relative Difference (Modelled/O bserved) GEH Number of Stations GEH <5 GEH 5 – 10 GEH > 10 0.92 3.14 4 1 2 1 0.95 5.37 15 7 5 3 0.99 1.10 11 6 3 2 1.00 0.26 15 7 4 4 0.93 3.43 7 4 1 2 1.01 0.46 4 1 2 1 1.10 5.64 7 4 1 2 1.01 0.91 16 9 7 0 0.93 2.67 3 0 1 2 0.33 0.99 6.29 2.61 2 84 1 40 1 27 0 17 0.77 4.98 3 0 3 0 1.12 8.09 13 10 2 1 0.97 2.42 10 10 0 0 2.03 18.93 11 6 4 1 1.13 3.00 3 2 1 0 1.13 2.36 2 2 0 0 0.96 2.01 4 1 1 2 1.05 3.30 8 5 2 1 0.69 7.50 2 1 0 1 N/A 1.05 N/A 7.81 0 56 0 37 0 13 0 6 0.59 11.00 4 2 2 0 1.19 10.13 13 9 3 1 1.07 4.04 10 7 3 0 - Exix - East Coast Main Line: Peterborough – Potters Bar East Coast Main Line: Foxton – Letchworth Garden City East Coast Main Line: Watton-at-Stone – Cuffley West Anglia Main Line: Kings Lynn – Cambridge West Anglia Main Line: Shelford – Waltham Cross* West Anglia Main Line: Hertford East – Rye House Miscellaneous TOTALS 1.23 12.83 9 4 4 1 0.79 4.27 3 3 0 0 1.04 0.59 2 2 0 0 0.87 6.64 4 2 2 0 1.08 3.71 8 5 2 1 0.71 5.70 2 1 1 0 N/A 1.07 N/A 8.28 0 55 0 35 0 17 0 3 * Including Stansted Airport 1.3.11 Bus Model Validation No independent data were available for the bus network, and hence validation was limited to a comparison against the data by route used to develop the trip matrices. Given that this data was in itself incomplete, there was no meaningful validation work which could be undertaken. 1.4 Development of Forecasts 1.4.1 Background Section 5.3 discussed how TEMPRO was used in conjunction with an assessment of land available for development to prepare forecasts of the following economic variables for three land use scenarios in 2016 and 2031, for each zone within the Study Area: • households; • population; • employment; • employed population; and • active population. TEMPRO was then used further to convert these forecasts into trip end growth factors for the Study Area and also to prepare trip end growth factors for zones external to the Study Area. 1.4.2 Methodology The socio-economic forecasts for each zone in the Study Area were aggregated to the TEMPRO zoning system. In addition to providing economic forecasts, TEMPRO also allows forecasts of trip end growth factors to be extracted from the Department for Transport’s National Trip End Model for particular economic scenarios. The socio-economic forecasts for each TEMPRO zone were therefore input to the National Trip End Model, and hence trip end growth factors produced for 2001 to 2016 and 2031 for the three scenarios. - Exx - The TEMPRO forecasts were extracted for a combination of the following modes, rather than for each mode individually: • car driver (car-available only); • bus (including coach); and • rail (including London Underground). It should be noted that LGVs were assumed to have the same growth factors as EB trips, whilst a separate procedure was used for HGVs. 1.4.3 External Zones In the strategic model, a single growth factor for each trip purpose was applied to all external zones, based on an average of all zones within the Study Area. This was considered unsuitable for the corridor modelling, where flexibility was required to test the impacts of large developments outside the Study Area. It would also not be practical, however, to prepare detailed forecasts for every external zone. For forecasting purposes, therefore, the zones were aggregated to form 21 regional zones, summarised in Table E.10. For each regional zone, the traffic growth forecasts for each user group were extracted directly from TEMPRO, and assumed to apply equally to each zone in the region. 1.4.4 Heavy Goods Vehicles Forecasts of heavy goods vehicle movements were developed using the SRA’s Freight Demand Model. This approach is more sophisticated than using National Road Traffic Forecasts, since it reflects: • changes in growth for different ranges of trip length (in general long-distance trips are increasing at a higher rate than short-distance trips), which is important as HGVs are excluded from the trip distribution model; and • the approximate mix of commodities transported to, from and within the Study Area. The model was run to produce HGV growth factors for 2001 to 2011 and 2021 for two scenarios: • assuming that the SRA’s target of an 80% increase in rail freight carried by 2010 is met, but then no further growth in rail freight; and • assuming that this rate of rail freight growth will continue beyond 2010 (hence giving less growth in road haulage). - Exxi - Table E.10 Regional Zones Used for Forecasting Regional Zone Constituent Counties Berkshire East Berkshire Norfolk Suffolk East Sussex Hampshire Isle of Wight Greater London (33 Boroughs) Kent (excluding Thames Gateway area) Northumberland Tyne and Wear Durham Cleveland North Yorkshire West Yorkshire South Yorkshire Humberside Lincolnshire Cumbria Lancashire Greater Manchester Merseyside Cheshire Staffordshire Nottinghamshire Derbyshire Shropshire Essex (area external to study area, excluding Thames Gateway area) Kent (Thames Gateway area) Oxfordshire Buckinghamshire (area external to study area) Cambridgeshire (area external to study area) Hertfordshire (area external to study area) Leicestershire (area external to study area) Warwickshire (area external to study area) Scotland Essex (Thames Gateway area) Surrey Wales Cornwall Avon Dorset Somerset Gloucestershire Devon Wiltshire Hereford and Worcester West Midlands West Sussex East Sussex Hampshire Greater London Mid and South Kent North North Essex North Kent Oxfordshire Buckinghamshire Cambridgeshire Hertfordshire Leicestershire Warwickshire Scotland South Essex Surrey Wales West West Sussex - Exxii - The growth factors for 2011 and 2021 were then extrapolated to 2016 and 2031 respectively. The factors assuming no rail growth beyond 2010 were used in the model runs for the Reference Case and other tests where little investment in the rail network beyond currently planned schemes is proposed, whilst the factors based on continued rail growth were used in tests which include a significant increase in capacity for rail freight. 1.4.5 Application The methodology described in the above sections produced a set of trip production and attraction growth factors by zone for each user group, for each forecast year and land use scenario. These factors were then applied to the production and attraction totals for the 2001 matrices to create new totals, and the matrices furnessed to these new totals. New trip matrices were thus created for each user group, from which initial trip assignments were carried out, and the full modelling procedure implemented as shown in Figure ?.1. With the exception of HGVs, the trip distribution, mode choice and trip generation procedures would therefore take account of any changes as a response to the increasing congestion on the highway and public transport networks between 2001 and the forecast years. 1.5 Trip Distribution Model 1.5.1 Generalised Cost Inputs Generalised cost is a measure of the total “cost” of a journey as perceived by a traveller. In the case of car trips, the generalised cost between each origin and destination zone input to the distribution model was calculated by the formula: 1 T + a * E + * (C * D + 0.5 * P ) v where T is the journey time, E is the egress time from the parking space to the ultimate destination, v is the value of time, C is the vehicle operating cost per unit distance, D is the distance travelled, P is the parking cost and a is a weighting factor to represent the disadvantage of walking rather than driving. For each zone, typical values of E and P were estimated. For public transport trips, the generalised cost between each origin and destination zone input to the distribution model was calculated by the formula: GT + v * F where GT is the generalised time, v is the value of time and F is the fare for the journey. Fares are estimated based on distance, using a formula calibrated from published fares manuals (with separate parameters for different geographical areas, representing the different pricing policies of different operators). The generalised costs input to the distribution model were those obtained for the morning peak assignments for HBW and HBS trips, and the off-peak assignments for all other user groups. In addition, the generalised costs were weighted according to the proportion of trips between each zone pair accounted for by the three modes, thus giving a single generalised cost for each user group (for each zone pair). - Exxiii - 1.5.2 Trip Distribution Function The number of daily (12-hour) trips T for each user group, between zones i and j is given by the formula: Tij = Pi * A j * e −θ *Cij where Pi is the total number of trip attractions from zone i for that user group, Aj is the total number of trip attractions to zone j for that user group, θ is a calibration factor and Cij is the generalised cost of travel between zones i and j for that user group. Values of θ were chosen for each user group to give a good replication of the base year matrices. Following application of this formula, the matrices were furnessed to maintain the production and attraction totals for each zone. 1.5.3 Control to Base Year Matrices Whilst the distribution model was calibrated against base year data, it should be recognised that the trip matrix calculated for any future year scenario could be considerably removed from reality. This is because people consider other factors in addition to transport when determining origins and destinations for their trips, such as family commitments and the type of employment available in particular locations. These discrepancies were overcome by creating a series of factor matrices for the 2001 Base Year which compare predicted and actual travel patterns. These factors were then applied to future year outputs from the distribution model to provide an improved forecast of the trip distribution. In addition, it was recognised that the trip matrix could be perturbed unrealistically as a result of some travel cost changes. Following a number of ‘reality’ tests at the base year, therefore, the distribution model was constrained to ensure that the number of trips between a particular pair of zones could not change by more than 10% within any one iteration. 1.6 Mode Choice Model 1.6.1 Utility Calculations The utility for a particular mode and journey is a function of the generalised cost for that journey calculated as: − b * GC − c where GC is the generalised cost for the mode, b is a calibration factor and c is a constant which represents the dislike which people generally have for using the particular mode. Values of c were chosen for each user group and mode such that, when the mode choice functions were applied to the base year matrices, a good replication of the base year apportionment between modes was achieved. It should be noted that, due to the mix of short-distance and long-distance trips in the model, each with their own characteristics, different values of c were calculated for each of three trip length ranges (based on “crow-fly” distances). This reflects, for example, that for - Exxiv - short trips there is generally a dislike for using public transport compared with car, whilst public transport may be considered a preferable option to driving long distances. 1.6.2 Mode Choice Functions For each user group in the car-available category, the number of daily (12-hour) car trips TC, between any pair of zones is given by the formula: TC = TT * e CC e CC + e ( 0.7*log(e CR + e C B )) where TT is the total number of trips between the zones for that user group, CC is the utility for car between the zones for that user group, CR is the utility for rail between the zones for that user group and CB is the utility for bus between the zones for that user group. The number of daily public transport trips, TPT is thus given by the formula: TPT = TT − TC For each zone pair, the public transport trips are then segregated into the number of rail trips TR and the number of bus trips TB using the formulae: TR = TPT * e CR e CR + e CB TB = TPT − TR For user groups in the car-unavailable category, where all trips are made by public transport, only the final two formulae are used. 1.6.3 Control to Base Year Matrices In a similar way to the trip distribution mode, a series of factor matrices were created for the Base Year which compare the predicted and actual allocation of trips between the modes. These factors were then applied to the future year outputs from the mode choice model to provide more realistic forecasts. 1.7 Trip Generation Model 1.7.1 Generalised Cost Inputs The generalised cost input to the trip generation model is identical to the generalised cost input to the trip distribution model, and is likewise weighted across the modes to give an overall generalised cost for each user group and zone pair. 1.7.2 Trip Generation Function For each user group and mode, the number of daily (12-hour) trips after taking account of trip generation TN, between any pair of zones is given by the formula: TN = TO * ( ) CN d CO - Exxv - where TO is the number of trips between the zones for that user group and mode prior to taking account of trip generation, CN is the weighted generalised cost between the zones for that user group, CO is the weighted generalised cost in the previous iteration (or for the base year in the case of the first iteration) between the zones for that user group and d is an elasticity. The elasticities used were selected based on previous modelling work carried out by the consultants. 1.8 Conclusion The model development process followed a recognised path in that: • Recent observed data was used whenever possible; • Data synthesis was undertaken for those cells where observed data was unavailable; • Model calibration coefficients were inferred from the base data with separate subsets being used to reflect different behavioural responses (e.g. trip length banded mode choice coefficients). At the end of the process, a classic four stage model had been developed which accommodated behavioural responses for route choice, re-distribution, mode choice and trip generation/suppression. It also contained a significant level of disaggregation through twelve user classes which could also accommodate different behavioural responses and growth factors. - Exxvi - Appendix F – Corridor Assignment Validation - Hi - M1 Corridor AM Peak Road Location M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 Direction Count Modelled Modelled - Modelled / Count Count -631 0.88 -558 0.90 -488 0.93 19 1.00 -631 0.87 5 1.00 587 1.18 -448 0.91 -556 0.88 93 1.02 -1037 0.77 -68 0.98 -924 0.80 -185 0.95 -429 0.87 -385 0.90 305 1.14 -1246 0.71 -1561 0.67 48 1.01 -415 0.87 -516 0.87 -227 0.93 200 1.05 GEH Between Junctions 6a and 7 Between Junctions 7 and 6a Between Junctions 7 and 8 Between Junctions 8 and 7 Between Junctions 8 and 9 Between Junctions 9 and 8 Between Junctions 9 and 10 Between Junctions 10 and 9 Between Junctions 10 and 11 Between Junctions 11 and 10 Between Junctions 11 and 12 Between Junctions 12 and 11 Between Junctions 12 and 13 Between Junctions 13 and 12 Between Junctions 14 and 15 Between Junctions 15 and 14 Between Junctions 15 and 15a Between Junctions 15a and 15 Between Junctions 16 and 17 Between Junctions 17 and 16 Between Junctions 17 and 18 Between Junctions 18 and 17 Between Junctions 18 and 19 Between Junctions 19 and 18 Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound 5327 5437 6521 6504 4741 4758 3323 4904 4597 3916 4426 3716 4562 3791 3347 3739 2170 4238 4700 3786 3132 3900 3476 3893 4695 4879 6033 6523 4110 4763 3910 4455 4041 4009 3389 3648 3638 3606 2919 3354 2474 2992 3139 3834 2717 3383 3249 4094 Location Between Junctions 6a and 7 Between Junctions 7 and 6a Between Junctions 7 and 8 Between Junctions 8 and 7 Between Junctions 8 and 9 Between Junctions 9 and 8 Between Junctions 9 and 10 Between Junctions 10 and 9 Between Junctions 10 and 11 Between Junctions 11 and 10 Between Junctions 11 and 12 Between Junctions 12 and 11 Between Junctions 12 and 13 Between Junctions 13 and 12 Between Junctions 14 and 15 Between Junctions 15 and 14 Between Junctions 15 and 15a Between Junctions 15a and 15 Between Junctions 16 and 17 Between Junctions 17 and 16 Between Junctions 17 and 18 Between Junctions 18 and 17 Between Junctions 18 and 19 Between Junctions 19 and 18 Direction Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Count 4738 4354 5519 5083 4837 4414 3735 4645 4534 3855 4242 3717 4059 3712 3811 3327 2177 3404 3838 3645 3284 3235 3466 3255 Modelled 4048 3424 4624 4744 3977 4031 3914 3796 3722 3307 3818 3156 4396 3322 2932 2733 2536 2287 2999 2670 2707 2470 2886 2593 Modelled - Modelled / GEH Index Count Count -690 0.85 10.41 -930 0.79 14.92 -896 0.84 12.58 -338 0.93 4.83 -859 0.82 12.94 -383 0.91 5.89 179 1.05 2.89 -849 0.82 13.07 -812 0.82 12.64 -548 0.86 9.16 -424 0.90 6.68 -561 0.85 9.58 337 1.08 5.19 -390 0.89 6.58 -878 0.77 15.13 -594 0.82 10.79 359 1.16 7.39 -1116 0.67 20.93 -840 0.78 14.36 -975 0.73 17.35 -577 0.82 10.54 -765 0.76 14.32 -580 0.83 10.30 -662 0.80 12.24 Location Between Junctions 6a and 7 Between Junctions 7 and 6a Between Junctions 7 and 8 Between Junctions 8 and 7 Between Junctions 8 and 9 Between Junctions 9 and 8 Between Junctions 9 and 10 Between Junctions 10 and 9 Between Junctions 10 and 11 Between Junctions 11 and 10 Between Junctions 11 and 12 Between Junctions 12 and 11 Between Junctions 12 and 13 Between Junctions 13 and 12 Between Junctions 14 and 15 Between Junctions 15 and 14 Between Junctions 15 and 15a Between Junctions 15a and 15 Between Junctions 16 and 17 Between Junctions 17 and 16 Between Junctions 17 and 18 Between Junctions 18 and 17 Between Junctions 18 and 19 Between Junctions 19 and 18 Direction Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Count 5254 5142 6514 6279 5949 4912 4045 5372 5637 4642 5108 4332 4696 4537 3972 3302 2430 3810 4653 4244 3792 3566 4070 3760 Modelled 4744 4489 5952 6114 5268 4479 4599 4331 4921 4340 4172 4565 4357 4168 3313 3277 3130 3256 3965 3485 3577 3061 3984 3413 Modelled - Modelled / GEH Index Count Count -511 0.90 7.22 -653 0.87 9.41 -561 0.91 7.11 -166 0.97 2.10 -681 0.89 9.09 -433 0.91 6.31 554 1.14 8.43 -1041 0.81 14.95 -716 0.87 9.85 -302 0.94 4.50 -936 0.82 13.75 233 1.05 3.50 -339 0.93 5.04 -369 0.92 5.59 -659 0.83 10.92 -25 0.99 0.43 701 1.29 13.29 -553 0.85 9.31 -689 0.85 10.49 -759 0.82 12.21 -215 0.94 3.54 -505 0.86 8.78 -86 0.98 1.36 -347 0.91 5.79 8.91 7.76 6.16 0.23 9.49 0.07 9.77 6.55 8.46 1.48 16.60 1.12 14.44 3.05 7.66 6.46 6.32 20.72 24.94 0.77 7.68 8.56 3.91 3.17 Off-Peak Road M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 PM Peak Road M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 A1/A1(M) Corridor AM Peak Road A1(M) A1(M) A1(M) A1(M) A1(M) A1(M) A1(M) A1(M) A1(M) A1(M) A1(M) A1(M) A1(M) A1(M) A1(M) A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 Direction Count Between Junctions 1 and 2 Between Junctions 2 and 1 Between Junctions 2 and 3 Between Junctions 3 and 2 Between Junctions 5 and 4 Between Junctions 5 and 6 Between Junctions 6 and 5 Between Junctions 6 and 7 Between Junctions 7 and 6 Between Junctions 7 and 8 Between Junctions 8 and 7 Between Junctions 8 and 9 Between Junctions 9 and 8 Between Junctions 9 and 10 Between Junctions 10 and 9 Between A1(M) Junction 10 and A6001 Junction Between A6001 Junction and A1(M) Junction 10 Between A6001 Junction and A6001/B658 Junction Between A6001/B658 Junction and A6001 Junction Between A6001/B658 Junction and A603/B1042 Junction Between A603/B1042 Junction and A6001/B658 Junction Between A603/B1042 Junction and B1043 Junction Between B1043 Junction and A603/B1042 Junction Between B1043 Junction and A421 Junction Between A421 Junction and B1043 Junction Between A421 Junction and A428/B1428 Junction Between A428/B1428 Junction and A421 Junction Between A428/B1428 Junction and B645/B1048 Junction Between B645/B1048 Junction and A428/B1428 Junction Between B645/B1048 Junction and B661 Junction Between B661 Junction and B645/B1048 Junction Between B661 Junction and A14 Junction Between A14 Junction and B661 Junction Location Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound 2565 3515 2378 3089 3951 2695 3951 2757 3787 2075 2919 1319 3917 1285 2917 1333 2276 1224 1806 1459 2157 716 914 897 1683 1130 2321 1251 1955 1608 1921 1395 1946 Modelled Location Between Junctions 1 and 2 Between Junctions 2 and 1 Between Junctions 2 and 3 Between Junctions 3 and 2 Between Junctions 5 and 4 Between Junctions 5 and 6 Between Junctions 6 and 5 Between Junctions 6 and 7 Between Junctions 7 and 6 Between Junctions 7 and 8 Between Junctions 8 and 7 Between Junctions 8 and 9 Between Junctions 9 and 8 Between Junctions 9 and 10 Between Junctions 10 and 9 Between A1(M) Junction 10 and A6001 Junction Between A6001 Junction and A1(M) Junction 10 Between A6001 Junction and A6001/B658 Junction Between A6001/B658 Junction and A6001 Junction Between A6001/B658 Junction and A603/B1042 Junction Between A603/B1042 Junction and A6001/B658 Junction Between A603/B1042 Junction and B1043 Junction Between B1043 Junction and A603/B1042 Junction Between B1043 Junction and A421 Junction Between A421 Junction and B1043 Junction Between A421 Junction and A428/B1428 Junction Between A428/B1428 Junction and A421 Junction Between A428/B1428 Junction and B645/B1048 Junction Between B645/B1048 Junction and A428/B1428 Junction Between B645/B1048 Junction and B661 Junction Between B661 Junction and B645/B1048 Junction Between B661 Junction and A14 Junction Between A14 Junction and B661 Junction Direction Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Count 2095 1955 1963 1626 2151 2349 2151 2435 2213 2178 1980 1322 2016 1438 1320 1169 1302 1284 1009 1450 1332 596 718 920 882 1160 1488 1085 1382 1406 1261 1338 1280 Modelled 1789 1710 1788 1351 2226 2820 2226 2159 1809 2135 1837 1999 2135 1371 986 1250 798 1055 620 1066 658 578 313 574 208 1167 1599 576 588 793 823 1082 1016 Modelled - Modelled / GEH Index Count Count -306 0.85 6.94 -244 0.88 5.71 -175 0.91 4.04 -275 0.83 7.13 75 1.03 1.61 471 1.20 9.27 76 1.04 1.61 -275 0.89 5.75 -404 0.82 9.02 -43 0.98 0.93 -143 0.93 3.27 677 1.51 16.62 119 1.06 2.62 -67 0.95 1.79 -334 0.75 9.82 81 1.07 2.33 -503 0.61 15.54 -229 0.82 6.68 -389 0.61 13.63 -384 0.74 10.82 -674 0.49 21.36 -18 0.97 0.74 -405 0.44 17.84 -346 0.62 12.68 -674 0.24 28.87 7 1.01 0.21 111 1.07 2.82 -509 0.53 17.66 -794 0.43 25.30 -613 0.56 18.49 -438 0.65 13.58 -256 0.81 7.35 -264 0.79 7.80 Location Between Junctions 1 and 2 Between Junctions 2 and 1 Between Junctions 2 and 3 Between Junctions 3 and 2 Between Junctions 5 and 4 Between Junctions 5 and 6 Between Junctions 6 and 5 Between Junctions 6 and 7 Between Junctions 7 and 6 Between Junctions 7 and 8 Between Junctions 8 and 7 Between Junctions 8 and 9 Between Junctions 9 and 8 Between Junctions 9 and 10 Between Junctions 10 and 9 Between A1(M) Junction 10 and A6001 Junction Between A6001 Junction and A1(M) Junction 10 Between A6001 Junction and A6001/B658 Junction Between A6001/B658 Junction and A6001 Junction Between A6001/B658 Junction and A603/B1042 Junction Between A603/B1042 Junction and A6001/B658 Junction Between A603/B1042 Junction and B1043 Junction Between B1043 Junction and A603/B1042 Junction Between B1043 Junction and A421 Junction Between A421 Junction and B1043 Junction Between A421 Junction and A428/B1428 Junction Between A428/B1428 Junction and A421 Junction Between A428/B1428 Junction and B645/B1048 Junction Between B645/B1048 Junction and A428/B1428 Junction Between B645/B1048 Junction and B661 Junction Between B661 Junction and B645/B1048 Junction Between B661 Junction and A14 Junction Between A14 Junction and B661 Junction Direction Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Count 3675 2409 3379 2019 2457 4321 2457 4191 2608 3833 2151 2745 2324 2947 1427 1307 2284 2011 1124 2249 1592 979 897 1415 1068 1115 1838 1975 1262 1959 1667 1958 1417 Modelled 3164 2075 2598 1782 2633 4187 2633 3250 2595 3434 1903 3298 2365 2884 1287 2137 817 1642 634 1593 679 1138 311 803 167 1261 1489 659 512 1059 937 1320 1379 Modelled - Modelled / GEH Index Count Count -511 0.86 8.73 -334 0.86 7.06 -781 0.77 14.29 -237 0.88 5.44 176 1.07 3.49 -134 0.97 2.05 176 1.07 3.49 -942 0.78 15.44 -13 0.99 0.26 -398 0.90 6.61 -247 0.88 5.50 552 1.20 10.05 41 1.02 0.85 -62 0.98 1.15 -140 0.90 3.80 830 1.63 19.99 -1467 0.36 37.25 -369 0.82 8.62 -490 0.56 16.52 -656 0.71 14.97 -913 0.43 27.11 158 1.16 4.86 -586 0.35 23.84 -612 0.57 18.37 -902 0.16 36.29 146 1.13 4.24 -349 0.81 8.56 -1315 0.33 36.25 -750 0.41 25.17 -900 0.54 23.16 -730 0.56 20.23 -638 0.67 15.76 -39 0.97 1.03 2354 3260 2352 2844 3732 2324 3732 2605 3600 1786 2986 1710 3114 1233 2134 1103 1588 898 1003 998 1061 490 611 485 602 1172 1669 664 934 939 1486 1443 1483 Modelled - Modelled / Count Count -211 0.92 -255 0.93 -26 0.99 -245 0.92 -219 0.94 -370 0.86 -219 0.94 -152 0.94 -187 0.95 -289 0.86 67 1.02 391 1.30 -803 0.80 -52 0.96 -783 0.73 -231 0.83 -688 0.70 -327 0.73 -803 0.56 -461 0.68 -1096 0.49 -226 0.68 -303 0.67 -412 0.54 -1082 0.36 42 1.04 -652 0.72 -587 0.53 -1021 0.48 -669 0.58 -435 0.77 49 1.03 -463 0.76 GEH 4.26 4.38 0.54 4.50 3.53 7.39 3.53 2.93 3.08 6.58 1.23 10.05 13.54 1.45 15.58 6.62 15.66 10.03 21.42 13.15 27.33 9.19 10.96 15.67 32.00 1.24 14.60 18.96 26.86 18.75 10.54 1.29 11.18 Off-Peak Road A1(M) A1(M) A1(M) A1(M) A1(M) A1(M) A1(M) A1(M) A1(M) A1(M) A1(M) A1(M) A1(M) A1(M) A1(M) A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 PM Peak Road A1(M) A1(M) A1(M) A1(M) A1(M) A1(M) A1(M) A1(M) A1(M) A1(M) A1(M) A1(M) A1(M) A1(M) A1(M) A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 M11 Corridor AM Peak Road Location M11 M11 M11 M11 M11 M11 M11 M11 M11 M11 M11 M11 M11 M11 M11 M11 Direction Count Modelled Modelled - Modelled / Count Count -755 0.66 577 1.15 -406 0.76 1000 1.34 -677 0.67 644 1.26 -336 0.76 -118 0.92 -133 0.93 -45 0.98 224 1.10 86 1.03 375 1.15 -431 0.85 72 1.03 -749 0.71 GEH Between Junctions 6 and 7 Between Junctions 7 and 6 Between Junctions 7 and 8 Between Junctions 8 and 7 Between Junctions 8 and 9 Between Junctions 9 and 8 Between Junctions 9 and 10 Between Junctions 10 and 9 Between Junctions 10 and 11 Between Junctions 11 and 10 Between Junctions 11 and 12 Between Junctions 12 and 11 Between Junctions 12 and 13 Between Junctions 13 and 12 Between Junctions 13 and 14 Between Junctions 14 and 13 Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound 2243 3904 1711 2940 2045 2479 1412 1463 2012 1931 2287 2483 2468 2854 2092 2547 1488 4481 1304 3940 1367 3123 1076 1344 1879 1886 2511 2569 2842 2422 2164 1798 Location Between Junctions 6 and 7 Between Junctions 7 and 6 Between Junctions 7 and 8 Between Junctions 8 and 7 Between Junctions 8 and 9 Between Junctions 9 and 8 Between Junctions 9 and 10 Between Junctions 10 and 9 Between Junctions 10 and 11 Between Junctions 11 and 10 Between Junctions 11 and 12 Between Junctions 12 and 11 Between Junctions 12 and 13 Between Junctions 13 and 12 Between Junctions 13 and 14 Between Junctions 14 and 13 Direction Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Count 2150 2687 1707 2265 2097 1940 1384 1273 1603 1512 1991 1802 2131 1966 1802 1678 Modelled 1429 2960 1235 2412 1372 1975 999 1023 1411 1424 1663 1907 1713 1731 1549 1514 Modelled - Modelled / GEH Index Count Count -721 0.66 17.04 273 1.10 5.13 -472 0.72 12.29 147 1.06 3.04 -725 0.65 17.41 35 1.02 0.79 -385 0.72 11.16 -251 0.80 7.40 -192 0.88 4.95 -88 0.94 2.29 -328 0.84 7.67 105 1.06 2.45 -418 0.80 9.53 -235 0.88 5.47 -253 0.86 6.18 -164 0.90 4.09 Location Between Junctions 6 and 7 Between Junctions 7 and 6 Between Junctions 7 and 8 Between Junctions 8 and 7 Between Junctions 8 and 9 Between Junctions 9 and 8 Between Junctions 9 and 10 Between Junctions 10 and 9 Between Junctions 10 and 11 Between Junctions 11 and 10 Between Junctions 11 and 12 Between Junctions 12 and 11 Between Junctions 12 and 13 Between Junctions 13 and 12 Between Junctions 13 and 14 Between Junctions 14 and 13 Direction Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Northbound Southbound Count 3124 3116 2332 2555 2637 2158 1598 1484 2041 1890 2598 2366 2902 2472 2592 2108 Modelled 2517 3139 2107 2774 1756 2352 1284 1499 1938 2403 2542 2871 2787 2458 2557 2101 Modelled - Modelled / GEH Index Count Count -607 0.81 11.44 23 1.01 0.41 -225 0.90 4.77 220 1.09 4.26 -881 0.67 18.81 194 1.09 4.09 -314 0.80 8.28 15 1.01 0.39 -103 0.95 2.31 513 1.27 11.07 -56 0.98 1.10 505 1.21 9.87 -115 0.96 2.16 -14 0.99 0.28 -35 0.99 0.68 -7 1.00 0.16 17.48 8.91 10.47 17.05 16.40 12.16 9.53 3.16 3.02 1.03 4.57 1.71 7.27 8.40 1.56 16.08 Off-Peak Road M11 M11 M11 M11 M11 M11 M11 M11 M11 M11 M11 M11 M11 M11 M11 M11 PM Peak Road M11 M11 M11 M11 M11 M11 M11 M11 M11 M11 M11 M11 M11 M11 M11 M11 A14 Corridor AM Peak Road Location A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 Between M1 Junction 19 and A5199 Junction Between A5199 Junction and M1 Junction 19 Between A5199 Junction and A508 Junction Between A508 Junction and A5199 Junction Between A508 Junction and B576 Junction Between B576 Junction and A508 Junction Between B576 Junction and A6 Junction Between A6 Junction and B576 Junction Between A6 Junction and A43/A4300 Junction Between A43/A4300 Junction and A6 Junction Between A43/A4300 Junction and A43/A6013 Junction Between A43/A6013 Junction and A43/A4300 Junction Between A43/A6013 Junction and A509 Junction Between A509 Junction and A43/A6013 Junction Between A509 Junction and A6/A6003 Junction Between A6/A6003 Junction and A509 Junction Between A6/A6003 Junction and A510 Junction Between A510 Junction and A6/A6003 Junction Between A510 Junction and A6116 Junction Between A6116 Junction and A510 Junction Between A6116 Junction and A45/A605 Junction Between A45/A605 Junction and A6116 Junction Between A45/A605 Junction and B663 Junction Between B663 Junction and A45/A605 Junction Between B663 Junction and B660 Junction Between B660 Junction and B663 Junction Between B660 Junction and A1 Junction Between A1 Junction and B660 Junction Between A1 Junction and B1514 Junction Between B1514 Junction and A1 Junction Between B1514 Junction and A14 spur/A141 Junction Between A14 spur/A141 Junction and B1514 Junction Between A1198/B1044 Junction and A1096/B1040 Junction Between A1096/B1040 Junction and A1198/B1044 Junction Between A1096/B1040 Junction and B1050 Junction Between B1050 Junction and A1096/B1040 Junction Between B1050 Junction and M11 Junction 14 Between M11 Junction 14 and B1050 Junction Between M11 Junction 14 and B1049 Junction Between B1049 Junction and M11 Junction 14 Between B1049 Junction and A10/A1309 Junction Between A10/A1309 Junction and B1049 Junction Between A10/A1309 Junction and B1047 Junction Between B1047 Junction and A10/A1309 Junction Between B1047 Junction and A1303 Junction Between A1303 Junction and B1047 Junction Between A1303 Junction and A1303 Junction Between A1303 Junction and A1303 Junction Direction Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Count 1627 1701 2010 1836 1980 1666 1810 1904 2594 2245 3218 3278 2409 2620 2256 2608 1827 1878 1609 1725 1645 1598 1514 1452 1751 1191 1538 1481 1508 1680 1874 1803 2250 2545 2751 2468 4229 2811 2766 2273 2443 2417 1966 2744 1366 2135 1138 1999 Modelled 1329 1049 1755 1297 1787 1242 1787 1242 2779 2501 3166 2874 2243 2289 2139 2035 1368 908 1838 1349 1753 1330 1520 931 1558 975 1492 1122 1378 1017 1154 861 2917 1878 3806 2160 3619 2873 2545 1727 2226 1803 1801 2924 1729 2658 1102 3401 Modelled - Modelled / Count Count -298 0.82 -653 0.62 -254 0.87 -539 0.71 -193 0.90 -425 0.75 -23 0.99 -662 0.65 185 1.07 256 1.11 -52 0.98 -403 0.88 -166 0.93 -331 0.87 -116 0.95 -573 0.78 -460 0.75 -971 0.48 229 1.14 -376 0.78 108 1.07 -269 0.83 7 1.00 -521 0.64 -194 0.89 -216 0.82 -46 0.97 -358 0.76 -130 0.91 -663 0.61 -720 0.62 -942 0.48 667 1.30 -667 0.74 1056 1.38 -308 0.88 -610 0.86 62 1.02 -221 0.92 -546 0.76 -217 0.91 -613 0.75 -165 0.92 180 1.07 362 1.27 523 1.25 -37 0.97 1402 1.70 GEH 7.75 17.60 5.87 13.61 4.44 11.13 0.54 16.69 3.56 5.25 0.93 7.27 3.44 6.69 2.48 11.89 11.50 26.01 5.52 9.59 2.61 7.02 0.17 15.10 4.76 6.57 1.18 9.94 3.43 18.05 18.49 25.80 13.12 14.18 18.44 6.40 9.74 1.17 4.29 12.21 4.50 13.35 3.80 3.37 9.21 10.69 1.09 26.97 Off-Peak Road A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 Location Between M1 Junction 19 and A5199 Junction Between A5199 Junction and M1 Junction 19 Between A5199 Junction and A508 Junction Between A508 Junction and A5199 Junction Between A508 Junction and B576 Junction Between B576 Junction and A508 Junction Between B576 Junction and A6 Junction Between A6 Junction and B576 Junction Between A6 Junction and A43/A4300 Junction Between A43/A4300 Junction and A6 Junction Between A43/A4300 Junction and A43/A6013 Junction Between A43/A6013 Junction and A43/A4300 Junction Between A43/A6013 Junction and A509 Junction Between A509 Junction and A43/A6013 Junction Between A509 Junction and A6/A6003 Junction Between A6/A6003 Junction and A509 Junction Between A6/A6003 Junction and A510 Junction Between A510 Junction and A6/A6003 Junction Between A510 Junction and A6116 Junction Between A6116 Junction and A510 Junction Between A6116 Junction and A45/A605 Junction Between A45/A605 Junction and A6116 Junction Between A45/A605 Junction and B663 Junction Between B663 Junction and A45/A605 Junction Between B663 Junction and B660 Junction Between B660 Junction and B663 Junction Between B660 Junction and A1 Junction Between A1 Junction and B660 Junction Between A1 Junction and B1514 Junction Between B1514 Junction and A1 Junction Between B1514 Junction and A14 spur/A141 Junction Between A14 spur/A141 Junction and B1514 Junction Between A1198/B1044 Junction and A1096/B1040 Junction Between A1096/B1040 Junction and A1198/B1044 Junction Between A1096/B1040 Junction and B1050 Junction Between B1050 Junction and A1096/B1040 Junction Between B1050 Junction and M11 Junction 14 Between M11 Junction 14 and B1050 Junction Between M11 Junction 14 and B1049 Junction Between B1049 Junction and M11 Junction 14 Between B1049 Junction and A10/A1309 Junction Between A10/A1309 Junction and B1049 Junction Between A10/A1309 Junction and B1047 Junction Between B1047 Junction and A10/A1309 Junction Between B1047 Junction and A1303 Junction Between A1303 Junction and B1047 Junction Between A1303 Junction and A1303 Junction Between A1303 Junction and A1303 Junction Direction Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Count 1243 1390 1451 1511 1376 1432 1401 1459 1913 1993 2451 2551 2011 2048 1873 1873 1455 1398 1318 1400 1223 1274 1131 1191 1111 1155 1320 1377 1248 1296 1591 1676 2071 2086 2346 2470 2776 2486 1697 1792 1686 1898 1898 1948 1205 1083 1246 1534 Modelled 913 874 1234 1262 1198 1232 1198 1232 1878 2262 2199 2315 1684 1922 1528 1567 914 762 1382 1153 1339 1108 1135 913 1182 984 1040 1046 990 955 882 831 1985 1544 2625 2768 3142 2874 1560 1763 1648 1715 1631 1789 1631 1768 1207 1549 Modelled - Modelled / GEH Index Count Count -330 0.73 10.05 -516 0.63 15.34 -218 0.85 5.94 -249 0.84 6.68 -177 0.87 4.95 -200 0.86 5.48 -203 0.86 5.63 -226 0.84 6.17 -36 0.98 0.82 270 1.14 5.84 -252 0.90 5.23 -237 0.91 4.80 -327 0.84 7.61 -126 0.94 2.82 -345 0.82 8.36 -306 0.84 7.39 -542 0.63 15.73 -636 0.55 19.34 65 1.05 1.76 -247 0.82 6.92 115 1.09 3.22 -166 0.87 4.81 4 1.00 0.11 -279 0.77 8.59 71 1.06 2.09 -171 0.85 5.24 -280 0.79 8.14 -331 0.76 9.50 -257 0.79 7.69 -342 0.74 10.19 -709 0.55 20.15 -845 0.50 23.86 -87 0.96 1.92 -542 0.74 12.73 279 1.12 5.59 298 1.12 5.82 366 1.13 6.73 388 1.16 7.50 -137 0.92 3.39 -30 0.98 0.70 -39 0.98 0.95 -183 0.90 4.31 -268 0.86 6.37 -159 0.92 3.68 426 1.35 11.30 685 1.63 18.14 -39 0.97 1.11 15 1.01 0.39 PM Peak Road A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 Location Between M1 Junction 19 and A5199 Junction Between A5199 Junction and M1 Junction 19 Between A5199 Junction and A508 Junction Between A508 Junction and A5199 Junction Between A508 Junction and B576 Junction Between B576 Junction and A508 Junction Between B576 Junction and A6 Junction Between A6 Junction and B576 Junction Between A6 Junction and A43/A4300 Junction Between A43/A4300 Junction and A6 Junction Between A43/A4300 Junction and A43/A6013 Junction Between A43/A6013 Junction and A43/A4300 Junction Between A43/A6013 Junction and A509 Junction Between A509 Junction and A43/A6013 Junction Between A509 Junction and A6/A6003 Junction Between A6/A6003 Junction and A509 Junction Between A6/A6003 Junction and A510 Junction Between A510 Junction and A6/A6003 Junction Between A510 Junction and A6116 Junction Between A6116 Junction and A510 Junction Between A6116 Junction and A45/A605 Junction Between A45/A605 Junction and A6116 Junction Between A45/A605 Junction and B663 Junction Between B663 Junction and A45/A605 Junction Between B663 Junction and B660 Junction Between B660 Junction and B663 Junction Between B660 Junction and A1 Junction Between A1 Junction and B660 Junction Between A1 Junction and B1514 Junction Between B1514 Junction and A1 Junction Between B1514 Junction and A14 spur/A141 Junction Between A14 spur/A141 Junction and B1514 Junction Between A1198/B1044 Junction and A1096/B1040 Junction Between A1096/B1040 Junction and A1198/B1044 Junction Between A1096/B1040 Junction and B1050 Junction Between B1050 Junction and A1096/B1040 Junction Between B1050 Junction and M11 Junction 14 Between M11 Junction 14 and B1050 Junction Between M11 Junction 14 and B1049 Junction Between B1049 Junction and M11 Junction 14 Between B1049 Junction and A10/A1309 Junction Between A10/A1309 Junction and B1049 Junction Between A10/A1309 Junction and B1047 Junction Between B1047 Junction and A10/A1309 Junction Between B1047 Junction and A1303 Junction Between A1303 Junction and B1047 Junction Between A1303 Junction and A1303 Junction Between A1303 Junction and A1303 Junction Direction Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Count 1512 1584 1865 2019 1694 1989 1913 1838 2322 2491 3281 3281 2685 2521 2652 2260 1909 1834 1665 1656 1606 1672 1447 1482 1189 1783 1511 1548 1402 1164 1939 1974 2797 2797 2733 3090 2743 3879 2287 2596 2201 2734 2544 2192 1968 1326 1719 1549 Modelled 1230 1017 1560 1599 1535 1558 1535 1558 2475 2774 3098 3140 2273 2105 2143 1755 1174 971 1923 1326 1865 1273 1554 1076 1607 1155 1344 1243 1157 1075 1001 807 2809 1768 2992 3015 3194 3807 985 1440 1311 1504 2185 2076 1340 1875 951 1464 Modelled - Modelled / GEH Index Count Count -282 0.81 7.61 -567 0.64 15.72 -305 0.84 7.37 -421 0.79 9.89 -159 0.91 3.96 -431 0.78 10.22 -378 0.80 9.11 -280 0.85 6.79 153 1.07 3.12 283 1.11 5.51 -183 0.94 3.24 -141 0.96 2.48 -412 0.85 8.27 -415 0.84 8.64 -509 0.81 10.39 -505 0.78 11.26 -735 0.61 18.73 -863 0.53 23.04 258 1.15 6.09 -330 0.80 8.54 259 1.16 6.21 -398 0.76 10.39 107 1.07 2.76 -406 0.73 11.34 418 1.35 11.17 -628 0.65 16.38 -167 0.89 4.41 -305 0.80 8.16 -246 0.82 6.87 -88 0.92 2.64 -937 0.52 24.45 -1167 0.41 31.28 12 1.00 0.22 -1029 0.63 21.54 260 1.10 4.85 -74 0.98 1.35 450 1.16 8.27 -72 0.98 1.16 -1303 0.43 32.21 -1156 0.55 25.74 -890 0.60 21.24 -1230 0.55 26.71 -359 0.86 7.38 -116 0.95 2.51 -628 0.68 15.44 549 1.41 13.72 -768 0.55 21.02 -84 0.95 2.18 A421/A428 Corridor AM Peak Road Location A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A428 A428 A428 A428 A428 A428 A428 A428 A428 A428 Direction Count Modelled Modelled - Modelled / Count Count 432 1.45 322 1.46 -218 0.83 477 1.45 214 1.23 466 1.35 -97 0.86 13 1.01 8 1.01 -109 0.91 -324 0.70 -205 0.80 -438 0.65 -271 0.79 -797 0.45 -255 0.81 -813 0.51 -691 0.60 -306 0.72 -349 0.71 4 1.00 134 1.14 -532 0.47 -200 0.77 -191 0.71 135 1.24 66 1.09 -18 0.98 10 1.01 -40 0.94 210 1.18 -231 0.71 GEH Between B4033 Junction and B4034 Junction Between B4034 Junction and B4033 Junction Between A421 spur Junction and B4034 Junction Between B4034 Junction and A421 spur Junction Between B4034 Junction and B4034 Junction Between B4034 Junction and B4034 Junction Between A4146 Junction and A5130 Junction Between A5130 Junction and A4146 Junction Between A5130 Junction and M1 Junction 13 Between M1 Junction 13 and A5130 Junction Between M1 Junction 13 and A5134 Junction Between A5134 Junction and M1 Junction 13 Between A5134 Junction and A421 spur Junction Between A421 spur Junction and A5134 Junction Between A421 spur Junction and A6 Junction Between A6 Junction and A421 spur Junction Between A600 Junction and A603 Junction Between A603 Junction and A600 Junction Between A603 Junction and A428 Junction Between A428 Junction and A603 Junction Between New Road Junction and A1 Junction Between A1 Junction and New Road Junction Between A1/B1428 Junction and B1043 Junction Between B1043 Junction and A1/B1428 Junction Between B1043 Junction and B1428 Junction Between B1428 Junction and B1043 Junction Between B1428 Junction and B1040 Junction Between B1040 Junction and B1428 Junction Between B1040 Junction and A1198 Junction Between A1198 Junction and B1040 Junction Between A1198 Junction and A1303 Junction Between A1303 Junction and A1198 Junction Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound 968 702 1293 1068 916 1323 695 990 769 1153 1063 1035 1247 1322 1451 1368 1645 1734 1092 1202 784 964 1007 889 660 557 766 766 1010 663 1179 802 1399 1024 1075 1546 1130 1789 598 1003 777 1045 739 829 808 1051 654 1114 832 1043 786 853 788 1098 475 689 470 692 832 748 1020 623 1389 572 Location Between B4033 Junction and B4034 Junction Between B4034 Junction and B4033 Junction Between A421 spur Junction and B4034 Junction Between B4034 Junction and A421 spur Junction Between B4034 Junction and B4034 Junction Between B4034 Junction and B4034 Junction Between A4146 Junction and A5130 Junction Between A5130 Junction and A4146 Junction Between A5130 Junction and M1 Junction 13 Between M1 Junction 13 and A5130 Junction Between M1 Junction 13 and A5134 Junction Between A5134 Junction and M1 Junction 13 Between A5134 Junction and A421 spur Junction Between A421 spur Junction and A5134 Junction Between A421 spur Junction and A6 Junction Between A6 Junction and A421 spur Junction Between A600 Junction and A603 Junction Between A603 Junction and A600 Junction Between A603 Junction and A428 Junction Between A428 Junction and A603 Junction Between New Road Junction and A1 Junction Between A1 Junction and New Road Junction Between A1/B1428 Junction and B1043 Junction Between B1043 Junction and A1/B1428 Junction Between B1043 Junction and B1428 Junction Between B1428 Junction and B1043 Junction Between B1428 Junction and B1040 Junction Between B1040 Junction and B1428 Junction Between B1040 Junction and A1198 Junction Between A1198 Junction and B1040 Junction Between A1198 Junction and A1303 Junction Between A1303 Junction and A1198 Junction Direction Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Count 559 542 928 891 879 845 745 699 787 798 863 827 1014 1079 939 951 1223 1379 758 727 617 585 771 772 466 427 507 507 518 552 595 626 Modelled 445 588 952 1232 1247 1366 416 1187 419 1336 693 490 892 964 828 984 933 868 724 614 833 1434 587 983 590 1086 643 1173 494 1127 428 1171 Modelled - Modelled / GEH Index Count Count -114 0.80 5.09 46 1.09 1.94 24 1.03 0.80 340 1.38 10.44 368 1.42 11.30 522 1.62 15.69 -329 0.56 13.66 488 1.70 15.90 -368 0.53 14.97 538 1.67 16.47 -170 0.80 6.09 -336 0.59 13.11 -122 0.88 3.97 -116 0.89 3.62 -111 0.88 3.75 33 1.03 1.05 -290 0.76 8.83 -511 0.63 15.23 -34 0.95 1.26 -113 0.84 4.37 216 1.35 8.04 849 2.45 26.72 -184 0.76 7.05 211 1.27 7.13 124 1.27 5.38 659 2.54 23.95 136 1.27 5.69 667 2.32 23.01 -25 0.95 1.09 575 2.04 19.83 -167 0.72 7.36 544 1.87 18.16 Location Between B4033 Junction and B4034 Junction Between B4034 Junction and B4033 Junction Between A421 spur Junction and B4034 Junction Between B4034 Junction and A421 spur Junction Between B4034 Junction and B4034 Junction Between B4034 Junction and B4034 Junction Between A4146 Junction and A5130 Junction Between A5130 Junction and A4146 Junction Between A5130 Junction and M1 Junction 13 Between M1 Junction 13 and A5130 Junction Between M1 Junction 13 and A5134 Junction Between A5134 Junction and M1 Junction 13 Between A5134 Junction and A421 spur Junction Between A421 spur Junction and A5134 Junction Between A421 spur Junction and A6 Junction Between A6 Junction and A421 spur Junction Between A600 Junction and A603 Junction Between A603 Junction and A600 Junction Between A603 Junction and A428 Junction Between A428 Junction and A603 Junction Between New Road Junction and A1 Junction Between A1 Junction and New Road Junction Between A1/B1428 Junction and B1043 Junction Between B1043 Junction and A1/B1428 Junction Between B1043 Junction and B1428 Junction Between B1428 Junction and B1043 Junction Between B1428 Junction and B1040 Junction Between B1040 Junction and B1428 Junction Between B1040 Junction and A1198 Junction Between A1198 Junction and B1040 Junction Between A1198 Junction and A1303 Junction Between A1303 Junction and A1198 Junction Direction Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Count 757 915 1074 1312 1333 928 993 848 851 1045 1193 984 1409 1331 1586 1373 1741 1673 1409 1042 870 1707 830 1090 485 652 672 672 613 1019 732 1110 Modelled 895 1116 998 1617 1052 1851 1121 818 781 911 633 622 1134 1126 973 1141 1198 907 695 646 1044 1352 579 962 895 1033 1031 1134 920 924 921 1000 Modelled - Modelled / GEH Index Count Count 139 1.18 4.82 201 1.22 6.31 -76 0.93 2.35 304 1.23 7.95 -281 0.79 8.15 924 2.00 24.79 128 1.13 3.94 -30 0.96 1.04 -70 0.92 2.44 -134 0.87 4.28 -560 0.53 18.53 -362 0.63 12.77 -274 0.81 7.70 -206 0.85 5.87 -612 0.61 17.12 -231 0.83 6.52 -543 0.69 14.16 -765 0.54 21.31 -713 0.49 22.00 -396 0.62 13.61 173 1.20 5.60 -355 0.79 9.07 -251 0.70 9.45 -128 0.88 4.00 410 1.84 15.59 381 1.58 13.12 359 1.53 12.29 462 1.69 15.37 307 1.50 11.09 -94 0.91 3.03 189 1.26 6.56 -110 0.90 3.38 12.54 10.96 6.34 13.20 6.68 11.82 3.81 0.42 0.29 3.27 10.80 6.72 13.67 7.87 24.55 7.23 23.11 18.54 9.99 10.89 0.13 4.18 19.53 7.13 8.03 5.41 2.32 0.66 0.30 1.57 5.87 8.80 Off-Peak Road A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A428 A428 A428 A428 A428 A428 A428 A428 A428 A428 PM Peak Road A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A428 A428 A428 A428 A428 A428 A428 A428 A428 A428 Appendix G – Scenario B&C Reference Case Framework Analyses Scenario B Reference Case Framework Analysis 2031 Performance Measures 2001 vs 2031 Scen B Ref Case Base = 2001 Test = 2031 Scen B Ref Case ENVIRONMENTAL OBJECTIVES Base Test Test - Base Test / Base 5,049,861 7,723,100 2,673,239 1.53 All Day Car Person km (study area) 109,029,549 188,603,205 79,573,657 1.73 All Day HGV km (study area) 13,356,384 26,536,944 13,180,560 1.99 Base Test Test - Base Test / Base Population Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 1103.00 235.81 166.56 573.87 188.38 102.80 -529.13 -47.44 -63.76 0.52 0.80 0.62 Employment Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 322.92 59.04 51.36 145.83 49.45 26.95 -177.09 -9.59 -24.41 0.45 0.84 0.52 London to Peterborough Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 1,625 955 2,491 1,300 866 345 1.53 1.36 London to Leicester Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 1,825 1,120 2,800 1,564 975 444 1.53 1.40 London to Birmingham Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 1,940 1,415 2,927 1,764 987 349 1.51 1.25 Chelmsford to Peterborough Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 1,510 4,105 2,173 4,464 663 359 1.44 1.09 Chelmsford to Birmingham Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 2,235 4,990 3,064 5,309 829 319 1.37 1.06 Ipswich to Birmingham Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 2,290 5,825 3,282 6,345 992 520 1.43 1.09 Norwich to Birmingham Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 2,515 6,275 3,736 7,000 1,221 725 1.49 1.12 Norwich to Oxford Generalised Costs Car Public Transport 2,590 5,705 4,355 6,400 1,765 695 1.68 1.12 All Day Car Trips (study area) ACCESSIBILITY OBJECTIVES SAFETY OBJECTIVES Base Test Test - Base Test / Base 5,049,861 7,723,100 2,673,239 1.53 All Day Car Person km (study area) 109,029,549 188,603,205 79,573,657 1.73 Passenger km by Road Type: Motorway A-Road B-Road Unclassified 147453295 202725201 16229614 9766678 244174429 333794127 27913111 16866508 96721134 131068926 11683497 7099830 1.66 1.65 1.72 1.73 % Passenger km by Road Type: Motorway A-Road B-Road Unclassified 39.20 53.89 4.31 2.60 39.21 53.60 4.48 2.71 0.01 -0.29 0.17 0.11 1.00 0.99 1.04 1.04 Proportion of Time in Crowded Conditions: Rail 57.35 60.43 3.08 1.05 Base Test Test - Base Test / Base Luton Airport Accesibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 47.06 5.63 8.25 16.33 5.63 5.98 -30.74 0.00 -2.27 0.35 1.00 0.72 Stansted Airport Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 74.50 12.88 6.19 62.48 9.21 4.27 -12.02 -3.66 -1.91 0.84 0.72 0.69 Corby Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 30.08 1.68 2.04 20.35 1.57 1.34 -9.73 -0.11 -0.70 0.68 0.94 0.66 Dunstable Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 39.28 2.88 3.20 14.87 2.82 2.29 -24.41 -0.06 -0.91 0.38 0.98 0.71 Harlow Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 28.60 3.96 2.16 11.63 3.12 1.43 -16.97 -0.84 -0.73 0.41 0.79 0.66 109,029,549 188,603,205 79,573,657 1.73 59.04 51.36 49.45 26.95 -9.59 -24.41 0.84 0.52 All Day Car Trips (study area) INTEGRATION OBJECTIVES All Day Car Passenger km (study area) (Proxy for land-use policy) Employment Accessibility Indices: Rail Bus (Proxy for employment/regeneration policy) ECONOMY OBJECTIVES Base Test Test - Base Test / Base Average Speed: Highway (study area) 64.45 53.40 -11.05 0.83 Proportion of Time in Crowded Conditions: Rail 57.35 60.43 3.08 1.05 Milton Keynes Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 44.38 21.13 6.94 17.31 14.17 5.37 -27.07 -6.95 -1.57 0.39 0.67 0.77 Cambridge Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 30.31 16.44 6.06 11.68 10.88 4.43 -18.63 -5.56 -1.63 0.39 0.66 0.73 Stansted Airport Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 56.00 16.88 5.06 21.42 9.74 2.86 -34.58 -7.13 -2.20 0.38 0.58 0.57 Luton Airport Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 73.31 19.75 7.75 26.83 13.47 5.25 -46.48 -6.28 -2.50 0.37 0.68 0.68 Northampton Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 42.56 16.25 5.56 21.17 10.60 4.19 -21.39 -5.65 -1.37 0.50 0.65 0.75 Bedford Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 82.88 13.06 6.44 38.59 11.60 4.51 -44.28 -1.46 -1.93 0.47 0.89 0.70 Stevenage Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 139.19 22.38 6.81 55.27 15.25 4.76 -83.92 -7.13 -2.05 0.40 0.68 0.70 St Albans Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 57.69 24.94 8.13 21.81 16.66 5.66 -35.87 -8.28 -2.46 0.38 0.67 0.70 Hitchin Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 58.94 20.06 6.19 25.91 13.50 3.67 -33.03 -6.56 -2.52 0.44 0.67 0.59 Scenario C Reference Case Framework Analysis 2031 Performance Measures 2001 vs 2031 Scen C Ref Case Base = 2001 Test = 2031 Scen C Ref Case ENVIRONMENTAL OBJECTIVES Base Test Test - Base Test / Base 5,049,861 9,084,673 4,034,812 1.80 All Day Car Person km (study area) 109,029,549 207,853,097 98,823,548 1.91 All Day HGV km (study area) 13,356,384 26,475,615 13,119,231 1.98 Base Test Test - Base Test / Base Population Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 1103.00 235.81 166.56 559.13 171.36 96.78 -543.87 -64.45 -69.78 0.51 0.73 0.58 Employment Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 322.92 59.04 51.36 140.19 44.35 25.56 -182.73 -14.69 -25.80 0.43 0.75 0.50 London to Peterborough Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 1,625 955 2,609 1,327 984 372 1.61 1.39 London to Leicester Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 1,825 1,120 2,873 1,591 1,048 471 1.57 1.42 London to Birmingham Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 1,940 1,415 3,000 1,791 1,060 376 1.55 1.27 Chelmsford to Peterborough Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 1,510 4,105 2,264 4,755 754 650 1.50 1.16 Chelmsford to Birmingham Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 2,235 4,990 3,173 5,645 938 655 1.42 1.13 Ipswich to Birmingham Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 2,290 5,825 3,373 6,682 1,083 857 1.47 1.15 Norwich to Birmingham Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 2,515 6,275 3,827 7,364 1,312 1,089 1.52 1.17 Norwich to Oxford Generalised Costs Car Public Transport 2,590 5,705 4,445 6,718 1,855 1,013 1.72 1.18 All Day Car Trips (study area) ACCESSIBILITY OBJECTIVES SAFETY OBJECTIVES Base Test Test - Base Test / Base 5,049,861 9,084,673 4,034,812 1.80 All Day Car Person km (study area) 109,029,549 207,853,097 98,823,548 1.91 Passenger km by Road Type: Motorway A-Road B-Road Unclassified 147453295 202725201 16229614 9766678 244394251 336979469 30873091 18520527 96940956 134254268 14643477 8753849 1.66 1.66 1.90 1.90 % Passenger km by Road Type: Motorway A-Road B-Road Unclassified 39.20 53.89 4.31 2.60 38.75 53.42 4.89 2.94 -0.45 -0.47 0.58 0.34 0.99 0.99 1.13 1.13 Proportion of Time in Crowded Conditions: Rail 57.35 60.45 3.10 1.05 Base Test Test - Base Test / Base Luton Airport Accesibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 47.06 5.63 8.25 13.66 5.08 5.64 -33.40 -0.55 -2.61 0.29 0.90 0.68 Stansted Airport Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 74.50 12.88 6.19 60.35 8.51 4.02 -14.15 -4.37 -2.17 0.81 0.66 0.65 Corby Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 30.08 1.68 2.04 20.05 1.42 1.27 -10.03 -0.26 -0.77 0.67 0.84 0.62 Dunstable Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 39.28 2.88 3.20 13.90 2.59 2.14 -25.38 -0.29 -1.06 0.35 0.90 0.67 Harlow Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 28.60 3.96 2.16 6.44 2.83 1.31 -22.16 -1.13 -0.85 0.23 0.72 0.61 109,029,549 207,853,097 98,823,548 1.91 59.04 51.36 44.35 25.56 -14.69 -25.80 0.75 0.50 All Day Car Trips (study area) INTEGRATION OBJECTIVES All Day Car Passenger km (study area) (Proxy for land-use policy) Employment Accessibility Indices: Rail Bus (Proxy for employment/regeneration policy) ECONOMY OBJECTIVES Base Test Test - Base Test / Base Average Speed: Highway (study area) 64.45 48.23 -16.23 0.75 Proportion of Time in Crowded Conditions: Rail 57.35 60.45 3.10 1.05 Milton Keynes Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 44.38 21.13 6.94 15.78 13.74 5.04 -28.60 -7.39 -1.90 0.36 0.65 0.73 Cambridge Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 30.31 16.44 6.06 9.96 10.53 3.72 -20.36 -5.91 -2.34 0.33 0.64 0.61 Stansted Airport Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 56.00 16.88 5.06 20.15 9.47 2.70 -35.85 -7.41 -2.36 0.36 0.56 0.53 Luton Airport Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 73.31 19.75 7.75 24.99 13.05 4.92 -48.32 -6.70 -2.83 0.34 0.66 0.63 Northampton Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 42.56 16.25 5.56 20.17 10.19 3.94 -22.39 -6.06 -1.62 0.47 0.63 0.71 Bedford Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 82.88 13.06 6.44 36.67 11.21 4.23 -46.20 -1.85 -2.20 0.44 0.86 0.66 Stevenage Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 139.19 22.38 6.81 52.29 14.78 4.41 -86.89 -7.60 -2.40 0.38 0.66 0.65 St Albans Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 57.69 24.94 8.13 20.09 16.13 5.27 -37.60 -8.81 -2.85 0.35 0.65 0.65 Hitchin Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 58.94 20.06 6.19 24.30 13.09 3.08 -34.63 -6.97 -3.11 0.41 0.65 0.50 Appendix H – Strategy Themes for Option Development Table H.1 Schedule of ‘Environmental’ Theme Strategy Components Road Infrastructure Bus lanes on motorways plus other bus priority schemes Rail WCML: High-Speed Services: provide high-speed paths equivalent to those provided under West Coast Route Modernisation (WCRM) PUG 2 Silverlink Services: provide 8 paths per hour south of Milton Keynes evenly spaced, of which at least 2 must be on the high-speed line Freight Services: provide 90 paths per day by 2010 (= 2000 + 100%), 154 by 2020 (= original EWS requirement to allow for 300% growth, but by 2010), of which 1 per hour must be on the highspeed line ECML: Provide 25% more passenger paths and 25% more freight paths than foreseen under the ECML Upgrade Programme Double suburban frequency MML: Provide quadruple track to Kettering (requires re-instatement of double-track along the freight line and other improvements) Electrify from Bedford to Leicester Provide high quality Felixstowe–Nuneaton Freight route with clearance for 9’6” containers Provide clearance for 9’6” containers between Birmingham and all Thames and Solent Ports Provide clearance for piggyback units between the Channel Tunnel and Scotland along the WCML and from Dover, Felixstowe, and Portsmouth to the WCML Invest all main lines with spare capacity and diversionary opportunities to improve reliability Provide new inter modal terminals on existing railway land in Northampton and Cricklewood Restraint Increase car operating costs by 50% to represent more punitive fiscal regime Increase central parking charges by 50% Reduce central area road space to reflect urban initiatives such as bus priority Other Measures Motorway and dual all-purpose speed limits reduced to 50 mph (increases capacity, reduces attractiveness and maximises fuel efficiency) Other inter-urban all-purpose roads reduced to 50 mph Urban roads all 30 mph Increase in inter -city bus travel to provide improved public transport accessibility Encourage load sharing and modal shift through ‘carrot’ methods and ‘stick’ methods to include a 25% increase in HGV operating costs - Hi - Table H.2 Schedule of ‘Safety’ Theme Strategy Components Road Infrastructure In principle do not under-provide on high-speed safe routes. Therefore, as a starting point: M1 widening Junction 6A-13 to D6 M1 widening north of Junction 13 to D5 M25 widening to D6 M40 widening to D4 A1(M) widening Junction 6-8 to D4 A1(M) widening Junction 8-10 to D3 A1(M) widening north of Junction 10 to D3 A6, A10, A120 and A414 widening to D2 M11 widening Junction 6-8 to D4 M11 widening Junction 8-14 to D3 A14 from M1 to M11 widening to D3 provision throughout A505 from M1 to M11 widening to D3 throughout A421 from M1 to A1 widening to D2 throughout A45 from M1 to A14 widening to D2 throughout A5 Dunstable Bypass Rail WCML – as for Environmental Strategy ECML – as for Environmental Strategy MML – as for Environmental Strategy East –West Rail Route for passengers as proposed Other Measures Implementation of safe routes to school Lower speed limits on non-PRN routes High quality interchange between E-W and N-S Rail routes Central area restraint measures plus strategic Park and Ride Freight consolidation to minimise empty running (ie fewer veh-kms. therefore safer) - Hii - Table H.3 Schedule of ‘Economy’ Theme Strategy Components Road Infrastructure M1 widening Junction 6A-13 to D4 M1 widening north of Junction 13 to D4 A1(M) widening to Junction 6-8 to D3 A1(M) widening to Junction 8-10 to D3 M11 widening to D3 throughout A421/A428 widening to D3 throughout A505 from M1 to M11D3 throughout A14 from M1to M11 D3 throughout A414 from M1/M25 to M11 D2 throughout Rail Major new rail facility providing paths for long-distance travel (HSL) to be constructed by 2015 Re-allocate some inter-city paths to suburban (WCML to Silverlink) and freight East-West Rail Route, double frequency of proposed option, double-track throughout, electrify, and provide north and south facing junctions with all main lines crossed Reopen Kettering – Manton Junction line for passenger services to include additional hourly semi-fast trains between London and Leicester stopping at a new station in Corby Express coach to infill lack of rail services Other Measures Central area road pricing to minimise congestion/encourage free flow speeds Complementary urban public transport improvements - Hiii - Table H.4 Schedule of ‘Accessibility’ Theme Strategy Components Road Infrastructure Maximum road improvement as for Safety Strategy Rail Include HSL High quality East-West Rail Route 15minute frequency High quality interchange between East-West Rail Route and radial main lines Improved services to Stansted, Luton, and Heathrow including links to East-West Rail Route and Thameslink and high quality interchanges at locations such as West Hampstead Other Improved local bus services Improved inter-city bus provision to cover gaps left by rail Strategic Park and Ride Table H.5 Schedule of ‘Integration’ Theme Strategy Components Road Infrastructure Restraint policies are maximised under this proposal No new road construction Motorway tolls Urban congestion charging Selective motorway junction closures Rail Additional Parkway stations ‘motorway/inter-city’ transfer Provide major new inter modal terminals or freight villages where WCML, ECML and MML cross the M25 and at Milton Keynes and Northampton. Bus Urban priority High quality fleets Strategic Park and Ride for all towns and cities > 50,000 population on all major radial routes Air Improved public transport connections N/S/E/W For Stansted and Luton - Hiv - - Hv - Scenario B Reference Case Framework Analysis 2031 Performance Measures 2031 Scen B Ref Case vs Strategy Base = 2031 Scen B Ref Case Test = 2031 Scen B Strategy ENVIRONMENTAL OBJECTIVES Base Test Test - Base Test / Base 7,723,100 7,708,550 -14,550 1.00 All Day Car Person km (study area) 188,603,205 187,297,634 -1,305,571 0.99 All Day HGV km (study area) 26,536,944 24,959,511 -1,577,433 0.94 Base Test Test - Base Test / Base Population Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 573.87 188.38 102.80 581.73 197.59 102.88 7.86 9.21 0.08 1.01 1.05 1.00 Employment Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 145.83 49.45 26.95 146.28 51.58 26.96 0.45 2.13 0.01 1.00 1.04 1.00 London to Peterborough Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 2,491 1,300 2,491 1,255 0 -45 1.00 0.97 London to Leicester Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 2,800 1,564 2,845 1,573 45 9 1.02 1.01 London to Birmingham Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 2,927 1,764 2,973 1,764 45 0 1.02 1.00 Chelmsford to Peterborough Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 2,173 4,464 2,282 4,418 109 -45 1.05 0.99 Chelmsford to Birmingham Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 3,064 5,309 3,136 5,309 73 0 1.02 1.00 Ipswich to Birmingham Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 3,282 6,345 3,245 6,273 -36 -73 0.99 0.99 Norwich to Birmingham Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 3,736 7,000 3,682 6,700 -55 -300 0.99 0.96 Norwich to Oxford Generalised Costs Car Public Transport 4,355 6,400 4,264 6,045 -91 -355 0.98 0.94 All Day Car Trips (study area) ACCESSIBILITY OBJECTIVES SAFETY OBJECTIVES Base Test Test - Base Test / Base 7,723,100 7,708,550 -14,550 1.00 All Day Car Person km (study area) 188,603,205 187,297,634 -1,305,571 0.99 Passenger km by Road Type: Motorway A-Road B-Road Unclassified 244174429 333794127 27913111 16866508 235283648 326993884 26860735 15175343 -8890781 -6800243 -1052376 -1691165 0.96 0.98 0.96 0.90 % Passenger km by Road Type: Motorway A-Road B-Road Unclassified 39.21 53.60 4.48 2.71 38.93 54.11 4.44 2.51 -0.28 0.51 -0.04 -0.20 0.99 1.01 0.99 0.93 Proportion of Time in Crowded Conditions: Rail 60.43 58.41 -2.03 0.97 Base Test Test - Base Test / Base Luton Airport Accesibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 16.33 5.63 5.98 16.68 5.90 6.00 0.35 0.27 0.02 1.02 1.05 1.00 Stansted Airport Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 62.48 9.21 4.27 62.76 9.94 4.29 0.27 0.73 0.02 1.00 1.08 1.00 Corby Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 20.35 1.57 1.34 20.32 1.68 1.33 -0.04 0.11 -0.01 1.00 1.07 0.99 Dunstable Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 14.87 2.82 2.29 15.50 2.94 2.29 0.63 0.12 0.00 1.04 1.04 1.00 Harlow Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 11.63 3.12 1.43 11.81 3.22 1.43 0.18 0.10 0.00 1.02 1.03 1.00 188,603,205 187,297,634 -1,305,571 0.99 49.45 26.95 51.58 26.96 2.13 0.01 1.04 1.00 All Day Car Trips (study area) INTEGRATION OBJECTIVES All Day Car Passenger km (study area) (Proxy for land-use policy) Employment Accessibility Indices: Rail Bus (Proxy for employment/regeneration policy) ECONOMY OBJECTIVES Base Test Test - Base Test / Base Average Speed: Highway (study area) 53.40 54.30 0.90 1.02 Proportion of Time in Crowded Conditions: Rail 60.43 58.41 -2.03 0.97 Milton Keynes Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 17.31 14.17 5.37 18.13 14.76 5.27 0.82 0.59 -0.10 1.05 1.04 0.98 Cambridge Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 11.68 10.88 4.43 11.72 11.56 4.33 0.04 0.69 -0.10 1.00 1.06 0.98 Stansted Airport Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 21.42 9.74 2.86 21.68 10.53 2.78 0.25 0.78 -0.08 1.01 1.08 0.97 Luton Airport Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 26.83 13.47 5.25 26.56 14.03 5.15 -0.27 0.57 -0.10 0.99 1.04 0.98 Northampton Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 21.17 10.60 4.19 20.70 11.27 4.16 -0.47 0.67 -0.04 0.98 1.06 0.99 Bedford Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 38.59 11.60 4.51 38.46 13.74 4.43 -0.14 2.14 -0.08 1.00 1.18 0.98 Stevenage Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 55.27 15.25 4.76 55.57 16.01 4.68 0.29 0.76 -0.08 1.01 1.05 0.98 St Albans Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 21.81 16.66 5.66 21.95 16.88 5.57 0.14 0.22 -0.10 1.01 1.01 0.98 Hitchin Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 25.91 13.50 3.67 26.26 13.76 3.57 0.35 0.25 -0.10 1.01 1.02 0.97 Scenario C Reference Case Framework Analysis 2031 Performance Measures 2031 Scen C Ref Case vs Strategy Base = 2031 Scen C Ref Case Test = 2031 Scen C Strategy ENVIRONMENTAL OBJECTIVES Base Test Test - Base Test / Base 9,084,673 9,070,301 -14,372 1.00 All Day Car Person km (study area) 207,853,097 206,895,166 -957,930 1.00 All Day HGV km (study area) 26,475,615 24,941,055 -1,534,560 0.94 Base Test Test - Base Test / Base Population Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 559.13 171.36 96.78 567.28 179.56 96.84 8.15 8.19 0.06 1.01 1.05 1.00 Employment Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 140.19 44.35 25.56 140.74 46.29 25.51 0.54 1.95 -0.05 1.00 1.04 1.00 London to Peterborough Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 2,609 1,327 2,591 1,273 -18 -55 0.99 0.96 London to Leicester Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 2,873 1,591 2,936 1,600 64 9 1.02 1.01 London to Birmingham Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 3,000 1,791 3,055 1,791 55 0 1.02 1.00 Chelmsford to Peterborough Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 2,264 4,755 2,282 4,709 18 -45 1.01 0.99 Chelmsford to Birmingham Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 3,173 5,645 3,127 5,636 -45 -9 0.99 1.00 Ipswich to Birmingham Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 3,373 6,682 3,391 6,618 18 -64 1.01 0.99 Norwich to Birmingham Generalised Costs: Car Public Transport 3,827 7,364 3,845 7,045 18 -318 1.00 0.96 Norwich to Oxford Generalised Costs Car Public Transport 4,445 6,718 4,345 6,345 -100 -373 0.98 0.94 All Day Car Trips (study area) ACCESSIBILITY OBJECTIVES SAFETY OBJECTIVES Base Test Test - Base Test / Base 9,084,673 9,070,301 -14,372 1.00 All Day Car Person km (study area) 207,853,097 206,895,166 -957,930 1.00 Passenger km by Road Type: Motorway A-Road B-Road Unclassified 244394251 336979469 30873091 18520527 235785916 330388360 30177744 17047446 -8608335 -6591109 -695347 -1473081 0.96 0.98 0.98 0.92 % Passenger km by Road Type: Motorway A-Road B-Road Unclassified 38.75 53.42 4.89 2.94 38.44 53.86 4.92 2.78 -0.31 0.44 0.03 -0.16 0.99 1.01 1.01 0.95 Proportion of Time in Crowded Conditions: Rail 60.45 58.08 -2.38 0.96 Base Test Test - Base Test / Base Luton Airport Accesibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 13.66 5.08 5.64 14.13 5.33 5.64 0.47 0.25 0.00 1.03 1.05 1.00 Stansted Airport Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 60.35 8.51 4.02 60.64 9.17 4.04 0.29 0.67 0.02 1.00 1.08 1.00 Corby Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 20.05 1.42 1.27 19.95 1.52 1.27 -0.10 0.11 0.00 1.00 1.08 1.00 Dunstable Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 13.90 2.59 2.14 12.66 2.69 2.14 -1.25 0.10 0.00 0.91 1.04 1.00 Harlow Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 6.44 2.83 1.31 6.51 2.94 1.31 0.07 0.11 0.00 1.01 1.04 1.00 207,853,097 206,895,166 -957,930 1.00 44.35 25.56 46.29 25.51 1.95 -0.05 1.04 1.00 All Day Car Trips (study area) INTEGRATION OBJECTIVES All Day Car Passenger km (study area) (Proxy for land-use policy) Employment Accessibility Indices: Rail Bus (Proxy for employment/regeneration policy) ECONOMY OBJECTIVES Base Test Test - Base Test / Base Average Speed: Highway (study area) 48.23 48.10 -0.13 1.00 Proportion of Time in Crowded Conditions: Rail 60.45 58.08 -2.38 0.96 Milton Keynes Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 15.78 13.74 5.04 16.01 14.27 5.02 0.24 0.53 -0.02 1.01 1.04 1.00 Cambridge Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 9.96 10.53 3.72 9.60 11.13 3.53 -0.35 0.61 -0.20 0.96 1.06 0.95 Stansted Airport Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 20.15 9.47 2.70 20.50 10.19 2.69 0.35 0.73 -0.02 1.02 1.08 0.99 Luton Airport Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 24.99 13.05 4.92 24.21 13.58 4.92 -0.78 0.53 0.00 0.97 1.04 1.00 Northampton Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 20.17 10.19 3.94 20.38 10.82 3.94 0.22 0.63 0.00 1.01 1.06 1.00 Bedford Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 36.67 11.21 4.23 36.26 13.23 4.21 -0.41 2.02 -0.02 0.99 1.18 1.00 Stevenage Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 52.29 14.78 4.41 52.12 15.50 4.41 -0.18 0.73 0.00 1.00 1.05 1.00 St Albans Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 20.09 16.13 5.27 20.76 16.31 5.27 0.67 0.18 0.00 1.03 1.01 1.00 Hitchin Accessibility Indices: Car Rail Bus 24.30 13.09 3.08 24.77 13.33 3.08 0.47 0.24 0.00 1.02 1.02 1.00 Greenhouse Gases Estimated Population Annoyed in 2031 Ref Case 69,800 Number of properties exposed to a road link which improves air quality = 200,000 (NO2) 400,000 (PM10) Quantitative Impacts Estimated Population Annoyed in 2031 Test Case 69,450 There is a predicted decrease in CO2 emissions with the 10-Year Plan in place. This is due to a slight reduction in vehicle kilometres. NO2 =minus 57,000 PM10 = minus 7,000 Index = Net change air quality µg m-3 x weighted properties Present Value Cost to the government (£ m) Assessment Net decrease in Estimated Population Annoyed 400 Number properties exposed to a road link with no change in air quality = 340,000 (NO2) 22,000 (PM10) N/A Decrease of 321 KiloTonnes CO2 Approximately 9% of the properties considered in this assessment within 200m of road links with predicted 2031 roadside NO2 concentrations above 40µgm-3 and an increases in NO2 concentrations of at least 4µg m-3. Less than 1% of the properties considered in this assessment are within 200m of road links with a predicted increase in roadside PM10 concentrations of at least 2µgm-3. Number properties exposed to a road link which worsens air quality = 210,000 (NO2) 300,000 (PM10) Qualitative Impacts The overall pattern of noise exposure across the Study Area is changed very little by the 10YP and EW railway because road traffic changes are low. It is expected that new roads under the 10YP will be built with mitigation in the form of low noise road surfacing and/or noise barriers. This mitigation is predicted to produce a very slight reduction in net noise annoyance across the Study Area. The level of mitigation assumed may be conservative, so noise benefits could be greater if more generous mitigation can be provided. There is a predicted slight improvement in air quality within the Study Area. Objective Sub-Objective Environment Noise Local Air Quality Description of interventions - see below Option 1– Version 1 of the Plan versus Reference Case A Objective Description of interventions - see below Qualitative Impacts Moderate adverse impacts have been assessed for the M1, M11 and A421/A428 corridors. Neutral impacts are assessed for the A1 and A14 corridors, as they do not contain any Option 1 schemes. Overall effects on the Study Area are therefore assessed as moderate adverse, and arise mainly from the effects of widening schemes upon non-statutory designated areas such as AGLVs. Townscape Moderate adverse impacts have been assessed for the M1 corridor, with slight adverse effects predicted for the A421/A428 corridor. The three remaining corridors will experience neutral impacts. Overall effects on the Study Area are therefore assessed as moderate adverse, and arise mainly from the impact of motorway widening on urban open spaces. Heritage of M1 Corridor: Slight Adverse Impact on known Archaeological Sites to Large Adverse Historic Resources Impact on non-Statutory Area of Archaeological Significance adjacent to motorway. Slight Adverse to Luton Hoo Registered Historic Park or Garden, Conservation Area and Grade I Listed Building. A505 Dunstable Bypass: Moderate Adverse Impact to Thorn Hill SAM, plus slight adverse impact to known Archaeological Sites. M11 Corridor Large Adverse to 2 SAMs, plus slight adverse to known and potential Archaeological Sites. A421/A428 Corridor (Highway): Slight adverse impact to two Archaeological Notification Areas, but mostly slightly beneficial to neutral to cultural heritage resources including Conservation Areas and Listed Buildings. Aylesbury to Bletchley rail link: Slight adverse to one Conservation Area, but largely neutral to cultural heritage resources. Bicester to Bletchley rail link: Slight adverse to industrial archaeology associated with the railway, but largely neutral to cultural heritage resources. Most of the schemes are neutral to slight adverse to Heritage of Historic Resources, with the exception of the M11 Junctions 8-9 scheme. Sub-Objective Landscape Option 1– Version 1 of the Plan versus Reference Case A Present Value Cost to the government (£ m) Assessment Moderate Adverse Moderate Adverse Large Adverse Quantitative Impacts N/A N/A N/A Qualitative Impacts There are several cases where potential for serious or very serious impacts are predicted, particularly where nationally designated sites or ancient woodland lie adjacent or in close proximity to the road or rail corridors. The A421/A428 is the most significantly constrained corridor with one SSSI and several areas of ancient woodland affected whereas the M1 Corridor is relatively unconstrained by sites of high nature conservation value. However, there are many locally designated sites which may be affected in this corridor. Overall, approximately three nationally designated sites and fourteen non-statutory designated sites are predicted to be affected. More than one site is predicted to have serious adverse effects as a result of the interventions involving land take from designated sites, and therefore Option 1 will have a major adverse effect. Mitigation measures will reduce dramatically the impact on water resources. The road widening schemes will increase run-off levels. Generally, suitable drainage design incorporated into infrastructure schemes will be likely to mitigate impacts. Environment Agency PPG’s should be followed during construction. A neutral effect over the whole Study Area, as the changes in road and rail trips are so small. A slight increase in public transport use (1,651 extra rail trips per 12 hour day related to a Reference Case of 5,114,441 trips) would be offset by a slight increase in car usage with respect to the Reference Case (extra 5,471 extra trips per 12 hour day related to a Reference Case of 34,438,005 trips). A slightly beneficial effect over the whole Study Area, as the road widening and new road and rail route would provide the potential to resolve some existing problems related to traveller care, views and stress and these benefits would be experienced by a large number of people. Objective Journey Ambience Physical Fitness Water Environment Sub-Objective Biodiversity Description of interventions - see below Option 1– Version 1 of the Plan versus Reference Case A N/A N/A N/A Quantitative Impacts N/A Slight Beneficial Neutral Slight Adverse Present Value Cost to the government (£ m) Assessment Major Adverse Integration Accessibility Economy Access to the Transport System Transport Interchange Severance N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Improved road and rail travel reliability. Improvements to the strategic network will have some positive impacts on the economies of the Study Area and other regions. Positive effect on option values for road and rail for population larger than 2,000 people. Given the assumption that all severance impacts from widening schemes, from new infrastructure, and from capacity alterations for both rail and roads will be mitigated through the provision of alternative or new crossings, no adverse impacts from these interventions are predicted. The provision of new infrastructure and alternative uses for existing infrastructure benefits will be gained in term of severance for some of the population in the Study Area as a whole. A proposal to open a station at Winslow, between Bletchley and Bicester, with a connection to Aylesbury and hence through services to London. All the proposed highway and rail schemes would increase interchange opportunities. Reliability Wider Economic Impacts Option Values Transport Economic Efficiency Security Quantitative Impacts Fatal accidents are reduced by 5, serious by 92 and slight by 541 Slight increase in road security since vehicles will be stationary for less time. No change N/A in rail security. Benefit/cost ratio = 2.28 (2.45 Benefit/cost ratio of 2.28, increasing to 2.45 if accident benefits are included. Hence, if accidents included) good value for money. Individual highway schemes have benefit/cost ratios greater than 1.00; rail scheme has benefit/cost ratio of 0.74. Benefits associated with increased number of highway lanes available during maintenance or accidents not included. Qualitative Impacts An overall reduction in accidents in all 3 categories. Objective Safety Sub-Objective Accidents Description of interventions - see below Option 1– Version 1 of the Plan versus Reference Case A Slight Beneficial Slight Beneficial Slight Beneficial Strongly Beneficial Present value of costs = £783m. Present value of benefits = £1,786m. Net present value = £1,003m. Slight Beneficial Slight Beneficial Slight Beneficial Present Value Cost to the government (£ m) Assessment Slight Beneficial Qualitative Impacts Quantitative Impacts Some package elements are safeguarded at a local level and therefore comply with N/A policy. Some elements may be contrary to a range of environmental and sustainability policies at local, regional and national level. The package includes road improvements which do not fully accord with government N/A policy on sustainability and reducing the need to travel by private transport. The public transport improvements are consistent with wider policy. Objective Other Government Policies Sub-Objective Land-Use Policy Description of interventions - see below Option 1– Version 1 of the Plan versus Reference Case A Neutral Present Value Cost to the government (£ m) Assessment Neutral to Slight Beneficial Qualitative Impacts The overall pattern of noise exposure across the Study Area is changed very little by the 10YP and full rail strategy because road traffic changes are low. It is expected that new roads under the 10YP will be built with mitigation in the form of low noise road surfacing and/or noise barriers. This mitigation is predicted to produce a very slight reduction in net noise annoyance across the Study Area. The level of mitigation assumed may be conservative, so noise benefits could be greater if more generous mitigation can be provided. There is a predicted slight degradation in air quality within the Study Area. There is a predicted decrease in CO2 emissions with the 10-Year Plan plus Full Rail Strategy in place. This is due to a slight reduction in vehicle kilometres. Objective Sub-Objective Environment Noise Local Air Quality Greenhouse Gases Quantitative Impacts Estimated Population Annoyed in 2031 Test Case 69,250 Number properties within 200m of a road link with no change in air quality = 70,000 (NO2) 22,000 (PM10) N/A Estimated Population Annoyed in 2031 Ref Case 69,800 Number of properties within 200m of a road link which Approximately 17% of the properties considered in this assessment within 200m of road improves air quality = 350,000 links with predicted 2031 roadside NO2 concentrations above 40µgm-3 and an (NO2) increases in NO2 concentrations of at least 4µg m-3. Approximately 3% of the 350,000 (PM10) properties considered in this assessment are within 200m of road links with a predicted increase in roadside PM10 concentrations of at least 2µgm-3. Number properties within 200m of a road link which worsens air quality = 360,000 (NO2) 380,000 (PM10) Description of interventions - see below Option 2 – Version 2 of the Plan versus Reference Case A Decrease of 333 KiloTonnes CO2 NO2 =840,000 PM10 = 63,000 Index = Net change air quality µg m-3 x weighted properties Present Value Cost to the government (£m) Assessment Net decrease in Estimated Population Annoyed 600 Objective Description of interventions - see below Qualitative Impacts Moderate adverse impacts have been assessed for the M1, M11 and A421/A428 corridors. Slight adverse impacts on the A1 corridor are predicted. Neutral impacts are assessed for the A14 corridor, as it does not contain any Test 1 schemes. Overall effects on the Study Area are therefore assessed as moderate adverse, and arise mainly from the effects of widening schemes and new road and rail schemes upon landscape character and non statutory designated areas such as AGLVs. Townscape Moderate adverse impacts have been assessed for the M1, A1 and M11 corridors, with slight adverse effects predicted for the A421/A428 corridor. The A14 corridor will experience neutral impacts. Overall effects on the Study Area are therefore assessed as moderate adverse, and arise mainly from the impact of road and rail widening on urban areas, open spaces and occasional Conservation Areas. Heritage of M1 Corridor (Rail): Potential large adverse impact on Berkhampstead Castle SAM and Historic Resources Norcott Court Farm SAM, plus slight adverse impacts on a wide variety of SAMs, Registered Gardens, Conservation Areas, Archaeological Priority Areas, Listed Buildings and known and unknown Archaeological Sites. A1 Corridor (Rail): Potential neutral to slight adverse on a wide range of SAMs, Registered Gardens, Conservation Areas, Archaeological Priority Areas, Listed Buildings and known and unknown Archaeological Sites. M11 Corridor (Rail): Potential large adverse impact on site of Roman temple at Harlow SAM, but in general neutral to slight adverse on a range of SAMs, Registered Gardens, Conservation Areas, Archaeological Priority Areas, Listed Buildings and known and unknown Archaeological Sites. A421/A428 Corridor (Rail): Because the route is not defined, the impact is uncertain, but any land take in the vicinity of cultural heritage resources will result in a slight to large adverse impact. Most of the schemes are neutral to slight adverse to Heritage of Historic Resources, with the exception of the M1 and M11 rail schemes. Sub-Objective Landscape Option 2 – Version 2 of the Plan versus Reference Case A Present Value Cost to the government (£m) Assessment Moderate Adverse Moderate Adverse Large Adverse Quantitative Impacts N/A N/A N/A Safety Qualitative Impacts There are many occasions where serious or very serious adverse affects are predicted. The M11 Corridor is very constrained, with approximately seven SSSIs directly or indirectly affected. The M1 Corridor rail interventions also have significant adverse affects associated with the eight SSSIs that may be affected. The A1 rail interventions potentially affect one cSAC and three SSSIs. The M1 road corridor is less constrained. Overall, approximately 17 statutory and 18 non-statutory designated sites are predicted to be affected by this option, with the M11 Corridor being most constrained. Several sites are predicted to have serious or very serious adverse effects on biodiversity and this results in a major adverse effect for this option. Mitigation measures will reduce dramatically the impact on water resources. The road widening schemes will increase run-off levels. Generally, suitable drainage design incorporated into infrastructure schemes will be likely to mitigate impacts. Environment Agency PPG’s should be followed during construction. Overall, it is considered that Option 2 would have a neutral effect over the whole Study Area, as the changes in road and rail trips are so small. A slight increase in public transport use (7,512 extra rail trips per 12 hour day related to a Reference Case of 5,114,441 trips) would be offset by a slight increase in car usage with respect to the Reference Case (7, 643 extra trips per 12 hour day related to a Reference Case of 34,438,005 trips). A moderate beneficial effect over the whole Study Area. The increased number of rail improvements in Option 2 compared to Option 1 would increase the overall journey ambience benefits that accrue and these benefits would be experienced by a larger number of people than in Option 1 An overall reduction in accidents in all 3 categories. Objective Accidents Journey Ambience Physical Fitness Water Environment Sub-Objective Biodiversity Description of interventions - see below Option 2 – Version 2 of the Plan versus Reference Case A Fatal accidents are reduced by 28, serious by 405 and slight by 541 N/A N/A N/A Quantitative Impacts N/A Slight Beneficial Moderate Beneficial Neutral Slight Adverse Present Value Cost to the government (£m) Assessment Major Adverse Transport Economic Efficiency Economy Accessibility Qualitative Impacts Slight increase in road security since vehicles will be stationary for less time. No change in rail security. Benefit/cost ratio of 0.49, increasing to 0.68 if various additional benefits are included. Hence, sufficient to take forward proposals forward for more detailed development, with a view to achieving lower cost solutions or identifying further benefits. (eg additional rail services using spare track capacity provided). Benefits associated with increased number of highway lanes available during maintenance or accidents not included. Improved road and rail travel reliability. Improvements to the strategic network will have some positive impacts on the economies of the Study Area and other regions. Positive effect on option values for road and rail for population larger than 2,000 people. Given the assumption that all severance impacts from widening schemes, from new infrastructure, and from capacity alterations for both rail and roads will be mitigated through the provision of alternative or new crossings no adverse impacts from these interventions are predicted. A proposal to open a station at Winslow, between Bletchley and Bicester, with a connection to Aylesbury and hence through services to London. In addition, proposals for new stations at Cambourne (located between Cambridge and St Neots) and Olney (located between Bedford and Northampton). Sub-Objective Security Objective Access to the Transport System Severance Reliability Wider Economic Impacts Option Values Description of interventions - see below Option 2 – Version 2 of the Plan versus Reference Case A N/A N/A N/A Slight beneficial Neutral Strongly Beneficial Benefit/cost ratio = 0.45 (0.68 Present value of if additional benefts included) costs = £4,977m. Present value of benefits = £2,460m. Net present value = -£2,517m. N/A Slight Beneficial N/A Slight Beneficial Quantitative Impacts N/A Present Value Cost to the government (£m) Assessment Slight Beneficial Other Government Policies Land-Use Policy Bedford becomes a major transport hub because of the extension of the complete Bristol – Stansted route, would improve interchange opportunities at St Neots and also access to Stansted Airport. The rerouting of the West Anglia services via Stratford would make Stratford a major interchange point between stations in the east of the Study Area and other parts of southern England and Europe. Some package elements conform to local land-use policy; substantially increased public transport service levels accord with policy thrust at all levels. Road-based elements may be contrary to a range of environmental and sustainability policies at local, regional and national level. The package includes road improvements which do not fully conform with wider government policy on the environment and sustainability. However, there are considerable improvements to public transport which accord with wider policy. The impacts of road investment will be less than those of public transport. N/A N/A Qualitative Impacts Quantitative Impacts All the proposed highway and rail schemes would increase interchange opportunities. N/A Objective Integration Sub-Objective Transport Interchange Description of interventions - see below Option 2 – Version 2 of the Plan versus Reference Case A Slight Beneficial Slight Beneficial Present Value Cost to the government (£m) Assessment Slight Beneficial Greenhouse Gases There is a predicted increase in CO2 emissions with the 10-Year Plan plus Full Strategy A in place. This is due to a slight increase in traffic. Approximately 8% of the properties considered in this assessment within 200m of road links with predicted 2031 roadside NO2 concentrations above 40µgm-3 and an increases in NO2 concentrations of at least 4µg m-3. Approximately 1% of the properties considered in this assessment are within 200m of road links with a predicted increase in roadside PM10 concentrations of at least 2µgm-3. Qualitative Impacts The overall pattern of noise exposure across the Study Area is changed very little by the full strategy because in terms of noise emissions road traffic changes are low. It is expected that new or widened roads will be built with mitigation in the form of low noise road surfacing and/or noise barriers. This mitigation, whilst effective on these roads, is predicted to produce only a very slight reduction in net noise annoyance across the Study Area. The level of mitigation assumed may be conservative, so noise benefits could be greater if more generous mitigation can be provided. There is a predicted marginal degradation in air quality within the Study Area. Objective Sub-Objective Environment Noise Local Air Quality Description of interventions - see below Option 3 – Version 3 of the Plan versus Reference Case A NO2 =11,000 PM10 = minus 7,000 Index = Net change air quality µg m-3 x weighted properties Number properties within 200m of a road link with no change in air quality = 115,000 (NO2) 22,000 (PM10) N/A Increase of 150 KiloTonnes CO2 Number properties within 200m of a road link which worsens air quality = 470,000 (NO2) 420,000 (PM10) Estimated Population Annoyed in 2031 Ref Case 69,800 Number of properties within 200m of a road link which improves air quality = 170,000 (NO2) 320,000 (PM10) Quantitative Impacts Estimated Population Annoyed in 2031 Test Case 69,690 Present Value Cost to the government (£m) Assessment Net decrease in Estimated Population Annoyed 100 Qualitative Impacts Quantitative Impacts Substantial adverse impacts have been assessed for the M1 corridor. Moderate N/A adverse impacts have been assessed for the M1, A1, A421/A428, and A14 corridors. Overall effects on the Study Area are therefore assessed as substantial adverse, and arise principally from the effects of a new road scheme within an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Adverse impacts also arise from widening schemes and new road and rail schemes affecting landscape character and non statutory designated areas such as AGLVs. Moderate adverse impacts have been assessed for the M1, A1 and M11 corridors, with N/A slight adverse effects predicted for the A421/A428 and A14 corridors. Overall effects on the Study Area are therefore assessed as moderate adverse, and arise mainly from the impact of road and rail interventions on urban areas, open spaces and Conservation Areas. Objective Townscape Sub-Objective Landscape Description of interventions - see below Option 3 – Version 3 of the Plan versus Reference Case A Moderate Adverse Present Value Cost to the government (£m) Assessment Substantial Adverse Objective Description of interventions - see below Sub-Objective Qualitative Impacts Quantitative Impacts Heritage of M1 Corridor (Luton Northern Bypass): Slight Adverse Impact on SAM at Dray's ditches N/A Historic Resources and Historic Garden at Manor Farm, Upper Sundon. Slight adverse impact on known and unknown Archaeological Sites, and possibly on listed buildings. A1 Corridor (Beeston and Sandy Bypass): Slight adverse impact on known and unknown Archaeological Sites. Neutral impact on all other cultural heritage resources. M11 Corridor (J 9-14): Large Adverse impact to 2 SAMs, plus slight adverse impact to known and potential Archaeological Sites and unidentified listed buildings, and slight adverse impact to listed building at Ickleton Abbey Farm. A421 Corridor (M1 J 13 to A 5130): Neutral impact on known cultural heritage resources. A14 Corridor (A1 to M1): Slight adverse impact on four SAMs, but neutral impact on all known cultural heritage resources. Neutral to slight adverse impact on unknown Archaeological Sites and listed buildings. (B1047 (Horningsea) and A11): Neutral impact on all known cultural heritage resources, potential slight adverse impact on unknown Archaeological Sites and listed buildings. Most of the schemes are neutral to slight adverse to Heritage of Historic Resources, with the exception of the M11 Junctions 9-14 scheme. Biodiversity The A14 Corridor is the most constrained, with one cSAC and approximately thirteen N/A sites being potentially adversely affected. The A1 Corridor is also constrained, with one cSAC and several other serious adverse impacts predicted. Of the interventions, the rail has the most significant impacts, with the Luton Northern Bypass also having direct impacts on designated sites. The M1 road corridor affects largely local sites. Overall, two internationally designated site (cSACs), approximately 28 statutory and 38 non-statutory sites are predicted to be adversely affected, many of them seriously or very seriously where they are adjacent to or crossing the road or rail corridors. As a result, Option 3 is predicted to result in major adverse effects. Option 3 – Version 3 of the Plan versus Reference Case A Major Adverse Present Value Cost to the government (£m) Assessment Large Adverse Economy Safety Transport Economic Efficiency Security Accidents Journey Ambience Physical Fitness Slight increase in road security since vehicles will be stationary for less time. No change in rail security. Benefit/cost ratio of 0.53, increasing to 0.70 if various additional benefits are included. Hence, sufficient to take forward proposals forward for more detailed development, with a view to achieving lower cost solutions or identifying further benefits. (eg additional rail services using spare track capacity provided). Benefits associated with increased number of highway lanes available during maintenance or accidents not included. Qualitative Impacts Mitigation measures will reduce dramatically the impact on water resources. The road widening schemes will increase run-off levels. Generally, suitable drainage design incorporated into infrastructure schemes will be likely to mitigate impacts. Environment Agency PPG’s should be followed during construction. Overall, it is considered that Option 3 would have a neutral effect over the whole Study Area, as the changes in road and rail trips are so small. A slight increase in public transport use (7,531 extra rail trips per 12 hour day related to a Reference Case of 5,114,441 trips) would be offset by a slight increase in car usage with respect to the Reference Case (3,031 extra trips per 12 hour day related to a Reference Case of 34,438,005 trips). A moderate beneficial effect over the whole Study Area. The increased number of road improvements in Option 3 compared to Option 2 would increase the overall journey ambience benefits that accrue and these benefits would be experienced by a larger number of people than in Option 2. However, these improvements would not be large enough to produce a large beneficial score. An overall reduction in accidents in all 3 categories. Objective Sub-Objective Water Environment Description of interventions - see below Option 3 – Version 3 of the Plan versus Reference Case A Benefit/cost ratio = 0.53 (0.70 if additional benefits included) Fatal accidents are reduced by 26, serious by 379 and slight by 872 N/A N/A N/A Quantitative Impacts N/A Present value of costs = £5,211m. Present value of benefits = £2,745m. Net present value = -£2,465m. Slight Beneficial Slight Beneficial Moderate Beneficial Neutral Present Value Cost to the government (£m) Assessment Slight Adverse Integration Accessibility Land-Use Policy Transport Interchange Access to the Transport System Severance Bedford becomes a major transport hub because of the extension of the complete Bristol – Stansted route, would improve interchange opportunities at St Neots and also access to Stansted Airport. The rerouting of the West Anglia services via Stratford would make Stratford a major interchange point between stations in the east of the Study Area and other parts of southern England and Europe. Some package elements are safeguarded at a local level and therefore comply with policy. Some elements may be contrary to a range of environmental and sustainability policies at local, regional and national level. Qualitative Impacts Improved road and rail travel reliability. Improvements to the strategic network will have some positive impacts on the economies of the Study Area and other regions. Positive effect on option values for road and rail for population larger than 2,000 people. Given the assumption that all severance impacts from widening schemes, from new infrastructure, and from capacity alterations for both rail and roads will be mitigated through the provision of alternative or new crossings no adverse impacts from these interventions are predicted. A proposal to open a station at Winslow, between Bletchley and Bicester, with a connection to Aylesbury and hence through services to London. In addition, proposals for new stations at Cambourne (located between Cambridge and St Neots) and Olney (located between Bedford and Northampton). All the proposed highway and rail schemes would increase interchange opportunities. Objective Sub-Objective Reliability Wider Economic Impacts Option Values Description of interventions - see below Option 3 – Version 3 of the Plan versus Reference Case A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Quantitative Impacts N/A N/A Slight Beneficial Slight Beneficial Slight beneficial Neutral Strongly Beneficial Present Value Cost to the government (£m) Assessment Slight Beneficial Slight beneficial Qualitative Impacts The package includes road improvements which do not fully conform with government policy on sustainability, the wider environment and reducing the need to travel by private transport. The significant level of public transport improvements is consistent with wider policy, and their impacts are likely to dominate the impact of road elements. Objective Sub-Objective Other Government Policies Description of interventions - see below Option 3 – Version 3 of the Plan versus Reference Case A Quantitative Impacts N/A Present Value Cost to the government (£m) Assessment Slight Beneficial Qualitative Impacts The overall pattern of noise exposure across the Study Area is changed very little by the full strategy because in terms of noise emissions road traffic changes are low. It is expected that new or widened roads will be built with mitigation in the form of low noise road surfacing and/or noise barriers. This mitigation, whilst effective on these roads, is predicted to produce only a very slight reduction in net noise annoyance across the Study Area. The level of mitigation assumed may be conservative, so noise benefits could be greater if more generous mitigation can be provided. There is a predicted slight degradation in air quality within the Study Area. There is a predicted decrease in CO2 emissions with Full Strategy B in place. This is due to a slight reduction in vehicle kilometres. Objective Sub-Objective Environment Noise Local Air Quality Greenhouse Gases Quantitative Impacts Estimated Population Annoyed in 2031 Test Case 68,400 Number properties within 200m of a road link with no change in air quality = 60,000 (NO2) 23,000 (PM10) N/A Estimated Population Annoyed in 2031 Ref Case B 69,200 Number of properties within 200m of a road link which Approximately 16% of the properties considered in this assessment within 200m of road improves air quality = 370,000 links with predicted 2031 roadside NO2 concentrations above 40µgm-3 and an (NO2) increases in NO2 concentrations of at least 4µg m-3. Approximately 2% of the 370,000 (PM10) properties considered in this assessment are within 200m of road links with a predicted increase in roadside PM10 concentrations of at least 2µgm-3. Number properties within 200m of a road link which worsens air quality = 320,000 (NO2) 360,000 (PM10) Description of interventions - see below Option 4 – Version 3 of the Plan versus Reference Case B Decrease of 399 KiloTonnes CO2 NO2 =580,000 PM10 = 41,000 Index = Net change air quality µg m-3 x weighted properties Present Value Cost to the government (£m) Assessment Net decrease in Estimated Population Annoyed 800 Qualitative Impacts Quantitative Impacts Substantial adverse impacts have been assessed for the M1 corridor. Moderate N/A adverse impacts have been assessed for the M1, A1, A421/A428, and A14 corridors. Overall effects on the Study Area are therefore assessed as substantial adverse, and arise principally from the effects of a new road scheme within an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Adverse impacts also arise from widening schemes and new road and rail schemes affecting landscape character and non statutory designated areas such as AGLVs. Moderate adverse impacts have been assessed for the M1, A1 and M11 corridors, with N/A slight adverse effects predicted for the A421/A428 and A14 corridors. Overall effects on the Study Area are therefore assessed as moderate adverse, and arise mainly from the impact of road and rail interventions on urban areas, open spaces and Conservation Areas. Objective Townscape Sub-Objective Landscape Description of interventions - see below Option 4 – Version 3 of the Plan versus Reference Case B Moderate Adverse Present Value Cost to the government (£m) Assessment Substantial Adverse Objective Description of interventions - see below Sub-Objective Qualitative Impacts Quantitative Impacts Heritage of M1 Corridor (Luton Northern Bypass): Slight Adverse Impact on SAM at Dray's ditches N/A Historic Resources and Historic Garden at Manor Farm, Upper Sundon. Slight adverse impact on known and unknown Archaeological Sites, and possibly on listed buildings. A1 Corridor (Beeston and Sandy Bypass): Slight adverse impact on known and unknown Archaeological Sites. Neutral impact on all other cultural heritage resources. M11 Corridor (J 9-14): Large Adverse impact to 2 SAMs, plus slight adverse impact to known and potential Archaeological Sites and unidentified listed buildings, and slight adverse impact to listed building at Ickleton Abbey Farm. A421 Corridor (M1 J 13 to A 5130): Neutral impact on known cultural heritage resources. A14 Corridor (A1 to M1): Slight adverse impact on four SAMs, but neutral impact on all known cultural heritage resources. Neutral to slight adverse impact on unknown Archaeological Sites and listed buildings. (B1047 (Horningsea) and A11): Neutral impact on all known cultural heritage resources, potential slight adverse impact on unknown Archaeological Sites and listed buildings. Most of the schemes are neutral to slight adverse to Heritage of Historic Resources, with the exception of the M11 Junctions 9-14 scheme. Biodiversity The A14 Corridor is the most constrained, with one cSAC and approximately thirteen N/A sites being potentially adversely affected. The A1 Corridor is also constrained, with one cSAC and several other serious adverse impacts predicted. Of the interventions, the rail has the most significant impacts, with the Luton Northern Bypass also having direct impacts on designated sites. The M1 road corridor affects largely local sites. Overall, two internationally designated site (cSACs), approximately 28 statutory and 38 non-statutory sites are predicted to be adversely affected, many of them seriously or very seriously where they are adjacent to or crossing the road or rail corridors. As a result, Option 3 is predicted to result in major adverse effects. Option 4 – Version 3 of the Plan versus Reference Case B Major Adverse Present Value Cost to the government (£m) Assessment Large Adverse Safety Security Accidents Journey Ambience Physical Fitness Slight increase in road security since vehicles will be stationary for less time. No change in rail security. Qualitative Impacts Mitigation measures will reduce dramatically the impact on water resources. The road widening schemes will increase run-off levels. Generally, suitable drainage design incorporated into infrastructure schemes will be likely to mitigate impacts. Environment Agency PPG’s should be followed during construction. Overall, it is considered that Option 4 would have a neutral effect over the whole Study Area, as the changes in road and rail trips are so small. A slight increase in public transport use (9,393 extra rail trips per 12 hour day related to a Reference Case of 5,115,307 trips) would be complimented by a slight decrease in car usage with respect to the Reference Case (3,770 less rail trips per 12 hour day related to a Reference Case of 33,963,650 trips). However, this slight change in balance of road and rail trips would still be too low to qualify as a slight benefit A moderate beneficial effect over the whole Study Area. The increased number of road improvements in Option 3 compared to Option 2 would increase the overall journey ambience benefits that accrue and these benefits would be experienced by a larger number of people than in Option 2. However, these improvements would not be large enough to produce a large beneficial score. An overall reduction in accidents in all 3 categories. Objective Sub-Objective Water Environment Description of interventions - see below Option 4 – Version 3 of the Plan versus Reference Case B Moderate Beneficial Neutral Fatal accidents are reduced Slight Beneficial by 28, serious by 416 and slight by 1013 N/A Slight Beneficial N/A N/A Quantitative Impacts N/A Present Value Cost to the government (£m) Assessment Slight Adverse Accessibility Qualitative Impacts Benefit/cost ratio of 0.88, increasing to 1.06 if various additional benefits are included. Hence, sufficient to take forward proposals forward for more detailed development, with a view to achieving lower cost solutions or identifying further benefits. (eg additional rail services using spare track capacity provided). Benefits associated with increased number of highway lanes available during maintenance or accidents not included. Improved road and rail travel reliability. Improvements to the strategic network will have some positive impacts on the economies of the Study Area and other regions. Positive effect on option values for road and rail for population larger than 2,000 N/A people. Given the assumption that all severance impacts from widening schemes, from new N/A infrastructure, and from capacity alterations for both rail and roads will be mitigated through the provision of alternative or new crossings no adverse impacts from these interventions are predicted. A proposal to open a station at Winslow, between Bletchley and Bicester, with a N/A connection to Aylesbury and hence through services to London. In addition, proposals for new stations at Cambourne (located between Cambridge and St Neots) and Olney (located between Bedford and Northampton). Access to the Transport System Severance Reliability Wider Economic Impacts Option Values Sub-Objective Transport Economic Efficiency Objective Economy Slight Beneficial Neutral Strongly Beneficial Present Value Cost to the government (£m) Quantitative Impacts Assessment Benefit/cost ratio = 0.88 (1.06 if Present value of additional benefts included) costs = £5,211m. Present value of benefits = £4,584m. Net present value = -£626m. N/A Slight Beneficial N/A Slight Beneficial Description of interventions - see below Option 4 – Version 3 of the Plan versus Reference Case B Other Government Policies Land-Use Policy Bedford becomes a major transport hub because of the extension of the complete Bristol – Stansted route, would improve interchange opportunities at St Neots and also access to Stansted Airport. The rerouting of the West Anglia services via Stratford would make Stratford a major interchange point between stations in the east of the Study Area and other parts of southern England and Europe. Some package elements are safeguarded at a local level and therefore comply with policy. Some elements may be contrary to a range of environmental and sustainability policies at local, regional and national level. The package includes road improvements which do not fully conform with government policy on sustainability, the wider environment and reducing the need to travel by private transport. The significant level of public transport improvements is consistent with wider policy, and their impacts are likely to dominate the impact of road elements. N/A N/A Qualitative Impacts Quantitative Impacts All the proposed highway and rail schemes would increase interchange opportunities. N/A Objective Integration Sub-Objective Transport Interchange Description of interventions - see below Option 4 – Version 3 of the Plan versus Reference Case B Slight Beneficial Slight Beneficial Present Value Cost to the government (£m) Assessment Slight Beneficial Estimated Population Annoyed in 2031 Ref Case 74,200 Quantitative Impacts Estimated Population Annoyed in 2031 Test Case 70,290 Number properties within 200m of a road link with no change in air quality = 50,000 (NO2) 6,000 (PM10) Number of properties within 200m of a road link which Approximately 12% of the properties considered in this assessment within 200m of road improves air quality = 400,000 links with predicted 2031 roadside NO2 concentrations above 40µgm-3 and an (NO2) increases in NO2 concentrations of at least 4µg m-3. Approximately 1% of the 460,000 (PM10) properties considered in this assessment are within 200m of road links with a predicted increase in roadside PM10 concentrations of at least 2µgm-3. Number properties within 200m of a road link which worsens air quality = 300,000 (NO2) 280,000 (PM10) Qualitative Impacts The overall pattern of noise exposure across the Study Area is changed very little by the full strategy because in terms of noise emissions road traffic changes are low. In the base case noise annoyance is slightly higher than for the lower flow scenarios. It is expected that new or widened roads will be built with mitigation in the form of low noise road surfacing and/or noise barriers. This mitigation, whilst effective on these roads, is predicted to produce only a slight reduction in net noise annoyance across the Study Area. The reduction appears to be larger than under the lower flow scenarios, possibly because more traffic is mitigated. The level of mitigation assumed may be conservative, so noise benefits could be greater if more generous mitigation can be provided. There is a predicted slight degradation in air quality within the Study Area. Objective Sub-Objective Environment Noise Local Air Quality Description of interventions - see below Option 5 – Version 3 of the Plan versus Reference Case C NO2 = minus 450,000 PM10 = minus 34,000 Index = Net change air quality µg m-3 x weighted properties Present Value Cost to the government (£m) Assessment Net decrease in Estimated Population Annoyed 3,900 Townscape Landscape Quantitative Impacts There is a predicted decrease in CO2 emissions with the Full Strategy C in place. This is N/A due to a slight reduction in vehicle kilometres. Substantial adverse impacts have been assessed for the M1 corridor. Moderate N/A adverse impacts have been assessed for the M1, A1, A421/A428, and A14 corridors. Overall effects on the Study Area are therefore assessed as substantial adverse, and arise principally from the effects of a new road scheme within an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Adverse impacts also arise from widening schemes and new road and rail schemes affecting landscape character and non statutory designated areas such as AGLVs. Moderate adverse impacts have been assessed for the M1, A1 and M11 corridors, with N/A slight adverse effects predicted for the A421/A428 and A14 corridors. Overall effects on the Study Area are therefore assessed as moderate adverse, and arise mainly from the impact of road and rail interventions on urban areas, open spaces and Conservation Areas. Qualitative Impacts Objective Sub-Objective Greenhouse Gases Description of interventions - see below Option 5 – Version 3 of the Plan versus Reference Case C Moderate Adverse Substantial Adverse Present Value Cost to the government (£m) Assessment Decrease of 80 KiloTonnes CO2 Objective Description of interventions - see below Sub-Objective Qualitative Impacts Quantitative Impacts Heritage of M1 Corridor (Luton Northern Bypass): Slight Adverse Impact on SAM at Dray's ditches N/A Historic Resources and Historic Garden at Manor Farm, Upper Sundon. Slight adverse impact on known and unknown Archaeological Sites, and possibly on listed buildings. A1 Corridor (Beeston and Sandy Bypass): Slight adverse impact on known and unknown Archaeological Sites. Neutral impact on all other cultural heritage resources. M11 Corridor (J 9-14): Large Adverse impact to 2 SAMs, plus slight adverse impact to known and potential Archaeological Sites and unidentified listed buildings, and slight adverse impact to listed building at Ickleton Abbey Farm. A421 Corridor (M1 J 13 to A 5130): Neutral impact on known cultural heritage resources. A14 Corridor (A1 to M1): Slight adverse impact on four SAMs, but neutral impact on all known cultural heritage resources. Neutral to slight adverse impact on unknown Archaeological Sites and listed buildings. (B1047 (Horningsea) and A11): Neutral impact on all known cultural heritage resources, potential slight adverse impact on unknown Archaeological Sites and listed buildings. Most of the schemes are neutral to slight adverse to Heritage of Historic Resources, with the exception of the M11 Junctions 9-14 scheme. Biodiversity The A14 Corridor is the most constrained, with one cSAC and approximately thirteen N/A sites being potentially adversely affected. The A1 Corridor is also constrained, with one cSAC and several other serious adverse impacts predicted. Of the interventions, the rail has the most significant impacts, with the Luton Northern Bypass also having direct impacts on designated sites. The M1 road corridor affects largely local sites. Overall, two internationally designated site (cSACs), approximately 28 statutory and 38 non-statutory sites are predicted to be adversely affected, many of them seriously or very seriously where they are adjacent to or crossing the road or rail corridors. As a result, Option 3 is predicted to result in major adverse effects. Option 5 – Version 3 of the Plan versus Reference Case C Major Adverse Present Value Cost to the government (£m) Assessment Large Adverse Economy Safety Transport Economic Efficiency Security Accidents Journey Ambience Physical Fitness Slight increase in road security since vehicles will be stationary for less time. No change in rail security. Benefit/cost ratio of 0.58, increasing to 0.76 if various additional benefits are included. Hence, sufficient to take forward proposals forward for more detailed development, with a view to achieving lower cost solutions or identifying further benefits. (eg additional rail services using spare track capacity provided). Benefits associated with increased number of highway lanes available during maintenance or accidents not included. Qualitative Impacts Mitigation measures will reduce dramatically the impact on water resources. The road widening schemes will increase run-off levels. Generally, suitable drainage design incorporated into infrastructure schemes will be likely to mitigate impacts. Environment Agency PPG’s should be followed during construction. Overall, it is considered that Option 5 would have a neutral effect over the whole Study Area, as the changes in road and rail trips are so small. A slight increase in public transport use (6,309 extra rail trips per 12 hour day related to a Reference Case of 5,136,786 trips) would be offset by a slight increase in car usage with respect to the Reference Case (1,327 extra trips per 12 hour day related to a Reference Case of 35,416,436 trips). A moderate beneficial effect over the whole Study Area. The increased number of road improvements in Option 3 compared to Option 2 would increase the overall journey ambience benefits that accrue and these benefits would be experienced by a larger number of people than in Option 2. However, these improvements would not be large enough to produce a large beneficial score. An overall reduction in accidents in all 3 categories. Objective Sub-Objective Water Environment Description of interventions - see below Option 5 – Version 3 of the Plan versus Reference Case C Benefit/cost ratio = 0.58 (0.76 if additional benefits included) Fatal accidents are reduced by 26, serious by 384 and slight by 851 N/A N/A N/A Quantitative Impacts N/A Present value of costs = £5,211m. Present value of benefits = £3,047m. Net present value = -£2,163m. Slight Beneficial Slight Beneficial Moderate Beneficial Neutral Present Value Cost to the government (£m) Assessment Slight Adverse Integration Accessibility Land-Use Policy Transport Interchange Access to the Transport System Severance Bedford becomes a major transport hub because of the extension of the complete Bristol – Stansted route, would improve interchange opportunities at St Neots and also access to Stansted Airport. The rerouting of the West Anglia services via Stratford would make Stratford a major interchange point between stations in the east of the Study Area and other parts of southern England and Europe. Some package elements are safeguarded at a local level and therefore comply with policy. Some elements may be contrary to a range of environmental and sustainability policies at local, regional and national level. Qualitative Impacts Improved road and rail travel reliability. Improvements to the strategic network will have some positive impacts on the economies of the Study Area and other regions. Positive effect on option values for road and rail for population larger than 2,000 people. Given the assumption that all severance impacts from widening schemes, from new infrastructure, and from capacity alterations for both rail and roads will be mitigated through the provision of alternative or new crossings no adverse impacts from these interventions are predicted. A proposal to open a station at Winslow, between Bletchley and Bicester, with a connection to Aylesbury and hence through services to London. In addition, proposals for new stations at Cambourne (located between Cambridge and St Neots) and Olney (located between Bedford and Northampton). All the proposed highway and rail schemes would increase interchange opportunities. Objective Sub-Objective Reliability Wider Economic Impacts Option Values Description of interventions - see below Option 5 – Version 3 of the Plan versus Reference Case C N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Quantitative Impacts N/A N/A Slight Beneficial Slight Beneficial Slight Beneficial Neutral Strongly Beneficial Present Value Cost to the government (£m) Assessment Slight Beneficial Slight Beneficial Qualitative Impacts The package includes road improvements which do not fully conform with government policy on sustainability, the wider environment and reducing the need to travel by private transport. The significant level of public transport improvements is consistent with wider policy, and their impacts are likely to dominate the impact of road elements. Objective Sub-Objective Other Government Policies Description of interventions - see below Option 5 – Version 3 of the Plan versus Reference Case C Quantitative Impacts N/A Present Value Cost to the government (£m) Assessment Slight Beneficial