Who is Raddon Financial Group?
Who is Raddon Financial Group?
Pricing Rationally in Irrational Times Presented by: Marcus Rothaar Senior Research Analyst Raddon Financial Group Michigan Credit Union League 2011 Executive Summit September 22, 2011 Sponsored by: ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500 Who is Raddon Financial Group? RFG has provided research-based solutions to the financial services industry since 1983 and is the principal consulting division of Open Solutions. Acquired in November of 2006, Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a strategic business unit of Open Solutions Inc. We offer a unique blend of strategic analysis, industry expertise and consulting solutions to help financial institutions gain a competitive advantage and improve performance with sustainable and measurable results. ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500 Understanding the needs of the customer Understanding the competencies of the organization Industry Research (since 1983) Strategic Analysis (since 1988) Solutions Center (since 2007) Software Solutions (since 1997) Aligning products, systems, people, and processes Marketing, sales, and management tools The RFG Solution RFG helps financial institutions gain a competitive advantage and improve performance with sustainable and measurable results through: 1. Research and Analysis 2. BI/CRM/MCIF Software 3. Data Solutions 4. Consulting ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500 Industry Expertise Over 25 years of consumer research trends Loyalty Benchmarks from 300K Annual Surveys Product & Customer Profitability Norms 6,000+ Branch Profiles Benchmarks from 45 MM Accts & 13 MM Households Industry Product and Channel Benchmarks RFG’s Data Resources ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. 87 Annual Seminars with 3,300 Attendees www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500 Why Pricing Matters (now more than ever) Management Control Panel: Earnings Levers • • • Operating Expense Non-interest income Net Interest Income / Margins ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500 Lever #1: Operating Expense ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500 Historical Trend in Operating Expense Adjusting for inflation, credit union operating expenses per household have risen by 52% from 1995. Operating Expense per Household Incremental Increase in Operating Expense $149 $204 InflationAdjusted Operating Expense 1995 ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. $287 2010 www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500 Credit Union Branch Growth has Slowed Credit union branch locations grew steadily through the 2000s. Branch growth has slowed significantly in the last two years. 800 557 497 600 555 422 316 400 200 90 0 -62 -200 -400 -360 -327 -265 -268 -300 -258 -215 -600 2004 2005 2006 Change in Number of Credit Unions 2007 2008 2009 2010 Change in Number of Credit Union Branches Source: NCUA ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500 Consumer Use of Delivery Channels Consumer use of new delivery channels tends to be complementary, rather than substitutive. 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 19 95 19 96 19 97 19 98 19 99 20 00 20 01 20 02 20 03 20 04 20 05 20 06 20 07 20 08 20 09 20 10 0% Branch Usage Online Banking Usage ATM Usage Debit Card Usage Source: Raddon Financial Group National Consumer Research ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500 Technology Continues to Evolve …and Add Costs 70% 60% 50% “New” technologies: Mobile banking, Mobile remote deposit capture, Person to person payments, Personal Financial Management tools, Alternative Payment Systems will continue to add to the credit union’s operating expenses. 61% ?? 40% 30% 20% 8% 10% 0% 7% 2000 2010 11% 2001 2011 2002 2012 2003 2013 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Online Banking 2010 2020 Mobile Banking Source: RFG National Consumer Research ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500 Compliance Costs Impact Small CUs ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500 Operating Expense Response Reduce Costs • Branch reduction • Staff reduction Increase Revenue • Non-interest income • Net Interest income ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500 Efficiency Ratio Tends to Be Driven By Revenue Efficiency Ratio 57% $900 $800 $700 $600 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $0 63% $836 81% 86% $761 $590 $472 Top Quartile $474 Second Quartile Expense per HH $472 $472 Third Quartile $554 Bottom Quartile Revenue per HH Source: RFG CEO Strategies Group ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500 Lever #2: Non-interest Income ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500 Non-Interest Income More than Doubled in the Last Decade $193 $186 $ per Household $146 $158 $163 $165 $120 $124 $82 $95 $100 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Source: Raddon Financial Group, CEO Strategies Group ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500 Regulatory Changes Reg E • Opt-in success rates vary, many were fairly successful in opting in frequent overdrafters • Ongoing campaign – new accounts Reg II • Potential to decrease interchange income by as much as 45% Consumer Financial Protection Bureau • The wildcard – the impact could dwarf that of Reg E and Reg II ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500 Checking Account Fee Income Threat: Dodd-Frank Consumer Financial Protection Bureau – Price Controls - Threat: Dodd-Frank Reg II “Durbin Amendment” Threat: Reg E “Opt-In” Requirements Source: Raddon Financial Group, CEO Strategies Group ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500 What We Might Expect From the CFPB “Reasonable and proportional” overdraft fees Caps on ATM surcharges Limits on credit card annual fees Maximum daily overdraft charge Waiver on de minimus overdraft charges Increased disclosure requirements on all accounts “Reasonable and proportional” ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500 Impact of Re-Regulation 1. Will reduce the size of the playing field 2. Industry concentration is likely to increase 3. Will bend the industry cost curve up 4. Limits the ability to subsidize products or members 5. “Free” becomes a less viable strategy for many financial institutions 6. Increases the focus on relationship development and share of wallet ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500 Top 10 Largest Retail Banks - Free, if… Free Checking, if… $500 Direct Deposit or $1500 min chk balance or $5k combined balance eBanking: Deposits & Withdrawals made electronically or at ATM; and E-Statements required MyAccess: Direct Deposit or $1500 min avg balance Perform any of these 5 actions: Direct Deposit, Debit Card purchase, Bill-pay, Auto Deduction, ACH Payment, Check Paid, Cash Withdrawal at ATM Value Checking (no bill-pay): Direct Deposit or $1500 avg daily balance Custom Mgt Package: Checking and Savings packaged: $1,000 balance; or $25 auto transfer to Savings; or Direct Deposit Easy Checking - $500 Direct Deposit; or $1500 avg account balance FREE (no requirements) – Debit Rewards being phased out (4/30/11); ATM rebates for Avg Monthly Bal $2k+ being phased out (9/12/11) Direct Deposit or $1500 Deposit Balances or $5000 Combined Balances Everyday Checking - $500 min balance or Direct Deposit TD Convenience - $100 Min Daily Balance Bright Banking - fee waived if direct deposit or $1500 chk balance, or $6k combined balance, or any BB&T mtg ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500 Seven Factors in Free Checking Decision 1. Bias towards growth or profitability? • What is your current member profitability 2. Your current market position – leader or niche player? • 3. How is the rest of the market responding? Demographics dictate potential • Your current member base • The markets in which you compete 4. How effective are you in selling product and building relationships? 5. What is your existing value proposition? 6. Do you have other options for growing non-interest income? 7. What are your core system capabilities? ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500 If Free Checking Is Your Choice… Question: If you decide to continue to offer free checking, how should you leverage this decision? Answer: 1. Set strict cross-sell metrics for the organization and measure at the branch level. – Focus on reducing the percent of checking accounts that are “singleservice.” 2. 3. 4. 5. Implement formalized Onboarding Program to enhance cross-sales after onset of new relationship. Target “high opportunity” non-members within three miles of branches with direct mail. Implement technologies that assist in the frontline cross selling process. Aggressively push cost savings tactics such as e-statements. ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500 Lever #3: Net Interest Income ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500 Industry Net Interest Margin Erosion Margins have declined for financial institutions over the past 15 years. This decline has occurred in both high and low rate environments. Banks –4.40% particularly the largest banks – are dramatically reversing this trend. 4.20% Net Interest Margins 4.00% 3.80% 3.60% 3.40% 3.20% 3.00% 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Bank NIM 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Credit Union NIM Source: FDIC ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500 Anticipated Loan Usage Has Declined % Who Anticipate Opening a Loan in the Next Year 45% 40% 42% 39% 35% 30% 25% RFG research shows that consumers have been looking to reduce their debt for many years; the most recent financial crisis has forced the issue. 29% 20% 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Source: Raddon Financial Group, National Consumer Research ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500 Household Debt Levels Are Declining But Still Historically High Debt per US Household ($000) $140 $120 $100 $80 $60 $40 $20 $0 1960 1970 1980 Residential Mtg Debt 1990 2000 2010 Other Consumer Debt ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500 Net Interest Income Magnitude 19.70% 80.30% Non-interest Income Net Interest Income (after PLL) Source: NCUA Mar-11 Expenses are usually viewed solely as operating expenses, yet funding costs are substantially more expensive than any single non-interest expense item. Item % of Assets Cost of Funds 2.48% Comp/Benefits 1.97% Operations Expense 0.80% Occupancy Expense 0.30% ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500 The Big Four Dramatically Reduce the Cost of Funds Cost of Funds Dec-08 Dec-09 Dec-10 2.06% 0.74% 0.51% 2.23% 1.03% 0.63% 2.70% 1.41% 1.08% 1.58% 0.55% 0.51% Credit Union Avg 1.94% 1.39% 0.97% CUs >$100M 2.45% 1.76% 1.21% ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500 Base Savings Rates $1,000 in a Chase Savings account will earn the customer 10 cents/yr in interest! Rates as-of August, 2011 ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500 Responding To The Margin Challenge 1. Remember - COF is impacted by both Deposit Mix and Rate Focus on core deposit acquisition Increasing Share of Wallet is key New product innovation – link best price to core deposit account usage Small businesses can be a significant source of core deposits 2. Develop a Deposit Management Matrix strategy Deposit needs Competition Driven by key financial metrics 3. Product design to meet the varying needs of members Not all members require “best” rate Ask for something in exchange for best rate Relationship pricing – in the spirit of a true co-op 4. Rational pricing – pricing to meet pre-defined objectives ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500 Steps to Success in Relationship Pricing Organizational Alignment Create a common definition of relationship pricing, its purpose and a way to measure success Research and Analytics Use Analytics to design profitable relationship pricing program IT Capabilities IT system needs to be able to seamlessly support relationship pricing program Ongoing Measurement Measure the success of the program on an ongoing basis using pre-defined metrics Channel Incorporation Incorporate channel-based pricing into relationship pricing design if possible ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500 Deposit Management Matrix 1. What is your current need for deposits? Attrition Mode • The credit union is below “sweet spot” for loans to deposits • Willing to shed deposits Maintenance Mode • Maintaining but not aggressively seeking new deposits Acquisition Mode • Actively trying to bring in more deposits based on high loan to share ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500 Deposit Management Matrix 2. Where do you want rates to be relative to competition? Desired position relative to market What is the credit union’s member value proposition? May be different depending on whether the credit union is in Attrition, Maintenance, or Acquisition mode ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500 Deposit Management Matrix 3. Set pricing to other internal factors and financial ratios Loan to share Net Income to plan Capital Ratio / Reserves Interest Expense to plan Other? ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500 Myth: My members will hate me if I lower deposit rates. Reality: Not all consumers are rate sensitive. In fact, relatively few truly are. ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500 Reasons Consumers Value their Not Rate) Primary Financial Institution 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% (it’s 60% 70% 80% Free Checking 82% Service Quality 76% 77% Conv. Branches Conv. Hours 58% Online Banking 52% Surcharge-free ATMs 39% ATM Network 39% Range of Services 39% OD Coverage for Checks 38% Fair OD/NSF Fees 36% OD Coverage for Debit/ATM 30% 24% Loan Rates Deposit Rates Mobile Banking 9 23% 16% Source: Raddon Financial Group, National Consumer Research ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500 Reasons That Prompt a Consumer to Switch Financial 0% Institution if Things Changed 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% Free Checking 39% Service Quality 35% Conv. Branches 29% Fair OD/NSF Fees 20% Surcharge-free ATMs 19% Conv. Hours 19% Deposit Rates 17% Online Banking 16% ATM Network 16% OD Coverage for Checks 14% Loan Rates 14% OD Coverage for Debit/ATM 12% Range of Services Mobile Banking 40% 4 11% 6% Source: Raddon Financial Group, National Consumer Research ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500 …yet, Credit Unions have built a large component of the value proposition around price. ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500 Why Consumers Are Loyal To Their Primary Financial Institution Bank Primary Customers 23% 16% Credit Union Primary Members 23% 35% 61% 42% Convenience Price Service Convenience Price Service Credit Union Issue: Too much of the value proposition is built on price. We have to move beyond philosophy of “one size fits all.” Source: Raddon Financial Group, National Consumer Research, Spring 2010 ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500 Behavioral Segmentation: What Influences Consumers Gen Y All Consumers 39% 36% 27% 5% 68% 25% Tech Price Loyalty Tech Price Loyalty Gen Y: Much more influenced by technology, and less concerned with price Source: Raddon Financial Group, National Consumer Research, Spring 2010 ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500 Rationale for Rational Pricing In a typical institution, Chief Lending Officers and VPs of Lending carefully craft a wide array of rates, tiers, and features to maximize the earning asset yield while minimizing the impact of risk. Key question: Who at the Credit Union is responsible for managing deposits, setting rates, and controlling cost of funds? Common Answer: At many (most) credit unions, deposit rates are set by committee. A rational pricing strategy attempts to take the guesswork out of rate setting, and uses a more scientific/calculated approach. ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500 Myth: All deposits are equally valuable to the credit union. Reality: All deposits are not the same. Would you rather fund your loans with deposits for which you paid 0.50%? Or deposits for which you paid 5.00%? If you could bring in the same dollars for 1.5% that you bring in for 2.0%, why wouldn’t you? Would you pay California prices for land in Nebraska? Overpaying only increases your cost. ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500 Borrowing from Members vs. Borrowing from the Market Ultimately, every deposit you take comes down to this question: Should I borrow from my members or should I borrow from the market? Are you borrowing from your members at a rate greater than current FHLB rates (current 1-year advance ~0.50%)? There may be justifiable reasons to spend more than necessary to keep members satisfied or to reward loyal business, but ultimately, is it worth laying off staff to overpay for deposits? ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500 What is Rational Pricing Strategy? Standard deposit account rates should be set to achieve profitability objectives. • Set standard deposit rates so you are indifferent between deposits and wholesale funding. Special accounts are offered in order to be rate-competitive and to generate more rapid deposit growth when needed. • Specials typically demand some action on the part of the member. Larger minimum or opening balance requirement Checking account with direct deposit. Online access only. • If the deposit account is a term product, the special always renews into standard products. 7-month CD special automatically renews into standard 6 month CD. ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500 Setting Rational Strategy Product Type Standard Accounts – Driven by profit Specials – Driven by competition Checking Free Checking High Rate Checking Rewards Checking Money Market Accounts Tiered MMA High-Minimum, High Rate MMA (requires checking) CDs 3 month CD 6 month CD 1 year CD 2 year CD 7 month special CD 11 month special CD Bump rate CD Flex CD Standard account pricing is driven by profitability and is targeted to non-rate sensitive members. Special account pricing is driven by competition and is designed to foster growth and preserve relationships with high value members. ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500 Setting Rational Pricing: One Year CD Alternative Funding Rate Example 1 year FHLBB advance rate 1.49% Average CD Balance per Account $11,500 Zone C Specials pricing Zone B Acceptable pricing Zone A Optimal pricing 1.28% Marginal Expense per Account $24 Fully Allocated Expense per Account $62 Marginal Expense per Balance 0.21% Fully Allocated Expense per Balance 0.54% Zone A Maximum Rate 0.95% Zone B Maximum Rate 1.28% 0.95% 0.00% ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500 Remember – Not All Members are Rate Sensitive Anywhere from 33% to 50% of all standard rate certificates roll over without any contact with the institution. These are not rate-sensitive members. Members that do contact the institution can get a special CD at going market rates (13 months instead of 12). By lowering the rate for your less-sensitive members, you can lower your CD cost by a significant amount % of Members Before After Non-rate Sensitive 50% 2.30% 1.20% Rate Sensitive 50% 2.30% 2.30% Weighted Cost 100% 2.30% 1.75% % of Members Before After Non-rate Sensitive 33% 2.30% 1.20% Rate Sensitive 67% 2.30% 2.30% Weighted Cost 100% 2.30% 1.94% ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500 Why should I bother? Think of it this way: If a $500 million asset institution can reduce its funding costs by only 20 basis points, that would save that institution around $1 million in interest expense. Now think of how much staff you would need to cut to reach $1 million in cost savings. ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500 Savings Rate Impact on ROA The matrix below measures the expected ROA increase associated with reductions to the Savings interest rate. For example, if Savings balances represent 30% of all Deposits at the institution, and the Savings rate is decreased by .50%, the ROA would increase by 0.15%. Drop in Savings Rate Savings % of Total Deposits 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 0.05% 0.01% 0.01% 0.02% 0.02% 0.03% 0.10% 0.01% 0.02% 0.03% 0.04% 0.05% 0.25% 0.03% 0.05% 0.08% 0.10% 0.13% 0.50% 0.05% 0.10% 0.15% 0.20% 0.25% 1.00% 0.10% 0.20% 0.30% 0.40% 0.50% ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. ROA Impact www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500 Summary ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500 Effective Pricing Summary Operating Expenses continue to rise due to new technology and delivery channels, along with rising compliance costs • The key to efficiency is revenue growth; leveraging the same operating expenses over a larger base Non-interest income will continue to be under regulatory threat • Credit Unions need to develop a checking strategy for the new environment • Diversification of non-interest income A return to margin management is paramount – COF is key • COF is impacted by both Mix and Pricing • Balancing the need to manage to Cost of Funds without: Alienating rate sensitive members Reducing member loyalty (particularly those that are rate sensitive) Differential Pricing – Rewarding members that conduct revenue generating activities with the institution or bring additional balances Activity based pricing Relationship pricing Analyze product by product to identify where you have room to rationalize, which products to keep competitive, and processes needed to keep funding costs low. Move away from a strict reliance on price as your differentiator. • Look for create other distinctive competencies of your organization ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500 Thank You Contact Information Marcus Rothaar Senior Research Analyst Raddon Financial Group 701 East 22nd Street, Suite 400 Lombard, IL 60148 Office: 800.827.3500 [email protected] ► Need ideas, recommendations or solutions to improve marketing results? Contact RFG for our unique blend of industry expertise, strategic analyses, objective intelligence and MCIF solutions. ► www.raddon.com ► www.theraddonreport.com ©2011 Open Solutions Inc. Raddon Financial Group (RFG) is a business unit of Open Solutions Inc. www.raddon.com | 800.827.3500
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