May/June Timbers 2014


May/June Timbers 2014
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Isaiah 61:3
EST. 1974
Post Office Box 507 • Springville, AL 35146
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removed from our
mailing list or
have had a
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P.O. Box 507 • Springville, AL 35146
Phone (205) 467-6226 • Fax (205) 467-6206
May/June 2014
“So they will be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified” Isaiah 61:3
Big Oak Ranch is a Christian home for children needing a chance. The
Ranch takes in children between the ages of six & eighteen who are
orphaned, abused, neglected, or homeless. Comfortable two-story
brick houses are home for up to eight children & a quality Christian
couple. Our houseparents provide the consistent love, discipline &
direction our children so desperately need & deserve.
Big Oak Ranch, Inc. is a non-profit, non-denominational organization that is privately funded. The ministry consists of:
A) Big Oak Boys’ Ranch in Gadsden, AL
B) Big Oak Girls’ Ranch in Springville, AL
C) Westbrook Christian School in Gadsden, AL
The Timbers mailing list is confidential & is not shared with any
other organization. Questions, comments or corrections should be
addressed to the attention of Rhonda Hindman.
Board Members
Big Oak Ranch is owned & operated by Big Oak Ranch, Inc.
& its board. We would like you to know our working Board of
Miller Welborn (Chairman), President, Welborn &
Associates Inc., Lookout Mountain, TN
Patsy Burks, Chairman of the Board, Lighting & Lamp,
Birmingham, AL
Richard Grimes, Senior Vice President, RealtySouth
Birmingham, AL
Jim Leonard, Leonard Properties
Birmingham, AL
Darrell Piatt, Alabama Power (Retired)
Birmingham, AL
Sandy Sansing, Owner, Sandy Sansing Nissan, BMW &
Chevrolet, Pensacola, FL
William B. Eyster, Jr. (Board Emeritus), Eyster
Properties, Inc., Birmingham, AL
Randy Pittman, (Board Emeritus), Samford University,
Birmingham, AL
Wills & Estates
Your will is one of the most important legal documents you will
ever sign. Yet, over 70% of American adults do not have a will.
Leaving your family without a will means that the laws of your
state will determine how your property is distributed, without your
input or desires. Is that what you want? Your will is the primary
way to determine how your assets will be distributed after your
death & offers you a way to care for the people & charities who
have shared your values. Please contact the Business Office at
(205) 467-6226, ext. 122 if you would like to add the children of Big
Oak Ranch to your will.
Jansen is 12 years old and lives
in the Hannah Home with his
houseparent Zach and Leanne Jenkins.
Nice shellcracker Jansen!!
e have been so blessed with the opportunity to have our daughter Reagan
and our son Brodie taking on more of the leadership roles of Big Oak
Ranch. They are doing a great job, and my wife and I pinch ourselves every
day because of this tremendous blessing.
Recently, Brodie was at a speaking engagement, and a 10 year old little girl came up
after he finished speaking. With tears in her eyes, she looked right at him and asked,
“What do you do when your mama says she doesn’t want you anymore and she leaves
you?” Brodie looked at her and said, “Maybe you’re the reason I was supposed to
come here today.”
I was in another state at a speaking engagement, and Brodie called me and said, “It
is so cool to have these chances to change a child’s life.”
This little girl has obviously never felt like a princess. From her appearance, it seemed
she had been hurt in many ways. But, we do not focus on where she’s come from or
what she’s been through – our purpose is to look at where she is now and where she
could go. We are hoping that we have an opportunity to give this little girl a home, a
family and a future – free from abandonment, abuse and neglect.
Those of you reading this article right now – if you have a heart at all – you have been
touched by this story. But I have this question for you – what does your little girl feel
like? I have said SO many times, What a child hears repeatedly they eventually
believe. It is quite obvious this little girl’s life had been filled with negative and
degrading comments.
If I asked your little girl the question: Does your mom/dad make you feel like a
princess? what would she say? After 40 years of caring for children, I would say that
99% of the time you will get an honest answer.
I have said so many times it’s never too late to choose and decide to be a great
parent. It’s up to you! Let’s do this together, and raise our children to be confident,
successful, God-fearing adults.
What is a Resource Family?
A Resource Family is one in which a child (children) would come to your
home to visit for either a weekend or an occasional week away from Big
Oak Ranch. The time commitment here would be anywhere from 2-12 times
per year.
If you & your family are interested in ministering to our children, often
times becoming a Resource Family to one child (children) is a great way to
get involved.
Many of our regular resource families come to know & love the child they
are sponsoring & become an extended family to them, such as an Aunt or
Uncle would be.
Please contact Angela Mundy at (205) 467-6226, ext. 1215 at the Girls’
Ranch or Donna Duke at (256) 892-0773 at the Boys’ Ranch if you would
like more information on becoming a Resource Family.
John Croyle
Executive Director
Commited to what we do best!
John & Tee Croyle
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We are twice armed if we fight with faith.
L to R Back: Landan, Clay and Gilbert help
Tony celebrate his birthday!! Happy Birthday Tony!!
Chad caught a lizard!
Aaron was awarded Cadet of the Quarter!
Way to go Aaron!
Justin, Jackson, Garrett and Jillian had fun
hunting Easter Eggs!
Cody got his permit on his first
try! Good job Cody!
Lookout...Kaige looks
like he’s ready to
find that golden
Easter Egg!
having fun
on the beach!
18 years old
16 years old
Kali is 18 years old and has lived at Big Oak Ranch for 2 years
Lives in the Spradling Home with houseparents Lester and Leslie Hales
Just graduated from Westbrook Christian School and finished with A’s & B’s
Played varsity football for WCS and was on the Track Team for two years
Will be attending Gadsden State Community College in the fall
Works at a business in the community and is a valued employee
Is a member of Crosspoint Church
Is a great big brother to the other boys in his home and has a wonderful
sense of humor
Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of
courage; be strong.
1 Corinthians 16:13
Cookie Sheets
9X13 Pans with Lids
Cake Pans
Upright Vacuums
Protective Earware and Eyeware
for Weedeating and Mowing
Cotton Work Gloves
Heavy Duty Cookware
Gas Leaf Blowers
Heavy Duty Garden Hoses
School Supplies
Please send donated items to:
Big Oak Boys’ Ranch Inc.
250 Jake Mintz Road, Gadsden, AL 35905
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“Trust your instincts. Always be true to yourself.”
Left to right: Dad Thomas accompanied Stephanie, Paige, Adeline,
Shonda and Hallie on a long hot 6 MILE bike ride!!! Good job!!!
Vanessa and AK light a candle at
Senior Chapel!
Kelsie proudly
shows off her drivers permit
and now license,
Way to go Kelsie!!
Left to right: Emily, Kira, Caitlin
and Hannah are gettin’ ready
for a fun game of TWISTER!!
17 years old
13 years old
Is 17 years old and has lived at Big Oak Ranch for 4 years
Lives in the Darden Home with her houseparents Todd and Tracy Moore
Is an above-average student at Westbrook Christian School
Is on WCS Drum Line
Is learning to play guitar and has a beautiful singing voice
Is a leader in her home by setting a good example for her sisters
Recently bought her own car and works hard to maintain it
Works at Piggly Wiggly
Rosa takes a moment to pose for
the camera at her piano recital:
Congratulations Rosa!
“The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts
in Him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will
give thanks to Him in song.
Psalm 28:7
Beach Towels
Laundry Baskets
2 Matching Bedding Sets for Girls
5X7 Photo Frames
Flat Irons
Protective Earware and Eyeware
for Weedeating and Mowing
Cotton Work Gloves
School Supplies
Large Cookware and Bowls
Flat Electric Griddle
Please send donated items to:
Big Oak Ranch Inc.
P.O. Box 507, Springville, AL 35146
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Verbal thank you’s can never express my appreciation to everyone that has helped me get to where I am today
but I would like to give a special thanks to my Mom and Dad, Tony and Rhona Osborne for their constant love,
encouragement and support, for their love of me as their own. I would also like to thank Caleb for chasing away
the boys and giving me sound, brotherly advice! A shout out to each one of my sisters for their love and always
putting a smile on my face and the James family for all their years of putting up with me. Thanks to Mr. John
and Ms. Tee for all they do for us and I would like to say a special thanks to all the supporters, not only for their
financial support but for lifting each one of us up in prayers through the years. I have grown up at Big Oak, it
is my home. A home where I have learned, grown, and matured ….my home it will always be. Above all, a mighty
thanks to Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior.
First, I want to thank God for leading me to Big Oak. I would also like to thank Mr. John and Mrs. Tee for giving me a chance and believing in me. There is no way I could have come close to graduating if it were not for
my Mom and Pop, Matt and Amy Maurer. They were always there when I needed help and supported me
through everything I did. I also want to thank the people who support the Ranch. None of this would be possible without you. Thank you so much. Now to my brothers and sisters; Katie, finish strong. Becky, you have
a long way to go but I know you will do fine. Brien, John and Jordan, it’s time to move out but let’s be smart
and graduate one more time. Christian, Skyler and Colton, y’all need to listen to Mom and Pop. Trust me, they
know what they’re talking about. Be smart and be good. I love y’all.
I finally made it! First, I want to thank God, if not for His love and mercy I would not have made it this far. I
have learned over time that your past should stay in the past and that I should move forward because I know
that even if I fall God has my back. Next, I really appreciate all the Ranch has done for me over the years. I
would also like to thank Mrs. Mary and Mr. Jonathan for helping me. You have both been such a big influence
in my life and the lessons that you have taught me will stay with me forever. I would also like to thank my houseparents Mom and Dad Durrett for showing me love and support. Thank you for helping me become the young
woman I was meant to be. I would like to thank my sisters, Amber, Carlie, Nina, Brittney and Beckcie. I love
you girls and cannot wait to see what God has planned for your life. Thank you for your love and support. Finally,
I would like to thank Isabella for being there for me and for helping me see the brighter side of life. You showed
me how to be positive and I will miss all of our crazy bus rides together. I love you!
First I want to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for everything he has done for me. He took me out of a
difficult situation and put me into a loving family. I didn’t believe in unconditional love or that I could be loved
by two parents. I was afraid of being abandoned again, but then Mom and Dad Moore were put in my life. Even
though I didn’t know why or what the reason was for being at Big Oak, I could think of worse places that I could
be if I didn’t come to the Ranch. I don’t think I could have blossomed into the beautiful young woman that
God, Mr. John, Mrs. Tee, my Mom and Dad, Mrs. Mary & Mr. Jonathan and the Ranch staff are seeing me
improving to become. I also want to thank all of the resource parents I have had, the Ladies in the BOR
Auxiliary, and of course my younger brother and sisters for helping me become a more loving person. Finally, I
want to thank all of the wonderful teachers and coaches at Westbrook for helping me throughout my high school
Am I dreaming? Because this is graduation! The time has flown by so fast. I would like to thank God for guiding me to the Ranch three and a half years ago and making it this far. I am blessed to say that I have the best
house parents in the world, Matt and Amy Maurer. They have taught me so much. If it wasn’t for Mr. John, and
Mrs. Reagan putting me with these other two seniors, I don’t know where I would be today. I am honored to
say, “Thank You” for what the Ranch has done for me and it is truly a blessing.
God has blessed me tremendously! To Mr. John, Mrs. Tee, the Ranch Board and Staff, thank you for a second
chance at life, I have no clue where I would be today without you. To Jim Ed and Dana Clayton, and family ya’ll
have been a HUGE blessing in my life and taught me how to be strong and faithful! To Melanie and Aaron Self
and their family, I feel comfort and acceptance from ya’ll! Ya’ll push me to do my best and have treated me like
family! To Mrs. Lynn, I could not have made it without you, you pointed me in the right direction! Thank you to
the Ladies Auxiliary for all ya’ll do putting so much of your time and effort into our lives. To Lee and Elizabeth
Barnette and family ya’ll are like family to me! Thanks for encouraging me to do my best! To my parents Jae &
Amy Thomas, I would like to say: Mom, you are such an inspiration to me showing me what a strong woman and
follower of Christ looks like. Dad, thanks for teaching me by example a strong work ethic and for pushing me
to be everything I can be and am today! Lastly to Jesus Christ, how could I ever thank you enough! I love you!
Five and a half years ago my family made the best move by coming to Big Oak Ranch. I never would have
imagined spending my middle and high school years at a place like Big Oak—but I am SO glad I have! God
knew the people and opportunities that awaited me here. He knew that there was some serious growth that
needed to happen in me and that Big Oak was the perfect environment to facilitate it. Mr. John and Mrs. Tee,
thank you for the innumerable sacrifices you have made so that Big Oak can exist and become “home” to
many, including me. I am thankful for my parents’ obedience to God’s calling and for their constant love. I am
grateful for each one of my siblings. You each are a priceless gift from God. I don’t know what my life would
be like without Big Oak, and because of our gracious God I will never have to. These have been the best years
of my life. God has used each supporter and resident of Big Oak to teach and challenge me. Everyone here
creates a rich environment to thrive in. Your lives have forever changed mine. Most of all, I am thankful for a
God who cares enough about individuals that He would bring us to Big Oak and choose to walk with us
always—He is faithful!
First, I’d like to thank God for allowing
my life to be this fortunate. I’d like to
thank my houseparents Mom and Pop
Hales and Big Oak Ranch for all of the
ways they’ve blessed me. Mr. John and
his family for their Godly example, the
Big Oak board for their hard work so
that the Ranch can operate the way it
does. I can’t believe my high school
days are over. I look forward to the
next chapter in my life as I pursue a
career in occupational therapy or whatever I may be called to become.
First I want to thank God for leading
me to the Ranch, I would not have the
role models or friends that I have!
Mom and Pop O’Leary, thank you for
loving me and giving me a phenomenal
family experience. To the entire Kilgo
family, thank you for opening your
homes to me. To Elias, Mariano,
Christina and Maria, thank you for
being the best brothers and sisters. To
the Croyles, Big Oak Staff and supporters, thank you for giving me a second
chance, I look forward to my future.
Many thanks are due to so many people. I have been here for almost seven years, and I will say I wouldn’t want
to be anywhere else. I have learned so much since moving to the Ranch my seventh grade year. I always had
to do things on my own then. When I moved here I had people that loved me and wanted to take care of me
and see that I make something of myself. When I first moved to the Ranch I lived with Darin and Lisa Moseley,
they were wonderful parents and still are. Also to the Durretts’ thank you for what y’all have done for me. To
my parents, Rhona and Tony Osborne, I want to thank them for their steadfast support, love and encouragement and for loving me truly as their child. Also a big thank you to Mr. John and Mrs. Tee for all they have
done for me over the years. Thank you for putting Big Oak here as a place for many to have a second chance
at life. Last but not least, thanks to my Lord and Savior!
I remember moving to Big Oak 12 years ago like it was yesterday. It was hard at the age of six to make the transition. There were many times I just wanted to leave and go back to the comfort of my family back in Missouri.
I didn’t want to “share” my parents with kids I didn’t even know. Looking back now though, I see very clearly
that God had a purpose for bringing me to this place. The people I have encountered in my time here at Big
Oak have deeply impacted my life in numerous ways shaping me into the person I am today. I can honestly say
I wouldn’t be who I am without the investments of Mr. John and Mrs. Tee. Each of you has truly blessed my life
in many ways. I cannot thank you enough for your support throughout my time here at Big Oak. These years
are full of great memories and stories that I will share and cherish for the rest of my life. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this great organization.
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The following people have made contributions to Big Oak Ranch in Memory or in Honor of family members, friends, & loved ones.
The contributions were received between 03/13/2014 — 05/31/2014. If your name does not appear, please look it in our next Timbers.
We regret the unintentional omission or misspelling of names on these lists.
In Honor of:
Soli Deo Gloria! Romans 11:36
Mr. & Mrs. James Stevens
Mr. Alex Hilton & Ben Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Jim O’Conner
Dr. & Mrs. Jason & Lauren Ayers
Mr. & Mrs. Johnny Self
Big Oak Ranch Staff
Ms. Mildred Noah
Walter & Allison Blakeney
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Moore
Mr. John E. Bryan Jr.
Mr. Calvin Martin
Ms. Haley Burns
Mr. & Mrs. David Champa
David & Madeline Busby
Barbara Mandy
Matthew Carr
Ms. A. Crenshaw
Megan Carr
Ms. A. Crenshaw
Morgan Carr
Ms. A. Crenshaw
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Guyton Sr.
Ms. Lois P. Buchanan
Haden Helms
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Rushton
Mrs. Shirley Hughes
Ms. Jane Copeland
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Jones
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Lanier
Mr. & Mrs. Jimmu Money
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Pease
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Schaub
Mr. & Mrs. Joe W. Kelley
Mr. & Mrs. Dave Stewart
Ms. Maddison Kennedy
Mrs. Staci Kennedy
Mr. Jeffrey C. Kirby
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Skelton
Ms. Dorothy Jean Leverett
Mr. Robert Wash
Ms. Dottie Leverett
Mrs. Alison Carpenter
Aurora Lynn
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Glosenger
Hal Mandy
Barbara Mandy
Mrs. Susan McDonald
Kay & Ann Taylor Blauer
Ms. Lillian McPherson
Mr. & Mrs. Hollis Skipper
Mike & Suzanne Miller & Family
Mr. & Mrs. Mike B. Miller
Joe Namath
Mr. & Mrs. Mack Martin
Jadyn & Jordyn Panzer
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Panzer
Mrs. Gaie W. Pittman
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Pittman
Lt. Col. Jeffrey Queen
Mrs. Betty Sides
Ella Kate & Olivia Ramsey
Mr. & Mrs. David Ramsey
Ms. Hannah Reinhardt
Mrs. Staci Kennedy
Dr. & Mrs. Ed Santer
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Crenshaw
Mr. & Mrs. Johnny Self
Mrs. Leona Holman
Coach & Mrs. Homer Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. & Rebecca
Mr. Joe Stanley
Mr. & Mrs. D. W. Dickerson
Mr. & Mrs. Mark English
Mr. & Mrs. John K. Wright
Mr. Bill Turner
Mr. & Mrs. Robert “Bill” Turner
Mr. & Mrs. Sue Virciglio
Ms. Kimberly Virciglio
Ms. Sandra A. Wilson
Mr. Philip Wilson
Clyde & Sarah Winslett
Mr. & Mrs. Stan Winslett
Liz Workman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Gundy
* Denotes anonymous donor
In Memory of:
Imogene Murphy “Mama”
Family of CBK Kindergarten
Mrs. Lea Acton
Ms. Jean Taylor
Ms. Minne Lea Goodwin Acton
Ms. Betty Bussey
Mr. William Linn Eubanks
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Harbaugh
Dr. & Mrs. Steve Layton
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Reed
Joel & Donna Scroggins
Ms. Shirley Turpin
Mrs. Anne Ruth Akins
Pete M. Hanna Charitable Foundation
Mr. John Anderson Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Criswell
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Everson
Mr. & Mrs. R. David Hendrickson
Ms. Josephine Simonetti
Mr. Hass Strother
Ellen J. Arnold
Ms. Janne Cahill
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest G. Vann
Mr. Steve Badura
Mr. & Mrs. Delbert Jonak
Mr. Leno Bagwell
Mrs. Christine Fowler
Nadine Bailes
Ms. Nellie Corlew
Mr. John Buford Baird
Doug, Anita, Leslie & Leigh M. Allen
Mrs. Lisa Worley Henderson
Mr. & Mrs. William Taylor
Ms. Inez Barrow
Mr. Dennis T. Barrow
Ms. Eva Mae Bartlett
Steve & Jackie Griffith
Mrs. Odelle M. Bell
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Handley
Mr. Terry Beverly
Mr. & Mrs. Johnny Taylor
Mrs. Ruth Bible
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas A. Bible
Ms. Evelyn V. Bishop
Mr. & Mrs. Amos Beason
Ms. June Bonner
Mr. James R. Bridges
Mr. & Mrs. R. H. Emerson
Mrs. Virginia B. Hollinger
Mr. & Mrs. Dwain G. Luce Jr.
Ms. Miriam Reed
Mr. Sherman Bishop
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Bell Jr.
Mr. Jim Berry Black
Joel & Donna Scroggins
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Sullivan
Mr. William “Bill” Black
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wood
Mr. David A. Blackwell
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Campbell
Jose Sylvnol Blanco
Mr. & Mrs. Carlton Croyle
A. G. Bridges
Ms. Nelda P. Hughes
Judge Walter Bridges
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Nichols
Mr. Frank Brown
Mrs. Corrie Freund-Owens
Mr. Rex Horton
Mr. Frank C. Brown Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Werner Fruend
Peggy Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Nichols
Mr. & Mrs. John Ed Bryant
Mark & Sheila Norton
Mr. Thomas E. Buntin
Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Humphrey
Mr. Bill Burdine
Ms. Doris Barclay
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Barfield
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Connor
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Cotton
Mr. & Mrs. Larry M. Daniell
Mr. William H. Doty
Mr. Bill Grafton
Mr. & Mrs. Tresa & Jess Huggins
Mrs Judy Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Oslon
Ms. Lori Pendley
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Porter
Mr. James R. Rorex
Mr. & Mrs. Brett Smith
Mrs. Catherine Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Smith
Mr. Wayne Smock
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Toney
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Turner
Mr. William M. Burdine
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Hauff
Mrs. John W. Holder
Mr. James Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Morris
Ms. Lori Burgreen
Mrs. Peggy Campbell
Mr. Robert “Bob” Burton
Dr. & Mrs. Walter G. Pittman
Mr. Warren Burttram
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Watford & Family
Ms. Mary Butterworth
Mr. Louis S. Butterworth
Mr. Ronald Cannon
Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Wiggins
Ms. Jean Carmichael
Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Dickinson
Mrs. Carolyn Young Carter
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Crabbe
Mr. Wiley Cartey
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Morgan
Mr. G. T. Cartledge
Mrs. Carol Grissett
Mrs. Tawyna Cash
Mr. & Mrs. Benny Cosper
Margena Cassidy
Dr. & Mrs. Luther Cale
Ms. Gertrude Chambers
Jimmy & Shelby Knight
Mrs. Elaine Chaviers
Mr. & Mrs. Hoyle Hayes
Mr. Gerald L. ‘Bubba’ Childress Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Childress
Mr. Clifford Cleveland
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Stanley
Mrs. Joyce Coby
Mr. & Mrs. Hoyle Hayes
Ms. Betty Conner
Mr. & Mrs. William Eubank
Mr. Jim Conoway
Ms. Anne Michaels
Mr. Bennie Crain
Vera Lister
Mr. Hubert L. Crim
David (Bobby) & Marcia Carmichael
Mrs. Fay Treaster Crocker
Mr. & Mrs. David F. Parker
Ms. Ann C. Warren
Mr. G. William “Bill” Croker
Ms. Margaret Griffin
Mr. Billy Cross
The Retired Railroad Employee Club
Mr. John Crowley
Mr. & Mrs. Johnny Taylor
Mr. Frank Croyle
Mr. & Mrs. Carlton Croyle
Mr. & Mrs. Wendell & Francis Croyle
Mrs. Lorraine Pratt
Catherine Czaja
Mr. & Mrs. Carlton Croyle
Mr. Frank Daniels
Mr. Tyrus Whigham
Mr. William Loyd Daugherty
John & Carolyn Josey
Mr. Frank Davies
Dr. Griffith R. Harsh
Mrs. Marvelee DeVaney
Mrs. John D. Lecroix
Willy Marie Dielen
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Turnipseed
Mrs. Faye Smith Dozier
Ms. Joanie Griffin
Mr. Wayne Draper
Mrs. Betty (Peggy) Heaps
Mr. Allen Duble
Dr. & Mrs. Luther Cale
Mr. Don Earwood
Jimmy & Shelby Knight
Mr. Bill Eischied
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Corley
Mr. Bart Ellis
Mr. & Mrs. Roland R. Webb Jr.
Mr. Larry Ellison
Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Copeland
Mrs. Martha Falls
BG Watkins Construction Co.
Dr. & Mrs. Ernest C. Brock Jr.
Ms. Angela Browning
Mr. & Mrs. D. S. Burton Jr.
Drew & Angela Hamiter
Harrison Construction Co., Inc.
Obstetrics & Gynecology of West
Alabama, PC
Pine Valley, LLC
Mr. Wayne Seagle
Mr. Jerry W. Sims & Family
Mr. John Paul Faucett
Mrs. Jan Faucett
Rachael Fisher
Capt. Ret. & Mrs. Larry S. Oliver
Ms. Jewel Flynn
Ms. Elizabeth M Stott
Fort Hood Victims
Mrs. Carolyn Ann Lindsey
Mrs. Ruth Foshee
Mr. & Mrs. Mickey Sansom
Mrs. Nancy Fowler
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Burrows
Mr. Connie Frederick
Mrs. Sandra C. Frederick
Ms. Betty Fuller
Mr. & Mrs. Dixon Goodhew
Dan & Hilda Garrett
Mr. Cary Garrett
Jared Chase Garrett
Griffith, Little & Lowry LLC
Mrs. Pat Giles
Mrs. John B. Ray
Mrs. Jean Hallmark Godfrey
Mr. & Mrs. Hoyle Hayes
Dr. David Goodwin Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Holtsford
Ms. Gayle Graham
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Dossey & Family
Griffith, Little & Lowry LLC
Jimmy & Shelby Knight
Dr. George H. Graham Jr.
Pete M. Hanna Charitable Foundation
Gary “Jason” Grew
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Echols
Mr. Grider
Ms. Linda W. Redd
Mr. Henry Hagood
Ms. Sue Parham
Mr. George F. Haigler
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Stanley
Mr. Lonnie Haley
Mrs. Vivian Haley
Magdalene Hancock
Jimmy & Shelby Knight
Braxton Craig Hand
Ms. Sharon Agner
Mr. Bob Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Gambril
Mrs. Dorothy Harris
Ms. Deborah Bertelsen
Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Blankenship
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Brechin Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Douglas
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Grimsley
Mr. Eric Lenio
Mrs. Hazel Mayfield
Mr. Roger S. McCullough
Ronnie & Amber McLain
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Park
Siener Family
Mr. Micah Williamson
Mr. John Clyde Yeager
Mr. Herbert Harvill
David & Katherine Vann
Mr. Ben Harwell
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Stanley
Mrs. Martha Hearn
Mr. & Mrs. Roger D. Hall
Ms. Elizabeth Ann Heflin
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Marthaler
Mr. James N. Herrin
Mr. & Mrs. Harry T. Clarke
Mr. & Mrs. Frank W. Hendon
Mr. Jim Herrin
Ms. E. Jean Ferrell, Mrs. P. Belmont, &
Mrs. J. Tombrello
Mr. M. P. Hamilton
Mr. William Hasty
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hubbert
Mr. & Mrs. William Mandy
Mark & Sheila Norton
Ann B. Higgins
Because We Care Group Tallaweka
Baptist Church
Mr. & Mrs. Fletcher (Hal) Miller
Mr. Robert C. Hinesley
Ronnie & Sherrie Powell
Mr. & Mrs. William Roy Jr.
Jan & Norwood Hodges
Bob & Kitty Roberts
Mrs. Norwood Hodges
Cecil & Toni Ingram
Ms. Lily Byare Hogue
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry W. Eddleman
Ms. Elsie Holemon
Harold & Clara Johnson
Sterling & Lamar Holland
Craig & Wanda Foskey
Nick Honea
Ms. Rhonda McCoy
Mrs. Elizabeth Hood
Mr. & Mrs. Judson Bishop
Eldridge Hopkins
Mrs. JoAnn Hopkins & Charlie
Mr. Lewis Horton
Mr. & Mrs. R. J. Deason
Mr. Bernie E. Howard
Mrs. Vangie Thames
Mr. Burnis I. Howard
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Holtsford
Mr. John D. Langdon
Mr. & Mrs. John Weaver
Maude Hughes
Ms. Joan Jennings & Faith Baptist
Edward Hutchinson
Capitol City Body Works
Mrs. Katherine Jackson
John & Carolyn Josey
Mr. James Burns Johns
Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Humphrey
Mr. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. William Roy Jr.
Ms. Mary Alice Johnson
Mr. T. W. Shows
Rachel Jones
Ms. Mary H. Smith
Mrs. Frances Killingsworth
Ms. Margaret West
Mrs. Eunice King
Ms. Judy Johnson & Mrs. David
Eunice & Stanley King
Mr. & Mrs. James McGee
Mr. James Kirkley
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Stanley
Robert A. Kreider
Mrs. Joan Hinkle
Mr. James E. Lee
John & Carolyn Josey
Dr. Bobby P. LeMay
Mrs. Bobby Lemay
Herschel Lamar Loyd
Steve & Jackie Griffith
Mr. Norman Lumpkin
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Moore
Mr. John Lutenbacher
Mrs. Amy Burton
Robert & Susan Lyman
Mr. George Lynn
Teresa Stanley & Carrie Phillips
Myrtle Mann
Jimmy & Shelby Knight
Michael Lee Mayfield
Mrs. Linda Mayfield
Mr. Steve Mayo
Griffith, Little & Lowry LLC
Mrs. Threa B. McClain
Mr. Charles Earl McLain
Mrs. Gladys McClendon
Mr. & Mrs. Hoyle Hayes
Mr. James McClung
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Campbell
Jim McConeghy
ALA 60 Plus Golfers Assn.
Mr. Richard McDaniel
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Price
Mrs. Dora McElwee
Mr. William McElwee
Ms. Chimaria McGhee
Because We Care Group Tallaweka
Baptist Church
Mr. & Mrs. Fletcher (Hal) Miller
Mr. Dylan Andrew McKelvey
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Shipman
Mrs. Thera Booker McLain
Mr. Charles Earl McLain
Mrs. Alma McMahon
John & Carolyn Josey
Mr. Tommy McMicken
Pete M. Hanna Charitable Foundation
Mr. Caswell H. McWaters
Mr. & Mrs. Sam B. Murphree Jr.
Mr. Jim Medley
Marcus & Zoe Cassimus
may june timbers issue_the book front&back covers-pg 7 6/12/14 9:19 AM Page 15
Mr. Bob Medlin
Ms. Donna Kurtz
Ethel Millican
Neil & Barbara Gunter
Col. Ola Lee Mize
Pete M. Hanna Charitable Foundation
Mr. William “Bill” Moody
The Family of Theodore J. Voncannon
Liz Moore
Hugh ‘Deacon’ & Juanita Jones
Mr. Steven Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Moore
Maxine Morgan
Mrs. Linda Pugh
Ladonice Morris
Locklyn H. Redmond
Sheila Morton
Mr. Frank Fleming
Ms. Mullen
Mr. & Mrs. Johnny Taylor
Mrs. Imogene Murphy
Ms. Ethel T. Daigle
Mr. & Mrs. John Goza
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry M. Morris
Mr. & Mrs. C. H. O’Gwynn
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Pedersen
Mrs. Doris Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Ross
Mr. Wayne Nesbitt
Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Wiggins
Noah & Zoey
Mr. & Mrs. William Hesson
Mr. James Nolen
Mrs. Janet King
Mr. John Nolen
Mrs. Janet King
Mrs. Neva Norris
Ms. Margaret West
Mr. James Norton
Mark & Sheila Norton
Mrs. Rhonda O’Harrow
Barnett Millworks, Inc.
W. C. Orrick
Ms. Peggy Gentry
Mr. S. J. Otinger
Mr. & Mrs. Hoyle Hayes
Ms. Ruby Page
Ms. Ione P. Moore & Family
Martha Pardee
Cdr. & Mrs. Bernard L. Minetti USN
Mr. Eugene Nathaniel Pearce
Ms. Debbie Lazzaro
Mrs. Marsha Liles
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Pawlowski
Mrs. & Mr. Steve Wheeler
Ms. Peirce
Mr. Dennis T. Barrow
Mr. Charles R. Perry
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Jackson
Mrs. Earline Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. Don Sprewell & Mens’
Sunday School Class
Mr. Travis Phillips
Vera Lister
Mr. Albert Pitts
Ms. Joyce McClusky
Lisa Black Polk
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Polk & Family
Mrs. Sandy Porter
Ms. Paul Scopel & Family
Mr. Buddy Powell
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Virciglio
Dr. Roy Preston
Courtney & Kyle Cahalan
Mr. Corey Price
Mr. & Mrs. Rolf Duerr
Mr. Michael Probyn
Griffith, Little & Lowry LLC
Neil & Barbara Gunter
Mr. Floy Stone Proctor
Mrs. Elizabeth Elliott
Ms. Marsha E. Robins
Mrs. Mallie Purdy
Dr. & Mrs. Harry Littleton
Kathryn & Charles Purvis
Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Purvis
Mr. Jack Rigsby
Mr. & Mrs. Harold W. Mason
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Shields
Mr. Kenneth Robertson
Gadsden High Class of 58
Mr. Michael Russell
Mrs. Betty Russell
Carole Sadowsky
Dr. & Mrs. Luther Cale
Mr. Terry Sanders
Amy Townsend Meloney Howell Dali
Mrs. Mary Jo Lakin
Mr. & Mrs. Bubba Morgan
Family of Wade Sanders
Ms. Natalie Stewart
Family of Bill Woodall
Mr. Terry Sanders
Mr. & Mrs. W. H. Ethridge
Mr. & Mrs. Holland
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Miller
Mrs. Judith Parker
Mrs. Azilee Sanders
Mr. & Mrs. C. E. Shirah
Mr. & Mrs. John Stikes
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Vaughan III
Mr. & Mrs. Max I. Wood
Mrs. Bernice Seifert
Mr. Frank J. Siefert
Mr. Milton Self
Mrs. Leona Holman
Mr. James Linwood Shannon III
Mrs. Wilma Helen Shannon
Mr. George Shaw Sr.
Joel & Donna Scroggins
Ms. Jeanie Sherman
Mrs. Floy B. Ogletree
Mr. Charles E. Sides
Mrs. Betty Sides
Mr. John Sistrunk
Because We Care Group Tallaweka
Baptist Church
Mr. & Mrs. Fletcher (Hal) Miller
Mr. Mitch Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Dossey & Family
Mr. & Mrs. Clark Keller Jr.
Mr. Thomas A. Smith Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Cizek
Mrs. Doris Smithson
Ms. Margaret West
Mr. Bobby Spencer
Mr. & Mrs. Johnny Taylor
Mr. Charles Robert Spivey Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Walter G. Pittman
Dale Splawn
David (Bobby) & Marcia Carmichael
Hugh ‘Deacon’ & Juanita Jones
Mr. Joseph Alexander Stanley Jr.
Mrs. Sandra C. Frederick
David & Katherine Vann
Mr. Les Stephens
Nancy, Meredith, & Evan Howell
Mr. John D. Stewart
Mr. Chris D. Curry
Ms. Beth Whitehead
John David Stewart
Lori Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Chappell
Paul (Bill) & Kay Dixon
Ms. Gail Garner
Mrs. & Mr. Leah Knight
Mr. Don “Hook” Stone
Mr. Tyrus Whigham
Mr. Bruce Sudduth
Mrs. Blonnie Sudduth
Mr. William “Bill” Thames
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Boisky
Dixie Classic Bike Club
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Parker
Mr. & Mrs. Victor Petty
Ms. Robin Trammell
The DD’s
Mr. & Mrs. L. W. Hand Sr.
Mr. Bubba Tollison
Kay & Ann Taylor Blauer
Mrs. Andrea Bruton
Mrs. Donley & Reases Book Club
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Love
Mr. & Mrs. H.T. Miller III
Mr. & Mrs. Guy O'Reilly
Mrs. Laura Tedford
Mr. & Mrs. Tranum
Mr. Dowell Trammell
Mr. & Mrs. William Miller Jr.
Mr. Bobby R. Trammell
Ms. Ruby Tripp
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Gambril
Mr. Charles Tucker
Mrs. Floy B. Ogletree
Mrs. Charles Tucker
Mr. Charles R. Tucker
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Root
Mr. Charlie Tucker
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Turman
Foster Turner
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Wortham
Gene Turner
Mr. & Mrs. David A Wilmont
Joan Vines
Mrs. Betty (Peggy) Heaps
Katherine Vines
Mr. & Mrs. Billy Robertson
Mr. Lonnie Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Bailey
Mr. Rick Wallis
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Stanley
Mr. James Whisanant
Mrs. Christine Fowler
Margaret Trammel Williams
Mr. & Mrs. William Miller Jr.
Mrs. Sarah Witte
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Josey
Mrs. Louise B. Wollarman
Ms. Ann L. Weigler
Ms. Roberta Wollerman
Ms. Ann L. Weigler
Mrs. Evelyn L. Wood
The Estate of Evelyn L. Wood
Russell & Martha Yarbrough Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Purvis
Mr. Julian Yates
Mike & Sarah Stonicher
Mrs. Carol D. Young
Jimmy & Shelby Knight
* Denotes anonymous donor
Mr. & Mrs. F. Gerald Wade Jr.
Mr. Frank Troup
Mrs. Minnie Neal
Mr. Joe Tucker
ALA 60 Plus Golfers Assn
Ms. Kristy Tucker
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Walker
Mr. A. J. Virciglio
Ms. Kimberly Virciglio
Mr. James Waitzman
Dr. Griffith R. Harsh
Mr. Doc Watson
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Coursey III
Dorothy Webb
Mr. & Mrs. Billy D. Webb
Ms. Emma Wollerman
Ms. Ann L. Weigler
Ms. Roberta Wollerman
Ms. Ann L. Weigler
Mr. Bruce Worthington
Because We Care Group Tallaweka
Baptist Church
Mr. Scott Wren
Griffith, Little & Lowry LLC
Mr. Charles T. Wright
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lucius
Mrs. Ruth Wright
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lucius
* Denotes anonymous donor
This we believe. We must be good stewards of God’s blessings by:
A. ensuring that your contributions are used to enrich the lives of our children--spiritually, mentally,
emotionally, & physically;
B. maximizing every gift to its fullest; and
C. conducting every area of business in an honorable way.
This plan will ensure that your support is used where you & God intended - to relieve the suffering of children.
-- Board of Directors of Big Oak Ranch