Event Detail - 溫哥華中華文化中心-Chinese Cultural Centre of


Event Detail - 溫哥華中華文化中心-Chinese Cultural Centre of
2011 Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Vancouver Annual Fundraising GALA DINNER Designed by: Jonny Lai
Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Vancouver Dear Poten9al Sponsor, The Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Vancouver (C.C.C.) is turning 37 years old. We are a charitable cultural organiza9on lead by a dedicated team of volunteering Directors from a diverse background of specializa9on. C.C.C. gratefully acknowledges the generosity of our past sponsors and donors. Their support has been instrumental in helping the Chinese culture flourish in the Greater Vancouver. We have all enjoyed quality ac9vi9es and performances because of their monetary support. This is a formal proposal for you to sponsor the C.C.C. Annual Fundraising Gala Dinner. Par9cipa9on as a sponsor serves as an opportunity for your organiza9on to heighten the impact of your marke9ng program through associa9on with this event which has became a fixture in the Lower Mainland. Through partnerships with organiza9ons such as yours, we can preserve and further spread the Chinese culture in our community while helping your organiza9on to promote itself in one of the fastest growing demographic. Please review the enclosed sponsorship package. Thank you for considering this proposal, and we look forward to your response. Should you have any further ques9ons please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, Mr. Mike Jang C.C.C. Chairperson Mr. Fred Kwok C.C.C. Vice-­‐Chairperson Chairperson -­‐ Resource Development Mr. Louis Kong Honorary Chair – 2011 Gala CommiZee CEO – Tropika Restaurant Group Ms. Daisy Yau C.C.C. Execu9ve Director Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Vancouver { BACKGROUND } { MISSION } As outlined in the consOtuOon of our charitable organizaOon, we aim and strive to provide: The Chinese Cultural Centre of Vancouver was founded in 1973 with the support of the government and of 53 community organizaOons along with that of many enthusiasOc individuals. In April 1974, CCC was duly ! 
To promote understanding and friendship between the Chinese community and other cultural groups in Canada. ! 
To interpret and communicate Chinese culture and to facilitate exchange with other cultural groups and with community at large. ! 
To promote and foster Chinese culture and art within the Chinese community and with other cultural groups. ! 
To help Chinese immigrants adjust to the culture, heritage, and lifestyle in Canada. ! 
To build and maintain cultural faciliOes for the purpose of achieving these aims and objecOves. consOtuted and registered with the Provincial and Federal governments as a nonprofit, charitable organizaOon. A full city block was designated in the heart of Vancouver’s Chinatown. Today, the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Vancouver is supported by an umbrella of 300+ Canadian-­‐Chinese organizaOons with more than 30,000 acOve members and services more than 200,000 clients in various aspects within the community. { FACILITIES} 1. 
DR. DAVID LAM AUDITORIUM Vancouver Chinatown, Richmond, Coquitlam, North Shore, VanTech Secondary School Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Vancouver { SCOPE OF SERVICES } 1. 
Children and Youth Development Programs • 
Scout Group, Children Summer Camp, Calligraphy and ComposiOon Contest 2. 
Chinese Language Schools • 
Largest Chinese School in Lower Mainland (4,000+ students) 3. 
Language Classes 4. 
Cultural AcOviOes • 
36 events per year with afendance of 500+ per event • 
Cantonese Opera, Variety Shows, MarOal Arts, Arts and Crags, etc.. 5. 
Chinatown Walking Tour 6. 
Arts ExhibiOon 7. 
Cross-­‐Cultural CelebraOons and AcOviOes • 
Annual Chinatown Chinese New Year Parade, Chinese New Year FesOval, Chinatown FesOval, etc.. 8. 
Museum 9. 
Immigrant Adult and Seniors Programs 10. 
Mutual Help Groups 11. 
Community Special Events • 
Canada NaOonal Day, Vancouver Chinese Memorial Day CelebraOon Membership and Volunteer Programs Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Vancouver 2011 FUNDRAISING GOALS 1.  Purchase addiOonal equipment to facilitate to the Seniors – 
Purchase of sports & fitness equipment for Seniors to use (ping pong equipment, badminton equipment, etc.). – 
Purchase and installaOon of computers to allow Seniors to: • 
Learn computer basics from Introductory Computer Courses • 
Communicate with overseas family members via video-­‐chat • 
Provide Seniors a channel to explore the internet; current news, Chinese histories, etc.. 2.  Purchase addiOonal equipment to facilitate to the Children – 
Purchase of sports & fitness equipment for Children to use Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Vancouver { EVENT DETAIL} DATE:
AUGUST 14TH 2011 (Sunday) 6:00pm LOCATION: DELTA BURNABY HOTEL AND CONFERENCE CENTRE 4331 Dominion Street, Burnaby, BriOsh Columbia V5G 1C7 HALL: GRAND VILLA BALLROOM CAPACITY: 500 PERSON (plated dinner – table of 10)
Dinner Ticket: $60 Per person, VIP Ticket: $120 Per person
Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Vancouver 首席榮譽主席
Principal Honourable Chairperson $10,000.00 榮譽顧問
Honourable Consultant $5,000.00 名譽顧問
Consultant $3,000.00 VIP 餐券 10 張 One VIP Table VIP 餐券 5 張 5 VIP Seats VIP 餐券 2 張 2 VIP Seats 全頁 (8.5” x 11”) Full Page (8.5” x 11”) 半頁 (8.5” x 11”) Half Page (8.5” x 11”) ¼頁 (8.5” x 11”) ¼ Page (8.5” x 11”) 捐贈者獎牌 Donor’s Plaque 6” x 8” 5” x 7” 4” x 6” 刊登照片 Photo Display 場刊 Brochure (Passport Size) 大堂牆上 Hall Wall 場刊 Brochure (Passport Size) 場刊 Brochure (Passport Size) 媒體宣傳 Media Endorsement All Newspaper & Poster YES NO 記者會 Press Conference YES (Head Table) YES NO 電視遞交支票 TV Cheque PresentaOon YES YES YES 席位 Table 場刊內頁廣告 Inside Page AdverOsement (B&W) in the program book