Mirrored Image - High Desert Astronomical Society
Mirrored Image - High Desert Astronomical Society
r Mirrored Image H EA ON IDA CH TH S M MO E T EE NT HIR TS H A D AT T T SAT 7:3 HE UR 0 P LE DA M October 2003 WI Y O SC F EN TE R l Society High Dese stronom i ca tA The Luz Observatory High Desert Astronomical Society Newsletter www.hidasonline.com COMING UP IN OCTOBER & NOVEMBER 2003 10 Oct - Planetarium Show, VVC, 7:00 pm 11 Oct - Star Party, Horsemen’s Center, 6:30 pm HiDAS Meeting 18 October Guest SPEAKER!! 17 Oct - Public Observing, Lewis Center, 7:00 pm 18 Oct - HiDAS Meeting, Lewis Center, 7:30 pm 24 Oct - Planetarium Show, VVC, 7:00 pm 25 Oct - Star Party, Fairview Valley, 7:00 pm 7 Nov - Planetarium Show, VVC, 7:00 pm 14 Nov - Public Observing, Lewis Center, 6:30 pm THE LUZ OBSERVATORY MOUNT AND TELESCOPES At the new Fairview Valley site, early arrivals, Willie, Hal & Judy, Gary, Anthony, Dave and Sue set up their scopes. Photo by Dave Meyer. Anthony Rogers and his “new” 10 inch Newtonian at the Fairview Valley Site. Dave Harshman sets up in the background. Photo by Dave Meyer. High Desert Astronomical Society CLUB NEWS www.hidasonline.com Dear HiDAS Members and Friends, The first use of the Fairview Valley site was a success! It is a good site, although a bit dusty and the road…well, see the report below. At the star party we heard that a guard shack and bright light had been set up at the Central Road site and Hal and Judy investigated and found that the site is now unusable. So, Fairview Valley it is for now. I have included the map and directions again inside to the Fairview site. See also the scope for sale by Hal Pollner on the same page. Speaking of Hal, Gary Witt and I went to Hal and Judy’s for first light for his new 12 inch LX200 GPS (named “Omega”) on the 4th of October. I came away very much impressed by the new scope’s ease of use and good optics. It is a great instrument. November is our annual business meeting where we elect club officers for the next year. If you would like to get involved, we are always looking for volunteers, for all positions. See the enclosed sample ballot. Several members have indicated they would like to run for various offices and I have included their names on the enclosed sample ballot. Please call me if you have any questions about any of the jobs/offices or if you would like your name in for an office. . Those members who want to present a campaign statement for a HiDAS office please email it to me before the end of October so I can include it in the November newsletter. At this month’s meeting on October 18th we will have a guest speaker. He is Tim Robertson of JPL and he will be giving a presentation on the Mars missions now en route to Mars. The presentation will be in the larger GTE room in the west building in the courtyard because the Daily Press will be publicizing it to the public. So we need a larger room for a larger crowd, we hope. Call me if you want to talk about astronomy or HiDAS or want to use the equipment at the Lewis Center. Hope to see you at some of our events. Dave Meyer ----- Star Party Report ----- by Gary Witt Cahuilla Cove Inaugural As I left the pavement of Laguna Seca Road on to Cahuilla Road toward an easterly direction, I quickly glanced over my shoulder to confirm my scope was secured in my Dakota’s bed. Not having traversed this section of Apple Valley, I was tentative as I gazed at the ripples in the dirt road. A deep breath, a cautious “stay to the right” approach, and with gentle pressure on the accelerator, I was moving toward our new “dark” site. “Ok, not bad,” I muttered to myself cruising down the road. There were a few dips and adjustments made along the way, with an “S” curve or two towards the end to the site. Near the 1.8 on my trip meter I slowed, not wanting to pass the spot. Although I was not the first to arrive, as a small contingent was already there setting up, this seemed to be a “nice” site. The navigation of the nearly 2 mile trek lead me to name it Cahuilla Cove. It was nestled just off the road with a little foothill rising 25-30° ESE to SW. Kinda cozy. As twilight was fading and more of us appeared, setting up, chatting, and waiting for Polaris to show, the feeling of the depth of the sky crept into thought. The thin layer of dusty sand at the site gave a somewhat “moon crater” appearance as I was careful not to agitate it. More vehicles arrived with ’scopes and friends. The buzz of voices made me realize that we had quite a group for our Inaugural. All the “usual suspects,” too many to be named, had arrived and setup. Visitors were numerous, upward of twenty, amassing our total to over fifty. Including a few late arrivals there were 14 scopes, some belonging to future members, of various apertures and 4 pair of binoculars. As we all started targeting our favorite first objects, the “future” members of HiDAS were appreciative of the views, many asking questions and comparing objects in various ‘scopes. Quite a few stayed late into the evening taking in many different sights. The evening continued into deeper darkness, the Milky Way showing its glow. Galaxies, Nebula, and Double Stars were viewed by all. Messier objects were of great interest. Later into the night, a group of us were viewing the rising constellations in the east. Taurus, Auriga, and Orion began to show themselves. M42/43 was quite grand as I viewed it for the first time in my ’scope. Autumn has arrived with new, for me, objects to scan. The few that remained after the change of date gravitated towards Tom and Larry with their 10" LX 200. They were working out the bugs on their CCD imaging camera and laptop. Very interesting as they were trying to capture “The Ring.” More time passed and everyone decided to pack it in about 1:30am. On the way home, I was thinking about Cahuilla Cove...nice site, a few mods here and there, maybe some gravel (as has been mentioned in e-mails) and one less cactus that I stepped on, then we have a nice dark site. As an overview, I was pleased with the turnout of people and the calm, quiet evening. The car lights bothered me less than the train and water trucks at the North Central site, which I understand now has a guard shack with bright lights? The dust from the road was evident, maybe a few meters toward the hills may help? The foothill is a bit intrusive, but it sure cuts the light glow from Apple Valley...I can deal with it. All in all, a great evening with friends and fellow amateur astronomers. Gary ps..the goodies/snacks were great. Thank you to those that brought them. OFFICERS HiDAS 2003 BOARD MEMBERS HANDY PHONE LIST DAVE MEYER LEWIS CENTER LIAISON PUBLICITY, NEWSLETTER SPEAKER PROGRAMS ED JOHNSTON STAR PARTIES BRIAN COX PATTY DEUEL HISTORIAN AT LARGE ED JOHNSTON AT LARGE TERI CORBO AT LARGE BILL FISHER LYNN COURTNEY AT LARGE AT LARGE HAL POLLNER 245-8020 DAVE MEYER PRESIDENT LARRY DEUEL VICE PRESIDENT 949-6644 JUDY POLLNER SECRETARY 247-4785 DOUG NORMAN TREASURER 247-4088 CHAIRPERSONS 2 245-8020 245-2921 947-4149 949-6644 245-2921 948-3949 946-0111 868-8348 247-4785 High Desert Astronomical Society www.hidasonline.com HOW TO FIND THE HIGH DESERT ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY… Rd. LewisforCenter Mojave Mesa School St at eH nc he ria s Tao Rd . Rd. Educational Research wy 1 Vista Campaña Middle School Ra h 7t Wichita Rd. AN lle Va ple Ap 15 LO S 18 St . D Street Apple Valley Kasota TO TO LA S VE GA S ✵ GE LE S N Thunderbird Road 8 yR P d. Hughes Market VICTORVILLE APPLE VALLEY Wal Mart The Mall of Victor Valley THE LEWIS CENTER FOR EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH 20702 THUNDERBIRD ROAD APPLE VALLEY, CA 92307 (760) 242-3514 JUST A REMINDER . . . . . . . The month and year your HiDAS membership expires is shown in the upper right corner of your address label. For your convenience, a renewal form is included in this newsletter. HIGH DESERT ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY INITIAL MEMBERSHIP/RENEWAL APPLICATION NAME: PHONE: ADDRESS: NEW MEMBER ADDRESS CITY STATE RENEWAL ZIP TYPE OF MEMBERSHIP: (Does NOT include magazine subscription) STUDENT INDIVIDUAL FAMILY $10.00 $15.00 $20.00 MAGAZINE REQUESTED SKY & TELESCOPE ASTRONOMY ODYSSEY $32.95 $29.00 $21.21 (Optional) DATE: e-mail address *DONATION TO HiDAS ENDOWMENT SUBSCRIPTION NUMBER: *Note: If you want to claim your contribution to the endowment on your income taxes, please write a separate check to: High Desert Partnership in Academic Excellence. DO YOU OBJECT TO YOUR ADDRESS AND/OR PHONE NUMBER BEING USED IN THE HIDAS ROSTER? YES Please detach and mail this form, along with membership dues, to the High Desert Astronomical Society, 17500 Mana Road, Apple Valley, California 92307 (Make checks payable to HiDAS) 3 NO ron om i i t l Soc e y H i g h D es e High Desert Astronomical Society www.hidasonline.com LUNAR PHASES Sep 25 Oct 25 Sep 27 Oct 04 Nov 02 Oct 06 Oct 27 Sep 29 Oct 29 Sep 30 Oct 30 Oct 02 Oct 31 Nov 04 Oct 08 Nov 06 Oct 10 Nov 08 Oct 13 Nov 10 Oct 23 Nov 22 28 Nov 13 Oct 18 Nov 16 Oct 19 Nov 18 Oct 21 Nov 20 HIGH DESERT ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY Oct 15 17500 MANA Rd. APPLE VALLEY, CA 92307 r A st ca t HIGH DESERT ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING November 15, 2003 03/04 ELECTION SLATE OFFICERS (* Incumbent) NOMINEES ADDITIONAL NOMINATIONS PRESIDENT Dave Meyer* Dave Meyer Laura Bernier Anthony Rogers VICE PRESIDENT Larry Deuel* Gary Witt Laura Bernier Anthony Rogers SECRETARY Judy Pollner* Anthony Rogers TREASURER Doug Norman * CHAIRMANSHIPS (* Incumbent) NOMINATIONS HISTORIAN Patty Deuel* SCIENCE CENTER LIAISON Dave Meyer* Laura Bernier SPEAKER PROGRAMS NEWSLETTER PUBLICITY Dave Meyer Laura Bernier STAR PARTIES Brian Cox* Laura Bernier AT LARGE (5 members) Bill Fisher Lynn Courtney Ed Johnston Teri Corbo Hal Pollner Laura Bernier FOR SALE: Si x - i n ch f / 5 Cel est r on Ref l ect or on a Mead e Eq u at or i al m ou n t wi t h t r i p od . Mou n t h as l at i t u d e ad j u st m en t , set t i n g ci r cl es, l ock s, an d sl ow m ot i on h an d con t r ol s f or RA an d DEC. OTA h as l on g i t u d i n al f ocu ser , 6 X3 0 op t i cal f i n d er , an d ad j u st ab l e h i n g ed cr ad l e f or t u b e b al an ce an d eyep i ece p osi t i on i n g . Ask i n g $ 3 0 0 U.S. HAROLD POLLNER Directions to Fairview Valley Dark Sky Site Take Central Rd. 1.5 miles North of Hwy. 18 to Standing Rock Rd. Turn right (East) on Standing Rock Rd. and proceed for 2.9 miles to Laguna Seca Rd. Turn left (North) on Laguna Seca Rd. and proceed for 1.5 miles to Cahuilla Rd. Stop at Cahuilla Rd. and zero your trip meter. This is a nice, dark site. Those willing to suffer the dirt road will be rewarded! The driving distance for most members is about the same or a little less than the North Central site. CAHUILLA RD. CENTRAL RD. There is room for about 15 to 20 vehicles on the site. Additional vehicles will have to park along the road. Set up telescopes on the dirt clearing. STANDING ROCK RD. LAGUNA SECA RD. Turn right (East) on Cahuilla Rd. and proceed for exactly 1.8 miles to the site turnout on the right side of the road. (This stretch of Cahuilla Rd. is dirt with a washboard surface, limiting speed to 12-15 mph, so it will take about 8 minutes to reach the site from the Laguna Seca turnoff.) DIRT ROAD SITE
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