Jan 2016 - Crowle Online
Jan 2016 - Crowle Online
Public Service Information Bus Timetable for Services From 22nd February 2015 356 Grafton Flyford – Crowle – Tibberton – Worcester Monday - Saturday (no Sunday or Bank Holiday service) Grafton Flyford to Worcester Service: 356 356 07:30 10:00 10:15 (LMS Travel) Grafton Flyford, Stock Turn No. 300 Sale Green, Telephone Box 07:45 Crowle, Geneva Crescent 07:50 10:20 Worcestershire Royal Hospital 08:04 10:34 08:10 10:40 Worcester, Bus Station 08:15 10:45 356 356 356 Worcester, Bus Station 13:35 16:35 17:45 Shrub Hill, Rail Station 13:40 16:40 17:50 Worcestershire Royal Hospital 13:43 16:43 17:53 (LMS Travel) Crowle, Geneva Crescent 13:56 16:56 18:06 Sale Green, Telephone Box 14:01 REQ REQ Crafton Flyford, Stock Turn 14:15 REQ REQ REQ - Served on request to the driver only. Operator phone number: 01905 25252 Mobile Library Times The Crowle Cryer editor for February 2016 Is Caroline Towe The Cryer is intended to reflect village life and the Editor welcomes all articles about people or events in or around Crowle (and area). All items for inclusion should be received by: 12th January Submissions preferred via email to [email protected] January 2016 25 Years of the Crowle Cryer! Shrub Hill, Rail Station Worcester to Grafton Flyford: Crowle Cryer CROWLE: 1st Wednesday in the month Froxmere Road – 10.45 - 11.05am Crowle School – 11.10 - 11.25am Next date: 6th January SALE GREEN: 1st Wednesday in the month Sale Green Cottage – 11.35 - 11.50am Next date: 6th January Did you notice that this is issue No: 300 of the Crowle Cryer? That means 25 years ago the first issue was delivered to every household in the Parish of Crowle. Today we print 540 copies each month, some of which now go to neighbouring villages! The Cryer has changed over the years, from one sheet of duplicated paper to the present day professionally printed booklet. We are able to generally produce it at cost neutral thanks to the local advertisers. The Cryer would not be available without the many volunteers who edit, distribute, deliver and sort out the advertising. They have been many over the years but some have delivered the Cryer for 25 years! The Parish Council would like to thank everybody who has ever helped produce our wonderful village newspaper and assist it in achieving this milestone. You can contact the mobile library to renew your books by phone. Call 01905 822722 (with your library ticket to hand). or call Caroline on 381570 www.crowle-online.co.uk Page 16 Crowle Pre-school and Before & After School Club The Old Chequers Inn Ÿ Awarded ‘Good’ in OFSTED Inspection 2014 Ÿ We offer a before & after school club for children attending Crowle First School Ÿ Children from 2 up to school-entry age We ensure equal opportunities, inclusion and diversity Contact Information Parish Councillors Nick Brett [email protected] Crowle Parish Hall, Church Rd,,Crowle WR7 4AZ Tel: Penny Smith (01905) 380031 [email protected] Telephone: 01905 381275 www.oldchequersinn.co.uk Email: [email protected] Useful Numbers 381430 Clerk to the Parish Council: Jenny Crawford 391650 [email protected] Will Bourn 380054 [email protected] Crowle Parish Hall Our Local District Councillor: Margaret Rowley 345307 Stuart Dickenson 381260 [email protected] Marie Eastwood (Chairman) 381451 Our County Councillor: Rob Adams 381389 Andy Pyle 07968 987345 [email protected] Mon – Sat, 10.00 - 6.00 Sun, 2.00 - 6.00 Bed & Breakfast 01905 345223 Wychavon District Council: Council Offices, Pershore 01386 565000 WDC Shop, Droitwich 794272 Tara Fallon-Lowbridge 381669 [email protected] Old Turnpike Road Crowle 380031 Age UK: Droitwich & District Info Line 772126 795571 Worcestershire County Council: www.worcestershire.gov.uk 763763 Lee Turner 381784 [email protected] www.crowle-online.co.uk Lawrence Wall 381197 [email protected] The village website acts as a notice board for village news and events, and includes an archive of previous Crowle Cryers. Frazer Wood 381804 [email protected] at Green Farm Enquiries and further details Ring 381807 TEL 01905 380024 / 07747 369540 FOR A QUOTE WWW.MRS-H-IRONING.CO.UK FOR PRICES & INFO M J Palmer & Son Crowle Garage Ladies & Gents Servicing, Repairs & MoTs Plus “Sienna X” Spray Tanning Call Mike or Ian on 381210 NW Co-ordinators Police Contact Area Apple Tree / Bramley Bredicot Lane Church Road South Name Donald Pearce Martin Lewis Howard Painter Tel. 381108 381820 381209 Church Road Central Church Road North Crowle Green Ann Lane David Phillips 381159 381350 To contact the Local Policing Team for non-urgent issues call: 01905 725769 and leave a message, or email: tony.carter@ westmercia.pnn.police.uk Froxmere Close Froxmere Road East Froxmere Road West Paul Greenwood 381819 Graham Collins 381671 Jeremy Thomas 381296 In an emergency, call 999 Non-emergencies, call 101 Old Turnpike Road Pear Tree Way School Lane Kay Prosser VACANT John Brookes 381451 —–––– 381863 Sale Green Sale Green Eric Scrannage Bob Johnson 391141 391257 Crowle’s Local Police Officer is PC Tony Carter. If in any doubt about whether or not to call the police (other than 999 emergencies), you can contact any NW coordinator. Local Police Team email: [email protected] Page 2 Page 15 Parish Organisations Baby & Toddler Group Contact: Nicole Jones: 381717 Caretaker: Andy Tanner Beavers Parish Hall, Tuesdays, 18.00 - 19.00 Contact: Helen Wadsworth: 381032 send text message. 07793 315529 - if no reply please Bowls Club Parish Hall, Mondays, 19.15 - 21.15 and Wednesdays 15:15 - 17:15 Contact: Richard London: 381361 Womens Touch Rugby Team Wednesdays 7.30 pm at Pershore Rugby Club Contact: Fizz Bewley: 381080 Parochial Church Council Secretary: James Bladon: 380033 Pre-School Parish Hall: Nine sessions a week Contact: Penny Smith: 381442 Retired Members Lunch Club Contact: Pamela Field: 381776 Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal Organiser Contact: Graham Rhodes: 381453 Scouts Parish Hall, Wednesday 19.00-20.30 Contact: Brian Warmington: 391683 Crowle Community Tea Shop Contact: Pamela Field: 381776 Crowle Players Contact: Jean Morris: 381965 Crowle Searchers Junior F.C. Under 7’s, 8’s, 9’s, 10’s, 12’s, 13’s 14’s & 16’s Contact: Nick Brett: 381430 W. I. Parish Hall, 1st Wednesday of the month at 7.30 pm Contact: Lee Turner 381784 or Lynne Collins 381671 E-mail [email protected] Crowle Tennis Club Contact: John Brookes: 381863 or Jon Purves 381909 Worcester Petanque Club Saturday at The Old Chequers www.worcesterpetanqueclub.org.uk Crowle Young Farmers Contact: Zoe Whitehouse Tel: 07919 818148 The Hardy Plant Society (Worcs) Parish Hall 2nd Sat of each month at 2 pm Tel: 01242 241035 www.worcs-hardy-plant.org.uk Cubs Parish Hall, Tuesdays, 19.00 - 20.30 Contact: Nick Hawkes: 381831 Parish Hall & Recreation Field Bookings Anyone wishing to book the Parish Hall should contact the Bookings Secretary well in advance of their preferred date, to check availability. A booking form will be issued and, on receipt of the completed form and deposit cheque, the booking will be firm. Friends of Crowle School Contact: Sharon Moore: 380190 Over 60‘s 2nd Tuesday of each month Contact: Myra Brierley: 381769 Parish Hall (Crowle Parish Trust) Bookings Secretary: Samantha Paul 07498 555463 Email: [email protected] Letting rates are published on the hall noticeboard. Parishioners booking for private events may qualify for a discounted rate, ask the Bookings Secretary for details. The playing field facilities (except the playground) may also be booked by contacting the Bookings Secretary. Details available on request. Page 14 Parish Council News THE PARISH COUNCIL WOULD LIKE TO WISH EVERYONE A VERY HAPPY & HEALTHY 2016 Planning Applications and Decisions. W/15/02758/LB - Mr T Main, Old Peartree Cottage, Church Road. Dismantle and re-build chimney. W/15/02450/PP - Mr and Mrs Thompson, Beacon View, Netherwood Lane. Proposed single and second styorey extension to rear and raise of roofline. W/15/03005/PN - Mr I Lamb, Land adjacent West Wyche, Netherwood Lane. Amended design to original planning approvals W/13/01752/PN and W/14/01504/PN. Alteration to siting and design of garaging. AB/15/03095/AB - E W Boden & Sons, Commandry Farm, Lower Crowle. A steel portal frame grain store. W/15/02648/PN - Ms S Stephens, Portway, Church Road. Demolition of existing single garage and erection of new two storey detached dwelling and associated parking including revised parking arrangements for Portway Cottage resubmission of application W/15/01139/PN. Amendment - amended plans reducing the scale of the proposed dwelling and altering the proposed design. Community Shop - We need your help! You may recall that the provision of a Community Shop was highlighted as a priority by residents completing the survey 'Crowle the Way Forward' to help improve amenities in our village. The Section 106 and New Homes Bonus Working Group have started to investigate models of good practice and some of the practical issues but cannot do anymore without some help. This is where, hopefully, you come in - we desperately need help in looking at how this could be achieved and whether it would be a viable proposition for the village. Without your help we shall have to make a decision early in 2016 as to whether we carry on or shelve the project for the time being. So it really is help us or lose the idea of a shop! If you are prepared to volunteer or would like further information please contact Nick Brett, 381430 or Jenny Crawford, 391650. Many thanks. New Dog Fouling Bin. A new dog fouling bin has been sited on the far side of the playing field near the gate to the bridle path. Hopefully, this will help to keep the field free of dog excrement - please use and keep the field a great place to play. Thanks. Useful contact number. Field Site Caretaker, Andy Tanner - 07793315529. Any concerns re the field please call - if no reply send Andy a text and he will return your call. Thanks. Page 3 Wychavon Update Devolution In September, 38 local authorities including Worcestershire expressed an interest to the government in taking on some devolved powers. If the proposal is accepted, Worcestershire will be one of the first two tier council areas to develop devolution plans. Currently mainly urban areas and the single tier authorities have done so. Small Ads & Notices All small ads and notices are free to Parishioners, however local business ads have a nominal fee. LOVE THEM AND LEAVE THEM Dog walking and pet sitting service. All seven councils in the county have signalled their intention to work together on the case for devolution across Worcestershire. The commitment to work together also includes other public sector partners such as the police, the Local Enterprise Partnership and local Clinical Commissioning Groups. Dog walking and small animal visits available. Fully Insured and CRB checked The devolution proposals will build on existing plans with a focus on the added value that a devolution deal could bring. Areas where this could be achieved are in health and social care reform, infrastructure and investment, skills and innovation and the environment. It is intended that the benefit will be achieved by working together rather than merging to form one overarching authority. Shared Legal Services A joint legal service has been formed between Wychavon and Malvern Hills District Councils. It is expected that this arrangement will lead to savings in staffing and non staffing costs of £60,000. Fly tipping Wychavon has been clamping down on illegal fly-tipping in recent months. A number of investigations have been taking place which may lead to prosecutions. In a two week period in November, seven £75 fixed penalty notices were issued for littering and one £300 fixed penalty notice for failure to produce waste transfer notes. Police and Crime Commissioner Precept Consultation Bill Longmore, the Police and Crime Commissioner for West Mercia, is asking people across the area whether they are willing to pay any more towards policing in their council tax in 2016-17. The Government's calculation for 'sustaining' the police budget included a presumption that Police and Crime Commissioners nationwide would increase their precept by 2% each year until 2020. Do you agree to that? Let Bill know by emailing [email protected] or by completing the survey at www.westmercia-pcc.gov.uk by noon on January 18. Margaret Rowley, Old Park, Plough Road, Tibberton, Droitwich Spa WR9 7NN. Tel 01905 345307 Email: [email protected] Please call Charlie 01905 381692 07512320195 The virtual IT Department that’s always available when you need help; on site or remotely. Home or Office, no problem too small, give DDC a call........ Contact: Des George DDCdezzdotcom t: 07837-502828 Established 2009 e: [email protected] The Crowle Cryer, sponsored by the Parish Council and its advertisers, is free to all Parishioners and is run on a voluntary basis. The views expressed are not necessarily the views of the Council or editors. Articles, advertisements, events and requests must be with the editor by the 12th of the preceding month. The editor reserves the right to edit or amend any articles, advertisements or information received. The editorial team and the Parish Council accept no responsibility for the pursuit of any advertisement placed within this publication. Contact details for the editor can be found on the back page. WANTED – Articles for the Crowle Cryer The Cryer is intended to reflect village life and the Editor welcomes all articles about people or events in or around Crowle (and area). Please submit any contributions to the Editor – the contact details are on page 16. Page 4 Page 13 Crowle Community MARK ELLIS Interiors Kitchens Bedrooms Bespoke Woodwork Tea Shop We hope you are all well and looking forward to the New Year. Wishing you all “A HEALTHY and SAFE NEW YEAR” from the Crowle Tea Shop Team and we are looking forward to seeing you at the Parish Hall in 2016. We meet again for the first time in the new year on: Tuesday 12th January at 2pm to 3.30pm. Followed by Tuesday 26th January. Pop in to say hello and have a relaxing afternoon with us all, enjoying tea,coffee and cake with friends old and new. ● Choose from a cost effective kitchen door replacement to a complete project managed installation ● Extensive range of bedroom and kitchen finishes and styles all with matching cabinets ● Local workshop near Pinvin to hand-make bespoke woodwork designs 07976 301794 Windows /Conservatories - Gutters / Facias Quick-dry carpet cleaning Professional oven cleaning Home / Let or Sale property preparation Fully Insured / Local Friendly Service For a free quote call Richard Prescott 01905 381164 or 07958 060009 [email protected] www.markellisinteriors.co.uk Transcending Stress Learn how to manage your stress with scientifically proven techniques. ● Private individual sessions available at Select Physio in Broughton Hackett. ● Group workshops and individual sessions can be arranged at your office. For more information on how a Transcending Stress programme can help you manage your stress call Tara Zutshi on 07816 908 662 or 01905 380 004 or email [email protected] DANCING & PERFORMING FOR ALL AGES For more information on children’s Pre-School classes, After School classes, Adult Tap and Jazz, pleases contact: Debbie on 01905 345132 www.happystepsdance.co.uk GREEN DEAL ADVISOR ENERGY PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATES (If Selling or Letting Your Home) SOLAR PV CONSULTANT I am local, professional, accredited, insured, and offer a fast, efficient service. Fairfield, Peopleton, Pershore, WR10 2EA Email: [email protected] www.premiumcoatings.co.uk Office: 01905 753853 Sue Cole Dip DEA. GDA 01905 381907 or 07766 828860 Carradine Cairns ŸDog grooming - all breeds ŸOver 25 years experience ŸCollection service available ŸHome visits possible ŸHand stripping, clipping, bathing, nails ŸContact Dawn, based in Fernhill Heath Tel: 01905 452078 or 07866 574901 Email: [email protected] Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Clinic Sarah Collier-Smith MCSP MHPC Broughton Hackett day-time, evening & Saturday-morning appointments available Physiotherapy–Podiatry Sports massage therapy New Studio room now available to hire for classes, functions & meetings T : 01905 381415 www.carradinecairns.co.uk M: 07767254218 E. [email protected] Page 5 St John the Baptist Church UK BARBER SHOPS HAIRSTYLING FOR MEN Firstly everyone at St John the Baptist Church would like to wish everyone a prosperous New Year. We hope you had an enjoyable Christmas. · 42 HIGH ST, BROMSGROVE · 2 GURNEYS LANE, DROITWICH Tuesday’s Handmade Trio of Sausages &Mash £6.95 Wednesday’s Beer Battered Fish & Chips £5.95 Thursday’s Sirloin Steak & Chips 11.99 · 14 VINE ST, EVESHAM As you would imagine, last month was a very busy month for the Church. · 14 GRAHAM RD, MALVERN Jane & Joe Rudge Galton Arms, Himbleton 01905 391672 · 15 BRIDGE ST, PERSHORE The Crowle Singers held a concert in the church which, as always, was exceptionally good. The Christingle was held a day later with the church being full for the service. We managed to raise just over £100 towards the Children’s Society. Thank you to all the children who kindly donated money. The children stood down the aisle lit candles and sung Away in the Manager. It was a lovely sight to behold. The other carol services were held and really well attended so thank you for supporting your local church it is really appreciated. Crowle First School also held the Open the Book in the church on the school’s final day of term. There were some epic jumpers on show. This year we are cracking on with the new kitchen and toilet facility and also we will be raising funds for part of the church roof which is in need of repair. Towards the end of last year the church held the funerals for Mr & Mrs Dyson, Mrs Poole. Our thoughts and prayers are with their families and friends. The Church is open every day, so you are more than welcome to come to Crowle Church at anytime during the day to enjoy the Peace of the Lord. The services for this month are as follows: · 34 HIGH ST, TEWKESBURY · Also at KENTS, 4 CORNMARKET, WORCESTER www.Ecologicwindows.co.uk Fred Doodey in Crowle for: Eco Friendly, Energy Efficient Windows & Doors, Soffit and Fascia's, Flat roofs replaced. Misted units. No nonsense advice given. Tel: 07904 616702 or 01905 676333 rook Garden s Bowb Imaginative high-quality landscaping Patios & garden walls, ponds & water features Swimming pools & ponds fibre-glassed Also pond & patio cleaning Fencing & hedge-cutting Local, friendly service. References available Call Glenn 01905 380128 Mobile 07792613020 SERVICES FOR JANUARY Sunday 3rd January 10 am Holy Communion - David Morris Thursday 7th January 10 am Holy Communion - David Morris Sunday 10th January 10 am All Age Service - Margaret Mandell Sunday 17th January 8:30 pm Saturday 23rd January 10 am Morning Service - Margaret Farquhar Saturday 30th January 10.30 am Bowbrook Group Service Oddingley Holy Communion -David Morris Page 6 Contact your local solicitor Stuart Bailey for the following legal services: - moving house - will writing - probate Daytime on 01905 676676 or evening on 381532 Mark Bryant Design "Let the exciting ideas for your home become reality by contacting award winning architect, Mark Bryant for free initial advice & consultation" Competitively priced fees for: ●Drawings& Specifications ●Planning ●Listed Building ●Conservation Area ●Building Regulations 11 Froxmere Road, Crowle, Worcestershire t: 07572 019631 e: [email protected] Marina Cottage, Devon Uninterrupted views of the River Dart and Dartmouth from our beautiful holiday cottage. Sleeps 7. Pictures and information at www.marinacottage.co.uk email Boyd or Sally for prices [email protected] E S T. 2 0 0 • FRE E NO -OB LIG ATIO N QU OTES • CLI ENT REF EREN CES AVAILA BLE • C ALL NIG EL H OLT O N 07 876 225 834 W W W. B R I C K A N D B OW E R L A N D S C A P E S . C O. U K Page 11 Parish Hall Bookings The Parish Hall Trustees are pleased to announce that a Bookings Secretary replacement has been found for Rob Skinner when he retires on 31st December 2015 after 13 years of excellent service. The new contact will be Mrs Samantha (Sam) Paul of Pear Tree Way, Crowle. Sam can be contacted on the dedicated number, 07498 555463. We have also devised a dedicated e-mail address for bookings enquiries which is [email protected]. Mrs Tanya Prescott of Holt Close will act as her deputy when Sam is unavailable and she too will be available on the same telephone number when she is deputising. ELECTRICIAN IN THE VILLAGE SPANISH TUITION Dickenson Electrical Services ELECSA REGISTERED & CHECKATRADE APPROVED Over 100 customer reviews – 9.9/10 www.checkatrade.com/dickensonelectricalservices W: 01905 381260 M: 07979 036 464 One-to-One or Group Tuition. From Beginners to Students preparing for Exams Tutor with Spanish Degree Qualification Translation service for business clients Contact Steve Carey on 01905 381670 Heritage Oak Restoration Timber Frame Restoration Specialist Bespoke Carpentry & Joinery Restoration Builders www.heritageoakrestoration.co.uk [email protected] Parish Hall Car Park Gate Access In the forthcoming future, it may not be possible to unlock the main gates to the Parish Hall Car Park as early as normal especially during school holidays, bank holidays and at weekends. (When Pre-School is not in operation). Tel: 01905 345336 Mob: 07968 317347 Restoring English Heritage To Its Original Historic Beauty Town & Country Private Hire & Driving Services For this reason, early users may find that sometimes, a combination lock has replaced the padlock normally used. Until a Caretaker can be employed, the combination to this lock will be available from the Chairman at ([email protected]). Brian will maintain a block e-mail address of a database of people who may find this useful. Prompt and reliable Local transport to all airports Social travel, short or long journeys, transport to corporate & sporting events, wedding car available, business travel, seaports and rail stations Driver-only Service Fully Licensed and CRB-checked Drivers Chauffeur vehicle available 01386 550647 / 07910 361707 / 07905 406686 e-mail: [email protected] Website: www.tcexecutivetravel.co.uk Regular User Group contacts will automatically be informed. In addition, there may be occasions when such groups who already have a hall alarm code, will be asked to let themselves in via a key accessed by a key safe which has been mounted in the porch, just to the right of the door. This method will also facilitate them securing the hall afterwards. If that is necessary, instructions will be given. The gate combination code number will be frequently changed so if you wish to be regularly notified of the number and changes, please e-mail Brian as above or telephone him on 381230. The trustees apologise for causing any inconvenience in having to make these arrangements. www.librafitness.co.uk Page 10 www.countyosteopaths.co.uk Page 7 Crowle WI 2016 2016 promises to be an exciting year. As usual we will be meeting on the first Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm in Crowle Parish Hall. These are the speakers and events we have planned for the year. Other activities are planned as and when we're inspired! 6th Jan - Bredon Hill - its archaeology and history with Deborah Overton 3rd Feb - The life and times of a Jester with Roger Pugh 2nd March - The Victory Harvest - feeding the nation from 1940-45 with Ron Gallivan 6th April - Spetchley and the Berkley family with Michael Hardwick 4th May - Annual Meeting, Resolutions and Entertainment 1st June - A trip out somewhere yet to be decided 6th July - Pershore High School's link with a Zambian school - Jon Knight and students 3rd August - Summer Meal 7th Sept - Flowers for the home with our own Maggie Pearce 5th Oct - Running hot and Cold - Doug Richards recalls tales of his runs for charity Crowle Over 60’s On Tuesday 14th December 26 members met at the Wagon Wheel Grimley, for a Christmas meal. After a sherry/juice aperitif we then enjoyed our chosen meals. The staff at the Wagon Wheel were very attentive and and served us very well. There is no meeting in January. 2nd Nov - Silver Jewellery Making - Karen Van Hoff tells how she KNITS silver jewellery 7th Dec - Christmas Party Why not be a visitor for a night and decide then if you would like to join. £1 is all we charge each month and that includes a raffle ticket, tea and a piece of cake! Our next meeting will be on February 16th for the Annual General Meeting. We are looking to recruit new members - you don't have to be over 60! - so perhaps you could come along in February and meet us. Page 8 Page 9