Bishop Ramsey CE School
Bishop Ramsey CE School
BISHOP RAMSEY JULY 2015 Issue 7 What’s in this issue… Dates to Remember... JULY Monday 13th “Grease” performance (7.00 pm in the Hall) Tuesday 14th “Grease” performance (7.00 pm in the Hall) Wednesday 15th “Grease” performance (7.00 pm in the Hall) Thursday 16th Sports Day (Uxbridge Stadium) Thursday 16th “Grease” performance (7.00 pm in the Hall) Friday 17th End of Summer Term Dates for 2015/16 September Tuesday 1st Staff Development Day Wednesday 2nd Start of Term for Year 7 students Thursday 3rd Start of Term for Year 8 ‐12 students Monday 7th Start of lessons for Year 12-13 students Wednesday 14th October – Staff Development Day Sixth Form News Monday 4th January Start of Spring Term Year 7 Art and RE Reward Trip Half term: Monday 15th – Friday 19th February Prize Giving Years 7‐10 Thursday 24th March – End of Spring Term Monday 11th April – Start of Summer Term Half Term: Monday 30th May – Friday 30th June Friday 15th July – End of Summer Term 1 13/07/2015 10:09:49 DT-I-ITD-021 pburchell Half Term: Monday 26th – Friday 30th October Friday 18th December – End of Autumn Term 2016 Headteacher’s Notes… News from the Governors… Headteacher’s Notes... 1. Welcome to the final Recorder of the school year. As always our school year ends on a high note with many exci ng events taking place. As I write, we are looking forward to our Sports Day at the Uxbridge Arena, our enrichment days, and our school produc on of “Grease”. If you haven’t yet booked your cket, please do so today, because they are selling fast and we are required, for safety reasons, to limit the number of people in the Hall. Mrs Emilie Beck, Teacher of Psychology Mr Brock Cullen, Head of Psychology Mr Daniel Cullum, Teacher of Music Miss Farah Cockar , Teacher of Design & Technology Mrs Angela Dhir, Head of Science Mr Neil Grassick, Assistant Headteacher Mrs Jane Hurley, Teacher of Mathema cs Mr Stewart McIntyre, Head of Expressive Arts Miss Donna Pe ord, Head of Humani es Mrs Katharine Strinic, Teacher of German Mrs Elaine Turner, Teacher of Sociology and Psychology. 2. On 2nd July we held our KS3 Concert. The programme ranged from modern rock music to solo classical performances that would not have been out of place in a conservatoire. Thanks to the KS3 musicians, the Music Department and in par cular to Mr Callum for a superb evening. 3. 6. We have been invited to apply to be awarded the “World Class Schools Quality Mark”. In order to achieve the Mark, a group of students has to complete an audit of what they think makes BR “world class” and support their view by making a 20 minute video showcasing the best of BR. We have a group of 13 students on the case; 7 members of Year 12 and 3 each from Year 10 and Year 11. They will be working hard right up to the end of term as our ambassadors for this project, under the guidance of Mrs Watson, Mr Owen and myself. 7. 4. At this me of the school year we are busy planning what we will be doing in September. Extra‐curricular ac vi es are an important feature of life at Bishop Ramsey. As always there will be a full calendar of Inter‐House compe ons and our regular diet of musical performances and drama produc ons, involving all years. Our Sports clubs will be ac ve and will supplement our matches against other schools. A full calendar of a er school ac vi es will be circulated in the new year. 5. 8. Every year we say farewell to valued colleagues, who move on to pastures new. This year the following colleagues are leaving Bishop Ramsey: 2 13/07/2015 10:09:49 DT-I-ITD-021 pburchell We will be publishing our small calendar for 2015/16. This will once again be made possible through a generous dona on by FBR. All events will also be on the website and included on a rolling basis in edi ons of The Recorder throughout the year. I am delighted to inform you that we have been awarded a Green Flag by the Eco‐Schools Organisa on, a part of Keep Britain Tidy. This is as a result of the reless work done by Bishop Ramsey’s Eco Council under the leadership of Miss Pe ord. The cita on on the award reads “Well done Bishop Ramsey Church of England School! I really enjoyed mee ng the Eco‐ Council, Miss Pe ord, and the head teacher. The students who spoke were incredibly forthcoming, ar culate, and enthusias c about all of their ac vi es. It was very clear that they were wholeheartedly involved in the work and were par cularly passionate about gardening and poly‐tunnels, which was fun to see. Keep up the great work! You’re really making a difference.” Finally may I wish you a very happy and refreshing summer break. School begins on Thursday 3rd September for students in Years 8‐12 and on Friday 4th September for students in Year 13. Mr A Wilcock Headteacher News from the Governors... As the school year draws to a close, the school is always buzzing with the excitement of the Music concert and Drama produc on, as well as the build up to the Sports Day and which House with win the House Championship. It is great to see the students so ac vely involved in the numerous ac vi es in school and the wonderful art work displayed around the school. I am very proud of the students here who work very hard. Of course their hard work is reflec ve of the support they receive from their families, friends and teachers and support staff and I would like to thank you all for that support. I feel honoured that I work with a very talented and commi ed team of Governors and I would like to take this opportunity to thank them and also to tell you that one of our governors, Helen Dimmock (many of you may know Helen from her chairing of the Parent's Forum) was awarded the MBE (for Services to Older People and Local Community) in the Queen's Birthday Honours. I am sure you will join me in congratula ng Helen on this well deserved achievement. Well done Helen. Finally, I would like, on behalf of all the Governors, to wish all the students, parents, carers and staff an excellent and enjoyable summer break. Let's hope we get a lovely, sunny and warm summer! Many of the students will have been taking exams over the past few weeks and I know how stressful that can be for everyone concerned, and I wish them every success. For those students who will be moving on to pastures new, I wish them every success in the next stage of their academic life and career. I would par cularly like to thank James Coleman and Rosaria Barreto (Head Boy and Girl) who formed part of the Governing Body as Associate Members. Their insigh ul contribu ons and ideas were extremely helpful to the Governors and much appreciated. I hope their me on the Governing Body will be useful to them as they leave the school for new experiences. We are looking forward to working with the incoming Head Boy and Girl, Lewis Henderson and Anna Seevaratnam. Much of Governors’ me this year has been spent in rela on to the budget, which has been much reduced. We are very grateful to the Friends of Bishop Ramsey who con nue to support the school and enable us to enrich school life which we would otherwise not be able to afford. They also put on fabulous fun events ‐ don't just take my word for it, try some. We are also very grateful to all families who contribute to the Governors’ Fund with their voluntary contribu ons. 3 13/07/2015 10:09:49 DT-I-ITD-021 pburchell Mrs Chris Gentle Chair of Governors News, Events and School Activities... Some of the other features of the day were the pop‐up surgery, as well as an array of research stands with interac ve ac vi es, such as Heart in a Box, Unbreak your Heart, and Biobanking for Heart Research. The day was educa onal, inspira onal and thought‐provoking, and I am pleased that the school enabled us to a end this event. Sixth Form News Harefield Research Open Day On 17th June, a group of Sixth Form students considering medical and healthcare careers a ended a research Open Day at Harefield Hospital. One of the highlights of the day was watching the 3D printer print a valve to be used in a blood vessel. Using innova ve polymer technology, a mould was created of a blood vessel, and subsequently replicated by the printer. I found it fascina ng to see first hand the medical advances currently being developed which will be used in cardiovascular surgery in the future. Toyin Jesuloba (12.3) Prefect Training An expert in Molecular Biology gave an insight into current research of Ti n, the biggest protein in the human body. In AS Biology we learnt about proteins and abnormali es caused by muta ons. It was valuable to have this knowledge put into context. It also made me realise how much more there is to learn about the phenomenon that is the human body. On 18th June the new Sixth Form prefect team (along with some of the Year 10 team) enjoyed some inven ve and inspira onal training in leadership, communica on and team work from a company called Inner Drive. The training was ac vity based, using all kinds of resources from plas c nuts and bolts to hoola hoops – the presenters came laden with equipment prepared to really challenge our students’ way of doing things. Thanks to Brad and Edward from Inner Drive for their hard work and excep onal prepara on and also to the Year 12 and Year 10 prefects who really engaged in the ac vi es and made the whole session fun. Ms Murphy is con nuing the training so our students will be well prepared for the roles they are taking on. Perhaps the most memorable part of the day was the round table talk about heart repair given by Dr Miles Dalby, a consultant cardiologist at Harefield Hospital. Dr Dalby explained the two routes of angioplasty surgery, via the radial artery (through the wrist) and femoral artery (through the groin), and discussed the pros and cons of both. It was heart‐warming to see one of his pa ents a ending the talk, having been through this life‐changing procedure. Women in Physical Sciences Day at Emmanuel College, Cambridge On Wednesday 17th June Emmanuel College held a Women in Physical Sciences Day for female Year 12 students who are interested in Maths, Physical Natural Sciences and Engineering. As well as providing informa on about the Cambridge Maths, Engineering and Natural Sciences courses, the event gave students an opportunity to ask ques ons and speak to University Lecturers, College Tutors and current 4 13/07/2015 10:09:49 DT-I-ITD-021 pburchell News, Events and School Activities... undergraduates. Catherine Keeble (12.1) and Elizabeth Flach (12.1) were nominated to go and had a great day. Year 7 Art and RE Reward Trip Many students are now researching University op ons and going to Open Days – we wish them every success with this. On Tuesday 16th of June 16 students went on an Art and Re reward trip to Tate Modern and St Paul’s Cathedral. We travelled to London by train and then walked to Tate modern. At the Tate we put our bags away then started our workshop. A lady gave us a piece of carbon paper and laid out a big sheet of paper so that we could all work together. We placed our carbon paper onto the large paper and created different marks on the paper using our hands feet and art equipment. We looked around at some artworks and got given paper and materials to create our own pictures using the artwork for inspira on. We then got to keep out artwork and soon le to go to St Pauls’. At St Pauls’ we had 3 volunteers take us to the room where special weddings take place and then they told us some history about St Pauls’. Then we went upstairs and saw the choir prac sing and the bishop saying a prayer. We then went on a dome tour up many steps to the whispering gallery. My best bit of the trip was going up the dome because it was really fun and some of us raced up the stairs and people were panicking about the small spaces. I also enjoyed the pain ngs at the top of the dome. Overall I had a very good me on the trip and thoroughly enjoyed my me in London! Mrs L Holmes Head of Sixth Form Emily Woodard 7Y 5 13/07/2015 10:09:49 DT-I-ITD-021 pburchell News, Events and School Activities... 6 13/07/2015 10:09:49 DT-I-ITD-021 pburchell News, Events and School Activities... Prize Giving Years 7‐10 students here tonight to take your me and try to explore and realise what you want to do. Don’t be afraid to fail.” In conclusion, Mr Hurd advised students to “not stay in your comfort zone‐ challenge yourself!” The Prize Giving for Years 7‐10 was held on Thursday 18th June. Anna Thompson (10M) and Sco McCreeth (10M) opened proceedings, welcoming students past and present, parents and staff. They welcomed the Guest of Honour Nick Hurd MP, giving a brief insight into his work. Mr Hurd is the local MP for Ruislip, Northwood and Pinner who has helped the school out on many occasions and wanted to inspire our students to challenge themselves. In the cons tuency, Nick has helped over 10,000 individual cons tuents with their issues. In addi on, he has led campaigns to keep cancer services at Mount Vernon, to fight the proposed move of Harefield Hospital, to limit over‐development in the area and to oppose the third runway at Heathrow. The Guest of Honour was presented with a bo le of wine by a Bishop Ramsey student. Andrei Anghel (9S), Reanna Gregory (8A) and Deborah Jardine (8A) entertained with beau ful piano playing and singing. The evening closed with a vote of thanks from Anna Thompson and Sco McCreeth and a closing prayer by Reverend Evans, one of Bishop Ramsey’s Governors. Ms J Forde English In his report, Headteacher Andrew Wilcock gave a review of the 2014 – 2015 academic year, focusing on the many achievements and successes of the school. He wanted to celebrate the success of our community as the year reached its climax. Mr Wilcock stated that “the talent, dedica on and kindness of Bishop Ramsey students and staff is simply amazing.” Achievements included an outstandingly good year on the sports field, subject prizes and House events. Looking to the future, Mr Wilcock stated that we need to celebrate the light that shines in this community. Mr Wilcock then explained that Mrs H Simmons was being awarded with a special prize as she has got through to the na onal finals of The Teacher of the Year Award. Mrs Simmons is 1 of 9 candidates who will be in the final in October. Mr Wilcock explained why Mrs Simmons is more then worthy of receiving the amazing prize. He stated, “Helen is amazingly passionate about Drama and the impact it has on all her students. Helen is a woman who empowers students as she consistently produces numerous casts for upcoming shows and events. She achieved an outstanding 77% A*‐A with her GCSE class from last year which is outstanding.” This inspiring talk was followed by the presenta on of prizes for Years 7‐10 for the school academic year 2014 – 2015 by Nick Hurd. Mr Hurd stated that “I am hugely impressed by the quality of the young members of Bishop Ramsey. I advise all 7 13/07/2015 10:09:49 DT-I-ITD-021 pburchell Snapshots of Prize Giving 8 13/07/2015 10:09:49 DT-I-ITD-021 pburchell PHYSICAL EDUCUATION School Sports Week. BWI Sports Day. Junior Borough Athletics. Rounders Results. Girls Cricket Sport erupted at Bishop Ramsey school during Na onal School Sports Week. Prepara ons for the week began way back at the end of May. Our select team of fantas c sports leaders came up with excellent ideas and helped produce the first promo onal video that was shown to all students and staff at Bishop Ramsey. I can not thank the following enough for their help in planning the week and really look forward to working with them again in the very near future: Grace Hooper (9A) , Joseph Beirne (9M), Rosie Castle (9M), Nicholas Sandoval (9A), Chidera Iwuamadi (9M), Omari Reynolds (8S), Jessica Hill (7A), Andrearna Dunbar‐ Bonnie (8S) and Feyisayo Chainani (9E). On the following pages are the photos from the events that took place including Chelsea Football Training sessions, Ruislip Eagles Handball sessions, Parkour Genera ons Taster sessions, as well as Basketball and Tennis Compe ons. Miss C Curling Head of P.E. 13/07/2015 10:14:45 DT-I-ITD-021 pburchell 13/07/2015 10:14:45 DT-I-ITD-021 pburchell BASKETBALL 3 v 3 tournament and 3 point challenge 3v3 Winners Eddie Ayeh (12.7), Josh Faleye (12.7) and Joel Ogunsanlu (12.5) 13/07/2015 10:14:45 DT-I-ITD-021 pburchell 13/07/2015 10:14:45 DT-I-ITD-021 pburchell Wimbledon Championships 1st Jack Wallis (10S) and Oliver Humphris (10S) 2nd Alex Sungton (10S)and Raphael Bareto (10S) 3rd Sophie Philbrook (10A) and Helena Crowie (10A) 13/07/2015 10:14:45 DT-I-ITD-021 pburchell On Monday 22nd June, Bishop Winnington Ingram Primary School held their annual Sports Day at Uxbridge Athletics Track. The Year 9 Sports Leaders were invited to assist the BWI staff in running and organising the day. The Leaders were each responsible for their own event and were tasked with recording the final placings and scores. All the students worked really hard to make the day a success and the primary school children thoroughly enjoyed the day. The Sports Leaders were outstanding throughout the day. Year 9 Sports Leaders: Rosie Castle (9M), Nicholas Sandoval (9A), Max Thomas (9R), Joseph Beirne (9M), Lauren Beirne (9M), James Bromley-Price (9S), Mandy Boakye (9A), 13/07/2015 10:14:45 DT-I-ITD-021 pburchell HOUSE ROUNDERS SALISBURY WINNERS HARLINGTON @ HOME (8 Players) 14 – 8 WIN NORTHWOOD & VYNERS @ HOME 11.5 – 7.5 WIN STOCKLEY @ HOME 21 – 3 WIN BISHOPSHALT @ BISHOPSHALT 10 – 6 WIN QUEENSMEAD 16 – 7.5 WIN ROUNDERS TOURNAMENT @ QUEENSMEAD Wednesday 8th July 1.15pm HOUSE ROUNDERS SALISBURY WINNERS HARLINGTON @ HOME (8 Players) 12.5 – 9 LOST NORTHWOOD & VYNERS @ HOME STOCKLEY @ HOME Northwood – 9 – 3.5 WIN Vyners – 6 – 4.5 WIN 19 – 3.5 WIN BISHOPSHALT @ BISHOPSHALT (8 players) LOST ROUNDERS TOURNAMENT @ QUEENSMEAD Tuesday 7th July 1.15pm HOUSE ROUNDERS SALISBURY WINNERS Harlington @ Home (8 Players) NORTHWOOD & VYNERS @ HOME QUEENSMEAD @ HOME Tuesday 12th May WON 19—9.5 Thursday 21st May Northwood LOST 5.5 ‐5.50 Vyners Won 4.5 ‐ 4 Wednesday 10th June WON 17.5 ‐ 15 ROUNDERS TOURNAMENT @ VYNERS SECOND BISHOPSHALT @BISHOPSHALT Monday 6th July HOUSE ROUNDERS SALISBURY WINNERS HARLINGTON @ HOME Tuesday 12th May WON 23.5 – 6.5 STOCKLEY ACADEMY @ HOME Thursday 7th May WON 23 ‐ 1 VYNERS Thursday 21st May WON 9 ‐6 ROUNDERS TOURNAMENT @ VYNERS CANCELLED BISHOPHALT Monday 6th July @ BISHOPHALT STOCKLEY BOYS vs BR BOYS Wednesday 8th July 13/07/2015 10:14:45 DT-I-ITD-021 pburchell Junior Borough Athletics took place this year on Wednesday 1st July. The event was held at Uxbridge Athletics track and after some successful training sessions the Year 7 and 8s were raring to go! The weather was extremely hot throughout the day meaning that there were some changes to the events. Despite the weather conditions the athletes performed really well with some fantastic individual results. We had Isabelle Stark (8R) finishing 1st in the Year 8 Girls 800m which was swiftly followed by Joseph Hodgkinson (8R) finishing 1st in the Year 8 Boys 800m. Melissa Jarman (8E) finished 1st in the Year 8 Girls 1500m and Omotese Igabavboa (7Y) stormed home to come 1st in the Year 7 Girls 100m. We also performed brilliantly in the field with Safia Coombs (7M) finishing in 2nd place in the Year 7 Girls Javelin competitions, Emily Mason (8R) in 3rd in the Year 8 Girls Javelin competition, Josie Johnson (8E) 2nd in the Year 8 Girls shotput and Shaiann Dunbar (8Y) finished in 1st place in the hotly contested Year 8 Girls Long Jump. Further results included Hazel Dickinson (7A) finishing 3rd in the Year 7 Girls 1200m, Lucy Pead (7E) finishing 3rd in the Year 7 Girls Hurdles and Andrearna Dunbar-Bonnie (8S) finishing 3rd in the Year 8 Girls 100m. Our relay teams worked extremely hard and managed to get to the finals and after some strong competition the Year 8 Girls finished 2nd. Well done to all the students who competed on the day. The Complete team are listed below: Nhandi Uzoh(7R) Niall Haynes (7E) Tristan Abideen-Goodridge (7R) Conor Elliot-Grout (7E) Christian Hobkirk (7E) Toby Roberts (7R) Jamie Bosher (7Y) Iain Mwaura (7E) Kyle McRae (8E) Omari Reynolds (8S) Mark Webb (8S) Joseph Hodgkinson (8R) 13/07/2015 10:14:45 DT-I-ITD-021 pburchell Harrison Filby (8A) Isaac Stanbridge (8Y) Raif Barreto (8Y) Lyle Fitzgerald (8Y) Jamie Hamilton (8E) Omotese Igbavboa (7Y) Eleanor Williams (7E) Molly Oxenham (7E) Ella O’Loughlin (7M) Hazel Dickinson (7A) Lucy Pead (7E) Maria Flach (7R) Safia Coombs (7M) Shekinah Owusu-Agyare (7E) Andrearna Dunbar-Bonnie (8S) Shaiann Dunbar (8Y) Emily Mason (8R) Isabel Stark (8R) Melissa Jarman (8E) Tanisha Briscoe (8A) Ogo Ife-Ogbonna (8M) Josie Johnson (8E) Girls cricket at Bishop Ramsey this year has flourished with over 20 girls training on a regular basis. This has allowed us to enter two teams into the U15 Hillingdon County Cricket Tournament. For most of the girls it was their first me playing a cricket match and in some cases represen ng the school. Both teams Did fantas cally well, with the A team reaching the final and coming Runners Up! 13/07/2015 10:14:45 DT-I-ITD-021 pburchell