October 13 - Cornerstone Christian School


October 13 - Cornerstone Christian School
OCTOBER Vol.10/No.10
incredible experience
Southern Gospel’s largest event is the National Quartet Convention (NQC). God has
certainly blessed the Difference Media artists with an abundance of award nominations
and opportunities to be heard on radio and television outlets around the globe.
Don’t Miss
Feast of Tabernacles &
A Night To Honor Israel
October 25–27
Fun, Fellowship, Food Booths,
FREE RIDES & Special Speakers
Ski-Extreme 2014
Join our College & Career and
Joshua’s Generation Ministries
for an exciting time of skiing
and great Christian fellowship.
Sign Up Today!
Hands-On Bible Program
1st–5th graders, check out our
new Hands-On Bible program
on Sunday Night. Join us next
Sunday at 6:30pm in the
Life Center!
Fusion Back-to-School Burger
Bash was loads of fun!
Our special guest was Mrs.
Diana Hagee. Many thanks to
the more than 400 students &
parents who attended!
Cornerstone Christian Schools
See pages 28-31
O c t o b e r VO L . 1 0 / NO . 1 0
Are You Living a Life of Purpose and Passion?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 04
The Cornerstone Academy of Fine Arts
Would Like to Present their Teachers of
Private Lessons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
By Philip Fortenberry
The Word of God. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06
christian schools
By Karen Parks
Government of Twelve: Asher. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07
National Quartet Convention. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
October. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
November. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
children’s ministries
Early Childhood Education & Ministries
Curriculum for Toddlers through Kindergarten. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Wee Little Ones. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Children’s Ministries
Feast of Tabernacles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
GenerationWon: Programs and Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
GenerationWon: Hands-On Bible Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
GenerationWon: God’s Outdoors with Chester Moore . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
youth ministries
Middle School
FUSION Back-To-School Burger Bash: Recap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
High School
Trash Talk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
By Pastor Michael Fernandez
College & Career
Rise Above Your Enemies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
By Luis “Nino” Gonzalez
Contact Numbers
Cornerstone Church.................................. 490-1600
Adult Ministries......................................... 477-1550
CCS Elementary......................................... 979-6161
CCS Secondary........................................... 979-9203
CCS Kinder Campus................................... 499-1500
Children’s Ministry.................................... 499-1706
Discover The Difference............................ 493-9560
Early Childhood Ministries........................ 499-1607
Evangelistic Center.................................... 733-5259
Government of Twelve............................. 499-1770
Lost & Found Bibles.................................. 499-1615
Spanish Ministry (Iglesia Cornerstone).... 499-1654
JHM/TV Ministry....................................... 494-3900
College & Career Ministry......................... 499-1742
Joshua’s Generation.................................. 499-1615
Mother’s Day Out..................................... 499-1737
Music.......................................................... 499-1620
Pastoral Ministries.................................... 493-9535
Personnel................................................... 499-1732
Prayer Line................................................. 491-5100
Security...................................................... 499-1735
Reconciliation/Encounters........................ 499-1624
Special Events/Banquet Services.............. 499-1669
High School Youth Ministry...................... 499-1705
In The Spy Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
By Dr. Jerry Eshleman - Superintendent,
Cornerstone Christian Schools
CCS New Elementary Teachers. . . . . . . . 30
CCS New Basketball & Volleyball
Coaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Church Office & Pastoral Ministries Hours:
M–Th 8:30am–5:30pm
Weekly Schedule
Sunday Services, 8:30 & 11:00am, 6:30pm
Sunday School, 10:15am
Sunday Spanish Service, 2:00pm
Publishers: Pastor John and Diana Hagee
Editors: Pastor Matthew Hagee, Tina Ketterling,
Kathy Rudkin, Alan Hulme, Jodee Welch, Tish Tucker,
Design: Kathy Rudkin, Alan Belcher,
Irene Maag-Hernandez, Joshua Cervantes
Logo Design: Asaf Cuellar
Photography: Paul Wharton, Michelle Gorden,
Jennifer Jennings
Produced by: Rudkin Productions, Boerne, Texas
Circulation: Mailed free of charge to contributors
and community. Additional copies $3.00 each.
Correspondence: 18755 Stone Oak Parkway,
San Antonio, Texas 78258
All services offered in Spanish and sign language.
JOHN HAGEE MINISTRIES All rights reserved.
Pastor John and
Diana Hagee
Pastor Matthew and
Kendal Hagee
Are You Living a Life of
Purpose and Passion?
by Philip Fortenberry
What is God’s will for your life? The short answer to this
question (that is pondered by so many) is to serve Him with
your best today, because tomorrow is not guaranteed. While
that is a scripturally accurate answer, it falls short on how to
get this done. It also fails to tell a person where in the church
they should serve or to whom their service should be rendered.
Many people fail to start out in ministry because they don’t
know what to do or where to do it. Some start out trying
to pursue somebody else’s vision, but soon find that they
aren’t passionate for that vision. That can leave you feeling
unfulfilled or like your service to the Lord is a chore. What is the
problem? Many just don’t know what to do because they don’t
understand who they are; they feel stuck.
Are you stuck in a rut? Have you tried to pursue the Lord, but
something is wrong? Have you searched for the more abundant
life, but the abundance always seems just out of your grasp?
Have you gone from dreaming to persevering just trying to
make it to the end of the week…or the end of the day…or to
the next paycheck? Does it seem like holding on is all you can
do? Maybe you don’t even know what to be passionate about.
The troubles of this life can derail us from our God-given
purpose and passion. Jesus taught us that there would be
trouble in this world, but that He had overcome the world. In
Him we too can live as overcomers. Jesus came that we may
have a more abundant life, so that we can live above the
circumstances and not under them. Truthfully, many people
who attend church are not living an abundant life, a life of
passion and purpose. Many are doing their best to just hold on,
some have given up and others have quit coming to church all
What is the problem? You might think, “I know I’m saved and
I have participated in everything at the church and yet hope
seems fleeting at best. I have no passion and I don’t have a clue
what my purpose in the Kingdom of God is.”
When you do not know what to do, the first thing you should
do is to ask God to show you what you cannot see, what the
root source of your unhappiness is. Keep praying that until you
have the answer; once you start praying start searching for the
answer. Faith is action.
To live a life of passion and purpose, the first thing you must
understand is who you are. How would you answer the
question, “Who are you?” You might say:
1. I am a child of God Most High.
2. I am the son/daughter of _____________.
3. I am the father/mother of ____________.
4. I am an accountant or carpenter or whatever profession
you practice.
5. I was a marine.
But, none of these are who you are. These are roles that you
fulfill. These roles help to give you an identity, but they are not
who you are.
God created you as a unique individual. Not only do you look
different than other people, but you act differently, you think
differently and your inspirations are different than others. You
are a unique creation. God knit you together in the womb and
gave you a distinct personality. You are a one of a kind. That is
who God created you to be. That is who you are.
When you were young you had dreams, hopes and passions,
an eager anticipation of a fulfilling life to come. But, as life
happens, problems come and dreams begin to dwindle. A
life of hopeful expectation can quickly be turned into a life of
just getting by. Without the passionate expectancy of life, the
purpose of life can dissipate leaving you in a hopeless cycle of
To escape this downward cycle you first must realize God has
a purpose for your life. You are not here just to take up space.
God has uniquely gifted you and given you special talents to be
used for His glory.
1 Peter 4:10 (NKJV)
“As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as
good stewards of the manifold grace of God.”
God has not only uniquely created you, but He has also given
you a gift. Notice that your gift is to be used to minister to
others, to administer the grace of God to fellow believers. What
is your gift? What is your purpose? What unique personality did
God create within you? What are you most passionate to see
accomplished for His glory?
The answers to all of these questions are wrapped up in you.
You have everything you need to start out on an exciting life
filled with purpose and passion. But where do you begin?
First you need to examine who you are? What do you love?
What are your unique values? God has created you with a
unique set of values which make you, you. Your values are the
things that you love and that bring you the greatest joy.
Before you can pursue a vision of what you would love to
see done you need to first come to a deep and intimate
understanding of who you are and what you value. You will
be happiest pursuing a vision that matches your values, thus
giving you both passion and purpose within your vision. It will
not seem like a chore, but will be a pure delight.
The place where I see people really struggle the most is they do
not know who they are or what they value. Since they are fuzzy
on who they are, they cannot have a clear vision of what to
pursue for God’s glory. They are saved but have somehow lost
their way to their divine purpose. The good news is that it’s not
too late. You are still here on this Earth and God is not finished
with you yet. Your mission is not over. You can still live a life
of passion and purpose. Start by writing down the things you
value and then look for the best way to use the things you love
to serve the Lord. Then you will have a life filled with purpose
and passion.
If you feel like something is blocking your purpose and
passion, come to the next encounter hosted by the
Ministry of Reconciliation Encounter. It will be held
on October 17th-20th at Cornerstone Church. The
encounter will be in English, and Spanish interpretation
will also be available. Please call 210 499-1624 for more
information. Space is limited, so call today. You can
follow the encounter ministry on Facebook at:
The Word of God
“If we knew what God knows, we’d want what God wants.”
by Karen Parks
love the Word of God! I love how you read a passage one
day and then read it a few weeks later and it comes alive in
a new way with new meaning. That’s why Hebrews 4:12 is
such an amazing description of the Word, “For the word of God
is living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword,
piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of the joints
and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of
the heart.” Wow! I was thinking about the Scripture Pastor Matt
preached from a couple of weeks ago, Proverbs 29:18. “Where
there is no vision, the people perish.” As Pastor Matt preached,
this Scripture can be taken as a nation or as a personal vision.
In other words, NOTHING JUST HAPPENS! We need a vision
for our lives - for our future. And not only a vision but a God
vision. Several translations of that scripture say “prophetic
revelation” in place of vision. So, what is God’s vision for your
future? I can tell you right now if you have a vision for your
future that isn’t in line with God’s vision for you - you are not
going to be happy. You know how I know that? I recently heard
this statement, “If we knew what God knows, we’d want what
God wants.” That’s just the bottom line. We want, no we need to
know what God knows. He knows the best possible outcome
of the choices we must make. Daily choices. Pastor Matt read
Ephesians 5.10, “Find out what pleases The Lord.” The Message
version says, “Figure out what pleases The Lord and do it.” It
really is that simple. It means inquiring of The Lord as we read
what King David did when he needed to make decisions. It
means seeking God’s face - fasting and praying and waiting on
Him to direct your steps. I have found when there is a strong
desire within me for something GOD related it’s God. The devil
isn’t out to give you God assignments and usually your flesh
just wants to do what’s comfortable. I’m finding that God is
taking us out of our comfort zones - giving us assignments we
would not have ever thought of on our own. So what do we
do? We get our vision in line with God. We trust Him to open
doors, arrange divine appointments and divine connections.
We make ourselves available to Him and position ourselves to
listen and be willing to adapt to His plans, His ways. And when
we’re thrown a curve ball - the unexpected happens - and it will.
Just remember this, IT DIDN’T TAKE GOD BY SURPRISE!
Get your focus on Him and He’ll show you what the next step
will be. I love Psalm130:8, “The Lord will perfect that which
concerns me.” So when your vision needs some perfecting, well,
you know.
re you a college student? Maybe a senior citizen?
Somewhere in between? The Tribe of Asher has a place
for you, no matter the age or stage of your life. We
cordially invite you into our home with open arms. Asher has
great Bible Study groups all over the city of San Antonio and
surrounding areas, and we know how to have a good time.
We enjoy food, fellowship and great discussions centered
around the Word of God with Believers from every walk of life.
If you are weary in the middle of the week and need someone
to lift you up, swing by. If you are sick in the hospital, we want
to know about it. If you have children that are headed back to
school, we want to pray over them. The Tribe of Asher wants to
be a part of your extended family of Believers that stands in the
gap for you as we face the storms of life together.
Do you like to have good, clean fun and enjoy a delicious meal
with other Believers? Then call Perly at 210-499-1770 and find
out where a Bible Study is being held in your area. Don’t delay;
call us today! We have a spot reserved just for you!
Group Leaders
Ashe, Julius & Stephanie
Balagia, Jamie & Masae
Cavazos, Bardo & Rebecca
Dorsey, Andre’ & Melissa
Doxstater, Gary & Pat
Ferguson, Ernest & Ashley
Fuentes, Rafael & Lilly
Gross, Sue
Guerra, Jesse & Nancy
Hicks, Maurice & Eileen
Moore, Criss & Lynn
Ramirez, Norma
Richey, Waine & Sabrina
Trail, Norman & Tujwanda
Buckley, Donald & Margaret
Houston, Ben & Jacqueline
Martinez, Deborah
Roberts, Gene & Dina
Clark, Vicki
San Antonio
San Antonio
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San Antonio
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San Antonio
San Antonio
San Antonio
San Antonio
San Antonio
San Antonio
San Antonio
San Antonio
Tribe Leaders:
Norman & Tujwanda Trail
Meeting Day
Ladies Only
Ladies Only
Ladies Only
Ladies Only
Angel Tree
Volunteers needed
“Truly I say to you, if you did this to the least of them, you did it to me.” Matthew 25:40
ngel Tree is a program that provides Christmas gifts to children
whose parents are in prison. For many years, Cornerstone Church has
been one of the largest participants in the Angel Tree Program in the
San Antonio area. This year, Cornerstone Church will be providing gifts for
over 700 children. To accomplish this goal, we need your support!
During the months of October and November, Cornerstone Prison Ministry
will be distributing “Angels” to our members and congregants who wish to
participate in ministering to these children and their families through giving.
Angel Tree isn’t just about giving gifts, it is an evangelism tool as well. This
Christmas, each family will receive a Bible, and the volunteers who deliver the
gifts will have an opportunity to share the message of Christ’s love. Whether
you provide the gifts or volunteer, you are a part of this evangelism effort.
We Need Help With the Following Activities:
Administrative Duties
Data Entry
Phone Calls
Collecting, Sorting and Delivering Gifts
Visit our website:
or call: (210) 477-4711
and leave your name and a number where you can be contacted.
Diana Hagee & the Women of Esther
cordially invite you to our new semester of...
Naomi &Ruth
Discipleship School – 2013/2014 Session
“Awaking the Lioness Within”
Our NEW evening program for women ages 16 to 116. Join us on the first
Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm beginning October 1st for dinner, worship,
teaching and small group interaction. Childcare provided. Each session
includes dinner, journal notes, teaching and child care.
Register online at: www.sacornerstone.org
or in the Narthex.
EMPLOYMENT Opportunities
For Members of Cornerstone Church
John Hagee Ministries
cornerstone church
Employee Daycare Teacher
application Developers
Personnel Services Specialist
John Hagee Ministries | Full-Time
Produces and writes spots for broadcast television schedule. Other responsibilities
include writing, graphics creation and remote shoot. Expert knowledge of Apple
workstation, Microsoft Office, broadcast television cameras, and Adobe Creative
Suite is essential. Requires bachelor’s degree or relevant work experience.
John Hagee Ministries | Full-time
Research, design and implement systems according to user specifications.
Implement .net code and other various techniques to create, edit, test and update
projects. Requires extensive experience utilizing the following technologies: Visual
Studio 2008/2010 IDE, Microsoft Expression Studio, Photoshop, Illustrator, HTML,
CSS, JavaScript, J-Query, AJAX, Silverlight, Flash, Asp Classic, ASP.NET, ASP.NET
MVC3, Web Controls, C# -.Net Framework 3.5+, and WPF.
Broadcast Engineer/IT Technician
John Hagee Ministries | Full-time
Setup and assist with live productions in studio and on location. Adequate knowledge
of video routing system, switcher systems, and audio equipment is required. Assist
in the tracking and updating of firmware and software as it relates to production
equipment. Responsible for maintaining the infrastructure of an IT file management
system. Ability to trouble shoot equipment issues down to a board level is essential.
Requires four-year degree or relevant work experience in the IT or Broadcasting
Information Systems Technician
John Hagee Ministries | Full-time
Provide first level support to end users on a variety of hardware and softwarerelated issues in an effort to maintain a properly functioning computer desktop
environment. Job duties will include identifying, troubleshooting, researching and
resolving technical support problems as submitted to the IT department. Technician
will also be responsible for documenting, tracking and monitoring tech support
requests to ensure a timely resolution utilizing our advanced help desk ticketing and
tracking system. Minimum requirements include basic to intermediate experience
and proficiency with Microsoft Operating Systems, Office Application Suites and
other mainstream applications and technologies. Requirements also include basic
to intermediate knowledge and experience with PC-based computer hardware as
well as a fundamental understanding of networking technologies and protocols.
Experience with Apple Operating Systems and applications is also a plus.
Quality Assurance Software Testers
John Hagee Ministries | Casual Status
Develop and execute tests programmatically and procedurally to test all aspects of
custom software. Analyze test output, identify quality issues and clearly document
defects. Communicate with operators to fulfill programming software needs.
Cornerstone Church | Full-time Status
Organize and lead activities designed to promote physical, mental, spiritual and
social development. Supervise children’s safety and attend to basic needs including
but not limited to feeding, dressing and diapering. Effectively communicate with
parents and Daycare Coordinator. Childcare experience is required.
Cornerstone Church | Casual Status
Coordinate new employee processing. Assist with coordination and processing of
employee benefit enrollment. Develop, update and troubleshoot personnel forms
as required. Assist with training, implementing and updating personnel software,
policies and procedures.
Accounts Payable Clerk
Cornerstone Church | Full-time
Perform accounting and clerical tasks related to the efficient maintenance and
processing of accounts payable transactions. Requires 2 or more years’ experience
in accounts payable or as a full-charge bookkeeper.
Accounting Assistant
Cornerstone Church | Full-time
Formal education in the accounting field and 1- 3+ years accounting work experience
required. Excel and 10-key by touch a plus.
Cornerstone Church | Full-time
Perform journey level work in the painting, finishing and maintaining of a wide variety
of interior and exterior surfaces and structures. Operates, cleans and maintains all
painting equipment.
Cornerstone Christian Schools
bus drivers
Cornerstone Christian Schools | Full-time
Operate various types of buses and vehicles to transport students, employees
and guests between locations. Responsible for safety of passengers, maintaining
orderliness among passengers and following precise schedules. Commercial driver’s
license (CDL) with passenger and school bus endorsements required.
Substitute Teachers
Cornerstone Christian Schools
Implement prepared lesson plans and facilitate structured classroom environment
for grades K4 through 12th grade. A minimum of two years college course work
Extended Care Attendants
Cornerstone Christian Schools | Casual Status
Supervise safety and care of children in after school care program. Assist with
homework, arts and crafts, games and outdoor activities. Communicate effectively
with students, parents and faculty.
Qualified candidates may
apply online at
Contact the Personnel
Office at (210) 499-1732 or
[email protected].
FEast of
C e l e b r a t i n g
G o d ’ s
B l e s s i n g s
a n d
F a i t h f u l n e s s
October 25-27, 2013
he Celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles has
become an annual tradition at Cornerstone
Church. As Christians, it is important that we
understand our Jewish roots, the feasts and how
they apply to the Believer. The Feast of Tabernacles
or “Sukkot” is known as the feast of the booths or
temporary dwellings, when the Jewish males were
required to go to Jerusalem. Leviticus 23:33-43,
Numbers 29:12-39 and Deuteronomy 16:13-16 all
describe the details of this unique feast.
“Sukkot” commences the fifteenth day of “Tishri,”
five days after Yom Kippur or the day of Atonement.
It lasts seven days, with an eighth day, Sh’mini
Atzeret, spent as an added day of rest. This feast
occurs during late September or October.
Families build booths of palm branches, partly open
to the sky, to recall God’s blessings toward Israel
during the 40 years of wandering in the desert and
living in tents. The festival also celebrates the harvest
that previously took place at summer’s end, making
this feast a time of thanksgiving. The Puritans
modeled the American holiday of Thanksgiving after
It is always important to remember that the Feast of
Tabernacles’ major theme is joy and thanksgiving. So
join us for this joyful event – the Feast of Tabernacles.
We will be celebrating the joy, goodness and many
blessings of God. It is a celebration to be enjoyed by
both Christians and Jews alike. It will open your eyes
to what the Feast means to all of us.
Join us for a special time of celebration with Fun, Food
& Fellowship with a Midway full of Games, Food Booths,
FREE RIDES and Special Speakers as we
Celebrate God’s goodness for the
Feast of Tabernacles.
Special services each evening as follows:
Guest Speaker:
Dr. Creflo Dollar
Friday, October 25
at 7:30pm
Guest Speaker:
Dr. Creflo Dollar
Friday, October 25
at 7:30pm
Pastor John Hagee
Sunday, October 27
at 8:30am &
Guest Speaker:
Mike Huckabee
“A Night to
Honor Israel”
Sunday, October 27
at 6:30pm
Special music performance by The Isaacs
during “A Night to Honor Israel”
Cornerstone Church
18755 Stone Oak Parkway
San Antonio, Texas 78258
Plan on arriving early
for a good seat!
For more information call
(210) 490-1600
“For if the Gentiles have been partakers of their spiritual things, their duty
is also to minister to them in material things.” Romans 15:27
“A Night To Honor Israel” is a non-conversionary tribute to the
Nation of Israel and the Jewish people of the world. Its purpose
is to promote esteem and understanding between Christians and
Jews and to emphasize that the things we hold in common are
greater than the things we have allowed to separate us.
Guest Speaker:
Mike Huckabee
Special Music Performance by
Cornerstone Church
18755 Stone Oak Parkway, San Antonio, Texas 78258
Plan on arriving early for a good seat! | For more information call (210) 490-1600
Rabbi Scheinberg
Pastor John Hagee
Glenn Beck
O C T O B E R 2013 | C O R NE R S T O N E M A G A Z I N E
Join our College &
Career and Joshua’s
Generation Ministries
for an exciting time
of skiing and great
Christian fellowship.
at i o
re s t
only $655
Deposit: $100 by Sept. 6th
1st payment: $185 by Sept. 16th
2nd payment: $185 by Oct. 14th
Balance payment: $185 by Nov. 11th
includes: transportation, lodging,
lift tickets, ski rentals
more information: 210-499-1705 or 210-373-0343
O C T O B E R 2013 | C O R NE R S T O N E M A G A Z I N E
National Quartet
outhern Gospel’s largest event is the National Quartet
Convention (NQC) which historically has been held each
year at the Kentucky Fair and Expo Center in Louisville,
Kentucky. This is the final year for this legendary event to be held
in Louisville before moving to Pigeon Forge in 2014, and the
performances were simply outstanding. Fans of all ages flocked
from near and far to hear live performances of top recording
artists from the Gospel music industry. Top names like the
Gaither Vocal Band, Larry Gatlin and the Gatlin Brothers, Guy
Penrod and Jason Crabb took the stage to showcase their vocal
talents and bring honor to the King.
This Southern Gospel event is to Gospel music fans what the
Super Bowl is to football fans. It is truly something you have to
experience at least once in your lifetime; there is simply nothing
like it on the planet. The music filling the rafters is the very best
of the best, a true blessing to anyone in attendance. And after
the performances, fans can walk to rows upon rows of booths to
meet and greet their favorite recording artists. Very few diehard
fans are without their cameras and autograph books at the ready.
It truly is a time where fans can come from anywhere in the
world and meet their favorite artist face-to-face to just hug their
neck and have a friendly chat.
This year our very own Canton Junction took the stage and
brought the crowd to their feet. Singing songs like Dig a Little
Deeper and Son Shines Down on Me, they were definitely a
fan favorite. Canton Junction also participated in a sing-along
with Bill Gaither and the Gaither Vocal Band, which is simply
bringing together some of the top-ranked Gospel artists in the
God has certainly blessed the Difference Media artists with an
abundance of award nominations and opportunities to be heard
on radio and television outlets around the globe. Recently, Aaron
Crabb heard a song he wrote, “Glorify,” performed in Portuguese
by a choir in Brazil. It is nothing short of awe-inspiring to watch
as the Word of God is taken to the very ends of the earth.
Our artists truly are making a difference in the lives of
others by the almighty anointing of Jesus Christ!
Here is a list of just a few of the Dove nominations the
artists at Difference Media have received this year:
1. Song of the Year
a. Hold On by Canton Junction
b. I’m Learnin’ by Aaron and Amanda Crabb
c. Take Him to the Place by Aaron and Amanda Crabb
2. Inspirational Song of the year
a. Take Him to the Place by Aaron and Amanda Crabb
3. Southern Gospel Song of the Year
a. Hold On by Canton Junction
4. Country Song of the Year
a. I’m Learnin’ by Aaron and Amanda Crabb
5. Southern Gospel Album of the Year
a. Canton Junction by Canton Junction
6. Country Album of the Year
a. Mercy by Aaron and Amanda Crabb
Aaron and Amanda Crabb have also been nominated for the
top Vocal Duo award by the Inspirational Country Music
Awards. And Canton Junction won the 2013 Southern
Gospel Music Fan Award for New Excelling Artist.
Our Difference Media artists are blessed to be a blessing,
and God is using them in a very real and mighty way to
share His love in song. This year we have released several
new projects that will bless you and your friends. They are
a perfect birthday, anniversary or Christmas gift. If you
want to find a gift that will be the perfect size and will bless
someone for years to come, consider purchasing one of
these extraordinary CDs from Difference Media by logging
onto jhm.org and placing an order or calling our order line
at 800-854-9899.
May your holiday be richly blessed with the sounds
of praise to the King and worship that knows no limits!
O C T O B E R 2013 | C O R NE R S T O N E M A G A Z I N E
October 2013
•Morning Intercessory
•Mother’s Day Out
•IG Cornerstone
Mujeres en Oración
•Naomi and Ruth
AM Services
8:30 & 11:00 AM
•Sunday School
all ages 10:00 AM
•IG Cornerstone 2:00 PM
•Sunday Night 6:30 PMThe Isaacs in Concert
•Morning Intercessory
•Men’s Mentoring Mtg.
•Morning Intercessory
•Mother’s Day Out
•IG Cornerstone
Mujeres en Oración
•Joshua Generation
Prayer Service
AM Services
8:30 & 11:00 AM
•Sunday School
all ages 10:00 AM
•IG Cornerstone 2:00 PM
•Sunday Night 6:30 PM
AM Services
8:30 & 11:00 AM
•Sunday School
all ages 10:00 AM
•IG Cornerstone 2:00 PM
•Sunday Night 6:30 PM
Guest Speaker:
Congressman Tom Delay
AM Services
8:30 & 11:00 AM
•Sunday School
all ages 10:00 AM
•IG Cornerstone 2:00 PM
•Sunday Night 6:30 PM
Night to Honor Israel
Guest Speaker:
Governor Mike Huckabee
•Morning Intercessory
•Men’s Mentoring Mtg.
•Morning Intercessory
•Mother’s Day Out
•IG Cornerstone Mujeres
en Oración
•College & Career Service
•Morning Intercessory
•Ladies Bible Study
•Choir Rehearsal
•Evening Prayer
•IG Cornerstone
•Fusion Service
• Morning Intercessory
•Mother’s Day Out
•Reload - High School
New Members Class
•Morning Intercessory
•Men’s Power Breakfast
•IG Young Adults
•High School House
- Evangelistic Center
Fun Night
•Morning Intercessory
•Ladies Bible Study
•Choir Rehearsal
•Evening Prayer
•IG Cornerstone
•Fusion Service
•Morning Intercessory
•Mother’s Day Out
•Reload - High School
•Morning Intercessory
•IG Young Adults
•Morning Intercessory
•Mother’s Day Out
•Reload - High School
•Morning Intercessory
•Men’s Mentoring Mtg.
•Morning Intercessory
•Mother’s Day Out
•IG Cornerstone Mujeres
•Morning Intercessory
•Ladies Bible Study
•Choir Rehearsal
•Evening Prayer
•IG Cornerstone
•Fusion Service
•Morning Intercessory
•Mother’s Day Out
•Reload - High School
•Morning Intercessory
•Super Single Seniors
Game Day
•Morning Intercessory
•Ladies Bible Study
•Choir Rehearsal
•Evening Prayer
•IG Cornerstone
•Fusion Service
CORNERSTONE MA G AZI N E | octo ber 2 0 1 3
•Morning Intercessory
•Discover the Difference
•Morning Intercessory
•Mother’s Day Out
•Reload - High School
en Oración
& Career
Big Night
•Morning Intercessory
•Mother’s Day Out
•IG Cornerstone Mujeres
•Morning Intercessory
•IG Young Adults
•Morning Intercessory •Ladies Bible Study
•Choir Rehearsal
•Evening Prayer
•IG Cornerstone Family
en Oración
•College & Career Service
•The Blessed Life
•Morning Intercessory
•Guys Night Out -
Cruis’n Classic and
Custom Cars
•Morning Intercessory
•Feast of Tabernacles
Guest Speaker:
Creflo Dollar
•Morning Intercessory
•Feast of Tabernacles
Guest Speaker:
Paul Sheppard
November 2013
•Morning Intercessory
•IG Young Adults
AM Services
8:30 & 11:00 AM
•Sunday School
all ages 10:00 AM
•IG Cornerstone 2:00 PM
•Sunday Night 6:30 PM
AM Services
8:30 & 11:00 AM
•Sunday School
all ages 10:00 AM
•IG Cornerstone 2:00 PM
•Sunday Night 6:30 PM
Guest Speaker
Senator Rick Santorum
AM Services
8:30 & 11:00 AM
•Sunday School
all ages 10:00 AM
•IG Cornerstone 2:00 PM
•Sunday Night 6:30 PM
AM Services
8:30 & 11:00 AM
•Sunday School
all ages 10:00 AM
•IG Cornerstone 2:00 PM
•Sunday Night 6:30 PM
Thanksgiving Worship
•Meal of the Month
•Morning Intercessory
•Men’s Mentoring Mtg.
•Morning Intercessory
•Mother’s Day Out
•IG Cornerstone
Mujeres en Oración
•Naomi & Ruth
•College & Career Service
•Morning Intercessory
•Men’s Mentoring Mtg.
•Morning Intercessory
•Mother’s Day Out
•IG Cornerstone Mujeres
en Oración
•Joshua Generation
Prayer Service
•Morning Intercessory
•Ladies Bible Study
•Choir Rehearsal
•Evening Prayer
•IG Cornerstone
•Fusion Service
•Morning Intercessory
•IG Elegant Dinner for
•IG Young Adults
•Morning Intercessory •Ladies Bible Study
•Choir Rehearsal
•Evening Prayer
•IG Cornerstone Family
•Morning Intercessory
•Mother’s Day Out
•Reload - High School
•Morning Intercessory
•IG Young Adults
•Morning Intercessory
•Super Single Seniors
Game Day
Fun Night
•Morning Intercessory
•Ladies Bible Study
•Choir Rehearsal
•Evening Prayer
•IG Cornerstone
•Fusion Service
•Morning Intercessory
•Mother’s Day Out
•Reload - High School
•Morning Intercessory
•IG Young Adults
•Morning Intercessory
•Men’s Mentoring Mtg.
•Morning Intercessory
•Mother’s Day Out
•IG Cornerstone Mujeres
•Morning Intercessory
•Ladies Bible Study
•Choir Rehearsal
•Evening Prayer
•IG Cornerstone
•Fusion Service
en Oración
& Career
Big Night
•The Blessed Life
•Morning Intercessory
•Mother’s Day Out
•IG Cornerstone Mujeres
en Oración
•Morning Intercessory
•Mother’s Day Out
•Reload - High School
•Morning Intercessory
•Men’s Mentoring Mtg.
•Singles w/ Purpose
•College & Career Service
Midnight Prayer Vigil
octo b er 2013 | C OR N E R S T ONE M A GA Z I NE
Early Childhood
Education & Ministries
Curriculum for Toddlers
God helps us
Follow the adventures of the men and women who
conquer and settle the Promised Land.
The children will be encouraged to apply Biblical truths in practical
ways such as: showing their faith in God by helping others, carefully
listening to and follow instructions, trying to do something that’s
difficult for him or her and working hard to help his or her family.
October 6
The General: Joshua Leads God’s People
After Moses died, God made Joshua a strong, brave leader.
Children will:
Know – Joshua needed strength and courage to lead
God’s people into the Promised Land.
Feel – Brave to follow the Lord.
Do – Ask God for courage and strength to do what is right.
“Be strong and brave to lead God’s people.” –Joshua 1:6
October 13
The Rope: Rahab Hides the Spies
Rahab kept the spies safe because she trusted God.
Children will:
Know – Rahab believed in the Lord, so she hid the two
spies and helped them escape.
Feel – Confident that they can trust God to help
them help others.
Do – Show faith in God by helping people who are in need.
“Rahab hid the two spies at her house.” –Joshua 2:6
October 20
The Promised Land: God’s People Cross the River.
God stopped the river so His people could cross
on dry ground.
Children will:
Know – God’s people crossed the dry Jordan riverbed and
built an altar to remember His power.
Feel – Amazed that God is so mighty.
Do – Tell others about the ways God shows His great power.
“The water stopped and the people walked across
the Jordan River.” –Joshua 3:16
October 27
The Victory: Jericho’s Walls Fall Down
The Lord made the walls of Jericho fall down.
Children will:
Know – After God’s people marched around Jericho, God
made the city walls fall down.
Feel – Eager to follow God’s directions.
Do – Carefully listen to and obey instructions.
“The people shouted and the walls fell down.” Joshua 6:20
November 3
The Thief: God knew that Achan had stolen from Him.
Achan steals from God.
Children will:
Know – Because Achan had taken things from the Lord,
God’s people lost a battle.
Feel – Sad that stealing hurts people.
Do – Never take things that do not belong to them.
Achan said, “I have sinned by stealing from God!”
–Joshua 7:20
November 10
The Treaty: Joshua kept his promise not to fight
the Gibeonites.
Joshua keeps his promise.
Children will:
Know – Although the Gibeonites liked to Joshua
he did not break his promise to them.
Feel – Careful to only make promises they can keep.
Do – Keep all their promises.
“We will keep the promise we made.” –Joshua 9:19
November 24
The Judge: Deborah and Barak led God’s people
to defeat the Canaanites.
Deborah delivers God’s people.
Children will:
Know – God sent Deborah and Barak to lead
His people to victory.
Feel – Confident that God will help them when
they try difficult things.
Do – Attempt to do something that is difficult for them.
“Deborah went to battle with Barak.” –Judges 4:9
November 17
The Long Day: The Lord answered Joshua’s prayer
to make the sun stand still.
The sun stands still.
Children will:
Know – Joshua defeated the enemy because God
stopped the sun in the sky.
Feel – Assured that God will answer their prayers.
Do – Pray for God to help them do what He says.
“The sun stood still and the moon stopped.” –Joshua 10:13
Little Ones
Early Childhood has started a new curriculum for our infants through
toddler aged children. Modern research has concluded that babies
really can learn. I want our nurseries to be more than just a babysitting
service. It is our privilege to introduce the little ones to our great, big
wonderful God.
Very simple teaching techniques will enable our youngest children to
See What God Made and See What God Does.
The babies will be taught two foundational principles:
• God is the Creator of all things and everything He made is good.
• The Bible is true and it is God’s book for them.
Our mission is to develop future disciples and touch their lives with the
saving knowledge and Grace of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
The Month of October the children will learn that God made the Light.
During the month of November the children will learn that God made
the Sky and Clouds. Visuals, hands on objects, singing and music will
be used to instill the Word into the children.
Parents will receive a hand out the first Sunday of the month for that
month’s lesson. Use the hand out at home to reinforce the lesson the
children learned.
O C T O B E R 2013 | C O R NE R S T O N E M A G A Z I N E
Discover the
th G
Location: Life Center Gym
Friday, October 25 - 7:30 p.m.
Feast of Tabernacles Celebration
Discover what the Feast of Tabernacles is all about
and learn how God will always take care of you.
Saturday, October 26 – 7:30 p.m.
Simchat Torah Festival
Simchat Torah means rejoicing with the Torah.
Celebrate God’s Word and enjoy this exciting festival.
Sunday, October 27 – 6:30 p.m.
Night to Honor Israel Jr.
Become a CUFI Kid and demonstrate your love
for Israel. Experience the celebration and learn
the Biblical reasons we support Israel.
Each Celebration includes FREE snacks
and Extreme Games every night!
Doors open 30 minutes prior to service.
Teaching the Future Generation the
Importance offlLoving Israel
A Night To Honor
Teaching the Future Generation the Importance offlLoving Israel
located in the ark!
Early Childhood presents “Wee Honor Israel”
program for ages 3 through Kindergarten.
Our mission implies movement. Children move from an
experience (Salvation), to a discovery (Discipleship), to a
demonstration (Service). GenerationWON believes Biblical
discipleship is an ongoing process, and we strive to provide
services, programs and events that make that possible. We are
blessed to serve the families of our church and community by
offering these weekly programs and services:
GenerationWON considers it an absolute honor
to serve the children of Cornerstone Church. Your
child will see Jesus presented in a way this is fun and
relevant for his or her age. Our mission is to see this
generation WON for Jesus Christ! We ministers to
the spiritual needs of children in 1st – 8th grade and
we accomplish this by creating an atmosphere every
Sunday where children:
1. Experience the Father’s love
2. Discover their identity in Christ
3. Demonstrate the love of God toward others
3rd, 4th & 5th Grade
1st & 2nd Grade
KidZone consists of all children in 1st & 2nd grade. This
ministry is characterized by high-impact energy, engaging
worship/teaching and intentional small groups. Our
prayer is that children fully experience the Father’s Love
and build strong relationships with each other. For many
children, their experiences in KidZone are their first
memories of church. What a blessing it is to be a part of
establishing their perception of what church is all about.
• Children’s worship service at 8:30 am and 11:00 am in
the Life Center
• Small Groups at 10:00 am in the Life Center
• Children’s Choir available at 6:00 pm in the Life Center
• Bible activity program at 6:30 pm in the Life Center
One2One is our special needs program for
children in 1st – 5th grade. This ministry is
characterized by one-on-one relationships
and appropriate worship. We structure
the program as an inclusion program,
which will allow children with special
needs to attend our regular elementary
children’s services and/or to participate
in a small classroom setting with a flexible
schedule of activities. It is our desire to
meet the needs of every family and child
who attends Cornerstone Church.
Visit www.generationwon.com
or facebook.com/generationwon
for more information.
REVOLUTION consists of children in 3rd – 5th grade. This
ministry is characterized by exciting multimedia, life-changing
worship/teaching and lots of interaction. Our hope is that
children discover their identities in Christ and become fully
devoted disciples of Christ. For children, these pre-teen
years are a formidable time of self-discovery. the foundation
established in this ministry will prepare them to boldly stand
in Middle School, High School and beyond.
• Children’s worship service at 8:30 am and 11:00 am in the
Life Center GYM
• Small Groups at 10:00 am in the Life Center
• Children’s Choir available at 6:00 pm in the Life Center
• Bible activity program at 6:30 pm in the Life Center
• New Revolution Praise Team – Contact Pastor Greg Sarchet
6th, 7th & 8th Grade
FUSION consists of children in 6th – 8th grade. This ministry is characterized
by strong relationships, powerful worship and relevant teachings. FUSION
is all about US. It’s about a community of middle school youth who have
experienced and discovered the life Jesus has offered. Our desire is that
young people become so passionate for God that they begin to demonstrate
the love of God towards others. We pray that church is no longer just
something their parents take them to; rather it is the place they belong.
• FuSED Discipleship at 10:00 am in the Praise Center
• Cornerstone Youth Service at 11:00 am in the Praise Center
• The Difference Service with Pastor Matthew Hagee in the Main Sanctuary
• Fusion Wednesday night Service at 6:00 pm in the Youth Center
*Tutoring Available for homework
• Fusion Worship Band – Contact Pastor David Cameron
O C T O B E R 2013 | C O R NE R S T O N E M A G A Z I N E
Come experience the FUN
so you can live the TRUTH!
1st – 5th graders, check our new Hands-On Bible
program on Sunday Night. Every Sunday we take
over the Life Center to create a fun Bible activity
program. Our teachers have learned to teach like
the Ultimate Pro – JESUS! When Jesus taught,
He used everyday objects like coins, fish and
plants to help people remember God’s truth. Our
Hands-On Bible program does the same thing.
We use everyday items that we like to call “gizmos” to help kids learn the Bible. In addition to an
exciting hands-on Bible activity, children will also
enjoy games and activities in the Life Center Gym
that re-enforce the lesson.
Join us next Sunday at 6:30pm
in the Life Center!
GenerationWON hosted wildlife expert Chester Moore during our
morning children’s services. Chester hosts the TV show God’s Outdoors
which is a cutting-edge Christ-centered program that glorifies the
Creator by giving the viewer unique insight into the world’s wildlife.
Chester traverses the wild grounds, encounters nature’s most majestic
and frightening creatures and shares an intense passion for Christ and
His Creation.
Chester and his God’s Outdoors team delighted the children of
Cornerstone with snakes, spiders, turtles, hedgehogs, ferrets, and more.
He engaged the children with the animals all the while depositing the
truth of God’s Word in their hearts. It was an honor to host a man with
such passion for God and His creation.
God’s Outdoors
is available on GETV.
It airs at 10:00am
Saturday mornings.
O C T O B E R 2013 | C O R NE R S T O N E M A G A Z I N E
ur back-to-school burger bash was loads of fun!
We loaded up our plates with every hamburger
topping imaginable and filled our hearts with
a great word brought to us by Mrs. Diana Hagee. A
special thanks to the more than 400 students and their
parents who joined us for a night of fun and worship.
What a great way to pray in the new school year! You
have to know that all of heaven is smiling when they
see the kids of the Kingdom celebrating the goodness
of the Lord!
Outside in the beautiful Texas sunshine, we had lots of
inflatables, a foam pit, all kinds of sporting events and
plenty of burgers to go around. Even the triple-digit
heat couldn’t deter us from having a blast!
The following week we took a quick break from our
normal Wednesday night service to allow the students
a chance to get used to their new school schedules.
For two Fridays in a row, we enjoyed Fusion under the
stars. No one wanted to go home we were having so
much fun!
We had a shaving cream fight that made most everyone
in the parking lot completely unrecognizable! Aaron
Crabb blessed us by speaking and then joining in on
the shaving cream mania. We held this spectacular
night outside so that the shaving cream didn’t creep
back into the building, and by the end of the night we
all needed an extended shower.
What didn’t wash off that night was our deep desire to
praise the Lord in all that we say and do, to show Him
how much we love Him and to reach out to the new
visitors that continue to show up at Fusion week after
If you haven’t joined us for any of these great events,
please call our office at 210-499 1736 to find out about
our upcoming events. Once you try us on for size, you
won’t want to leave. Fusion is taking fun and worship
to a whole new level. Come on by and bring a friend!
You will be so glad that you did!
O C T O B E R 2013 | C O R NE R S T O N E M A G A Z I N E
by Pastor Michael Fernandez
rash talking is usually seen in the area of competition, where
someone tries to gain a mental advantage over their opponent
by speaking negatively and arrogantly about them. This type of
talking is meant to beat down, discourage and plant seeds of doubt
concerning their abilities. It’s called Trash Talk because that’s exactly
what it is, trash. There is nothing positive, uplifting or encouraging
about it. There are Trash Talkers all around us that take joy in speaking negatively about people in order to make themselves look good.
This is not only hurtful but ungodly because we are to be people
that display the character of Christ. Whoever said, “Sticks and stones
may break my bones, but words will never hurt me,” was wrong. The
truth is, words are powerful and have the ability to build people up
or destroy them.
There are at least two things we must understand when dealing with
Trash Talk:
1.) We Can’t Underestimate the Power of Words—Proverbs
The tongue has the power of life and death,
and those who love it will eat its fruit.
According to Scripture, words can give and take away life. The things
we declare over others can slowly kill or build people up. Others
don’t choose our words, we do that ourselves. We must choose to
be life-givers through what we say. Our words are seeds that grow
into actions and identities. This is important to understand because
what we say or declare over someones life may shape his or her
belief system. Words affect our attitudes and perspective. They are
powerful because the have the ability to shape the way we view
ourselves and others.
I Kings 19:2-4
So Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah to say, “May the gods deals
with me, be it ever so severely, if by this time tomorrow I do not
make your life like that of one of them.”
Elijah was afraid and ran for his life. When he came to Beersheba in
Judah, he left his servant there, while he himself went a day’s journey
into the wilderness. He came to a broom bush, sat down under it and
prayed that he might die. “I have had enough, Lord,” he said. “Take my
life, I am no better than my ancestors.”
The great man of God, Elijah ran away from a woman because of her
words towards him. She tried to throw seeds (words) of death on
him, and he accepted those words instead of rejecting them. Don’t
allow people to declare curses on you, rather reject them and accept
what God’s Word says about you. Elijah spoken negatively over
himself, while receiving the same from his enemy, when he wished
that he were dead. He was speaking and acting defeated even before
anything happened. He was defeated mentally through the Trash
Talk of Jezebel. Reject Jezebel’s Trash Talk and receive what God says
about us.
Lastly, when dealing with Trash Talk we must remember that:
2.) Trash Is Meant To Be Thrown Out—Proverbs 15:1
“A soft answer turns away wrath, But a harsh
word stirs up anger.”
Our response to someone’s Trash Talk is up to us. We can receive or
reject it. As in a lot of things in life, we must take in the good and leave
the bad. We may not be able to stop the attempts of verbal trash
being thrown towards us, but we can make up our mind to reject
those words. Our soft answer will filter the negative attempts of
others over our lives. Since words can stir up emotion and attitudes,
we would do well to respond in love. The expression of “killing them
with love” certainly applies here.
I’m reminded of the actions of Boaz. He choose to speak and act kindly
towards Ruth and how those words impacted her forever. What we
say over people can positively change someone’s life forever.
Ruth 2:13
Boaz speaks blessing over her life to a need-driven Ruth “May I
continue to find favor in your eyes, my lord,” she said. “You have
put me at ease by speaking kindly to your servant-though I do
not have the standing of one of your servants.”
In closing, I grew up in a Mexican family that regularly ate rice
and beans. As a child, I would help my grandmother separate the
uncooked beans before they went into the pot. We had to examine
and remove beans and objects that could not be cooked (like rocks
or cracked beans). In the same way, we must accept what is good
and reject what does not belong. Words are powerful and can’t be
underestimated. When dealing with Trash Talk, remember we are to
throw out trash and not keep it.
Rise Above
Your Enemies
By Luis “Nino” Gonzalez
n life we are confronted with people who oppose us, disagree
with us and sometimes take advantage of us. I think we can agree
such people are difficult to associate with. However while what
others do to us may be wrong we are instructed through scripture to
respond to our enemies in a certain way.
1. Love your enemies:
“If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him
something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his
head.” 21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”
— Romans 12:20-21
2. Do good to your enemies:
The greatest way for us to rise above our enemies isn’t to respond
with hatred or animosity, but to respond with what is true and good.
So how can we rise above our enemies? We’ve shared six ways to our
students found in Luke 6:27-31.
While we don’t have to love their actions, we are called to love them.
Jesus told his disciples in John 13:35 that others would know they
were followers of Him through their love. When your enemies see the
love of God through you it will soften their hearts.
Your enemies will continue to do the same thing if they see they get
the same negative response out of you. It assures them that whatever
they’re doing is working. So take the high road. 1 Peter 3:11 instructs
us to turn from evil and to pursue peace.
3. Bless your enemies:
The word bless can be translated: to speak positively about. As
believers we must realize the power in our words. The Bible says
in Proverbs 18:21 that our tongue has the power of life and death.
Speaking negatively about others will never change them. But
speaking positively releases God’s work over their lives.
4. Pray for your enemies:
Prayer not only helps our enemies, but it also helps us. Prayer gives
us peace in the conflicts we face while petitioning God to intervene.
James 5:16 says the prayers of the righteous are able to heal and
have great power as they are at work.
5. Give to your enemies:
For some of us that may sound crazy. After all why should we give to
people who don’t deserve anything? Consider our lives before Christ.
We didn’t deserve God’s redemption, but Romans 5:8 says while we
were sinners God gave us His son to redeem us. Our enemies may
not deserve anything, but giving to them will often lead them to
6. Respect your enemies:
When we watch movies or TV we often expect the worst when it
comes to enemies. But we must realize enemies are people with
feelings and emotions. Our enemies often hurt others because they
themselves are hurt. So rather than expect the worst for them, show
them you respect them.
Be encouraged to be the difference maker in your enemy’s lives by
demonstrating an attitude like Jesus. In doing so you will rise above
the relational conflicts you face and will demonstrate to those around
you that evil can be conquered by good.
Luis “Nino” Gonzalez
Associate Youth Pastor
O C T O B E R 2013 | C O R NE R S T O N E M A G A Z I N E
The Cornerstone
Academy of Fine Arts
would like to present their
teachers of private lessons
Monica Kiss -Voice
Monica Kiss is a native of Memphis, Tennessee.
She began her music career at the age of
twelve playing clarinet in junior high school.
After suffering a knee injury her freshman
year in high school and unable to participate
in marching band, she chose to participate
in choir as an alternative. This choice led her
to discover her gift for voice. At the age of
fourteen, she began studying classical voice
formally. Ms. Kiss earned her bachelor’s degree
in Music Education from Texas State University
and has over twenty-four years of voice
training specializing in operatic voice. She has had performance
experiences in opera theatre with Texas State University, the
University of Memphis, Memphis Vocal Arts Ensemble, and Opera
Memphis as well as solo performances at other venues. Ms. Kiss
now devotes her time and talents to her Lord Jesus Christ in vocal
performance and the training of her private students here at
Shelby Stevens - Dance
Shelby Stevens has been dancing for 17
years and teaching dance professionally
for 6 years. She is a full-time student at San
Antonio College. At the age of nine, she
danced as a snowflake with the Moscow
Ballet in their production of the Nutcracker.
In 2006, she was awarded the Demitria
Linares Memorial Ballet Scholarship, which
furthered her passion for dance. Shelby
trained under the instruction of Rosemary
Tatum, Doria Avila, Nicole Zezima, Reggie
Milam, Natalie Ortiz, Julie Morton-Simpson,
Lanore Hensley and Scott Conway. In 2010,
she attended many different dance conventions where she studied
Lyrical, Jazz, Modern, Contemporary, Hip Hop, and Ballet from Mia
Michaels, Tyce Diorio, Joey Dowling, Dave Scott, Cris Judd, and Judy
Rice. Shelby is currently heavenly involved in the Music Ministry
as well as the Visual and Preforming Arts Ministry of Cornerstone
Church. Shelby is excited to spread her love of dance to the
Cornerstone Academy of Fine Arts.
Lawrence Alaniz- Guitar, Drums,
and Wind Instruments
Lawrence Alaniz is a veteran Band
Director with over 35 years experience in
playing and teaching oboe, flute, clarinet,
saxophone, trumpet, trombone, baritone,
percussion, guitar, piano and beginner
violin. He has been a director of bands at
the elementary, middle school and high
school levels. He obtained Certification,
through The Naval Amphibious Base,
Military School Of Music in 1987. He has
been a member of Cornerstone Church &
Orchestra since 1999.
Arkadiy Grinman- Piano
Originally from former Soviet Union where we
got his Master’s degree in Piano and History,
Mr. Grinman came to the United States in 1991.
After making San Antonio his home he became
an American Citizen in 1997.
Education has been his passion and core activity
during the last 20 years.
He enjoys teaching piano to students of
different ages and wide variety of levels. He
developed a carrier-teaching piano at San Antonio School for
Performing Arts (SASPA) where besides his dedication to students
he has participated on several plays supporting the music
He is the Choir Director at Oak Meadow Methodist Church, and
supports services as accompany piano at Temple Beth-El Sinagogue.
During the last 5 years he has been teaching piano at Cornerstone
Church. He is married and has two children.
For more information on the Cornerstone
Academy of Fine Arts, please contact Lauren Garcia
at [email protected]
or at 210-499-1771
In the
Long before the NSA or WikiLeaks ever came along people
have been in the spy business. The Bible is a great source
for stories of espionage. One of the greatest was the story
of Joshua and Caleb and the report they brought back after
spying out the land. Let’s examine 3 unique phases of that
story and see what it may mean to us today. Let’s begin at
the beginning...Numbers 14
The Promise – You probably remember the story. Moses sent 10
spies into the land to determine what was there and what the enemy
was like. Eight of the spies focused on the size and ferocity of the enemy.
While only two of the spies looked at what could be gained. In Numbers
14 we come upon the scene in which the eight have given their sad,
dreadful report and fear swept over the people. However, let’s take
a look beginning with verse 6, “Joshua son of Nun and Caleb son of
Jephunneh, who were among those who had explored the land, tore
their clothes and said to the entire Israelite assembly, “The land we
passed through and explored is exceedingly good. If the Lord is pleased
with us, he will lead us into that land, a land flowing with milk and honey,
and will give it to us. Only do not rebel against the Lord. And do not be
afraid of the people of the land, because we will devour them. Their
protection is gone, but the Lord is with us. Do not be afraid of them.”
It gets even better. God sees Caleb’s heart and gives him a promise.
Verse 24 states, “But because my servant Caleb has a different spirit and
follows me wholeheartedly, I will bring him into the land he went to, and
his descendants will inherit it.” Wow what a promise! With that God’s
people begin to wage war.
The Victory – Next, we flash forward 45 years Joshua 14. The
battle is over. God’s people have been victorious. Moses is dead and
Joshua now leads Israel. Next we see Caleb come back into view. Let’s
take a look, beginning in verse 7, at what he says as the victorious,
battle-hardened general says to his commander and chief, Joshua. “You
know what the Lord said to Moses the man of God at Kadesh Barnea
about you and me. I was forty years old when Moses the servant of the
Lord sent me from Kadesh Barnea to explore the land. And I brought him
back a report according to my convictions, but my fellow Israelites who
went up with me made the hearts of the people melt in fear. I, however,
followed the Lord my God wholeheartedly. So on that day Moses swore
to me, ‘The land on which your feet have walked will be your inheritance
and that of your children forever, because you have followed the Lord
my God wholeheartedly. Now then, just as the Lord promised, he has
kept me alive for forty-five years since the time he said this to Moses,
while Israel moved about in the wilderness. So here I am today, eightyfive years old! I am still as strong today as the day Moses sent me out;
I’m just as vigorous to go out to battle now as I was then. Now give me
this mountain that the Lord promised me that day.” That “mountain”
Caleb wants is known as Hebron. Let’s jump forward one more time and
see what significant figure we find living in Hebron.
The Legacy – In 2 Samuel 5, starting with verse 1, we see David’s
rise to power. “All the tribes of Israel came to David at Hebron and said,
“We are your own flesh and blood. In the past, while Saul was king over
us, you were the one who led Israel on their military campaigns. And
the Lord said to you, You will shepherd my people Israel, and you will
become their ruler. When all the elders of Israel had come to King David
at Hebron, the king made a covenant with them at Hebron before the
Lord, and they anointed David king over Israel.” From there, we know
the rest of the story of the tremendous exploits of David and what a
special place he had in the eyes of God.
Here’s the point. First, in order to see God’s promises for us, it often
requires vision. In Numbers 14, 80% of spies reported that they could
not take the land! How well do we handle negative, overwhelming
reports? Caleb, however, had vision. He saw what could be. He saw
life the way God saw life and was blessed for it. Second, victory almost
always requires a fight. Joshua 14 shows Caleb, then 85 years old and no
doubt scared from years of battle was still ready for more. Your family,
your children, your home and your God are all definitely worth fighting
for. However, don’t be surprised if the battle isn’t over in a day, a week or
a year. Caleb stayed with it for 45 years! Lastly, because of Caleb’s vision
and his willingness to fight for the victory, we see a legacy established.
We find David in the very spot Caleb was promised. However, the
legacy David’s reign set in motion for all of Israel was there because of
a predecessor. That person was Caleb. What legacy are you giving your
children and grandchildren? What will they become because of your
willingness to have vision and fight for them? Who will they, in turn,
influence for the Kingdom? What great things will they accomplish? We
are proudly in the spy business at Cornerstone Christian Schools! At CCS
we help YOU build legacy everyday because we have the same heart.
Come to CCS and be...a spy like us!
by Dr. Jerry Eshleman
- Superintendent of
Cornerstone Christian Schools
O C T O B E R 2013 | C O R NE R S T O N E M A G A Z I N E
Aloha Dominguez is a new second
grade teacher at CCS. She brings over six
years of experience in the education field.
She received a B.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies
from the University of Texas at San Antonio,
and is certified in early childhood education.
Jordan Jones graduated from the
University of Texas at Austin with a degree
in English and minor in communication. She
completed an alternative teaching certification
program called iTeachTexas and is currently in
her first year of teaching K4.
Julie Hawkins is a new K4 teacher. She
earned a B.A. in Speech Communication at
Baylor University and is proud to join CCS after
completing her first year of training at ESC
Region 20. Julie is certified in early childhood
through 6th grade.
Hannah Snow is a new kindergarten
teacher. She joins CCS as a first year teacher
after graduating with her B.A. in Elementary
Education and an A.A. in Early Childhood
Education from Southwestern Assemblies
of God University. Miss Snow is certified by
the state to teach pre-k through 6th grade
and holds full certification through ACSI.
Hannah Snow has also served as president
of the local chapter of Kappa Delta Pi, the
International Honors Society for Educators
for the last two years.
Valerie Reavis is a new second grade
teacher. Prior to teaching at CCS, she taught
in the early childhood grades for five years in
Somerset, Texas. She also spent three years as
an early intervention specialist with Easter Seals
in San Antonio. This past year, she taught fourth
grade in Honolulu, Hawaii. Mrs. Reavis earned
a B.A. in Psychology from Our Lady of the Lake
University and a M.S. in Psychology from Walden
University. She earned her teaching certification
for grades pre-k-6th through the University of
Texas at San Antonio. For the past six years, she
has had the opportunity to live in Costa Rica,
Republic of Georgia, Germany, and Hawaii.
Caitlin Burress is a new K4 teacher. She
joins our faculty at CCS after student teaching
with us last year in K5. She earned a B.A. in
Communication from Texas A&M University in
Corpus Christi, and a M.A. in Education from
Schreiner University in Kerrville. She is certified
to teach early childhood through sixth grade.
Nicole Petrarca is a new second grade
teacher. She joins CCS after serving for three
years in elementary schools in Brownsville
and San Antonio, Texas. She earned a B.B.A in
Marketing and Early Childhood Education from
the University of Texas at Brownsville and is
certified in bilingual early childhood through
fourth grade. Before being called to teach, she
and her husband worked with youth and were
motivational speakers across the country for
Silver Ring Thing. She is also the proud mother a
beautiful little girl.
Anna Silva is a new first grade teacher.
She joins CCS after serving for five years in
elementary schools in San Antonio, Texas. She
earned a M.S. in Reading from Texas A&MSan Antonio and is certified in early childhood
through eighth grade.
Maggie Suarez received a Bachelor of
Science in Interdisciplinary Studies with a
specialization in early childhood education
from Texas State University. She also obtained
a Master of Education from Park University
in 2009. She is certified to teach grades prekindergarten through sixth grade in the state
of Texas and has experience working with
kindergarten through third grade. As a Marine
wife, she moved three times in the last 10 years
while raising her two children, Alyssa, 8 and
Gage, 4. The family has recently moved back
to their hometown, San Antonio, where she
currently teaches third grade.
Lauren Tuckett is a new first grade
teacher. She joins CCS after serving for two years
in elementary schools in Hearne, Texas. She
earned a B.A. in Early Childhood Education from
Texas A&M University and is certified in early
childhood through fourth grade.
new teacher bios
Ruth Humbert is a new third grade teacher. She earned a B.A. in Christian Education from
Northland International University, Dunbar, WI,
a M.S.E. in Literacy and Language K-6 from Kaplan University and at the present she is working
on her ED.S. in Curriculum and Instruction from
Liberty University. She is certified to teach K-6
grade. She is married to Kenny Humbert and has
two sons, both in college. She is blessed to be
teaching at Cornerstone Christian Schools.
Pat Crow is a new fifth grade teacher. He
joins CCS after 32 years in public school where
he taught many different grade levels and
assignments. He earned his B.S. from TCU in
elementary and special education. His master’s
degree from TCU is in computer education.
He was a founding member of Cornerstone
Christian School (of no relation to CCS) in Fort
Worth, Texas.
Zoë Bell is a new fourth grade teacher. She
joins CCS after earning a B.A. in Early Childhood
Education and A.A. in Bible from Southwestern
Assemblies of God University in Waxahachie,
Texas. She is certified in early childhood through
sixth grade.
Tiesha Bell is a new physical education
teacher. She joins CCS after serving for one year at
Alamo Heights ISD. She earned a B.S. in Kinesiology
from University of Texas at San Antonio and is
certified in physical education EC-12.
Beverly Martinez Montalvo is a
new first grade teacher. She joins CCS after
serving for five years in elementary schools
here in San Antonio, Texas. She earned a B.A.
in Interdisciplinary Studies from the University
of Texas at San Antonio and is certified in early
childhood through fourth grade.
Theresa Munguia is a new third grade
teacher. She earned a B.A. in Interdisciplinary
Studies from University of Texas at San Antonio
and is certified to teach EC-6. She has been
married for 20 years and has two sons, one in
college and the other in first grade. She is blessed
to be a part of Cornerstone Christian Schools.
Christine Brinkman is a new CCS teacher
and is teaching third grade this year. She just
moved back to her hometown after spending eight
years in Austin. This is her fifth year teaching and
ministering to children and she is so blessed to be
a fellow Warrior and looks forward to what God
has planned for the school year.
new coach bios
Andrew and Corine Baker
Andrew Baker joins CCS athletics after relocating from Tulsa,
Oklahoma. He has six years of experience as a basketball coach. Five
of those years he was the head coach of a 4A program in Tulsa where
the program had four local appearances and two state tournament
appearances, including a semi-final showing. Prior to coaching,
Andrew played collegiate basketball at Howard Payne University.
Andrew believes that coaching is a ministry in which he can teach
players skills they can use on and off the court as ambassadors of
Christ. He looks forward to the coming season and the opportunities
God has for CCS basketball.
The athletic department also welcomes Corine Baker, who will be
teaching middle school computer as well as coaching the varsity
volleyball team and assisting with girls basketball team. Corine
graduated from Victory Christian High School in Tulsa, Oklahoma,
where she was awarded all-state in basketball and volleyball, and
then went on to play basketball at Oral Roberts University. After
graduation, she was blessed to continue to play basketball in
Iceland, as well as travel with ORU, Athletes in Action, and Crossover
Ministries to share the gospel with children in Germany, Mexico, and
the Czech Republic. This opportunity helped her realize her passion
for coaching and teaching, so she returned home to teach and coach
at a 4A Christian School in Tulsa, Oklahoma. It was during that time
that Corine and Andrew met, and now they have two amazing kids,
Noah (3) and Kyla Joy (1).
O C T O B E R 2013 | C O R NE R S T O N E M A G A Z I N E
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Join pastor
and his special Guests
at cornerstone church
Sunday Service 6:30 pm
October 20, 2013
Tom Delay is a former member of the United States
House of Representatives, representing Texas’s 22nd
congressional district from 1984 until 2006.
November 10, 2013
Rick Santorum was a candidate for the
Republican nomination for President of the
United States in 2012 and became known as
a voice for conservatives who didn’t feel their
voice was being represented.
Prior to running for President, Rick served in
the U.S. House of Representatives from 1991
to 1995, and in the U.S. Senate from 1995 to
2007 where he was known as one of the most
successful government reformers in our history.