Cornerstone Connections - The Cornerstone Rescue Mission


Cornerstone Connections - The Cornerstone Rescue Mission
30 Main St.
PO Box 2188
Rapid City, SD 57709
[email protected]
July 2015
Cornerstone Connections
Our Ministry First program and our mission statement are very similar. Both are designed to lead our guests and staff
to a successful, balanced and interdependent life with Christ. We have always strived not only to meet the physical
needs but the emotional and spiritual needs of the people we serve as well. Making that connection is not easy with
those that have been on the streets and mistreated, understandably having a difficult time with trust. We look at them
as someone’s mom or dad, brother or sister, son or daughter. They are precious human beings who are suffering in
immeasurable ways, each one with their own very unique story.
Connecting through an activity is a great way to present the gospel, remove barriers and instill some hope. Taking a
walk, getting some fresh air, add an ice cream cone and you can open the door for a nice chat. Doing some crafts or
playing disc golf are some options too. This is not revolutionary or complicated, it can even begin with a question:
“What can I do to help you”? It is part of the process of building a relationship that will build trust and safety. And
eventually helping someone find Jesus and more hope than they’ve known without Him.
Currently we are offering “A School of Discipleship” at a church where the idea is to “serve and be served”. A group
of about 12-15 men from the mission get to go to a church, have a meal and enjoy a teaching time. We are starting a
“Linked-up Program” to link up women awaiting court dates who are needing a friend to encourage them during this
time. We are also looking for Interest Groups who would be interested coming along side our guests to share the love of
Christ. Josh Bond can link you up with ideas for making connections with Cornerstone guests. Please consider sending
an email to Josh at [email protected] for more information.
Worship Service on Wednesday at 6:30 in the chapel (Cornerstone Church) seems to be a favorite. This is a transitional
worship service for any individuals and families who, for whatever reason, have not linked with a local congregation.
We believe the local congregation is the ideal place for most people, yet know that problems vary as to why people are
unable to attend local church services. Bible studies are an ongoing part of the chapel at the mission and at the Women
and Children’s Home.
Thank you for investing in the people we serve - those who are trying to escape the disaster of homelessness. You are
helping them climb out of an underworld that is evil and join a world of health and hope.
At Cornerstone it is
our mission to help
displaced families
and individuals that
come to us for help.
We hope to provide a
little comfort in their
time of need. Many of us may feel a pillow may seem insignificant; a “luxury” we
don’t think about. Many of the families
at the Women and Children’s home, and
the men at our Mission, would appreciate the comfort of a pillow to end their
We need new or gently used pillows
for our Women’s and Children’s home
and the Men’s Mission. Non-feathered
pillows are preferred, as they wash better.
Both of these facilities are normally full
to capacity, so the need is always present
and real. Please help us fill this comfort
need for those who are experiencing
hardships at this time. Drop off for your
pillow donation to: Cornerstone Rescue
Mission Admin. Offices 401- 11th
Street, Rapid City SD.
Please contact Stephanie for more information at 605-718-8712 or
e-mail to [email protected].
Needs List
30 Main St.
Eggs • Pepper • Egg noodles • Canned fruit
Milk - fresh or dry milk
Meat • Butter or margarine
Toothpaste & deodorant • Razors
30 Main St.
Shaving cream & razors • Shoes & boots, all sizes
Back packs • Underwear and T-shirts
Many Thanks
It seems quite often we come across amazing people at
the Cornerstone Rescue Mission– and Cindy Cooke
is one of them. Cindy is the owner of Trisha Waldron
Designs, which is a wholesale jewelry company based
in Rapid City. She contacted Cornerstone about doing
a jewelry fundraiser where 25% of the proceeds were
donated to the Cornerstone Women & Children’s
Home. In addition to this event, she has made many
generous donations to our thrift store.
We want to thank Cindy and all the generous donors
who continually give to Cornerstone. We thank God
daily for you.
Kleenex & tampons • Mosquito repellent
Diapers size 3 • Baby lotion & baby wipes
Tomato/spaghetti sauce
Towels • Twin size comforters
Shampoo & Conditioner • Bus Passes
1220 East Blvd.
Queen size mattress pads • Queen size beds/frames
Vacuums • Kitchen chairs/tables
2901 Wisconsin Avenue
Drying rack or drying line for art projects
Mosquito spray • Electric griddle
Sippy cups/small plastic glasses
Small bowls • Boy and girl underpants
Size 5 or 6 diapers & pull ups
Toy storage containers • Ziploc bags (all sizes)
Large muscle toys (jump ropes, hula hoops,
Parachute, ring toss, large plastic balls
Do you have a group that wants to help out at
Cornerstone? We invite you to bring food, cook
and serve a meal in our remodeled kitchen!
Supper for the First Monday of every month
Call Maryam at 341-2844 for more information.
Supper for the Second Tuesday of every month
Lunch for the Second Sunday of the month on every other month.
Thank you!!
Much Needed Hope
The Cornerstone Apartments have 24 apartments meeting the need for many who start out in the other Cornerstone
facilities, or come from referrals from other area agencies. The following story was written by one of our guests. The
names have been changed.
Hello, this is a story about a couple who struggled with
life and overcame adversities. My name is Lenard and my
girlfriend is Marsha. When I met her, I was living at the Men’s
mission who no sudden aspirations to do anything with my
life but stay put. I think I was at a crossroads cause thinking
back, I was drifting from place to place and had no stable
environment. Marsha strolled into my life when I was at my
weakest and no urge to start a family. A family was far from
my thoughts at the time because I made poor decisions
up until that point when I met her. That is where everything
changed for me and her. She reminds me that she was on
a downhill slide in her life, so you can say we changed together.
This is where life took off for us with our approval or not. Our first son was born in March, next was our
daughter exactly on the same day in March five years later (which means we throw two birthday parties).
Instead of having everything prepared for their life- a stable household, we ended up staying in countless
rundown motels. Motels that had mice, walls where the paint was coming off, broken glass outside the
rooms, etc. I could go on and on. I remember one moment that made me feel real heartbroken, this is when
Marsha was sobbing because we had no money for rent, no transportation and our little ones needed things.
Then we heard about Volunteers of America and a lady who was one of our saviors. Kelly directed us
to the Cornerstone Apartments, where we met MaryAnn and Andrea who gave us hope that was much
needed at the time. All I can say is that VOA and Cornerstone Apartments gave us a chance to keep our
family together. So thanks from me and Marsha (plus the lil ones) for all your help.
This family has been living in the Cornerstone Apartments for over a year and the children are doing great, along
with the family. They have found the real Savior. We thank all the volunteers and donors who help make happy
families of people with no hope, remembering the words in Titus 1:2b “in hope of eternal life, which God, who
never lies, promised before the ages began.” ESV
Cornerstone Rescue Mission 5k Fun Run
We invite you to participate as a Sponsor of the 3rd Annual Cornerstone Rescue Mission 5k Fun Run. The event will be
held on Saturday, August 15th at Sioux Park.
As a GOLD, SILVER or BRONZE sponsor your business name will be printed on our Fun Run T-shirts for participants. If
you would like your logo on the shirt, please send an email before July 15th to [email protected].
If you would like to participate in the 5k, please see the registration form on the back page.
Please send check and form to Cornerstone at PO Box 2188, Rapid City, SD 57709
Name of Business: ___________________________________________________________
____ $100 Bronze
____ $250 Silver Sponsor
Contact Name: ______________________________________________________________
____ $500 Gold Sponsor
Thank you for your consideration of becoming a Fun Run sponsor !!
____ Other _______________

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