cornerstone connections - Cornerstone Counselling Centre


cornerstone connections - Cornerstone Counselling Centre
Fall 2013
Happy Anniversary
Most often, my information about
inconspicuous as possible, but I
walked up to the desk. As I stepped
our clients comes from other staff
couldn’t hide from the soft trem-
away from this drama, I heard defeat
members asking for special consid-
bling breaths of the child-mother
in his voice as he said, “We have an
eration for a certain situation. that stood beside me; nor could I
However, I occasionally catch snap miss the deep, rapid breaths of
By Sheila Stauffer,
Executive Director
This month marks my third anniversary as the executive director
of Cornerstone Counselling Centre. I remember the nervous excitement I felt as I opened my
office door for the first time. I
recall the dreams I had for Cornerstone and my early perceptions
about the people who would be
benefitting from our services. As I
had worked in human services for
many years, I thought I knew what
to expect, but in reality I underestimated how completely transformational counselling can be.
- shots of our clients as I see them
her partner. I could not help but
at the desk, hear them in the hall-
sympathize with this young cou-
ways, or ride the elevator with
ple, with their skater haircuts and
hipster clothing. They still had
One such event occurred last
summer when I walked into the
foyer and saw a petite teen girl
looking up at a slim man. With a
quivering voice she said, “But you
said you would watch the baby
tonight so I could go out with my
mom.” The conversation abruptly
stopped as I approached the couple and the three of us boarded
the elevator. The young man
stood with his eyes straight ahead
while the girl quietly shed hot
tears of disappointment. I intentionally tried to make myself as
one foot in adolescence, but
were also trying to step into the
demands of adulthood and parenting. I ached for that new mom
and the little girl inside her that
still longed to spend time with
her mother. I also felt the frustration of her companion, tall and
silent, who now had the responsibilities of husband, father, and
provider balanced on his slim
shoulders. As we left the elevator and walked down the hall, the
young woman went into the
washroom and her companion
Who is Cornerstone Counselling Centre?
We are a faith based, not-for-profit counselling agency with a mission, “To demonstrate the love of Christ by
providing professional counselling services to help people become renewed and whole”. We believe that all
those in need of help, regardless of faith, gender, creed, race, or lifestyle should have access to affordable counselling when they need it. We have established a “Compassion Fund” that enables us to offer fee subsidies
based upon financial need. We in turn are dependent upon the generosity of individual donors, sponsors, and
grants to run our programs. We are motivated by Eph 4:32. “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” NIV
Everyday I get these small glimpses
into the lives of our clients: “I need
help; my daughter has been sexually
abused by a family member. There is
help for her, but none for me.” “I
just moved here from Saskatchewan
with my boyfriend. Now he has
locked me and my child out of the
house with nothing. I don’t know
what to do.” “I’m on AISH and I feel
like there is no hope for my life, I
wish I were dead.” “I continually get
myself into abusive relationships.
When will I be happy?” “I thought I
was just partying, but now I think I’m
addicted. How did I get myself into
this mess?”
Continued on next page...
Inside this issue:
Happy Anniversary
New Faces
Upcoming Events
Finding the Time to 3
Suicide: What You
Need to Know
Upcoming Courses 4
How can you help? 4
Page 2
Cornerstone Connections
Become a Board Member!
Happy Anniversary Continued from front page...
These people may be professionCornerstone is currently
looking for individuals to serve
on our Board of Directors.
als, store clerks, oil patch workers, financial managers, or teenagers.
Regardless of their back-
This is an opportunity for
ground, they are all coming with
those who would like to be a
overwhelming feelings of pain,
part of a core team that will
worthlessness, and regret.
set the strategic direction for
Cornerstone’s future. We
need men and women with a
variety of skills to work with
us to ensure we are sustainable and continue to offer
quality services in the community. If you think you could
help in this way, please contact
the Executive Director at
found themselves
where they did not expect, and
they are looking for help.
I think of the words of Mother
Teresa, “Kind words can be short
and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” Last year,
1400 people came to Cornerstone
looking for words of kindness,
encouragement, and acceptance.
Each one has a unique story, but
all are asking the same question.
“Can you help me move beyond
this place?” I consider it divine
work to be able to meet someone
in his or her most painful place
and say, “Let’s find the way out,
together”. And as we help someone who is broken become restored, the echoes of this kindness
will go further than we can ever
6215 ext:225.
able to meet someone in his
or her most painful place and
say, ‘Let’s find the way out,
Stress, Family, Relationships, Anxiety, and Emotions
These were the top five reasons people came to Cornerstone for
counselling in 2012.
ed.sstauffer@cornerstonecou or call 780-482-
“I consider it divine work to be
New Faces at Cornerstone
Cornerstone welcomes five new
sultation and assessment to indi-
counsellors and one new recep-
viduals of all ages, couples and
Registered Provisional Psycholo-
tionist to our team!
gist - Christina mainly works with
Marvin Roth, Ph.D., Regis-
Evylin Chudyk, M.Ed., Regis-
adult individuals who struggle with
tered Provisional Psychologist
works with individuals, couples
Evylin enjoys working with individ-
and families, and has experience
uals, couples, children/youth and
Audrey Den Beor joined the
in working with everything from
administration team as a part-time
Elsie Lobo, M.Sc., Registered
receptionist. Audrey enjoys being
Provisional Psychologist - Elsie
part of a caring community with a
Jenny McAlister, M.A., Regis-
works primarily with couples,
warm atmosphere where she can
tered Psychologist - Jenny pro-
children and families with a special
help others.
vides counselling, therapy, con-
interest in relationships.
addictions to psychiatric disorders
Upcoming Events: Believe in Hope Campaign
Suicide awareness week is coming up in September and to help raise awareness, Cornerstone will be barbequing hot dogs
and serving cold drinks that you can buy for a donation of your choice at the following locations during the week:
September 9th - Save-On-Foods Jasper & 109th
September 13th - Save-On-Foods Ellerslie (1120 91 St. SW)
Then on the weekend, we will be selling cold drinks for donations at:
September 7th - McIntyre Park (104 St. & 84 Ave.)
September 14th - Beaver Hills Park (105 St. & Jasper Ave.)
To stay up to date on times and other details, follow us on Twitter or like us on Facebook.
You can also give us a call at (780) 482-6215 ext. 239 or email [email protected]
Page 3
Finding the Time to Volunteer
By: Shelby Vitek, Executive & Development Assistant
We live in a world consumed by
and improved talents can raise
Get your family and friends
Thinking about
appointments and schedules, so
your self-esteem and confidence.
involved. If you are worried that
it is no surprise that Statistics
Volunteering also prevents you
volunteering will take away time
Volunteering at
Canada reported that in 2010
from being socially isolated and
from your loved ones, then get
the top two reasons for not
will reduce the risk of depression.
them involved. Find something
volunteering were not having
If you do find yourself feeling
that everyone will be interested in
We need volunteers to help with
the time and not being able to
stressed, anxious, or depressed,
doing and take a Saturday after-
special events, committees, office
commit long-term. Yet, 47% of
your new group of friends can act
noon to do something together.
administration, donation programs,
Canadians over the age of 15
as an additional support system.
still managed to find a few extra
hours to volunteer. So why and
how is it possible that 13.3 million Canadians with busy schedules found the time to volunteer
almost 2.07 billion hours?
Meeting new people and working with different organizations
will help develop your social
skills. Your technical skills will
also improve since volunteering
can provide you with experience
and specialized training that you
may not have had access to
Communities and non-profits rely
will be the key to helping you
on the many hours that volun-
keep your commitment. Donating
teers put into programs, projects,
your time won’t seem like a bur-
We also benefit from professional
and fundraisers. Being one of
den when you are passionate
counsellors who are able to volunteer
these volunteers aids your com-
about the cause.
their time to work with our lower fee
thrive. By giving something back,
you help shape the community
that you and others want to live
Remember, the most important
If you feel you have skills to contrib-
have fun! So take a minute and
ute as a volunteer or are interested in
think about where your time
developing new skills through volun-
could make a difference.
teering, we would love to hear from
Create a time goal. Set a
weekly or monthly goal for your-
self of how many hours you
com or call 780-482-6215 ext:225
would like to volunteer. This will
and make you more likely to
move from talking to doing.
Cornerstone more viable and sustain-
thing is that you go out there and
help keep yourself accountable
are extremely valuable as they make
that you care about. Motivation
It is good for your mental
and donor communication. Volunteers
It helps your community.
munity to come together and
It is a learning opportunity.
Find a cause or organization
That’s ok, because your new
Need Someone To Talk To?
If you or someone you know is in crisis, call the Crisis Support Centre
Distress Line at (780) 482-HELP (4357) to talk or to receive support.
Suicide: What You Need to Know
For urgent help call the Crisis Response Team at (780) 342-7777
There is help, call 24 hours a day - 7 days a week
By: Dr. Marliss Meyer, Registered Psychologist
situation, and seeing no alterna-
ing bullying, family conflict, and
cation, assisting clients to express
tives commonly lead to this sense
marriage breakdown are difficul-
their concerns.
In the past three decades, more
of desolation. Mental conditions
ties that can lead to the anguish of
and understanding discussions can
than 100,000 Canadians died by
such as depression or anxiety;
suicidal thinking.
help the client to deal with difficult
suicide. These deaths include
feelings of grief; struggles with
people from all socioeconomic,
addiction including gambling, drug
age, gender, culture and ethnic
use, or alcohol abuse; stress fac-
tors such as problems at work,
Suicide is committed out of
despair. Feeling trapped, needing to escape from a hopeless
financial difficulties, or unemployment; health problems, insomnia,
and chronic pain; and problems in
interpersonal relationships includ-
Counselling can address the devastation of such troubling circumstances and can provide tools for
managing mental health problems.
The supportive relationship between the client and therapist can
begin to open doors of communi-
issues, to make changes, and to see
hope for the future. Objective non
-judgmental feedback can clarify
issues. Reducing isolation, increasing insight, improving outlook, and
changing bleak prospects are key to
suicide prevention.
Cornerstone Connections
Upcoming Courses
Did You Know…
Anger Management:
August 17th & 24th
September 14th & 21st
When you donate to Cornerstone you
Marriage Preparation:
September 6th & 7th
Communication Skills:
September 7th
advantage of this benefit by claiming
Stress, Anxiety, & Depression:
September 28th
your charitable donations to Corner-
Assertiveness for Women:
October 5th
Communication for Couples:
October 19th
will receive a 50% non-refundable tax
credit for every dollar donated over
the $200 threshold? You can take
stone on your next income tax return.
To register, or if you would like more information about Cornerstone’s courses and events,
call Shelby at (780) 482-6215 ext. 239 or email [email protected].
Champions for
You can also visit our website,
Cornerstone Counselling Centre
302, 10140 – 117 Street, Edmonton, AB T5K 1X3
Extending the hand of compassion since 1977
Join our Champions for Compassion by
becoming a monthly donor!
Help us provide affordable counselling!
We would like to invite our supporters
to consider joining our monthly giving
club. A gift of as little as $20.00 dollars a
month can help someone get started with
overcoming past abuse, recovering from
depression, or beating an addiction that is
robbing him or her of a successful life. A
monthly gift of $50.00 can help a couple
renew their relationship or a woman
escaping from an abusive relationship
rebuild her life. Each dollar donated becomes part of a new chapter in the life of
We offer fees on a sliding fee scale, which means that the fees are set according to the client’s income. Any “profits” Cornerstone receives from full-fee clients are put back into our Compassion
Fund to help others. We in turn are dependent upon the generosity of individual donors, sponsors,
and grants to run our programs.
I would like to make a donation of:
One-time gift
I wish to donate by:
Other: $_____
Join our Champions for Compassion See Side Bar for Details
someone who is struggling.
Automatic withdrawal Please include a void cheque
Members of the Champions of Compas-
sion will receive a membership to the
Cornerstone Counselling Society of Edmonton, and quarterly updates will be
sent to keep you informed of how your
Card Number:_________________________________ Expiry Date:_____
Name:_______________________ Phone Number:__________________
donations are helping.
We all want to see our city continue as a
safe, vibrant community filled with healthy
people who care about each other. By
joining the Champions of Compassion,
you can ensure that everyone has a
chance to be the best they can be.
City:_________________________ Postal Code:_____________________
Registered Charity Number 106974702RR0001
Cornerstone Counselling Society of Edmonton, known as Cornerstone Counselling Centre, plans to raise an estimated $150,000 in
our 2013 fund-raising campaigns. It will cost Cornerstone an estimated $30,000 to conduct these campaigns. For more information,
please contact Sheila Stauffer, Executive Director at 780-482-6215 ext:225
Visit us online at