GREGORY_A2 [Read-Only] - Australian Association for
GREGORY_A2 [Read-Only] - Australian Association for
INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIPS IN ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION (Catchment Education) Proudly supported by: A global perspective in Environmental Education…. 1 International partnership? Ben Cole initiated contact with HunterHunter-Central Rivers Waterwatch (H(H-CRWW) on November 19, 2009. Ben is employed as a Water Education Specialist for the Asian Development Bank and facilitated the schoolschool-based education program on water quality in northern Vietnam. It was the first catchmentcatchment-wide, schoolwater monitoring school-based program in Vietnam. The program will provide an opportunity for students to participate in a communitycommunity-based, environmental monitoring program and to engage with Australian students undertaking similar programs. The knowledge gained from the program will provide a foundation for the students to understand the principles of catchment management in the NhueNhue-Day Rivers Catchment. Nhue Day River Basin Capital of Vietnam, Hanoi (with a population of 7 million people (pop. Density 3490 people per ) (Sydney 4.5 million (pop. Density 2058 people per School name Province Number of teachers Number of students Surrounding land uses Nguyen Du Ha Noi 80 2000 Dense urban area Hung Cong Ha Nam 20 400 Agriculture and light industry Ninh Kanh Ninh Binh 33 550 Agriculture and light industry The Basin catchment covers 7,500km2 of land (2% of Vietnam’ Vietnam’s total landmass) and has a population of over 10 million people. 2 Nhue Day River Basin continued… continued… The catchment contains dense urban centres, industrial zones and intensive agricultural areas that drain waste water into into the Golf of Tonkin and from there to the South China Sea. Pollution Sources 157 development projects in eight industrial zones 358 handicraft villages Waste water from residential areas Tourist activities Hospitals Small industrial enterprises Agricultural activities Inland waterway transport IrrigationIrrigation- supplies and amounts not managed (pressure on the waterway) Information from the Final Report compiled by The International Centre for Environmental Management (ICEM), Department of Water Resources Management and Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (2007) Nhue Day River Basin continued… continued… Types of Pollution Organic Matter Nutrients including phosphorous, nitrogen and ammonium Suspended solids Faecal Coliforms/ Coliforms/ pathogens and heavy metals Raw and partially treated domestic waste containing sewage and Waste from Handicraft villages Partially or untreated industrial waste water Information from the Final Report compiled by The International Centre for Environmental Management (ICEM), Department of Water Resources Management and Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (2007) 3 Nhue Day River Basin continued… continued… Sickness and Disease Diarrhoea Cholera (intestinal infection) Shigellosis (gastro) Cryptosporidiosis (gastro) Hepatitis (inflammation of the liver) Hookworm (parasitic infection) Methemoglobinemia (blood disorder) Links to cancer Arsenic poisoning Information from the Day/Nhue River Final Report compiled by The International Centre for Environmental Management (ICEM), Department of Water Resources Management and Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (2007) Poster Content OUR CATCHMENT (map and info about the land uses in the catchment) OUR WATER QUALITY Some of your results and what they mean. PAST AND PRESENT of our river (condition changes over the past 50 years) NOW Actions we are taking to maintain or improve water quality THE FUTURE Actions we would like to see implemented to improve the water quality in our catchment SPIRITUALITY CONNECTIVITY Any spiritual connections to the waterway, indigenous connections. 4 Preparation Research (Their site and their partner school site) Data collection from their site Interviewing community reps. Indigenous community reps. Mapping Planning Language suitability Pictures Presentation Posters from the Hunter Schools Hunter Schools: Schools: Lambton High, Mayfield East, Milbrodale, Milbrodale, New Lambton South, St PaulsPauls-Gateshead, St Josephs Merewether and St ColumbansColumbans-Mayfield 5 The schools in Vietnam Nguyen Du Hung Cong Ninh Kanh Posters from Vietnam 6 Poster Exchange and follow up Translation of text Chinese Whispers Critical thinkingthinking- posing questions to be presented back to their partner school. Presentations School /other school Community/ Parents Council Fantastic feedback from all involved Achieving learning and environmental objectives through an integrated project Hunter-Central Rivers Waterwatch In partnership with, the Department of Education and Training (NSW Curriculum and Learning Learning Innovation Centre) and the HunterHunter-Central Rivers Catchment Management Authority Amanda Gregory Education OfficerOfficer- Waterwatch 816 Tocal Road PATERSON NSW 2421 P: (02) 4938 4931 M: 041 940 1153 F: (02) 4930 1013 Email: [email protected] Web: 7