Aquacycle User Guide
Aquacycle User Guide
Prepared by Grace Mitchell USER GUIDE Document History Date December 2004 December 2004 December 2004 Author Grace Mitchell Keirnan Fowler Keirnan Fowler Revision 1.0.0 1.1.0 1.2.0 Febuary 2005 Grace Mitchell 1.2.1 Description of Change First version of the User Guide Toolkit version Altered tutorial and ordering of Chapters Minor revisions of the reformated document This document applies to version 1.0.0 of the Aquacycle software. Copyright Notice © Copyright Monash University, Grace Mitchell, CRC for Catchment Hydrology 2005. Except as permitted under the Australian Copyright Act 1968, this manual may not be copied or distributed by itself except with express written permission of Grace Mitchell and the Director of the CRC for Catchment Hydrology Correspondence can be entered on the CRCCH Toolkit website: Legal Information To the extent permitted by law, the CRC for Catchment Hydrology (including its employees and consultants) accepts no responsibility and excludes all liability whatsoever in respect of any person’s use or reliance on this publication or any part of it. This manual provides information on the use of Aquacycle computer software and is circulated to encourage research, discussion and comment within the community by those concerned with urban water resource management and the reuse of stormwater and wastewater. The model is intended as a gaming tool rather than a design tool, giving an overall impression on the feasibility for using stormwater and wastewater at a particular site. Monash University, Grace Mitchell and the parties to the CRC for Catchment Hydrology ("the licensor") make no representations about content and suitability of this information for any purposes. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. The licensor disclaims all warranties with regard to this information including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness. In no event shall the licensor be liable for any special, direct or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss or use, whether in action of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising out of the use of, or performance of this information. Program Support This manual and the Aquacycle software are available from: Cooperative Research Centre for Catchment Hydrology Centre Office Department of Civil Engineering Monash University Clayton, Victoria 3168 Telephone: Fax: +61 3 9905 2704 +61 3 9905 5033 Acknowledgements This manual and the software it describes are an outcome of a postgraduate research project that was jointly funded by the CRC for Catchment Hydrology and Monash University. The University of Melbourne Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering also provided considerable support. The valuable input of the individuals who have provided feedback and insightful comment on beta and final versions of the software are gratefully acknowledged. Their effort in documenting their experiences with the software has enabled a number of enhancements and code corrections to be implemented and tested. This user guide was written by Grace Mitchell. The conversion of the User Guide to a Toolkit User Guide was done by Keirnan Fowler. The User Guide was reviewed by Nick Murray. Contentsi AQUACYCLE CONTENTS 1 Introduction...........................................................1 1.1 The user guide.............................................................................................. 1 1.2 Related documents ........................................................................................ 1 1.3 Software....................................................................................................... 2 1.3.1 Overview .................................................................................... 2 1.3.2 Audience .................................................................................... 2 1.3.3 Limitations .................................................................................. 2 1.3.4 Changes in comparison to the beta version .................................... 2 Bugs Fixed .................................................................................. 3 Enhancements............................................................................. 3 1.4 Data requirements......................................................................................... 4 1.4.1 Input data................................................................................... 4 1.4.2 Output data................................................................................ 4 2 Installation ............................................................6 2.1 Technical specifications.................................................................................. 6 2.2 Licence agreement ........................................................................................ 6 2.3 Installation ................................................................................................... 7 2.3.1 Data .......................................................................................... 7 2.3.2 Auto-update feature ..................................................................... 7 3 Aquacycle Tutorial .................................................8 3.1 Getting started.............................................................................................. 8 3.1.1 Installing Aquacycle ..................................................................... 8 3.1.2 Starting Aquacycle ....................................................................... 8 3.1.3 Loading input data files ................................................................ 8 3.2 The tutorial scenario inputs............................................................................. 9 3.3 Running the simulation................................................................................. 11 3.4 Viewing the results of a simulation................................................................. 11 3.5 Optimising the size of a store........................................................................ 12 3.6 Further reading ........................................................................................... 13 i Aquacycle User Guide 4 Using Aquacycle ..................................................14 4.1 Starting Aquacycle........................................................................................14 4.2 Managing input data....................................................................................14 4.3 4.2.1 Loading input data files ...............................................................14 4.2.2 Saving input data files .................................................................14 Program screens ..........................................................................................15 4.3.1 Splash screen.............................................................................15 4.3.2 Main screen...............................................................................15 4.3.3 Input Edit screen.........................................................................15 4.3.4 Viewing Results screen.................................................................16 4.3.5 Simulation Performance screen ....................................................16 5 General description of Aquacycle.........................17 5.1 The urban water cycle...................................................................................17 5.2 Modelling approach.....................................................................................18 5.3 Model structure and key features....................................................................19 5.4 Conceptual representation of the urban water cycle .........................................20 5.5 Spatial scale................................................................................................21 5.6 5.5.1 Unit block scale..........................................................................22 5.5.2 Cluster scale ..............................................................................22 5.5.3 Catchment scale.........................................................................22 Using stormwater and wastewater ..................................................................23 5.6.1 Preferences in supplying a demand from multiple available sources......................................................................................23 6 Model Operations ...............................................25 6.1 Calculation of stormwater flows .....................................................................25 6.2 6.3 6.1.1 Impervious surface runoff ............................................................25 6.1.2 Pervious surface runoff and baseflow ............................................26 6.1.3 Inflow and infiltration into the wastewater system ............................26 6.1.4 The inclusion of irrigation ............................................................27 Calculating evapotranspiration ......................................................................27 6.2.1 Actual evapotranspiration from pervious areas ...............................27 6.2.2 Evaporation from impervious surfaces ...........................................28 Residential indoor water use ..........................................................................28 What if the average occupancy is not a whole number? ..................29 What if the average occupancy is greater than 7? ..........................29 6.4 Leakage......................................................................................................29 6.5 Imported water ............................................................................................30 ii Contents iii 6.6 Wastewater discharge.................................................................................. 30 6.7 Impervious surface storage ........................................................................... 30 6.8 Pervious surface storage............................................................................... 30 6.9 Groundwater storage................................................................................... 30 6.10 Stormwater store operation........................................................................... 30 6.10.1 First flush diversion..................................................................... 31 6.10.2 Rainwater tanks and effective roof area ........................................ 32 6.11 Wastewater treatment and storage operation.................................................. 32 6.12 Aquifer storage and recovery operation ......................................................... 33 6.13 Assessing performance of a reuse scheme...................................................... 34 6.14 Optimising the size of a storage.................................................................... 35 6.15 Transfer of water between clusters ................................................................. 35 7 Modelling Assumptions and Cautions ..................37 7.1 Aquacycle assumptions ................................................................................ 37 7.2 Aquacycle cautions...................................................................................... 39 7.2.1 Irrigation demand ...................................................................... 39 7.2.2 Small storage size ...................................................................... 39 8 Calibration and Verification of Parameters...........40 8.1 Objective functions to evaluate the parameter set ........................................... 40 8.2 Selecting an optimum parameter set.............................................................. 41 8.3 Verification of the parameter set for Aquacycle ............................................... 42 8.4 Calibration and validation tools in Aquacycle ................................................. 43 8.5 Guidance on calibration parameter values..................................................... 43 Appendix A - Abbreviations ..........................................45 Appendix B - References ...............................................49 Appendix C - Technical Reference.................................51 C.1 - Input files ........................................................................................................ 52 C.1.1 - Indoor water usage profile file ........................................................... 52 C.1.2 - Climate data file.............................................................................. 53 C.1.3 - Unit block file.................................................................................. 53 C.1.4 - Cluster file ...................................................................................... 54 C.1.5 - Catchment file................................................................................. 55 C.1.6 - Parameter and initial value file .......................................................... 56 iii Aquacycle User Guide C.1.7 - Group file........................................................................................57 C.1.8 - Recorded file....................................................................................58 C.2 - Output files......................................................................................................58 C.2.1 - Simulation output file ........................................................................58 C.2.2 - Optimisation output file.....................................................................59 C.2.3 - Catchment balance file .....................................................................59 C.2.4 - Cluster daily water balance output file.................................................60 C.2.5 - Unit block daily water balance output file ............................................61 C.2.6 - Catchment monthly output file............................................................62 C.2.7 - Cluster monthly output file .................................................................65 C.2.8 - Catchment annual output file .............................................................67 C.2.9 - Cluster annual output file ..................................................................69 C.2.10 - Catchment water demand output file ................................................71 C.2.11 - Cluster Water Demand Output File...................................................71 iv Contentsv TABLE OF FIGURES Figure 3-1: The main screen with tutorial files loaded............................................................................9 Figure 3-2: The Measured Parameters input edit screen.......................................................................10 Figure 3-3: Household water sources at the cluster scale. ....................................................................11 Figure 3-4: Annual water balance in clusters 1 and 2..........................................................................12 Figure 3-5: The optimising storage size screen....................................................................................12 Figure 3-6: The volumetric reliability of the different size rainwater tanks tested during the optimisation ....13 Figure 5-7: Urban water system as represented by Aquacycle...............................................................18 Figure 5-8: The structure of the Aquacycle computer program. ............................................................19 Figure 5-9: The conceptual representation of the urban water cycle.....................................................21 Figure 6-10: The calculation of pervious surface evapotranspiration.....................................................28 Figure 6-11: Structure of the stormwater store ...................................................................................31 Figure 6-12: Structure of the wastewater treatment and storage unit .....................................................33 Figure 6-13: Aquifer storage and recovery system structure..................................................................34 Figure 6-14: Performance measures for a household rain tank system located in Woden Valley, Canberra. .......................................................................................................................35 Figure 8-15: The simulation performance screen of Aquacycle.............................................................43 TABLE OF TABLES Table 1-1: Input Data Files .................................................................................................................4 Table 1-2: Output Files......................................................................................................................5 Table 2-3: Technical specifications required to run Aquacycle................................................................6 Table 5-4: Key feature of Aquacycle ..................................................................................................20 Table 5-5: Methods for stormwater and wastewater reuse available in Aquacycle...................................23 Table 5-6: Preferences in supplying a demand from multiple available sources......................................24 Table 6-7: Indoor water use (L/d) for Canberra, 2003 with no demand management ............................28 Table 8-8: Aquacycle calibration parameter set ..................................................................................41 Table 8-9: Measuring model performance (Source: Chiew and McMahon, 1993) .................................42 Table 8-10: Aquacycle calibration parameter values for the Woden Valley catchments (Source: Mitchell et. al., 2001) .......................................................................................................44 v This page intentionally left blank Introduction 1 Introduction Aquacycle is a daily urban water balance model which has been developed to simulate the total urban water cycle as an integrated whole and provide a tool for investigating the use of locally generated stormwater and wastewater as a substitute for imported water alongside water use efficiency. Aquacycle has the capability of modelling a single land block (referred to as a unit block) such as a residential property through to an entire urban catchment. A catchment may be dis-aggregated into up to 50 clusters (or sub areas). Land use in a cluster is separated into unit blocks (lots), road, and public open space. Road areas are assumed to be impervious and all public open space is assumed to be pervious. Unit blocks can be separated into roof, paved and pervious surfaces. Aquacycle produces daily, monthly, and annual estimates of water demand, stormwater yield, wastewater yield, evaporation, imported water use, stormwater use, and wastewater use, as well as performance measures of any water management strategies selected. 1.1 The user guide This User Manual provides a step-by-step tutorial, a guide to general program navigation and information on parameters used in Aquacycle. Appendix C provides technical reference details on how to edit the programs input files. 1.2 Related documents The Aquacycle model is substantially based on the concepts presented in the following paper: Mitchell, V. G., Mein, R. G., & McMahon, T. A. (2001) Modelling the Urban Water Cycle. Environmental Modelling & Software, Vol. 16 (7) pp 615-629. There are several other reports and conference papers which discuss the use of the total water balance analysis of Aquacycle: Mitchell, V. G., Mein, R. G., McMahon, T. A., (1999) Assessing the Reuse Potential of Stormwater and Wastewater in Urban Areas. Industry Report 99/14, CRC for Catchment Hydrology, Melbourne. Mitchell, V. G., Mein, R. G., & McMahon, T. A. (2002) Utilising Stormwater and Wastewater Resources in Urban Areas. Australian Journal of Water Resources, Vol. 6 (1) pp 31-43. 1 Aquacycle User Guide Mitchell, V.G., McMahon, T.A. and Mein, R.G. (2003) Components of the Total Water Balance of an Urban Catchment, Environmental Management Vol 32 (6) pp 735746. 1.3 Software 1.3.1 Overview Aquacycle is designed to run in a Windows Visual Basic (version 6.0). environment. The software is written in MS Inputs to the program include: • Climate data • Indoor water usage rates • Usage of alternative water sources, such as: • Raintank water • Greywater • Stormwater • Wastewater • Catchment land cover areas and water system characteristics • Initial storage levels • Calibration parameters Aquacycle outputs include daily, monthly, and annual estimates of water demand, stormwater yield, wastewater yield, evaporation, imported water use, stormwater use, and wastewater use, as well as performance measures of any water management strategies selected. 1.3.2 Audience Aquacycle is designed for urban stormwater engineers, planners, policy staff and managers in consultancies and state, regional and local government agencies. 1.3.3 Limitations Aquacycle should not be used without the user gaining a clear understanding of the underlying modelling algorithms and associated assumptions that underpin the model. See Section 7 for details as to assumptions and cautions related to the use of Aquacycle. Section 5 provides information on the modelling algorithms and associated assumptions. 1.3.4 Changes in comparison to the beta version No changes made to the input data file structure so you can still load the input files previously used with the beta. Although, it is important to note that the units of the rainwater tank first flush have been changed from a millimetre depth to litres. To convert the first flush input value into litre units, multiply the mm depth value by the value of the associate roof area in m2. 2 Introduction The default file extension names have been altered, although the model will load files regardless of its extension. Just click on the down arrow in the file type list box and select the All Files option. The name of the input data file directory has been changed from “Aquacycle/Input” to “Aquacycle/Data”. Bugs Fixed • The bug associated with public open space areas being reduced when a cluster stormwater and wastewater stores has an exposed surface area has been corrected. • Minor errors in the results screen graphs have been corrected. • Aquacycle should no longer crash if an output file is already open (and so can’t be overwritten). Instead it informs the user of the problem and doesn’t write the output files. The results of the simulation run can still be viewed in the results screen though. • Aquacycle is no longer rounding occupancy to an integer for occupancies less than 7, so water usage will reflect the occupancy as input rather than as a rate rounded to the nearest whole person. Linear interpolation is used to calculate the water usage rates for a household when the occupancy is a non-integer value equal to less than 7. • If an overflow error occurs in the code, usually triggered by dividing something by zero, the model should no longer crash but instead inform the user there was a general error – it is very hard to provide more specific diagnostics for these types of errors. • The error associated with saving of group files in the interface has been removed. Enhancements • The equivalent population function has been disabled – it was more confusing than anything else. If non-residential water usage is to be represented it now should be done explicitly via a separate “non-residential” cluster. This means all imported water usage has an associated land area. The modeller must assign an “occupancy” which results in the correct amount of water being used indoors within the non-residential unit blocks. • Can now unload all current input values and files. • Are now able to create, edit and save the water profile file within the interface. • Now able to load and run up to 100 years of climate. • Rainwater tank first flush in now directed to unit block stormwater runoff rather than the wastewater system as was in the beta version. • Areas don’t have to be as accurate as previously. The tolerance has been eased so it runs without comment if the areas are within 1% and asked f the user want s to run even though the results could be a bit incorrect if the areas are 1-5% out. • The user can specify where results files are written to in the main screen, which no longer must be the default results directory created when the software is installed. But the input files still must be located in a specified directory called “Data”. The root of this directory still must be where the Aquacycle program (Aquacycle.exe) has been installed and is automatically created when the software is installed. • An error message has been added about potentially not having creating a results directory for the output files to be written to. • Headers defining the items in the output files expanded to clarify their meaning. Also more explicit about the units of the values, particularly if it is per household or for the whole cluster. 3 Aquacycle User Guide 1.4 • Volumes (as opposed to mm depths) in the annual output files can be either kL/y or ML/y. The default is kL/y within the main screen. • Amount of evaporation from water stores has been added to output files. • Average annual results values have been added to the tables in the results screen and the annual output files. Data requirements 1.4.1 Input data There are a total of six input files used to run Aquacycle. These six files are listed in the Table 1-1 below. Table 1-1: Input Data Files Input File Type Indoor water usage profile Climate data Unit block Cluster Catchment Parameter & initial values File Suffix .wpf .clm .ubl .clu .cmt .prm The climate data file must to be created outside the Aquacycle program using a text editor. All other input data files can be created within Aquacycle and saved for later use or created using a text editor. Details on how to create the climate data file, as well as the five other input files, are given the technical reference documentation in Appendix C. These input data files can be loaded as a group using a group file (*.gro). 1.4.2 Output data There are a total of eleven groups of output file that can be output from Aquacycle. These eleven groups are listed in Table 1-2 below (where n is the cluster number). 4 Introduction Table 1-2: Output Files Output File Group 1. Catchment balance output file 2. Cluster daily water balance output file 3. Unit block daily water balance output file 4. Catchment monthly output file 5. Cluster monthly output file 6. Catchment annual output file 7. Cluster annual output file 8. Catchment component water use output 9. Cluster component water use output file 10. Simulation output file 11. Optimisation output file File Name CatchmentDailyBal.csv ClusterDailyBaln.csv UnitBlockDailyBaln.csv CatchmentMthly.csv ClusterMthlyn.csv CatchmentYearly.csv ClusterYearlyn.csv CatchmentWaterDemand.csv ClusterWaterDemandn.csv SimCat.csv optrec.csv Output file types 1 to 7 are only produced by Aquacycle in response to user specification. This is done by checking one or more of the “Write Output to File” check boxes in the program. Output can be specified as daily, monthly or yearly time-step files. The simulation results are written to comma separated variable (*.csv) files, stored in the Results subdirectory. To change the Results sub-directory, use the text box at the bottom of Aquacycle’s main screen. Note Simulation runs will over-write the output files already stored in the selected results directory (i.e. from a previous run). To prevent this from happening, either uncheck the relevant check box, or better still, copy the output files of interest to another location for safe-keeping. Output file types 8 to10 are produced by Aquacycle automatically during each simulation run. These files are automatically over-written during each simulation run so must be moved or copied to another directory to be protected from being over-written. Output file type 11 is only produced by Aquacycle when the optimisation function is used (see Section 3.5). The contents of each of the eleven groups of output files are detailed in the Technical Reference (Appendix C of this user manual). Simulation results can also be printed from the Results screen. See Section 4.3.4. 5 Aquacycle User Guide 2 Installation 2.1 Technical specifications The minimum specifications required to run Aquacycle are: Table 2-3: Technical specifications required to run Aquacycle Type of machine Minimum CPU Minimum memory Minimum available disk space Operating system Other supporting software Intel based PC with CD-ROM drive Pentium I processor or greater 64MB 100MB for installation and simulation results A CD drive is recommended Windows 2000 + Service Pack 4, or Windows XP + Service Pack 1, or Windows NT4 + Service Pack 6a None The person installing the software must have local administrator access on the computer. Ideally, you should also have the relevant permissions to install and uninstall software. Note 2.2 If you are using a networked computer, then inform your system administrator BEFORE applying any service packs or updates, as there may be other applications on your computer that could be affected by these updates. Licence agreement A licence agreement is part of the installation procedure. You must acknowledge that you have read, understood and agree to be bound by the Aquacycle software licence agreement to be able to proceed with the installation. 6 Installation 2.3 Installation Installation of Aquacycle is performed through use of the setup application, either by directly running SETUP.EXE through Windows Explorer, through the RUN option under the Windows Start menu, or from the Add/Remove Programs option in the Control Panel. The program can be "uninstalled", or removed, through the Add/Remove Programs option in the Control Panel. The software should be installed in a directory called Aquacycle. Two sub-directories (of the directory where the software has been installed) called Results and Data must exist to run the program. 2.3.1 Data Sample input files are also provided and are listed below. These sample files should be stored in the Data sub-directory. Sample input files: tutor.gro tutor.ubl tutor.clu tutor.cmt tutor.prm tutor.clm tutor.wpf 2.3.2 Auto-update feature Aquacycle does not currently have an auto-update feature. 7 Aquacycle User Guide 3 Aquacycle Tutorial This tutorial is written as a ‘hands-on’ introduction to Aquacycle, in order to facilitate a rapid understanding of how to use the software. It is recommended that the first page of the General Description section (Section 5.1) is read before this tutorial is begun, to familiarise yourself with the conceptual model on which this software is based. 3.1 Getting started 3.1.1 Installing Aquacycle To install Aquacycle, follow the instructions given in Section 2.3 of this manual. 3.1.2 Starting Aquacycle To start the program, double click on the Aquacycle icon. A splash screen will briefly appear to introduce Aquacycle, then the main screen will appear. The main screen is where you load the required input data files, run a simulation, access other screens of Aquacycle, and exit the software. 3.1.3 Loading input data files Load the tutorial input data files as a group by clicking on the Load Group button or selecting the “Load Group” item in the File > Load menu. An open file box will appear. Go to the “Aquacyce\Data” directory and select the “Tutor.gro” file. The climate file identifier appears and the simulation period bars are activated, as shown in Figure 3-1. 8 Aquacycle Tutorial Figure 3-1: The main screen with tutorial files loaded 3.2 The tutorial scenario inputs The scenario is based on a catchment in the suburb of Mawson in the city of Canberra. The characteristics of this scenario will now be demonstrated by inspecting the input files. To view the input data that has just been loaded, go to the “Edit” menu and select one of the items. Start with the indoor water usage profile. • Indoor water usage profile An input edit screen appears. Quantities are given in L/day. Here we see that, for example, a three-occupant dwelling in the study area uses 64 L/day in the kitchen. We also see that 60% of kitchen water is hot. To edit the values, click on the box or slide the tab as appropriate. Note • Only numerals and decimal points are accepted as input. For yes/no input, use 1 for yes and 0 for no. Measured parameters Go to Edit > Measured Parameters Notice the “Number of Clusters” box (top left). In Aquacycle, a catchment is divided up into multiple “clusters”, with different attributes. Clusters can be broken up still further into unit blocks. Unit blocks represent single properties (households, industrial sites, institutions or commercial operations). The tutorial catchment has 2 clusters. The two clusters have 10 and 15 unit blocks, respectively. They differ in most parameters, including average occupancy, area, and water sources (see Figure 3-2). The number of clusters can be altered, but extra information is required. 9 Aquacycle User Guide Figure 3-2: The Measured Parameters input edit screen. • Calibration Parameters Displays parameters relating to the calibration parameters used in the water balance equations for each cluster (the blue capitals in Figure 5-8). These parameters are generally calibrated to fit known results (see Section 8). The calibration parameters used in the tutorial example provide a reasonable fit to observed catchment behaviour for the location of this scenario. • Initial Storage Levels Displays parameters relating to various water stores, including tanks, wastewater storages, stormwater storages and aquifer storage and recovery facilities. • Unit Block Displays parameters relating to water management within unit blocks (e.g. within households). These parameters show that Cluster 1 has implemented alternative water management practices, such as rain tanks and sourcing toilet and irrigation water from Cluster 2. To view all the data, use the scroll bar on the right side of screen. • Cluster Displays further parameters relating to water management in each cluster. • Catchment Displays parameters relating to catchment-wide stores and the total catchment area. To save any edits, use the File > Save command. For more information on creating and loading input files, see Sections 4.2.1 or Appendix C. For more information on parameter definitions, see Section 6. Press OK to return to the main screen. Note 10 The following are all sourced from and saved to the same input file (tutor.prm): measured parameters, calibrated parameters and initial Aquacycle Tutorial storage levels. Therefore, loading a new *.prm file in any one of these screens will load values from this file in to the other two screens, overwriting the contents in the grids of all three screens 3.3 Running the simulation First, select the period of simulation using the slide bars on the main screen. For this tutorial, choose the entire available period (1980 – 1989). The maximum available period depends on the climate input file. Run the simulation by clicking the button at the bottom left of the screen. The input data values will automatically be checked. If you have entered an incompatible value, a warning box will appear. 3.4 Viewing the results of a simulation View the results through the View > Results menu item. First, choose a spatial scale (catchment or cluster) by checking the radio buttons. To display the graphs in Figure 3-3, go to View > Results > Graphed Results > Household Water Sources. Pick the cluster scale, using the slide bar to toggle between clusters. Notice that the use of alternative sources in cluster 1 has led to less use of reticulated water. Figure 3-3: Household water sources at the cluster scale. Note You may only view the results from the latest simulation run. To display the tables in Figure 3-4, go to View > Results > Tabular Results > Water Balance. 11 Aquacycle User Guide Notice that the last row, “Transfer of water”, is positive for cluster 1 and negative for cluster 2. This row indicates the movement of water due to use of cluster scale wastewater/stormwater stores. Thus, the numbers indicate that water has flowed from Cluster 2 to be used in Cluster 1 (this was also indicated in the Unit Block input edit screen). Figure 3-4: Annual water balance in clusters 1 and 2. 3.5 Optimising the size of a store The size of a water store such as a rain tank or cluster scale wastewater store can be optimised by Aquacycle according to criteria specified by the user. To demonstrate this capability, we will now find the optimum size of a rain tank based on the tutorial scenario inputs. See Section 6.14 for more information on this process. Go to Run > Optimisation. The screen shown in Figure 3-5 appears. Figure 3-5: The optimising storage size screen Pick “Unit block rain tank” and change the number of iterations to 15 and the % change to 99. 12 Aquacycle Tutorial The number of iterations specified determines how many times the model is run to search for the storage size which meets your optimisation criteria. The % rate of change in volumetric reliability serves as an optimisation criteria. See Section 6.14 for more details. To start the procedure, click Optimise. It may take a few minutes. When the 15 iterations are complete, the optimum size will be displayed and will also be updated in the appropriate input file (see the unit block input edit screen). To see which sizes of rainwater tank were checked and the output of the optimisation runs, open the optrec.csv file that has been saved to the results directory specified in the Main screen. Note that the values in this file are for the entire period of simulation, so for 10 year in this case. The graph in Figure 3-6 has been created from this optrec.csv output file. See Section 6.13 for the definition of volumetric reliability. Volumetric reliability, ratio 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Rainwater tank capacity, kilolitres Figure 3-6: The volumetric reliability of the different size rainwater tanks tested during the optimisation 3.6 Further reading This tutorial does not cover the topics of parameter calibration and verification. For information on these two subjects, please refer to the section of this user manual entitled “Calibration and Verification of Parameters” (Section 8), which specifically addresses these important topics. For more information on any of the topics in this tutorial, please refer to the more extensive sections of this user manual. 13 Aquacycle User Guide 4 Using Aquacycle 4.1 Starting Aquacycle To start Aquacycle, double click on the Aquacycle icon, which appears in the Aquacycle folder. A splash will briefly appear, introducing Aquacycle and then the main screen will appear. The main screen is where you may load the required input data files, run a simulation, access other screens of Aquacycle, or exit the software. 4.2 Managing input data 4.2.1 Loading input data files To load input data files, either: • Load each file individually using the File/Load menu in the main screen, or • Load a group of files listed in a group file using the “Load Group” item of the File/Load menu in the main screen. 4.2.2 Saving input data files You can save the indoor water usage file, unit block input data file, cluster input data file, catchment input data file, and parameter & initial storage input data file from the Input Edit screen by selecting the File/Save menu item. Note 14 The values in the Calibration parameter, Measured parameter, and Initial storage levels tables displayed in the Input Edit screen are all saved to the same parameter file (*.prm). Using Aquacycle 4.3 Program screens The following sections provide an overview of the functions of each screen in the model. 4.3.1 Splash screen The Splash screen introduces the program. 4.3.2 Main screen The Main screen provides information on the site being simulated, including the identifier of the climate file currently loaded and used in model simulation. Navigation of the software is done through the Menu Options. The period of simulation is set in the Main screen. The start and end year of a simulation can be selected from the time period available in the climate file that has been loaded. To change the number of clusters in the current simulation scenario, alter the number of clusters using the scroll bar in the top right hand corner. The number of clusters can range from 1 to 50 inclusive. A simulation is run by selecting the Simulation item from the Run menu or clicking on the Run button. A progress bar appears during a simulation run to provide a guide to the progression of the simulation. The program is exited by selecting the Exit item from the File menu or the Exit button. The option of writing simulation results to comma separated variable (*.csv) files is available. Results in daily, monthly, and annual time steps can be produced and are stored in the Results sub-directory. Click on the appropriate check boxes in the bottom left hand corner of the Main screen to generate the result files. 4.3.3 Input Edit screen Input edit screen can be accessed through the Edit menu. There is an input edit screen for each Aquacycle input file. The Input Edit screen contains a gridded table of the current input data and a box labelled “Number of Clusters” displaying the number of clusters in the current modelling scenario (unless you have selected the Indoor Water Usage or Catchment screen where there is no such box). If no input data files have been loaded, a default number of 1 cluster is used. The blue text above the table states the type of input data displayed. To change a value within the table, simply select the cell of interest (by either using the leftclick button of the mouse or the arrow keys) and type the new value into the cell. Note that only numbers and decimal points are accepted as valid input by the table. To change the number of clusters in the current simulation scenario, simply alter the value in the text box labeled “Number of clusters” (in the top left hand corner). The number of clusters can range from 1 to 50 inclusive. The input data values for the different clusters can be viewed using the horizontal scroll bar that runs along the bottom of the table. Note The same indoor water profile is used for all clusters. 15 Aquacycle User Guide If there is a vertical scroll bar running along the right hand side of the table then there are more input data items listed in the table than are currently in view. They can be viewed by using the scroll down arrow. A new input file may be loaded within the Input Edit screen by selecting the Load item in the File menu. Note that if you are viewing either the Measured parameters, Calibrated parameters, or Initial storage levels, loading an input parameter file will alter the input data values in all three of these screens. This is because they source input data from in a common parameter input data file (e.g.. tutor.prm). If you have edited any values in the table and wish to save the new values to file, select the Save item in the File menu. A standard Windows “Save As” dialogue box is displayed. Clicking the Cancel button prevents any information being saved to file. All values in the table can be cleared by selecting the Blank Table item in the Edit menu. Once you have finished editing the particular input values either select the Main screen item in the GoTo menu or click on the OK button to return to the main screen. 4.3.4 Viewing Results screen In the Results screen you can view a range of simulation results by selecting items in the View menu. Annual results are displayed in tables while monthly results are displayed in graphs. Note that you may view the results from the latest simulation only and you cannot view this screen without completing a simulation. The results are reported at two spatial scales, cluster and catchment. You can toggle between these two scales by clicking on the radio buttons displayed at the top right hand side of the screen. If the cluster scale is selected, you can select which cluster results are displayed using the slide bar that appears. The contents of the Results screen can be printed to the default printer connected to the computer (if there is one). The Print menu contains two options: ‘Screen’ and ‘Current graph’. When the Screen option is selected, the whole Results screen as it currently appears to the user is printed. When the Current graph option is selected, the graph currently displayed in the Results screen is printed. 4.3.5 Simulation Performance screen Within the Simulation Performance screen you may conduct a limited assessment of the ability of Aquacycle to replicate observed water supply, stormwater, and wastewater flows for the area being modelled. To do this you must have already created a Recorded file outside of Aquacycle. The required format of this file is detailed in the Technical Reference in Appendix C of this user manual. Further information on the use of this screen can be found in the section entitled Calibration and Verification of Parameters (Section 8). Note 16 The simulation performance screen assesses the performance of the latest simulation only and you cannot view this screen without completing a simulation. General description of Aquacycle 5 General description of Aquacycle The following section contains a general description of the urban water cycle and the way in which it is modelling by Aquacycle. 5.1 The urban water cycle Two systems operate within the urban water cycle in a typical Australian city. They are i) the rainfall-drainage system; and ii) the supply-wastewater system. The rainfall-drainage system represents the land phase of the hydrological cycle, as modified by urbanisation. The ‘naturally occurring’ processes of interception, depression storage, soil infiltration, evaporation, interflow, soil drainage, and pervious surface runoff occur alongside the ‘introduced’ processes of pipe infiltration and exfiltration, illegal stormwater inflow, and imperious surface runoff. Inputs into the rainfall-drainage system are not derived solely from rainfall, but also include contributions from the reticulated network through outdoor water use. In addition the drainage network has been modified to include concrete channels, culverts, and underground pipes. Compared with the rainfall-drainage system, the supply-wastewater system is simple, consisting of an artificial water conveyance system constructed to deliver water to urban dwellers and remove the wastewater produced. The inputs to the system are imported water, illegal stormwater inflow, and infiltration of soil moisture into the pipe network. Water leaves this system as outdoor water use, sewer overflows, pipe exfiltration, and wastewater discharge. In order to conduct a comprehensive urban water balance, the rainfall-stormwater runoff system and the potable supply-wastewater system need to be integrated into a single model framework. These two networks are by no means independent, interacting to a varying degree depending on the particular site and the season of the year. Figure 5-7 illustrates the urban water cycle, combining the rainfall-stormwater runoff system and the potable supply-wastewater system. The nominal boundary between the two systems is signified by a dotted line in the diagram, with the interaction between the two systems indicated by the flow paths that cross this dotted line. 17 Aquacycle User Guide precipitation imported water evaporation evapotranspiration outdoor water use leakage Pervious surface - soil moisture store runoff Impervious surface indoor water use Key input recharge Groundwater infiltration base flow runoff stormwater drainage Urban Rainfall-Stormwater Runoff Network inflow output wastewater sewer flow path water store Potable Supply-Wastewater Disposal Network Figure 5-7: Urban water system as represented by Aquacycle. 5.2 Modelling approach A computer model, called Aquacycle, has been developed based on the concept of the water balance of the urban water cycle. The primary function of Aquacycle is to allow what-if scenario modelling of traditional and alternative urban water management schemes. As a result, the purpose of the model is threefold: 1 To characterize the supply of urban stormwater and wastewater in terms of quantity and temporal and spatial distribution; 2 To determine the demand criteria of the various urban water uses in terms of quantity and temporal and spatial pattern; and 3 To provide a tool for assessing the performance of these alternative schemes. The water balance approach used to develop Aquacycle accounts for the movement of water through the rainfall-drainage system and the supply-wastewater system, as well as the crosslinks between the two. Aquacycle integrates the water supply, stormwater drainage, and wastewater networks into a single system and receives water input from precipitation and imported water. This water passes through the system and is output in the form of evapotranspiration, stormwater, or wastewater. Figure 5-7 represents the urban water management system on which the model is based. Because the factors which determine the quantity of stormwater and wastewater available and the demand of water can vary significantly from location to location throughout Australia, a user is expected to input information about the area being modelled. If the requested information is not available, the user can make assumptions, and test the sensitivity of results to these. Aquacycle provides no prediction of water quality. Users are provided with a range of options for stormwater and wastewater use that have been selected on the basis of water quality requirements e.g. a user can select untreated greywater as a source for direct sub-surface irrigation but not for drinking water. 18 General description of Aquacycle In a typical urban water system, imported water is the sole source for meeting urban demand. Aquacycle can “store” stormwater and wastewater and utilise it as a supply sources for water applications according to the users specifications. Hence, the outputs of stormwater and wastewater can be re-routed back into the urban water system as supply sources. 5.3 Model structure and key features The structure of the computer program is illustrated in Figure 5-8, while the key features of Aquacycle - temporal and spatial scales, input requirements, operations, water supply source and management options, and model output are given in Table 5-4. Indoor water usage Climate input Site description Aquacycle daily urban water balance model daily iterations for each cluster Unit block scale operations Indoor water consumption Garden irrigation Stormwater runoff Wastewater discharge On-site stormwater and wastewater use Output Cluster scale operations Road runoff Public open space irrigation and runoff Inflow and infiltration Leakage of imported water Groundwater recharge and base flow Community stormwater and wastewater use Figure 5-8: The structure of the Aquacycle computer program. 19 Aquacycle User Guide Table 5-4: Key feature of Aquacycle Item Temporal scale Spatial scales Surface types Input requirements Model output Operations: Unit block scale Cluster scale Catchment Scale Alternative supply source options: Unit block scale Cluster scale Catchment scale 5.4 Description Daily time step Unit block, cluster and catchment Irrigated pervious, unirrigated pervious, roof, paved and road Site description Indoor water use profile Daily precipitation and potential evaporation series Stormwater, wastewater, and imported water use. Stormwater and wastewater yield Evapotranspiration Storage status Performance of alternative supply sources. Indoor and outdoor water use Stormwater runoff Groundwater recharge Wastewater recharge Evapotranspiration from roof, paved and garden areas. Unit block scale stormwater and wastewater use. Stormwater runoff from road surfaces and public open space Leakage of the reticulation system (imported water) Inflow and infiltration of stormwater into the wastewater network. Groundwater recharge, storage and base flow. Evapotranspiration from road and public open space areas. Cluster scale stormwater and wastewater use. Catchment scale stormwater and wastewater use Imported water Rain tank Direct sub-surface greywater irrigation On-site wastewater treatment, storage and use. Imported water. Cluster scale stormwater storage and use. Cluster scale wastewater treatment, storage and use. Aquifer storage and recovery. Imported water Catchment scale stormwater storage Catchment scale wastewater treatment, storage and use. Conceptual representation of the urban water cycle The conceptual model used to represent the urban water cycle is shown in Figure 5-9. Arrows represent interactions between different surfaces and storages. The main model algorithms are listed below the figure. 20 General description of Aquacycle STORAGE LEVELS RST = roof surface storage level PST = paved surface storage level RDST = road surface storage level GWS = groundwater storage level INFS = infiltration storage level PS1 = pervious store 1 level PS2 = pervious store 2 level Note: GREEN capitals indicate processes that are represented by algorithms RED capitals indicate a measured Parameter BLUE Capitals represent a calibrated Parameter Epc = 7mm MAIN MODEL ALGORITHMS BF = BRC.GWS Ea = A1.min{(PS1/PS1C).Epc, EP} + (100A1).min{(PS2/PS2C).Epc, Ep} Eimp = max(EP, RST).(roofarea/clusterarea) + max(EP, PST).(pavedarea/clusterarea) + max(EP, RDST).(roadarea/clusterarea) EXC = {max(PS1-PS1C, 0)}.A1 + {max(PS2-PS2C, 0)}.(100-A1) INF = IRC. INFS IR = max(TG.PS1c - PS1, 0).A1.%GI + max(TG.PS2c - PS2, 0).(100-A1).%GI IRUN = ERA.(P-(RIL+RST)).(roofarea/clusterarea) + EPA.(P-(PIL+PST)).(pavedarea/clusterarea) + ERDA.(P-(RDIL+RDST)).(roadarea/clusterarea) ISI = %I.(SRUN+IRUN) IWU = I - IR – LD LD = %L.(IR+IWU)/(100-%L) NEAR = (100-ERA).(P-(RIL+RST)).(roofarea/clusterarea) + (100-EPA).(P-(PIL+PST)). (pavedarea/clusterarea) + (100-ERDA).(P-(RDIL+RDST)). (roadarea/clusterarea) GWR = BI.EXC RIS = II.EXC Rs = IRUN + SRUN - ISI + BF Rw = IWU + INF+ ISI SRUN = EXC - RIS – GWR Figure 5-9: The conceptual representation of the urban water cycle 5.5 Spatial scale There are many options for integrated water management. In order to be able to model a wide variety of schemes, several spatial scales are used within Aquacycle. These are the unit block, cluster, and the wider catchment scale. A cluster is made up of a number of unit blocks and a catchment is made up of a number of clusters. The clusters contained within the catchment may or may not have significantly different characteristics such as residential density, land use, drainage patterns, and elevation. 21 Aquacycle User Guide 5.5.1 Unit block scale The unit block represents a single household, industrial site, institution, or commercial operation, and is the smallest scale at which water management operations can be managed. Modelling the unit block scale allows the cumulative effect of individuals’ actions (i.e. stormwater and wastewater use at unit block scale) on the whole catchment to be determined. Therefore, it is the appropriate fundamental spatial scale for the modelling purpose. At unit block scale, water use, wastewater yield, stormwater runoff, and groundwater recharge processes are modelled. Information about the site, such as land use and water demands, along with daily precipitation and potential evaporation data, are required as input. The user has to specify the type of water management system operating on the site. It may be a conventional water management arrangement or an alternative one such as a rainwater tank or greywater reuse system. Total water use is separated into indoor and irrigation components, and indoor use is further dis-aggregated into its components: kitchen hot and cold water, bathroom hot and cold water, laundry hot and cold water, and toilet (all cold water). The wastewater discharge equals indoor water use and is separated into two components: greywater and blackwater. The unit block is divided into roof, paved, and pervious surface moisture stores. A continuous water balance of each of the stores is maintained. Actual evapotranspiration, roof, paved, and pervious surface runoff, groundwater recharge, change in soil moisture, and irrigation requirement are calculated for each day. 5.5.2 Cluster scale A cluster is a group of unit blocks that forms a local neighbourhood or suburb. It may consist of a conventional urban block delineated by roadways, or a node-like development that combines dense housing with shared open space. It can contain a number of land uses such as residential blocks, commercial precincts, public open space, and roads. The cluster can be used within the model to represent the spatial scale at which community water servicing operations are managed. The cluster scale considers water servicing at a community management scale, and provides the opportunity to investigate at the impact of alternate water management practices for a neighbourhood. Unit block scale functions still occur when modelling at cluster and catchment scale, but they occur within the unit block section of the model. A cluster contains roads and public open space as well as unit blocks. Varying land use and garden watering patterns are accounted for at the unit block scale within a cluster. There are a number of processes that are simulated at cluster scale only: stormwater base flow, leakage from the reticulation system, and stormwater inflow/infiltration into the wastewater network. Unmetered water use, the exfiltration of stormwater and wastewater, and wastewater overflows are not simulated by Aquacycle. 5.5.3 Catchment scale A catchment is represented in the model as a group of clusters; these clusters may relate to the suburbs in the catchment or areas of single land use. A representative (average) unit block is used to represent the residential area within each cluster rather than modelling each individual unit block. The values of the measured parameters associated with a unit block within each cluster are taken to be the average for that cluster (e.g. the total roof area in the cluster divided by the number of houses in the cluster). All other parameter values (measured and calibrated) are unaffected by the use of a representative unit block rather than modelling each individual unit block. 22 General description of Aquacycle 5.6 Using stormwater and wastewater A range of small to medium scale technologies exist that have the potential to provide individual or community scale water service systems (Clark, 1990). The common element of all these technologies is the collection, storage, and subsequent distribution of the water. The sources from which the water is collected and the locations to which it is then distributed vary. Treatment may or may not be required depending on the water source and purpose for which it is intended. Rather than attempt to simulate the operation of a large number of different stormwater and wastewater utilisation schemes in detail, a smaller number of generic methods can be modelled, representing the common elements of the different schemes. A number of stormwater and wastewater use methods have been selected to represent a range of approaches to stormwater and wastewater utilisation and are listed in Table 5-5. They relate to the different spatial scales at which water can be managed; all result in the beneficial use of the stormwater or wastewater. Combining several of these schemes can result in both stormwater and wastewater being used within a particular catchment, allowing the maximum exploitation of these resources. The only consideration of water quality relates to the selection of appropriate applications for stormwater and wastewater. Potable reuse, as opposed to sub-potable reuse of stormwater and wastewater, is discussed within the water industry (see Anderson (1995), Law (1997)). However, it may well be a number of years before potable reuse is accepted (if ever) allowing for such schemes to be installed in urban areas. 5.6.1 Preferences in supplying a demand from multiple available sources Note If there is more than one source selected to supply a particular demand (e.g. both rain tank and on-site wastewater treatment unit) then there is a set order in which these sources will be used to meet that demand (see Table 5-6). The rules used to determine the priorities for each demand are as follows: 1 Use the lowest quality water source available which meets the requirements of the demand first 2 Supply indoor water demands before outdoor demands 3 Use the water sources within the unit block before cluster sources 4 Use cluster scale water sources before catchment scale water sources 5 Use all local sources of water before importing water (reticulated water) 6 If a particular potential source of water has not been selected by the user, then the next highest priority source is used instead. Table 5-5: Methods for stormwater and wastewater reuse available in Aquacycle Scale Unit Block Method Source(s) of water* Uses* Comments May have a first flush device. Can only supply the unit block that the rain tank is located within. Distributes greywater directly to the garden through a sub-surface drainage field according to the daily irrigation requirements. Rain Tank Roof runoff All indoor and outdoor unit block uses Sub-Surface irrigation of greywater Greywater flows: kitchen, bathroom, laundry, toilet Unit block irrigation 23 Aquacycle User Guide Scale Method Cluster Catchment Source(s) of water* Uses* Comments On-site wastewater treatment unit Wastewater flows: kitchen, bathroom, laundry, toilet. Unit block toilet flushing. Irrigation. Can store treated effluent. Can only supply the unit block that it is located within. Option of disposing of effluent to stormwater or wastewater system. Stormwater store Unit block runoff. Road runoff. Public open space runoff. Stormwater from other clusters. Unit block toilet flushing. Irrigation. May divert a first flush to wastewater system. Any unit block or cluster can be supplied by any cluster stormwater store in catchment. Wastewater treatment and storage Unit block wastewater. Wastewater from other clusters(s). Unit block toilet flushing. Irrigation. Any unit block or cluster can be supplied by any cluster wastewater store in catchment. Option of disposing of effluent to stormwater or wastewater system. Aquifer storage and recovery Unit block runoff. Road runoff. Public open space runoff. Stormwater from other cluster(s). Unit block toilet flushing. Irrigation. Recharge and recovery is limited by rate at which water can be injected and pumped. Stormwater store Catchment stormwater runoff Unit block toilet flushing. Irrigation. Wastewater treatment and storage Catchment wastewater discharge. Unit block toilet flushing. Irrigation. May divert a first flush. Any unit block or cluster can be supplied by catchment stormwater store. Any unit block or cluster can be supplied by catchment wastewater store. Option of disposing of effluent to stormwater or wastewater system. *Where more than one source or use is listed, any or all of the different sources/uses can be selected by the user. Table 5-6: Preferences in supplying a demand from multiple available sources Water Supply Source Kitchen Water Demand Unit Block Bathroom Laundry Toilet Irrigation Unit block direct sub-surface greywater irrigation (kitchen and/or bathroom and/or laundry) Cluster Public Open Space Irrigation 1 Unit block treated wastewater 1 2 2 3 Cluster wastewater store (located in own cluster or another cluster) 3 4 1 Cluster stormwater store (located in own cluster or another cluster) 4* 5* 2* Aquifer storage and recovery (via cluster stormwater store) 4 5 2 Catchment wastewater store 5 6 3 Catchment stormwater store 6 7 4 7** 8 5 Unit block rain tank Reticulation 1 2** 1 2** 1 2** *Aquifer storage and recovery operates in conjunction with a cluster scale stormwater store (see section on Aquifier storage and recovery). **Reticulated water is automatically supplied to unit block indoor water demands if there is a shortfall in supply from higher priority sources. 24 Model Operations 6 Model Operations The following section describes the main operations of Aquacycle. 6.1 Calculation of stormwater flows Stormwater runoff is usually separated into two components for modelling purposes, these being surface runoff and base flow. Surface runoff from urban areas is further separated into components sources from pervious and impervious surfaces due to the differing hydrological response of these surface types. Impervious surfaces can be further divided up into roofs, roads, and paved areas. Pervious surfaces include grassed areas such as lawns and parks as well as garden beds and bare soil. Therefore, four surface types are used in the model; i) pervious areas, ii) roofs, iii) paved areas, and iv) roads, with each surface generating runoff. The total amount of water discharged as stormwater runoff, Rs, is given by the following equation: Rs = IRUN +SRUN +BF– ISI (1) The algorithms used to calculate the contributions due to impervious surface runoff, IRUN, pervious surface runoff, SRUN, and baseflow, BF, as well as the losses due inflow into the wastewater system, ISI, are given below. 6.1.1 Impervious surface runoff Impervious surfaces (roof, paved, and road areas) are each modelled as a single storage runoff saturation excess process. The water retained in the store represents the initial losses due to interception and depression storage. The concept of effective impervious area is used to represent the proportion of impervious surfaces that are directly connected to the stormwater drainage system. The remainder of the impervious surfaces, which are not directly connected, drain onto adjacent pervious surfaces. The proportion of impervious surfaces that are directly connected to the drainage system varies greatly. In one survey of nine Australian urban catchments, Boyd et al. (1993) found that the proportion of impervious area directly connected ranged from 31% to 100%. The concept of effective impervious area has been used in several rainfall-runoff models, such as ILLUDAS (Maidment, 1993), ILLSAX (O'Loughlin, 1991), STORM (Abbott, 1977; Dendrou, 1982), and SWMM (Metcalf & Eddy Inc et al., 1971). Runoff from the effective impervious area contributes to the total stormwater flow (IRUN) while the amount that flows onto the adjacent previous surfaces (NEAR) is calculated according to the following equations: 25 Aquacycle User Guide IRUN = ERA.(P-RIL+RST).(roofarea/clustarea) + EPA.(P-PIL+PST).(pavedarea/clustarea) + ERDA.(P-RDIL+RDST).(roadarea/clustarea) (2) NEAR = (100-ERA).(P-RIL+RST).(roofarea/clustarea) + (100-EPA).(P-PIL+PST).(pavedarea/clustarea) + (100-ERDA).(P-RDIL+RDST).(roadarea/clustarea) 6.1.2 (3) Pervious surface runoff and baseflow The structure of the pervious area surface stores and groundwater store is based on the AWBM model (Boughton, 1993). The AWBM model is a partial area saturation overland flow model. The use of partial areas is based on the division of a catchment into areas that produce runoff (contributing areas) and those that do not during a rainfall-runoff event (van de Griend, 1985). These contributing areas vary within a catchment according to the antecedent catchment conditions, allowing for the spatial variability of surface storage in a catchment. The use of the partial area saturation overland flow approach is simple and provides a good representation of the physical processes occurring in most Australian catchments. Daily infiltration capacity is rarely exceeded and the major source of runoff is from saturated areas (Chiew et al., 1995). The amount of excess soil moisture is calculated separately for the two pervious stores and combined according to the proportional area of each store as given in the following equation: EXC = {max(P+PS1-PS1C, 0)}.A1 + {max(P+PS2-PS2C, 0)}.(100-A1) (4) A user specified proportion of the excess soil moisture recharges the groundwater store. The groundwater store is drained according to a recession function, creating base flow. GWR = BI.EXC (5) BF = BRC.GWS (6) The amount of pervious surface runoff contributing to the total stormwater flow (SRUN) is equal to the excess soil moisture less that which goes to infiltration and that which goes to groundwater recharge. SRUN = EXC - RIS - GWR 6.1.3 system (7) Inflow and infiltration into the wastewater Aquacycle assumes that stormwater infiltration into the wastewater system occurs during periods of excess soil moisture storage. This water (RIS) enters a temporary infiltration store that then drains into the wastewater system (INF). RIS = II.EXC (8) INF = IRC. INFS (9) The inflow of stormwater into the wastewater system is represented as a proportion of the total surface runoff generated. ISI =%I.(SRUN+IRUN) 26 (10) Model Operations 6.1.4 The inclusion of irrigation It can be seen in Figure 5-9 that irrigation is applied to the pervious stores as well as precipitation. Water used for irrigation represents significant proportion of the total water supplied to an urban area and greatly affects the antecedent soil moisture condition of an urban catchment. Therefore it is necessary to include irrigation in the stormwater runoff component of the urban water balance model. The quantity of irrigation is a function a number of factors including the water requirements of plants in the garden and the personal behaviour of the gardener. The water requirements of plants in a garden is determined by prevailing climatic conditions, type of vegetation contained in the garden, soil type, and the amount of area that is irrigated (Heeps, 1977; Power et al., 1981). The personal behaviour of the gardener is affected by perceived plant water need, desired garden condition, and response to cost of water. As a result, individual watering practices are extremely variable. Note that people respond to the weather in two ways; firstly, watering occurs after a lag period following a rain event when the gardener perceives the garden is sufficiently dry to require watering, and secondly, the gardener responds to the particular days weather with cold, cloudy, overcast days not triggering a perceived need to water (Davis, 1992). For the purpose of estimating irrigation, the garden irrigation requirement, IR, is defined here as ‘the amount of irrigation required to supplement precipitation in order to maintain the desired garden condition or growth rate’. The decision to water a garden can be formulated as the minimum soil moisture storage level (or wetness) allowable, termed here as the triggerto-irrigate, TG. Therefore, the model irrigates the pervious area whenever the soil moisture storage level drops below the trigger-to-irrigate. If the soil moisture level in either of the two pervious stores drops below the user defined ‘trigger-to-irrigate’ level then irrigation is applied to make up the deficit. IR = max(TG.PS1c - PS1, 0).A1.%GI + max(TG.PS2c - PS2, 0).(100-A1).%GI (11) The user specifics the percentage of the total garden area and public open space area which is irrigated; this determines the volume of water required to meet the irrigation demand. Due to the form of the irrigation equation given above, frequent small irrigation applications will occur rather than less frequent sizable irrigation applications that fully wet the soil profile (which is more likely in a commercial irrigation situation). During extended periods with no rainfall and moderate to high evaporative demand, a pattern of a constant daily irrigation application can occur, representing a daily garden watering regime rather than a less frequent and peakier garden watering demand. Therefore, it is not appropriate for estimating peak daily irrigation demands, although it has been found to satisfactorily fitting observed watering patterns at weekly or great time scales. 6.2 Calculating evapotranspiration Water evaporates from both pervious and impervious surfaces. The algorithms used to calculate the contributions from each surface type are given below. 6.2.1 Actual evapotranspiration from pervious areas The approach used to calculate actual evapotranspiration is based on work of Denmead and Shaw (1962). This approach assumes that the supply of water to a plant is a linear function of available water in the root zone (Federer, 1979). The maximum amount of evapotranspiration that can occur in a given day is termed Ep, the potential evapotranspiration rate. Actual evapotranspiration is the amount which did actually 27 Aquacycle User Guide evapotranspire in that day, given the potential rate, the soil moisture content in the pervious stores (pervious store level) and the capacity of the vegetative cover to transpire (Epc). The representation of the evapotranspiration process is given in the equation below and illustrated in Figure 6-10. Ea = A1.min{(PS1/PS1c).Epc, Ep } + (100-A1).min{(PS2/PS2c).Epc, Ep}(12) Note that actual evapotranspiration from each of the two pervious stores is calculated separately, as can be seen in the above equation, where A1 is the proportion of the pervious area covered by store 1 and (100-A1) is the proportion of the pervious area covered by store 2. Actual evapotranspiration Potential evapotranspiration Capacity of vegetative cover to transpire, Epc Ep - potential on day t Ea - actual on day t PS – pervious store Empty Capacity, PSc level on day t soil moisture storage level Figure 6-10: The calculation of pervious surface evapotranspiration 6.2.2 Evaporation from impervious surfaces The impervious surface store is emptied by evaporation. Impervious surface evaporation is calculated by the following equation: Eimp = max(Ep, RST).(roofarea/clusterarea) + max(Ep, PST).(pavedarea/clusterarea) + max(Ep, RDST).(roadarea/clusterarea) 6.3 (13) Residential indoor water use Despite the variation in residential indoor water use from household to household, a typical pattern can be developed which provides a reasonable representation of household water use. This typical pattern is based on the different indoor water use components, kitchen, bathroom, laundry, and toilet. The resultant water use profile, can be constructed and used to predict indoor water use. Table 6-7 presents an indoor water use profile for Canberra. Table 6-7: Indoor water use (L/d) for Canberra, 2003 with no demand management No. of occupants 1 2 28 Kitchen Bathroom Toilet Laundry 31 50 99 161 51 94 90 148 Model Operations No. of occupants 3 4 5 6 7 Kitchen Bathroom Toilet Laundry 64 74 79 95 111 218 258 284 322 359 163 204 234 268 301 194 237 264 298 332 Given the household occupancy, the indoor water use profile in provided as input data and used to determine IWU, indoor water use, for each cluster in the modelled area. For example, IWU for a house occupied by 4 people would be 773 L/hh/d in this case. What if the average occupancy is not a whole number? If there is more than one household in a cluster, the average occupancy may not equal a whole number but rather, say 2.7. If this is the case, then linear interpolated is used to calculate the kitchen, bathroom, toilet and laundry water usage rates for the household. So, for example, if the indoor water profile input specifies kitchen use of a two person household is 50 L/d and kitchen water use of a three person household to be 64 L/d, then Aquacyle will calculate the kitchen water usage of a 2.7 person household to be 54.2 L/d [50 L/d + (64 L/d – 50 L/d) * (3 – 2.7) persons]. The same linear interpolation is carried out by Aquacycle for bathroom, toilet and laundry water usage. What if the average occupancy is greater than 7? If the average occupancy is greater than 7, the 3 person household water use is used to calculate each component of household water use. So, a household occupancy of 14 persons would mean there was a kitchen water use of 298.7 L/d [64 L/d * (14 ÷ 3) persons]. In order to simulate the performance of residential rainwater tanks that supply water to the hot water system (amongst other residential end uses), an estimation of the proportion of hot water used in the kitchen, bathroom and laundry is required. Cox and Cartwright (1998) found that in the Stringybark Grove townhouse development in Sydney, some 39% of the water used indoors was hot water for the 12 month period starting September 1995, but they do not provide details on the end uses splits. Koomey et al. (1994) provide details of the split of hot and cold water for the various residential end uses in the USA. From this information it is assumed that 60% of kitchen, 50% of bathroom and 25% of laundry water is hot. 6.4 Leakage Leakage from a reticulation system varies due to the care exercised in construction and its age and condition. The condition of the reticulation system is affected by soil movement, corrosive conditions, pipe material, workmanship, age, supply pressure, number of joints and connections, and the occurrence of bursts/cracks due to overburden loading or water hammer (Heeps, 1977). The leaked water either recharges the groundwater, drains away via the wastewater and stormwater systems or is intercepted and used by vegetation (Foster, 1994). Leakage of the reticulation system is assumed to be proportional to the bulk water use (IR + IWU) of an area. Leakage is calculated by the following equation:. LD =%L.(IR+IWU)/(100-%L) (15) 29 Aquacycle User Guide 6.5 Imported water The amount of water imported into an area is the sum of indoor water use, irrigation, and leakage: I = IWU + IR + LD 6.6 (16) Wastewater discharge The amount of wastewater discharged form an area is the sum of indoor water use, infiltration, and inflow: Rw = IWU + INF + ISI 6.7 (17) Impervious surface storage The storage level of the impervious surface store (RST, PST, and RDST) determines the antecedent condition of the surface at the beginning of a rain event and therefore the initial loss for each impervious surface type. For roof surfaces the store level is calculated as: RSTt = RSTt-1 + P – Eimproof – IRUNroof – NEARroof (18) where Eimp is the evaporation, IRUN is effective area runoff, and NEAR is the noneffective area runoff for the roof surface. RST t-1 is the storage level of the previous day. The store level for the paved and road surfaces in calculated in the same way. roof 6.8 roof roof Pervious surface storage For pervious store 1 (PS1) the store level is calculated as: PS1t = PS1 t-1 + P +IR +NEAR – EaPS1 –EXCPS1 (19) where Ea is the actual evapotranspiration and EXC is the excess soil moisture for pervious store 1. PS1 t-1 is the storage level of the previous day. The store level for pervious store 2 is calculated in the same way. PS1 6.9 PS1 Groundwater storage The groundwater store level is calculated as: GWSt = GWSt-1 + GWR +LD - BF (20) where GWSt-1 is the storage level of the pervious day. 6.10 Stormwater store operation All stormwater stores, from unit block rain tanks to catchment stores, can be represented as simple tanks or reservoirs. The water surface within a stormwater store can be assumed to 30 Model Operations remain horizontal due to the relatively small size of it. Therefore, the volume held within the store would be directly related to the elevation of the free surface. Overflow equals the volume of inflow which exceeds the available storage of the store. All water held within the storage can be assumed to be available for use, i.e. the active storage equals the storage capacity. The operation of the stormwater store can be represented by the water balance equation1: St = St-1 + Insw - ff - Csw - Osw - Ep + P (21) where St is the stormwater storage volume at the end of the current time step, Insw is the inflow of stormwater runoff, ff is the first flush of stormwater diverted from the inflow, Csw is the volume of stormwater taken from the store for water consumption, Osw is the amount of overflow, Ep is the evaporation from the stormwater store, P is the precipitation entering the stormwater store, and St-1 is the storage volume at the end of the previous time step. Figure 6-11 illustrates the structure of this conceptual model of a stormwater store. precipitation, P stormwater inflow, Insw first flush, ff evaporation, Ep overflow, Osw water consumption, Csw storage volume, St Figure 6-11: Structure of the stormwater store The storage volume cannot exceed the storage capacity or drop below zero (empty storage) at any time. The volume of water taken from the stormwater store for consumption is dependent on the volume available in the store, once overflow and evaporation have been removed. Evaporation from an open water surface is assumed to occur at the potential rate, i.e. equal to the area of uncovered open water surface multiplied by the potential evaporative demand of the given day. The amount of precipitation falling directly into the surface of the stormwater store also depends on the area of open water surface, if any. 6.10.1 First flush diversion The first flush of runoff generated from a small impervious surface such as a roof may contain higher concentrations of pollutants than the rest of the flow; this first flush may or may not be of sufficient quality to be used for the purpose selected (Duncan and Wigth, 1991). Stormwater runoff from larger areas, such as an urban catchment, can also display a pattern of initially higher concentrations of contaminants (Cordery, 1977). In order to increase the overall quality of the runoff entering the tank an initial quantity of runoff may be diverted from the inflow. Therefore, the option to divert the first flush of flow away from a stormwater store (block scale rainwater tank, cluster scale stormwater store and catchment scale stormwater store) into the stormwater system is available. 1 The subscript ‘sw’ in the symbols in Eq. 21 refer to the fact that all quantities relate to the operation of a stormwater store rather than, for example, a wastewater store. 31 Aquacycle User Guide 6.10.2 Rainwater tanks and effective roof area When representing a rainwater tank it is important to be aware that the Effective Roof Area input parameter determines the amount of the roof area that is collected by the guttering system and subsequently enters a rainwater tank. The remainder of the roof runoff spills onto the surrounding surfaces of the unit block. So, an input value of 100% for the Effective Roof Area in a particular cluster represents a collection system where all the roof area is used to harvest runoff directed into the tank. A 60% Effective Roof Area represents a collection system harvesting runoff from 60% roofs area with the remaining 40% of the roof area spilling onto the surrounding surfaces of the unit block. There is no direct method to set the proportion of roof area that drains into the rainwater tank due to the roof gutting configuration. The user may choice to use the Effective Roof Area input parameter in-lieu of a parameter directly controlling the proportion of roof area connected to rainwater tank. But the use of Effective Roof Area in this manner has the potential to under-estimated the amount of runoff from the “un-connected” portion of the roof which flows into the street scale stormwater system as half of the non-effective area roof runoff is directed to the unit block garden and the other half is directed into the street scale stormwater system. The volume of first flush is extracted from the runoff form the Effective Roof Area only. (Note that this is somewhat different from the beta version of Aquacycle where first flush was treated as a depth of runoff relative to the whole roof area. So, 1 mm over a 100 m2 roof was equivalent to 100 litres or 0.01 kL, while 1 mm over a 200 m2 roof was equivalent to 200 litres or 0.02 kL. So, larger roof area had resulted in larger amounts of water diverted via first flush even if the sum of roof area * effective area was equal. This no longer occurs as first flush is specified as a fixed volume regardless of the roof area and effective roof area input values.) 6.11 Wastewater treatment and storage operation Compared to stormwater runoff (which is intermittent), the discharge of wastewater is constant. Wastewater treatment units usually operate on the basis of inflow displacing water within the plant, creating outflow. It can be assumed, at a daily scale, that there is no lag between inflow and the consequent outflow, hence, a continuous flow of effluent leaves a treatment unit. This effluent flow may either be stored for latter use or disposed of. Since it is assumed that the wastewater treatment process causes no lag in the flow, only the storage of the wastewater effluent requires modelling. The operation of the wastewater store (Figure 6-12) can be represented by the water balance equation2: Wt = Wt-1 + Inww - Cww - Oww - Ep + P (22) where Wt is the wastewater storage volume at the end of the current time step, Inww is the inflow of wastewater into the store in the current time step, Cww is the volume of wastewater extracted from the store for water consumption in the current time step, Oww is the wastewater overflow volume in the current time step, Ep is the evaporation from the wastewater store in the current time step, P is the precipitation entering the wastewater store in the current time step, and Wt-1 is the wastewater storage level at the end of the previous time step. 2 The subscript “ww” in the symbols in Eq. 22 refers to the fact that these quantities relate to the operation of a store associated with an aquifer rather than, for example, a stormwater store. 32 Model Operations precipitation, P evaporation, Ep treatment unit wastewater inflow, Inww water consumption, Cww overflow to disposal, Oww storage volume, Www Figure 6-12: Structure of the wastewater treatment and storage unit 6.12 Aquifer storage and recovery operation Artificial recharge of an aquifer is the process by which human action is responsible for the transfer of surface water to the groundwater system (Digney and Gillies, 1995). This is done to: i) increase the yield of a aquifer that is already exploited, or ii) take advantage of its natural storage capacity instead of relying on surface storage. Aquifer storage and recovery is the process of storage of water in an aquifer for later withdrawal and use. The aquifer is assumed to have a fixed storage capacity, with all recharge water retrievable at a later time. An aquifer has a finite maximum rate at which it can accept water through an injection well (Pavelic et al., 1992); this rate is a function of the hydraulic gradient, aquifer permeability, and length and type of screen in the injection well (Oaksford, 1985). The maximum rate of retrieval of the injected water, through pumping, is also finite. The use of a temporary surface store would lessen the problem of limits on the rate at which water can be transferred into or out of the aquifer. The operation of the aquifer storage and recovery system can be represented by the following water balance equations, with Equation 233 relating to the surface section of the system and Equation 24 relating to the sub-surface section of the system (as shown in Figure 6-13): ASt = ASt-1 + Ina -Ij + R - Ca - Oa –E + P (23) At = At-1 + Ij- R (24) where ASt is the surface storage volume at the end of the current time step, At is the aquifer storage volume at the end of the current time step, Ina is the supply of water for recharge in the current time step, Ca is the volume of water taken from the surface store for water consumption in the current time step, Oa is the surface store overflow in the current time step, Ij is the volume of water injected into the aquifer in the current time step, R is the volume of water recovered from the aquifer in the current time step, E is the evaporation from the surface store in the current time step, P is the precipitation entering the surface store in the current time step, ASt-1 is the surface storage volume at the end of the previous time step, and At-1 is the aquifer storage volume at the end of the previous time step. The recharge of the aquifer is limited by the maximum rate of recharge and the availability of the aquifer storage, while the recovery of water from the aquifer is limited by the maximum rate of recovery and the availability of water in the aquifer. Since the aquifer is an underground store, there is no loss due to evaporation or storage gain through incident precipitation. There is also assumed to be no deep seepage from the aquifer. 3 The subscript ‘a’ in the symbols in Equation 23 refers to the fact that these quantities relate to the operation of store associated with an aquifer rather than, for example, a wastewater store. 33 Aquacycle User Guide water supply, Ina precipitation, P evaporation, E surface section overflow, Oa water demand, Ca surface store, ASt recovery, Ra recharge, Ij sub-surface section sub-surface section Aquifer storage, At Figure 6-13: Aquifer storage and recovery system structure Aquacycle uses the cluster stormwater store as the surface store. Water held in the cluster stormwater store above the 50% capacity mark is injected into the sub-surface store, subject to available sub-surface storage capacity. When the cluster stormwater store falls below 50% capacity water is recovered from the sub-surface store until the 50% capacity mark is reached. 6.13 Assessing performance of a reuse scheme Aquacycle uses several measures of performance; event reliability, volumetric reliability, and utilisation ratio. In the case of event reliability, an inability to provide anything but all of the demand in a time step is considered a failure, reducing the storage’s overall event reliability. In comparison, volumetric reliability relates to the proportion of the demand which was able to be supplied, reflecting the severity of the shortfall in terms of quantity. Event reliability is a stricter measure than volumetric reliability when demand is fairly constant. But, when the demand is highly variable, volumetric reliability is a stricter measure of performance. Event reliability, Re, as a percentage, is defined as: Re =100.(1 - p/N) (25) where p is the number of event failures in the total simulation period and N is the total number of time steps in the simulation period. An event failure occurs when the reuse scheme is unable to supply the total demand for water in a given time step. Volumetric reliability, Rv, as a percentage, is defined as: Rv = 100.Sv/Dv (26) where Sv is the total volume supplied and Dv is the volume demanded in the simulation period. Volumetric reliability measures the severity of failure to supply water demanded. When the demand for water exceeds the supply from a particular source a more useful measure of performance is the utilisation rate, Ur. The utilisation rate, Ur, as a percentage, is defined as: Ur = 100.u/Sv (27) where u is the amount of water used during the simulation period. When the demand for water exceeds the supply from a particular source, the maximum value of volumetric reliability is set by the amount of water available whereas the maximum value of the utilisation rate is 100 % (full use of the supply). This situation is illustrated in Figure 6-14, were the performance of a household rain tank system is presented. The house is 34 Model Operations located in Woden Valley, Canberra, has a roof area of 150 m2 and is occupied by four people. Tank water is used for all indoor purposes except toilet flushing. 100 percentage 80 60 40 Event reliability Volumetric reliability 20 Utilisation rate 0 0 5 10 rain tank volume, kilolitres 15 20 Figure 6-14: Performance measures for a household rain tank system located in Woden Valley, Canberra. 6.14 Optimising the size of a storage The size of a water storage can be optimised according to user specified criteria based on the measure of volumetric reliability (defined above). The optimisation criteria is ‘% rate of change in volumetric reliability’, which aims to find the point at which the further gain (or loss) in volumetric reliability does not justify the associated increasing (or decreasing) in storage size. It is analogous to the concept of diminishing returns and can be visualised as the slope of the volumetric reliability curve like the one shown in Figure 6-14. A 1% rate of change in volumetric reliability occurs when a 100% increase in storage size results in a 1% increase in volumetric reliability or a 100% decrease in storage size results in a 1% decrease in volumetric reliability. At the other end of the spectrum, a 100% rate of change in volumetric reliability occurs when a 1% increase in storage size results in a 1% increase in volumetric reliability or a 1% decrease in storage size results in a 1% decrease in volumetric reliability. Rate of change can be significantly greater than 100% although this value is the upper limit in the range of values the user can select as the optimisation criteria. 6.15 Transfer of water between clusters Stormwater and wastewater can be transferred between clusters for reuse. When water from Cluster 2 is used in Cluster 1 this is considered a transfer of water out of Cluster 2 and into Cluster 1. It is not a flow due to stormwater or wastewater drainage, it is a flow due to the reuse of stormwater or wastewater. 35 Aquacycle User Guide A positive value for the “Transfer of water” indicates the amount of water sourced from another cluster (or multiply clusters) for reuse. Conversely, negative value for the “Transfer of water” indicates the amount of water sourced by another cluster (or multiply clusters) for reuse. A positive value indicates a net transfer into the cluster and a negative value indicates a net transfer out of the cluster. 36 Modelling Assumptions and Cautions 7 Modelling Assumptions and Cautions 7.1 Aquacycle assumptions A series of assumptions are made within Aquacycle; these are given below. • The input and output of water occurs in a set order each day. Precipitation is added to and actual evaporation is removed from the two soil moisture stores simultaneously at the beginning of the day. Any moisture in excess of the soil storage capacity is then separated into surface runoff, groundwater recharge, and infiltration into the wastewater system. The irrigation demand is calculated and is applied at the end of the day. • Only one wetting and drying cycle occurs within a day. In reality, there may be multiple wetting and drying cycles, due to multiple rain events occurring within the day. • It is assumed that effect of wind turbulence due to increased surface roughness, sheltering by buildings, and other microclimate variations due to urbanisation, does not have a significant impact on the accuracy of the method used to calculate actual evapotranspiration from pervious areas and evaporation from impervious areas. There is little known about the actual difference between urban and non-urban evapotranspiration. • Actual evapotranspiration of pervious areas varies depending on the soil moisture storage at the beginning of the day, and the evaporative demand estimated by potential evapotranspiration as supplied in the climate input file. This accords with the approach of Boughton (1966) (a simplified Denmead and Shaw (1962) relationship) given in Equation 12. • The maximum rate of evaporation from the impervious surface is assumed to be given by potential evapotranspiration as supplied in the climate input file. No allowance is made for the effect that the heating of impervious surfaces has on the actual evaporation rate. Evaporation is removed from the impervious surface store at the end of the day (effectively after the rain event). 37 Aquacycle User Guide 38 • Precipitation is spread evenly over the entire area with no variation due to wind turbulence and localised storms. • Precipitation and irrigation wet the entire root zone to a constant level. This assumes the moisture is instantaneously distributed throughout the root zone when, in reality, a wetting front forms and the soil is slow to reach a constant soil moisture level throughout. • Surface ponding and overland flow do not occur until the soil moisture storage capacity of the partial representative area is exceeded. This may over-estimate the ability of precipitation and irrigation to wet the soil profile and underestimate runoff in intense rainfall events when infiltration capacity of the soil profile is exceeded. • The maximum initial loss from an impervious surface and the effective impervious area is assumed to be a fixed constant throughout the rain event and for all seasons during the year. • Non-effective area paved area runoff spills onto the pervious area within the same unit block. • When there is a pervious area (garden) within the unit block, half of the non-effective area roof area runoff spills onto the pervious area within the same unit block while the other half flows into the cluster scale stormwater system. When there is no pervious area within the unit block, the entire non-effective area roof flows into the cluster scale stormwater system. • Any road runoff from unconnected areas (non-effective area) spills onto the whole of the public open space area within the cluster. • The component of runoff from unconnected impervious areas that flows onto a pervious area is assumed to spread evenly across the entire adjacent pervious area (therefore being added to both pervious stores in equal areal depths). In actuality, the runoff would spill onto the edge of the adjacent pervious area and cause an increase in the moisture content of a small area. • If there is no pervious area adjacent to an impervious area, then the effective impervious area is 100%. All of the impervious surface must be directly connected to the stormwater system since there are no adjacent surfaces for the runoff to spill on to. • There is no lateral movement of moisture in the soil profile. Therefore, there is no transfer of moisture between the two pervious stores. In addition, all soil below impervious surfaces is regarded as dry. • The groundwater store is assumed to be an unconfined aquifer. • Groundwater recharge spreads uniformly over the entire groundwater store below a cluster; transmisivity is assumed to be infinite. Unless there is a large amount of water recharging at a fixed point within the modelled area, the assumption that there is no groundwater table gradient would have little impact on model accuracy. Any impact on base flow estimation is not significant enough to warrant more sophisticated modelling of the groundwater store. • There is no deep seepage from the groundwater store. The only discharge from the groundwater store is through base flow. • Part of the water applied to a garden will be wasted, since, depending on the timing of irrigation and the method used, part will evaporate before soaking into the soil or not available to the plant roots. However, the model assumes irrigation to be fully effective in recharging the soil moisture stores to the prescribed level with no wastage. • All outdoor water use is due to irrigation of either gardens or public open space. • All road area is 100% impervious. • All public open space is 100% pervious. • The average annual year is 365.25 days in length Modelling Assumptions and Cautions • 7.2 The initial storage level in the soil moisture stores is the greater of 0.5 * capacity or trigger-to-irrigate * capacity. It is calculated separately for gardens and open space in each cluster. Aquacycle cautions There are a number of known weaknesses in the way Aquacycle represents the urban water cycle that a user should be aware of: 7.2.1 Irrigation demand When the irrigation demand is not fully met, the next day's irrigation demand is the sum of the previous day's unsubstantiated irrigation demand and any additional irrigation demand created on that next day. Therefore, there is a compounding irrigation demand until the soil moisture storage returns to the trigger-to-irrigate level. If there is unfulfilled irrigation demand, Aquacycle will overestimate the actual irrigation demand and the statistics associated with storage performance will unreliable. It is recommended that whenever the performance of stormwater and/or wastewater storage is being evaluated which supplies an irrigation demand it be backed up by imported water. Shortfalls on supply from a store should be taken to be the amount of imported water that was required to back up the store. 7.2.2 Small storage size The representation of stormwater stores such as a rainwater tank assumes that the inflow due to runoff occurs before the outflow due to demand and that the demand is supplied before there is spillage (yield-before-spillage). In an actual system, runoff will occur at any time throughout the day, varying according to the weather. The demand for water from the store will occur in blocks throughout a day, depending on the end uses the store is supplying. When a store has a small capacity, in the order the average daily demand from the store or less, the lack or representation of the timing of runoff inflow and outflow due to the end use pattern may result in Aquacycle overestimating the usage if water from the store. Therefore, the performance estimates of small stores such as rainwater tanks should be treated with caution. The issue of appropriate time step and computational method for small urban stores is currently being researched at Monash University. Once the analysis in complete, the outcomes will enable Aquacycle users to better interpret the predicted performance. 39 Aquacycle User Guide 8 Calibration and Verification of Parameters The calibration of Aquacycle is not straightforward, due to the three model outputs which are to be fitted to observed values, the influence of a number of parameters on more than one output, and the potential for there being different catchments for each of the three outputs. This is unavoidable in a model that simultaneously estimates stormwater flows, wastewater flows, and water consumption. As a result, an iterative approach to parameter calibration is suggested (see discussion below). Calibration of Aquacycle is a manual, trial and error process as the model does not have any auto-calibration capabilities. Appropriate objective functions along with graphical plots (hydrographs and X-Y plots comparing observed and simulated flows) can be used to determine the ‘goodness-of-fit’ achieved by a particular parameter set. Note 8.1 It is recommended that the available observed data record is split into two portions, one being used for calibration and the other for verification (Klemes, 1986). Objective functions to evaluate the parameter set Two criteria for parameter selection are appropriate to this model: (i) a good replication of the quantity and (ii) temporal pattern of flow or consumption. SIM/REC, the sum of simulated flow, SIM, divided by the sum of recorded flow, REC, for a given time period is an appropriate objective function for measuring the accuracy of the quantity estimates produced by the model for a particular parameter set. Only days that have concurrent simulated and recorded flow4 are used to calculate the sum. The time step used for this objective function in Aquacycle, as reported in the Simulation Performance screen, is annual. 4 In other words, days for which there is no recorded (observed) flow are not used to calculate the sum 40 Calibration and Verification of Parameters SIM/REC = 1 means that the estimated and observed quantity of flow over the time period are equal, they do not necessarily have the same temporal pattern. To assess this, another objective function is required. An objective function, commonly used to assess the replication of the temporal flow pattern when calibrating hydrological models (Diskin and Simon, 1977; Chiew, 1990; Chiew et al., 1993), has the form: n (SIMi - RECi )2 (28) i =1 where SIMi and RECi are simulated and recorded flow respectively, of time period i, n is the number of concurrent time periods in which there is a recorded and simulated flow in the calibration period, and is the exponent used to weight the relative importance of errors in high or low flows. The magnitude of this objective function is to be minimised, with a value of zero meaning that the simulated series perfectly replicates the recorded series. The most commonly used value of = 1, transforming Eqn 28 into the sum of squares of differences objective function**5 (SDOF). This objective function places greater importance on the accurate simulation of high flows at the expense of the low flow region (Chiew, 1990), but the effect of this is balanced by the use of SIM/REC as an additional objective function. 8.2 Selecting an optimum parameter set Aquacycle has 16 parameters whose value must be determined through calibration. Eleven of these parameters relate to the simulation of stormwater flows, three to wastewater flows, and two to water use (see Table 8-8). Some parameters influence more than one output resulting in the need for an iterative approach to seeking an optimum parameter set. Table 8-8: Aquacycle calibration parameter set Output Stormwater Wastewater Water use Calibration parameter Percentage area of store 1 Pervious storage 1 capacity Pervious storage 2 capacity Roof area maximum initial loss Effective roof area Paved area maximus initial loss Effective paved area Road area maximum initial loss Effective road area Base flow index Base flow recession constant Infiltration index Infiltration store recession constant % of surface runoff as inflow Garden trigger to irrigate Public open space trigger to irrigate Units % Mm Mm Mm % Mm % Mm % Ratio Ratio Ratio Ratio % Ratio Ratio Symbol Al PS1c PS2c RIL ERA PIL EPA RDIL ERDA BI BRC II IRC %I TG POSTG Range 0 – 100 0 0 0 0 – 100 0 0 – 100 0 0 – 100 0–1 0–1 0–1 0–1 0 – 100 0–1 0–1 It is recommended that a series of steps are followed to obtain an optimum parameter set: 1 5 Initial estimates of calibration parameter values should be ascertained from local knowledge and modelling experience. The parameters that relate to water use and wastewater flows should be estimated and held constant. Fit the calibration parameters to simulate stormwater flows (using the two objective functions SIM/REC and the sum of squares of differences, SDOF). Also known as the sum of squared deviations, ordinary least squares, or error sum of squares. 41 Aquacycle User Guide 2 The parameters that relate directly to the simulation of wastewater should be adjusted to improve the fit to the recorded wastewater flows (using the two objective functions SIM/REC and the sum of squares of differences, SDOF). All other parameters should be held constant. 3 The parameters that relate directly to the simulation of water use should be adjusted to improve the fit to the estimated water use (using the two objective functions SIM/REC and the sum of squares of differences, SDOF). All other parameters should be held constant. At the end of this step, a complete set of initial parameters will have been found. 4 Next, the stormwater parameters should now be altered to account for changes in the initial estimates of the parameter values that relate to wastewater and water use. Step 4 is effectively repeating step 1 above, starting a new loop in the iterative process. This iterative process should continue until all three model outputs are fitted as well as possible. The effect of any change in a parameter value should be assessed in terms of the impact on all three outputs. If the new parameter value improved the fit of one of the outputs but has a significant negative impact on one or two of the outputs the new value should not be used. 8.3 Verification of the parameter set for Aquacycle An independent data set, which has been set aside specifically for parameter calibration should be used to verify the parameter set selected during the calibration process. A useful measure of model performance is the coefficient of efficiency, E, which expresses the proportion of variance of the recorded flows that can be accounted for by the model (Nash and Sutcliff, 1970; Wang et al., 1995). The coefficient of efficiency is defined as: n E= i =1 ( REC REC i n ) n 2 ( RECi SIMi ) 2 i =1 ( REC i i =1 REC ) (29) 2 where REC is the average value recorded in each time step for the period of interest, RECi is the recorded value for the time step i and SIMi is the simulated value for that same time step. A value of the coefficient of efficiency close to unity indicates that the model can reproduce satisfactorily the recorded flows, while the coefficient of efficiency equal to unity indicates that estimated flows for all time steps is equal to recorded flows. The coefficient of efficiency can also take on a negative value, implying a poor model simulation (Chiew and McMahon, 1993). The coefficient of efficiency, along with SIM/REC, can be used to assess the performance of Aquacycle. Table 8-9 provides a guide to interpreting the values of these objective functions. Table 8-9: Measuring model performance (Source: Chiew and McMahon, 1993) Adequacy of Performance Perfect Acceptable Accept with reservations Objective Function SIM/REC Coefficient of Efficiency 0.98 to 1.02 0.90 0.90 to 1.10 0.77 0.60 The time step over which SIM/REC and the coefficient of efficiency is assessed affects the resultant objective function value. Typically, the greater the time step, the less strict the test is of model performance due to the smoothing of temporal differences between the observed and simulated values. 42 Calibration and Verification of Parameters 8.4 Calibration and validation tools in Aquacycle The Simulation Performance screen (see Figure 8-15) provides the user with tools to assess the goodness-of-fit of the selected calibration parameters. In order to use these tools, a data file containing observed daily stormwater and/or wastewater and/or water use values must have been created. See the technical reference in the Appendix for details on formatting this file. The tools available to the user are: 1 calculation of annual SIM/REC 2 calculation of SDOF on a daily or weekly time step 3 calculation of the Coefficient of Efficiency, E, on a daily or weekly time step 4 in tabular form, or 5 X-Y plots of daily observed and simulated values. If you wish to use other tools to assess the goodness-of-fit of the selected calibration parameters, the simulation output file provides daily values of catchment surface flow, base flow, total stormwater output, inflow and infiltration into the wastewater system, wastewater outflow, total water use, and outdoor water use. This file is written to the Aquacycle/Results file directory during a simulation. See the Appendix for further details. Figure 8-15: The simulation performance screen of Aquacycle 8.5 Guidance on calibration parameter values The following provides a guide to the calibration parameters that have been selected in a number of projects that have utilised Aquacycle. They are provided to enable the user to gain a sense for the range of values that have been used for the different parameters in previous modelling exercises. The references to the quoted source should be followed up and the user's judgement about the appropriateness of the parameters must be exercised. 43 Aquacycle User Guide Table 8-10: Aquacycle calibration parameter values for the Woden Valley catchments (Source: Mitchell et. al., 2001) Output Sub-catchments Mawson Curtin & Woden Stormwater Percentage area of store 1 42 22 Pervious storage 1 capacity 30 32 Pervious storage 2 capacity 130 240 Roof area initial loss 0 0 Effective roof area 100 100 Paved area initial loss 0 0 Effective paved area 100 100 Road area initial loss 0 0 Effective road area 100 100 Base flow index 0.55 0.55 Base flow recession constant 0.02 0.0025 Wastewater % of surface runoff as inflow 3 3 Infiltration index 0.095 0.095 Infiltration store recession constant 0.12 0.12 Water use Garden trigger-to-irrigate 0.50*, 0.50*,0.31** 0.31** Public open space trigger-to-irrigate 0.46*, 0.46*,0.35** 0.35** *Pre water usage education campaign **post water usage eduction campaign. 44 Parameter Abbreviations Appendix A Abbreviations %GI Average percentage garden area %I Percentage of surface flow as inflow %L Percentage of bulk water use which leaks Exponent used to weight importance of high or low flows in the objective function SDOF A1 Percentage area of pervious store 1 ASt Aquifer surface store volume at the end of the current time step ASt-1 Aquifer surface store volume at the end of the previous time step At Aquifer store volume at the end of the current time step At-1 Aquifer store volume at the end of the previous time step BF Base flow BI Base flow index blockarea Average block size blocknum Number of unit blocks in a cluster BRC Base flow recession constant Ca Consumption of water from the surface store associated with aquifer storage and recovery clustarea Cluster area Csw Consumption of water from the stormwater store Cww Consumption of water from the wastewater store dv Deficit volume Dv Volume demanded E Coefficient of efficiency e Number of event failures in the total time period N Ea Actual evapotranspiration Eimp Impervious surface evaporation EP Equivalent population 45 Aquacycle User Guide Ep Potential evapotranspiration EPA Effective paved area Epc Plant controlled maximum evapotranspiration ERA Effective roof area ERDA Effective road area EXC Rainfall excess ff First flush gardenarea Average garden area in a unit block 46 GWR Groundwater recharge GWS Groundwater storage level ha Hectare I Imported water II Infiltration index Ij Volume of water injected into the aquifer Il Initial loss from an impervious surface Ina Supply of water for aquifer recharge INF Infiltration of stormwater into the wastewater system INFS Infiltration store level Insw Inflow of stormwater into stormwater store Inww Inflow of wastewater into stormwater store IR Irrigation requirement IRC Infiltration recession constant IRUN Impervious surface runoff ISI Inflow IWU Indoor water use kL Kilolitres kL/d Kilolitres per day kL/hh/y Kilolitres per household per year kL/y Kilolitres per year L/c/d Litres per capita per day L/d Litres per day L/hh/d Litres per household per day LD Leakage depth m2 Square metres N Total number of time steps in the total time period NEAR Non-effective area runoff Nw Total water need Oa Overflow from the surface store associated with aquifer storage and recovery occ Average unit block occupancy Osw Overflow from the stormwater store Abbreviations Oww Overflow from the wastewater store p event failure P Precipitation pavedarea Average paved area in a unit block Pe Probability of event failure PIL Paved area maximum initial loss POSarea Area of public open space within the cluster PS1 Pervious storage 1 level PS1c Pervious storage 1 capacity PS2 Pervious storage 2 level PS2c Pervious storage 2 capacity PST Paved area surface storage level R Rainfall excess Ra Volume of water recovered from the aquifer RDIL Road area maximum initial loss RDST Road surface storage level Re Event reliability REC Average recorded value in the period of interest REC Sum of recorded flow RECi Recorded flow in time period i RIL Roof area maximum initial loss RIS Infiltration store recharge roadarea Road area within the cluster roofarea Average roof area in a unit block Rs Stormwater runoff Rsimp Stormwater runoff form impervious surfaces RST Roof surface storage level Rv Volumetric reliability Rw Wastewater discharge SDOF Objective function - sum of square of differences SIM Sum of simulated flow SIM/REC Objective function - the sum of simulated values divided by the sum of recorded values SIMi Simulated flow in time period I SRUN Pervious surface runoff St Storage volume in the stormwater store at the end of the current time step St-1 Storage volume in the stormwater store at the end of the previous time step Sv Total volume supplied in the time period N TG Garden trigger to irrigate u Amount of water used in a period 47 Aquacycle User Guide 48 Ur Utilisation rate Vn Vulnerability Wt Wastewater storage volume at the end of the current time step Wt-1 Wastewater storage volume at the end of the current time step References Appendix B - References Abbott, J. (1977) Guidelines for Calibration and Application of Storm. The Hydrologic Engineering Center, US Army Corps of Engineers. Training document No. 8 Anderson, J.M. (1995) Water Conservation and Recycling in Australia: Scenarios for Sustainable Urban Water Use in the 21st Century. AWWA 16th Federal Convention, Sydney, pp 389-395. Boughton, W.C. (1993) A Hydrograph-based Model For Estimating The Water Yield Of Ungauged Catchments. Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Newcastle, IEAust, pp. 317-324. Boyd, M.J., Bufill, M.C. and Knee, R.M. (1993) “Pervious and impervious runoff in urban catchments.” Hydrological Sciences Vol. 38 (6) : pp. 463-478. Chiew, F.H.S. (1990) Estimating Groundwater Recharge Using an Integrated Surface and Groundwater Model. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Melbourne. Chiew, F.H.S. and McMahon, T.A. (1993) “Assessing the Adequacy of Catchment Streamflow Yield Estimates.” Australian Journal of Soil Research Vol. 31 : pp. 665-680. Chiew, F.H.S., Osman, E.H. and McMahon, T.A. (1995) Modelling daily and monthly runoff in urban catchments. The Second International Symposium on Urban Stormwater Management, Melbourne, Australia, Institute of Engineers Australia, pp. 255-260. Chiew, F.H.S., Stewardson, M.J. and McMahon, T.A. (1993) “Comparison of six rainfallrunoff modelling approaches.” Journal of Hydrology Vol. 147 (1993) : pp. 1-36. Clark, R.D.S. (1990) “Asset Replacement: Can We Get It Right?” Water Vol. Feb : pp. 2224. Cordery, I. (1977) “Quality Characteristics of Urban Storm Water in Sydney, Australia.” Water Resources Research Vol. 13 (1) Feb 1977 : pp. 197-202. Cox, D. and Cartwright, A. (1998) Water Usage at Stringybark Grove - an Environmentally Sustainable Housing Development Davis, L. (1992) Domestic Watering and Consequent Waste Runoff in Melbourne. University of Melbourne. Dendrou, S.A. (1982) Overview of Urban Stormwater Models. Urban Stormwater Hydrology. Washington, D.C., American Geophysical Union. 271pp. Denmead, O.T. and Shaw, R.H. (1962) "Availability of Soil Water to Plants as Affected by Soil Moisture Content and Meteorological Conditions." Agronomy Journal Vol. 54 (5): pp. 385-389. Digney, J.E. and Gillies, J.A. (1995) “Artificial Recharge in Saskatchewan: Current Developments.” Water Resources Bulletin Vol. 31 (1) : pp. 33-42. 49 Aquacycle User Guide Diskin, M.H. and Simon, E. (1977) “A Procedure for the selection of objective functions for hydrologic simulation models.” Journal of Hydrology Vol. 34 (1977): pp. 129149. Duncan, H.P. and Wigth, D.J. (1991) Rainwater Tanks For Domestic Water Supply In The Melbourne Area. Board of Works. Federer, C.A. (1979) “A Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Model for Transpiration and Availability of Soil Water.” Water Resources Research Vol. 15 (3) : pp. 555-562. Foster, S.S.D., Morris, B.L. and Lawrence, A.R. (1994) Effects of urbanisation on groundwater recharge. Groundwater problems in urban areas, London, Thomas Telford, pp 43-63. Heeps, D.P. (1977) Efficiency in Industrial, Municipal and Domestic Water Use. Australian Water Resources Council Technical Paper. Research Project No. 72/41. Klemes, V. (1986) “Operational testing of hydrological simulation models.” Hydrological Sciences Vol. 31 (1): pp. 13-24. Koomey, J.G., Dunham, C. and Lutz, J.D. (1994) The Effect of Efficiency Standards on Water Use and Water Heating Energy Use in the US: A Detailed End-use Treatment. LBL35475. May 1994, Law, I.B. (1997) Domestic Non-Potable Reuse - Why Even Consider it? AWWA 17th Federal Convention, Melbourne, AWWA, pp 135-142. Maidment, D.R., Ed. (1993) Handbook of Hydrology. New York, McGraw-Hill, Inc. Metcalf & Eddy Inc, University of Florida, Water Resources Engineers Inc., (1971) Storm Water Management Model Volume 1 - Final Report. EPA. 11024 DOC 07/71. Mitchell, V. G., Mein, R. G., & McMahon, T. A. (2001) Modelling the Urban Water Cycle. Journal of Environmental Modelling & Software, Vol. 16 (7) pp 615-629. National Water Quality Management Strategy (1996) Draft Guidelines for Sewerage Systems - Use of Reclaimed Water. National Health and Medical Research Council. Report No. 14. O'Loughlin, G. (1991) Workshop on the ILSAX Program. IEAust Oaksford, E.T. (1985) Artificial Recharge: Methods, Hydraulics, and Monitoring. Artificial Recharge of Groundwater. Boston, Butterworth Publishers. pp 69-128. Pavelic, P., Gerges, N.Z., Dillon, P.J. and Armstrong, D. (1992) The Potential for Storage and Re-Use of Adelaide's Stormwater Runoff Using the Upper Quaternary Groundwater System. Centre for Groundwater Studies. Report No. 40. Power, N.A., Volker, R.E. and Stark, K.P. (1981) “Deterministic Models for Predicting Residential Water Consumption.” Water Resources Bulletin Vol. 17 (6) : pp. 10421049. van de Griend, A.A. and Engman, E.T. (1985) Partial Area Hydrology and Remote Sensing. Journal of Hydrology Vol. 81 (1985): pp. 211-251. Water Authority of Western Australia (1987) Domestic Water Use in Perth, Western Australia Working Papers. Vol. 2. Perth: Water Authority of Western Australia 50 Technical Reference Appendix C - Technical Reference This technical reference documentation details Aquacycle’s input data and output file contents and formats. The data files are all in ASCII text format. There are a total of six input files required to run Aquacycle. These six files are: 1 Indoor water usage profile file (*.wpf) 2 Climate data file (*.clm) 3 Unit block file (*.ubl) 4 Cluster file (*.clu) 5 Catchment file (*.cmt) 6 Parameter & initial value file (*.prm) These files can be loaded as a group using a group file (*.gro). There is an additional input file that is required to calibrate the parameters used by Aquacycle. This file is called the Recorded file There are a total of ten groups of output file that can be output from Aquacycle. These ten groups are (where n is the cluster number): 1 Simulation output file SimCat.csv 2 Catchment balance output file CatchmentDailyBal.csv 3 Cluster daily water balance output file ClusterDailyBaln.csv 4 Unit block daily water balance output file UnitBlockDailyBaln.csv 5 Catchment monthly output file CatchmentMthly.csv 6 Cluster monthly output file ClusterMthlyn.csv 7 Catchment annual output file CatchmentYearly.csv 8 Cluster annual output file ClusterYearlyn.csv 9 Catchment component water use output CatchmentWaterDemand.csv 10 Cluster component water use output file ClusterWaterDemandn.csv 51 Aquacycle User Guide C.1 - Input files There are a total of six input files required to run Aquacycle. These six files are listed in Table C-1 below. Table C-1: Input data files Input File Type Indoor water usage profile Climate data Unit block Cluster Catchment Parameter & initial values File Suffix .wpf .clm .ubl .clu .cmt .prm The climate data file must to be created outside the Aquacycle program using a text editor. All other input data files can be created within Aquacycle and saved for later use or created using a text editor. Details on how to create the climate data file, as well as the four other input files, are given below. There are also two optional files, the group file and recorded file, which are also detailed below. C.1.1 - Indoor water usage profile file The indoor water usage water profile file provides Aquacycle with data on domestic water use for a particular urban area and period of time. The following is an example of an indoor water usage profile file: CanberraAverage2003 1,31,99,90,51 2,50,161,148,94 3,64,218,194,163 4,74,258,237,204 5,79,284,264,234 6,95,322,298,268 7,111,359,332,301 0.6,0.5,0.25 The first line contains the identifier for the file (water profile key), being any continuous string of alphanumerics. The second to eighth line contain the breakdown of domestic water use, in units of Litres per household per day. The order used is: household occupancy, kitchen water use, bathroom water use, toilet water use, and laundry toilet use. These lines must be ordered from occupancy of one to seven. The ninth line and final line gives the proportion of hot water use to total water use in kitchen, bathroom, and laundry, in this order. Note 52 The beta version of Aquacycle required the indoor water profile input file to have a tenth line that contained a single number, the Equivalent Population factor. The current version of Aquacycle no longer uses this approach to representing non-residential water usage. It will still load and use a indoor water profile input file which has a tenth line, although it does not read it in or use it. Technical Reference C.1.2 - Climate data file The climate data file contains historic daily rainfall and potential evaporation data series, in units of millimetres per day. The series can start and stop on any day within a calendar year. The date format used is YYYYMMDD, so 3rd December 1995 is represented as 19951203. The following is an example of a climate data file: 19780101,Paradise_Bom034566_Bom45646,19961231 19780201,0,6.25 19780202,34.8,4.43 . . to . . 19961229,1.4,4.57 19961230,0.18,6.48 19961231,0,5.58 The first line contains the start date, location identifier (climate file key), and end date. The location identifier can be any continuous string of alphanumerics, stating the region that the climate series applies to. The second to final line contains the date, rainfall, and potential evaporation. It is preferable that the rainfall and potential evaporation values for a given day are the 24 hour measurements for midnight to midnight. Although, 9 am readings (for the 24 hours preceding 9 am) can be used with little impact expected. C.1.3 - Unit block file The unit block file contains details on the options selected for the unit blocks within each cluster being simulated. All unit blocks within the cluster have the same arrangements but these arrangements may differ significantly between clusters. The following is an example of a unit block file: 5 1,10,0,50,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,7,0,50,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,4,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,10,0,50,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 The first line contains the number of clusters of unit blocks represented in the file (e.g. 5 in this case). The second to final line contains 33 comma separated numeric values indicating the type of arrangements selected for each cluster in turn. Each line relates to a single cluster only and the lines are in order of cluster number (first cluster to last cluster). So, the number of lines in the file is one greater than the number given in the first line. The specific options contained in each line, the order of these options, and the range of valid values for each item are as follows: 1 Supply garden irrigation with imported water? 0 or 1 2 Rain tank storage capacity in m3, 0 3 Rain tank exposed surface in m2, 0 4 Rain tank first flush in Litres, 0 5 Domestic hot water from rain tank? 0 or 1 6 Domestic kitchen cold water from rain tank? 0 or 1 53 Aquacycle User Guide 7 Domestic bathroom cold water from rain tank? 0 or 1 8 Domestic laundry cold water from rain tank? 0 or 1 9 Domestic toilet water from rain tank? 0 or 1 10 Domestic garden irrigation from rain tank? 0 or 1 11 Kitchen greywater for sub-surface irrigation? 0 or 1 12 Bathroom greywater for sub-surface irrigation? 0 or 1 13 Laundry greywater for sub-surface irrigation? 0 or 1 14 Wastewater treatment and storage capacity in m3, 0 15 Wastewater treatment and storage exposed surface in m2, 0 16 Treat kitchen wastewater? 0 or 1 17 Treat bathroom wastewater? 0 or 1 18 Treat laundry wastewater? 0 or 1 19 Treat toilet wastewater? 0 or 1 20 Toilet water from wastewater store? 0 or 1 21 Garden irrigation from wastewater store? 0 or 1 22 Wastewater storage overflow to sewer? 0 or 1 23 Wastewater storage overflow to stormwater? 0 or 1 24 Unit block runoff draining to cluster stormwater store? 0 or 1 25 Supply toilet from a cluster stormwater store? specify cluster number or 0 26 Supply garden irrigation from a cluster stormwater store? specify cluster number or 0 27 Unit block wastewater draining to cluster wastewater store? 0 or 1 28 Supply toilet from a cluster wastewater store? Specify cluster number or 0 29 Supply garden irrigation from a cluster wastewater store? specify cluster number or 0 30 Supply toilet from catchment scale stormwater storage? 0 or 1 31 Supply garden irrigation from catchment scale stormwater storage? 0 or 1 32 Supply toilet from catchment scale wastewater storage? 0 or 1 33 Supply garden irrigation from catchment scale wastewater storage? 0 or 1 C.1.4 - Cluster file The cluster file contains details on the water options selected for each cluster within catchment being simulated. All cluster within the catchment have the same water arrangements but these arrangements may differ significantly between clusters. The following is an example of a cluster file: 5 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0 1500,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,4,0,0,0 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0 The first line contains the number of cluster represented in the file (e.g. 5 in this case). The second to final line contains 19 comma separated numeric values indicating the type of arrangements selected for each cluster in turn. Each line relates to a single cluster only and 54 Technical Reference the lines are in order of cluster number (first cluster to last cluster). So, the number of lines in the file is one greater than the number given in the first line. The specific options contained in each line, the order of these options, and the range of valid values for each item. 1 Cluster scale stormwater storage capacity in m3, 0 2 Cluster scale stormwater storage exposed surface in m2, 0 3 Cluster scale stormwater storage first flush in m3, 0 4 Road runoff to Cluster scale stormwater store? 0 or 1 5 Collect stormwater from upstream clusters? 0 or 1 6 Cluster scale wastewater storage capacity in m3, 0 7 Cluster scale wastewater storage exposed surface in m2, 0 8 Collect wastewater from upstream clusters? 0 or 1 9 Cluster scale wastewater storage overflow to sewer? 0 or 1 10 Cluster scale wastewater storage overflow to stormwater? 0 or 1 11 Aquifer storage and recovery storage capacity in m3, 0 12 Maximum aquifer storage and recovery recharge rate in m3/d, 0 13 Maximum aquifer storage and recovery rate in m3/d, 0 14 Supply public open space irrigation from imported water? 0 or 1 15 Supply public open space irrigation from a cluster stormwater store? specify cluster number or 0 16 Supply public open space irrigation from a cluster wastewater store? specify cluster number or 0 17 Supply public open space irrigation from the catchment stormwater store? 0 or 1 18 Supply public open space irrigation from the catchment wastewater store? 0 or 1 19 Drain stormwater runoff into the cluster stormwater store? 0 or 1 C.1.5 - Catchment file The catchment scale file contains details on the water options selected for the catchment within each cluster being simulated. The following is an example of a catchment scale file: 2715.3,0,100,0,0,0,0,0 The single line contains 8 comma separated numeric values indicating the type of arrangements selected for the catchment. The specific options contained in each line, the order of these options, and the range of valid values for each item. 1 Catchment size in hectares, 0 2 0 3 Catchment scale stormwater storage capacity in m3, 0 4 Catchment scale stormwater storage exposed surface area in m2, 0 5 Catchment scale stormwater storage first flush in m3, 0 6 Catchment scale wastewater storage capacity in m3, 0 55 Aquacycle User Guide 7 Catchment scale wastewater storage exposed surface area in m2, 0 8 Catchment scale wastewater storage overflow to stormwater not sewer? 0 or 1 C.1.6 - Parameter and initial value file The parameter and initial value input file contains details on the measured parameters, calibrated parameters, and initial storage level values for each cluster in the catchment being simulated. The file is structured in three blocks separated by a line containing a single zero. Each line in a block relates to a single cluster and the lines are in order of cluster number, from first to last. The following is an example of a parameter and initial value input file: 5 1248,2.97,1155,820,276,59,70,190,14.1,31.8,10,3,4,0 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,57.4,0,57.4,10,3,4,0 784,2.63,1148,880,208,60,70,120.8,17.6,13.2,10,3,4,0 1,0,74000,18000,16000,40000,70,8.9,1.5,0,10,3,12,0 409,2.23,978,676,237,65,70,79.7,5.8,33.9,10,3,12,0 0 42,30,130,0,100,0,100,0,100,.55,.02,.095,.12,3,.5,.46 42,30,130,0,100,0,100,0,100,.55,.02,.095,.12,3,.5,.46 22,32,240,0,100,0,100,0,100,.55,.0025,.095,.12,3,.5,.46 22,32,240,0,100,0,100,0,100,.55,.0025,.095,.12,3,.5,.46 22,32,240,0,100,0,100,0,100,.55,.0025,.095,.12,3,.5,.46 0 0,0,0,0,0 0,0,0,0,0 0,0,0,30,0 0,0,0,0,0 5,0,0,0,0 The first line of the file contains the number of cluster represented within the file (e.g. 5 in this case). The first block of lines contains the measured parameters for each cluster. The order of these parameters and the range of valid values for each is as follows: 1 No. of blocks in cluster, 0 2 Average household occupancy, 0 3 Area of unit block in m2, 0 4 Area of unit block garden in m2, 0 5 Area of unit block roof in m2, 0 6 Area of unit block pavement in m2, 0 7 Per cent of unit block garden irrigated as a % 8 Total area of cluster in hectares, 0 9 Road area in hectares, 0 10 Area of public open space in hectares, 0 11 Per cent of public open space irrigated as a % 12 Water supply leakage rate as a % 13 Cluster stormwater output flows into Cluster No.? specific cluster number or 0 14 Cluster wastewater output flows into Cluster No.? specific cluster number or 0 The second block of lines contains the calibrated parameters for each cluster. The order of these parameters and the range of valid values for each is as follows: 1 56 Per cent area of pervious store 1 as a % Technical Reference 2 Capacity of pervious store 1 in mm 3 Capacity of pervious store 2 in mm 4 Roof area maximum initial loss in mm 5 Effective roof area as a % 6 Paved area maximum initial loss in mm 7 Effective paved area as a % 8 Road area maximum initial loss in mm 9 Effective road area as a % 10 Base flow index as a ratio 11 Base flow recession constant as a ratio 12 Infiltration index as a ratio 13 Infiltration store recession constant as a ratio 14 Per cent of surface runoff as inflow as a % 15 Garden trigger-to-irrigate as a ratio 16 Public open space trigger-to-irrigate as a ratio The third block of lines contains the initial storage level values for each cluster. The order of these the initial storage levels and the range of valid values for each is as follows: 1 Unit block tank storage level in m3 2 Unit block treated wastewater storage level in m3 3 Cluster scale stormwater storage level in m3 4 Cluster scale treated wastewater storage level in m3 5 Cluster scale aquifer storage level in m3 C.1.7 - Group file A group file can be created, which contains the name of each of the input data files, allowing all six files can be loaded by opening a single file. All of these files must be located in the Aquacycle\Data directory. The following is an example of a group file: actpro_1.wpf ncurtin1.clm ubsd54-b.ubl clus54-b.clu para541.prm cat54.ctm The six lines give the names of the six input files. The required order is given below. 1 Indoor water usage profile file 2 Climate data file 3 Unit block file 4 Cluster file 5 Parameter & initial value file 6 Catchment file 57 Aquacycle User Guide C.1.8 - Recorded file A Recorded file can be created, which contains observed water supply, stormwater, and wastewater data specific to a particular catchment. The following is an example of a Recorded file: YMD,Rs,Baseflow,Total Discharge,I/I depth,Wastewater,TotalImpDepth,DayNITot,LineNum 19860701,0,0.078002,0.078002,0,0.297908,0.327014,0.049807,1 19860702,0,0.229588,0.229588,0,0.292098,0.297847,0.02064,1 19860703,6.804184,0.229588,7.033772,0.104422,0.40233,0.292377,0.01517,1 19860704,0.797739,0.229588,1.027327,0.140919,0.438827,0.297474,0.020267,1 19860705,3.230251,0.229588,3.459839,0.120121,0.418029,0.284003,0.006796,1 . . to . . 19960615,6.804184,0.229588,7.033772,0.104422,0.40233,0.292377,0.0151 7,1 19960616,0.797739,0.229588,1.027327,0.140919,0.438827,0.297474,0.020 267,1 The first line contains the header listing the order of the items in the proceeding lines of the file. There are nine items on each line, being: 1 Date in YYYYMMDD format 2 Surface runoff 3 Base flow 4 Stormwater discharge 5 Inflow and infiltration into the wastewater system 6 Wastewater outflow 7 Total imported water use 8 Outdoor water use 9 Line number Items 2 to 8 are daily areal depth (mm/d) values. The line number entry is required to ensure that there are nine commas in each line of the file, delimiting nine input values. If you have no data for a particular item type (such as base flow) then simply leave a blank in the appropriate location. C.2 - Output files C.2.1 - Simulation output file The simulation output file contains daily areal depth values for the items that are useful for assessing the performance Aquacycle in reproducing observed catchment behaviour. The first line of the output file is a header listing the order of the items in each of the proceeding lines of the file. Output for each day in the simulation period is written to line, from the first day to the last day of the simulation period. The file consists of eight daily areal depth (mm/d) values, in the following order: 1 58 Date in YYYYMMDD format Technical Reference 2 Catchment surface runoff 3 Catchment base flow 4 Catchment stormwater discharge 5 Catchment inflow and infiltration into the wastewater system 6 Catchment wastewater outflow 7 Catchment total imported water use 8 Catchment outdoor water use (irrigation) C.2.2 - Optimisation output file The optimisation output file contains a selection of performance measures for the optimisation for each of the clusters contained in the catchment being simulated. The first line of each block of the output file is a header listing the cluster number while the second line is a header listing the order of the items in the proceeding lines of the file in each block. An individual line contains the output of a single iteration. Note that the values are for the total simulation period, as determined by the start year and end year selected in the Main screen. The file consists of seven values, in the following order: 1 Capacity of the storage type selected, m3 2 Total use in the simulation period, kL 3 Total demand in the simulation period, kL 4 Volumetric reliability in the simulation period, ratio 5 Best size so far in the optimisation, kL 6 Best volumetric reliability so far in the optimisation, ratio 7 % change from previous size tested C.2.3 - Catchment balance file The daily catchment scale water balance file is called CatchmentDailyBal.csv. This file contains information on the water balance components of the whole catchment that was simulated. The header lists the items contained the output file, in order. These items are written a new line for each day in the simulation period. The file consists of 17 items, in the following order: 1 Year 2 Month 3 Day 4 Precipitation in mm/d 5 Bulk imported water in mm/d 6 Actual evaporation in mm/d 7 Stormwater surface runoff in mm/d 8 Wastewater runoff in mm/d 9 Base flow in mm/d 10 Stormwater discharge in mm/d 59 Aquacycle User Guide 11 Change in catchment storage in mm/d 12 Daily catchment balance in mm/d 13 Catchment irrigation demand depth in mm/d 14 Catchment irrigation demand volume in kL/d 15 Volume of irrigation supplied to catchment in kL/d 16 Recharge to groundwater from catchment in mm/d 17 Net transfers between clusters in mm/d C.2.4 - Cluster daily water balance output file The daily cluster scale water balance file is called ClusterDailyBaln.csv where n is the cluster number. So, there is a separate cluster scale water balance output file for each cluster in the catchment. These files contain information on the water balance components of each cluster. The header lists the items contained the output file, in order. These items are written a new line for each day in the simulation period. The file consists of 38 items, in the following order: 60 1 Year 2 Month 3 Day 4 Precipitation in mm/d 5 Bulk imported water in mm/d 6 Actual evaporation in mm/d 7 Surface stormwater output in mm/d 8 Surface stormwater input in mm/d 9 Stormwater transfer in mm/d 10 Wastewater output in mm/d 11 Wastewater input in mm/d 12 Wastewater transfer in mm/d 13 Impervious surface runoff in mm/d 14 Baseflow in mm/d 15 Change in storage in mm/d 16 Cluster balance in mm/d 17 Cluster irrigation demand depth in mm/d 18 Cluster irrigation demand volume in kL/d 19 Cluster irrigation supply (volume) in kL/d 20 Cluster household irrigation supply (volume) in kL/d 21 Cluster groundwater recharge in mm/d 22 Wastewater volume to cluster wastewater treatment plant in kL/d 23 Cluster stormwater store inflow in kL/d 24 Cluster stormwater store precipitation input in kL/d 25 Cluster stormwater store evaporation in kL/d 26 Cluster stormwater store spillage in kL/d Technical Reference 27 Cluster stormwater store usage in kL/d 28 Cluster stormwater store retained volume in kL/d 29 Use of cluster scale wastewater storage in kL/d 30 Demand for cluster scale wastewater storage in kL/d 31 Spillage of cluster scale wastewater storage in kL/d 32 Deficit of cluster scale wastewater storage in kL/d 33 Supply of cluster scale wastewater storage in kL/d 34 Supply of cluster scale ASR in kL/d 35 Demand for cluster scale ASR in kL/d 36 Water injected into ASR in kL/d 37 Water recovered from ASR in kL/d 38 Deficit of supply from ASR in kL/d C.2.5 - Unit block daily water balance output file The daily unit block scale water balance file is called UnitBlockDailyBaln.csv where n is the cluster number. So, there is a separate unit block scale water balance output file for each cluster in the catchment. These files contain information on the water balance components of the unit blocks within each cluster. The file consists of 2 sections. The first section contains 2 lines with 5 items in each, with line 1 being a header line. The 5 items are in the following order: 1 Climate file key 2 Water profile file key 3 Cluster size in m2 4 Sum of greywater output in L/d for all unit blocks in cluster 5 Sum of blackwater output in L/d for all unit blocks in cluster The first line in the second section is a header line. These items are written a new line for each day in the simulation period. The section contains 41 items, in the following order: 1 Year 2 Month 3 Day 4 Precipitation in mm/d 5 Groundwater storage level in mm/d 6 Potential evaporation in mm/d 7 Actual evaporation from pervious areas in mm/d 8 Actual evaporation from unit block in mm/d 9 Surface runoff in mm/d 10 Wastewater output in mm/d 11 Groundwater recharge in mm/d 12 Impervious surface runoff in mm/d 13 Unit block imported water depth in mm/d 14 Unit block balance in mm/d 61 Aquacycle User Guide 15 Change in storage in mm/d 16 Rain day? with 1 = yes 17 Irrigation volume supplied in kL/unitblock/d 18 Irrigation demand depth in mm/d 19 Roof runoff yield in kL/unitblock/d 20 Raintank spillage in kL/unitblock/d 21 Raintank spill event with 1 = yes 22 Raintank evaporation in kL/unitblock/d 23 Subsurface greywater irrigation demand in kL/unitblock/d 24 Raintank demand in kL/unitblock/d 25 Raintank event failure with 1 = yes 26 Raintank use in kL/unitblock/d 27 Subsurface greywater irrigation use in kL/unitblock/d 28 Subsurface greywater irrigation deficit in kL/unitblock/d 29 Raintank deficit in kL/unitblock/d 30 Excess of wastewater from subsurface greywater irrigation in kL/unitblock/d 31 Greywater available for subsurface greywater irrigation in kL/unitblock/d 32 Subsurface greywater irrigation event failure with 1 = yes 33 Volume of irrigation supplied to unit block in kL/unitblock/d 34 Surface runoff from garden in mm/d 35 Onsite wastewater unit deficit in kL/unitblock/d 36 Onsite wastewater unit volumetric vulnerability in ratio 37 Onsite wastewater unit event failure with 1 = yes 38 Onsite wastewater unit use in kL/unitblock/d 39 Onsite wastewater unit demand in kL/unitblock/d 40 Onsite wastewater unit supply in kL/unitblock/d 41 Onsite wastewater unit spillage in kL/unitblock/d C.2.6 - Catchment monthly output file The monthly catchment scale output file is called CatchmentMthly.csv. This file contains information on the water balance components of the catchment as well as information on the performance of each water method. The header lists the items contained the output file, in order. These items are written a line for each month in the simulation period. The file consists of 86 items, in the following order: 62 1 Year 2 Month 3 Day 4 Precipitation in mm/mth 5 Potential evaporation in mm/mth 6 Actual evaporation from pervious area in mm/mth 7 Actual evaporation from catchment in mm/mth Technical Reference 8 Surface runoff out of catchment in mm/mth 9 Wastewater runoff out of catchment in mm/mth 10 Groundwater recharge in mm/mth 11 Base flow in mm/mth 12 Stormwater runoff out of catchment in mm/mth 13 Impervious surface runoff out of catchment in mm/mth 14 Bulk imported water into catchment mm/mth 15 Bulk imported water into catchment kL/mth 16 Change in catchment storage in mm/mth 17 Number of rain days in month 18 Volume of irrigation supplied to catchment in kL/mth 19 Catchment irrigation demand volume in kL/mth 20 Volume of domestic irrigation supplied to catchment in kL/mth 21 Volume of water running off roofs into rain tanks kL/mth 22 Volume of water spilling from rain tanks in kL/mth 23 Catchment demand for subsurface greywater irrigation system water in kL/mth 24 Catchment demand for tank water in kL/mth 25 Number of times rain tanks in catchment failed to fully meet demand (sum of the number of event failures in each cluster during the month) 26 Catchment use of tank water in kL/mth 27 Catchment use of subsurface greywater irrigation system water in kL/mth 28 Catchment deficit of subsurface greywater irrigation system water in kL/mth 29 Catchment deficit of rain tank water in kL/mth 30 Spillage from subsurface greywater irrigation system water in kL/mth 31 Use of subsurface greywater irrigation system water in kL/mth 32 Number of times subsurface greywater irrigation systems in catchment failed to fully meet demand (sum of the number of event failures in each cluster during the month) 33 Volume of irrigation supplied to catchment in kL/mth 34 Runoff from pervious surfaces in mm/mth 35 Catchment use of cluster scale stormwater storage in kL/mth 36 Catchment demand for cluster scale stormwater storage in kL/mth 37 Catchment supply of cluster scale stormwater storage in kL/mth 38 Catchment deficit of cluster scale stormwater storage in kL/mth 39 Catchment spillage of cluster scale stormwater storage in kL/mth 40 Number of times cluster scale stormwater storages in catchment failed to fully meet demand 41 Catchment deficit of on-site treated wastewater in kL/mth 42 Monthly volumetric vulnerability of on-site treated wastewater system (ratio) 43 Number of times on-site treated wastewater systems in catchment failed to fully meet demand 44 Catchment use of on-site treated wastewater in kL/mth 45 Catchment demand for on-site treated wastewater in kL/mth 63 Aquacycle User Guide 64 46 Catchment supply of on-site treated wastewater in kL/mth 47 Catchment spillage of on-site treated wastewater in kL/mth 48 Catchment use of cluster scale wastewater storage in kL/mth 49 Catchment demand for cluster scale wastewater storage in kL/mth 50 Catchment spillage of cluster scale wastewater storage in kL/mth 51 Catchment deficit of cluster scale wastewater storage in kL/mth 52 Number of times cluster scale wastewater storages in catchment failed to fully meet demand 53 Catchment supply of cluster scale wastewater storage in kL/mth 54 Catchment supply of cluster scale ASR in kL/mth 55 Catchment demand for cluster scale ASR in kL/mth 56 Amount of water injected into cluster scale ASR in the catchment in kL/mth 57 Amount of water recovered form cluster scale ASR in the catchment in kL/mth 58 Catchment deficit of supply from ASR in kL/mth 59 Number of times cluster scale ASR in catchment failed to fully meet demand 60 Monthly volumetric vulnerability of ASR in catchment (ratio) 61 Use of catchment scale stormwater storage in kL/mth 62 Spillage of catchment scale stormwater storage in kL/mth 63 Number of times catchment scale stormwater storage failed to fully meet demand 64 Monthly volumetric vulnerability of catchment scale stormwater storage (ratio) 65 Deficit of catchment scale stormwater storage in kL/mth 66 Demand for catchment scale stormwater storage in kL/mth 67 Supply of catchment scale stormwater storage in kL/mth 68 Use of catchment scale wastewater storage in kL/mth 69 Spillage of catchment scale wastewater storage in kL/mth 70 Number of times catchment scale wastewater storage failed to fully meet demand 71 Monthly volumetric vulnerability of catchment scale wastewater storage (ratio) 72 Deficit of catchment scale wastewater storage in kL/mth 73 Demand for catchment scale wastewater storage in kL/mth 74 Supply of catchment scale wastewater storage in kL/mth 75 Volume of water supplied for household garden irrigation in the catchment in kL/mth 76 Total depth of actual evapotranspiration from the unit block gardens in mm/mth 77 Depth of recharge from unit block gardens in total catchment in mm/mth 78 Water supplied from the cluster stormwater store to unit blocks in the catchment in kL/mth 79 Water supplied from the cluster wastewater store to unit blocks in the catchment in kL/mth 80 Water supplied from the catchment stormwater store to unit blocks in the catchment in kL/mth 81 Water supplied from the catchment wastewater store to unit blocks in the catchment in kL/mth 82 Volume of water evaporating from all rain tanks in catchment in kL/mth Technical Reference 83 Volume of water evaporating from all cluster stormwater stores in catchment in kL/mth 84 Volume of water evaporating from all cluster wastewater stores in catchment in kL/mth 85 Volume of water evaporating from all catchment stormwater stores in catchment in kL/mth 86 Volume of water evaporating from all catchment wastewater stores in catchment in kL/mth C.2.7 - Cluster monthly output file The monthly cluster scale output file is called ClusterMthlyn.csv where n is the cluster number. This file contains information on the water balance components of the cluster as well as information on the performance of each water management method. The header lists the items contained the output file, in order. These items are written a line for each month in the simulation period. The file consists of 78 items, in the following order: 1 Year 2 Month 3 Day 4 Precipitation in mm/mth 5 Potential evaporation in mm/mth 6 Actual evaporation from pervious area in mm/mth 7 Actual evaporation from cluster in mm/mth 8 Surface runoff out of cluster in mm/mth 9 Surface runoff into cluster in mm/mth 10 Wastewater runoff out of cluster in mm/mth 11 Wastewater runoff into cluster in mm/mth 12 Groundwater recharge in mm/mth 13 Base flow in mm/mth 14 Stormwater runoff out of cluster in mm/mth 15 Impervious surface runoff out of cluster in mm/mth 16 Bulk imported water into cluster in mm/mth 17 Bulk imported water into cluster in kL/mth 18 Change in cluster storage in mm/mth 19 Number of rain days in month in days 20 Volume of irrigation supplied to cluster in kL/mth 21 Cluster irrigation demand volume in kL/mth 22 Cluster irrigation demand depth in mm/mth 23 Volume of domestic irrigation supplied to cluster in kL/mth 24 Volume of water running off roofs into rain tanks in kL/unitblock/mth 25 Volume of water spilling from rain tanks in kL/unitblock/mth 26 Demand for subsurface greywater irrigation system water in kL/unitblock/mth 27 Demand for tank water in kL/unitblock/mth 28 Number of times rain tanks in cluster failed to fully meet demand in days 65 Aquacycle User Guide 66 29 Use of tank water in kL/unitblock/mth 30 Use of subsurface greywater irrigation system water in kL/unitblock/mth 31 Deficit of subsurface greywater irrigation system water in kL/unitblock/mth 32 Deficit of rain tank water in kL/unitblock/mth 33 Spillage from subsurface greywater irrigation system water in kL/unitblock/mth 34 Use of subsurface greywater irrigation system water in kL/unitblock/mth 35 Number of times subsurface greywater irrigation systems in cluster failed to fully meet demand in days 36 Volume of irrigation supplied to cluster in kL/mth 37 Runoff from pervious surfaces in mm/mth 38 Use of cluster scale stormwater storage in kL/mth 39 Demand for cluster scale stormwater storage in kL/mth 40 Supply of cluster scale stormwater storage in kL/mth 41 Deficit of cluster scale stormwater storage in kL/mth 42 Spillage of cluster scale stormwater storage in kL/mth 43 Number of times cluster scale stormwater storage failed to fully meet demand in days 44 Deficit of on-site treated wastewater in kL/unitblock/mth 45 Monthly volumetric vulnerability of on-site treated wastewater system in ratio 46 Number of times on-site treated wastewater systems in cluster failed to fully meet demand in days 47 Use of on-site treated wastewater in kL/unitblock/mth 48 Demand for on-site treated wastewater in kL/unitblock/mth 49 Supply of on-site treated wastewater in kL/unitblock/mth 50 Spillage of on-site treated wastewater in kL/unitblock/mth 51 Use of cluster scale wastewater storage in kL/mth 52 Demand for cluster scale wastewater storage in kL/mth 53 Spillage of cluster scale wastewater storage in kL/mth 54 Deficit of cluster scale wastewater storage in kL/mth 55 Number of times cluster scale wastewater storage failed to fully meet demand in days 56 Supply of cluster scale wastewater storage in kL/mth 57 Net transfer of water into or out of cluster in kL/mth 58 Supply of cluster scale ASR in kL/mth 59 Demand for cluster scale ASR in kL/mth 60 Amount of water injected into ASR in the cluster in kL/mth 61 Amount of water recovered form ASR in the cluster in kL/mth 62 Deficit of supply from ASR in kL/mth 63 Number of times ASR in cluster failed to fully meet demand in day 64 Monthly volumetric vulnerability of ASR in cluster in ratio 65 Water supplied for household garden irrigation in the whole catchment in kL/mth 66 Depth of actual evapotranspiration from the unit block gardens in mm/mth 67 Total depth of recharge from the unit block gardens in mm/mth Technical Reference 68 Use of catchment scale stormwater storage in kL/mth 69 Use of catchment scale stormwater storage by unit blocks in kL/mth 70 Use of catchment scale wastewater storage in kL/mth 71 Use of catchment scale wastewater storage by unit blocks in kL/mth 72 Use of cluster scale stormwater storage in kL/mth 73 Use of cluster scale wastewater storage in kL/mth 74 Use of cluster scale stormwater storage by unit blocks in kL/mth 75 Use of cluster scale wastewater storage by unit blocks in kL/mth 76 Volume of water evaporating from rain tank in kL/mth 77 Volume of water evaporating from cluster stormwater store in kL/mth 78 Volume of water evaporating from cluster wastewater store in kL/mth C.2.8 - Catchment annual output file The annual catchment scale output file is called CatchmentYearly.csv. This file contains information on the water balance components of the catchment as well as information on the performance of each water management method. The header lists the items contained the output file, in order. These items are written a line for each year in the simulation period. The file consists of 81 items, in the following order: 1 Year 2 Precipitation in mm/y 3 Potential evaporation in mm/y 4 Actual evaporation from pervious area in mm/y 5 Actual evaporation from catchment in mm/y 6 Surface runoff out of catchment in mm/y 7 Impervious surface runoff in mm/d 8 Wastewater runoff out of catchment in mm/y 9 Groundwater recharge in mm/y 10 Base flow in mm/y 11 Stormwater runoff out of catchment in mm/y 12 Bulk imported water into catchment mm/y 13 Bulk imported water into catchment kL/y 14 Change in catchment storage in mm/y 15 Number of rain days in year 16 Volume of irrigation supplied to catchment in kL/y 17 Catchment irrigation demand volume in kL/y 18 Volume of domestic irrigation supplied to catchment in kL/y 19 Volume of water running off roofs into rain tanks kL/y 20 Volume of water spilling from rain tanks in kL/y 21 Catchment demand for subsurface greywater irrigation system water in kL/y 22 Catchment demand for tank water in kL/y 67 Aquacycle User Guide 68 23 Number of times rain tanks in catchment failed to fully meet demand (sum of the number of event failures in each cluster during the year) 24 Catchment use of tank water in kL/y 25 Catchment use of subsurface greywater irrigation system water in kL/y 26 Catchment deficit of subsurface greywater irrigation system water in kL/y 27 Catchment deficit of rain tank water in kL/y 28 Spillage from subsurface greywater irrigation system water in kL/y 29 Use of subsurface greywater irrigation system water in kL/y 30 Number of times subsurface greywater irrigation systems in catchment failed to fully meet demand (sum of the number of event failures in each cluster during the year) 31 Volume of irrigation supplied to catchment in kL/y 32 Total irrigated area in catchment in m2 33 Runoff from pervious surfaces in mm/y 34 Catchment use of cluster scale stormwater storage in kL/y 35 Catchment demand for cluster scale stormwater storage in kL/y 36 Catchment supply of cluster scale stormwater storage in kL/y 37 Catchment deficit of cluster scale stormwater storage in kL/y 38 Catchment spillage of cluster scale stormwater storage in kL/y 39 Number of times cluster scale stormwater storages in catchment failed to fully meet demand 40 Catchment deficit of on-site treated wastewater in kL/y 41 Annual volumetric vulnerability of on-site treated wastewater system (ratio) 42 Number of times on-site treated wastewater systems in catchment failed to fully meet demand 43 Catchment use of on-site treated wastewater in kL/y 44 Catchment demand for on-site treated wastewater in kL/y 45 Catchment supply of on-site treated wastewater in kL/y 46 Catchment spillage of on-site treated wastewater in kL/y 47 Catchment use of cluster scale wastewater storage in kL/y 48 Catchment demand for cluster scale wastewater storage in kL/y 49 Catchment spillage of cluster scale wastewater storage in kL/y 50 Catchment deficit of cluster scale wastewater storage in kL/y 51 Number of times cluster scale wastewater storages in catchment failed to fully meet demand 52 Catchment supply of cluster scale wastewater storage in kL/y 53 Catchment supply of cluster scale ASR in kL/y 54 Catchment demand for cluster scale ASR in kL/y 55 Amount of water injected into cluster scale ASR in the catchment in kL/y 56 Amount of water recovered form cluster scale ASR in the catchment in kL/y 57 Catchment deficit of supply from ASR in kL/y 58 Number of times cluster scale ASR in catchment failed to fully meet demand 59 Annual volumetric vulnerability of ASR in catchment (ratio) Technical Reference 60 Use of catchment scale stormwater storage in kL/y 61 Spillage of catchment scale stormwater storage in kL/y 62 Number of times catchment scale stormwater storage failed to fully meet demand 63 Annual volumetric vulnerability of catchment scale stormwater storage (ratio) 64 Deficit of catchment scale stormwater storage in kL/y 65 Demand for catchment scale stormwater storage in kL/y 66 Supply of catchment scale stormwater storage in kL/y 67 Use of catchment scale wastewater storage in kL/y 68 Spillage of catchment scale wastewater storage in kL/y 69 Number of times catchment scale wastewater storage failed to fully meet demand 70 Annual volumetric vulnerability of catchment scale wastewater storage (ratio) 71 Deficit of catchment scale wastewater storage in kL/y 72 Demand for catchment scale wastewater storage in kL/y 73 Supply of catchment scale wastewater storage in kL/y 74 Annual volume of water supplied for household garden irrigation in the whole catchment in kL/y 75 Total annual depth of actual evapotranspiration from the unit block gardens in mm/y 76 Total depth of recharge from the unit block gardens in mm/y 77 Volume of water evaporating from all rain tanks in catchment in kL/y 78 Volume of water evaporating from all cluster stormwater stores in catchment in kL/y 79 Volume of water evaporating from all cluster wastewater stores in catchment in kL/y 80 Volume of water evaporating from all catchment stormwater stores in catchment in kL/y 81 Volume of water evaporating from all catchment wastewater stores in catchment in kL/y C.2.9 - Cluster annual output file The annual cluster scale output file is called ClusterYearlyn.csv where n is the cluster number. This file contains information on the water balance components of the cluster as well as information on the performance of each water management method. The header lists the items contained the output file, in order. These items are written a line for each year in the simulation period. The file consists of 68 items, in the following order: 1 Year 2 Precipitation in mm/y 3 Potential evaporation in mm/y 4 Actual evaporation from pervious area in mm/y 5 Actual evaporation from catchment in mm/y 6 Surface runoff out of catchment in mm/y 7 Surface runoff into catchment in mm/y 8 Impervious surface runoff out of catchment in mm/y 9 Wastewater runoff out of catchment in mm/y 10 Wastewater runoff into catchment in mm/y 69 Aquacycle User Guide 70 11 Groundwater recharge in mm/y 12 Base flow in mm/y 13 Stormwater runoff out of catchment in mm/y 14 Bulk imported water into catchment mm/y 15 Bulk imported water into catchment kL/y 16 Change in catchment storage in mm/y 17 Number of rain days in year 18 Volume of irrigation supplied to catchment in kL/y 19 Catchment irrigation demand volume in kL/y 20 Volume of domestic irrigation supplied to catchment in kL/y 21 Volume of water running off roofs into rain tanks kL/y 22 Volume of water spilling from rain tanks in kL/y 23 Catchment demand for subsurface greywater irrigation system water in kL/y 24 Catchment demand for tank water in kL/y 25 Number of times rain tanks in catchment failed to fully meet demand 26 Catchment use of tank water in kL/y 27 Catchment use of subsurface greywater irrigation system water in kL/y 28 Catchment deficit of subsurface greywater irrigation system water in kL/y 29 Catchment deficit of rain tank water in kL/y 30 Spillage from subsurface greywater irrigation system water in kL/y 31 Use of subsurface greywater irrigation system water in kL/y 32 Number of times subsurface greywater irrigation systems in catchment failed to fully meet demand 33 Volume of irrigation supplied to catchment in kL/y 34 Irrigated area in catchment in m2 35 Runoff from pervious surfaces in mm/y 36 Catchment use of cluster scale stormwater storage in kL/y 37 Catchment demand for cluster scale stormwater storage in kL/y 38 Catchment supply of cluster scale stormwater storage in kL/y 39 Catchment deficit of cluster scale stormwater storage in kL/y 40 Catchment spillage of cluster scale stormwater storage in kL/y 41 Number of times cluster scale stormwater storages in catchment failed to fully meet demand 42 Catchment deficit of on-site treated wastewater in kL/y 43 Annual volumetric vulnerability of on-site treated wastewater system (ratio) 44 Number of times on-site treated wastewater systems in catchment failed to fully meet demand 45 Catchment use of on-site treated wastewater in kL/y 46 Catchment demand for on-site treated wastewater in kL/y 47 Catchment supply of on-site treated wastewater in kL/y 48 Catchment spillage of on-site treated wastewater in kL/y Technical Reference 49 Catchment use of cluster scale wastewater storage in kL/y 50 Catchment demand for cluster scale wastewater storage in kL/y 51 Catchment spillage of cluster scale wastewater storage in kL/y 52 Catchment deficit of cluster scale wastewater storage in kL/y 53 Number of times cluster scale wastewater storages in catchment failed to fully meet demand 54 Catchment supply of cluster scale wastewater storage in kL/y 55 Net transfer of water into or out of catchment 56 Catchment supply of cluster scale ASR in kL/y 57 Catchment demand for cluster scale ASR in kL/y 58 Amount of water injected into cluster scale ASR in the catchment in kL/y 59 Amount of water recovered form cluster scale ASR in the catchment in kL/y 60 Catchment deficit of supply from ASR in kL/y 61 Number of times cluster scale ASR in catchment failed to fully meet demand 62 Annual volumetric vulnerability of ASR in catchment (ratio) 63 Annual volume of water supplied for household garden irrigation in the cluster in kL/y 64 Total depth of actual evapotranspiration from the unit block gardens in mm 65 Total depth of recharge from the unit block gardens in mm 66 Volume of water evaporating from all rain tanks in cluster in kL/y 67 Volume of water evaporating from cluster stormwater store in kL/y 68 Volume of water evaporating from cluster wastewater store in kL/y C.2.10 - Catchment water demand output file The catchment scale water demand file contains data on the average household water demand in the catchment. The file is called CatchmentWaterDemand.csv. The file consists of a single line that has nine items, in the following order: 1 The water profile file key 2 The climate input file key 3 Total number of unit blocks in the catchment 4 Average catchment kitchen water use in L/d 5 Average catchment bathroom water use in L/d 6 Average catchment toilet water use in L/d 7 Average catchment laundry water use in L/d 8 Average catchment greywater output in L/d 9 Average catchment blackwater output in L/d C.2.11 - Cluster Water Demand Output File The cluster scale component water use file contains data on the average household water in each cluster. There is a separate file for each cluster and is called ClusterWaterDemand n.csv where n is the cluster number. 71 Aquacycle User Guide Each cluster scale file consists of a single line that has nine items, in the following order: 72 1 The water profile file key 2 The climate input file key 3 Total number of unit blocks in the cluster 4 Average cluster kitchen water use in L/d 5 Average cluster bathroom water use in L/d 6 Average cluster toilet water use in L/d 7 Average cluster laundry water use in L/d 8 Average cluster greywater output in L/d 9 Average cluster blackwater output in L/d