2013-14 Dean`s Report - School of Business Administration School


2013-14 Dean`s Report - School of Business Administration School
Dean’s Report
Fostering the
entrepreneurial spirit
In this issue:
Student success stories
Blackstone LaunchPad
News from our alumni
School of Business Administration
Curiosity never sleeps
Curiosity never sleeps
The Gallagher Business Building at Night, photo by Josh Sanders
1 | Dean’s Report 2013-2014
Saying Yes
to Success
Read about three
fascinating success stories
Students Go Global
Three exciting study abroad experiences
In this
Big Data
UM continues to
lead in Big Data
5...... Advisory Board Listings
7...... From the Dean
11...... Connecting Students
19...... Student Leadership
21...... Connecting to Industry Expertise
25...... Of Note: Students
29...... Of Note: Faculty & Staff
33...... Of Note: Alumni
35...... Partners for Excellence
41...... Where Are They Now?
Breaking Ground
Construction scheduled to
begin summer 2014
on Gilkey Center for
Executive Education
Larry Gianchetta
Associate Dean
Terri Herron
Dean’s Report Team
Andi Armstrong
Kathleen Tarkalson
Tammy Yedinak
Graphic Designer
Shauna Murphy
Todd Goodrich
Special thanks to the
University Relations
editing team.
On the cover:
Anthony Krolczyk, alumnus
and Assistant Professor Justin Angle
The printing of this Dean’s Report is made possible in part by grants from
DA Davidson & Co. and the John and Kathleen Connors Business Opportunity Fund.
20I3-20I4 Ad v isor
y Board
2013-2014 Business Advisory Council
Jack Alton, Kount
David C. Benson, Willis of Colorado, Inc.
Mike Boken, Independent Pharmaceutical Marketing Consultant
Travis Cossitt, DIRECTV
Kari Dilloo, RedFin
Tim France, Worden’s Market, Inc.
Jena Gardner, JG Black Book of Travel
John Hanousek, Piracle
Jeff Kendrick, CPA, Doyles-Sheehan
Jim Kolokotrones, Department of the Treasury
Marjorie Lacy, (Retired) Northern Arizona University
Gregory Morck, Family Dollar
David M. McNabb, Reckitt Benckiser
Amy Parker, Deloitte
Russ Piazza, Front Street Capital Management
John Rogers, Governor’s Office of Economic Development
David M. Seery, Whiting Petroleum Corporation
Mary Shanahan, Draper's & Damon's
Dean Stumvoll, Deloitte
Tom Swenson, Bank of Montana
Ron Yates, Jr., CPA, Eide Bailly LLP
Mike Zinne, Kyriba
2013-2014 Accounting & Finance Advisory Board
Jerry Buck, Deloitte Tax LLP
Brad Cederberg, D.A. Davidson
Ann Deegan, Montana Society of CPAs
Jennifer Ehman, Moss Adams LLP
Mitch Johnson, Montana Bankers Association
Joe Kola, First Interstate Bank
Miranda Ming, Galusha, Higgins & Galusha PC
Anne Robinson, Treasure State Bank
Cliff Sheets, Montana Board of Investments
Tamara Williams, Internal Revenue Service
2013-2014 Management & Marketing Advisory Board
JJ Adams, U.S. Senate
Susan Ash, Partners Creative
Amy Campbell, Liberty Mutual Agency Corporation
Mindy Carver, PayneWest Insurance
Cameron Deatsch, Atlassian Software
Maureen Fleming, Business Consultant
Lou Fontana, Vubiquity
John Giuliani, Montana Timber Products
Lynne Himes, LA Design
Ray Kordupleski, Customer Value Management, Inc.
Patrick Marzullo, Wieden & Kennedy
Bill McDonald, Pandora Media Inc.
Brian Oestrike, Hypoxico, Inc.
Morrie Shechtman, Fifth Wave Leadership
Jennifer Smith, Acesco, LLC
Steven Sundheim, Modwest, Inc.
2013-2014 Management Information Systems Advisory Board
James Dolph, Salesforce.com
Eric Frazee, Washington Corporations
Ben Goodman, FAST Enterprises, LLC
Jeff Harriott, Consumer Direct Management Solutions
Sarah Paardekooper, Education Logistics, Inc.
Alex Philp, GCS
Tom Stergios, Advanced Technology Group
Janna Tangedahl, Glacier Bancorp
2013-2014 Bureau of Business and Economic
Research Advisory Board
John Goodnow, Benefis Health System
James Grunke, Missoula Economic Partnership
Diana Holshue, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Sue Larew, First Interstate Bank
Heather McDowell, PPL Montana, LLC
Tom Richmond, Montana Board of Oil and Gas
Chuck Roady, F. H. Stoltze Land and Lumber Company
From the
Story by Alex Strickland
he academic year of 2013-2014 was another banner year for the School of Business
Administration at the University of Montana. This issue of the Dean’s Report contains many
articles acknowledging faculty and students who have been recognized locally, regionally and
internationally. The culture of this business school inspires faculty-student interaction, which
dramatically improves the learning environment.
You will also read about the establishment of two programs within the School of Business
Administration. The programs are 1) Big Data/Data Analytics and 2) Sustainability. Both of these
programs are highly interdisciplinary in nature, involving students and faculty from across the
campus. I am proud to say that faculty members within the School of Business have taken the
lead with establishing both of these programs. I am personally convinced that the interdisciplinary
approach is the key to our future as our world becomes more complex.
As you read through this Dean’s Report, you can understand why
I continue to come to work each morning excited about the day’s
agenda. The culture that has been established for some time within
this business school has enabled the learning process to become
exciting to observe. I want to thank each and every one of you for
your interest and support in making it possible for my colleagues
and our students to THRIVE.
Larry Gianchetta
There’s an old trope
in Hollywood where
a young go-getter
knows she has the
smarts, the drive and
the charm to make it
on the big stage; she
just needs a break...
e p o Henderson,
r t 2 0 1 MBA
3 - 2 ‘14
“We need to encourage more students like
Matt and Andrew who are creating things
and couple them with experts and a little
bit of money,” – Associate Professor Cameron Lawrence,
Poe Family Distinguished Faculty Fellow
Justin Angle running at Omnibar ranch,
photo courtesy of
Strobot Studios, Bozeman, MT
Gangloff, an Army veteran, had an idea for a wireless gas sensor
that would provide a low-cost way to monitor how natural gas
from fracking operations impacts human health. After taking a
class from Associate Professor Cameron Lawrence that pushed
students to create disruptive technologies, Gangloff approached
Lawrence about doing an independent study to flesh out his idea.
“Matt was an outstanding student, and through a meeting
with James Grunke at the Missoula Economic Partnership, I
immediately knew there was potential to get him some help to
make this happen,” Lawrence said.
Grunke quickly connected Gangloff with Alex Philp of GCS, a
geoanalytics company focused on optimizing location information,
and David Bell of ALPS, a provider of legal malpractice insurance.
Those two Missoula businessmen provided funding to help
Gangloff create early prototypes and continue pressing the idea
toward production.
Gangloff’s timing also dovetailed perfectly with the Blackstone
LaunchPad, a new entrepreneurial resource on campus funded by a
$2 million grant with the intent to help launch as many as 150 new
ventures in Montana over the next five years.
Matt Gangloff and Andrew Burrington update Cameron Lawrence on their project.
...“Just get me in a room,” she’ll say,
“And I’ll take it from there.” It’s a feeling
well known to students, armed with newly earned knowledge
and skills they’re certain can benefit an employer – or the open
market through an idea of their own – if only they could get the
introduction required to get in the door.
What many students in the School of Business Administration have
come to find, however, is that they don’t need any help getting “in
a room”; they’ve been there since the day they walked on campus.
With faculty and staff who are closely connected to business
owners, investors and innovators from Front Street to Wall Street,
ideas can take flight in the front row of a lecture hall and land in a
boardroom pitch meeting almost overnight.
The three stories here highlight some of the opportunities SoBA
students have jumped at thanks to a fortuitous meeting, a welltimed great idea or a mentor’s suggestion. But what they all have in
common is adherence to advice MBA student Christina Henderson
has used to guide her academic experience: “The students who take
advantage of the incredible extra opportunities available here are the
ones who take their careers to a whole new level. Say ‘yes,’ it makes
all the difference.”
Lunch to Launch: Christina Henderson
Leads New Tech Alliance
Christina Henderson may be new to her position as the executive
director of the Montana High Tech Business Alliance – she was a
week into her new office when she spoke for this story – but turning
her MBA studies into career opportunities is already old hat for the
Henderson plans to graduate from the School of Business
Administration in fall 2014, but she’s wasted no time leveraging
valuable contacts made here, including a volunteer opportunity with
former Senator Max Baucus’ Montana Economic Development
Summit that led to some face time with Facebook COO Sheryl
Sandberg, and an invitation from the Montana Academy of
Distinguished Entrepreneurs (MADE) to a fortuitous lunch with
Montana businessman Greg Gainforte.
Henderson had lunch with the Bozeman-based entrepreneur after
he was honored by MADE in 2012 and the pair stayed connected
as Gianforte mentored budding entrepreneurs from UM. When he
became a founding board member for the new Montana High Tech
Business Alliance, Henderson was right where she needed to be.
“The School of Business Administration is just constantly
connecting students to a lot of Montana’s most successful
entrepreneurs,” Henderson said. “There are so many opportunities
to meet people, and that’s really highly valued by faculty and staff,
many of whom are entrepreneurs themselves.”
At the fledgling nonprofit organization, Henderson will have a
chance to help stoke those entrepreneurial fires as she works to get
Montana tech companies on board and help generate more highpaying jobs around the state.
“Right now Montana and the UM campus feel like they’re at
a tipping point, even though the groundwork has been laid for
decades,” she said. “It’s a great time to be an entrepreneur and to
work with entrepreneurs.”
The time is right, and it’s not by chance that Henderson finds herself
in the right place, too.
“I owe it all to the school,” she said.
Community Support Helps
Students Turn Over a ‘New Leaf’
With the right connections in place and the power of a good idea,
a new business can move fast. Just ask Matt Gangloff and Andrew
Burrington, who have seen an influx of funding and interest since the
duo won the School of Business Administration’s Fall 2013 Business
Plan Competition and founded New Leaf Environmental Monitoring.
“Blackstone LaunchPad has helped increase our progress
dramatically,” Gangloff said. “It’s funny, actually the day I met
with Cameron, Alex and David to fund my research was the
same day they announced their plans to invest in Montana State
University and UM entrepreneurs. Nine months later, I’m reaping
the benefits of what once seemed too good to be true.”
Lawrence points to innovation like New Leaf Environmental
Monitoring as the model of development for students looking to
grow a business out of a great idea.
“We need to encourage more students like Matt and Andrew who
are creating things and couple them with experts and a little bit of
money,” Lawrence said. “Business schools can be incubators for
this sort of project, students who can dream and build things not in
isolated labs, but grown from connections within the community.”
Student, Professor Partnership
Builds a Brand on the Run
Anthony Krolczyk will always hold a distinctive honor at Missoulabased nutrition company Omnibar: He was employee number No. 1.
Hired two days after graduation, Krolczyk is the sales and marketing
director at the fast-growing and innovative natural foods company
(look for them in an upcoming Outside Magazine Buyer’s Guide),
and the School of Business Administration professor who helped
open the door for him is coming along for the ride.
“By the time I graduated Justin and I were good friends, but it’s
been the professional development post-graduation that makes this
friendship unique,” Krolczyk said. “You’re not going to have all
the answers right out of school and you’re going to make mistakes.
Having a mentor to bounce ideas off of and assure you that you’re
pointed in the right direction is critical.”
It just so happened that Angle, who in addition to teaching is
also an elite ultrarunner and brand ambassador for major outdoor
companies like Patagonia, was looking for a supporter with a more
natural approach to energy foods. He recently signed on as an
ambassador for Omnibar.
Now Omnibar’s newest athlete is the same person who had a hand
in shaping the career of their first employee.
“From the first time I had a class with him, what he had to say and
how his personal character shaped his approach on marketing really
resonated with me,” Krolcyzk said. “Plus, he’s a father of two kids,
husband, professional athlete, full-time working professional, and
lives in Missoula, Montana! I'm sitting in class thinking… I want to
be this guy!”
Fall Business Plan
Competition Winners
First place: $1,500,
Matthew Gangloff, Brattleboro, VT;
and Andrew Burrington, Missoula, MT:
New Leaf Environmental Monitoring (see story)
Assistant Professor Justin Angle had a chance meeting with
Omnibar President Cooper Burchenal and Krolczyk’s name came
up immediately when it came out that the company was looking
for a student intern.
Second place: $500,
Donna Weathers, Missoula, MT:
Everyday Hero, a smartphone application
that provides users with a “help line”
when they need assistance.
“Anthony’s name was at the tip of my tongue. His positive attitude
and fantastic experience as a Red Bull student brand manager
made him a great fit,” Angle said.
First and second places received an automatic
entry in the spring competition.
Krolczyk credits Angle not only with the connection, but with the
irreplaceable guidance of mentorship both in the classroom and
even after graduation.
connecting students
c o n n e c t i n g
Entrepreneurship Opportunities
Expand Through
s t u d e n t s
MBA Students Present
to Nike
UM Alumna Stefanie Strack, Director of the Global
Running Strategic Planning at Nike, invited SoBA MBA
students to conduct a market research study on trail
running for the Nike Global Running Strategic Group.
Eight students conducted primary research on market
size, growth, trends and trail runners’ needs and wants.
The MBA students then traveled to Portland in May
2013, under the guidance of MBA Director Simona
Stan and Associate Professor of Management Michael
Braun. The group spent a full day at Nike and had the
opportunity to meet with UM Alumni Adam Steffen,
Stefanie Strack, Dan Nelson and Joe Monahan. The
students presented their findings to 14 Nike Global
Running managers.
While in Portland, the group also visited UM Alumni
Tim O’Leary, President and CEO of R2C Group, and
Karli Vold, Senior Project Manager at FireApps. The
MBAs were eager to have the opportunity to meet
with so many successful UM alumni and felt this was
“extremely informative and worthwhile.”
Paul Gladen and Andrea Duke in UM’s Blackstone LaunchPad Office
lackstone LaunchPad helps UM students jumpstart their own businesses by fostering connections among campus
departments, the business community and local entrepreneurs. According to Paul Gladen, Director and entrepreneur, it
creates an environment that nurtures young entrepreneurs and provides them the skills and network necessary to succeed.
Andrea Duke, MBA student, recently was hired as the Marketing and Events Coordinator for Blackstone LaunchPad. Duke is also
the communications director for Entrepreneurship Club, as well as the Graduate Business Student Association. Duke and Gladen
met through the Entrepreneurship Club and their interactions sparked her interest in the position because it encourages students to
start their own companies.
According to UM news, “With a physical presence at UM and MSU, Blackstone LaunchPad has the potential to generate 150 new
ventures in Montana over the next five years. The program is modeled after a successful program developed at the University of
Miami in 2008, which has generated 1,413 business proposals, created 210 new jobs and drawn nearly 2,600 participants. Each
new regional program will be linked together, drawing ideas and best practices from the existing programs, while giving student
entrepreneurs at UM and MSU access to a national community of more than 200,000 of their peers across affiliated campuses, as
well as expert advisers.”
MBA students relax with their professors and Nike managers after the presentation
connecting students
c o n n e c t i n g
VITA Program Returns $830,000
in Refunds to Missoulians
MIS Students Land Consulting Positions with Major Firms
Accounting students at the SoBA completed another very successful tax season. The longstanding Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program, in partnership with the Internal
Revenue Service, is designed to assist low-to-moderate income taxpayers in completing their
federal and state income tax returns. This year the program expanded to offer specialized
tax assistance to international students. International students studying at the University of
Montana have unique income tax reporting requirements. Students participating in the VITA
program completed training and certification so that services could be expanded to meet the
special needs of these students.
Greg Heidner never imagined that he would land a summer consulting
internship with KPMG or that he would be able to work for a Fortune 500
client before he even received his degree. After his internship, Heidner
accepted both a full-time offer with the firm and a role back in Missoula
as its on-campus representative. Heidner said of his time at SoBA, “I
wouldn’t trade my time at UM for any other institution in the country.
The career development, coursework, and, most importantly, the people
prepared me for the next step in my career.” He urges future students to
“make connections and nurture them. SoBA works hard to give students the
opportunity to work on career development early and often. Take advantage
of it!”
SoBA student volunteers participate in two ways. Students worked in Missoula on Saturdays
during tax season, preparing tax returns for local community members. Four adventurous
students travelled north to prepare returns for residents in the remote Alaskan villages of
Galena, Ruby, Tanana,
Angoon, Hoonan and Kake.
Volunteers processed
668 federal and 697 state
returns, resulting in more
than $830,000 in refunds
for Missoulians. Student
volunteers worked under
the direction of Kent Swift,
Associate Professor of
Accounting and Clem
Lockman, a practicing CPA
and SoBA graduate.
Top: Accounting student
helps Missoula resident
prepare her tax return.
Bottom: Accounting,
Alaska Style
E-Club Interactive Lecture Series
The Entrepreneurship Club (E-Club) is a campus-wide organization that supports innovation and leadership. Its lecture series brings in some
of the most talented people in Montana and provides students with a better understanding of special topics such as personal branding or legal
issues facing business startups. Spring 2014 the E-Club introduced a new type of lecture series in which multi-part lectures leading up to an
event will give members an opportunity to apply their new knowledge to a work environment.
Alumna Maggie Gleason, from FAST Enterprises, spoke in one of
take the path to where he is today. Sanders interviewed with five different
firms, culminating in thirteen separate interviews, numerous lunches,
coffees and dinners and two interviews for which the companies flew
Sanders to their locations. He chose to pursue a career working with FAST
Enterprises. “I get up every day and go to an amazing job, working with
great people and applying the knowledge I acquired during college to make
a difference in the world,” he said. While on a four-day trip to Arizona
for the FAST Enterprises Annual General Meeting that brought the entire
company together, Sanders was pleased to reconnect with Maggie Gleason,
Consultant Lead, and inform her that she had been an inspiration to him and
helped propel him toward his career at FAST.
E-Club members
and guest lecturers
While at UM, Taylor Hersom met many SoBA alumni who impacted
his professional life. During his senior year, two alumni visitors provided
the direction he was looking for. Tanner Beree, a 2011 MIS graduate was
representing KPMG’s New York City office and Julia Lake, a 2012 MIS
and International Business graduate was from the KPMG San Diego office.
They both talked about internships and the transition from student life to
working in the “real world.” With these topics fresh in his mind, Hersom
began applying for various consulting positions. He chose the companies he
wanted to work for and contacted recruiters throughout the entire semester.
By May, he had seven employment offers at a wide array of companies and
ultimately chose FAST Enterprises in Denver.
Josh Sanders’ classes about her life after college, inspiring him to
The president of E-Club, Austin
Walker, also serves as the president of
the Graduate Business Student
Association. His participation
in both clubs helps them
work efficiently,
providing numerous
advantages for
their members.
s t u d e n t s
connecting students
c o n n e c t i n g
Jena Gardner ‘92,
Inspires Students
Record Recruiting Levels
Business students honed interview skills, met with employers and accepted job and internship offers during a busy autumn 2013
semester that saw record levels of recruiting. SoBA’s Career Development program hosted 55 events, ranging from career skills
workshops to networking events and one-on-one meetings with employers.
Jena Gardner ’92, president and CEO
of Global Group by JG, spent two days
meeting with SoBA students and faculty
in October, advising, recruiting and
inspiring. Gardner, named one of the Top
25 Most Extraordinary Minds in Sales
and Marketing by HSMAI, has made her
mark in the travel and lifestyle industries
as both a leader and an innovator.
“This fall the SoBA Career Development program hosted record levels of recruiting activity,” said Janel Queen, director of
SoBA Career Development. “Our comprehensive, hosted recruiting visits were up by 137% this fall over last year. Companies
conducting on-campus interviews were up by 113%, as well.”
A total of 60 companies and more than 130 employer representatives visited the Gallagher Business Building during the course
of the semester. Companies such as Microsoft, PricewaterhouseCoopers, KPMG, Moss Adams and Fast Enterprises conducted
full recruiting visits.
Gardner met one-on-one with students
interested in internships at Global Group
by JG, participated in one of the business
school’s regular mini career fairs and
presented to several marketing classes
and the student Marketing Club.
“Thanks to the foresight and generosity of the
SoBA Business Advisory Council in their efforts
to create the Career Development program eight
years ago, we are able to help students succeed in
ways no one could foresee,” Queen said.
Gardner, a Montana native, majored
President and CEO of Global Group by JG returns to UM to meet with students
in accounting at UM and worked for
PricewaterhouseCoopers after graduation. Through a networking contact
(made while working summers on the Triple Creek Ranch in Darby,
Montana), she received an offer of a marketing job, eventually leading to the
creation of her own company.
“Really commit to networking,” Gardner told students. “Everything you
encounter could be a potential opportunity… if you focus so much on each
step, you have blinders on and opportunities pass you by.”
She also encouraged students to work hard at marketing themselves. “The
hardest thing in the world is to sell yourself,” she said. “If you can sell
yourself, you can sell anything.”
Global Group by JG is a strategic holding company with a portfolio of brands
in sales and marketing, public relations and retail. Global Group’s JG Black
Book of Travel has been recognized as one of America’s fastest-growing
privately held companies by Inc. magazine for the past four years. They
also have The Traveler’s Collection, an online boutique with artisan, antique
and one-of-a-kind goods from around the world. Gardner also serves on the
Business Advisory Council for SoBA.
be a
– Jena Gardner
s t u d e n t s
In addition to the many alumni and corporate
partners who financially support the donorfunded program, 43 SoBA alumni made the trip
to the UM campus this fall to take part in career
development events. “We sincerely appreciate the
efforts of our alumni to recruit their fellow SoBA
students and help launch their careers,” Queen
She also gives credit to a number of collaborators
who work with students. “Our program
partners—including our outstanding faculty,
UM Internship Services, the Society of Human
Resource Managers, Missoula Job Service, UM
Career Services and individual employers—
help us prepare students to excel in the job and
internship search process, for which we are
grateful,” she said.
For spring semester, the Career Development
program had a 150% increase in employers
scheduled for recruiting visits.
For more information and career resources, visit
Students interviewing with potential employers
connecting students
c o n n e c t i n g
s t u d e n t s
Summer Study Abroad Programs
in Romania, Italy and Germany
Students Explore
New Zealand
and Australian
Brescia, Italy
For two weeks in July 2014, 12 graduate business students
(MBA and MAcct) will study in Sibiu, a medieval town in the
middle of Transylvania. With the help of the University Lucian
Blaga in Sibiu, they will complete mini internships with local
subsidiaries of multinational companies to learn about the
realities of engaging in international business in one of the most
rapidly developing economies in the European Union. Additional
perks for the students include visiting medieval castles, sampling
the local cuisine renowned for its cheese and wine and learning
about one of the most ancient cultures derived from the Roman
empire and beyond.
In addition to the exciting new Romania program for graduate
students, the School of Business Administration offers undergraduate
and graduate students an opportunity to study in Germany and/or
Italy. These unique, short-term, intensive-study courses in Western
Europe allow Montana students the opportunity to learn about
international business in a distinctive setting while experiencing the
magic of immersion in a foreign culture. Students enrolled in the
study abroad programs spend mornings in the classroom learning
about topics related to international business and afternoons
visiting local businesses and cultural destinations, all while learning
alongside local students.
Hooker Valley Trail Hike in Mount Cook, NZ
Sixteen University of Montana students joined with 17
University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse students to visit businesses
and learn about the New Zealand business climate and economy.
During the course of the trip, students also spent a service
learning day salvaging wood from a fence located on a home
site that was destroyed by the 2011 earthquake in Christchurch.
Students also learned about management issues related to running
a concession in the busiest national park in New Zealand.
The group attended presentations from Rachael Vaughn and
Lisa Bond. Vaughn is the program director for the sustainability
initiatives of the Kaikoura District Business Council. She
discussed the town’s initiative to reduce waste to the landfill by
75 percent. She also shared the issues associated with keeping
Kaikoura certified as an Earth Check community. Bond, a
manager at Whale Watch, covered the rules and regulations
related to operating the Maori-owned, eco-tourism whale
watching operation, incorporating the Maori view of the
relationship among culture, the environment and business.
The students visited Wellington, New Zealand’s capital, where
they explored the history and culture with a visit to Te Papa, a
great national museum. They concluded the experience with a
visit to Sydney, Australia, where they attended lectures on the
differences between New Zealand and Australian businesses.
Shotover River in Queenstown, NZ
Main Square, Sibiu, Romania
SoBA Offers
Corvin Castle, Romania
Brescia, Italy
Sustainability is more than just a buzz word. Its importance to current business practices is
now endorsed by a formal SoBA curriculum.
The Sustainable Business Strategy Certificate prepares students to incorporate sustainability
considerations into the strategic decisions of business, including enhancing customer value
throughout the value chain. Not only do sustainability concerns affect risk management and
costs of doing business, sustainability considerations also offer opportunities for innovation,
enhanced product differentiation, value for customers and employee recruitment and retention.
Knowledge associated with sustainability requires both solid fundamentals of business
strategy, as well as a broader-based “systems perspective” highlighting the inter-relationships
among the various facets of a company’s eco-system of partners and stakeholders.
MBA student Kyle Marshall will be the first student to earn
the new sustainability certificate. Marshall’s commitment to
learning about sustainability in business went well beyond
the required coursework. With funding assistance from the
MBA program and UM’s Institute on Ecosystems, he was
able to attend The GreenBiz Forum, the leading conference
on sustainability in business. According to Marshall, this was
a “once in a lifetime opportunity” for his career. The current
sustainability classes attract majors from across campus who
are interested in expanding their professional opportunities.
Kyle Marshall, MBA, first student to earn Sustainable Business Strategy Certificate.
student leadership
s t u d e n t
l e a d e r s h i p
20th Annual AIBL Conference
MISA Students
for Fundraising
The University of Montana American Indian Business
Leaders (AIBL) chapter recently attended in the 20th Annual
National AIBL Conference where they participated in two
events: chapter of the year and business plan competitions.
To showcase their accomplishments for the AIBL Chapter of
the Year presentation, UM’s AIBL chapter focused primarily
on cultural awareness and promoting visibility on campus.
They also participated in the business plan competition,
where they placed second in the university division. Shawn
HeavyRunner received recognition delivering a prayer in
Blackfeet before the day’s events started, and Whitney Snow,
President of UM’s AIBL chapter, was recognized as National
AIBL Student of the Year.
Members of UM’s AIBL Chapter
Finance Students Compete
in Research Challenge
SoBA students participated in the Spokane regional Chartered Financial Analysis
(CFA) Institute Research Challenge. The CFA challenge requires student teams to write
a buy-side analyst report initiating coverage on a publicly traded company. This year’s
company was Potlatch Corp., a timber REIT headquartered in Spokane.
This year, eight teams competed in the Spokane regional by submitting a written report.
The teams with the top four reports were invited to Spokane to present their research
and compete for the opportunity to attend the North America competition, which was
held in Denver. SoBA’s team took second place in the Spokane Competition.
Members of Finance Club
Beta Alpha Psi Students Recognized
The School of Business Administration’s Delta Kappa Chapter of Beta Alpha Psi recently was internationally recognized
as a Superior Chapter for the 11th consecutive year. According to Dr. Ron Premuroso, current Beta Alpha Psi faculty
advisor, credit for this accomplishment goes to Dr. Terri Herron, past faculty advisor, and the Board and student members
of our Delta Kappa Chapter during the 2012-13 school year. The 2013-14
Delta Kappa Chapter Board worked hard to maintain Superior
Chapter status. Members include President Alaina Abbott,
Ana Haynes, Chad Palmer, Melissa Buerkle, Garrett Ley,
Alexa Robischon, Nick Toepfer and Kurt Brekke.
Recognition as a Superior Chapter comes from the Beta Alpha
Psi Board of Directors and is a significant accomplishment,
indicating that our student members have far exceeded the
baseline requirements of Beta Alpha Psi in the areas of
academics, professionalism and leadership.
The Montana Information Systems Association
(MISA) was recognized at an international
conference for its outstanding fundraising efforts.
During an awards luncheon in Milan, Italy, the SoBA
chapter of the Association for Information Systems
(AIS) was honored for its fundraising abilities.
According to faculty adviser Clayton Looney, the
group employed a creative strategy which was very successful.
Members of MISA student chapter
“This is an extraordinary accomplishment for the MISA student group,” Looney said. “Receiving international honors from AIS
demonstrates SoBA’s commitment to developing outstanding business professionals who are well-prepared to excel in an informationintensive, global marketplace.”
Former MISA members, now UM alumni, have remained connected to the student group. Looney attributes the chapter’s success to the
support and engagement of its alumni.
Marketing Students Attend
International Conference
Take 5: Return of the Marketers was the theme of the
American Marketing Association International Conference
in New Orleans April 10-12. Six AMA student chapter
officers joined their faculty advisor, Associate Professor
of Marketing Carol Bruneau, to network, learn from top
marketers in the field and begin their careers as marketing
professionals. Attendees included Katherine Vincent,
Meghan Keeley, Kate Wilkins, Bailey Chauner, Christian
Barney, and Beth Grubb.
Dean’s Student
Advisory Council, 2013-14
Edmond Dupuis, American Indian Business Leaders
Robert Gauthier, American Indian Business Leaders
Carly Miller, At Large
Courtney Keyes, At Large
Ana Haynes, Beta Alpha Psi
Chad Palmer, Beta Alpha Psi
Casey Wood, Finance Club
Thomas Flies, Finance Club
Katherine Vincent, UM American Marketing Association
Bailey Chauner, UM American Marketing Association
Kristin Parks, Montana Information Systems Association
Emma Forsythe, Montana Information Systems Association
Justin John, Graduate Business Student Association
Andrea Duke, Graduate Business Student Association
Haley Kramer, Masters of Accountancy
Tim Byrd, Masters of Accountancy
Members of UM AMA student chapter
with Associate Professor Carol Bruneau
Beta Alpha Psi students
connecting to
industry expertise
connecting to industry expertise
Record Attendance at Economic Outlook Seminars
Nearly 1,800 people attended the Bureau’s 39th Annual Montana Economic Outlook Seminar, held in January,
February, and March in nine cities throughout Montana. The 2014 seminar had record attendance of 420 in
Missoula and 290 in Bozeman. Gov. Steve Bullock made a special guest appearance in Lewistown and Havre.
The seminar featured keynote speaker Greg Gianforte, who started RightNow Technologies in 1997 in a spare
bedroom. By the time the company was acquired by Oracle in 2012 for more than $1.8 billion, RightNow
was Bozeman’s largest commercial employer and the only publicly traded technology company in the state.
Gianforte gave a firsthand account of this Montana success story at the seminar titled “Making Montana the
First Best Place: How Entrepreneurship is Creating High Paying Jobs.”
BBER Director Patrick Barkey and Director Emeritus Paul Polzin presented economic forecasts for each
seminar city and highlighted economic trends for local, state and national economies. Bureau economists
and industry experts provided the outlook for Montana’s important sectors: energy, nonresident travel, health
care, agriculture, real estate, manufacturing and forest products.
The 2014 Montana Economic Outlook Seminar was sponsored by NorthWestern Energy, Benefis Health System, Pacific Steel and Recycling
and Montana Health CO-OP.
All in the Family
Michael Braun, Associate Professor of Management and the Poe Family Faculty Fellow, presented the
inaugural workshop for the Missoula Economic Partnership on Family Business Strategy. The seminar,
co-sponsored by SoBA and several Montana businesses, was well-attended by participants interested in
family business.
The workshop, entitled, “Getting the Family and the Business on the Same Page” presented an overview
of family businesses and their importance across the globe, in the United States and in Montana. Braun
discussed core competencies of family businesses. He introduced to the group the importance of the
“family business strategy map,” a proprietary tool to help family members, owners and managers
understand risk-reward.
Braun also discussed the differing risk profiles and appetites of family businesses and the tradeoff risks
relating to “leading edge” versus “lagging edge.” Braun presented corporate governance structures
necessary to manage risks among family members to grow a business to the next level.
Associate Professor Michael Braun
Prize-Winning Researcher Presents at Byrnes
Accounting and Finance Seminar Series
Jason Smith, Ph.D., assistant professor, Utah State University, was invited to give the Byrnes Accounting and
Finance Seminar Series lecture this year. Smith spoke about taxes and firm capital structure, specifically
optimal choice of debt vs. equity financing. Smith is noted for his prize winning research related to capital
structure choice.
Dan Wagner, CEO, Civis Analytics
is working with several Missoula-based data analytics
companies to create a position for Missoula as a cyberhub. As part of a new lecture series big data expert Dan
Wagner, founder and CEO of Civis Analytics, spoke recently at UM. Wagner’s
firm specializes in solving world issues by leveraging big data. Wagner
believes that big data expertise will open employment doors for current and
future UM students. He also said that universities play a significant role in the
use of big data, as the new technology impacts a wide range of academic disciplines.
John Chandler,
Principal, Data Insights
SoBA alumnus Tim O’Leary has sponsored a marketing analytics curriculum responsible for bringing a unique opportunity for SoBA
students to learn from John Chandler, one of the leaders in multi-channel marketing. Chandler, an expert in the area of marketing analytics,
discussed how a company manages and optimizes its marketing efforts across multiple online platforms, traditional media and channels.
The Byrnes Accounting and Finance Research Seminar Series is one component of the first funded
professorship at the University of Montana School of Business Administration. The program is part of the
Donald and Carol Jean Byrnes Professorship, an endowment created by Carol Jean Byrnes in honor of her
husband, the late Donald Byrnes, a 1949 UM alumnus and former CEO of Spalding and Evenflo companies.
Because of the UM partnership with IBM, SoBA was able to offer the first undergraduate InfoSphere Streams course in the country.
IBM Infosphere Streams is a product that looks at data in motion. In preparation for teaching the streams course, SoBA IT Director Eric
Tangedahl attended an IBM workshop in Minneapolis. After an intensive introduction to the newest versions of IBM’s InfoSphere Streams
and BigInsights products, Tangedahl incorporated the latest advances in big data analytics applications into his data analytics courses. UM
continues to be a leader in big data analytics and will be expanding with more data analytics course offerings in the future.
The Byrnes lecture series showcases internationally renowned experts in accounting and finance and is
coordinated by Keith Jakob, SoBA Professor of Finance. Jakob holds the Donald and Carol Jean
Byrnes Professorship in Accounting and Finance.
May 5-11, 2014 is Big Data Week and will be celebrated in 30+ cities worldwide. Missoula is proud to join Atlanta, Chicago, New York,
London and more in sponsoring events important to the Big Data community. Learn more at bigdataweek.com.
Assistant Professor, Utah State University, Jason Smith
connecting to
industry expertise
connecting to industry expertise
Two Prestigious Executives Participate
in Gilkey Executive Lecture Series
Jim McNerny, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Boeing Company
and Mike Covey, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Potlatch
Corporation, delivered Gilkey lectures this academic year to students, faculty and the
Missoula community.
Jim McNerny,
Chairman, President
and CEO of the
Boeing Company
McNerny oversees the strategic direction of the Chicago-based $81.7 billion aerospace
company. With more than 174,000 employees across the United States and in 70
countries, Boeing is the world’s largest aerospace company and a top U.S. exporter. It is
the leading manufacturer of commercial airplanes, military aircraft and defense, space
and security systems; it supports airlines and U.S. and allied government customers in
more than 150 nations. McNerny shared his experience and knowledge during the fall
Harold and Priscilla Gilkey Executive Lecture with SoBA students and the Missoula
community in a presentation titled “Leadership, Innovation and Competitiveness.”
Covey joined Potlatch Corporation in 2006 as president and chief executive officer
and was elected chairman of the board of directors in 2007. Founded in 1903, Potlatch
Corporation is a leader in sustainable forestry, with approximately 1.4 million acres
certified to Forest Stewardship Council standards. The company is involved with many
aspects of forest management, including growing trees, selling timber and manufacturing
solid wood products.
Covey presented the Harold and Priscilla Gilkey Executive Lecture this spring. Covey, a
University of Montana alum with over 30 years of experience in timberland management
and sustainable forestry, presented “The Transformation of Timberland Ownership
and Markets in North America.” McNerny and Covey both spent time with students
in various classes throughout the day and delivered public lectures to the Missoula and
campus communities in the evening.
Mike Covey, CEO and Chairman of
the Board of Potlach Corp.
The Harold and Priscilla Gilkey Executive Lecture Series is designed to provide students,
faculty and the community with a forum whereby they have direct access to business leaders. Lecturers address issues across marketing,
management, finance, ethics, and leadership. In addition to leading classroom lectures and discussion, speakers present a lecture at a public
forum on a topic of their choice and are invited to meet with graduate students and campus and community leaders. Participating executives
enjoy dynamic conversation and the exchange of ideas with our eager students.
We welcome and encourage executives to share their stories of challenges and success with our students, faculty and community.
Past Speakers of the Gilkey Lecture Series
Michael J. Covey, Chairman and CEO, Potlach Corporation (Spring 2014)
Jim McNerney, Jr., Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer of The Boeing Company (Fall 2013)
Phil Cowdell, Former CEO and Chairman of Mindshare North America (Spring 2013)
Glenn Johnson, President of Horizon Air, Inc. (2011)
Bill McGlynn, President of Memjet Home and Office (2010)
Greg Gianforte, Founder and CEO of RightNow Technologies (2009)
Patrick Byrne, Founder and CEO of Overstock.com (2009)
Lester Thurow, Professor and Dean Emeritus at MIT Sloan School of Management (2008)
Rick Riccobono, President and CEO of The Federal Home Loan Bank of Seattle (2008)
Sally Jewell, CEO of REI (2007)
Raymon F. Thompson, Founder, Chairman and CEO of Semitool, Inc. (2007)
Peter Georgescu, Former Chairman of Young & Rubicam, Inc. (2005)
Robert Greifeld, President and CEO of The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc. (2004)
Peter Rosten, MAPS • Cliff Holt, KPMG • Cameron Deatsch, Atlassian •
Anthony Krolczyk, Omnibar • J. Lee Cook, First & Goal/Seattle Seahawks,
Seattle Sounders, FC, Qwest Field, Qwest Field Event Center and WaMu
Theater • Dave Opitz, AstuteWare Technologies • Robin Rennick, FAST
Enterprises • Bob Minto, ALPS • Geoff Peddicord, Community Medical
Center • Mickey Ogg, Consumer Direct Management Solutions • Tim
Bierman, Marketing, Pearl Jam • Thorsten Geuer, Bayern Brewing • Paul
Stafford, Currency Risk Associates • Jim Messina, Campaign Manager,
Obama 2013 • Nicole Hagerman-Miller, Biomimicry 3.8 • Jorge Watson,
Advanced Technology Group • Christa LeCoure, PayneWest • Danny
Spitzer, Bren Events Center • Ben Goodman, FAST Enterprises • Andrew
Smith, Filmmaker • Melanie Brock, Missoula Economic Partnership •
Mike Goehring, Communication Resources Inc. • Lisel Newton, KPMG
• Bob Tabke, TDA Group • Ian Abbott-Donnelly, IBM European Smarter
Cities Innovation • Jared Lee, Northwest Farm Credit Services • Mark
Kobos, Jackson Contractor Group • Aron Plucinski, Discovery Channel
& Electus • Jesse Lakes, GeoRiot • Brigitta Miranda-Freer, Missoula
Economic Partnership • Elke Goversten, Mamalode Magazine • Greg
Pierson, Glacier Bancorp • Liz Marchi, Frontier Angel Fund • David
Bell, ALPS • Alex Kochan, AEG Live • Nate Warner, Red Bull • Peter
Giannascoli, Paramount Pictures • Brynn Molloy, UM Intercollegiate
Athletics Marketing • Conor Newman, Boyle, Deveny & Meyer CPA •
Case DeWit, PayneWest • Bandith Ladpakdy, Saoban: Village Handcrafts
from the Heart of Laos • Sierra Bellows, Social
Media Today • Alex Philp, GCS and TerraEchos
• Raymond Paquin, PhD, Concordia
University • Brian Morgan, Adventure Life
• Michelle Hui, VIM & VIGR • Matt Sonzala,
Pushermania • Jon Marchi, Glacier Venture
Fund • Inge Erickson, Amazon.com • Mike
Manhardt, Acuity Design • James Viano,
FAST Enterprises • Micah Scudder, Tradewood
International • Brian McCormac, Old Rock
House • Sherri Davidoff, LMG Security • Dawn
McGee, GoodWorks Ventures and Hellgate
Venture Network • Jim Zimmerman, Selway
Armory • Jim McNerney, Boeing • Austin Rust, KPMG • Mike Bryan,
Prudential Montana Real Estate • Hayle LaFountain, FAST Enterprises
• Robert Struyk, Talent Buyers Network • Ashley Corbally, Northern
Rockies Financial Group • Annie Roberts, AniMeals • Tim Wynne,
Surgical Principals • Christian Fresco, Monkeywrench Records • Noah
Brier, Percolate • Mike Steinberg, Wild Film Festival • William Marcus,
Montana PBS • Ken Quinn, Possible Worldwide Branding Agency • Russ
Fletcher, Inteneo Systems • Jeremy Sauter, Paramount Pictures • Tiffini
John, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency • Anne Iverson, Mountain
Press • John McKee, Headframe Spirits • Joe Whittinghill, Microsoft •
Grant Orr, Glacier Bancorp • Brian Knaff,Talent Buyers Network • Jeremy
Brown, Dorsey and Whitney • Greg Gianforte, RightNow Technologies •
Mike Covey, Potlatch • Clyde Neu, TerraEchos • Jim Lewis, Montana Rail
Link • Aik Chen, Microsoft • Diane Smith, Avail-TVN • Jon Putnam,
Montana Board of Investments • Stoll Vaughan, Artist • Chris Warden,
Washington Corporation • Dave McNabb, Reckitt Benckiser • Maria
Brunner, Insight Management • Joshua Pearson, Advanced Technology
Group • Justin Meier, Northwestern Mutual • Meggi Pack, Becker CPA
Review • Susan Hay Patrick, United Way Missoula and Ravalli County •
Pat Boyle, Boyle, Deveny & Meyer CPA • Kate Pearson, The Audience
Awards • James Yelich, CUT Recordings • John Soss, Jam Productions
• Bjorn Nabozney, Big Sky Brewing • Jeff Runkel, Glacier Bancorp •
Craig Campbell, Campbell Entertainment Group • Christine Littig,
Bernice's Bakery • Tom Stergios, ATG Missoula Solutions Center •
Michael Burks, Missoula Maulers • Lou Fontana, Avail-TVN • Monica
Harris, ATTY • Steven Stanton, Advanced Technology Group • Jenny
Mish, Sustainable Business Council • Glenn Kreisel, Entrepreneur
and Angel Investor • Jared & The Mill, Touring Band • Nick Van
Tighem, Jackson Contractor Group • Dave Pyron, KEO Services,
LLC • Joe Balsam, Lee & Company • John Chandler, Data Insights •
Diana Hammer, US Environmental Protection Agency • Alan Adams,
Black Diamond Outdoor Equipment • Eric Manegold, Zonar Systems
• Ed Wetherbee, Old Sawmill District • Dallas Neil, Lifestyle Fitness •
Todd Taylor, Muzeview • Stefanie Sample, Massage Envy Spa • Ben
Sokoloski, Market on Front • Adam Steffen, Nike, NFL Brand • Katrina
Galas, Vancouver Winter Olympics • Joe Bischof, Ronald McDonald
House • Steve Saroff, Entrepreneur and Angel Investor • James Grunke,
Missoula Economic Partnership • John Shepherd, Mpower Pictures •
Mike McGinley, SRO Consultants • Bruce Tribbensee, Submittable •
Dale Hanson, PayneWest • Ben Malouf, Acuity Design • Tim O'Leary,
R2C Group • Nathan Stephens, Groundswell Media • Michael
FitzGerald, Submittable • Juergen Knoller, Bayern Brewing • Judy
Wicks, Author and Entrepreneur • Kevin O'Reilly, Orbital Shift • Jessica
Curtis, Marketing, Pearl Jam • Dan Berkowitz, CID Entertainment •
Maggie Angle, Sustainability Consultant • Sarah
Kelly, PayneWest • Kim Shappee, Bank of
Montana • Terry Payne, PayneWest • Jennifer
Ehman, Moss Adams • Michael Boehme,
Western Montana Development, Bonner Property
Development, Western Montana Resources and
Western Montana Club • Kendra Clark, KPMG •
Jeff Hansen, Microsoft • Erin O'Connell, ISITE
Design • Dave Harriton, American Expedition
Vehicles • Josh Austin, Mobile Minds • Doug
Odegaard, Software Engineer, Entrepreneur and
Consultant • Gita Saedi Kiely, Documentary
Filmmaker • Tony Ferrini, Partners Creative
• Erika Close, PayneWest • Mischa Jakupcak, Narrative Filmmaker •
Stacy Kendrick, Partners Creative • Kanlaya Chularattakorn, Hmong
Women's Network of Thailand • Chris Wright, Google • Holly Biehl,
Five Valleys Land Trust • Dale Gillespie, Investment Inc. • Joe Fanguy,
MonTEC • Paul Gladen, Blackstone LaunchPad at UM, Muzeview
and Hellgate Venture Network • Bob Burns, First Interstate Bank • Tom
Acevedo, S&K Technologies • Kari Dilloo, Microsoft • John Giuliani,
Montana Timber Products • Ashley Raiteri, Everbread Limited • Kyle
Lingscheit, PayneWest • Tom Swenson, Bank of Montana • Walker
Milhoan, Estancia IX • Mindy Carver, PayneWest • Marianne Zugel,
Wardens Reality TV • Mike Sparr, Goomzee • Greg Rhem, Home Box
Office • Jenn Ewan, GCS • Nick Garner, Grizzly Sports Properties • Sue
Larew, First Interstate Bank • Judy Mohr, McDermott, Will & Emery
• Kent Haslam, UM Athletics Director • Keith Miller, William Morris
Endeavor • Ed Stalling, Maritz Research • Gayle Carlson-Gifford,
Montana Food Bank Network • John Monks, Rivertop Renewables •
Dan Bateman, Pasta Montana, LLC and NeverMissTags.com • Mark
Burzynski, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Montana • Jess Lohse, Bear Paw
Lumber and Rocky Mountain Truss • Nanci Hesse, Wall Street Journal
• John Wilmarth, KPMG • John Connors, Ignition Partners • Kellan
Carter, Ignition Partners
Speakers are listed at the firms they represented when they spoke in the Gallagher Building. Guest speakers are a valuable component of our
students’ education. We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the speakers listed. Please notify us if your name is listed incorrectly or omitted.
of note: students
o f
n o t e:
UMEM Student with Special
Ties to Sochi Winter Olympics
Jason Mathews, SoBA Entertainment Management student,
applied his education while still in school. Mathews was the
publicity manager for Julia Marino, Paraguay’s first Winter
Olympic athlete. Mathews and Marino met while they were both
competitive skiers.
Mathews has always enjoyed marketing and was instrumental in
bringing rail jams, a ski and snowboarding event, to Missoula.
So, when Marino began receiving endorsements, she reached out
to Mathews and they developed a partnership. Mathews travelled
to Paraguay with Marino last year to meet with the Olympic
Committee and Nike of Paraguay. It was a very successful trip
that resulted in Marino being able to represent Paraguay in Sochi.
Mathews describes his role in Marino’s career as “looking out
for Julia’s well-being and her image,” including things such as
setting up interviews, managing all of her social media and even
helping design her opening ceremony jacket. Mathews plans to
attend law school after he graduates from SoBA so he can pursue
a career as a sports agent.
s t u d e n t s
SoBA Google Ambassador
Introduces New
High-Tech Products
MBA student and UM Google Student Ambassador Jamin
Dailey hosted a colorful table at the University of Montana
Tech Fair and demonstrated new Google products such as
Google Nexus 7 and the Chromebook. Dailey collected user
data by administering over 200 surveys. The survey was
designed to help him better understand product awareness and
interest in Google products. Dailey will also use the survey
to help him tailor future discussions about Google product
applications. At the Tech Fair Dailey selected academic tutors
to try out a new Google product called Helpouts, which
connects people over live video chat anytime, anywhere. In
his role as Google Ambassador, Dailey offers workshops and
training sessions for faculty and students focusing on how to
use the latest Google products.
Read more about Julia Marino at www.facebook.com/juliamarinoski
Jason Mathews
Jamin Dailey, MBA
MBA Grad
in U.S. Army
Autumn 2013 SoBA graduate Jeffrey
Windmueller received his MBA. On
December 13 he was commissioned as
a second lieutenant in the United States
Army through the UM ROTC program.
Up 'Til Dawn 2013 A Huge Success!
SoBA’s Up ’Til Dawn Executive Board members
rallied University of Montana students to raise funds
for the second annual St. Jude’s Up ’Til Dawn event at
the Adams Center on Nov. 8. This event celebrated the
funds and awareness raised by UM students for the St.
Jude Children’s Hospital in Memphis, Tenn. Student
participants raised almost $11,000 during the event.
Jeffrey Windmueller, ‘13 MBA (center) and family.
of note: students
o f
n o t e:
s t u d e n t s
Marketing Student
Honored for Community
One thing that separates Jordan Sullivan from most students is the
number of organizations she has volunteered with. Her experiences
have ranged from dressing up as Rapunzel at a children’s event to
serving meals to the homeless at the Poverello Center. She finds
time to give back to the Missoula community while also playing
basketball for the Lady Griz. Sullivan is a three-time Academic AllBig Sky Conference selection who entered her senior year with a
3.87 GPA as a marketing major and for the past two years has been
co-president of Montana’s Student Athletic Advisory Committee.
“She gives a ton of herself to the community, and it doesn’t take any
coaxing,” said longtime Lady Griz coach Robin Selvig, who also
happens to be Sullivan's proud uncle. “She wants to be successful
in everything she does, but at the same time she’s there for anybody
that needs anything.”
Jordan Sullivan
”She wants to be successful in
everything she does, but at the
same time she’s there for
anybody that needs anything.”
Because of her dedication to the community, Sullivan was one of
10 student-athletes from schools across the state to receive the 2013
Montana Athletes in Service Award at the Griz-Cat football game
in Bozeman. This is an excerpt from a story originally published at
– Lady Griz coach Robin Selvig
SoBA Students Place in International Capsim Challenge
Curtis Wallette, MBA ’14 won first place in the International Capsim Challenge 2013. Christopher Chew, MIS ’14 placed second in the
International Capsim Fall Foundation 2013 Challenge.
More than 1,600 students from around the world compete in the qualifying rounds of the Capsim Challenge, a competition where business
school students participate in an online global challenge to run a simulated multimillion-dollar company. Capsim provides the world's
largest business simulation platform used by over 500 universities and corporations around the globe. Capsim has two main products:
Foundation, a simulation that is primarily taught at the undergraduate level; and Capstone, the company’s flagship simulation, which is used
for capstone undergraduate courses, MBA core courses and as a corporate training tool for executives.
SoBA students participate in the Capsim Foundation simulation during one of their capstone courses. The Challenge Finals is a two-day
competition consisting of focused decision-making and intense pressure.
Members of Trendsetters at The U student group
Revolutionizing Fashion
Trendsetters at The U provides the University of Montana with the first
fashion blog created by students reflecting the style and inspiration of
students in Missoula. The Trendsetter Team reveals the area’s fashionistas,
styles, college fashion issues and trends that inspire its blog.
Trendsetters at The U is the first organized group where UM students who
love fashion can participate and gain fashion experience. The group is
not only geared toward giving students experience with fashion but also
producing a fully functioning fashion blog. The Trendsetter Team works to
create weekly blog posts that are interesting, relevant and helpful for students
at UM.
Trendsetters at The U has been featured in the Montana Kaimin, on the
School of Business Administration website, University of Montana home
page and the introduction of the Blackstone LaunchPad.
2013 Student Awards
Selected by faculty
Outstanding MBA Student
Salome Tsagareishvili
Outstanding Off-Campus MBA Student
Tami Sabol
Outstanding MAcct Student
Tiffany Starkel
Selected by students
Outstanding MBA Student
Bradley Haas
Outstanding Off-Campus MBA Student
Charles (Dan) Bateman
Outstanding MAcct Student
Tiffany Starkel
of note: faculty & staff
o f
n o t e:
f a c u l t y
BBER Hires New Director Of Health
Care Industry Research
The University of Montana Bureau of Business and Economic Research
(BBER) has hired Bryce Ward, Ph.D. as its new director of health care
industry research.
Ward earned a Ph.D. in economics from Harvard and a BA in Economics
and History from the University of Oregon. His areas of expertise
include econometric analysis; applied microeconomics, including health
economics, labor economics, urban and regional economics; public
finance; and environmental and natural resource economics.
& s t a f f
BBER Wins Website Award
The University of Montana Bureau of Business and
Economic Research won the national 2013 Website Award
of Excellence for BBER’s redesigned website, http://www.
The Association for University Business and Economic
Research (AUBER) presented the award at its fall
conference in Richmond, Va. AUBER is the professional
association of business and economic research organizations
at public and private universities.
Prior to joining the bureau, Ward spent nine years providing expert
testimony and policy analysis as a senior economist at Portland-based
consulting firm ECONorthwest. He has taught courses in economics
and public finance at Harvard University, Lewis and Clark College, the
University of Oregon and Portland State University.
“We’re proud to see our website recognized as outstanding
among our peers nationally,” said BBER Director Patrick
Barkey. “Providing online access to BBER’s wealth of
economic research is key to the role we play helping
businesses in particular – and the Montana economy as a
whole – succeed.”
“We are thrilled to have someone with Bryce’s experience and deep
knowledge of health economics to fill this key position,” said BBER
Director Patrick Barkey.
The Bureau’s new website provides research studies, articles
and data covering diverse topics related to Montana’s economy, including energy, health care, housing, forest products, manufacturing,
agriculture, entrepreneurship, children and families, population, demographics and state and local economic forecasts.
Shannon Furniss, Christina Henderson and Bob Campbell
Visit www.bber.umt.edu to learn more about the shifting health care
landscape in Montana.
Bryce Ward, Ph.D.
Two SoBA Professors Publish
New Books for Business Practitioners
Michael Braun, Ph.D. and Scott Latham, Ph.D.,
Mastering Strategy: Workshops for Business Success
Mastering Strategy: Workshops for Business Success uses a workshop format to present popular
and proven strategy frameworks in a straightforward and entertaining manner. The workshops
in this comprehensive toolkit help readers identify the competitive patterns of an industry,
understand a company’s competitive position in its market, formulate a set of strategic
solutions for a company and recognize the risk-return trade-offs.
Bill Oppenheim and Dr. Emily Plant,
The Stallion Spectator Ratings: The Best Stallion
Ratings in the Business, Mid-Year 2013 Edition
This is an insider’s guide to the marketplace for Thoroughbred stallions. It has
been called the “moneyball” strategy in the stallion ratings world. The analysis
takes a revolutionary approach to assessing the success of Thoroughbred
stallions in the Northern Hemisphere, employing a unique multivariate
technique to rate quality. The SSR Book is published twice a year, with each
edition comprised of both multiple ratings lists and also original empirical
research compiled by Dr. Plant and her business partner, Bill Oppenheim.
Shawn Clouse
Elected Chair of Missoula
Chamber of Commerce
Shawn Clouse, Associate Professor of Management
Information Systems and volunteer for the Missoula Chamber
of Commerce, was elected chair for 2013-14.
Students in Clouse’s Project Management class have been
major beneficiaries of his work with the chamber. Each year
students in his Project Management class have the opportunity
to work with different businesses that are members of the
Chamber. Through this experience, students learn firsthand that
their classroom work has value as they apply what they have
been taught in the classroom to solving business problems.
Clouse is a firm believer in the importance of applied business
education. According to Clouse, “The Chamber has served
as an excellent vehicle for bringing students together with
businesses who need help. It’s a win-win situation.”
Associate Professor Shawn Clouse
Assistant Professor Emily Plant and
Associate Professor Michael Braun
of note: faculty & staff
o f
n o t e:
f a c u l t y
& s t a f f
Meet the Newest Faculty and Staff
Two Longtime Faculty Members Retire
Joan Giese, Ph.D., joined the SoBA in fall 2013. Giese teaches Integrated Marketing
Communications and received her Ph.D. in Marketing at Washington State University. Prior to
the University of Montana, Giese was on the marketing faculties at Washington State University,
the University of Oregon and Kansas State University.
Aaron Andreason, Professor of Management, will retire in May 2014 after 40 years of service. Andreason served
as a representative to the Montana State Legislature from 1981 to 82. His research in the areas of expatriate adjustment and
repatriation has been published in scholarly journals. His recent article titled “The Demographic Black Hole in the European
Union” was selected for presentation by the Academy of International Business. Fluent in several languages, Andreason was
awarded a faculty exchange in 2008 to the Universitἁ degli Studi Di Torino, and he was commended for his teaching by that
university. In 2009, he received UM’s Distinguished Service to International Education award. Andreason served for many
years at UM’s Commencement Ceremony by announcing the names of graduates prior to sending them forward to receive
their diplomas.
Giese’s research focuses on informational factors (feelings, design and interpersonal
communication) influencing consumer decision-making. She has served as a marketing
consultant to several business and government organizations.
When not working, Joan enjoys spending time with her husband, Shane. Their favorite activities
are visiting their daughters, Lyndee (in Seattle) and Amanda (in Portland), and enjoying the
beautiful Montana outdoors.
Susan Cundiff earned a BA in Communication Studies from UM and has studied at
the graduate level in Intercultural Communication. Prior to joining SoBA as the Accounting &
Finance Department Assistant, she held the administrative position for the Department of Military
Science at UM. She has previously worked and
volunteered in public relations and on political
campaigns. Cundiff has three daughters, Deea
(13), Malanna (7) and Maleea (4).
Belva Jones, Chair and Professor of Management Information Systems, will retire in May 2014 after 21 years with
Adjunct Associate Professor Joan Giese
Brittany Maack, ’07, grew up in
Missoula and Frenchtown. She earned her BS
in Business Administration with a marketing
emphasis from UM.
SoBA. Throughout her UM career, Jones’ teaching has earned accolades from her colleagues and students, notably as the 2003
recipient of UM’s Most Inspirational Teacher of the
Year Award. Additionally, she was twice honored
as the recipient of the Outstanding Faculty Award
for the Department of Management Information
Systems. Jones’ research in the field of Management
Science has been published extensively in scholarly
journals and periodicals. Moreover, she has served
Outstanding Accounting Faculty
as co-author of
Ron Premuroso
several books on the subject. Her efforts in
Outstanding Finance Faculty
the area of assessment have been crucial to
Tim Manuel
SoBA’s accreditation with the Association to
Outstanding Accounting & Finance Adjunct
Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, and to
Don Gaumer
student learning.
2013 Faculty Awards
Maack spent three years under the title “Nanny
B.” While being a full-time nanny was a
wonderful and fun experience, she is excited to
be back at SoBA as Dean’s Suite Receptionist
to put her business degree and knowledge to
Outstanding Management Faculty
Michael Braun
Maack loves all things Montana: floating the
Susan Cundiff, Brittany Maack and Stella Phipps
river, riding horses and herding cows with her
dad, cruising through the farmers market, occasionally attempting to stay upright on skis and spending time with family and friends.
Outstanding Management Information Systems Faculty
David Firth
Outstanding Marketing Faculty
Emily Plant
Outstanding Management & Marketing Adjunct
Karen Porter
Outstanding Master of Accountancy (MAcct) Faculty
Don Harris
Stella Phipps joined SoBA in fall 2013 as an Administrative Associate for SoBA Central. She arrived with over a decade of
Outstanding Master of
Business Administration (MBA) Faculty
Michael Braun
experience working in both public and private university settings and has an extensive background working closely with diverse and
underrepresented populations.
Most recently, Phipps conducted compliance work in Career Development for Herzing University, a for-profit institution based in
Wisconsin, and also worked as a freelance copywriter.
Phipps holds a BS in Sociology and a MA in Applied Sociology with an emphasis on Applied Research from Northern Arizona University.
Professor Belva Jones
Outstanding Off-Campus MBA Faculty
Michael Braun
of note: alumni
o f
n o t e:
a l u m n i
SoBA Honors Three Outstanding Alumni
for Career Achievements
Yoko Takeuchi, ’87 MBA, Receives 2013 Distinguished
Alumni Award from UM Alumni Association
The University of Montana School of Business Administration honored three alumni for outstanding career achievements during
the 66th annual Donor Recognition and Scholarship Awards Banquet in May 2013. The three honorees are longtime UM supporter
Chuck Bultmann, Outstanding Distinguished Alumnus, Great Falls native Tim McGee, Outstanding Alumnus and Montana native
and member of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes Trina Finley Ponce, Outstanding Early Career Alumna.
The University of Montana Alumni Association annually recognizes outstanding alumni who have distinguished themselves in
their fields and brought honor to the University. Nominated by fellow alumni and friends, recipients are selected for their career
achievements, professional honors, professional
memberships and directorships, community
service and UM or UM Alumni Association
recognition or service. Yoko Takeuchi was the
recipient of the 2013 award. Takeuchi earned
her MBA from the UM School of Business
Administration in 1987. Takeuchi is a pioneer
in the field of human resource management and,
as a woman in Japan’s male-dominated business
world, serves as an important role model to young
Japanese women. Her master’s thesis, “Japanese
Women in Business: Yesterday, Today and
Tomorrow,” still serves as an excellent review of
women in Japan’s workforce.
Chuck Bultmann received a BS degree from UM in 1966 and an MBA from Indiana University. He was a member of the Phi Delta
Theta fraternity and lettered with the Grizzly football team. He served three years in the U.S. Army, including one year with the First
Air Cavalry Division in Vietnam and was awarded both the Bronze Star Medal for heroism and the Air Medal.
Bultmann’s business career began in 1969 in Everett, Wash., with GTE. He retired from Verizon Wireless as vice president of phone
mart operations, where he was responsible for 150 retail stores in 22 states with annual revenues exceeding $75 million.
Bultmann has served UM as a member of the House of Delegates and the Alumni Board, chair of SoBA Business Advisory Council,
treasurer of the UM Foundation and chair of the National Advisory Board for Grizzly Athletics. He and his wife, Sally, a UM
alumna, have been members of The President’s Club for 15 years. They reside in Colleyville, Texas, and have four children and six
Tim McGee calls Great Falls home even though he has lived in 10 states and three countries. He earned a bachelor’s in education
from UM in 1982 and an MBA in 1984. He has worked with Proctor & Gamble Co. and PepsiCo Inc. Over the past 25 years, McGee
has worked in national sales and marketing, franchise development and transitioning large franchise acquisitions into the PepsiCo
McGee currently is vice president and general manager of Pepsi Bottling Ventures Idaho, a joint venture between New York-based
PepsiCo and Suntory of Japan, the largest independent manufacturer, seller and distributor of recognized consumer brands. He also
has served on UM’s Business Advisory Council. He and his wife, Fariss, reside in Eagle, Idaho, with their children Tatum,
Cooper and Blair.
Trina Ponce earned an MBA from UM in 2001 and began
her career with Hewlett-Packard Co. in Boise, Idaho,
where she is product manager in the worldwide product
marketing organization. She also has worked in future
product marketing, product launch and business
development. Ponce has served on the UM
Business Advisory Council and has been
involved in the People of Color Employee
Resource Group Leadership Board at
Hewlett-Packard. She and her husband,
Lazaro, live in Nampa, Idaho, with their
daughter Jayla and son Kenny.
Her remarkable career achievements are
highlighted by positions as director or general
manager in internationally known firms such as
Chanel, Hermes, Chaumet and Louis Vuitton
Japan, where she implemented a recruiting
program that involved more than 8,000 applicants,
and The Disney Store Japan, where she created
a recruiting system to fill more than 600 new
sales positions. Currently, Takeuchi serves as a
general agent for Human Synergistics, Japan,
providing tools and services for corporate culture
renovation and organizational and individual
development. Takeuchi is an active member of
the Japan Management Education Society and
the Japan Management Ethics Society. She has
been instrumental in promoting the University
to prospective students in Japan and generously
hosts UM representatives who visit Tokyo.
Yoko Takeuchi addressing MBA students
Chuck Bultmann, Trina Finley Ponce and Tim McGee
partners for excellence
p a r t n e r s f o r
e x c e l l e n c e
In Appreciation of our Donors
Adventure Life
Philip Aguirre
Deanna Albert
Brian Allen
John Allen
Keith Hardin and Audrie Allyn
American Endowment Foundation
American Expedition Vehicles
Anderson ZurMuehlen & Company P.C.
Albert Anderson
Craig and Jane Anderson
Dudley and Joyce Anderson
Jamie Anderson
Stephen Anderson
Sam and Tina Anderson
Justin Angle
John Angwin
Paul and Agnes Antonioli
Jeffrey and Tonya Appelt
Donald and Margarette Archibald
Jerry and Jean Arthur
Matthew Artley
Jamie Askvig
AT&T Foundation
April Atherton
Atlassian, Inc.
Lori Baird
Bob Baker
Donald Baker
Renato and Myrna Balbi
Robert Baldassano
Collin Bangs and Patsy Plaggemeyer
Bank of America Foundation
Pat and Rita Barkey
David Barnard
Russell and Lisa Barnhart
Timothy and Jennifer Barsotti
Art and Sandy Barz
Bayern Brewing, Inc.
Lee and Dolores Bayley
Alicia Baylor
Greg and Doreen Beach
Beach Transportation Co.
Eric and Dorena Becker
William Beecher
Teresa Beed
William Before
Benefits Health System
Douglas and Lucy Benge
Don and Barbra Bennett
Charles and Patricia Bennett
David Benson
William and Marni Bentley
Michael and Lauretta Bentz
Cheryl Berger
John and LeeAnn Berry
Keith Bewick
Diane Bianchi
Big Sky Brewing Company
Harry Biles
Bitterroot Valley Bank
Gerald and Lana Bittner
Brian Bizzano and
Ann Ingram-Bizzano
James and Christine Bjelland
Robert Black
Michael and Kim Blodnick
Camille Blommer
Charles and Peggy Bloom
Francy Blumhagen
John Bock
Boeing Company
Matching Gift Program
A. Dean and Teri Bohnsack
Michael and Patricia Boken
Carol Boland
Brent and Margaret Booth
Karl and Kathleen Borchers
Angel Bordner
Michael and Daphne Braun
Ema Braunberger
Bretz RV & Marine Center
Jerome Brick
Gregory and Lia Brinkerhoff
Diana Brinkman
Broadway Inn Conference Center
Mary Ann Brockway
Jay Broudy
Daniel and Phyllis Browder
Robert Brown
Thomas and Mari Brown
Christine Brummer
Clifton Bryan
John and Sheila Buchanan
Lawrence Budden
Madeline Buescher
Charles and Sally Bultmann
Joyce Bunt
Treacie Burback
Jim and Twila Burdick
Mark and Cheryl Burnham
Bob Burns
Bradley and Paula Butler
Barbara Bybee
Carol Jean Byrnes
Nancy Cabe
Dennis O’Donnell and
MaryEllen Campbell
Wayne and Karen Campbell
Capital Group Companies
Charitable Foundation
Robert and Elizabeth Cardinale
Gary and Sherrill Carlson
Paul and Carol Carlson
Ken Carlstrom
Jan and Lisette Carter
Jim Mickelson and Mindy Carver
Jacqueline Caselton
Lawrence Ceranski
Robert and Pamela Cerkovnik
David Chadsey
JoAnn Chambers
Michael and Nancy Chandler
Edward and Meimei Chang
Kerwood and Betty Cho
Calvin and Marva Christian
Robert Christnacht
Mack Clapp and Sandra Turk
Curt and Patricia Clarida
Richard Clark
Clark Fork Storage, LLC
John and Donna Cloud
Fred and Sally Clouse
Shawn and Nancy Clouse
Cobb Foundation
Charles and Debora Coffman
Maurice and Patricia Colberg
Mark Cole
Perry and Mary Cole
Robert and Teresa Cole
Warwick Colgan
Community Foundation of Tampa Bay
Timothy and Patricia Conner
Patrick and Linda Connors
Ken and Marcia Cooper
Carlene Coover
Peter and Karen Corda
Hugh and Carol Corn
Bruce Costa and Margaret Ewing
David and Kandice Cotner
Thomas and Neva Cotter
Richard and Cheri Cox
Anthony Crawford
Craig and Susan Crawford
Dennis and Bonnie Crawford
Brian Crewsdon and Gloria Crewdson
Bruce and Mary Crippen
Clay Crippen
Steven and Marcia Crist
Richard and Mary Crosby
Mark Cross
Crowe Horwath LLP
Crowley Fleck PLLP
Carol Culver
Howard Cumme
CVM Funds, LLC
Roberta Dahl
Sharon Dallas
Deloitte Foundation
Doug Damm
Steven and Laura Daniel
Terry and Donna Daniel
Austin and Peggy Darkenwald
Lisa Darlington
Matthew Dassow
Lisa Davis
Michele Davis
Cameron Deatsch
Robert and Julia DeBar
Ann Deegan
Stephen DeHoff
Ronald and Nancy Deming
Leonard and Marjorie Deppmeier
Mahesh Dhillon
Alvan and Gwen Diamond
Lynn and Jeannee Dickey
Robert Dietz
Kari Dilloo
Jamie Dixson
Norman and Susan Dollhopf
James Dolph
David and Virginia Donohoe
Timothy and Jennifer Donovan
Dow Jones & Company
Chris and Denise Dundon
Myron and Angela Dutenhoffer
Krista Eastlick
Eaton Corporation
E. Edwin and Joyce Eck
Edison International
Jennifer Ehman
Darrell and Sally Ehrlick
Karen Eide
Eide Bailly LLP
John Eidel
Eiseman & Tawney
Peter Eldridge
William and Nancy Ellison
John and Marian Emerson
Ross and Carol Emery
David and Goldie Enger
Bruce Ennis and Margaret Davis
Epic Management Group Inc.
Patricia Erickson
Gerald and Bobbie Evans
Julie Evans
F.R. Bean Manufacturing
Jim and Leslie Farmer
Russell and Marlene Feist
Wally Feldt
William Felix
Richard and Linda Fellows
Jerry and Susie Ferguson
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Edward and Kathleen Field
First Interstate BancSystem Foundation
First Interstate Bank Wealth
First Security Bank
Edward and Lynette Fisher
Fred and Judy Flanders
Charles and Norma Flanik
William Floerchinger
Anthony and Linda Flynn
John Foote
Robert and Bonawee Ford
William Foucher
Pamela Foy
Andrea Frandsen
Kathy Frantzreb
Eric Frazee
Spencer Frederick
Robert and Ellen Fredrickson
Freedom Bank
Jon Freeland
Thomas and Sonal Frickle
Front Street Capital Management
Frontier Angel Fund, LLC
Charles and Margaret Fudge
George Fultz
Jena Gardner
Donald Gaumer
Scott Gehrke
Shirley George
Steven George
Linda Giammona-Eggers
Galusha, Higgins & Galusha
General Mills Foundation
Larry and Dee Dee Gianchetta
Gianforte Family Charitable Trust
Duane and Janet Gilkey
James Gillmore
Nancy Glaser
James and Margaret Gleason
Richard and Susan Gobbs
Gerald Goldhahn
Good Food Store
Robert and Linda Goodale
Ben Goodman
Joseph and Margaret Govednik
Ryan Graff
James and Pamela Grange
Bart and Wendy Granvold
Brian Green and Elizabeth Skinner
Margaret Green
Barbara Gregovich
Kelli Grenfell
Douglas and Carol Greven
Breann Griffin
Jack and Merry Griffith
Denise Grills
Sonja Grimmsmann
William and Carrie Guanell
Edward Guay
Robert Gustin
Robert Guthrie
Paul and Lina Gyles
Paul and Betty Haack
David and Catherine Haas
Habitat Floral
Larae Hackney
Donald Hagan
Alan and Kathy Haley
Douglas Hall
Charles Hamar
Edward Hames
Kayreen Handley
Marie Handley
Patrick and Marilyn Hanley
Loren and Michele Hansen
David and Rita Hanson
Earl and Patricia Hanson
Robert Hanson
R. Hardman
James Hardy
Lonnie and Marilyn Harmon
Stephen Harmon
Nathan Harrell
Rick and Tracy Hart
Douglas Hartley
Vester and Jan Hasson
Penny Hathaway
Guy and Judy Hatlie
James Hauck
John and Marlene Hauck
John and Mary Lou Hauck
Robert Hayes
Cornelius Healy
Marie Hebnes
Marlene Hedin
Mark and Melody Heide
Kirby and Jean Hellegaard
Elizabeth Henry
Shannon Hensler
Joshua Herbold
David and Karin Hergesheimer
Brad and Terri Herron
Steve and Kelly Herther
Hertz/Western Rentals, Inc.
Nanci Hesse
Hewlett Packard
Wayne Hiett
Thomas and Lynne Himes
Lew Hines
Wayne and Annette Hinrichs
Mansfield Hoag
Marvin and Tyra Hobbs
Matthew Hobbs
Melody Holland-Rehder
Evelyn Holt
Holy Rosary Health Center
The Home Depot PAC
Matching Program
Mark and Cynthia Hopwood
Horizon Credit Union
Philip and Yvette Hornig
Bradley Houle
Robert Houser
Bryson Houx
Bruce Hoversland
Clay Keller and
Natalie Hoyer Keller
Charles and Janet Hubley
Russell and Karen Huggins
Richard and Joann Hughes
Fred Huntington
IBM Corporation
Bill and Barbara Ifft
Independent Publishing
Kurt and Jeanette Ingold
Glenn Ingrum
Thomas and Katherine Irigoin
JG Black Book of Travel LTD
John and Joan Jacobsen
Daniel and Patti Jacques
Keith Jakob
Kenneth Jansa
Edwin and Roberta Jasmin
Janice Jasper
Douglas and Ann Jaworski
J. Bruce Jelinek
Wayne and Kaaren Jensen
Michael and Wendy Jensen
William and Carole Jensen
Harold Jessup
Thomas and Kay Jochim
Jason Johns
Howard and Janece Johnson
Richard Johnson
Lawrence Johnston
Edwin and Valerie Jolicoeur
Carl Jones
Melvin and Colleen Jones
Roy and Helen Jones
Orson and Sandy Jordan
Robert and Shirley Jorgensen
Gary Jorgenson
James and Amy Joyner
Gary and Verlene Kaiser
Elizabeth Kaleva
Gary and Kari Kasper
Ira Kaufman
Marjorie Kautzman
Martha Kazura
Michael Kehoe
Patrick Keiley
David and Diane Kemp
Kal Kennedy
Robert and Elaine Kennett
Benjamin Kiefer
Louis Kinney
Kirkland & Ellis Foundation
Elizabeth Kleppelid
Loey Knapp
William and Cherrie Knick
Monty and Patricia Knittel
Ellsworth and Jeanne Knutson
Timothy and Valerie Kober
Marcella Kocar
Todd Koenig
Joel Kola
Sean and Rhonna Kollenkark
Jo Ann Kopp
Abbie Koston
KPMG Foundation
Perry Kratsa
Rebecca Kress
Brent and Jill Krueger
Theodore and Robin Krueger
Carl and Hazel Kuney
Jett and Wendi Kuntz
Reinhart and Martha Kurtz
Louis and Barbara Kustudia
Gregg Kutzera
L.A. Design, Inc.
Hayle LaFountain
Gary Lake
Clarke and Patricia Lamont
Terry and Angela Lang
Brian and Alexis Lannan
Art Lathrop
David Lauckner and Cynthia Kroening
Lambros Real Estate
Land Development & Management Inc.
Faculty Fellowships &
Poe Family Faculty Fellowship
Michael Braun
Deborah D. McWhinney Faculty Fellowship
Bambi Douma
Warren & Betsy Wilcox Faculty Fellowship
David Firth
Pat & Judy McDonald Faculty Fellowship
Josh Herbold
Donald & Carol Jean Byrnes Professorship
Keith Jakob
Poe Family Distinguished Faculty Fellowship
Cameron Lawrence
Ron & Judy Paige Faculty Fellowship
Clay Looney
Rudyard B. Goode Professorship
Tim Manuel
Rosemary & William Gallagher Distinguished Faculty Fellowship
Jakki Mohr
KPMG Faculty Fellowship
Ron Premuroso
John & Kathleen Connors Faculty Fellowship
Klaus Uhlenbruck
partners for excellence
p a r t n e r s f o r
Cameron and Kristi Lawrence
Joseph and Antoinette Lawson
Janna Leaf
Glen and Mary Leavitt
Thomas Lemcke and Tamara Keffeler
Saundra Lemmer
Shawn and Rebecca LeProwse
Dean Letcher
Sherry Liikala
Rex and Sharyn Lincoln
Clayton and Lonna Linnell
Ralph Lintz
Richard Lloyd
Ted and Lavonne Lloyd
C. Bruce and Sally Loble
James and Barbara Lohn
Terry Long
Timothy Long
Ted Lovec
R. Gregg Lovell
Christopher and Susan Loy
Richard Lucas
Alvin Ludwig
Jeff and Renee Lund
John Luse
Callen MacConnel
Scott and Kelly MacDonald
Alistair and Connie MacMillan
H. Reed Madison
Charles and Linda Maetzold
Debra Magures
Tricia Maloney
Eric and Susan Manegold
Timothy Manuel
Market on Front LLC
Claudia Martin
Tamara Martin
Ed and Margaret Matteucci
David Mathew Matzer
Korla McAlpine
Edwin and Heidi McClain
James and Theresa McDonald
Peter and Paula McDonald
Dawn McGee
Timothy McGee
Michael McGiboney
Michael McGillis
Patrick McGrath
Stephen and Sue McGrath
Kerry McInerney
Tyler McIntyre and
Kelsey Orizotti-McIntyre
James and Sandra McKeon
Bill and Edna McKinley
Rick and Amanda McLuskie
Alexander and Caprice McMahan
Named Opportunity Funds
• O’Leary/Cardinal Opportunity Fund for
Marketing Analytics
• John and Kathleen Connors
Business Opportunity Fund
Jim and Becky Cote SoBA Opportunity Fund
• Robert R. and Lela M. Mountain Endowment
• Harold and Priscilla Gilkey Executive
Lecture Series Endowment
• William Allen International Business Endowment
• Nils A. Ribi Endowment
• W.J. and Rosemary Gallagher Memorial Fund
• Thomas S Hines Jr. and Sandra J. Hines
SoBA Opportunity Fund
• School of Business Administration Opportunity Fund
• The Gilkey Center Opportunity Fund
• John and Ellen MacMillan Opportunity Fund
• Kenneth Hufford and Helen Huxley Hufford
Opportunity Fund
• Patrick and Judy McDonald Opportunity Fund
• Boynton and Helen Paige Endowment
• John Ruffatto Award Endowment
• Poe Family Opportunity Fund
Peter McNamee
Melvin and Jami McNea
Casey McNellis
William and Bertha McVicars
Timothy Mehrens
John and Amanda Melgaard
Charla Merja
Martin Meyer
Microsoft Corporation
Mason and Darlene Mikkola
Mary Anne Miles
William and Doris Miller
Robert and Mary Miller
Donald and Barbara Minner
Missoula Club, Inc.
Missoula Community Foundation
Missoula Economic Partnership
Missoula Federal Credit Union
Bill Mitchell
William and Christine Mitchell
Samantha Mize
Jakki Mohr
Fred Molthen
Montana Ambassadors, Inc.
Montana Bankers Association
Montana Bar
Montana Chamber Foundation
Montana Community
Development Corporation
Montana Health Cooperative
Montana Society of CPAs
Montana Society of CPAs
Missoula Chapter
Montana Technology Enterprise Center
Robert and Tina Montgomery
Robert and Gayle Moon
Norma Moore
The Moore Trust
Scott and Diane Moothart
Roy and Debra Morris
Teresa Moser
David and Barbara Moss
Mountain West Bank
MTB Management, Inc.
Rachel Mower-Rinehart
Robert and Barbara Muir
Fletcher and Karen Mulvaney
Muralt Family Foundation
Muralt’s, Inc.
Zane Murfitt
Daniel Murphy
James Murphy
Kelly Murphy
Martin and Nadine Mutch
Arne and Vikki Mysse
Steven and Bonnie Nagode
Gary and Marcia Nelson
Sandi Nelson
Shaun and Ellen Nesbitt
Network For Good
Clyde and Judith Neu
John and Martha Neuman
Joseph Nevin
Dallas and Andrea Newsome
Mark and Mary Nicholls
Gib and Sarah Nichols
William and Nancy Nichols
Stuart and Janie Nicholson
Alan Nikolaisen
Joshua Nikolaisen
Paul Nisbet
Ronald Noland
Noon’s Food Stores
Scott Nordberg
Stan Nordwick
Jeffery and Stefany Northcutt
NorthWestern Energy
Northwestern Mutual Foundation
Craig and Brenda Nulliner
Bob and Mary Nye
Ian O Reilly
T. H. and Mary Jo Obayashi
Francine O’Boyle
Jeffrey Darin O’Brien
Howard and Maureen Ochi
Clint Ohman
Joseph O’Leary
Tim O’Leary and Michelle Cardinal
Mary & Greg Olson
Robert Olson
Ivan O’Neil
Dean and Lorry O’Neill
Oracle Corporation
Richard Orestad
Peter and Carol Ormson
Jerry and Arlene Osburnsen
Nicholas Kemp and Kay Osburnsen
Raymond and Natha Ostby
Raymond K. &
Natha Ostby Foundation
David Ottolino
Alyce Owen
Pacific Steel & Recycling
E. William and Bev Parker
Partners Creative, Inc.
John Patrick
Krista Paul
Patrick and Candice Payne
Terry and Patt Payne
William and Pamela Payne
Michaele Peabody
Dan and Kathryn Pecha
C. and Ernestine Pedersen
Don and Beryl Pehlke
Michael Pelatt
Herbert and Verna Penner
James and Barbara Penner
Pepsi Bottling Ventures Matching
Education Gift Program
Tessa Peressini
Rock and Janeil Perkins
John Perros
Edward and Darlene Peterson
Robert and Sylvia Peterson
Ronald Petrick
Norton Petrovich
Don and Eileen Pettigrew
Stephen and Ann Phelps
Russ and Jayne Piazza
David and Julia Pierce
e x c e l l e n c e
James and Janelle Pinsoneault
Lawrence Pitet
H. Ronald Pitt
Cathryn Plum
Plum Creek Foundation
John and Dale Plunkett
Donna Poggi
DeAnna Poling
Trina Ponce
Gregory Popp
Portland General Electric
Marilyn Porter
Duane Portwood
J. Alan and Sarah Post
Thomas and Joyce Powers
PPL Energy Plus
Ronald Premuroso
Walter and Mary Presser
Julie Proctor
Professional Property
Management, Inc.
Lloyd and Janel Queen
RBC Wealth Management
Jerry and Cecilia Raaum
Helay Rahimi
Terry and Rachel Rasmussen
Bill and Melanie Rasor
Augie-Jo Records
George Redding
Carrie Rees
Ralph and Arlene Rees
Roy and Carol Regel
Randy and Debbie Reger
Reger Properties
Robert and Barbara Reider
Robert and Carol Relitz
Robin Rennick
Republic Services of Montana
Republic Services, Inc.
Michael Reynolds
Kerri Ridenour
Ralph and Janet Ripke
Dale Ritter
Brian and Kimera Robertson
Rita Robertson
Edward Robinson
Owen Robinson
Thomas and Kathy Robinson
Robert and Alice Romek
H. Leon and Linda Rorie
Gregory Rorvik
Andrew Rosenthal
Charles and Micheleyn Ross
James and Elizabeth Ross
Larry and Jo Rowland
Katherine Royal
William Ruegamer
Shelly Rush
Robert and Nadine Rusk
Robert and Sherry Rusunen
Gary Ryan
Thomas Rygg
S.G.L. Investment Advisors Inc.
Salesforce.com Foundation
Richard Saltus
Howard and Joan Sandford
Paul and Linda Sandvig
David Sather
David L. Sather Jr., CPA
Kent and Vicki Saxby
John and Mary Schaff
Marjorie Mosher Schmidt Foundation
Renata Schroeppel
Mario Schulzke
SCL Health System
John Scott and Amy Wilson Scott
James Scoville
Terry and Karen Screnar
Donald and Joanne Seese
Seese Trust
John and Lauren Seidl
Curt Shaffer
Ralph Shane
SharkTECH Internet Services
Henry and Melanie Shearer
Michael Sheldon
Ray and Joyce Sheldon
Bradley Shepherd
Terry Sheppard
Joseph and Cherie Shevlin
Marjory Shiell
Jay and Alice Shilhanek
Jay Shilhanek, Inc. P.S.
Nader and Nancy Shooshtari
Donald Shurr
Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Patrick Simons
Thomas and Michelle Sinas
Lloyd and Cheryl Sinclair
James Skinner
Ryan Skinner
James Sloan
Lois Smeltzer
Brett and Sharon Smith
Craig and Leanne Smith
Donna Smith
Douglas Smith
James Smrcka
Kate Snelling
Kristen Sohlberg
William and Ellen Solem
Charles and Jo Lynn Sommers
Donald and Kathleen Spritzer
Gordon and Jill Spunich
M. Dale and JoAnn Stanhope
John and Patricia Stark
State Farm Insurance
Gary Staudinger
Harvey and Ila Steen
Adam Steffen
Jack and Virginia Stelling
Christopher Stephens
Mark Stermitz
Jeannette Stewart-Pittman
Elizabeth Stinchfield
Ronnie Stinson
Willard and Claudia Stong
Justin Stratton
Dean and Sally Stumvoll
Daniel and Mary Sullivan
Eugene Braun and Mary Gail Sullivan
Rick and Judi Sullivan
Russ and Lisa Svingen
Russell and Arlene Svingen
Ross Swanson
Max and Betty Swanson Foundation
Lowell and Karen Swenson
Kenton Swift
Arthur Tadej
Talent Buyers Network
Carl and Lorna Tanberg
Lee and Mary Jane Tangedahl
Kathleen Tarkalson
Jacob Taylor
Nicholas Teel
TerraEchos Inc
James Thomas
Mark and Carol Thomas
George Thompson
Jack and Janice Thompson
William Thompson
Roger and June Thomsen
Barton and Marilyn Thomte
Ken and Carol Thuerbach
Stephen Mathers and Dianna Tickner
Michael and Gloria Tilleman
Suzanne Tilleman
William Tiritilli
Larry and Susan Toder
Cary and Elaine Toepke
Rudy and Teresa Tomich
Ned Tomsheck and Sarah Hiteman
Sean Torcasi
Gary Towner
Jim and Deborah Toy
Toyota USA Foundation
Trader Brothers
Todd Tregidga
John and Mary Ellen Turmell
UBS Financial Services
Matching Gift Program
Randy Ueland
UM Bookstore
United Way of King County
University Faculty Association
Randolph Urbanec
US Bank Foundation
Vanguard Charitable
Endowment Program
Thomas and Kathleen Van Meter
Phillip and Cheryl Van Ness
Victor Velk
David and Ellen Vellenga
Mario Venturo
Verizon Foundation
David Severson and Gail Verlanic
William and Mary Vickoren
David Violett
Gerhard and Ursula Von der Ruhr
Douglas and Kimberly Wagner
Laura Wagner
Mary Lou Wagner
Wahlberg Family Property LLC
Neil Wakley
Timothy and Kathy Waldo
Jody Wallick
Vera Walters
Mary Wamsley
Shirley Warehime
Kyle and Janelle Washington
Donald and Patricia Watne
Richard and Dolores Wellenstein
Wells Fargo Educational
Matching Gift Program
Western States Insurance
Whatley Foundation
J. Anthony and Linda Whatley
Christopher Wheeland
John and Wanda Wheeler
Matthew and Kathleen Whetzel
Alan and Kathleen White
Gary and Veda Whitman
Joseph Whittinghill and
Blake Takamura
David Whittle
Richard Wiebke
James and Linda Wier
Warren and Betsy Ross Wilcox
Thomas Wilk
Peter and Michelle Wilkins
Jeff and Jonna Wilkinson
Thomas and Deborrah Willard
John Williams and
Debra Shaler-Williams
Joseph Williams
Theodore and Peggy Williams
Tamara Williams-McMahon
Cody Wilson
Douglas and Shirley Wilson
Charles and Mary Winfield
Jason Winship
Wendy Winsor
Donald and Elaine Witmer
Eric and Carla Woehler
James and Mary Wontor
Margaret Woo
Seth Woodhouse
Donald and Ellen Wulf
Timothy and Kristen Wynne
Ronald and Amy Yates
Paul and Tamara Yedinak
Kelly Zanto
Cheryl Zinne
Kimberly Zipp
Elaine Zipperian
Every gift is truly
appreciated, and allows
us to meet our ever growing
needs. Listed are alumni
and friends who contributed
between July 1, 2012 and
June 30, 2013. If you notice
an error, please contact
us and accept our
heartfelt apologies.
partners for excellence
p a r t n e r s f o r
2013 Scholarship Awards
($260,000 total)
Accounting and Finance Faculty Scholarship
Montana First Credit Union Mabel Allen Memorial Scholarship
Anderson ZurMuehlen & Co., P.C. Scholarship
Beta Alpha Psi Scholarship
Big Sky Chapter of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
(ACFE) Scholarship
Dr. Paul B. Blomgren, Dean Emeritus Scholarship
Bill and Genevieve Boisvert Scholarship
Bill and Phyllis Bouchee Scholarship
John and Sheila Buchanan Scholarship
Douglas A. Buckingham Memorial Scholarship in Accounting
Jack and Nancy Burke Scholarship in Business
Byrne Accounting Scholarship
Donald J. Byrnes Memorial Scholarship
Paul and Nancy Caine/Schilling International Business Scholarship
Howard J. and Grace D. Carroll Memorial Scholarship
Junies Chase Scholarship
Marva Kirby Christian Scholarship
Frank C. and Adah M. Clapp Memorial Scholarship
John and Donna Cloud Scholarship
Dan and Sue Connors Scholarship
John and Kathleen Connors American Indian Business Leaders
Student Scholarship
J.E. Corette Memorial Scholarship
Davidson Companies Scholarship
Kenneth H. Davis Endowed Scholarship
Patricia Pump Douglas Accounting Scholarship
Eide Bailly, LLP Scholarship
David and Goldie Enger SoBA Athlete Scholarship
Everett C. Elliott Memorial Scholarship
Rhoda Harrington Farris Scholarship
Raymond C. Feldt Memorial Scholarship
Hal Fraser Community Leadership Scholarship
D. Scott Frizzell Memorial Scholarship
Galusha, Higgins & Galusha Scholarship
James and Maggie Gleason Scholarship
Harold Hanson Scholarship
John Ace Hitzeman Scholarship
Louise I. Voorhees Hoback Scholarship
William and Shirleyann Horning Scholarship
Junkermier, Clark, Campanella, Stevens, P.C. CPA’s Scholarship
Harrison Palmer Kellum Scholarship
Helen and Dan Kidder Endowed Scholarship
Benhart H. and Louise H. Kero Scholarship
Louis F. Kinney Scholarship
Ida M. Kober Scholarship
KPMG LLP Scholarship
Lake Missoula Chapter, Association of Government Accountants
Terry and Angela Lang Work Pays Scholarship
Scott MacDonald Memorial Scholarship
James and Joy Mariska Business Scholarship
Mark and Carrie Matsko Scholarship
Dean’s SoBA MBA Scholarship
Don McGonigle Memorial Scholarship
MISA (Montana Information Systems Association) Scholarship
Missoula Chapter, Montana Society of
Certified Public Accountants Scholarship
Bill and Avis Mitchell Business Scholarship
Montana Bankers Association 25 Year Club
Montana Society of Certified Public Accountants Scholarship
Ivan and Shirley Nelson Scholarship
NorthWestern Energy Scholarship
O’Leary/Cardinal Family Scholarship
Erik Jon Osburnsen Memorial Scholarship
Raymond K. and Natha Ostby Scholarship
Rock and Janeil Perkins Scholarship
Arnold Peterson Marketing Scholarship
Poe Family Scholarship
Derek W. Price Scholarship
Robert L. Prigge Scholarship Endowment
Mary M. “Peggy” Ford Rockwell Scholarship
Richard A. Rolando Scholarship
SoBA Faculty Scholarship
Carmen Cobb Stufft Memorial Scholarship
Max and Betty Swanson Memorial Business Scholarship
Touch America Business Scholarship
Tractor and Equipment Co. Scholarship
Joe and Jackie Valacich MIS Scholarship
UM Alumni @ Microsoft Scholarship
Neil F. Wakley Scholarship in Business
Dorothy Campbell Wallace Scholarship
Brenda Farrell and M.B. (Scotty) Wilson Memorial Scholarship
e x c e l l e n c e
GILKEY CENTER for Executive Education
The Gilkey Center is the vision of University of Montana alumni Harold and Priscilla Gilkey,
who, in acknowledging the power of mentors and role models in their own professional
and personal achievements, wish to inspire and educate the business leaders of
tomorrow. Slated to open in 2015, the center will provide a regional venue to help foster
business development as well as new opportunities in leadership, entrepreneurship and
executive education - all ingredients for a thriving regional business environment.
The final construction drawings are underway, and construction is scheduled to begin summer 2014.
Gilkey Center Investors
Charles and Lynette Ainslie
Bank of Montana
Ned M. Barnes
Rodney W. Barnett
Donald N. Bauhofer
BDO Seidman, LLP
Katherine Berger
David and Cherie Bobbitt
Thomas H. and Ann Boone
Donald and Shirley Brickley
Robert and Bettina Burke
J. Jack and Nancy Calvert Burke
Glen and Sharilyn Campbell
Citigroup Foundation
Raymond and Amy Stafford Cosman
Jim and Becky Cote
Daniel Warren McGowan Memorial
Ian and Nancy Davidson
George M. and Jane I. Dennison
Tom Deveny
William L. Eisenhart
James P. Fugate
Larry and Dee Dee Gianchetta
Priscilla L. and Harold B. Gilkey
Janet and Duane Gilkey
Golf Savings Bank
Paul and Betty Haack
Dayne and Judi Hanna
Hanna & Associates, Inc.
John M. and Virginia J. Harlow
Brad and Terri Herron
Linda L. and Kermit K. Houser
The Ingold Family
William and Cherrie Knick
Sean and Rhonna Kollenkark
Peter Kolokotrones
Helen Kolokotrones
Jim Kolokotrones and Norma Sotomayor
Jacques Koppel
Robert D. and Renee Larrabee
Lawrence A. Wertz Children’s Trust
L’Heureux-Page-Werner, PC
Stephen M. L’Heureux and Carol Bradley
Ed and Peggy Matteucci
Judith C. and Sam E. McDonald Jr.
Family Trust
Greg McFaul and Loreen Leonard McFaul
Jakki Mohr
Dr. Leroy M. Moline Jr. and
Patricia Walker Moline
Donald C. and Patricia Orlich
Darren Orr
Pacific Steel & Recycling
Phil R. and Stella Palm
Bill and Cheryl Papesh
Lloyd and Janel Queen
Dianne E. Spires
Gregory K. Stahl
Ron and Heidi Stanley
Sterling Financial Corporation
Max and Betty Swanson Foundation
Joseph T. and Carolyn E. Swindlehurst
William D. Symmes
Martin David and Patrice K. Teckler
Raymon F. and Ladeine A. Thompson
Warren F. and Jane F. Vaughan
Sharon L. Vega
David O. and Donna Wallace
Wendy’s of Montana Foundations, Inc.
Tony Wertz and Grace Daniel
Joseph Whittinghill and Blake Takamura
A. Warren and Betsy Ross Wilcox
Ezra A. and Cindy R. Williams
Witherspoon, Kelley, Davenport & Toole
Ronald J. Yates Jr. and Amy L. Yates
Paul and Tamara Yedinak
Bill and Carole Zuppe
where are they now?
w h e r e
Don Stanway, ‘52, continues
to run his family business, A &
I Distributors. Don writes that he is “ still
working every day but ‘down to half days-7AM to 7PM, 7 days a week.’” Don and
his wife, Dollee, reside in Billings. Don
still finds time to play trombone in the UM
Alumni Band, marching in the Homecoming
Parade for the past 25 years.
Jack Callahan, ‘54, retired from
AXA-Equitable in 2011 after an
aerospace career with Douglas/McDonnell/
Boeing. Jack lives in North Tustin, CA with
his wife, Eva, and their five grandchildren
keep them busy.
Although Dale Mahlum, ‘56,
is officially retired, he still raises
horses and works for the state as a member
of the Montana Board of Horse Racing.
Joe Morris, ‘57, and his wife,
Sallie, still live in Butte America,
and celebrated their 60th wedding
anniversary in September 2013. They enjoy
retirement and stay active supporting various
local nonprofits.
Roy H. Bowman, ‘57 is retired and loving it!
Shirley Spurgeon, ‘61, is in her
53rd year of teaching, and currently
teaches family and consumer sciences
classes at the alternative high school in
Kalispell. Shirley is married to Clinton “Bill”
Spurgeon and they have one daughter.
Gary Gallaher, ‘63, spends
his retirement managing a
vacation rental cabin at The Sea Ranch,
CA and operates a part time home repair
(handyman) business in Orinda, CA. Melvin R. Good, ‘64, worked
as a Supply Officer in the U.S.
Navy Supply Corps and later had a career in
residential lending. He now enjoys following
the Griz football team’s success and spending
time with family.
William L. Felix, Jr., ‘61, ‘64 MS,
retired from the University of Arizona in
2011 as the Eller Professor of Accounting
Emeritus. He and his wife, Darlene, are
enjoying easing into retirement.
Charles G. Hubbard, ‘66, is
enjoying retirement on the shores
of Echo Lake, where he loves the view and
community of the wonderful Flathead Valley.
Arvid Mostad, ‘68, and his
wife, Shirlee Christensen, own
Mostad and Christensen, Inc., a publishing
company that provides marketing
materials to CPA firms. They live in in
Oak Harbor, WA.
Grady Plemmons, ‘68, retired from
the Frigidaire Co. in 2005. Grady and
his wife live most of the year in Turner,
OR (outside of Salem), and spend winters
in Arizona.
t h e y
n o w ?
James M. McDonald, ‘69, is the
CFO for St. Labre Indian School
Educational Association located in Ashland,
MT. He plans to retire this year and live at
his house south of Lolo so he can enjoy the
Missoula area again.
Ron Ratcliff, ‘71, enjoyed a 31
year career in the Navy, which
included teaching at the Ecole Navale in Brest
France, serving as a military attaché at the
U.S. Embassy in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia,
command of a guided missile frigate and
professor at the Naval War College in
Newport, RI, where he continues to teach as
a civilian. Ron returned to the classroom as a
student and earned a Ph.D. in Humanities from
Salve Regina University in 2008.
Griz fans
the score at
a r e
Ann Cade Phelps, ‘72, received
a life-saving kidney transplant last
year and feels blessed to be able to watch
her son, Thomas Cade Phelps, age 20, enjoy
college life at Sonoma State University.
Patrick Shannon, ‘70, ‘72 MS, is Dean
of the College of Business and Economics
at Boise State University. He has been
a professor of statistics and operations
management there since 1974.
C Max Murphy, ‘74, owns radio
stations in both Missoula and
Bozeman, and writes, “the fun with the two
Universities is unlimited.” Go Griz!
Douglas Nissen, ‘75, lives in
Evanston, WY where he is President
of 1st Bank, a division of Glacier Bank which
is headquartered in Kalispell.
Cindy Gustafson, ‘75, is CFO for
WashingtonSTEM, a not-for-profit in the
education reform space that is working to
close the skills gap in Washington state. She
and her husband, Tom Chatriand, have two
grown children.
Karen Zanol, ‘77, is a CPA at
Cordell, Neher & Co., PLLC, where
she has worked for 27 years. She lives in
Wenatchee, WA with her husband, Tim. They
have two children and two grandchildren.
Friends catch up at SoBA tailgate party.
Edwin Harris, ‘78 MBA, is now
retired after a long and successful
career in various healthcare financial
positions. He enjoys living in two locations
depending on the season; New River, AZ
and Kila, MT. Edwin has fond memories
of his classmates and Dean Gianchetta’s
graduate statistics class.
N. Leroy Kauffman, ‘78, earned a Ph.D.
from The Ohio State University and has
taught at Eastern Mennonite University, The
Ohio State University, Virginia Tech and
Western Carolina University. At Western
Carolina University, he served as Associate
Dean and Dean of the College of Business
and currently has a full-time faculty role
teaching accounting. Leroy still has an
official picture of the Griz, which was a gift
from the Athletic Department for a football
stadium feasibility study in 1977, hanging on
his living room wall.
Mike O’Neill, ‘80, has worked
for Montana Power/NorthWestern
Energy since 1981. He is the Director of
Organizational Development and Labor
Relations. Karen Walker O’Neill, ‘80 has
worked for Town Pump Corporation since
1981, where she is a senior accountant. Their
daughter, Katie, plans to be married this
August. Mike is currently the Chairman of
the Board of Leadership Montana, President
of the Montana State Golf Association and
just finished a six-year term on the UM
Foundation Board of Trustees. The O’Neills
reside in Butte, MT.
Denise Grills, ‘80, lives in Denver with
her husband of 29 years. The couple has
two daughters in college. Denise has
worked in Oracle’s JD Edwards Enterprise
Resource Planning product line for the past
18 years. She is responsible for all product
content including product marketing,
communications, events documentation and
training for its product line. Denise comes
from a real Griz family, as three sisters, two
brothers-in-law and a niece also graduated
from UM.
Tom Mellor, ‘80, retired in 2013 from a
20-year career with State Farm Insurance.
Upon retiring from State Farm,Tom
embarked on a second career in consulting
to organizations that want to use agile-based
software development processes - coaching
their teams in the practices. Although his
consulting business demands a great deal
of travel, Tom, his wife, Maryann, and
daughters, Lindsey (11), Kristen (9) and
Amanda (6), call Bloomington, IL, home.
Russell Schmittou, ‘81, is
CFO for McMillan Electric in
San Francisco.
where are they now?
w h e r e
The place to be:
SoBA tailgate
V. Neal Nikolaisen, ‘81 MBA, retired after
24 years of being a statistician in the health
care industry. He is looking forward to what
the future holds.
Greg Sauber, ‘82,lives in
Denver, CO, where he owns three
restaurants. The Washington Park Grille
celebrated its 20th anniversary in April.
Max Gill and Grille opened in the summer
of 2006, and is a fine dining seafood
restaurant. Last summer he opened Agave
Taco Bar. All three restaurants are located
in the Washington Park area of Denver, on a
historic street known as Old South Gaylord.
Jim Auger, ‘82, is thrilled to be the coowner of the Higgins Avenue Dairy Queen
with Art and Jo Mandell. Jim was recently
elected to serve on the UM Foundation
Board of Trustees and is excited for the
Jerome Morasko, ‘83, is
President and CEO of Avita Health
System in Ohio.
Sydnie Salbador Sliker, ‘84,
began her career in banking. After a
stint as a stay-at-home mom, she is currently
the bookkeeper for her church, which keeps
her very busy. She and her husband have a
son in high school and a daughter in college
on the East Coast.
Miriam Kroschel, ‘85, is a CPA
and operates her own accounting
firm in Washington state. Her focus is
helping small business and individuals with
their accounting and taxes, and she loves it!
Maria Bishop-Carns, ‘86,
has been with Bishop Insurance
Service her entire career. She began as its
accountant and is now also involved in IT
management and is a licensed insurance
producer. Maria lives in Missoula with her
husband, Ken Carns, and they have two
grown sons.
John E. Davis, ‘86, is celebrating 19
years with Zep, Inc. where he is Director of
Distribution, Western US – Canada. John
and his wife of 25 years, Barbara, live in
Temecula, CA, and have two daughters
Elizabeth (16) and Christine (13).
Lisa Tedesco Maurer, ‘87,
works for Citi Private Bank as a
Director in the North America Family Office
Group. She lives in New York with her two
Steve Mauer, CPA, ‘87, is MauerPower
Consulting, western Montana’s CFO by-thehour, helping visionary entrepreneurs stay
focused on the vision; improving people,
policy, process, and profit. 2013-2014
a r e
t h e y
Suzanne Gates Cannady, ‘89,
was CFO for a pharmacy in
Polson when she decided to return to
school and earn a pharmacy degree.
Suzanne completed her Pharm.D. degree
in 2004 and works for Fred Meyer
Pharmacy in Yakima, WA. 95
Pat J. McHugh, ‘89, graduated from UM
School of Law in 1994. He is the Executive
Director of Business and Operations for
Missoula County Public Schools.
Cynthia Brooks, ‘89, graduated from UM
School of Law in 1992. She is the senior
remediation counsel with the Montana
Department of Environmental Quality,
specializing in Superfund enforcement.
Kevin Michael Harwood, ‘91,
lives in Ohio and works for WayneDalton. He and his wife have one son and
own The Pauper’s Kottage, a candle shop. Brian Mallory, ‘92,
owns two companies: Mallory
Appraisals, which provides residential real
estate property appraisals, and Mallory
Property Tax Advisors, which provides
property tax appeal services. He lives in
Memphis, TN.
Daniel Astle, ‘92, works as a
Business Planning Specialist for The
Avitus Group in Denver, CO. Daniel is
married to Danchen Yi, ‘96 MAcct, a
Commercial Real Estate Agent for Dunton
Donya Haas, ‘93, lives in
Kent, WA, where she is a finance
manager. She recently started a new
business, Double Dee Cupcakes.
Alain Burrese, ‘94, graduated
from UM School of Law in 2001.
He is a writer, speaker and mediator and has
written six books and created 11 DVDs thus
far, and continues to expand his Safety and
Black Belt Communicator programs.
n o w ?
Angela Previte-Barnhouse,
‘95, is Executive Officer at the
Bitterroot Building Industry Association
in Hamilton, MT. In 2010, she and
her husband, Glen, opened their own
excavation business in Missoula, Dig It
Excavating, Inc.
Shannon Noble, ‘97, is an
Employment Specialist for the
Disabled Veterans Outreach Program at the
Missoula Job Service.
Kelly Murphy, ‘99, spent 14 years
living in San Francisco and Seattle
while working for Accenture. Last July he
and his wife purchased a State Liquor Store
in his hometown of Kalispell, MT. Kelly
also works remotely for Liberty Mutual
Insurance as a Special Projects Manager.
Life is busy between the store, job and two
young kids ages 1 and 3, but they are excited
to be back in Montana. Go Griz!
Standing room only
at SoBA tailgate.
Mike Ross, ‘02, works as a Systems
Engineer for a Fargo, ND-based company,
High Point Networks, out of its Billings
office. His wife, Bethanne ClarkRoss, works at Wells Fargo as a Loan
Administrator Manager and is a current
off-campus MBA student.
Kristen Kennedy, ‘04 MBA, is
Director of Development for the
College of Liberal Arts at the University of
Nevada, Reno.
Brandon Holmes, ‘04, started his own
business, Holmes Real Estate Appraisal Co.,
located in Stevensville, MT. In November
2013 Brandon earned MAI designation
from the Appraisal Institute. He resides in
Stevensville with his wife and three children.
Michael Sanderson, ‘00, is
President/CEO of Sanderson
Stewart, a community development
services firm. He lives in Billings, MT.
Brendan Nicholas, ‘01, lives
in San Diego, CA, where he is
an Information Technology Recruiter for a
small firm called AbleForce, Inc. Brendan is
engaged to be married and he and his fiance
are expecting their first child in June 2014.
Fredrik Lindahl, ‘03,
is CEO of Flightradar24, a
Stockholm, Sweden-based flight tracking
service that provides positional data for
aircraft around the world.
Jesse Stiles, ‘04, is a Store Development
Leader with Dominos Pizza and lives in
Denver, CO.
Andrea Pierce, ‘01, is a business
relationship manager for Wells Fargo Bank
in Great Falls, MT. She hopes to transfer
back to Missoula soon.
Tera Poindexter, ‘01, is happy to still
reside and work in beautiful Missoula. She
is the General Manager of StoneCreek
Lodge and serves on the Grizzly Scholarship
Association’s Board of Directors.
James Dallner, ‘02, graduated
from UM School of Law in 2005.
He is a partner in the firm Lathrop & Gage,
LLP, and his practice is split between
intellectual property litigation and general
commercial litigation. James lives in
Denver, CO.
The famous
SoBA jambalaya.
where are they now?
w h e r e
a r e
Caleb Senn, ‘05, ‘10 MBA, is
Compliance Officer and Marketing Officer
for the Family of Banks in Montana. He is
President Elect of Bitterroot Valley Kiwanis
and writes that he is “proud of my education
and experience/opportunities I gained from
Terry Lang, ‘04, and his wife, Angela,
recently relocated to Denver, CO where
Angela received a teaching position. Terry
transfered with Verizon Wireless and is in a
selective leadership program. Additionally,
Terry received national recognition through
the company’s “Rock Star” program in 2013.
Terry and Angela recently welcomed into
the Grizzly and Lang families their first son,
Benjamin Donald Lang. Daniel Thurman, ‘10 MBA, is a Combat
Systems Officer in the United States Air Force.
Walter Kelly, ‘11, is an account
executive for the Denver Outlaws
professional lacrosse team. The team is
owned by Pat Bowlen and plays at Sports
Authority Field at Mile High.
Craig Coyle, ‘04, is furthering his
education at the University of Idaho,
where he is studying Agricultural Science,
Communications and Leadership. Craig
writes that he is, “proud to be a Griz and
always a Griz.”
Robyn Berg, ‘05, is the Fiscal &
Academic Affairs Assistant to the
Chair in the Computer Science Department
at UM.
Coley M. Jones, ‘06, is Finance
Manager at Karl Tyler Chevrolet in
Missoula. Coley writes, “I love my job and
credit many of my talents to the UM School
of Business.”
Tailgating is a family affair.
Kali Lindner, ‘06, created OULA, a onehour high energy dance workout named
afer her hometown of Missoula. OULA has
been around since 2010 and has developed a
dedicated following nationally.
Ashley Corbally, ‘06, and several
colleagues, own their own financial services
business that is affiliated with Northern
Rockies Financial Group in Missoula. Ashley
and her husband, Jason, have a 3-year-old
son, Peyton, who keeps them on their toes.
Mariana Luminita Nicolae, ‘06 MBA,
earned a Ph.D. in Business Administration
(Operations Management emphasis) at the
University of South Carolina. She is an
Assistant Professor of Operations and Supply
Chain Management at Eastern Michigan
Griz fans start young.
t h e y
Stephanie Krebs-Anderson,
‘07, lives in Spokane, WA, with
her husband, Colin Anderson, where she
works as a Staff Attorney for Clearwater
Paper Corporation. Her practice includes
commercial contracts, environmental
compliance, health and safety compliance
and litigation management.
Jacob Krebs, ‘07, manages Analytics and
Business Intelligence Reporting for Kiewit
Corporation in Omaha, NE. He is married to
his lovely wife, Melissa, and has a wonderful
son, Hank, who turned one in April. With all
of this excitement he still tries to get in some
biking, although most tends to be road riding
since the mountain biking in Nebraska is just
not the same as western Montana!
Tiffany N. Kuehn, ‘07 MAcct, began
her career in KPMG’s Portland, OR, office
as an audit associate. She was promoted to
Audit Manager in 2012, specializing in the
healthcare/higher education industry. Last
June, Tiffany and her husband returned
home to Missoula where she works as UM’s
Internal Audit Manager.
Derek Duncan, ‘09, lives
in Colorado where he works
as a senior analyst for marketing and
communications at the University of Denver.
While at DU, Derek is pursuing his MBA.
Ryan Jellesed, ‘10, works for
Boeing Commercial Airplanes
in Seattle as an IT Integrations Project
Elizabeth Lathrop, ‘11, lives in San
Francisco and works as a Project Manager
at Macys.com. She has maintained her ties
to Missoula through serving as the Director
of Public Relations and IT for Dress for
Success Missoula, a nonprofit aimed at
helping disadvantaged women by providing
professional attire, a network of support and
the career development tools to help women
thrive in work and in life.
Zachary Horat, ‘11, is working in private
equity at Partners Group, a global private
markets investment firm. He relocated to San
Francisco after two-and-a-half years in New
York City.
n o w ?
Alette Boogman, ‘12, moved to Los
Angeles after graduation and interned at
Filter Magazine and Epitaph Records,
worked at American Apparel Corporate
and played cello for Dia Frampton. In
January 2014, she became the Marketing
Coordinator for Tom’s Shoes in its
EMEA Headquarters in Amsterdam.
Mark Shirley, ‘13, is assistant
controller for Johnson Brothers
Companies. He is currently taking the
CPA exam.
Shanice R. Waldo, ‘11, ‘13 MAcct,
successfully passed all CPA exams. She
lives in Kalispell, MT, where she works for
Joseph Eve CPAs as a consultant. Joseph
Eve resells and implements cloud accounting
software and Shanice is thrilled to get to use
both her MIS and accounting backgrounds.
Austin P. Rust, ‘13, works for KPMG’s
IT Attestation practice in its Portland, OR
office. He takes advantage of all the travel
by visiting old friends and going to new
breweries in the cities he works in.
Jordan Marvin, ‘13, lives in Bend, OR,
where he manages the e-commerce
and marketing operations for an emerging
product line and company, The
Wrapper Slapper.
Ivy Dong, ‘13 Pharm.D./MBA, is a
pharmacist at Safeway in Phoenix, AZ.
Saskia Boogman, ‘08, ‘13 MBA, was
hired as Marketing and Media Manager
for All American EFX Sport, a sport
supplement company in Billings, MT.
Paul and Kathy Polzin
Anthony Barille, ‘11, works as a Technical
Sergeant in the Montana Air National Guard.
Kristi Shettel, ‘11 MBA, lives in Havre,
MT, where she is the Director of Admissions
and Recruitment at MSU-Northern in Havre.
Travis Hannon, ‘12, lives in
Seattle and works for startup
Smartsheet. Smartsheet is a cloud based
project management solution.
Trent Hanson, ‘12, works as an insurance
broker with Hanson Insurance Group in its
Corvallis, OR, office. Trent recently bought
his first home and is enjoying making it
his own. Trent writes, “I have made many
connections and had positive responses from
people who have associated with and visited
the University of Montana and SoBA.”
Jack Morton shares the secret to chopping jambalaya ingredients with Ron Melanson.
School of Business Administration
Gallagher Business Building (MBUA01)
Missoula, MT 59812
“We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand
fibers connect us with our fellow men; and among
those fibers, as sympathetic threads, our actions run
as causes, and they come back to us as effects.”
– Herman Melville
Photo by Josh Sanders