District N ewsletter
District N ewsletter
District Newsletter TONGANOXIE USD 464 April 2014 Students Recognized for Academic Excellence 135 High School students were honored on Tuesday March 25th at the 28th annual Educational Excellence Banquet in the KU Ballroom. This recognition ceremony was originated by the THS academic committee to honor students who excel academically by earning at least a 3.6 grade point average during the two previous semesters. It is the hope of the faculty and the Board of Education that this recognition will demonstrate how proud we are of the academic achievements of students and challenge them to continue to excel. After a welcome from High School Athletics and Activities Director Brandon Parker followed by an invocation by senior Megan Zerrer, three seniors shared their talents with the group. Brett Bolon and Tyler Wehmeyer performed a humorous skit from “Crazy Town” by Jonathan Rand; Halston Field sang “King of Anything” by Sara Bareilles; and Lauren Harrell presented the humorous skit “Bad Substitute” by Sean Abley. The keynote address was given by KU Volleyball Coach Ray Bechard. He recounted his life as a student in a small town in Kansas, then went on to stress the need for students to live by his mantra “CMTYC”, or “Contribute More Than They Consume”, an idea gleaned from his favorite book. He told stories about athletes who, although not the most talented on the team, still add value to the team by keeping a positive attitude and giving back in any way possible. As Parker announced each honoree and they walked across the stage at the KU Ballroom, they were congratulated by High School Principal Jamie Carlisle and Assistant Principal Brent Smith. Each student received a medal acknowledging their accomplishments. The students recognized at this year’s ceremony are (* indicates a 4.0 GPA): Seniors Celeste Bartels*, Tiffany Benedick, Brett Bolon*, Annie Holton, Alison Bryant*, Rhiann Caywood, Jill Derzinski, Alissa Donnelly*, David Falk*, Halston Field*, Ian Finkbiner, Brianna Finnegan, Madison Fletcher, Annabelle Frese*, Haley Griffin, James Grizzle, Rachel Gumm*, Austin Harris, Caly Ingle-Maxwell, Jonathan Irwin*, Benjamin Jacobs*, Isaac Jones, Nathaniel Laundy, Marissa Martin*, Erin Meador*, Leah Miller*, Bonnie Monahan*, Taylar Morgan*, Madison Moulin, Kaylin Nelson, Kinsey Nelson*, Dylan Olson, Hannah Pray*, Shawn Ridihalgh, Jessica Rubio, Drew Sandburg*, Katelyn Schenk, Evan Stilgenbauer*, Jonathan Sturgis*, Eric Tate, Jessa Thorne, Dustin Torneden, Katelyn Wal- Dates to remember: Inside this issue: Spring Alumni Events 3 Fourth Grade Honor Roll 6 Weseman to Retire 7 District Retirements 9 Kindergarten Preparation 10 Calendars 14-15/15-16 11 April April 3 April 5 April 8, 9 April 11, 25 April 14 April 18 April 20 April 23 School Library Month Kindergarten Parent Information Night, TES, 7-8 THS Prom Kindergarten Sneak-a-Peek, TES, 1-2pm Kindergarten Screenings Board of Education Meeting, 6pm, THS W Library No School - Staff Development; Buildings Open Easter Administrative Professionals Day TONGANOXIE USD 464 Educational Excellence - cont’d deier*, Tyler Wehmeyer, Samantha White*, and Megan Zerrer. Juniors Chelby Abney*, Sarah Ahart, Bradley Andrews*, Josephine Baker, Mara Bigge, Sophia Breedlove*, Megan Briggs*, Kyle Caldwell, Breeanna Cash*, Summer Cerny*, Alyssa Crenshaw, Makayla Dajani, Mathew Davis, Brittany Dussault, Lexis Fehd*,Tyler Fraedrich, Kourtni Freemyer, Garrett French*, Morgan Galvin, Callie Grinter, Christian Grube*, Lauren Harrell*, Mara Hebert, Ramon Hernandez, Asher Huseman, Danielle Irwin, Samantha Jones*, Brenna Kietzmann, Elisabeth Laundy*, Justyn Leslie, Garrett Martin, Maria Miller*, Emily Mitchell, Kendall Parsons, Justin Patrick, Courtney Ramseier, Grace Reilly*, Adryon Sander, Elaine Scheilz, Audrey Snodgrass*, Jared Sommers*, Christian Tiner, Madison Tucker, Tressa Walker*, and Emily Williams*. Sophomores Luke Aitkens*, Leah Bartels*, Brooke Bolon, Jacob Brents, Zacha- ry Callaghan*, Zachary Calovich, Garrett Campbell, Bobbie Chapman*, Jack Dale*, Kelsey Davis, Emma Demaranville*, Allison Dorsey, Angela Faherty*, Spencer Finkbiner*, Danielle Focht, Cheyenne Ford*, Sierra Graham*, Kassidy Gratton*,Kaitlin Hall*, Shannon Haufler, Jolie Hebert*, Coy Howard*, Lauren Jackson*, Dawson Jones*, Billy Kelley*, Ben Lanza*, Joshua Lingo*, Dakota Maas*, Ryan Malone, Monica Maurer*, Kennedy Morey*, Tyler Novotney, Shannon Olson, Mackenzie Price*, Brynlee Robbins, Kelly Robinson, McKinna Shelton*, Sierra Sommer, Dylan Staatz*, Aneth Torres*, Sophia Wetta, Natalie Wolf*, Hunter York, and Nicole Zerrer. lisle. Student representatives Celeste Bartels and Halston Field gave brief speeches expressing their appreciation for all Kathy has done for them then presented her with the signed poster and an Aim for Excellence pen. Kathy’s contributions have been immeasurable, and we wish her a happy and fulfilling retirement! As each student left the stage, they stopped to sign a poster commemorating the service of High School Counselor Kathy Walker, who is retiring after 42 years of service to the district. She has organized every Educational Excellence banquet since the event’s inception 28 years ago, and was recognized in a closing speech by principal Jamie Car- Superintendent: Enrollment ‘14-15 Online enrollment for the 2014-15 school year will be available beginning Monday, June 2. This is only for students who are not new to the district (translation = already in our computers). More information will be available in the next newsletter. Page 2 Tonganoxie USD 464 330 E. Hwy 24/40 Tonganoxie, KS 66086 (913) 845-2153 (913) 369-2183 www.tong464.org Randy Weseman Director of Educational Programs: Tonya Phillips Technology Coordinator: David Milhon Transportation Coordinator: Melissa Ostermeyer Facilities & Grounds Coordinator: Bill Seymour Student Nutrition Coordinator: Barb Smith Newsletter Editor: Val Carlisle Our District Mission The Mission of Tonganoxie Public Schools is to provide each student with a positive and personalized educational experience which empowers them to achieve high levels of success in all endeavors, make responsible choices, and become positive contributors to society. DISTRICT NEWSLETTER TONGANOXIE USD 464 Spring Alumni Events The 2014 Alumni Banquet will be held at 7 p.m. Saturday, May 10 (Mother's Day weekend), in the Chieftain Room at the high school. (For those of you who graduated a while ago, this is the former auditorium). The hosts will be the Class of 1989 on their 25-year anniversary. Their honored guests will be the Class of 1964 on its 50-year anniversary. For more information, check www.tong464.org (then click on “USD 464 Alumni” on the left-hand side) for banquet details as they become available. The Alumni Association also has a Facebook page, tonganoxiealumni. Tickets are $20 each or $35 for two, and are available until May 1 at these area businesses: Evans Real Estate, First State Bank & Trust, Community National Bank, and Mutual Savings. Class of 1954 -- 60-year reunion: The Class of 1954 will celebrate May 10, prior to attending the Alumni Banquet that night. For more information, please contact Jim Grinter at 785-843-3964. Class of 1989's 25-year reunion -May 11, 2013 (same day as Alumni Banquet). The Class of 1989 is planning its 25-year reunion and also will be hosting the annual Alumni Banquet May 11. For more information contact Teri Morgan ([email protected]) or Holly & Scott Soetaert (shjmea@ yahoo.com). If you have a child who will be kindergarten age for the 2014-15 school year, you should plan to attend Kindergarten Information Night on Thursday, April 3 from 7-8 pm at TES . In keeping with tradition, alumni fund $2,000 in Tonganoxie Alumni Association Scholarships to be presented to graduating seniors. We need your generous donations to fund these scholarships. Donations may be made to the USD 464 Education Foundation (please write "Alumni Assn. Scholarships" in the check’s memo line) and mail to: USD 464 Education Foundation 330 E. Hwy 24/40 Tonganoxie, KS 66086 All donations are tax deductible, as the Foundation is a 501-c-3 organization. Please contact Debbie Shoemaker Krivjansky with questions-she can be reached by email at [email protected] or by phone at 913-669-6935. High School Graduation Tonganoxie High School’s commencement ceremony will take place on Saturday, May 17th at 7pm in the THS East Gym. Overflow seating will be available in the TPAC. A Baccelaureate program sponsored by the Tonganoxie Ministerial Alliance will be held at 2pm in TPAC. DISTRICT NEWSLETTER Page 3 TONGANOXIE USD 464 TES Sock Hop The Elementary School PTC’s annual Sock Hop is coming up! It will be held on Friday, April 11th in the Middle School gym. An annual tradition, the sock hop is a fundraiser for the TES Parent/Teacher Club, which provides funds for things like technology, playground equipment, and other improvements for elementary students. This year’s event will have a dinner available, provided by the Middle School FCCLA students. They are raising funds to attend a national competition during the summer. So dust off your poodle skirt and letter jacket, and shake a leg at the sock hop! The deadline is fast approaching to sign up for the upcoming session of drivers’ education! Information is now available in the High School West building. Only students who have completed their freshman year are eligible to take Drivers’ Ed. Enrollment information, including full payment, must be turned in to the High School West campus by April 11th. The program capacity is only 60 students, and is first come first served. The cost is $200 for students who live within USD 464 boundaries and $225.00 for out of district. Bus Pass Reminder Transportation Coordinator Melissa Ostermeyer wants parents to keep in mind that bus passes must be returned at the end of the year. If you are the parent of a bus rider, please have them turn their pass in to the driver on their last day. If they forget to do that, it can be turned in at the District Administrative Center. If a pass is not turned in, that student’s account will be assessed a $5 fee. AM Route 10 PM Route 14 Anita Knapp Page 4 Fourth Grade DISTRICT NEWSLETTER TONGANOXIE USD 464 Counselor’s Corner In the months of April and May, TES students will be reviewing all the character traits! Talk with your students about the importance of each of these character traits and point out real life examples! Some real life examples of these character traits at TES are those students who have earned model class and random acts of kindness. New random acts of kindness recipients are Jaiden Campbell and Damien Merrill in Mrs. Gurwell’s fourth grade class, Miranda Serrano in Mrs. Wynn third grade class, Landon Griffith in Mrs. Miller’s third grade class, and Mikey Trowbridge in Mrs. Conrad’s first grade class. Our current model class is Mrs. Albert’s Kindergarten, pictured below. 2nd Grade Monster Cars Tara Franz, a student teacher under the supervision of second grade teacher Natalie Frese, worked with the class on an innovative project to teach the concept of simple machines. The activity included the students designing and building "monster cars” using only two index cards, two straws, six lifesavers and tape. During the discussion and design phase the students learned about wedges, wheels and axles, pulleys, levers and inclined planes. They then raced their creations using an inclined plane to measure the distance the cars traveled. THS Wins 7th Consecutive League Forensics Title High School Forensics coach Steve Harrell reports that at the KVL forensics tournament in February, THS won its 7th League Forensics title in a row and its 14th overall in the last 25 seasons! Individual KVL Champs were: Austin Harris in Extemporaneous Speaking; Halston Field in Poetry Interpretation; Brett Bolon and Tyler Wehmeyer in Improvised Duet Acting; Lauren Harrell in Prose Interpretation. Other medalists included Jackson Bartlett 4th Poetry; David Falk/Rodger Black 3rd IDA; Brett Bolon/Tyler Wehmeyer 3rd Duet; Jonathan Irwin 5th Extemp; Indah Zatadini 5th Oration; Celeste Bartels 4th Informative; Halston Field 2nd Serious Solo; Emma DeMaranville 6th DISTRICT NEWSLETTER Poetry; Milton Ulreich 5th Impromptu; Austin Harris 2nd Informative; Monica Maurer 3rd Oration. The team photo below shows (front row l-r) Emily Pierce, Danielle Irwin, Lauren Harrell, Indah Zatadini, Halston Field; (back) Brett Bolon, Rodger Black, Tyler Wehmeyer, David Falk, Jon Irwin, Austin Harris, Celeste Bartels, Emma DeMaranville, Milton Ulreich, Jackson Bartlett, Monica Maurer. Book Date Update Barb Bahm reports that of the 67 TMS students who finished their “Blind Date with a Book” before the deadline, 77 % gave their book date 4 or 5 stars (out of 5). Half of the students gave their match 5 stars, which means Ms. Bahm is pretty good at knowing her students and matching their interests! They gave away $200.00 worth of Amazon Gift cards, donated by the TMS Parent Teacher Organization. Page 5 TONGANOXIE USD 464 THS Places at State FBLA Competition The High School chapter of the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) competed at the State FBLA competition on March 25 and 26 in Topeka. According to FBLA sponsor Jared Jackson, the following students achieved state rankings! Management Decision Making - 2nd place: Celeste Bartels, David Falk, and Austin Harris Global Business - 4th place: Ma- ra Bigge, Ali Bryant, and Lexis Fehd Public Speaking I - 5th place: Emma Demaranville Public Speaking II - 6th place: Celeste Bartels Banking and Financial Systems - 6th place: Mara Bigge, Rachel Gumm, and Samantha Upcoming Years’ Calendars At their March 10 meeting, the Board of Education approved calendars for the next two academic years. This will give patrons and families the chance to plan far into the future. In addition to being available on the district website, the calendars are also on the last two pages of this newsletter. White Fourth Grade Honor Roll Below is a listing of the Fourth Grade students achieving the requirements for Honor Roll for the third quarter of the 2013-14 school year at Tonganoxie Elementary School. Principal’s Honor Roll: Chyanne Aaron, Augie Bachelor, Ava Bartels, Cole Bennett, Riley Bichelmeyer, Marie Brockhoff, Elijah Caiharr, Haven Carpenter, Andrew Colvert, Mason Davenport, Emily Doebele, Rebekah Farrow, Malison Fisher, Macy Geiger, Gehrig Goldbeck, Hayden Hannigan, Gage Hayden, Joseph Jimenez, Mason Khanthaboury, Jordan Knipp, Hailee Laterra, Johnathan Long, Jackson Lynn, Benjamin Manus, Haven Munoz, Sydney Padfield, Mari Perez, Caden Phillips, Mikayla Rhoads, Lacey Robaugh, Colin Robinson, Page 6 Elizabeth Scheilz, Ella Scott, Raegan Seba, Katie Skinner, Ben Suber, Owen Welsh, Andrew Willson, and Daniel Zesati. Honor Roll: Dereck Bachert, Brayden Bennett, Logan Blancarte, Ally Blauvelt, Tristen Bridges, Connor Bruch, Olivia Cadue, Jaiden Campbell, Mikey Conroy, Colton Conway, Litzy Delgado, Carly Devine, Jillian Dunn, Nick Edholm, Hayden Estes, Alex Evans, Danika Fickler, Abi Fisher, Jace Goebel, Brody Groves, Melanie Gumbel, Carson Hayward, Breahna Hensley, Timmy Hill, Mi- chael Irwin, Adam Isaacs, Cooper Jones, Tori Keagle, Cody Kesinger, Cuyler Kietzmann, Dawson Kovar, Brooklyn Lang, Hope Lewallen, Haley Likes, Delaney Lynch, Alex Mack, Kadyn Maggart, Hunter Mast, Kent McCulloch, Keerstin McNeely, Damien Merrill, Courtney Mills, Levi Minton, Daylen Novotney, Zane Novotney, Julia Perich, Landon Pitts, Justin Postlethwaite, Jacob Riker, Indiana Renne, Eva Romero, Masey Schelert, Mason Shriner, Evan Shupe, Dylan Smith, Grayson Sonntag, Brooke Spencer, Devyn Splichal, Emma Sunderland, Austin Swegle, Chloe Temple, Shelby Thomas, Jordon Van Anne, Garrett Walden, Eli Watson, Joseph Wenger, Riley Widhalm, Brayden Wilson, Kailey Woosley, and Jesse Young DISTRICT NEWSLETTER TONGANOXIE USD 464 Weseman Announces Retirement After careful consideration and discussions with the Board of Education, Superintendent of Schools Randy Weseman announced that he is retiring effective June 30th. In a letter to staff he wrote “I am proud to have played a small role in this strong and robust school system. Working together, we have accomplished much and we have made great strides to address facility and educational needs. I am personally gratified to have worked with you to reach our goals.” The search for a new superinten- dent is being conducted with the assistance of the Kansas Association of School Boards. The process timeline allows for applications to be accepted immediately, with the position closing on April 30th. Information on the process is available at www.kasb.org/suptsearch. A recommendation will be made to the Board of Education at their May 12th meeting and the new superintendent will begin duty on July 1. As part of the staff that has worked daily with Mr. Weseman (pictured at right playing guitar at a high school assembly), we will miss his knowledge, sense of fun and personable nature, down-toearth way of dealing with even the most complicated situations, and ability to stride directly towards potential adversity without flinching. We hope he stops by from time to time there will no doubt be great stories! More information on district retirements is on page 9. Tongie’s Got Talent The T3 (Transforming Tonganoxie Together) Coalition wants the young people of Tonganoxie to be as healthy and happy as possible. To help spread information on making healthy choices, the organization is holding a student talent show. The show, titled Tongie’s Got Talent, will be held Friday April 25th at the City Park adjacent to the VFW. The show will be from 7:00pm to 9:00pm with prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd in two divisions - Middle School and High School. Anyone wishing to participate should contact info@ rozmusicsite.com. For those who would like to help the T3 Coalition, their next meeting will be April 15th at 7:00 p.m. at Vintage Park. DISTRICT NEWSLETTER Page 7 TONGANOXIE USD 464 Reading is Fundamental According to Volunteer Coordinator Earleta Morey, the annual Reading is Fundamental (RIF) program is coming soon. The book distribution program will be held on April 30th, May 1st and 2nd in the Elementary School hallway near the North Gyn. Each TES student will get two books at this distribution. RIF is the largest children’s literacy nonprofit in the United States. Their focus is to motivate children to read and to inspire children to be lifelong readers by delivering free books and literacy resources. RIF provides new, free books for children to choose from and make their own. If you have an unfinished project that’s been making you feel guilty, come and join the group! You can have fun while working on your painting, crochet, knitting, embroidery, quilting, or whatever. You might even get some free advice to help you get it done! In more Volunteer Center news, the monthly Activities Night has been a great success. The participants have been having a great time and learning a lot from some very talented folks. The group meets from 6:309:00pm on the second and fourth Thursday of each month at the Volunteer Center behind the East wing of the High School in the Mobile Classroom. Chieftain Wrestlers Finish Strong The 2013-14 Chieftain Wrestlers season was capped off by great regional and state tournaments, according to Wrestling Coach Jeremy Goebel. At the late February Regional tournament at Holton, Clayton Himpel, Garrett Martin, Asher Huseman, Luke Carey, and Zeke Kissinger qualified for the finals and an automatic berth at the state tournament. The team finished the Regional in third place overall. Of the five regional finalists, Himpel, Carey and Kissinger brought home gold! At the State 4A Tournament in Salina in March, Zeke Kissinger finished fifth, Clayton Himpel finished fourth, and Asher Huseman became only the second Chieftain to ever make it into the finals! He brought home a second place medPage 8 al. The Chieftains’ point totals gave them a tenth place team standing, which means back-to-back- top ten state rankings! Although Goebel lauds the hard work the wrestlers put in on the mat, he is exceptionally proud of their academic success. The THS wrestling team earned First Team Academic All State for the first time ever, after receiving honorable mention the last three years. Himpel and Joe Wolf earned first team honors, with Kissinger receiving honorable mention. The Chieftain wrestling program saw several records fall this year Clayton Himpel had 149 career wins, 15 technical falls and 60 3point near falls in a year; and Zeke Kissinger had a 6 second pin. Coach Goebel and the students of the Chieftain wrestling program would like to thank everyone for their support and look forward to the next season of Chieftain Wrestling. DISTRICT NEWSLETTER TONGANOXIE USD 464 Retirements Announced The worst thing about this time of year is that we have to say goodbye to some great people. The following staff members have recently announced their retirements: Julie Bernard, High School Secretary. Julie’s first position with the district was as a teacher’s aide in 1987. After a year she assumed the role of high school secretary and registrar, where she’s been ever since. She is of invaluable assistance to the building administrators, as well as the Counseling department and the Athletics and Activities department. She is known for her friendly demeanor and creating an inviting work environment for staff and students. Tammie George, Elementary Principal. Mrs. George joined the district in 1994 as a sixth grade DISTRICT NEWSLETTER (FHA) and drill team, then made the transition to counselor and advisor to the National Honor Society. At this point in her career she works exclusively with juniors and seniors, and has helped secured literally millions of dollars in scholarships for our graduates. She also created the Academic Excellence Recognition Program, which is highlighted on the front page. Her value to the district is incalculable, and although we know she will enjoy spending her retirement with her growing family, we hope she keeps in touch! Ron Lewis, High School Chemistry Teacher. Mr. Lewis joined the teaching profession in 1988 after spending ten years as a chemical engineer at Phillips Petroleum. Although skilled in all sciences, his teaching specialties are upperdivision/advanced placement chemistry and physics. He has also served as a class sponsor, advisor to Scholars Bowl, Science Club, and Science Olympiad, leading them to several successful years. He is known for his dedication to students, and regularly offers free tutoring to our graduates who need a little help with college science classes. Gail Drake, Technology Secretary. Gail has been with the district for a total of 26 years, serving as the district accountant, Board Clerk, and Human Resources from 1986 until 2006. After a brief hiatus she took over Accounts Payable in 2008 before moving to Technology two years ago. Gail has been an indispensable member of the district family, and is a resource that will be hard to replace! teacher, then transitioned to administrator for the school’s Jump Start Academy, Pre-K Academy, Summer Academic Camps, and as the district’s Curriculum Coordinator. She transitioned from teacher to administrator in 2001 as Assistant Principal, then took the principal role in 2007. The fact that the elementary school maintains a positive and professional climate despite their space, traffic and scheduling challenges is a testament to Mrs. George’s affirmative impact. Kathy Walker, High School Counselor. Kathy joined the district in 1974 as a Home Economics teacher and sponsor to the Future Homemakers of America Randy Weseman, Superintendent of Schools. Although Mr. Weseman has only been with the district for three years, he has made significant contributions to our processes, policies, and financial situation, and initiated a successful bond issue for the construction of a new elementary school. During his tenure here the district has successfully updated and revised all Board of Education policies, initiated online enrollment, created an Anti-Bullying Awareness Guide, published a Section 504 Manual and an Open Records policy guide, and streamlined our financial and hiring practices. Mr. Weseman’s strengths are in the areas of school finance and poliPage 9 TONGANOXIE USD 464 Kindergarten Information Night, Sneak-a-Peek, Screenings If you are the parent or guardian of a child who will reach the age of five on or before August 31, please plan to attend Kindergarten Information Night on Thursday, April 3 from 7-8pm at the Elementary School. This informational session is for parents who are enrolling a child for the first time, as well as those who already have children in school. Topics to be covered include kindergarten enrollment procedures, kindergarten curriculum, a school nurse presentation, a school counselor presentation, a principal welcome speech and teacher introductions. Enrollment packets will be distributed, along with a kindergarten pre-enrollment card. Please do not bring children to this event. This is for parents and guardians only. If you have a child who will be at- tending kindergarten in the fall but are unable to attend the Information Night, please call 913-8452290 to make other arrangements. help them suggest some summer activities that will help the child to be ready for kindergarten in the fall. Kindergarten Sneak-A-Peek, in which incoming 2014-15 kindergarteners are invited to visit this year’s kindergarten classes, will be held April 8th and 9th between 1 and 2pm at TES. Choose whichever day is best for your child to stop by and Sneak-a-Peek! Dates and times for the screenings are determined by the first letter of the child’s last name. Kindergarten Screening will be held on two Fridays in April - the 11th and 25th. During the screenings, incoming kindergartners will be given a series of brief skills assessments. These will include reading readiness, language, fine and gross motor ability, math, speech, phonological (how they understand and process spoken language), and a hearing and vision check. This will enable the school to discover the child’s needs and Retirements, cont’d cy, so he has been happy to help our patrons and staff understand the intricacies of recent legislative decisions regarding the state budget and its impact on the district. A highly sought-after educational efficiency expert, his input is already being requested by the Kansas State Department of Education and the Kansas State Board of Education on methods Page 10 of streamlining and improving their policies and processes. His wife, Marcia, is also retiring from her role as Principal of Leawood Middle School in Blue Valley, so they plan to travel and spend time with family, and we wish them both the best. We will definitely miss all these experienced educators, but look forward to what the future holds! Friday April 11 8:30 - A, B, C 9:45 - D, E, F 11:00 - G, H 1:15 - I, J, K, L Friday, April 25 8:30 - M, N 9:45 - O, P, Q, R 11:00 - S, T 1:15 - U, V, W, X, Y, Z If you find that you are unable to attend the time scheduled for your child’s last name, feel free to call the elementary school at 845-2290 or 369-2415 to reschedule. All district mail is now being delivered to the Central Office, so please address any school mail to 330 E. Hwy 24/40. We are no longer using post office boxes 179, 199, 259 or 980. Each building’s street address is listed at the bottom of their web page, but all mail should be sent to the Central Office. DISTRICT NEWSLETTER Page 11 DISTRICT NEWSLETTER Page 12 DISTRICT NEWSLETTER
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